#not to complain on someone else's???
jakeperalta · 9 months
do people know they can just.. not leave comments like this on other people's work
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elbiotipo · 28 days
It's fascinating to me that for our modern (at least on European-influenced societies) thinking, the classical Roman way of life is so familiar. When you read about it, the rethoric of the speeches feels modern, a society based on contracts and laws and litigation, with public works, a state bureucracy and standing army and trade economy and even spectator sports, a concept of philosophy separated from religious dogma and tradition, with even a limited understanding of a government by 'the people' and 'citizenship', even the names all sound familiar even if in completely different contexts, and no wonder since they inspired our current politics.
This all in contrast to medieval feudalism, which is completely alien to me. A society created upon family connections and oaths of fealty and serfdom with no such thing as an overarching state, not even kingdoms were any more real than a title one person holds, and all held together completely, utterly, to an extent I cannot emphasize enough, by the institution of the Church and the Christian faith. In a way we just aren't used today in our secular world. I simply cannot overstate how everything, every single thing, was permeated by faith in the Medieval worldview and the Church which took its power from it, we have an understanding of it but I think people just don't realize it.
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ot3 · 4 months
okay guys i'm going to open the floor for media recs: what is your favorite media wrt Lots of Female Characters or Really Good Female Character Writing? please put it in the replies so everything is in one place, i don't want any asks or dms. please refer to the following chart for how im grading these.
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any media format, any genre. actually that's a lie. don't recommend concept albums to me. a concept album isn't real media they made that shit up for theater kids. femslash is a bonus but not necessary, however if you recommend anythign really het i will probably side eye you. okay thanks xx
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ganondoodle · 17 hours
man, totk has truly broken something in my love for the zelda franchise, saw the new title announcement and didnt feel anything :I
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
so a thing this fandom does that remains FASCINATING to me, as a function of the fact a lot of this fandom is people's first fandom or only current fandom, is just... assume a lot of things it does is a scourge that this fandom has invented or doesn't exist outside of it? or like, is uniquely bad here? and i won't deny that sometimes mcyt fandom is a bit more intense by virtue of numbers, but like...
duo names: confusing fandom-injokes to describe duos and groups tend to be an anime fandom thing specifically for many historical reasons, but they're not uncommon. hey quick--if you haven't been in KHR fandom, can you guess what 1827 is? no? i'll give you a hint: that's actually a ship name. or, ygo fans, tell me the difference between puppyshipping, prideshipping, violetshipping, and rivalshipping. my hint is that they're all kaiba ships and two of them are actually the same ship. good luck!
reducing characters to a specific trait: have you read fic in another fandom before? i would recommend you go do so and come back to me. my example here is "sasuke likes tomatoes", for the record.
common au fanon that's confusing to outsiders: my deep cut here is "when i got into certain tv fandoms i was baffled by the existence of sentinel/guide fics", which is a slightly older tv fandom thing so many of you probably don't know what i'm on about. but trust me: in certain fandoms it's ubiquitous and unless you've watched a completely different tv show you're gonna have to entirely pick it up from reading fic. oh hey, hybrid aus and watcher!grian, nice to see your relative here,
fanon being treated as canon: did you know there's this whole bnha character, naomasa, who is treated as canonically having a lie detector quirk? did you know that, best i can tell, that's not in canon anywhere, it just got echoed through fanon enough that everyone treated it as canon? 'fanon trait becomes so ubiquitous everyone assumes it has to be there' is not a new thing. also, batfamily fans, i have been lead to understand the tim and coffee thing is also this.
characters being treated badly to make a different dynamic look better: the fact we have the term 'character bashing' tells you all you need to know, here. if anything my one complaint on this front isn't even that it's happening--it's that i wish bashing and/or "not [character] friendly" was tagged a little more frequently, haha.
characters being reduced to their family dynamics: tale as old as time. "even the family dynamic thing" yes even that. just because this fandom tended to be particularly ship-adverse in the past didn't mean it didn't do basically the same behaviors as any fandom with shipping did with those dynamics, just gen. and other gen fandoms also do that. yes, down to the "and shipping reduces them to a ship, unlike my gen dynamic, which is very in-character; why can't people just be friends?" thing. some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
characters being reduced to their ships: some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
The Discourse: yeah this is an "actively running show" fandom thing, but also a hiatus fandom thing. ask a homestuck about vriskourse sometime. as much as i hate to say it, it probably made doomsday discourse look cute.
and those are just like... some things i've seen people complain about on my dash recently. idk it just hit me there are probably fans in mcyt fandoms who are assuming that some things (like hybrid aus or duo names) are the kind of things that only happen here, so i thought i'd offer some examples of other places they happen! i also have even more examples if you'd like.
to be clear: this isn't shaming anyone for complaining about any of these things. lord knows i go complain to my friends about it all the time, just the other day i was complaining in the category of 'they keep bashing my guy'. it's more of just... a gentle reminder that maybe we're big, maybe we're loud, maybe we have problems... but these problems aren't always unique.
so uh. we're all suffering together i guess...?
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keldabekush · 5 months
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Skimmer is the mom friend. He doesn’t even know
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wowitsverycool · 2 months
sigh...................... i think we need to get 2016 undertale fandom levels of annoying. we need to take drastic measures. i want ISAT not just to be popular but to be NOTORIOUS. do you understand. do you understand me
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buddiebitch · 26 days
saw someone complaining about how little Tommy was in that episode..
of all the things to be worried about you pick his ass?
you aren’t worried about Christopher’s emotional trauma? what about Bobby? who’s gonna be captain? henren losing Mara???
nah none of that, you just wanna see Tommy get that shit always from me
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cnl0400 · 14 days
What's even the point in Thirteen making traps If she isn't going to use them on anybody?
She doesn't even try to kill Solomon anymore, they got rid of all her more """"problematic"""" features (AKA she was "too mean" or whatever). The difference between S4/OG!Thirteen and NB! Thirteen are night and day
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nelkcats · 1 year
Case Study: Gotham
Seeing all the trouble that the ghosts had caused that year and how much they had affected his city, as a final project for the class, Mr. Lancer let his students investigate a haunted city, and see if it was really haunted or if they were just simple rumors.
It would probably have been considered unethical or dangerous a few months earlier, but in that case they had an important help: the ghosts. Now that they were at peace, and the GIW had been kicked out of Amity (literally, Danny didn't know how, but they couldn't get in, or near the ghosts in general) many of them offered to help with the investigation. Probably to combat their own boredom.
Of course, Danny chose the most rumored city of all: Gotham. He didn't know much about Gotham, as Amity preferred to isolate itself from the outside world and deal with it's own problems, but the stories had reached his ears. Sudden deaths, living cities, crazy clowns, shadow bats and more.
He asked some friends for help and they headed to the city. It was part of his project to explore after all. What he didn't expect was a zombie (was it a zombie or not?) walking in his direction very slowly. He got into a defensive position but the zombie... just steal a tire from Johnny's motorcycle, before start laughing and crying.
That was how he met Jason Todd. And accidentally regained his consciousness. He unfortunately didn't have time to focus on it, so he just dragged him into his investigation.
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majimasleftasscheek · 7 months
does majima bundle up for the cold on his own or do you think kiryu has to make him so he doesn't get fuckin SICK
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100% he must be forced
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sejanusfan · 7 months
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watching people on tiktok and twitter complain about lucy gray singing like the movie isn’t called the BALLAD of songbirds and snakes…
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datastate · 1 year
btw regarding the discord thing: there are also other issues coming up with how people already try to monopolize usersnames they don’t intend for financial gain (see: kinnies on tumblr selling urls for upwards of 200 usd) which may result in an excess of throwaway accounts to hoard these usernames. additionally, without the number discriminator, there is also the issue of random people being able to identify & add you -- which, sure! you can change security so no one can send you frqs unless you share a server, but would you really turn that off every time an irl asks for your discord to contact you? or you may need to change your username... but quite honestly you shouldn’t have to change your username just to avoid harassment or unknown people suddenly contacting you. it’s ridiculous.
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kunshokunsho · 4 months
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lamuradex · 9 months
I really like how they handled Golbetty.
An all powerful, inscrutable chaos goddess, utterly inhuman, and yet her reactions still feel strangely understandable. She never communicates, and yet they still dealt with the relationship drama. They left it ambiguous if that conversation was with truly her or all just in Simons head, resolving the issue to himself (I think he was speaking to her). She's a dark and terrible deity who will body The Lich into a Tetris block and refuse to elaborate, and act in ways that constantly leave you questioning her motives, and perhaps imposing your own on her chaos.
Unknowable, all powerful, unpredictable.
But you touch her Simon, and she will turn you into bugs.
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themidnightghoul · 4 months
Movie Night
Dew wants to braid Phantom’s hair for completely innocent reasons. Phantom is excited to watch the new scary movie they’ve been wanting to see and letting Dew play with their hair. Dew absolutely does not have an ulterior motive whatsoever and they watch a movie together. That’s all.
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2341 CW: Breeding talk
Authors Note: This started off as a ficlet when @forest-rot said something about braiding hair and I got an idea. Then it evolved into…this. And by very pretty request, @sexy-sea-basss here is what I was working on, sweetheart 😘
Read below or on AO3 (coming soon)!
“You wanna braid my hair?” Phantom tilted their head, confused. Dew had to exhibit a ridiculous amount of control not to throw the little Quint over his shoulder and lock them in his room for a week. Something about their innocence just absolutely wrecked Dew and it drove him insane when they did things like tilt their head like that.
“Yeah, just, you know, if you want.” Dew shrugged, stammered his way through his words. He couldn’t think of an easy way to explain exactly why he wanted to braid their hair. At the moment, he genuinely did just want to play with their hair, run his fingers through the numerous layers. He loved the stark white chunk at the front, a beautiful contrast to the inky black and shimmery purple of the rest of their hair. He loved the way the layers that Aurora had cut into it curled after they washed it. He loved holding on to it as he-
“I’d love that, Dewy. Can we do it in my room? We can watch this new horror movie I’ve been waiting to see!” Phantom’s eyes lit up and Dew felt his heart flutter. Phantom was just so fucking cute and it drove him crazy.
“Sure, Baby Bat.” They stood from the sofa and made their way to Phantom’s room, the little Bug excitedly rambling on about the movie they wanted to watch. All Dew could think about was what he wanted to do after he braided their hair and he had to shift his walk a few times, trying to hide a different kind of excitement than the one Phantom currently had.
When they stepped in to Phantom’s room, they immediately flipped on their LED strip lights, changing the color to a dim purple color, and hopped on the bed, grabbing the TV remote and looking for whatever movie it was they wanted to watch. “Come, sit.” They tapped the spot next to them and Dew felt his stomach flip. Something in the way they said that just…did something to him.
Dew sat and immediately pulled them back into his lap. His fingers pulled through the strands to dislodge any tangles, rubbed gently over his scalp. The movie started, something about a haunted pool, and Phantom leaned back into Dew, a soft purr kicking up in their chest the more relaxed they got. Dew had gotten quite good at braiding, having practiced on himself for when he needed it up during shows and no one was able to help him, and he was able to work fairly quickly most of the time. But with Phantom, he slowed himself down, allowed himself to take his time and make sure they were nice and relaxed, their focus more on the movie than Dew.
One braid in and Phantom’s purring had gotten louder. Occasionally, they would jump a little at a particularly loud part of the movie and Dew would chuckle, gently rubbing their back and kissing the top of their head until they settled again. When he finished the second braid and tied it off, he put his arms around them and just held them as they watched the movie together. He tried to focus, really he did, but all he could think about was tugging on the now finished braids and how beautiful the sounds that they would make would be when he did. Thankfully, it seemed like they were too focused on the movie to notice Dew shifting around in an attempt to relieve the pressure on his increasingly aching cock. The more he thought about it, the worse it got. Eventually, Dew began to play with Phantom’s hands, kissing his way down from the top of their head to their face. Phantom’s purrs became soft whines, torn between wanting to watch the movie and focusing on Dew.
“Just watch the movie, Bug,” Dew whispered in their ear, gently nipping their earlobe and chuckling when they shifted their body against him in search of more contact. “Such a good boy, aren’t you?” He ran his hands up and down their chest, sliding under their shirt and dragging his claws across their skin, smiling at their full body shiver as he touched them.
“Off, please Dew,” they whined, raising their arms for Dew to remove their shirt. 
He couldn’t help but groan at how easy they were making this as he slid off the shirt and threw it to the side. Slowly, he kissed and nipped his way down their neck, biting just enough at their shoulder to leave a mark, and shifted his way to their front. He propped himself up on his arms and kissed each of the scars on their chest, let his tongue trace the beautiful white patches that decorated their body. “Like my own personal galaxy, you are.” He kept his focus on Phantom’s reactions to his attention and how desperately they tried to remain focused on the movie. “Doing such a good job. You enjoying the movie?”
Phantom whined louder, their hands running up and down Dew’s back. “Dewey I can’t-“
“Good boys watch the movie like they were told to do,” he whispered against their chest and reached up to tug on one of the braids, chuckling when they arched their body against him. Their response to the tug gave Dew an idea and he sat up, moving back behind them and tapping their back. “Lean forward, on all fours.”
Phantom immediately sat up and leaned forward on their arms, their tail flicking around excitedly. Dew drug his claws down their back, reveling in the way their skin broke out in goosebumps where he touched. He tugged down their sweatpants and boxers, dragging his claws the rest of the way down the curve of their ass, over their beautiful thighs that he leaned in and nipped at, causing Phantom to let out the sweetest moan. He sat up and used one hand to trail up the scratch marks on their back, the other sliding between their legs and loudly groaning at how wet they were.
“Someone’s excited, hmm?” He slowly moved his fingers through their folds, chuckling at how easily they writhed under his touch.
They tried to push back onto his fingers and he immediately withdrew, tutting disappointedly when they whined. “Dewy please.” Their voice was so sweet, so needy, and it sent Dew’s mind into a frenzy. He almost gave in right then and there, if he was being honest with himself.
“Tell me what’s going on in the movie like a good Bug and I’ll give you what you want.” He let his hand hover back where they wanted it most, leaving featherlight touches across their skin with one hand and kneading their thigh with the other. Their frustration was palpable and it only served to drive him more insane with need. He moved his hands away and popped the button on his jeans, pulling them down just enough to relieve the pressure on his aching cock. When that wasn’t enough, he grunted in frustration and pulled himself out fully, giving himself a few lazy strokes.
“Something is in the water…” they whined, their legs shaking as they tried to hold still. “The dad is s-sick, fuck Dew please.” They turned around to look back at Dew with tears in their eyes and when Dew pulled his hand away and licked the slick he had gathered on his fingers off, Phantom fell face first into the bed and whined so loud Dew was sure their throat would hurt.
Dew reached down and grabbed both braids, tugging on them to pull their head back. “Ah ah, you’re not hiding those beautiful sounds, Baby Bat. I want to hear every noise you make, you understand?” 
Phantom’s body sagged a bit and they let out another whine. “Yes, yes Dew, please will you touch me again? I need it so much.”
He let go of one of the braids and brought his hand to their mouth. “Spit.” Immediately, they spit into his hand and he swore he could feel their excitement pulsing through the air. “Such an eager little Bug aren’t you? Fuck you’re so cute.” He ran his spit covered hand up and down his length, hissing at the feeling, and slowly guided it to Phantom’s entrance. Running it up and down their slick covered folds, he tugged on the braid he still had in his hand. “Color, baby?”
“Green green green, please Dew I’m so green.” 
Chuckling, he tugged once again. “Good boy, using your words for me.” He pushed the head of his cock against them and left it there for a moment, testing the little Quint’s resolve. When they didn’t move, even though Dew could tell they were desperate to push back, he finally slid in with a loud groan that he was sure the entire den would be able to hear. “Fuck, baby, how are you so wet already? I’ve barely even touched you.”
Phantom could only make unintelligible noises in response. Dew knew that praise was one of the things that they got off on the most and he couldn’t help but take advantage of them already being most of the way to being fucked completely stupid. He gripped their hip hard enough to bruise with one hand and slowly started moving, gathering both braids in the other hand in order to keep them from falling into the bed as he slid in and out of his sweet little Ghoul.
“Satanas you’re taking me so well, such a-agh- such a good fucking boy, aren’t you?” He could feel the familiar coil in his abdomen tightening, faster than he wanted it to, but he couldn’t bring himself to slow down. “So fucking tight, baby. Fuck you’re so-” Phantom clenched and Dew saw stars, his head falling back as a wanton moan escaped his lips. The control he normally exerted had slipped and he couldn’t stop himself from pounding relentlessly into them, his movements getting harder and faster the more he let himself go. He could feel his knot beginning to swell as he fucked into Phantom and by the sounds they made, they could feel the base of it pressing against them.
“D-dew I’m c-close please-“ a high pitched moan filled the room as Dew nailed the sweet spot inside of Phantom and he could tell that they were about to completely fall apart. The swell of pride that rushed through Dew’s body knowing that he was the one to make them feel this way had him slamming his hips against the whimpering Quint even harder.
“That’s it, baby. Fuck, you feel so fucking good.” He tugged on their braids again, his other hand smacking down on their ass hard enough to leave a mark. “You gonna come for me, Starshine?”
Phantom could only whine and nod as they shifted their hips the slightest bit to get Dew to hit the same spot again. “Y-yes!”
“That’s right, good boy, come on my cock. You can do it, baby.” 
“Knot…please…” Phantom’s words were slurred but they were begging so sweetly and how was Dew supposed to deny them when they asked so politely?
“You want to take my knot, baby? Want me to fill you up until you’re leaking all around my cock?” He snapped his hips forward, his knot swelling even more at the idea of being locked inside of his pretty Quint. “Fill you up so good-“ he grunted, pushing a little more and pulling a soundless scream from their lips. “See if you catch, yeah?” Dew ran his hand down their hip to their stomach, pulling them up until their back was against his chest. “Want to see this belly full of my kits. Would you like that, baby? Want to carry my kits for me?”
Dew felt Phantom clench one final time before they came with a shout, his name on their lips. As they shuddered, Dew worked them through their orgasm, holding them up as their legs shook. He pulled the shaking Ghoul down on to his knot as it finally popped, locking them together and coming as his hand squeezed their throat. The sensation of filling Phantom was enough to make him come harder than he had in a long time and the idea of them carrying his kits? It had him weakly thrusting against them, desperately trying to keep as much of his come inside as possible.
Slowly, the two Ghouls came back down from their high and Dew lowered the drooling Quint to the bed. He gently brushed their hair out of their face, kissing their cheeks and nuzzling his face against their neck. “You okay, Starshine?” He kept his voice soft and smiled when Phantom started to purr and snuggled back against Dew.
“Never better, Dewey.” They ran their hand across their stomach almost absentmindedly. 
“I can hear that brain working overtime, Baby Bat. Talk to me?” He put his hand over theirs, lacing their fingers together.
“Did you mean it?” It was almost a whisper but Dew knew exactly what they had said.
He was quiet for a moment before he pulled them against him hard and hummed, nodding his head against them. “Yeah, baby, ‘course I did. But only if you wanted me to mean it.” Phantom was snoring softly before Dew had even finished talking. He smiled, rubbed his hand across their stomach again, and laid beside them as he waited for his knot to go down. When he was able to pull himself out, he quickly cleaned up the sleeping Ghoul and put their sweatpants back on, covering them up with their bat blanket. He put their favorite horror movie on and went to clean himself up, returning to the bed and climbing in next to them when he was done.
“Love you, Dewey.” They mumbled, turning to face Dew and nuzzling their face into his chest.
Dew smiled, pressing a kiss to their forehead and holding them close. “I love you, Starshine. Always and forever.”
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