#not necessarily in every case
bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
the kotlc fandom's favorite words are "pressured" and "rushed"
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angelsdean · 1 year
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me, dean, and everyone else watching: ok sure, sammy
#vics spn rewatch#spn 1x10#the apology is made worse by j*red's inability to actually sound sincere#he's doing his fake sympathy voice and it is so. grating#adds a fascinating unintentional layer to sam as we've talked abt before#and it's like not necessarily a Bad thing to perform rather than feel sympathy#but like. this is very much a non-apology and dean knows it and we all know it#sam DID mean those things on some level. maybe not as harshly as he said them bc his anger WAS being heightened by the ghost#but those feelings were real#and sam is allowed to feel them. but they are in many ways. a projection and also unfounded#sam literally could leave at any time and dean would let him go (as we'll see in thee very next episode!!)#just bc he feels those feelings doesn't mean they're inherently true#dean isn't keeping him trapped. dean isn't just blindly following orders. dean Does have a mind of his own#and in fact dean isn't being all that great of a dutiful son bc he actively is not all that interested in finding john!! not the way sam is#and you'd think for dean being the one to initially show up and ask sam's help that he'd be more invested in finding john#and making sure he's actually alive instead of following random coordinates to a case. and taking on every other case they find too#anyways. sam's feelings of anger are real bc he feels them and it's okay to feel things#but he's massively misinterpreting and projecting things onto dean#and then he feels guilty (like post-possession) and tries to swipe it all under the rug and claim he didn't mean any of it#but he Does. and dean knows it. everyone knows it.#his perceptions do not align w/ what's really happening. bc he doesn't have the full context.#bc he doesn't know just how complicated dean's relationship to john really is. bc he was sheltered from a lot of that.#he sees dean desperate for approval and a good little soldier#when in reality dean was playing peacekeeper and mediator and punching bag most of their childhood.#and rn dean doesn't really care that much abt finding john. he just wants to hang out with his brother#not samcr*t btw. we love all this abt him it's spicy it's crunchy it's tasty
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lazycranberrydoodles · 9 months
the people in the tags understand me. starembers art is super pretty but also weird at times.
#xie lian has been doing manual labor for a living (breaking boulders on his chest WITH NO SPIRITUAL ENERGY brick laying farming etc)#im anti twink xie lian#also i dont think he should have mxtx protagonist snowy white skin. maybe as a sheltered prince. but he has been planting rice for years.#AT LEAST GIVE HIM A TAN#and hua cheng died as a malnourished 17 year old (he has been working out since then but i still prefer skinnier headcanons).#why does everybody have light eyes (even putting aside the colorism in the novel.)#why does xie lian have this wide-eyed-lips-parted-blank look and hua cheng have bedroom eyes all of the time#(not that they can't necessarily make these expressions but augh.)#why are they tall as fuck in every full body shot#why are their hands so big.#again i don't want to put any opinions in an actual post because i havent read the comic and it might be different than i think#but just based on the art ive seen... theyve been very yaoified. thats the best word i have#even by the point the manhua has reached (lqq arc iirc)#they've been having sincere and vulnerable moments#and i havent really seen panels that tell me that. let them be silly and awkward and fuck up. even if it makes them less sexy for a moment#and also?? xie lian (again just based off the art) seems to have lost a lot of agency?#he is a 'go with the flow' guy but he is also pretty situationally aware and clever#but the vibes i get are that he gets wide-eyedly dragged from plot point to plot point#(in the case where hua cheng slung him over his shoulder literally??)#(he would not fucking do that book 1.)#please correct me if i'm wrong#i'll probably get around to reading the manhua faster if someone tells me theyre more in character than i think they are#lmao#if you love the manhua disregard me.#not art#to delete l8er#(possibly)#(if i turn out to be wrong about this which is possible)#(or if someone decides they are very emotionally invested in my medium intensity feelings)
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tomwambsgans · 1 year
tomgreg is about the fantasy of being able to find someone who genuinely likes that you're mean and in fact thrives very well being needed in the particular kind of fucked up way that you need someone which makes it so you don't actually have to work that much to strip away your superiority complex in order to be loved for who you are
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sysig · 2 months
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Bad time of it, all things considered (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Blood#Just a bit but y'know - Enough#It honestly made me So sad that it took until his canonmates saw it happen that someone /finally/ acknowledged his spontaneous cuts D:#Like I get it it's dark and it's hard to see but his skin just opened up and he made a noise about it! The possible danger!!#And then by that point he's just so used to everyone ignoring it that their concern for him is barely even a factor weh ZEX ;;#Plus it's just a cool effect haha - sudden blood from nothing! Very rich mental movement#At least Max had someone concerned for him about it <3 Not that he could do anything about it but even just the validation of seeing it!#He has enough cuts on him :( Poor tenderized flesh#He gets all crabby from being sore from healing constantly haha :'D Of course he would!#One thing I found very interesting was the scar sidedness :0 Most of the examples in the gallery have his scar and missing eye opposite#But that's not necessarily the case! I actually scoured mid-read and there /are/ a couple instances of matching side!#They're very tiny so I overlooked them upon first viewing hehe ♪ But they're there! It's very interesting to me!#I like the aesthetics of the opposite - probably because I'm more used to it lol - but I can see the appeal and reasoning for the other way#I do honestly enjoy how much is open to interpretation and allowance uwu♪ And what's consistent! Like how it's always his right eye :D#That tracks hehe ♫#Haha his meeting with his delightfully inept counselor - I'm pretty sure I was actually more angry about his supposed injury than he was#He chilled out pretty quickly while I was just - A Scratched Cornea??? The disrespect!!#So happy with his eyebrow expression on that one as well ah <3#It really does make me curious for how the staff is kept there - they don't /seem/ malicious during the day! But they're also unaware#It's interesting where the lines of reality are between everyone :D Very interesting ♪#Capping off with another song my playlist is looking quite healthy now hehe#Flagpole Sitta is one of those songs that only comes up for me every half dozen years or so but when it Does - phewph#It is /such/ a ZEX song to me now hehe <3 The flirtiness and exasperation - the defeatism even! So many killer lines#I think my favourite is ''I'm not sick but I'm not well'' ask me to read into that I will I'm gonna I'll do it even if you don't ask me lol#So fun to draw those lapses in control the poor dear ♥#The digital reconstruction there was a lot of fun as well actually :D I think I nailed it :3 Pulled around from all over the page! Pleased ♪
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soulsxng · 5 months
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"Naturally, I am more than willing to offer services to anyone willing to pay...or to trade me something worthwhile, at the very least. Discretion is something I take very seriously, so even the most illustrious of clientele need not worry about a thing when in my care. I should also mention that teleportation is hardly the only service available-- in fact, I feel confident in saying that I have such a wide range of offerings that I have no doubt that anyone could find something that catches their interest."
Helai was, after all, considered a king of the underground and black markets for a reason. Fast and reliable transportation was a must for someone like that, and so he'd made sure that multiple methods fulfilling that need were made available to him.
The only real issue was dealing with competition, and those that might attempt to steal said methods...but that wasn't too terribly difficult.
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quaranmine · 5 months
Missing 411 guy?
David Paulides, the guy who is the creator of "Missing 411" which is basically a conspiracy about suspicious clusters of people going missing in National Parks in the United States. He is also the bane of my existence for the past year as someone who is researching a story about someone who goes missing in a National Forest.
To start with, if you've ever been even on the fringes of "irl spooky stuff" videos on YouTube, you might have encountered this. There are a lot of youtubers and podcasters who cover this guy's content without understanding What and Who they are giving platform to. Sometimes, people don't even mention him but will relate the cases that he covers in his books or use the same conspiracy points as him. I would not be suprised if you watched a Buzzfeed Unsolved/Watcher video (which are fine btw) and then got recommended something related to Missing 411 in the sidebar since it's a similar genre. It's super popular to the point where its outgrown its creator. I can't stress enough that many of you have probably encountered this content, at least in passing, without knowing what it was.
So to recap, Missing 411 documents cases of real-life people who have disappeared or been found dead in national parks, national forests, etc and claims that these cases are unusual and mysterious. It frequently talks about missing person "clusters" and things like that. There is often an overt, if not outrightly stated, implication that something supernatural, crpytid, or UFO/alien related was involved. For starters, David Paulides has written a ton of books trying to prove the existence of bigfoot. Now, I have no issues with people believing in bigfoot, or cryptids, or aliens, but I do have an issue with people co-opting real life tragedies and twisting information to push this as conspiracy. I simply do not think it is helpful or respectful to talk about missing and dead people (and children!) like this. Also, with the high prices of his books ($100-200) he just reeks of grifter to me.
To me, Missing 411 "criteria" is a stretch at best. You will see cases "mysteriously" connected because both of these people wore red when they went missing. Both these people's bodies were found near water (as if many National Park do not have water features.) Both these people's bodies were found near granite rocks (like, the most common rock type in mountains lol.) All these cases involve the weather turning bad! (um, yeah, that's a big reason why people get in trouble?) He frequently claims that bodies being undressed is highly unusual, without ever acknowledging paradoxical undressing. Or he claims laughably weak connections between people like "these two women who went missing in different years are connected because they both had three letter names that started with A." I haven't personally listened to this talk but there is a data scientist mentioned in his Wikipedia page who examined the case data and found nothing out of the ordinary in them. If you don't want to watch a video (I don't either right now) then he also wrote this article. From a different person, this article from a podcast is also good.
David Paulides does not present Missing 411 cases with accuracy. He has been known to cherry-pick data and purposefully omit data to make them seem more unusual. Many cases he covers are either already solved, or have extensive information available. He does not retract information or admit when he is wrong. Even if he does present a particular case accurately, he has such a bad track record with reliable research that he cannot be trusted as a source. There used to be someone on reddit who would deconstruct cases he covered. In this post they found several instances of cases of Paulides missing sources and coming to incorrect conclusions.
Note there's a few differences in the sources I just linked. The data scientist and podcast skeptic both said they found the data to be accurate, while the redditors have found evidence to the contrary. The data scientist also says he found Paulides' presentation of information respectful, but I personally find all of this highly disrespectful. But despite these differences I think we can all agree....the claims of Missing 411 are pretty ridiculous.
Also, let's talk about David Paulides himself. Before becoming a writer, he was a cop in California. He was a cop who was fired for corruption (well that's hard to do), because he was caught soliciting donations for a fake charity he set up. That's straight from his Wikipedia page. He continues to use his past as a "dectective" to attempt to make his claims sound more reliable. There was also a redditor who pulled up some other career highlights from when he was a cop in the 80s, by looking at court transcripts and news articles. His job used to be entrap gay men by pretending to be gay, getting them to invite him home with them, and then arresting then. He and his unit were also accused of police brutality many times in the 80s, with Paulides testifying in defense of his unit. And he has not changed btw, he's a Qanon stolen election covid denier type of nut right now on his YouTube channel (according to reddit. I am not watching this man's videos.) So yeah, I think his character speaks for itself.
Anyway, I'm tired of hearing about this guy and seeing 411 related content pop up around YouTube, Reddit, Tiktok, etc. Pay attention if you watch things related to "creepy and unexplained real life disappearnaces." I do not think he is a good person, I do not think he can be trusted, and I do not think that his work actually benefits the families of the missing persons in question. These are real people. He turns them into spectacles to push ~unusual~ circumstances and paranormal activity.
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
I don't understand why it's generally not socially acceptable to recognize your good qualities. Like I don't understand why it's bad to be a show-off or a know-it-all or to brag. Like I think most people know "those things = bad" but not why.
It also seems like people are always either waaaaay into one end of the scale where they are just so unbearably full of themselves and have preposterously high self esteem (and most people act like this is fine too? Like a lot of celebrities and white men specifically seem to be like this) and I don't understand why so many people respect them then. Or they're the complete opposite with self esteem way too low despite the fact that they have redeeming qualities.
I feel like maybe the reason it's considered bad to brag is because you might 'make' other people feel inadequate but see that seems like a stupid reason to me because the problem then is not that you stated an opinion of your own self worth but is actually that everyone else is conditioned to compare themselves to each other in a very unhealthy way. And I think instead of discouraging people from opening up about what they take pride in, what they like about themselves, what makes them feel happy or content or confident, maybe we could just be discouraging people from viewing those things as personal threats? Idk just trying to formulate some thoughts on this
#idk why but this feels like a very convoluted topic#like so many people are probably coming from different starting positions on this than i am and im afraid that might#make it be misinterpreted or something#like i feel like there definitely is a balance where some self esteem is too little and some is too much#it just feels like it is exceedingly rare to find anyone with ideal realistic self esteem and idk why#i also dont mean this in a way to say that every action is the responsibility of the people taking offense either#because obviously thats not how that works. its understandable to demand a certain amount of respect#and to accept that your words (even the ones you say about yourself) could negatively impact other people#and thats not necessarily on them for being defensive#idk social concepts are strange and foreign to me so im still figuring this stuff out and through an autistic lense to boot#so sometimes i feel a bit like im conducting a study or an experiment more than writing a blog post#im just trying to understand people because i need to#it seems like the overwhelming majority of allistics have absolutely no interest in why they do the things that they do#so i have to go around experimenting instead of asking direct questions about this stuff#because when i do ask direct questions they look at me like i just asked them if the sky is actually blue or if its just gasses up there#in case you are not the most common dimwit. the sky is both of those things. however when you ask someone a question#phrased like that about a topic they dont want to admit they dont know about. they will usually avoid the question or answer absurdly#its actually kinda funny you should try it sometime#now im distracted because i dont know enough about how the sky works and i need to know#anyways gonna go down a research rabbit hole methinks
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sukimas · 1 year
wizardry as portrayed in pop culture is very much related to historical alchemy, which of course evolved into modern chemistry
therefore, it makes sense that wizard school is 80% lab practicals. chemistry is a Weird Degree even compared to the other physical sciences- the blue collar of white collar subjects, i've heard people describe it as. so if you're confused as to why Wizard School is like that, look no further than chemists!
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hate writing fanfic in english this is so humiliating fdgkjhgkjghj
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scorpiothesaint · 1 month
the way people speak about that l/cked tomb series (re: acting like queer art can't be criticized by its own community) reminds me of this big post abt borhap when the movie was new that said something to the effect of 'DONT tell other people not to engage with queer art just because it's not to your tastes' and im thinking about making a YT vid or sumn ruminating on how this stuff ties into the convos movie & book ppl have been having regarding freedom of expression in reviews / criticism
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I feel like Wanda serves her purpose of explaining why Wade is the way he is. Also the thumb thing was pretty funny ngl
I agree! And at the same time, they're fairly similar too. Though Wanda can seem a bit more asshole-ey, it's usually in the stuff like. Starting shit for seemingly no reason. Other than that, she comes off as more antagonistic because of her framing as antagonistic to Wade specifically (like when we see montages of past Shabbat dinners, or her being suspicious of things Wade says).
Although frankly how they act during the Shabbat dinner and how their mother (Wendy) handles it is also just...fairly realistic to me? Like, sure. A bit of it felt dramaticized personally, but aside from that, it made sense for the characters' personalities. Both Wanda and Wade are (for lack of a better term) a bit childish, especially when it comes to each other. And, as someone who has a number of siblings, even when you're adults things can devolve into, well, childish arguments or fights. Whether she started anything or not (and despite the fork thing, a definite escalation of the situation, while one could tell Wade was trying not to engage at the beginning), you can see some realism in the way that Wendy pretty much becomes exasperated by the situation and focuses more on the fact that her kids are fighting at all than who started what. As a person who was once a younger person, I've also been on the receiving end of...dealing with your parent(s) seemingly branding the fight as a "everyone is being bad here" thing, even when you didn't escalate or start anything.
Or in short, that was a fairly real situation to me, down to how the characters acted (especially given their personalities) and how they each chose to handle the situation. To me one can tell that it was at least partially based upon some real life experiences of people involved in the show.
And I'll be real with you anon. To me, Wanda's level of rudeness/assholeness during...the scene where she purposely ignores her mother asking her to help with Shabbat traditions, until she stops bothering to get Wanda to participate, is kind of no different to me than the level of rudeness/assholeness in the scene where Wade purposely mispronounces Pachacamac's name, until the echidna just gives up and allows him an "easier nickname" to use instead.
And ahsjsjwjsjs the thumb thing. I think I was largely uncomfortable looking at it, but all in all it was kind of funny 😂 I love that the creators thought well enough into their new characters (even side characters) to be able to include moments like that. Even if the Whipple family (excluding Pete) is closer by the end of the show, Wanda never stops being who she is and she never gives up on her rivalry with her brother just because everyone is on better terms now. I love it😂
Anyways, thank you for the ask, anon! 😊
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fragmentedblade · 10 months
No but even beyond the heathcliffean air of his story as a kid, Nelly scene and revenge fantasies included, and even beyond the identification of the self with the craft, the entire concept of Yingxing is so good.
The glimpse we get of the relationship he has with his master has so much potential. What it says about him, what it says about everyone around them, what it says about the kid.
The fact that already as a child Yingxing was vindictive, as he will be as Blade.
His self-consciousness about being a short life species, and how he is right to be self-conscious about it. How in such a short time, being so young, he's had to deal with enormous tragedy, so that he can even as a kid look the truth in the eye and admit it. Admit that he has to work harder, longer, more obsessively, and that still nonetheless there's little chance to get ever at the level of the long life species that look down on him and take him for granted. How he is able to overcome it.
It's incredible also in the context of Dan Feng. How both struggle with their identities and how they get new ones, but in totally opposite ways. Dan Feng is weighted down by what he is and what he can do, and wants to escape that fate, and dreams of a new life in which he can be something else; and Dan Heng is born. Yingxing takes pride in that which he can do, something he wasn't born into, something he had to work very hard to achieve, and that was the path to overcome the prejudices and undermining gazes he had to bear as a short life species. He crafts his place into the Xianzhou society and becomes the legendary Furnace Master. Even on a more personal level, one could argue this is his way of maneuvering his life, of expressing himself, this is how he deals with things; like his relationship with Jing Yuan having a turning point after giving him his weapon, or how he crafted that jade flask. And then he loses his ability to create and loses himself; he becomes Blade.
The fact that even as an adult, as an exceedingly arrogant craftsman, something of the shy self-conscious kid remains is both endearing and heartbreaking as well. In some ways we still see that in Blade.
We also see echoes of that personality in Mr. Xiao, who worked under him. And that alongside his craftsmanship, his ability to fix and create auromatons even though they are vanishing in the civilian landscape, live on through Mr. Xiao. And die alongside him, for Mr. Xiao too has become but a relic of another time.
The way the other stories of craftsmen enhance facets of Yingxing's is so good too. Mainly in the story of Master Ryan and Chengjie, with the insight we get of the struggles of short life species in the Xianzhou, especially those dedicated to a craft, and how hard it is for them to reach positions of prestige. It also poses the question of how we can transcend time, if it's possible at all, and how the sharing of knowledge, the passing down of skills, the shared loved, is one of the answers. This was all already significant before, but the information gains weight with the existence of Mr. Xiao. I'd argue there's echoes of Yingxing even in Master Gongshu. His love for his automatons, his sincere fondness for them, his pride on his job, his loyalty to his position and duties, the way he is both hard and stern as well as loving with his apprentices, and how he talks about short life species.
On a sort of ontological way, it's very interesting to see how Yingxing goes from craftsman to tool or weapon, from creator to creation, from subject to object. The potential in the context of Abundance/Destruction is also extremely intriguing, I think. He who created is unmade by a curse of Abundance. He who forged weapons now follows that path of destruction. There's so much going on with Yingxing conceptually around the cycles of death and rebirth, destruction and creation; it's so fitting that now Blade is stuck in such a cycle in the most literal way.
And it's so fitting too that, in all this context, given Yingxing's entire story, Blade's entire being, that which he made unmade him. That which he created and gave him so much pride was the weapon that killed him. And now he wields it himself, his tool of revenge while he follows the path to eternal and irrevocable death.
#Yingxing#Blade#I talk too much#Fragments and scraps#sort of. I think I'll delete that tag when I save these ideas somewhere else#These are only some of the things I can't stop thinking about#Among other things I wondered what it must have been for Mr. Xiao to see his master's face everywhere around the Luofu#Fu Xuan makes a comment about not believing the short life species are necessarily less knowledgeable and that also said a lot I think#Due both to how she worded and the context. How it seemed to be another sign of her superior wisdom that she realises this#but how it's still an extended pov along the Xianzhou#The idea of being/becoming/losing oneself through and/or because of one's own skills and abilities is also applicable to Jing Yuan#I don't know. There's really so much to think about and dissect. It's so juicy#For real Yingxing is so good as a character. I didn't expect something so good and so well crafted#(and so in tune with all my favourite characteristics and stories. I've not talked#about the Orphic elements and the suicidal tendencies here‚ or the play on betrayals‚ but goodness)#I really wasn't expecting something as good and with so much potential (I am so afraid of them ruining the writing)#The way the worldbuilding and the little glimpses at everyday life of NPCs enhance every concept forming the character is amazing#I truly can't stop thinking of Yingxing/Blade in every facet he has. The very way we are told things is telling#I always say form is substance‚ and I mean it. Yingxing's and Blade's story is such a clear case of this#The fragmentary condition of the storytelling as well as the different levels of trust one can give to every fragment works magnificently#with Blade as a mara-struck person dealing with memory loss and the loss of the self#It also works well with Dan Heng and Jingliu going through something similar‚ with Jing Yuan being manipulative and deceptive and silent‚#with Baiheng being dead. Ironically in my opinion it also works very well with how it seems to be hinted that both Dan Heng#and Blade may recall more than they let on or admit. I'm talking a lot and I should stop already but yes. I can't stop thinking about him#He's skyrocketed to the higher positions in the list of my all-time favourite characters in no time at all#Or at least his potential has. Goodness‚ I hope they don't ruin him...#Ugh I've talked way too much. I'm going to have to move the tags
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moesartblog · 9 months
#I just saw a post that pissed me off#it is so frustrating seeing posts complaining about lesbians being ‘forced’ to have sex with men#like I’m so sorry but uh lesbians lesbians and men have been sucking and fucking men particularly queer men since time in memoriam#and that doesn’t make them not lesbians and doesn’t mean they were necessarily forced to do it eaither#and this is not talking about the cases where that does happen#queer people of all sorts fuck and date and it will not fit into a neat box that makes you feel good every time#I hate the rising of Porto terf/radfem/transphobia rhetoric and the gender essentialism shit#sorry I’m rambling this is frustrating#also how fuckibg insensitive to bring of conversion therapy in relation to lesbians and gay men fucking each other consentually holy fuck#obviously if someone is being a fucking pushy ass and saying all lesbians should fuck men that’s awful and that person should be shunned#but I see these reactions to people just gleefully talking about the messy queer relationships they have or want to have or see#and people who do the whole nmlnm bullshit getting their emotions in a bungle#if you don’t like these opinions of mine please feel free to leave and block me#this may have not been coherent at points and is definitely vague posting about a specific post but it bothered me so much#forgot to mention the biphobia in it too#also I wanted to make it clear the cases where lesbians are pressured into sex with people they don’t wanna have sex with is Bad like it is#never EVER acceptable and the people who promote that need to be strung up#but this is not about those situations
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dazais-guardian-angel · 5 months
Break 🤝 Ebisu - waiting for years to die and then realizing when the time comes that they want to live...
anon i don't know who you are or what prompted you to send this, but....... yes, I suppose? but also Ow why did you have to make me think of this
#anonymous#the only difference though is that one's death was well written and necessary for the plot/characters#(while still feeling terribly sad but not like in a betrayed way)#and the other one was just cruel shock value and spitting in the face of their character arc for the entire series#oh never think i ever stop being salty even after 9 years :))))#it's funny though because that kind of death for that kind of character is my most hated trope in media#and yet this comparison proves that i don't always necessarily mind it..........#i think with Ebisu it's softened by the fact that he gets to reincarnate#and his reincarnation is able to finally value his life and GETS that second chance to do that that he deserved#his death isn't as terrible as it is for break and anyone else because he's a special case and he gets to reincarnate as still himself#it's still sad for that PARTICULAR Ebisu but....... he's still always Ebisu. and he needed to die in the story for so many reasons.#but he still gets that second chance#am i still incredibly fucked up by his death always? yeah lol because adult Ebi is MY Ebi and he's Yato's Ebi#and the Ebisu arc will forever be my favorite........ sobs#but it's still not nearly as bad as Break cause........ yeah#would ph fans still burn me alive for daring to criticize the ending chapters of the series? who knows lol#the ending chapter of noragami does remind me tho that i've been right to have trust issues ever since the ending of ph all those years ago#it wasn't /nearly/ as bad as the ending of ph but man... man.... every time i think mangaka know what they're doing i'm proven wrong :')#they just can't ever stick the landings man. what's up with that. it sucks. and then there's asagiri who lol... is doing whatever he's doin
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Uh-oh. This is bad
#For some reason I always end up predicting my life events through the fiction I write or read with scary accuracy#especially if everything I’m writing/consuming “feels right” and like I’m being pulled into it#I was just pulled into The Metamorphosis and woke up in the middle of the night to finish reading it#I think I know who that book applies to#And now this book… hm#Don’t like that#unreality#magical thinking#tagging as that just in case but it’s happened before multiple times#They’re not necessarily actual premonitions; they’re me subconsciously piecing together a puzzle of clues#that all lead to me figuring out the most likely series of events to follow#Maybe I’ve heard in-depth information about these books before; but only remember it in the back of my mind#so that the front of my mind cannot recall; and have only been guided by what I’ve heard whispered back there#a subconscious switch gets thrown at the critical point and I’m drawn to it#I knew what happened and what was going to happen in 2018 back in 2017 from my sketchbooks and story outlines#I read Crime and Punishment and like clockwork events very similar to what had happened in the book started happening to me#It worked backwards for awhile from 2019–2021 after I got caught#Every time I happened to glance at a clock; there was either a 4 or a 20 or a 24 on the display. Always. No exceptions.#This went on for months. Those numbers were part of a spell I wrote and recited over and over again; I won’t say the words#because I’m not sure if it’s so much a spell as it is a curse — it is a self-deprecating spell#I only started seeing this number pattern AFTER I had been caught as an apostate; not before#before I’d look at the clock and it would say 5:33 or 9:15 or 12:45; after it was 4:04 or 2:24 or 12:20 ON THE DOT#Call me crazy but if every time you looked at a clock for MONTHS it always read a specific set of numbers you’d go a little nutty too#THEN in 2021 I read 1984 and it described my life up until that point PERFECTLY (WITH the number 4 plastered all over it)#Something happened back then and it’s still fucking happening because I was caught at the end of 2019#Just a little over four years away from the year 2024 and I was driven to set my exit date at 4/24/2024 before reading 1984#1984 is set in April 4 1984; April 4 is 20 days away from 4/24… SEE WHAT I MEAN?! I’m a raving lunatic but I’m right
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