#not your friends with a podcast
So Germ made a blog post about body positivity (a couple years ago) and mentioned how her hands/breasts are parts of her body she loves most of all. But then years later she does a podcast where she talks about breast implants because she didn’t like how her boobs looked anymore…the lies come easy to her.
Ok, human to human, I’m going to say something that may surprise you: Our relationships to our bodies can change over time as we age without it being a lie. We cannot help but be impacted by messages of body shame or societal pressures as our bodies evolve in shape and/or size. This MAY have been true for G as well.
HOWEVER…this is also GenPad the Deceptacon so let’s do a Titty Truth-Telling Timeline of sorts, when Gen went from this👇🏼
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To this 👇🏼
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Then, in April of this year, she appeared on the Bathroom Chronicles podcast (Apple linked, see Spotify for video), and had the audacity to claim that she hadn’t told most of her close friends that she had gotten breast implants in 2021, but they were now removed. (Lol imagine having to pretend you didn’t notice them) The decision to remove them came after experiencing symptoms of fatigue when running, joint pain, inflammation, and brain fog.
If you can’t stomach the whole podcast, we know from this IG post summary that part of the decision reportedly came from turning 40 and wanting to feel sexy. Which…okay, fine. It starts to unravel when she also claims that her implants were the same size as her breasts before breastfeeding. That seems like quite a stretch of truth when you consider 👇🏼
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But I don’t think she had them removed. I suspect she just had them reduced so she could run to her satisfaction again (back up to 6 miles and counting after only a sad 2-3 miles that caused concern), quiet her other heath anxieties discussed in more detail in the pod, and soothe her own regrets. Because if you compare how she looked in May 2021 prior to surgery (from a since deleted IG post) to how she looked at the KTLA appearance just days after this podcast was released…
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We still have significantly more titty meat than we started with, while also not being able to attribute that to weight gain anywhere else.
So yes, while I won’t throw her under the bus for having issues with her body image, I will get angry at how much she lies in order to look like a health-conscious martyr. She is not just kindly warning others about the risks of breast implants here. Pushing the wellness narrative has potential to push more endorsements her way, so don’t mistake this for altruism.
I will get even more angry at someone with a platform who won’t just come forward and be honest about their procedures while also perpetuating unattainable standards of beauty for everyone else. Gen won’t admit to the parts of all of this that make her the most human. Meanwhile the podcast hosts practically canonized her a saint, thanked her for her “vulnerability,” and called her “so brave” for telling her story.
Brave of her to assume that no one is paying attention with a critical eye. Deception is not the kind of vulnerability you think it is, Gen. And these lies won’t make you feel any less anxious. Your therapist should have told you that by now.
*Bonus Lie* In the podcast, released on April 6th, G says that her “brain fog” disappeared immediately after explant surgery. However, in an IG story on April 5th, she had this to say:
Just focus on the lie and don’t think too much about how this privileged princess goes on so many vacations with multiple stops that she forgets the details and since she can afford to be a hypochondriac she thinks it’s some sort of condition. Ok love you, bye.
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 years
Write the bonkers, unhinged, weird idea that you think no actual person will like. Because guess what? You're an actual person, and you liking it still counts.
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not-equippedforthis · 6 months
H: can i wear...sunglasses and ear defenders?
W: yeah, wear whatever you want, mate.
H: ...fine.
W: hmm ^^
deadass what if i just started crying
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
brennan when emily tries to pull some shit: i deeply respect the hustle emily but i cannot suspend the disbelief any more than this
murph when emily tries to pull some shit: No.
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trustypaladin · 8 days
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Intimidation was more of Parker's route...
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the-kings-jester · 11 months
Before every episode of Malevolent I think to myself. Man, there's no way his life could get worse. Surely Arthur, he's been through it all. Caused most of it. What hasn't happened to him at this point. Then Harlan says watch this. Your wife never loved you and thought you were a dead end. Also your father in law is dead. Because of you.
And then laughs at my horrified expression.
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skyeoak · 22 days
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In case you haven’t noticed, I'm weird. I’m a weirdo. I don't fit in. And I don't want to fit in.
Have you ever seen me without these stupid podcasts? That's weird.
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hephaestuscrew · 10 months
"With a goddamn harpoon": The significance of Minkowski's weapon of choice within the narrative and characterisation of Wolf 359
TL;DR: Despite its initial comic role, the harpoon becomes a important symbol of Minkowski as a character; it is particularly associated with her desperate need for control, her desire to keep her crew safe, her stubborn determination, and her occasional unpredictability. These associations add to the narrative significance when Minkowski kills Cutter with the harpoon. 
[Tagging people who said they wanted to be tagged: @browncoatparadox @captain-lovelace @goblincaveofvibes ]
Ep21 Minkowski Commanding
First appearance 
We first encounter the harpoon in Minkowski Commanding, which is a significant episode for Minkowski's characterisation because it's the first big departure from Eiffel's point-of-view into Minkowski's. It's arguably the most Minkowski-centred episode in the whole show, so it stands out when we think about her as a character.
EIFFEL (over comm) Um, Minkowski? Why is the armory wide open, and also, apparently, robbed? Where's the tactical knives kit? MINKOWSKI Don't worry. I've got that. EIFFEL Oh. And the M4 carbine? The, like, really-dangerous-in-space, select-fire M4 carbine? MINKOWSKI Yeah, I've got that too. EIFFEL And this empty rack I'm looking at right now with a label that says "harpoon" suggests that... MINKOWSKI Yes. I have it, Eiffel.
The harpoon is introduced as part of a list of over-the-top weapons that Minkowski takes on her plant-monster-hunting mission. It's initially just a funny moment to emphasise how seriously she's taking this mission. The weapons arguably increase in unlikeliness as Eiffel lists them, and it's a comic image to think of Eiffel deducing the situation from the empty rack labeled 'harpoon'. It could have been an entirely throw-away joke that was never brought up again. The M4 carbine never comes up again. The tactical knives kit is mentioned in Knock, Knock, but not in a plot-significant or symbolic way. 
'Goddamn harpoon' speech
So why does the harpoon become such an iconic part of Minkowski's brand (and I'm pretty certain it was seen as significant by fans long before the finale)? It's got to be because of the next time it's mentioned, when Minkowski talks to the plant monster in the same episode:
MINKOWSKI (getting psyched up) You wanna play with me, huh? You wanna run rings around me? The joyless, boring, predictable old Minkowski? She can't stop you, right? Not someone as smart and powerful as you. You've got her pegged. Good. Get complacent. Get smug. That's right when you'll find me waiting for you. With a goddamn harpoon.
There's so much to say about this speech and what it reveals her character. For one thing, it's all projection - we have no real indication of what (if anything) the plant monster thinks of Minkowski. We don't even really know how much understanding it has when listening to her talk. She imagines that this silent adversary would call her "joyless, boring, predictable". I suspect that these are all things that she's been called a fair bit in the past. (To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they are all things that Eiffel called her at one point.)
But the harpoon is proof against - if not the accusation of joylessness - the idea that Minkowski is boring and predictable. Boring and predictable people don't opt for a harpoon for fighting on a spaceship when plenty of more conventional weapons available. A harpoon is unexpected, and there's a kind of power in that.
Another interesting thing about that speech is that the whole thing would make at least as much sense - if not more - if it was directed at Cutter. In Sarah Shachat's episode commentary on Minkowski Commanding (part of the bonus material available to buy here), she says that Minkowski "is really speaking to Cutter in this moment". It's made clear that Minkowski's behaviour in Minkowski Commanding is not just about the plant monster itself. She tells Eiffel, "I have to take it seriously! If I can eliminate one threat, just one, then we are that much closer to going home!" 
The specifics of the plant monster's location, abilities, and origin are mysterious, but - unlike many of the other forces threatening the safety of Minkowski's crew - it is at least tangible and harpoon-able and not light years away. Hunting the plant monster is a way for Minkowski to assert control when so much is outside of her control. It's an attempt to demonstrate that she is - as she puts it - "in charge of this disaster". Minkowski treats the plant monster as a physical symbol of all the threats her crew are facing, and so the harpoon becomes a physical symbol of her fierce (if sometimes misguided) determination to take control of the situation and fight back against those threats to protect her crew.
The line "you'll find me waiting for you. With a goddamn harpoon" is one that sticks in the mind, especially since - with one notable exception - 'goddamn' is about as potent as swearwords get on this show. And it's the harpoon that she uses to give specificity to the threat. 
A harpoon is powerful and threatening, which is exactly what Minkowski is trying to convey to the plant monster, but in this context - not only on dry land but on a spaceship - it's also kind of absurd. From the way we hear it fire in the finale, we can tell that it's more like a speargun than a hand-thrown harpoon spear, but it's still an out-of-place weapon for space-based combat. Minkowski's already been shown to have a penchant for archaic weaponry, after her drunken enthusiasm over the cannon during the talent show incident, which is largely played for laughs. Similarly, in the episode commentary for Minkowski Commanding, Sarah Shachat says that the harpoon was introduced mostly just because it was funny; "[including a harpoon] was me sort of embracing the Moby Dick of it all. And I had no idea at the time how much importance that silly harpoon would take on." 
Eiffel makes a Moby Dick reference himself ("10 days of Captain Ahab's Space Walkabout"). I haven't read Moby Dick so I can't properly analyse the significance of this reference, but the initial prominence of the harpoon (traditionally a whaling tool) enables that connection. It feels like a good example of the classic Wolf 359 thing where something comedic has the potential to take on a deeper significance. It conjures an image of Minkowski as a Captain with the potential to be consumed by a single-minded mission to destroy... A potential that she resists in the conclusion to Minkowski Commanding when she chooses to leave the plant monster alone. The harpoon also fits with the sprinkling of nautical imagery and language in Wolf 359 (e.g. the repeated use of the word 'boat'), as well as the retro-futuristic feel of the Hephaestus.
We never learn why there's a harpoon on the Hephaestus. It seems like yet another of those bizarre unexplained quirks of the station, like the items in the storage room where Eiffel finds Box 953. Even when the weird mysterious features of the Hephaestus are depicted in a comedic way, these features are still a demonstration of the fact that the characters are in an environment that they don't understand and that their surroundings have been shaped according to the whims of Command.
I think we can assume none of the members of the Hephaestus crew brought a harpoon up with them. For whatever reason, someone at Goddard Futuristics must have decided to put a harpoon in that armory. Like most things in the crew's lives, the harpoon is owned by Goddard Futuristics. So the way Minkowski uses the harpoon could be seen as an instance of reclaiming something from Goddard and their control over her surroundings (in a similar way to how her crew are able to utilise the maze-like structure of the Hephaestus to their advantage when hiding first from the SI-5 and later from Cutter and the crew of the Sol).
Other mentions of the harpoon
The harpoon doesn't actually make another physical appearance until the finale, when it truly comes into its own. But there are a couple of little hints before then that it has become a part of Minkowski's brand amongst the other characters as well as to the listeners. These mentions remind the listener about the harpoon, so we don't forget about it before its big comeback in the finale.
Ep27 Knock, Knock
EIFFEL [to Minkowski] Like getting rid of all the weapons, for a start. We should gather up all the guns, the tactical knives, your harpoon. Put it all in the arms locker, seal that sucker up, and put the key in one of Hera's service canisters.
In this quote, Eiffel refers to it as "your harpoon" - the only weapon he ascribes ownership to here. He sees it as something she's laid claim to. He also thinks the harpoon is worth mentioning specifically, which suggests that he thinks that Minkowski would reach for it first if she was feeling particularly violent. This reinforces the idea that the harpoon has become a symbol of Minkowski's character. This connection is also strengthened by the fact that the harpoon is also never mentioned in relation to anyone other than Minkowski using it.
Ep45 Desperate Measures
LOVELACE [to Kepler] Yeah, right. Nobody knows this station like Alexander Hilbert. He knows every nook, cranny, hidden room - everything. And as back up he's got the only woman's who's ever turned outer space monster hunting into a recreational sport. You'll never see them coming... until all of a sudden there's a harpoon in your face, and you end up on the operating table of the finest medical sadist that Goddard Futuristics ever produced.
Lovelace mentions the harpoon and specifically refers to Minkowski's plant-hunting exploits, even though she didn't witness them. So we know that someone has told her that story. And what she's taken away from hearing the story is an emphasis on Minkowski's harpoon and an admiration for her determination. I don't think Minkowski was the one to tell Lovelace about her plant-monster-hunting mission, because I don't think she's necessarily proud of it. I suspect it was Eiffel who told her - he's the most natural storyteller of the group. In Mutually Assured Destruction, soon after meeting Lovelace for the first time, he says "Nobody's told you about the Plant Monster yet? So, funny story..." And I believe  Eiffel would have told the story of Minkowski's plant monster hunt in a way that conveyed both the ridiculousness of her behaviour but also a kind of awe at her boldness and persistence.
The tone of "all of a sudden there's a harpoon in your face" is pretty similar to "That's right when you'll find me waiting for you. With a goddamn harpoon". Once again, the harpoon is portrayed as something that the Hephaestus crew's adversary won't expect, something that will play a key role in that adversary's defeat. You might almost think something was being foreshadowed here…
Characterisation through Weaponry
When we think of the harpoon as a symbol of Minkowski as a character, it seems worth drawing a comparison with the only other Wolf 359 character who I think has a form of weaponry as a big part of their brand: Jacobi and his explosives. While a harpoon certainly has a lot of potential for violence (a potential which Minkowski utilises), it is targeted and intentional in a way that bombs don't tend to be. It's harder to have collateral damage with a harpoon, and I think that reflects a difference between Minkowski and Jacobi's approach to conflict.
A harpoon isn't really designed for combat - it's for hunting whales and other marine animals. It feels significant that Minkowski's key weapon of choice - the one she threatens the plant monster with and kills Cutter with - isn't the weapon of a soldier. She took an assault rifle with her to hunt the plant monster, but that wasn't the weapon she held onto. She's not a natural soldier, even if she'd sometimes like to think she is. 
Maxwell's Death
When Minkowski kills Maxwell, it's with a gun, not a harpoon. She's trying to be a soldier there. She's trying to do what she has to. I don't know much about how a harpoon is fired, but I've a feeling that there's less uncertainty about whether a harpoon was fired deliberately than a gun; the ambiguity around Minkowski's agency in Maxwell's death is a key part of the story that wouldn't work with a harpoon. But perhaps more importantly, I don't think there's meant to be a sense of victory or relief in Maxwell's death, unlike Cutter's. The harpoon - as a weapon that has become strongly identified with Minkowski as a character - is saved for moments when Minkowski is asserting her power in an active way that she isn't conflicted about. 
Ep61 Brave New World
About a third of the way into the finale, there's another indirect mention of the harpoon:
RACHEL Y-yes, sir… Umm, we also picked up some chatter on their weaponry supplies… Firearms, explosives, something about a harpoon…
This is a nice little reference which reminds the listener of the harpoon in anticipation of its big moment later on in this episode, while once again playing with its incongruity in a list of more typical combat weapons. Given that Minkowski and co. have guessed that they are being listened in on here, their choice to talk about the harpoon might be seen as their way of having a bit of fun, or it might be seen as their way to imply the same threat that Minkowski made to the plant monster. Cutter had warning, but he didn't heed it.
Which brings us, of course, to the harpoon's most significant moment:
Cutter frowns. Then he hears it: CLA-CLUNK! His eyes widen.  MINKOWSKI Let's see you catch this.  FWUUUMP! An ENORMOUS THING IS SHOT. A moment later, Cutter COLLIDES AGAINST THE WALL, IMPALED.  MR. CUTTER ... a... harpoon? That's not... how this is... supposed... to... He struggles for a few more moments...and then he stops.
This scene is a classic instance of Wolf 359 utilizing the audio medium to leave a significant element of the situation unknown to the listener until the right moment. We don't know that Minkowski is carrying the harpoon. We don't know that she's readying it as Lovelace talks. When we hear something fire, there's a moment where a listener might or might not have realised exactly what just fired. It's Cutter who delivers the glorious revelation. It gives the moment an additional burst of triumph that Cutter's final words are an expression of shock, not just that he has been defeated but at the weapon with which the killing blow was struck.
Human unpredictability 
It's not just that Minkowski kills Cutter with a harpoon; it's also that she wouldn't have been able to kill him without it. He can catch bullets after all, so Minkowski and Lovelace's guns are basically useless. Cutter thinks he's therefore invincible, but he hasn't accounted for the possibility that Minkowski might have a less conventional weapon on hand, one which fires larger projectiles that he can't catch so easily. The fact that she's carrying an unexpected weapon - a weapon that might have seemed ridiculous - is what allows her to defeat Cutter and therefore to survive. 
It's a repeated theme in Wolf 359 that the protagonists' strength is not that they are the most powerful or they behave in the most logical ways, but that they are complicated and human and unpredictable and very much themselves - all of the things that Cutter and Pryce don't want in their 'ideal humanity'. When Minkowski kills Cutter with the harpoon, it's a victory for human unpredictability and individual idiosyncrasies.
Making good on her promise
Thinking back to Minkowski Commanding, we can see that the threat Minkowski made to the plant monster absolutely came true with Cutter. He got complacent. He got smug. (I'd argue that smugness has always been one of his key attributes.) And he found her waiting for him, with a goddamn harpoon. The return of the harpoon for this moment suggests the defeat of Cutter is a culmination of some of the motivations and traits that Minkowski showed when hunting the plant monster, now channeled in a more suitable direction. She continued trying to get them "that much closer to going home". Her - sometimes absurd - determination provides a throughline from an episode that was mostly comedic (Minkowski Commanding) to a dramatic emotionally powerful finale. As Sarah Shachat put it in her audio commentary, Minkowski "makes good on her promise [that she makes in her harpoon speech in Minkowski Commanding]. That's why she's a hero."
It's significant that Cutter dies from an unlikely weapon that is so strongly identified with Minkowski. It makes that moment feel like truly hers (although she is of course right that she couldn't have done it without Lovelace - that's called being part of a crew). 
As the Commander, it feels apt that Minkowski is the one to kill the long-standing 'big bad'. Pryce is arguably the same level of antagonist as Cutter, but he's the one that we've been aware of since we became aware of larger sinister forces at work in this narrative. 
And if Minkowski has a personal nemesis, it's Cutter. He's the one who recruited her into the hellscape that is the Hephaestus. He played on her ambitions to get her where he wanted her. She trusted him the way she trusted the official chain of authority at the start of the mission. And that trust was extremely misplaced.
The significance of Minkowski being the one to kill Cutter is highlighted by the fact that she kills him with a weapon that only she uses, a weapon that links us back to her behaviour 40 episodes earlier. The sense of control that she was desperately seeking in Minkowski Commanding might not be completely within her grasp by the end of the finale, but she's reclaimed a piece of it by defeating the man who has been exerting control over her life for so long. And she did it with that goddamn harpoon.
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rozecrest · 1 year
you WISH your favorite ttrpg podcast got named best mecha anime of the 2020 by a crunchyroll article where the cast members described their indulgent spin off anime wishes and then when the sequel season rolled around they built up to it by playing out all of them. you wish!
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try-set-me-on-fire · 10 months
hiiii, "pet names" for the soft prompt if you're still doing it<3
Full disclaimer i also dont know how face timing works. Soft prompts, finished ones!
It had started as a joke. Or as teasing, really. Eddie had been in El Paso, telling his sisters about his boyfriend, and had tried to facetime him when they demanded living, talking proof of such a thing. Tried being the operative word there, because what Eddie had done was call him the regular way and then ask "How do I turn the camera on?"
"Well, my technologically challenged beloved, that's not how that works. Wait a second, hang up, I'll start the call."
And then, a few days later after Eddie was back home safe and exhausted from extended exposure to immediate relatives, it was a laughing “Beloved, hand it over,” as he grabbed a suitcase from his partner’s hands as Eddie looked like he was about to fall asleep standing up. Then “Beloved, pass me that-“ “Beloved, when is-“ “Beloved, how about-“ until it was just something he said, a name for Eddie alongside Eds and Babe and Hello You and all the times he says goodnight or good morning and means it as a form of address.
They’re at the station and Eddie says “Hey, Buck-” the start of a question lost to a moment of distraction, Ravi dropping something in the kitchen and all eyes turning towards the noise in a gentle assessment of danger.
It’s a coffee cup that now no longer has a handle, there’s a sheepish smile, and Buck turns back to his partner and says “Yes, beloved?” And it’s not a joke at all and out of the corner of his eye he can see Hen make the face she makes when they're being buckandeddie, all fond and a little grossed out.
And every time he says it here’s what happens: the very corners of Eddie’s mouth lift up first, and then he ducks his head just a tiny bit, and then he meets Buck’s eyes with a sort of surprised affection melted into the brown. Buck thinks they both keep looking at each other like this, months since they crashed into each other and refused to let go, still hardly daring to believe this is theirs to have and keep.
Eddie calls him honey and it tastes like it, the word sweet as it’s passed across the kitchen or pressed into his skin. He says sweetheart and Buck feels like one, feels kinder and lovelier under his attention. Eddie says “Buck” and he thinks his name doesn’t sound like that in anyone else’s mouth, he thinks he never feels more real or adored than when Eddie’s tongue curls around those consonants.
Growing up as Evan Buckley, he never knew how many names a person could have. Then he became Buck, and Buckaroo, and Kid, and each one was him entirely, his true name, and all of them would have been enough for him - already they felt like things he stole, things someone would disapprove of him having, little treasures to keep safe - but then there was Eddie and Buck thinks for the rest of his life he’ll greedily seek new names to have and to give away. He thinks maybe Husband, maybe soon.
For now, in the fire station after the broken cup, Eddie says “Oh, just wondering if you wanted to get breakfast after this?”
And Buck thinks maybe a name can just be knowing someone, in the way he knows what breakfast place they’ll go to and what Eddie will order and the half of his second pancake that Buck will end up eating. He smiles. “Yeah, Eddie, I’d love to.”
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zombified-queer · 2 months
Hi besties. Hotelpod cw masterlist is done. Here's the link (x).
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macksartblock · 1 year
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Am actively manifesting a Harley Quinn moment
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no facepaint version below
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coconut530 · 4 months
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Some derps for the past three Malevolent episodes ~ 🕷️👩🏻🎄
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malevolenttarotzine · 4 months
💛List of cards that haven’t gotten many pitches yet and some ideas for them!💛
Check here for our applications!
Mod applications are open in the same link as well
The Empress
- this card is all about motherhood, nurturing, creativity, beauty, new life / projects /family etc!
- The Wraith would be lovely for this card! She wanted the small baby John and Arthur found to be her own.
- this card means endings, change, transition, letting go, transformation and the coming of a new beginning. When this card comes up it means change is coming!
- This is such a John card to me! The time he spent while Arthur was in the coma was absolutely the Death card!
- Parker as Death to signify Arthur’s new journey after opening the book!
Ace of Cups
- New relationships, love, compassion, creativity, abundance, success. “Let loose your emotional baggage and start living life to the fullest”
- This could be Parker and Arthur! Or even Arthur with Daniel!
- Arthur in the Nightmare taking Faroe to feed the ducks is another cute way to interpret this card!
Ace of Wands
- New ventures, inspiration, enthusiasm, creativity, growth, new passion. Promise of opportunities to come!
- This card would be great for Arthur and John arriving in New York!
Ace of Pentacles
- Opportunity, prosperity, new adventure, financial growth, abundance. There’s a new material opportunity in your life you need to reach out and take!
- I get the image of Marie and the gold locket!
- Arthur finding the lighter in the desk!
- A future time where John and Arthur have their own PI business!
Ace of Swords
- Victory, breakthrough, focus, truth, raw strength, potential for immense power and success! The road will be challenging, but will lead to success!
- I love this one including Arthur blowing the flute in the mines!
- Arthur and John fighting the Gug
- Honestly any time that resulted in a, “Arthur you fucking did it!”
Please share your ideas for cards! I’ll be pulling from the interest check every few days to share what’s not getting enough love!
Don’t be scared to apply with characters you think are too popular and thus everyone else is picking them! Everyone else is thinking the same thing!
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phoebeejeebies · 12 days
it's an edit of treehouse by alex g with phoebe and podcast and i need us all to know that they're SO IMPORTANT TO ME THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS RAHHHHHHH
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Title: "flash-frozen in the driver's seat" Fandom: Midst (Podcast) Categories: G, Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply, Complete Word Count: 3613 Characters: Phineas Thatch, Tzila Guthrie
“Why do you have that?” Tzila asks. Phineas opens his eyes. She’s pointing at his abacus with the back of her pen. He looks down at it and frowns. “It’s my abacus.” “I know what an abacus is,” says Tzila, rolling her eyes. “Why do you have Caenum? Didn’t being a soldier and solving mysteries or whatever get you a ton of Valor?” Phineas and Tzila have a conversation in the quiet halls of the Lazaretto.
(hi everyone it's ME again! back with another midst missing scene i couldn't stop thinking about.)
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