biaswreckingfics · 2 years
I can't help myself, I just get overflowed with proud and happiness seen how much love you are receiving for your work!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕 You deserve it SO SO SO SO MUCH!!
Bb!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
I was thinking about you the other day, but forgot to message you 😭😭
How are you?? Are you doing alright??
Also, thank you, dear 😭😭❤️❤️ that means the world to me!!
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wooahaes · 2 years
I just finish of reading the last two parts and omg, I'm in love with the way you write!! 😍😍😍
Wonwoo is falling HARD! Is so cute the way he always have to refrain himself and remind himself that they are only friends, and how his friends support him and want to see him happy, even Seungkwan with his extraness, kept it low so he wouldn't be uncomfy.
And the OC, NGL, as a chubby girl myself I know how it is to not expect to no one to look at us "thar way". But I'm glad that you don't portrait her as a overly insecure, introverted and kind of depressing as I see in A LOT of fics out there, because even when you aren't one hundred percent comfortable with your looks you can dress up in a cute way and have a bubbly and bright personality and be a amazing friends and being a happy person I general. This is what makes me enjoy this story so much, she is such a relatable character.
Kinda hoping to Junghoon see the way Wonwoo look at her and mostly important make her believe that she can be likable and loved just the way she deserves.
aaaAAAA THANK U???? brb gotta cry (my natural response to praise of any kind)
i got kinda rambley so i'll throw everything under a readmore sdkfhds
wonwoo down bad and it is my personal pleasure to write soft, falling-in-love wonwoo. him SOFT and i just like the idea that every single one of his friends would hardcore support him talking to his crush since they've been encouraging it vaguely for a while (even if not all of them know who it is!!). boys supportin boys thank u
yeyeye!!! i get that entirely!! i think its very important to me that mc isn't defined by being a chubby woman? shes insecure sometimes but not entirely because of her body, y'know? like deadass part of it is "i feel inferior bc of my body" but its also "jiyoung is rly smart and a lot more fun and lovely, who wouldn't be in love w her tbh?" since i think insecurity can really come from anywhere. for me it'll always have a little "no ones going to look at me bc of my body type" but i do get tired of reading insecure chubby readers who think no ones going to look twice at them. like, yes it does happen--but it doesnt help to keep reading it over and over, if that makes sense?
ultimately: im a chubby girl. i do not constantly think abt my weight like some fics seem to push, if that makes sense? it's important to me to not constantly harp on "your round stomach" and whatnot because that's not what defines me and it's not how i think about myself. its usually me going "i am squishy and soft hehe >:3" to my friends on my good days hehe so mc/the oc typically tends to not like... focus in on her own body like that.
but im glad sunny is relatable hehe shes honestly the person i wish i could be sometimes tbh! also i wanna dress like her SO bad in general. give ME the pretty dresses n cute clothes... and also the wonwoo but hes optional
without getting to into it, i sort of have plans for another fic where the chubby (fem) reader Does sorta get insecure n a little depressed buts like... directly due to the plot going on lol like i said!!! it happens but it gets kinda tiring to Only read that kind of chubby reader fic :(
without spoiling anything... i think it's important to know that even if junghoon sees it (which, after that study group scene, he definitely does), it's not going to make a difference for whether mc fully acknowledges it. she's got her heart set on setting wonwoo up with jiyoung sooner or later. it's def gonna have to be something she realizes on her own. hoony will be there for her, though. for better and for worse.
also take this line if u want it from the first part that'll get posted sunday:
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fhksdjhf sorry i like to share things hehe
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suhnshinehaos · 2 years
Okay but..... Shua covering double take exactly when Love is on air is out here tearing my heart apart?!?! HOW CONVENIENT SHUA, BEST TIME EVER.
FELT !! his shua senses were tingling- he knew somewhere out there, people are devastated over a fanfic and decided to indulge us dhsjksks
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
when you want his attention but don't want to say it out loud
Wonwoo x Reader // note: OC is on her period. @glowonu @nothingbutadeadesceane you shouldn't have encouraged me </3
Wonwoo is, quite frankly, dense.
He's getting better though. It's been a learning curve for him and you've gone through quite a lot of fights to get him where he's at.
Not that it's entirely his fault.
Wonwoo tends to be quiet and you understand that it's a part of him. You love him anyway. But there are times when it'd get frustrating if he's constantly quiet even when he's having a hard time while you just want to be there for him.
You don't want him to change for you, but this relationship isn't going to work if he keeps his way of holding things in and never letting you in on his problems.
After one too many fights, you learned that throwing a tantrum would only make Wonwoo more quiet. So one time, you retorted on doing the same thing: keeping to yourself even if it's clear you're having a hard time and brushed it off when Wonwoo asked.
That's when he started getting it.
And now here he is, wondering what you're trying to say as you whine and wrap yourself in your blanket, cursing your uterus for the monthly predicament you're currently in.
"You okay?" He asks just for the sake of it, biting his lip to block a laugh at your glare.
"Do I look okay?"
"Anything I can do to help you feel better?"
That's what you love about him: he's direct and he doesn't waste time when he's confused. But sometimes you also wish he'd just take a hint and coddle you without you spelling things out for him.
Seriously, you're squirming on your shared bed hugging yourself and it's still not clear that you want him to hold you? Haven't you been doing this each month for the past two years you've been dating?
So you let out more whining noises, none of the things coming out of your mouth are actual words, much to his amusement.
He sits by the bed and huffs your name, his palm caresses your head as he asks once again if there's anything you want him to do.
Honestly, he knows you probably want to cuddle or something. As much as he's dense, Wonwoo is also smart. Had you wanted to be left alone, you wouldn't be whining and pouting at him like you're doing right now.
Still, he's in one of his playful mood and you seem to be more adorable today, for some reason.
"Wonwoooooo." You cry for his name, your frown deepens when he simply chuckles with a hum.
"I don't know what you want me to do." You narrow your eyes at the mock confusion in his tone complete with that familiar twinkle in his eyes. "You have to tell me, Flower. I'm a little dense, remember?"
You glare as he uses the words you told him so many longs ago against you, and it's when you huff and turn the other way around to put on a show of being annoyed that Wonwoo relents with a laugh.
The way you elbow him as soon as he slips under the blanket behind you is almost calculated, but you still melt into his embrace and relish in the way his chest vibrates when he laughs at your sorry attempt to hurt him.
"Why are you still embarrassed to ask for a cuddle?" His lips tickle your neck as he whispers, making you squirm a little before you turn around to face him.
"Shut up."
"I thought you said I need to talk more?"
"I take that back. You're annoying. Shut up."
There's nowhere he'd rather be, alright.
"Should I leave you alone then?" He threatens emptily, knowing well enough there's nowhere he'd rather be than here.
You whine again, burying your face into his chest and tighten your arm that's draped over his waist.
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jwirecs · 4 months
Hi! I'm looking for a seventeen fic but I only remember it slighty. I think it was a Seungcheol mafia fic (not sure about the mafia part at all but im guessing it was a mafia fic because it had guns and some sorts of violence related to it) but I'm not sure. In the fic readers dad was some kind of a criminal and got caught but the dad wasn't like a villain since I think the reader had a hard time having to accept the fact that her dad was a criminal (this part is quite blurry in my memory too). Either way at the end of the fic the reader goes to her dads court and while shes going into the court room (the building where the court is held, idk what its called) she gets attacked by a sniper from the roof. I don't remember if she got injured in any sorts of ways but I that is the only things I remember. I know this is really long and confusing since I'm not even sure if it was a Seungcheol fic.
hellooo!! this is such a late ass reply, i am so sorry!
for the fic, i havent read TOO many svt mafia fics or svt fics where it involves like weapons (from what i can remember). i did try google, but i either got other members or not even svt fics LMAO...
if anyone happens to know this fic, please do let us know!!
EDIT: fic has been found and its called "I Found Love In Your Smile" by @wonlouvre! (thank you @nothingbutadeadesceane for helping us out!!)
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daybreakx · 3 years
OMG!! Your ex Seunghwa story is CHEFF KISS!! It needs to become a serie! It's perfect!! How the book ends tho? 🤔🤔 😂
Thank you so much! I’m really happy that you liked it and I appreciate you telling me a lot🥺💓
Also I might do the next part, and we’ll find out how the book ends 😂
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
You Go Chelle!!!! You can write for ANYONE you wants to. This is a place where you can explore your creativity AND enjoy YOURSELF! We will respect and embrace all your work. We appreciate every single word you put on this Tumblr!!! I loooove ya!!
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Love you too, Rai!
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noona-clock · 5 years
I have this 3 words that I want to tell you for a long time... Please feel free to not say it back, it's just that I am holding it for so long ... I can't take anymore, so.... day6. first.win~~~~~
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flickerchans · 3 years
Well.... It's OBVIOUS that Swans lake is the best Barbie Movie u.u OC is the only one who can be take seriously here.
exactly EXACTLY swan lake is unparalleled thank you for understanding
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wondernus · 2 years
OMG YOU ARE THE WRITER FOR THE KIDS IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! I when I read this update I was like "I know Sidewalk bakery!!!!" And then I went to your master list and BAMM!!!!! ❤️👄❤️
hi! yes! it's me 💗
fun fact: sidewalk bakery appears in all of my smaus!! there's no lore behind it or anything. it's just a small little thing I like to do ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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biaswreckingfics · 1 year
Baaabeeeeee, happy holidays!!! Hope next year can be hella good and awesome for you! At least we know that it'll have a exo comeback (thanks kyungsoo) so it's kinda impossible it not be at least good. 😂
Love you 💖
Happy holidays, bb!! ❤️❤️😘😘 I hope next year will be amazing for you as well!!
I know all of us EXOLs are super hyped about the EXO comeback, so that's one thing to look forward to!! (The way they've been warning us that the second Baekhyun comes back, they're having a comeback?? Like, get it together guys, but also, thank you ily) 😂😂
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wooahaes · 2 years
Congrats on finish LHC!!! 👏👏👏👏
I loved so much the heartwarming ending!!! I love the way the friends groups joined forces to make the two happy!!!! I think that I made clear how I love this plot and how I could relate to it, and seeing a happy ending with a simp, deeply in love and all cute and fluffy and URGHT, everything was just right!
I'm just glad that I could find you through this fic! You're a amazing writer!
Thanks for sharing you talent with us!!! 💕💕💕
brb sobbing really really hard
thank you so much!! i think every time i finish a fic, i always think back on what i'd do differently--but i think ending off with the epilogue of them just being in love is something i'd always keep. im glad you could relate tho! i think i'm always gonna worry a lil when i write chubby!fem!readers (or ocs or whatever u wanna call em tbh, i say reader bc the only things i set in stone are both being chubby + fem which still applies to a lot of people) that i'm being too limiting so its v much a big relief when people say that they relate!
also i just really really like writing men simping hard. let them pine. let them pine-
but skdfjhKHDFSH THANK YOU???? i think i have a lot of my own confidence as a writer in general (10+ years writing i think can do that for you?) but it genuinely will always mean a lot to hear other people say they think i'm amazing at it since that's the sort of stuff i file away for rainy days when i start to lose that confidence
but thank YOU for reading! as often as i like to create things for myself, it does mean a lot to hear back from people who enjoy my writing! whether thats asks or tags or replies, it genuinely means a lot and i don't think i'd be as active without the amount of support i get. so genuinely: thank you for reading and supporting me as a writer.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
Wooyoung waiting for his time to come (literally):
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woo rn probably LMAOOOOOO
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
2k celebration event📝
Hii!! So I recently hit 2k followers and I just want to thank everyone of you who's been there throughout my writing journey 💖 I started writing bc I had nothing to do and I wanted to comfort myself by producing something--anything and suddenly I'm here with all of you guys.
To cut it short bc I'd be writing a long note after this lol, I want to celebrate this milestone and I want you to be included in the process. I've planned some kinda series that will include all 13 members for this and I've laid down the characters, but I want you to decide something for the series. I've made a google form here so if you're interested, please help me answer it and i'll be waiting until sometime next week 💞 thank you again in advance!!!
now if you feel like reading me talk some more, you're welcome to be my guest💐
Truthfully, I'm still... a little at loss as how to use tumblr properly lol but is there even a way to use it properly? anyhow, I just want to thank alllll of you who has spared the time to read my works, leave feedbacks, send me asks, and everything in between. Just know that reading your asks, whatever it is about, and your feedbacks always bring a smile to my face.
I haven't been here for that long, maybe 1,5 yrs at most? and I don't talk to a lot of people bc I'm too shy and someone told me I might seem like I'm intimidating for some reason...? hopefully that is not the case ;-; am just some loser working a corporate job. but the people who talk to me are always nice and I'd just like to do a little shoutout for all of them like @lily-blue @boowanie @nothingbutadeadesceane @twogyuu @cheolbooluvr @ethereal-engene @hoe4wonwoo @kyeomjjigae @sleeplessdawn @whalienrj @pusangmamon, a loooooot of anons (☁️,❄️,🌚, knitwit anon, and wifey anon i've missed you and i hope youre doing fine wherever u r ;-;), sorry if I missed your acc, I know we don't talk often but please know I appreciated all of you, mentioned here or not, for reaching out to me one way or another and I hope you're all having a good day wherever you are💕
thank you for making writing enjoyable for me and i love all of you😭💕
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suhnshinehaos · 2 years
Congrats on finish A5c!!!!!!! It's is such a heartwarming story!! It was the work that introduced me to your work, and I'm glad that it bring your blog to me, because you are a amazing writer!!! I had to take a little break from reading about wonwoo with the past news and it didn't felt right at that moment, but when I finally started to feel comfortable again I knew where I wanted to started and it was catching up on I left A5c! And I don't regret at all. Thanks for make me laugh and feel better in days that I wasn't feeling that well.
I'm so excited for Loves on the air and Love struck and anything else you'd write in the future!!
Lots of love 💕💖
ah thank you sm! and i totally understand taking a break from reading for ww- i’m happy that you feel comfy again. im glad that i was able to give you some laughs and some comfort on days where that weren’t so great…it’s nice to hear that my lil brainrots actually help others in some way :) thank you for reading, your kind words, and taking the time to send this. it means a lot! i hope your day is as sweet as you <3
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wonwoosthetic · 3 years
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♡ Wonwoo x Reader, Office!au, CEO!au, dark elements included!
♡ trope — enemies to lovers
♡ warnings — smut, angst, tension, cursing, screaming, alcohol, misogyny (not from our svt kings), semi-public sex (screw that, they‘re fucking in an office. And in other places. You‘re welcome.)
♡ current word count — 166.3k
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Buildings for this series
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Six years. Six long years have you been working side-by-side with your father. Balancing studying at university while playing his right hand throughout it all without ever complaining about how hard it was, but rather always putting 200% into everything you did. You helped him grow the company to where it now was.
And now, after the many ups and downs you have shared, he retires only to let the company get bought by some young wannabe Jeff Bezos, who thinks money and looks is everything he needs to get him through life.
If someone thought you’d just let this pass and work as Jeon Wonwoo’s side chick… they would be wrong. So, let the games begin.
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The Main Characters:
Yoon (Y/N): COO of Oksan & Co.
Jeon Wonwoo: CEO of Oksan & Co.
Kim Mingyu: Co-CEO of Oksan & Co.
Yoon Sungho: former CEO of Oksan Inc. (before it became Oksan & Co.)
Lee Binna: (Y/N)'s best friend and teacher at an elementary school
most Seventeen members as employees and close friends of the main characters (Y/N, Wonwoo, and Mingyu)
Park Chanyeol: CEO of Exodus Entertainment and ex-boyfriend of Y/N
Oh Sehun: Directing Manager of Exodus Entertainment/Park Chanyeol‘s right hand
The Companies:
Oksan Inc.: Yoon’s advertising company
Vortex & Co.: Jeon‘s web design company
Goyang & Co.: Kim‘s app development company
Oksan & Co.: now a merged company (having a few other side merges as well, but these three are now the major areas; the other companies are just some that specify on one specific app or website)
Exodus Entertainment: growing music label
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Prologue: "I didn't work my ass off for six years, just to be COO."
Chapter 1: “I don’t necessarily want to have to see you whenever I’m looking at my computer.”
Chapter 2: "Our COO had a tough first two weeks, and I want to make it up to her."
Chapter 3: "And suddenly you wish (Y/N) was co-CEO instead of COO?"
Chapter 4: “Men in general.”
Chapter 5: “Yep, everything’s fine.”
Chapter 6: “I know, I’m probably the last one you’d want to hear this from,” (Smut!)
Chapter 7: “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Chapter 8: “So, behave.”
Chapter 9: “Don’t miss me too much until then.”
Chapter 10: “This is very unprofessional.” (Smut!)
Chapter 11: “But I don’t think we should hide it anymore. Right babe?”
Chapter 12: "You do remember that I've had you naked on my desk, right?"
Chapter 13: “Suck my dick.”
Chapter 14: “That I’m on my fucking knees for you, Y/N.”
Chapter 15: “It might be a little less complicated now…”
Chapter 16: “You’re not gonna be able to walk away from this conversation forever, just so you know.”
Chapter 17: “We’ve been here before, right?”
Chapter 18: “I’m proud of you.”
This story is on hold until July 2024!
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Taglist: @nctxtrash @leicy0756 @hoe4wonwoo @jeonwonhi @nothingbutadeadesceane @smileywoo @angelarin @onewoowonderboy @goodforgyu @kavvs @sugarmilkchan @sweetheart-gs @wonforgyu @lilactangerine @meltinghershey @wonw00t @soonchanshua @jayswifeuwu @allorysayshi @shaurenlaw @drama-1998-girl @yoonren07 @malakasae @sseuyeon @venusprada @jeminiepabo @billboard-singer @safsaf1980 @monmarguerite @ji-jii-visha @renjunphile @haogyuslut @destinyg237 @taestrwbrry @renkkuri @travelleratheart101 @love-svt @sunshinein17 @morklee02 @wonuziex @pwwarkjisung @hokuuu @clvudisan @awyunh @restlesswritings @woohaosworld @caratlove10 @woo8hao @misssugarlips @heednpy @yogurttea @sigillaria-svt @seungcheolsblog @s-xoups @orujinkoo
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A/N: please note that I’m in no means an expert in IT or any of the other subjects that might come up in this series. I do research on everything I write about, so that I can get an idea of what would/could be realistic, but that’s about it :)
If you have more knowledge about positions like CEO, COO, Directing Manager, etc. PLEASE let me know! I‘m always happy to learn and to make stories more realistic.
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© this story belongs to wonwoosthetic - please do not repost it somewhere else without my knowledge. If anyone finds it on another website, please let me know. Thank you.
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