#nothing against you
rinadragomir · 4 months
Ok, I want to start off by saying that I am a fan of all arts and am so appreciative of the time, passion, and work that goes into any kind of content creation.
I am also very particular about when it comes to art. There are mangas, comics, animated works that I have difficulty reading/watching or will not read/watch if I'm not a fan of the art style.
And as an artist I understand that art is subjective and not everyone likes it. Just as I recognize that not everyone likes my particular art style and that's ok. (Not trying to have people come for me like I’m trashing Charlie’s art cuz I am 10000% not.)
Charlie does amazing work and I like it, but it's clear that her style has changed (as most content creators do) since the TLH portraits she did and the pieces that are going in the journal for CC's new kickstarter. I'm a self- taught artist so terminology isn't my best, but her style now is giving semi cartoon realism, but airing on the side of the cartoon more now.
I feel that my unpopular opinion is that I'm not a huge fan of it. I really like the TLH portraits she did of Matthew, James, Christopher, Thomas, ect, but idk there is something about these new portraits in her style that I'm just not liking. Her lines are much sharper now, darker, more profound and it feels like all of the face shapes/ jaw lines are basically the same (and I know I have no room to talk since I draw in an anime style so one could argue all my lines look the same).
and I'm NOT saying that they are carbon copies. Jem clearly looks different from Will down to his eye shape which is amazing and looks great. But idk...maybe part of my disliking is also the inconsistencies? and I'm using that term lightly...but like
Clary's hair looking straight when it's very canonly curly. Alec and Magnus having basically the same haircut... (I’m not the best person to speak on Dru…but CJ’s flower card is different and feels more like how she’s described on the book). The lack of and absence of runes... and I know all of that can be personal preference/stylistic choice. After all, art is subjective and based off of the artist's interpretation (for the most part anyway) but I'm a stickler for details so it bugs me…
And I just liked the softness/ more realism style of the previous portraits Charlie has done for TSC than these newer ones. These new ones are nice and I do like them…just not as much…and there are some that I don’t like at all.
Thanks for reading my ramble 😂 I hope it made sense
Summary: I like Charlie’s work, but am not a huge fan of these new TSC portraits.
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Okay okay, SO! You're so brave for saying this, LIKE YES WE'RE BEING FED, thank you for the content for our dying fandom, but damn...
Allow me to also start with: WE LOVE YOU CHARLIE, WE JUST LOVE TO COMPLAIN🥺
I can understand Clary's hair, she could have styled them, I understand few runes on James, maybe Cassie didn't clarify that BUT WHAT ABOUT THESE😫the first one looks like a dream and the second one... I'm not sure, it feels like sth is wrong about it but I'm not an artist and I can't say what exactly is off
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One time she nails the character completely and the next time BOOM JUMPSCARE
Is it Cristina? Is it... who's it😳 it can't be Dru
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But also I can't blame Charlie, I mean I also prefer her old style, but I'm mostly confused by Cassie. Like...you paid for the work and had a chance to correct the artist or clarify some details about the characters but...you saw this and went YEAH THAT'S WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR, NO, NO NEED TO FIX ANYTHING IT'S ALREADY PERFECT
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hedonists · 5 months
Respectfully. I was going to ignore this because I get it. But one of your tags starts with "don’t ever-" and that's just a no. Good thing I’m not talking about the lyrics. I know what it's like to live in survival mode. I know what the lyrics are about. It's ok to have fun. This was a joke. I'll call the sound of a song whatever I like. Good? Good. Moving on.
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gunsblazingg · 6 days
you're very sweet and i hope today treats you well ,,
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Thank you… I hope today treats you well too.
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pro-pratfaves · 20 days
Do you do requests for transgroomers?
Yeah, I have no limits on what can and can't be requested.
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sagaschan · 5 months
It is so much easier to be inexplicable no expectations that mean anything and no one to attempt to pry a little deeper, why is that unattainable in this economy
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aceofstars0 · 5 months
Should I make Yuna Jp + Eng voice claims? 👀
Ohhhhh yesyesyesyes!!! I'd do that with haia and basil too if I literally knew a single celebrity-
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diamondstrings · 1 year
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darkdragon768 · 6 months
Hi I'm Lauren I'm new to this app, I'm just trying to make some friends. Can i be your friend?
I don't think it works like that.
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
stayed gone but you're the sinners watching/listening
(AKA I spend an unnecessary amount of time editing)
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hedonists · 7 months
Yep, nope. I see AI, instant block.
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kandr98 · 11 months
Depending on the woman, a man being direct with her could either end with the guy being blocked or ignored. Guys just can’t assume that’s the way a woman wants to be approached.
A woman on here said she likes when a guy is obsessive and aggressive when asking her out. Major major red flag.
Okayy so is that the end of the world or do we move on to the next? Someone's isn't your problem unless you are harming someone or being offensive. Its about how you approach us. Thats why woman are cold or dismissive. Ive never met a woman that complains about being approached respectfully. And not just completing my looks over and over. Like an actual genuine hey how are you today?. Don't want to bother you I just want to know you habr caught my eye you seem like a dope person... And add your own flair like what happened to knowing how to spit game..?🤔
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beinganautismgirl · 7 months
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(also, to everyone getting on my case about not reblogging or reposting, I actually tried to find this Tumblr after I found the post on Pinterest and it doesn't exist anymore, so shut up and get off my back 🙃)
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charle1515 · 1 year
anon I hope you understand that I am absolutely not clicking on a random link that was sent to me, even if it’s probably harmless
I’m all for new music recommendations though. I’d just prefer the actual title and artist instead of a link.
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thecoolertails · 9 months
too many books written by people who don't read books and only read fanfic. to counteract this there should be more fanfic made by people who don't read fanfic and only read books
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