#note: kageyama hiroshi.
kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Laughter, Learning and Motives to Keep Going
Alternative Title: What it means to be in a club (maybe the true improvement are the friends we make along the way)
Kanene’s notes: I am once again thinking about the tickle potential of the Body Improvement Club in Mob Pyscho 100 and my ideas aren’t very organized but picture with me:
(These mini fics contains Lee!Mob and Ler!Body Improvement Club. Around 2.500 words)
* Pokes and prods while Mob is stretching to correct his posture or attract his attention in case he forgets a step or exercise.
Shigeo pulled his arms upwards, ignoring the light tremble of his limbs at the strange, extra strain he was putting them under. He wasn’t used to the series of stretches they were supposed to do before and after every exercise routine. It felt weird, if Shigeo was being honest, muscles that he even didn’t know that existed sent sparks of a beginning of a pain and he kept staring fixedly at the leader at every couple of seconds to be sure he was doing it right, the anxiety nagging the back of his brain being subdued by the warmth that blossomed on his chest at the realization that everyone from the group kept doing the same step longer than necessary so Shigeo could follow them properly.
Such kindness...
Musashi Goda, Hideki Yamamura, Hiroshi Kumagawa, Ryorei Shimura, Jun Sagawa...  
Shigeo took a deep breath, a strong determination shining clearly on his eyes. He won’t disappoint them! Nor let all their efforts be in vain! He would do his best here to become stronger every day!
“Kageyama,” Lost in his own thoughts, the dark haired student didn’t realize the leader walking in his direction, the rest of the group having already moved on to the next step while Shigeo froze on the first one.
“Kageyama!” His tune naturally became more energetic, although not carrying the slightest heat on it, but being perfect to break Shigeo from his trance, body barely jumping on the same place before his attention focused on Goda.
“Y-ye-” His attention, however, didn’t come quick enough to prevent the twin pokes that attacked his underarms, a quiet, high pitched squeak leaving his lips at it while his arms fastly shot down to protect the ticklish area, wide but not alarmed eyes watching the leader attentively.
In response, he received the same enthusiastic smile and energetic shout that accompanied the whole club like a treadmark. “Don’t forget to also stretch your arms downwards, Kageyama! It will be important for your wrists and biceps!”
Now Shingeo’s eyes shone with curiosity and understanding, the student quickly followed to do what was said. “Right!”
Goda nodded, his smile tingled with something a tad playful and a tad a expression Mob couldn’t quite place still on his face, before turning back to the rest of the group. “BODY IMPROVEMENT CLUB!”
Excited shouts followed his and Mob felt a content (with drops of tickly) feeling quirk his lips upwards.
Such occurrence, however, wasn’t restricted to his first day. Actually, as weeks and weeks went by, Shigeo lost the count of all times that similar attacks followed him, especially during stretching time, when his mind seemed to wander most and there was too much steps, moves and body parts to be aware at once.
A quick squeeze on his stomach to remind him to pull his leg the closer he could to his chest when preparing to run with them across the city.
(”Don’t worry. You’ll know how to do those even while sleeping soon.”
“Thank you.”
Yamamura didn’t add anything to his previous observation, giving Shigeo one more glance before relaxing and nodding, going back to the comfortable silence that followed them as they continued the exercises.)
A sneaky scribble delivered by Shimura on his unprotected neck on a particular day when his muscles were too stiff and his frown too strong.
(”Don’t pull your head towards your shoulder so forcefully! Your hand should only rest on the side of your head while weighting it slightly downwards. If it hurts, it means you’re doing it wrong!”
“Really?! I understand now, thank you.”
“Don’t try to bow while doing it either!”)
Some friendly prodding in between his shoulder blades while rotating his wrists from left to right when he was too much concentrated on counting the moves to realize the tiredness was weighing his shoulders down.
(”Try to not let your posture slouch, ok? That can prevent some back pain further in the way.” Kumugawa smiled and did a thumbs up when Shigeo corrected his stance, looking at him with a wobbly grin that too fastly went back to his natural neutral face. That boy was fun.
And, as warmth, playfulness and a kind type of care followed each poke and each word in his direction, Mob couldn’t really bring himself to mind the plentiful squeaks, titters and snorts that such a friendly (and strangely effective) way to call his attention would bring.
* Quick scribbles and light squeezes when Mob is looking as if he needs some encouragement to keep going
Breath in. Breath out.
The sun was bright and hot and every patch of his skin seemed to be completely overcome by a sudden wave of fever. His legs were starting to hurt. Tiredness was beginning to bite at his ankles, the concrete under his sneakers feeling harder than ever and still his steps began to grow more and more inconsistent.
Breath. Breath in and out.
He was getting slower. Again. The sun was so bright. The rest of the club were now getting way too far. Slow. He was simply too slow.
They didn’t even get to the middle of their track.
Too slow. Too bright. Too exhausted.
Why all he was was being so w-
A couple of fingers tased his sides, not ceasing their attack even when the surprise tickling made his step falter and a mix of hiccups and giggles to flow from his lips. Little ticklish shocks spread all across his torso, bringing more and more tired titters to bounce in a giddy energy on his chest, the sensation was funny, silly and quite maddening, making the smile on his face only grow bigger.
His body tried to squirm from one side to another in an attempt of dislodging the offending, wiggling fingers, but they kept their attack, only changing to a series of pokes and a couple more of squeezes as he turned around to see who was responsible for that.
“Do not focus just on your pain, Kageyama.” Onigawara also looked tired, his breath coming as short pants and his usual half serious and half scolding (no, he wasn’t soft because the little guy here trying his best, he was not. Shut it) losing its usual sharpness at the adorable scene of the shorter one smiling and trying to duck his face to hide it on his shoulders while still keeping his running pace. “Or you won’t be able to see your goal getting close at every moment!”
A muffled snort flew from his lips, more hiccuped giggles quickly following it. It was hard to concentrate on Onigawara’s words, Shigeo came to realize, especially when the other found a rather sensitive spot way too close to his belly and not far enough from his sides and that made him sprint forward in a sudden bout of energy. A smirk took over Onigawara’s face as he too sped up to accompany his new rhythm, more pokes and prods urging the shorter to not give up.
“See? We just need to keep going on. What’s up with that frown from before, huh? We still need to catch up with them!”
And Shigeo nodded, that bright shine on his eyes again, the remaining adrenaline and phantom feeling of fingers dancing on his sides still making a silly, tiny smile paint his face.
Onigawara nodded back, ceasing his attack. “Good.”
He quickened his pace, gaze still locked with Shigeo as he went. “Do not stay behind, Kageyama.”
For a good measure, he wiggled his fingers, watching with amusement when the act made the other let out a small squeak, before also trying to run faster.
With the shout breaking his concentration, Onigawara saluted the smaller, turning back to the group and trying to catch up with them.
Time to overcome his own challenges as well.
* Group tickles when he reaches a goal or overcomes a challenge!! :D
He did it.
He did it.
His face was relaxed, his shoulders seemed free of any weight to pull them down and a tiny smile was plastered on his face, clear to anyone who wanted to see, his chest going up and down with each erratic breath that steadily came back to a much slow rhythm.
Kumugawa’s face appeared on his vision field. “Are you ok there, Kageyama?”
With all the strength he could muster, Shigeo lifted a thumbs up, not taking too long before his arm fell back to accompany the rest of his body on the grass, but he could care less about how much dirt was getting on his clothes.
He did it.
It was already evening, now. The sun setting bringing a nice breeze to play around the space, making relief to flood across his entire body. The blond snickered, replying him with his own thumbs up before going back to the rest of the club, who was enjoying their contentment for finishing a good and challenging day of exercise. Water was being distributed and chatters were filling the entire scenario with the typical exhausted excitement that always fell like a blanket on them after their routine.
Shigeo closed his eyes and breathed in, letting the conversation and peace dancing freely in the air surround him in a rare moment of calmness. A moment when power, spirits, fears, love and insecurities didn’t matter. A moment when his mind was finally quiet. A moment when the only important thing in the world was the knowledge that he did it.
He finally finished the track. Without passing out even once.
He did it.
He was really glad.
The Kageyama had no idea of how much time he spent like this, but when he opened his eyes it was to find a cold water bottle a few inches from his face and a hand on his shoulder pulling him to a sitting position. With a satisfied hum and a hoarse “Thank you” he realized that his body’s ache had subdued a lot in the meantime.
“Come on, Kageyama!” The hand patted his shoulder with an enthusiasm and force that made him bend slightly to the left. Shigeo looked at the leader with a question in his gaze. “Just the final stretching and then we can get our things!”
“Ok.” He agreed, already pulling himself to stand and following them through the steps that, indeed, were becoming easier and easier to remember with each day.
At the end, Sagawa was the one who broke the silence.
“Today was the first day you stuck with us until the end without passing out, right?” His usual neutral face checked the shorter, as if being sure he wasn’t about to fall and prove him wrong at any moment.
“It was.” Shigeo looked at his own hand, as if he could visualize just with that how much different, stronger he got since the beginning of his training. “I also kept you in my sight all the time.” A shy proudness tip toed in his words.
“Congrats.” Sagawa completed and Yamamura nodded in agreement. The training was working out.
“YES! This is a very important moment! We should CELEBRATE!!” Goda flexed, more energy sparking from him at the prospect of seeing someone conquer their challenges. Enthusiastic screams of affirmation were fast to follow his words, Kumagawa and Shimura punching the air while Onigawara lifted his water bottle with a ‘yeah’.
Blink. And suddenly everyone was much closer. Blink. Shigeo was being lifted and thrown in the air multiple times, their congratulations shouts being mingled by the momentarily sensation of him floating on the air before falling onto their hands only to be thrown again.
It reminded him of the times he and Ritsu were kids taking turns to be thrown and catched by their dad, senseless laughter flooding the space.
Shigeo relaxed. It was fun.
And then it didn’t take long before he was jolted back to stand on his feets, legs wobbling for a second, but firmly locking himself in place when a wave of reassuring and excited pats washed over him, on his shoulders, on his back, even his head wasn’t forgotten, his hair probably sticking at every possible direction from how much it was ruffled.
He had seen this before, when Onigawara managed to accompany them for a whole day or Goda created and succeeded at his own new intense exercise routine.
He had seen it all before, even partaking at the (ritual? Party? Celebration?) with his own shy and careful pats once or twice.
That is why he knew exactly what would happen when the first scribble hit his neck.
He didn’t try to hold or stop the hands that began attacking him, only hugging his own sides and ducking his head downwards as his cheeks puffed out in a poor attempt of containing his laughter.
It wasn’t very effective, though, not when there were fingers worming their way under his arms so they could scratch freely across his ribs, drumming on the horribly ticklish space right in between them that made a series of muffled yelps to escape from his mouth.
Or when someone - probably Onigawara, his mind unhelpfully supplied - found, again, that spot that connected his sides and stomach, carefully and attentively pinching every single inch of it over and over again until stray titters were floating in the space.
Or when a curious poke to his belly finally broke his barrier and brought all the kind of snorts, squeaks and unashamed laughter that made his face hot all over again, redness running from his cheeks to the tip of his ears as he curled even more on himself, shoulders shaking and beaming at the tickly shocks running across his spine, filling his nerves and making him feel like electricity followed every touch, leaving trails of tingling behind.
All of this, of course, only seemed to encourage his peers, more squeezes and scribbles being delivered on his sides, ribs, belly and even his ears (which fished a high pitched wheeze from him and some amused snickers and happy chatter from the group), however as fast the attack started, it ended, the last pokes and remanent giggles dancing together and keeping the content, relaxed  smile on his face.
With his eyes still shining with mirth (and a few non-shed tears) he stared at the group, almost ducking his head again at the pride and happiness that was greatly and unashamedly reflected right back at him.
He did it. 
Shigeo really did it.
They were really glad.
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triplicemedia · 6 years
#noteth564 mesmo o vídeo sendo bastante cuidadoso com os fatos apresentados, eu achei marcante e uma iniciativa muito bacana!
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth564.
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earthstellar · 3 years
Transformers Tracks: Some of the Objectively Best Transformers Theme Songs
Because I’m a playlist nerd, you can find all of these tracks below compiled into a YouTube playlist here.
(Please do note that the playlist is arranged in the order they are in below, and not in chronological order!)
I have also included the album art for each track/OST so that you can find the right album if you would like! 
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TRANSFORMER (トランスフォーマー) Scramble City Intro by Satoko Shimonari for G1 is extremely and wonderfully 80s, and would absolutely make an amazing Future Funk remix. Reminds me somewhat of Sailor Moon theme tracks! Pro Tip, this one is also great for karaoke.
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1986 Movie Theme by Lion - We all know this one’s obligatory.
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Transformer V: Victory Opening Theme ( Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Victory (戦え!超ロボット生命体 トランスフォーマーVビクトリー) by Koji Kaya is so completely slept on by the entire fandom, but it has the perfect mix of 80s vocals and 70s big band flavour which makes it a definite all-time great. Has a very 80s Voltron feel to it, almost. 
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TRANSFORMERS EVO. by JAM Project for Transformers Animated isn’t particularly my style, but I know it’s extremely popular amongst the wider fanbase so I’m including it here. It’s very high energy! 
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The Headmasters (トランスフォーマー ザ★ヘッドマスターズ ) by Hironobu Kageyama is another delightfully 80s track, with a touch of 70s big band but with the addition of power guitar which gives it an extra dramatic, powerful flair. This also has an 80s Voltron vibe.
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Tamashii no Evolution (魂のエヴォリューション, "Evolution of the Soul") from Beast Wars Metals is interestingly also by Hironobu Kageyama and evokes early 2000s rock, which reminds me of early Fullmetal Alchemist theme songs. That’s a good thing. (It was released as one of the several Beast Wars albums; Please check the track lists, as the above album cover may not be 100% correct.)
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Transformers Prime Theme by Brian Tyler does a lot to establish the mood of the series right out the gate, and matches the tone of the series. Love a good orchestral opening in a Western series.
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Arrival to Earth by Steve Jablonsky for the first live action Transformers film is probably the best thing to come out of the Bayverse live action Transformers films. (If you like the movies, I’m not hating on them or you, I’m just saying the soundtrack is great and I’m still personally mad about the rest of it.) 
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Q-Transformers: Mystery of Convoy Returns (キュートランスフォーマー 帰ってきたコンボイの謎  Theme - Physical by OLDCODEX is so wildly funny, mostly because it is a heavy metal track for a series that is essentially about little chibi versions of the characters. It rocks though, so if you’re into metal, here’s the track for you. I have no idea if this ever got released as a single anywhere, because I can’t seem to find it if it was, but above is the series logo.
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TRANSFORMER -Dream Again- by Psychic Lover for Transformers Armada is another metal track that manages to also feel like early 2000s rock music, and it’s pretty solid. If the Q-Transformers track is too much for you, this one is the perfect medium. The album this track is on includes a bunch of the other Japanese theme songs across all shows, which is also pretty cool and is probably why they went with the G1 Autobot/logo design here.
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Back to Life (80s Remix) · Hailee Steinfeld for the Bumblebee live action movie is an interesting combo of current 2020s pop music with a replica-retro vibe, which makes it fit in nicely with a lot of the classic Transformers tracks.
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Honō no Overdrive ~Car Robot Cybertron~ (炎のオーバードライブ ~カーロボットサイバトロン~, "Blazing Overdrive ~Car Robot Autobots~) by Koji Wada is the opening for RID. It’s another high energy rock theme, very late 90s/early 2000s as was the trend. It’s a good track though, and I feel like it should be included primarily because the vocal performance is great. 
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CALL YOU... 君と僕の未来, "CALL YOU... The Future of You and Me" by Shinji Kakijima for Galaxy Force is yet another rock/metal track, but a little softer than some of the other Transformers metal tracks and very much an early 2000s metal revival type rock song. (Lots of these in modern Transformers.)
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Taiyō no transform!! 太陽のtransform!!, "Solar transform!!" by Hiroshi Kitadani for Super Link is great because it evokes the 80s power guitar and keyboard with very 90s (and almost cheesy feeling) vocals and beats. It’s refreshing after all the metal and rock music to get a little bit of a throwback theme. 
The above is not a fully comprehensive list, but they are the tracks that first come to mind when I think of pretty solid Transformers jams! 
Here’s the link to the playlist again so you don’t have to scroll through this whole mess lmao.
BONUS: Album Recommendation! 
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Transformers History of Music 1984-1990 produced by Colombia Music Entertainment contains what is as far as I can tell every single piece of Japanese Transformers music created between those dates. It is an absolutely fantastic album, and if you can find it, I would recommend you get it, because every track is a banger. 10/10
What are your favourite Transformers theme songs? I will add any below a cut if you feel I have left out a theme that you particularly like! 
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natsumi-no-hotaru · 3 years
Karasuno Fighto! (part 1)
AKA. Thoughts scribbled down while accompanying the crows on the quest to retake their rightful place...
So there’s this show that I’m sorta obsessed with, hahaha. Been watching it since last October- uhm, actually, nope I mean October 2020. Damn, it’s already the new year. Time flies. Happy New Year, y’all!
Anyhow, anime posts are, to put it simply, the bread and butter of my tumblr. Everything began with my desire to talk, rant, ramble, dissect and celebrate the anime and manga that have changed and continue to change my life for the better. And while for the past 12 months and more, this space has been taken over by Genshin Impact (ehe?), it’s always my intention to return the roots. I still have a couple of GI posts tentatively planned but for now, it is Haikyu’s time. 
Truth to be told, I went in with not much of an expectation for Haikyu!! beyond some light-hearted fun with a bunch of my favorite seiyuu. Sports anime is not my cup of tea and I haven’t watched any besides Yuri on ICE!!! Though I suppose you can make a case for karuta being sort of like a sport (Chihayafuru), what with physical movement being as important as the mental work involved. Little did I know that I would be in for a spectacular ride, a truly compelling story with striking leads, strong support cast, and well-executed animation that completely swept me away. Chasing and enjoying your passion and living your life to the fullest are all familiar themes of the shounen/ competitive manga genre but somehow Haikyu!! managed to deliver an entirely refreshing take on these oft-explored topics. And gosh, the seiyuus were golden on their own but together they were just explosive. I could go on for the whole day but suffice to say that I love every moment of the fiery and spirited exchange between Hinata and Kageyama (Ayumu Murase and Kaito Ishikawa really brought the house down many many times throughout the show) and every single appearance of Noya-senpai (need I even go into depth on how amazing Nobuhiko Okamoto is cos he is the BOMB) is just pure gold. Kouki Uchiyama’s Kei Tsukishima is such such a jerk, lol (he’s so perfect for this kind of role - point to my profile pic and header) and Hiroshi Kamiya’s Take-chan is so so so adorb (I wanna hug him every time he gives one of those rousing pep talks). Yuuki Kaji’s short appearance as the cat that Kenma totally is is much much welcome, too.
Those are some of my brief impressions after watching the first season of Haikyu. To date, I have finished the 3rd season and am super looking forward to starting on the 4th season (can’t wait to hear Miyano Mamoru-san as Miya Atsumu!!). But before getting to it, I really really want to share with you my notes on the 3 seasons I’ve watched (no more months of waiting, whoohoo), beginning with season 1. They were jotted down while watching so a lot of the names are abbreviated or replaced by my own nicknames to aid my memory. Even though they are not polished as my usual anime posts (like the ones I did for Chihayafuru and Shoukoku no Altair), to me, they are still valuable records of moments of joy, excitement and suspense. I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them. 
Season 1
Ep 1-5: Power duo
- kage: humbled down, willing to listen to senpai for improvement, recognized hina’s talent long ago, major breakthru coming from willingness to place himself not as the dictator of gameplay but as the facilitator for others to shine (bring their strengths to the fore). Able to accommodate hina thru his wealth of exp and precision.
- hina: willing to work very hard, to trust others' judgement and exp (when kage told him he bad at receiving, better work on that before thinking abt spiking) but still hold his ground. Ability to be always bring his 110% to the game. Always be supportive of kage, esp front of those dissing him. His eagerness and happiness to receive sets from kage, regardless of how difficult, make him such a natural cheerleader for kage (never worry that no one would care to receive his sets).
Ep 6-9: Senpais' time
Sugawara, Tanaka and Daichi all had their shining moments.
Previous eps, with the first 2 being always ready to jump in the fray and offer immense mental and technical support to the hinakage duo. Daichi is a great captain thanks to his calming influence, stern discipline (precisely delivered) and his ability to quickly read the situation.
However these eps revolve around another set of senpais - Nishinoya and Azumane. Nishinoya completely stole the show from the very instant he appeared - his enthusiasm and passion for volleyball that rivals even hina, his positivity and conviction (praising Hina for his jumps and encouraging his dream, Noya’s own reasons as to why he wants to be libero), and his earnest effort to support others by compensating for their weaknesses (practicing retrieval of blocked balls). He is at the back yet he shines brightly and exudes incredible reliability.
Compared to Noya, Azumane seems much more subdued character. He is the ace yet he must be the most humble ace on the show (lol and have only watched 1st season). His fear of being blocked and disappointment himself provide the fuel for the drama that drives the team's 2 best players apart. The final lesson is once again to have trust in ur teammates, to not place the burden of failure entirely on yourself, and to not give up when others have not done so.
Our duo also contributed to the untying of the Gordian knot through their own refreshing take on camaraderie - the blind and earnest trust between people who simply click, and their sincere desire to just see the team at its best. They also lent much to the story in way of humor; I dont think anyone can keep a straight face after seeing a hypertense and super nervous Hina serving the ball directly on the back of kage's head at the match vs Aoba Jousai. I could not stop laughing like a hyena, and be absolutely moved by how kage made use of said incident to help Hina get over his nerves (u have done the worst by hitting my head with the ball, what else can be worse than that?).
Oh dear, and before I forgot again, goddamn, but can Take-chan be more inspiring than the pep talk he gave at the end of the 3vs3 match? Dammit, Hiroshi Kamiya, you're gonna be the death of me.
Ep 10:
Feels like it deserves its own entry, given how beautifully, explosively and poignantly it explores the chemistry of hinakage.
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Azumane's return to the court and the fact that he had not lost his touch even after a month of not playing at all are certainly a cause for celebration for all. Yet, its only natural that chibi Hina would feel jealous of and inferior to Asahi, in terms of height and power. Once again, kage (after some extremely cute pouting from Hina’s failing to take notice of his pointers and getting a ball literally to his face, being distracted by Asahi the ace) shook him out of self-doubt and height inferiority complex by reminding him of how he had yet to be blocked on receiving sets from kage — "when I set for you, have you ever been stopped by blockers?"  With another one-liner, he offered the ultimate assurance — "as long as i’m around, you're the greatest". Don’t I enable u to shine so brilliantly? Take pride in yourself as I take pride in you, is what sweet tsundere kage was saying.
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Lovely parallels:
- Asahi (voiced by Hosoya) leaving volleyball and Arata quitting karuta for a while
- Hina (voiced by Ayumu) comparing jumping high to flying, and Venti flying on his wind
Ep 11-12:
- Kenma. cute awkward child out of court but closeup of his watchful, no-blinking cat eyes is creepy and hypnotizing.
- Fun metaphor time: the demon and his iron club (kagehina)
- lmao what with Yuuki Kaji and voicing chars bad at social interactions and making friends.
- hina's fast attack getting blocked several times by a single blocker who could read his moves by midway of game. Though not able to execute his ultimate like he did earlier in the game, he was not disheartened or caught by fear. Instead, he was able to see the effort exerted by the blocker to block his spikes, and believed that with a plan and kage, he could overcome this wall.
- so kage will now try a different toss that would give Hina some flexibility in receiving midair, now that hina would like to do some aiming. This is unlike when kage would pretty much set up so that hina just needs to jump and spike, without thinking,... it’s still of course a wip. But yayyyy he managed at least once?
Ep 13:
- fun metaphor time: demon and demon
- dont need to see the celebrating booyah routine of Noya-san and Tanaka-san ever again.
- its hilarious to hear the uplifting music played when Ukai assessed the versatility and fluid game of Nekoma in comparison to the sloppy, uncoordinated gameplay of karasuno
- comrades in despair: no I dont have the courage to talk to her.
... kiyoko-san. Shimizu kiyoko-san Dis like tetsutetsu Vs kirichan — lol kenma after the intense barrage of questions from kage
- bababoom idiot duo.
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- take-chan so cute with all the blushes and teary eyes
- hina so cuteee: ill make u desperate to win next time and we'll win. No more same old thing for awkward neko boyo.
Ep 14:
- kage chan asking for feedback on sets from azumane-san is so cutee
- its nice to see everyone hyped up in their own wayyy
- Lmao the snapshot of the whole team standing outside gym after practice and gazing at the bright full moon in wonder
- Gotta love kage intense direct gaze lol
Ep 15: The first match
- poor asahi—san, what with horrid rumors about being held back 5 years
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- Take-chan: the old Warhorse 
Ep 16:
- the back and forth sequence between the bogs' match and girls' is so well-done, fluid and rousing.
- noya-san: time to win against dateeee no worries me got yo backkk. He’s so kira kira its so beautifulll
Ep 17: Against Date
- ooo kowai blockerss
- yay crazy fast attk for the winnn  
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- its scary how aoba jousai couch can still watch karasuno playing and making insightful commentary while his team is playing???
- kage backward set to hina so insaneee  
- ehh is the decoy workinggg? Ehehehe 
Ep 18:
- mmm. Tsukki's role... what will he be
- Tsukki bonding time with Asahi-san
Yayyyy Tsukki and Asahi blocking a fast attk together
- Noya-san beautiful save with his foot and asahi's persistence to make good on the set point 
Ep 19:
- lmao everyone be like oikawa is scary formidable serves setting like conductor and the shorty duo be like so awesome cant wait to out his serves
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- lol aint no tv appearance for poor karasuna ;))))) oikawa totally dominated screentime "fall to pieces” lolll
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- Pressure on kage-chann cos scary senior oikawaaa
- but hinachan up to his usual antics of teasing kagechan "u need to practice looking pleasant on tv”, so things are sorta looking better...?
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- oh dear even oikawa-san has a cd of karasuno match against date.... dis not looking good
- ukai needs to stopp chain smokinggg goood lawd
- i like how oikawa has something to say for every player doing warm up receive before match. It goes a long way to show how much he understands their capability and performance.
- hiroshi kamiya as take-chan is so so perfect. Take-chan is so refreshing how hes noob to all things volleyball but still observant enough to make insightful pep talk. And hiroshi kamiya totally nailed it, along with take-chan's enthusiasm
- 2 setter dumps right off the bat is hard to take.
Lol last one everyone gets wrong. Its not hina, not tanaka, not even Asahi-san. Return setter dump by kage-chan.
Ep 20: Against aoba jousai or oikawa?
- kage-chan Why u follow up that setter dump with such a sad serve  
- oikawa is so scary, figuring out the signals between kage and hina for the normal and super fast attacks.
- seeing kage-chan feeling the pressure and tension is kinda painful, and worrisome. Doesnt look good at all, against such a calm and allected oikawa.  
- tanaka under fire..
- stopping momentum is the keyword here but mmmm yeahh kage-chan gotta stop stressing so much... or hes gonna make mistakes. Boy needs a breakkkk
Ep 21:
- suga-san is like spongeg cakeggg awwww lol and hina making not so subtle comparisons with a certain frowning person lol
Aye aye u lost it pretty bad boyo, thats why even hina can tell. Ur silence is scary, kagechan.
- omg tsukki is so polite and soft talking to suga-san, and who would not be with a person whos well aware of his disadvantages and strives his best to bring out his teammate's strengths in compensation?
- suga-san is so amazinggg but damn oikawa serves are insane
- yayyy for more suga-san in matches, how is he so so supportive and still so competitive (in a healthy way!) with kagechan
- soo is the senpai's advice about not doing all the thinking for the team/spikers?
- how to say this --- the connection between competing setters who share the same goal of getting better and leading the team to victory as the one between suga and kagechan is so uplifting. They can play at 100% because they know that theres someone at their back, that its not game over if either one of them is stuck. Thats incredible camaraderie.
Ep 22:
- “our grumpy kage (read as child) is making the effort to smile" lol
That pretty much sums up this ep me thinks.
- whyyy u need translation for double high fives kage
- they understand each other best, huh? kage and hina. Its so intuitive and so dazzling.
- anyhow u can be nice just be nice to each other for crying out louddd goddamn just talk to tsukkii
- yayyyy tsukkiii
- lmao he real bad at compliments
- iwa-chan so in timeee, damn it, dont hit young and kira kira kagechan
- omgg why young kage so cuteeee, offering tissue to crying oikawa
- the flashback does give weight and explain why hard work oikawa is so bent on defeating prodigy kagechan.
Ep 23:
- aoba still proves their superior skills and experience
- but hina powerhouse is still going strong and storing up heat for release
- lmao oikawa is so wary of the kagehina duo attack and keeps hoping to last long enough until hina goes to back row again.
- yayyy use full width of the court instead of just the center
- rally: back and forth passing of ball between the sides
- hina broad jump got picked by opponent libero
- so far, a fierce and desperate battle for the momentum. So tense that even Yamaguchi was pulled in to break the opponent's momentum. But uhm... pressure is rough and poor boyo was yet to master that jump float serve. Ah well, the worst is over... ? Air is cleared nonetheless.
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- yayyy one-handed set from kage that took the set point away from aoba
Ep 24:
- the deuce fight is crazy intense, with hina saving kage and teams butt and oikawa even flubbing his fave serve. Now turning into war of attrition, with the score surpassing 30 points on either side
- but damn, iwa-chan is really really cool.
- damn dont get caught in the past, kage-chan. Not when u have so many awesome teammates who are so understanding and supportive.
- its unfortunate that hina final attk got blocked at the end.
Damn oikawa is so formidable with his on-the-spot people reading skill, did a good job predicting that final fast attk as the thing that kage would use as the ultimate fail-safe
- dont apologize idiot kageee
- take-chan gets the final word in this episode eh? Aww. Its kinda perfect yeah.
- oh theres the post—match meal. Looks gummy, come eatt. Awwww taro with squid stew. Yummmy. Maybe without the extra flavoring thoughhh...
Ep 25:
- daichi-san contemplating leaving so the team can be restructured around the 1st and 2nd years but suga asking if that is what he truly wants. cos otherwise all 3 of them stay on, until the younger members have no need of them.
And me be like nooo stay, ill misss your voices so muchhh
- and uhm maeno-san as shimada, yamaguchi's jump float serve coach is really really growing on me. So yeah, gambatte ne Yamaguchi-kun.
- and suga-chan is kinda killing me softly with the "i dont play barre because theres something to gain, sir". Cos fuck that really hits the spot.
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That’s it for season 1. Season 2 incoming, with more detailed observations and commentary and more pictures too! 
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bongaboi · 3 years
ISML 2021: Nominations List
ISML 2021: Nominations List
Female Division
Rank Name Series Ballots
- Misaka Mikoto Toaru Series Auto
- Emilia Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Auto
- Iwanaga Kotoko Kyokō Suiri Auto
- Ichinose Chizuru (Mizuhara Chizuru) Kanojo, Okarishimasu Auto
- Shirogane Kei Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
- Elaina Majo no Tabitabi Auto
- Sakurajima Mai AoButa Auto
- Yuigahama Yui OreGairu Auto
- Tōsaka Rin Fate Series Auto
- Shiro No Game No Life Auto
- Isshiki Iroha OreGairu Auto
- Shokuhō Misaki Toaru Series Auto
- Fujiwara Chika Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
- Tokisaki Kurumi Date A Live Auto
- Hayasaka Ai Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
- Yūki Asuna Sword Art Online Auto
- Takanashi Rikka Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! Auto
- Shiina Mashiro Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo Auto
- Shinomiya Kaguya Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
1 Zero Two Darling in the FranXX 383
2 Tomori Nao Charlotte 148
3 Izumi Sagiri Eromanga Sensei 135
4 Isla Plastic Memories 123
5 Tachibana Kanade Angel Beats! 121
6 Nishimiya Shōko Koe no Katachi 120
7 Ichigo Darling in the FranXX 120
8 Miyamizu Mitsuha Kimi no Na wa 115
9 Saber Fate Series 111
10 Yuzaki Tsukasa Tonikaku Kawaii 109
11 Kochō Shinobu Kimetsu no Yaiba 102
12 Kasumigaoka Utaha Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 98
13 Kasugano Sora Yosuga no Sora 95
14 Miyazono Kaori Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 91
15 Kanna Kamui Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 90
16 Index L. Prohibitorum Toaru Series 89
17 Makise Kurisu Steins;Gate 85
18 Akiyama Mio K-ON! 84
19 Shirai Kuroko Toaru Series 83
20 Hirasawa Yui K-ON! 79
21 Kitashirakawa Tamako Tamako Market 78
22 Amano Hina Tenki no Ko 72
23 Sawamura Spencer Eriri Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 71
24 Kuriyama Mirai Kyōkai no Kanata 69
25 Schwi Dola No Game No Life 68
26 Furukawa Nagisa CLANNAD 68
27 Akame Akame ga Kill! 67
28 Aisaka Taiga Toradora! 66
29 Yoshino Date A Live 66
30 Aoyama Nanami Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo 66
31 Kaname Madoka Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica 65
32 Akemi Homura Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica 64
33 Horikita Suzune Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e 63
34 Ōmae Kumiko Hibike! Euphonium 61
35 Tōru Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 61
36 Kafū Chino Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka? 60
37 Sora Ginko Ryuō no Oshigoto! 59
38 Yatogami Tōka Date A Live 59
39 Nakano Azusa K-ON! 59
40 Ichigyō Ruri Hello World 58
41 Saten Ruiko Toaru Series 57
42 Doma Umaru Himōto! Umaru-chan 57
43 Megumin KonoSuba 54
44 Yuzuriha Inori Guilty Crown 54
45 Azusagawa Kaede AoButa 48
46 Makinohara Shōko AoButa 45
47 Yamauchi Sakura Kimi no Suizo wo Tabetai 44
48 Chtholly Nota Seniorious SukaSuka 44
49 Kirisaki Chitoge Nisekoi 44
50 Hyūga Hinata NARUTO 44
51 Kōsaka Reina Hibike! Euphonium 44
52 Honma Meiko AnoHana 43
53 Illyasviel von Einzbern Fate Series 43
54 Hiiragi Shinoa Owari no Seraph 41
55 Kinomoto Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura 41
56 Takagi Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san 39
57 Matō Sakura Fate Series 38
58 Sakurasawa Sumi Kanojo, Okarishimasu 37
59 Sento Isuzu Amagi Brilliant Park 37
60 Sakura Chiyo Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun 36
61 Suzumiya Haruhi Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu 36
62 Tobiichi Origami Date A Live 36
63 Nibutani Shinka Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! 34
64 Rachel Gardner Satsuriku no Tenshi 33
65 Saya Majo no Tabitabi 33
66 Hoto Kokoa Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka? 33
67 Sarashina Ruka Kanojo, Okarishimasu 32
68 Futaba Rio AoButa 32
69 Nakamura Yuri Angel Beats! 31
70 Karuizawa Kei Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e 30
71 Kotobuki Tsumugi K-ON! 30
72 Kyaru Princess Connect! Re:Dive 29
73 Aqua KonoSuba 28
74 Nakano Yotsuba 5-tōbun no Hanayome 27
75 Misaki Mei Another 27
76 Dekomori Sanae Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! 27
77 Sōryū Asuka Langley Neon Genesis Evangelion 26
78 Krul Tepes Owari no Seraph 26
79 Nagato Yuki Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu 25
80 Honjō Kaede(Maple) BOFURI 24
81 Oshino Shinobu Monogatari Series 24
82 Alice Zuberg Sword Art Online 24
83 Beatrice Umineko no Naku Koro ni 24
84 Gasai Yuno Mirai Nikki 23
85 Uiharu Kazari Toaru Series 23
86 Jabami Yumeko Kakegurui 22
87 Gray Fate Series 22
88 Yue Arifureta Shokugyō de Sekai Saikyō 21
89 Shiba Miyuki Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei 21
90 Rias Gremory Highschool D×D 21
91 Ayanami Rei Neon Genesis Evangelion 21
92 Asada Shino Sword Art Online 21
93 Shichimiya Satone Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! 21
94 Furuhashi Fumino Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai 20
95 Tenma Gabriel White Gabriel Dropout 20
96 Iki Hiyori Noragami 20
97 Natsukawa Masuzu OreShura 20
98 Victorique de Blois GOSICK 20
99 C.C. Code Geass 19
100 Aragaki Ayase Ore no Imōto 19
101 Kokkoro Princess Connect! Re:Dive 19
102 Yūki Setsuna Love Live! NijiGaku 19
103 Holo Spice and Wolf 19
104 Sonozaki Noriko Kiznaiver 19
105 Raphtalia Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari 19
106 Kōsaka Kirino Ore no Imōto 19
Male Division
Rank Name Series Ballots
- Tachibana Taki Kimi no Na wa Auto
- Kanda Sorata Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo Auto
- Okazaki Tomoya CLANNAD Auto
- Satō Kazuma KonoSuba Auto
- Okabe Rintarō Steins;Gate Auto
- Saitama One-Punch Man Auto
- Totsuka Saika OreGairu Auto
- Archer Fate Series Auto
- Natsuki Subaru Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Auto
- Ayanokōji Kiyotaka Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e Auto
- Riku Dola No Game No Life Auto
- Togashi Yūta Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! Auto
- Ishigami Yū Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Auto
- Kamijō Tōma Toaru Series Auto
- Azusagawa Sakuta AoButa Auto
- Gilgamesh Fate Series Auto
1 Hiro Darling in the FranXX 248
2 Kirigaya Kazuto Sword Art Online 86
3 Otosaka Yū Charlotte 76
4 Levi Shingeki no Kyojin 70
5 Yuzaki Nasa Tonikaku Kawaii 67
6 Kaneki Ken Tokyo Ghoul 67
7 Uchiha Itachi NARUTO 59
8 Otonashi Yuzuru Angel Beats! 51
9 Itadori Yūji Jujutsu Kaisen 50
10 Emiya Shirō Fate Series 50
11 Eren Yeager Shingeki no Kyojin 48
12 Ishigami Senkū Dr.STONE 44
13 Yato Noragami 43
14 Arima Kōsei Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 38
15 Takasu Ryūji Toradora! 38
16 Lelouch Lamperouge Code Geass 38
17 Hyakuya Mikaela Owari no Seraph 36
18 Itsuka Shidō Date A Live 36
19 Saiki Kusuo Saiki Kusuo no Ψ Nan 33
20 Ōma Shū Guilty Crown 33
21 Hyakuya Yūichirō Owari no Seraph 33
22 Morishima Hodaka Tenki no Ko 32
23 Ishida Shōya Koe no Katachi 32
24 Kūjō Jōtarō JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 32
25 Goro Darling in the FranXX 30
26 Isaac Foster Satsuriku no Tenshi 30
27 Kasugano Haruka Yosuga no Sora 30
28 Kuroba Kaito Detective Conan 30
29 Dazai Osamu Bungō Stray Dogs 28
30 Araragi Koyomi Monogatari Series 27
31 Katagaki Naomi Hello World 26
32 Sakata Gintoki Gintama 26
33 Uesugi Fūtarō 5-tōbun no Hanayome 25
34 Rengoku Kyōjurō Kimetsu no Yaiba 24
35 Ōji Mochizō Tamako Market 24
36 Fushiguro Megumi Jujutsu Kaisen 24
37 Shiota Nagisa Ansatsu Kyōshitsu 23
38 Uchiha Sasuke NARUTO 22
39 Tomioka Giyū Kimetsu no Yaiba 21
40 Fukube Satoshi Hyōka 21
41 Izumi Masamune Eromanga Sensei 20
42 Mizugaki Tsukasa Plastic Memories 20
43 Kanbara Akihito Kyōkai no Kanata 20
44 Waver Velvet Fate Series 20
45 Dio Brando JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 19
46 Ainz Ooal Gown Overlord 19
47 Kyon Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu 19
48 Iwatani Naofumi Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari 19
49 Kuzuryū Yaichi Ryuō no Oshigoto! 19
50 Yagami Light Death Note 18
51 Yugi Amane(Hanako-kun) Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun 18
52 Kurogane Ikki Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry 17
53 Kanie Seiya Amagi Brilliant Park 17
54 Son Goku Dragon Ball 17
55 Akasaka Ryūnosuke Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo 17
56 Ryūgūin Seiya Shinchō Yūsha: Kono Yūsha ga Ore TUEEE Kuse ni Shinchō Sugiru 16
57 Gilbert Bougainvillea Violet Evergarden 16
58 Sakamaki Izayoi Mondaiji 16
59 Uchiha Madara NARUTO 16
60 Narihisago Akihito Id:Invaded 15
61 Rudeus Greyrat Mushoku Tensei 15
62 Kinoshita Kazuya Kanojo, Okarishimasu 14
63 Aki Tomoya Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 14
64 Shinei Nouzen 86 -Eighty Six- 14
65 Inumaki Toge Jujutsu Kaisen 14
66 Emiya Kiritsugu Fate Series 14
67 Joseph Joestar JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 13
68 L Lawliet Death Note 13
69 Kurosaki Ichigo BLEACH 13
70 Shiba Tatsuya Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei 13
71 Bell Cranel DanMachi 13
72 Kageyama Shigeo Mob Psycho 100 13
73 Willem Kmetsch SukaSuka 13
74 Ryo Fu Hōsen Shūmatsu no Valkyrie 13
75 Akabane Karma Ansatsu Kyōshitsu 12
76 Hashibira Inosuke Kimetsu no Yaiba 12
77 Mochizuki Tōya Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. 12
78 Kaizaki Arata ReLIFE 12
79 Tatsumi Akame ga Kill! 12
80 Sakakibara Kōichi Another 12
81 Uchiha Obito NARUTO 12
82 Keyaru Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi 12
83 Hyōdō Issei Highschool D×D 11
84 Reigen Arataka Mob Psycho 100 11
85 Eugeo Sword Art Online 11
86 Ciel Phantomhive Kuroshitsuji 11
87 Edward Elric Fullmetal Alchemist 11
88 Glenn Radars Rokudenashi Majutsu Kōshi to Akashic Record 11
89 Ōsaka Sōgō Idolish7 11
90 Nishikata Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san 11
91 Anos Voldigoad Maō Gakuin no Futekigōsha 11
92 Asanaka Yomogi SSSS.DYNAZENON 11
93 Sano Manjirō Tokyo Revengers 10
94 Nagumo Hajime Arifureta Shokugyō de Sekai Saikyō 10
95 Tatsumi Kōtarō Zombieland Saga 10
96 Tomoe Kamisama Hajimemashita 10
97 Inuyasha InuYasha 10
98 Satoshi Pokémon 10
99 Nohara Shinnosuke Crayon Shin-chan 10
100 Sesshōmaru InuYasha 10
101 Erwin Smith Shingeki no Kyojin 10
102 Odokawa Hiroshi Odd Taxi 9
103 Yukihira Sōma Shokugeki no Sōma 9
104 Hinata Shōyō Haikyū!! 9
105 Yadomi Jinta AnoHana 9
106 Ikari Shinji Neon Genesis Evangelion 9
107 Nakahara Chūya Bungō Stray Dogs 9
108 Usui Takumi Kaichō wa Maid-sama! 9
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ao3feed-daisuga · 3 years
"Help Me"
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3BlQQns
by AniSan4603
In the quiet town of Miyagi. Yachi and Kiyoko are working on selling the infamous Zankoku Mansion - most commonly known as "The Mansion of Trapped Spirits". The children of Mijagi have grown up hearing ghostly rumours of the abandoned mansion.
Atsumu and his husband express their interest and quickly buy the mansion during the open house, ignoring the local rumours.
In the midst of all this, Daichi is working on a series of murders, missing persons and unusual cases that have plagued Miyagi for years, along with one phrase that links the cases; "Help Me". The locals suspect the cause of his chain of unfortunate incidents to be caused by the vengeful spirit of the last Zankoku heir.
All the people involved and their loved ones soon fall prey to the nightmarish curse - their lives plagued with paranoia, accidents and deaths. Will they survive the curse, or are they doomed to lose all they love and themselves?
Words: 3707, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, F/M
Characters: Ennoshita Chikara, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Yachi Hitoka, Shimizu Kiyoko, Miya twin's parents (only mentioned), Hiroshi Yamazaki (OC Character), Haiba Alisa, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Kita Shinsuke, Ojiro Aran, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Takeda Ittetsu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, OC dead characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Minor Characters
Relationships: Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou, Yachi Hitoka/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Shimizu Kiyoko/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Atsumu Miya/OC Character, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Kita Shinsuke & Miya Atsumu, Atsumu Miya & Tooru Oikawa & Koushi Sugawara, Miya Atsumu & Miya Osamu & Suna Rintarou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Kita Shinsuke/Ojiro Aran
Additional Tags: Minor Character Death, Horror AU - Based on the visual novel 'The Letter', Yachi - Isabella Santos, Atsumu - Hannah Wright, Daichi - Ashton Frey, Sugawara - Rebecca Gales, Ennoshita - Zachary Steeles, Main ships are SakuAtsu Daisuga KiyoTana and YamaYachi, Minor spoilers for visual novel - though story is very much original, Trigger Warnings Apply - refer to author's notes at the beginning of each chapter, All the characters are 20+, May not be suitable for younger audience, Im very wordy lol, Hiroshi Yamazaki - Luke Wright, Oikawa Tooru - Actor, Kiyoomi Sakusa - Personal Butler, Kita Shinsuke - former personal butler, Osamu and Suna - owners of Onigiri Miya, Alisa Haiba - Interior Designer, KageHina - workers at Onigiri Miya Miyagi Branch, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Other mentioned characters occupy original roles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3BlQQns
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bkeiii · 5 years
List of 14th Seiyuu Awards 2020 Winner
I actually wanted to attach some gifs or pic but I never be satisfied by any format so let's just make it a list for now.
Best Actor - Hanae Natsuki (Kamado Tanjirou, Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Best Actress - Koga Aoi (Shinomiya Kaguya, Kaguya-sama : Love is War)
Best Supporting Actor - Ishikawa Kaito (Kageyama Tobio, Haikyuu!) and Furukawa Makoto (Saitama, One Punch Man)
Best Supporting Actress - Tanezaki Atsumi (Chise Hatori, Mahoutsukai no Yome)
Best Rookie Actor
Ootsuka Takeo (Kurahara Kakeru, Run With The Wind)
Kajiwara Gakuto (Asta, Black Clover)
Daigo Kotarou (Morishima Hodaka, Tenki no Ko)
Fukuhara Katsumi (Mochizuki Touya, In Another World with My Smartphone)
Yano Shougo (Sato Mafuyu, Given)
Best Rookie Actress
Asahina Madoka (Asumi Kominami, Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai)
Okasaki Miho (Rimuru, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)
Shimabukuro Miyuri (Carole, Carole & Tuesday)
Suzushiro Sayumi (Takemoto Uruka, Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai)
Fairouz Ai (Sakura Hibiki, Dumbell Nan Kilo Moteru?)
Mori Nana (Amano Hina, Tenki no Ko)
Singing Awards - Roselia (Bang Dream!)
Personality Awards - Morikubo Showtaro (Nara Shikamaru, Naruto)
Foreign Drama/Film Award - Yamadera Kouichi (Genie, Aladdin) and Tanaka Atsuko (Batou, Ghost in The Shell)
Game Awards - Sakai Koudai (Sakama Sakuya, A3!)
Synergy Awards - Kimetsu no Yaiba
Tomiyama Kei Awards - Mizushima Yuu (Asuka Ryou, Devilman)
Takahashi Kazue Awards - Fukami Rika (Aino Minako/Sailor Venus, Sailor Moon)
Kid's Family Awards - Moomin Dani no Nakamatachi (Moomin Valley Friends)
Influencer Awards - Miyano Mamoru (Light, Death Note)
Most Valueable Seiyuu (MVS) - Kamiya Hiroshi (Levi Ackerman, Shingeki no Kyojin)
Merit Awards : Yada Minoru and Kousaka Makoto
Special Awards : Piero's 40th Anniversary and Suzuki Hiroki (Hyakkimaru, Dororo)
The rookie awards winner are all interesting seiyuu! Congratulations!
Tomiyama Kei Awards is given to male seiyuu who have broadened their voice acting to a lot of media. Takahashi Kazue Awards is for the female seiyuu. Merit Awards is given to seiyuu(s) who contributed to various genre as well as foreign works.
Also please note that the roles I wrote isn't the role that make them got the awards, since the official website didn't put it anyway. It's for the readers who's wondering whose seiyuu it is :)
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iamapoopmuffin · 7 years
So I tend to nickname anime characters. It might be because I can’t remember their name or I’m too lazy to say their name or a lot of the time just for the hell of it and this is my list of every nickname I have ever given to an anime character. Some of these are outdated and not used any more, some characters have multiple names and I still use all of them, some are ones I started using today, couldn’t stop using and though ‘well hell, now that has to go on the list because it’s stuck’. Some are combination nicknames (for multiple characters as a group) and some are nicknames used for multiple characters separately to each other. I am happy to explain the origins of any nicknames anyone is curious about. Enjoy the stupidity that awaits you below the cut!
Also @pilotpig​ here you go! A gift of dumb nicknames!
Ed Boy (Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist - You have to say it like Rolf from Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Bleach Mibuchi (Ayasegawa Yumechika, Bleach)
Archie Snape (Mibuchi Reo, Kuroko no Basket)
Satan (Karen Lilica, Fairy Tail)
Shimada-Bro (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Tweedle Douchebag (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Tweedle Nutcase (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Glasses Guy (Fukuroi Masato, Corpse Party, Ryugazaki Rei, Free!)
The Dating Sim Nerds (Combination of Katayama Ryosuke and Ohkawa Tomohiro from Corpse Party)
Miniature Aomomo (Combination of Momomiya Ichigo and Aoyama Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew)
Mura (Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko no Basket)
Numa (Kishinuma Yoshiki, Corpse Party)
Barry the Bae (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Barry the Butterfly (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Corndog (Cornello, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Princess (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Scary Spice (Sawamura Daichi, Haikyuu)
Cinnamon (Motherglare, Fairy Tail)
Bubbles (Levia, Fairy Tail)
Phoenix McGhostrider (Atlas Flame, Fairy Tail)
Spiderweb (Scissor Runner, Fairy Tail)
Abominable Snowman (Unnamed dragon, Fairy Tail)
The Mask (Zirconis, Fairy Tail)
Strawberry Batman (Unnamed dragon, Fairy Tail)
Shig (A variety of roles voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya)
Shino (A variety of roles voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya)
Kiba (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
Best Character (Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Haikyuu, Akimichi Choji, Naruto)
Monologuing Marshmallow (Sugawara Koshi, Haikyuu)
Anxiety Ball (Azumane Asahi, Yachi Hitoka and Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haikyuu)
Lizard Man (Nishinoya Yuu, Haikyuu)
Prehistoric Anxiety Ball (Azumane Asahi, Haikyuu)
Decoration (Shimizu Kiyoko, Haikyuu)
Yacchan (Yata Misaki, K Project, Yachi Hitoka, Haikyuu)
Flaming Red Chihuahua (Yata Misaki, K project)
Baby Wrath (Wrath (2003), Fullmetal Alchemist)
Kamamama (Kamamoto Rikio, K Project)
Yuuri (Kain Fuery, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Sashimi (Fushimi Saruhiko, K Project)
The Great Dork King (Munakata Reisi, K Project)
Creepy Twins (Combination of Minato Hayato and Minato Akito from K Project)
Rock Lee (Hayakawa Mitsuhiro, Kuroko no Basket)
Crazy Stabby-Stab Girl (Kirisaki Tohko, Corpse Party)
Crazy Stabby-Stab Guy (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Slut King (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Crazy Pants Kizami (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Crazy Ass Kizami (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Moto (Kamamoto Rikio, K Project, Yamamoto Mitsuki, Corpse Party, anyone else I might find with a surname ending in ‘moto’)
Nagi (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
The Gays™ (Any combination of Kuroko, Kagami, Takao, Hara, Mibuchi and Nebuya from Kuroko no Basket.)
Atsu (Nakajima Atsushi, Bungo Stray Dogs, Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko no Basket)
The Grinch (Fukui Kensuke, Kuroko no Basket)
Byakudan Bae (Any Byakudan Senior High student from Corpse Party)
Moon-Child (Tsukishima Kei, Haikyuu)
Charizard (Nishinoya Yuu, Haikyuu)
Adorableness (Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haikyuu)
Mako-chan (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
Kagz (Kageyama Tobio, Haikyuu, Kagami Taiga, Kuroko no Basket)
The Bae(s) (Any member of Kirisaki Daiichi, Kuroko no Basket)
Seri's Husband (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
Awashima's Husband (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
Satoshi (A variety of characters voiced by Shimono Hiro)
Butthole Face (Tobi, Naruto...this one was originally by my mother though. She said his mask looked like a butthole.)
Hinz (Hinata Shoyo, Haikyuu)
Imayoshi (Ichimaru Gin, Bleach)
Lieutenant Jiggletits (Awashima Seri, K Project)
Brock (Tsuchida Satoshi, Kuroko no Basket)
Dei-chan (Deidara, Naruto)
Saso-chan (Sasori, Naruto, some other characters voiced by Sakurai Takahiro or Aoyama Yutaka until I learn their actual names or come up with a new nickname)
Pretty Boy (Unnamed character, Bungo Stray Dogs)
Kazu-chan (Hara Kazuya, Takao Kazunari, Kuroko no Basket, Yanagihori Yoshikazu, Corpse Party, anyone else with 'Kazu' in their first name tbh)
Nahoebag (Saenoki Naho, Corpse Party)
Shikaboo (Nara Shikamaru, Naruto)
Temari Balls (Temari, Naruto)
Captain of the Utter Bastards (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
The Rainbow of Basketball (Another  name for the Generation of Miracles, Kuroko no Basket)
Trash King (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
Drama Nerd (Morishige Sakutaro, Corpse Party)
Bitchin’ Mermaid (Aquarius, Fairy Tail)
Mountain Dew (Dewa Masaomi, K Project)
Shark Boy (Matsuoka Rin, Free!)
Lava Girl (Matsuoka Gou, Free!, given by my friend in response to me referring to Rin as Shark Boy.)
Kuzu (Kakuzu, Naruto)
Smokey McSunglasses (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
The Naked Cat Lady (Neko, K Project)
Angsty McBitchface (Yamazaki Sousuke, Free!)
Yams (Yamazaki Sousuke, Free!)
Kakz (Kakuzu, Naruto)
Hidz (Hidan, Naruto)
Detective Hanamiya (Matsuda Touta, Death Note)
Sass Cake (Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto)
Plankton (Uchiha Shin, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
Tobito (Tobi, Naruto)
Weasel (Uchiha Itachi, Naruto)
Team Dewey (A combination of any members of Kirisaki Daiichi, Kuroko no Basket)
Fuse Dyke (Fuse Daiki, K Project, ‘Fuse’ pronounced like fuse box)
Walking BDSM (Musashi, Nanbaka)
Hand Face (Shigaraki Tomura, Boku no Hero Academia)
Potato Girl (Sasha Blouse, Attack on Titan)
Orochimama (Kubota Shigemi, Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, nickname created by suitcasesoffeathers)
Kakihara (A variety of roles played by Kakihara Tetsuya)
The Camp-Ass Bitch Brigade (A combination of Honey, Trois and Mitsuba Kiji, Nanbaka)
Mama Kiji (Mitsuba Kiji, Nanbaka)
Lurch (Youriki Daisen, Nanbaka)
Peppa Pig (Hachiman, Nanbaka)
Slagon Drayer (Any dragon slayer, Fairy Tail)
Saberbabies (Sabertooth as a whole, Fairy Tail. On rare occasions, may refer to single member as one Saberbaby)
The Kisaragi 3 (The combination of Kishinuma Yoshiki, Mochida Satoshi and Morishige Sakutaro, Corpse Party)
Prince of Dorks (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Loke 4 Ears (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Ass Boy (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Peter Pan (Karatachi Yagura, Naruto)
Lemon Bomb Guy (Kajii Motojiro, Bungo Stray Dogs)
(Team) Rescue Imps (Carla and Pantherlily, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Strip Club (Loke and Gray Fullbuster, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Always A Duo Anyway (Natsu Dragneel and Happy, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Hilarious Height Difference (Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Get Your Drunk Ass Out Of My House (Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail)
Drunk Ass (Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Should’a Seen It Coming (Freed Justine and Bickslow, Fairy Tail)
The Thunder Dork Tribe (The Raijinshuu as a whole, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Mystogan Fans (Doranbolt and Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
(Team) People Ship It (Evergreen and Elfman Strauss, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Edolas Abridged (Lisanna Strauss and Juvia Lockser, Fairy Tail)
Brendon Urie (Urie Kuki, Tokyo Ghoul)
The Nice Guy™ (Yamazaki Hiroshi, Kuroko no Basket)
Wakamatsu (Muscular, Boku no Hero Academia)
Dead Fish Eyes (Furuhashi Kojiro, Kuroko no Basket)
Gucci Boy Taguchi (Taguchi Shougo, Corpse Party)
Taguchi-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Yumasaki Walker, Durarara!!)
Kusanagi-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Heiwajima Shizuo, Durarara!!)
Aubergine (Kiryuu Isana, Free!)
Katz (Katayama Ryosuke, Corpse Party)
Best Boy Fukuroi (Fukuroi Masato, Corpse Party)
Haruki Murakami (Unnamed character, Bungo Stray Dogs)
Captain Inappropriate (Unnamed character, K Project)
Yuri Plisetsky-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Albert Wahlander, Free!)
The Alien (Albert Wahlander, Free!)
Baseball Haru (Furuya Satoru, Diamond no Ace)
Taima (Unnamed character, Free!)
Cannabis (Unnamed character, Free!)
Camel-Dude (Isurugi Shizuru, Free!)
Creepy Dude (Kinjou Kaede, Free!)
Scarecrow (Kinjou Kaede, Free!)
Bovril (Lovro Brovski, Assassination Classroom)
Scrub (Tatebayashi Motonari, Yowamushi Pedal)
Garfield (Bluenote Stinger, Fairy Tail)
Evil Grinning Motherfucker (Future Rogue, Fairy Tail)
Snakey Motherfucker (Ichimaru Gin, Bleach)
Toneri Byakuganfetish (Otsutsuki Toneri, Naruto)
The Dragonpuff Fairies (Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox and Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
Hacchan (Hachiman, Nanbaka)
Cumgirl (Juliet Sun, Fairy Tail)
Bondagegirl (Heine Lunasea)
Dragon Kiba (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
Dragon Fang (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
My Lesbian Crush (Dimaria, Fairy Tail)
Pigtails (Lindel, The Ancient Magus’ Bride)
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triplicemedia · 6 years
Lola, Hiro e Lowell em comercial em prol da prevenção ao suicídio.
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Com o início do setembro amarelo, campanha mundial em prol da prevenção ao suicídio, foi lançado um comercial em escala nacional com a intenção de conscientizar e, então, diminuir os altíssimos casos de suicídio no país. Estrelado pelos solistas Hiro, Lola, assim como o membro do grupo Kronos, Choi Daejung, o comercial relata de forma amena os números de mortes em diversas partes do mundo, sendo o suicídio atualmente uma das maiores causas de morte principalmente entre os jovens. Entre os motivos, casos como bullying, além de doenças mentais que não têm a devida atenção. O texto informa a necessidade de procurar ajuda e, acima de tudo, frisam o slogan da campanha "você não está sozinho". O amarelo foi a cor principal do vídeo, assim como outras cores mais claras e suaves também apareceram para não deixar o comercial pesado e, com um informativo mais moderno, tem como objetivo atingir aqueles que precisam de ajuda e tem vergonha ou medo em procurar por um especialista. Ao fim, os artistas uniram suas mãos uma sobre a outra como mostra o símbolo da campanha e a todo tempo enfatizaram que, aqueles que precisam de ajuda, nunca estará sozinho. O vídeo informa números de telefones de redes de apoio à vida, que realizam apoio emocional para aqueles que querem e precisam conversar. A campanha não teve fins lucrativos e, em menos de 24 horas, a hashtag #youarenotalone estava entre os tópicos mais comentados e compartilhados nas redes sociais.
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth564.
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triplicemedia · 6 years
#noteth306 os oppas têm o coração tão puro ;_; até não cobraram pela campanha, mesmo sendo nomes tão grandes! tenho orgulho de ser fã de ambos
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth306.
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triplicemedia · 6 years
Hiro e Seulgi juntos em comercial para a ONG Animal Rescue Korea
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Recentemente, foi divulgado uma campanha em prol da adoção de animais, onde o solista Hiro, da Haven Entertainment, e o vocalista do grupo Icarus, Seulgi, aparecem como faces da peça publicitária. 
Representando a ONG Animal Rescue Korea, os artistas aparecem cercados de animais que pertencem ao abrigo e esperam por adoção. Usando um slogan que diz "sem raça", a campanha prega a conscientização da sociedade ao adquirir um animal, já que é alta a procura por animais de raça, enquanto os chamados de "vira-lata" tem uma menor taxa de adoção comparado aos demais. 
Ambos os artistas são declaradamente defensores e apoiadores de ONGs de proteção animal, e também afirmaram que não havia cachê pela campanha. A ideia era usar suas imagens, sempre em destaque na mídia, para atrair atenção do público alvo a fim de que uma boa ação fosse dissipada em meio às pessoas. Também salientaram a importância de doações e ajuda para as instituições, para que esse trabalho não seja interrompido.
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth306.
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triplicemedia · 6 years
Shows de Hiro no Japão lotam sua capacidade máxima.
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O solista Hiro da Haven Entertainment terminou faz pouco tempo as promoções de seu comeback japonês. Esteve em diversos programas de televisão e rádio divulgando seu mais novo álbum durante o mês de setembro.
Os shows de Nippon Budokan e Yokohama Arena que aconteceram no começo e final do mês de setembro tiveram uma boa rentabilidade para Haven Entertainment, alegou a empresa. O primeiro show lotou sua capacidade máxima de 14.201 pessoas enquanto o segundo também conseguiu a mesma proeza lotando os 17.000 acentos. Nada foi divulgado sobre futuros shows após esses dois.
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth651.
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triplicemedia · 6 years
Hiro mostra habilidades culinárias na TV Champion, do Japão.
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O episódio do TV Champion contou com a presença do solista Hiro, onde o mesmo foi desafiado a mostrar suas habilidades para a platéia. O programa consiste em um desafio  ao participante, para que este mostre ser bom em algo, e o vencedor leva a coroa de rei daquela habilidade. Hiro disputou a coroa com um ator senior e um comediante, e escolheu a culinária para seu desafio.
A escolha do solista deixou a todos curiosos, onde até mesmo os adversários de Hiro pararam para ver o solista cozinhando, mostrando até muita desenvoltura na cozinha montada do cenário. Hiro contou que escolheu panquecas por serem rápidas e práticas, mas que havia um segredo no final, trazendo ainda mais curiosidade para quem o acompanhava com expectativa.
Os apresentadores elogiaram o cheiro agradável da comida e, naquele momento, Hiro mostrou seu truque escondido ao virar a panqueca com muita maestria, deixando a todos surpresos. O solista contou que, por morar sozinho desde que se mudou para a Coreia do Sul, além de fazer a própria comida quando ainda estava em seu antigo grupo por ser vegetariano.
Hiro recebeu muitos elogios pela comida, assim como pelas habilidades na cozinha já que, aos risos, um dos apresentadores disse que não sabia como fritar um ovo sem queimar. De forma unânime, ficou decidido que Hiro era o ganhador do programa, ganhando a posição de mestre cuca do TV Champion.
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth641.
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triplicemedia · 6 years
Hiro faz campanha online de arrecadação de alimentos para vítimas de tufão em Osaka.
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Após passar por Osaka, vítima de um tenebroso tufão que devastou a costa no início do mês, Hiro esteve com suas fãs no dia 15 de setembro na cidade. Surpreso com a situação local, e também preocupado com os mortos e a grande quantidade de feridos devido ao acontecimento climático, o solista decidiu doar os lucros de seu meeting para que Osaka pudesse se erguer.
Além disso, iniciou uma campanha online de arrecadação de alimentos entre outros itens importantes e necessários para aqueles que ficaram desabrigados. Segundo as notícias, foi o tufão mais forte a passar pelo Japão em 25 anos, e devastou a região oeste da cidade. De acordo com o comunicado feito pela empresa do solista, a decisão partiu do próprio artista, que insistiu em ajudar depois de ter visto a tragédia de perto.
Em nota, a prefeitura de Osaka agradeceu pela doação, assim como também divulgou telefones e outros canais para aqueles que também tenham o desejo de contribuir.
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth622.
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triplicemedia · 6 years
Rádio japonesa J-Wave recebe Hiro.
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A rádio J-Wave teve como convidado da semana o solista Hiro, aproveitando sua passagem por Tóquio durante as promoções de seu novo álbum. Durante a conversa com o artista, o DJ do programa anunciou que Kingdom havia entrado para o Top Hot 100 da J-Wave, um ranking com as músicas mais pedidas da semana e, com a faixa título de seu álbum, Hiro ocupava a sétima posição. O solista se mostrou surpreso e, em agradecimento, fez um acapela do rap da canção.
Aproveitando o momento, o DJ questionou Hiro sobre a inclusão de rap em algumas músicas, uma vez que seus trabalhos anteriores não tinham este elemento. O solista comentou sobre a preparação do álbum e que levou quase seis meses para compor todas as faixas. Hiro disse que queria algo novo com o álbum, algo que realmente fugisse da rotina e que pudesse surpreender seus fãs e que, por ser grande admirador de rap, decidiu que poderia arriscar e incluir algumas linhas mais rápidas nas canções.
O solista recebeu muitos elogios do DJ pela ousadia da música, assim como pôde responder as perguntas enviadas pelos fãs à rádio. Em uma delas, o solista acabou tendo uma crise de risos que acabou fazendo todos rirem também, já que em uma das perguntas havia o questionamento sobre seu status de relacionamento atual. Muito envergonhado, Hiro respondeu que seu único relacionamento era com as fãs e com sua música, arrancando mais risos do DJ do programa. No encerramento, Hiro agradeceu o apoio recebido até então e cantou um trecho da faixa título do álbum.
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth611.
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triplicemedia · 6 years
#noteth577 é tão divertido ver o oppa descontraído assim
para comentar a notícia, nos mandem uma ask com a tag: #noteth577.
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