#not sure i did this right ? XD
ratguy-nico · 6 months
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Adivinen quien al fin dibujo algo? Wich means I'm back baby!
Its not perfect (like everything I made), but I just love drawing comic-like-stuff, I get to relax more. I dont try to do the lines perfectly or the super accurate anatomy (mostly cause I dont know shit about anatomy at all) and also get to be more simple in the colors, wich helps cause I struggle making colors a lot.
I missed drawing my babies...but why did I drawing them like that? XD I swear...I think I should have seen some reference cause I totally change the way I draw the Burger Babys which is crazy for me XD
Now...is this an AU, is this them as teenagers, why is Louise working on Aplebees? Well I didnt put an exact age for the guys here, they could be 16 or 19 I dunno.
This is solely based on this post from @zer0ogravity I lmao with this and totally need it to draw it.
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btw I from Latam, I didn't knew what Applebees was until making this comic so if Applebees dont look like this sorry.
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moonverc3x · 3 months
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Happy 2 Year Anniversary, Stargate!!! 🥳
Here's my commemorative artwork for Stargates' 2 year anniversary art trade!!! Everyone made such lovely artworks this year!!!
Character tags are under the cut!! I'll be doubling this as tourney propaganda as well, since quite a few ocs from the tourney are present!! (you should also vote for J in the @kirbyoctournament !!!)
Starting with the @kirbyoctournament characters, we have:
Moonstone @m0x1ez
Fylass @george228732
Orion Knight @0mega-starl1ght
Starstruck Dee @starflungwaddledee
Rimuri @zeros-witness
Periwinkle @shibuyatoastedcursor
Wisp @moonsharkss
Aphelion @hadopelagicpsi
Antu jr. @ant-bunny
Neko Knight @electric-s0da
Anti @boa35
Dazor @a-stardusted-sky
J @moonverc3x (in the tv!!)
And to the other half of my friends and foes (/aff) who participated, whos ocs aren't in the tournament!:
Patch Knight @voiddemon
Mono @autumnleafdraws
King Empatal @justalilstar
Chromatic @mementomarx
Freya @zombiecicada
Trix @pikajade
Florence @bloodiegawz
Dune @hyperz0ne
Cod @thatonepizzaman
Coppi @poyobox
Star Galbo @ibatomik
Ichor @sirdarkmatter
Moth Knight @notkirbiinut
Dex @clairetimes
Loga @goldendragonleaf
Happy birthday Stargate!! Its been a lovey two years with you all, and I'm looking forward to spending many more together! <3
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taralen · 8 months
to spamton: do you miss your friends?
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Credit for text boxes: Click Me
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regular-gnome · 6 months
Permission to use my height privileges and help them reach the forbidden upper thingy on the fridge?
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permission granted on your own risk
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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FNK WEEK: red+twisted fate
i had a vastly different idea at first, but then i realized there isn't nearly enough mischievous ccino content out there so here goes<333
fnk week is hosted by @help-im-a-gay-fish
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andariyadoesart · 6 months
I applied as a page artist for a fanzine about a month ago. I've never done something like that and also did not expect to be accepted, tbf.
BUT somehow I did!
I'm so happy. I'm going to contribute to a zine as a page artist waaaah ❤️🥺
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audiovisualrecall · 2 months
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This is a crazy idea I probably will never get around to doing, graphic novels adaptions of dragonriders of pern. Will involve lots of rereading, and reading the handful I've never actually read, like dragonseye/red star rising, and taking Notes. Because it's going to be an adaption of the events mostly the initial exploration of pern, then landing and events of dragonsdawn, and then some world building details and such and some bits that happen in between first fall and ninth pass, and then dropping the reader into Dragonflight and Dragonsong and so on, through those trilogies and renegades, and then into all the weyrs, dolphins of pern, and skies of pern. For fun! I really want to do it but the amount of reading and note-taking involved let alone the outline/'screenplay' for the graphic novel and then the actual drawing of it all.... yeah this is a project that will take years lol. But I'd love to do it xD
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iron-hearts-ablaze · 4 days
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Go on pinterest and type “your name + core” and post the first 9 results
Tagged by: @sharransepulchre (thank you!) Tagging: whoever wants to do this! Which means YOU, soldier!
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victorluvsalice · 20 days
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Welcome back to the Chill Valicer Save, everyone! We have reached Fall Tuesday as of this update, and with it, the addition of a new family member to the household! How did that go? A bit chaotically, to be honest...
-->I started the playsession with Victor and Alice asleep and Smiler hanging out in the barn gazing at one of the pictures Alice took on their recent Spooky Day group date (aww <3) – since they were pretty well done with robotics for the moment, I had them head downstairs, clean their nectar maker, then make another bottle of grape nectar to get their skill up. They obligingly reached Level 2 right as they finished up the bottle, allowing them to make strawberry and potato nectar – I had them start a bottle of the latter, since that’s the nectar that makes Sims extra-happy, and thus is one of the most Smiler-ish. :p While they were stomping away (and falling over, though they are getting better about that), Victor woke up, having achieved full energy by 4 AM (hooray for good beds!) – I decided to have him upgrade the shower in the blue-and-white bathroom with a self-cleaning coating (he’s done pretty much every other upgrade that I want to it), then got Alice up so she could clean a bunch of the spoiled food out of the fridge before polishing off some more banana split waffles. Meanwhile, Smiler finished off their potato nectar and set that and the latest bottle of grape nectar in the rack to age up before turning back into their regular human form for the day –
-->Just in time for a thunderstorm to rock up! O.o I was wondering why some of the animals were tense. I had Smiler fly into the kitchen to pet Surprise and help calm her while Alice had a cute moment with Shadow, then took a moment to take down and put away all the Spooky Day decorations –
Before having Smiler schedule a family reunion on the calendar for 2 PM that day with Rory, Felipe, Nalani, and – upon realizing the game insisted I have four guests – Clement Frost, aka the trio’s closest friends! Why? To help welcome their new Servo "child" into the world, of course! It's a momentous occasion, and Smiler wanted all their best buddies to be there to say hi! (And yes, I DID consider doing a baby shower briefly, just for the lolz, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to get all the goals done, nor did I need any of the baby-based rewards from it. Family reunion just worked better in this instance!)
-->With that sorted, I had Smiler upstairs to check the trends on SimsTube, since I realized they hadn’t made a video in a while. As it turned out, one of the hot things of the moment was dancing – so I had Smiler pop their streaming drone out of their inventory, turn it on, put on some Pop music (their favorite), and start grooving! Gotta show off those sweet sweet moves to the rest of the world! (Though they took a quick moment to weed Snappy first – gotta keep the Sixam mosquito trap healthy too!)
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cuddlytogas · 6 months
Fyre sent me an article that made me Lose My Mind, so instead of sending 800 tweets about it, I decided to just write up my thoughts here
so, in re: ET Fox, 'Jacobitism and the Golden Age of Piracy' --
Fox is definitely exaggerating. His logic jumps from 'ship names and alleged toasts', to 'every pirate was one contact away from a confirmed Jacobite', to "a Jacobite maritime community" (296), with little evidence beyond each previous assumption. He does demonstrate a link with popular Jacobitism, but overstates pirates' political commitment by far.
There's one letter to George Camocke, a Jacobite naval officer, suggesting that the pirate fleet should unite under his command and take Bermuda as a Jacobite base, but the source is shaky, and it went nowhere once Woodes Rogers ousted the pirates. (It's I think from 1718 and unsigned? Possibly from Charles Vane and his crew? Fox only says that, "Through these contacts [unspecified, between Vane and English Jacobites] a letter reached George Camocke" (286), which is suspiciously vague, and I can't access the original to check. Either way, it would still only prove the committed politics of one crew.)
Fox also makes a lot of Archibald Hamilton, governor of Jamaica from 1710-16, who commissioned and profited from the anti-Spanish privateers who turned pirate and made up some of the original Bahamas pirates c. 1715. Since "it has been suggested that [Hamilton] was a Jacobite supporter" (283), Fox claims that these establishing pirates were also committed Jacobites, and therefore the whole pirate community that grew around them must have been. (Which leads to Fox then being baffled when there's no direct evidence of Jacobitism among some of them, such as the crews of Anstis, Fenn, or Rackham.) He relies on these assumptions, and then claims that every connection between pirates proves their mutual Jacobite sympathies.
It's much more likely (and in line with the historians I've read so far) that the Jacobite toasts and ship names speak to a broader anti-authoritarianism among pirates, with no evidence of committed Jacobite actions by them, eg, specifically targeting Hanoverian ships, or materially supporting or trying to support Jacobite rebels beyond that one letter. Indeed, the 1710s/20s pirates are generally agreed to be distinct for not adhering to religious/national loyalties like the C17th pirates usually did. (I'm so sorry, I haven't consolidated my notes yet, but I know Marcus Rediker goes through this, as does Kris E Lane, and I think Tim Travers and David Cordingly.)
Fox does identify a correlation between the rise and fall of Jacobitism and piracy over the mid/late 1710s, but attributes a pretty shaky causation: pirates ceased their Jacobite loyalties due to the suppression of Jacobitism in Britain and Europe. A much more obvious explanation is that both anti-authoritarian movements simultaneously flourished in the post-war, post-succession instability, then were both quashed as the new regime established itself and cracked down on rebels.
So, did many pirates espouse Jacobite sympathies? Yes! They named their ships in favour of Jacobite causes and rulers, and there are plenty of reports of them toasting to King James / the Pretender. (Which it must be said, although the sheer volume lends a ring of truth to the trend, individual claims should be taken with a grain of salt, as Jacobitism was a common accusation against criminals at the time, with or without a basis.)
Does that mean that the 1710s Caribbean pirate community was centred around a heart of politically committed Jacobites, as Fox argues, or largely motivated by Jacobite sentiments? Yeah, probably not.
Anyway, I am SO sorry that this article got me riled up XD the whole point of this is to say, I've never read anywhere that "many pirates were Jacobites driven out of Britain", which I KNOW wasn't even your main point, but I am unfortunately Insane. We can and should talk about expressions of pro-Jacobitism and actual political engagement among 'Golden Age' pirates, but what we know of their actual actions and espoused ideals doesn't speak to a trend of committed Jacobite politics beyond a general loyalty to rebellious causes.
#history#pirates#pirate history#Jacobites#Jacobitism#Togas does meta#this article annoyed me so much omfg#at every step Fox makes a sort of shaky assumption and then bases his next assumption entirely on that as if it's a proven truth#it's like IF hamilton was a commited jacobite and IF that loyalty was shared with the privateers and IF those privateers#retained and spread that belief among the growing pirate community and IF that was the belief that held the community together#then yeah sure i guess jacobitism was a core cause and concern for the golden age pirates#but that's a lot of fucking 'if's among a situation with a lot more obvious explanations#Fox is right that historians so far are probably ignoring the influence of Jacobitism on golden age pirates a bit#it really hasn't come up in all my reading so far and I've done... a pretty fair amount lol#but he goes so far in the opposite direction that it's kind of embarrassing#very BR Burg coded tbh XD (i say as if i've actually read burg >.> but all the reviews are forming a picture for me...)#EDIT: it's also worth noting that Jacobitism was rarely (never?) a charge laid against pirates in all the trials and moralising against them#which you'd think - if they were actually hardcore individual or broad-base supporters of the cause - might've come up more often#but anti-pirate arguments basically always revolve around the threat to trade and property therefore nation/empire#if lawyers and reverends wanted to argue that pirates were traitors - and they did! - you'd think they'd mention any actual treasons#EDIT EDIT: N: Harry M. Lewis (2021) George Camocke’s 1718 Proposal of a Jacobite–Pirate Alliance#The Mariner's Mirror 107:3 pp366-370#has better detail and context for that letter
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luminescenthunter · 1 year
!!RWBY V9, Ep 7 spoilers!!
So I just want to talk about this comparison really quick since I’ve seen it/similar discussion going around (ie: her being reacting the same to Ruby as she has to Adam in the past), but–
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Let’s talk about the body language here real quick. There’s some similarities here, yes, but some key differences as well.
First, let’s analyze the shot on the right. She’s hunched in on herself, holding herself (both arms), ears folded down, eyes narrowed a bit and brows are furrowed. This shot is from an earlier scene involving Adam, so she’s clearly uncomfortable, scared, etc.
Now, the shot on the left from this week’s episode. She’s displaying some similar body language, yes, but let’s take a better look. She’s *NOT* fully guarded here, just half. She’s hunched over a bit and her ears are folded down, yes.
But the first key difference is that she’s only holding the one arm. Then there’s her brows– they aren’t furrowed, they’re lifted. And her eyes don’t seem narrowed at all.
Blake isn’t afraid of Ruby here like she was with Adam. She’s CONCERNED, and perhaps uncertain. And definitely a bit uncomfortable– nobody is comfortable in situations like what went down in this episode– but she isn’t afraid of Ruby.
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hannah-heartstrings · 9 months
Microsoft Word is making my Grinch fics appropriately red and green. It hates "Whos" so much, begging me to add an apostrophe or an e.
However, it not only recognizes "Grinch" as a word but autocorrects me if I forget to capitalize it. So we now know whose side MS Word is on.
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femmesandhoney · 8 months
Uhhhh ask your mom or facebook
yall think i have facebook lmao thats funny
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rosylamb · 2 years
I was tagged a while back by @somekindof-disaster to do this. c:
Thank you most kindly ~ ! ♡
♡ Are you named after someone?
Hm! Partially!
♡ When was the last time you cried?
When my puppy passed away. </3
♡ Do you have kids?
No!?! I haven’t even finished school yet??!??
♡ Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I always speak very sincerely, and I’m really proud of that. c:
♡ What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their character! Honestly, it’s like the saying: when someone shows you who they are the first time — believe them!
How someone is when they first meet you is who they are, and a good indicator of how they’ll treat you!
I like to surround myself with kind, compassionate, honest, and uplifting people so I really pay attention to that kind of thing. c:
♡ What’s your eye color?
♡ Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! <3
I can see how scary movies can be fun at times, but honestly there are already far more terrifying things happening in the world!
So I’d rather be uplifted!
♡ Any special talents?
Well, I don’t like to speak praises of myself, but I am very good at baking! (And I really like baking for people I love!!) <3
I’m also quite proud of my gardening skills! I had a very pretty garden at my old home, and I was really proud of that!
♡ Where were you born?
I’m a Southern girl since birth hehe. c:
♡ What are your hobbies?
Clothes, makeup, reading, writing, painting, singing, dancing, acting! I also like hiking, and just being outside with my puppies. c:
♡ Have you any pets?
My puppies Wall-e and Eve!
♡ What sports do you play/have you played?
I only dance! <3
♡ How tall are you?
♡ Favorite subjects in school?
Art & History. c:
♡ Dream job?
Acting or dancing — I love performing ~ ! <3 It’s so much fun !! :D
Okay! I’ll tag @rainberrydrops @coffeeperson99 @bratty-vampyre @prettysavagelikethat ! ♡ ⊹ * ·̩͙ ✿
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March 20th - my birthday
March 23rd - Skylar's birthday
March 25th - the anniversary of when I started first FNAF story
March 27th - the anniversary of when I finished first FNAF story
March 30th - my anniversary of being on AO3
March is the month for me I guess
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