ch1lde-mora · 2 months
hii i totes want some new authors to follow so, im sending a req :3 !!! some soft roomie childe x reader 💞
have a yummy day! ~~
and they were roommates - childe x reader
hello!! thank you for the request <3 i decided to do a small modern confession scene for this but childe miiight be a little ooc in this (lmk if u think he is)! again tysm and i hope u have a good day too !!
story under the cut - enjoy !! xo V
When you first moved in with Childe, you never expected the kind of life you have now. Fresh out of college and desperate, one of your good friends had a room open and a reasonable rent; you took that offer as fast as he gave it to you with wide eyes and the hope for a bright, happy future.
In this moment, however, nothing seemed very happy or bright except for the ginger as he knocked on your door and peeked into your room at the crack of dawn to wake you up. “Y/N..! Wake up! It’s time to start the day!”
You turned over to look at him with sleepy eyes and the angriest expression you could muster -- it wasn’t very effective, as he was like the human embodiment of a star and very difficult to be mad at -- mumbling a response along the lines of “What do you want… Too early..” as he smiled even more widely.
Childe didn’t do this often by any means, but when he did it meant there was some sort of surprise, the fire alarm had gone off or that he had made breakfast. It was either the first or the last option, and quite honestly it was sweet but way too early. 
“Ah, cmon, I’ve got something planned for today. Just for us roomies, you know? I figured we could go grocery shopping and do a deep clean.” You blinked wearily before sitting up, pointing your finger at him. 
“You woke me up.. at this time in the morning.. to go grocery shopping.. and clean?” He nodded and you let out a large sigh before getting out of bed. When he had something planned like this, it was mostly a ploy to get the two of you to spend time together; it didn’t help that you had the biggest crush on him. 
“I knew you’d be down for it. Meet me in the kitchen in about twenty minutes, roomie.” He winked before leaving you to get ready, and you scrambled to get into something half-decent; Childe often left his true motives unknown, so you could only guess what was to come.
Once you were freshened up to your standards, you walked into the kitchen still blinking sleep out of your eyes to find him with an apron on making some food, quiet jazz playing on the radio. “We had a few eggs left, and the bacon wouldn’t have been good for longer so I figured I would make breakfast before we went.” He explained, and you gave a soft smile.
“That makes sense. Okay then, I’ll start making a grocery list. So, we need…” A comfortable silence came between the two of you after you spoke, the quiet scribbles of the pencil contrasting with the sizzles of the grease against the pan. 
After a few minutes, he plated the meal for two and placed it in front of you, tucking some hair behind your ear as he did so. “All ready. How’s your progress on the list?” A pink tint overtook your face as you stuttered out a response. “I- um- well- I think I have everything here.. Thank you for the meal.” 
You pushed the list towards him before taking a bite of your food, hoping that it would help quell your obvious blush. He took a look over the list and added a few things to it. “It’s no problem, really. Anything for my roomie, right?” “Y-yeah.. Sure.. What chores should I do today?” You rerouted the conversation to something a little bit more comfortable; he was such a flirt and you had half a mind to think that it was intentional.
“If you could clean up the kitchen, I would be happy to mop the floors and dust the living room. We should do that before we go, shouldn’t we?” He responds, an innocent look on his face as he takes a bite. “Yeah, that works for me.”
Soon after, the food was finished and you started on the dishes. Despite assigning himself to a different chore, Childe insisted on helping you with yours; his hand would sometimes brush against yours as you passed him the dishware and it made your heart jump every time. After this happened a few times, he decided to speak up about it. “Are you alright, girlie? You seem a little bit on edge today.” 
“A-ah, um.. I’m alright, really! Just didn’t sleep the best is all.” You feigned a yawn and smiled at him, noticing the suspicious look in his eyes. “Ooookay… If you say so.. I’m going to go start dusting the living room.” His eyes narrowed at you before putting away the final dish, heading towards the closet where you kept the cleaning supplies.
You followed after him, still a little bit distracted about the earlier interaction. Like, he brushed your hair out of your face, winked at you and kept brushing your hands against his -- deliberate or not, it still caused a stir -- so much so that you didn’t notice when you walked straight into his chest.
“Oh! Y/N, are you sure you’re alright?” He puts down the mop he was holding and leans down onto your level, noticing the rising blush. “What, do you have a fever or something? Girlie?” 
You blinked for a moment, a rush of thoughts running through your mind. Having had this crush for so long, you would rather take a chance now than never try. Taking a deep breath and leaning forward, you pressed your lips against his. When you took a step back, you couldn’t look him in the eyes as you spoke. “That’s what had me so distracted… Um.. If you want me to look for another place or something, that’s alright-”
He interrupts you, pulling you into another kiss. “Why didn’t you say anything? How long?” He holds your chin, forcing you to look up at him. Fidgeting with your hands, you answered. “A- A few months.. Um. Does that mean that you- well- we-” 
Meeting his gaze, he let out the biggest, most genuine smile you think you’ve ever seen from him. “If you mean what I think you mean, then.. Yes.” He holds your cheeks as he kisses you once more. “Y-you really mean it? You want to date?” You stutter out, still in disbelief. “Yes!” The ginger boy now holds you in his arms, squeezing you tightly.
“Wow.. Um.. I can’t believe it.” You admitted, a smile coming to your face. “Well, you have the rest of the day to believe it, ‘cuz dating or not this apartment still needs cleaning.” Blinking for a moment, you let out a giggle before letting go of the hug and moving forward towards the closet to actually grab the things you need.
“You know.. Instead of grocery shopping, would you mind going out tonight? Dinner’s on me.” Childe offers as he turns to face you, and the expression he wears leaves no room to say no. Not that you would’ve.
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ch1lde-mora · 2 months
thoma x stage manager! reader
hi!! i started this last year while i was in the middle of one of my most stressful gigs, and it was because of said job that i didn't finish it but it's out! under the cut - kisses from v
original note from the doc: Stressed stage manager reader (totally not based off personal experience 💪 stage manager solidarity dude this shit is hard) (totally didn’t write this while my cast gc was blowing up)
“...Hello? Yes, that’s me.. I know, we have a rehearsal tomorrow… What do you mean, ‘I can’t make it to this rehearsal’?! It’s almost like you haven’t been to any rehearsals! …… I understand you’re busy, but I’m also busy covering for you. I have more than just you to manage, so either you keep missing rehearsals - which is totally on you, and only reflects on you and your performance, by the way - or you find someone to replace you. My god..” 
Hanging up the phone, you covered your face with your hands and groaned. There was a moment of silence afterwards before you burst out laughing; out of stress and exhaustion more than anything.  
“No fucking way they’re missing another rehearsal… What, did they go and get another hangover like that last time? They’re fucking impossible.” You mumble, feeling absolutely beside yourself. 
Just then, you heard a knock on the door.
“Y/N? May I come in? Who were you talking to?” Ah, yes. The love of your life- you had nearly forgotten amidst all the mess. 
Speaking of mess, Thoma opened the door a smidge and slipped inside of your bedroom, taking it all in for a moment. To say it was a disaster would be a drastic understatement. There were scripts and paper scraps from reformatting your scripts all over the floor as well as spare glue sticks, pieces of tape and not two but three pairs of scissors for said paper. Not to mention, you looked absolutely miserable. There were bags under your eyes as you held up the pencil with a bit of an irregular shake to your hands, trying desperately to write more notes down. 
“Hey, Thoma.. Just another actor on the phone. They just can’t show up to rehearsal. Again. Just like the last time, and the time before. I’ll be out with you in a moment, I just have to finish this-” Before you could even finish talking, Thoma was already lifting you out of your chair and carrying you out of that cluttered room.
“You’re not finishing a thing until I see you alive and well. That means you need a nice meal, a bath and some rest. Trust me on this, please.” He spoke to you in a tone comparable to a teacher as he brought you to the dining room, sitting you down at your chair and then heading to the kitchen. 
You sighed, remembering a past experience similar to this. He wouldn’t relent no matter how much you begged him to go back to work, and eventually he laid with you and cuddled on the couch until you fell asleep soundly. Then, he was cleaning your office and making sure you had a comfortable space to work in.
You didn’t feel like you wanted to burden him more than you seemingly ‘already had’, so you gave in and let him cook your favourite food for you.
“Thoma, can I help you? Like, at all? It’s not fair for you to be cleaning and cooking everywhere and me just sitting here eating the food that you so graciously made for me- which, thank you, by the way- but still, it’s not fair!”
Looking over at you with a large smile on his face, he shook his head. “No can do, love. Besides, you know I like cooking especially if it’s for you. So shhh, let me handle this. I got it, I promise.”
And so you sat and you waited for him to make that meal that you didn’t realize you sorely missed; it had been a little while since he made it, but it took a little bit longer than just sticking an instant meal in the microwave and dealing with the shitty taste. Time you still felt like you were running out of.
Before long, a plate was deposited in front of you as well as your beautiful boyfriend. “All ready, just the way you like it!” He grinned from ear to ear and it was hard not to feel your heart jump out of your chest. “Thank you, again.. I do still have lots to do, but I suppose I can take tonight to relax.” 
“Attagirl. I’m going to start running your bath now, and then I can-” You cut him off quickly with a ‘shhh’, shaking your head. “Just the bath is enough, really. I know the office is a mess, but it’s an organized mess that I need to take care of myself. Besides, you’ve done so much for me today already!” He resigns, standing up from his chair and giving you a chaste kiss on the cheek. “If you say so, but once you’re done your bath you and I are going to bed.” You nod, accepting this deal.
After he leaves the room, you finish the meal quickly with a voracity you forgot you had. Really, his cooking is unmatched. Once complete, you made your way to the bathroom and admired his work.
Thoma had gone through the trouble of adding rose petals to the bath, laying out everything you might possibly need. He was just putting the finishing touches on the setup when he noticed you leaning against the doorframe with a smile.
“This is really sweet of you, Thoma. Thank you for taking care of me.” You blushed as he came up to you and kissed you softly before stepping to the side. “No need to thank me, really. I like doing this for you, Y/N.” He slipped past you out of the room and left you to your own privacy.
After taking about an hour to relax in the bath and wash up, you finally decided that the water was too cold and fingers too pruned for your taste. Stepping out and changing into the clean, fuzzy pajamas he laid out for you, you crept into the bedroom to find him at lamplight reading a book.
“Hello, love. How was your bath?” He asked, putting the book to the side and beckoning you into his arms. “It was really nice, thank you for it again. I know I’ve been a lot lately, and really it won’t end until show season is over, but I appreciate your patience.” You replied, settling against his chest with a soft smile.
“Always, honey. Whatever you need. Now, let’s get some rest shall we?” You closed your eyes and found sleep with him rather easily, letting you of your work - even just for one evening.
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ch1lde-mora · 2 months
hi i'm kind of back maybe !!! it has been a rough little while but i think i can totes do some writing soon :) nearly every account i know here sans one or two has been inactive for likeee 3 years LOL feel free to request me anything! i can write genshin, bsd, mha, vnc, jjk etc and if u have a specific cutie(s) in mind feel free to request even if i don't know it! (i'll learn for u i promise no matter who u are or if we've never int'd b4)
with much love, v/calla
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ch1lde-mora · 2 years
for the new twitter users interacting with content:
remember, you're on tumblr. do as the tumblrians do
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ch1lde-mora · 2 years
sdjfso hello!!! shanna's here to bother you with another request!!! because well we're [peace sign] not doing good up there in the ol' nogging umu but could i maybe get some soft ch//ya hcs with holding hands maybe,,, i want someone to hold my hand (v pls hold my hand qwq ilysm i hope you're doing well)
HII SHANNA!!! Im so sorry ur brain isnt brbrbrbr-ing,, shakes brain i hope you feel better soon!! it looks like u want poly but i’m gonna do both a la carte & poly because the brain is just feeling it rn [hearts x5] (HOLDS UR HAND ILYSM ;V; i’ve been better but still not that bad!!) thank u sm sm shanna~!! xoxo, v (edit 3 months later: ik ur probably out n about and feeling better but i wanted to get this out for you!! ur such a sweet person ty for giving me this req)
(edit, ONE YEAR AND 6 MONTHS LATER: wow i really thought i got this out and i didn’t.. Time to make things right 💪 EXTREMELY SORRY FOR THE DELAY WAAAAAH ;;)
they r in my heart forever i love these two
Childe’s definitely in the middle of you two when you all hold hands
Swings your hands back and forth and tries to walk faster, but Kaeya won’t let you guys LOL
Hums his fav snezhnayan song if you’re lucky!
Interlocks all of your fingers too
Kaeya is more chill when you guys are all together, content with just lacing fingers and walking (albeit slowly) to wherever you need to go
If childe’s not humming you guys will usually talk quietly amongst yourselves just about common things like the groceries or plans with friends later
He would never tell you, but Childe really enjoys all the simple domestic stuff you guys get to enjoy like this
Kaeya usually rubs the fingers of whoever’s hand he’s holding (in this case, Childe’s) with his thumb as you guys walk and doesn’t comment on it, mention it or expect anyone to mention it at all. It’s just something that he does
When sitting at a table, they will have you in the middle holding hands under said table
It’s really funny trying to eat/drink this way 
Because when they try to let go to actually eat you might look at them with those pleading puppy eyes just screaming “don’t let go 🥺” 
Either you’re serious about this whole hand holding thing or you’re just being a sly bitch to make this experience a whole lot more hilarious but regardless, they don’t let go and resign to eating with one hand
It’s not practical at all and I don’t see it happening very often but when you want attention, who are they to deny?
Bonus: if you’re holding both of their hands, they will feed you with their free hands 
“Need a little help? Do you perhaps have your hands full?”
(lmk if you want a one-shot format in the future because this was so fun to write)
Holds your hand anytime he cannot hold your waist, which is often
He’s always trying for some sort of physical contact, whether that be an arm over the shoulder, around the waist, yet if those are unachievable he opts to go hand in hand with you down the street
He holds your hand shopping, he holds your hand if you guys are driving and at a red light, he holds your hand up elevators or just up STAIRS IN GENERAL?
Always rationalizing his thoughts with  “What if they fall. I should keep them from falling. I should hold their hand” when in reality he just wants to be close to you
Usually holds your hand with your fingers interlaced
If you reach out to hold hands first his cheeks might go a little rosy if he wasn’t expecting it
When in an open field like a park or clearing in a forest, he will sometimes take both of your hands and just spin you and him around like he used to do with his siblings in the snow
Sometimes if it’s really hot and you guys can’t cuddle in bed, he’ll just hold your hand instead
“Don’t you always want to hold and touch things that you love? I know I do.”
I see Kaeya as more of a person that wants a little bit more personal space when out and about, but he wouldn’t object if you initiated first
In private he would hold your hand shamelessly, but prefers to link arms if possible
I think he would charm you and ask if you wanted to hold his hand then be surprised when you actually did it
He’s held hands tons of times before (duh) but he feels like it’s more special when it’s with the one that he loves
There’s also that feeling of doing something so simple and “first-base” with someone you love that puts butterflies in your stomach when you do it for the first time in awhile
That’s what he feels like when he feels your hand in his
Doesn’t interlace his fingers but rather just grips your hand with a firm but not too tight hold
Because of his fingerless gloves and the spikes on the wrists of them, he gets a little bit scared they might poke you
Of course, the ever confident Kaeya keeps that to himself and says nothing about it, and it literally doesn’t end up ever being an issue
If you rub his hand with your thumb, he notices and fixates on it but doesn’t mention it, thinking about it for the rest of the day when he has to eventually depart for his work
“Hm.. Perhaps we should do this more often. What do you think?”
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ch1lde-mora · 2 years
no request, just wanted to say im very happy you're back!! i smiled so big when i saw you on my dash again :)
HI OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! i'm very happy to start leaning back into being active and I have some ideas of my own that I think I'll start posting periodically!! you're literally the best i couldn't be more grateful
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ch1lde-mora · 3 years
yknow what?? sometimes i go "hey what if these 2 characters slow danced in the moonlight after their wedding" and i die a little more on the inside
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
OK RANDOM THOUGHT but chxxya au but it's kinda like heathers thank u and gn
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
hi!!! because of @/kaebedom-me and her post about a chaeya playlist i decided to make my own !! it's mostly vocaloid or like songs you'd find from tiktok i guess i dunno!! i hope u enjoy it!! i'm such a sucker for these two and writing block sucks so here you go :')) mwah mwah if ur reading this far pls drink water n stay hydrated!! ily
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
HI WTF THIS NEVER MADE IT TO MY TL,, NOOO :cri: THANK U SM SHANNA AND AS A SORRY IM RB'ING THIS- I LOVE UR WRITING AND EVEN THOUGH I'M LITERALLY SHORTER THAN THEM (5'8 which I think is kaeya's height too but JKDFNSKDJD) AGAIN I LOVE THIS SM,, THANK U!!!!! (also i finally remembered to put on notifs again ily thank u sm for this meal) xoxo, v
uM hiii!! i literally love all of ur fics (esp the newest touch starved reader one that was 🥺🥺) !! can i request a chaeya x reader poly where the reader is just. really tall? like they can't even go through the goddamn doorway without hitting their forehead,, the fic can honestly go any way you want it to like cuddles, walking around (if nsfw then body worship :eyes:)!! thank u!! xoxo, v
Helloo v!!!!!!!!!! I hope it's alright thay i did hcs instead 🥺
Oof, the amount of teasing they do on the regular is gonna skyrocket
"You so tol i look like a giraffe"
Also those bs like "how's the weather up there lol" or "can you see the cathedral from where you're standing"
Just puNt them into the ground
They're good sports tho, it doesn't happen on the regular
100% laughs at you when you hit your on doorways
Again just puNT them into the ground
Is ok tho because they'll both give you a kiss on your boo boo umu
They will call it a boo boo and they will still laugh a little at you because they're just teasing like that
A lot of "hey babe, can you get that from the top shelf for me?"
Except its not them not being able to reach the top shelf
It's them deliberately putting things on the top shelf so they can ask you to grab it
Your height, weight, any physically appearance does not change the way and amount of time they will spend cuddling with you
They love you for you and if you ever think otherwise then they'll spend a crazy amount of time to convince you otherwise
I'll do a little nsfw for you as a tweat
In general, like i mentioned, your physical appearance doesn't change the way they're around you
If you're a lil insecure about your height then yes, absolutely they'll spend hours body worshipping you
Will fuck it into your brain that they love you for who you are and you're beautiful the way you are uwu
Lots and lots of praises and reassurance for you
If you try to protest they'll come swoop in for a heated kiss that makes you forget about what you were about to say
Also more leg length = more space to gove hickeys so they'd love to leave an ungodly amount on you to show you how much they appreciate your legs
If you're comfortable, they'd love to thigh fuck you uwu
Lots of praises accompanied with orgasms to get your brain to associate your flaws with a good feeling, so you'll start to feel better about it
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
V,,, hello it shanna from kaebedom-me! D-do you do chaeya requests? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 Also do you take nsfw requests? But in the mean time!!! I'd love for some poly childe x reader content pwease 🥺🥺 maybe reader saying "i love you" for the first time to them?
HI I LOVE YOU SHANNA!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING OF COURSE I’D DO CHAEYA FOR YOU,,, <3 <3 i do take nsfw reqs but i’m still getting into the swing of things so they’d probably be bulleted unless i really liked it :eyes emoji: please flood my inbox i love ur writing sm… sorry if this seems rushed babes it is exactly 3am as of posting
Pairing: chaeya (childe x kaeya) x gn! reader! (all readers are gn unless stated otherwise)
Warnings: mention of alcohol! Don’t drink until you’re of age !!! and fluff ←
writing under the cut~ enjoy!
- I like to think that their s/o loves to stargaze
- So you finally convince them to go stargazing as a date!!
- Feeling like Mona yet? /j
- Kaeya only agrees because a) it’s you asking and b) you promised alcohol
- When it’s about sunset, you guys set out to Starsnatch Cliff
- Luckily there were no hilichurls on the path (hmm.. wonder why)
- You guys all hold hands on the way there as per Childe’s request
- He’s between you two and swinging your hands back and forth!
- When you guys finally make it there you set up the large picnic blanket you used for stargazing
- To them it was basically a nighttime picnic and it may as well have been with all the drinks there
- Luckily you and Childe went out earlier that day for some alcohol for Kaeya which he was thankful for
- “Thank you both. I must say, it’s a lovely night especially because you guys are around~”
- “Well, thank s/o more than me- all I did was pay, after all.”
- You guys all cuddled while looking up at the stars
- “Hey, there’s a shooting star!!” You pointed out one, and smiled softly.
- “It’s not everyday you see one, you know.” Childe stated the obvious and Kaeya laughed.
- “I know!! Make a wish!” You eagerly whispered out your wish inaudibly, before smiling at the two of them.
- After the two men had made their wishes, Kaeya decided to speak up.
- “So what did you guys wish for? I wished for-”
- “Hey!” You and Childe said in unison, shushing him
- “You’re not supposed to tell or else it won’t come true!” You sighed, kissing Kaeya’s cheek before settling back into their embraces
- “I wished for some more wine, love. You’re gonna tell me that isn’t gonna come true?” He says as he smugly pours some more into his glass.
- “Whatever.. You’re lucky I love you.” You muttered, a slight blush appearing on your face.
- “Hm? What was that? Might wanna speak up, no?” Childe raised his eyebrows, looking over at Kaeya and back at you.
- “W-well.. I said- You’re lucky I love you. Both of you, that is.”
- Kaeya took a sip from his wine glass (and failed) to hide his surprise while Childe smiled like a kid on Christmas
- You had been in the relationship for about a month and a half and while they didn’t expect you to say it, it was still a surprise when you did
- “I love you too, sweetheart.” Childe cups your cheek and you smile, leaning into his touch
- He kisses you softly, giving Kaeya some time to recover
- Once Kaeya had finally recovered, he hugged you tightly
- “I love you too.. We love you, darling.” He kissed you and then Childe before settling back into his previous position and holding you both close
- “Look, is that another shooting star?”
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
Tumblr media
reblog for good luck!
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
I WANT A ZHONGDADDY ALPHABET PLEASE. It can be smut or not. Its up to you
Hello shawty,,,, jk hi bsf . here is your nsfw ‘zhongdaddy’ alphabet- i hope it satisfies your needs bb enjoy- i wrote half of this at 3am pairing: zhongli x (mostly, i hope) gn! reader warnings: nsfw, mentions of bondage nsfw under the cut! <3 <3 enjoy babes eat up
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
- Zhongli is VERY soft for you
- Will definitely get into a hot bath with you to clean up.. He’s quite traditional with his methods
- Won’t just wipe you down with a hot cloth, he wants you to make sure you feel extra pampered
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- For him? His hands. He doesn’t seem like it, but he’s a grabby person
- For them? Their thighs. Soft, easy to grip.. And on lazy days his head is so comfortable in them
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
- Pulls out on your ass/stomach depending on what position you’re in
- Will usually refuse to come inside unless you ask
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- He loves seeing you in lingerie/thigh high socks. He can’t explain it, it’s just so hot to him??
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
- Semi experienced- he’s had a few partners in his lifetime that meant a lot to him
- He’s still learning some newer things, but he does know how to give a good bangin’
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
- Missionary, def a classic person
- Will spice it up by throwing your legs over his shoulders- wants to see your eyes most of the time though
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
- Very serious and romantic with you, does not fuck around man he makes love to you instead of fucking you
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
- Well groomed, not much hair there to begin with but he does take care of it
- Carpet def does match the drapes (IMAGINE HIM HAVING GREY PUBES LMAOAOAO /j /j)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
- Very intimate, stares into your eyes before kissing you lovingly
- This is the time where he wants to show his love to you the most
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
- Doesn’t really masturbate on his own, will do it in front of you if you ask though while blushing
- “I mean.. If you really want me to, my love..”
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
- Extreme bondage for sure, will never blindfold you because he likes seeing your eyes
- Probably- DEFINITELY has a daddy kink and/or makes you call him “sir” or “master”
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
- Privately/in his bed
- His desk after hours… It spices it up
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
- The way you’ll lustfully stare at him and clench your thighs together when you’re in the mood makes him half-hard instantly
- “Darling, why are you looking at me like that?”
- After all, your eyes are his second favourite body part
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
- Anything in public/involving others
- Any more than light degradation, he loves you too much to degrade you
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’ll give any minute of the day, but he won’t complain if he gets some received
Like with experience, he’s semi-skilled at giving. Uses his hands a bit more than anything tbh
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
- Depends on the mood. Will def start off slow and work his way up to bruising your hips from how hard he’s pounding into you - probably makes you beg for it too tbh
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
- Would rather make love to you the real way, so unless he’s extremely desperate it’s a no from him
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
- He’ll experiment with kinks, toys and whatnot but won’t risk anything in public
- Considering his status he doesn’t want to be caught by anyone
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
- Has quite a bit of stamina, but worries more for how long you can go
- Can go around 4 rough rounds before he’s done - each lasting around 10-20 minutes
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
- He’d rather use his hands to please you- isn’t a huge fan of them himself
- On himself? Nah- if you ask then maybe he’ll consider it but Zhongli isn’t one for toying around
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
- A bit more than you’d think - he likes seeing you beg and teasing seems to do the trick, so he’ll do it if he wants to. Still not much teasing in the moment though, more in foreplay than anything
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
- Rating it on a volume scale? 45 to 50%. 
- He’ll groan when he comes, but otherwise slight grunts at about 5% volume is it
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
- He definitely pets your head/caresses your cheek and dirty talks you with a slight blush, maybe humming a song while you’re tied up if he feels like it
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
- I’d say a good 5.5 - 6 inch. Has some girth, but mostly length; knows what to do with it, though !!! :smirkface:
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
- Not that high,, you guys probably have sex maybe once every week (or 2 weeks if you’re especially busy, the fucking after that is immaculate)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
- Not that quickly. At the latest? 3 hours. It can be because he has work to do, or maybe he just wants to give you that A+ aftercare. Probably both honestly
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
hi guys!! tysm for all the likes on the diluc x reader, i really appreciate it ^^; just an update:
i have a few things on the way!!
i've been thinking of a childe x reader, zhongli x reader, and possibly chaeya (childe x kaeya) x reader!!
as always, a reminder that requests are open and my inbox is empty!! you can either send a req in that follows my guidelines or you can just send something nice c: thank u guys sm for the love and support!!!!! -v
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
Could I please get some Diluc fluff e.e? Something to feed a lonely simp like, how would he be asking the MC out or in a relationship?
Hi!! The original draft for this got deleted so I’m having a round 2!! 
How Diluc Asks Y/N out
He doesn’t even know he likes them until the night before
He’s just. thinking one night and goes “hey, they’re pretty cute”
And before he knows it he realizes “oh, i think i like them.. fuck”
Then Diluc spends half the night thinking about how to ask them out
He decides on a calm picnic date on Starsnatch Cliff
Luckily he had a day off from work so he decided to ask Y/N then
Good for him though, Y/N came to the winery after commissions to surprise him so he asked then
Since the picnic basket was already in his hands they couldn’t bare to say no
The walk to the area was semi-awkward with silence but nothing too bad happened
“Hey, Diluc! Over there looks like a good spot to sit!” Y/N pointed towards a patch of even land, just off a small hill. Diluc hummed in response, the person with him running ahead to the small plot of land. “This is a nice spot.” He commented, a light blush rushing to his cheeks.
As Y/N and Diluc laid the picnic blanket down, they started to talk idly about their favourite foods. “You already know I like grape juice..” “Yeah, sure - that’s not even a food! That’s a drink!” Y/N rolled their eyes playfully and took a bite of the sandwich Diluc forced his workers to make. 
Diluc decided that now was the time to actually say something about his feelings, and he started to blush lightly. He wasn’t one for chit-chat, and he had rehearsed this a thousand times a night before; so why was it difficult? “Ah, Y/N..” he says, coughing a little and looking up at them. “Yes? What is it?” They smiled, completely oblivious as to what he was going to say.
“Hm.. How do I say this.. Would you like to go out with me?” At this point, Diluc’s blush was as red as his hair. Y/N almost choked on the sandwich they were eating. “W-what?” They sputtered, swallowing the sandwich bite. “I said.. Would you like to go out with me?” Diluc repeated, trying to cover up his blush. “I.. I mean of course I would!” Y/N smiled brightly and brought Diluc into a tight hug, surprising him. 
If it were possible, the Ragnvindr’s face would’ve become even redder. He smiled, returning the hug and pulling away to cup Y/N’s face in his hands. “I’m glad you feel the same, love.”
Dating Diluc 101
As has been mentioned in many a fanfiction before, he is a private man
At most does hand-holding or the casual arm around the waist in public (maybe a hug if he’s needy enough)
In private, though? Oh boy
He is so touch starved,, like REALLY touch starved
So many hugs and cuddles I swear to god- they never get old though!
Kisses you mainly on the forehead or cheek btw
Although he likes to be cuddly, he also needs some space sometimes
You’ll have to accommodate for that but otherwise he just wants to love you up 
Will literally buy anything for you
Might as well be Daddy Diluc at this point because anything you look at for a second too long is yours
“Diluc, my love, we don’t need another salt shaker”
“You were eyeing it so I assumed you wanted it..”
“I eye everything! Including you!”
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ch1lde-mora · 4 years
for an amazing friend of mine. enjoy this!
pairing: xingqiu x gn! reader
warnings: fluff c: but seriously nothing
Your prompt: Y/N playing their fingers through Xingqiu's hair while sitting next to them on the couch.
A beautiful spring day- at least, that's what it should've been. Unfortunately, rain had come unexpectedly which stopped Y/N and Xingqiu's plans to have a picnic where all they did was eat good food and read books. It was already wet enough trying to go out and about with Xingqiu's vision, but the rain made it ten times worse.
Y/N was getting even more bored by the second being stuck inside the house. "Xingqiuuuuu..." They sighed, walking into the living room to the blue-haired boy. "What is it?" Xingqiu looked up from his book to his beloved curiously. "I'm bored.. What can we do?.." Y/N leaned over the couch to make proper eye contact and sighed.
"Well, we could always take a rest here, darling. Come hither, Y/N." The person in question crawled over the armrest of the ugly green couch they didn't want to throw away and leaned on Xingqiu's shoulder. "Fine, but as long as we go do something else later?" Xingqiu hummed in response and went back to his book.
Y/N was having trouble trying to take a nap. They sighed and decided to lay their head down on the armrest of the couch instead. "Come lay with me?" Y/N asked their boyfriend with pleading eyes. "Fine, my love, I'll put my book down for now." Luckily, the iconically disgusting green couch was rather wide, so Xingqiu laid down in Y/N's arms without trouble.
Just then, Y/N decided to try something new. As Xingqiu closed his fabulously amber eyes, Y/N started to play with his hair. Twisting, weaving, braiding, running their hands through it; you name them all. Both were relaxed, and Xingqiu yawned quietly.
As the rain pattered softly on the windows, quiet snores could be heard from the male. Y/N smiled in delight and looked over at the coffee table next to them. A small manga could be seen, titled "The History of Rex Lapis and his Amazing Deeds". Giggling quietly, Y/N closed her eyes. "Goodnight..." They whispered, before placing a kiss to the top of Xingqiu's head and falling asleep.
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