#do people just not realise that people put several hours of work into the edits that they reblog with the sole purpose of criticising????
jakeperalta · 1 year
do people know they can just.. not leave comments like this on other people's work
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okay buckle up chuckle fucks here is everything i remember from tonight (absolutely missing some stuff)
- before dan comes on he introduces himself over the speaker stating that he asked phil to do it and phil said no because he didn’t want to be sat behind a curtain for an hour
- dan comes on stage and stands in the big church plinth thing (iconic)
- he tells a story about how he went to a&e the day before yesterday because he had sore eyes. says phil was trying to get him to put eye drops in but he was being very dramatic so whilst on the phone to 111 phil knelt over him lying on the bathroom floor holding his eyes open to put drops in. dan then went to hospital to check it and everything’s fine (lol) he just needed some special eyedrops. phil did not accompany him and dan had to cross a dual carriageway on his own whilst not being able to see well (i doubt he will ever let it go)
- here is a diagram i drew on the way home to depict said event
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- it is also giving this
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- spoke about the butt chair. union chapel said they did not have any furniture for him to borrow so he had to bring his own - he bought the butt chair from his bedroom and a lil plant to decorate. said phil carried the plant to the car but made dan get the chair in the uber and then said “okay have fun at work sweetie” (this was said jokey but we died nonetheless)
- he then talks about pissyourselffordan trending and how he had to explain to harper collins what the actual fuck was happening on stan twt. apparently they were glad the fans were supportive and he has an engaged audience but they were not going to use the hashtag in the promo. called the whole scenario pissgate and the crowd chanted piss at him
- he was told there was wine and advertised wine before realising alcohol was not allowed in the church. he then got given a sprite and everyone screamed that it was piss
- talked about the book and the previous release, how weird covid was, talked about the photoshoot for the book cover and the graphic design. said he didn’t love the pics because they were super dramatic. someone shouted “it’s cunty” he replies: “oh it’s cunty is it?” then realises he said cunty in a church which was a big lol
- he then read the new chapters, several mentions of phil not being supportive and abandoning him at the hospital (he talked about phil a lot it was very sweet)
- then brought out dan’s slit (box used to put questions in before the show)
- the questions i can remember include but are not limited to:
- what was the weirdest position you wrote the book in: “cheeks out in an armchair curled up over my laptop, you might think your scrolling posture is okay now but when you hit thirty you will all be broken”
- fave comfort show: “the office - is the office a bit millennial? it isn’t as millennial as friends. ross being offended by a manny? that’s where my internalised homophobia is from”
- how has the gaming channel affected your mental health? A: he is finding it a lot more sustainable than before because of help with editing, but will see where it goes
- will he ever judge drag race: he didn’t want to when he was asked because he didn’t want to be exposed to more speculation about his sexuality at the time, same with strictly come dancing
- how do you cope with feeling lonely whilst surrounded by people: talked about how online friends are truly real friends and distance doesn’t have to determine friendship levels. says it is important to notice the friendships even that aren’t close
- i can’t remember the question but he said that phil has to remind him of some of the stuff that is in ywgttn when he struggles “i literally learnt the word catastrophising from your book dan come on”
- another tour? “do you guys want that” *screaming* “what would it be?” *dan and phil games screams* “well 👀👀”
- are we going to get more sister daniel: *everyone loses their minds* “maybe i should have done it for the church but it is far too exposing under the spotlight”
- did you work in the asda in Lower Earley: “what in the baby reindeer? yes i did”
- then went to the insta questions that were too inappropriate for the audiobook including
- piss
- will you wear wigs
- when will you wear wigs
- how long is your big toe “six centimetres - i don’t have a big toe im just a long person”
- pee pee poo poo time
- what were the other names for the book: “you will get through this was a bit cliche, you will get through this night? she is sexy and mysterious. at first we wanted to call it “you are messed up read this to fix your issues” but then realised the book was more serious in tone after it was finished so went with ywgttn instead”
- i genuinely can’t remember most of these i think i dissociated a lil at this point if anyone remembers please add
- then read the author’s note at the end of the paper back, talking about how lockdown impacted him and was a big scary thing and also how incredible it is to see people recommend it, find it useful, have therapists recommend it etc. “it is an honour to have created this”
- took a selfie with everyone
- someone gave him a bouquet of flowers and he said “aww you guys are so gay”
- then said “if you enjoyed seeing me in person… i’ll see you again very soon”
this is everything i remember off the top of my head so people please feel free to add what i have forgotten!!
and here are all the pics i got!!
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quietlyqueering · 2 months
I'm gonna write down a bit about the hospital stay for my hysterectomy. Mostly, so that I remember it better.
Four days before the surgery I had to go to the hospital and do all the admission stuff and had my talks with the surgeon and the anaesthetist where I could also ask if I had any more questions. They also gave me a syringe for thrombosis protection that I had to inject the evening before surgery.
On the day of surgery I wasn't allowed to eat or drink and I had to be in hospital at 7 am. There I had to change into the surgery gown and pants and was informed that I needed to shave my pubic area, so I did that. I also had some blood taken. Shortly after, I was wheeled to the surgery preparation where I changed into another bed, got my IV and all the monitoring devices and was then put under.
I don't remember much of the rest of the day because I was extremely tired after. I just remember that I felt like I needed to pee really badly and tried to get up several times because it hadn't quite sunk in that I just had surgery and shouldn't move. My brain somehow couldn't comprehend the people telling me that I had a catheter, so I didn't actually needed to pee and that I should stay in bed. They had to put the rails up on the sides of my bed because of that. The most part of the day I spent sleeping, I ate like 1/5 of a slice of bread and a pickle for dinner and then slept again. The nurse looking after me was really nice and also complimented me on my name which made me happy.
The first day after surgery I woke up and was in a moderate amount of pain but still to sleepy to really care. In the morning the catheter and the tamponade (some stuff that was in the vagina to prevent bleeding) were removed which was mostly uncomfortable and not very painful. Later that morning the doctors came, had a look at my wounds, removed the drain I had in one of my sutures and was told that everything had gone well. After that I was allowed to get up (the first time with help) and try peeing which worked quite well. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and reading and calling my parents to tell them I was fine (the day before I had only managed a short text).
On the second day after surgery I was way more awake and started to walk around my room for a bit. I was still in a significant amount of pain but could alway get pain meds when it got to bad. Most of the time I read or listened to music and I also slept a bit during the day. The doctors only checked in shortly to ask if everything was alright and to tell me that I was allowed to take a shower now. So I did that because I felt a bit greasy and disgusting. It was exhausting but managable. I was also told that day that I needed to get my bowel movement going before I could leave. As that still hadn't happened by the evening, I then got a laxative.
The next night was a bit more uncomfortable because the laxative was working its way through my stomach but by the early morning I could finally poop. That meant I could leave onthe third day after surgery. In the morning the doctor had a final look at my insides via ultrasound and removed the last bandaid. She also showed me some pictures from during the surgery. I was then given some more thrombosis syringes for the next few days ( I hate them; I hate needles and it's painful a lot of the time) and waited for my ride to pick me up and drive me home. During that wait I realised that the wound where the bandaid had been removed had been bleeding quite a lot so for the next few hours I had some very bloody pants. But fortunately by the time I realised this, it had already stopped bleeding.
Okay, that was a long post. If you've read it and still have questions feel free to ask them (here or in the asks).
Edit: I was told that I'm not allowed to lift more than 5 kg and do sports for 6 weeks after surgery. The stitches get removed 7 days after surgery. Also I'm still in enough pain to take pain killers 2-3 times a day.
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mrbexwrites · 1 year
Thoughts on Beta Readers
Apologies in advance if this turns into a bit of a ramble; I've had a lot of thoughts in my head, and I needed to somewhere to formulate them into a coherent stream.
I made this writblr page about a year ago after realising that I have written loads of stories, but never really thought about sharing them. I still don't know what I'm ultimately going to do with any of them- I don't think I have the skills/fortitude to go through Trad or Indie pub, nor the stamina and/or headspace for self-pub and trying to be my own hype/marketing person just doesn't appeal to me.
I like the writing part of writing; not so much anything else, as anyone who has seen any of my other posts will attest to! I think in just about every post I've ever published, it's just me grumbling about editing!
Anyway- sorry, I digress (in my defense, I did say that this would be a rambling post, so you only have yourself to blame if you've made it this far into my diatribe!). I've only been brave enough to share snippets of my WIPs through tag games, and everyone who had liked, commented or reblogged something- has given me that little dopamine spike and helped me find some courage to share my work.
I put out a call for beta readers, and some amazing people have taken the time and effort to read something that I've written.
I'm not a confident person, and I really worried that my story was garbage. I think I've stared at the documents so many times, that I could no longer see the woods from the trees. There were bits that I wasn't happy with, but couldn't figure out why. I was worried that I didn't have enough research under my belt to handle sentitive topics. Some sections felt too heavy, or dull. I found my own writing boring, my characters bland, scenes didn't gel, action felt disjointed etc etc.
Basically, I was in a bit of a tailspin, or a slump, a funk...and I didn't know how to dig myself out of the hole that I'd managed to clamber into. Normally, when I finish a WIP, it's done, and I don't do anything with it. It just stays in my docs folder, and backed up to an external hard-drive.
Rather than just continuing to stare at a document for hours, wondering what to do, I found my beta readers, and sent my first draft over to them (hoping that I'd managed to find all typos- lol, that didn't happen. Typos still managed to escape me -_-' )
I've seen several posts on my dash from folk complaining about interaction and the writblr community. My posts don't get a lot of engagement, which is fine (not trying to join a pity party- just stating facts!) but I've found that the interaction that I do have from followers, mutual or random folk has been really meaningful.
I've gone from dreading sharing my work, to being excited to post snippets, and being tagged in games, getting to see what everyone else has been working on. (I appreciate that I'm a bit of a hypocrite, as I'm not very good at engaging with others on this site- I worry about coming across as a complete weirdo creep, and I struggle to find new ways of saying 'omg, I love this, show me more' in the tags! Or to think of asks to send, even though several people diligently send me asks every week! I'm trying to get better, I promise!)
Sorry- rambling again. I just...adklsdfgskhdfh
I'm honestly gobsmacked by the effort that my beta readers put into my WIP, and the kind comments, feedback and suggestions that they've made. I genuinely believed that I would get ' meh, it was okay' in the best scenario that I'd worked out in my head. Their engagement and feedback has been so helpful and I appreciate it so much.
It's helped me identify the sticking points that I was having, why I was unhappy with some scenes, characters etc etc. They have really helped me take that step back, and re-evaluate things, rather than just staring at the screen and feeling like a deer in the headlights. I was so worried/scared about sharing an entire WIP, but it's been worth it.
So, if anyone is in the same boat as me- scared to take the plunge- dip your toe in the water. Share snippets, work up to finding a beta reader or two, get outside input, rather than just sitting and staring trying to work it out on your own.
There are a lot of people out there willing to share their knowledge, and help you get the most out of your story.
Special thank you to @sam-glade and @at-thezenith for taking the time to give me such thorough feedback. I honestly can't thank you enough for your input and comments.
I'm going to stop rambling now, before this gets any more unhinged!
TL;DR- don't be a little writblr gremlin, lurking in the shadows. Engage with the community, and because they're awesome, they'll help you out!
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joshuasearing · 10 months
Monday 20th November 2023
Hey Journal when at the bus stop yesterday my intrusive thoughts started to get really bad and were causing me severe anxiety and stress. Anyways once I got on the bus I started to feel a little more calm but still not perfect. I was listening to music on the bus. I then got the bus to the gym. My gym session went well and it was a really good session I did a little bit of legs but also worked on my back predominantly. I finished in the gym about 5 minutes before they shut. One of the guys in the gym, lives on the same road as me and we figured it out as he saw me running down there the other day and he let me know. Anyways he drove past me yesterday when on my way home as he was also in the gym and just left. Anyways I said no thank you to the lift only because I wanted to go to the shop before going home so I could get myself some of the beautiful ice cream. Anyways once I got home I ended up relaxing for a bit then I ended up getting really sleepy and ended up falling asleep.
I then did not get up until about 8am however this was a problem as I was suppose to meet my mate at 8am today. However he messaged me explaining he does not mind going a little later as he could do with a bit of extra sleep due to the night he had last night. He went to a boxing event that was happening near by where we both live. Anyways we both agreed to meet at 10am. Anyways this morning I edited a few tiktok videos, had a bath and got ready for the day. Then I walked to the bus stop. This morning it was raining so badly. This means my walk to the bus stop was not the greatest. By the time I got to the bus stop I was drenched, there was even particles of water droplets stuck in my hair due to it being really fluffy. Anyways once I got to the bus stop I took a photo of my drenched self. Then waited for the bus for about 10-15 minutes. Also I realised my phone was really low battery when I was about to leave home. This means I decided to stop listening to music when I saw it going down quickly. I also dropped my screen brightness. Then I got the bus to the end point where the journey stops at which is the mains town centre bus station. I then walked about 2 minutes to the gym. Once I got to the gym I could not get any signal or wifi meaning I was struggling to buy a day pass. Then luckily a guy that works at the gym asked if I needed any help and I explained my issue and he let me in the gym for free, which was such a nice thing for him to do and I really appreciated it. It made my day to be honest. Then I did some chest fly’s whilst I waited for my mate to get there. Then during the session we mainly focused on chest, however we also did a decent amount of back as well. Some of the back exercises hit really well and it was so good. Oh yeah I also did this neck exercises as I have never devoted any time to train my neck so he helped me train my neck. Omg the stress this exercise puts on your neck was immense. Anyways we were in the gym for about 1 hour and a half. After the gym session I went to Maccies to get myself some food. However once I got there. My phone started glitching out and went black so I thought it died so I ended up paying full price for two triple cheeseburgers. I then went to go to the bus stop, then I started to needing a toilet. Once I got to the bus stop there was one of the buses I could take home, however the guy was on the phone. So I decided to quickly go to the toilets literally so close to the station. Then I was eating for ages for a cubicle as there were a couple empty, but one had no lock and the other one was blocked. Once I got in the toilet I tried to be as quick as possible. Then once I finished I went back to the bus station and there was two buses available for me to take, However I took the 71 bus. Then I was upstairs and there was some really loud women on my bus but downstairs. Some people are just so ignorant and rude it’s beyond belief. I then once I got home had some food and also posted another TikTok. Then I had an hour hypnotist session it got me very relaxed however my anxiety was still unfortunately still present. Anyways I have just finished the session about 20 minutes ago and now I am writing in here. Anyways I will speak to you later journal!
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1. Who has been the biggest supporter(s) of your writing? How have they supported you?
That I know outside of writing, my best friend. Even before I was sharing things, she encouraged me. Since I opened up to her about writing, we’ve actually bounced some ideas off each other, and she’s beta edited some of my work.
In the writing community, fiercefray. She’s been an absolute angel with everything and she deal with me when I have massive crises of confidence.
I’d also have to say my parents. They might not realise the impact they had on me, but they were the ones who instilled a love of reading in me, and they constantly put up with me when I get lost in writing times, as well as the frustration of writing raises its ugly head.
2. If you’ve written multiple pieces or worked on multiple projects, what are some common elements you find in several of them?
Curious characters who end up in bad situations because they couldn’t let something go. So many of my characters kind of accidentally fall into situations because they wouldn’t let things slide.
3. What are your go-to sources for writing advice/references/tips?
I don’t really actively seek out writing advice/references/tips, I just kind of write and hope for the best. But, I have found some pretty inspirational things around Tumblr.
4. What are your favorite tropes to read and write?
I’m awful with tropes in general, but probably friends becoming family, and good versus evil.
5. If you were going to be known for a single great book, in what genre would you most want it to be in?
Probably young adult fiction. It’s where I do most of my writing, so for one of them to be the single great book, that would be awesome.
6. Fans of what currently published books (or other works of fiction) would most enjoy your WIP?
I write a really eclectic mix of things, I think. But, if you liked The Maze Runner, I think you might like my Dystopian Story.  
7. Honesty hour: Have you given pretend interviews in your head about your wildly successful novels? What topics did you talk about most in your “interview”?
Nope, I’ve never pretended to have interviews about my wildly successful novels, but mostly because I think I’d hate to do interviews about things. Like, I can’t even talk about them when I get people to beta them.
I think if I did, though, I’d try to focus on the characters, because they’ve always been massive driving forces in the stories for me.
8. If your WIP were going to be adapted into another form of media (TV, film, audio drama, comic, videogame, stage play, etc.) which do you think would fit it best? Which would you most like to see happen?
I think I’d love to see my Dystopian Story as a TV show the most.
But, an honourable mention would be my Haunted Maze Story as a choice based video game. Letting people decide the fate of those characters could be an interesting take on it all.
9. How well do your tastes in reading align with your tastes in writing?
I read a pretty eclectic mix of books, and write a lot of different things too, so I guess my taste is pretty well aligned for both. That being said, I do read some books that I don’t think I’d ever delve into writing properly, for example non-fiction and romantic books.
10. Do you read or write fanfiction? If so, for what fandoms, and how do you think this has influenced your writing?
I do both, but this blog focuses on original stories.
I do, however, think that fanfiction influences writing because you already have a basic plotline to follow, and things that fans will recognise. I think fanfiction is such a useful tool to help writers understand their own characters – because you can focus more on them when the situations are already plotted out. Also, it helps with trying to bring things to life because you have something to base things on, instead of doing all the heavy lifting initially, if that makes sense.
11. Asking who your favorite OC is is like asking about someone’s favorite child. But come on, you know you have favorites. Who are they?
I think it’s pretty obvious that my favourite OC is Fox. She’s the one that started off everything in the biggest way. Yes, I have OCs that are older than her in their initial creation, but her book got finished properly first, and it’s the first one I ever really tried anything with.
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Alpha! Hanta Sero x Fem! Omega! Reader
***18+ Fic***
If you are under the age of 18 please vacate the premises.
Warnings: A/B/O, smut, knotting, marking, breeding kink (sorta? idk it comes with the A/B/O territory), a hint of pregnancy kink, a bit of blood
Word Count: 3.6 k
Author's Note: Ohhhhkaayyy so this has been sitting in my google doc for AGES. I think I started this in...October of last year? It's been sitting there for months and I've lacked the motivation to finish and post it but then I sent in an anon ask to @reinawritesbnha and, being the absolute queen she is, she became the little push I needed to do it. I DID IT FOR REINA!!
Also, this is some of my earliest writing and I only skimmed and edited a little bit of it so if there's a little bit of weird pacing or a strange cutoff where the writing styles clash it's because I haven't touched this piece in months.
Anywho, enjoy~
It had to happen when you were surrounded by alphas.
Your suppressants flaked out, again, and your scent wafted through the air on the street. Normally It’d be fine for an omega to let their scent float freely around them. But your scent is particularly...potent, even when you weren’t in heat. Not only that, but you weren’t mated yet, your scent glands still bare, and you still didn’t have a pack. To make matters worse, you’re quirkless.
You hadn’t realised what was happening until your path was blocked by an especially large male alpha. You turned around, and there were two more behind you. Fuck. This isn’t good. You took in your surroundings and searched for an exit, but you couldn’t find a way out. There's no way you’d be able to outrun the three very large male alphas.
Probably the worst part is that more alphas are turning their head toward you, taking notice of your lavender honey and rain scent that slowly began turning to a sour swamp. You dared to hope that change would ward off the three cornering you, but they’d already got a whiff of you. Several distressed chirps sounded from your chest, voicing your discomfort, and you glared pointedly at the three alphas as they edged closer to you.
You hate when this happened. Why’d you have to be cursed like this? Your growls only grew, baring your little omega fangs. There’s no way in hell you’d let some stranger scent you, let alone one of these creeps. They wouldn’t take the damn hint and just crept closer to you, calling out to the ‘pretty little omega’ to ‘come have some fun’.
You’re scared now, the involuntary chirps in your chest coming more frequently. None of the other alphas or betas on the street were big enough to face the three, making you a sitting duck and a ragdoll if they wanted you to be. Your claws are small, nowhere near ideal for this situation, but you’d use them if you needed to. With a final low defiant growl you dropped your bag against the wall behind you and readied yourself for a fight.
Suddenly a large body dropped in front of you, his back to you. His scent alone hit you like a freight train, orange zest, mint, tree bark and something earthy. It had your head spinning, nearly sending you into an early heat. He growled, low and powerful, the sound rattling in your chest and making you sink further into the wall behind you. The other three alpha’s scents together were still overpowered by the new alpha before you, and they vanished faster than they appeared.
He turned around and stepped away from you, giving you space to breathe. He kneeled down enough so he was eye level with you, his hands reaching out clearly in an attempt to comfort you, but kept from touching you.
“Are you okay?” The question barely registered, still delirious from his scent, and you’re having a hard time recovering. Large hands grip your shoulders and shake you lightly, your mind beginning to clear with the soothing pheromones he’s releasing.
“Omega.” The command snapped you to attention, your gaze fixated on his own dark irises.
“Are you okay, omega?” You blink, swallow down the lump in your throat, take a deep breath.
“Yeah...I’m okay. Thank you, alpha.” But you’re not quite okay. You need to get home. Fast. The alpha seemed to catch on, probably by your scent that still hadn’t returned to normal. He stands and slips off his jacket, draping it over your shoulders and wrapping you in his scent. It’s a comforting gesture.
“Let’s get you home.” With a nod you set off, the man walking next to you with a strong, warm hand on the middle of your back.
“What’s your name?” You introduce yourself, and he does the same. His name is Sero Hanta, and now that you’re calm again, you take in just how handsome he is.
Raven hair is pulled back into a small bun, showing off his undercut and strong, sharp jawline. Onyx eyes shine with kindness and playful mischief, and a beaming grin reveals pearly white teeth. He’s incredibly toned, his muscles calmly rippling under the t-shirt that stretched over his chest. You vaguely noticed the strange shape of his elbows, but disregarded it as his quirk. The omega in you is howling, begging for this alpha, his scent invading your senses. But you suppress it quickly, reminding yourself you’d only just met this man.
As you reach your apartment you exchange phone numbers, and he tells you to keep the jacket and use it when you go out to ward off any unwanted attention. You thank him again for helping you earlier, and he waves to you as he walks down the hall and enters the elevator, the doors closing in front of his handsome smiling face.
Despite meeting him only ten minutes earlier your instincts trust the alpha, and you hold the jacket close to your face, breathing in his scent. It’s wonderful, and your inner omega is in love. You find yourself wondering when you’d see him again.
The next few days are riddled with work and calls to your doctor about the strength of your suppressants. You work from home as a secretary for a small company. It’s a miracle you’d found it, too. Nobody wants an omega, let alone a potent one. It’s an alpha’s world, you guess. When this job opening popped up you were ecstatic, so you took it and have been working from home with decent pay for the last five years.
The calls to your doctor were not going as smoothly as your job, though. You leave a message every four hours until she finally calls you back. She was concerned since the suppressants she’d prescribed are the strongest out there, and if your scent was overpowering them they were either defective or your scent glands were overproducing. It wasn’t an immediate threat to your health, it only meant you’d be drawing more attention than you wanted to. Still, it’s annoying and makes life so much harder than it needs to be.
After she prescribed twice the amount, she said she’d look over your tests from the latest visit before she hung up the phone. You groaned once the call ended. You seriously needed a break from your second gender. Taking the prescribed double dose of suppressants, you got ready to go out to the corner cafe to read and drink coffee. Hopefully the new amount will keep steady. You really don’t want to deal with any more aggressive alphas this week. For good measure you pull on Sero’s jacket, allowing his scent to cover you, then grab your keys, phone, wallet and a book and begin the walk.
When you arrive at the cafe you order a hot mocha, curl into the small corner booth and crack open the book. You got lost in the ink and your mind floated along the adventure, putting yourself in the shoes of the main character and leading the mission to take down the corrupt queen who’d framed you for killing the prince of a neighboring kingdom. You were ripped from the fantasy world when a bright, enthusiastic blonde came up and tapped you on the shoulder, making you jump. His smile was as bright as his hair.
“Sorry to scare you cutie, but I couldn’t help but notice that jacket of yours smells an awful lot like my friend Sero!” You smile softly at the blonde.
“Well if we’re talking about the same Sero Hanta, then your nose would be correct. This is his jacket.” His eyes widen as he nods.
“Oh my gosh you must be the omega he keeps talk-” The blonde’s words became muffled by a large hand. A hand that belonged to the very man you were talking about. Sero smiles apologetically down at you as he shoves the blonde back to where you assume they’re sitting.
“Sorry about Kami, he’s… extroverted.” You smile back at him, mostly because you’re happy to see him again.
“It’s no problem at all. He recognized your scent on me.” He looked down and only then realized you’re wearing his jacket, and he beams at you. Then he takes a glance at the booth you’re sitting all alone at, his smile falling just a bit.
“Do you wanna come sit with us?” You take a moment to think about the offer, then agree with a nod. Your omega couldn’t pass up more time with him.
As you approach the booth you notice there are more people with Sero than you anticipated. There were four other people sitting there. Sero introduced all of them from left to right. Bakugo Katsuki, Kirishima Eijiro, Ashido Mina, and the happy blonde from earlier is Kaminari Denki. You introduce yourself and when Sero slid into the booth, you followed after him.
These five are a tight pack, and you learn they all met in high school. Bakugo’s brash personality made you wary at first, but it didn’t take long to realize he’s just like that with everyone. He makes a bit of a snippy remark, which you easily counter, and he smirks while the rest smile or snicker. It would seem they like you.
You can’t tell what their second genders are, and you mentally kick yourself for even wondering in the first place. Their genders are none of your concern, but you can’t blame yourself when you’re constantly alert because of your own stupid second gender. As it turns out, you don’t need to wait very long to find out.
This time you smell your own scent as it permeates the air around you. You swear under your breath at the stupid suppressants that obviously can’t so their job, and the others snap their gazes to you. You sigh.
“Yeah, that scent is me. My suppressants flaked again. Sorry about that.” They all nodded, seemingly understanding. Sero must have told them about the other day. Of course, it would soon repeat. It didn’t take long for an alpha to take notice of your scent. The man -- why is it always the largest males??? -- strides up to the booth with a cocksure grin and leans down to inhale your scent. You duck away from him, into Sero, and let out an albeit small warning growl that was drowned in Sero and Kirishima’s. He ignored them all the same.
“Hey there little omega, you smell real nice. You wanna come hang with me instead? We can have some fun together with my buddies, what do you say?” The others stayed quiet. They’re going to let you defend yourself before they do anything in case they end up escalating the situation. You turn your head and lift your shoulder, hiding your scent gland.
“I’m not interested, thank you. Please leave me alone.” You hoped to whatever deity watched over you that the man would leave. Before anyone could react the alpha grabbed your wrist in a vice grip, yanking you roughly from your seat. You chirp, your scent turning sour and the entire pack abruptly stands, baring their fangs at the man. It barely registered in your head that Kirishima and Bakugo are alphas, Mina is a beta, and Kaminari is an omega, their fangs giving them away.
The man tightens his grip on your wrist and you cry out, your bones creaking under the pressure. With no other options you did the one thing that would get him to let go, and sank your fangs into his wrist. You jump back into Sero, who wraps an arm around you protectively.
“You bit me, you bitch!” He raises an arm, clearly about to try and hit you, but a large hand grabs his wrist. Surprisingly enough it’s Bakugo, and his growl is laced into his words.
“Leave now, or you lose a hand.” Sero speaks up from above you.
“You might wanna listen, amigo. That’s Dynamight.” The alpha rips his arm from Bakugo’s hold and looks down at you, and you growl at him as he scoffs and walks away, apparently not ready to fight the #2 pro hero over an omega.
You all sit back down and you pull up the sleeve of the jacket to inspect the already forming bruise on your wrist. Your nose wrinkles with a half-angry half-pained snarl. Tenderly, Sero takes your wrist and lightly squeezes the sides of your forearm, against your bones, and your lack of reaction tells him nothing’s broken. Still, he growls at the offending bruise.
“I’m gonna kill him.” You shake your head and put a hand over his.
“It’s not worth it Sero. He’s probably long gone.” You turn to the rest of the pack.
“Thank you for protecting me.” Kirishima is the first to speak.
“Of course! That dude was a jerk. I just hope he doesn’t go around doing that to other omegas.” Bakugo, surprisingly, spoke next.
“Obviously we’d protect you. You’re a potent omega and quirkless, so you attract unwanted attention without even knowing or wanting to. Besides, if you’re gonna be Sero’s omega there’s no way in hell we’d let some extra handle you like that.” The implications make your face burn, and Kirishima smacks the blonde’s arm with a ‘Don’t just say that kind of thing, Katsuki.’
After an hour or two of talking, and shockingly no other aggressive alphas, they all walk you home to your apartment. Sero wanted to check on your wrist again, so you invited them all in, but they all had something else to do, so you were left alone with Sero. The fact that the one alpha you desperately wanted to be around is alone with you in your apartment is both great and terrible. Thankfully, you have self-control and his own suppressants are working perfectly fine.
He inspected the darkening bruise on your wrist, his large hands gripping your arm tenderly and turning it gently as he prods at the skin. It doesn’t hurt too bad, so you assure him you’ll be perfectly fine. Eventually he leaves with a hug and you sigh once the door is closed, relieved that you were able to keep your omega at bay and your hands to yourself.
A couple days later you get a text from him and the two of you text often, asking how each other’s day went, if anything interesting had happened. You didn’t leave your apartment unless you needed to, since your suppressants clearly weren’t working, so you made sure to cut grocery trips short and keep away from any alphas that seemed a bit aggressive. Sero invited you to hang out with the pack at their house, and you obliged.
They lived in a huge house all together. Most of the rooms were sealed so no scents or sounds could go in or out for ruts and heats, and there were several spare rooms that were empty and waiting for more pack members. It was a fun hangout, filled with video games and good conversation, and even better food which Bakugo cooked. Sero had an arm around you whenever he was close, and you definitely didn’t mind. Your suppressants flaked in the middle, again, and Sero insisted he walk you home. With him walking you home there weren’t any alphas trying to get you this time. You ended up going over to hang out with them a lot when you weren’t working, and eventually Sero began to court you.
Obviously, you accepted, and after a few months of dating and scenting, your overactive scent glands seemed to mellow out, Sero’s scent mixing with it. Your suppressants are lasting much longer now, which is a good sign. Now that you’re Sero’s omega, he often helped you with your heats and you’d help him with his ruts, and he was strong-willed enough that he hadn’t marked or knotted you in the middle of things.
About a year and a half into the relationship you realize you really love him. Sure you had arguments, but everything was settled through calmed discussions over coffee or tea, and you came to understand each other well enough that arguments became few and far between.
You’re happy with Sero, so when your heat came around early and he was there to help, you were going to let him know just how much you loved him.
You texted him once you felt it starting. He was there within half an hour, and you pounced on him once the font door closed, smothering him in hot, wet kisses, eager to feel him inside you. He carries you to the bedroom, and you two are quick in shedding all of your clothes. He lays you on your back with a hand on your throat as he growls into your ear, making a hot shudder roll down your spine.
“Are you ready for me omega?” You whine and nod, your slick already dripping down your folds. You want him so bad it hurts.
“Please alpha, I need your cock.” He growls again, satisfied with your answer, and he presses into you, bottoming out with one firm thrust. You chant his name like a mantra as he set a bruising pace, rutting into you recklessly, wet skin slapping on skin the only other sound beside your whimpers and his growls. His teeth nip at your shoulder, sharp fangs testing your skin and claws digging into the fat of your hips. His cock is so deep, hot swollen tip kissing your cervix with every full-bodied thrust and sending you into a euphoric haze. Your own claws are sinking into his back, leaving little trails of red and blood beading down the lines. It drives him wild every time.
“That’s right, little omega. Mark me up, I’m all yours. Fuck you’re so pretty underneath me like this.” His hands grip behind your knees and press them into your chest, folding you nearly in half as he plows into you further. The angle knocks the breath from your lungs and your eyes roll back. You can feel his knot beginning to swell, feel how his thrusts are getting more controlled and his grip on your thighs tighten from the sheer concentration it’s taking for him not to breed you. You have other plans. Between wheezed breaths you squeak out.
“H-hantaaa~” He slows to a near snail’s pace, grinding his slowly growing cock into your sweet spot, a smirk stretching across his face as you splutter from the sudden change. He’s enjoying making you squirm.
“What is it, sweetness? Tell your alpha what you need.” You pant, chest heaving as much as the position will allow.
“Want your mark, want your knot~ Wanna be bred Hanta! I want your pups!” He stills completely, claws digging into the fat of your thighs with enough force to have drops of blood falling to the sheets beneath you. You’d never said anything like that in the heat of the moment. He can’t have heard you correctly...right?
“Princesa, do you know what you just said?” The seriousness in his tone has you sobering, but even before you knew exactly what you were saying. You nod frantically, wiggling your hips to get him to move again.
“Yes! I know alpha! Please, give me your knot~” His growl makes your bones shake, and with no warning he drops your legs around his waist and leans down so his face is buried in your neck.
“Fuck, I’m gonna trust you with this baby girl. I’ll give you exactly what you want.” His fangs sink into your scent gland just as he picks up his brutal pace, and the euphoria makes you cum hard, your whole body locking up and mouth falling open in a silent scream. He plows into you as you regain your breath, and you bite down on his own scent gland as hard as you can, tearing into his skin with every intention of leaving a pretty scar for the world to see.
His knot swells more, and he’s pushing it into you with every ounce of power he can generate with that gorgeous body of his. With one final snap of his hips he locks his body to yours and cums hard, ropes of hot seed filling you to the brim. He collapses on top of you and laps at the wound on your neck and you do the same. After a few minutes he leans back and cups your face in his hand, gazing down at you like you hung the moon and the stars.
“Are you alright?” You nod, nuzzling into his palm.
“I’m sorry. I was gonna talk to you about it, but my heat came early.” He kisses your forehead gently, brushing the strands of hair from your face.
“It’s okay, pretty thing. I trust you know what you’re getting yourself into.” You giggle and wrap your arms around him.
“Of course I do. I love you, Hanta.”
“I love you too.” You lay there, tangled in each other’s arms until his knot goes down. You whine at the loss when his cock slips out of you, clawing at him to come back because you’re still in heat. His hand gently wraps around your neck, a low chuckle on his lips.
“Relax, we’re far from done.” His already hard erection rubs up and down your glistening folds, barely stimulating your clit, teasing you until tears prick your eyes and you’re beggin him to fuck you again.
“When I’m done you won’t be able to walk for days. I’m gonna breed you so well, You’re gonna look so pretty all big and round with my pups.” He groans at the image he’d conjured in his head and you squeal as he slams his hips into you.
You’re in for a wonderfully long night.
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slutforsfender · 2 years
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“If it wasn’t for you, I’d be so lost. I’m so glad you came into my life” - Sam Fender 
Sam Fender x Reader
You were sitting having your daily morning coffee, your vinyls playing in the background as you comprehended the day ahead of you. Today was Sam’s, your best friend, album launch party. 
You saw first hand how much he enjoyed making this album and how much it means to him.  You are so incredibly proud of him and this album definitely is your favourite. He based the whole album on growing up in North Shields as a teenager, he told little stories through each song which always melted your heart. Being there through his teenage years, you understand every single word in the little stories making the album just that little more special for you. 
You and Sam had grown up together, meeting when you were eleven starting secondary. He was getting punched every day by this other boy and one day you stepped in and kicked the other kid in the balls so he never hit Sam again. Since that day, you and Sam have been inseparable and you even tour around with Sam as his photographer while you work on your blog. 
You had no secrets from each other, well that’s what Sam thought. Secretly, you had been crushing on Sam since you were sixteen. That day you walked into the pub and it hit you like a brick as you saw Sam laughing with the local punters as he poured pints. 
You had moved on several times, you had dated other people thinking your feelings had gone but they were always in the background. After your most recent breakup, they had hit you like a ton of bricks. Luckily, you had a work trip in Paris for a month so you hadn’t seen or properly spoken to him in a while. 
However, today you were going to his party and facing him. So that explains why as you finish your coffee and the vinyl comes to an end, you stand there with a look of worry. 
Luckily, you had photos that needed editing and a blog post to write to distract you until you needed to get ready.
You spent the next few hours making it through various vinyls, photos and eventually uploading your blog post on time. 
You looked up at the clock to see you had three hours until you had to be at the venue, meaning you had to face reality and get ready to face your childhood best friend, the person you had fallen for massively. 
You curled your hair as Holly Humberstone played in the background. 
“So I’ll try not to say what I mean when I call you up” played through the speakers as your phone buzzed and Sam’s name appeared. You  answered after taking a deep breath.
“Aye there she is Paris girl” Sam says as his face appears on your phone screen.
“You know me Fender, always a Shields girl” you say with a smile and let a piece of your hair fall. 
“Always pet, anyway I just rang to let you know the cab will be at yours for half six so make sure you're ready and have had a cigarette by then” he says with a smirk.
“You didn’t have to book me a taxi, I can do that myself” you say, unamused. 
“Yeah yeah” he says, rolling his eyes. 
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” you ask as you pick up another piece of hair.
“I’m going to now mam, see you soon pet” he says with a smirk at the use of his nickname.
“See you soon and I’m not your mother” you say, putting down the phone. 
I won’t lie after the call, the smile would not leave my face but it’s all pointless. To him I will always be his childhood best friend.
Eventually two hours later, you are completely ready. Your hair done, your makeup done, your outfit on and cigarette in hand as you wait for the taxi. 
As you get into the taxi, the nerves hit you hard and the realisation that even though you have avoided these feelings for ten years right now they you can’t avoid them anymore. 
You pull up to the venue and you set yourself into best friend mode. As soon as you walk into the venue, you are hit with voices, laughter and Seventeen Going Under playing in the background. 
You straight away spot Dean, Joe, Tom and Drew at the bar and decide to go over to them. 
“Aye here is the final member of the Shields crew” Dean says with a laugh. 
“Please do not remind me of how I am in any way associated with you lot” you say as you are greeted with hugs from them all. 
“You love us,” Joe says, passing me a glass of wine.
“Wine?” you ask with a weird look on your face.
“Figured we would start you with the easy stuff, don’t need any confessions tonight” Dean whispers, referring to the drunken late night confession while you were in Paris to Dean about your feelings.
You laugh and catch up with your friends, seeing how happy and proud they are about this album. 
“So where’s the man of the hour?” you ask as you finish your drink. 
“He’s been talking to some people from management over there since this started,” Drew informs you.
“He’ll be over when he notices you are here, I’m sure pet” Tom says, leading to a look of confusion from you. 
Just as you are about to change the topic, you feel two hands cover your eyes. 
“Guess who?” you hear the familiar accent say. 
“The famous rockstar holding this thing” you say with a smirk.
“Ha ha hilarious” Sam says, dropping his hands and greeting you with a hug. 
“Walk around with me? I’m going insane talking to these people on my own pet” Sam says, handing you a glass of wine.
“Fine but you owe me a cigarette outside afterwards” you say, pointing your finger at him.
“Aye deal” he says, putting his arm around your waist and guiding you to some people.
You spend the next hour walking around with Sam, talking to loads of people. You were currently talking to a couple that both work at Sam’s management.
“One second pet” Sam says as his manager calls him over.
“I must say, you and Sam make a lovely couple. He talks about you all the time but he never mentioned you two eventually got together” Emily, one of the two girls says, making you nearly spit out your drink. 
“Oh no we aren’t together, we are just friends” you reassure them. 
“Oh sorry, it’s just with the way his arm hasn’t left your side and the way he looks and talks to you, I just assumed you were” She apologises before being interrupted by the speakers.
“Okay if you could all gather around the stage please, it’s time for the speech” Owain, Sam’s manager says down the mic. 
Soon after, Sam comes onto the stage with a drink in one hand and the mic in the other. 
“Aye as many as you know, I’m not very good at speeches and having all the attention on me so I’ll make it quick. The whole album is based on growing up and adolescent memories in North Shields and one of those memories that will always stick with me is being given a chance by Owain in the Low Lights that day. So thank you Owain for always sticking by me and having faith in me to get this far, we made it after a lot of hard days work and dedication and it wouldn’t have been possible without you. Secondly to my band and longest mates, Dean, Joe, Tom and Drew, without you lot my adolescent years wouldn’t have been the same from stealing kinder maxis to making this album. It’s been hard but it would not have been filled with as much laughter without you boys. You are all like my brothers and I am incredibly thankful for all your hard work and dedication. We did it boys! Lastly, thank you to my best friend, Y/N, we grew up together and I am incredibly thankful that boy hit me because it led to meeting you, the girl that without even knowing me kicked a boy in the balls for me. You were there with the beers, music and chats after hard days making the album and just when I needed you. If it wasn’t for you, I’d be so lost. I’m so glad you came into my life. What I’m trying to say is I am incredibly proud of this album and even more thankful for all the people behind it who supported me and helped make it. I love you all and let’s get fucking mortal for Seventeen Going Under” Sam says with a laugh, his words melting your heart. 
We all go back to our chats after raising a glass to the album and to Sam. 
“Fancy that cigarette now?” Sam asks after he finishes speaking to Owain. 
You nod and he leads you outside. He hands you a lighter and cigarette as you sit on a wall outside. You sit in silence for a minute, enjoying the peace and quiet.
“I’m proud of you Sammy boy. You made it, I remember bunking off sixth form to go have a cig and you would talk for ages about how much you wanted to leave Shields and do the whole music thing and here we are, you did it” you say, breaking the silence.
“Wouldn’t have done it without you pet. I meant every word I said in there and there’s three more I wish I could say and you would understand the meaning behind for once” he says.
“What are you trying to say Sam?” you ask.
“I’m trying to say I love you but not as a best friend as much more. I fucking love you and have done since we were sixteen in the Low Lights” 
“Sam, are you being serious or just mortal?” you ask, not believing him. 
“I’ve had four drinks so you do the maths” Sam says as you get down from the wall and stamp out the cigarette.
“I love you Samuel Thomas Fender, I have done for so long and I can’t ignore it anymore” you finally admit.
“Thank fuck for that” he says, stepping closer to you. 
“Kiss me” you whisper as his lips are inches from yours.
Your lips meet in a passionate but sweet kiss like all the unspoken words are sinking into each other. 
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Obey Me characters forgetting a mating anniversary
Anon: reactions to their alpha missing an anniversary? or you could switch it and do reactions to realizing they forgot an anniversary. either or !
Anon part 2: hi! i’m the anon from the anniversary request. i was thinking maybe the obey me! fandom? whichever characters you like. my exams are coming to an end so i’m looking forward to spending hours on that app during the summer 😤😤 i hope you’re doing well ! 💕
(Hey hey!! I’m going to do their reactions to forgetting a mating anniversary, because they’ve been alive a long time, I imagine it would happen at least one hehe. Let’s see~)
Warnings: Mention of sex in Asmo’s section
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Lucifer – He denies it at first. He can’t have forgotten, he would never forget something so important, you must have the date wrong. His response is very likely to make his alpha either more angry or more upset, and he inadvertently blows the whole thing out of proportion because he struggles to admit that he’s wrong. But when he realises that he is wrong? That he was so caught up in paperwork for Diavolo he did forget? It’s a hard pill to swallow. He would probably buy his alpha some expensive flowers as an apology of sorts, but unless he’s been in a relationship with his alpha for several hundred years, I don’t see him directly apologising. He does feel guilty, but he really finds it hard to articulate. The upside is that it’s extremely unlikely that he’ll ever do it again. He’s checking four times every week at least now that he hasn’t missed any important dates by mistake.
“Our anniversary is next week, my beloved, you must have confused the dates.”
Mammon – Mammon metaphorically shits himself when he realises he forgot an anniversary. His scent is pure, unadulterated panic. His first instinct is to plan an anniversary event that moment. Hell’s Kitchen must still be open right? He tries to pull his alpha with him right that second. If that doesn’t work, he starts to panic that he’s ruined the most important thing in his life. This is when the begging starts. He says sorry about a hundred times, will get on his knees, offer whatever you want as long as you forgive him. Mammon is actually a very compassionate person who doesn’t like upsetting his loved ones, so it’s very hard to stay mad at him. Unfortunately, he’s not great at keeping track of dates, so it might happen again. The best thing to do is organise something together and give him a few reminders when that date’s coming up.
“Oh shit! Er, Hell’s Kitchen is still open right?? I’ll buy you whatever you want, we’ll order one of everything, does that work?”
Leviathan – He almost certainly forgets because of some game event or new releases. And to make everything worse, at first he acts like the game and event was more important than the anniversary and he thinks it’s a legitimate excuse that you can’t argue with. He realises pretty quickly after the event finishes that he’s completely alone because you’re mad at him. He turns to tell you everything about the game but you don’t want to listen to him?? He sulks in his room for a while. What pushes him to apologise is when he sees you hanging out with other people instead of him. He growls away the other person, pulling you into his room and sobbing angrily against you, asking why you love other people more than him. He apologises then, desperate to have his best friend and lover back with him. He might do it again, but he learns pretty quickly to just communicate when he wants to partake in a special gaming event and then he never forgets again.
“W-Why don’t you love m-me, like you l-love him?! I’m sorry, p-please don’t leave!”
Satan – He feels guilty, but he handles it well. He is phenomenal at apology dates. He organises the perfect romantic date, taking into consideration his alpha’s likes and integrating them. If you have a favourite romantic novel, you know he’s going to recreate a date scene with you. If you have a favourite restaurant, he’s booked the best table and ordered a bouquet of your favourite flowers for the centrepiece. It’s very hard to stay mad at Satan, especially because it’s very out of character for him to forget a date so important.
“If you want any more drinks, just let me know. I want you to enjoy this evening as much as possible.”
Asmodeus – He also deals with it fairly well, even if he can’t believe that he forgot! He’s honest and upfront about forgetting and expresses regret. He will definitely try to seduce you as an apology though, offering to let you do whatever you want to him. If that doesn’t work, next step is a joint pampering session! He’s pretty good at conveying a genuine apology without making anything too dramatic. I think it’s unlikely that he would do it again, because he loves, loves, loves anniversaries!!! He genuinely can’t believe that he forgot because he normally plans everything months in advance.
“Oh! I can’t believe that I… Oh dear, here come to my room and let me make it up to you…”
Beelzebub – He’s heartbroken that he forgot! He is so upset. He apologises immediately, looking like he’s on the verge of tears, and he asks you to tell him what he needs to do to make it up to you. He doesn’t offer up solutions, he wants his alpha to pick something, so he knows they’ll enjoy it. The only thing he definitely does immediately, is offer whatever food he’s been saving for them to share with him while they discuss. He will likely ask for advice from some of his brothers, probably Belphie (who doesn’t help) and Asmo (who’s slightly more helpful). He may do it again, but he always tries his hardest to make your anniversaries as special as he can.
“Here, you can have my ice cream… I’m really sorry… What can I do?”
Belphegor – He doesn’t think it’s a big deal that he forgot, because you can both just rearrange it, right? I think it’s pretty unlikely that his alpha takes kindly to that opinion. It takes Belphie a little while to realise that a) he’s in the wrong and b) he needs to apologise. He’s not good at planning, but when he genuinely puts his mind to it, he’s actually pretty good at giving gifts. He buys something you’ve been wanting for a while, he might even put a sticky bow on top if you’re upset enough. He gives you the gift while mumbling apologies. The second you forgive him, he drags you to take a nap with him because he hasn’t been sleeping well since you’ve been mad at him. He’s pretty likely to do it again at least a few times, but he learns not to be such a dick about it eventually.
“Oh, I guess I must have forgot… We can just go tomorrow; I want to take a nap.”
Diavolo – He is gutted that he forgot. He organises the most extravagant apology dinner possible (which is pretty extravagant, because he’s a king, very dramatic, and very in love all at once). He gives a dramatic speech about how there’s no excuse, how he never wants you to think he doesn’t value your relationship etc. At this point, I imagine most people would be begging him to chill out and promising that they already forgave him. Either way, I don’t think it would ever happen again, especially because he tells all of his staff to remember your anniversary and always remind him the week before. He isn’t going to let this happen again.
“My love, I will never forgive myself for hurting you in this way. I will never stop trying to make it up to you, even if it takes me a millennium.”
Barbatos – This would never happen. He is amazing at keeping organisational data in his brain, especially data that means so much to him. Also, he can see the future, so, even if by some miracle he did forget, he would see your future reaction and know in advance that he forgot. Barbatos isn’t perfect, but he’s not one to forget important dates.
Simeon – Simeon is another one who is heartbroken that he’s treated his most beloved one this way. He feels awful. He does tear up a little bit if the relationship is old enough. Simeon makes a huge effort to create some adorable picnic date, cooking baskets and baskets of food and picking the most beautiful park. He brings flowers and bunting and a little cake that he ices with an apology in an unbelievably cute handwriting style. It’s very, very hard not to forgive him when he’s so apologetic and good at making you smile. He goes out of his way to make sure he never upsets his alpha in this way again. 
“My beloved, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I will seek to make it up to you for as long as you’ll let me.”
Solomon – He doesn’t care that much about anniversaries but he’s not dumb enough (like some other people on this list *cough*) to think that saying that to your face is a good idea. He definitely tries to play it off as though he had something planned all along and that making you think he forgot was part of the plan. He then scrambles to plan things last minute, and he’s quite good at covering up his mistake. If his alpha doesn’t believe him, he makes up for his mistake with expensive and rare gifts. He will find something special for his alpha. A first edition copy of your favourite book or limited edition merchandising of your favourite media, something like that. He knows the excitement will help dull any negative emotions you have towards him. I could definitely see him doing it multiple times, but if his alpha ever expressed genuine hurt long-term about that particular habit, he would readjust his priorities. He’s not a complete asshole after all, he just sometimes has a hard time pulling his head out of said asshole.
“Here, it took me three days to track down someone who had a copy, but I finally found a first edition for you. I hope you will accept this as a token of my apology, my dearest.”
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy wilbur and george - the water olympics
part 9 to the great adventures series
warnings: cursing, a suicide joke (the one george made in the vlog)
you were currently sat in your bedroom editing a video for your youtube channel however someone had different plans as you heard your parents talking to someone telling them you were in your room and that they could go straight up
you laughed before getting up placing your laptop on your desk before opening your door letting your friend inside.
“what is it with people randomly showing up where I live”
“ill have you know I asked your parents”
“Pfft yeah okay Tommy sure you did. anyway I’m glad you’re here editing was beginning to make me want to throw my laptop”
“you are honestly so dramatic pass us your laptop I’ll edit for you if you let me stay the night as it’s about to rain”
“you brought a backpack with you...you clearly planned on staying the night anyway but yes it’s a deal”
Tommy laughed before sitting on your bed waiting for you to bring the laptop over and sit next to him keeping him entertained as he edits for you. it was around late afternoon when he finished editing the video and you spent the entire time telling him about your merch plans and getting the sizes and items he’s going to want as you were planning on sending him some when you’ve agreed on a final design and products
“all done I want full credit for editing”
“hey I edited like a whole 3 minutes of the video..fine fine just stop staring at me like that”
the two of you realised it was a little late and neither of you wanted to cook anything so decided to go to a local restaurant. a few hours later you arrived back home it was pretty late now so your parents had gone to bed so you had to keep reminding each other not to yell, once in your room the pair of you collapsed onto your bed, you rolled over to face Tommy
“So why are you actually here huh, what’s going on in that mind of yours”
“I know it’s short notice but tomorrow afternoon would you like to go to this inflatable water course with me will and George”
“I don’t have anything else to do so I’d be more than happy to come with you guys what time do we need to be awake, we may as well set an alarm now in case we fall asleep as I tend to sleep in really late”
“I’ve got it don’t worry about it”
Tommy set an alarm as you logged into Disney plus so you and Tommy could watch tv for a while before deciding on sleeping arrangements, you put on the good dinosaur and instantly regret that decision as you began ranting to Tommy about how the films depressing. soon enough the pair of you fell asleep.
at 9 am Tommy's alarm went off waking the pair of you up
“y/n get up we’re going to a lake”
“Okay okay I’m up”
Tommy went to the bathroom to get ready so you could get ready in your room a few minutes later you both made your way downstairs grabbing a snack you could eat whilst you waited for your taxi to arrive. the pair of you arrived at the lake first, George arrived next and that’s when you noticed Wilbur show up and George beginning to record what’s happening
“Tommy is he wearing a suit?” you tilted your head to the left as Wilbur stepped out of the car
“it worked George”
“Why are you wearing a suit?”
“for the meal”
“we’re not doing the restaurant”
your eyes widened and you tried to hide your laughter as Tommy said he couldn’t change as he only hired three wetsuits, you all made your way to get your wetsuits, Wilbur reluctantly following you all as soon as you all stepped in several people began to stare at you all
“they’re staring at me because I’m wearing a suit”
George laughed before telling him it could also be because your hair was awfully similar to a highlight. you lightly hit his shoulder before rolling your eyes
you laughed as you went away to get changed returning a few moments later
“I’m ready boys oh they gave will a life jacket”
“Why do you sound so disappointed”
“you not a fan of drowning then?”
“no, I’m not!”
Tommy grabbed your hand and ran towards the water before jumping in taking you down with him
soon enough will and George made it onto the inflatable, Tommy tried to film his intro however the fact you and George were jumping in the background made it rather difficult. Tommy ran to Wilbur who pushed him into the water
you made your way across but saw Tommy in the water making you laugh which made you fall in the water too
“well hello again y/n”
“Hello Tommy funny seeing you here”
George managed to help you up whilst Wilbur pretended to help Tommy up before walking away. Tommy just held onto the inflatable whilst looking at you
you reached your hand out and helped him back up onto the inflatable.
you made your way across the bridge Wilbur not far behind you so he could push Tommy off of the bridge into the water, he did but fell with him, you fell over laughing as George went to help Wilbur but ended up falling in himself. you George and Tommy ran to a high point of the course which will wanted you all successfully defended it and even managed to push will into the water. you and George weren’t the best at this course you had fallen three times and George fell twice
“look at them both”
Tommy turned around to see you and George in the water again as the pair of you fell once back on the inflatable you both made your way back to the others however George slipped and grabbed your arm trying to stay up ultimately dragging you down with him
“When is it my turn to be happy”
you all made your way to the canopy without falling, well that was until Tommy decided to lean on it causing it to fall into the water taking Tommy with it
“bye tom”
“he’s stuck save him”
“Nah this is funny”
Wilbur ended up helping him by making it so he could actually climb onto the inflatable
“you’re embarrassing us in front of the lifeguards”
you made your way across the course this time you didn’t fall as much as you did earlier on in the day, Wilbur went to push Tommy into the water again however this time you and George decided to get payback and attempted to side tackle him so he fell into the water
“bye will”
will finally got back onto the inflatable and pulled you aside
“We should form an alliance...I wouldn’t leave you behind”
“When I say meet you there you start running the course I'll make sure you don’t fall”
“understood let’s do this”
you got ready to go as will told Tommy and George that the truces weren’t working and there was only one way to settle it
“meet you there”
you started running across the course you were doing surprisingly well, Wilbur only had to prevent you from falling once and that was because you lost balance over one obstacle
“I've got you! keep going”
eventually, you both turned around to see that Tommy and George finally set off and were making their way to you both
“we’re team weak..strong every day of the week”
you managed to contain your laughter as George fell as soon as Tommy said that
“we’ll be team pussy”
soon enough they caught up you and will went to push Tommy into the water however George snuck up behind you both and pushed you into the water
“ah yes water my good friend we meet again”
will helped you up first then you helped him up will noticed George fell and went to push him in the water whilst you made your way to Tommy
“I call this the leg turrent”
“you plan on doing this forever heh?”
you helped George back up whilst Wilbur tackled Tommy further down the course
“oh Tommy is still on the floor”
“what have you done to him”
you made your way to Tommy with George only to hear Tommy yell about the art of deception followed by a splash and Tommy's laughter. George got up to go get the drinks but fell again then stood up slowly turning to face you all
“that was called comedy.. I'll go get the drinks kills myself”
“the hydration is good”
“ah thanks, George you see I’ve personally been spending the majority of my time in the water”
Tommy ran over to you all then fell into the water making you all laugh followed by Wilbur telling him to complete the line about how many people are and are not subscribed to his vlog channel
“When did George fall into the water”
“How are you guys feeling for a race”
“I’m down”
“right you and George are going to run that way around, y/n and I will run this way and we’ll meet at the nub we fought for”
“winner gets to launch the other of that big floppy thing”
Tommy and George ran off before you two however you and will made it to the nub before the others, mainly because neither of you fell and worked together.
“come across Tommy we will let you have the win if you make it across that”
Tommy ran at the bridge however he fell three quarters over the bridge
“oh fucking hell”
“he tried”
you and will helped Tommy up however George ran over
“George you’re ruining the moment” Wilbur pushed him over the edge into the water
“bye again George”
“let’s go back to the nub”
“I think me and y/n technically won”
Tommy decided to shake hands with will and made you go over to him so he could give you a hug you stood with will filming Tommy for the outro you waved bye to Tommy as he fell a rather long distance into the water, once will stopped recording he pushed you into the water from the same height
once you all dried off and got ready you and Tommy made your way back to yours as it was late you agreed Tommy may as well stay the night again, the pair of you spent the night playing games together and arguing about who won the game you missed spending time with just Tommy and he missed spending time with you so you were both incredibly thankful he decided to come over to yours a few days earlier than expected.
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @c1loudee
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misscrawfords · 3 years
17+32, Catherine and Henry (Northanger Abbey)?
War AU + Pregnancy fic
My anon, are you sure about this? Because this sounds hella angsty and if Catherine and Henry are anything, it's not angsty!
So I'm really sorry for completely ruining your desire for angst here.
Catherine goes to war in maternity leave.
Not literally, don't be ridiculous. She's an English teacher; what on earth would she be doing in a war zone? (She did once fancy herself a member of the Royal Navy but she had been 13 and mostly inspired by going on a high ropes adventure course on a school trip. The craze had not lasted.)
No, maternity leave is simultaneously boring and freeing. Since she started as a teacher, she's never had so much free time to just think. Henry's around some of the time, of course, but he has sermons to write and parishoners to see and tedious parish council meetings to chair. She flits in with cups of tea (waddles, really, at this point) and homemade cake that they at least pretend to like. (Sometimes she likes to give in to all the stereotypes of a vicar's wife. It makes her feel strangely cosy.) But when she isn't baking, she's at war.
At war on the internet. With the dog over her feet and a cup of tea at her side.
It started with a fun looking show on Netflix. Henry pointed it out to her one evening. "It's aimed at people who really loved Twilight when they were teengers and now lead depressingly generic lives in suburbia. People like you," he added pointedly.
Catherine narrowed her eyes and didn't let on that she'd already seen the trailer. "You're going to make fun of it."
"I mean... yes... obviously, but also, I really want to see whether the Dawn Angel gets together with the..." He squinted at the summary on his phone. "Immortal Night Demon or with her high school ex-boyfriend turned firefighter, Jordan. Golly, tough choice there, right? It's going to be compelling drama - breathtaking fight scenes, symbolic dark and light imagery, the epic highs and lows of high school football. You name it!"
They binged the whole thing in two days. Henry's next sermon, on the possibility of redemption even for demons and the devil himself, had been written in a fever dream by both of them at 2am after staying up far too late on Saturday arguing over the fate of the Night Demon and other related topics.
Old Mrs. Evans was heard to mutter sourly to her daughter Carys after the service, "That'll put the cat among the pigeons, that will alright. Too much Milton, not enough St Paul!"
"I always find Milton very inspiring!" Catherine replied bravely and loyally, as she helped them to a cup of tea in the church hall. She smiled at Carys, whom she'd taught Paradise Lost to at A Level a couple of years earlier. "St Paul too, of course," she added quickly, quailing under the mother's righteous glare. "Very inspiring."
But without marking or admin or driving to and from the high school in the large town half an hour away and without groups of teenagers to debate books with on a daily basis, Catherine found herself bored.
So she booted up her tumblr once again, abandoned since teaching had taken over her life and spending time with her wonderful, clever, funny, loving husband had seemed more interesting than scrolling aimlessly through social media, and discovered to her gleeful pleasure that fandom had not changed much and neither had she.
Or so she thought. Nowadays, she realises, everyone is moralising. The prevailing view seems to be that teenage girls in fandom aren't capable of distinguishing fact from fiction, that if they want a fictional heroine to rule hell with a sexy demon overlord at her side that must mean that that's what they want in real life. That the only moral thing to do here would be to marry the nice but boring guy who's been there for ever.
Catherine is an English teacher married to a vicar. If anyone knows anything about morality and fiction, it's her. This is all sounding very similar to the male critical outrage at women's novels in the 18th century. It seems nothing ever changes except that this time it's girls doing it to each other. Catherine writes several essays explaining all of this. She gets sent death threats and called an abuse apologist.
"It's so strange," she muses to Henry, as they eat homemade Thai curry in front of the aga.
"What is?" he replies. (She's told him everything, of course.) "The teenagers sending you anonymous death threats on tumblr? Because-"
"Nah, that's just standard for tumblr. I mean, it's so strange that anyone would want Griselda to be with Jordan. He's just so... normal and not in a good way. Just always going on about football and how great he was in high school. He really peaked then and he's a firefighter so that should make him brave but he never seems to actually do any fire fighting. He just talks about it as if we're meant to be impressed. We all know a Jordan and nobody wants to date him."
She'd know. Her first boyfriend had been a Jordan. They'd dated for five minutes. (Literally five minutes. Then she'd realised she'd been asked out and not to do a singing gig. Thorpy had been so subtle as to be unintelligible. Then she'd run for the hills, more disappointed in not having her vocal talents finally recognised than in being asked out by such a bore.)
"So a literal demon is a better bet?" Henry asks. "Just asking for clarification. Next year's Halloween costume depend on it."
"He's interesting and sexy and treats Griselda as an equal. What more do you want?"
"Well, speaking as a clergyman...." Henry begins with faux pomposity as he often does, his expression very fond.
She leaves him to do the washing up and lecture the dog. (She frequently hears him discussing doctrinal issues with the dog from the other room. It's adorable. She wonders if he'll be like this with the baby too. She can't wait.)
Back in her study, she boots the kitten off her chair and settles down for a long evening of defending a fictional relationship against antis, maybe reading a bit of a 52 chapter fanfiction where the Night Demon owns a tattoo parlour in New York City, and continuing to work a little on her new scheme of work for Year 9 when she eventually returns to work. It has the working title of "Sexy villains through history and why we should stan them".
She might need to edit that before she pitches it to her Head of Department.
There's a wonderful smell coming from downstairs: Henry is spontaneously baking apple cake. If she glances behind her computer monitor to the window, the graveyard looms dark and comforting in the autumn night, illuminated just by one of the outside lights on the old church. On a cushion by the bookcase, the kitten is lightly snoring and twitches in her sleep. She feels the baby shift slightly within her.
Shipping wars and the thrill of being so engaged in a fandom once more might fill a current space in her life, but goodness, she knows the difference between fact and fiction! Why would she want anything other than what she already has? Life is good.
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
The Night Shift part 8 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
Summary: It's time to do what's best for you . . . also fuck Kurt
Warnings: physical violence, emotional abuse, brief mention of trauma
W/C: 2.2k
AN: So.... I'll be honest, I was quite sick when I wrote this (and I'm still not 100% but I'm at like 75% which is good enough) but I have a mentality of not editing or revising my work otherwise I embarrass myself and convince myself I'm The Worst(tm), but I hope this makes sense and the pacing is good <3
Part 1 Part 9
Frankie was glad to see you finally opening up. Even if that meant tears he couldn’t wipe away, or a hand he couldn’t hold. The last thing he wanted was to put you in a position where you thought the only reason he was helping was to swoop in while you were vulnerable.
You sat next to him in his truck, your eyes were puffy and red from tears that once they started seemed to come in waves of intensity, from a few sniffles to shoulders heaving, gasping for air sobs. Manny sat beside you, holding your hand, which Frankie was grateful for. He was glad to see that you had people that cared about you. When he had messaged Manny that morning, it was more to find out if his suspicions were correct about the ‘friend’ you had talked about while drunk was you.
“You don’t have-“
“We want to,” Manny interjected for the fifth time. It occurred to Frankie that you weren’t used to people wanting to help you. “I’ve been praying that you’ll let me help you.” That made you sob again. You gave another apology, chest heaving as you tried to breathe.
Truthfully, Frankie was also glad that this was an excuse for him to skip talking about his own feelings. His own mind was a muddy mess of flashbacks and night terrors and bouts of anxiety that became so crippling he forgot how to breathe. How well would that have gone down in the little group he now found himself apart of? If he had to guess, about as well as it went down with Portia – pitying looks and urges to see a proper therapist, and a new distance that neither was willing bridge.
Manny answered a call as Frankie drove back. He wasn’t driving anywhere in particular, but when it had become clear you wanted to be anywhere but that bistro, he had suggested the three of you pile into his truck and see where the road took you.
“Mateo, honey, I need to ask you a few things,” Manny said into his phone. Out of the corner of his eye, Frankie saw you lean your head back and squeeze your eyes shut. Frankie wanted to reach out and squeeze your knee, take your hand, do anything to show that he was there, that he wasn’t going anywhere so long as you wanted him around.
Manny’s voice faded into the background as you turned to look at Frankie. He pulled up at a small nature reserve, which was just an algae slicked pond and a few oak trees surrounded by recently mowed grass. Frankie noticed how bloodshot your eyes were.
“You okay?” he asked, realising it was a stupid question.
“I will be,” you said, your voice hoarse. You cleared your throat with a wince. “I’m not upset . . . I’m just overwhelmed. Like, I’ve been holding this all in for so long that once the lid was opened it was impossible to put back on, and now I’ve just gotta let it all out. Does that sound stupid?”
Frankie shook his head. “Not at all.” You smiled weakly at him.
“Bet this is the worst lunch you’ve ever had,” you said.
“Nah, I think it ranks pretty highly,” Frankie said. “Mainly because of the company, though.” You rolled your eyes and Frankie could see the corners of your mouth twitch in an effort to keep a smile away.
“It’s not your fault, you know,” he said softly.
“What isn’t?” You asked, but before he could answer, Manny interjected.
“I’ve found you a new place,” he said. You shot up, confusion written on your face plainly. Manny smiled the type of smile when someone knows they’ve basically saved the day. “That was my dear friend Mateo on the phone. He is taking his first steps towards being a real estate mogul and recently brought a one bedroom apartment to rent out. And because he is such a dear friend and owes me like, a billion favours, I told him the minimum of what your situation was, and he has told me that he’s willing to rent the place to you for lower than market value. A hundred and twenty a week, including water.”
You’re silent for a few moments, and Frankie watched you carefully.
“When can I move in?” you said finally, and Frankie felt an invisible weight lift off your shoulders. He could only imagine how difficult this would be for you; making decisions that would change how you lived in a matter of hours, basically upending your life.
“He can get the keys to us on Wednesday, he’s just got to replace some fixtures and finish painting some walls,” Manny said. You nodded slowly.
“So, I just need to last till Wednesday,” you said.
“You can stay at my place, if you want.” Frankie said quickly, not exactly comfortable with the idea of you staying with Kurt. You had said he was never physically violent, but Frankie also knew how quickly a man could change when they didn’t get their way.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose,” you said carefully. Frankie nodded.
“Of course, you’re my friend, and friends help each other.” Just friends. Only friends. He wasn’t going to take advantage of you in this state just because he had a stupid crush. He had once had a conversation with a pissed off Eve Miller, who was ranting about the guys she thought were her friends instantly making moves the moment she became single. That had solidified Frankie’s resolve to not make moves on women he was friends with – it wasn’t fair to them or to him.
Before you could answer, your phone was ringing loudly. Your face crumpled as you looked at the contact, and Frankie frowned.
You took a deep breath and hit answer. “Hey! What’s up?” Your light and airy tone was at odds with your sombre expression. “No, I have lunch with Manny on Sunday, remember? You’re home already? But –“
Frankie listened to the angry buzzing coming from your phone, his revulsion growing.
“My phone died – no I just went out with Sara last night, she wanted to go to fight night . . . it’s not that short . . . No I didn’t fuck anyone else, Jesus Christ, Kurt! No! Look, I’ll be home soon, we can talk about this then.” You hung up with a shaking hand, your mouth twisting with effort to contain the tears.
Manny met Frankie’s eye over the top of your bowed head and gave a small nod.
“We’ll come with you to get some of your clothes,” Frankie said. “And anything else you need.”
“You’re really too sweet for this,” you muttered with a hiccup. “I’m sorry for dragging the both of you into my shit.”
“I crawled willingly into it,” Manny said breezily, “which I would only do for about five people in this world.”
The trio remained silent for several minutes, interrupted only but the sound of your occasional hiccups. Frankie reached out and patted your shoulder awkwardly, cringing internally while he did. Inexplicably, you leant into his touch, your damp cheek brushing against the back of his hand.
“Can you drive me home so I can get my stuff?” you asked softly. Frankie nodded and turned on the truck.
You were a ball of anxiety as Frankie pulled into the complex’s parking lot. Kurt’s car was already in the spot reserved for your apartment, sending you to the verge of a full-blown panic attack. You squeezed your eyes shut and counted to ten, then backwards from ten. Distantly, you felt Manny take hold of one of your hands.
“You’ve got this.” Manny’s voice sounded far away. “Francisco and I are behind you one hundred percent.”
“You’re calling the shots,” Frankie said, touching your arm. His hand was warm and calloused, and you didn’t know why that observation seemed to be at the forefront of your mind, but it was. You opened your eyes and met Frankie’s warm brown ones, suddenly feeling infinitely stronger.
You told them what you wanted to do – for you to go in by yourself and for them to wait outside the door, plug their ears if necessary, only come in if they felt like you were in any actual danger. Frankie’s face darkened at this, but to your relief he didn’t protest your plan.
You felt stronger with the two of them behind you. Every single step towards your apartment door solidified your resolve that this was the right thing, that this relationship hadn’t made you happy, fulfilled, in years. The click of your key in the door felt like one of finality.
Kurt sat on the couch, glaring at you. You left the door open a crack as you walked in, hovering by the dining table. You took him in fully and came to the conclusion that you were no longer attracted to this man at all. His skin was reddened by the sun, pale patches around his light blue eyes. His thin mouth was curled into a sneer.
“Care to explain what the fuck you’ve been doing while I was gone?” he said.
“Not really, no.” You replied. “Here’s the thing, Kurtis, you don’t get to go out with your friends for the whole weekend doing who-knows-what then turn around and get angry at me for spending time with the only friend from school that I still have! That’s not fair.”
“And who’s fault is that? You’re the one who pushed them all away!” Kurt stood up and advanced towards you. Normally, you would have taken a step backwards, given him space, but this time you stood your ground, clenching your fists tightly to stop them shaking.
“I’m still allowed to have a social life,” you said, struggling to keep your tone even. Kurt rolled his eyes.
“If you wanna go out and act like a fucking whore-“
“Think what you want, Kurt,” you said, “it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m leaving. You can’t stop me.”
Kurt spluttered for a moment, turning a shade of deep red. “Like fucking HELL you’re leaving me, you bitch!”
“I am!” you shot back. He was only a few inches from you now, so close his breath was hot on your face. “I’m miserable, I don’t love you anymore, and I’m done. I’ve been done for so long I can’t remember a time I was fully invested in this relationship! I deserve better! I deserve love that doesn’t make me so sad it hurts, and I can’t have that with you.”
Kurt’s face twisted into an ugly contortion of the features you once found perfect. “No. Nobody can love you the way I do! Nobody can understand you like I do! If you leave, I won’t want to live anymore. Don’t you remember? I can’t live without you!”
“Then go to a fucking hospital!” you snapped, moving to get past him. Kurt grabbed your wrist tightly. His grip was like a vice, cutting off blood supply to your fingers.
“Let go!” you begged. Kurt tugged you closer, spittle forming at the corners of his mouth, your noses almost touching. He’s going to kill me. Oh my god, he’s actually going to kill me. You saw movement by the door out of the corner of your eye, and your heart swelled.
“You heard her,” Frankie said, “let her go.”
Kurt didn’t let go, but instead gripped harder. He’s completely lost it, you thought dimly, the expression Kurt wore sending true fear into your heart.
“And just who the fuck are you?” Kurt demanded.
“Let her go,” Frankie repeated. He didn’t raise his voice, but you could still hear the power it held. Kurt scoffed and spat at Frankie’s feet.
“This is an issue between me and my girlfriend, now get out of my apartment before I make you.”
Frankie didn’t reply, instead, he strode forward, pushed the sleeves of his flannel over shirt up as he did. Kurt didn’t wait. He pushed you hard against the kitchen bench, knocking the breath out of you and sending a shot of pain through your back, and moved to meet Frankie in the middle of the room.
It happened in an instant, blink and you miss it. Frankie swung, his fist connecting with Kurt’s jaw with a sickening crunch. Kurt went down like a lead balloon, howling as he collapsed on the floor. Frankie stood over him, breathing hard through his nose.
Manny ran forward to help you, holding you to him like the protective brother you had always wished for. It took you a few moments to realise you were shaking, out of fear or adrenaline you didn’t know.
“Come on,” he whispered soothingly, “we gotta get your stuff.” You nodded and let him help you up. You didn’t feel like you were connected with your body like you were watching the whole thing through a separate set of eyes. You saw Frankie standing over Kurt, arms crossed and boot pressing into Kurt’s chest.
Manny held your hand as you walked to your bedroom. You were distantly aware of the aching in your body, your back, and wrist especially. It was Manny who packed your bag for you, grabbing anything he thought you might need. The whole thing was done in less than ten minutes. Before you left you turned to face Kurt.
“I’ll be back sometime this week to get the rest of my stuff. Do not contact me.”
You felt your strength returning to you as you left with Frankie and Manny with you. For the first time in a long time, you felt like you could breathe.
Taglist: @hnt-escape @sharkbait77 @1800-fight-me @annathewitch @darnitdraco @frankiecatfish @punkerthanpascal @nakhudanyx @gracie7209 @quica-quica-quica @pintsizemama @phoenix-of-loki
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jeagerism · 4 years
on the tuesday that george begins to admit to himself that he feels differently about you, it's freezing.
the ac in your shared apartment has been off for weeks at that point, leaving the both of you to shuffle towards the living room earlier on in the day; wrapped in fluffy blankets normally kept on the middle shelf in the hall, torsos bundled up in hoodies—his some old one dream had sent him ages ago, yours one he'd let you borrow after seeing the way you'd shivered in the thin sweater you often inhabited.
george had decided to move out of his mom's house earlier that fall, after he'd endured just as much teasing from sapnap and dream as he could handle. he'd found an apartment easy—mostly thanks to the help of his two friends—but affording one on his own was the issue.
he'd eyed the bright red price marking on his monitor with disdain, and had immediately shut down any attempts dream had at paying for him. his teasing had always been annoying, but george also knew he'd done more than he could thank him for already; he'd traced his finger over the tiny ceramic elephant he kept on his desk.
george had nearly been at his wit's end when sapnap had suggested looking for a roommate. and it had seemed like a good idea; he'd be allowed to pick and choose who it was, analyze what type of person they'd be, if he wanted to share his space for the next year with that person.
which was how he'd met you.
of the few applications george had gotten—from an ad he'd spent hours pouring over, writing and rewriting until it was just right—he'd come back to yours the most. nothing much had stood out about the others, and even less about your own; you'd said you didn't make much mess, that you were still in college, so most nights were spent inside of your room studying.
the next day, he'd watched his phone ring against the counter of the painfully empty apartment, biting at the corner of his nails in nervousness. the thought of hanging up had crossed his mind just before you'd answered, a strange sort of crackle echoing throughout his spot in the kitchen as you let out a short, "hello?"
which was how you'd gotten here. three months later, the fall weather having tumbled it's way into cold, frigid nights and frustratingly windy days. george had spent so much time curled up on the corner of the couch—a couch you'd dragged him to buy on your fourth day here, something about the emptiness being saddening—that he's sure there's a permanent imprint of his form in the cushions. the heat in his room had stopped working the first week of winter; in some way, he thinks it had been a warning.
he'd been facing the television, back against the soft material of the cushions, when his shoulders had gotten strangely cold. a short walk over towards the air conditioning had confirmed his suspicions—the heater had broken, and even after waiting another hour to try again, it had remained a blank, glowing blue screen.
and now, he's here, pressed into the corner of the couch, material sinking under the weight of him trying his best to snuggle into any warmth the cushions may be hiding. you've been sat across from him since earlier that morning, feet tucked underneath you for any sort of heat, hands shoved into the hoodie he'd given you—whenever you move, which isn't very often due to conserving as much body heat as you can, he sees the stitched red logo of his channel against the grey fabric.
minutes into another rerun of some reality show that plays on the television, you speak. "it's cold." it's muffled, george notices, probably due to the way your nose is dug into the bunched material of the hoodie. he hums out an agreement, glancing sadly at his laptop resting atop the coffee table, mere inches away. he thinks of risking it, but as soon as he feels the biting cold against parts of his skin, all thoughts of this go out the window. editing could wait, even if he had to suffer through another shitty fight between two annoyingly loud cast members.
"like, unbearably cold." george likes you. you're a good friend, and you'd been willing to put up with his strange schedule from the moment you'd moved in. he'd never had to ask you to clean up any of your mess, and there were even times when you'd offered to take his turn at dishes when he'd had a lot on his plate. there was nothing to complain about when it came to you, so much so that he'd practically sung praises of you on late night calls with sapnap and dream.
george had even mentioned you on stream once, albeit accidentally, on an occasion where he'd been smiling from ear to ear at the fact that you'd brought him some sort of baked treat—"you look like you needed food, and i doubt you'd look away from your computer too much to eat a full meal"—but nonetheless.
it was with burning cheeks that he'd realised he'd never asked you if that was okay. to admit your presence to hundreds of thousands of people, people you didn't know and that didn't know you, but would obsess over any deal of information about you if it came from george's lips. but, you'd brushed it off with ease when he'd mentioned it, laughing with a soft, "it's perfectly fine, george. you tell them about a lot of your friends, don't you? i'm not any different." and after a beat, you'd stood from your chair, wood scuffing against tile, and had winked at him. "plus, georgenotfound talking about me? i should be flattered, huh?"
george is pretty sure he'd spent the rest of the night thinking about that; quackity had made fun of the way he'd kept zoning out, the way his jackbox answers had been considerably less funny that night.
so he did like you, even if he wasn't so sure what that meant. he knew he liked the way you played songs he liked on cleaning days. that he liked when you'd join him on the couch while he edited videos. bought the kind of soda he liked, even if you didn't. he thinks your spectacular, in the kind of way that makes him feel wide awake, like he's been shocked full of energy from knowing you. he thinks you look pretty in the morning time, stepping out the door for class; at night when you've been stressed over coursework.
the episode ends and another starts in the time it takes george to finally open his mouth to speak. "we could move closer." it's the first thing he's said since he'd asked if you'd wanted coffee earlier, voice as hoarse now from hours of being unused as it had been from the hands of sleep still holding onto him. his arms feel sore as he moved them out—he ignores the stinging cold that nips at his knuckles. a few seconds skip by of silence, his neck swarming with an uncomfortable sort of prickling.
"or no-"
"no! uh, no i mean, that's", george watches the couch dip with your knee dug into it, shuffling your body closer to his until you're fit against his side, pressing his arm against the back of the pillows, "that's good."
"yeah?" you're warm. the heat coming from your body spreads over him like a wildfire—he doesn't mind being burned. for the first time since he'd sent that angry email to your landlord, fueled with the desperate shivering that had taken on his body, he's glad that the heater had broken. he supposes this—george feels your arms wrap a little higher around him, head lean back against his shoulder—was worth the last week of freezing his ass off.
some building sense of courage towers in his chest, gathers in his throat, "hey, i want—"
and george watches as you look at him. what does he want? if he thinks about it, he wants to tell you that he thinks you're wonderful. that he likes that you let him use your shampoo when he runs out. that he remembered the night you'd watched all the austin powers movies with him because he'd been sad, even when you'd had school the next day. he wants to do just as much as you'd done for him in the three months he's known you, more than he could ever repay you for.
another part of him, a part that's selfish and wanting and probably a little too high off of the warmth he's been missing since he'd woken up—wants to kiss you.
he wants to.
so he does.
prompt taken from here : "the landlord still hasn’t repaired the heater in our apartment and we’re already wearing several layers of clothes, we need to find other ways to keep warm"
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levynite · 3 years
Sunday night, 11.30pm, saw the state govt is looking for people to fill certain posts, leaped out of bed to do the research into this, start putting together the documents that need to be scanned and converted into PDFs, realise am starving, stop to make food, spend the next 5 hours just filling in personal info and academic info and past work experience, realise they want scans of your parents IDs AND birth certificates!
Take a break, wait til parents have gotten up for the day, get that done, have a fresh baked frozen croissant, finish filling in all your information and qualifications, scream FINALLY, then go seek out the job postings you want to apply to, read through, THEN FINALLY CLICK APPLY on several postings because why stick to just one.
Let brain decompress.
Anyways, I'm officially out of the one year sabbatical and on the proper hunt for a job; a state government job is not the most well paid but they have guaranteed annual pay raises AND PENSION. The downside is I have to adhere to dress codes but I applied for the State Archives (which is 1.5 kilometres from home) and for the State Printing Department SO WE'LL SEE PRAY FOR ME.
(Parents have been nagging at me to apply at Petronas aka the national oil & gas corporation but they're not looking to hire except in cybersecurity where I am underqualified and have the magical ability to break code just by looking at it)
Edit: Applications close on Jan 10th and then they'll start screening so it's going to be weeks before I get any word....at least it seems like they'd tell you if you get rejected so that's nice.
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ladydorian05 · 4 years
Dangerous love - Javier Peña x Gn!reader
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Okay, I finished it, finally!!! I don't have a lot to say about this except that it all began with a few lines provided by my brain in the middle of the night and then this happened.
A huge thank you to @din-damn-djarin​ she helped me so much editing this thing and with the ending (many parts of the ending were written by her).
Hope you guys enjoy it!!!
Dangerous love
Pairing: Javier Peña x gn!reader 
Summary: With Steve on vacation, it's up to Javier and you to check upon the new lead; unexpectedly the stakeout goes to shit and some surprising things happen after you jump at the first opportunity to endanger yourself. (I still don't know how to write this thing and I'll probably never learn.)
Warnings: Bullets, minor injuries, mentions of blood, what else, Javier’s potty mouth but with restraint, maybe a little of out of character behaviour at the end, no time line, fictional events. thoughts in italics. Spanish translations of long sentences can be found in ( ). And I think that’s it.
Word count: 5K and then some.
Damn you Murphy, Why did you have to ask for vacation days right before we got a lead. Javier thought as he tried to get comfortable in his seat  behind the wheel, with Steve out of the picture, he was left to carry out this stakeout alone, alone with you. Inside the close quarters of his car.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like you, far from it actually. He just didn’t want to fuck things up with you now that he was finally able to put a name to the way he felt whenever he was around you. From the way his heart rate increased in your presence, to how much his thoughts revolved around you. Hell, he even stopped fucking around with his informants for the simple fact that none of them were you.
There was no way he was going to tell you. He couldn’t, your jobs were too dangerous. The slightest mistake could cost either of you your lives and the last thing he wanted was to put you in more danger than you were already in, even if he knew you could take care of yourself.  Besides, he didn’t deserve someone as wonderful as you.
“Okay, I got the snacks and here’s your coffee.” You said opening the door of the passenger side, taking him out of his thoughts. It was some kind of tradition between the three of you, getting snacks to make sitting inside a car for hours on end, waiting for something to happen, a little more bearable,”Any sign of our guy?”
He thanked you, taking the paper cup from your hand “And no, no sign of him or any of his associates.” he sighed before taking a sip from his coffee.
“Damn it, it’s close to midnight, either they appear in the next 3 hours or we’ll be stuck in here for another day.” You complained, leaving the bag with the snacks between you two. You were tired, even if you liked the extra alone time with Javier it was hard to enjoy it when both of you were sleep deprived, more than usual, and cramped inside his car for the second day in a row.
The lead was solid, the problem was they needed evidence that the house they were watching actually belonged to the guy you were after, once you got it you could take the information to Carrillo and mobilize resources to take him in. 
“Five says that we won’t get anything tonight either.” Javier says, taking a bag of chips for himself.
“Five what? Bucks?” You see him nod while stuffing his mouth with a handful of potato chips. You contemplate his profile for a moment before answering his bet, “Alright, I’m in. I have a good feeling about tonight.”
“Don’t get your hopes up, it's been quiet.”
“That’s mainly because Murphy’s not here.” You both share a laugh at your partner's expense. It was no secret that out of the three of you Steve was the most approachable. Javier was the known asshole of the embassy, you always tried to keep your guard up, what with being the new one, and Steve was just a ‘by the book’ kind of guy, even if being after Escobar made him bend some rules lately.
When you were first transferred to Colombia you were surprised that you actually got along just fine with both of your partners. You were the newbie, but they didn’t belittle you or underestimate you like you expected them to. However, you certainly never expected to end up falling for one of them.
As the months passed Javi became more than just your partner or friend, he became your confidant, you knew you could always talk to him. While he wasn’t the  most approachable person around the embassy, you found out he actually had a soft side. He was reliable, hard working, with a dry sense of humor, a ‘no bullshit’ attitude that called to you, and as much as he wanted to hide it, he cared deeply, even for things that were out of his control. The fact he was so fucking handsome didn’t hurt either.
You didn’t fall for him overnight, it was a steady, slow kind of change. It took sleepless nights pouring over documents, each taking turns getting more coffee to keep you both going;  late night conversations and laughs over strong alcohol to chase the stress from work away; having occasional dinner nights with him at his apartment or yours on those nights when the feeling of being alone in a different  country fighting a never ending war gets unbearable.
It wasn’t sudden, but it still surprised you when you realised your feelings for the DEA’s resident Cassanova were deeper than you thought. That was another thing that worried you, it was no secret where or rather from whom he tends to get information about the narcos you were chasing after. Even if he’s recently been more discreet about it.
“Heads up, we’ve got movement.” Javier brings you out of your thoughts, tossing the bag of chips back into the bag of snacks you brought. “Seems like you’ll be getting those five bucks after all.”
“Told you I had a hunch.” Both of you watch as a van parks in front of the house you’ve been watching, several men get out of the vehicle. You recognise a couple of them from the list of known people working for Escobar, most of them were foot soldiers.
You reached inside the glove compartment for the camera, hoping to get a few good pictures before they disappeared inside the house. This could be the missing link you needed to get to the guy that lived there.
“Hold on, don’t finish the film just yet,” Javi’s words give you pause as you start rewinding the camera to take another photograph, “another car’s pulling up.”
“Anyone we know?” You ask squinting to see who comes out of the other car parked away from the street lights lining the road.
“Fuck me...yeah, from the Cali cartel.” He answers, rubbing his chin with a hand.
“Shit, that can’t be good.” You lowered the camera. The change in the atmosphere around you was instant the moment both of you noticed the persons inside the other car were readying their guns.
“You have your gun with you?” Javi asks, reaching behind him for his own weapon.
“Never leave the house without it.”
“Good. When all hell breaks loose, and it will, I want you to find cover before you do anything else, got it?” You hear the click of the safety from Javi’s gun as you reach for the handle of your door; you can sense the familiar feeling of adrenaline as you ready yourself for what’s to come.
“Yeah, you better do the same.” You don’t get a response from him. In a matter of seconds, the once quiet street turns into a war zone. Gun in hand, you run for cover, ending up behind the wall of a house at the entrance of an alley.
You take a moment to breath and try to pinpoint Javier’s location. You see him poking his head from behind a wall on the opposite side of the street. You sigh, relieved to see that he got himself behind cover in time.
You can’t really do anything. It’s just you and Javier out here, you lacked both the numbers and the firepower. Minutes that felt like hours passed. You take a look at the shooting happening a few meters from your position before hiding again in the dark of the alley as three more cars arrived on the site. One of them coming up from the street you were in, you prayed that they didn’t notice either of you. It was clear that both sides had called for backup.
Fuck, now bullets were flying towards this side as well, it wouldn’t take long for them to start looking for a more solid cover than their cars. You see Javi come to the same realisation as he sends you a worried glance when your eyes meet. You needed back up too.
Neither of you expected something like this to happen, it was just a stakeout; you were horribly unprepared with no vest and only so many bullets. The moment they noticed either of you it was over. There was only one choice, you needed to call Carillo.
There was a phone inside the car. If you were fast enough you could dive inside the back seats of the car and grab the phone, you were certain Carrllo would still be in his office, he never left early. It would take him little to no time to round up a team and get to your position as fast as possible.
You turned to look at Javier after formulating the quick plan in your head and explained it as best as you could with your hands, asking him to cover your back. You watch him shake his head, gesturing with both hands for you to stay put. You know if you do as he wants they’ll find you sooner or later; with your plan, if everything went well, at least you both stood a chance of getting out of this alive and  there was even the possibility of taking some of them into custody.
You put the safety of your gun back on and  tuck it into the back of your pants for the moment. While looking at Javier straight in the eyes you slowly shake your head, watching as he spits out a curse you’re too far away to hear before diving out of your cover to get to the car.
Javier knew the situation would escalate badly for the two of you if they noticed your presence there, he was just holding onto the hope that they would be too engrossed in trying to kill each other for that to happen. He turned his attention away from the wall in front of him to check up on you, only to see the determined expression on your face. He’s seen that one before, you always looked like that before doing something brave, yet incredibly stupid that would no doubt end up endangering you.
What the hell were you thinking!? Javier understood what you were trying to say with your hands, your plan was insane. Yes, having backup would be really helpful, life saving even; but risking your life like that? No, he wouldn’t let you. He answered by very clearly telling you to stay where you were.
He swears his heart leapt out of his chest the moment you disregarded his instruction to stay put, tucking your gun in your pants before breaking into a run for the car. FUCK!
You left him with no choice but to do as you asked, there was no way in hell he was going to leave you even more open than you already were. Hopefully, with all the chaos going around, they wouldn’t notice you or where the bullets from his gun were coming from.
He tried to keep an eye on you while also paying attention to the altercation. The car wasn’t that far from your previous position, but considering the stray bullets raining all round, it was too damn dangerous. He was filing away in his head all the things he would say to you if- no, ONCE both of you were out of this mess. He wouldn’t let himself think of any other outcome, you were going to be fine and you would get out of this, both of you.
What was in reality a few seconds, felt like an eternity to him. You running alone, unprotected, straight into a firefight was a scene he’s only seen in his nightmares, the fact that this was really happening was worse than he had ever imagined.
He stopped breathing for a moment when he saw you stumble a little from the corner of his eye, but when he turned his full attention towards you, you weren’t there and the backdoor of the car was open. He sighed in relief, you made it.
Carrillo got there with backup in record time and these guys were still at it, they had the worst aim he had ever seen, it was laughable that the shooting lasted this long, but damn he was glad to see Carrillo and his men arriving. They blocked the escape routes, effectively cornering them and made quick work of subduing and cuffing any survivors.
He made his way towards you as soon as he was sure he wouldn’t get a bullet for stepping out from his cover, after all he would be of no use to you dead, but Carrillo noticed him first and stopped him halfway there.
You could hear the moment the backup arrived from your place on the floor of the back of the car. You were tired and probably in need of medical attention. You hadn’t felt the pain initially, too preoccupied with your madrun to get to the car and filled with adrenaline to notice. It wasn’t until things had quietened down significantly and the adrenaline began to seep from your body that you had time to assess your injuries and felt the searing hot pain blossoming in your arm and thigh. You weren’t sure if the bullets were still in there, if you had been hit anywhere else and just hadn’t felt the pain yet or how bad the bleeding was.
Slowly, you began to move in order to get out of the car. Hissing in pain when you had to use your leg to crawl to the opposite door, you figured it would be easier to keep moving forward and get out from that side than try to backtrack towards the one you used to get in.
The sudden movement of the door opening caught everyone who was close by off guard, some of the men actually pointed their guns at you.
“Whoa! Easy there, I’m friend no foe.” Scanning the area you spotted Javier with Carrillo, their attention focused on you, it seemed like they had been talking before you made your presence known. Javier walked towards you as the Colonel ordered his men to lower their weapons. “Hey, a little help please?”
He offered you his hand to help you get out of the vehicle. “Easy there, are you hurt?” He looked you up and down  searching for injuries and sure enough, he found them, “Fuck, you’re bleeding. Coronel, pida una ambulancia!” After telling the colonel to call for an ambulance he gently guided you away from the bullet hole ridden car to sit on the flatbed of one of the team’s trucks. 
Javier was uncharacteristically quiet considering the move you pulled off, you were expecting the scolding of your life, but he said nothing. He just hovered around you as the paramedics cleaned and treated your wounds, thankfully they weren’t life threatening, and gave one word answers when they asked him any kind of questions to find out if he was also injured. It was unsettling.
Anger you could deal with, you’ve done so on multiple occasions already used to his fiery personality, but this cold shoulder treatment...the only times he had ever acted like this had been when things got really bad or when he felt responsible for losing someone on the job. He would often shut himself out in situations like that,  but even then you were always able to get through to him and coax him into talking to you. 
Carrillo approached you once the paramedics’ job was done. “Mis hombres se encargaran de los malparidos. Yo los llevo de regreso a la base, necesitaran otro carro para ir a casa.” (My men will take care of the sons of bitches. I’ll take you back to base, you’ll need another car to get home.)
“Gracias por su ayuda Coronel.” You thanked him for the help, seeing as Javier still refused to speak.
“Al contrario, gracias a ti y tu llamada ahora tenemos arrestados no sólo a colaboradores de Escobar, sino también miembros del cartel de Cali.” (On the contrary, thanks to you and your call, we now have arrested not only Escobar’s collaborators, but also members from the Cali cartel.)
Javier went to retrieve any personal belongings from the car before following Carillo back to his truck. The ride back to base didn’t change anything, the three of you travelling in tense silence since Javier still refused to speak. It was a good thing the Colonel was never really a talkative man to begin with otherwise you’re sure he would have felt insulted by Javi’s current mood. 
Once back at base, Javier made quick work of the paperwork needed to take a provisional car while the one previously assigned to him was towed away and replaced. You decided to  put his odd behavior down to the stress of the night's events, thinking maybe that was what had him acting like this and hoping that maybe he would relax on the way home.
No such luck.
The car ride was infernally quiet and Javier’s mood only seemed to worsen by the minute, you could see his knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. He pulled up in the building’s garage, killing the engine without so much as turning his head in your direction. You couldn’t take it anymore, the silence was suffocating you.
“Hey, I got a new bottle of whiskey if you wanna grab a drink?” The only answer you got was the sound of the door slamming shut behind him as he got out of the car. At first you thought that was a no, but when you got out he was standing by the car’s trunk waiting for you. 
You made your way through the building to the door of your apartment; the slight limp from the wound on your thigh slowing you down somewhat. It wasn’t serious, the bullet only grazed the outer side of it. Your arm didn’t have the same luck; still, it was nothing time, a few stitches and bandages couldn’t fix, but it still hurt like hell, you’ll be sure to take some pain meds before going to bed. Javier was following behind you. If he ever decided to quit being a DEA agent, you were sure he’d be able make decent cash playing poker with the expressionless face he had going on  at the moment. Well, he would as long as he wore dark sunglasses, otherwise his expressive eyes would probably give him away. 
You opened the door and turned on the lights of the living room. “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll get the bottle and the glasses.” You tell him as you toe off your shoes, leaving them in the entrance. You hear the door close and before you can make your way to the kitchen his hand darts up to grab the wrist of your uninjured arm.
“Javier? Wha-”
“What the fuck were you thinking?” Oh. So it was time for the scolding, he waited until you were alone for this, shit. Maybe you could play dumb?
“I was thinking about getting a little bit drunk before going to sleep.”
“You know what I mean. Back there, what the fuck were you thinking putting yourself in danger like that?” So, that was a no on the playing dumb thing then.
“Do you have any idea how lucky you were? You had no vest and still you ran headfirst into the open, you could’ve died!” He could feel the grip he had on his emotions slipping, all the fear, all the helplessness he felt the moment he saw you dive out into the rain of bullets rushing back to him.
“But I didn’t.” You knew he was right, it was a dangerous move, but it worked, it got you out of the tight spot. “Listen, I know it was dangerous, but it worked out.”
“So you were aware of how dangerously stupid that was and you still went ahead and did it!?” He let go of your wrist to pass his hand through his hair in exasperation,“To top it off, this isn’t even the first time you’ve pulled something like this, I don’t have enough fingers on my hands to count how many times your dumb luck has saved your ass.”
“Well excuse me for saving our asses back there!” You snap, your composure which you had managed to keep up until this point wavering, “And what about you?”
“What about me?”
“You think I don’t know about your little endeavours with the other side of this war?” How dare he act as if he’s never put himself in danger, as if he wasn’t playing with fire himself, “How’s Don Berna? When’s your next coffee date?”
His eyes widened in horror and all the blood drained from his face. Any other day this kind of reaction from him would’ve made you laugh, but right now it only gave you a strange sense of satisfaction.
“How do you know about that?” His eyes fixed on yours, both of you locked in a staring match until you’re silent for a little too long and he speaks again, demanding an answer, “Huh? Answer me. How. Do. You. Know. That?”
“I saw you with him.”
“You followed me!? You fucking followed me!?”
“Yes, I did! What did you want me to do!? We were stuck, stressed as fuck, with no new leads and you were acting strange! I was worried!”
“That didn’t give you the right to go and fucking follow me! And that’s beyond the point, that’s different!” Your once tense, but relatively controlled, conversation was now a shouting match. A match that would most likely end with no winner and your friendship on the line, but you’ll be damned if you backed down from this.
“How!? How is it different!? I run once or twice towards some bullets to save our asses and you get to lecture me about it, but I can’t bring up the fact you’re meeting with a sicario, behind both of your partners backs, in your free time!?”
“We’re not talking about me!”
“OH! So YOU can make stupid and dangerous decisions, but I can’t!? And YOU can call ME out on them, but I can’t call YOU out on YOURS!?” Every time you stressed a word you made sure to poke him hard in the chest with your index finger as if you really needed to emphasise your point anymore.
He let out a heavy sigh trying to cool down a little. You had moved at some point during the heat of the argument, both of you trying to get into each other's faces as you yelled back and forth and you were so close to him now that the puff of air lightly ruffled your eyelashes. Deep down he knew you were right, but the night events still hung heavy in his mind. For a moment, he swore you weren’t going to make it, he should’ve known better- should have trusted you, but that didn’t mean he would support every single insane plan you came up with.
“I just-”
“You just what!?” You interrupted him. He was beyond frustrated with this situation. He just had to go and open his fucking mouth. He could have just stayed silent, shared that whiskey with you and drink until he forgot all about this whole stupid situation and then gone to bed.
“I just want you to understand-”
“Understand what!?”
“Goddamnit.” he muttered under his breath.
“Understand what Javier!? Maybe if you stopped stalling and just said what you want to say I would!”
“That I fucking love you!” Shit. He drags the palm of his hand over his face as he contemplates his options, it’s too late to go back now he decides, “I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you!”  
“Well, I love you too!” 
The stunned silence that followed the unexpected confessions was deafening. Neither of you dared to move from your positions, until you saw his eyes flicker from yours to your lips and his tongue poked out to lick his bottom lip.
You don’t know who moved first, but at that point you don’t care. Your lips came together with his in a passionate kiss, all thoughts of your argument forgotten for the moment. You could only think about how good it felt to finally kiss him, you always believed that he would be a good kisser, but this was beyond anything you ever imagined, all your previous fantasies of what kissing your partner would be like fell in comparison to the real deal.
It wasn’t perfect; no, nothing in real life is ever perfect, but at the same time it was everything and more. There was no fight for dominance, it was just a coming together of two people, two people trying to convey with actions what has never been said with words. Months of pent up feelings finally finding release.
His arms were around you, one hand on your lower back and the other behind your head, pulling you ever closer while your own hands held the back of his head, fingers losing themselves between his short locks of hair. You were so drunk on him, you never wanted to stop, unfortunately, oxygen was a necessity. Slowly, you pulled apart from each other, leaving little pecks on his lips as you went. 
“Fuck, we’re a mess.” He said, breathing heavily as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Did you mean it?” You ask, finally finding your voice after taking a few deep breaths.
“Every word.” He answered, pulling you into another much slower kiss.
“Good.” You said against his lips the next time you parted. “Because I do too.” You were going to go in for another kiss, but you felt the pull of the stitches on your arm when you tried to bring his head closer, making you flinch in pain.
“You okay?” He asked, noticing the sudden movement.
“Yeah, just...the stitches are bothering me.” You said with a grimace.
“Fuck. I forgot about them.” He slowly detangled himself from you as not to hurt you further. “Let’s sit down on the couch, there’s more light over there, let’s make sure you didn’t reopen the wound.”
“It’s alright, just a bit sore, that’s all.” You gingerly touched the bandage covering the stitches. He called your name, to get your attention back.
“Please. If only for my peace of mind.” With a sigh, you agreed. He left his hand on your lower back, gently guiding you to your couch. He began to remove the tape that kept the gauze in place over the stitches as carefully as he could manage. “Thank you, your plan really did save us.” You stared at him in surprise, you weren't expecting that. “But you really need to be more careful. Do you have any idea how I felt when you just ran out?”
You shook your head.
“I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.”
“You’re not THAT old.”
“Excuse you, I’m not old at all.” His eyebrows raise at your words and there’s a look of mock offense written across his features.
“That’s not what your cracking back says.”
“If we didn’t spend so much time behind a desk my back wouldn’t sound like fireworks going off every time I stretch.” Your eyes found each other for a moment before both of you ended up laughing. “No, but seriously. I don’t know What I would’ve done if anything had happened to you. Please, don’t risk yourself like that, don’t go where I can’t follow.”
“You know I can’t promise something like that...but I’ll try.”
“I can work with that.” He focused back on removing the tape without further upsetting the wound.
“I’ll be more careful, but in return, I want you to do everything you can to cut all ties with Don Berna. I don’t care how much information he gave you or keeps giving you, it’s not worth it if you’re going to end up in the middle of both sides.”
He took a deep breath before letting the air out. “I am trying, but it’s a delicate subject, I need to watch my steps. I reached out to him on a whim, and even if I got some good stuff from him, I’m not stupid, sooner or later he’ll cash in the favor.”
“Be careful, please.” He nodded.
Once the tape was out of the way, he looked at your stitches without touching the skin around them, not wanting to cause any kind of infection, once he saw that none of them needed to be redone, he covered them again.
“Alright, all’s good, let’s get you to bed.” Your eyes widened at his words.
“Javier, not today, I’m tired and my leg hurts and-” You’re cut off by his chuckle.
“To sleep. Jesus, get your head out of the gutter. Go get ready, I’ll bring you some pain killers and a glass of water. Whiskey’s not going anywhere, we can have it another day, you need to rest.”
When he came into your room you were already in your pajamas, taking your pants off had been tricky but you managed it without disturbing your wounds too much. He hands you two pills and a glass of water, you thanked him before swallowing the pills with some water. Leaving the glass on your nightstand, you make yourself comfortable in your bed.
“Well, I’ll umm...I’ll see you tomorrow.” He nods his head in your direction before turning to leave.
“Javi, wait.” You call before he reaches the door. He looks back at you over his shoulder, “Could you stay?”
His eyes widened in surprise before answering “Of course, sweetheart.” He’s quiet as he takes off his shirt, shoes, socks and moves to climb under the covers.
“Do you sleep in jeans? Isn’t that uncomfortable?” he freezes in place, one knee on the bed and one hand lifting the corner of the thin sheets covering the bed.
“No, I- I usually sleep in boxers.” he lowers his gaze to the bed, “I just don’t have any with me right now.”
There’s a moment of silence as you process his words before you burst into laughter.
“You- you mean- you’re not-” you try to talk in the middle of your laughing fit, but only manage to get a few words out.
“Yeah, I’m not wearing any underwear,” you swear he almost looks embarrassed “get over it.” he mutters.
“Sorry, I just-”you try to calm down, but can’t help the giggles that still escape your lips. “What, did you have plans for after the stakeout?” The question came out jokingly; maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing to ask after what happened in your foyer, but deep down you wanted to know. You trusted him in any other way, could you also trust him completely with your heart?
“No.” He looks you in the eye and you notice that he understood the double meaning of your question. “I don’t do that anymore, for some time now. ”
Once he settles, you reach over to the nightstand turning off the small lamp that sits there. You can’t see Javi in the darkness of the room, but you know there’s still something playing on his mind from the way you feel him fidget beside you. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, reaching out for him across the small distance that separates the two of you. Your hand finds his shoulder and you run your fingers up and down his arm, enjoying the way he relaxes under the touch. 
“It’s nothing, go to sleep.” 
“Javier.” You warn, much too tired to argue but determined not to sleep until you get to the bottom of whatever's bothering him.
“I’m still thinking about what happened earlier...loving you can be quite dangerous.” Javier sighs, “You know that, don’t you?”
“It’s just as dangerous as loving you.”
“What a pair we make huh?” 
“We’ll figure it out.” Your voice is laced with exhaustion and you shuffle closer to him, nestling your head under his chin and wrapping an arm around his body, “We’ll be fine.” 
He hums in agreement, his arm hovering over you but not quite touching.
“You can touch me you know?” You say with amusement.
“Your arm- I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“You won’t. I promise.” You smile, pecking a kiss against the first patch of skin you can reach.
He lowers his arm tentatively, wrapping it around you and pulling you closer to him.
“Goodnight.” You mumble against his chest, sleep already beginning to pull you under.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He whispers into your hair, listening to the way your breathing has evened out. Sleep has never come easily to Javier, but that night for the first time in months, it does.
Everything tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed) :
@oloreaa @16boyfriends-and-me​ @ilikechocolatemilkh​ @crossfitjesusinblackskinnyjeans​
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What If? Area 77 Edition
Summary: What if, instead of finding the time machine and escaping with it, the hippies’ infiltration of the Area 77 compound goes very wrong, leading to the capture of one member and the serious injury of another?
Writing requests are still open! Please read pinned post for info before requesting.
  “There it is!” Grian hisses, pointing out from his hiding space towards the giant containment cell holding his time machine. “Look!”
  Ren cranes his neck over the crate he’s hiding behind. “Okay, I see it. What’s the plan, G?”
  “We’re gonna break into that cell and fly it outta here.” 
  “I feel like we need something more specific than tha-,” starts Impulse nervously.
  But Grian has already darted out from his hiding spot and is rushing towards the cell. Panicked, his companions follow. 
  Grian is in such a hurry that he doesn’t notice his ankle breaking the tripwire string until his ears pick up the familiar hissing sound of TNT.
  His mouth opens but the warning doesn’t come out in time. 
  Grian is sent flying into the containment cell wall by the explosion and falls to the ground. Mostly uninjured, he pushes himself into a sitting position, but a second explosion slightly further down the corridor shakes the ground so violently that he pitches sideways. 
  Opposite him, Impulse scrambles to his feet and takes off running down the hallway, flinching as another explosion sounds somewhere to his right. He knows Ren and Grian will be right behind him. After all, who in their right mind wouldn’t run away from the terrifying explosions?
  Grian takes out his pickaxe and slams it into the glass wall, forcing himself to tune out the explosions. He can tell his friends are no longer behind him but he doesn’t care. He’s finally here. All that separates him from his goal is a wall of glass. He’s so close to the end. 
  But just as he breaks through, he feels a sharp pain in his head and his world goes black.
  Breathing heavily, Impulse activates half a stack of rockets in seconds, propelling him away from Area 77 and towards the safety of the hippie commune. His landing is nowhere near graceful and his ankle rolls as soon as he hits the ground, but the dull ache coming from his foot is nothing compared to the adrenaline and terror coursing through him. He lies back on the ground in the middle of the commune, feeling his ankle throb, and just lets himself slowly calm down. His heartrate very slowly descends back to normal. 
  After what feels like hours, he hears a noise that causes him to sit bolt upright in a panic. He lets out a breath of relief as he spots Ren stumbling into the commune, dazed and looking very much worse for wear. 
  Impulse forces himself to his feet and half-limps over to meet Ren. “Dude, that was crazy! Are you okay?”
  As he gets closer, Impulse realises with a jerk that Ren’s chin and neck are burnt, though thankfully not very badly. “Oh geez…! Ren, talk to me! Tell me you’re okay!”
  Ren’s numb gaze stares into nothing as he very slowly lifts his head to face Impulse. “Th-The fire,” he rasps. 
  Impulse quickly reaches out as Ren sags forward, taking his friend into his arms. He helps Ren towards the nearest trailer — which happens to be Grian’s — and lies him down on the sofa. 
  As Impulse is getting some water from the sink, Ren reaches up with shaky hands and undoes the buttons on his shirt, revealing his bare chest and stomach. He presses his hand against the stinging area in his midriff. His breath catches in his throat as he feels something hard and mildly sharp sticking out of his skin.
  When Impulse returns, he stares in horror at the sizeable shard of glass embedded in Ren’s midriff. 
  “Oh, no… nonononono!” Impulse hurriedly sets the bucket of water down and approaches Ren, unsure of how to proceed. “Wh-What do I do, Ren?!”
  “T-Take it out,” croaks Ren. 
  “But if I remove it, you might bleed out!”
  Ren nods weakly. “I know. I set m-my spawn before we l-left so I’ll be fine.”
  Even though he knows Ren will just respawn if he dies, a large part of Impulse still wants to save his friend from death. He himself has bled out from an untreated injury before and he knows how painful it is. There’s no way he wants Ren to have to go through the same thing if he can avoid it. 
  At his friend’s conflicted expression, Ren places his trembling hand on Impulse’s wrist. “I t-trust you, Impulse.”
Impulse takes a deep breath. “O-Okay. Here we go.”
  Grian opens his eyes and finds himself looking at a grey, metallic ceiling. As he sits up, he realises he’s lying on a hard bed in a tiny cell with a glass front. Immediately, he knows what must have happened. 
  “Hi, Grian,” comes a voice. 
  He scowls as he spots a familiar person standing outside the cell, looking in at him. “Let me out, Scar. NOW.”
  “I’m sorry but I can’t do that.” Scar’s voice is steady. If he feels any kind of regret or sadness at the situation, Grian can’t hear it in his voice. “You were caught trespassing, causing damage to a government facility, and trying to steal government property.”
  “I was causing damage?!” Grian snaps. “You blew up part of your own compound!”
  “The damage we caused was minimal. I’m referring to you breaking into the facility AND into one of the containment cells.”
  “Yeah, to get back the time machine that you stole from me!”
  Scar shakes his head immediately. “Wrong, Grian. We didn’t steal anything from you. That thing was sitting outside in the open and Doc and I decided we didn’t want it anywhere near Hermitville, in case it was dangerous. And you know what? In the wrong hands, it IS dangerous.”
  Grian narrows his eyes. “If you’re implying that mine are the wrong hands, you’re completely wrong. I built it, Scar. Nobody knows the inner workings better than me. There’s no safer hands than mine.”
  After a moment, Scar sighs quietly. “Grian, I consider you a close friend. But this is your first season in Hermitcraft and you’ve already caused a civil war, frenzied the whole server to gather and present you with your own heads, started a game of tag that almost ripped apart several friendships, and now built a dangerous time machine. Don’t you think enough is enough? Is it not time to go back to your base and spend a few months just relaxing and working on your projects?”
  Grian’s steely resolve fails for the first time as he finds himself considering Scar’s words. As much as he loves causing shenanigans, there’s something to be said for retreating to his own corner of the world and just living in peace for a while. There’s a reason why the people inhabiting this world are called “hermits”. For all their love for each other and the collabs they do, they’re first and foremost loners, are they not? 
  But then his mind returns to the present and what just happened an hour ago. 
  “No, Scar,” he snaps. “I want my time machine back.” 
  Scar sadly drops his gaze. “I really wish you weren’t so stubborn. Enjoy sitting in there by yourself, then. And don’t think of calling anyone for help; we tweaked your communicator so you can only see messages, not send them.”
  “Why?” Grian demands. “Why not take it off me or disable it completely?”
  “We’re not animals here, Grian, believe it or not. And besides, we thought you might like to see when someone dies. Seems like one of your hippie friends was hurt in the escape so you might get a death message any time now.”
  Grian’s eyes widen as he watches Scar walk away. He’s been so caught up in his own situation that he completely forgot about his friends. Scar would have mentioned if they had Impulse and Ren locked up here too, so clearly they escaped. But one of them is hurt… and it’s all Grian’s fault. 
  If only he had turned back. If only he had listened to their warnings. If only he hadn’t put his own selfish desire to get his stupid time machine back above the wellbeing of his friends. Now he’s stuck here in a prison cell for goodness knows how long, separated from everyone he cares about, and one of his friends is out there somewhere, dying. And it’s all his fault. 
  Grian curls up in a ball on the bed and cries.
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