#i disabled reblogs but they’re still on so please no reblogs guys ;-;
better-in-pencil · 8 months
so tumblr just recommend a terf post to me, supposedly ‘based on my likes!’…. tumblr please tell me what the hell I liked, so I can unfucking like it.
Anyways while we’re here, a reminder, transphobes/terfs/radfems you are not welcome on my blog please fuck off
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rosylamb · 2 years
I was tagged a while back by @somekindof-disaster to do this. c:
Thank you most kindly ~ ! ♡
♡ Are you named after someone?
Hm! Partially!
♡ When was the last time you cried?
When my puppy passed away. </3
♡ Do you have kids?
No!?! I haven’t even finished school yet??!??
♡ Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I always speak very sincerely, and I’m really proud of that. c:
♡ What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their character! Honestly, it’s like the saying: when someone shows you who they are the first time — believe them!
How someone is when they first meet you is who they are, and a good indicator of how they’ll treat you!
I like to surround myself with kind, compassionate, honest, and uplifting people so I really pay attention to that kind of thing. c:
♡ What’s your eye color?
♡ Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! <3
I can see how scary movies can be fun at times, but honestly there are already far more terrifying things happening in the world!
So I’d rather be uplifted!
♡ Any special talents?
Well, I don’t like to speak praises of myself, but I am very good at baking! (And I really like baking for people I love!!) <3
I’m also quite proud of my gardening skills! I had a very pretty garden at my old home, and I was really proud of that!
♡ Where were you born?
I’m a Southern girl since birth hehe. c:
♡ What are your hobbies?
Clothes, makeup, reading, writing, painting, singing, dancing, acting! I also like hiking, and just being outside with my puppies. c:
♡ Have you any pets?
My puppies Wall-e and Eve!
♡ What sports do you play/have you played?
I only dance! <3
♡ How tall are you?
♡ Favorite subjects in school?
Art & History. c:
♡ Dream job?
Acting or dancing — I love performing ~ ! <3 It’s so much fun !! :D
Okay! I’ll tag @rainberrydrops @coffeeperson99 @bratty-vampyre @prettysavagelikethat ! ♡ ⊹ * ·̩͙ ✿
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detroit-becomenerd · 2 years
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I posted 775 times in 2022
16 posts created (2%)
759 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 50 of my posts in 2022
#detroit reawakening - 15 posts
#detroit reawakening spoilers - 14 posts
#dbh - 8 posts
#gavin reed - 6 posts
#spoilers - 6 posts
#detroit: become human - 5 posts
#detroit: bh - 4 posts
#detroit become human - 4 posts
#dbh gavin - 4 posts
#connor - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#the idea of the rk900 being such a hardball that he still thinks marijuana is illegal is funny to me
My Top Posts in 2022:
Name Your Price Commissions!
I’m trying to earn a little extra money to be able to purchase gifts for my mother and sister’s birthdays (they’re three days apart ;w;), so I’m opening my fanfic commissions again! Whatever you feel like paying is accepted whether it be a dollar or ten, I’ll be appreciative no matter what!
Of course, what with the Ukrainian Crisis, I understand if you can’t or don’t wish to commission me! You’re always welcome to leave requests, but those will definitely take longer than commissions.
As for guidelines, I will write just about anything! My only hard nos are as follows:
-Vomit Play
-Anything sexual with a minor
-Sexual Ageplay/Age Regression
Otherwise, everything else is on the table! If you’re interested, please DM me, and we can discuss further! I will write your fic in a google doc, and send it to you after the payment. If you wish for adjustments/added length/removed scenes, or really anything, it will be added for no extra charge! If you’re dissatisfied, I will return your money!
13 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
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Might digitalize it later, but the tiktok meme with nines lmao
14 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Hey lovely dbh members! So there’s a dear friend of mine who’s been a part of the dbh community for a while who needs a little help! @speednmywagon has told me about struggling to make ends meet! He’s a very funny guy, and an absolute sweetheart, and it hurts me to see him struggle due to his disabilities and current life situations. He tries very hard to work despite what he deals with on a daily basis, and I wanted to shout him out in any way I could!
Here’s a multitude of ways you can help my friend!
Anything helps, and I’d love to see him get some food that doesn’t aggravate his allergies and some peace of mind for a little while! Please reblog this post if you can, and thank you all for your time! I love and appreciate all of you guys!!
18 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
Hank: I need you to swear, Connor-
Connor: Fuck!
Hank: I meant promise, Connor.
110 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Connor: Love is a five letter word.
Gavin: … Five?
Connor: Mhm. Because it’s incomplete without “u”.
Gavin: Lovue?
Connor: No.
Gavin: Luove.
Connor: Stop it.
264 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aetheriumwar · 3 years
⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️  ⚠️ 
hey guys my dad lost his job yesterday. he was the only one working in a family of 4 with two small children (9 and 4). my mom’s disabled and can’t work. they do not have any savings as they were living paycheck to paycheck. as it stands now they have one more paycheck coming and they’re unsure when he’ll be able to get a new job.
i do not live with them anymore but my family is everything to me so if there’s anything you can spare at all, it genuinely helps. if you’ve seen my other donation post going around and came to my blog from that, please reblog this post and donate for this instead. my family needs it much more.
i will list my c.ashapp and p.aypal and send all funds to them.
p*ypal: paypal.me/slimeblocks
c*shapp: $slimeblocks
UPDATE: my parents are doing ok for right now! reblogs and donations are still helpful but it’s not as urgent anymore! thank you all so so much for your help
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nochiquinn · 3 years
this is me combining the information from my other post so it’s not spread across fifty reblogs. same shit, just the cliff notes version.
first of all:
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this is what the ride to my last doctor’s appointment cost. just to the appointment, one-way. the trip back brought it to about $55. the pickup is more expensive bc I live in the suburbs, and bc I have to reserve the ride ahead of time (can’t risk there not being a car available day-of and I end up missing the appointment). this is a recurring cost that is eating me alive as I have monthly appointments, sometimes two, that I can’t miss or they stop giving me my medication. I was trying to hold out until they move me to six-month increments, but they keep pushing that back for one reason or another. Uber gift cards would ease this burden tremendously, and you don’t need an account to buy them. (they do have to be in USD, however, bc that is where I live.) links will be in a reblog.
second of all: my kid is type 1 diabetic and uses a constant glucose monitor. this involves having a sensor on her body that checks her glucose intermittently. they’re supposed to last two weeks, but like all tech it is vulnerable to failure, and this time both the ones we had failed at the same time. thankfully the reader device can also read regular finger-stick tests, but those require specific test strips that got used up while we were waiting for her replacement sensor. replacing all of this came to about $50 that we really didn’t have to spare, but not replacing them wasn’t an option. additionally she is on her last rapid-acting insulin pen (the kind she uses for meals, to bring down high blood sugars, etc) and those are $100+ to refill, even with insurance. this isn’t even counting syringe heads, glucose tabs, and the duplicates of those we have to buy to send her to school with - including the insulin pen.
I’m going to put links to my paypal, the uber gift card page, and my redbubble/teepublic shops in a reblog. if you feel like you can help out at all, please do. not to be That Guy but 570 of y’all follow me for some reason and if you gave me a single dollar each I’d have all of the above covered with a little left over. everybody in my house is disabled and Doing Our Best but we are still in a medical capitalist hellscape, while also caring for a chronically ill eight-year-old whose only job rn is surviving public school.
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acersgenderhoard · 3 years
pinned post, please read!
EDIT - i havent updated most of this in ages. its outdated currently
★・・・・★my names/pronouns★・・・・★
[plain text: “my names/pronouns” end plain text.]
i go by castiel, strat, jack, avis, and ghoul currently (+ more), but i’m not picky abt what you call me! i’ll answer to most anything :)
i currently use he/★/rot/it/sun/lethe/day/it/lux/none/⚣, but it does change sometimes (i update the list in this post pretty regularly, and i do always use he/him, so when in doubt, default to that!)
★・・・・・・ ★ about me!★・・・・・・★
[plain text: “about me!” end plain text.]
i’m 17. i’m white, physically abled, autistic, and have adhd, depression and generalized anxiety. i’m professionally diagnosed w all but depression, but i’m pro informed self-dx
i’m an arospec ace bi gay guy
i support all good-faith identities, including “conflicting” labels like lesboys/turigirls or bi lesbians/gays.
[plain text: “recoins/etc” end plain text.]
please don’t redesign flags for any of my terms without permission. you’re absolutely free to use my flags for picrews, pfps, etc as long as you credit me, though, and i’m fine with editing my flags to make them more accessible (eg making a flag less bright to avoid eyestrain)
also: if something is inadvertently offensive or harmful about a term i coin, please let me know and i’ll delete or edit any posts i have about it !!
this blog is a sideblog, and i can’t follow or send asks from it. @fagboybreakdowns is my main :)
also, i try to remember to put alt text and plain text in my posts but i sometimes forget (and sometimes it just glitches). if you’d like plain text or an id on a particular post of mine that doesn’t have it, ask and i can provide it (i also greatly appreciate other people adding ids and/or transcribing my posts, y’all are awesome)!
★・・・・★tagging system!★・・・・★
[plain text: “tagging system!” end plain text.]
#percys genders: things i’ve coined
#percys reblogs: things i’m reblogging
#percys tangents: anything off-topic i reblog or post/things not directly related to terms or flags. this includes stuff about me, about transness or mogai identities in general, or about this blog. Could end up with some stuff about politics etc too, although I try to keep that to my main blog
#percys hoard: all the terms i use, including ones i’ve coined and ones i’ve reblogged!
#percys asks: any reqs or other asks i get!
#not a gender: anything that’s a mogai term but not a gender - sexuality stuff, aldernic terms, etc.
[plain text: “requests!” end plain text.]
i will coin new terms and make flags and flag combos, and i’ll do name and pronoun validations and suggestions, as well as make term moodboards!
i won’t do recoins, new flags for existing terms (unless they’re flagless currently or the term creator is ok with it), etc. i won’t do term searches. i won’t coin attraction terms (sexualities, romantic identities, etc). i also won’t coin terms related to being part of a marginalized group i’m not part of (poc, physically disabled, etc).
★・・・・・・・★ dni★・・・・・・・★
[plain text: “dni” end plain text.]
-kink/nsfw/18+ blog
-bad-faith label users (like “animesexual”, “attack helicopter”, “trans age” etc)
-anti self-dx
-anti otherkin/therian
-cringe culture supporters
-bigots of any kind
-aspie supremacy/autistic ableism
also, a note: if you’re on my dni, you can still use any of my terms. feel free to just screenshot my posts instead of reblogging them :)
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Across The Serververse Chapter 3
Hey! I'm back. Firstly, thank you to @thatsalotoftoons​, @preciouslittletoonette​ and @ananicoleta​ for commenting and reblogging this. 
Secondly, this chapter is what I like to call the 'explanation chapter'. I've tried not to info-dump, and I've edited it at least 3 different times trimming it down, so hopefully this is not to complicated, but I must admit the Serververse really intrigues me as a world and I'm really looking forward to exploring it through this.
See chapter 1 for the disclaimer and let's crack on.
Every other time Bugs had been to WB Central it had been buzzing, characters from all properties walking around, a few friendly arguments, a few hard-core fights, even a few drag races [usually the car kind, not the Queen kind] 
Now however, it was quiet. Vewy, very quiet as a certain well-known hunter would say. There were quite a lot of characters milling around the place, but none of the energy that usually accompanied them. Also, it was dark, Bugs realised, not pitch-black, but darker than usual. Like someone had placed a cover over a still-turned on screen. 
“Eh...what happened?” Bugs asked Pepe and Penelope.
They looked just as confused as him. “We do not know.” Pepe admitted.
“We’ve been on that cruise for 6 months, we’ve not been back here.” Penelope said, looking close to tears. “This iz awful”“ She added, tears springing to her eyes.
As Pepe started to try and calm her down, a familiar voice lifted Bugs’s spirit.
“Bugs, Pepe, Penelope! How lovely to see you all again!”
“Marvin!” Bugs exclaimed in delight, running over to the little Martian, picking him up and swinging him round joyously. “Am oi glad ta see you! What’s happened here? It’s like someone’s cut de power!”
“You’re more correct than you might think.” Marvin said, when Bugs had put him down. “Warner Brothers have seen fit to disable the entire system until they can get access to it again. Theirs's a problem, you understand. It appears the ‘famous Looney Tunes characters-” Here here made air quotes. “- have been put into different worlds. None of the humans can figure out why and are attributing it to a virus. They’ve called in multiple Information Technology people, but none of them can figure it out. Then again.” Marvin conceded. “I highly doubt any of them have dealt with a sentient A.I. before. All we know is it’s causing panic in the human verse - you can hear it if you get close enough to the portal - and what they’ve done is essentially put the worlds the other Looney’s have gone into into ‘freeze mode’ so they can’t shift or do anything else until they figure out what’s going on.” At the end of that rather lengthy explanation, Marvin sighed. “They may be there for quite some while.”
“So...lemme get dis straight.” Bugs said, thoughtfully. “We can’t get to the human world?”
“That is correct. Rhythm has blocked the portal into the human world to all WB characters.”
“And we can’t get in and out of the other worlds the rest of the fam are stuck in?”
“That is correct.” Marvin said, again. “Although-” He added. “-I think that may change now. Might I enquire how you guys got here?”
Bugs explained the events leading up to this moment - including how Rhythm had flung the toons to the other worlds - and Marvin nodded. “Interesting. I think I understand, but it requires a bit more explanation. Please walk with me while I fill us all in. Now, you may be wondering how I knew where to find you? I simply used my Tracker-3000 from Mars-” Marvin waved the device in the air. “-to track where you were. It’s a device I had gifted for me from the King Of Neptune. I had hoped I would never need to use it, but unfortunately I have-”
“-You’ve tracked us?” Bugs echoed, more than slightly disturbed. 
Marvin blinked. “Yes. Was that not clear? Please, do not think I did this idly. I hoped I wouldn’t need to ever use the trackers, but unfortunately I have had to. Anyway, I could see that you, Bugs, were in Tune Town, but none of us could get to you. I made further investigations with some of the more technically advanced characters here and it looks like Rhythm has placed a block on all current WB characters. None of us can enter or leave any of the other worlds. You may be able to see where I’m going with this?” he added, as an aside.
“Pepe isn’t a current character.” Penelope said, softly.
Marvin nodded eagerly. “Correct, sister. As Pepe isn’t a current character it seems he can travel between the worlds, and - judging by the fact you are here as well and the boat showed no issue with travelling - it seems that anything he is travelling on or with is likewise given ‘a free pass’, so to speak. Now-” Marvin cleared his throat. “I wish to seek clarification on this point, so please forgive my impertinence - but at the exact moment you and Pepe travelled through to Toon world were you...” A faint blush adjured the Martians cheeks. “...touching at all?”
“We were holding hands.” Penelope said, easily. “We were the second time as well.”
“Hold on, oi wasn't holdin’ hands with them.” Bugs said, quickly.
“No, but you were in ‘Big Chungus’ form, so that was probably what allowed you access. Now, with that information in mind, I would guess, Pepe, that anything you are touching - be it an inanimate object or another toon, will travel through as well. Or maybe it’s just everything that is on something you’re touching can travel as well?” Marvin added, thoughtfully. “That would explain how the captain of the boat could travel-”
Bugs groaned and ran a hand across his forehead. “Look Marvin, as fascinating as all dis is, it’s a bit much. Can you jus’ tell me where de others are so we can get going?”
“Certainly. Could you just remind me who actually got teleported, please?”
That was no issue for Bugs as the images would forever be burned into his mind. “Daffy, Porky, Lola, Elmer, Sylvester, Tweety, Granny, Speedy, Wile.E, Road-Runner, Foghorn, Taz, Yosemite Sam, Gossamer and Witch Hazel.”
“Well, I can help you with one of them.” Marvin said, as they finally approached the ‘Toon-Town’ section of W.B.C. “Just through here.” And he pressed open the door.
Inside the door was a world that was exactly like the ‘Toon Town’ from ‘Who framed Rodger Rabbit’ but without the Disney characters.
Marvin led Bugs, Pepe and Penelope through Toon Town until they reached Foghorn Leghorn’s barn.
“Look, I say, look who came back!”
Bugs’s grin threatened to split his face as he saw the rooster heading towards him, arms outstretched in welcome. 
“Foghorn!” The rabbit leapt on his younger brother and hugged him tightly. “Oh, I thought you was a gonner!”
“It, I say, it takes more than some computer to get rid of me.” Foghorn said, proudly. “I always come back!”
“Of course.” Dawg’s [AKA George.P.Dog’s] dry voice said, from about two foot away. “It ‘elps that your ‘random location’ was here and not - say - Game Of Thrones.”
Foghorn put Bugs down and said - as an aside. “That, I say, that’s a shout out, readers.”
“I think they got that, Foggy.” Dawg said, rolling his eyes.
It was at this point that Penelope interrupted, asking if Foghorn had just been transported to W.B.C or if anything else had happened.
“No, I just, I say, I just woke up here.”
“Woke up?” Bugs echoed.
Foghorn looked a bit sheepish and looked at Barnyawd.
George explained that 5 and a half months ago Foghorn had just literally dropped out of the sky and onto Dawg’s head. “Once I got da fat lump off of me, I saw he was unconscious and not funny unconscious-” Dawg clarified. “But actually unconscious. He was like dat for about a day or two before he woke up ag’in-” Dawg took a sharp breath as the memory hit him. He steadied himself and then continued with. “-And when he woke up he told us all what had happened. By that point though we knew something bad was going on because not only had this happened-” Here George indicated the dark surroundings. “But a few of us toons had tried to get through to the Human World and couldn’t. All it took was Marvin then double-checking the trackers he’s put on us-”
“-Yeah, cahn we go back to dat at some point?” Bugs asked.
“-An’ he saw the different worlds our family’s been split up into and then when Foggy woke up he confirmed the entire thing.” Dawg sighed and ran his hands over his face. “It’s been a nightmare worrying about them all dis time, because we’ve had no idea where they are or what they’re doing or if they’re bein tor-”
“Yeah, Oi did that spiel back in chapter 2.” Bugs said impatiently. “Right. Oi think oi get it now. Let’s go, Martian-” Bugs grabbed Marvin's arm and pulled him away. “We got a family ta save!”
“Wait, oh wait!” Bugs and Marvin skidded to a halt to see Junior [Sylvester's son] running towards them. 
“Eh...what’s up kid?” The rabbit asked, getting down to Juniors level.
Junior stopped sharply - accidently kicking a cloud of dust into the two toons faces - and, with one arm dramatically flung across his face, said. “Oh, Uncle Bugs, I know you have a lot of toons to get, but may I PLEASE request you start with my father? He is silly and often doesn’t think things through, but he’s my father and I love him so. May I please request you start with him and bring him back? I miss him.” At the end of Junior’s spiel, Bugs burst into noisy sobs and, getting a large handkerchief out of his pocket, wiped his eyes with it before wringing it out into a random bucket. 
“Of couirse I will.” he promised. “Jus’ watch me. Oi’ll aim to have him back as soon as possible. Now-” Bugs stood up and signalled to Marvin.  “-Let’s go, short-stack.”
“Now we wish to make this simple.” Marvin said, as he Bugs, Pepe and Penelope entered the spaceship. “So, if I just pull up a list-” He did so. “The trackers I put on you all will enable me to see exactly where you all are at any given moment.”
“Yeah, can we go back to dose trackers at some point?” Bugs asked.
Ignoring him, Marvin continued. "So, as you can see,  Sylvester is here." He pointed to 'Cartoon Network World'. "I'll just see if there's anyone with him. Bear with." A few moments of typing later and the trackers for Tweety, Yosemite Sam and Taz lit up. Marvin's eyes went wide and typed again. The screen zeroed in on Cartoon Network planet, showing a breakdown of the different sections of it. "Okay." Marvin said, slowly. "That is interesting. Sylvester and Tweety are both in Coolsville, AKA 'Scooby-Doo World' and it seems like there in the 1960's universe."
"Eh...it would hav' ta be Coolsville." Bugs muttered. "What wiv it's population of crazy crooks an' all."
"You just need to change into Chungus and then we can go." Marvin said, pointedly.
Bugs slapped his forehead. "Oops, I forgot!" He transformed into Big Chungus and gave Marvin a thumbs up.
Nodding the Martian pressed the 'arrive as close to as possible' button and the spaceship faded away.
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thelonelyrainbowguy · 4 years
Alright, I’m pissed off, so y’all get an unfriendly PSA.
It was invented by the guy who invented gay/trans conversion therapy, and if you somehow don’t know why that’s horrible and causes serious trauma and mental fuckage, google it. In fact, ABA therapy is called “autistic conversion therapy,” but it’s praised and encouraged because autistics are seen as less than human.
This is an actual quote from the creator of ABA, Ivar Lovaas:
“With responsibility, the developmentally disabled individual takes on dignity and ‘acquires’ certain basic rights as a person. No one has the right to be taken care of, no matter how retarded he is.”
If that doesn’t piss you off, you’re not human.
ABA therapy literally exists to make autistics conform to society and act like they’re not autistic. This is not only ableist and gross, it’s also incredibly damaging to the autistic.
Even if an autistic kid seems to love their therapist, it’s still abuse! They’re being trained that they have no say in what they do, no control over their body, they cannot express themselves the way they desperately need to, that everything that makes them who they are is wrong!
Yes, even if the therapist doesn’t use electric shocks!
Yes, even if the therapist genuinely believes they’re helping their victims!
Yes, even if the other parents of autistic kids swear by it!
Shut up for one goddamn second and LISTEN.
Here are some sources, in case you don’t believe me. READ THEM.
Please reblog. Far too few people know this.
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Flower | 05
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, light angst, mentions of smut
; Word Count: 4k
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: The second half of the date! :D this is literally how I talk how in real life btw, people who know me have learnt to just put up with my random topics and I thought it would be fun to put them in too. Hoseok is a sweetheart, I love him :3 Please let me know what you think and reblog if you liked! <3
; Flower Masterpost
Hoseok had been right that this place smelled delicious and your stomach had begun rumbling even before you’d been seated. It wasn’t hugely busy, which was surprising given it was a Friday night but it meant that you’d been given a window seat, letting you look out at the other bright store fronts and the people out doing their late night shopping.
The two of you had been served quickly, the waiter taking down your order of a chicken jalfrezi with pilau rice and Hoseok’s chicken keema balti while the two of you shared a large peshwari naan. He’d ordered a beer as well while you’d settled for a Diet Coke, looking down shyly as you’d ordered it and wondering if it wasn’t sophisticated enough for a date.
But Hoseok hadn’t said anything, just given a soft smile as he’d waited until the waiter had moved on. Neither of you had really said anything of interest since entering, mainly just focusing on the menu and deciding what you wanted. Which was stupid, because you got the same thing every time and it seemed like Hoseok had a preset idea of what he wanted as well.
And now...you were both sat waiting expectantly for your food. This meant that you had finally entered the most dreaded part of the date for you. The bit where you meant to talk to him like a normal person and not someone who found the very idea of small talk daunting and overwhelming.
Which was why you were currently fidgeting with your napkin, eyes lowered down to the white fabric and fingers brushing over it before moving back. You were nervous now, any sense of camaraderie and easiness with him gone as your mind frantically worked for a topic that you could engage him with.
Metal music wasn’t an option; you didn’t listen to it and so had absolutely zero idea of what to say in regards to that. You also didn’t really understand photography, so you couldn’t really talk about that. Though, then again, it might get him to talk. It was always easier if the other person was interested as you could just rebound of them.
“You don’t have many pictures of makeup like that on your Facebook. Is that like...some hidden talent?” Hoseok asks suddenly, taking a deep drink of his beer before tilting his head to look at you expectantly. Your mind blanked for a moment, eyes wide as you blinked at him before your mouth opened.
“You’ve looked at my Facebook?” The words are stupid and you mentally cringe, wishing you could just slap yourself on the fact without looking an even bigger idiot. But Hoseok just smiles and laughs, his face once more extraordinarily beautiful and you feel a tiny kernel of resentment at the fact he can look that good without needing to spend half an hour staring into a mirror with hundreds of dollars of expensive makeup sat around him.
“Of course I have. Isn’t that like...rule number one when you friend someone on Facebook? You go through all their pictures and stuff...don’t tell you haven’t done the same to me.” He wags a finger at you then teasingly, lips turned into a pretty smile.
Which only turns into a deep and husky laugh when your eyes dart away from him in embarrassment, fully aware that you had in fact looked at all of his photos and posts. In fact, you’d probably done worse than him given that you’d drooled over him with Soyeon and Chungha.
“It’s okay. I fully admit to it so don’t get too worried or upset over it. But still...you don’t seem to wear makeup in a lot in them?” He looks quizzically at you and you wonder for a moment if he actually cares or if he’s just finding a subject to talk about.
You decide to indulge him anyway, thankful for the topic even if it’s not the most interesting thing you can think of to talk about.
“I mostly post makeup things on my Instagram. You probably noticed but...I don’t really use Facebook. Mostly to just watch videos that pop up. You know those ones where it’s like…’oh your friend liked this’ or it’s just from a random site that for some reason turns up? And then you start watching it and you start out watching a sweet story of a guy adopting a disabled cat and loving her but then half an hour later you realise you’re laid in bed watching a video of how to make a toilet seat out of coloured pencils and wonder what you’re doing with your life?” 
Hoseok stares at you for a quick second and you momentarily panic, realising you’d blindly started talking about something entirely unrelated before he bursts into laughter, one hand coming up to cover his mouth as pure amusement dances in his eyes. 
“Oh god, I’m so glad I’m not the only one! I ended up watching a video the other day of...oh god, what was it? They were like...making stuff for dolls? And it was very interesting to watch her make all these super tiny accessories but in the back of my mind all I could think was…’who has the time for this?!’” You can’t help but laugh at that, gesturing wildly as you nod.
“Yes! I’ve seen that one! Or those ones where they’re life hacks and I’ll be sat there like ‘this is literally the worst thing I’ve ever seen’. There was one about Christmas hacks and like...what is the point? I think one of them was like, oh make this as a gift for your friend! And it was like...they literally made a sponge into a teddy. It just looked like a sponge...as a teddy. I mean...I love my best friends but if that’s all they got me…” 
“Well...it’s the thought that counts, isn't it?” Hoseok teases, white teeth biting his lower lip and avoiding his lip ring.
“Not when all they’ve got me a fucking sponge. There’s being thoughtful with your gifts and then there’s...that.” 
“I’m laughing but I agree. In fact, back on the subject of makeup, there was one I saw the other day where a hack to give yourself fuller lips was apparently...to glue your upper lip to the skin above your lip? And it genuinely just looked like they’d just glued their lips.” You snort at that, fingers rubbing at your own lips as you cringe at the thought of doing that. 
“Well, I definitely don’t do that. Although I did try using this lip plumping thing once because I’d seen people on YouTube use it. And like...it worked but everyone said it hurt and I just thought they were exaggerating. They weren’t, it felt like a thousand bees had kissed me with their ass stings and it wasn’t even worth the end result. Honestly.” Hoseok looks like he’s trying desperately not to laugh and you eyeball him warily.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment and you watch closely as his lips pursed, evidently trying to control his reaction as best he can before he finally speaks, fingers tracing his cutlery as he looks down with a smirk. 
“Got any...uh...got any pictures of that? Bet it’s interesting.” You throw your napkin at him at him, causing him to laugh even harder as his hands come up to protect his face. He takes the now open napkin and carefully folds it before handing it back to you carefully.
You’re both interrupted from any further conversation by the arrival of your food and your mouth waters as the small metal bowl of chicken jalfrezi is served to you on top of a plate while a second bowl of rice is placed down. The giant naan is placed between you both and you hum in delight, hands clapping together excitedly as you wriggle in your chair, completely oblivious to the amused face Hoseok wears.
“Mmmm! I love jalfrezi.” Reaching out, you begin to sort out your plate before reaching out and grabbing a piece of naan, tearing it off and popping it into your mouth with a long and low hum of satisfaction. Hoseok eyes you for a moment before taking a bite, nodding in his own satisfaction.
Neither of you speak for a few moments more as you both focus on eating, perfectly content with stuffing your mouth full of wonderfully spiced foods before adding the soothing naan to calm your mouth. Looking up at Hoseok finally, you note the way he’s eyes are focused down as he uses some of the naan to wipe at some sauce on the edge of his plate, chewing on it happily.
From this angle, you can see down the slope of the elegant nose while his dark hair falls forward into his eyes. He’s honestly beautiful and the nerves that had slipped away at your easy conversation come back.
But if there’s one thing about you, it’s that you’re brutally honest and your mouth begins working before you even mean for it to. And what you say would have Soyeon and Chungha cursing to the heavens, you just know it.
“I’m sorry if I’m a little awkward to talk to. I don’t really know how to talk to people. I should probably stop talking now. This isn’t how a date is meant to go,” You cringe, body going warm as Hoseok slows his eating down before shaking his head.
“Well...it was going good until that,” He’s smiling as he says it though, blunting what could have been a harsh and direct comment. “It’s okay. Like I said at the start of it all, I’ve kinda guessed that about you. And there’s no one way for a date to go. I once had a date where a girl literally threw up on me. I still went on a second date with her, so you’re doing great.”
Your eyes widen while your face cringes slightly, sympathy for him rushing through you. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. That would be the worst for me. I have sympathy sickness thing so I’d have thrown up on her. What did you do that made her throw up?”
He huffs out a laugh, shaking his head and running his hand through his hair as he looks out the window, obviously recollecting.
“Why do you assume I did something? I did nothing. We went out to a bar, we got a lil’ drunk. Let’s just say...her gag reflex seemed to have been shortened by alcohol. And that’s all I’m saying on that.” His cheeks are a soft pink in the lighting of the restaurant and you frown, brows coming together as you try to work out what he’s saying.
And then it clicks and you gasp, eyes going wide.
“Holy fuck. She threw up on your dick?” You whisper harshly and Hoseok immediately makes a shushing motion, his cheeks no longer a rose gold but instead a fire engine red that is at complete odds with his badass look. He does not look like the kind of man to be embarrassed about having that story told and yet here he is, almost writhing in shame.
“Shh, please. God. It wasn’t her fault. I mean...well it doesn’t matter. Either way, I still took her out for a second date. So you are doing absolutely amazing, I swear.” His hands are held up in appeasement now and a small part of you takes in how pretty his hands are, the fingers long and elegant while a few silver rings wrap themselves around some of the digits.
Which provides a very strange state of being given you’ve just imagined his dick covered in vomit and now you’re imagining those fingers between your legs. Sexual attraction is a strange beast indeed.
“Well...I’m not gonna suck your dick tonight so you don’t have to worry about vomiting.” The words come out blunt and Hoseok’s eyes widen almost comically, his jaw dropping while his brows lift. And your hand slaps onto your mouth as you realise what you’d just said out loud, quickly looking around and slumping in relief when you realise that there’s no one really within earshot of you.
“...good to know. I er...wasn’t expecting it, just so you know. A blowjob...not the throwing up part. Actually I wasn’t expecting either of them. Though I don’t know why I would - you know what? I’m just gonna shut up and eat.” And with that, he stuffs his mouth full of chicken as he stares firmly at the table.
You can’t help the small laugh of amusement that leaves you, your fork moving around some of your rice slowly as you recognise the sense of awkwardness that lays itself heavily on the tablet. It’s something that you’re often familiar with, even if you hate it, but you get the sense that it’s not something Mr Friendly over there is used to.
So you do what you always do when you’re feeling uncomfortable or awkward. Which is to just blurt out the first fact that comes to mind.
“Did you know blowing up the moon is a really bad idea?” 
The silence now is no longer awkward, which you feel proud over, but that doesn’t stop the look of pure confusion from Hoseok as he looks back up at you. A spoonful of curry and rice is halfway to his mouth and you can see the inner fight inside before he shrugs.
“Well...yeah. I mean...it’d fuck the tides up.” Immediately you’re shaking your head and you soon launch into an in depth discussion about why destroying the moon is a bad idea. And even though it’s probably the most random topic Hoseok has probably discussed all day...he goes along with it and finds himself laughing once more. Even arguing with you a little on certain facts before giving in and bowing to your evidently better knowledge on the subject.
But the weirdness thankfully disappears quickly as the topics soon blend into one another. And thankfully, you both managed to get in some personal discussions about yourselves. You’d told him about how you’d actually always wanted to work with horses but that your family didn’t make enough money to get you to a stables or anything when you were younger.
Which meant that you’d eventually just done a degree in English literature, embracing your passion and love for reading books if you couldn't do anything with horses. Plus, you weren’t smart enough to do anything like equine sciences and you were too soft to be a veterinarian. You couldn’t handle having to put animals down.
And the reward for your four years of hard work and passion? A job as an administration assistant at an electrical company. Obviously a hugely glamorous job that you had evidently been aspiring to when you were a child.
Not that you had anything against people who also did this job, but it wasn’t particularly interesting and you didn’t really see a future career for yourself. Was this how everyone your age felt or something? You didn’t really have any hugely transferable skills and so had been stuck at this level for a while.
Hoseok on the other hand, had apparently gone to college without the intention of actually really doing anything. In fact, he’d happened to just enroll in a computer science class just because he thought he’d be able to play games throughout the whole class without complaining too much. And then he’d discovered that he actually really enjoyed it and was good at it.
Which had led him to his job, which equally didn’t sound hugely interesting but was apparently much better paid than yours. You’d pouted at that for a few minutes, wondering if it was possible to go back in time and tell yourself to do something better with your life.
But still, the conversation had finally begun to gain some semblance of a flow and you found yourself enjoying your time with him. He made you laugh and made you feel comfortable, went along with your random moments of weirdness - such as the tangent about how on earth do you milk an almond when you told him that you preferred to drink almond milk to normal - and seemed to be enjoying himself.
Or at least...you’d hoped he had. 
He’d been polite with the bill as well, not immediately assuming that you’d be okay with him paying and instead asking if you’d be okay with that or if you wanted to pay half. You’d shyly let him, not telling him that no one had ever paid for your date before and you hadn’t really known what to do with yourself after that.
And now you were walking outside, slowly heading to where you parked your car because he’d insisted that he wasn’t going to let you walk alone. Part of you wanted to rebel against that, be all ‘down with the patriarchy’ and shit but then you’d looked at the dark street and simply agreed. Because you hated walking on your own in the dark.
Someone who was as nervous and anxious as you didn’t particularly do well with that, and quite often your imagination would run wild if someone was walking behind you.
So despite the fact that the conversation had petered out once more, you felt oddly comfortable around him. In that way that you rarely felt with most people. Normally, you felt an incessant need to fill the dead air if you were with someone with an irrational fear that if they weren’t talking then it meant that they didn’t like you. 
It was stupid obviously, but that was because it was an irrational fear. It wasn’t meant to make sense! 
But with Hoseok, despite how overwhelmingly intimidating you found him in terms of his looks, had an incredibly friendly personality that seemed to encourage you to be more open and comfortable with him. He laughed with you, not at you. Not unless you were specifically inviting him to that is.
He had carefully planned out your first date to make sure that it would accommodate your evident shyness, finding a way to encourage you to talk to him without having to scramble for conversation. And he’d certainly rolled with the punches when you’d pulled out your strange facts.
You almost got the sense that he enjoyed them, stretching his brain in bizarre ways as he tried to keep up with how your mind seemed to move a hundred miles a minute. It was something you appreciated; how hard he’d tried to keep the conversation light and easy without leaving too much on you to try and fumble your way through it.
Looking up at him, you take in the sight of his astoundingly beautiful side profile in the passing street lights and bite your lip in silent awe. As if this man, this prime example of nature coming together in the most beautiful way possible, had found you interesting enough to not only take you on a date...but stay with you the whole night.
And even walk you to your car! He wasn’t desperately ready to be rid of you, but was actively spending more time with you.
You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn’t even realise when you’d arrived the place you’d parked your car, Hoseok pausing and looking at you with expectant brows. For a second you simply stared back blankly, wondering what he’s doing before you realise and make an ‘oh’ expression.
“Oh, sorry. Miles away. Erm...thank you. For walking me. And err...everything tonight. It was...nice.” Oh yeah, definitely pulling him in with that one.
But he just smiles. “Just nice? It was my talk of dick vomit that dropped it down a notch, wasn't it? 10/10 conversation topic there Hoseok.”
And that’s why you like him even more, not just because he’s handsome but also because he has a personality that appeals to you. Not too afraid to be self-deprecating while also saving you from any awkwardness. Like he almost knew you wouldn’t be too comfortable with this and was finding a way to make things easier on you.
It made you feel a bit guilty that he was having to do that, but you simply let out a quiet sigh and straightened your shoulders.
“Hey...that might be one of my kinks,” You tease, watching as his faces falls into what can only be politely called a grimace and you giggle. “I’m kidding. But still...thank you. For not...just ghosting or standing me up. Or leaving halfway through. Had that happen once. Mortifying but I got a free meal ‘cos the waiter felt sorry for me.”
And now he looks horrified.
“Wow, that’s an ass move. My mom would be beat my ass raw if I ever thought of even doing that. Well...the good news is that at no point tonight did I want to leave. I very much enjoyed tonight. And you. And...I kinda hope you’ll want to do it again...if you want to.” Your body does something very strange at that; your stomach tightens and flips while nervous excitement streaks through you, happiness and a need to be sick fighting together.
“Oh god, I’m trying really hard to not be the second girl to vomit on you right now. I’m sorry.” You may not physically vomit but you certainly word vomit, cringing while he lets out a soft laugh. And then his hands are gently tilting your chin up, letting you lock with him before he gives you a brilliant and bright smile.
“Please don’t. A man only needs one ‘girl vomiting on him’ story in his life. I’m going to let you get in your car now before you have a heart attack or something, because you look like you are and I am most definitely not a doctor. And my track record of first dates will evidently look even better if you end up in hospital. So...I will text. Not call, because I don’t think you’ll like that. Is that okay?” 
He’s looking at you so sincerely, his fingers so warm and soft on your skin and you forget to even breath for a moment as you look up at him through wide eyes. He looks so pretty in the crappy lighting surrounding you, and yet this is probably better than any fantasy you could’ve imagined. But you can’t find the words to respond to him, stunned into silence by his physical touch and so you simply nod.
“Great. Drive carefully. Let me know that you got home safe, okay?” Hoseok gives you a gentle smile before leaning forward.
And then he’s pressing the tiniest, butterfly touch soft kiss to your cheek. The cold of his lip ring startles you out of your reverie, causing you to jolt ever so slightly and the movement causes you to pull away from his lips. But you don’t say anything, physically incapable as your eyes are as wide as dinner plates and you get the sense that Hoseok is seriously trying not to laugh so as not to embarass you.
You don’t even realise you’ve gotten into your car, buckle your seat belt and set off until you suddenly realise that you’re sat at a red light five minutes. The ghost of his kiss on your cheek is still there, throbbing gently and you touch your cheek in awe.
And then you squeal loudly like a little girl, fists clenching as you wriggle your body in sheer, unadulterated joy and excitement.
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cats-moss-gays · 4 years
You’ve been all over my posts so I’m just going to consolidate into this one. I’m tired of scrolling past your long and quite frankly boring responses. This post will be divided into sections. If you’re going to respond please say something interesting. However I doubt either of us will ever change the other’s mind. These are kind of like closing statements and I doubt I’ll make anymore major responses because I’m trying to stay focused on offline things.
1. Unanswered Questions
There are some questions and statements in my reblogs that you conveniently ignored.
Definition of a woman? You responded with some generic bs that very clearly isn’t an answer. I’ll be more specific, what should the dictionary definition be? Any ideas?
If I don’t feel like a woman am I allowed to identify as one? You said you weren’t going to humour this question but it is applicable to me and many other gc women. I definitely don’t have any internal feeling of womanhood, or any gender. Does this mean I have to be agender? Is the female gender label restricted to a certain feeling? Or is there absolutely nothing that women have in common?
What is the feeling of womanhood? You kind of answered this but I have a follow up question. You say the feeling of womanhood is enjoying being perceived as a woman. If I feel indifferent to this does it mean I’m not a woman? Additionally, many women feel uncomfortable with being perceived as a woman because of the misogyny associated with the label, does this make them men?
2. Inaccurate Statements and Lies
I don’t believe any “TRAs” define women by gender roles
You may not but there are many who do. It’s also important to point out how deeply ingrained gender roles are in society; you can’t stop them by just saying your choices exist in a vacuum. I’m sure you think I’m just making this up for fun, so here are some examples ;)  x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
So this whole…thing is dishonest from the start. Gender does not replace sex.
In another post you said that laws should be based on gender instead of sex. So which is it, either gender isn’t replacing sex or it is. When feminists talk about sex based oppression they’re called terfs. When gay people say their attraction is based on sex they’re called transphobic. When people were saying that only females get cervical cancer, they were called violent transphobes. Gender is absolutely attempting to replace sex as the basis of legal protections, safe spaces, political movements, etc. Two of the top post on my blog are more extreme example of this. x - x
BONUS: You’re saying TERF rhetoric
3. The “Questions” Post
You seem very confused about how to define biological sex and to some extent I understand that but you have to stop playing dumb. There must be some way that doctors are able to identify the sex of a fetus before it’s even born in the vast majority of cases, right? And before you try to say I’m just ignoring the existence of intersex people or trying to deny science, I’ll point out that I have watched and read a lot of “sex is a spectrum” stuff. I understand that DSDs exist and that biology is complicated. Our disagreement is mostly not over the facts but over how to define them. I know that however I explain it you’ll pretend you don’t understand it, so instead I’ll just link you to some other sources that explain it more in depth. x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
A third sex—and many creatures have more than two—does not necessarily mean a third gamete. Mostly this question is a childish distraction, but if you were to use a strict, gamete-based definition of sex the answer would be “none”.
So all infertile people are a third sex? To be female you have to be able to bear children? And you call me regressive, yikes. This can be debunked with the same sources from above but I wanted to feature it in my post because I want people to know that you think there’s a third sex.
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I made a quick little chart to compare all the things gender has been compared to! The difference is that while many are socially defined, gender is socially constructed. If someone never interacted with other humans, they would still have a skin color, have or not have specific abilities, have a sexual orientation, and be male or female. They would not have an observable gender identity.
1 - You refuse to humor my questions about being a woman who doesn’t feel like one, however this is not in bad faith; I do want to know what you think. Many gc/radfems, including myself, and many women in general do not have a specific feeling of gender. This is especially true for gnc women, who often feel a disconnect from the feminine gender role and subsequently, the feminine gender. The solution is to realize that there are no standards to conform to to be a woman, no clothes or interests or feelings, just the biological reality one is born with.
2 - You say “the feeling of womanhood is enjoying being called a woman” but what does that mean? It’s circular reasoning, a fallacy called begging the question. How do you know you are a woman? If I gave up being a terf on tumblr, how would you advise that I identify if I don’t think I feel like a woman? My current plan was to just pick the mogai flag with the prettiest colors, but I’m thinking maybe there’s more to it than that...
3 - See my explanation above. Sex is comparable to race or disability or sexuality; gender is not.
4 - You say genders are social classes. If they are indeed social classes, they are unnecessary ones that reinforce oppression. They are undefinable when not based on biological sex or gender roles. The other example of classes I can think of is wealth. Wealth classes have obvious divisions, you can’t just identify into more money. Gender has nothing that is shared by every woman, man, or nonbinary, so you can just identify in and out of classes. Additionally, if there are like 100 genders, are there 100 classes? 
4. The “Biological” Sex Post
Gender does not replace sex
Then why are TRAs trying to say sexuality, legal protections, bathrooms, spaces, political movements, etc should be based on gender instead of sex? You keep contradicting yourself; you should talk to your fellow trans activists because many would disagree. Also see my response in part two.
A number of points here aren’t factually wrong but simple (*simply) irrelevant
So you would agree that biological sex is important and that it is relevant to many conversations? Then why were people getting mad about this?
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Or this?
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On to the specific examples. This post is long enough already and I’m not going to spoon feed basic biology to you because you’ll probably just ignore it. I referenced a variety of sources earlier. I’ll just reference Invisible Women since it’s an amazing book.
1. This first point is, appropriately enough, true in isolation; it just doesn’t support Paradox Institute’s argument. Listing it leads the audience to believe that truth is on their side, but PI do nothing at all to justify that.
So nothing here is true? They’re just lying? Here are their sources btw.
2. Generally irrelevant, but not entirely biologically accurate, either. It isn’t that ‘male’ and ‘female’ are categories intrinsic to nature that produce small, motile and large, immotile gametes respectively; ‘male’ and ‘female’ are labels we assign (generally, but not always) according to gamete size.
So it’s not relevant that one sex has the ability to carry children or menstruation or get an abortion? It’s not like there’s any issues women face specifically for that, right? So we assign the labels male and female to gametes. If you want to play semantics, sure, we created the words, but the gametes themselves already existed. Not really sure what you’re trying to say here other than disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing and moving some words around. Are you implying that the categorizations of gametes are subjective? Are you saying there’s a spectrum of gametes?? Are eggs just big sperm and sperm just small eggs??? Genuinely have no idea what the fuck you’re trying to prove here.
3. Whatever your opinion of evolutionary psychology, this does not preclude gender. (On the contrary, we ought to include gender in our understanding of cultural development with respect to sex.)
The only gender in history was gender roles, and both were tied to sex in most cases. Sex absolutely came before gender and is more integral to our existence. In any time before the last few decades, gender and sex were basically synonyms.
4. Entirely a straw argument. And, to the contrary, precision greater than two sex categories would be beneficial (i.e. specific sex characteristics, history, endocrinology etc.).
Obviously doctors don’t just diagnose based on sex, they factor in medical history and other traits. Precision is irrelevant because it still focuses on sex not gender. If it’s “entirely a straw argument” why did someone else reblog your response with this?
Speaking as a member of a medical family, the medical one fucking OFFENDS me.
Blood type HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GENDER. Or biological sex! Both are totally irrelevant! And medication dosage is determined by AGE and SIZE. A 25-year-old 160-pound person with a penis needs the exact same dose as a 25-year-old 160-pound person with a vagina. In fact, possibly LESS of a dose, if the person with a penis is 5’10” and the person with a vagina is 5’5”. (The taller person may be underweight.)
This is just. UGH. I could scream.
@prismatic-bell​ this is one of the funniest and dumbest replies I’ve ever gotten. First of all “member of a medical family” tf is that lmao. This reminds me of that post where the “medical worker” tra turned out to be a garbage collector guy. I have no idea why you brought up blood type when it is literally never mentioned in the original post. Strawman much? Fucking obviously blood type isn’t affected by sex, and you’re completely missing the point if you think gender has anything to do with this. Medication dosage is decided by age and size, yes, but also biological sex. This is like basic medical science, dumbass. Mandatory reading from Invisible Women as punishment for your stupidity crimes:
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People called her a terf for this :)
5. How sports are best divided is a far broader question than this point implies. We could, for example, segregate sports by relevant physical attributes (as is already the case in some sports) rather than by sex or gender. This point also presupposes (but does not justify) that a woman having an advantage in women’s sports by dint of being trans is significantly greater than an advantage any woman might have by dint of her natural attributes (which, empirically, she does not) and hence would be unfair. That said, enforcement of “female” sports is already marred by racism and perisexism.
You agree sex and gender are different, yes? So then why should males be in female sports? You’re trying to distract me with that stuff about physical performance and whatever. Focus on the question at hand, should males be allowed into female sports? We cannot eradicate sex-segregated sports because female athletes will be even more systematically disadvantaged. If you were truly a feminist you’d understand that female sports are the result of the movement you claim to support. More Invisible Women facts plus some interesting info about the plough hypothesis:
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6. Simply untrue. Excluding trans women from statistics about women on the basis that doing so would affect those statistics is arbitrary at best. Those statistics may change, but that does not mean they are unsuitable or inappropriate. The exclusion of any subset of women can be justified in exactly the same way.
Nope! Stop trying to use women of color and intersex women as justifications for why we should let men pretend to be women. You’ve seen the hundreds of receipts of trans women committing all sorts of male violence. Has anyone found anywhere near a comparable number of trans men doing similar things? They have not, even though if trans men were truly men they would be much more violent.
7. The majority of single-sex spaces are, functionally, just as much single-gender (owing to the traditional equivalence of ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ and to the majority of the population being cis. Trans people have been using spaces appropriate to their gender for decades, whereas concerns about them doing so are based on speculation and hypotheticals rather than fact. (Aided, as with a lot of bigotry, by bad and manipulated statistics.)
I’ve spoken about my opinions on the bathroom debate before. If a passing trans person uses the bathroom of their choice I don’t really care, but there have already been many examples of men making women uncomfortable in their bathrooms, or worse. Making all bathrooms gender neutral is by far the worst idea, but unfortunately that seems to be where we’re headed. More Invisible Women, just for fun:
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8. This is the worst red herring, exploiting violent misogyny for the sake of argument. It is another straw argument, too, since—even ignoring trans-positive feminism in practice and assuming trans people act only in self-interest—trans people are concerned with addressing such injustice.
Sure, many trans people are supportive of feminism. But we can’t effectively dismantle the patriarchy if we can’t accurately describe the (sex-based) oppression involved. Women are routinely silenced when talking about our biology, even when there is no “transphobic” language involved. “Trans-positive feminism” also often reinforces misogyny by supporting sex work and porn, and by shutting down analysis of things like femininity and makeup because “some women like it.” See also from trans activists: misogyny racism homophobia + lesbophobia
9. Similar to (7) there is no consistent distinction between sex and gender across law. Even so, this is another red herring as it is possible to recognise both sex and gender in laws and policies. Some laws already do (at least functionally, if not explicitly).
You can deny it but the TRA train is leaving without you and they’ve been clear about their goals. As you’ve seen in this post, gender is intended to replace sex. Those who bring up sex-based issues are silenced as “terfs” who deserve the hatred thrown at them.
Sorry for making such a long post but I was on a roll so I just kept writing. I don’t expect @terflies​ to respond to all of this but I wanted an excuse to make some sort of masterpost that links to a lot of my other posts and can be used in the future. Online school is going pretty well and I’m trying to start some doing some hobbies that are better than tumblr blogging.
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letsoulswander · 4 years
What if you've thought about this for a long time and done lots of self examination and still find that your individual sexuality doesn't include desire for somebody who has a particular set of genitalia or secondary sex characteristics? Like I've really tried. It just leaves me cold, and I know I'm far from alone. Feels weird to be constantly called a bigot for something that is so personal, and that I cannot change 🤷
(I’m assuming this ask is in response to my reblogging this, from @cipheramnesia)
It’s funny that you are asking me this, anon, because I’m both ace and trans- what people have in their pants doesn’t really play much role for me in the grand scheme of things.
I’ve spent a lot of personal time researching sexual attraction, how it works, what it feels like. I’ve asked people to tell me about it and I’ve observed how they interact with it. It’s a feeling I experience very infrequently, if at all, so it’s endlessly fascinating to me.
I’ve also spent a lot of time researching gender identity, dysphoria, euphoria, and the roles they play in peoples’ lives. I’ve spent a lot of time talking to trans people about their experiences as trans people, and I’ve lived my whole life as a trans person.
Given these, I like to think those identities and their overlap gives me a unique perspective to talk about this kind of thing. Please keep in mind that I am not every trans person, every ace person, or every queer person.
Now I’m going to take a page out of Hannah Gadsby’s book, and set your expectations. In other words, here’s a TLDR:
Your sexuality/attraction probably isn’t specifically focused on genitals.
If you’re uncomfortable being called a bigot, ask yourself if you’re behaving like one.
Genitals are gross. People who find them gross still sleep with them, because they’re attracted to the rest of the person.
Even if you specifically have attraction for a specific genital type, you’re probably not going to meet many people genital-first.
“Secondary sex characteristics” that are associated with cis men appear in cis women, and ones that are associated with cis women appear in cis men, naturally.
Your attraction probably has room for things other than the specific look/feel/shape of the genitals of your partner. Consider that any partners you take, or people you feel attraction for, exist outside of any sexual activities you do together (which may or may not involve taking off your pants).
Homework: Examine, please, why you are so focused on genitalia as a deciding factor in your sexuality. It might be the people around you or the people who helped you come out, but it’s important to consider why you think these hypothetical genitals will make or break your potential relationships.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s begin.
To start: I’m sorry that someone has made you think that your sexuality is only specifically about genitals. It really sucks. Correlating genitals to sexuality has been used for a long time to defend anything from “not exposing” children to non-straight/cis content, to denying health care and housing to people “because we don’t want people doing that, here”.
(Because queer and non-cishet identities are all About Sex and the genitals involved, obviously.)
It sounds like you’re bothered by this topic. Maybe it’s just because you are uncomfortable with being called a bigot, or maybe you actually are a bigot. I don’t know you. I’m going to respond as if it’s the first, because I know there are probably a couple people who follow me with similar concerns.
What I do know is, to put it bluntly, the argument that “my sexuality doesn’t allow for this set of genitals/secondary sex characteristics” is one that gets thrown around in a lot of anti-trans rhetoric, and it’s poison. So lets break down why someone might hear you say that, and then think you are a bigot.
Genitals are gross. I’ve asked people who are REALLY INTO GUYS, who have slept with guys, and have been told (by multiple people!) that penises are weird, and not that sexy. I did then ask, of course, “why do you have sex with them then?” The answer I got was because... apparently, they were also attracted to the rest of the guy. Who knew, right?
I’ve also asked people who are REALLY INTO GIRLS, who have slept with girls, and have been told (again, by multiple people) that vulvas are weird, and not that sexy. Their answer to why they have sex with a body part that’s not that sexy? Also attraction to the rest of the girl.
Why do I mention these? Because even people who are REALLY attracted to a specific gender aren’t (generally) all that invested in the genitals of their partners. I don’t know what kind of life you live, anon, but unless you exclusively meet your partners/people you find attractive via cam-girl tapes or porn, chances are you’ve met and been attracted to at least a couple of trans people who have transitioned, people you would never expect to have (insert binary genital type here).
Let’s talk about secondary sex characteristics. You’re familiar with terms like AGAB/AFAB/AMAB? If you’re not, google them (all together so they come up with the correct definitions). I’ll wait.
Okay, now that you know what they mean, let’s use a hypothetical. Imagine a baby girl is born, and the doctor looks and says “it’s a girl!” Everything looks fine. She grows up, gets her period, examines her gender identity and decides that she is cis.
Now, the secondary sex characteristics people tend to expect from cis women after puberty include a moderately high voice, soft skin, rounded facial features. Socially, women are also pressured to remove body hair and have long hair on their heads, and to move in certain ways to be “ladylike” or “sexy” or “demure” or whatever. Also, generally, people associate vulvas with “ability to get pregnant”.
But lots of cis women don’t fit those! Google Indian or Israeli or Arabic women, who are genetically more likely to have thicker and darker facial and body hair. Google PCOS or endometriosis, which can cause deepening voice, increased and darker facial/body hair, fertility issues and pain. Google vaginismus, which makes PIV sex very painful or impossible. There are posture issues and disabilities that make moving fluidly tricky, and disorders (like hyperthyroidism) that make your head hair fall out or thin. These are all secondary sex characteristics.
The issue I take with your dismissal of “certain secondary sex characteristics” is that, well, they’re secondary. Each body responds differently to genetics and environment both. There are cis men with soft skin, sparse body hair, long head hair, men with high voices and more fluid mannerisms and softer facial features, as well. These not indicators that the person in question is Actually Secretly Trans and is out to hoodwink you.
The argument you’ve brought to me seems to be “I don’t like x genital, therefore I couldn’t sleep with/be attracted to someone who is not cis”. I invite you to, instead of wondering about what genitals you are “attracted to”, consider what kind of person you like. Are they funny? Smart? Beautiful? Handsome? A mix of all of those? Do they tell you jokes? Help you with chores? Are they kind to you?
Honestly, anon, I don’t care who you are attracted to or who you sleep with. I’m not telling you that you need to be attracted to people you don’t find attractive.
But I strongly, strongly urge you to consider why the hypothetical genitals of the people around you are so important to you. Maybe you should reconsider whoever you’re hanging out with, who’s asking you these questions, because I doubt they have your best interest at heart, or the best interest of the trans people around you.
We get attacked, around the world, every day because of our genitals. People police us all the time, want us to “man up” or “be ladylike”, either to pass better or to force us to commit to play the role of cis for the rest of our lives. But the cure for this is NOT tapping out the moment trans people - and our genitals - are brought up and complaining that “I just don’t find (insert genital) sexy!”
As Cipher noted (in that post waaay back at the top of this thing), she’s married to someone who doesn’t particularly like penises, but loves her dearly, and Cipher, in turn, also isn’t a fan of her own. I promise you, anon, I promise you, genitals are strange, and love is stranger. Don’t put your attraction on the fulcrum of “what genitals I will sleep with”. (Note: you also don’t have to sleep with whoever you’re into, I promise, take it from an ace person who doesn’t have sex and still has a lovely time with the people I’m into.)
Instead, here’s a little homework: Consider what is attractive to you about the people you like, and try to let go of the idea of what does or doesn’t constitute a man or woman. Including genitals, sure, but also including secondary sex characteristics. Trust me. It’s worth the work.
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scretladyspider · 5 years
Tumblr, please help a queer disabled spoonie escape homelessness?
Hi! It is September 8th 2019, and I need your help. Could you take a moment to reblog this post?
Here’s the situation.
I’ve been homeless since June and living in a spare room with a couple of friends. It’s been really rough. They didn’t really think through the cost of an extra person, and they want to help me out, but.. I definitely feel the tension, and I feel so much guilt for not being out on my feet yet. While I try to contribute by cleaning the house, and I do finally have a better job in retail.. it would be a lie to say things haven’t been tense at times. I’ve been trying to pay them back where I can and even set up a gofundme, but it hasn’t gotten too far past the halfway point. The fact is moving out is expensive with having to pay for both the first month’s rent and the down payment, and well... it’s not easy being a homeless person in a spare room with two of your best friends.. not easy at all. There’s definitely been a high emotional cost. Of course, this hasn’t been the only thing, but.. yeah. Let’s just say that I love these people, but... I definitely feel like a burden, and I don’t think I’m entirely wrong in feeling that. Of course they would never tell me that, but.. it’s just not been easy. I want to pay them back, I want to be a good roommate... I am doing what I can, but, it seems like I can’t ever do enough on my own.
I can’t really move back in with my folks, either, even if that was a good idea (which I don’t think it is). They’re currently housing two of my dad’s friends who are also experiencing homelessness and don’t have room for me. It’s not feasible. They’re currently housing my two kitties, who I miss terribly. 
I’m disabled, but getting help for that is lengthy and less than easy, espeically when you don’t really have an address of your own. I can work, and I am working, which makes it harder to get help to make up the difference in the cost of living. I have been hospitalized 6 times for depression, I have ADHD, DPDR, and an unspecified mood disorder, I have endometriosis - it’s ridiculous to list everything to be honest. I’m able to keep out of the hospital with psychiatric help and medication for the endometriosis but it is something I have to be constantly managing. I’m also queer - demisexual, polyamorous, panromantic - and if we’re real I don’t know if I’m cis but I’ve given up on the question. Managing my health is my #1 priority because it has to be. It keeps me out of the hospital and alive. It’s hard, and I don’t get everything right, but it’s better than being dead. I’d like to stay not-dead and out of the hospital. 
So yeah, there’s a lot going on, and I’m quite exhausted by being in the thick of it at this point. I’m glad I still have access to depression treatment because without it... I don’t know where I’d be, you know?
It may not seem like much, and I know these posts get shared and made all the time, but please reblog this. It's not even the first one I've had to make. But the lease on the apartment I'm lucky enough to stay in ends soon, and I really am doing everything I can. I'm working, I'm looking at a second or third job, and I'm just trying to get by. I'm disabled and working full time is extremely difficult, so working two jobs isn't going to be great either. I'm trying to get what help I can, but a big source of need here is money. Upside, I can finally consistently eat! Downside, I desperately need to not be living in a spare room anymore. I'm even trying to pay back the people I'm living with where I can, but it's tough. Thanks to the generosity of others I was able to start filing for bankruptcy (yay medical bills!) but it's not enough to move out. On top of that you guys might’ve seen my post about how google ads told me I could make payments and that was a big fat lie? Yeah... it’s been rough. It’s like every bit of progress I make, I have to buy food, or my meds, or drive to my psychiatrist, or there was the time I had to get a foot xray.. being sick isn’t cheap, neither is eating. I’m glad I’ve got more work now, and I am trying to get a second job, but that’s no guarantee. So I’m asking all of you.
I am working at last - both on art AND in retail, and hoping to finally move out soon. I'm SO CLOSE to not being homeless but I need some help. The lease on this apartment is up soon and I need to be ready to move out before that happens. 
You can help me get back on my feet by 
reblogging this post
becoming a patron
buying a coffee 
reblogging this post for your followers
Giving on PayPal, CashApp ($secretladyspider), or Venmo (Ellerosecunningham)
reblogging / sharing this post
Everything helps, I promise it does. I’m so thankful that I’ve made it this far. Now I need to make it even farther.
Thank you for reading, and thank you for your help. Have a great rest of your day!
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star-anise · 5 years
Hey Tumblr, I’m gonna spill a little knowledge on triggers and blacklists. TW: Many of my examples mention actual triggers, like sexual assault, self-injury, intimate partner violence, gore, common animal phobias, and a few fandoms.
A “trigger” is a stimulus that involuntarily causes you to have an unpleasant and aversive psychological reaction. In plain English: When you see/hear/smell/touch/read it, your brain makes you feel NOT GOOD. The specifics can be really diverse and complicated! I know people keep trying to say “well MY kind of trigger is the only REAL kind of trigger” but I’ll pull out my Master’s degree in psychology if I have to on this one: there is no one true form of trigger or trigger reaction. Our brains like to freak out over all KINDS of shit, and they do it in all KINDS of ways. 
Trigger warnings are how we talk about difficult things. The first place I ever saw them used was the Bodies Under Siege mailing list, which started in 1997 as a forum for people who self-injured; because they found that talking about their self-injury could cause other vulnerable members of their community to self-injure, they began warning each other of the content of their posts, so each member could decide to read a certain post, or avoid it for their own mental health. The practice soon spread to feminist blogs that discussed sexual assault, then elsewhere.
Some triggers are rather predictable because most human brains come pre-equipped with a set of hardwired triggers for disgust or distress, like corpses, blood, other humans being in pain, and the taste and smell of rotting food. Others are often highly unpredictable and random, because literally anything can become associated with trauma.
A trigger is not a moral judgment. Just because something causes you distress, it isn’t necessarily bad, and won’t necessarily harm anyone else. That’s a separate conversation. So whether something is a trigger for you is 100% about how it makes you feel, not about whether anyone else should have anything to do with it.
It is entirely reasonable to ask other people to let you know if something meets the description of one of your triggers. “Hey, could you tag everything with spiders in it please?” “Hi, does your story have any gore onscreen?” “Hello, which of these books has sexual assault in it?” Not everyone is able to fulfill this request, the same way not everyone can promise their kitchen is gluten-free or that their sweater has never made contact with a cat, but it’s reasonable for you to ask.
It is not reasonable for you to ask that other people have nothing to do with your triggers because they trigger you. Whether something is fundamentally evil is a separate conversation. If they routinely make you deal with stuff that triggers you, yeah sure, you’re totally entitled to conclude they’re treating you badly and cut contact with them. But on the other hand, when you’re not there, it’s their right to eat a food that triggers you/watch horror movies you can’t deal with/date a guy who bears a physical resemblance to your abuser/reblog pictures of the animal you’re phobic about/whatever else that triggers you but that they’re into.
If you’ve been asked to help warn people about what will trigger them--say, for example, that you’ve been asked to tag all your Tumblr posts about politics--then you can answer one of two ways pretty fairly. One way is to agree, and find ways of tagging that work for you and them and anyone else involved--maybe tagging “New York tw” or “Sherlock mention” so they don’t show up in the main #New York or #Sherlock tags, or finding a reasonable compromise for things you don’t know how to properly nail down, like tagging “creepy crawlies” for things that aren’t necessarily insects or spiders, but are... some form of creepy crawly? And trigger them? (What even ARE lobsters anyway? Wait, don’t tell me, they still freak me out.)
The other way is to say, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can accommodate you.” Maybe you aren’t good enough at telling when something meets their criteria; maybe it’s too hard for you to remember all the things you need to tag; maybe your own anxiety or scrupulosity are triggered by the expectation that you remember to keep someone else safe. People might get upset at you, but I’ll defend the right of individual people living their own lives to do this. The bigger, richer, and better-staffed someone or something gets, the more I expect out of them, the same way I expect more of other disability accommodations like captioned videos or image descriptions; but small blogs, like individual homes, are often only as accessible as limited means and human resources make them.
The advantage to posting your list of triggers publicly is that if someone wants to make their blog accessible to you, it’s easy for them to know how; the disadvantage is that it hands someone who wants to ruin your day a Top 10 list of how. It’s up to you to weigh the risks and benefits. Maybe your trigger list is an “ask to know” thing, instead of something preserved on Internet archives for all eternity.
There. Now you know how triggers work. Go forth, curate your blocklists, ask people to tag, and have much better Internet experiences accordingly.
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x-reader-theater · 5 years
Hold me Tight, for the Days are Long {2}
Relationship: Geralt of Rivia X Male!Disabled!Reader
Summary: You meet a man you haven’t seen in years. Everything is perfect. Or is it?
Warnings: Cursing, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Word Count: 1226 words
A/N: Alright, hey guys. So I fucked up and deleted the original chapter 2 post so I don’t know what I said here in the author’s note. You’ll still get chapter 3 today, and I’ll never do this again. At least, I hope I don’t. Anyways, please like and comments, and most importantly, reblog. The original series is doing so well and I want this to do well too. Anyways, here’s chapter 2, again, of  Hold me Tight, for the Days are Long. 
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
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Chapter 2: A Wyvern Used my Arm as a Chew Toy
You're counting your coins as you walk down the streets of Vengerberg. "Twenty-five. Twenty-six. Twenty-seven…" You put the coins away in your pouch and look at your feet, watching as your boots crunch in the snow. 
You look up and narrowly avoid smacking into a random man. He has a cloak on, with some heavy furs padding the shoulders and a smaller figure beside him. You grunt and say loud enough for him to hear, "Watch where you're going." 
The man stops and you just keep walking, not looking behind you. "Hey!" You hear the man shout. You hear quieter whispers from the figure who was by his side. You can't quite make it out, the now gently falling snow an insulator to sound. 
You think you hear them say something along the lines of, "What are you doing?" 
"Hey! Stop!" They call out. Something in the back of your mind pushes you to stop, but you don't. "Hey! [Y/N]!" At that, you stop. 
It's instant when you whip around, your hand on the hilt of your sword. You're about to ask how the man knows your name, but your stance drops, your arm falls to your side, and you swear there's no tears in your eyes. 
"Geralt?" You and Geralt run at each other, forgetting about his traveling companion, and he leans down slightly, wrapping you up in his arms. You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face under his chin. "I didn't know if I'd see you again…" 
He pulls back and is smiling at you, something you never thought you'd see again. That is until his eyes fall to your arm and he frowns. "What happened?" He asks, lightly tracing his knuckles down your silver arm. You shiver. 
"A wyvern got ahold of it. I used all my money to get a sorceress to create this silver arm for me." You flex the arm, showing its' capabilities, how smooth it moves. You turn it over and show the detailing of the silver arm. "I don't really know what the sorceress's name was. I was pretty delirious at that point." You shrug nonchalantly. 
Geralt grabs your silver hand and smiles. "That must have hurt." The smile turns into a smirk. 
"You're damn right it hurt!" You exclaim. 
You and Geralt laugh as his smaller traveling companion pipes up from the side, "Um, I don't mean to be rude or to ruin… whatever moment's going on here, but who are you?" 
You turn and see a man, shorter than Geralt, with brown hair and observant eyes. You stick out your silver hand, your left one, and watch as he struggles to shake your left hand. You know it's not customary to shake the left hand, but what about you is customary any more? "[Y/N]." 
"Uh… Jaskier," the man mumbles out. 
"No Sir [Y/N]?" Geralt asks with an eyebrow raised. 
You smile and place a hand on Geralt's shoulder. "We have a lot to catch up on." 
"So, let me get this straight. The wyvern that ate your arm-" 
"Half ate," you cut in. 
"Yes yes, sorry. Half ate. You ended up killing it? That's amazing! I've only seen Geralt do things like that! Oh, I have to write that down!" Jaskier takes out a notebook and a quill, jotting down a few notes. 
You turn to Geralt and take a sip of your ale. "And what have you been up to?" You ask quietly, not wanting to disturb the man next to you, scribbling away. You also want this to be a private moment, as private as it can be in a public setting. 
"All types of things. I'm sure your stories are better than mine," he says. 
You shake your head. "I'll always want to hear your stories." 
You both smile at each other. Yours is in fondness, in something you never got to have with a man you wish you knew for longer. 
"Have you not heard about the white wolf? How he killed a bunch of elves and a demon?" Jaskier asks. 
"Demons don't exist," you and Geralt say at the same time. You look at each other and smile. 
"Okay, yeah, I know that. But the people don't know that!" Jaskier shouts. The innkeeper shushes him and he gets a few odd glares from the people around you. 
"Did you really kill all those elves?" You ask Geralt. 
He rolls his eyes. "No. Of course not. They're not monsters. They don't deserve to be killed." 
You smile and nod. Jaskier rolls his eyes. "You're ruining my fun…" he mutters out. You just laugh. 
"So, why didn't you become a knight?" Geralt asks you. 
You knew the question would come up sooner or later. You shrug, though you're nervous about his reaction. "I got a taste of real adventure. And Queen Calanthe was so rude to me when I gave her the heart. I decided years of guarding walls in the cold and dark wasn't adventure enough for me. So, I started killing monsters." You slam your silver hand on the table but quickly pull it away. Sometimes you forget the weight of silver. 
You smile sheepishly, and Geralt is just staring at you. You frown, but don't say anything as Jaskier starts talking again. 
"So, tell me some more stories, Silver Jackal…" 
You tell him everything you remember, from the beginning, from Geralt, until now. 
As you walk up to your room, you hear the creaking of footsteps on old wooden stairs behind you. You, Geralt, and Jaskier were all going to bed. At least, that's what you told Jaskier and Geralt. You hear Geralt whisper something to Jaskier, but you don’t quite hear because you’re going into your room. As you’re about to close the door for the night, a hand blocks you from closing it. The hand pushes the door open and you see Geralt standing on the other side. He pushes the door open a little more, before closing it behind him. He rushes up to you and grabs your face in his hands, pressing his lips to yours. You grab his wrists, but instead of pulling his hands away, they just rest there as you melt into the kiss. You just stand there for a few moments, letting Geralt kiss you, kissing him back. Your bodies intertwined. Your mouths interlocked. Really, it's a sweet moment. It's not passionate. It's not lustful. 
It's hopeful. 
Geralt pulls away, letting you breathe for a moment, resting his forehead on yours. "I never thought I'd see you again." 
You interlock your fingers with his and kiss his knuckles. "After that night, I couldn't stop thinking of you," you say quietly like it's a secret between the two of you. 
Geralt bends down and kisses you again. Softly. Slowly. "I thought that when I saw Queen Calanthe again, and you weren't there, that I'd never see you again," he mumbles against your lips. You pull back and watch as he blinks, and his dark lashes brush against his cheekbones. "I'm so glad I was wrong." 
You smile, your heart swelling with happiness, and Geralt pushes you into the bed. You let him have his way with you. 
It's sweeter than anything else you've had before.
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illnessfaker · 4 years
[ cw: f-slur, rape mention ]
no reblogs pls. this is a long vent.
haha not to be a hysterical faggot crippled shut-in freak or anything but the way ppl talk abt the defensiveness around the f-slur that some gay/bi male users (and some transfem users) on here as if it's some kind superiority pissing contest thing and not primarily about...respecting the boundaries and experiences of those gay/bi male (and transfem) users. like...being on this site as a fag-adjacent person (i say that half-jokingly because it sounds silly on one hand but on the other that's the most accurate descriptor of my gender identity, lol) is becoming increasingly draining and upsetting with how "progressive" homophobia against gay/bi men is apparently becoming, like, a meme among lgbtq people and that's acceptable somehow bc lgbtq people aren't cishets or because it's "only online" and therefore doesn't matter.
like idgaf abt ppl who aren't gay/bi men (or transfem) using the f-slur in every single context possible. if they're affectionately referring to their gay/bi male (or transfem) friends with that word (so long as said friends are comfortable with it) that's one thing. who cares. i even rb'd something where a cis butch (iirc) lesbian was talking about a gay man she knew who she was affectionatly calling a faggot and the things she said warmed my heart. if they're throwing it around at every opportunity or using it as an edgy insult against random strangers on the internet, that's another. the users on here who do the latter also regularly display behavior that like...shows a pretty clear disdain for gay/bi men (or transfem ppl) not apart of their online or "irl" circlejerks and echo chambers, and that is in no way disconnected from their love of using the f-slur, lol.
the "it's only online and so it's unimportant uwu go outside" thing also really feels like such a spit in the face as someone who both lives in a rural area full of cishet white men with guns that might try to kill me if i walked out of the house in drag (not to mention i live with my bf and his family and his parents are homophobes themselves i'm sure), and is also someone with health issues that usually keep me at home and in bed when i'm not working. i didn't always live here but even in my hometown the only "lgbtq space" i had was the high school GSA which didn't do shit other than the day of silence and was attended by people i did not feel safe around (e.g. my ex-friend who was very emotionally manipulative and ended up raping someone.) i don't have any other lgbtq spaces to go to other than online ones. if i never joined tumblr i might still be a self-hating cishet girl, or i might be dead, who knows. like, i've accepted at this point that personhood isn't something i'm allowed in (outside of my whiteness) so fuck me i guess if we need to but the idea that other young, impressionable, and/or traumatized lgbtq people who only can meet other lgbtq people and learn about lgbtq things online for whatever reason don't deserve to have us make an effort on cultivating internet spaces that are as accessible and safe for them as possible, or that their experiences and feelings are somehow unimportant is just...vile. like ofc not everyone needs to "pander" to "logged on" disabled fags like myself maybe but if you have any kind of large following on social media maybe consider that the things you say and do on said social media have like...an actual effect on other people instead of pretending that it's "just online" and therefore consequences for your actions either don't matter enough (to you personally) or somehow don't exist.
but going back to the fag thing, most popular lgbtq tumblr users on my dash i see nowadays just...simply do not give a shit whatsoever about gay/bi men, to the point they're normalizing "progressive" and "acceptable" homphobia against us bc they've convinced themselves due to the bigotry some gay/bi men (often cis, white, and wealthy mind you) exhibit we are "the cishets of the lgbtq community," despite horrific violence still being committed against us every day and despite other lgbtq people being capable of engaging in that violence themselves. ppl make thinly veiled jokes and memes where the punchline is men having sex with each other or effeminacy as if those things aren't primary avenues for gay/bi men being abused, assaulted, and killed (including acts of abuse and assault of a sexually-driven nature), as if said jokes and memes don't serve to normalize the mentalities that drive homophobic hate crimes. it's not like...a coincidence that most lgbtq people who makes these jokes aren't gay/bi men (or transfem). this doesn't even get into how things like homophobia and anti-effeminacy can pretty much boot certain gay/bi men from manhood...or womanhood...or any place in gender altogether.
call me exlusionary if you want but i think it's fair to say that the chances of people who aren't gay/bi men (or transfem*) facing the repurcussions of those mentalities in any meaningful way, the chances of these people actually having lived as or going to live as "faggots" is any meaningful sense is slim to none, and that's why they're so comfortable participating in this shit, and that's why i'm triggered(tm) by them "reclaiming" faggot (which doesn't really involve reclamation bc calling random strangers on the internet or gay/bi men you hate a slur isn't reclamation you morons), because frankly if you're not apart of either of those groups, you're just not a fucking faggot. it's not your word just because some rando on overwatch called you it for picking hanzo in comp. period. end of story. it's also just extremely absurd to try and claim faggotry as something you experience while...readily and happily engaging in homophobia and fag-hate (which isn't synonymous with the former term but i'm talking abt ppl who probably seldom ever engage which discussions and theory surrounding how homophobia instrumentates itself in society - or at least that which doesn't conform to their worldview). within the gay/bi male community there's plentu of masc "straight-acting" gays who weaponize this shit against fem gays and they (should) get held accountable in the same way. you're not special.
and god, being told my gendered experiences as a fag-adjacent person where (white) cafab women are fully capable of engaging in social forms of "oppression" against me and other fags in undeniably gendered ways is somehow an outlier and therefore not reflective of broader social by (white) masc urbanite tbros with definitively more social standing than i'll ever have in my life, as if i somehow developed this understanding of gendered violence just based off my own life and not...the reported and sometimes even recorded experiences of countless other fags who get mocked and silenced because anything that deviates from a watered down, shoddy cis feminist take on gender is fake news(tm) or bordering on saying misandry exists (like no it doesn't exist but acting as if homophobic shit like anti-sodomy laws, for example, has zero to do with gay/bi men's manhood is just nonsensical). convos on here abt gender being mostly dominated by (white) cafab women or sometimes (white) masc trans guys is such a mistake lmao.
anyway i'm tired and stressed and pretty done with having "acceptable" homophobic shit shoved in my face on a daily basis both online and offline but nevertheless i must persist because i'm not lucky enough to have anywhere else to go, really. just...think critically abt ur actions regarding gay/bi male sexuality and gender-stuff pretty please. please.
( *disclaimer just in case that i definitely don't see transfems as some "type" of gay/bi men. there are transfems who identify with gay/bi manhood and/or faggotry. there are transfems who don't. that's entirely up to them. thank u. )
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roseate7 · 4 years
Pens fans and Sid fans are great at holding our faves accountable - you’re probably not
If you’re inflamed by that title then this post is for you. Flouncing away from it makes you look like a clown who can’t handle criticism and correction. I’ll go ahead and preface this by saying my disability limits my usage of screens to only the absolute essentials so I won’t be back here to see if you’ve done either so please save yourself time and any huffy replies you’re bristling with. I’m not interested in returning to tumblr, trust me.
I shouldn’t be surprised considering this fandom’s selectiveness when it comes to politics and hockey but it’s still not great to get an anon message that huge swathes of fandom are now treating the topic of racism not with regards to Akim Aliu or BLM, but as a popularity contest of performative white men. Oh and their eagerness to once again remind anyone they think cares that “humph they don’t wike Sidney Cwosby and their fave is superior! Take THAT Cwosby fans!”
Again, y’all should’ve saved yourselves the trouble but fortunately I and Pens fandom have a nice history of protesting and holding our team and Sid accountable for you to learn from. Especially Caps and Blues fans recently, also anyone gross enough to be Ovechkin fans, but especially if you consciously decide to have anything to do with supporting the Blackhawks and not smacking yourself in the eye every time you type or utter the team name. Like, holy shit are we really out here on the brink of saying you can be best friends with Patrick Kane and still be... jesus christ. (Start here and work backward - any other Pens fans, rb and add your own history of it) I’ll try to keep this brief but I couldn’t really care less if anyone finds it too long lol. If you’re all willing to post about this shit then you can sit and listen.
1) If any of the gestures made by these white men has turned your head or made you think they’re better than other white men in hockey then a) you’re obviously biased towards them in the first place and are jumping on any fucking crumb cast your way, and b) you’re wrong. They do not care about you. They do not care about BLM. They have known all along when they and others have done wrong and they have done nothing until pressured to do so. They do not care about anything beyond hockey. 
2) I have watched multiple rotations of PR efforts to Make Hockey Players Seem Like Great Guys over the decades. This is the latest. They pretend to atonement. They donate. They make statements. They wear tape on their sticks. They put on special jerseys for fifteen minutes. They pose with the minority they have offended (or attend Pride parades and get nothing but praise for it and the unearned mantle of having saved gays everywhere). And yet as I am here to attest, it has never done anything. It is intended to make you like them and do exactly what you’re doing now - buy into their cultivated hierarchy of goodness that has zero relevance to real world ideas of goodness or morality. 
3) The bar is too low to call any white male hockey player a good man. “But you stan Crosby!!” Yep. Read through my blog and I absolutely go nuts with the narrative of this guy’s career and his impact or lack of action in hockey. I balance a fascination with him as a hockey player with real life criticism of him as a person. You can too! 
4) Lastly, if you think “omg my guy is SOOOOO much better than Crosby because of x, y, and z” then you are a fool. You’re playing precisely into what the NHL and it’s teams have been pushing - especially on female fans! You’ve been fed a version of a white man, you’ve been given a tamping down in terms of your expectations, and now you’re in love. You’ll take anything he throws you and carry it like a banner over the heads of any inferior hockey men! You’re the loser in this exchange.
Ironically for the latest batch of “I hate Crosby”, Sidney Crosby has in fact done far more to improve the diversity of hockey than your white faves - the Little Penguins was his baby and spread league wide as the Learn to Play program and his focus has been to push management of his teams toward making tickets and events accessible to lower income families. Most of your dudes wait for initiatives from Head Office to be handed down via PR. Here’s the kicker! that absolutely every Pens and Sid fan I know is aware of! Neither Sid’s proactive work nor most players’ going along makes them better than each other in a real world sense! Because none of them are doing a fraction of what they could easily be doing to tackle real issues in an up front and direct way! And they all know it and hide from it! They’re all white boys who don’t like to rock the boat unless enough of their brothers do it with them!
None of them spoke up for Akim Aliu in any actual supportive way!! They waited for human trash bag Evander Kane to say something and slowly trickled in!! they all waited!! They waited their whole careers and they’re gonna keep you waiting!! 
Jonathan Toews is not better than Sidney Crosby. You are the ones who are upset by that fact - we’re the ones who’ve never questioned it. Johnny being best friends with a racist and abuser (and defending him openly!) and never answering for his racist logo on his chest or his notoriously brazen racist fans DOES NOT GO AWAY just because in this instance Sidney Crosby was later than him. It does not disappear just because his fans read a silly and utterly empty, self-serving mansplaining text post and decide that he is suddenly better than Sidney Crosby’s equally empty statement days later. Judge these men intelligently!! Stop making it a teen magazine bestest boy rating!! DO NOT TELL PEOPLE TO BRUSH OFF A MAN’S FRIENDSHIP AND DEFENCE OF A RACIST ABUSER RAPIST JUST BECAUSE HE WROTE A NOTE SAYING HE’S FOUND OUT ABOUT RACISM AND BOY IT’S NOT GOOD EH.
Please, just for a second, just think of how stupid it is to take an issue like systemic racism and actually sit down and actually turn it into whose boy is better than whose. For the love of god please if nothing else stop doing that!!
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