saturn7162 · 5 months
Some bullshit writing assignment I had to do for 1st period.
What elective do you think your school should offer? I believe that one of the best electives would be digital art. I think this is because digital art can present the artist with every tool they would need for their work. Unlike traditional art, however, the artist has the ability to go back and adjust their piece without worrying about it smudging or ruining what you finished. Making art online makes fixing mistakes much easier because most online art programs come with an undo button that allows you to get rid of a mistake with no ugly smears of eraser, pencil, marker, or paint. Most programs also offer layers, with are like separate see-through pieces of paper for your project that allow you to draw right on them, like you’re drawing on the main work. These also make it easy to correct a mistake without accidentally erasing something you didn’t mean to.
According to the website, ​​https://Avidopenacces.org, “Not only does it [Digital Art] help prepare art students for practical applications and careers in a tech rich world, but it also opens doors to new creative possibilities”. This statement helps me support my claim because it acknowledges the amount of creative opportunities an art student could experience while making digital art. It also speaks on the careers and jobs that digital art could help prepare them for.
The website https://Edtechmagazine.com says that digital art can enhance the creativity in students. The article quotes a statement from an educator at Balboa High School named Jeff Larson, “Creativity is really important for students because it gives them an outlet for expressing their ideas and putting a personal tough on their understanding of concepts.” I believe this because you aren’t limited to what you can draw or create with digital art. You have the ability to create anything, with anything, with the help of digital art. You can spill your creative thoughts and views into a physical being, allowing not only yourself, but others to see and experience what you think is going on with things in the world. Without creativity, the world would be dull and lifeless without the thoughts and expressions of the people inhabiting it. The creativity given to the artist can allow them the ability to explore the new things that both them and their peers have created. 
While others may say that digital art can abolish true creativity, that it lacks the touch of a human’s views, or that it can lead to art being made in an instant, this is untrue. Technology does not and cannot overtake traditional art and tools. It should be seen as extra assistance to understanding more complicated perceptions and expressions. It can also be viewed as a separate route for artists to take when they believe they lack skills in traditional drawing. Students working with digital tools are seen to be more successful with creating and grasping their understanding, more so when working with others around them.
This is why I think that schools should adopt digital art as an elective. It gives students another option for expressing their creativity and showing it to the world. It can assist in creating more detailed art, giving it depth, all without the consequences of making a mistake with traditional art. Digital art is not going to take over traditional art. It is only a different road to creative thinking, and should not be taken as anything harmful or threatening to traditional art.
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ch1lde-mora · 2 years
no request, just wanted to say im very happy you're back!! i smiled so big when i saw you on my dash again :)
HI OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! i'm very happy to start leaning back into being active and I have some ideas of my own that I think I'll start posting periodically!! you're literally the best i couldn't be more grateful
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magical-bear-dubin · 11 months
Guys i didnt know you could nute notafications on a post i have been suffering for like 3 weeks now why did no one tell me
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x76x28 · 1 year
Kijk Riders On The Storm op YouTube Music
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And then suddenly you get a notafication that your song has been played 1 million times.......
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imma-write-stuff · 3 years
There’s Something that’s Confusing me about The Remarried Empress
Do we even know that Sovieshu is infertile? I mean Rashta’s second child’s father is Alan, I mean it’s clear she was pregnant when she first met Sovieshu...Idk it’s been bugging me. I know a lot of people guess he was the infertile one since he and Navier never had a child together during their marriage. I wonder how long Navier and Sovieshu were married? I’m guessing it wasn’t long judging by the story. I suspected they did the sex on their wedding night. One thing for sure it can take a few attempts (or more) to have a biological child. Since there is magic in the story (seeing the love potion the Duke Kaufman gave to Navier,) is it possible to make fertility potion if Sovieshu is infertile. 
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attempting-writer · 4 years
I can’t believe I’m doing this...
Guess who just spent the last three hours outlining 34 chapters for BioDad!Bruce Wayne Maribat Month 2020. I’m still working on three other fics, one I haven’t updated since I first uploaded it. fuck me running.
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talesofranpoe · 4 years
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Thank u all for the 300 followers.
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dailylogandrabbles · 6 years
logan: i hate it when you guys are immature
roman: just yesterday i saw you talking to your ant farm
virgil: you came up to me and demanded i let you pet me
patton: we held a full conversation in simlish ten minutes ago
logan: why do you delight in attacking me
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yurimura · 6 years
It’s been a while
I’m in college and recently I’ve been reabsorbed into the x reader genre for these wonderful characters and more. It’s been a really stressful time recently and I might get back into writing if I can, these self insert fanfics are my guilty pleasure and they really help me ease my anxieties sometimes
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saturn7162 · 5 months
I physically cannot consume a taki.
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thetruthuntoid · 6 years
El demonio del amor.
Este personaje, tiene poca incidencia en mi vida, pero no porque sea débil, sino todo lo contrario, ya lo deje ganar hace rato.
No arruina mis expectativas amorosas, porque no las tengo. No arruina mis relaciones , porque no las tengo. No me hace desconfiar de mi amado, porque jamás confíe en que alguien pueda amarme.
Tengo todos los puntos en contra cómo para alguna vez llegar a algo de esta índole, con quien sea.
La amargura y desánimo me consumen, desde el vamos ya es muy difícil coincidir en lo que sea conmigo, partiendo desde el vamos básico que une a la gente, los gustos. Tengo gustos reducidos y convencionales, y no tengo ningún reparo en manifestar lo que no me gusta, ni siquiera podría fingir interés por algo tan solo por el hecho de algún acercamiento con alguien, el mejor sola que mal acompañada, rige también en mejor sola que fingiendo interés por ciertas compañías.
Siguiendo por mi imagen, la cual le dedique un dulce y cariñoso post anteriormente, es el punto menos factible con el cuál alguien se fijaría en mi, de otro modo que no sea para sentir horror u desagrado, tampoco me vestiria o arreglaría de un modo que va contra cómo me siento cómoda yo, para tener atención masculina, mucho menos exponerme en redes, aun así no teniendo ningún atributo con el cual hacerlo.
Sacando una capa más de está cebolla podrida, llegamos a la capa más marrón, que más te hace llorar, y es mi manera de ser. Soy una persona super dependiente cuando te quiero, que esta llena de pensamientos obsesivos, maníacos y enfermizos cuándo quiere a alguien, que me hacen terminar cuestionando si quiero a las personas o solo entro en un ciclo retorcido donde les absorbo tiempo y energía, para disipar un poco la tristeza y oscuridad que me abunda. Mi dependencia hace que me sienta débil, a la deriva y abandonada cuando quienes quiero no me quieren como y cuando lo quiero, haciendo que esa tristeza que disipan, ahora se vea alimentada por ellos y convenciendo a mi mente de que por eso tengo que estar sola y que a la larga en verdad siempre lo estuve.
No podría verme atada a nadie, porque esa persona estaría atada a mi, y nadie sano podría estar a disposición de alguien que no lo esta. No puedo imaginarme necesitando a alguien, y llorando porque necesito el abrazo de cierta persona y no puedo tenerlo.
No se lo que es que me abracen, ni se como es dormir junto a la persona que verdaderamente te ama, porque nunca deje amarme y nunca quise exponerme a tal vulnerabilidad. No quiero verme a mi misma llorando por nadie y dandome cuenta que todo tiene un final , por eso no quiero siquiera darle inicio.
No quiero administrar y mover mis tiempos a nadie más que yo, no quiero verme en la posición de dividir amigos y salidas, con una persona más y tener que adaptarme a sus amigos, a sus salidas y su familia, porque eso es exponerme a darle lugar a todos los demonios que mencione antes y que existen, un nuevo terreno para actuar y hacerme mierda.
No puedo imaginarme a nadie disfrutando de pasar tanto tiempo conmigo, ni a nadie sintiéndose necesitado de estar junto a mi, así como me sentí yo las veces que ciegamente puse mis sentimientos e intenciones en alguien.
No hubo una persona que me haya mostrado algo bueno y no hubo un hombre que me haya hecho sentir que todo surgía como era bien para los dos, y no como era bueno y conveniente para el y yo siendo la tonta adaptándose.
Siempre termino en posición de debilidad y uso con cualquier hombre, y no imagino el día de mi vida donde eso cambie y haya alguien que tal vez valga la pena, solo esporádicas situaciones de placer, que nisiquiera alcanzaron o alcanzarán la mitad de como lo quiero quise o necesite yo.
Pensar en amor me hace plantearme demasiadas contras, y demasiados ejemplos cercanos y no tantos de como todo puede salir mal.
Ya todo me sale mal y me genera poca satisfacciones, ¿por que mierda querría sufrir por algo o alguien más?
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lookwrittenthings · 7 years
Got a sudden unexpected influx of notes on the last chapter of the best laid plans. : ) Thank you everyone for reading I am delighted!
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mrs-mystica · 5 years
I think I'm finally ready to start writing the last chapter of When Helping Becomes Painful
For once in my life, I'll finish one of my stories :')
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saltfics · 7 years
Gee. Gee, there are 26 questions in here. 
Okay, sure. But under the cut.
(Note: For anyone tagged here, I apologize for the notification, you don’t have to open the whole thing, if you’re here it just means I recommended something of yours. Sorry!)
1. number of fics you have favorited/bookmarked
I actually?? Only have 8 bookmarks? Which is ridiculous because I’m currently reading at least 20-30 fics that keep updating. It’s mostly because I’m never logged in, so I don’t bookmark stuff. I just memorize the names (because, yeah, that’s so much more convenient than logging in).
2. what fics (that are currently updating) are your favorites in the fandom you’re in
Oh, dear. Um, so I’m going to do this for bnha and yoi? I’m so thankful for the currently updating because this was going to get ugly.
Anything by @pitviperofdoom . Especially anything related to the send endeavor to the shadow realm series.
but you gotta get up at least once more  by @simkjrs . (bestbestbestbest)
The Rules For Lovers by @adreamingsongbird
On Bedheads, Bullets and Bargains by @alexwspark
There are about 20 more fics here that should be mentioned but because I don’t want this ask to be twelve pages long I’m going to be really strict with the term favorite and just leave these few. Maybe I’ll add a recommended fics to my blog or something.
3. name 3 underrated fic authors in your fandom
Underrated? I don’t know tbh, I think most of the authors in my fandom are pretty well rated. I mean, most of the fics I’ve read and liked were always very popular and well reviewed and all.
4. what’s a fic that changed the way you write?
If this means changing my writing style, then this is a wrong answer, but back when I was reading one piece fics Everything Began Again by siqwithaQ really changed the way I think of true angst fics. (Never Save by the same author is also a very good example of great angst)
5.what’s a fic that changed the way you see a certain character?
Going back to my One Piece days again: Red Hair and a Straw Hat by Stelra Etnae for Shanks, I think. 
6. fic you’d recommend to someone new in the fandom?
Again, anything by pitviperofdoom for bnha. 
For Yoi, both the two that I recommended above. Also I think everyone should read the Rivals Series by @kazliin. 
After that I have a recommendation list of about 30 fics depending on the genre you’re looking for.
7.for each season/book/movie, pick a correlating fic to rec
I’m more of an au, post-canon reader, so I can’t think of many (that weren’t already mentioned above) that actually correlate to the source material that much.
8.google docs, microsoft word, or other?
Scrivener, actually. And google docs. For some reason Intention is written entirely on google docs. 
9.do you prefer oneshots or multi chapters?
I like reading multi-chapters, but I like writing one-shots. Lately I’ve been really fond of writing two-shots for some reason though.
10. alternate universes, canon divergence, or in-canon?
I have a soft spot for certain AUs that I would pick them over anything else any day. But I love canon divergence too. Especially for yoi.
11.smut, angst, fluff, or crack?
Angst. Angst all the way. I like some fluff. Fluff with Angst is the best, I think. I’ve given one shot at crack once for a birthday fic and it was just me making bad jokes and breaking fourth walls.
12. fmk the narrators of 3 of your wip’s
Okay... So for Gifted I have Yuuri, for untitled fluff drabble there’s Viktor and... my bnha fics’ narrators are underage, so if it’s okay with you I’m just going to skip this question entirely unless you want me to kill Izuku by default.
13. past tense or present tense?
Past tense. I’ve written one fic with present tense and although I enjoyed it I don’t think I could do it long term.
14. which season/book/movie do you prefer to write for?
I usually write either AU or post-canon so that’s N/A.
15. what’s a fic that made you ship something you previously did not?
N/A? I usually check the ships before I read anything. Though I guess you could say I did start truly shipping tododeku because of the abundance of fics I read.
16 first fic you remember reading in the fandom you’re in?
One Life For Them All (If That’s What It Takes) and Enigmatic by @athanatosora were some of my first bnha fics, I believe.
17. any crazy first-time fanfiction experiences?
Uh, not so much crazy but the first time someone asked on tumblr what my ffnet/ao3 handle was and they recognized me had me squealing for an hour or so.
18. a detail you’re really proud of putting in one of your fics
That’s still in a WIP, so I’ll hush for now.
19. do you pay more attention to colors, lighting, or smells when adding detail?
Colors? I think. I don’t like exaggerating smells. 90% of people -including myself- can’t tell vanilla from coconut most of the time.
20. favorite slash/femslash pairing to write for?
Victuuri.  I’m taking a shot at tododeku too in a wip of mine. (Soon...)
21. laptop, notebook, tablet, or computer?
Laptop and notebook. I love writing in notebooks actually, but copying them on your laptop to post is a pain. 
22. writing with music or without?
I love writing with music but sometimes it affects my style a lot. I’ve turned fluff into angst because a wrong song played at the wrong time once.
23. do you make playlists for certain fics you write?
I’ve tried but I never stick by them while actually writing. If anyone wants a playlist for one of the fics though, I definitely have songs in mind for all of them.
24 +25 name three fics/writers you just discovered
Putting them together because I usually just find the fics, not the writers. 
empty spaces between stars by astudyinrose
let’s go to perfect places by eternalsunshine13
learn to love the skies I’m under by LinneaKou (and thank you for making me look up your title because that song is so good)
26. what’s your favorite part about fanfiction?
I originally started fanfiction to learn to handle characterization better. But I just love the way I can bring characters I’ve learn to love in new situations, aus. I like that we’re all here because we like the same show and same characters and tbh it’s just a more social thing than original work, because there’s a fandom, a community, the comments are nice I’m not going to lie. I write fanfiction over my original stories when I want to take a break from writing for myself and want to write for someone else instead, to add a little bit to a world already loved.
FFS IM DONE. I doubt anyone read this whole thing. Sheesh. Thank you for sending!
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imma-write-stuff · 3 years
I hate to bring personal issues to social media but I don’t know where I can speak about out it without feeling ignored, not understood, or something like that. This isn’t to gain sympathy, pity, or make excuses. 
I have autism, for as long as I remember I always have major trouble keeping up with peers. I have been struggling with remembering and learning things. My dad didn’t told me why I have so much trouble till after I graduated high school. I have been trying to adjust from working at retail to working as a clerk for a library. This isn’t the first time, when I starting working at retail my biggest problem was counting money (math was my worst subject,) it took me a long time to finally be able to count it by myself. Though I nearly got in trouble a few times for not counting right. One of my former retail coworkers admitted me that our first boss made sure I didn’t got fired for having so much trouble. When I learn about this I felt like crap and a huge burden. While I did eventually learn to count money my other problem was social. Trying to be social with people was not easy for me for as long as I can remember. When the pandemic came it was really draining dealing with the chaos and people panic buying stuff. I remember once in a while I would had a meltdown. I got the library job back at September 2021 I’ve been having trouble adjusting to the new environment and remembering things. I don’t know I hate that I can’t seem to keep up with my coworkers, I manage to learn the basics but at times multiple things happen and I get overwhelmed. I need to figure something out I never learn how to handle my learning disorder, I just start learning about autism, if anyone has advice, ideas or have stories to share I’m willing to listen.
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Welcome to Danganronpa Fiction Library!
This blog is dedicated to compiling all written fiction for danganronpa. Inspired by @phanfictioncatalogue, I hope to achieve the same amount of help and amount of fics they have.
Any kind of fic will be displayed here no matter the genre.
This blog will focus on everything Danganronpa. Besides me posting masterlists, and individual fics, I will also be accepting submission through ask box of fics you deem good. This way, more people will have access to it.
If you want to suggest a fic, you’ll have to specify:
Media ( DR1, SDR2, DRV3, DR3, DR0, Despair Girls)
Website (AO3, Fanfiction.net, Tumblr, Wattpad, etc)
For example: I really like this fic called _____ which is about this scenario with these characters. It’s from this website.
Also, you can also ask to find a fic if you can’t find it. I’ll try to the best of my ability to find it for you or someone else can reply to the post if they know it.
That’s the basis of it! I hope you find this helpful, and enjoy reading.
~ Kari
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