#not to take away jisung's spotlight but i have to post ..............
yangjeongin · 1 year
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tepidtrashpile · 4 years
covering taeyong’s parts
tldr: i don’t usually do stuff like this but i’m highly caffeinated and have nothing better to do so prepare for a (very convoluted and long) rant cause omg im so fucking mad. 
so for those of you who don’t know, nct 2020 had a resonance vlive/concert last night (dec 26/27) and taeyong and jisung were unable to perform due to a back injury (herniated disk) and knee injury respectively.
I’ll mainly be talking about taeyong in this just due to his extrEmely large presence within NCT and also jisung was there to vocally cover his parts.
(also not to take anything away from jisung, however in the sheer amount of screentime and tracks ty is in, him missing is much harder to disguise within a performance with or without vocals) 
in order these are the members that covered ty’s parts in each song (tbh i may be forgetting some, but the point is look at how hard they had to work to even fill ty’s dance position within the concert, the boy is in like 50% of their performed tracks)
nct u - boss - sungchan
nct u - the 7th sense - shotaro 
nct u - light bulb - yangyang
nct 127 - touch - haechan (first part), johnny (iconic ty and mork), yuta (pulls up in the chorus to fill in ty part to the stage right of jh) 
nct u - make a wish - jeno (first part), jaemin (basically rest of the song)
nct 127 - kick it - mark (usually the center parts), jaehyun (first rap), yuta (end dance break), johnny (mark stepped on him rip lol)
nct u - misfit - johnny (start), sungchan (end)
nct 2020 - resonance - jeno / jaemin (?) - dude idk im having trouble keeping up at this point
// I want to make it very clear that NCT would not be where it is without taeyong. I’m not suggesting that he is replaceable in any way, shape or form. however as a person with two parents in the performance industry - and im sure that many of u understand just from general life experience -- the show mUst go on. when you have a presence as large as ty missing, it is undoubtedly going to take a toll on the overall energy and performance but i personally think that the boys fucking killed it -- especially with such a short turnaround from learning that ty would not be performing. (jaemin said that jeno legit had one HOUR to practice the beginning of maw (and by proxy the beginning of resonance) and that amount of talent and skill is unfuckingbelievable) but I digress. 
// there is nothing wrong with being disappointed that taeyong cannot perform. (get well soon ty!) he is an incredible performer and human being. there is nothing wrong with seeing (and understanding) that another member filling ty’s part is going to FEEL different, even if they do a phenomenal job. there is nothing wrong with feeling the difference in energy and performance -- there is obviously ANOTHER PERSON doing the part that we are accustomed to. there is nothing wrong with having a conversation and discourse about the performance. however... there IS something wrong with putting down members and harshly criticizing their performance in a malicious way. constructive criticism is one thing, but a lot (not all but an overwhelming amount) of what I have seen in the comments and the little bit of twitter i have been on has just been bashing members (one in particular) about their performance. 
// let me get the easy part out of the way here. jaemin and jeno killed it during maw. yuta’s dance break, mark’s center time, jaehyun covering ty’s rap, and johnny stepping up to get stepped on (hehe i’ll stop now don’t mind me) were all surprisingly refreshing. yangyang covering lightbulb was (imo) one of highlights of the concert. for a rapper who often doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves he did a PHENOMENAL job covering the entirety of ty’s parts in his own way and conveying his emotions. yes, the members weren’t the same as taeyong, however, they added their own twist and their own personalities to it. it is in fact BETTER to do this and be remembered for their own style than attempt to emulate someone else’s performance. it is the sign of a great artist to take something and make it your own. 
// now, onto the two newest members. i will be candid about this. the biggest difference I felt within the performance was when sungchan and shotaro were covering ty’s parts. tbh this is to be expected (?). i’m not trying to put down the boys but the reality is that they debuted 2-3 MONTHS ago? all of the other members covering ty’s parts have had significantly more experience in every aspect of performing. jaemin and jeno may be about the same age as chan and shotaro but they have upwards of 4 years more experience (debuted anyway, and anyone can tell u that practicing vs the real thing can be a very daunting change) than the other two. the other members have performed in front of a live crowd, they have had time to deal with criticism and learn from it. they are just in every way more experienced, and although we expect great things out of all the members, it is simply unrealistic to expect the same level of performance out of members with 2 years less experience than anyone else on the stage. 
shotaro covered one of the hardest parts in nct history - taeyong’s 7th sense. in every way - the rap, the technicality of the dance, the sheer charisma ty brings - this was a daunting task. him being a rookie DID show in the performance. this isn’t a bad thing. the tone of his rap did sometimes lack nuance and the level of sophistication that we know taeyong to have. however, i do think shotaro was the right choice for this song. you have to give rookies experience for them to grow, and a concert like this (even without a live crowd) is a great time to do it. (i’ll get into logistics later but bear with me)
the sad reality is that we’re probably not going to have large in person concerts for at least the next year and it will be a long time til travel, concerts, and simply life return to what they were before covid. it will be a very long til the boys get to perform on a stage with the energy of a crowd in the same way they have up til now. 
now sungchan. my poor bb sungchan :(
sungchan covered ty’s part is boss (and a little bit in misfit but johnny covered the first part and its more of a hype rap song than one with designated dance moves and centre parts). the dance (in boss) may not be the most technical but this is an unfORGETTABLE song when it comes to taeyong’s part. the beginning “nct leggo?” *chefs kiss*. from what i’ve seen sungchan is the one receiving  the most criticism (read hate) about his performance. look, i’m not going to argue that out of all the members who filled ty’s part he was the weakest. (im not trying to hate, but imo his performance was the weakest, u can disagree with me). he definitely less comfortable with covering taeyong’s part than anyone else was - including shotaro. i think most of the criticism is coming from the fact that he just looked anxious and unable to throw himself into the choreo and when comparing him to taeyong (who again just -- idk he’s unexplainable) his performance does fall a little flat. imo the rap was okay, his tone is actually somewhat similar to ty. i really think that most of the hate is stemming from the execution of the choreo rather than the rap. HOWEVER... calling him “stiff as a board” and commenting “cap” emojis does absolutely nothing except spread unnecessary hate. sungchans position is NOT as a dancer. he is only listed as a rapper. shotaro, however, is listed as both a dancer and a rapper. not to say that these listings are the end all be all of a member’s position, but because they are so new they are a decent representation of what SM thought their strengths were. we would love our idols to be aces at everything, but they are human and humans have their strengths and weaknesses. compared to taeyong, and also shotaro, sungchan does not have the technical ability nor the confidence while dancing. I’d like to believe that anyone who analyzes their performances and takes an objective view can understand where i am coming from. 
tldr: you are placing unrealistic expectations on a rookie who’s main position is NOT main dancer. you are asking him to fill the shoes of arguably one of the most charismatic and talented rappers, leaders, and centers of 4th gen kpop... as a ROOKIE. his performance is most likely going to show cracks of being relatively new to the stage. its okay to acknowledge that, but don’t be fucking rude when discussing his performance. 
// the amount of posts i’ve seen calling sungchan “untalented” “stiff as a board” just im so fucking over it. yes, his performance had its weaknesses but name-calling and just straight up hate does nothing to help a performer and just ruins everyone’s mental. you can bet your ass that every single one of these boys has worked their ass off, given up unimaginable things, and faced challenges to get where they are today. not to mention that (in particular the case of sungchan and shotaro) these boys are young. the other youngest/newest members have had about 2 years (yangyang, xiaojun, hendery) to become accustomed to the criticism and also hatred that comes with being in the spotlight. sungchan is less than a MONTH older than me. shotaro is just a year older than me. my best friend is legit older than both of these boys. idk your age but think about yourself at their age, or where u think you’ll be at their age. they have accomplished SO much and are so young. they’re 19 and 20 and in an internationally recognized band. we know that a lot of these boys (and idols) do read our comments. i don’t care how much media training you’ve received, how strong your mental is, getting called untalented and being hated on is going to take a toll on your mental. along with that, what is the NEED? to spread hate? to show that “huhu, im such a big deal that all these people are responding to me”. like, legit wtf do u gain from this? 
// when you are a performer you do open yourself up to criticism, it is part of the job. but criticism and hate are two very different things. to get where nct is today, every single member has to be humble enough to accept guidance AND constructive criticism. we all know how much the boys value nctizens opinions and take them into account when performing. when you are a performer like that you also have to criticize your own work. no matter what profession you are in, no matter what you do, you analyze ur own work and attempt to make it better. i can all but assure u that shotaro and sungchan (and all the boys) know their strengths and weaknesses, know when a specific move, performance, or other area of their ability is not up to par (or they just want to improve which is imperative to success in the music industry)
just be a decent human being. put urself in all of the boy’s shoes and think “hmm how would i feel if some stranger on the internet said this about me” before you make hateful statements. 
again, there is nothing wrong with having a discussion and understanding that humans have strengths and weaknesses, but don’t just put someone down because u feel like it.
in case you aren’t convinced to be a decent person, have a more logical (?) approach -- not that u should have to shown a dissertation to be a decent human but i digress.
(think about how many other songs the rest of rap line has to perform, logistically, who else are you going have cover the entierty of boss and 7th sense.)
rap line is: taeyong, mark, lucas, hendery, jeno, jaemin, yangyang, shotaro, sungchan, and jisung (?).  
everyone except lucas and hendery (and jisung but bb was injured :( ) covered ty’s part in some aspect. in fact, people not in the friggin rap line helped cover some of ty’s rap (johnny, jaehyun, haechan im looking at you) and other members covered dancing and center parts when they were asked to.
mark is in just as many tracks as ty and was RUNNING around to get to the next song this entire concert. you can legit see his outfit change with jackets and hats. he filled in for ty in kick it (group effort but u get the point) but in 7th sense just to the way that the song works and the dance etc etc, you can’t have mark doing his part as well as ty’s without it falling flat and taking a huge toll on mark. same with boss, marks filling just as big a role as ty and like, legit how do u give this boy mOre lines than he already has. (u can see that sm did a similar thing with jeno and jaemin in the beginning of maw, jeno covers the first part and then jaemin the rest of the song because jaemin can’t leave an open space at the vEry beginning of the song) (10/21 total performances)
lucas isn’t in as many as say mark but he is in boss and make a wish (boss being very hard for him to cover ty’s part, and jeno and jaemin covered maw. if i’m being completely honest i don’t think lucas has the same tone or technical ability to fit into ty’s parts in the songs as much as say - sungchan on a pure technical and tone pov (6/21 total performances)
hendery, similar to lucas isn’t in an absurd amount of tracks but still enough to tire a guy out lol. because of him performing full choreos in other songs it doesn’t make sense for him to learn a completely new choreo while simultaneously having to memorize and practice the others songs. also, in a similar vein of lucas, i just don’t think hendery is the first choice when choosing someone to cover ty’s parts (dont kill me hendery and lucas stans lol) (6/21 total performances)
jeno while jeno isn’t in the sheer number of performances as other members, he does end up covering ty’s starting part in maw (see reasoning for jaemin above). this by proxy means he covers the maw part in resonance. while he does a fantastic job covering the starting part, asking him to learn the entirety of boss or 7th sense would be a fuckton of work. u can legit see him yEEt himself out of camera view after his part - not to mention again that he had an hour to practice lol (6/21 total performances) 7/21 covering
jaemin - first off u can literally see jaemin’s energy fall throughout the final song the boy is so tired by aneyway... it makes total sense for him to cover maw as he already knows the choreo and it take less effort than learning an entirely new song. also, when ur comparing popularity/center time between jeno and jaemin vs. hendery (even lucas sometimes) they simply have more, and when u aRe in the center u have to expend more energy becAuse u are holding the performance together (6/21 performances)
yangyang let me get my yangyang simping out of the way, but this boy is so fucking talented and his rap deserves more praise. lightbulb compared to other songs ty is in, is a more melodic and emotional based song. there is no choreo, therefore the person covering the rap just has to focus on the rap itself rather than the rap AND the choreo. imo this was the best possible choice for someone to cover ty’s part in lightbulb (6/21 total) 7/21 covering ty’s part
shotaro shotaro is only in 4/21 performances. it simply makes sense for the rap line member with the fewest songs to perform to learn a a full choreo. as stated above, 7th sense is the more technically difficult of the songs that required learning and covering a full part. assigning shotaro (the dance line member) to the more challenging choreo is just the easy choice -- especially if ya’ll gonna come for sungchan’s dancing skills, give the damn song to shotaro smh (4/21 performances) 5 when covering 7th sense
sungchan tied with shotaro for the fewest performances (just by nature of being the newest members) in the same way that it makes sense for shotaro to learn a full choreo, it makes sense for sungchan. reasoning for the assigned songs above. (4/21 total performacnes) 5 with boss
// the songs where they didn’t have a designated member cover most/all of taeyong’s parts were in the 127 songs as well as in baby don’t stop (ten and taeyong duet). 127 is the most veteran of the nct subgroups, and is in general just more accustomed to filling in parts (ie winwin - screw u sm lol). they have johnny who trained as a rapper who can fill in, jaehyun, haechan, and yuta have all proven that they can cover rap with more a sing-rap style and mark can take/cover parts when it is logistically possible. 
// in 127′s songs although ty does often take center and many lines, in general 127 is just a more well rounded group. (don’t come for my ass). in the same way that dream has an undeniable chemistry, 127 is the same way. when you work with the same group of people for an extended period of time without many (if any) changes you just build better chemistry. in nct u taeyong takes more of the spotlight just due to his charisma and raw power. think about it. which performance suffered more due to taeyong’s absence: touch / kick it or make a wish / boss / 7th sense. 
also: because 127 is a fixed unit all the boys know the choreo and have consistently performed it at concerts allowing for member to step in where they know they are comfortable without the amount of discussion it might otherwise take in a rotational group
// take a second to think about a certain performance without taeyong in it. it may just be me, but i think 127 fare much better without their leader than any rotational group without taeyong very (firmly ?) bolstering the performance in the center. (taeyong doesn’t hold all these titles for nothing, he is truly another breed)
// in baby don’t stop they didn’t even attempt to cover taeyong’s absence. idk if that was ten putting his foot down and saying that he didn’t want someone covering the part or if it was more of a choice based on marketing and fanservice. baby don’t stop is truly ten and taeyong’s song and idk if even pairing 10 with a dancer with ty’s vocal in the backtrack would have received positive feedback. 
if you have somehow made it this far props to you lol. a rant that started because i wanted to defend sungchan has turned into a long analysis of members... whoops.
tldr: just be a decent human being. everyone in nct is human. a talented, multifaceted, human with strengths and weaknesses. being a nctizen doesn’t mean not being proud, disappointed, happy, or any other emotion about the boys. but it does mean treating the boys and other fans with respect. 
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years
rule #6 | l.dh
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Summary: With Donghyuck, growing to love feels like a black hole, but not the depressing kind. Rather, it's something hard to get away from — like a force, a very strong force that allows no escape, and it's incredibly luminous as if going supernova.
Word Count: 3.5k
a/n: hi, this is moon from somewhere august, scheduling this post before i chicken out again :D by the time it's posted, it's already Christmas so,,, merry christmas y'all who celebrate!!!! Lots of love!!!
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Just like most things involving Donghyuck, falling in love with him isn't such a good idea.
That was way too sped up, though. The best way to start this story, of course, is from the very beginning— the day human migraine number one (a.k.a Jaemin) decided to bring in evil genius Huang Renjun to the circle. That would've been fine. It just so happened that beside him sat the devil incarnate, Lee Donghyuck, and that, well, is totally all four directions far away from what's acceptable.
Rule number one to surviving this life thing: Never trust cute boys with sunshine smiles and mischief in their eyes, a.k.a Donghyuck, or Haechan, whatever name he decided to go by. That's why when he reaches his hands out over the table to your direction, you quickly dismiss his attempt — "Hi! I haven't met you yet, did you skip first period? You're Y/N, ri—"
"Please never speak to me." was your reply then, and human migraine number two (a.k.a Chenle) laughs. Jaemin nags for the rest of the break, talking about manners and getting along. The fools nod alongside him. You grumble, moody for no reason and feeling particularly mean, but you warmly smile at Mark when he arrives at your table. Somewhere along the lines, you met stares with the new boy, and you give him an indifferent look.
Donghyuck took the nonchalance as a challenge.
The following weeks have been infuriating.
Rule #2: At all times, seek Lee Jeno's company. Unreliable as he seems when it comes to patience, the boy is quite reasonable sometimes.
Your windows align with the sweet-faced boy, your roofs almost touching — if you tried hard enough, you two could sit together, side by side, just like this. Cold wind blows, but it doesn't make you shiver. Jeno's warm, and maybe that's why you love cuddling with him so much. Maybe.
Just maybe, that could be the reason.
"I can't hear what you're saying," he slowly says, laughter seeping through his lips. You whine at that, moving away so he could see you and you could speak clearly. His hand remains holding your chin up, endearing in a soft way, but it doesn't wash away your frown. "What were you saying?"
You groan, "I said, he's so annoying! The audacity, Lee Jeno, he had the audacity to call me ba—"
Jeno watches you with tender eyes. Your heart softens, and you forget whatever next words you had to say. Maybe things will be okay? He's here, after all. Just right next door.
At least, something is going right.
This new boy, it seems, is appealing to many. During his first week, people have constantly trying to 'show him around', and that excuse doesn't die down until one month. From then on, people just keep following him around with "Good morning, Haechan!", "Goodbye, Haechan!" and "How was the weekends for you, Haechan-ssi?"
To be honest, it's something you had to grow used to even way before the showed up. Having Na Jaemin and Mark Lee from the Basketball team in your circle just really has a way of putting the spotlight on your lunch table. Not to mention, Renjun, Jeno, and Jisung, who despite being quiet, just has a certain charm to them — Jaemin's words, not yours. And oh, don't even get started on Chenle. That boy is a social butterfly.
The difference is that he keeps entertaining them, unlike the others who awkwardly laughs or just greets back — safe to say that sometimes, the 'goodness' of his heart gets in the way of your education and daily life. Times just like this.
Jisung's name shines brightly at the top of the list. You cling to the boy excitedly, pinching his cheeks and slightly bouncing on your heels, "You made it on the dance team, Sungie! Oh my God, oh my Go—"
"Y/N..." he drawls out, both hands resting on your shoulder as if to calm you down, but the excitement in his eyes betrays his intentions. On the other side, Renjun waves at you with the others. It makes you chuckle, and you motion for them come — that is, of course, until someone pushes you, almost sending you to the ground if not for Jisung catching you midfall.
The girl furrows her brows, "Move, you're blocking the way."
Your palms itch at that moment, and you couldn't believe just what you heard — the nerve!
"Where's your manners?" rings Donghyuck's voice from where he's slowly making way towards you with the others, a grimace on each of their faces. Attitude seeps from his gaze, the kind that would've made someone quiver. "Don't go around pushing people."
"Stop." you clench your hands to fists, thanking Jisung before straightening up. Through gritted teeth, you calmly look at the girl with a scowl on her face. "Look, I'm sorry, but can you politely ask me to move next time? That's be appreciated, thank you."
After bidding the others a small smile, you turn around to make your way to the library. What? For peace? For space? Just to be as far away from the boy following you right now as possible? You don't even know at this point. You feel like your celebration is ruined and all you want is distance from the person you dislike the most — to be honest, you don't know anything about him aside from the fact that he's Lee Donghyuck and that he's annoying, and that you automatically hate him. You don't plan on knowing more. That's why before entering the library, you turn around to face him with a solemn look.
"Thank you." he halts in shock. His smile widens, but you look at him with the same seriousness in your face. "But don't do it again. I don't need saving, Lee Donghyuck."
Later that night, you grit your teeth as you write down another rule: Say your gratitude but don't get used to the way he saves you. You're not a damsel. Just hand the goddamn sword or you'll be fine with your fists — maybe your eyes for daggers, too.
Rule #3: Never go to him for comfort.
22nd of April, 10:35 p.m. You close your eyes and wait. The clock hits eleven and you open the door for the others, greeting everyone with a cheerful smile. "Where's Jaemin?"
Mark shrugs, "Said he has an essay. He'll be late for a bit, but he'll make it before 12."
23rd of April, 12:00 a.m, your heartbeat races. Everything's all set, everyone's in the living room. You take out your phone with a giggle, typing out 'Happy Birthday, dummy!!!' with the biggest grin on your face. Jisung judges you slightly, but he quickly forgets it when a taunting yell from Renjun comes. You sit in the kitchen, staring at the delicately decorated cake, and you wait.
One hour turns to two, then three. Your smile fades slightly, and you check your phone for replies. When nothing comes, you click over his contact shakily.
To: Star <3
Happy Birthday, dummy!!!
Hey, Jen? You're one door away from me and yet you're an hour late.
Birthday boy, you're not ditching us on your own celebration, aren't ya?
When are you coming over ;-;
From: Star <3
I'm sorry!!!
Sorry but I'll be late!
Jaeminnie really needs my help with something.
We'll be there! I'm sorry, Y/N
Your smile disappears. Sullenly making your way to the living room, you count your steps to keep your ground. You look at the others in front of you with a smile, "Go start the movie, I'll wait for Jeno and Jaemin outside. Deal?"
"Sure." Chenle chirps, his grin never fading. Must be because of cheating his way through besting Jisung, Donghyuck, Mark, and Renjun at Monopoly for the past three hours, probably ruining their friendship. Oblivious to the world, Renjun grumbles something about Jeno never being punctual, that he'd pray that trait onto him as a birthday gift. You glance at them before heading back outside, sitting down outside your door, head in between your knees.
A tear. Maybe two. Is this how heartbreak feels like? The kind of crying where you can't even make a sound because people could hear, but then even your teardrops seem to be so loud.
The door opens and you put your head up, hurriedly wiping them away. You put on your best smile until Donghyuck occupies the space beside you. He hands you a handkerchief.
"Don't," he whispers when you obviously hold down a sob, and he leans you on his chest. You cry freely there — you don't know why you let him of all people, but all you know was that you couldn't think straight; desperation blooms on your chest like fresh flowers die over time, and he doesn't judge. He just holds you — no cheesy pet name, no flirty looks, no catch. Just someone to be with.
At 4 a.m with Lee Donghyuck, the starless sky and the moon all alone looks a little less lonely. In front of you, the sun begins to rise.
Rule #4: Aaaaand if you don't follow the preceding rule, then, you're fucked. This is your mess. Good luck, you're alone on this one.
After Jeno's birthday (and after he made up to you, he spent a month doing that.) something just begins to change. A pleasant shift, according to Mark.
From that day, something in you says that maybe, just maybe, he's not so bad and you were just unfair to him. This realization must be something brought by time; slowly, you got used to Renjun and Hyuck being a part of your circle. These tutoring sessions must be a factor as well, judging how to two get to spend time alone in the same table as you can't possibly study with the others around you.
Donghyuck would do anything to evade mathematics, though. At least that's what it looks like right now, as he doodles around the margins instead of solving the problems, and then opens a topic, "Nana and Jisung looks cute together. Should've known they wouldn't be serious with each other, him and Jeno."
You roll your eyes, but not the way you did back then. It's way softer, much more affectionate. "It's been a year, let them be."
"So what? It's only been a year." he seems really determined to waste time. He even makes a show of briefly making eye contact before pouting at the paper, "You and Jeno still pretend to be just friends, but the whole school's just waiting for you two to kiss."
You chuckle, "We don't."
"You do."
"Used to." you correct. You look over to the other table, Jaemin and Jeno throwing a banter while Jisung begs them to stop before Renjun smacks them all with a book. You gaze down the notes you're studying before shrugging, "Things change."
"Example?" he tentatively asks, absentmindedly tracing the letters and numbers scattered around his notebook. You rest your chin on your palm.
"Well, now, I might like you." because honestly, you do. He's a great company, although sometimes overwhelming and annoying. Especially that most of the time when he's with Jaemin, they brew the worst ideas together and it's pretty much storm from there.
It would be a lie to say that it's not one of the things that makes you feel warm, slowly growing fond. Your voice softens as he tilts up to meet your gaze, and you flash him a saccharine smile. "Soon, it might not be because you're my friend."
Things like this make you feel like you've missed everything with Jeno, all the things you both could've had; it's like you should've been like this. It's like you should've been holding hands, or walking down the streets, or sitting on a rooftop and asking for a kiss. The kind that would send a rush of energy on your veins, shaking you back to life, losing you to the dream that is the way his lips move against you. But best friends don't do that, so you don't.
Hyuck is not Jeno, though. He's not your best friend.
With Donghyuck, growing to love feels like a black hole, but not the depressing kind. Rather, it's something hard to get away from — like a force, a very strong force that allows no escape, and it's incredibly luminous as if going supernova.
Rule #5: Well, seems like you can't back out now. Love him. Love him so much that the sunshine in his eyes never fades.
"Why are we celebrating Mark's last day in town?" Donghyuck sits down in the living room, looking around at the place — balloons, snacks, a cake, everyone in your friend group. He sets down his gift, "Are we that glad that he's leaving?"
Mark huffs, "You'd fucking cry once you miss me and I'm cities away, Lee Donghyuck."
"I won't miss you because I'm coming over to your dorm every day and I'm dragging everyone with me." Donghyuck smiles and even when Mark shoves him a little at that, everyone knows that he's happy the younger said that. He flashes his sly smile, "You, however... ah, what do we do? Mark might miss me so much he fails three subjects."
Everyone cackles at that, and Mark only raises his arms at surrender, saying something about not joking like that because he's honestly 'terrified to start hell', wanting to just stay here and finish school with all of you, ranting about how troublesome it is to transfer. You lean back on your loveseat, lightly kicking Hyuck's feet. "What?"
"You talk like this but you'd sulk tomorrow, wouldn't you?" You taunt, snickering. "This is false advertising."
Donghyuck gapes as the others fall over laughing. "Oi, are you trying to help me fill out all the ten reasons I hate you?"
"You have only ten for me?" you add, and for some reason, that makes the others laugh harder. "I have a hundred for you, Hyuckie."
"I could write you thousands—"
Jeno scrunches his face, hands moving to cover Donghyuck's mouth. "Just please go kiss each other."
Donghyuck tears away from his hold, rolls his eyes, and waves goodbye. He tugs you away from Jaemin and then leads you upstairs, but not before one last banter with Jeno, who, in his all confused expression, tilts his head in question, "Ya, where are you going?"
"I'm not kissing Y/N in front of you fools."
And true to his word, that's what he does.
Donghyuck smiles like the world is kind, like unending unconditional love, without boundaries nor fears. He kisses like that, too, passionate and deep. He does it like it's the end of the world, as if it's the only thing he wants to do. He does it like he's thanking every single thing that led him up to this moment. He kissed you under those stars in his balcony, a hand warm on your waist with the other softly caressing your jaw, and it seemed like it lasted forever.
Because that's the truth. The last time never feels like the last time. There had to be more to this than what the skies have laid down.
Inside your dreamy little mind, Donghyuck was eternal and the love you shared was forever. That's what happened. You thought you had forever.
You thought you had forever, but you didn't.
Rule #6: But that won't make him stay if he's bound to leave. Accept that and love him, still. Love him through the rain.
"Lee Jeno tripped!" yells Chenle's loud voice, gaining the attention of everybody in the room, "And fell in love with Y/N, totally whipped that they can't even shop separately!"
"Hell, Chenle, where's your mute button?" Renjun hissed, "We gotta buy presents too. Who decided to do this so late, though? It's the 24th! You guys should've done it weeks ago!"
"Let's go?" Jeno asks, blatantly ignoring Renjun as he waits for you to take his hands. You smirk, waving the folded paper to the others after entwining fingers with him.
"Bye, losers! See y'all later~" you wink. Before being dragged out the Cafe, you point at your friends' direction "Whoever had my name better give me a decent gift, or Christmas is cancelled!"
"Baby, stop that," he asks, squeezing your hands to make you calm down. Your laugh even louder. He smiles, "Who did you get?"
"Hey, Lee, you don't get special treatment just because I'm dating you. It's a secret." you roll your eyes, a skip in your step even though the weather is cold. Jeno steals a peck on your cheeks, and your eyes widen. "Lee Jeno!"
Before you could even catch him, he's already running away from you, and you're almost falling over laughing as you try to catch up to him. He meets you at the end, in front of a busy mall, and catches you with a hug. You laugh on his chest, warm against his hold.
If memories come washing over you, no one has to know. Jeno looks lovely against white. He feels like art on a Christmas day, so beautiful and warm and special. That's all that matters.
"We agreed that we wouldn't try..." Donghyuck whispers, arms around you, "if things will get too harsh on the other, didn't we?"
"Yeah... if I was to leave, Hyuck, I don't want you waiting on me." you responded, half-asleep and sincere, "But I'm only saying it because I'm not leaving."
Donghyuck laughed, "Well, just making sure that if that happens, we'll meet again, yeah?"
"Hyuck, shut up. Nobody's leaving." you groaned, stirring at the joyful yelling downstairs. "Looks like it's 12 already. Merry Christmas, baby."
"Mhm, Merry Christmas. I love you." He smiles, leaves a slow, gentle kiss on your lips. "I love you. I'll love you even more this year."
Does moving away without a word count as loving someone more than you did the past year?
"You're spacing out." Jeno smiles, "Am I that handsome?"
"You always are. Stunning." you quickly reply, a little guilty. You enter the busy room and part ways so that you could shop for your gifts, but not before deciding on a meeting point and leaving a sweet, loving kiss. "Come back, yeah?"
"Of course." he nods before parting ways. Your heart remains at peace — as planned, at the end of the day, Jeno would come back to you at the entrance. He won't leave like the other did. He won't do that to you...
Two hours before Christmas, you sit down on your own for a bit, occasionally distracted by the noise. At their loudness, you can make out Mark trying to calm everybody down, Jaemin threatening murder to keep Jisung and Mark away from the kitchen, Jeno convincing Chenle to get a dog. As you write down their yearly letters, you can't get rid of the smile on your face.
Why they decided to spend this holiday at yours, you don't really understand. Can't say you're against it, though. It's perfect; the tree all of you built together, the presents, the games you'll spend the night playing. The friendship.
Only that someone's missing. As if to lessen the pain, you write his name down on the paper — except it's not a new one, but rather, the page you've been foolishly writing your rules on; the rules that never stood a chance to save you. You trace your hands over the words, but you quickly shake nostalgia away as you turn the page over.
Hello, Donghyuck-ah!
You know the drill. For some time, you received some of my letters, didn't you? After all, we spent some years together... as enemies, as friends, as lovers. You probably memorized how it goes: I'll dwell on the year, I'll tell you how I chose your gift, I'll try to say how much I adore you, and then I'll thank you for being here.
Unfortunately this time, I can't tell you how our year went... I didn't spend it with you. I wasn't able to get you a gift, too, because I don't know if your preferences changed. And I can't thank you for being here. I can't because you're not.
Though I could still tell you that I love you, now it's kind of different. It's less of something that desperately needs you, and more of the kind that longs for you. Jeno and I got together at last. It's complicated how we happened, but we gave it a try and... just. That. You won't read this, but I still want you to know... even if this will never reach you.
Remember that we said that we'll meet again? Well, where are you? Are you happy? How's life been, miles away from home, from your friends, Hyuck-ah?
Merry Christmas. I hope you're happy.
I hope you are, of course, I do. I want you to be happy, I do. I can't wish for anything more — I want you to be happy... just that I hope you're sad sometimes, too, just like me... because of me. I want your heart to break sometimes too. I want you to cry sometimes too. In those empty spaces, I want you to remember me.
And I know you won't do any of that, but in my twisted imagination, you do. And you are.
You're the happiest you could be, but not that much — not happy enough that you'd forget me.
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hyunsracha · 4 years
even a fool knows — lee minho
word count: 2.6k
summary: if you go further away, i might fall apart by myself.
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Han Jisung whines beside you, “Please? He said he doesn’t feel comfortable doing it with anybody else.”
You send the boy a quick glare before shutting your locker, “He should’ve thought about that before taking the role. If he doesn’t feel comfortable, why doesn’t he give it to Hyunjin or Jeongin?”
“Because Hyunjin is the cameraman and Jeongin doesn’t have the same charisma as I do,” Speak of the devil, Lee Minho slides up next to you and wraps his arm around your shoulders, sporting his signature cocky grin. You roll your eyes and you shift your lyric books around in your arms.
Minho most definitely wasn’t your best friend. You had been acquainted with him since the beginning of high school, but you were never the closest. Your closest friend was Jisung, as you two had been together since you were in diapers. You only became friends with Chan, Changbin, and Minho through Jisung. 
You sigh through your nose, pushing his arm away, “I’m no actor, Lee. Why can’t you just do it with Yeji or Jeno?”
He pouts, “Because I wanna do it with you! You’d be a great love interest.” 
 You roll your eyes again, trying to ignore the heat rising to your face. Minho is always like this; flirty towards you for no reason, and at this point you try to tune it out.
“Please, Y/N.” Jisung speaks up again, trying to shove a carton of banana milk towards you. Banana milk was your favorite, and Jisung always bought it for you when he wanted something from you. You click your tongue and take it from him, dramatically stabbing the straw in. 
“Fine. I’m in. But I demand lots of banana milk.” You sip from the straw, looking at Minho from the corner of your eye. He looks down at the ground, a soft smile growing on his face.
“Finally! Okay, after school…” Jisung breathes a sigh of relief, pulling a notebook out of his backpack and flipping to a page he had previously dog-eared. He starts rambling about where to meet after school, what your costume is going to be, and who is going to give you the script. You’re not listening, though. You’re too distracting watching Minho transform into someone less cocky and more shy. 
The bell rings, and you bid the boys goodbye before heading to your first class: composition. You go to an art school, and while most of your friends want to be in the limelight, you are more reserved. You want to make music for other singers; you don’t want to be on the stage. You hate being in the spotlight, to be honest. Jisung, Chan, and Changbin are in a rap trio together, and they perform at a lot of the local clubs. Minho is a dancer, and he’s been in a few music videos for idols. 
Changbin is in your composition class. When you walk into the classroom, his forehead is pressed against the desk, a blank sheet of staff paper next to him. 
“It’s not 1970, why are we still using paper to write?” He groans. 
You chuckle, setting your backpack next to your seat, “I like it. Looking at screens for too long makes my head hurt.” You sip on your milk, taking a sheet of staff paper out of your binder. You get to work pretty quickly, as you always have some sort of a melody stuck in your head, “By the way, Jisung and Minho convinced me to be in your short film.” 
Changbin drops his pencil, a short gasp escaping his lips, “Really? You know you have to...be on camera for that?”
“God, don’t remind me. Minho kept saying he wouldn’t be comfortable doing it with anyone else. He’s so weird…” You’re talking to yourself more than anything, but of course, Changbin hears you.
“That’s because he likes you, Y/N.” He’s coloring in a quarter note, saying something that holds so much weight like it was nothing. It’s like he just told you there’s pizza in the cafeteria today.
“What? No he doesn’t, we’re just friends.” You chuckle awkwardly.
“Nah...I bet he’s got a crush on you. You’re definitely his type.”
“Great. All I’ve ever wanted to be was Lee Minho’s type.” You don’t look up from your paper as you speak with a monotone voice. You don’t even know what your type is, why would you know Minho’s? The thought sticks in your mind as you write. Does he like the quiet type? People who say all they need to in just a few words, leaving room for him to say everything on his mind? Or does he like the creative type; those who are like him, who can bond with him over their passion? You shake your head. It doesn’t matter; you don’t like Minho.
After school, you make your way to the courtyard behind the school where Jisung told you to meet. Everyone else who is working on the project is there: Jisung, Minho, Changbin, Chan, and some people you aren’t friends with. You recognize them though, as these guys are some of the most popular on campus: Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin, and Hwang Hyunjin.
“Finally!” Jisung cries out, rushing towards you with a stack of papers and school uniform that definitely doesn’t belong to your school, “Go get changed and hurry back. We’re doing a table read today.”
Table read just meant you all sat around and read the script together, either in incredibly monotone voices or in funny accents. 
“Jeongin, your Australian accent makes me want to rip my own ears off.”
You had never hung out with half of these guys before, but you’re having fun. They make you feel a little less nervous about being on camera. Of course, you get a lot more attention than you would like, being the love interest to Minho’s main character and all. You two and Jeongin are the only actors, with Jeongin playing the comic relief side character. That would explain the voices. 
The first week is mostly prepping. Figuring out sets and lighting situations and learning your lines. You spend most of your time with Minho and Jeongin.
Minho practically has to feed you your lines, “Can you at least try and sound like you’re into me?”
“Um...okay. I...I like...ugh. I hate scenes like these-”
“Y/N!! Is it that hard to say you like me?” He pouts, “Here.” 
Minho cups your cheeks, twisting your head to face him, “I like you.” 
You flush, trying to pull away from him, but he’s got you trapped. After a few moments of silence, he giggles, “See! It’s not that hard.”
The next week marks the start of the shoot, and on the first day, you feel like you’re going to be sick. So sick, in fact, you asked to be excused after three takes. 
You sit in the hallway of the school building, your knees pulled up to your chest as you take deep breaths.
“Hey.” You look up, half expecting to see Minho. But you were wrong.
Hwang Hyunjin takes a seat next to you, sending you a soft grin that’s bright enough to make you feel dizzy.
“I know this stuff can be hard. And the lights get really hot after a while. But I think you’re gonna do great!” His voice is gentle, and you have to hold your breath to hear every syllable.
You chuckle, “Sure. Just make sure you get my good side, alright, Mr. Cameraman?”
Hyunjin stands and reaches out, giving you a hand to hold onto, “Every side is your good side.”
And so your infatuation with Hwang Hyunjin begins. 
You so desperately want to avoid him, but that’s hard when he’s shoving a camera in your face for hours a day, and then taking you and Minho into the editing room to watch the progress. 
The videos embarrass you. Is that really what you look like on camera? Bright red cheeks and bumbling footsteps?
When you voice these concerns, Minho cooes, “But you look so cute! You look like you have a big, fat crush on me.” 
You shove his hand away from rustling your hair, “As if!” 
Going back to watching the footage, you miss the way Minho’s face falls ever so slightly.
“I don’t want anybody else. It’s always been you.” He reaches out for your hand, lacing your fingers together and squeezing.
You look up at him, disbelief written all over your face, “You don’t mean that.”
“Oh, but I do,” He steps closer to you, his other hand coming up to hold your face. He leans in, his eyelashes fluttering against his cheekbones. His nose brushes against yours, and you feel his breath against your lips and-
“Cut!” Hyunjin calls out.
Minho backs away, giggling at you and pinching your cheeks before walking away.
You thought that things with Minho would be weird, with filming all of the love scenes and all. But he seems to love it. You don’t understand how he can look at you so intensely while he delivers his lines, and then giggle at you after the scene is over.
You sigh and shake your head, wandering over to Hyunjin, who’s staring intently at his laptop.
“Hey,” You start.
“Oh! Hey, Y/N. That scene you guys just did was perfect; hardly any editing needs to be done. Sit down, come look at this!”
You think you’re obsessed with the way Hyunjin speaks. When he gets excited, he stumbles over his words, and he’s always excited when it comes to the short film. He thinks in 8000 words per minute, but his mouth just can’t keep up. He’s gotten over apologizing for it, as every day you tell him that it’s fine and you understand him. Now, he just keeps going, and you rest your chin in your palm as you listen. You hardly watch the footage on the screen, as you’re still embarrassed. You only look when he points at it, wanting you to see a frame that was particularly beautiful to him or a line that was delivered well.
After shooting is over, you all still agree to meet in the courtyard every day after school, just to hang out and talk about the film. One of these days, Hyunjin calls you into the editing room.
“Now listen. I’m not supposed to tell anybody this, but I’ll tell you because you’re my favorite.” You try to ignore the way your heart flutters at his words and nod.
“This short film was just supposed to be for my film production class, right? Well! I pulled some strings, and they’re going to show it to the whole school! And post it online! So many people in the industry are going to see it and know who made it!” 
You’re glued to your seat, lost in thought. On one hand, you’re so happy that your friends are going to get the recognition they deserve. They’ve worked so hard on this. But on the other hand, your face is going to be plastered on screens all over the school. 
When you don’t reply, Hyunjin starts to get nervous, “Y/N? Are you okay?” 
You shake your head, pushing any negative thoughts away. You’re excited for your friends. They deserve this. Hyunjin deserves this. You jump up from your seat, “So many people are going to know who you are, Hyunjin! I bet at least one person is going to want to work with you!” You grab his arm excitedly as you speak. The boy squeals, pulling you into his arms. Your heart thuds against your ribcage as you realize that Hyunjin is hugging you. You hold onto him tighter as he starts to spin around with you in his grip. You’re so busy yelling for Hyunjin to stop in between your bouts of laughter, you don’t even see Minho standing outside the door, watching it all happen.
The next day, you’re sitting in the courtyard, at the table you and the other have spent lots of time at. You’re studying for a finance test, fingers rubbing at your temple as you feel a headache forming, when a carton of banana milk is slammed on the table in front of you. You look up slowly, making eye contact with Minho, who’s breathing heavily.
“Why did it have to be him?” He yells, and you flinch at the sudden volume.
“Minho…” You sigh after a moment, but he cuts you off.
“No! Don’t say my name like that. Like you care about me. You never cared about me. It’s always been him.”
“Of course I care about you, Minho. We’ve been friends for years-”
“That’s not what I’m talking about. And you know it.”
His words silence you, and you find yourself unable to keep eye contact. 
“This was supposed to be my chance. He was finally behind the camera. No one was looking at him for once. Except for you. Even when I was right there, right in front of you. Did those scenes mean nothing to you? You didn’t feel anything when I held your hand? Anything?”
“We were acting, Minho, it was a movie.” Your eyes are locked on your notes, and you feel a lump forming in your throat.
“Not to me! I was never acting. That was all Minho out there. And you still felt...nothing.” He sniffles, and you can hear his voice crack when he speaks again, “Did you wish it was him?”
“It doesn’t matter-”
“It matters to me! It matters because I like you and I’ve done everything I can to get you to notice me. And even when I’m the person holding you, you’re thinking about Hyunjin!”
You swallow your tears, slamming your notebook shut and standing from your seat, “Just leave me alone, Minho.” You push past the boy, not missing the lone tear streaking down the boy’s face. You hurry into the school building, finding an empty practice room and locking yourself in. You slide down the door with your eyes shut tight. You feel so, so guilty, but you never meant for this to happen. You didn’t even want to be in the film in the first place. 
You wipe your eyes. Minho will come around, you tell yourself. He’ll come around and the two of you will be friends again and everything will be okay. 
Your phone dings from your bag, and you pull it out to reveal a text from Hyunjin.
[ hyunjin ]: hey!! minho just came up to me and gave me some banana milk?? and said that it’s for you?? i didn’t even know you like banana milk lol … anyway where are you? i’ll bring it to you!!
You sigh and send Hyunjin your location, feeling too down to even be excited that your crush was coming to see you. When he comes, you sadly sip on your milk and listen to him talk about the premiere of your short film. You’re supposed to be excited, but the thought of seeing you and Minho on screen together, looking like you’re in love, makes you feel sick. 
“I think Minho likes you,” Hyunjin teases when you throw the carton away. 
“He does.”
Hyunjin gasps, “And do you like him back? I thought you guys were a couple when you first came on set, he was so excited to see you.” 
You sit next to Hyunjin on the piano bench, your fingers dancing over the keys.
“No. I wish I did though. That would be a lot easier.”
“Because if I liked Minho, he wouldn’t hate me right now.” 
“What? Why does Minho hate you?”
You turn to look at Hyunjin, faces only inches apart on the small bench. You admire his features for a second. He was so pretty, and you wish you could blame him for all of this, but you can’t.
“Because I like you.”
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adorablele · 4 years
wrist aches; h.rj
hello!! could you write a renjun fluff where they're like soulmates and they finally meet each other? your works are literally so cute uwu 
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↬ genre; fluff // soulmate!au
↬ word count; 1.8k+
↬ summary; your wrist aches every time he paints about you
↬ a/n; THIS GIF OF RENJUN EXISTS AND I ONLY KNEW ABOUT IT NOW?? he looks so ~boyfriend material~ ahem, let me collect myself for a second,,,,,right, so this ended up being longer than I planned it to be, but please enjoy painter!renjun
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“why are you hurting?” you mumbled, staring at your right wrist.
your frown deepened, the ache in your wrist similar to a growing pain but not quite the same. you closed your eyes, stretching your arm upwards, letting it hang in the air. it was three in the morning, and all you wanted to do was sleep.
nothing changed, even after five minutes.
you sighed, letting your arm drop and turning your body to lay on your back. just as quickly as it came, the pain went away.
renjun gasped awake, afraid that he was going to get hit by that girl’s arm. he stared confusedly at the paintbrush in his hand and was even more confused at the finished painting in front of him. the last time he checked, he fell asleep in his bed.
and oddly enough, he found himself wanting to kiss your ache away.
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“that’s amazing, ‘sung!” you told your brother, leaning forward on your balcony railing. you looked at your wrist, the ache starting to bother you.
“it was magical,” jisung dreamily sighed. you knew your brother’s eyes matched the starry night sky.
“I believe that this is the first time I’ve ever heard someone say that getting punched in the face was magical,” you chuckled.
he was silent.
“hello?” you asked, moving your phone to see if he disconnected.
“have you gotten your soulmate mark?”
you swallowed, the throb in your wrist increasing, “it’s late, you should go to sleep.”
“goodnight, ‘sung.”
you hung up, brushing a hand through your hair. stretching your limbs, you held onto the railings. the various buildings of the city mushed together in front of you.
you looked up, closing your eyes as a shooting star passed by.
“I’m getting impatient,” you sighed, “find me soon.”
renjun blinked his eyes open, another painting finished. he stared at his outstretched hand and brought it back to his lap. why couldn’t he see your face?
he sighed, looking out the window. how was he supposed to find you if he didn’t know what you looked like?
well, at least he knew your name. his phone let out a ding.
‘I know a place you can display your art!’
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you ignored the giggles of the girl to your left.
“stop,” she quietly told the guy next to her, continuing to fold clothes.
“but my girlfriend looks so cute,” her boyfriend smiled, snapping more photos.
did they have to do coupley things at 3 in the morning? you chucked more clothes in the washing machine. couldn’t they leave you to wash your clothes by yourself? you aggressively added the laundry detergent, gritting your teeth at the ache in your wrist.
“no! don’t post that,” the girl whined, trying to grab the phone from her boyfriend. he watched in amusement, stretching his arm to make it out of her reach.
you slammed the washing machine door closed. the couple jumped, looking over at you. you continued to ignore them, picking up the empty basket.
“would you take cute photos of me?” you whispered to yourself, eyes trailing to your aching wrist.
renjun tilted his head at the painting of you, your back towards him, yet again.
“most definitely.”
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“another night without sleep,” you frowned, adjusting the ice pack on your wrist as the clock glared 3:46 am.
you closed your eyes, laying your head down on the table. you thought about the instagram account jaemin showed you today.
“this is the artist’s account,” he explained, giving you his phone.
“who are you?” you read. the post showed a painting of a girl laying down on her side, her back in view. her right arm was stuck up straight in the air and her hair was a mess on her pillow. purple, iridescent sparkles glowed on her wrist, floating around in the air and trailing to her open window. an empty spot on the bed sat next to her, almost beckoning someone to lay with her; it felt rather cold.
there was something about her that made you feel funny, like you knew the girl.
“that’s one of the paintings we’re hanging tomorrow,” jaemin commented.
“huang renjun,” you sighed, finding it odd how smoothly his name rolled off your tongue, “your gallery is in two days and you haven’t once met with us.”
who knew his heart would race this fast because you said his name? or maybe it was beating fast because you uttered the words:
“‘haven’t once met with us?’” he repeated, eyes wide as he stared at the painting.
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“does this girl seem lonely?” you frowned, head tilting at the painting you were hanging.
the girl was at a laundromat, right hand clenched around the washing machine door. her wrist had the same glow of purple as the one in his instagram post. although you couldn’t see her face, her tense shoulders gave off the vibe that she was annoyed by, you presumed, the blurred out couple to her left.
“what makes you say that?” jaemin asked, adjusting another painting.
you pointed at the girl in his painting, “well, she’s alone in all of these.”
jaemin chuckled, “there’s a lot of people alone in pictures.”
you shook your head, “but doesn’t it feel like she’s looking for something- someone?”
the girl in the painting held onto the balcony railing, her right wrist glowing the same purple as the shooting star in the sky. her head was tilted up, back towards the viewer. the purple sparkles were sprinkled lightly around the cluster of buildings in front of her.
“and what about this one,” you told him, pointing to another painting. the girl was sitting at her kitchen counter, an empty seat across from her. her face was tucked away behind her left arm, her other arm stretched across the table with an ice pack resting on her glowing wrist. the spotlight of the lamp above her did nothing but accentuate the fact that her apartment was empty.
“don’t you want to hold her hand?” you mumbled sadly.
after a moment of silence, jaemin spoke.
“well, I don’t think she’s alone.”
“why not?”
“don’t you see all the purple? it’s on her wrist, right?” he shook his own wrist, “that’s where most people have their soulmate marks.”
you stared at him, still confused, “what’s your point?”
he rolled his eyes, “I think the artist is trying to say that even if you feel like you’re alone, you’ve got your other half there with you.”
“is this everything?” you asked, hanging the last canvas.
you looked over to jaemin, confused as to why he looked nervous, “I think we forgot one.”
“well, he can just bring when he comes here, right?”
he frowned, “he’s not coming in today.”
“we’re supposed to open tomorrow! how are we supposed to-” you inhaled sharply, pain suddenly shooting through your wrist, “I’ll just go to his studio.”
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“renjun?” you called out, knocking on his door. you clicked your tongue, your phone going to the automated voice message system.
“hello?” you called out again, surprised to see that his front door was open.
you wandered inside, not seeing his shoes by the door, but you did see the painting you forgot.
“is anyone home?” you shouted, picking up the canvas.
there was a girl on it, her knees hugged to her chest. her purple glowing wrist covered her eyes, the tears still dripping down her chin. a crumpled wedding invitation laid next to her on the wrinkled bed sheets, words glimmering under the moonlight. a weird sense of deja vu swirled in your stomach and the ache in your wrist worsened.
“am I going to be alone forever?” you wailed, fridge empty of any ice cream that you could use to eat away your sorrow..
chenle held his fiance in his arms, the both of them smiling as they looked into each other’s eyes. it didn’t help that you just finished watching a kdrama that made you feel single AF.
you dropped the wrinkled piece of paper next to you, hugging your knees tightly to your chest. the ache in your wrist was nothing compared to emptiness in your heart.
“just got myself until then, I guess.”
you placed down the painting and shook away the memory. “I can give you a ride to the museum,” you announced, exploring further into the apartment. sketches of a girl littered his apartment, none of them revealing what her face looked like.
“renjun?” you asked, slowly pushing open the ajar door, the ache in your wrist dulling away.
he was there, facing away from you. he sat in front of a canvas.
“it’s you.”
your furrowed brows soon rose in shock when he turned around, revealing a painting of you. you stood in the open doorway, face caught in surprise.
“you’re way more beautiful in person.”
“that’s...that’s my face,” you dumbly replied.
renjun chuckled, “I believe it is.”
your face felt hot and you wished that he didn’t looked so good with messy brown hair that shined under the sun. you really hoped you weren’t drooling.
his eyes crinkled with joy and held the same relieved look as yours. for a moment the two of you stared into each other’s eyes, the world put on pause.
“wait,” you suddenly said, everything clicking in your head, “are you the reason why my wrist hurts?”
he chuckled, stepping closer to you. he gently grabbed your right wrist, giving it a peck, “sorry ‘bout that.”
if possible, you felt your face heat up even more, “you can make up for it with a date.”
you stepped away from him, “but not before we add the final touches to the gallery.” you quickly turned away from him, annoyed that your face hasn’t cooled down and that your heart was still pumping like you just finished a race.
“let’s go,” you mumbled, hurrying out the door.
renjun raised his brows, taking the painting of you and the other painting that you initially came for.
“can’t forget these, can we?” he reminded, meeting you by the elevator.
you blinked, away your daze. “of course!” you told him, looking ahead. did he have to be so handsome?
when the two of you got into the elevator, you stood in the farthest corner, away from him.
“you know,” he started after a few moments of silence, “for someone who seemed very eager to meet me, you sure act like you don’t like me.”
you turned to him, his teasing smirk making the butterflies in your stomach go wild. “well, being around you makes my mind go blank.”
the elevator dinged and you didn’t waste any time to bolt to your car. you scrunched your face in embarrassment, hoping that maybe the earth will swallow you up.
“if it makes you feel any better, I can’t think straight when you’re naturally adorable like that,” he told you, easily catching up with you.
“don’t say things like that,” you pouted. your face was burning hotter now.
“but it’s true! you’re acting cute right now,” he laughed. your heart thumped at the noise, the most joyous sound you’ve ever heard.
you sighed, opening your car door. this boy will be the death of you.
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jacksvnshine · 4 years
Stray Kids Rising and Midheavens | My Guesses
I haven’t made a post in a while and Stray Kids stole my heart at the beginning of 2019, making this a cute way to celebrate my first year with the boys~
Disclaimer: These are not confirmed and purely my own theory and opinion. Feel free to share your own guesses and opinions with me; I’d love to get a discussion going!
Chan | Sagittarius Rising | Virgo Midheaven
Sagittarius Risings are adored for their bright demeanor, their wide smiles and infectious laughter. With an athletic frame to match also, I feel Chan fits this rising sign best. He always tries to maintain an optimistic attitude and sees it as his duty to spread cheer and relief to everyone around him. His Sun and Moon could also be possibly placed in his 11th House then, further showing his altruism and selflessness towards both loved ones and strangers as he sees the world, on a whole, as his community. A Virgo Midheaven would make his priority in his career to be to help others. Chan is always trying to spread positive and empathetic messages through his music and vlives and is incredibly honest about dark topics that a lot of idols shy away from. He is incredibly kind and selfless, working himself tirelessly to help his fellow members and his fans. The combination of sunny and energetic demeanor with a hardworking ethic and kind heart for everyone around him has me believe Chan to be a Sagittarius Rising and Virgo Midheaven and we truly don’t deserve this sweetheart.
Alternative Guess: Capricorn Rising
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Minho | Gemini Rising | Pisces Midheaven
This boy is such a tease so it can be easy to place him as a Scorpio Rising, especially with all his Scorpio personal placements. However, I felt his unpredictable nature fit Gemini more. One minute, he’s chatty and joking along and then completely shuts up the next. Air risings are also mistaken for flirting when often it is just their sense of humor, and Minho is the master of teasing and creating tension only to laugh right in your face when you actually get flustered. Gemini Risings are associated with having more narrow or dainty features due to Mercury influence, and Minho is a very pretty boy whose features are less intimidating but rather delicate (his hands are almost as small as Felix but everyone seems to forget that lol). Gemini Risings have a sense of mischief to them, with innocent smiles that look as though they’re plotting their next prank. Not the sultry smirk, but the naughty child’s grin. A Pisces Midheaven may pursue careers in the arts and they often have a natural flair for creativity, being able to tune into their imagination and sensitivity to the world around them. They are talented artists and musicians and we all know how great of a dancer Minho is!
Alternative Guess: Scorpio Rising
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Changbin | Scorpio Rising | Leo Midheaven
Changbin’s deadpan neutral expression and intimidating presence has me convinced he’s a Scorpio Rising. Each Scorpio Rising I know has deep, intense eyes and strong bone structures with prominent jaws and chins, which we all know is one of the things that his members like to tease relentlessly. They’re always shrouding themselves in dark clothing too; “I love dark”. His Mars and even Pluto could be placed in the 1st House also, adding to his scary yet sexy image. He’s the kind of person that leaves an impression on others, usually one of intimidation or superiority and it has been noted by the members that he stood out particularly in training for his intensity and dedication. Mars in the 1st can also indicate someone who is athletic and this little fluffer right here cannot get enough of himself and his muscles (I hate him and he’s my bias ffs). Mars in the 1st can also indicate someone who tends to get injured often as they are rough or careless with themselves, and Changbin is too clumsy for his own safety sometimes. A Leo Midheaven would have him pursue creative or entertainment careers and I think that one is self-explanatory! It also shows that he has a confident and amicable public image, making him popular with his peers and desired by those outside his social circle, which we can see in his friendships with other idols such as Wooyoung from Ateez. He wants to be a leader or role model to others, to set a good example and constantly push himself to become even better. Essentially, a born entertainer who seems to flourish most in the spotlight.
Alternative Guess: Aries Rising
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Hyunjin | Pisces Rising | Sagittarius Midheaven
Though he’s known for being just a little bit overdramatic, I believe Hyunjin could be a Pisces Rising with his Pisces Sun in his 1st House and Mercury and Venus conjunct the Ascendant. This would explain his dreamy visuals and animated expressions that we all love dearly. Pisces risings always have an ethereal beauty to them, with their eyes noted for being especially captivating. Stares so intense but not in the same way as a Scorpio, no, Pisces risings look as though they’re lost inside their daydreams. Maybe its just me but Hyunjin almost looks sleepy sometimes, as though he is hypnotised by something. He has a grace to him, beautiful without even having to try, and that Venus conjunction alongside Pisces would only make this stronger. A Pisces rising is sometimes labelled shy but I believe that if his Sun were placed here too, it would explain his confidence and bubbly nature. Hyunjin’s giggles are addictive and a Mercury conjunction would make for someone much like a Gemini rising in that they can be lively and expressive, which he also seems to have no problem doing too with his inability to hide his excitement or disgust at anything, which we love him for.
Alternative Guess: Leo Rising
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Jisung | Leo Rising | Gemini Midheaven
This boy stumped me as I was deciding between Leo or Aquarius. I settled on a Leo Rising thus an Aquarius Descendant. I felt this suited Jisung as he is labelled as one of the most extra members who if you can’t see, you can definitely hear singing in the background. Needless to say, this boy can be very loud and lively yet insecure and unsure of himself also, needing validation from others as he puts on a show to entertain everyone (note: skz pls give him the reactions he wants T-T). I also think that his Moon could then fall into his 8th House, and despite how bubbly Jisung is, he does have his moments where he lets his guard down and we see how much he has been holding back emotionally. Only recently he opened up about his distress with crowds but there have been other moments where he has revealed personal worries, such as the time he discussed his experience with depression and how he uses it to try transform himself for the better and now he can appreciate the small things in life more. I also think that due to interceptions and duplications, Jisung could have a Gemini Midheaven, which further explains his flexibility and adaptability to take on any role required. Main rapping? Check. Dancing center? Check. Hit that high note beautifully? Check. Gemini/Mercury are both also associated with communication and therefore careers involving writing can be popular for them; Jisung is involved in the writing and production process of all of Stray Kid’s songs and has become more confident in his abilities over time. With Gemini’s nervous and hyperactive mind too, it can explain why this little cutie can get so caught up in his head that he ends up forgetting his own lyrics and choreo sometimes!
Alternative Guess: Aquarius Rising
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Felix | Cancer Rising | Aries Midheaven
Felix screams ‘big babyboy energy’ to me. His squishy cheeks, tiny hands and plump, pretty lips? CANCER RISING. Seriously, he’s so pretty and it makes me want to cry. His childlike demeanor and touchy nature show how soft he is, coining him the cuddly koala of Stray Kids. Despite his playful nature, he is also very sentimental and the members have even called him the most serious member, showing that he carries a sense of care and sincerity to everything he does. He’s been noted by the members for being extremely thoughtful of those around him, giving lots of gifts and spreading love and warmth as the sunshine of the group. In this sense, Felix is simultaneously a caretaker and child. He is full of passion and enthusiasm, always throwing himself into everything with a fighting spirit. Once settled on his goals, he goes after them with everything he’s got, even if the odds seem against him. To move abroad to pursue music when not even speaking the language might even seem impulsive to others, which is key to any Aries placement. His Aries Moon in the 9th or 10th House could also make him keen to explore and be very headstrong in his decisions. He tries to be optimistic and places a lot of his happiness on his success and growth from where he started, and with how far he has come, he should be so, so, so proud of himself today.
Alternative Guess: Libra Rising
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Seungmin | Capricorn Rising | Libra Midheaven
I honestly think Seungmin is one of the most mature looking members, especially for being the second youngest of the group. He has very handsome features and has been known to resemble many of his seniors, including my bias Wonpil from Day6. Capricorn risings tend to be self-conscious and may mask their insecurities with humor usually of the deadpan or ‘savage’ kind - rip Changbin. They’re constantly pushing themselves to improve and will do with the strength and determination few can match. Seungmin has already achieved so much in his short career (e.g. picking up a new language in just three months and co-hosting a show through it) and yet he forever remains humble about all his hard work. His patience is unmatched too and no matter how excited he gets, he still knows when to be serious and put his head down. He doesn’t see the point in talking in circles when you could be getting the job done. When you compare him to the rest of his members, he is honestly one of the most mature and he really deserves more recognition for his strength and talents because he’s terribly underappreciated. A Capricorn rising is their own biggest critic so please show him more love.
Alternative Guess: Virgo Rising
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Jeongin | Libra Rising | Cancer Midheaven
Maknae’s tend to get away with a lot of things, but Jeongin just has this extra charm to him that makes everyone whipped for him. This angel can do no harm, surely? rip Changbin once again. Libra risings are natural beauties noted for their symmetrical features, and Jeongin has such lovely and balanced proportions that I can’t help but be envious of. Libra risings are smart in social situations and can navigate conversation with ease, often sweet-talking others to bend to their will which Jeongin has no problem doing with his hyungs. No matter how cunning they can be, they hold an aura of innocence that you find it hard to fault them for anything really! Jeongin has been described as the member most likely to make you smile, and Libra risings aim to please everyone around them. Harmony is key and they get very upset at any kind of conflict, hating the thought of picking sides. Jeongin is very much a team player and has a different type of bond with every member, each relationship unique in their own ways. They can attract more dominant people into their lives (Aries Descendant) and the person that comes to mind first is Chan, who seems to have a particular soft spot for his little brother. Just another things to note is that male Libra risings can have feminine features or mannerisms or appreciate more traditionally Venusian aesthetics, and Jeongin has stated on multiple occassions that his favourite colour is pink! He even goes so far as to saying that its ‘a boy’s colour’ and he always looks so beautiful and himself when wearing it.
Alternative Guess: Capricorn Rising
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loveau · 4 years
QUICK NOTE: I have decided to move my writing works from @kyulkyungs​, so new works will be posted here!
request: Hey I wanted to request a reversed idol au for Renjun 💖 But could the idol!reader please be shy? I really liked the way it turned out in the au for jaemin. Sorry for my bad English. ❤️(Your English is amazing!!!!! Of course I an do this! Sorry for the late :()
others: doyoung (part 2) | jaehyun (part 2) | jaemin (part 2) | haechan (part 2) | jisung
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renjun was a pretty quiet kid himself and didn’t really seem to do much outside club activities and school work
he also seemed pretty casual about his interests too, not really seeming like a big fan of many things
that was until he met you...
he had lots of friends in the industry already, a large majority of them being trainees still
and he would coo over them when they came to school exhausted and sore
he likes to care for them and tell them that their efforts will not be in vain and they’ll make it
honestly he’s the mom friend to all of them alongside a disgruntled haechan who roughly shoves their trainee friends water bottles all the time but will be constantly peeking to see if they’re staying hydrated
helps his friends practice all the time and that’s how he’s a pretty good dancer
but tries to wrangle their friend jisung to helping his friends out instead because that kid can really move <.<
instead he’s usually fretting over helping his friends not die from dehydration and not wreck their limbs when they wildly sling them about
he understands that his friends get really stressed due to competition and ensuring they’re still up to par and improving their skills even though he’s not in the industry
he just wants to help as much as he can
even if trainee!jaemin is constantly complaining about sore feet and a scratchy throat just so he can get free massages and candy when he’s actually running the best out of the others >.>
this eventually leads to him deciding to visit jaemin and some of the other trainees to give them some of those finger sandwiches that both he and haechan made to make sure they ate
except haechan couldn’t make it due to him needing to clean up the kitchen before his mom came home to see the mess of a thousand crusts and vegetables and multiple lunch meat containers
so there he has, waddling up to the company building he kept hearing about with two large boxes of food in his arms
despite him having multiple friends in this company, renjun had never really set foot in the building and didn’t know what to do
especially when it seemed like everyone was hard at work, so nobody was around to help him really
until you came running around the corner, seemingly late for practice
you almost barreled into renjun and knocked him over, but luckily you were also fast enough to catch yourself and dodge him
except this lead to you almost tripping over your own feet and coming to a skidding stop and waving your arms to regain your balance so you don’t faceplant into the floor
when you finally stopped flailing around, you took a quick look at the guy in front of you
you thought he was kinda cute and he thought the same of you
‘wow........ they’re cute..... i bet their position is the visual’
‘oh....... thank.......you?’
dang....... did he just say that aloud?
he doesn’t have a chance to continue being embarrassed over his slip up when you ask him if he’s lost
all he can do is nod so that he’s not stumbling over his words
he has to do all he can to avoid your eyes and keep from turning redder than he is
but the thing is... if he looked up he’d know you were doing the same
and you asked him if he was lost because he looked like a fish out of water in the building
it was a wonder you didn’t fumble out your question especially after receiving such an unexpected compliment
you’re angrily cursing the ceo’s and managers in your head at giving you the center position... could they nOT SeE hOw SHy yoU WErE?!?!!?!?
you wait for the guy to say where he’s trying to get to because you still need to know but ALSO???? you?? don’t know??!?!? how to keep going?!?!!?
eventually renjun gets it and he says he was trying to meet up with some of his friends, you might know jaemin because he’s pretty popular among the other trainees
and instantly you perk up like oh yeah! i know him!!! so you’re prepared to take him when you see him kinda struggling with the boxes of food
you offer to take one and renjun almost denies you but when he looks at your face he can’t bring himself to say no
the tips of your ears had turned red as if asking to help was so hard (and it kinda was since you were so awkward about it!!)
and renjun slowly let you take one of the boxes, careful not to spill
as you took one, it started to tip and the both of you shot out to catch it in time
by doing so, there was double the security around the box, but also... his hand had smacked itself on top of yours
when you were all squared away you quickly waddled off to the direction of the practice room you knew jaemin was in and it took your entire being to not spontaneously combust
the trip there felt like an eternity, with the both of you waddling and awkwardly avoiding eye contact with each other
eventually the two of you made it to the room
it was very clear you were at the correct place too given the loud yelling and laughter from inside, a telltale sign that jaemin was up to his antics again
renjun propped the door open with his foot and everyone stopped screaming to study the situation, but upon seeing him and the food the screaming resumed at an increased volume
in an almost comical way, the trainees stopped screaming to calmly address you and say their hellos, to which you responded in kind
they got back to screaming and jumping around happily moments after
you took this as your chance to slip away and get to your own practice room, as your break was pretty much over... 10 minutes ago
by the time renjun notices you’re gone he asks the others about you
“oh them? they’re debuting soon, dunno if you’ve seen the promotions!”
“yeah, you talked about the new group a couple times”
“yep... so, you think they’re cute, right?”
renjun all but goes up in FLAMES at this and tries to deny whatever the others start to pick up on teasing him about now
he keeps waving them off and trying to get out of this embarrassing situation
“stop! i mean yeah i let it slip, but i doubt i’ll even see them again besides on stage”
jaemin and the others share sneaky looks to each other and renjun yells at them not to plot anything
you best believe that they are tho
but after he goes back home, renjun decides to look up some stuff about your upcoming group
and lo and behold there were so many teaser images of member reveals and the group concept out already
and when jaemin said you were debuting soon....... yeah..... it was sOON
apparently the debut was confirmed to be within the next two weeks
and when he saw those teaser photos.... wow!!!! wOw!!!!! WOW!!! you were so...............
he then proceeded to spend the rest of the night binging all of the predebut practices, covers, and videos that there were
he also faintly remembers a commotion in town and he didn’t even realize that it was your group busking in the square until he saw the date
he remembered because he was panicking about almost forgetting a birthday gift for one of his friends and there was a huge crowd he couldn’t get past lmao
but one thing he realizes is that you do a lot of the talking in videos???
like you’ll be the one introducing what dance you guys are doing or doing the general hellos and descriptions of what’s going on
but if you aren’t you’re kind of...... distracting yourself from the camera by playing with one of your members?
it was so strange! he didn’t understand since you were the one normally in the spotlight but to see that you were kind of avoiding it??? why????
he has half a mind to straight up ask jaemin but he realizes it’s like 4am and he has to get up in 2hrs lOL
he gets as much sleep as he can but tbh he looks like a zombie when he strolls into the classroom the next morning
he’s desperately trying to stay awake the whole lesson and his friends are lowkey slapping him during the lesson to make sure he’s up so he doesn’t get caught
he manages to get like 10 mins between breaks and stuff so he gradually gets better throughout the day, but he’s still so exhausted
eventually lunch comes by and he’s debating staying up the whole time to hang out with his friends or rapidly eat lunch (or as much as he can) and then conk out
before he can make the choice there’s a snack thrown onto his desk that startles him enough to wake up more
when he looks up he sees...... oh, how the universe likes to play jokes on him
you stand there with a smile and motion for him to eat it
“i’ve been there plenty of times. eat up, you’ll need some more energy to get through the day”
“i didn’t know you go here”
you almost laugh at how that was his immediate response rather than a thank you, but what else can you expect from a confused and sleep deprived boy
normally you wouldn’t go out of your way to do this and go eat with your friends at some table where the attention could be anywhere but you
but since it was kind of empty where you were..... and he looked so tired
plus he was a friend of jaemin’s so there’s no harm in talking to him!!!! you are just a friend of his friend helping him out because you’re nice and totally not because you were shy and it was awkward the amount of time you were standing there!!!
you totally didn’t throw the snack at him because you were in a panic lowkey for standing there and didn’t know what else to do and totally didn’t want to awkwardly stumble up to him and ask him if he wanted a snack
you were about to run off because this is so awkward time to scream about this to your friends now!!11!!!!
bUT!!!!! he stops you by deciding to speak to you and you don’t want to be rude so you sort of fumble there like.....
‘i..... i do go here.... that’s why i know jaemin pretty well and help him out sometimes’ you reply in reference to his earlier question
he nods and opens the snack, which is when you think you can make your escape but NOPE
‘oh yeah, you’re debuting soon right?’
at this you’re a little more comfortable answering since you get asked the question a lot and are used to informing people about what’s going on
‘yeah, we debut in a couple weeks. have you seen the promotions?’
renjun nods again but he can’t bring himself to tell you the reason why he was tired was literally because he was learning everything about your group and the members and he was super curious about your presence on camera
he didn’t want to pry but he just noticed???? it was eating at him and he had you there
‘do you....... want to eat lunch with me?’ i bet he screamed like YES in his head for asking you because he wanted to ask you but also....... you big cute 👀
you shifted on your feet for a second and eventually agreed because what harm can it do? plus he seems nice?
the walk to get your lunch went by quickly because you didn’t want him to wait or think that you had decided to ditch him, and when you came back he hadn’t started eating yet
it was kind of cute to see that he had waited for you even though you knew he was probably dead tired and starving
the shuffle over to him was so awkward because you weren’t entirely sure what to do and instead opted for turning the desk in front of his around so you guys could have your own space to eat
by the time you got all settled and ready to eat you saw him still looking at you
‘oh, go ahead and eat. i wanna make sure you’re gonna eat and not skip on your meal. sorry if it felt like you were pressured to eat with me...’ renjun’s apology kind of just....... warms you up???
like the awkwardness is slowly melting away with his concern and kindness like ??!?!?!?!!
he just wants to make sure you’re eating and healthy before he eats even though he’s about to pass out in a couple minutes akfslnsfkjgn
but still that’s so...... sweET!
you started eating and shortly after you had taken the first bite he dug in as well
you didn’t really know what to say but you found that you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything because you noticed that the first thing he was eating was.....
the snack you had given him
you’re not sure entirely why but your heart does a mini skip seeing how happy he is???
it makes you lowkey clam up and now you dunno what to say at aLL AND OH NO YOUR FACE IS SO RED!
luckily he breaks the silence and comments how good the snack is and how it has that refreshing fruity taste
you’re about to reply back something mundane until he goes
“like you!”
aflknadfksng huh?
he slightly turns pink and averts his gaze real quick and he’s just oh oOPS did i say that out loud..... again?
except this time while you were steaming up a storm in your cheeks, he decided to pull out all his confidence and look right back in your eyes
and you hadn’t looked away because you were so shocked and sputtering and trying to make sure your food went down
he smiles and is like
“well........ i mean, you are really cute! you’re really nice to look at! you’re like a spring breeze”
and at this you are really surprised you haven’t combusted by now
the rest of lunch goes by smoothly and renjun tries to get to know you as best as he can 
it’s still pretty awkward since you’re not really sure what to do with him besides eat and reply to some pretty common questions.......
but you find yourself sitting with him the next day???
and the next, and another, and maybe a small hangout after school because he asked
for some reason you can’t say no even though your heart is hammering in your chest due to....... nervousness, yeah it’s that
the mood between the two of you is still around the same but you’re very slowly warming up!!!
your shy smiles and hiding behind your hair or hands is slowly molding into soft giggles and laughs
and renjun couldn’t be happier!!!! he actually really likes looking at your smile even if his stomach does little flips
after like a week or two of eating lunch together and slowly getting to know each other, you’re suddenly not at lunch?
he’s so confused because he saw you enter the school building and waved at you while you waved back and were with some of your other friends
he waited a couple more minutes but decided to go looking for you because you never said anything?
but of course he was also just assuming that you would eat lunch with him continuously and would keep eating with him
he knew you were shy but all of a sudden he had doubts that you were just eating with him so he wouldn’t get offended that you ate lunch with him once and then dipped
what if you didn’t like him at all?
was he too much? he did kind of blurt out he wanted to eat with you...
he almost tripped when he went out into the hall to search for you because he was so distracted
he caught himself and he saw... you sitting out there in the hall alone
there were no other passerby, all of the students having gone to the lunch area or wherever else
he was still so confused but all his doubts and fears about scaring you away were gone once he saw how troubled you looked even though a majority of it was covered by shock and confusion from him rushing out
you’re scrambling upwards to stand with him and wiping hastily at your face to cover up the panicked blush and whatever else until renjun grabs your hands and sits you back down
he sits with you in front of you and in the most comforting voice you’ve ever heard he asks “do you want to talk about it?”
you’re usually not used to discussing your doubts about debuting and training with others
but renjun seems so sure and supportive about this that you can’t help but open up to him?
he’s done this countless times with his other trainee friends so he knows the signs and it’s very clear on your face that you’re going through it
he waits patiently for you to tell him no since he doesn’t expect that you will open up so confidently
and you haven’t known him for long, at most you’re just new friends and he’s always the one initiating the conversation with you
you find yourself nodding and taking a deep breath
if anything, renjun’s smile and silence making you that much more comfortable
maybe it’s just that he’s a familiar face?? yeah... probably
you’re still unsure of how to phrase the words correctly and worry that you’re making him impatient, but renjun shows no signs of this
eventually it just comes out as “i don’t want to be center”
you keep going that you feel so uncomfortable with all that attention and you don’t understand why you’re put into that role at all....
there’s a lot of pressure and more importantly a lot of eyes and judgement
you can’t even bring yourself to talk to someone new without turning into a tomato or staying silent a lot of the time and it makes you frustrated even more at your situation
all renjun does is ponder in silence and you begin to think that it was stupid opening up
but then he speaks
“i see where you’re coming from”
this comes somewhat as a shock to you
some trainees you’ve also talked to would agree with you and it made you feel so inadequate
or others would deny your words so readily and it made you wonder if their words were fake or not
the way renjun was telling you.... he seemed to do neither
“i haven’t seen you perform so i can’t really be the judge of that”
“do you want to watch a practice one day?”
the words came out of your mouth before you knew it and all of a sudden you wish you were a rock so you didn’t have to live this embarrassing life
“sure! i’m not sure if i’m allowed since i do mainly sneak in to give food to my other friends, but if you’ll allow me then i’ll happily come!”
you’re unable to retract your words because you’re such a stumbling mess over seeing how willingly he agreed and the prospect of him coming to watch and
you manage to keep quiet about it for a couple days after it happened
you can’t even think about it without remembering how earnest he looked and then getting red because he’ll be there and oh GOLLY he’s there for YOU!!!
surprisingly your members don’t comment about how you mess up during the first couple of practices because all you can think of is renjun sitting rIGHT THERE IN THE CORNER
and it’s not bad at all either!!! it makes you...... excited??
after the first couple of mess ups and practices, you only start improving
and luckily it’s at that point in time does renjun drop in on a practice
you were taking a bathroom break and he had wandered in after getting guided by jaemin to your group’s room
and he had explained the whole thing to them and all of them immediately had the >:) face going on
by the time you got back they acted like everything was normal and you got into position for another runthrough until you saw........
hE’s THeRe in thE CorNER anD yOU’re Not HalLuCinAting!!!!!!!
he waves at you and the members nudge you because you’re supposed to be ready and oh no you can’t help it
you’re so conflicted about melting into a puddle or just performing because he’s here to watch BUT AT THE SAME TIME HE’S HERE TO WATCH!!!
you make the split second decision and decide to perform the dance just like you’re supposed to with the added effort of looking good because HELLO you have an audience!!!
his presence eventually melds away by the second chorus and you almost forget he’s there
it’s not scary to have him watch you either.... it’s like how you used to dance in front of your parents and you wanted to show them the new routine you just made up
you wanted to show him your talents proudly and have him see how good you were
once the song ends you’re panting and all of a sudden coming to the strange sound of clapping
you’re so used to the others panting or making comments or whining for another waterbreak or not wanting to do another dance
but once you remember that renjun is there you want to hide your face in your hands
because omg he’s watched you and you still don’t understand why you’re the center when you freeze up like this afterwards!
the only thing stopping you from running off is the look of pure awe in renjun’s eyes
it stuns you to see how much emotion is swirling in them and when he runs up to you excitedly you can see it that much clearer
“i see it now!”
you were expecting something like ‘that was amazing’ or ‘you did well!’ or something but!
the confusion is clear on your face and renjun wastes no time in explaining to you
“i get it! you’re the center”
the other members leave the room while you’re caught up with him to give you a moment of privacy, not wanting to disturb you and make you nervous with an audience watching
but you pay no mind to them and your attention remains on him
“i...... am the center, yes?”
you feel yourself get warm under his intense gaze but his grin lets you know he’s not scrutinizing you
“yeah! you’re the center and have every right to be!”
you look around to your members for help and only then do you realize that they have left
you can only imagine the looks on their faces and the teasing words that’ll come out later
“your energy is unmatched! everyone dances very well, but you have a certain stage presence that just outshines them!! no offense, but there’s clearly a difference between you and them. while they’ve worked very hard, it’s almost natural for you! my eyes could never leave you for a moment”
you suddenly feel warm and it’s not because of the embarrassed blush reaching your ears
it’s a warmness that spreads from your stomach outwards to the tips of your fingers and toes
you think you should be blushing at the sincerity of his words but your awed look mirrors your own
“do you know how much power you’d have on stage? you looked like you were in another world of your own!”
you think back to that moment and yes... it really did feel different
you’re so used to the nerves of performing and getting it all right in the practice room, but with him watching there it was different
“i think... having you there made me better”
his grin molds into an open mouthed state of shock
you wave your hands around before he can start assuming things but you’re pretty sure any of his assumptions would be right
“i just!!! i wanted to perform well and make sure my talent was known!!!!!! it’s NOT ANYTHING WEIRD AT ALL!!! it’s differeNT WITh AN AUDIENCE!”
renjun’s shocked face turns back into a grin
however this time it’s sly
had you known what was going on in his mind, you’d know he was all but ready to combust and internally scream
“if you want... i can continue sitting in on performances to get you more comfortable with an audience”
before you can agree he forces down the pounding in his chest and winks
“plus, i get to watch you destroy the show! i’ll try not to be too much when i look at how cute you are during the point dance”
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dojae-huh · 4 years
hi i have a question, this is shotaro recently is reading an nct account this person has talked about nct core taeyong, mark, doyoung, ten, haechan, jaehyun basically they are the force of nct but he also said that shotaro could be the indicated new SM so that you can include yourself with others, do you think that is true? Honestly, Shotaro's popularity is growing very fast, even for non-NCTZEN, it has garnered attention.
Shotaro will debut in a new unit, so yes, he can became the ace of that unit. He already has dancing and charisma, his voice has a nice tone. So all he needs is to learn how to talk on shows and rap or sing. Kang Daniel is mega popular, and Shotaro has his kind of disarming warm appeal.
Jisung was always a favourite, he has finally overcome his shyness and actually does pretty well on camera during conversations and lives. Jungwoo rapidly gains popularity this year. 
I think any member can potentially “make it big”. Like D.O. with acting. Kai can’t really sing, but his upcoming solo debut looks nice so far. 
The problem is that SM doesn’t guide an idol. It is Hunger games. SM offers opportunities and covers up mistakes, because in the company’s interest to profit from each idol as much as possible, but it’s the idol who must find psychological strenght, drive to success and hunger for the stage within himself. 
Take Jaehyun. His cover has 40mln views on YT, he is very popular right now thanks to Inkigayo, he will soon debut as an actor. He can make himself even more popular with releasing a second cover and posting on IG and vlive regullary. Also record a dancing video and post it on the NCT dance channel. He has all the tools to build his image to crazy heights. He doesn’t want to. Crazy popularity means sasaengs, tabloids and the need to be perfect 24/7. He had a little scandal in May and it took such a hit on him. He won’t be able to deal with real witch hunt the scale of BigBang members go through (one was practically exiled to Japan, one tried to commit suicide, one became anorexic, one was made to leave the group and stop his idol carrier, and the last had to witness all his friends suffer and also had suicide thoughts (I think? Looser?)).  
Fans beg Taeil to do covers, he did a couple and stopped, he is not interested in them. SM doesn’t give him screentime in MVs? He wanted to do a cooking show, he got it. Sun&Moon was a big success as well. He can do concert vlives like Doyoung did and build himself an audience, but it takes away from his leasury time. He can meet up with friends, grill meat, play pool and chill to Stevie Wonder, or look for a girlfriend instead. 
Yuta is being smart right now with his image. He changes hairstyle all the time and ships himself with Mark to attract attention. He asked Doyoung to help him with singing and released a Christmas cover (while Do didn’t make an MV to give him spotlight). And now he is finally in the vocal line. Not a very big part, but he was lucky to sing in Japanese on musical shows, because some channels prohibited to sing in foreign languages soon after the end of “From home”. 
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every1studio · 5 years
SPECIAL: “pirates + kidz: spotlight” [stray kids]
genre: misc. + mafia!au (mafia: violence, MORE hints of spice, foul language) + female reader
ficstyle: bulletpoints + long scenario + alternate versions + series [INTRO] [ATEEZ] [STRAY KIDS]
requested:  “detective y/n gets involved with two conflicting mafias and has the hearts of the leaders”
note: wanted to post something for Jisung’s birthday, but I got caught up with work! hope it’s what you all hoped for 
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you took Jisung’s arm before he could initiate any form of physical assault towards Yunho, “please don’t...”
Jisung smiles as he pulls you into his body by your waist 
“guess height doesn’t get you everything,” he mockingly sticks his tongue out at Yunho 
Yunho shrugs as he takes one last look at you for the night and leans in close to you, “this won’t be the last time I’ll see you, sweetheart..”
Jisung shoves him, “she’s not interested in you, beanstalk”
you literally had to drag Jisung away from the childish quarrel; you realized that talking to young mafia men were like dealing with a bunch of high schoolers who were territorial 
“you said that the bars were more dangerous than the dance floor,” you slowly traced your hand down from his arm to his fingers
Jisung couldn’t believe how turned on he was by just this simple act of yours
“let’s go to the dance floor instead,” you tried to be as persuasively seductive as you could be
you thought it was too obvious and cheesy; but Jisung didn’t see through that act of yours 
he was too invested in you; anything about you
the way you moved your body to the blaring music
the way you looked back at him, making sure that his eyes were still on you
the way your eyes glistened under the dance floor’s spotlight
“you’re the main spotlight tonight..” Jisung stops you from getting too far into the crowd, “and I’m gonna make sure you’re the main star tonight..”
you got close to his face, you could smell the alcohol from him; he probably had been drinking way before he approached you
you took it into consideration that he might be a little too tipsy, “so prove it to me then...”
you were less than centimeters away from his face and just to tease him to the max, you turned around to press yourself against his body 
when you reached back for his arm, you grazed passed his gun holster, it seemed like both sides of the holster had occupied with a weapon; you proceeded with precaution 
he let you dance to the music on his body and he let you have a few moments of feeling yourself until he pulled you around to face him
you wanted to make him feel vulnerable to you; enough for him to trust you
the way your eyes glistened up at him
“I want to treat you to a drink or two...” he kisses the area under your ear, by your jawline, “will you let me?”
you nodded and let him lead you to the bars
you and Jisung started to connect over drinks; you had completely forgotten that you were on the job
the whole time you caught Jisung looking at your thighs, which made you shift everything 
Jisung leaned into closer to you
“there’s too many people here,” he smiled against your ear
Jisung pulls you from the crowd and takes you into the elevator
the people that were waiting to go up into the elevator saw Jisung and held the doors open for the two of you
once the two of you entered in the elevator, they left the lift 
“why did they leave?” you wondered why; no words were exchanged and yet it was like they knew him 
“first time at this club, babygirl?” Jisung kisses your shoulder as he fixes the strap that had fallen earlier on the dance floor 
you nodded as you batted your false lashes; Jisung thought you were the one he wanted in his life forever, even though he had just met you 
you could say he was head of heels for you 
he took out his gun; you were ready to un-arm him but you carefully watched is every move
he raised it to graze your jawline, “I’m apart of a group called KidZ.. you may have heard of us.. you may not.. either way..”
he continues to trace your body with his gun and it took everything in your power to not react, “I think you have...”
you cocked your brows at him; you didn’t realize that he pushed you up against the cold rails of the elevator hit the small of your back
“why do you think that?” you spoke softly
Jisung lifts your right leg; revealing your pistol garter, “you can’t tell me you have this just for protection.. and no civilian would just have a Glock 19; the standard police issue gun...”
you bit your lips as you lowered your eyes on him but you didn’t say anything
“my guess.. is that if I reach a little closer to your inner thigh, I’ll find your badge...”
you smirked as you gave a half-hearted chuckled and raised both of your hands, “you caught me.. what are you going to do with me now? I wouldn’t know what you would do with me... kill me? dispose of me? use me in exchange for large amounts of money?”
Jisung takes the handcuffs at were next to the your badge and cuffs your hands together and throws you over his shoulder 
you yelped in surprise; his strong grip on you made it hard for you to flail
“although that sounds like something the others would do, I got other plans..” 
the next thing you knew, you were thrown onto the plush bed
when you rolled your way to sit up, you saw him placing his gun down and unbuttoning a couple buttons from his shirt 
you don’t move when he crawls so that he’s face to face with you, “you don’t mind do you?”
“actually I do mind,” you tried to be stern and cold
you flinch a little when he brushes his hand up to your pistol garter
he leans his face to your garter and pulls it off with his teeth
Jisung chuckles as he shakes his head after he completely pulls it off of you 
“you say that... but your body says otherwise..” you tried to not roll your eyes back, trying to suppress your urges 
he pulls you by the handcuffs and connects it to the head post of the bed, “I could probably smell you from downstairs. completely. sopping. wet. just for me..”
you glared at him, knowing that what you were going to say next was going to change the pace of the situation, “then do something about it...”
“first, you tell me who you are.. and what you want.. and then, we’ll talk about doing something...”
you were fighting with the angel and devil that were perched on your shoulders; should you fight the urge? or kill two birds with one stone?
“wh-what do you want to know....” you managed to squeeze out 
Jisung pushes your dress up, “let’s start with who you are and what do you want from KidZ..”
you felt his breath near your heat but he pulls back a little, just to tease you, “oh.. and by the way, if you stop talking, I’ll stop too...”
he probably got more than enough out of you, but he wasn’t done yet 
he wanted to ravish you more and more
just the sight of you heaving for air made him want to take care of you
“is there anything I can do for you?” his voice went soft 
you nodded, “my wrists are feeling a little raw...”
without another word, he goes to unlock the cuffs around you 
but before Jisung could process the next thing that just happened
in one swift motion, you latched onto Jisung and pushed his arms up so that this time, he was in one in cuffs 
“you’re full of surprises.. Y/N.. are you going to be the one questioning me now?”
you tucked your hair behind your ears and hovered over him, “you ready, big boy?”
same rules applied; you would stop what you were doing if he stopped talking
by the end of it, the both of you were spent 
Jisung was going to say something to you about how you were probably the best thing that’s ever happened to him when he heard someone knocking on his door
“hey man, are we gonna crash here tonight or are we going to fly out tonight?” it was one of the members of KidZ 
you quickly turned to look at pistol but Jisung somehow broke through the cuffs and held you down, “I think we should spend the night.. I’m a little jetlagged..”
“alright man, see ya tomorrow..” you could hear the receding footsteps 
when you both heard nothing, Jisung lets go of you and wraps the blanket over you, “please stay.. at least for the night...”
maybe it was the alcohol 
maybe it was how tired you were
maybe it was because you actually wanted to be with him
but you nodded 
Jisung flashed a smile and went to get something for you to wear
he looked like a completely different person; he looked like an actual guy his age
you kept on looking around; trying to find more information than what he told you
“hey..” his low voice caught you off guard, “take a shower with me?”
you couldn’t look up at him but you nodded
he took your hand and led you to the bathroom
you were so surprised with how loving and gentle he was, after that rough session that ended 5 minutes ago 
he helped dried your hair
kissed your shoulders in the process
gave you his shirt to sleep in 
it was like he was your boyfriend 
you were about to sleep in the other bed by yourself but he jumped in without asking or anything
you just stood there, not knowing if you should sleep on this bed or the dirtied bed 
“join me~” he whines 
you couldn’t help but shake your head and smile in adoration 
you curled up next to him and it felt like everything was right
you could feel him shift his weight onto you, indicating that he fell asleep
that was when you remembered.. you were on a job
when morning came, you were gone
Jisung was frantically looked around; any indication of you were gone
vanished without a trace
there was a knocking on the door, he hoped that it was you
he dashed to the door, but his smile faltered when it was just housekeeping 
“a lady wanted to give these to you, sir”
it was a bouquet of forget-me-nots and a card
all the card had was, “forget me not~” with your number and a kiss mark 
Jisung could feel himself getting all giddy
“whatcha giggling about?” 
Jisung almost jerked from surprise, “Chan! dude you scared me..”
“you got flowers?” Chan asked, he was getting skeptical of Jisung
“from housekeeping...” Jisung knew that if he wanted to see you again, he had to keep you a secret 
[ masterlist + guidelines ]
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kpopiskinda-uhhhh · 4 years
Would this idol call me a homophobic slur? ft. NCT OT21
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NOTE: This is literally a joke and reflects nothing about the boys themselves and is simply for my own enjoyment and maybe yours so don’t take anything in this post serious okay~
~Also NCT are my ultimate ults and I love them all, even the ones that would call me a slur~
So hopefully if you are reading this you are familiar with the boys, if not you won’t learn anything from this post but maybe you will enjoy it anyways
Taeyong, gay AND afraid
So we are starting with our unofficial leader, legend Taeyong. This bitch is gay, super duper gay. But in a shy way. Panic gay levels through the roof in fact one of the most panicked idols in the industry if I’m being honest with you.
His reactions to even the slightest bit of flirting from other members is like full catastrophe level “oh shit”. I mean this video is just a tiny piece of how bad Taeyong is.
However this poor kid seems to have some internalized homophobia so maybe he would call me a slur just to push the spotlight from himself who knows tho love u Taeyong.
Taeil, Straight Man™
This old man really said this and expects me not to believe he would call me a slur? Vocal legend Taeil would decimate me for my sexuality and only slightly feel bad afterwards. Definitely a hetero. 
Johnny, lowkey gay
This boy seems very open minded and like a legend to me and I think he is lowkey open to anything and anyone so I would say he might be like pansexual or something.
Definitely would not call me a slur, a giant teddy bear.
Yuta, gay prince
This pretty bitch is what I want to be. SO beautiful and regal and confident in his expression. Was on a show with a bunch of white dudes and went out of his way to defend trans people and call people out on enforcing gender roles. Literally threw the first brick at Stonewall. Would paint my nails and tell me to be myself and that I am valid.
Kun, the supportive father
Does not give off gay vibes at all but he is also so talented and wonderful so I live him even if he is straight. Fatherly vibes are strong I would let him pat my head.
Manz is definitely straight but a great ally. Would come to pride with me and shout at protesters
Doyoung, passes but is still a gay
This rude hoe makes me angry because he is really pretty and that clouds my vision. Regardless no matter how much I think about it I can’ t call him straight. Might say bisexual with female preference just to spice things up. On the surface level tho he is easily seen as straight and you gotta look into his soul to see the rainbow lining. Even if he is str-straight, he is an amazing ally you know the clip on vlive where he said a fan’s relationship could been a boy-boy or girl-girl relationship just like it was nothing? legend behaviour.
Would not call me a slur and would defend me from homphobes
Ten, Jesus Christ of the gays
I honestly don’t even want to write this part. This bitch is so gay I could show somebody on the street a 3 second clip of him talking and they would ask if he’s... y’know.
It is literally science every single thing he has ever done just makes him gayer and gayer. A list would include:
- supports lgbtq+ artists and promotes lgbtq+ content including Troye Sivan, Frank Ocean, Call Me By Your Name, etc.
- literally is always flirty with guys
- the entirety of is he gay or European applies to him except the European part, the way he dresses, the way he talks, the way he gestures, gay
- an absolute legend in all ways, and only gays are true legends in this house
- literally anything watch any video he is in and you will find at least one thing
Would call me a slur but out of a friendly place in his heart cuz in this scenario we are buddies and I would laugh and call him one back cuz he is that level of gay.
Jaehyun, confusing
Honestly seems straight but there is something about him that pings my gaydar ever so slightly. maybe I think he would not be opposed to experimenting but would still call himself straight. Seems like a good guy tho
Would not call me a slur and would give me life advice on how to be happy or something.
Winwin, talented het
Mad respect for this man, straight legend. Definitely straight like 100% no way he is even slightly gay. Straight and confused. Hope he gets more lines and grows happier in the future. Older brother who is okay with you being gay but doesn’t want to talk about it
Would definitely not call me a slur unless we got into a big argument and then would really regret it afterwards and apologize profusely.
Jungwoo, should be an actor
Acts really really gay. Gay for clout. Actually gay? who knows.
Would call me a slur away from the cameras and then go off and hug Taeyong once they’re on.
Lucas, feels really straight like a proper hetero
I can’t imagine Lucas being into guys for even one second. Still I think he is squishy and I still like him despite being straight.
Either would immediately call me a slur or never even think of calling me a slur, depends on the cycle of the moon.
Mark, oh man
Straight heterosexual male. Would call me a faggot upon meeting me and step on my toes, I would thank him.
Xiao Jun, probably straight?
Not particularly straight or gay, probably straight for convenience. No reason to believe he would be against the gays
Would not call me a slur but would remain silent when Mark calls me a slur.
Hendery, skater gay
Strikes me as a skater boy for literally zero reason and skaters are either emo gays or gothic straights and I believe he’s a gay but like lowkey. Maybe bisexual who knows.
Would not call me a slur and would go skating with me and buy me ice cream after Mark calls me a slur.
Renjun, straight but like in cursive
No clue what is up with this lad. He is either bisexual or completely straight. I can see him liking girls clearly, can slightly imagine that he may be interested in boys as well. But he would never go after a guy, only in his own head. 
Would not call me a slur unless I tried to ask if he like guys.
Jeno, dangerous bisexual
Unpredictable and possibly violent. Might burn down some buildings in his fight against the heteros. Probably has access to many guns and explosives, will not hesitate to use them. Into anyone who also likes causing chaos.
Would not call me a slur and would shoot anybody who did.
Haechan, a surprise
Wannabe gay, not exactly gay not exactly straight either just somebody who pushes the image of his love for mark into the spotlight as often as possible. 
Would call me a slur and laugh about it with Mark.
Jaemin, ????
Strange. Very odd character, seems pretty straight but is really into skinship for the clout probably. Loves NCTzens so would not want to hurt any of their feelings. Would support a girl-girl relationship if they were fans of NCT but would be slightly uncomfortable around a guy-guy couple. 
Would not call me a slur but would ask me who is the girl in a guy-guy relationship.
Yangyang, confident gay king
Yangyang rose to my top biases pretty quickly after joining NCT and that’s because he is a king. Would never do or say anything to hurt any of his fans and wants to grow to be as openminded and educated as possible. Literally an angel with the cutest face ever. Maybe pansexual but in an idc way like he is just Yangyang and whoever he likes is just based on personality, doesn’t even think about gender.
Would absolutely not call me a slur and would ask questions respectively to grow as a person.
Chenle, purity part one
I do not believe this boy is straight but in a very supportive way. I think he could be anything other than fully straight and I love him for it. Seems like such a bright boy and I wish SM would treat him (and all the foreign members) better. Deserves the world. A pure boy.
Would not call me a slur because he knows it is wrong and isn’t like that at all.
Jisung, purity part two and the hidden gay
Okay so I have kept this free of ships so far and I do not personally believe that any ship I talk about is real I just like to analyze certain interactions and I really do believe that Jisung and Chenle have an absolutely precious relationship, whether you choose to see it as platonic or not, they are best buddies and their connection ascends labels in my humble opinion. Definitely soulmates.
On a Jisung personal level I feel like he passes as straight but I really don’t think he is straight at all in fact I believe he is a full blood gay. And a legend too. This boy does NOT get the recognition he deserves at all and is incredible in everyway literally a triple threat at least. 
Would not call me a slur and would defend me probably.
~hope you enjoyed and remember this is literally a whole ass joke and means nothing at all thank you love you Mark~
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Jisung Park Dancing High AU
a/n: i recently finished watching dancing high and being a dancer and someone who is the same age as jisung, just finding out that all these talented people are so amazing makes me just (o.o). ALSO JISUNG WOW (rip my bias list :(()
Pairing: female reader x jisung park
Genre: fluff, strangers to lovers!, young puppy love uwu
Warnings: a lot of fluff, very soft, some mentions of bullying and anxiety 
P.S.: this is written not according to the shows time frames (ie. they had 2 weeks to prepare, i might just bypass that and go to eliminations and span it out longer)
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You walked into the open space and took in the space before you. You were shocked, to say the least, and very nervous with all these talented people around you. You wanted to just go back home and pretend nothing had happened but you had practiced for this, days on end and can’t back down. Once you stepped up to the middle of the stage you checked the floor's surface, you were a flexible dancer and learned many genres so checking the floor was always good just in case it was too rough to do something and avoid it ahead of time. You ended up sitting next to a really pretty blonde girl with the cutest smile. 
“Hey! I’m Dabin, you are?” she introduced yourself and you felt yourself crumbling in fear. She was really pretty and cute.
“Hi, I’m y/n! You’re really pretty” you managed to blurb out. 
“Ahh nooo, thank you for thinking that though, let's be good friends!” she said with the goofiest smile on her face that you gladly returned. 
“Yes! Let’s be good friends! Fighting!” you responded. 
You two ended up talking to each other a lot about the origins of how you both got into dance and other common interests you two shared. You two were so absorbed in the conversation that when it suddenly got quiet you two stared at the center of the stage and there stood someone you thought you would never see, Jisung Park. Everyone was oozing over him and his good looks. Boys mumbling about how good of a dancer he is, while you just sat in your seat in pure shock. Your mouth was wide open and Dabin decided to make a joke at you. 
“If you keep your mouth open for long enough, maybe a fly will go inside.” she laughed at her own joke and you turned your attention back to her. Although you had never met Jisung, you were well aware of who he is. He was actually your biggest dance inspiration, being the same age and an idol in a group called NCT. You couldn’t help but stare at the boy, and that’s when it happened, you found yourself in each other's gaze. He was looking at you and a blush crept up to your face. You snapped out of your daze when Dabin smirked at you.
“So you like Jisung?” Dabin asked with the same smirk plastered on her face.
You immediately denied her and kept on trying to hide your face from her so she doesn’t see your blush.
Jisung walked through the corridor before he headed out to find a seat. He was nervous. He knew he felt a little bit out of place due to him already having trained since he was young and debuted as an idol. He took a deep breath and was signalled to head out. He immediately straightened his shirt and walked out to the center stage. He took in how many people were there and began to get worried about what everybody was thinking of him. Everybody was whispering to each other. He found your eyes in the crowd and took in your features. You were beautiful, to say the least, and he felt himself get shy all over again. He waddled off stage and found a seat far away from you. But he knew he was excited to see your performance.
“Good luck girl!” Dabin cheered as you walked down the stairs to go backstage before your audition performance. You were scared and worried about if you would make it or not. You waited backstage and quickly marked your routine while mumbling the song. You were worried about how well you would execute it and if a judge will think it was bad or not. You had worked months on this choreography and tried to perfect it the best you could. You were called to go on stage and you quickly took a few deep breaths and mustered up all the courage you could and left backstage and into the shining lights. You quickly rolled your shoulders back to stretch and reached for the mic. 
“Hello! I’m y/n l/n and I'm 17 years old. Please anticipate my performance!” You said cheerily with an eye smile. 
“Ahhh!” Hoya, one of the judges exclaimed. “So you’ve never taken proper classes for dance before and learned yourself?” He asked. 
You had laughed and got shy, “Ah I took classes before at a local dance studio but my parents aren’t supportive of my dance so I had to stop after I took 2 classes. But other than that yes I'm self-taught.” You answered shyly. 
All the judges were shocked that you hadn’t taken dance lessons or trained in classes before but that just made you feel a slight bit more pressure with everyone knowing you’re self-taught. You bowed and quickly put the mic down and prepped for your audition. You took a few deep breaths again and rolled your wrists and legs. You had finally queued for the music to start and that when your shy smile dropped. The emotion had changed from cute to serious really quickly when the music started and you felt yourself move with the beat. You danced with soft, elegant moves but contrasted it with some pops with popping and some wacking. You then proceeded to show a bot of hip-pop to the beat and felt yourself move to the song with all your might. You finished with everything you could and tried to take some breaths after the routine you had practiced finished. You felt good about that performance. You picked up the mic and waited for what the votes to come in. You closed your eyes getting worried that it wouldn’t be good but you ended up with a score higher than you thought. When you opened your eyes you were shocked and almost let out tears of happiness. 
“Wow, are you happy with what you got?” Gikwang asked. You just shyly nodded as a tear slipped out of your eyes. 
“Oh no, why are you crying?” Seunghoon asked. You had now ended up letting all the tears flood down your face. You were happy and you were not expecting to do so well.
“Actually, because my parents don’t approve of my dancing, coming on this show meant a lot to me to show them that this is what I really want to do and I wasn’t expecting to get such a high score.” You replied and all the judges felt in awe. You said a final thank you as you exited the stage.
Jisung had been anticipating your performance the most. He had been shaking a bit in his seat from the anticipation. He was also undoubtedly nervous about his own performance. He watched you with his full attention. He was shocked when you said you were self-taught and was so absorbed into your performance from the start to finish. He liked the way your body lines were so feminine but you contrasted all your moves with something else. It reminded him of his own dance style and how he loved to learn all-styles. When you had finished he clapped really hard. You had done really well, he thought. When your score was announced, he was beyond amazed and thought that you had deserved it. When you started to shed a few tears from the overwhelming happiness you felt, he felt his heart ache a tad bit. He felt bad that your parents didn’t support you but was amazed at how you found solace through dance and still decided to dance. You had run back to your seat afterwards and as he watched you run back, he was called to go backstage. Now it was his turn. Maybe it’ll impress you in the process.
You had seen Jisungs name illuminate on the huge screen in front of everyone's eyes. He came out looking confident, a tad bit nervous though. You had noticed that he scrunched his nose and shook his head, moving his hair a bit. It was a habit he did when he was nervous. “He looks confident” Dabin commented but you shook your head. “He's nervous, he’s shaking his hair and his nose is scrunching” You replied. Dabin was shocked at how you knew Jisung so well but it was just from watching him go from Chewing Gum-We Go Up and being a nctzen. The lights had dimmed and focused on JIsung himself. He danced so powerfully and so smoothly. It was a fluid routine with so many different styles. He truly shone in the spotlight and executed every move fluidly and perfectly. He finished and everybody was cheering for him. That was truly a good and solid routine and Jisung is such an impactful dancer. You had found yourself slowly falling for the boy you had barely known. 
Jisung’s score was announced to be one of the highest so far. It was higher than yours and without a doubt, you knew it was going to be. He had bowed shyly and thanked the judges.
A/n I actually decided I would be posting these in parts so this will be part 1! AH I'VE NEVER WRITTEN A SERIES BEFORE SO I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE IT EEEKKK
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skzarchivewritings · 6 years
All I Ask – jisung
Summary: You're a staff in JYP and had fall in love with the rookie Han from Stray Kids, unfortunately you can't keep hiding this relationship forever.
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Genre: angst.
Warnings: breakup and slight mention of smut (not explicit).
A/N: English isn't even my second language, so I apologize since the beginning for any mistake. You can always talk to me in twitter @3RACHAGIRL to warn me about anything. This is loosely based in All I Ask by Adele.
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Word count: 1804
You always knew this couldn't last forever. Even though you were selfish enough to keep this going, deep down you always knew. It was risky since the beginning, and now things have crashed down.
It was always a matter of time until people caught both of you with your guards down, but you got used to his presence. He promised you that he would reveal you to the world when his dating ban finally reached the end. Unfortunately, people got you guys before that, and after a meeting with lots of swearing, you've been fired from your job of choreographer and he was punished with less spotlight in Stray Kids next comeback.
What has hurt you most was the decision that he had to face: you or his career. Of course he wouldn't give up from his dream, and do you wouldn't let him do it. The manager spoke harshly about how you two had to breakup what shouldn't even be started, you felt the weight of this mess crash you, and the heartbreak never felt so real.
The urge to go running away and hide to cry was so intense, you were ready to leave, but Jisung hands gripped your arms, holding you close. You heard him sniffling in your hair, probably facing the same difficulty as you to hold back his tears.
"Just three years... Can you wait for me?" his voice was trembling.
You just nodded, hugging him close enough to bury your face in his chest, letting the tears fall down. He asked for a last night, you wondered if this would do good, but you needed to hold him for one last time.
Jisung went to your apartment that night, you were waiting for him patiently. Every and then you were dressing up for him, you thought that was the last time you would do it for him in a while, just to think about it alone would bring tears in your eyes. When he passed the door, you tried to get a hold of yourself, smiling for him.
"You looks so beautiful today, love" you said to him, smiling brightly.
"You look as beautiful as ever, Y/N." he smiled, taking a few steps to get closer, caressing your cheek "I am already missing you" his voice fell.
The atmosphere were tense for the next fifteen minutes, but then Jisung carried you to the couch, to watch a movie together. It was Me Before You, you guys liked the bittersweet of that movie, even if it wasn't exactly the most favorite type of yours.
He leaned his head in your shoulders, hugging you tight, sometimes joking about some scene. You were distracted by him, looking at his face, memorizing every single detail of him, from his eyebrows shape to his chin. Your heart was beating in a way that was hurting you, you were feeling feeling nauseous of how intense just his bare face was hurting you because he was leaving. Jisung noticed that, sitting up straight and leaning to kiss your forehead.
"I'm still here..." he kissed you again, closing his eyes "Don't cry in front of me, I can't handle seeing you cry." he begged, with his point fingertip in your lips, that he switched to his mouth, locking with yours.
He was passionate in his touches, placing his hands firm enough to make you sure he was there. He kissed you gently, slowly, making you feel the desire he was feeling too. Jisung carried you to your bedroom, placing you on your bed.
That night he worshipped your body like he never did, he leaved marks on you, and not the hickeys ones, the mark of feeling loved. He took you slow, with lots of locking eyes together, he made you sure you knew how much he loved you, until you two had the energy drained, and then collapsed into each other arms, falling asleep.
But when you woke up, he wasn't there anymore.
You felt the pain hit you hard. He didn't even said goodbye, you couldn't tell him one last time that you loved him. You sit in bed, putting your face in your hands with frustration. There was a post it glued to your mattress, it took you lot of courage to read that.
I couldn't face you in the morning, I'm sorry. There's coffee waiting for you. See you in three years. J.One
You cried desperately, maybe he could hear you. You heart clenched in pain, it was starting to making everything too real. It was hard to get up that day, but you convinced yourself to go at least eat the breakfast he prepared for you.
The other days were harder. Sometimes you would cry in the middle of nowhere, like cleaning up your bathroom. You tried hard to get yourself together, but you just couldn't do it.
What gives you hope was read that note every night before go to bed. It was a temporary pain, everything will pass, you thought.
The days were getting a little bit easier through the time, you were getting used to the pain. You needed to get a hold of yourself, and then you searched for another company to work for. Luckily JYP haven't blacklisted you, so it made easier to find a new job.
You spent the last three years helping to prepare a new girlgroup to debut, they were really hard working and united, that enough made your heart fall for them. When their debut date was set, you were so full of work you didn't even realized that has passed the dating ban from Stray Kids, you haven't called him, and neither did him.
Your boss told the dance staff to always be with them, so even in music shows recording for their debut stage you were there too. The girls always thanked you for helping them with female stuff, because most of the staff was men, so you understood them better, always getting their back. One day you were in Inkigayo backstage, and you passed by a loud screeching noise you totally got forgotten in the past months about it, you heart almost jumped out of your chest. You speed up your pace, running out from that sound that made you shocked.
“Noona, are you okay?” the maknae from the group asked you, and you just smiled to her. “I'm fine, I just think I saw a ghost in the corridor” you faked a laugh, getting a water bottle and drinking. The girl was so confused, and lowkey scared that you might be telling the truth.
The older one just entered the room, retouching her lipstick in front of the mirror, analyzing her features in the mirror. She looked at you so enthusiastically that you felt taken aback when she spoke with you.
“Noona, I need coverage” she looked at her feet, blushing red “I just found this sunbaenim… He is really cute, tho… Can you watch us to warn if someone suddenly appears?” she was fully red in her face, and you looked hella confused.
“I mean… Taehee… isn't it too risky to do it?” you were concerned, getting closer to her, getting a grip onto her shoulders “You just debuted, don't risk everything because of a fling” you weren't being harsh, you just knew that same path, although you never told anyone about why you have been fired from your previous job, you felt the need to explain to that girl that she has to take some manners in industry.
Suddenly you felt the weight of your own past relationship to add to your shoulder, you had to excuse yourself out of the changing room to have some fresh air, you were ready to burst into tears. For three years you didn't dated anyone, you haven't been in a blind date or something, you just waited for him. You forgot this because of how busy and stressed you were in this whole trainee process, and just by hearing him from a long distance snapped you out of your own trance. How could Han Jisung affect you that much even after all this time? That was unfair.
Walking by the corridors you spotted Stray Kids manager, you bowed to him and got ready to walk away, but he stopped you.
“Y/N! It's been so long…” yeah, like you weren't the one who denounced your secret dates with his member, you thought.
“Hey” you forced yourself to smile “Yeah, now I'm training a girlgroup, amazing, isn't it?”
He congratulated you, and looked sincere, you both small talk for a little bit, when you are ready to turn around and go away, you saw those flashes of pity in his eyes. You wished you could curse him, break him apart.
Walking around you found yourself a nice and quiet place to simply stay there with your thoughts, you found a sit in the ground, closing your eyes and torturing yourself with memories that should be long forgotten. It was so hard to keep standing still, it's almost like you've been woken up from a coma just to hear his voice. It hurted you so bad. Your heart felt terrible in pain because your mind reminded you how brightly Jisung used to smile to you, or his scared faces whenever a loud noise suddenly appeared. You chuckled to that memory of your phone ringing making him surprised when you were so close to him and everything was so silent.
He was the sweetest, but now he's untouchable for you. Stray Kids has gone way too far for you to ask him about his promise, you weren't that selfish. Also he probably has already got over you. Han never called you in these three years, and something in the back of your mind told you it was because he probably didn't wanted you back. It was foolish from you to keep waiting for something that would never happen, you could only cherish the good memories that he left with you.
You recomposed yourself and went back to the corridors searching for your staff crew members, you would probably have to apologize for gone missing for a couple of minutes. Walking fast, you suddenly stopped when the Stray Kids changing room door opened, revealing Jisung itself. He smiled at you, you smiled back, but hurried before he could start a conversation with you, for the sake of your own emotional state. You would always remind of him like a good and smiling guy, it was better for you just end things in a good mood.
It always mattered for you how it would ends, and with a smile face was the better possibility you could take from that. It was time to let him go.
Goodbye, brown eyes. Goodbye, my love.
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head to toe | lee taeyong.
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genre: ten pounds of fluff. slightly suggestive?  character/s: taeyong x reader.  overview: you love each other from head to toe. literally. word count: 2971.
13. "Sorry I'm late." 28. "Drive safely." 99. "Be careful."
Taeyong’s voice pulls you out of your concentration. You look up from your laptop screen and scan the entire room until your eyes finally land on his figure. Calm and quiet, he’s sitting in front of his easel where a blank canvas is placed. Sunday nights mean the both of you catching up with the work you’ve put off over the weekend – you with your Film App paper, and him with his commissioned portrait.  
You stand up, dragging your chair with you to where he was. He hooks an arm around your ankles and lift them up to his lap. Being able to touch you and feel you near brings him a deep sense of comfort. And only then is he able to start his own work.
You sit on the sofa and let out a loud sigh of relief. Nothing beats having a boyfriend who can cook – and cook deliciously, mind you. Taeyong wears a smug look on his face as he watches you. "Full?"
Still in the last few moments of food coma, you could only nod. And then, when his gaze is back on the TV, you pull your shirt up just enough to uncover your belly and take Taeyong's hand. He immediately glances at you as soon as his palm rests on the soft skin of your stomach.
"You feel this?" you ask. "It's our food baby."
He snorts. "Wow, what's its name?"
"Chicken-stir-fry Lee."
"I swear to God you're the weirdest thing ever," he says. But he squeezes your waist and pulls you into his side, anyway.
Irritated Doyoung is in the middle of his speech when a hand lands on the small of your back. "What did I miss?" Taeyong asks, stealing the glass of champagne from your hands and taking a sip himself.
"Not much." You see Doyoung catching sight of Taeyong, the supposedly man of the hour, amidst the crowd and grimacing. "Just your opening speech, is all."
The man beside you snickers. "He handled it well, anyhow."
"But I was anticipating seeing you talk about your work."
He looks at you from the corner of his eye and frowns. "I’m sorry I'm late."
You want to snap back at him but you don't have a chance to, because Doyoung is already marching over to where you and Taeyong were standing. He then thrusts the wireless microphone onto your boyfriend’s chest and drag him to the spotlight, much to your delight and Taeyong’s dismay.
There is a certain kind of security to be felt when you’re caged in between Taeyong’s arms and your legs are all tangled up. You feel like everything can go wrong – you can fail your exam, get sick with the flu for days, lose all your hair, and even misplace your lucky pen – but still feel happy and content. Because nothing can make you unhappy. Not here. Not when you’re safely tucked under his chin and pressed oh so warmly against his chest.
“What happened to his eyebrows?” Taeyong’s sister asks you as you bond over cups of coffee. She chances upon her brother’s latest profile picture and tsks in disapproval at the sight of him with one of his eyebrows partly shaved.
You shrug. “I’m the one supposed to know him the best, but even I don’t know what goes through his head sometimes.”
“There, there,” she cooes. “He’s a lot to handle, isn’t he?”
“I’m just at that point where I’m glad his fingers and toes are still complete.”
You and his sister sigh in unison.
Taeyong holds your hand tightly after he sits you down on the couch. His hands are hot and sweaty against yours.
"What's wrong?"
He sighs, avoiding your gaze. "I've been hiding something from you."
"What is it?" Immediately, you are on full alert. Whatever he's going to say, you already know it's not good. You begin to anticipate something bad, like he's killed someone and now he needs help hiding the body; something worse, like he's going to use you for his upcoming exhibit; the worst, like he's going to break up with you.
"I have chicks," he says, eyes quickly searching yours for a response. He doesn't know what he sees there. Disappointment? Betrayal? Fury?
"You mean... you've been cheating?"
"What?" Your boyfriend shifts in his seat more comfortably. "No! I meant chicks, as in baby chickens. I just didn't want to tell you because you said you didn't want pets, and they're not pets! I'm just keeping them for inspiration for my new exhibit." He picks at your fingernails as he spoke, fidgeting with your hands out of nervousness.
You exhale the breath you don't realize you've been holding. If you didn't love this guy, you probably would have punched him. He sometimes makes you nervous and panicky for no reason. "Okay. Okay, that's fine."
He clutches your hands to his chest as he too sighs in relief. "Okay, good."
"How did you bring them here without me noticing?"
"Oh, that was easy. I bought them as eggs and then incubated them under our bed. I kept a daily log of them in my phone and not in a notebook so you wouldn't be able to see. Everyday, when you leave, I check up on them and cuddle them one by one like a mother hen. And then, after weeks and weeks of just pure love and warmth, they started hatching. So now, I've eight baby chicks."
"Did you just say you incubated them under our bed?"
"For weeks and weeks?"
"And now that they've hatched, where do you keep them, exactly?"
"Oh! The pet store where I bought them from said to put them somewhere with soil and proper ventilation, so I put them on your mini garden."
"Lee Taeyong!"
"The hell is this?"
You grab a handful of your boyfriend's hair and frown. Taeyong being an artist has its fair share of crazies. But having been with him for years has made you immune to them, so seeing him now with electric blue hair isn't as surprising as his old "experiments". But seeing Yuta and Johnny with red and green hair respectively is nothing short of shocking.
"What, you like it?" Yuta asks, his bangs covering his eyes as he blowdries his hair.
"It's like a powerpuff convention I wasn't invited in."
"See, I told you she'd hate it." Johnny elbows Taeyong against the rib.
"Shut up, Buttercup."
“Yes, give it to me, baby!”
Your arms and legs are starting to hurt from the awkward positions you put yourself into, but the smile it brings to your boyfriend’s face makes it all worth it.
“Okay, I think that’s enough pictures, [Y/N],” Taeyong says as he walks towards you. He’s beginning to think that asking you to take his picture for his Facebook profile is a bad idea. You do have a slight tendency to go overboard. Because even as he’s fast approaching you, you still manage to capture him in a candid shot or two. He quickly removes the strap from your wrist and manages, with great difficulty, to retrieve the camera from your grip.
“Not yet, just a few more!” You let out a whine in protest, almost shoving the camera lens in his face to give him a lot of pictures to choose from. “Whoa, look at that jawline,” you exclaim to distract him, knowing full well that he takes so much pride in what he considers to be his best asset. “What a killer.”
Later on, he’s posting one as his new profile photo. Before he could even finish uploading it, Taeyong tosses you your own phone so you could be the first person to like it.
You know you’re in for a wild night when your boyfriend wears his clip-on lip ring, with Taeyong knowing full well how the small piece of accessory makes you feel all sorts of things.
"I don't see how–"
Taeyong shushes you before you could finish your sentence. "You won't be able to see it if you keep talking. Be quiet and just stare at it."
You do as you're told, but after a minute or so, you complain once again. "I still can't–"
"Any second now."
You purse your lips and swallow the complaints that bubble up your throat. Instead, you take a deep breath and really concentrate on the canvas that was in front of you. Besides the weird splash of colors that seemed unorganized and accidental, you focus on the black lines that curve fluidly across the plane. And just like that, it hits you.
"It's a bunny!" you exclaim, straightening your posture at the same time. Taeyong has insisted you look at the picture with your head tilted at exactly 45 degrees. Now your neck just hurts and you let out an involuntary yelp.
"Good job, baby," he praises, dropping a quick kiss on your forehead. He puts the canvas away and places a new one in front of you. "Now, this one you have to look at from the back like you're walking away and someone from behind you suddenly calls your name..."
You rest your chin over your palm as you watch Taeyong dote on Jisung, his latest intern.
“Why are you being so mean to him? It’s his first day,” you complain as soon as he leaves the intern to do his assigned task and goes to you. “On my first day here, I didn’t even do much.”
“Yeah, well, I was faking being strict on you because I liked you. But now, I have to be really strict,” he says in defense.
“Because you might end up liking the new interns too?”
He shakes his head and steals a peck from your lips. “Nope. I’m actually a very strict and uptight person. I’m just nice to you because I’m whipped.”
You laugh at his strange attempts at flirting. And you don’t understand if you find it funny because his advances come off as awkward or because no matter how strange it seems, his flirting still manages to make your heart flutter. “You drive me nuts, seriously.”
“I may drive you nuts, but at least I drive safely.” And then Taeyong winks with both of his eyes.
Scrolling through Instagram on his phone, Taeyong drops his head on your lap. “Hey, you think my doodles are pretty, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“How come you never thought of having it tattooed on you?”
You frown. “Because it’s permanent?”
The word makes Taeyong sit up. “And we’re not?”
Now it’s his turn to frown. He mulls over something for a while before speaking again. “Then let’s be permanent.”
“Like married?”
“Yeah,” he says, a small smile gracing his lips at the thought. “Like married.”
You shrug, feigning nonchalance, when inwardly you were screaming. “Fine.”
“Fine,” Taeyong repeats. “I want my fleur de lis drawing inked on your shoulder.” As he spoke, he grabs ahold of the collar of your shirt and drags it sideways to expose more skin. And then he marks the spot where he wants you tattooed by leaving open-mouthed kisses on your skin.
Besides his genuine macabre style of painting, Taeyong is also known for his rather strange exhibitions.
“Are those—”
“Yes,” he cuts you off, urging you to move on to the rest of the artworks on the first day of your internship. But you choose to stand still and stare at the teeth scattered behind the glass display.
“Are they real?”
“Yes. Have you read the description?”
Your eyes dart away from the teeth and briefly shift to the justified paragraph printed on clean white paper just at the bottom of the display, but you don’t bother reading.
“Are they yours?”
Taeyong sighs. “Of course not. You know where I got them?”
“I pulled them out from the mouth of interns who ask too many questions.”
You don’t speak a word for the rest of your mini tour.
“You call yourself an artist with this kind of work?”
You groan, taking the brush from your boyfriend’s grip. Sitting up, you fold your right knee up to your chest to inspect your foot. And, just as you expected, Taeyong has smudged the nail polish all over your toes.
“Well, I’m sorry the wand is too small!”
“Ugh.” You snatch the bottle from the table and work on your nails yourself. “I’m painting your toes in the same way you did mine and then we’ll see how you like it.”
Doyoung makes his usual round of the exhibit just before closing time. As usual on a Friday night, there are still several students taking notes, connoisseurs basking in the different sights, and just random visitors taking pictures. Nothing is out of place, he thinks, but he could only sigh when he catches sight of you and Taeyong by the corner. If he had a dollar for every time he catches the two of you with your tongues down each other’s throats, he would have been able to purchase an original Van Gogh by now.
Love means compromise. So on days you really need a dose of your boyfriend’s cuddles, he lets you sit on his thigh and hugs you with his left arm while working on a sketch with his other.
“You nervous?”
“I’ll be with you the whole time, I promise,” Taeyong reassures with a smile. His hands find purchase in your waist before his fingers find each other and interlock behind you, keeping them in place. “Now, take a deep breath for me.”
You do as you’re told and exhale after a few seconds. His words don’t completely quell the nervousness within you, but they manage to calm you down a little. You’re now beginning to regret agreeing to holding your first exhibition in your boyfriend’s own place. But you realize it’s too late to back out now, because Taeyong is already ushering you towards the crowd. You see your family and friends, who all congratulate you for a job well done. You catch sight of your professors, whom you avoid on purpose for fear of a long, intellectual discussion about art theory. You also get to meet fellow artists, most of whom were invited by Taeyong himself.
Somewhere along the way, you lose your boyfriend in the crowd, but you let him be, not wanting to disappoint your guests by sticking to Taeyong’s side the entire time. However, when the crowd thins and your social skills get drained, you look for him first. And it isn’t that hard to look for a red-haired boy in a sea of brunettes.
As soon as you appear in front of him, he says, “I’m proud of you,” as if he has been practicing all night to say it and now that he has the chance to blurt it out, he does. You squeeze his hand and smile. After all, despite the countless criticisms and comments you’ve heard all night, Taeyong’s approval is the only thing that mattered.
Being an intern for Taeyong – the Lee Taeyong – is taking up all your patience, to say the least. Sure, you have been offered an internship by other artists, but Taeyong's studio was the nearest to where you live. Traveling back and forth daily for an ordinary university student like you is taxing and costly, so you decided to choose him over others. You're starting to rethink that decision now.
"Be careful!" he shouts at you for the hundredth time today. "That's an authentic Rothko you're holding, not some poster from a souvenir shop.”
You roll your eyes. Usually, it’s Doyoung, his curator and closest friend, who gives you tasks and assigns you work to do, but he has flown out of the country since the weekend, leaving you under the wing of the devil himself. Taeyong’s first job assignment for you is to clean up his studio. You think of it lightly at first, but later on realize he hasn’t cleaned the place ever since he has turned it into his workplace. Media of various kinds cling to his floor and easel like glue (you found some kind of blood-like substance that you didn’t bother asking about), and it has taken you almost three whole days to scrub them off completely.
Now he’s making you move all the paintings from his exhibition area to the storage room for some reason he isn’t telling you. As carefully as you can, you attempt to lift the painting higher as per your boss’ instruction. But with the day’s worth of carrying and transferring finally catching up to you, you stumble back, the painting in your hands becoming dangerously close to being damaged. So Taeyong comes to your rescue, catching your wrist just in time.
But this isn’t like what you see in romance movies or John Green novels where boy catches girl and they stare into each other’s eyes until they fall in love. Because Taeyong takes No. 15 from your grip and brings it to storage himself. The painting is saved, but you never hear the last of it, because he scolds and nags your ears off and leaves you standing in the middle of his studio feeling like the worst intern ever. You cry about it to Doyoung over the phone, but he still says he ships the two of you together.
“Oh, please.” You scoff. “I will never fall in love with someone like him.”
But boy are you wrong.
Send me an idol and a number!
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indiepoptime · 6 years
i started this when i didn’t have wifi or a sketchbook and thus my phone’s notes app was the only thing i had to entertain myself. i didn’t get very far, but decided to finish because we got a fandom name recently (hello fellow stays!!!) and also our boys are coming back so soon and i’m E X C I T E D as hell
anyways i’ll keep one before the cut as a teaser and the rest under it so this post doesnt get too long. this isn’t in age order like i usually do it because....idk. it felt right to do chan first.
hope y’all enjoy this one as much as my day6 one from a bit back!! 
Bang Chan/Chan:
—the batman type of superhero who everyone thinks has some insane power/ability but really is just a normal dude armed with his smarts, charisma, and a small collection of taser guns
—is one of the only members without a secret identity (he barely has a costume. it’s literally a black onesie at best; he wears what he can change into fast) but the members still spy on him because they think he’s lying about not having powers
—works from home in graphic design so that he has the flexibility to do both daytime and nighttime shifts as a hero (we see his priorities here—he still doesn’t get enough sleep)
—doesn’t kill and actively tries to rehabilitate his opponents while he fights them
—villains hate him because they find him irritating, except the ones who he’s managed to actually reform (who, to be fair, still find him irritating but don’t hate him because he’s made their lives better) and who are now grudgingly his “allies” through a variety of physical and figurative debts
—the of-age members have a drinking game where they’ll take a shot after work every time chan ends a battle by calling to a villain by name and taking them out to ice cream/boba/fries (still in costume)
—won’t shut up about how much he loves his team to the point where he’s on probation for public appearances because he’ll inevitably give away a member’s identity. regardless, he’s the undisputed leader and every single member trusts him with their secret identity if they have one
—student with a part-time job as a barista and also as a superhero
—running joke is that he didn’t mean to be on a superhero team, but chan joined his chill study club and turned it into a vigilante club without him realizing what was happening until it was too late
—he just goes with the jokes, but secretly can’t remember how he was pulled into this whole superhero mess either. the thought concerns him a little (but not that much)
—speedster who complains about his “slowness” anyways, leading to his being called either the grandpa or the bear (perpetual hibernation; the members joke that one day he will actually sleep through his own life) of the team
—hard-carries the team in a silent, un-flashy way—a lot of his work in battle is done speeding from place to place, stealing weapons, changing the position of mines and traps
—complains about the members a lot, but genuinely views himself as their personal guardian and would gladly sacrifice his life for them even if he’s somewhat clumsy about it
—the members still give him shit about the one time he rammed into a glass door at the speed of sound and shattered it all over himself (thank god for armored suits) to save jeongin from what he thought was a villain but was actually just a large bird/tree/telephone pole (the story’s gotten muddled over the years)
Lee Know/Minho:
—a professional dancer who’s been in the industry for years, though he’s only recently come out of the shadows as a backing dancer and into the spotlight as a solo act; the development of his powers over fire and electricity have allowed him to put on some pretty impressive performances
—woojin meets him one day in his coffee shop and, after recognizing him from his dancing, asks him about his powers and advertises his club to him. after a few drops by the shop, minho decides to pay the club a visit and essentially adopts all the members as his unspoken proteges
—his fighting style is a mixture of dance and martial arts, which he learned when he was younger, plus a few neat tricks with fire that allow him to hover and propel/flip in the air
—“why are you afraid of heights—you literally fly!”
—he’s by far the most popular member with the public, most of whom have not quite made the connection between the graceful fire dancer on stage and the aggressive but also elegant fighter that he becomes in battle. a few of his fans have obviously connected the dots, but are fiercely loyal to his brand and consider it their little secret
—nevertheless, he’s not at all afraid of losing his secret identity and simply keeps it because he can
—he tells the members that he’s already a celeb anyways, so it doesn’t really matter, and happily posts little hints to his identities on all of his social media (he’s got sites for Nightstriker (his superhero name—as pretentious as possible) and himself) while the other members stare on in shock
—rich as h e c k; the one facet of batman that chan lacks
—an amateur graphic novelist with a passion for collecting things: he’s got at least 200 stuffed animals, boxes upon boxes of antique marbles, and enough superhero suits (that he had custom-made depending on his mood and age) to last a small lifetime
—he’s wanted to be a superhero since he was very small, since he spent a lot of his youth reading books and comics, but didn’t develop powers until later in life so he turned to novel-writing as a way to become a hero in fantasy
—when he was 17, his power over shadow finally started to manifest, catching him off guard. at first he could only do small things like blind people or turn the lights off without moving, but eventually he learned that he could literally control people’s bodies by manipulating their shadows
—he went to woojin’s club out of fear, afraid that his powers were too dark to control, and that he couldn’t be the hero he wanted to be if he couldn’t control them
—the other members but especially minho took him under their wing and showed him that there were multiple sides to his power that he could harness in order to achieve balance: the darkness of shadow, but also the light around it
—once changbin gains control over his powers, he considers it his debt to shower the other members with ridiculously luxurious items from home. he’s never quite known what to do with all of his wealth, most of it inherited, so he just keeps buying stuff for the people who helped him
—minho’s not sure what to do with the fancy gold-lined bidet that suddenly appears in his backstage bathroom, but he goes with it
—a childhood friend of changbin’s who re-entered his life when he needed an illustrator to help him with his graphic novels
—equipped with a raging imagination since he was very young, jisung’s powers actually manifest while he’s working on one of changbin’s comics: he accidentally imagines one of the monsters from its pages into being
—changbin and him end up having to fight it and, after changbin helps a stunned jisung defeat the monster with his darkness powers (which jisung previously didn’t know existed), he offers to take his friend to woojin’s club to help him control his newfound abilities
—like minho took changbin under his wing, chan takes it upon himself to help jisung reign in his wayward imagination and bend it to his will. as someone who has to remain calm at all times and evaluate the situation to take advantage of it because of his lack of powers, chan is in a unique position to help jisung concentrate
—once jisung is able to handle his abilities at least to a certain extent, he excitedly provides the club with their own building, furnished with plush furniture and a frighteningly large sunflower lamp in the living room. he refuses to compromise on both the lamp and the building’s fuchsia walls and insists that if they want something different they’ll have to buy it, which changbin immediately does
—his favorite weapon in battle is a giant yellow hammer that he created, which he’s happily named j.won to foreshadow his impending victories. his members are tired and have basically given up on him
—if minho’s fame as a celebrity dancer is discounted, then hyunjin would win as the most popular member simply because he’s STELLAR at hiding his identity and everyone is curious as hell
—literally has no clue how popular he is and doesn’t believe it when the other members tell him
—everyone thinks he’s significantly older than he actually is because he has a very dark costume that covers his entire body and a green jeweled mask that covers his face (the jewels came from changbin; the green was hyunjin’s idea)
—his power is poison, and he’s damn good at using it. not only can he erode/poison an enemy by touching them, forcing them to grow progressively weaker throughout a battle; he can also use words to poison: his power allows him to discover his enemy’s worst fear and use it to weaken them
—like changbin, he came to the club out of fear, but not because he was worried that his power would overcome him, but because he worried that controlling and using it made him a bad person
—under the guidance of chan and changbin, he learns to limit his powers and use them to curb evil/violence without crossing the line himself
—when he first came to the club, he was attached to changbin at the hip because he felt a kindred spirit in him, but eventually he would start to absorb the joy of some of the other members, especially jisung and felix (who were usually around changbin anyway)
—having come from abroad and found himself both directionless and moneyless, felix turns to stealing in order to provide for himself. he breaks into changbin’s home thinking that he and his family aren’t there, only to find changbin wrestling himself into one of his many superhero suits (the family outing, while true for the rest of his family, was a distraction for changbin to change)
—after the shock of that first meeting, changbin “invites” (more like grudgingly accepts) his intruder into his home and offers him a full meal, as well as a free shower and some nice clothes before going out on his mission
—somewhere down the line changbin realizes that he’s adopted a younger brother somehow? and it’s actually kind of nice?? once felix is cleaned up and not stealing, he’s very smiley and cute and follows changbin around the house everywhere offering to help
—eventually, changbin isn’t able to keep felix from coming along with him to one of his club meetings, wherein felix gains a bucketload of new role models
—chan is SO COOL, especially because he doesn’t have powers, and because felix thinks that he also doesn’t have powers, he spends every meeting trying to get chan to teach him stuff
—eventually, the team takes felix aside to try to figure out if he DOES have any powers (since, changbin insists, if he’s gonna keep coming with me we gotta keep him NOT DEAD. I HAVE BROTHERLY DUTIES)
—it doesn’t take them long to discover that felix definitely does have powers, and that they were kind of obvious: he can turn himself intangible at will, and he does it unconsciously. it’s how he’s been getting into houses undetected
—woojin takes him as his apprentice, since his powers are fairly similar (SO COOL, says felix)
—jisung calls him Filly Pryde and insists that this should be his superhero name when he goes public—the rest of the team wants to die in that instant
—the only member of the team who actually came to the club on his own free will and wasn’t brought in by another member
—was a HUGE fan of the superhero team before he joined; he followed all of their public appearances and kept newspaper cuts of their battles in his room, as well as identity graphs where he’s hunted down info about all of the members and tried to figure out who they actually were
—when he joins, woojin comes to the apartment that he shares with his mom and sister and seungmin is a frenzy of COVER UP EVERYTHING THEY CAN’T KNOW THAT I KNOW hi im seungmin
—while hyunjin trained himself because he HAD to, seungmin built up his seemingly useless power to make it into a superhero-worthy skill. he can control paper, but has trained himself to have limited control over different types of trees (those that are made to make paper, which he’s taught himself to recognize on sight)
—he’s also extremely skilled at using paper folding/origami as a weapon using speed and the angle of the edge of the paper. basically paper-cuts on steroids
—changbin makes the mistake of hazarding a joke about seungmin’s ability when they first meet, before seungmin almost saws his nose off (and also berates him with hundreds of embarrassing incidents from past fights that seungmin somehow still remembers)
—he and minho have a bomb combo move that involves minho lighting trains of paper knives on fire and it is, in felix’s words, the best thing on this good earth
—seungmin’s protege
—jeongin’s power is the most obvious of the whole team’s: he’s got 4-foot angel wings that are probably still growing. when they first sprouted, he was almost beat nonsensical before seungmin paper-cut his bullies into near delirium and then told jeongin that his wings were the most awesome thing he’d ever seen
—seungmin then brought jeongin home, made him a variety of beautiful paper capes and shawls to hide his folded wings, and then went to the club to have jisung make him a bag whose straps could fit his wings through them, as well as fabric copies of the paper designs
—after a while, jisung began to question who he was making these extravagant gifts for, and had woojin & chan ask seungmin to bring his protege to the club
—afraid that his team would think jeongin was either too young or ill-prepared to be a superhero, seungmin spent an entire night preparing a 20-slide ppt presentation complete with images and research for his case, as well as a few days training jeongin in basic battle skills
—he needn’t have been worried though; chan falls in love with jeongin instantly and forces the rest of the team to accept him as well, which doesn’t take much forcing at all once the kid smiles
—“WHAT IS THAT PEST??!” demands a villain, gesturing at a flying jeongin
—“THAT’S OUR BABY!” chan yells back
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deepdickdaniel · 7 years
Kang Daniel | Skin & Bones
prompt: you remind daniel that he doesn’t need to lose weight to be perfect.
note: day 2 of DANIEL WEEK aka MY BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! this is the week i post seven days of daniel stories as a treat to myself! also, @mongniel and i were so sad to see daniel’s weight loss. we miss the chubby cheeks! but really, we just want him to be happy and healthy always. #feedkangdaniel2k17
warning: possible triggers relating to a negative body image!
Looking all around the subway cart, you noticed everyone on their phones. That’s when you saw it: the girl standing in front of you had a fanmade case with your boyfriend’s face on it. You smiled to yourself, proud that Daniel had made it so far after all of his hard work.
When the passenger seated next to you got off at the next stop, the girl replaced him. Out of the corner of your eye, you could tell that she was looking up more pictures of Daniel. Happy to see another one of his supporters, you sneakily took peeks every now and then to get an idea of how his fans viewed him.
But alarm struck you when you saw how skinny he looked in the fantaken pictures of their show in Taipei. Physically, the two of you had not been together for a few weeks due to his busy schedule. You were actually on your way to meet him at this time since he had a small break.
You got off the train soon after and walked to Wanna One’s dorm, where you knew Daniel would be. While you certainly worried about his apparent weight loss, a part of you hoped that it was some sick, edited photo. These thoughts consumed you as you made your way to their front door.
Jisung opened the door and greeted you, as did the rest of the members who were home and fooling around in the living room. Observing your eyes searching for Daniel, Seongwu nudged you and handed you a bowl of snacks.
“He’s in our room resting. Here, I don’t think he’s eaten yet today. He just got home an hour ago.” You took the bowl with a smile and waved to the boys before you knocked on the closed door lightly.
No response. You knocked again and called out, “Daniel? It’s me. I’m coming in.” Shrugging your shoulders at the curious looks the members were giving you, you opened the door, entered the room, and then shut the door.
At first, you didn’t see see him since the room was quite dark. Then you saw a bright light coming from the ground in one of the corners. You walked closer and saw Daniel standing on a brightly lit machine.
“Daniel? What’s that?”
The poor boy almost fell in surprise at your voice, but smiled brightly while he called out your name anyway. He quickly bent down to put away whatever he was standing on and jogged to you, opening his arms wide to embrace you.
You hugged him back excitedly, the bowl of snacks forgotten on a nearby side table, eager to feel his warmth after some time apart. However, you noticed that your hands reached further around his torso than they used to. You let them linger, sneakily rubbing his back to get a better feel for this change in his body.
He started to laugh, “You’re tickling me!” So you started to actually tickle him, giggling when he playfully moved around to avoid your fickle fingers. That’s when you saw it. In the dimly lit room, his suddenly more prominent cheekbones reflected the light off of the lamp. The shadows of his hands that were trying to avoid your body were thinner than you remembered. You needed to see him for real, so you rushed to the light switch and turned it on.
When the darkness disappeared, you finally saw your boyfriend. Daniel was still smiling, albeit a bit more confused this time, and watched your movements. But all you were doing was watching him, taking in his appearance.
His body wasn’t as skinny as you feared it would be, but he definitely lost even more weight than he had the last time you saw him. His shirt, which had been one of your favorites on him, had become baggier. His jeans were looser. The arms that have been glued to your body on numerous occasions weren’t as full.
Your eyes then moved to his face. He was still as handsome as ever, but your heart hurt at the memories of his chubby cheeks. But nothing prepared you for the heartbreak you faced when you looked into his eyes. He was so tired - emotionally and physically - and you could tell.
“What happened to you?” You couldn’t help but ask him, moving closer to him once more. He cocked his head, asking you what you meant.
“You’ve lost so much weight!”
“Ah, you see, it’s just part of the idol job!”
Your nostrils flared at this, “Is it your company again? Are they making you lose even more weight?” You were about to go on a rampage and you felt it. How dare they even think that Daniel needed to lose more weight. He had already lost so much during Produce 101— 
“No! It’s not my company, I promise. It’s for me this time.”
That stopped you in your tracks. Your shoulders, which had been propped up for battle, fell as your eyebrows furrowed. You didn’t get it. 
Daniel sighed and walked back to the corner he was standing in when you walked into the room. Bending back down, he retrieved the mysterious object that was glowing earlier. He shuffled his feet on his way to you, presenting the item almost sheepishly.
It was a weighing scale.
You wanted to say something, but words weren’t forming. You were speechless. He was so perfect the way he was and would always be perfect, regardless of his weight- why couldn’t he see that?
He noticed your silence and sighed, “I’ve been weighing myself a lot. I just think that as an idol, I should look the part, you know?” You shook your head at that, finding your strength to speak once more.
“Daniel, you’ve always looked like an idol. You came out of the womb looking ready for the spotlight!”
“You’re just saying that because you love me—“
“Yes, I love you, but you have always been perfect the way you were. Even with you losing weight, you’re perfect. But you know what’s not perfect? You looking down on yourself - you limiting yourself. Do you think your fans would be happy to know how much you’ve been starving yourself just to look a certain way?”
“I haven’t been starving myself. I just eat less.”
“That doesn’t answer the question, Daniel. You know your fans would be so upset to see this! You were voted as #1, you don’t think they love you for who you are already?!”
“I started to get more votes when I lost weight on the way to ‘Open Up,’ so I just figured that’s what got everyone’s attention...” He muttered sadly, walking over to his bed and sitting on it. You followed and took a seat beside him, taking hold of his hand.
“No, you know what got everyone’s attention? Your bright personality, your brilliant dance moves, your husky voice, and most importantly, your genuine heart. Daniel, please don’t reduce yourself to your appearance when you know you’re so much more than that.” You pleaded with him and brought his hand up to your lips, kissing it lightly to show your support.
He smiled weakly at that, “But what if me losing weight makes the fans happy?”
"Are you really happy? You can't even eat what you want anymore and it makes me so sad every time I see that." You dropped his hand and took his face between your palms. Your heart squeezed a bit when you realized the lack of squish that was there now, but you continued on anyway, “Your fans are happy to see you happy. They want you happy and healthy all the time. How are you going to do that if you can’t eat meat as often as you’d like?”
Daniel laughed and nodded cutely, smiling genuinely at you. He leaned in to steal a kiss from your lips and placed his forehead on yours, “You’re absolutely right. I shouldn’t limit myself as much anymore. As long as I stay healthy enough to perform for them, I’ll be happy.”
“That’s my boy.”
“But the dentist told me that I still can’t eat jellies...”
You laughed at his pouty face, “I’m sure you can sneak one every now and then. Now here, “ you reached over to the side table and picked up the bowl you took into the room, “I brought snacks!” He smiled cheekily and kissed you again before popping a pretzel into his mouth. And with that, Daniel was on his way to a stronger self-love with you by his side.
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aesjae · 7 years
Boyfriend! Jaehyun
#5 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
A/N: I honestly didn’t mean to be biased but i’m so soft because i love jaehyun so much so this boyfriend! would be much longer than the rest. i love all the members but im so sorry i got carried away ㅠㅠ
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Word Count: 2,349 Style/ Genre: Headcanon/ very fluffy  Date Posted: 7 Sept 2017
omg i'm already soft at the thought of this
i'm just gonna imagine the loml being my real bf now to make things easier and fluffier
so can you imagine jaehyun
THE jung yoonoh being your boyfriend
omg it'd be so adorable and fluffy?
i'll not talk about the confession as i'll leave that for a future series
but after jaehyun confesses to you
he'd be so shy???
like his head would be bowed
arms awkwardly by his side
not knowing what to do with them so he holds onto the ends of his fingertips instead
but when you revealed you like him to and agreed to be in a relationship with him
his head would snap upwards towards you
at first looking really confused
but when your words fully registered into his head
a huge grin would just morph onto his face
that adorable grin that i can never get sick of
and he'll pull you by the wrist and enveloped you into a hug, burying his head into your neck/ shoulder, grin never leaving his face
and both of you would walk out of the venue hand in hand
it was a new but warm and fuzzy feeling
but you liked it
jaehyun would be one of the sweetest and goofiest boyfriends in nct
both of you would still be in high school
and you would go to every of his basketball matches and singing competitions
before every match and competition though he would make sure he meets you
claiming that you were his lucky charm
and that the match or competition wouldn't go well without you
even if it were a mere 5 minutes
he would want to meet you
both of you would be outside the gymnasium/ backstage and he would be taking your hand in his, head looking down and nervously fiddling with your fingers
you would squeeze his hand from time to time to reassure him that he’d do well
and he’ll up at you with those wavering and jittery eyes
omg how precious
and he’ll pull you in for a hug
that hug would give jaehyun all the strength that he needed tbh
he would have felt so energised
he would only reluctantly break away from the hug when it was absolutely time to go
but not forgetting to peck you on your cheeks or your lips before running off
probably leaving you blushing over there
jaehyun would really enjoy bringing you out for dates
i mean he would be a sucker for dates man
from those really simple lunch dates
to those extravagant special surprise dates that he may or may not have spent a few weeks preparing
let’s start with lunch dates
! ! !
honestly, jaehyun would be the type of boyfriend who would be fine with just eating fast food with you
i mean
broke teens
broke young adults
poor souls
ain’t gonna waste money on abalone or some shit on a daily basis
i mean being realistic here right
uall are still high school kids in this scenario
so jaehyun’s gonna be super goofy yet sweet
he would be teasing you with the fries
“(Y/N)~ Ah, here’s your fry~”
//extends his hand out with fry, only to swiftly pop it into his mouth when it was right about to enter mouths//
“Aw (Y/N), don’t be sad~~ I’ll feed you another”
well let’s just say you never got that fry
in fact, jaehyun probably snatched like 80% of your fries
“You’re so cute (Y/N)~ I’m so glad I found you hehe”
and he would pinch your pouting cheeks lovingly, with that sickeningly cute smile on his face
as revenge, you would purposely only buy one ice cream cone
none for jaejae
ey but jaejae is a darejae
omg that was lame
okay but
you may put on a mocking expression as you savoured your ice cream cone, seating opposite jaehyun
looking at jaehyun who had a frown on his face as he eyed your ice cream cone
and also your lips
suddenly he may let out a frustrated sigh and suddenly gets up
reaching over to your side of the table with his body
and suddenly giving you a peck
which became much longer than expected
stunning you in position
before you could react jaehyun had taken a huge swig of your ice cream
eating like half of the ice cream and some of the cone
chuckling as he licked his lips covered with ice cream
and when you finally recovered to your senses you could only realise in dismay and horror that half of your ice cream was gone
rip ice cream
and jaehyun would be sticking his tongue out at you
what a child
but a cute and seriously handsome one
okay now for the more extravagant dates
honestly, i would think that he would have planned something special for your school prom
promposal was probably one of the cutest things
with jaehyun being one of the smartest in the batch he would have come out with a really smart promposal
it happened in math class
and the teacher was going through trigonometry, asking if anybody wanted to volunteer to demonstrate the steps to an exercise question
jaehyun raised his hand, which was kind of shocking because despite being one of the smartest of students, jaehyun might be shy in raising his hands in class
but this time he raised his hand up confidently, causing you to just look at him with amusement
however, you didn’t think too much about it, looking down at your notebook again to work on the same question
when you finally let out an exasperated sigh, giving up on the complicated question
cheers began to erupt and your classmates started clapping loudly
numerous of your classmates started turning their heads to look at you with wide grins on their faces and you’re just like ?????
until you saw the board
jaehyun was standing beside the board
fiddling with his fingers nervously again, a sheepish yet hopeful grin on his face
shy, twinkling eyes looking up at you
beside him, in perfect black marker ink
“(Y/N), girl/boy, you got me SIN(ghing) COS of your beauty. You’re so beautiful inside and out, I’m so glad and blessed we both atTANded this school, because I get to meet you at one point, and I have no regrets. Instead of staying tangent to each other and only crossing at one point, let’s be parallel and never leave each other’s side. Prom, with me?”
i swear you probably would’ve cringed by the time you read that finish
but there would be some tears in your eyes
and your cheeks would hurt from your grin
because that was one of the sweetest and cringiest thing someone had ever done for you, even from Jaehyun
you wouldn’t even realise that the whole class was staring at you anticipating your response
and when you nodded your head, the whole call burst into cheers
even your teacher was clapping gleefully
and jaehyun would walk back to both of your seats, enveloping you in a hug
i mean it was only a promposal but you loved it
since you felt every inch of Jaehyun’s sincerity
but that wasn’t the surprise yet
the surprise comes on the day of prom
both of you would be dressed splendidly ( i mean jAEHYUN IN A TUX IS LIKE WOAHHHHHH)
and both of you would be slow dancing to a song,
when suddenly jaehyun turned back to look at the wall clock, abruptly excusing himself and saying that he would be right back
but he left you stranded, so you just awkwardly stayed in your place, not knowing what to do
suddenly the slow dance song transited into this soft pop ballad instrumental and you could hear the voiceover of a familiar voice
“(Y/N), she was the one that made me feel myself, even at the times i felt like i wasn’t myself. she was the one that understood me the best and stood by me during my difficulties, even when i had trouble trying to handle them myself. she’s more than i could ask for, and this is for her.”
and suddenly jaehyun neatly clad in his tux would step onto the middle of the stage
grabbing the microphone
and starts to sing a self composed song
some of the lyrics were words that Jaehyun and you said to each other
some of them were about the times both of you spent together
some of them were just jaehyun’s pure confession of his feelings for you
but all of them were part of his declaration of love to you
you were entranced in the song
but also in jaehyun’s eyes
he would have his eyes fixated on you throughout the song
as if he was pouring his heartfelt confession to you
but in front of the whole school
as if ascertaining his love for you
as if telling the whole world of his dedication and commitment to you, and to ward off anybody else who wanted to break the both of you apart
but both of you knew that your bond was formidable
it was strong
and everyday when you look at jaehyun with the same expression of adoration and love, you just knew in your heart that both of your feelings were unwavering, and would be for a long time
okay let’s end this mini scenario and get on
jaehyun could be a jerk face boyfriend sometimes since he would love to tease you
but most of the time he would be gentlemanly and really sweet
like even on his most stressed out and busy days, he would make sure he reserved some time for you
maybe just a daily text message conversation, face timing, phone calls, or just a casual trip to your house
tbh he would really care for you
even if you call him at 3am in the morning because of a panic attack or something was troubling you
he would be patient despite being woken up from his slumber
but he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep knowing that you weren’t feeling great either
so he would talk to you all morning, until both of you were exhausted
and when you finally felt better and more at ease
he would hum you a soft tune as you feel yourself falling deeper
into his love
okay ten you had your solo this is jae’s spotlight
jaehyun would just die for skinship though
hugs! hugs! hugs!!! everywhere!!!!
piggybacks!! arm hooking!!! cuddling!!!! 
and kisses everywhere
on your cheeks
but not sick okay it’s just a sign of love
handholding almost every time both of you are together
if you’re significantly shorter than him than he’d have a arm slung around your shoulder
if you’re around his height range then he would have a hand gently rested along the curvature of your spine
eep yass!! and uall will have bookshop dates
we all know how jaehyun likes books
he’ll definitely invite you to his favourite bookshops one day
and both of you would find yourself lost in the world of books
he may play games with you in the bookshop
hiding behind books and surprising you
which you would hit his shoulder playfully, chiding him for disturbing the other readers and buyers in the store
he would introduce you to his favourite books
hoping you would come to love them just as much as he does
it’ll just be this really cozy and comfy bookstore date
omg i’d love that tbh like asdfghjkl
and you can totally count on jamming to music with jug jarhyun
jaehyun imitations of the dances would be hilarious
like those on nct night night
and you’d find yourself laughing at how funny yet cute jaehyun was
and now, the part on fights
jaehyun and you probably will fight
it might just be a small misunderstanding or a small difference in personality
or maybe something as small as the change in jaehyun’s or your job shift
jaehyun might express his unhappiness directly most of the times, hoping that maybe you could do something to resolve the cause of his unhappiness
but your stubbornness may get the better of you and rebut jaehyun instead
it might end up in a minor argument
but it would be really seldom or rare that both of you would be involved in a major fight
some of the times though, jaehyun may just conceal his unhappiness, thinking that it would be for the best
for example, when a close guy friend of yours seem to be subtly flirting with you yet you don’t notice
jaehyun may simply grit his teeth and not say a word
because he knew how much you treasured your friendships
especially those with really close friends
but soon you would realise jaehyun was being unusually quiet
and notice how hardened and stiff his jaw was
and you may consult him
a little talk between the both of you would usually resolve any unhappiness or misunderstanding
understanding and trust would play really important roles in your relationship
but tbh, being in a relationship with jaehyun as your boyfriend would be really assuring
jaehyun would love cooking for you from time to time too
i mean his cooking isn’t bad
and he liked experimenting with food too
and he internally thanked his mum for teaching him her recipes
because he got to cook special dishes for you, his special girl 
he might be playful and cocky at times
but he would also be really sweet and caring as a boyfriend
smiles would be something you would never miss on a daily basis
except for when jaehyun was out and not with you :-(
and everyday this cute little boy would just light up your life!!
please continue loving and supporting this cute little boy because i would hehe
i love him
[unedited]  it’s midnight here while i’m typing this and my correct grammar doesn’t come out at night so pardon the grammatical errors
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