#not returning anything we stole lol
veunho · 1 month
Playing Nor Gloom Of Night when absolutely nobody ever has uploaded their own experience with the game so every step I take I'm like am I doing this shit right;;;
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
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summary: in a season where you're determined to fly under the radar, newly-returned crown prince!touya todoroki has other ideas. in this hand, a duel is fought.
wc: 1.7k
cw/tags: royalty!au/regency!au, fem!reader, first meeting, touya's sass need its own warning
note: SURPRISE !! bet iris starting another series wasn't on your 2024 bingo (it wasn't on mine) but here we are! this whole series is based on this little idea from a few months back and will include swordfighting! fake dating! mutual pining! angst! balls! (the royal kind, not,,, yk) oh and many poker metaphors lol. hope you enjoy this first little exposition chapter :))
likes, reblogs, and replies are greatly appreciated <3
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You would admire the spectacle of it all, had it not been for the aching pain in your feet. 
The hand-me-down heels from your estranged stepmother made it hard to focus on anything but your breathing as you tried to steady yourself against a nearby column in the palace garden. You could practically hear her shrill screaming in your ears for not doing enough to network among the other young nobles, for failing to present yourself as fit for bearing children you didn’t want. As the people you’d grown up with since birth milled about carefully-tended roses and large-bloomed peonies, you couldn’t imagine how they weren’t sweating all their caked-on makeup off in the stifling June heat. Fishing the lacy hand fan from your clutch, you relocate to a shadier side of the column under the stone walkway lining the garden. An aggressive snap echoes off nearby walls when you flick it open and sigh when the air hits your face. 
“You stole my spot,” comes a smooth male voice from the other side of the column. You don’t think the person is talking to you, but then you hear an amused snicker and a small thank you to who you assume is a passing servant. It’s awkwardly silent except for faraway conversations and the breeze blown from your fan until the man clears his throat. “I’m holding out a water to you, if you would kindly look over your shoulder.” Slightly irritated by the condescending tone in his voice, you look and, sure enough, there was a cold glass of water in the stranger’s white-gloved hand. You couldn’t see his face, nor the rest of his body, but something in your gut told you that it was safe. And, if it did happen to be poisoned, at least it got you out of another season. Carefully taking the glass from his long fingers, most of the tension in your body leaves after the first few sips slide down your throat. “Refreshing?”
“Very,” you answer cordially, in that airy tone your stepmother taught you. She said it was a fine way to attract suitors, which made you want to drop your voice several octaves whenever a potential husband drew near. “Thank you. That was very kind of you, Mister…?”
“My identity is irrelevant,” he says quickly and you turn your head in his direction, as if to hear him better. “Nor will I ask of yours, so consider this conversation akin to speaking to a wall.”
“From my perspective, I am speaking to a wall,” you point out and the stranger chuckles under his breath. “May I ask why you aren’t socializing with the others?”
“I could ask the same of you, considering that you’re cowering behind a column.” The jab was evident. Your mouth drops in indignancy and, had it not been for heat exhaustion and your nice spot in the shade, you would have decked whoever was on the other side of this conversation. 
“I am not cowering,” you huff, taking another sip and willing the temperature to decrease just a few degrees. “I am merely…taking a break.”
“Taking a break where no one else can find you? For ten minutes?”
“A woman values her privacy,” you argue. “And as far as I’m aware, you were able to find me quite easily. Perhaps you were the one trying to hide, and I was the one who stole your spot.”
“So, you do acknowledge that you are stealing from me.”
“Space in this garden is not something to be claimed unless you are of the royal family, dear stranger.” You hope he can hear the smirk in your tone. 
“And yet, here you are, stealing what is rightfully mine.” 
“And yet, here you are, stealing what is rightfully mine,” you echo in a nasally, mocking voice that would have placed you in major trouble if your parents knew how you were addressing others. “Cease your bratty ramblings as if you own this palace.” The man barks out a laugh, a reaction you didn’t anticipate. It makes your heart race a little faster, in spite of your will to stay casual. 
“Have suitors ever told you that you’re quite the firecracker?”
“Bold of you to assume they get as far as to speak with me,” you correct without hesitation. Presentations were one of the stupidest parts of your present society, along with those tiny sandwiches and that tea that tastes like boiled shoes. “If they decide to pursue me, that’s their first mistake.” The stranger hums in a low tone. 
“Maybe you haven’t found the right suitor, then,” he muses and, before you can answer, the royal bugles announce the beginning of the duels. Excited cheers and the clicking sound of heels on pavement take over any remaining conversations. You whirl around to the other side of the column, anxious to see the mysterious man you were conversing with, but find the other side as vacant as when you first passed it. Slightly disappointed, you find your place along the perimeter of the circular stone courtyard and wait for the king’s advisor to speak. 
“Today is a day of celebration,” he begins, and you mutter the rest of his speech that you’d heard for the past four years under your breath. The hair stands up on the back of your neck and instinct tells you that someone was watching you, but you can’t find who it is among the hundreds of people present. You think you’ve found the culprit when you lock your gaze with a pair of strikingly blue eyes, but they disappear before you can identify the rest of the person. “And, as you are most likely already aware, this year we welcome His Highness Prince Touya Todoroki to the presentation ceremonies. Though he is of a royal family, those that wish to court or be courted by His Highness may present themselves as suitors as they ordinarily would.”
“And will the Prince grace us with his esteemed presence, or is he preoccupied with his ordinarily outlandish activities?” Sneers and snide remarks ripple through the crowd and the advisor struggles to regain their attention. That is, until that same loud barking laugh that you heard from the other side of the column cuts through the murmurs and mutters.
The voice that follows makes your blood run cold in your veins. 
“How bold to assume any of you are worthy of breathing in my presence.” 
“Your Highness–” 
“Shut up,” he spits, shivers spreading over your skin as the crowd splits to reveal an unruly mass of spiked white hair. His eyes are paralyzingly bright, cold and narrow while they scan the vermin before him. The rumors that circulated of his intimidating nature paled in comparison to the man before you, tall and lean and radiating the most dangerous aura you’d ever come across. All the previously gloating eyes became that of rabbits hunted by a wolf when they came under his gaze…except for yours. By some odd stroke of Fate, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d seen the Prince before, even though that was physically impossible. Maybe you’d passed another white-haired asshole in the market. “Well? Are we starting or shall you keep gawking until I staple your jaw shut?” The advisor stumbles, shrinking away like a mouse in a lion’s den. 
“Yes, Your Highness. May the first Lady to be courted please step forward!”
As the gowns start to swoop and the swords begin to swing, you’re again reminded of just how unnecessary the spectacle of presentation season always was. One by one, daughters of nobility presented themselves to the suitors, who would then step forward and duel one another for the opportunity to court the Lady. The fights were never to the death, of course, but the shame that came with losing more than one duel was close to it; nothing was more embarrassing, however, than having no suitors step forward when a Lady presented herself. It was your worst fear every season, one that you seemingly didn’t need to worry about this time around.
Still, you were met with the same pasty-faced suitor that had been attempting to win your hand for the past several seasons. He’d accumulated significantly more muscle mass since the previous season, but his hot-headed temper and objectifying tendencies were enough of a turn off to send him packing by the end of the first meeting. 
“You have rejected me time and time again, but that only makes you more enticing,” he declares, offering his hand to you while you roll your eyes behind your fan. Ladies who already received their matches swoon at his show of masculinity, but it only makes your stomach turn. “I will win you. That is my promise. And, if not this season, then the next, and I will persevere until the only eyes you look for in a room are mine.” 
“The only thing I would be looking for in a room with you is an exit,” you mutter. He doesn’t answer, eyeing you like you were a wise investment. Gross. 
“You’d do well to accept me.” Your attention darts upward and you meet his stare, irritated at your lack of a response. The volume of his voice drops so that only you two can hear it as he comes to stand inches away from your face. “It’s not like you have the privilege of other options. Marry me or life as a spinster is your only future.” 
“I wouldn’t marry you if the entire kingdom was at stake,” you hiss and his mouth turns up in a snarl, ready to bite out a response when the shing! of a sword being pulled from its sheath echoes through the courtyard. A quiet verbal commotion sets into the crowd, but you’re unable to see anything beyond the asshole before you. 
"Your business is with me, not her," warns a dangerously familiar voice and the man in front of you stiffens. "Let's get this over with."
“The…ahem…duel will begin once both suitors are in first positions,” the advisor relays with great hesitation. You’d never experienced a duel for your hand, yet it seemed that another man had been dealt into the game. With his face drained of its remaining color, Pasty-face draws his blade like an inexperienced marionette, clunky and jagged, as he takes his place in the circle, allowing you to catch the eye of his opponent, molten blue eyes that make your knees turn gelatinous. The prince was dueling for your hand. 
Prince Touya of the Todoroki family was dueling for your hand. 
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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koolades-world · 5 months
Hello is hug deprived anon again (this might be becoming my name oh no) and I’ve had an idea
I’m sure we can all agree that mammon deserves all the love, especially because his brothers are too mean to him, they pretend they don’t love him too constantly
So, what if Mammon is away for a week, doing photoshoots or dealing with witches or something, and MC is moping because they miss him,, like, they keep turning to their side to whisper to him and then like deflating when they see no Mammon,, and like, reaching out on that side to hold his hand and then being confused when there’s nothing there, and then they realize :( maybe they stole his blanket from his room because it smells like him, so it’s the best substitute for Mammon hugs while he’s away
Maybe Beel (idk if any of the other bros would be nice enough to tell him) is texting him like “your human is too sad come back soon” and sending him pictures of MC doing this stuff
When Mammon returns MC jumps on him for hugs like “you’re home!!!!!”
Idk I think he’d cry
I think he would feel very loved and probably also cry abt it
What you think? What do you think he’d do?
(If you choose not to write anything about this no worries obviously) (but I eventually might lol I think it’d be very cute and make him very happy to have someone who really misses him when he’s away)
HI!! haha if you want and plan to request more, feel free to pick an anon name! or I could just call you something like hug LOL
wayyy back when I first got into obey me in like 2021, there was this one specific fic I read kind of similar to his idea where mammon was upset at be mistreated and mc stood up for him and it was this cute bonding moment, and this request kinda reminded me of that!! gonna try to channel it a little bit
this idea is literally so cute and I'd be happy to write it! it makes my brain like a cat who has the zoomies hehe enjoy :D
How Ironic
You watched agonizingly as the clock ticked by even slower than usual. You'd been trying to do some sort of work, or anything other than stare at the damned clock forever now, but you just couldn't focus.
It had been exactly four days, six hours, and fifteen minutes and counting since Mammon had left for a week long promotional photoshoot in another ring of hell. You had your sad, but sweet send off and you promise yourself that time apart might be good for you. After all, it always felt like you could never get anything done with Mammon around. Yet, here you were, staring blankly at a clock with a blank piece of paper and pen in front of you.
Finally deciding to throw in the towel for now, you got up from your desk in your room. A walk to a local convivence store was in order. Snacks and fresh air wasn't a combo you could pass up. On your way out, you passed the door to his room which was slightly ajar. You briefly had the thought to poke your head in and ask him if he wanted to come, before remembering that he wouldn't be in there. You continued your walk to the front door, where you put on your shoes and grabbed a bag that had a few necessities in it for the short journey.
Thankfully, you hadn't passed any of his brothers on the way there, meaning you didn't have to explain yourself or have them ask to tag along. While you enjoyed their company, they weren't Mammon. If you needed help, you could always summon one of them thanks to the pacts, but you needed this short walk to clear your head.
The air was unfortunately stifling and overly humid outside, making you glad you were dressed light. It was basically just your pajamas but when you went out with Mammon, the two of you did this every time. As you autopiloted to your favorite corner store, your thoughts wandered back to Mammon again. You wondered how he was doing and if he missed being at home. You couldn't blame him if he didn't and hoped he was enjoying his time away from home as much as you wished he was by your side.
Once you got to the store, you wandered around for a bit, debating what to get. After grabbing a small basket, you began to pile in various things that sounded good. Once the basket was full, you came to the realization that all the snacks were Mammon's favorites; hell sauce flavored instant noodles, Chaos Devil Cider and ginger ale to mix, Devilbee honey popcorn, and a variety pack of Devildom gummies. This is what he introduced you to the first time you did a snack run together. You decided, in light of this discovery, to buy extras for him for when he got back. You figured he would enjoy it and it was the least you could do to thank him for introducing you to so many tasty things you would've not tried otherwise. Once you checked out, you returned back to the House of Lamentation with a new skip in your step.
You made your way back up to your room, and passed the ajar door of Mammon's room again. Memories of the two of you together flooded back again, and you couldn't help but step in. Just being in his room was like he was really right next to you again. You couldn't help but sit on his sofa and think about how much you missed him even though it hadn't even been a full week. His absence made you realize how much you missed his presence. After a moment, you decide to leave the snacks you bought for him on his bedside table so his brothers were less likely to wander in and find them before him.
As you were setting down everything you'd gotten for him, you something caught your eye just about to fall off the end of his bed. After you picked it off the edge of his bed, you realized it was the hoodie he always wore around the house. It was faded from lots of usage and the strings were fraying. You knew it smelt like his cologne and his shampoo from all of the tight embraces he'd given you while wearing it. You for sure thought he would've taken it with him, but it looked as if he had thrown it off last minute and thrown it on his bed without looking back.
Looking around as if someone might be watching (which could very well be the case since Lucifer was notoriously quiet), you pulled it to your chest and deeply inhaled. Of course, there was the chance that it was dirty, but you couldn't care less. It wasn't anything you hadn't seen of him before. Since there really wasn't anything stopping you, you took it back to your room with you. You weren't even really that cold, in all honesty. It was more of the idea that he was right next to you since it smelt just like him.
You continued your night like you had before you left, just with his hoodie on. You were magically much more productive wearing it and you managed to get several things done. Usually, you would be chatting with Mammon on the phone at about this time to talk about how your days were, but he was unfortunately busy with something work related. Instead, you decided to send him a sweet goodnight text and send a picture of your set up with the food and the show you've been watching one episode at a time. Not expecting a response before you called it a night, you turn your phone off and focused on eating and watching tv.
Beel wasn't sure what woke him up first: his stomach or Mammon blowing up his phone. Sitting up in his bed, he peered at his screen, squinting at it. He had at least twenty texts from his brother asking him to check on Mc for him after they hadn't responded to his texts. He wasn't sure if Mammon knew they were probably asleep or if he was just worrying for no reason. Either way, he decided to check on them for him anways. After his kitchen run, of course.
After letting Mammon know, he got out of bed and left his room. On his way to the kitchen, however, he ended up following the smell of cup noodles to Mc's room. There, he was able to complete both of his missions. He snapped a picture of Mc fast asleep with a couple half finished snacks, then took the snacks. Mission complete.
Mammon was only halfway through the only kind of dumb business dinner when he spammed Beel about Mc. He was more worried than he would admit to himself about them. He knew it was probably nothing and that they had fallen asleep, but Beel was usually awake at this time eating anyways. The food was nice and he was the star of the show, but the dinner was much too stifling for his taste. Most importantly, it was cutting into his precious time with Mc, something he looked forward to at the end of every day. He loved getting to hear their voice after being away from them for so long. He missed getting to see them in person, but getting to hear them was next best.
As he was poking at his food, he finally got the response he was waiting hand and foot on. Beel had responded with just an image at first, so he scrambled to open it. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was a picture of his beloved Mc fast asleep in their bed. You looked so peaceful but your face was barely visible because of the hood pulled up over your eyes. After squinting, he realized the hoodie you were wearing looked oddly familiar. He realized that that was his hoodie, the one he'd left on his bed when he was late the morning he left.
He could barely contain his excitement and it must had been evident on his face since those around him glanced at him, and then between each other a few times. He saved the photo to his phone, and texted Beel back a thanks. As everyone talked around him, he debating asking to leave the shoot early right then and there. If he left right now, he would be able to make it home before you woke up. While he entertained this thought for a while, eventually he decided to stick it out since there were only a few days left. As soon as he was allowed to leave, however, he would buy you something with the paycheck he'd be given. Something nice, maybe a gold bracelet that would remind you of him when you see it. He spent the rest of the night thinking, then dreaming about you. He could only hope you were doing the same. (you were <3)
After those final two and a half agonizing days and many texts later, it was finally time for Mammon to return home. For now, he decided to leave his car parked just outside the house, since he may or may not have been planning to take you out to dinner later that day. As soon as he walked in the door, one of his suitcases in tow, something, or rather someone, attacked him with a flying hug. At first, he was processing the situation as Mc began to squeal and squeeze him as tight as they could into a hug. He wasn't really sure where they had come from, but he knew who it was as soon as their arms were around him.
"MAMMON!" Mc swung the both of them around, buzzing with excitement. "Diavolo, I missed you so much. I don't want to let go of you. If you don't take me with you next time, I might die of sadness and loneliness!" Their arms were around his neck, and their face in his chest. He finally let go of his suitcase and hugged them back. He held them close, shutting his eyes for a moment to take it all in.
"I missed ya too. 's good to be back." He, again, couldn't stop the smile from growing on his face. His brothers never expressed themselves the way Mc was to him in that moment, so he wasn't quite sure how to feel. They never seemed excited to see him, so it was so refreshing to see Mc visibly excited and made him feel truly loved. All their time apart was worth moments like these.
As MC was squealing, a few of his brothers began to gather around the foyer around them. Perhaps they heard them, or maybe they knew he'd be back today at around this time. Either way, he waved at them, still keeping an arm around Mc.
"Guys! Mammon is back." Mc nuzzled his neck, still holding onto him.
"We can see that." Belphie remarked, sounding unamused. Mammon's smile faded a little. So, they didn't care that he was back, did they? He should've expected that from them. Actually, they probably wished he'd been gone for longer with the way they treated him sometimes.
"I talked to you guys about this. I don't expect you to do what I'm doing, but you need to show him you're happy he's back. You can't lie, he's irreplaceable! I don't know what I'd do without him, and I missed him so much." Just like that, Mc's words lifted him back up. Suddenly, he was no longer upset that his brothers didn't care. He had the attention and care from the person he thought about the entire time he was gone. "Shame on you all. Don't expect me to talk to you for the next few days. Let's get your things from the car, and go upstairs. We have so much to catch up on!" Mc only let go of his neck to grab his hand instead. They dragged him back out of the house, shutting the door with their foot behind the two of them.
"Mc, ya didn't have to do all that fer me..." Mammon glanced back at the shut door. His brothers didn't open it, or try to follow them.
"But I did! You're my first man, after all. I really can't express how much I missed you and just saying it doesn't feel like enough." They reached into the trunk of his car to begin taking out his suitcases. Mammon moved them aside gently, not wanting them to do even more for him that he felt as if he didn't deserve.
Mammon was silent for a moment, then decided to go digging through his backpack for the bracelet he'd bought for you. He hoped it would make it easier to tell you how he felt. "Here, this is fer you." He presented the small, black box to them. Looking caught off guard, they accepted it and opened it carefully. Your mouth dropped open as you saw the golden piece of jewelry he bought for you on the drive back.
"Mammon! This is beautiful. Thank you so much! But, I don't understand why. What's the occasion?" You removed it from the box and held it up to the light to study it. Several small charms hung off of it.
"That's the thing. There isn't one." He took a deep breath and looked down at his feet before continuing. "I just... yer so good to me. Ya texted me daily, called me daily, thought about me while I was gone, and even waited fer me like that so ya could surprise me when I got back. Ya care, and I know I'm not the best with showin' I care and it makes me feel shitty. Thank you, fer everythin'. I really missed ya." He couldn't see how Mc reacted, but was essentially tackled into another hug again by them.
"Mams, you show me you care in little ways. Just because you don't say it, doesn't mean that you don't. You just being back here with me is more than enough." He immediately thought about how ironic the entire situation was. He never actually told them how he felt and treated them like garbage sometimes, and he thought it might've been pushing the person he cared for most away, but really, he never had to worry about that. he'd never considered that they could see past his inability to admit his feelings. He hugged them back, savoring the moment since this time they were alone.
"Thank you Mc." He held back happy tears.
"No, thank you! Thank you for always being by my side. Now, instead of actually unpacking, let's just lock the car and sneak back inside. Maybe they'll eventually feel sorry and come looking for us, but we'll actually be hiding right under their noses. It'll be like a spy mission." Mc giggled leaning back to see his face. Mammon let them look him in the eyes, glistening tears and all.
"Yeah, let's do that. We can watch that movie ya wanted to watch and just share headphones." He found himself joining in with the quiet laughing along to something he wasn't sure either of them really understood. Something he did understand however, was that he knew he was loved back by the one he loved the most, and couldn't ask for more.
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b-o-e · 1 year
Howdy Pillar x Reader
Warnings: tickling aghahbg, howdy uses his many hands for evil lol, kissy kissy fluff yuhhh, I was gonna scrap this fic n don't wanna look at it anymore so it may have mistakes lol
You and Howdy bake a batch of cookies together, and it is quickly learned how impatient you are.
“And there we are!” 
Howdy placed the sheet of cookies on the stove top, shutting the oven. Two hands rested on his hips, the other pair crossed over his chest, puffed with pride.
 “They look perfect!” He grinned. “Surely because of your help, of course!” He hummed, nudging you gently as you ogled the freshly baked treats.
“They smell so good,” is all you could utter. 
You were so tempted just to grab one of the ooey-gooey pastries, despite the fact it would more likely than not immediately fall apart. Howdy could sense this oozing desire.
“Now, don’t go burning yourself. I know that look of temptation in your eye,” 
Your gaze met his, your eyes widened slightly in surprise. You flashed a sheepish smile, slumping.
“They just look so tasty…” you sighed dreamily, eyes returning to your awaiting prize. The two of you had put so much work into making them. Howdy made a great mixer with all those arms! Made for easy cleanup, too!) How could you not want to test a sample?
“They’re not quite ready yet. Just a little longer, bug,” he assured, watching your hands clench in and out of fists with resistance, finding it to be nothing less than amusing. 
“No touching, okay? I’m just going to run these eggs we borrowed back to Sally, then I’ll be right back!” one of Howdy’s hands set on your back as he moved around you to grab the carton. 
“No touch,” he pointed a finger at you, squinting playfully as the others rested on his hips. He repeated, “I’ll be right back. I’m sure they’ll be cooled by then. Just wait for me,”
“Yeah, yeah. Hurry up!” You laughed, pushing him along towards the door. 
With a final promise he would return quickly, Howdy was off, leaving you and the cookies alone. Unsupervised…
And man, it was tempting. It really, truly was. You looked over your shoulder at your foe on the stove, glaring. You’ll be mine soon…
You stole a glimpse at the clock, exhaling dramatically. The two of you had already tidied up your mess while waiting for the timer, so what were you to do now? Admire your wondrous creations from afar?
Unable to come up with anything else, that’s quite precisely what you did. 
Your elbows rested on the countertop, chin on top of your hands. The sweet aroma wafted through the house, a gentle breeze flowing in from the open window.
Tick, tock, tick, tock 
The steady click of the clock made time feel like it was moving extra slow. Each second dragged on for what felt like an eternity. Huh. You had less self control than you thought…
Your fingers drummed against the counter. Your toes tapped against the floor. Your eyes darted between the cookies and clock again. Come on, Howdy, what was taking so long?
Another hefty sigh escaped you. A look at the clock, a look at the cookies. Just one couldn’t hurt, right? It was Howdy’s fault you were waiting an eternity!
Despite the slight pit of guilt in your belly, you reached toward the sheet, knowing the satisfaction of the cookie would fill that pit right up. Finally, it was yours!
A hand grasped your wrist, an arm looping your waist.
 Whelp, spoke too soon. You tried!
“What do you think you’re doing, you little stink bug?” Howdy hummed, amusement dripping from his tone as he turned you around to face him. Ah. Trapped between him and the counter. Not a good place to be for what you reckoned the consequences to your actions would be
“Come on!” You drew out, giving a pleading pout. “You were taking so long!” 
Please let you be spared, please let you be spared… it didn’t look too promising with the quirk of his brow and smirk he wore.
“I was barely gone five minutes!” He cackled with mirth. “And you know how I feel about thieves,” 
That smirk seemed much more threatening all of a sudden.
“No.” You eyed him warily, knowing exactly what was to come. “Don’t you dare,”
“I think you deserve some form of punishment,” he shrugged with a grin. His upper set of hands had taken yours into his grasp…
“Howdy…” You attempted to reason. “Please!”
No chance.
His fingers glided along your sides, digging into the carefully. You laughed and squirmed, begging for him to stop.
“You need to learn your lesson somehow!” He chuckled, pausing his attack to give you a chance to own up to your actions. “Will you try to defy me again?”
You only giggled, body twisting away with what you knew would come after your response. 
“You’re asking for quite a lot there, mister…” You really weren't doing yourself any favours, were you?
His fingers returned to their attack, poking and jutting into your sides.
“Okay, okay, okay! I yield!” You cackled, the pitch to your voice fluctuating. To your pleas, Howdy paused.
“Have you learned?” He eyed you warily.
“Yes,” you panted out with a grin. “Yes, I have learned.”
“Well, I think you owe me an apology,” he said, “some compensation, you know?” He smiled innocently, earning a roll of your eyes. His hands had found your waist, the two that had trapped your hands trailing to rest on your sides.
“Yeah, yeah. Close your eyes, there, big guy,” you played along, a hand cupping his face. Once his eyes were closed, though, you made your move.
Your free hand snuck to the stove top, snatching up a treat.
“Mm,” you hummed in delight as you took a bite, 
“Why, you deceiving little–”
“Have a taste!” you grinned, pulling him in for the smooch you knew he desired. It took him by surprise, but he was not opposed. 
When you pulled away, you snickered softly at the shock on his features.
“We did pretty good, right?” You flashed an innocent smile, taking another bite.
“I’ll forgive you this time,” he grumbled, cheeks pink and a playful glare on his face. “But you’re a little scoundrel sometimes, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.”
howdy!! I hope you liked this lil oneshot B) this is just something to fill in some space so I can hopefully have some more time to try to get ahead again on wally stuff. I was going to scrap this fic, its been in my docs for like a week and a half or two, n I'm not the biggest fan, but maybe I've looked at it for too long. I'm not sure if I'll write for howdy again, this may be all I've got in me for him, but I hope you enjoyed it B) here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
likes and reblogs are extremely appreciated!! DOPAMINE!!! RAGGGHHH!!
Posted Thursday, May 4, 2023, at 12:06 PM
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Monster reader is my top fav of ALL readers.
Like just imagine if Monster reader just wanted food so they go into a place that looks like it has food. And somehow walks into a cult meeting that give their upmost dedication to some monster god that looks similar to monster reader lol.
“ Today, we have come together to give our upmost dedication and beliefs into our savior. Our savior who gave us our life and our creation! And that is why today, we will be sacrificing this fool who dared to disrespect- Door opens
“ Oh. Sorry for interrupting, but I was wondering if you have any spare food?”
(small mention of gore)
Two months, fourteen days, and five hours.
The longest you've ever went without food. If you were human, the time frame would have held a heavy tax on your body if not killing you out right, but all it did leave was dull pains in your abdomen. During said period, you found a nice cave to sleep in and recover from the injuries sustained in your escape from the facility that stole you from your home. The rest cured your broken bones and scrapes, but unfortunately like every living creature - you needed to eat.
The area you resided in didn't have much going for it in the food category. Most of the edible plants and berries had been picked clean, and you were took out of practice to hunt for your meal. Being locked in a white room with meat thrown at you randomly really put you out of shape in more ways than one. Your fears of having to leave the forest were extinguished with the discovery of an old wrapper found one evening near a neck of the woods you had yet to explore.
The guards at that place walked around with similar papers, filling you with unease, but that anxiety goes out the door the second your nose picks up on a familiar smell. Raw meat.
Climbing over some rocks, you spot a collection of wooden enclosures with strange symbols painted atop. The books the researchers made you read never talked about those. Their knowledge led you to the conclusion that these buildings were cabins and the one where that alluring smell was coming from was the closest to you. There was noise from the neighboring buildings, but if you acted quietly then maybe you could just grab enough food to hold you off for a while and they'd be none the wiser.
Creeping past the red tap that secludes the camp from the rest of the forest, a shrill scream pierces the heavens. It pins you to place, the memories of the cellmates you lost rushing to mind. Is someone hurt? Despite your experiences with others, you wanted to help, but you needed strength in case of any danger.
You hurry to the door, breaking the lock and flinging yourself into the darkness. Your advanced sight guides you through the shadows and straight to your prize. The blinding light from the icebox is the most beautiful pain you've ever witnessed. Forgetting the manners you learned overtime, you claw open various bags of dead flesh and wolf down whatever you can get your hands on. A few of the bags have names on them, but you're too hungry to care why. Bewteen the wet squish of your teeth gnashing shut, a hush blows through the crowd forming outside.
"I told you I heard something, dude. Probably a fucking bear or something. It's eating the reserves."
"Relax. I'll handle it."
The light flickers on. You've been found The guilt you felt for eating the human's food without asking turns into panic as the first thing you see is the barrel of a shotgun pointed square blank at your face. You drop the meat in your hands and cower against the back wall; your first week of freedom spent pushing bullets of the same caliber out your spine. Your lips curl over your teeth as it clatters to the ground in front of you, still afraid as if it could do anything without a handler.
"Could it be?..."
You look up at the robed figures filling the room, the creases of their faces twisted in awe or fright. The first to fall is the one holding the weapon, followed by the rest of their group as they fall to their knees, bowing their heads and rising their hands in prayer. One of the memb pulls out another still standing in shock above you.
"The day of your arrival has finally come. Forgive us, Master. We didn't recognize you at first in such a weak state. Please spare us of your spite."
Master? That's an odd name. You quite liked the one a kind human gave you once. Y/n rolls off the tongue nicer.
"If you still require sustenance, we will leave you to your feast unless you'd prefer the fresher product of our harvest. If I may offer a suggestion, we can mend your clothes and prepare you a bath to cleanse you of our tainted blood."
Bath. Those were the only highlight of the facility. Why are these people being so nice to you compared to them? It made you feel terrible considering you were the one that broke into their home. Hunger beating the conflicting emotions, you continue to eat the meat until your stomach could carry no more. You probably stopped a few bites before you reached maximum capacity due to all the eyes on you making you a little uncomfortable.
You step out of the cabin, wiping your mouth with the bottom of your shirt to be polite. The cult watches your every move, but not one person makes a peep. Considering you were the center of attention, they must be waiting for you.
"Um... hello."
The members of the cult collectively lose their minds.
"Our messiah! They speak! To lowly beings as us."
"It really is them! I'm sorry for ever doubting your presence, my lord."
"This form suits you best in my expert opinion. Let us gather in celebration for your arrival."
They gather around you, examining your claws and taking measurements of your body to prepare proper clothing for you. The questions and praise your bombarded with make your head spin, but soon enough you're led to a bathing house in another cabin and your stress is washed away by the warm water and those who tend to your mated clothes and hair. Not long into your bath, others come with robes for you to wear. They sob and shrivel beneath your words of thanks, everyone here does.
After dinner where you sit at the head of the table, too full to eat a bite of food, you're allowed to wonder the grounds until your cabin has been fully furnished. You enter the room where the screams originated from hours ago, shocked by what you discover.
A mural of a beast similar to you was painted on the far wall in fine paint and what smelled like blood. Dual irises, onyx fangs, the cross scar in the center of its chest. This creature was you, a bigger, menacing and all powerful you. Below the painting was a dead human spilt open from sternum to belly, the bones broken away and organs scooped clean. Backing away from the scene, you bump into someone.
"We are so glad that you've come to us, Master. Please grant us the lasting benefit of your presence for the rest of our days - and beyond
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fishgirl514 · 5 months
sonic prime s3 rewrite:
im going to try to fix a bunch of things i was unsatisfied with from the end of the story.
such as the whole “work together” lesson that sonic learned somewhere in the last 6 episodes really vaguely. also im going to fix sonic and shadow’s vague friendship arc. i might also take a crack at fixing knuckles the dread’s conclusion bc he was the most interesting variant lets be honest and he was nearly forgotten. maybe in another post. this is future me talking i spent hours writing this.
im also going to make the “we’re back home” ending WAY longer and actually have there be an emotional resolution for the #notgay “brothers”
and the most egregious sin (imo) of season 3 was the fact that all the worlds just. stayed. and that was it. huh????????
ok first, we have to go back in time a little bit. i think each shard should have been the heart of its respective world instead of just the random place it happened to be sitting in. the shards create the world around them, and whoever holds the shard of a world basically controls reality for that world. the shards are always originally centered on the palm tree of their world (the chaos council found their tree and stole the shard, this is why the tree is so important to the resistance, they need to return it to restore balance. NO ONE IS MEANT TO WEILD THE SHARDS, IT ONLY BRINGS CHAOS. THIS IS A CENTRAL THEME.) when a shard is removed from its world, the world begins to slowly collapse on itself. the more shards are taken the more the WHOLE shatterverse starts to become unstable. THIS is why the shatterverse begins to decay, not just because there was “too many portals” or whatever.
THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: when the paradox prism is fully recreated and brought back to its place in ghost hill, green hill will be restored and the shatterverse will cease to exist. it was created by the shards being split, bringing them back together brings the world back together into one.
sonic does not realize this at first. he finds out the shards are in different worlds and starts trying to find them all to put them back together, saying he needs to recreate his world, not thinking about the logical consequence for the shatter spaces. nine hears this and thinks he could create his OWN world wherever he wants using the power of the prism. he is wrong. (find out why later)
for the most part, shadow is in the right about everything. his only issue is that like sonic, he doesn’t want to work together. sonic is too impulsive, but shadow is too stubborn. they learn to overcome this together throughout the series. while shadow is stuck speaking to sonic from the void, they are constantly disagreeing on what to do. shadow is being too bossy and demanding that his plans be followed to the letter, and sonic is making split second changes and forgetting to tell him. this at some point nearly ends in a MASSIVE disaster and they both realize they need to get it together. wasting time fighting is part of what caused this mess in the first place- shadow is also slightly at fault here. we do a flashback to the day of the incident and they agree to try to cooperate. it’s a little rocky, but by the end they’re fighting side by side in perfect sync, recognizing each other as valued friends.
nine for most of the series can stay the same. an important plot point for me is his insistence that he is NOT tails. however, instead of this being something sonic has to learn is true, it’s something nine has to learn is false. when nine goes to ghost hill and sees the old tails, he’s unnerved by this hollow shell of a version of himself. while he is alone putting the shards back together on the mountain, he realizes that just like the shards are unstable fragments of the paradox prism, the shatter spaces are unstable fragments of green hill. he is a fragment of tails. this sets off a minor identity crisis on top of the realization that he is not supposed to exist. none of the shatter spaces are supposed to exist. that’s why they’re all so out of wack. no place is flooded and ruled by pirates, the boscage maze is a suffocating jungle, new yoke is a dystopian nightmare, and the grim is a lifeless wasteland. they all exist in a fragile state of balance and are already falling apart. they were already on shaky ground but have been on a direct path to destruction since sonic showed up. he still has hope in his ability to make the grim into his own world, but deep down he’s refusing to let himself realize the truth: even with the power of all 5 prism shards the world will continue to decay until they are reunited. nine takes the shards and leaves.
dear god. sonic. where do i even begin.
first of all, i would prefer to see him being a little less chatty and scatterbrained. i think a little of it would still make sense considering the story he’s living through, but in general he needs to be a little more tethered to his old unshakable self until it comes to the really important decisive moments. sonic isn’t an emotionless character, but he just seemed extra…. smushy..? idk this isn’t something i can articulate well ehe XP
i LOVED the parallels and flashbacks from seasons 1 and 2. where did they go??? i go crazy for a good parallel, so i say they keep happening in season 3. obviously. like of all the times to mirror the beginning, it’s the final fight???
i want to have the final battle directly and clearly parallel the fight from episode 1. this way, there can be a Moment where sonic stops to look back at his experiences and make the choice to do things the right way this time. to fix the problem he created he needs to fix his personal problem that created the problem. i want a very obvious scene where he finally finished connecting all the dots lets this lesson sink into his head.
speaking of which, let’s get back to present time and talk about the final fight.
nine has all 5 shards kept far apart and protected, but still close enough for him to draw on their power. the world is decaying rapidly and he has to constantly use the shards to ward off the imminent destruction.
sidenote: at some point when nine is trying to pick off sonic, he sends the birds to search the empty space in the shatterverse. one finds shadow’s chaos emerald in the void and brings it out. shadow gets it back from the bird or whatever later. it was so weird that the void stopped being relevant and they just never got the green emerald back.
heading into the final fight, sonic is sad about nine’s betrayal, but he only gives him one chance to give up. when he and shadow confront nine, sonic tells him that the shatterverse is falling apart and no one has a home left to return to anymore. nine hesitates for a moment, he knows there is a chance that even with his enemies gone he won’t be able to stop the decay, but he refuses to give up. sonic knows what is at stake here and he takes it seriously. he doesn’t want to fight nine but he has no choice, besides, nine is hurting his friends, and that’s not acceptable.
sonic still isn’t sure what to do about the moral dilemma of wiping out the shatterverse to bring back his world. after all, wouldn’t that make him no better than nine? but right now there is an immediate threat: nine accelerating the decay of the universe by holding all the shards in one shatter space.
during the final fight (which i would also make WAYYYYY shorter) i would have him try to go for nine himself, thinking that he knows nine best, and is the most well equipped to defeat him. everyone else is on shaky ground with each other as alliances between the different groups, especially with the eggmans, haven’t been solidified. because of this lack of teamwork everyone struggles to fight off the robots nine creates.
sonic stops. he’s seen this play out before, and the stakes weren’t nearly as high. he is the throughline of the whole group so HE has to bring everyone together (“theres only one hedgehog they’ll follow into battle”). He gets everyone to understand that right now they’re on the same page, so they all formulate a plan together to keep the robots away and get the shards back one by one. sonic and shadow fight nine in person while everyone else collects the shards and brings them each to sonic and shadow, who use the power of the shards to help defeat nine. but when they remove nine’s power source, the world starts decaying really fast again. nine panics, takes the shards back and starts trying to fight off the decay, but it’s too much to fight anymore. he falls to his knees in defeat, he knows his goals were always unreachable. at first he lashes out at sonic, but then he stops and just cries.
he tells sonic how he just wanted a place to call home, even though he knew it wouldn’t be possible. sonic says that maybe it’s still possible to restore the shards to their worlds and stop the decay, shadow interjects that they need to bring back green hill, but nine says there’s no point in trying to bring back the shatter spaces. they’re beyond repair, and they were never meant to be in the first place (the others hearing this are shocked and uneasy hearing this). he was wrong to try to destroy everyone’s worlds to make one just for himself, at least sonic was trying to bring back his friends. but sonic comforts him and reassures his feelings and also apologizes for asking him to stop existing. but nine says that’s actually what he needs to do now. the only option left is to restore green hill. they’ll pour all the energy stores they have left into the kraken to get sonic and shadow back to the decaying ghost hill.
sonic tries to object, asking if nine is sure he’s ok with disappearing. nine says he won’t really stop existing, he and all his friends were always with him and always will be back in green hill. nine thanks sonic for always being his friend. here is the big brother hug moment. nonetheless, they all say goodbye (for now), and shadow and sonic head out of the grim.
blah blah there’s some debris and maybe they *almost don’t make it* but in the end they just barely get to the gateway in time.
sidenote: instead of shadow needing to go through weird side cracks to get through the gates, he is able to because of the instability of the prism energy not keeping him out the way it did before
shadow is almost blocked at the gateway. he’s pushing through, but the world is falling apart. sonic grabs the shards from him and tosses them into ghost hill so he can pull shadow through. shadow exclaims something about the shards and sonic says he won’t leave him behind. shadow is touched <3 (they’re holding each other desperately this whole scene and when they fall through, this is me making up for cutting the princess carry im so sorry i had to).
they get to the mountain, return the shards, and a huge blast of energy knocks them back. sonic opens his eyes and cue the regular sequence from the final episode. i liked this bit, it was such a relief to see the world put back together lol. after they fight eggman, sonic brings everyone in for a big group hug like he tried to in new yoke and says he has to go find shadow.
sonic asks shadow if he still remembers everything, and he does. sonic breathes a sigh of relief and jokes that he was worried all that friendship building effort had gone to waste, shadow gives him a (very) small laugh. he tells sonic that he may have started this by being himself, but he also fixed it by being himself. sonic whizzes around him asking if that was a compliment, and shadow says it’s just good to be back home. sonic says “it wouldn’t be the same without you. it wouldn’t be the same without ME either” to which shadow rolls his eyes and tries to hide a smile. sonic uses shadow’s shoulder as an arm rest as the two look out at the sunset. sonic says they make a pretty good team when they fight WITH each other. there’s a pause before shadow responds, “yeah.”
the next day goes on like it did in the real episode except shadow is there, and when the gang remarks on sonic’s odd demeanor they also comment on his suddenly improved relationship with shadow. the show ends like it did before with sonic about to explain but interrupted by eggman. life is back to normal, happily ever after the end.
OK THATS IT!!!! i hope whatever few people had the endurance and determination to read all of this enjoyed it, ive been writing it out for hours omgggg i could never write fanfiction i would die LMAO. i had such a clear vision of what i thought this season was going to be that i figured it wouldn’t take too much effort for me to write it all out. like i said before it’s definitely not perfect and i refuse to re read this for errors for 24 hours but i hope you enjoyed ok bye :3
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stevenose · 10 months
plum (18+)
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day 15/31 of the august writing challenge
today’s word: bottle
contains: steve x reader; gender unspecified reader; return of the initial necklace; parties; possessive steve; needy steve but not how you would think lol; oral (m receiving); sort of exhibitionism but not really; steve smoking bc i said so!!!!
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Steve’s gripping his beer bottle so tight you’re worried it might shatter. You can see his white knuckled grip across the smoke-filled living room. His brows pinch together when you make eye contact, but he hardly relaxes. Just stays like that, gripping his drink, body rigid.
You know he’s mad, but you don’t really know why. You’re not afraid to ask, but you are a little bit when there isn’t a lot of privacy. You try to catch his eyes again but he stares straight ahead at whoever is talking to him - some guy from high school, perhaps - and you part from your own friends to take a break outside.
It’s chilly, late summer air a little humid and sticky still. You take a deep breath and round the house to the back porch, relieved to find no one there. You sit with a sigh. Your hand reaches up to fiddle with a necklace Steve had given you, his initial lingering on your throat. Except it’s not there.
You panic first - did you lose it? And then you think back to getting ready, how you took it off before you showered and - yeah, no, you didn’t put it back on. You roll your eyes at yourself, a little upset that you have nothing to fidget with, and a second later you realize this might be why Steve’s so upset.
You laugh at the idea. It wouldn’t necessarily be out of character for him. You both agreed that you didn’t need to be attached at the hip tonight. The necklace kind of took place of him in situations like this. A gold chain, an S, showing that you were taken. Without it, you had no protection, so to speak. As if you ever really needed it.
Steve finds you moments later, his footsteps heavy as he comes up the porch steps to stand in front of you.
“Steve,” you say softly.
“Honey,” he says, still a little stiff but certainly more relaxed now that he has you alone.
“I’m sorry,” you say, your fingertips moving up to ghost at your collarbones. “I took it off before I got ready. I forgot.”
“It’s alright,” he nods, digging in his pockets. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes, real expensive ones he stole from his dad. They’re Italian, long and rich. He lights onej and stares at you down the cone. It makes you squirm, not in anything other than anticipation. His blazer hugs his arms tight, a v-neck showing off his chest. Jeans as tight as ever. He looks huge as he stands over you; and he feels it, too. It makes your mouth water.
“You look good tonight,” you say. “Did I get the chance to tell you that yet?”
He shakes his head, blows out some smoke. “No, sweetheart. Don’t think you did.”
You blink up at him, hands moving to his thighs. “You look really good, Steve.” You give them a little squeeze and he raises his brows a little, expecting more. “So big and strong.” Your fingers trail over to his tucked aside shaft and you pet him. Steve’s eyes fall shut, taking another drag, the burning ash illuminating his face for half a second before it’s dark again. “Like you could pin me down.”
He exhales. Opens his eyes and looks around. No one’s back here - it’s too dark, the door to the inside blocked by whatever junk the host had thrown there. “‘Like I could pin you down’,” he repeats, scoffing lightly. “Peach, I know I could.”
You smile up at him, rubbing your palm into his bulge. “You just need attention, don’t you, Steve?”
He sighs like he’s been caught, his eyes hooded when he looks down at you. “Shouldn’t have said we didn’t need to be up each other’s asses tonight.”
“I know,” you whisper. “You can’t stand it.”
“No, I can’t.” Another drag, another half-second to see his concentrated face and dark brown eyes. “Can’t stand seein’ my sweetheart walking around like they don’t need me.”
“You know I do,” you scold gently. Your fingers move to his zipper, playing with it. “You need me to show you?”
Steve takes a deep inhale before removing the cigarette from his mouth and ashing it off to the side. He takes the time to blow out the smoke fully before replying. “I think that’d be nice.”
You’re not very concerned about his lack of words because you know he’ll get vocal the moment he’s in your mouth. And he does get loud. Once you’ve untucked his cock and placed a little kiss to the tip of it, he gave up the schtick, throwing the rest of his smoke in the yard. His hands rest on top of your head, almost protectively. “That’s it, honey, that mouth - mmhmm, give it some kisses, baby.”
You do that for a minute, little pecks along the head of his cock, before switching to taking it into your mouth. You make out with it, lips closing around and tongue circling. He sighs and shudders, head falling back while his fingers dig into your scalp. “Yeah, there you go. You miss the taste of my cum?”
His pre is salty and clean. It has you almost drooling as you kiss him, tastebuds pricking up. You look up at him again, making eye contact before slowly sinking your mouth down onto his cock.
“Shit,” he grits, fingers digging in a little harder. “Wanna - wanna see it all the way in.”
It takes a bit of focus, but you manage to get him into your tight, wet throat, nose pressed into his trimmed pubes at the base. Steve whistles and pats your head, letting you stay for a moment before slowly pulling out of your mouth. You gasp for air, spit falling down from your lips, eyes watering.
“Dirty little thing,” he tuts, rubbing his tip along your lips. “Open wide, peach, let me feel that throat again.”
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Dark headcanons feat. Idia
Anonymous asked:
Got any more super dark head canons for our favorite hikikomori? I’m a glutton for punishment, I know.🫠
Anonymous asked:
being normal is overrated. fuck it gimme your most messed up idia hcs nsfw and sfw
Ask and you shall receive, dear Anons, even if it happens several months later 😭
I want to thank you once again for your patience; one of the reasons why it took me this long was that I always get excited when we receive asks about darker scenarios. I got so excited that, I think, some of the hcs are kind of like short stories lol even though I didn’t want to make them too long… well, anyways.
So, dark and messed up hcs! Obviously Idia-centric; a lot of it is Mob/Idia. Starting on a lighter note, but then it gets more messed up.
(I’m not talking about the Tweels and Idia this time (I know there are asks about them too!), they’ll get another post <3 Let’s hope that I’ll finish it soon)
Sometimes he tortures himself by having internet arguments lol He doesn’t feel good when he argues with randos, even though it’s funny sometimes, but sometimes he continues to do it fully knowing that the conversation is completely useless. A couple of times he connected to his opponent’s webcam log and found footage of them masturbating. He could’ve easily used it to end the argument quickly, but for some reason no matter how heated he gets, he doesn’t do it. He thinks about it though.
Idia has seen every single cursed thing on the internet. Things that would make some people traumatised, things that are way too much even for Idia. If cursed things on the internet were an iceberg meme, to Idia Blue Waffle and One Guy One Jar would be the most basic tier. Something that everyone knows and isn’t as shocking. Sometimes he wonders how Azul-shi or Crimson Muscle would react to some of the stuff he’s used to seeing.
Same goes with porn, to be honest. Idia could go months without masturbating or watching porn, but he isn’t sure if it’s because of his low sex drive or because of how bored he is with porn. Regular porn doesn’t do it for him at all, with kinks he either gets into them or suddenly loses interest, his favourite hentai tropes are pretty messed up. He ended up watching some banned illegal stuff a couple of times just to see if he’d feel anything. The next day he was back to his favourite hentai tropes though.
Idia got groped during his entrance ceremony. He has no idea why he was picked out of every single person there, but he thinks it’s because of his hair: everyone’s silhouette is the same in the ceremonial robe, but his hair makes him stand out. Even though his butt is small… When it happened, Idia got so shocked that he just stood there still, allowing them to touch him. He was upset, but at the same time remembered all the hentai and doujins that started this way, and it resulted in him feeling a weird mix of deep disgust and arousal. He had no idea if anyone noticed him getting molested, and if anyone saw that he had a boner, but he sure felt like every single person was looking at him and judging him. He got traumatised by that, but the situation was so bizarre to him that he came without touching himself after returning to his room as quickly as possible.
Despite being shy and antisocial, Idia is very cocky, and he was especially cocky when he was a freshman. Living with 3 other people was a huge stress for him, and as we talk about living with them 24/7, his natural response to stress was to start talking shit. He felt intimidated by everything and everyone back then, and at the same time felt super annoyed because he was a genius who was much more skilled and smart than most of his senpai, and definitely smarter than the goons that he had to share a room with. Long story short, his roommates thought he was weird and bullied him every time Ortho wasn’t around for some reason (i.e. when he was charging): stole his clothes and pillows, threw stuff at him, talked shit about him, not even trying to be quiet about it. One time they dogpiled him on his own bed and made him pee himself. The other time they wrote swear words all over his body, talking about how all this were the things that people called him when he wasn’t listening. Idia got his revenge after that (yay doxing), but he is a bit scared of these guys to this day.
Idia’s second year wasn’t much better because he still had to share a room with a guy. And if the first bunch were bullies that Ortho really didn’t like (he tried to protect Idia, but couldn’t do it all the time), his roommate during his second year was more sneaky. He had good relationship with Ortho, so Ortho didn’t mind leaving these two alone in the room. He even asked Idia to try and befriend the guy because he really thought Idia needed friends. Idia hated the guy though because not only did he treat him just as badly as the previous group, he also constantly threatened that he would complain about Ortho being dangerous, just to make Idia anxious to lose his knight in shining armor. This got so bad that he made Idia cry like a baby one time because the guy convinced him that he would make everything to take Ortho away from him. And Idia isn’t an idiot; he knew that this wasn’t as simple, but something about the way the guy said it made him break down and cry pathetically.
Idia pretty much lived in fear for an entire year, and somewhere around the middle of the first semester the guy started molesting him. Ortho didn’t intervene because Idia tried his best to hide it from him, even when the guy started demanding Idia to suck him off and started sticking fingers up Idia’s ass, mostly to humiliate him. This is why Idia thought that he was either a masochist or just unstable, because while he absolutely hated it, he felt like he also didn’t mind it enough. The guy got kicked out of NRC before he actually raped (=put his penis into Idia) him, and while Idia was super happy, he also felt disappointed. As if Idia deserved bad things to happen to him… or was he actually into this dynamic and wanted to feel punished and used by someone who treats him like shit? He was never into butt stuff before, but he felt himself aching for a dick that he sucked for months while the guy was humiliating him.
Sometimes Idia fantasises about getting violated by other NRC students. It’s not like he looks at them and sighs dreamily, more of a “what if/how would he do this” type of way. He thinks it’s just his morbid curiosity, and even thinks that it’s very self-centered of him to think that Azul or Rook or Sebek or Lilia or Cater or anyone else would want to rape him, but… what if? He has pretty solid scenarios in his head for some of them, it’s surprisingly easy to come up with them based on their interactions…
Idia kind of likes it when his entire head is being hidden during sex. Well, likes the idea of it. Maybe it’s due to the fact that it keeps him anonymous, but the idea of a bag on his head or a hole-in-the-wall thing kind of tickles him. He had a bunch of dreams about getting stuck in a hole in the wall and then being used as a fuck toy. These dreams always end with someone somehow recognising him and calling him “Idia?” though, so Idia wakes up covered in sweat.
One time Idia almost became one of those people who die due to strangling themselves during masturbation. And he isn’t even into this type of stuff, he just wanted to try to see if it would work or not. He didn’t pull his pants down or anything, he tried to do it through clothes, so he was fucking lucky that Ortho woke up just in time to see him passed out with a noose around his neck. Poor Ortho got so worried and obviously came to wrong conclusions, but Idia felt way too embarrassed to confess about the actual reason why he ended up in this situation… it feels horrible knowing that he made Ortho so worried and upset and heartbroken, but he just couldn’t say that he did it to feel good when he orgasms.
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twistedcharismaaa · 17 days
Silk Dreams: Temptations
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General Summary: The creation of Masego.
Summary: A deeper glimpse into the past of Masego and Charisma's relationship that leads to their awaiting future.
Author's Note: Hi guyssss! How are ya? I hope you guys are well! I miss you guys and love you guys so much! I’m here with a little update! I hope you guys enjoy it it! I know it’s been ten thousand years since I’ve last updated this. Please feel free to re-read as a refresher. I’m still rusty. I’m really insecure about this update to be transparent lol. So I really, really hope you guys enjoy this. I love y’all! Don’t forget to leave a comment for ya girl! I liveeeee for the commentary! Enjoyyyyy!
She didn’t know what captured her first - his smile, his laughter, or his eyes. She swore he had the warmest eyes she’d ever seen. And he was absolutely clueless of the power that rested in those dark brown orbs. She saw her fantasies in them. She saw vast possibilities, endless resolutions, and more importantly, freedom. She wondered how many versions of herself that she could be around him and she wondered who he was outside the confines of these four walls that they both seemed to frequent every Friday afternoon. The Smoothie Café on 15th Street was quaint and quiet. It was something that she had been lacking recently. The art of simplicity. She wondered if he lived a simple life and she wondered what he wrote about when he typed on that laptop of his. Whatever it was, held a lot of importance. She figured it was important enough for him not to notice her. 
Neglect was never a stranger to her, but it still hurt all the same. She figured this is just the life of an attention seeker ever insatiable for the spotlight or maybe ever insatiable for love. Silently, she sighed before taking another sweet swig of her fruity delight of a drink. Carelessly, she stole one more glance from Mr. Pretty Brown eyes. But this time, to her surprise, his eyes were already resting on hers. Again, he had the warmest eyes she’d ever seen but yet, they were able to send a chill down her spine. She smiled timidly and he did the same. Slowly, he stood up from his table and began gradually walking her way. 
She pretended to busy herself with some random app on her phone. Again, she took another sip of her smoothie and waited impatiently for his arrival. Moments later, he stood in front of her table. 
“Excuse me,” he said politely. 
“Yes,” she responded, kindly. 
“I’ve noticed that we both seem to come here a lot. The drinks here are amazing,” he said, as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. 
“They are,” she agreed. 
“I figured it’s time for me to introduce myself. I’m Ambrose. All my friends call me Ro,” he replied, smiling. 
“Charisma,” she answered. “That’s a pretty name. Doesn’t it mean immortal or something like that?” She quizzed.
“Yeah, it does. It has Greek Origins. Thank you,” he replied, chuckling. 
“You’re welcome,” she replied, smiling. 
“Since we’re on the topic of pretty things, I think you’re absolutely beautiful,” he admitted. 
And just like that her smile grew even wider. 
“Thank you,” she answered. 
“If you’re not busy or anything. I would love to take you out to dinner sometime. Or maybe we can get a smoothie together?” He suggested.
Before she could answer, The sound of reality buzzed in the palm of her hand. Masego was calling. Quickly, she ignored the call. 
“I would love to,” she replied, eagerly.
“Bet,” Ambrose stated, happily.
Gleefully, they both exchanged numbers and then exchanged goodbyes. 
She watched Ambrose exit the Smoothie Café with a small smile on her face. Once the door behind him closed, she returned her attention back to her phone. It buzzed again, and again, and again. Her phone was flooded with missed calls and unread texts. Reluctantly, she read Masego’s last message. 
“I’m back in town …. I want to see you. I missed you,”
Instantly, she was reminded of how courteous her lover was. He was just so mindful. How mindful and considerate he was to announce his arrival back home after not speaking to her for over a month. She was completely ghosted. His prized jewel on the shelf collecting dust. He was absolutely polished and pristine. How kind he was to update her on his well-being overseas through Instagram stories and Twitter posts. It would only be right for her to match his chivalry. She left her lover on read and tossed her phone in her purse. She gathered the rest of her belongings and exited the cafe and entered a new state of illusion. 
The crowd sounded like roaring lions. Their cheers echoed loudly throughout the building. Even with the door closed you can feel their adoration pulse. She couldn’t blame them though. She loved watching him perform on stage too. Quietly, she sat down and tried to think about all the things she loved about him. She even tried to think about all the reasons she had to stay and all the reasons she had to go. 
Breaking her many thoughts, she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. It was Ambrose calling. Hesitantly, she ignored his call. Seconds later, he followed up with a text. 
“Did you end it with him? Have you talked to him? Call me baby, please,”
She read his text and instantly her heart broke. Ambrose didn’t deserve this. She didn’t deserve this. 
“Fuckkk,” she groaned. 
Tears welled in her eyes and slid down her cheeks as she texted Ambrose back.  
“No, he’s performing right now. Didn’t catch him. Will call later,”
Quickly, she locked her phone and tossed it to the side. She closed her eyes and tried to quiet her mind. 
Several moments passed and Masego quickly entered his dressing room sweaty and breathless. A sense of relief washed over him the moment he saw Charisma’s face. She was still there. He smiled widely and sat beside her on the couch. 
“You’re here,” he whispered. 
“I am,” she replied. 
“Are you ready to talk?” She questioned, sternly. 
“Yes,” he answered. 
How quickly dreams can turn into nightmares….
Part 3
@ghostfacekill-monger @geriixox @sapphichottie @chaneajoyyy @isisafrofairy @mooon-berry @savagescorpion @nzia-writes @nelleana @blackburnbook @fendionmyfeet @neewrites @themajesticnigerian @theycallmechanty @teardropzih @xxariaxxaxx @shewrites02 @straightouttasimulation
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Listen idc about spoilers but what do you mean? That Simeon is human now?? Why?? When?? How?? Please I need answers
Oh gosh okay. Well I don't know how far along in the story you are, but it all begins with the end of season two in the OG. I'm gonna put the rest under a read more because it's all spoilers for anything after that. If you truly want to read them, I will outline the basics of the situation! I know I sometimes spoil myself on purpose so I know how emotionally invested to get lol.
So yes, at the end of season four in the OG, Simeon is now considered a human.
It started with the end of season two when he gives MC the Ring of Light in order to protect the three worlds from MC's out of whack magic. The other option was using the Night Dagger to sever all seven of MC's pacts. And in order to give the Night Dagger the power it needed to do that, it had to kill a really powerful demon. In this case, Lucifer. So at the end, MC is faced with killing Lucifer with the Night Dagger and then using it to sever their pacts. MC can choose to turn the knife on themselves instead because certainly killing themselves would stop their own magic from going haywire.
However, the Ring of Light can also control MC's magic and make things safe again. The Ring of Light used to belong to Lucifer, but Michael has had it since Lucifer fell.
Simeon shows up at the last second with the ring, thus saving Lucifer or MC's life. As well as giving MC the means to control their power and thus saving the three worlds from continued destruction.
It turns out that Simeon essentially stole the ring from Michael because he took it without asking. His punishment is to have his angelic blessing/grace removed. I think they refer to it as his angelic blessing in the game, but I can't quite remember. It's basically the magic that makes him an angel. This causes him to have zero magic and no wings, without which he can't return to the Celestial Realm at all. This essentially classifies him as human.
Season three of the OG takes place in the human world. The brothers come to visit MC there, but Simeon is also running a cafe with Luke nearby. So for an entire season, MC is unaware of Simeon's human status.
Season four returns us to the Devildom where Simeon continues to wear his human world outfit. Despite this, he still doesn't tell MC the truth until the end of the season. He's in the Devildom under the protection of Lucifer and Diavolo because he can't technically participate in the exchange program anymore. Thus why Raphael shows up. (I may be misremembering some of these details... it's been a minute since I played season four.)
This is why a lot of people were upset about Nightbringer happening in the past. Because we kinda just finally get Simeon to tell us the truth and then BAM he's an angel again lol. Anyway, now that we're potentially going back to our current timeline, we'll see what his status is.
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th3p0rtalmaker · 5 months
Triumphant Update: I Am Now a Homed Person!!! 🥳🙌🏻🥳🙌🏻🥳🙌🏻
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(Gaze upon my illustrious air mattress bed, lol. 🤣)
So a summary of everything that's happened in the last week:
Last Tuesday:
- I took a bus to visit an organization that offers case management services (among other services for the homeless, mentally ill, struggling with addiction, etc.)
- Said organization isn't offering the services I need until Feb (at least, maybe longer) and someone stole my phone after I dropped it on the bus. They then tried to pay their Cricket Wireless phone bill with the Venmo debit card that was in the back of my phone case (Did I mention my legal ID was also in the back of aid pone case?)
Last Wednesday:
- One of my social service workers drove up to the city I was staying in with her boss; they purchased a new prepaid phone for me (and the first month's service), took me to the local DMV to order my replacement ID, and then treated me to lunch at Olive Garden
- The warming bus I usually sleep in (since getting kicked out of the only night shelter in town for no reason) was closed that night, because the temperature wasn't cold enough; I ended up sleeping under a bridge with another homeless person - he was an older man that I did not know well at all, and we had a snuggle a bit for warmth, but thankfully he didn't do anything inappropriate
Last Thuresday:
- My social worker from the day before returned to pick me up and drive me back to Lynchburg; she treated me to lunch and dinner at Chick-fil-A, then put up in a hotel for the night
Last Friday:
- A different social worker from my team took me to the apartment that accepted my housing voucher so I could move in
Today (Wednesday):
- I had an eye exam and placed an order from a new pair of glasses, both of which were covered by my insurance (because I'm tired of running around half blind)
- At the end of my eye appointment, I find out there's a $49 copay for things that weren't covered by my insurance for undisclosed reasons; even tho they were willing to communicate with my social workers and figure out how to take care of the copay, then will not order the glasses I need until that copay is paid
And I've been relying on food pantries to feed myself while I wait for my food stamps to get refilled. (I also can't cook anything until I get some bakingware/cookingware, but I'm fully stocked with boxes of mac n cheese and regular pasta. 🤣👏🏻)
Hopefully now that I've got a stable living space, I'll be able to land a job and/or get more students to pay me for online tutoring very soon. (My team of social workers is also working on acquiring some furniture for me!)
Thank you so much to everyone who's been supporting me! I would never have lasted this long without you. I think there are still plenty of experiences from my time being homeless that I need time to process and work thru. But I'm moving forward with the idea that this is my official new beginning since escaping my abusive family. It's going to take a lot of work to get the meds I need, to fnd work that will support me, and get the therapy I need for my lifetime thus far of abuse and trauma. But I have help (in multiple forms), and hope. ☺️
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kanansdume · 1 year
I don't want ANYONE to tell me that this season is still Din Djarin's storyline lol. I know I said I wanted Din to have an episode or two stolen the way he stole from TBOBF, but boy howdy was THIS not what I meant.
What is the POINT of portraying the New Republic as completely phony and farcical to the point of being just as bad as the Empire? What kind of message does it send that the government Leia Organa and Mon Mothma and the Rebel Alliance helped create and put in place is a place that will dehumanize people to the point of stripping them of their names and torturing them in the name of the greater good? A government we know gets destroyed by the First Order in the Sequel Trilogy, no less. Are we supposed to think that was a GOOD thing, because I don't recall being told to cheer for the First Order at the time?
What kind of message does this send? Yes, the old Republic from the Prequel Trilogy was corrupt, but a major element to that is that it COULD'VE BEEN SAVED. It was NOT beyond the point of no return until it became an Empire. The Republic falling to the Empire is still supposed to be SAD and a major downgrade that nearly destroys the galaxy, which is why they spend the next trilogy working to take down the Empire in order to re-instate a democratic Republic. What does it say if we're supposed to believe that that new democratic government is basically just... still the Empire? Nothing's changed? Is the First Order truly that bad if the New Republic is no worse anyway? What are we supposed to do now that the First Order is gone? Is there any point to trying to make yet ANOTHER democratic Republic? Will the New New Republic, the New Republic: Electric Boogaloo if you will, be any better than its predecessor or will it ALSO just... be equally as bad? Is there any hope for the future at this point or is the galaxy just going to now be in a constant cycle of different variations on evil corrupt systems?
It feels SO defeatist. What is even left to FIGHT for? And what does this even have to DO with Mandalore, when we know that canonically they can't do ANYTHING? Regardless of what happens with Mandalore, it has zero impact on the events of the Sequel Trilogy. They don't save the New Republic, if they even care about it. The First Order doesn't appear to have any real interest in Mandalore, or what's left of it within what we get to see in the Sequel Trilogy. So how do these stories even connect from this point and what is their impact on each other and what are we supposed to take from it?
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
My Man, My Man, My Man
A Ballerina's Tale Instagram AU
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, sza, lilnasx, druski2funny, cozane, 2forwoyne, claybornharlow, kehlani, and 1,294,056 others
yournameonpointe: my man, my man, my man 😍😍😍
jackharlow: who, me? 🙈
kehlani: I guess he's okay if you into curly haired white boys and all that
jackharlow: kehlani AHT AHT cut the shit
kehlani: jackharlow no you stole bestie away from me the other day so we not talking right now
urbanwyatt: sounds about right, he's famous for doing that and so is yournameonpointe
yournameonpointe: urbanwyatt not you choosing violence too
urbanwyatt: yournameonpointe did I lie? jackharlow sees you and no one else matters and vice vera. yall act like no one else is in the room.
jackharlow: kehlani you literally had her all day
kehlani: jackharlow your point?
yournameonpointe: urbanwyatt and I'd do it again too
jackharlow: urbanwyatt uh I'm confused? Last time I checked that is my wife???
yournameonpointe: I be saying 'my husband' to death and I know people be sick of me but idc. MY HUSBAND 🥰
jackharlow: kehlani 🙄
blancathebaddie: yall should have seen yournameonpointe on facetime with me and jessmichelle when they first got married. that damn ring he put on her finger almost blinded me
jessmichelle: blancathebaddie and she kept putting it closer into the camera lmaooooo like Y/N, WE SEE IT LMAO
yournameonpointe: blancathebaddie jessmichelle I had to let yall know
jessmichelle: yournameonpointe we did know, we were the witnesses or did you forget? lmaoooo
yournameonpointe: jessmichelle oh, right
blancathebaddie: jessmichelle girl you know she was only looking at jackharlow and no one else
yournameonpointe: can yall blame me when my husband looks like this?!?!?
jackharlow: yournameonpointe 🙈🙈🙈
druski2funny: yournameonpointe I mean I guess he's suitable for you
jackharlow: druski2funny YOU GUESS?
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Liked by yournameonpointe, claybornharlow, blancathebaddie, jessmichelle, kehlani, sza, druski2funny, and 2,397,051 others
jackharlow: my entire universe in one picture 😍
sza: I see yall put that outfit I bought to good use!
jackharlow: sza you literally bought enough things to last her until she's 21. the only thing you didn't pay attention to is that SHE IS GOING TO GROW
sza: jackharlow look if it was cute, I put it in the cart
jackharlow: sza you have a shopping problem just like my wife
yournameonpointe: jackharlow square up right now
urbanwyatt: lmaooooooo
claybornharlow: jackharlow you better take that back lol
jackharlow: claybornharlow no I said what I said
yournameonpointe: jackharlow okay come get this smoke and urbanwyatt you too for laughing
urbanwyatt: yournameonpointe I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING
yournameonpointe: urbanwyatt you laughed and that was enough
jackharlow: yournameonpointe and it's only gotten worse since Baby L was born and let's go then
blancathebaddie: jackharlow your wife will mop the floor with you
jessmichelle: blancathebaddie she could probably pick him up at this point lol
yournameonpointe: jackharlow come here so I can test out this theory
jackharlow: yournameonpointe for my ass to go flying to the floor? I think not. try again.
yournamesource: Baby L is too adorable and has an amazing set of parents 💖
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Liked by jackharlow, sza, jessmichelle, blancathebaddie, estgee, urbanwyatt, quiiso, neelamthadhani, djdrama, and 2,863,061 others
yournameonpointe: Back at it 💖
jackharlow: my little prima ballerina 😍😍😍😍
kehlani: all of your ballet shoots are absolutely FIRE
yournameonpointe: jackharlow I love you my baby 🥰
yournameonpointe: kehlani thank you boo!
2forwoyne: yournameonpointe come get your husband please
yournameonpointe: 2forwoyne what did he do now?!
neelamthadhani: yournameonpointe watching your dance videos because he misses you
yournameonpointe: neelamthadhani awww jackharlow you miss me stink?
jackharlow: not yall putting me on blast and yournameonpointe of course I do
blancathebaddie: such a damn simp
jackharlow: blancathebaddie AND?!? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?!
yournameonpointe: jackharlow there is no problem. love you bad and I will never get tired of saying it jackharlow: yournameonpointe love you right back
jessmichelle: yournameonpointe jackharlow do yall have to be so disgustingly cute under every single post?
jackharlow: jessmichelle yes
yournameonpointe: jessmichelle yes
jackharlow: jessmichelle after she gave me a second chance, ain't no way in hell I'm messing that up
blancathebaddie: jackharlow good because Panchito will be set loose if you step a toe out of line
yournameonpointe: BLANCA!
blancathebaddie: yournameonpointe I did nothing wrong 😐
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Liked by yournameonpointe, 2forwoyne, neelamthadhani, djdrama, estgee, lilnasx, druski2funny, shloob_, theshaderoom, and 2,961,058 others
jackharlow: proud wife moment when she tells you to stand next to a picture of yourself so she can take a pic 😭
blancathebaddie: LMAOOOO SHE IS SO DAMN EXTRA 😭😭
jackharlowsource: we love a supportive wife and husband 🥰
jessmichelle: this doesn't surprise me AT ALL lmaoooo
yournameonpointe: look idc, that's my boo
lilnasx: yournameonpointe WE KNOW
yournameonpointe: jackharlow and stop looking so good all the time. I just had one baby, but..... if we were to have another one......
sza: yournameonpointe if you don't take your horny ass on somewhere lmaoooo
jackharlow: yournameonpointe don't tempt me
yournameonpointe: sza yall see what my husband looks like, I stay ready to jump him lmaoooooo jackharlow I'M READY
blancathebaddie: and no lies were told lmaooo
urbanwyatt: so the two of them are walking behind us and being all lovey dovey as usual with baby L.O. and the next thing I hear is yournameonpointe yelling all because she saw the New Balance picture lmaooooo
neelamthadhani: urbanwyatt I thought something was wrong because she was so loud but nope just a picture of her husband who also happened to be standing next to her lmaoooo
quiiso: and L.O. was then given to me to hold so that she could take the picture lol
yournameonpointe: imma say this forever, that's my baby and I am always going to let him know how proud I am of him
jackharlow: yournameonpointe 🙈🙈
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blossomofhope · 2 months
(psst @birchtreecat. testing hell is not over but anyway. also i’m sorry for the tag lol)
Prelude - Mizuki
They buried Tsukasa at sundown, because he would have liked that. He would have liked the grand funeral ceremony they held for him in the city centre, too. Perhaps he would have liked a lot of other things, but Mizuki had never quite understood him. Tsukasa’s mind, they thought, was like a lock that needed picking. You had to know how it worked before you could learn anything from it. Something like that. 
Mizuki turned away from Tsukasa’s grave, looking out at the houses clustered together as if conferring on matters of utmost importance. 
People were already setting out candles like such a minuscule gesture was going to fend off the darkness once and for all. They pretended it was for him - a final farewell to someone so unlike anyone else it had always felt deliberate. Then they stole a glance at Akito. He had been quiet all day. He had been quiet since the news had come. “We were all supposed to get out of there,” he muttered more to himself than them. They thought those were the words of someone who had grown up away from all of this, but then weren’t they thinking the same thing? Somehow, Mizuki had thought - felt like they’d known - that between Tsukasa’s skill, Akito’s strength and their strategies, they would all survive this war. They were supposed to be hailed as heroes one day. There was supposed to be fanfares, parades, speeches. Not a funeral, a brief period of mourning and the expectation that the two of them that remained would return to what they did as easily as breathing, as if one of their number wasn’t gone.
It was a cold, miserable sort of day when Tsukasa died. All they and Akito were told was that Tsukasa had made an attempt on the Kitai blockade and not returned. Mizuki remembered how they had warned him against that, but wasn’t charging ahead the very thing Tsukasa had garnered such fame from? He never would have listened to them, or Akito, or even Shiho.
So the three of them had put on a display of normalcy and said a few words that hadn’t felt like enough, for the people’s sake. 
It was easy to forget, they thought, that to the public they were military heroes, not people. Not really.
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nixytea · 2 years
dear bus noona | n.rk
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pairing: non-idol! nishimura riki x noona! reader
genre: romance, fluff, letter, bus crush (i know cafe crush is kind of a genre but what about bus seatmates?)
inspired by: my bus rides lol
summary: in which ni-ki writes a letter to the noona who’s on his bus every day :)
wc: 646
warnings: older crush(?), mentions of crying, cat canvas bags, sad books (???i liked it so im not sure if it needs a warning)
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dear bus noona:
the first time i met you, you stole took my seat. my favourite seat!!! the window seat. and because you were sleeping, your head blocked my view so i nearly missed my stop >:(( next time sit on the outside okay? but you looked kinda cute when you were asleep…
then i started seeing you on the same bus. every single day. IN THE SAME SEAT. i caught a glimpse of your id while you were putting away your bus pass. that’s how i know you’re a noona. clever, aren’t i? :> but anyway. at least you weren’t asleep the second time. you know noona, you should sleep more, instead of relying on the horrible-smelling coffee you carry around all the time. sometimes you stare at the trees passing by, and i guess it relaxes you because after 5 minutes on the bus you look less tense than when you first get on.
last week, you started carrying a really ugly canvas bag. noona, i love cats too but please stop carrying that bag around the poor kitten’s face is misshapen. the manufacturer of your bag doesn’t do cats justice. seriously, the cat face print looks more like a pig than a cat. return it if you bought it, unless you got it as a gift, which in that case please never bring that out in public again. it’s an eyesore.
the other day, you had a new keychain on your bag zipper, with cha eunwoo’s face on it. does noona find him handsome? are you really a cha eunwoo fangirl? i’m even more good-looking than him what’s your favourite kdrama then? i’ve watched a few of the really popular ones but i don’t really know what else to watch. can noona give me some suggestions? so long as they don’t have cha eunwoo in them.
noona, you looked so funny on the bus last wednesday, crying while reading that english book that i can’t remembering the name of. (was it swing sideways? i don’t know.) i’m sorry for laughing at you. but if i hadn’t laughed you wouldn’t have yelled at me for teasing you! so you should thank me for laughing, ok? don’t be mad at me…i just thought it was cute that you could be so worked up about books. even though i’m not close to noona, just watching you has already told me so much about what you’re like. our chat was really fun, and you’re really fun too.
ahhh, noona, sometimes you’re so cute when i see you. your fashion sense makes me wonder if i’m older or you are. you’re so weird, noona! you’re such an odd person, and i can’t help but want to be friends with you. so dear bus noona, talk to me more ok?
with love,
the kid on the bus who squished your crocheting project by accident ♡
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riki sighed, head tilting backwards as he leaned back into his chair. the white light from his desk lamp illuminated his ghostly complexion, and he realised he’d been up far too late for a kid who still had school the next day. twirling his favourite pen absentmindedly, riki reread his letter one more time, before humming in satisfaction when he found no more areas to be corrected. in went the fancy parchment paper, and all that was left on riki’s desk was a lavender-scented manila envelope held in place by a piece of twine. (he’d borrowed konon’s perfume, and he’d make sure sola took that secret to the grave.)
unbeknownst to riki, there was a small smile gracing his lips as he went to bed that night. he needed the sleep, after all tomorrow was going to be a big day. with the flip of a switch, the room was plunged into darkness, but the tiny flame of hope in riki’s heart glowed brighter than anything.
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a/n: so…here we are. i just think ni-ki’s adorable. i’m not even older than the beloved maknae so why am i writing about being his noona T-T but anyway! this is my first time writing fluff in a long while so im very rusty but it’s my soft hours so enjoy it while it lasts
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Bad Decisions
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A/N: this is my first fic so pls be nice haha. it’s been probably 5 years since i’ve written anything other than poetry so i would appreciate constructive criticism!! also, i got the ideas for this after getting high and had a dream about being with matty lol. and if you like this and have an idea for a request let me know!! i love writing and i struggle with ideas sometimes. i also am experimenting with different povs so the next one might be different.
warnings: smut (18+), cheating, drugs, spanking, choking, degradation, bit of cnc i guess?, littlest bit of exhibitionism, violence, blood
prompt: Y/N is dating George, she gets high with Matty and cheats on George. “You’re a dirty fucking girl,” and “Tell me I’m better than him.” Also inspired by the video of Matty yelling “FUCKING SAY IT!!
5,586 words
I couldn't help but feel anxious in this situation. I often struggled with anxiety, but this felt different. There I was, sitting alone in the living room of my boyfriend's house. George must have been running late from his 'errands' he had to complete after school. I wasn't stupid, I knew that George always stole some money from his parents to buy coke and weed before they went on a trip. Though sweet, George had little to no self-control or responsibility.
His parents had gone out of town for the week on an anniversary vacation, leaving George by himself. They knew he was capable of surviving on his own for a week, even if that meant eating frozen pizzas every day while they were gone. I always made fun of him for his lack of 'adult skills' that most 17-year-olds have. The boy couldn't even do his own laundry, yet he insisted on moving in with Matty after graduation. I couldn't imagine that duo living together.
The anxiety returned to my chest as I heard a noise come from upstairs of the house. I quickly rose from the couch, walking slowly towards the front door. Did someone break in? I heard heavy but slow footsteps making their way closer to the staircase. I couldn't see the figure, but I heard their low mumbles.
"Who's there?" I questioned, the fear evident in my tone. I knew George's parents would be furious if their house got broken into. I held my breath in, hoping that would mask my fear.
I soon saw two tattooed feet step down the staircase. They were followed by the shadow of long legs, a bare torso, and a mop of curly hair. Matty. Of course.
"Aw, how sweet, you came here for me? I always knew you wanted me more than George." He said with a smirk. He continued his walk down the stairs, meeting me at the bottom.
"Oh fuck off," I let go of the air I was holding in, relieved that there was no threat at all. Except for a threat to my sanity.
"Did I scare you, love?" He questioned. "No, I just didn't know anyone was here. Why are you here?" George hadn't mentioned anyone arriving early, and by the looks of it, Matty had just woken up. His hair was disheveled and the bags under his eyes made me guess that it was a long night. Every night was a long night for Matty.
"George let me stay last night. Too hungover to go home, plus I don't feel like seeing my dad. Not in the mood to deal with that prick." He sauntered over to the sofa, grabbed the television remote, and plopped down. He turned the TV on and opened the Netflix app.
I didn't know when George would get back, so I made my way to the sofa and sat across from Matty. I had only known Matty for a few months, as George introduced me to him shortly after we started dating. I thought Matty was alright. He was funny, and a bit narcissistic, but a good friend to George.
Matty opened Breaking Bad on the TV and pressed play. He reached into his pocket and pulled out what I assumed was a joint, along with a lighter. "How sweet, you saved one for me." I joked, but he rolled his eyes and lit the joint.
"Do you actually want some?" He asked, holding the joint in the corner of his mouth.
"No! I’ve never even smoked before, you know that.” I scoffed at him. I may have hung out with George and Matty’s crowd, but I definitely did not fit in with them. They threw parties often, which I attended, but I never partook in any of their activities. I sat out on most things, cigarettes, joints, alcohol, and even spin the bottle. The hard drugs I never dared to touch, and George didn’t know that I knew they did any.
“Doll, it’s about time you try some. You’ve hung out with us enough. Time to drop the innocent schoolgirl act. Besides, I know what you and George get up to,” He said with a smirk on his face. My eyes widened at his admission. There’s no way George would have told Matty what we did.
“What do you mean, ‘what you get up to’? What did he say?” I questioned, turning my body to face him.
He chuckled and took another drag of his joint. “Let’s see, titty fucking, spanking, and the story of when he took your virginity. Losing it in the backseat of a car is very dirty, Y/N.”
My face was flushed pink. I turned away, fearful that Matty would comment on it. “I can’t believe he would tell you that,” I sighed.
“Darling, don’t worry about it. We’re best mates, after all. Here, let me help you get your mind off of him,” He said, scooting closer to me.
“Matty, what are you doing?” I questioned.
“Nothing, just relax. I’m going to take a hit of this and you’re going to inhale the smoke. It’ll help you feel better, trust me,” He said with a sly grin
“O-okay? I’m not going to get high am I?”
“‘Course not, love,”
Matty’s fingers brought the joint to his lips. His cheeks hollowed, sucking the smoke into his mouth. He ushered for me to come closer, so I did. Our faces were inches apart, yet not close enough for him. He grabbed the back of my head, pulling me closer to him. His lips were almost connecting mine. It felt wrong, the ultimate betrayal to George, but it felt so exciting at the same time. I had never done a ‘wrong’ thing in my life, yet here I am with my lips inches away from the personification of the word wrong.
Matty’s thumb rested below my bottom lip, slowly pulling my lips apart. His lips parted, allowing the smoke to enter my mouth.
“Close your mouth. Hold the smoke in and then inhale,” He whispered. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, but I submissively followed his orders. I felt the smoke burn my throat, causing me to cough violently.
“There it is. Such a good girl,” He whispered.
“Now what do we do?” I asked.
“You’ll start to feel high in like 20 minutes.”
I jumped up from my seat on the couch. My head was already feeling lighter, but that wasn’t going to stop me. “Matty! You told me I wouldn’t get high from that!” I exclaimed.
“How stupid are you? You seriously thought inhaling smoke from a joint wouldn’t do anything to you?” He argued
“I’m out of here. I can’t fucking believe you,” I grabbed my phone from the couch and stuck it between the band of my skirt. I almost made it into the kitchen before a hand grabbed my wrist.
“Y/N, you can’t leave. I’m not letting you wander the streets while you’re high. Get back in there and sit down,” He commanded. His face showed no signs of humor, he must have been serious.
I was losing all self-control, my mind quickly became fuzzy, and threw all responsibility out the window. “Why should I? You lied to me and called me stupid.”
“Y/N, don’t make me say it again. Sit. Down.” He glared down at me, him being easily a few inches taller. Though not as tall as George, the tone in his voice certainly made him seem like it.
I kept my mouth shut, worried I would get reprimanded again. I sighed in defeat. He led me back to the couch and let go of my wrist.
I sat down again and examined the red mark on my wrist. The sight made me shiver. I shouldn’t have liked his harsh grip on me or his harsh words, but I did. George never treated me that way, other than some light spanking when he took me from behind. George was a true gentleman, a kind soul who would do anything for his girl. George treated me like a queen. Matty was the antithesis of George.
Matty was pure darkness, a true mystery. He was unpredictable to others and himself. He was impulsive, daring, and free. Matty was the type of person they teach you to stay away from in school. He truly cared about no one other than himself. Yet, at that moment, he showed a glimpse of care when I insisted on leaving.
“I feel funny,” I whispered to him, my voice now soft and quiet. I let out a giggle on accident. My brain was no longer able to control my body and I knew Matty would enjoy it.
“Good. You’re supposed to.”
“Do you feel funny?”
“Not especially. I’m used to it. But this is your first time, tell me everything you feel.”
I leaned back into the couch, watching Matty attentively. His curly brown hair was out of control, yet perfect. His brown eyes were full of mystery, yet full of passion. His arms were visible thanks to his lack of a shirt. His veins were prominent, almost coercing me towards him. He was sinful.
“I feel like I’m doing something bad,” I said truthfully
“Love, it’s just a bit of weed. It won’t hurt you.”
“No, not that. I keep thinking about you and it feels wrong,” I admitted.
He smirked and sat up from his previous laying position on the couch. “Oh yeah? What are you thinking about?” He questioned. His tone caused my body to feel warm. Matty’s voice was like a drug. I knew I should stay away, yet I kept going back for more.
“Your hands. They’re veiny and they look nice. And your lips whenever you let the smoke into my mouth,” I was hesitant with my words. Even my high brain knew this was wrong.
Matty scooted closer to me, only inches away. His hand moved to rest on my bare knee. “My hands, huh? Well, I’ve been thinking about you too. What my hands could do to you, if you’d let me,” He coaxed.
His hand slowly traveled up my thigh. His fingers rubbed small circles into my skin. My hips involuntarily rose from the couch to meet his grip. He chuckled lightly at my actions.
“Matty, w-we can’t. I’m dating George,” I protested, unsure if I was trying to convince him or myself.
“Y/N, don’t think about George right now. I can make you feel way better than he can,” He whispered into my ear. I let out a sigh mixed with a moan. My head was spinning from the weed and the tension. His fingers felt like both ice and fire at the same time. He was slowly taking over my body. It was evident that I was losing this battle. I could feel the wetness under my skirt. If his fingers moved a few more inches he would be sure to feel it.
“Okay…just a little,” I gave in.
As soon as Matty heard those words leave my mouth, he got to work. He crashed his lips into mine and pulled me into his lap. My hips ground into his slowly. His hands were woven through my hair, gripping and pulling at the strands. I moaned at his pulling, which brought a smirk onto his face.
I leaned down for more, addicted to the taste of weed and tobacco on his lips. His hands traveled quickly from my hair to my back. He slipped his hands under my shirt and gripped my waist. I wasn’t skinny by any means, so I tried to hold myself up so I wouldn’t crush him.
“Babe, just relax. Let me take care of you,” He whispered in between kisses.
“I don’t want to crush you, I’m too heavy,” I whispered back.
“Is that what George tells you? Darling, don’t be afraid to give me your body,” He says and plants a kiss on my cheek.
He resumed his attack on my lips. I let go and laid on top of him fully. My hands were gripping the back of his neck while his moved down to my skirt. One hand gripped my waist while the other traveled under my skirt. His strong hand gripped my ass so tightly that I knew it would leave bruises.
I was becoming short of breath so I parted from our aggressive kiss. He gave my ass a sharp smack, “Did I say you could stop?”
“No, sir.”
“Good fucking girl,” He growled into my ear.
He tried to resume the kiss, but I shoved him back lightly. He looked at me both confused and irritated. I leaned up to take my shirt off, leaving me only in my black skirt and sports bra.
“Let me see all of you, baby,” He said as he lifted my bra above my head. He threw the garment across the room and returned his focus to my body.
His eyes left mine, lowering to my newly exposed breasts. One hand returned to my ass underneath my skirt, while the other gripped at my breast. I let out a loud moan at the contact. It had been a few weeks since George touched me like that.
Matty’s mouth attached to my nipple, sucking and pulling on it lightly. He groped my ass and pulled me closer to him. He repeated this, allowing me to grind into him once again. I could feel his hardness poking my inner thigh. I would gladly help him out, but he seemed to be content with worshiping my body.
His lips left my breast. “Take your skirt off,” He commanded.
I did as he said. I got up from being on top of him and pulled my skirt down my legs. The only thing covering me was my light pink underwear covered in little heart decals.
“So fucking sweet and innocent. Get on your knees for me.”
I lowered myself down onto my knees. He sat up, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. I helped him push his jeans off, leaving his black boxers on.
“Can I touch you, sir?” I asked, batting my eyelashes. I don’t know what overcame me, the weed or Matty, but I became a whole different person. My sex with George was slow and sweet. With Matty, I became a complete harlot, a sinner, a fallen angel.
“Yeah baby, touch my cock for me,” He said. He palmed his hard cock through his boxers, getting it ready for me to take it.
I grabbed the waistband of his boxers and slowly pulled them down. His hard length hit his stomach, tempting me closer. He was big. Not quite as thick as George's but similar in length. I could feel my mouth watering, a mixture of cotton mouth and pure lust.
My innocent eyes looked up at him through long lashes as I gave him an experimental tug. He stared down at me with an open mouth, no sign of pleasure or discomfort. I was nervous. This was only my third time doing this to a guy. I decided to follow my instincts.
I licked from his base to his tip. He sighed, leaning his head back and looking at the ceiling. I gave his tip a few kitten licks before I fully committed. His hands flew to my hair, forming a makeshift ponytail.
I took him into my mouth, starting slow at first. I bobbed my head up and down, staring into his eyes for approval. He moaned my name almost as if he knew I was seeking approval.
“Such a good little girl taking my cock. I know you can take more,” He groaned.
I continued taking his length in my mouth before sinking down all the way, his tip reaching the back of my throat. I had his entire length in my mouth, my eyes were watering, and I was gripping his thighs tightly. He pulled me off by his grip on my hair.
“Fucking hell, Y/N, George never told me you were that good.” He smiled down at me.
Those words should’ve made me do a double-take. I should’ve stopped everything and walked out. I should have. But I didn’t.
Matty pushed my head back down onto his cock. He gripped the sides of my head and quickly thrust into my mouth. His tip was reaching the back of my throat with every thrust. The sounds coming from my mouth were unholy. My spit was running down his length and thighs. I’m sure there would be stains on this couch.
Matty pulled me off his length again. “I need to taste you, baby. It’s not fair he gets you whenever he wants.”
He lifted me up by my arms. “Jump,” He adds. I do as I’m told. He catches me, holding me up by my ass. I can feel his length resting against my ass and I let out a moan. Matty walks us over to the stairs before I interject.
“What are you doing?” I question.
“Taking you upstairs, love.”
He walks us upstairs, clearly struggling to hold my weight with his lanky arms. He kicks open the door to a room I know all too well. I’m thrown onto George’s bed. Images of my lovely boyfriend flood my head. It should be him with me right now, throwing me around and pushing me onto my knees. Matty is staring down at me like I’m his prey, not wanting to waste a second before devouring me.
“Close the door,” I add.
Matty leans down. I feel a sting on my cheek before I even hear it. Matty gripped the cheek he had just slapped. “You’re in no place to make demands.”
“Sorry, sir. What if he comes back?” I was worried about George walking in on us. I wasn’t worried much about getting caught cheating, I was more worried about not being able to finish underneath Matty.
“He’s not coming back soon. I texted him when you got here and told him to get food with Adam for the party.”
I sighed in relief. My high brain only wanted one thing; Matty. The weed made everything feel 100 times stronger, his touches, his words, even his presence. Everything went straight to my core.
Matty pushed me up further on the bed. “I wanna taste you, can I?” He asked.
I nodded, not being able to make out any words. I felt like putty in his hands. I couldn’t think or speak. All I could do was react to his touch.
He spread my legs and pulled down my pink panties. The cool air hit my core, causing me to shut my legs. “Keep them open, Y/N. Don’t make me tell you twice.”
He forged my legs open again and ran a finger down my stomach. He reached my pelvis and applied a slight amount of pressure. “You’re gonna feel me here real soon, baby. I’ll show you how a real man fucks,” He groaned.
His finger traveled slowly down to my clit. He rubbed little circles on my clit, causing my legs to jolt up and almost hit his face. He chuckled at my eagerness. His finger slipped down to gather my wetness.
“Holy fuck, you’re dripping.”
“It’s all for you, Matty.”
“It fucking better be.”
He dipped a finger into my entrance as if to test the waters. I moaned loudly, not having felt this kind of intrusion in weeks. He kept his finger still, waiting for more of a reaction. I huffed, needing more. I lowered my hips down, fucking myself slowly on his finger.
“Greedy little whore. You want me that bad? Beg for it.” He commanded. Strands of his hair were falling out of place, one stray curl was covering part of his eyebrow. He looked beautiful, gorgeous even. He and I both knew I would do anything he said.
“Please, Matty. Please, Please, Please. I’ve been so good for you. You’re so fucking hot, I want you inside of me so badly, please. Please fuck me with your fingers until I can’t walk, please baby.” I cried out.
He smiled, accepting my plea. He plunged his finger further into me, quickly thrusting in and out. He leaned down and licked a stripe up from my entrance to my clit. He began to lick in circles around my sensitive clit. I moaned, and my hand reached down to grip his dark locks.
He added another finger inside me, stretching me out enough for him. The thrusts of his fingers were quick and deliberate. His fingers were long and calloused and they hit the right spots in me. I moaned his name and pulled roughly on his hair.
He slapped my thigh, “Don’t pull my hair you fucking bitch.”
I moaned loudly, surely loud enough for the neighbors to hear. This was nothing new for them, as George and I frequently had fun over the summer. The loudness and shrillness may have been new for them, as George had never made me feel anything as pleasurable.
Matty’s fingers slipped out from inside me. I groaned at the loss of fullness. The fullness was comforting, knowing this was the closest I could possibly be to another human being. His body and mine, intertwined for a short period of time.
“Are you ready for me, baby girl?” He asked. He got on his knees, hovering over me. One hand rested on my knee, keeping my legs apart. The other hand was moving up and down on his length.
“Yes, sir, please give it to me. I want you so bad,” I said, yet it almost came out as a squeak. I was breathing hard and the weed was causing me anxiety. My fears and anxiety were silenced by Matty slowly pushing into me.
We both moaned in unison. He pinned one of my hands down, my other hand was palming my breasts. “Don’t touch yourself, that’s my job,” He grunted.
He pushed his long length into me until he finally bottomed out. He and I were both shaking from the ecstasy of sex and drugs combined. He pulled out slowly, then thrust back into me. I let out a cry, the pace being too slow.
“Faster, Matty, faster.” I cried.
“Don’t tell me what to fucking do. You want faster? I’ll give you fucking faster,” He pummeled into me harshly, forcing my head to hit the bed frame. He didn’t stop for me, he wouldn’t stop for anything. He continued his quick and deliberate thrusts. He gave my cheek a light slap and pulled on my hair.
“Ugh, I’ve wanted this so fucking badly for so long. Take it, baby.” He groaned. I knew it was probably the weed talking, but my heart still fluttered at his words.
My hand gripped the back of his neck and brought him down for a kiss. Our lips devoured each other’s, our tongues battled for dominance. My battle was short-lived, as we both knew I was just a toy for him to ruin. I was okay with that. My fantasy of finally doing something wrong was coming true. I felt like a true sinner.
“You’re a dirty fucking girl, aren’t you? Look at you all fucked out on my cock. Fucking say it, say you’re a dirty fucking girl, Y/N,” he growled. His hand came down on the sides of my throat, squeezing enough to make me even more lightheaded.
I couldn’t speak. His cock pounding into me at a harsh speed was overwhelming. His hand on my throat, his other hand pinning me down, was pushing me over the edge. I let out a small squeak, trying to warn him of my closeness.
He slapped my cheek again, “Fucking say it!” He yelled, quickening his pace. I felt my eyes roll back into my head as my body let go. I had never had an orgasm while high before. It felt unearthly. My body shook, and I felt my core clenching and unclenching around him while he continued thrusting into me. I was seeing colors and I blocked out all noise, including Matty’s grunts and moans. I felt like I was on a cloud.
I was smacked out of my orgasm, literally, by Matty. “Little slut can’t speak when she’s spoken to and she comes without permission. Little girl needs to learn her lesson.” He pulled out of me quickly and flipped me over onto all fours.
I arched my back, knowing that’s what he wanted to see. He moaned and planted a firm smack onto my ass. He pushed back inside me, not waiting for me to readjust at all.
His pace did not falter. The new angle allowed him better access to my g-spot, which he hit perfectly.
“Say you’re a dirty fucking girl,” He moaned into my ear.
“I’m a dirty fucking girl! I’m such a slut for you, Matty! You feel so good,” I moaned out.
“That’s it. You’re doing so good for me. So tight.”
“Give it to me, Matty. Make me come again please!”
My cries were silenced by his hand over my mouth. I grunted into his hand, I wanted everyone in the neighborhood to know how good Matty’s cock felt inside of me.
“Tell me I’m better,” He groans and lifts his hand from my mouth. He places his hands on my hips, slamming my hips back against his.
“What?” I question. He couldn’t be referring to George, could he?
“George, tell me I’m better than George. Has he ever made you come like this, baby?”
His hips pause. He lifts me up and pressed my back against his chest. He holds me up by my arms, his face right next to mine.
I look him directly in the eyes. “You’re so much fucking better than him.”
He moans and pounds into me once again. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna come. Where do you want me?”
“I-I’m close too. Come inside me, Matty, please. He’s never done that before,” I moan into his ear.
My brain was so fuzzy, I didn’t process the sound of the front door opening or the sound of George and Adam laughing downstairs. Matty most certainly heard them since a wide grin appeared on his face.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna come. Tell me I’m better again,” He whines.
My tits were bouncing, my mouth was agape. Matty’s eyes burned into mine, not daring to break eye contact. It was a sinful scene. It was a sight straight out of a porn. I reached down to rub circles at my clit, bringing myself closer to the edge.
“You’re better, Matty! You’re better than George!” I screamed with one final rub of my finger. My climax washed over me for the second time that day. I fell back onto Matty’s chest and my hands reached up to grab the curls at the nape of his neck.
I couldn’t process the sounds around me once again, but I felt Matty’s thrusts slow until he pounded into me one last time. I could feel his warmth shoot through me. He grabbed onto my tits and bit into my neck. He stayed inside me and continued thrusting, slower this time, to ride our highs.
Everything came crashing down when I heard a loud, “WHAT THE FUCK?”
My eyes shot open. I turned my head to find George standing in the doorway, Adam a few feet behind him in the hallway. George’s face was red, his hands balled into fists. Adam walked closer to him and held him back by George’s shoulders.
Matty smirked and pushed me back onto all fours. The high combined with my two orgasms had completely overtaken me. I was floating in another realm and I couldn’t control my body. I knew what was happening, I just couldn’t move or say anything.
Matty pounded into me again, pushing his cum further into me. “Sorry, mate, just finishing up here.” He said with a sly smirk on his face.
“GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER” George screamed, lunging toward Matty. Adam, the saint he was, tried to keep George back but George was ultimately too strong.
Matty was ripped away from me and thrown onto the floor, completely naked. “I think you mean out of her, Georgey.” He laughed.
His attitude was sickening, but god was it hot. I was unsure of his goal, either to make George mad or to keep fucking me. He obviously had no problem with fucking in front of people. I began to wonder if he was some kind of exhibitionist or if he had done this before.
George threw punches at Matty, Matty tried to block them but was unsuccessful. Adam quickly ran over, struggling to pull George off of Matty. I was laid on the bed, covered up by one of George’s blankets.
“George, please, stop!” I cried. He didn’t listen. Tears were falling from my eyes, the high making it more intense.
Somewhere, somehow during all of this, Ross ran up the stairs and helped Adam pull away an infuriated George. George managed to get one final hit in, a kick to Matty’s side. Matty was on the floor, nose covered in blood and curled up. He was clutching onto his side and his nose.
“Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?” Ross asked, clearly confused about why George was beating the shit out of his best friend, but also why Matty was naked.
“Matty was fucking my girlfriend in my bed!” George shouted. I crawled up further into George’s bed as if somehow it would make me disappear.
George looked at me with venom in his eyes. He pointed at me, tears threatening to fall from his eyes, “You,”
I sobbed into his blanket. He marched towards me and ripped the blanket from my grasp. He looked down at my naked body, bruises and red marks scattered across me.
“Why the fuck would you do this to me?” He said, choking back the tears.
“I-I don’t know, George. We were high a-and,”
“Save it. Get the fuck out of my house.” George demanded.
“Y/N, you both have 3 minutes to get the fuck out of my house or I will actually kill him,” George said. He wouldn’t even look at me. I looked to Adam and Ross for help, but they showed no mercy as well.
“I need my clothes. Can someone get my clothes from downstairs? A-And his,” I looked over at Matty.
Adam nodded and exited the room. George stood there with his arms crossed and his head down. Ross had his hand placed on George’s shoulder. Not much, but a sign of comfort.
Adam shortly returned with our clothes, clearly not happy about the situation. He threw the pile of clothes on the bed. The three men walked out of the room and shut the door. I could hear George’s sobs through the door.
I pulled out my bra, underwear, shirt, and skirt. I quickly slipped the garments on and gathered Matty’s clothes in my arms.
I reached down and pulled him up by his arm, helping him sit on the bed. I used the sleeve of my shirt to wipe some of the blood from his face. I helped him slip his boxers and sweatpants on, quickly realizing he didn’t have a shirt on earlier.
I looked around the room in search of a shirt that could be Matty’s. I found one on the floor by George’s desk. I grabbed the shirt and helped Matty slip it on.
“We gotta hurry up and go,” I whispered
“He’s my best friend, Y/N, I can’t lose him,” He cried and rested his head on my shoulder.
“I know, Matty, he’s my boyfriend. Or was? You wanted to get high, Matty. You started this.”
“Bullshit, Y/N, you enjoyed it just as much as I did.”
“I did, I loved it. But we can talk about this later, I can’t watch you get hurt again,” I said, standing up. I offered a hand to Matty, which he accepted.
I held onto Matty’s arm, almost for protection. I knew Matty was not capable of protecting me right now, nor would he even want to. I opened the door slowly. They weren’t standing there.
Matty and I walked down the stairs together. I was careful not to touch his side where George kicked him. “I’ll take you home and clean you up, okay?” I whispered to him.
He nodded. We were then met with the three men standing near the front door.
George walked up to me and looked directly into my eyes. “In case you didn’t figure it out, we’re over. That goes for both of you. Matty, I never want to see you again. I’m done helping you. And as for you, I can’t believe you would cheat on me. You broke my heart, Y/N.”
I hid my face in Matty’s arm. I couldn’t look at George. I couldn’t believe that I did such a thing. The high was wearing off, and I was faced with the consequences of my actions.
We walked out the door without another word. Matty and I walked a short distance away from George’s house until we found a bench by the sidewalk. We sat down. Silence.
“So…what now?” I asked, looking at Matty.
He laughed and put his arms behind his head. “Round two at my place?”
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