#not on my watch.gif
markantonys · 2 months
Oh wow that was such an amazing in depth answer, thank you so much! I guess I will just treat books 4-6 as a great trilogy with a load of extra books afterwards 😅 I am definitely mostly here for the girls, Elayne has been my favourite new addition so I’m excited to see more of her! Also can’t wait to see what the show does moving forward with the later books!
i'm glad my answer was helpful! hopefully i didn't bias you too much against the later books haha one of their highlights is that elayne really comes into her own in the second half of the series! she gets to lead her own storylines rather than only being a sidekick in her friends' storylines, so that is very exciting for elayne fans. if you're already loving her now, you'll only love her more with each subsequent book! and egwene and nynaeve also have some really great stuff coming down the pipeline.
in fact, i'd prooooobably say books 9-11 are my favorite books for elayne content and 12 is my favorite for egwene content, so the good stuff definitely isn't exclusive to books 4-6! but in more immediately gratifying news, elayne is unlocked as a pov character in TSR so you have that to look forward to very soon!
and same, i'm so excited for season 3!!!! i can't wait to see how it all shakes out. we're due to meet some interesting new characters (including my BOY gawyn trakand.........judge judy tapping watch.gif as i wait for a gawyn casting leak) and see some cool new locations, and most importantly, we're due to see mat finally take a bath and get a new costume djkjfg anyway, it sounds like you've started the books fairly recently in which case i'm guessing s3 will be your first season where you read the books it's based on before watching it instead of the reverse, so that will be a fun experience to come at it from the other side for the first time!
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oodlyenough · 1 year
well, i've only finished the first two cases and have barely started the third. so far my impression of AAI is that it is like reading a moderately entertaining gen fic, where there are lines or moments that get quite a laugh out of me but an equal number of lines or moments that feel a bit off, or like the author flubbed canon continuity somewhere. franziska for example seems to forget and remember dl6 at random, so i assume someone off screen is hitting her with a fire extinguisher between cut scenes. etc.
also there have been no emotional stakes. the way i've seen fandom talk about these games i keep waiting for this last bit to change, but the longer it goes the more judge judy tapping watch.gif i am.
having said all that, i thought cammy meele was hilarious, and so were ms teneiro's hideous suitcases and the mournful music playing as she explained graphic design is her passion, and so is the concept of a police sponsored theme park. so it's not like i'm not enjoying myself at all. but, so far anyway, not a lot of meat on this bone, y'know
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notquitetwilight · 4 years
And now I'm imagining how bad it could go if Alice realized that she and Renegade are similar because the first thing either of them knew about about themselves was who they'd eventually bang and thus takes it upon herself to give advice.
ABSOLUTELY NOT because in this house we refuse to acknowledge Jacob’s imprinting on a child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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minhohchoi · 5 years
i’m CRYING minho sounds SO beautiful and soothing but the mv and song are so personal and melancholic and i just??????? like can you imagine all the times he felt lonely and empty but didn’t wanna be a burden by asking people to spend time with him so he instead decided to make it into a song to comfort others.......... i love him so much and im so proud of him he must be protected at all costs
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dancefloors · 5 years
it means he want harry to be his sugar daddy jkdfhfg
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transpigeon · 7 years
Your opinion on tide pods
seb i know this is you DO NOT EAT THEM because you could literally die
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therukurals · 4 years
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"What are you doing tonight?" "I’m not doing anything just sleeping." "So early?"
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twilightdomain · 3 years
this is my first winter living somewhere that snows and i get it now. who is going to kiss me about it
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solasan · 3 years
tumblr sort out ur FUCKING tag system challenge
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arisacrocs · 7 years
Paulie literally said women are dumpsters for male fluids and people are trying to un-cancel him? For why???
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seraphsfire · 4 years
me waiting for CBS to say literally ANYTHING about michael burnham or when disco s3 is
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markantonys · 7 months
I don't know if you frequent WoT Twitter at all but every year Wheel Takes podcast hosts a March Madness bracket called the Grinwell Cup (named for Else being thirsty about Rand and Mat) and the goal is to vote for the hottest WoT character. In today's voting Gawyn is actually getting considerable votes and I thought you should know about it
AS HE FUCKING SHOULD!!!!! i don't have any foot in the door of WOT twitter (slash twitter at all, i barely follow anyone and i have 0 posts and just about the only thing i use it for is stalking wotseries and occasionally geekyeri to look for show news jdkfjg), so thank you for alerting me to the existence of this poll so i could zoom over to vote for my boy! unfortunately for him he's in the same bracket as min aka The Prime Object Of WOT Fandom Horniness For 20 Years, but as long as he can at least beat out taim (which he is currently doing! my boy's got 15% of the vote!), i will be content. if mazrim "rancid vibes" taim ends up being voted hotter than gawyn i will call a lawyer. i cannot, however, object to narishma being voted hotter than gawyn, because narishma is a hot king and this is the truth.
anyway, i can't wait for gawyn's casting to finally be revealed (judge judy tapping watch.gif) because given the casting department's track record i just know he will be hot and i just know everyone will freak out and question themselves, as happened with lanfear as happened with dain bornhald as happened with alanna etc etc, and i will be sitting here smugly watching it all! on that note, last night i dreamed that his casting was announced and that i found out about it by opening up tumblr one day and finding a bunch of asks from you guys asking if i was okay and had survived the gawyn casting reveal djkfjg once again i'm having prophetic dreams because that is exactly what would happen if you all were to find out before i did
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eclipsecursed · 5 years
me, listening to ‘toss a coin’ and ‘her sweet kiss’ for the 545475417th time: when is jaskier/dandelion going to serenade renfri????
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starvels · 7 years
the biggest plot fault in iron man (2008) continues always and forever to be that tony and rhodey, (two known trans) would make a transmisogynistic "joke"
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annatorvswife · 6 years
🧡 best album of the year?oh my god..moment of bliss by katie herzig...... she...  oh wow she came out on valentines day only two weeks before the album dropped and then ended up referring to it as her “coming out album” in an interview... i literally start crying when i think about it lmao i think her coming out is the best thing that happened to me this year oof i was just so proud of her i couldnt talk for two days i was in shock and so happy.. and when she was then open about some of the songs being about her girlfriend whos also one of my all time fav artists... it was all too much for my liddle heart and i appreciate katie so much for Doing That i love her
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okoyesarchive · 6 years
my life is so boring when are my siblings gonna start havings kids i wanna be an aunt
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