amerasdreams · 1 year
He was charged for publications on the “Protest MSU” channel about alleged Russian attacks on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, unlawful strikes on Ukrainian cities, war crimes in the Ukrainian towns of Bucha and Irpin, as well as using the officially proscribed term “war” instead of “special military operation.” On 2 June 2022, Dmitry Ivanov was about to be released after serving 35 days of administrative detention for breaching the repressive Russian law on public gatherings, but instead was charged and moved to pretrial detention On 20 January 2023, Dmitry Ivanov was reportedly beaten by the guards in the courthouse.
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suratan-zir · 2 months
Most Russians really shock me. Because of homophobic laws, their site with fan fiction was blocked, and they blame Ukrainians in the comments. And among the readers of this site there are many outright fascists with the letter Z on their avatar. Do these animals really read fan fiction?
I have to be honest with you, I know nothing about fanfiction. I am so uncultured that I don't think I've ever read a single fanfic in my life. But I can't see why russians, just like any other people with internet access, wouldn't read them. I try not to call them animals. They are people. Animals aren't usually homophobic, that's a very human trait, unfortunately.
If the sky falls on their heads tomorrow, they will blame Ukrainians. Their country, their culture is built on a foundation of hatred. They hate Ukrainians, gays, Westerners, and each other. They need enemies to fight to stay united.
As for the Z avatars...isn't it the new normal for russia now? They have Z's on billboards, t-shirts, cars…you name it. Here, for example, a russian woman complains to the local authorities that they do not protect her sufficientry enough from the visious Ukrainian drones.
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It is a border village, just a few kilometers from it russians drop tens or hundreds of heavy glide bombs per day, flattening Ukrainian cities and villages. But she proudly has Z on her t-shirt, and the only thing she complains about is that these vile Ukrainians fight back. She doesn't understand how cause and effect work. To her, this house is destroyed not because they commit genocide in neighboring country, not because they started the war of aggression.
Anyway, most of them shocked me at first. In 2022, maybe 2023. Now the rest of the world shocks me much more, by tolerating them.
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wintersmitth · 7 months
The problem is we can't even say we hate russians because we'll get lectured on fucking xenophobia and racism and when you are pointing out hey I actually live in conditions where I could die any single day, in excitingly violent ways you can't imagine, maybe I get the right to be angry and a lil bit irrational (altho I do believe you have to be a masochistic to like russians now) while my friend is sitting in the safety of the hall while her city is being shelled, you point this out, and they go Well still you can't hate them all, they don't support russia and anyway it is #NotAllRussians. And then you show the numerous screenshots what the not all russians write on social media, how gleeful they are etc etc. And you still get told same bullshit?? It genuinely makes me want to tear my hair out. We have to be perfect fucking little victims, quiet, polite, not too demanding, not hateful, nothing. We just gotta take it.
While russians don't get anything. Just unfair cancelling I guess.
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ohsalome · 1 year
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"Khokhol (this is the slur russians use agains ukrainians) nazis can only play with their anuses. What is this going to be, fag festival with swastica? And who is founding this? Fans of nazi pigs with yellow-vomit rag?"
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"Is this another attempt of begging for more money for laundering?"
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"Fucking dogpigs"
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"Khokhols are fags, stop khokhol, country 404 shouldn't exist, hillibilles don't know how to make games" (this particular message was spammed in many games, I will not showcase its every repetition)
(jfc imagine being this mad about a cozy bunny game)
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"Khokhlovpiteks on the screen"
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"Glory to russia"
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September (ru): "You are spoiling the game indurstry with these feces only to gather money for your Mykolas and Tarases (in russian, this is supporsed to be a demeaning stereotypical general name for ukrainians, somewhat similair to how americans harrassing asian people would call them "ching changs"). You are incapable of creating anyting concrete. You all have pig lard in your heads ( ukrainians being obsessed about pig lard is yet another xenophobic anti-ukrainian stereotype used by russians)."
Remy Azphel (ukr): "Seems like you aren't as brave as you try to seem, not risking to become meat in trenches) God forbid a real drone gets you)
Neurofixer (ru): In the meantime, yet another Striker (fighting vehicle used by Ukr army) is burning from Lancets (russian UAV) XD
September (ru): and geraniums are blooming in Kyiv (Geran-2 is another drone used in russian attacks on Ukraine)
Neurofixer (ru): why don't you collect the stinky corpses of your soldiers?
Neurofixer (ru): this game is dumber than the khokhols ffs _____________________
In conculsion: I find it really exceptional how putin, while single-handedly fighting in every battle on Ukrainian frontier and personally commiting every single war crime, has managed to find time to create hundreds of bot accounts and personally spam ukrainian game streams with hate speech and slurs; because obviously it couldn't be "simple russians", after all, every single russian is a pure innocent soul which by nature is not capable of evil (actual quote by pope francis), and, as westerners who don't know a single word in russian never tire of condenscendingly tell me, they would never, ever, ever go out of their way to harrass ukrainian gamedevs and totally would not brag about their army's attacks on our civillian sites, nonono #notallrussians
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horpyna · 7 months
foreigners who are insisting that #notallrussians are evil and it's russophobic, xenophobic and racist(huh? since when is russian a race?) to hate them are telling on themselves with these claims.
you are not defending poor unfairly accused russians, you are defending yourself. bc you probably have more in common with those russians that you want to admit. i don't see people from Poland, or Lithuania, or Estonia, or Latvia etc. defending russians as often as frequently as germans, french or americans do. and that's pretty telling.
so here's friendly advice: next time you feel that ukrainians are being to harsh to russians and you feel the urge to remind them that not all russians are bad, stop for a moment and reflect on why do you feel the need to do this. might be an eye-opening experience. deal with your colonial complex yourself and stop projecting it on the victims of colonialism.
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jacensolodjo · 5 months
I keep thinking how like 15+ years ago I said I hated the russkis and I was tutted at. And every time since then I get tsked. How dare I, a Ukrainian, say he hates russkis. That's soooo wrong. That's soooo prejudice.
If hating the russkis is wrong I don't wanna be right.
You can talk about forgiveness and #notallrussians but at the end of the day, it is them killing my people without any remorse. It is them hating people like me. It is morally correct to hate the russkis in return.
You'll defend every other oppressed group's ability to hate their oppressor why is it any different in this case? We know why. But why?
If I have to hear one more person go 'the russians aren't that bad I mean they haven't even done [thing they have absolutely done in spades but like everything else you ignore their war crimes/crimes against humanity/genocide]' or 'russia isn't that bad they hate the west just like me!!! Ukraine what? Chechnya what? Siberia what? Caucasus what? What do you mean antisemitism is a 'national past time'? lmao what is this about anti-gay propaganda and practically going on hunts to find gay people to beat up? (or the fact they have literally gone on hunts to kill Jews)' i'm gonna go fucking batshit.
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forbannelsez · 1 year
i feel like making a little post to pin, because bio doesn't have enough space for this little thing that's important to me
russians dnfi which stands for do not fucking interact. шкода що вам все ще не забанили тамблер і мені доводиться писати цей пост. моя позиція стосовно вас дуже проста – ви йобані терористи, хоч з емоджі голубка миру в нікнеймі і зі своєю міліцейською ганчіркою, яку ви кличете флаґом свабодной росіі, хоч ні. пиздуйте нахуй з мого акаунту
and if you are supporting russians in any way idk think "notallrussians", praise or even just consume russian literature or music, communicate with the "liberal ones" thinking there is nothing wrong with that – you are also not fucking welcome here
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localbisaster · 2 years
The Russia-Ukraine situation is very complicated to me.
On one hand - I feel sorry for Russians who feel powerless under the heel of their shitty government. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like to live in a system like that.
On the other hand - I also feel sorry for Ukrainians who are dying because of an aggressive regime invading them, I am sorry for refugees who are being harassed by pro-Putin Russians and I am very pissed at Russians who feel more upset about not getting tourist visas than the fact their government is slaughtering innocent citizens in another country.
I guess on a personal level the #NotAllRussians sentiment seems louder than any sympathy for Ukrainians and it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Especially since post-Soviet countries are painted in a bad light for being wary of Russia and Russians.
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sophiamamamia · 2 years
From Mariupol.
Waiting for death
I go outside in between bombings. I need to walk the dog. It constantly whines, trembles, and hides behind my legs.
I want to sleep all the time. My yard, surrounded by high-rise buildings, is quiet and dead. I'm no longer afraid to look around.
Opposite, the entrance to the one hundred and fifth house, number 105 is burning down. The flames have devoured five floors and are slowly chewing on the sixth. In the room, the fire is burning gently, as in a fireplace. Black charred windows stand without glass. From them, like tongues, curtains gnawed by flames are falling out. I am looking at it calmly feeling doomed to die.
I'm sure I'll die soon. It's a matter of days.
In this city, everyone is constantly waiting for death. I just wish it wasn't too scary. Three days ago, a friend of my older nephew came to us and said that there was a direct hit on the Fire station. The rescuers died. One woman had her arm, leg, and head torn off.
I wish that my body parts remain in place, even after the explosion of an air bomb.
I don't know why, but it seems important to me. Although, on the other hand, they will still not be buried during the bombing going on. This is how the police answered us when we caught them on the street and asked what to do with our friend’s dead grandmother. They advised us to put her on the balcony.
I wonder how many more balconies there are with dead bodies laid down?
Our house on Mir (Peace) Avenue is the only one that has escaped direct hits. It has nearly escaped twice when hit by shells, windows flew out in some apartments, but it was hardly damaged, compared to other houses, and it looks lucky.
The entire yard is covered in layers of ash, fragments of glass, plastic, and metal.
I am trying not to look at the huge iron structure that has landed on the children’s playground. I think it's a rocket, or maybe a mine. I don't care, it's just annoying. In the window of the third floor, I see someone's face and I flinch in fright. It turns out that I'm afraid of living people.
My dog starts howling and I understand that now they will shoot again.
I am standing in the daytime on the street, and there is complete cemetery-like silence around me. There are no cars, no voices, no children, no grandmothers on benches. Even the wind died.
However, there are still a few people here. They are lying near the side of the house and in the parking lot, covered with outerwear. I don't want to look at them. I'm afraid I'll see someone I know.
All life in my city has been smoldering in basements. It reminds me of a flickering candle in our basement compartment. It is so easy to put it out. Any vibration or a gentle breeze and darkness will come.
I am trying to cry, but I can't. I feel sorry for myself, my family, my husband, my neighbors, my friends.
I go back to the basement and listen to the vile iron rattle there. Two weeks have passed, and I no longer believe that there was once another life here.
In Mariupol, people continue to sit in the basements. Every day it is getting harder for them to survive. They have no water, no food, no light, they cannot even go outside because of the constant shelling.
Mariupol residents must live. Help them. Tell everyone about it. Let everyone know that civilians continue to be killed.
Written by a resident of Mariupol, Nadiya Sukhorukova, translated by Laura Olla AZ Palmer.
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propalahramota · 2 years
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“jUsT GiVe uP it`LL sAvE lIVeS”
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nastylittleman · 3 years
I bet you had no idea about the atrocities committed in Ukraine while we were part of USSR. Hell, up until very recently, a lot of Americans thought Ukraine was just some part of russia.
We will NEVER be part of that shithole, never again, death is a more preferable option. We don’t share the same values, our cultures are completely different, the fuckers don’t even understand our language. For all these years they were oppressing us, trying to steal everything from us. Kyivan Rus’ is our history, it was established long before moscow, but these thugs have been claiming it as theirs for centuries, denying our own existence, claiming we were invented by lenin (lol) and never actually existed before that.
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irusita · 3 years
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wintersmitth · 1 year
While the fandom is fighting who's a bad person for liking Hob Gadling I'm having a russian idiot in my replies, DMs and asks, who's defending their position of being a #notallrussian, while asking me if I have proof Russian soldiers are committing war crimes in my country.
We're not the same.
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mewlabu · 2 years
Ukranians: Russia is committing genocide ( and not for the first time)
Genocide researchers: what Russia is doing in Ukraine is genocide.
Several countries: we recognize what's being done by Russia in Ukraine as genocide.
Group of experts from all over the world who study this stuff and analyse conflict to determine if it falls under the definition of genocide: Russia is committing genocide on Ukraine.
Russia: we must erase the very idea of Ukraine, reeducate the children we stole, scatter millions across remote camps and make them work for food till they die. Make mass graves for the civilians we kill. Khokols aren't even people really.
Some fucking tankie on a socmed: "Russia has a right to defend itself. There's no genocide. #notallrussians"
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tonya-the-chicken · 3 years
No but why do people act like Ukrainians demanding Russia as a nation be held accountable is the exact same as wanting all Russians genocided?? Honestly if everytime an imperial power waged violent war was met with global boycotts, there might just be less of those wars because they can't get away with them.
So true bestie. It's not like anyone's asking to wipe them out of the face of Earth, I would be happy to see democratic Russia even though I have very little hope for that. But, like, you can't just politely ask them to not be imperialist, this is not how it works. We shouldn't give money to imperialist powers and authoritarian regimes, it's better to not have the most comfortable lives but to know you ain't sponsoring someone's death
And honestly, democracies going so weak on imperialist, like, no one boycotts China like they ain't hell on Earth with concentration camps
Like idk I saw Russians make tags like #RussiaLivesMatter and I'm like??? So you are the one getting murdered, I see. Might as well start posting #NotAllRussians for the full picture
How people can understand oppression stuctures between black people and white people or cis people and trans people but not between Russians and Ukrainians, it's really annoying.
Also, from a black man currently reporting from Ukraine:
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The parallel is not perfect but please perceive it in a good faith because for the love of god it's really hard to explain to foreigners our way of thinking when half of them can't see an obvious Russian propaganda
Ukrainian approach is also very rooted in the idea that freedom and democracy is something you fight for and if you are not fighting then you don't actually care for it. Everything that Russians bring up about suppressing opposition happened in Ukraine too, like murder of journalists and activists (Gongadze, Handzyuk, attempted Sternenko), persecution of activists on fake charges (Riff, Sternenko etc), police brutality (stuff happened even this winter I think) and killing of protestors (107 people died during the Revolution of Dignity) so any time Russians use those as excuses to why they can't protest it feels like they are spitting in our faces. They appear weak-willed and not ready to sacrifice everything for their freedom. Like, during the Revolution of Dignity people literally wrote they are going "To the death", no one acted like uwu owo we are going on a walk, no, people seriously were ready to die because Yanukovych decided he wants to be a dictator and now Russians cry their eyes out explaining to us that they might be imprisoned for protesting. Like, of course??? Do you think Jesus will walk out of the sky and make your country heaven or what??? YOU work for it yourself
They don't take responsibility for their own country and now when sanctions hit them they blame everyone but themselves. It's never Russians who are at fault, no, it's the evil West or nazi Ukrainians or everyone who doesn't treat them like kings. Some people were privileged for so long they can't even grasp what is accountability and perceive any time they ain't paid special attention to as oppression (and this is why you need to double-check when Russians say they are being oppressed. Believe it or not, it's totally normal to doubt people, just don't be an asshole about that and try to dig deeper into all and any situations to understand all nuances)
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yaoi-reading · 2 years
In one post, you said 'there are still people who write #notallrussians It might be nice to live in an ivory tower'.
I don't know whether this is fair, because many prominent Russians (who, despite Putin's claims, have a significant following in Russia) warned the West for years to sanction Putin precisely because he is not only a kleptocrat and a dictator, but he is also a direct threat to neighbouring countries like Ukraine. Our governments in the West had more financial and political power to deter Putin than these Russians did, so I think that when people are saying #notallrussians they are not trying to excuse the wickedness of the Russian soldiers and the Russian political establishment, but simply stating the fact that many Russians oppose this war and have called for sanctions against him long before it happened.
What do you think?
#notallrussians #notallmen #alllivesmatter may sound different but have the same goal - to deflect from the real issue that exists and start to talk about something else. and it is quite infuriating to have a discussion about the exact number of russians who don't  really want to erase ukrainians from existence while wondering where next russians missile'll hit today and how many people it'll kill. i always see this “many russians protest against the war” but nobody show the real number because in reality this number is not significant. and in the end of the day doesn't make any difference. missiles still hitting my hometown, people are dying.
and i'm fed up with this narrative which always infantilizes russians and says that they dont bare any responsibility. idk why westerners always put russians on pedestal and make them the biggest victims in the world. russians were quite ok when russia occupied crimea, or unleashed war on georgia, chechnya, syria, my country. some of them even applaud putin for "taking back crimea without shedding and blood" (which is a lie) - the words of prominent anti putin russian. or another words of other prominent russian - crimea is not "a sandwich to pass back and forth" and "will remain part of Russia and will never become part of Ukraine." are you talking about those russians? yeah, maybe they hate putin because of his corruption but it doesn't mean they see ukraine as independent and sovereign country that can choose its future independently. russians are imperialistic chauvinist and they are okay with this.
the sanctions that you mention - i’ve only seen garry kasparobv talking about it. navalny also mentioned them, may be he even wrote op-ed to the foreign magazine about it but his narrative in russian is quite different. he called putin and his company as “жулики и воры” (loose translation “scoundrels and thiefs”) and was angry with them not because they occupied crimea and started the war with ukraine but because they stole a lot of money. and even now people from navalny organization are angry because of the level of corruption in russian made their army not efficient. but for me and many ukrainians it is blessing, i don’t want even to imagine what would brought upon us if putin was not corrupted. navalny also talked about those kind of sanctions and was against sectoral economic sactions because he didnt want ordinary russians to suffer. the majority of ordinary russians support this (and not only this, read what they said and wrote about chechnya, georgia, syria) war. but you know maybe he thinks that only ukrainians have to suffer because of russian apolitical inactivity and indifference. but not the precious russians. and one of the quotes about crimea that crimea is not a sandwich. yeah. that one. its navalny’s quote.
and you know what else navalny said - that usa shouldn’t arm ukraine. it was 2015! and yeah. i might be angry at germany for appeasing russia for so long and for continuing doing it, for their letters with “don’t arm ukraine”. but it is russia not germany that unleashed this war on us. russians not germans are killing my loved one, russians not germans gloat about ukrainians death. and the only thing to prevent it was to put russian ecomony into stone age with sectoral sanctions in 2014 or at least arm us. but neither of those things happened soon enough. and some countries in the west still try to find “good russians” and cry about russophobia.
and the reality is that even if putin dies there will be next “putin”. because as history shows russians can’t live without one. and this is the harsh reality that we (i am talking not only about ukrainians, but also about all russia’s neighboring countries) have to deal with for centuries. all anti-putin russians in the end of the day end up being angry with ukrainians who dared to live without them and do their own things. (you should try to read some of their discussions about that ukrainians are almost as bad as russians because we are derussifying our culture and renaming our streets. imagine being angry with that while missiles from your country destroyes ukraine). 
there were tons of mistakes because my english is quite bad. and i am tired to have this kind of discussions in the fifth month of full scale invasion and 9th year of war.
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