#not to mention that universities have resources available to help with writing! your peers! your profs! the writing center! reference books!
man someone in the notes of that AI post left a several paragraph long response like “but what if students don’t know how to write well? what if they’re socioeconomically disadvantaged and never got good writing instruction? they should be allowed to use AI” no they fucking should not because that is not going to help them develop their writing or benefit from writing instruction if they’re not fucking doing any writing themselves! a student who does their own work and gets a low grade but still actually practices writing is learning at least ten times more than a student who just plugs the prompt into chatgpt and doesn’t write at all
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biomedmillie · 4 years
University tips for Freshers from a final-year student
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1. Don’t study the course material the summer before the course start date
I’ve known so many well intentioned students to do this (including myself!), but it is a fruitless enterprise that ends up wasting precious relaxation time. For a start, lecturers and course coordinators are constantly changing the material that ends up on the exam year upon year, and so in most instances students end up studying subjects with little or no current relevance for the course they are about to embark upon. Furthermore, course prospectus’ are infamously vague, and on more than one occasion I have studied material based upon the course plan that has no relevance whatsoever! University is stressful no matter what year you are entering, and as a first year you may be facing many other new experiences, such as living on your own, being independent and self-sustaining, that bring challenges and difficulties of their own. So don’t spend the summer stressing; use it as a reset point to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed upon that first week of university, so you can face up to those changes! If you want to be proactive but not waste your time, I suggest looking at the reading lists for each course, and lightly looking over any topics that peak your interest. From my experience, reading lists are much less likely to change year to year, and can provide interesting background information for your course- but keep the stress to a minimum!
2. Try not to party too much in Fresher’s week!
This one is so tempting to do, but there’s a few reasons why this isn’t a good idea! First off, fresher’s weeks or ‘Fresher’s festivals’ are often very overpriced and aimed at getting naive students to spend as much of that new student loan as they can before they realise how expensive food shopping and laundry is (tip; it can get very pricey!). Also, in most universities, and definitely in my case, important orientation lectures are held where attendance is mandatory on that first week of term, and it is vital you attend. In the case of science students such as myself, this includes proper usage of microscopes, lab safety protocols, grading schemes and how markings work, your tutorial assignment and can even be work due the next week! I know you might be thinking ‘I’ve heard all this in A-levels’, but universities operate to a different calibration entirely; marking is ranked on percentages rather than a curve, there are no As and Bs, and lab protocols are ALOT stricter. You are working in a higher academic environment, and as such higher academic conduct is expected of you! And this does not just apply to science students; those studying classical subjects will have specific referencing lessons (science students also have this, but only use the Harvard format), new academic writing styles, research methods etc. With all this important information, you don’t want to be hungover or worse miss the orientation and start off on the wrong foot. But if you’re worrying that not going out every night will mean you won’t make friends, don’t fret; most students, including myself, made friends with those on their course after a few months, or through living arrangements. Freshers is by no means your only chance to make friends, there are plenty of opportunities at university to do that, and after a couple of weeks you’ll find great mates!
3. Wait a bit before buying all those expensive textbooks
I’ve been guilty of this, every single year! The fact is, you don’t need every single item on the reading list, and this can even rack up to hundreds of pounds! You can find out which books you might need to buy in the first few weeks of your course, depending on library availability, how much your lecturer relies on the text for course support and content, and your personal ability in the course. Books that are in high demand at the library and the ones you can never seem to get hold off you may need to pay for, but if the book is available the majority of the time you can often rent for weeks on end, and just renew the rent when the time is up. In that case, there is no reason to buy your own copy if the library has enough to sustain demand. In the case of course content and lecturers, the reliance on the textbooks recommended varies greatly; in one course the textbook didn’t feel necessary whatsoever, in another it was a great supporting body that followed the course accurately, and other times the lecturers had used the entire information within the textbook AS their lecture content. It is only when the textbook can be utilised as supporting information that it can elevate your study, otherwise it can be irrelevant or the exact information you just heard in your lecture. Get used to each teaching style in those first few weeks, and make an informed decision whether the information required by the textbook is already fulfilled, irrelevant or would prove to be an excellent resource. Furthermore, textbooks are dense in information, but lacking in higher qualities of information that can push your grade into those top marks, so adjust your need for the textbook according to ability. If you are excelling at a certain course, the information a textbook can provide will be too basic and I would encourage you to push yourself to reading academic journals and papers to earn those top-tier marks. However, if you are really struggling with a course, stick to the basics and give a good thorough read of the textbook; it is unlikely you will understand those higher materials without at least understanding the basics, and you can still get a good grade without reading those complex sources. Both of these scenarios occurred to me in second-year; I bought textbooks for both microbiology and molecular biology, and while I found my microbiology textbook too basic and looked to higher scientific journals, the molecular biology textbook turned out to be a godsend! Everyone has different natural abilities, so I suggest to adjust your study to those needs, and your wallet will thank you in the process!
4. Find a method of note-taking that works FOR YOU
I’ve seen so many peers struggling because they just haven’t found the right form of note-taking for them, and instead follow a method that most do which I highly discourage! The method in question is where the student preemptively downloads the lecture PowerPoint, and makes notes in the space below of details the lecturer may mention. Now, this method works great if you are really on top of your note-taking and have a lot of extra time, but there’s a few reasons why I don’t recommend it. First off, by only making notes on those specific details students often miss the main body of text that acts as the core material, and as such must complete this mass of information at a later date. From my experience, students don’t have the time to do this and as such the material never becomes completed, leaving notes weeks or even months behind. Another method is handwriting. EVERYTHING. While I do agree that you remember more when you are handwriting notes (because it takes longer), this is way too time consuming and results in the same backlog of the previous methods, where your notes are always constantly behind on the lecture material. What I would recommend is a note methodology that incorporates both handwriting and typing up lecture notes, in a way that is not time-consuming. My own personal method utilises a Cornell template, whereby I copy and paste or type up the main body of text from the lecture the night before, and handwrite details of what the lecturer is saying in the columns. If you have the extra time, try reading through the lecture the night before also, and thinking of questions you have for the lecturer about any information you don’t understand. There are multiple iterations of this that I’ve seen, such as using post-its or writing on typed lecture notes, but all the most efficient in terms of time and memory utilise both typing and handwriting. That way you avoid that nasty note backlog, and can experiment with structures and templates that work with your study style. So don’t follow the crowd, and find a method that works best for you!
5. Have Fun!
University is a life-altering experience where most find their independence, and make friends for life. Whilst you should study hard and invest in your future, I wish I had told myself to go easier in my first year; you can still get a First whilst having fun, and you’re only going to have this period of your life for a few short years before you enter the world of work, so enjoy it! Study should never be your entire life, and those rest days are just as important, so try not to overdo your first year and just focus on enjoying that university experience; you’ll have plenty of time for study and stress in those second and third years! (Trust me...)
Note from the author: I hope this article helped to quell some of those fresher nerves, and gives advice I wish I had known in my first year! Comment below if you’re a second or third year with your advice for freshers, and new students feel free to comment with your hopes for the new academic year! I wish you love and luck!
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sisterofiris · 7 years
The Layperson’s Guide to Online Research
The Internet is full of badly researched and sometimes straight-up wrong information. Who would’ve guessed? From reinterpretations of ancient sources being taken at face value by history enthusiasts (like that infamous pre-patriarchal Persephone post) to well-intentioned but ahistorical writing spreading misinformation among modern polytheists (like the myth of Hestia abdicating in favour of Dionysos), it’s often hard to know what is trustworthy information and what is not. Unfortunately, this makes things difficult when you, a non-academic, want to research a topic.
My biggest recommendation will always be to turn to a local university library (often there are even lectures and conferences you can attend without being a student) or to subscribe to a digital library like JStor. On the other hand, I completely understand that for various reasons, not everyone can access these resources. This is why I’m here to help.
In this post, I will outline the steps you should take to check whether an online source is trustworthy and up-to-date. I will mainly focus on researching ancient history, but bear in mind that you can use the same (or similar) steps to research many different topics.
The vetting process below may seem like a lot to take in, but it all boils down to five questions:
where does this come from?
who is the author?
what are their sources?
when did they write this?
who else wrote about this?
Step One: Where does this come from?
The first thing you need to do is check the website where the information comes from. Trustworthy signs to look for are a .edu or .org web address, a university logo, or the description of the website as a professional resource. Very, very often, websites with flashy or sparkly designs are made by amateurs and are not trustworthy. Any web page that doesn’t tell you who wrote it or why is not trustworthy.
When you’re looking at books and articles uploaded online (such as Google Books), make sure they were published professionally by a publishing house or peer-reviewed journal. Mainstream news articles range from accurate (BBC) to completely unreliable (Daily Mail), but since even the best of them can be sensationalistic, I recommend digging further.
Another very important thing to look out for is ideology. Is the website devoted to a certain issue, like proving the Ancient Greeks were black, the Sumerians were contacted by aliens, or the Hittites worshipped a pre-patriarchal Mother Goddess? Congratulations, this information is biased. Some of it may be correct, but you should check steps two to five very carefully before believing it.
Generally, you should look for websites that are focused on your topic, not websites that use your topic to prove a point.
Here are two examples to illustrate the difference:
Not trustworthy: this page about Persephone as an archetype. The website focuses on the Enneagram, not on Greek mythology, and the web design is amateurish. Even though the page mentions mythology, its purpose is to establish Persephone’s personality type, not to discuss her role as a deity in Ancient Greece.
Trustworthy: this page about Ancient Egyptian women and religion. The website looks far more professional, and by clicking on the logo in the top left, you will get to the organisation’s page, The Stoa Consortium. On the right, there is an “About” section which explains that the website was set up by a Professor of Classics and is funded by various universities, as well as by the US Department of Education.
However, determining whether or not a website is any good is not always so easy. Theoi.com, for example, is an independent resource with no academic support, but it’s very well put together and reliable. Meanwhile, Academia.edu is a platform for scholars, but less reputable people can easily slip through and post their “translations” of haiku in Linear A. Experts can have informal blogs, and non-experts can write professional-looking news articles. It’s hard to know which ones of them to trust.
This is where Step Two comes in handy.
Step Two: Who is the author?
A trustworthy source will always identify its author. Some pages (like my own blog’s “About” section) will only tell you the person’s credentials, often for privacy reasons. This is a good start, but you should try to find out more - particularly whether this person actually is what they claim to be. (In my case, it’s fairly easy to tell, since I’ve posted pictures from university projects (x, x) and my identity can be deduced from various links and tidbits I’ve shared - but please be skeptical about what I say as well! Just because I’m an ancient civilisations student doesn’t mean I’m always right!)
Once you know who the author is, you need to check whether they are not only educated, but educated in the subject. This means a university degree (preferably a masters, and even more preferably a PhD) or other proof of expertise in the subject (like an experienced weaver sharing their perspective on ancient tapestries). Whatever the person’s qualifications, they need to be serious (i.e. not “one time in college I took a class on Greek mythology”) and directly related to the subject.
Here are some examples:
Not trustworthy: that pre-patriarchal Persephone post. Its author is a layperson who fell into the same trap I’m trying to prevent: they read a few web pages and decided they were the truth. Luckily, they seem to have somewhat learnt from their mistake.
Usually trustworthy, but not in this case: Gerda Lerner writing about the Hittites. While Gerda Lerner was very learned in women’s studies, she was not a Hittitologist - nor particularly familiar with ancient civilisations in general - and she did not have the nuanced understanding necessary to discuss women in the context of Hittite society.
Trustworthy and non-academic: Janet Stephens’ hairstyle reconstructions. Janet Stephens is not an archeologist, but she is a very experienced hairdresser. This makes her qualified to reconstruct and reproduce ancient hairstyles. (Note that this does NOT make her qualified to discuss, say, the religious implications of hair-binding in Ancient Greece. It makes her qualified to do what she does: style hair.)
Trustworthy and academic: Paul Schubert’s blog (in French) about Ancient Greece in the modern world. His “About” page has a link to his university page, which contains his biography and credentials. He writes about his expert subject, and stays well within its boundaries.
Step Three: What are their sources?
Next, you need to determine where they get their information from. For ancient history, the number one, most important source is ancient texts. Anything that cites ancient texts with their reference (Homer, Iliad, XΧII 389-390) is automatically more trustworthy than anything that doesn’t. If you want to research in-depth, I would recommend looking up these references to get an idea of what they say (Theoi.com and Perseus both have free text databases).
References to modern texts (especially books and articles) are good, but the author shouldn’t only cite these. This turns research into a game of broken telephone - so-and-so told me that so-and-so said that Plato wrote... What’s more, you need to make sure these sources are also trustworthy. Just because a page provide links doesn’t mean they’re relevant or well-researched - if so, then rickrolling would be the peak of academia.
Lastly, I shouldn’t need to say this, but information without sources is not information. That’s like me telling you I’m secretly the princess of Liechtenstein. It might be true, but you can’t know for sure without proof.
Again, some examples:
Not trustworthy: this quote by Plato and this one supposedly from a cuneiform tablet. Neither has a clear reference, nor context: the first is just attributed to Plato’s Symposium, and the second’s author varies from Naram-Sin to a Chaldean king to Cicero. (What’s more, both have strongly ahistorical content. Plato would never have written about “Greek mythology”, and the Mesopotamians had no concept of a “book”.)
Could be trustworthy, but you should check: Medievalpoc’s sources on Ancient Egyptian transatlantic voyages. Yes, a variety of links are provided, but are they any good? A few clicks will show that they lead to the Daily Mail, a paper written by two ideologically-motivated Mormons, and a bunch of articles about ancient people building boats (which nobody doubts, but which doesn’t prove they could sail across the Atlantic).
Trustworthy: Hittite Prayers to the Sun-God by Daniel Schwemer. This is a fully cited article with ancient sources.
Step Four: When did they write this?
The next important step is to find out when this information was written. This is because research is constantly evolving, and older interpretations may no longer be considered valid. This obviously includes views with underlying racism, sexism and homophobia, but it also applies to less obvious things, like the fact that the Sumerian word zag is now read za₃.
Unfortunately, for copyright reasons, most information available online for free is a bit outdated. You should still aim for more recent publications if you can, and definitely avoid anything that’s fifty years old or more. The only exception is for translations of ancient texts, which stay pretty much the same apart from a few spots where their translators’ biases come through - and the exception to the exception is texts in Mesopotamian languages, in which case you should really, really try to find a translation that’s younger than fifty years.
Academic podcasts, blogs and newsletters come in very handy here, because they offer insights on modern research while often being written in accessible language.
Yet more examples:
Not trustworthy: Martin Nilsson’s The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology (1932). Though Martin Nilsson was a great scholar, modern research has evolved since this book was published (in 1932 in Germany - a context you can definitely sense while reading). What’s more, it was written before Mycenaean Greek was even deciphered.
Trustworthy: Eric Cline’s 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed (2015). Not only is the writing easily accessible to non-experts, this book is up-to-date and written by someone at the forefront of research in Late Bronze Age societies.
Step Five: Who else wrote about this?
This last step is basically fact-checking. Your author may have the best of credentials, they may have written their article on the most respectable of websites, but their theory could still be rejected by the majority of their peers. Look up the book or article’s title followed by “review”, which will hopefully generate other experts’ opinions on the matter - or just keep browsing different websites.
This step is not the most important and can often be skipped - you don’t need to fact-check every word you read. But if you want to research something in-depth, if a claim seems iffy, or if any of the above steps gave mixed results, you should always look for outside input. And no, you won’t always get definite answers on whether something is true. Such is our knowledge about history. But it will give you a more rounded understanding of the topic, and that’s always valuable.
A final note
If you’re not sure whether something is trustworthy, please don’t hesitate to ask! Historians and history students are your friends, and we want you to have accurate information. There’s a lot of us on Tumblr and elsewhere who are happy to help out with that. We can’t be there for everyone 24/7, but we’ll gladly point you in the direction you need!
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sageglobalresponse · 3 years
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Tony Elumelu @58: The Man, impacting the world positively through Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist
Charles Ajunwa writes that Tony Elumelu who lately attained 58 Decades, is affecting the world positively through his philanthropic activities
If you partake in entrepreneurial discussions in Nigeria or around the continent, sooner or later, the name Tony O. Elumelu will come up.
Obviously, other titles will pop up as well, however, you’re going to find that none is handled with as much respect and esteem as the title Tony Elumelu is.
Maybe it stems from the collective remembering of his famous dogged entrepreneurial conclusion of turning a hugely failing Nigerian bank about within a rather short time, a move that took the country and market analysts.
Or perhaps it is the fact when you look around you, you are bound to encounter people and businesses which have been grazed by the lush generosity of Elumelu’s philanthropic pursuits.
And those by no means satisfactorily explain the extent of his influence. As he turned 58, taking a look at his life, functions, and achievement is rewarding to set out on.
The man
Born on March 22, 1963, in Jos, Plateau State — a town that’s interestingly the birthplace of some of Nigeria’s brightest minds across sectors like politics, sports, literature, music, broadcasting, and business — Elumelu is a native of Onicha-Ukwu in Delta State. He is also a homegrown achievement.
He gained two Economics degrees from Ambrose Alli University and the University of Lagos and kicked off his career in banking in 1985 as a helping Youth Corps member in Union Bank.
Just over a decade later, he required that much-lauded step of leading a small group of investors to acquire the failing Standard Trust Bank he grew and merged in 2005 to become United Bank for Africa with dozens of subsidiaries in Africa, Paris, London, and New York.
Married to medical physician Awele Vivien Elumelu, and blessed with seven children together, a great deal has been mentioned of Elumelu by a lot of men about his jovial and kind demeanour towards his peers and non-peers alike.
The Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship is the very best way to establish true prosperity.” — Tony O. Elumelu, CON
It had been the inherent entrepreneurial drive that led him to do the unthinkable: obtaining a failing bank and turning it around into a massive success story.
The same drive led him to establish Heirs Holdings in 2010 upon his retirement as Group Managing Director from the United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc.
Heirs Holdings (HH) is an investment firm owned and mostly run by the Elumelu household. HH intends to enhance lives and change Africa and can so through investment in businesses in the financial services, power, oil & gas, property & hospitality and health care industries.
Heirs Holdings’ operations are based on an economic philosophy regarded as’Africapitalism’, a concept first introduced by Tony Elumelu in 2011 and was formally launched in 2014 at Abuja at the World Economic Forum in Africa.
Africapitalism suggests private sector-led long-term investment in Africa by Africans throughout the promotion of entrepreneurship social venture and local value creation.
It’s on the idea of Africapitalism that the tenets of the philanthropic activities through The Tony Elumelu Foundation are primarily based.
The company version of Heirs Holdings could be traced straight back to Elumelu’s famous rejuvenation of Standard Trust Bank Plc and the eventual merger with UBA.
The company primarily undertakes three kinds of clients/projects: underperforming assets with the aim of preventing growth and endurance, entrepreneurial start-ups, and Joint Venture Partnerships.
The Philanthropist
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to describe Elumelu as Africa’s most prominent philanthropist, a description lately made by members of the base on his birthday in March.
For how else could you describe a man whose efforts in dressing and funding Africa’s youthful and smartest entrepreneurs has directly impacted 9,000 young people around 54 African countries?
Launched in 2010 as a part of his devotion to the Africapitalism thought, Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) is a subsidiary of Heirs Holdings which intends to create new generations of entrepreneurs in Africa. Since its inception, the Foundation has been active in all 54 African nations.
The aims of the organisation tend to be chased through different avenues like research, policy advocacy, communities, and convenings developed to nurture, promote, or finance creation among young Africans.
Examples of these programmes include the annually-organised TEF Forum, a large gathering of entrepreneurs in Africa, in addition to TEFConnect, an electronic hub for entrepreneurs in Africa.
Tony Elumelu, through the TEF, employs his access and massive network in private and public sector circle as resources with which doors are opened and chances for wealth creation are all made available for everybody.
From 2015, Elumelu’s Foundation had introduced that the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme, on which he committed $100 million to finance and build the capacity of 10,000 African marketers over in a decade.
Perhaps among the most common compliments, the programme has received is about unique quality for and dedication for identifying, mentoring and financing entrepreneurs around Africa.
The TEF Entrepreneurship Programme currently partners together and shares its strong advanced platform with international organisations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The African Development Bank (AfDB), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and GIZ, in generating and sustaining valuable rise and effect on the country.
In addition to TEF Elumelu participates in additional non-profit ventures like the Bretton Woods Committee, the Nigeria Leadership Initiative (NLI), Africa Energy Leaders’ Group (AELG), the Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) with Tony Blair, also Called the Blair-Elumelu Fellowship Programme.
In the end, the spread and level of effect that Elumelu has had on the lives of individuals on the continent are unrivalled, and his attempts continue to propagate with every passing year.
Though wealthy, Elumelu’s net worth does not now rank among the top 50 on the continent, yet it can be contended that his prosperity has offered the most value.
As he recently turned 58, possibly his selfless support and dogged attempts will satisfactorily pass the lesson to everyone who fails to find out them: a wealthy man is just as wealthy as the level to which his wealth betters his instant society.
For his contributions, he’s received many awards and honours including two federal honours — Member of the Order of the Federal Republic (MFR) in 2003, and Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON).
In 2012. Back in 2009, he was asked to serve on the Presidential Committee on the Global Financial Crisis by the then President of Nigeria, Umaru Musa Yar’Adua.
He has received several Lifetime Achievement Awards in the organisation across the world and appeared on several prominent lists on publications and publications.
But maybe what he is most deserving of all would be the kind words, gratitude, and testimonies his direct heirs give him, some of which are quoted below:
“Dear Tony and the Foundation team, we’re humbled by your INSPIRING course towards enabling entrepreneurs. Many times, in the journey of an entrepreneur, we often overlook ourselves.
However, you believed in us. You re-ignited that fire in our gut to make certain that failure isn’t possible! We wish you good health and long life to keep on touching lives for that’s the sole purpose in life”
“They could have given us some cash and left us to do anything we pleased, however, the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme is past the capital.
They’ve taken me from where I was with my small business and are, slowly but surely, moulding me and my company to a fortified powerhouse that can stand strong and be a pioneer in vogue in Africa.”
“Due to Tony Elumelu and TEF, I have achieved major milestones using the first half of 10,000.
My firm was able to partner with two big chemical companies, commenced manufacturing of my packaging, bought a vending machine, employed more staff and started market testing of my merchandise JO-JO powdered detergent, JO-JO liquid laundry, Diamond shampoo and shampoo is also set in motion.
All this I’ve attained with just the first half, and together with the second half, the merchandise will be mass-produced and advertised nationally.
I am quite grateful to Mr Tony Elumelu for thinking in my dreams rather than simply thinking, but also giving me the training and funding to make it a reality”
#sage response #tony elumelu #uba #entrepreneur #tef #jo-jo #aelg #nli #nigeria #birthday #undp
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comparativeessay688 · 4 years
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Don’T Mark My Paper, Help Me Get An A
Don’T Mark My Paper, Help Me Get An A For this, we must always check the writers' instructional background as it might assist in figuring out his familiarity with the subject. It may happen at occasions that two or more folks approach the identical writer for the same matter. Although it is simple to slim down the subject and complete research, it is considerably troublesome to do good academic essay writing. This is especially due to the truth that every type of paper has a selected format and parameters that must be followed to get glorious grades on which the students stake all their futures. In addition to that, these grades most often determine your future prospects within the chosen occupation as well as the extent of your life-style. If you’re struggling with writing essays and need to improve your expertise, taking a category or workshop may be extremely helpful. Check together with your faculty or university to see if they offer any sort of writing seminar, which is able to teach essay writing construction, thesis writing, and basic writing suggestions. These courses allow you to get customized attention from writing instructors whose sole goal for the semester is that will help you turn into a greater writer. Our team of skilled educational writers is totally diligent in relation to providing price range-pleasant paper help on virtually any material. If you're on the lookout for a reliable educational paper helper that may put an end to those endless struggles and sleepless nights, then here we're. Simply avail our on-line paper assist, and stand an opportunity to make a hanging impression in your professors. You can simply beat all odds and turn up with the academic paper on time. No matter how stringent the deadline is, our in-house writers are as fast as cheetahs on the unfastened. They are targeted on their goal and are available around the clock. Data policy should mention about customer privacy and the steps taken by the company in preventing online frauds. The firms that ask for too many access, such as cellphone books, media galleries, search historical past, computerized password saving options, saving web cache, and so forth. should not be thought-about. The paper writing service websites having captcha option ought to be thought-about because it prevents theft, fraud, or hacking. Taking note of instructional qualifications and years of service is of utmost importance as a result of information and experience at all times go hand in hand. For college students whose first language is not English, writing an entire school essay in English can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are a selection of sincere essay writing resources that can assist you write a fantastic essay. Rush-my-essay.com is likely one of the finest essay writing providers. Anyway, the navigation through the pages is easy and all wanted information about the writing companies is transparent, so I positioned the order with none delays. Essay writing companies work as long as you select the right one. Since most of those corporations function on-line, there are bound to be some scam web sites. That’s why you have to be cautious and take note of what individuals are saying about the service earlier than you order an essay. Firstly i would like to thank the entire staff of myassignmenthelp who care for all my assignments and delivered well timed. I found here what I want exactly, I scored superb marks in my assignments solely as a result of your highly qualified writers who wrote my assignments without plagiarism and gave me best quality content. Often, these courses make the most of peer modifying workouts. Editing another scholar’s work and giving suggestions is a good way to get better at editing your own work. One of the most important struggles that worldwide college students usually face is writing an essay. Therefore, the writer should be capable enough to write the essay in a couple of way so that the error of repetition may be avoided. The author must also be capable of talk properly with the shoppers and perceive the wants of the customer, providing them with corresponding results. Regular suggestions should also be taken from the author and the shopper so that any friction is prevented. Not solely that, in case you have already completed your project and are questioning whether it is up to standard, the staff of academic writers can be prepared to assist you by editing the assignment. However, here you could face some issues and this is mainly as a result of that there are many online academic writing companies and it might become troublesome so that you can select the best one. Writing a tutorial paper at college or faculty stage is not simple and is totally completely different from what you are used to at the high school degree. So, the first step on this process must be to narrow down your aims. or a guide report on any particular subject to complicated ones corresponding to thesis and so on.
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10 Tips for High School Students
High school seems like a drag most of the time. Going to school, doing work that you don’t like, seeing people you don’t like, and maybe even eating food that you don’t like. However, it is something that we all have to do (unless you’re homeschooled, of course). The main goal in high school is really to pass your exams and graduate alive, but, we’re all dead inside so I should say, graduate mostly alive. Wouldn’t it be great if we were all gifted and smart? However, that’s not how life is; you have to work for everything. As a result, I have put together 10 tips that will help any high school student successfully pass their exams.
1.      Exam Calendar
Refusing to acknowledge the proximity of an exam won’t make it go away. In fact, it causes it to approach faster because without a calendar, the exam will be able to sneak up on you. Sneaky exams are exactly what we try to get away from, therefore, CREATE AN EXAM CALENDAR. Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout, but this is something I cannot stress enough, that’s why it’s number one. For CXC students, your timetables are available on the CXC website from maybe in September to the year prior to your exam (eg, if your exam is in 2018, the timetable is available in September 2017) therefore, you have no excuse as to why you didn’t already make a calendar. Ensure that you place your calendar in a spot where you will always see it especially when doing homework or studying. I recommend placing it on the wall above your desk or work space, this way, you always notice it. You don’t need to create any kind of huge, dramatic calendar (unless you want to of course). It can be plain and simple. Just ensure that you have the exam dates and times and what exams are happening on that day.
 2.      Study timetable
What is something that teachers constantly nag us about? That’s right, a study timetable. Hey! I know that you’re rolling your eyes! Honestly, I used to lowkey roll my eyes and sigh whenever my homeroom teacher even mentioned a study timetable too. However, I am a changed person. Take it from me, someone who hated study timetables. It is your key to passing exams because it ensures that you’re not wasting time procrastinating. What you need to do is look at your exam calendar and plan your timetable around it as to give yourself enough time to study and prepare for each exam. You can create two timetables; one for during the year away from exams, and one for during exams. Once again, put them in places where they will be noticeable to you like on the wall above your desk or work space.
 3.      Make Notes Ahead of Class
Well, well, well, this point is definitely something that we all know we should be doing, but is it being done? Of course not. Making notes ahead of class seems like torture, doesn’t it? We all want our teachers to open our heads and just shove the information right in. I mean, how cool and efficient would that be, right?  Unfortunately, that’s not how it’s done. Making notes ahead of class is actually pretty simple. First, you open the textbook and read a paragraph. Then, you summarize what you just read and write it in a notebook in point form. Difficult? *Inserts ‘nope,didn’t think so’ meme*. I recommend using a notebook that you will dedicate to this subject specifically as to prevent mixing up other subjects with this one. Also, you should use colored pens, pencils, or highlighters for the headings so when you’re looking for something, it’s easy to find. Let me give you some reasons as to why you should make notes AHEAD of class.
·         You’ll be prepared in case the teacher starts the class by asking questions about the topic, trust me when I say that it’s embarrassing not knowing anything.
·         You can ask any prior questions you had about the topic as the teacher teaches.
·         You can go to class with extra information (if you decided to do some research) and create a discussion in class. Teachers love discussions.
·         You can add examples and extra notes that the teacher gives.
·         Bonus: you can leave the heavy textbook at home and walk with your notebook instead since you already have the notes.
  4.      Use Technology
As the generation that lives within the age of technological advancement, there is so much resources to assist you online. For example,
YouTube. We’ve all heard of YouTube. I mean c’mon, if you haven’t, do you even live in 2018? Even though YouTube is mostly popular for music, beauty and DIYs, it is also useful for studying. Channels like Crash Course are great for revision or further understanding of topics. Another channel, Mr. Parr, uses the element of music to educate his watchers/listeners. He makes parodies of popular songs using science topics in order to teach.
BBC Bitesize offers a wide range of subjects and topics for a variety of educational levels. They have simple revision breakdowns of each topic, along with examples and revision questions. The website is very easy to use and navigate as it was created with youths in mind. Khan Academy is another great site. Whilst Bitesize focuses on typed explanations, Khan Academy offers video explanations, like YouTube.
If you write a lot of essays, then Grammarly is the site for you. It’s basically a grammar-checker. It checks for things like spelling, subject-verb agreement, capitalization, punctuation and a lot more. Sometimes Microsoft Word doesn’t get every single error because whenever it says that the document is fine and I put it through Grammarly, I get like 20+ new errors that Microsoft Word did not pick up.
 5.      Create Relationships with Teachers
Woah, woah, woah. I’m not telling you to date your 45-year-old math teacher. Gross. I’m talking about getting to know your teachers and having them know you. Showing interest in a subject really drives a teacher to wanting to helping you. After class, stop and talk to them; ask them about their day, if they’re ill, ask how they feel. Simple things. Always remember that teachers are people too. If you have problems or don’t understand something, ask them. Never be afraid of a teacher even if they seem scary, their best interest is in helping you. One thing that I found that really helped me improve was submitting extra work as practice. After a while of giving up extra work, my teachers realized that I was interested in the subject and paid more attention to me.  This really helps you out in the long run when you need recommendations for university or jobs. These teachers will be more than willing to help you out.
 6.      Ask for Help
Never be afraid to ask for help. Whether it be from a teacher or peer, if you need help, ask for it. Asking for help will not only help you to understand better, but it will also strengthen your bonds with others. Also, your class should create a group chat on social media sites like WhatsApp or Facebook. This will serve as your main communication center. Work can be sent in the chat and questions can be asked and answered. In addition, study groups are great for getting in knowledge if you work better in small groups rather than by yourself. Just get a few of your peers, who you now will study and not mess around, and start studying. It can happen after school in the library or even an empty class.
 7.      Past Papers.
Okay, I don’t know if past papers are available for exams outside of CXC, therefore I can only give my experience for CXC here. Past papers are available on the CXC website or at any bookstore. However, the best way to obtain past papers, is to have it handed down to you from someone who already did the exam. This way, it’s free! You can also find PDFs online. Past papers are great because they give you an idea of questions that can possibly be part of the exam. Sometimes, the same exact questions in the past paper, is what will be repeated. Therefore, you’re even more prepared because you already did that question. However, let me warn you, don’t memorize answers just to pass. Study to learn the general concept of the topic. This way, you will be able to do any question. Another awesome thing that CXC does is subject reports. These are reports of the answers for the exams each year. Most times, the answers for the questions are presented here and it’s best to study with the past paper and subject report side by side.
 8.      E-books/PDFs
Let me tell you, especially literature students, eBooks/PDFs will save your wallets. These are mostly available for novels but there will be eBooks for other topics too. Since they are free, you save tons of money. On the other hand, be careful when downloading these books as some may come with viruses or missing information. That is definitely the problem with PDFs, errors. Sometimes they may have spelling or grammatical errors. However, if you have an understanding of what you’re reading, the errors should not be a problem.
Literature students usually have to do things like analyzing information and other pretty difficult things. An easy way to get a general understanding of books is by reading summaries and analyses online. There are sites that offer these services like:
·         SparkNotes
·         Shmoop
·         CliffNotes
·         Enotes
 9.      Interact with People
So, you’re learning a language, what do your teachers preach? Get a pen pal. Well, in this day and age, pen pals aren’t really popular anymore. However, you can still talk to native speakers who want to learn your language. The app Amino is great for this. It’s basically like a little community on your phone. You just have to sign up and choose which Amino community you want to use. You can join as much communities as you’d like. It allows you to join group chats or even private chat with people. You can ask or help, take quizzes, participate in polls, make blog posts and so much more. It’s also a great way to make new friends.
 10.  Take a Break.
This is definitely what we all love to hear, right? Yes, of course. Taking a break. It’s great to take a break in order to just relax. Overworking yourself won’t do anything besides stress you out. The best things to do when taking a break are:
·         Take a walk somewhere. Walk around your house and maybe chat with your family a bit. Don’t study to the point where you completely lock off your family. Go outside and get some fresh air, you may even see something that can inspire you if you have writer’s block.
·         Stretch. Sitting in one position for too long can cause your body to become tense and this isn’t good for the muscles. Therefore, maybe do a bit of yoga. Looking up stretches for studying on Pinterest will be beneficial to you.
·         Eat. When you’re studying, it’s very easy to forget to do daily activities like eating and even showering. Therefore, I suggest when you take a break, eat some food or fruit, definitely not junk food.
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angeltriestoblog · 4 years
I took an online course!
Hello, and welcome to my first proper post under the #quarantingz tag: a little series where I chronicle all of my virtual endeavors and adventures in the time of COVID-19. Through this, I hope to achieve the following (research paper ka, gh0rl?):
Share what I’m doing with all of you guys, since it’s much easier than messaging and video calling you all one by one to confirm that yes, I am alive despite my inactivity on Messenger;
Hold myself accountable so I strive to find ways to keep myself occupied instead of sinking back into stagnancy;
Inspire you to pick up a hobby or try something out while we’re all cooped up indoors! I’ve seen a lot of my friends post that they’ve been getting so bored that even sleeping seems like a chore to them, but the four walls of your room present more opportunities than you think. Let’s try them out together!
And before anything else, it’s worth mentioning that this pandemic is not a productivity contest and we should not feel pressured into making or being the Next Big Thing. But, I believe there’s nothing wrong in seeking structure for one’s self-improvement if your mental health is up for it!
During the early weeks of the pandemic, online classes were still ongoing for students at my university, and needless to say, I was not having it. I was already worried enough about the possibility of contracting a life-threatening virus, and on top of that, I had to decipher lessons I could barely understand in a face-to-face set-up, and submit a paper on it that was worth half my grade. But thankfully my university opted to exercise cura personalis—“care for the entire person”, individualized attention to their needs—towards those who lacked the resources needed to keep up with the demands of e-learning. So, they cancelled the rest of the semester! I was filled with relief because as necessary as it might have been to stay on track, it was not an effective way to facilitate learning and retaining of information.
Which is why it’s kind of ironic that one of the first things I did once I realized I had so much free time on my hands was sign up for an online class. *cricket noises*
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A friend had sent me a viral listicle of 500 free Ivy League courses. I guess a lot of people had looked at the indefinite quarantine period available at their disposal as an opportunity to learn something new! And well, I couldn’t help but join along, especially since Harvard was my dream school growing up, and they were offering hundreds of programs for me to choose from. (Sorry, Ateneo. I did say otherwise on my application essay.)
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Growing up, I had wanted to be an author-doctor-scientist-rockstar-supermodel. I consistently proclaimed this to anyone with ears, whether they liked it or not, with all the conviction my four-year-old body held inside. I hadn't the faintest idea which degrees I needed to get to make a livelihood out of these childhood fantasies, but I figured that if I was going to be a legendary multi-hyphenate, I’d have to come from the best university in the world. I also remember negotiating with my family members from the States that I would have to live with them while I was finishing my college education, not knowing how far their humble home in Orange Country, California was from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Reality inevitably took over—more like, held the reins on my ambitions—and I had to accept that there were several constraints in place that would keep me from studying there despite my desire to.
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Well, that was until I chose to take up a course on rhetoric, the art of persuasive writing and public speaking under HarvardX! I picked this out of the several options because I believe learning to separate logic from emotional appeal helps me analyze an argument better and craft more well-informed decisions—definitely a skill we must have in our toolbox given today’s media landscape that is constantly inundated with fake news.
I was to learn about how arguments are structured and how rhetorical techniques are usually employed by dissecting a number of influential and prominent speeches in American history. I then had to apply these learnings in two major written requirements: an opinion editorial and speech, both on any topic of my choice.  
Every morning for a week and a half, I would wake up as early as 9:00AM—just when some people on my timeline are getting ready to go to sleep—and dive straight into my lessons. I decided to take on a module a day since each was pretty packed with information in the form of readings and videos. More often than not, the flow looked like this:
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The transcript of an address by a prominent American figure: examples of which are Former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, as well as Martin Luther King, Jr. I would annotate this with my first impressions, opinions on any lines and ideas that struck me.
The background of the speaker and the context of the speech: This honestly contributed a lot to my understanding and appreciation of the material. Although I’ve heard of most of them through almanacs I’d read as a kid, I never knew the story behind them.
The key concepts of the module: These consisted of terms and examples, as well as how to make use of them properly and to my advantage. Examples of the topics covered were modes of appeal, kinds of reasoning, and logical fallacies (my favorite).
The transcript, again: For the second round, I would have to spot the concepts that were previously taught to me, in action. When I was fully drained of my brain juice, I had the option to view and respond to the comments of my peers, as well as the lecture notes of my virtual professors. I admit I didn’t get to interact with any of my fellow students: majority of them were from different timezones. I would occasionally creep on the forums, look at the replies my peers would leave, and see I was in the presence of people from Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
Videos of actual lectures regarding the reading, held by the professor: This course is an online version of an existing in-person Harvard class called "The Elements of Rhetoric". Probably the best part of the daily lessons, because it felt like I was also sitting in, watching his students recite from the other side of the room.A quiz on the topics discussed: Very easy, and you get two attempts before you submit your final answer so it’s almost always a sure pass.
As I mentioned a while ago, there are two major outputs to be submitted and they involve a lot of writing and preliminary research. (I personally wouldn’t recommend this to you if you don’t derive pleasure from activities of that sort.) In an attempt to shed a light on a timely issue, I wrote my op-ed on the steps the Philippine government must take to rehabilitate our healthcare sector, and my speech on the use of social media as an effective political tool amid a crisis such as this. The last one was a requirement I had done for my Comm subject, which I tweaked for the sake of formality.
The op-ed was subject to self-evaluation: I had to answer questions on whether my submission met the set criteria or not and give proof as to why I thought so. The speech, on the other hand, was graded by two anonymous peers, who gave encouraging remarks and cited points for improvement. Although I knew I gave my best, my final grade was very much dependent on what they thought of my work so I was a bit nervous. Thankfully, everything went well: I got a perfect score on almost every component and secured a certificate of completion (which I had to pay for, but looks great on my Linkedin, if I do say so myself).
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Overall, I enjoyed a lot and found the learnings I picked up to be useful. The ideas might seem abstract but the building blocks of rhetoric pepper even the minutiae of our daily conversations, whether we're aware of it or not. All of us engage in discourse and form our stances on issues using emotion, authority, or hard facts. We elaborate on them by stating the general premise then delving into specific examples, or the other way around. Our last resort tends to be a form of character assassination, faulty generalization, or leading question. The list goes on! I don't think I can speak or listen without policing someone in my head!My response towards this experience is a far cry from how I felt towards my required online classes for school, it's true. But, there are several factors that differentiated both of them.
I was able to choose what I wanted to study. No Quantitative Methods or Computer Science being forced down my throat (although I am revisiting my lessons in those respective subjects after I’m done with everything else I want to do, because I remember my parents paid for those). I am free to invest in areas outside the scope of my degree and gain key insight from the most reputable institutions around the world. I have the luxury to study to test something out, to see if it’s simply a hobby or a potential minor/double degree/career trajectory. If I find out after a few sessions that it’s not my cup of tea, I can easily unenroll and move on. Trying to do that in college would lead to disastrous consequences.
Another thing I liked was the freedom I had to go through everything at my own pace, mull over what I wanted to write for as long as I needed to, rewind and go back to parts in the videos that I liked. Additionally, if I wasn’t in the mood to do anything productive on a certain day (it happens to everyone), I could easily do so without the fear of missing out on anything. I know that a handful of courses do require you to stick to a schedule but everything is still within a reasonable time frame.
Now, I understand that several things are chipping away at our (deteriorating) focus right now. It’s hard enough when school demands so much of our energy—I remember my Quant prof had offered to teach us once via Zoom and though if we were only preoccupied with Netflix and trashtalkan groups back then, we collectively decided to ditch him. But, if you’re determined and committed to learning for leisure purposes, here are some tips that helped me hold myself accountable!
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Tidy up, both physically and mentally.
Find a workspace that is conducive to learning. In the absence of a desk in a bedroom, the living room couch or the dining table when no one's eating meals are suitable alternatives. As long as there is a constant source of light, little to no noise, and a simple set-up that minimizes the chances of you leaving your work, it should be perfect!
And while we’re on that note, eliminate distractions. I only had my notebook, pen, and correction tape on the table along with my laptop: I made use of the Forest app regularly as well and now I have a nice collection of various shrubs and trees. I even put my phone on top of the cabinet, God knows my sedentary lifestyle keeps me from exerting the effort needed to stand up and reach for it.
If you aren’t sure that you can devote your full attention to the task at hand, get someone you trust to help you! I update my mom that I’ve been studying and fill her in on my progress not only because I am naturally predisposed to telling her everything going on my life, but also so she can help keep me on the right track and ensure I do my work.
Take it seriously.
Allot a specific time of the day for it. That way, it’s easier to integrate it into your routine and stop you from bailing halfway. For me, it's not advisable to go at it early in the morning, because your mind won't be ready to process anything of that scale. But, it has to be one of the first tasks of the day so you can avoid putting it off in favor of whatever your subconscious feels is more interesting.
Take notes when needed, complete the assigned activities seriously without consulting other sources, and participate in the forums as a substitute for recitation! Be the star student you wanted to be, but were probably too shy to turn into for the fear of being smart-shamed by your peers!
Try to see the purpose in what you’re doing.
In my case, it gave me the motivation to finish it so I could apply it in real-life situations and make the necessary changes in my behavior and habits.
This definitely isn’t the last online course I’m taking: as a matter of fact, I have a couple lined up! I’m currently working my way through something on strategic planning by this website called Culture and Creativity. Although the material has been tailor-fit to address the social and economic development of countries in Eastern Europe, the concepts can easily be utilized in local contexts. Here’s a list of other programs that caught my eye while I was browsing the different catalogs across other platforms.
Investor Pitching Course for Creative Businesses | Culture and Creativity
Applied Psychology: Introduction to Consumer Behavior | Alison Courses
Marketing Analytics | edX
Transformational Leadership | Alison Courses
Global Trends for Business and Society | Class Central
Wishing you all the love and light the world can offer at a time that can be as apathetic and dark as this one. Wash your hands, pray for our frontliners, and check your privilege!
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realtalk-princeton · 5 years
How hard is the analysis sequence for intended math majors with little experience with proofs?
Response from Sushi:
Marty and Scipio should also reply to this question. I’m assuming you mean 215/217. I only have experience with 215, but I’ve heard 217 is just an extension of 215 except for linear algebra instead of single var calc so it should be similar.
TL;DR: It’s like sprinting for the entire semester, but the first two weeks are very much uphill, and the next 10 weeks are uphill but not as much. But at the end, you’ll have climbed a mountain, and depending on what you end up doing, it could be the tallest mountain you’ll ever climb at Princeton.
There is definitely a steep learning curve. The first two weeks will no doubt be the most difficult as you’re trying to find your footing among your peers who may come in with more experience. To give an example, there was a really simple induction problem on the first 215 pset, but I had never done induction before, so I inducted on the wrong variable and obviously got the entire problem wrong. But my teacher and grader were really nice and let me resubmit the whole problem for points back because it was an honest misunderstanding of how induction worked, and I had never seen such a thing before. Anyway, during these first few weeks it will be hard, but you have your instructor’s OH, problem sessions, and other students in the class to lean on.
Your pset and quiz grades will probably trend upwards for the rest of the semester, even though you’ll still have to put in the same amount of effort each week. I’m not going to sugarcoat things because the class will be hard. Unless it clicks for you early on, you will struggle, and the problem sets will take ~20 hours a week most weeks. But most people do struggle, even if they have proof experience, because at this point everything is new material. You will become friends over the pain and suffering of things like, your instructor assigning an extra problem the night before the pset is due, or weekly quizzes every Tuesday. 
That being said, over 50% of the class dropped when I took it, a couple after the first and second psets, and a large portion after the midterm. But it’s also ok to drop the class if it’s too hard. People decide that they either love the process enough to become a math major, or they decide it isn’t worth it and they want to major in something more applied. Which is totally fine, and the class is PDFable for this reason. 
I stuck it through primarily for grad school reasons (I realllyyyy wanted to drop by week 10), but by the end of the semester, I was surprised at how much mathematical maturity I had gained. It’s to the extent that I attribute a lot of my success in my research and other classes to having put in the hours in MAT 215 to learn how to do the type of problem solving thinking needed to do proofs. I’ve never had to take a class as hard as MAT 215 since then (except for Chinese, but that class is hard for diff reasons). Our MAT 215 is apparently equivalent to graduate level analysis at other schools. I ended up TAing MAT 215 too, so sure the class was hard, but I went from literally not being able to do induction to being on the other side of problem sessions the following semester. Also as Marty has mentioned in a past post, you can finish the rest of the math major without taking a class significantly harder than 215. So if you finish the class, you’re pretty set for the major. So what I’m saying is that it’s hard but rewarding, and you probably won’t have to take anything as hard as it ever again if you don’t want to. 
I would also recommend reading this old post that Marty and I wrote about how to take advantage of specific resources in 215 if you don’t have a proof-based background: https://realtalk-princeton.tumblr.com/post/178791203014/sushi-am-dying-in-mat-215-how-does-someone 
Response from Scipio:
This is a really great, comprehensive answer from Sushi. Personally, I didn’t have much proof experience before taking 215, so I spent the summer before practicing. A number of universities offer an introduction to proofs course. I’d recommend finding lecture notes for those classes and working through them. Practice proving everything they ask, even really boring, trivial statements. The lecture notes for 215 are online. Look at those and practice problems similar to what you’ll see in the course. Likewise, I bought Baby Rudin (Principals of Mathematical of Analysis) before I left campus and worked out problems from the first 3 chapters once I felt like I knew how to prove things. Baby Rudin is a fantastic resource, but it’s super dense. I’d recommend trying to get a grasp on basic proofs, set theory, and other math terms before you start working through Baby Rudin. I suppose you can’t buy it, but PDFs are available online. 
 All in all, I find proofs as sort of a mix between generalizing what you’re used to already in math and writing valid arguments from philosophy. My two methods for attacking problems in 215 were1. Whenever there is a ‘math term’ in the question stem, write out what that term means. Continue breaking down the terms until you get to a level that you understand. It’s tough for me to intuit what makes a set “compact,” so I would consistently write the definition, and make it something I knew how to work with (closed sets and covers). This really helped me build a strong intuition for a bunch of different concepts. Think sorta like working with sequences and series after you’ve done it for a while. 2. Draw pictures, work small examples, and find similar questions in the textbook. Typically, one of these three is super effective. When you’re working smaller questions, be sure to ask yourself conceptually why you can prove what you can in this case, and see how you can abstract this to the general case.
Hope this helps! 
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theflynnstitute · 7 years
An Open Letter: Marriage Equality and MSHS
Dear Kerry and all Staff at Manjimup SHS,
I hope this letter finds you well. For those who may not recognise my name, I am an alumnus of MSHS, past Dux of School ‘09, Head Boy 2009, student representative on the School Board 2008-2009, and all round advocate for the quality public schooling that MSHS provides its students. I certainly would not be where I am today without the investment that MSHS and its superb teaching and support staff placed in me during my time there. And where is that? I’m currently completing my Doctor of Medicine and Masters of Public Health at the Melbourne Medical School and University of Melbourne’s School of Population and Global Health, with a view to practicing medicine in rural and remote Australia. However, I am not writing to you to tell of the 8-year adventure that has been my life following graduation from your fine institution. Rather, I am writing to express my concern over the current debate that is occurring on the issue of same-sex marriage, and the effect that this debate may be having on current MSHS students. I appreciate that this is a contentious issue for many people, and I respect that there will be a range of opinions within the MSHS community on this topic. While I will be sharing some personal anecdotes to illustrate how I have reached my own stance on this issue, my primary objective is the well-being and support of all students at Manji High. I moved to Manjimup just before the end of my 5th year in primary school. I distinctly remember my first recess break at Manji Primary, sitting with a group of new classmates as a nervous city-slicker kid, who had moved to the country to start a new chapter. Not even 2 hours into my first day at school, and I was called a ‘poofter’ by a boisterous young classmate, much to the enjoyment of the rest of the boys in the group. I didn’t even know what a poofter was, and so laughed along with the joke that was my presumed sexuality. I soon learnt that poofter was not something I wanted to be called… and so began a decade long journey of suppression and denial, the ramifications of which I still deal with today. I do not wish to portray Manjimup or MSHS as a particularly homophobic place, or community. Overall, I think that my experience growing up in Manji was a good one, and certainly has contributed in a positive way, to shaping me into the man I am today. However, like many towns across rural and regional Australia, homophobia in Manjimup was present, and was something that I had to deal with growing up in that place. More pertinent to the objectives of this letter however, are my experiences as a young, closeted, queer student at MSHS. Academically, the level of support I received at MSHS was outstanding and served as a superb foundation for both my undergraduate and postgraduate studies. However, lying behind the narrative of good academic achievement I experienced at MSHS lies a more insidious story of homophobic abuse that I experienced at the hands of my peers. “Faggot”, “poofter”, “pansy”, “homo”, “gay-boy”, “pillow-biter” were all terms that were occasionally used to refer to me in the school-yard. I was told to perform lewd homosexual acts by some of my male classmates, and on several occasions I was intimidated physically, even with teachers present in the room. Needless to say, there were numerous occasions where I did not feel safe at MSHS. While I have little doubt that these experiences contributed to the anxiety that I deal with today, I consider myself lucky to say that I survived high school relatively psychologically unscathed. The friendships that I formed at MSHS served as my haven, and it was these individuals who accepted me for the person who I was without question or suspicion, and supported me and shared in my high school journey. Of course, there were social support resources available at the school during my time there, and perhaps people will criticize me for not accessing these resources. The reality is, I did not feel safe, nor justified in accessing support from the school counsellor or chaplain. I existed in an environment that told me that what I was, was abnormal, and the treatment I was experiencing was simply a natural consequence of the ‘affliction’ I was suffering from, and something that I had to endure in silence. In some ways, I feel my devotion to my academic studies was a compensatory mechanism for the supposed homosexual flaw in my underlying character. Over the course of my university studies, I have become increasingly concerned with social justice, and in particular how it relates to health. My decision to undertake a masters of public health is emblematic of this. Public health is a discipline of health science that is concerned with the prevention of disease, disability and suffering through interventions that occur at a population level. Many who work in the public health arena speak of taking an “upstream” approach, where one assesses the broader social, political, and economic determinants that have contributed to whatever health issue Is being examined. Mental Health and suicide is an important health issue for all of Australian society, but is also one that disproportionately affects the LGBTIQA+ community. LGBTI Australians aged 16 years and over are 5-11 times more likely to attempt suicide; 16-18 times more likely to experience suicidal ideation; 2-6 times more likely to self-harm; and twice as likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition, when compared to the general Australian population[1]. And what is fueling these disastrous outcomes? Homophobia. Be it personal, interpersonal, institutional, or cultural, homophobia creates environments where queer individuals (and even people who are simply perceived to be queer) are attacked physically and verbally, are made to question and defend their own validity, and are expected to see themselves as second class, and less deserving of the rights and privileges that are attached to being heterosexual. While personal and interpersonal homophobia is damaging and should be called out and dealt with, particularly in our schools, these acts are often the product of underlying institutional and cultural homophobia. And as a student of public health, I know that fighting this more insidious form of prejudice is where the real money is, if we have any hope of progressing Australia towards the more inclusive, “fair go” society that it professes itself to be. Policy and law, must play an important role in shaping cultural and institutional perceptions of what is acceptable and unacceptable in our secular society. In doing so, they in-turn function to mold individual perceptions, particularly for our young people. This is why the marriage equality debate is so important to me, and why I will be voting YES for marriage equality. As a young person growing up in a rural community, the concept of even being in a same-sex relationship was not something I was privy to. It wasn’t until I reached undergraduate studies at UWA that I began to explore concepts outside heteronormativity, and even then, it was a number of years until I decided to come out to my friends and family. Having marriage equality will allow young, closeted and openly-queer teenagers to see that there are options for them to have their love and relationships celebrated in the same way that their straight friends and family members do. It will help to fuel a culture of acceptance, that embraces diversity and values the collective strength of a diverse nation. While I do think that marriage equality is an inevitable legislative end, it in no way justifies the means by which our current Federal Government is using to achieve it. Using a $122 million, non-binding, non-representative postal survey to inform government policy is unprecedented, and is an example of the institutional homophobia I mentioned earlier. Homophobia that expects myself and other queer individuals to sit by while the rest of the country ”respectfully debates” the validity of our relationships, and whether we should be granted the same rights under Australian law. Because make no mistake, the campaign for same-sex marriage is not just about the label of “Marriage”. Our illustrious former PM Mr. Abbott would have us believe that same-sex couples already have the same rights under civil union legislation, however it only takes a quick google search to find the flaws in that argument. Same-sex couples experience a deficiency in rights in all manner of ways from carer-rights, Medicare and the pharmaceutical benefits scheme, to tax concessions, employee rights and superannuation [2]. The fight for same-sex marriage is a fight for these rights. The debate that has been occurring on this issue has been undeniably toxic. The ‘Honorable’ Mr. Turnbull continues to harp on about the ability of the Australian public to have a respectful debate, yet seems blind to reality of what is actually occurring. While I acknowledge that majority of Australians are capable of having a perfectly civil discussion around this issue, thanks to social media and the current speed of the media cycle, much of the content we are seeing relating to this debate is extreme, vitriolic, and often uninformed. And while I do not purport to say that the NO campaign hold exclusive claim over the extreme views seen in this debate, I do believe that it is these extreme views that sell newspapers and website clicks, and ultimately hinder our ability to have civil discussion. It is these extreme, and widely publicised views that have real ramifications for the queer community. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the past 12 months has been the most concentrated period of homophobia that I have experienced in my (relatively short) life. Not direct homophobia, although I have been accused of spreading hate speech simply for expressing my support of same-sex marriage, but more indirect homophobia. Having to see nasty and vitriolic comments on social media, listening to hateful and ill-informed rhetoric on national news bulletins, watching TV ads that tell me I am advocating for pedophilia and radical gender theory in classrooms. This all has power. Words have power, and we (the queers) of all people know the power of words. I have seen many colleagues withdraw from social media over the course of this campaign to protect themselves from the hateful vitriol. I myself have decided to remain engaged, but have also felt the need to seek professional support during this period. And if I am finding it tough to deal with the day to day commentary that is happening in this debate, imagine what our queer youth are going through. I believe that school should be a safe haven. Not necessarily apolitical, as I believe that our youth are our dreamers and visionaries, capable of imagining a future that is better than the present, and politics is an important part of this. However, growing up these days is difficult enough without the added pressure of dealing with this ongoing debate. And it’s not just queer youth we should be concerned about. Many straight-identifying young people also support same-sex marriage, have friends that identify as queer and are having an equally distressing time having to deal with the ongoing commentary that is occurring in homes, playgrounds and other spaces around the country. I really do urge the MSHS community to draw together during this time to support all its students. While I cannot attest to the current socio-political atmosphere of MSHS or the broader Manjimup community, I do strongly urge all individuals to call out homophobia, or any other type of prejudice or discrimination as completely unacceptable. Acknowledge the divisiveness of this debate and the effects it may be having on individuals, especially our queer youth. Give people the space to express their feelings openly, and if there must be debate within the school environment, ensure that it is respectful and factually informed. Student support systems must be proactive in addressing this issue and ensuring that MSHS strives towards being an environment that is respectful and inclusive of all individuals, regardless of sexuality, race, gender, social status, physical or intellectual ability. I would love to hear what initiatives MSHS has put in place to support LGBTIQA+ students, and to hear how the school community is going in general. I am also more than happy to be contacted by any staff or students who are seeking support around this issue, or would simply like to discuss the topic or share their insight. I hope this letter has been relevant and informative to the MSHS experience, and I hope that it contributes in a constructive way to the progression of a discussion around how MSHS can best support all its students and strive towards a culture of respect, diversity and inclusion.
Sincerely yours,
Sebastian Kirby MSHS Fan-boy
The Statistics at a Glance: The Mental Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex People in Australia Accessible at [http://lgbtihealth.org.au/statistics/]
[2] Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Report, Australian Human Rights Commission  available at [https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/same-sex-same-entitlements-executive-summary]
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tutorsglobenet · 6 years
Avail the best Economics Assignment Help service from the industry best tutors!!
Are the assignments and homework related to Economics give you nightmares? Are you often loaded with numerous Economics assignments, which you have to be completed and submitted within the given time-interval? Are you in the quest for the most trustworthy Economics Assignment Help service online at the budget-friendly prices? Do an inadequate amount of time getting you in the edge? Is securing higher grades in your Economics assignments is like a dream for you? If your response is yes to all the above questions, then Tutorsglobe is the one-stop destination for all the students, who are struggling with their Economics assignments and homework.
We have been offering our Economics Assignment Help service for many years to the students of all over the world, comprising Australia, Canada, USA, UK, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand and many more. The tutors connected with Tutorsglobe are highly competent and can provide online assistance on any topic of any complexity level. We have professional tutors, experienced proofreaders and skilled editors, who all work together to provide you the best assignment paper, that no other online service provider can provide.
A number of students acquire their dream grades by availing our Economics Homework Help service and we are very much thankful to our regular customers, who made our online service organization number one in the industry, by providing positive reviews and feedbacks.
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elsevierstudentlife · 7 years
Author Spotlight: Advice from Angela Silvestri, PhD, RN
Angela Silvestri, former Elsevier Student Ambassador and co-author of Saunders Strategies for Test Success, recently chatted with the Student Ambassador team to offer some advice for current nursing students regarding stress-management, preparing for the NCLEX, and life after graduation.
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1.       Tell us a little about yourself and how you got into nursing.
When asked what I wanted to do with my life and as a career, I always answered that I wanted to work in the medical field. At first my ambition was to become a physician; however, learning that nurses interact with their patients more often than physicians do swayed me to pursue nursing. While in nursing school, I worked as a tutor for my peers. I realized how much I enjoyed doing this and how much of a difference my help made in these students' college careers and ultimately their lives.
I received my baccalaureate degree in Nursing and Sociology at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island. After earning my degree, I worked in long­ term care, rehabilitation, and acute care settings. I then went on to earn my master's degree and PhD in Nursing and published the findings related to cultural competence in the curriculum. I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and teach Fundamental Skills and Medical-Surgical Nursing in the didactic, simulation, skills lab, and clinical settings. A primary goal of mine is finding the best student-centered teaching strategies to help students transition to successful nurses at practice.
Working with students while having been a student for quite some time helped me understand and realize the individual needs of each student. This experience, in addition to my experience in item writing and other contributions to nursing textbooks, has helped me co-author Saunders Strategies for Test Success. I am very excited to be a part of this opportunity to further assist nursing students in their ultimate goal: passing nursing school and the NCLEX® exam!
2.       What’s your best advice for preparing for the NCLEX?
It’s best to take NCLEX soon after graduating from nursing school. I recommend taking it within 1 month, and not waiting any longer than 3 months to take it. During this waiting period, a schedule needs to be developed, just as if you were still in school. There are many NCLEX review products available, but my favorite approach is to have a brief content review based on body system, followed by questions and answers. Look for a review product that gives rationales (which explain why the correct answer is correct, and why the incorrect answer is incorrect), and test-taking strategies. There are products including books and online resources that utilize this approach.
I do also recommend attending a live review session for NCLEX preparation. These sessions remove you from isolation and help you have discussions about certain ideas that may have been difficult for you to master on your own. At a minimum, when preparing for NCLEX, you should do 200-300 questions per study day. You should also plan off days for you to relax. There are some products that will generate a study calendar based on your responses to a 75-question pre-test. I highly recommend this, because it takes the guess work out of designing your study schedule.
3.       What tips do you have for handling stress while in nursing school?
It’s all about organization. There’s no way around it, nursing school is hard. No matter the program type or level, there will not be an easy semester. The stress from nursing school comes from feeling like there’s not enough time to accomplish everything you need to do.
Being organized, and having a plan of attack is what will help you to be most successful. On clinical days, try not to plan much in the way of studying, since you’ll be so tired. Also, think about the time of day that is most successful for you to study. Early morning works for a lot of people, and sometimes night time is better for others. Depending on your preferences, develop a strict schedule, and stick to it. If you’re able to feel prepared for class, exams, and clinical, your stress will be significantly managed.
Another thing you should try to do is promote your energy level by exercising a few times a week and eating healthy. Your brain will be more functional if you adapt healthy lifestyle habits. Use healthy coping mechanisms for stress, and stay away from alcohol. Enlist the help of friends and family wherever you can, it makes a huge difference!
4.       How has your perspective changed from being a nursing student to an educator?
As a lifelong learner, I can always empathize with my nursing students. Since becoming an educator, I have gained an appreciation for the rigor of nursing programs. From the perspective of an educator, I have learned that the things we tend to gloss over as students, are actually very important. An example would be a school’s program outcomes, or the course objectives for a specific course. These are designed in a way to ensure that the students in the program are gaining exposure to the appropriate and most timely content, in an already content-laden curriculum.
I remember being a brand new nursing student in clinical, and I remember how I felt like I didn’t know anything, and needed to be guided through everything I did. Since becoming an educator, I also have gained an appreciation from this perspective, because it does take time and energy to teach someone. I’ve worked with many students in clinical and during preceptorships, and I’ve had the opportunity to watch them grow.
While there are many more examples I can think of, the last thing I would say is that, as an educator, I’ve realized that no matter your position, you will always be learning. There will always be a need to brush up on previously learned material, and as health care constantly evolves, you will have to learn new things all the time as well. Nurses of the future will have this understanding, and will realize that with advances, new medical technology, new medications, and new treatments and procedures, there is an implementation of best evidence. This is a very exciting time to be a provider of health care.
5.       If you could redo nursing school, what would you do differently?
If I could redo nursing school, I would do many of the things I’ve already mentioned, but I would also love to have a preceptorship in my program. We didn’t have this as an option at the time, and only had traditional clinical. A preceptorship allows for the student to develop autonomy while guided by a bedside RN, meanwhile building relationship with staff in that area. One of the hardest things for me was finding a new graduate position as an RN, and a preceptorship would have helped with that, I believe.
6.       What are your thoughts on the future of nursing?
With an evolving political climate, there is opportunity for nursing to influence major decisions in health care in the future. Nursing has always had a soft voice in politics, which subsequently has resulted in poor representation of what nurses really do. It also does not allow for the nursing perspective, which is quite unique and valuable, in the construction of health care processes. With nurse leaders emerging in the political forefront, I am hoping to see more involvement from nurses in health care legislation.
Advanced practice nurses are also being afforded the right to independent practice in many states now as well. As midlevel providers, advanced practice nurses offer a very valuable service to health care consumers, while easing the burden on physicians. This paves the way for interprofessional collaboration in patient care decisions as well, which will likely increase the quality of health care.
Nurses are also becoming involved in leadership positions in other ways, such as through education and research. Nurse scientists are securing grant funding and working on many different types of research, all of which will contribute to forwarding the science of nursing and health care overall.
7.       What’s the biggest misconception as a nursing student?
Nursing students oftentimes do not recognize their worth. As nursing students, you have made a decision to enter a very exciting profession, which offers endless opportunities. You will always be needed, no matter what your end goal is. If you can just get through nursing school, you will find that you have joined one of the most rewarding, exciting, and challenging professions there is. It is worth it, and so are you! So, don’t feel like you’re “just a nursing student,” and don’t feel like you “don’t know anything.” This is the biggest misconception I see among my students, and you need to realize how much you’re needed.
8.       What do you love most about working with students?
Teaching is a passion of mine, and I love being there to witness my students learn something new, and seeing the “light bulb turn on.” There also is a moment at some point during nursing school, that occurs at a different time for everyone, where as a student you think, “I get it now. I know what it’s like to be a nurse, and I know what I’m doing.” As an educator, I can usually see when this change in mentality occurs. Being a part of that growth is very exciting. I also love to visit my past students to see what they’re doing. It’s fun to think back to how they were as students, and to see how their confidence has just exploded since then. Students often underestimate their capabilities, and I think they will be quite surprised with themselves as time goes on. Once they begin to understand their capabilities, is when they gain confidence in their personal practice.
9.       What else do students ask you about?
I get a lot of questions from my students about what they should be thinking about after they graduate from nursing school, aside from taking the NCLEX and getting their first job. I would like to take this opportunity to say that wherever you work, you will be in an area where you are making a difference. If you are thinking about advancing in nursing, consider going back to school within 2 years or you may lose sight of this goal.
There are many different programs available now, so you need to decide where your focus of advanced nursing practice will be. You can become an educator, researcher, advanced practitioner, administrator, or executive. I recommend speaking with someone in each of these areas to decide what would be your best fit. In many cases, you will be able to do more than one of these things with an advanced degree. Either way, you will be fulfilling a critical societal need by advancing the profession of nursing.
For more advice on not just surviving but thriving in nursing school, check out Saunders Strategies for Test Success, co-authored by Angela Silvestri, PhD, RN.
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constellations-soc · 7 years
Today marks the official launch of Unpaywall, a web browser extension that links users directly to free full-text versions of research articles. Heather Piwowar and Jason Priem of Impactstory, the team behind Unpaywall, report on the successful pre-release phase, and explain how two decades of investment, a slew of new tools, and a flurry of new government mandates have helped build a powerful momentum behind green open access.
Today we’re launching a new tool to help people read research literature, instead of getting stuck behind paywalls. It’s an extension for Chrome and Firefox that links you to free full-text as you browse research articles. Hit a paywall? No problem: click the green tab and read it free!
The extension is called Unpaywall, and it’s powered by an open index of more than ten million legally-uploaded, open access resources. Reports from our pre-release are great: “Unpaywall found a full-text copy 53% of the time,” reports librarian, Lydia Thorne. Fisheries researcher Lachlan Fetterplace used Unpaywall to find “about 60% of the articles I tested. This one is a great tool and I suspect it will only get better.” And indeed it has! We’re now getting full-text on 85% of 2016’s most-covered research papers.
Unpaywall doesn’t just help researchers, but also people outside academia who don’t enjoy the expensive subscription benefits of institutional libraries. “As someone who runs a non-profit organisation in a developing country this extension is GOLD!” says Nikita Shiel-Rolle. It helps journalists, high school students, practitioners, and, crucially, policymakers, who don’t usually have subscription access to the fact-based research literature. There has never been a time when unlocking facts has been so important. So we’re thrilled that more than 10,000 people from 143 countries have installed the extension already.
The best part is it’s powered by fully legal, free, open access uploads by the authors themselves. More and more funders and universities are requiring authors to upload copies of their papers to institutional and subject repositories. This has created a deep resource of legal open access papers, ripe for building upon.
In fact, a few weeks ago David Prosser, executive director of Research Libraries UK, tweeted:
So we have @unpaywal, @oaDOI_org, PubMed icons – is the green #OA infrastructure reaching maturity?
— David Prosser (@RLUK_David) March 22, 2017
We love this observation, and not just because two of the three projects he mentioned are from Impactstory. We love it because we agree: Green OA infrastructure is at a tipping point where two decades of investment, a slew of new tools, and a flurry of new government mandates is about to make Green OA the scholarly publishing game-changer.
A lot of folks have suggested that Sci-Hub is scholarly publishing’s “Napster moment”, where the internet finally disrupts a very resilient, profitable niche market. That’s probably true. But like the music industry shut down Napster, Elsevier will likely be able to shut down Sci-Hub. They’ve got both the money and the legal (if not necessarily the moral) high ground and that’s a tough combo to beat.
But the future is what comes after Napster. It’s in the iTunes and the Spotifys of scholarly communications. We are at this open access inflection point.
This month is a great time to appreciate this; there’s amazing OA news everywhere you look:
Over the next few years, we’re going to see an explosion in the amount of research available openly, as government mandates in the US, UK, Europe, and beyond take force. As that happens, the raw material is there to build completely new ways of searching, sharing, and accessing the research literature.
We think Unpaywall is a really powerful example: when there’s a big “Get It Free” button next to the “Pay Money” button on publisher pages, it starts to look like the game is changing. And it is changing. Unpaywall is just the beginning of the amazing open access future we’re going to see. We can’t wait!
Install it, learn more, and follow @unpaywall. We’d love your help in spreading the word about Unpaywall to your friends and colleagues. Together we can accelerate forwards to a future of full #openaccess for all!
This article gives the views of the authors, and not the position the organisations they work for, the LSE Impact Blog, nor of the London School of Economics. Please review our comments policy if you have any concerns on posting a comment below.
About the authors
Heather Piwowar is a co-founder of Impactstory and a leading researcher in research data availability and data reuse. She wrote one of the first papers measuring the citation benefit of publicly available research data, has studied patterns in data archiving, patterns of data reuse, and the impact of journal data sharing policies. Heather has a bachelor’s and master’s degree from MIT in electrical engineering, ten years of experience as a software engineer, and a PhD in Biomedical Informatics from the University of Pittsburgh. She is a frequent speaker on research data archiving, writes a well-respected research blog, and is active on twitter (@researchremix).
Jason Priem is a co-founder of Impactstory and a doctoral student in information science (currently on leave of absence) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Since coining the term “altmetrics”, he’s remained active in the field, organising the annual altmetrics workshops, giving invited talks, and publishing peer-reviewed altmetrics research. Jason has contributed to and created several open-source software projects, including Zotero and Feedvis, and has experience and training in art, design, and information visualisation. Sometimes he writes on a blog and tweets.
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impowero · 4 years
Do you know private coaching and test preparation account for almost 40% of the total amounts spent on education? Shocked?!
Well, do not be! A recent survey report shows that Indian families spend close to Rs 25,000 crore on private tuitions alone, and this does not include amounts spent on test preparation and other forms of off-campus learning.
The striking proliferation of private tuitions, even among the pre-primary kids, highlight an important fact. That parents are not satisfied with the quality of the school education system in the country. There could be multiple reasons. For example, once a child leaves the classroom, she/he no longer has access to the in-class learning material – be it a teacher’s notes on the whiteboard, a YouTube video that may have been played, etc.
It is a well-established fact that all students do not learn at the same pace, and that many students need self-paced learning or additional lessons to catch up, which is why most of the parents turn to private tuitions.
Parents are willing to spend as much as necessary on private tuitions but grudge when it comes to increases in school fees. Their belief is that private tuitions are able to address the reinforcement of concepts better than the schools can. While tutors fill in the learning gaps left by the schools, this practice is a drain on parental resources.
But this parental resource-draining can be stopped if schools are able to address these issues which will improve the learning and outcome of their students.
This can be more cost-effectively done by a school adopting technological aids to:
Ensure continuity of learning beyond the classroom,
Facilitate easy access to learning material so that each student can learn at a pace that he/she is comfortable with, and
Track learning progress measure learning outcome and take corrective action to address any areas that need attention.
All these can be easily managed with the implementation of a well-designed Learning Management System (LMS).
What is a Learning Management System?
The term “Learning Management System” (LMS) quite frequently makes an appearance in education-related articles. An LMS is a software solution that helps bring structure and continuity to learning through curated lesson plans, live lessons, assignment of additional learning resources, testing and certification, detailed analytics on learner progress and outcome, and more. LMS are typically used by educational institutions – schools, colleges, universities, coaching classes, skill trainers – and companies to deliver online learning courses and other training programs.
An LMS does not replace teachers and trainers, but instead empowers teachers and trainers enhance their teaching methodologies and keep parents aware of their ward’s performance. In fact, almost all educational institutions have been able to ensure continuity in learning during the Covid-enforced lockdowns by deploying LMS’ and other online learning tools.
In this article, we will explain the benefits of an LMS and how they can help your institute deliver high quality learning, thereby reducing a parent’s dependence on private tuitions.
In and Outside Classroom Learning An LMS is a solution that enables learning beyond the traditional classroom. The student can access study material and additional learning material after classroom hours for self-paced studying at home. This creates a blended learning approach of instructor-led learning in the classroom and self-paced online learning outside the classroom.
Personalised Learning One reason why parent turn to private tutors is because of personal attention. An LMS can also be used to personalise the learning experience for its learners. This is done by capturing the learning progress of each learner, gauging his/her comprehension from homework submissions, assessments and using analytics and dashboards to come up with personalised learning paths for corrective action as required.
Doubt Clearing An online learning platform has discussion forums that can be utilised by students for doubt clarification by writing to the teacher. Communication can be one-to-one or one-to-all so that all students that may be part of a batch can benefit from doubts being raised by peers.
Mastery of Concepts A proven way to ensure that students have mastered concepts is by repeatedly taking tests. Online platforms come with auto-correct facilities, which ensure that, in addition to taking practice quizzes and exams over-and-over again, in many cases results are instantaneous so that a student can learn from her/his mistakes.
Flipping the Classroom Traditional learning was where new concepts were taught for the first time in classroom. This method has its disadvantages as many students may not grasp these new concepts the first time around. By making available learning material online and getting students to read the same can come prepared to class has two benefits: 1) that the student has some level of understanding of what is going to taught, and 2) that the instructor or teacher can spend more time reinforcing concepts where there is doubt rather than spending all his/her time on delivering the lesson.
A high-end LMS like mPowerO will not only provide the above-mentioned benefits to the students but is extremely cost-effective to the schools. mPowerO is carefully curated to be deployed in only two days without any extra hardware cost. A school can GO LIVE online without any extra IT overheads and technological complications.
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kristopoulos · 4 years
05 Resources & Tips To Improve Your Academic Writing Skill
Students often get stuck while solving school and university assignments. They get tensed and wonder who would help them out of the dire straits. What if I told you that you need not rely on anyone and solve the questions by yourself?Yes, it is possible to be self-dependent if you want to enhance your academic writing skills. All you need to do is pore through the resources available online. But you need to look for the problem and solution papers in the right place. Read along to know what exactly you must go through.1. Online University LibrariesEvery subject has different writing styles. Whether you are solving STEM subjects or Humanities assignments, you are almost certain to get answers from university libraries. You will find solved academic papers and even references. For technology, you can go through the online portal of MIT, University of Cambridge, Technische Universitat Munchen, etc.For disciplines of Arts, you can explore the libraries of the Royal College of Art, Politecnico di Milano, RMIT University, and so on. Similarly, for other subjects, type the “subject” name and look for universities around the world offering the best courses. You can even check out the British Council, Google Books, Internet Archive, etc.2. Samples Section of Academic Service Providers Academic service providers offer not only academic assistance but also valuable resources. In the repositories, you will find solved assignments, with the help of which you can solve your academic papers. You can check out MyAssignmenthelp.com, Allessaywriter.com, etc.Since the assignments are solved by Ph.D. experts or scholars with masters’ degrees, the papers are of the highest quality, consisting of updated information. You can observe the writing styles, the formatting style, and word count management in the papers.3. Online Student Forums and Google ScholarIf you have the will, you will receive help from anywhere. To check out the writing pattern and standards of other students, you can browse through the online student forums. You will even find valuable tips in the education groups on Facebook.If you wish to get a glimpse of the writing style of the accomplished authors, visit Google Scholar. It consists of millions of published journals and e-books. Apart from the writing style, you can collect graphs, statistics, and the latest data from the documents.4. Blog Posts and Websites Besides the resources mentioned above, you can go through blog posts and websites to gain better insights. Most of the online articles are crafted by industry specialists, successful authors, subject matter experts, and professors. As you can realize, you will get optimum support if you are struggling with your academic write-ups.As mentioned earlier, you have to be very specific with the subject name and the topic. If you want to write an essay on a history-based topic, feel free to check out the History of the Ancient World. Or you can go through Love of History, The History Blog, etc. Similarly, if you want to write about storm formation, follow Internet Geography, National Geographic, and understand the structure of the write-up.5. Online Learning Platforms Last but not least, you can also check out the solved assignments or peer-reviewed papers at the e Learning platforms. These sites are famous for offering courses. But it also consists of solved examples that the students have to complete as part of the program. You will find answers to a wide range of disciplines like Arts, Economics, Business Management, Law, etc.The e Learning platforms include Coursers, ed X, Khan Academy (especially useful for the school students). And, if you want a clarification of any topic, you can check out YouTube videos. You must remember that until you have a detailed insight into the subject matter, a good writing style won’t save you.You might have realized that knowledge is of paramount importance. Otherwise, you won’t be able to write any answers. And, as for the writing style, you should always stick to the guidelines provided by your academic institution.On the other hand, if you are hell-bent on improving your sentence construction, you can do the following things:a). Brush up your grammar and check out eight parts of speech). Focus on simple sentence construction). Check out punctuation usaged). Try to insert emotive words to evoke a response from readers.e). Include transition words to ensure a smooth reading experience.f). Improve your vocabulary by learning ten words a day.g). Read storybooks, journals, and all sorts of write-ups.If you stick to the suggestions stated above, you will see your writing standard getting refined with time. So, it all boils down to practice in the end. The more you persevere, the better you will be able to overcome your shortcomings. Refernce Url:https://appeio.com/tips-to-improve-academic-writing-skill/
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usaadmission · 5 years
How to Prepare for a Ph.D. Interview
If you are selected for an interview for your Ph.D. then this is the article that will help you to be more successful.
So, you’ve been invited for a PhD interview. Congratulations! This suggests that the admission committee considers you suitably qualified as well as academically capable of doing a PhD in their program. This following action will certainly allow them to identify if you’re an excellent fit, as well as you have the inspiration as well as drive to complete a PhD. The interview is your chance to show the committee who you are, what your rate of interest is, why their program is the right location for you to explore them.
There are many different styles for a PhD interview and also varying degrees of the rule. You might have a one-on-one meeting with your capacity manager over Skype, an official interview in front of a panel, be asked to provide a discussion to the division, or an informal conversation with your possibility supervisor as well as their pupils over lunch. Regardless of the degree of the procedure, you ought to still do your homework as well as get ready for the interview. You cannot predict the specifics of the questions that they will ask you, but certain topics are practically unpreventable.
Here are some methods to prepare for your interview:
– Review your research study proposition or declaration of purpose. The recruiter will likely refer to it during the meeting. Look at the experiences that have prepared you for a PhD as well as prepare to provide specific instances during the interview. Have the ability to describe the reasons that you related to this program in particular.
– Be prepared to talk about your study passions thoroughly. You likely gave a review in your proposal or statement of purpose, yet the meeting is your possibility to show that you have placed some assumed into what you wrote. Show that you have the required history knowledge, including an understanding of the crucial individuals in your research study area, methods you intend to utilize, or researches you want to recommend.
– Think concerning your motivation for going after a PhD. The job interviewers want to know you have actually placed some thought right into the decision to pursue a PhD. They also wish to determine your commitment to the project prior to they spend time and money in you. Think about just how a PhD will certainly aid you to achieve your professional objectives.
– Read your capacity manager’s job. This reveals you are serious about working with them. Demonstrate why you intend to deal with them specifically and exactly how their know-how will certainly be important to your research study. If you are interviewing for a little program, familiarize yourself with the job (or at the very least the fields of expertise) of the other faculty members.
– Familiarize on your own with current scholarship in the field. This is another means to show your engagement with the area and that you can think critically regarding the present debates. You must know how you recommended to the research study will match the present scholarship as well as what makes it unique.
Remember that this meeting goes on both methods. You are preparing to invest at the very least three years (likely more) of your life right here. Think about what is very important to you and also what would make or break your decision to attend this university. Concern the interview prepared with some concerns for the interviewer. Potential inquiries could consist of:
– What do they do to advertise work/life balance?
– What can your potential mentor/supervisor do to advance your career?
– How does your possibility supervisor mentor trainees?
– What is the program’s job positioning document?
– What kind of resources does the university have? (Libraries, lab equipment and so on).
– What are their funding sources?
– What is the program’s average time to degree?
– Will I have the chance to teach/present/patent/ publish?
If your interview is taking place on-campus or you are welcomed to see the school after being approved, take the opportunity to speak with some of the current college students. They will offer you an honest take on the program and also the inside scoop on what it’s like to deal with your capacity manager. Take into consideration the truth that you will be investing a considerable amount of time around these people for the following few years. Will you harmonize them as a good friend and coworker? How social is the division? Do they do tasks with each other beyond the university? Do they appear supportive of each other, or are they competitive? These details will aid in notify your choice.
A Note on the Skype Interview.
Skype meetings are coming to be increasingly common, particularly for global students. There are a couple of functional pointers to keep in mind when establishing for an on the internet meeting. Do your interview someplace where you have a strong net connection, typically in the house or in a silent office. Make sure they are conscious of when your interview is and also comprehend not to disturb you during the meeting if you have roommates. Pick your place meticulously. You want a well-lit area with a tidy, neutral history. If possible, deal with an all-natural source of light. Position your computer system on top of a heap of publications to make sure that the video camera is almost at eye degree (an extra all-natural angle). Take a look at the video camera when you speak with make “eye get in touch with” with the recruiter
Quit quaking in your boots, university meetings aren’t that terrifying. The most vital point is to be prepared ‘Boy Scout’ design. Ok, possibly ignore the Boy Scout bit; you don’t require to recognize exactly how to kindle a fire in the interview space. What you require is our leading 10 ideas on just how to plan for a university meeting:
1. Be on your own (well, your professional self). Bear in mind, it’s ok to loosen up in an interview. The best kinds of meetings take the kind of official discussions, so do not hesitate to ask questions during it.
2. See to it you learn specifically what to expect. It’s flawlessly great to phone the university or email to ask if you don’t understand what the meeting format will certainly be or whether you need to bring anything. Do a little bit of web study and also see if you share any interests if you recognize the name of the recruiter.
3. Get there 15 mins early. If there is an issue, make certain you understand where you are going and also have to get in touch with details so you can call them.
4. Research your program and the college (as well as we suggest extensively). Scour every square inch of the info readily available and also make certain you have appropriately read the program syllabus. Think of what especially interests you about the training course. Is there a particular module that ignites your interest? Why are you picking to examine it and what are you specifically curious about? Ask about and see if you know anyone that is already doing that training course, or otherwise, somebody currently at the college, so you can get insider details.
5. Ensure you read over your declaration. They could likely ask you about it. If you have asserted to have actually reviewed a book in the individual states, and also, in fact, have not currently would certainly be the moment to read it.
6. Take a look at our write-up on college interview inquiries and also think about exactly how you would certainly address them. Do not discover your solutions off by heart though; you do not want to appear robot.
7. Ask an instructor or occupations consultant at college to give you a simulated interview. For extra practice, get a good friend or your moms and dads to hit you with some difficult meeting inquiries.
8. Come prepared with a list of concerns concerning the college or the course. Maintain it restricted to academic things. It’s ideal not to inquire: “Where’s the best place to obtain lost?” Just a thought.
9. Check out the subject you are requesting. You want to show interest beyond what you have been shown in the classroom. Have a look at relevant newspaper articles, browse the web, or read expert publications. Check out around the areas of the topic that rate of interest you (as well as are consisted of in the training course); in this way, you can attract your recruiter into a discussion concerning it. Don’t stress, they aren’t expecting you to be a specialist, yet they are searching for a passion and also passion for the topic.
10. Remember, it’s not almost the university choosing you, you intend to range out of the university also. They intend to bring in the top prospects, so there’s a bit of wooing going on their end also
Many dread most likely to job interviews. Yet it is a reality seldom recognized that interviews are pretty predictable. You can plan for them without feeling as if you are submitting to a dark ritual despite which passive acceptance is the only option.
My purpose is to mention a few of the believing behind meeting questions, and a couple of suggestions for useful ways that you can prepare.
Talk with others concerning their meeting experiences.
I’m beginning with this advice, because I’m often stunned by lots of people’s resistance to sharing interview experiences with their associates and peers– other than, that is, for the weird comically embellished horror tale. Gathering unscientific evidence from others will certainly aid you to find patterns and also expect potentially challenging questions. What type of interviews have they had? What questions did they get? What else was consisted of in the evaluation procedure? Who was on the panel? What stunned them?
And what about individuals you know who have remained on meeting panels: what do they assume? Start having these discussions immediately; do not wait until you have an arranged meeting. Top pointer: I recently met a postdoc who, with a group of fellow researchers, maintained a safe web file of all their meeting stories and inquiries– a common resource as very easy to set up as it was very useful.
What is unique about you (as well as why is that great for them)?
Is it your specialist background, your certain ability, global networks, language skills, management experience, financial management training, innovative training ideas? Ask colleagues and also mentors if you’re not certain.
As well as once you’ve identified your unique factors, strengthen your situation by analyzing (as well as thus being able to claim) why these make you far better able to do the job.
Determine likely questions.
Generally, it’s not in the panel’s passions to journey you up with wilfully esoteric inquiries. As I’ve claimed, meetings tend to be predictable, since, essentially, they boil down to need: the employer needs a task to be done, and also they will certainly design inquiries to the examination which of the eligible candidates they rely on most to do the job. So, begin there: based on the job summary, what would certainly you ask?
Practice your answers orally.
Making up design answers does fit, but many individuals appear to stop at this phase of interview preparation. Essentially, this implies that they’re claiming things out loud for the extremely first time when they’re in front of the panel.
In a good time before the meeting, change your focus to the dental method. Ask on your own– or get an eager interviewer to ask you– a mix of predictable questions, inquiries you’re dreading, as well as questions you’re intending to be asked.
Then pay attention back to on your own. Mostly all computers, as well as phones, are kitted up with microphones, so it’s very easy to tape-record your technique answers. Yes, it’s extraordinary and also extremely painful. Yet it’s additionally incredibly useful.
Do you mumble? Talk in a drab monotone? Fail to stop? As you listen, pay certain interest to clarity as well as framework, not simply content. Will the interviewer listen to the sensible development of your solution?
The day before the meeting.
The most crucial prep work in the last 24 hours before the meeting appertains remainder, so– at the risk of sounding like a hectoring parent– lay off the caffeine as well as get to bed early. Stay clear of the lure to invest those final hours packing intensely or practicing your presentation compulsively.
Having a clear headcount for a great deal. Iron your garments (even shirts that will be used under jackets), double-check your travel plans, enjoy something light-hearted on the goggle-box. Yet, please, rest.
2 additional things to bear in mind:
First, a great deal of researchers claims that they feel caught out by scholastic meeting inquiries that don’t seem to involve adequately with their job. Do not let this catch you out. Panels are often not experts in your specific location, and also they need to comprehend why your job is truly essential (not simply intriguing) as well as how it rests within the area. Be prepared to think about the peripheries of your research as well as to make web links.
Second of all, don’t be discerning in how you review job descriptions. There’s no refuting that they can seem like a feast of HR-speak as well as buzzword bingo. Offer the panel the benefit of the doubt: presume that they implied what they composed. You require to consider very carefully (and be prepared to go over) every one of what’s being requested, not simply the bits that appear most relevant to you.
You may have a one-on-one interview with your potential supervisor over Skype, an official meeting in front of a panel, be asked to offer a presentation to the division, or a casual chat with your potential supervisor as well as their students over lunch. Come to the interview prepared with some concerns for the interviewer. If you have roomies, make certain they are conscious of when your interview is as well as understand not to disrupt you during the meeting. The finest kinds of interviews take the form of formal conversations, so feel free to ask questions during it.
Have a look at our article on university interview concerns as well as assumptions about how you would address them.
from USA Admission – Study in USA , F1 Visa, Opt https://usaadmission.com/how-to-prepare-for-a-ph-d-interview/
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What I Do In My Free Time Balancing Culinary Duties Astral Travel and Storytelling CREATIVE FICTION Genre, episode five please know that I write this as a hobby for creative genre fun independent from my current job
Start time by 1126 am Wednesday September 4 2019
Completion time 1257 pm Wednesday September 4 2019
What I Do In My Free Time Balancing Culinary Duties Astral Travel and Storytelling CREATIVE FICTION Genre, episode five please know that I write this as a hobby for creative genre fun independent from my current job
 Greetings my name is Brayden Adams and I’m a brother to the previous celestial spirit guide from episode four named Marcel Feist. From where I am speaking it is the year 2121, however I am speaking from another world that has a civilization and even human beings living in this world in the case of earth. This planet is twice the size of earth and has comfortable living conditions and improved spiritual resources because our civilization is not what you would call more superior to earth’s though this civilization is more technologically advanced and you can say futuristic. Additionally, the temperature across this whole planet is pleasant year round similar to how the summer time temperatures are in the earth’s country Iceland. However, controversially speaking, even for the 2100s earth period, we only have a population of 7 billion people across this whole planet that for the purposes of this session I am going to call SS Fortunate. Fortunate because everyone residing and born on SS Fortunate has all of their basic needs and more taken care of from birth. Additionally, many of the souls born here have a common life span of 170 to 175 years when they die a peaceful death via dying in their sleeptime dreams.
However, the ruling politicians of our world keep the population at a set number by requiring spirits who want to have children to obtain licenses to do so first, kind of a similar way how on earth in the U.S. and across western parts of the earth a person has to have a license to drive. Additionally, only a certain number of females of each socio-economic class and species class are allowed to breed/have children each year with permission for each birth requiring a new parenting license and screening on their qualifications before getting approval to breed more on what I Brayden Adams mean and why this happens in a future session. What do I Brayden Adams do for work during the week, I teach at a spirit guide communication university in a city on SS Fortunate that has a million people. I Brayden Adams am 152 years old in earth years and I Brayden Adams have been passionately teaching this particular course since I was 123 years old. However, this spirit guide communication course is slightly different from earth’s because many of our students are from earth, others are earth and angelic hybrids, earth and mage hybrids, earth and SS Fortunate hybrids, some who have parents native born to SS Fortunate. We have a variety of occupations for our residents to do kind of similar to the variety on earth and the existence of occupations not yet available on earth even in the 2100s.
In my free time, I Brayden Adams help set up camping excursions for visitors from earth who partake in summertime andor weekly cooking contests or classes that are sometimes televised both here on this planet and for viewers on earth. Amazon is one of the companies who supplies 5000 person space ships that facilitate travel between this planet and earth which started to take place by the year 2085. What also makes this one of a kind planet different from earth is that this planet contains way station points for souls to travel to heaven based celestial realms regardless of how advanced spiritually one is. For instance, even with how spiritually developed that I Brayden Adams am, I had to make sure that I Brayden Adams used the best meditation techniques to perform astral travel to heaven based/celestial worlds when I visit earth.
However, here on my home planet of SS Fortunate, I Brayden Adams can easily travel to multiple celestial worlds by going inside buildings and travel stations that are portal ways to other celestial worlds and I can easily come back within a minute or less, andor even a day longer or more depending on my mood. However, the caveat because each time of doing this whether astral traveling on earth or doing this on SS Fortunate, a person has to pay a nominal fee each time they do this to ensure they are serious about doing this and assume full responsibility for doing so. What do I mean by this you may ask/wonder?
Last week two earth based spirits both female and working in the culinary field, one American born and another foreign born managed to unexpectedly travel to our world and then to one of our celestial travel portals in their sleeptime dreams without realizing it. Each wanted to gather information on how to succeed in their current culinary jobs, the only difference was that the American born female was in little hurry of receiving a promotion and just wanted to know how to keep her job longer while the foreign born female much more talented and dare I say more intuitive even by the American born female’s admission when they greeted our travel conductor wanted to naturally know what she-the foreign born female needed to do to obtain a promotion. Both succeeded in traveling to celestial worlds more colorful and happy beyond their most creative imaginations. However, both of these females got two different results from their celestial world visits.
The foreign born female got the information she wanted on what to do to be eligible for a promotion in her culinary job though the American born female got different from what she expected even though she too experienced a pleasant dream. Five of her siblings showed up in her celestial world visit with an older woman greeting her as the family wizard explaining to the American born female all we can tell you is to do what you can to organize and clean up your life but please know your siblings are more understanding and supportive than you realize in where you want to live and your career goals. The American born female was touched by this sentiment yet before she could bravely ask for what she wanted she then suddenly transported to a colorful world similar to the Wizard of Oz before someone she secretly had professional admiration for over a decade ago on suddenly appeared to her and said the answer can be found in focusing on bringing more to the table to your husband who even I know you love very much. Before the American born female could ask the wizard of oz helper for further clarification both her and the American born female suddenly found themselves back at the portal station on SS fortunate when they both shortly woke up from their sleeptime dreams on earth.
That same day, one of my celestial spirit guides (yes even spirits on other happier andor more advanced andor more futuristic planets have spirit guides celestial spirit helpers guardian angels) telepathically explained to this American born female during one of her meditations via her thoughts-the person you saw in the Wizard of Oz was just an illusion though seeing your family members andor mention of your hometown is differently from what both you and other well meaning people would think you are correct to go about living where you want and to improve circumstances for both your love life and career life, however anytime your family members andor home state comes up is more of a spiritual symbolism for you to remember the good qualities that they had and how you can incorporate that in your life and the successes you had in your home state and how they can be copied duplicated in your new life. For instance, a family member who may be still trying to improve their career life though who is gifted at seduction andor their social life may be your soul’s way of gently encouraging you to develop and grow those qualities within yourself, a family member you admire who is thriving in their career life is your soul’s way of showing you that you can eventually do the same in your career life even from where you currently reside and work regardless of what even your most well meaning critics think etc.
I Brayden Adams prefer to avoid saying more about that woman’s life to protect her privacy though she is only one of billions of examples why spirits who use our way stations on our planet to travel to celestial worlds agree to take full responsibility for themselves on the outcomes of such travel. However, I Brayden Adams can share that the scene where the American born woman saw the spirit in the Wizard of Oz scene who she secretly professionally admired over a decade ago was a gentle encouraging message from her soul to aim to regain to be the type of soul she was when she knew him who freely let go of things both emotionally and in her physical environment becoming more clutter free, organized and neater trusting that better can eventually manifest in place what she is being called to organize, donate, sell, andor clean up even if she decides not to donate anything and just secretly throws things away, her family members and affiliation of her home state are reminding her that she has what it takes inside regardless of how things may currently appear to tap into the latent genius she has to reawaken and strengthen the same genius that helped her become valedictorian at one of the schools she attended in her growing years when some of her peers kindly voted her Most Likely To Succeed In A past Yearbook entry.
As for me Brayden Adams and the connection to Marcel Feist, I Brayden Adams and Marcel Feist share the same father yet different mothers. Our father was born here on SS Fortunate. However, Marcel Feist was conceived one night in Vienna Austria after our father took our mother to music festival that included adjoin hotel rooms love parade rooms in the city’s vicinity our mother was 41 at this time and met my father who was by then 50 years old because she was a tour guide for Vienna Austria having lived and grew up in Austria her whole life, one night liquor courage kicked in and it was Marcel Feist’s mother who was the aggressor even though she showed few signs of being aggressive when sober. For whatever reason my father Sagan enjoys undercover aggressiveness because he met my mother  who was also only slightly younger than him and also over 41 though I must keep her age a secret and just say that I Brayden Adams was conceived when my earth born mother drunkenly climbed on top of my father while he was sleeping to have her way with him and when he-my father Sagan- was staying at a hotel less than a mile from the Norfolk Naval Shipyards because he was hired by the United States Navy to design one of the newer aircraft carriers they were building that are going to be the size of 3 early 2000s era aircraft carriers. My earth born and American born mother had access to Sagan’s hotel room because she worked there as a housekeeper and the only reason why she got caught was because some 58 year old hotel female manager working at the hotel had a crush on him and had been given a key by him though she obviously entered after the 40s something maid-my earth born American born mother intimately had her way with him. The female manager naturally and understandably mad was also drunk because both of them had been heavily drinking at a party celebrating and showing appreciation for the employees. My father Sagan had to naturally be the mediator for both women when the female manager started to put her hands around the neck of the hotel maid housekeeper who happened to also be her subordinate. Then a 60 year old hotel male manager was forced to show up after a guest next door called the front desk with concerns that a hotel patron was in danger after hearing the worlds you Alley Cat Whorish Bitch from the hotel female manager to the 40s something female housekeeper over and over in the next hotel room and hearing the worlds really loud please get your hands off my neck. Anyhow the 60 year old male manager was forced to force both women to look for employment elsewhere after the incident and my earth born mother was lucky  that that was all that occurred because my father Sagan was nice enough to avoid pressing further charges, later telling his friends he excused my earth born mother’s behavior because despite how she aggressively came on to him, she attended to him after the other woman-the hotel female manager led him to believe she was going to another hotel room with another male employee which he saw her do and he intuitively realized that the female manager went to his-my father Sagan’s hotel room after realizing the fellow male employee boyfriend wanted her to engage in some type of crazy threesome with two other females.  Both women were later rehired at a later time though obviously on different work shifts and roles were the chances of each of them interacting with each other are very slim.
My father Sagan much to my surprise recalls my earth born mother with fond memories despite the aggressive way I was conceived. I Brayden Adams have been told that I resemble the male musician in the whistle song music video by The DJ Aligator Project.  Well, I Brayden Adams prefer to wrap up this session soon because I have been happily tasked with helping out at a Wizard of Oz themed theme park cooking picnic where over 4000 people are expected to attend.  The theme park picnic party is inspired by a Wizard of Oz party that takes place in both California and Florida and other parts of the United States on a weekly basis from the months of May until October via a tradition that started by the year 2089.
I admit that I found the Wizard of Oz theme both helpful and creative in this article.
When Your Destination Is Clear by Thomas Corley
Wizard of Oz
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