thegirl20 · 1 year
Tissaia + Yennefer for the ask thingy, bc I always like what you have to say about them
The thing about Yennefer and Tissaia is that I enjoy their relationship in many guises. I absolutely ship them, and when I write about them, it's always in a shippy sense.
But I can see their relationship through a variety of lenses. So I'm happy to see interpretations where they are mentor/mentee, or friends, or even *whispers* mother/daughter-esque.
And I think that's because, whatever's going on between them, it's intense. One or both of them are generally vibrating with ~feelings in all the scenes they share.
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And the whole of season 2 is Tissaia practically having a breakdown in every scene because she's thinking about Yennefer on some level.
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And they share a forehead touch, which makes them a top tier couple in anybody's book.
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(And I will literally never get over the scene at Sodden where Yennefer burns everything in sight, but leaves Tissaia untouched. I mean, come on.)
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(Incidentally, the first time I watched The Witcher, these two reminded me of Gill and Rachel from Scott and Bailey, who are another couple of characters whose relationship I enjoy in many guises. I have a type.)
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trashblossomart · 16 days
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ah, so it‘s clear text I‘ve heard
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princeri0t · 2 months
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Thought I was out of this fandom, but Supernatural grabbed me by it's dirty little claws and dragged me back to hell
(I forgot how hard it is to draw Misha's face, someone shoot me)
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deliciousnecks · 2 years
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What we do in the shadows  3.02  //  4.07  
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af-queerart · 7 months
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I have to stop even if I still want to draw. My eyes ask for mercy.. I see blurry and I can't continue... it will be for tomorrow....
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soullessjack · 7 months
another offshoot of jack being infantilized is that it’s leeched into the popular mischaracterization of jack as some soft sensitive crybaby who hates violence, hates scary things and is super nice and sweet and cutesy all the time and of course he’s used to accessorize Claire as a big mean lesbian sister who always gets them in trouble, and what makes it so unbearable besides the ableist rooting, is that it’s just canonically utterly wrong. like go back and watch 13x02 & 03. go back and watch 14x06 when they convince Dean to go on a case behind Sam’s back. or look at any time they’re defiant to Cas (and for the love of god do not look at it as “lol sassy baby dean is a bad influence bad dad 😂” or so help me I am throwing multiple rocks at you). like you can say he’s a bitch. you can say he’s a cunt even. it won’t kill you.
in fact, I implore you to, because it is a step away from infantilizing his every action as silly baby behavior and ergo a step in the right direction. look at the entire apocalypse world arc where he decides he has to personally kill Michael when the plan was only ever to escape through the rift. remember the scene where they’re crying in the woods and it got ran with as hashtag poor baby boy whump and nobody noticed that he’d literally almost strangled someone because of their impulsive temper?? or when they made the decision to brutally torture a man by snapping and twisting his skeleton and burning him so intensely his shirt fabric blackened?? and somehow that gets turned into shit like “daddy hold my sippy cup” because for some fucking reason you guys are so intent on making him out to be a child and infantilizing his canon traits to be more palatable to that idea of him.
TLDR please can we actually recognize how bitchy and violent and rebellious jack is. can you guys realize that his entire behavioral pattern of saying hi and waving hello is him masking and repressing because his emotions literally are nuclear charged and he doesn’t want to be a threat. can we please.
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lieutenantbiscute · 11 days
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I am an Angel of the Lord
Note: he’s not an actual alicorn, it’s a phantom horn and not actual bone. (Also Jimmy on the bottom right)
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fortyfive-forty · 22 days
still procrastinating lol
tennis players as tweets pt. 2 [1]
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thegirl20 · 7 months
For the Questions meme: 8, 17 and 32 :)
8. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Sort of accidentally, I have a drawer full of show programmes. I never intended to collect them, but I have a fair pile of them now.
(As a child, I collected keyrings on purpose.)
17. What’s the last thing you ordered online?
Christmas presents and toilet rolls.
32. If you could dye your hair any color, regardless of how you think it would look, what color would you choose?
Probably blonde, just because I've always had really dark hair. I'd like to see how it looked.
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trashblossomart · 25 days
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this specific moment has been haunting my frontal lobe
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milaeryn · 1 year
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When your vampire boyfriend wants some cuddles
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bluespring864 · 6 months
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"Vulnerability is a beautiful thing, cause when you’re vulnerable, then you’re emotional, then you’re free, then you’re kind, you’re loving."
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supernatural really went through an iteration process fine-tuning how they created women e.g. jo harvelle (young blonde rebellious hunter) + charlie bradbury (lesbian dean mirror with sad backstory) = claire novak (young blonde rebellious lesbian dean mirror hunter with sad backstory)
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nick-cassidy · 16 days
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“Roger is always very relaxed when he’s playing. I told myself, okay, let’s try to relax. Then I started to hit my shots better, more freedom, got back on track.”
Holger Rune win over Flavio Cobolli
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muirneach · 2 months
i think the current player that mainstream tennis fans have decided to hate en masse is ben shelton which is probably the most obvious case of barely disguised racism in a while from the tennis community. heres this kid just having fun and really just starting his career in the past year but he’s black so they have to find fault with him. also i think ppl really hate confident players (like ben) in general which is crazy because you need confidence to win thats basic mental tennis knowledge
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catgriller · 1 year
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Just some spn stuff……… shutbup I haven’t touched this fandom since ever 2018 ok yeah I’m delusional
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