#now I'm off to stalk the loki tags
demi-raven · 6 months
First impression review of
Loki season 2!
Ep 1: okay I guess
Ep 2: dull
Ep 3: dull (actually stopped watching for a week before pushing myself back)
Ep 4: dull, but some cool time travel stuff towards the end
Ep 5: that's more like it!
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gaysindistress · 1 year
When Night Comes - Eighteen
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Vampire!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: cursing, major character death(s) again, Alix is in this one so that's a whole warning in itself, angst, like a lot, enough that I want to give Bucky a big hug now.
Word count: 2.9k
Seventeen | masterlist
a/n: AND WE'RE DONE! When Night Comes is finished! I'm so thankful for all of the love and support as usual! I don't have anything lined up next so if anyone has any requests, send them my way! xoxo to all of my lovelies!
tag list: @cakesandtom @elizacusi-blog @unaxv @hidden-treasures21 @buckybarnessimpp @vonalyn @thebuckybarnesvault
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
Fear strikes into Y/N’s heart when she sees the people standing in the doorway.
Peggy, Alix, Thor, and Loki file into the room one after another while Luca and Ana Cristina grab ahold of her arms. Their grip prevents her from getting out and running however the thought barely crosses her mind. Y/N knew that even if she did manage to get out of their grasp, any one of the four traitors before her would catch her. Running for her life naked through the house while dripping water would not make for a successful escape so she stays put. Her anger replaces her fear and the boiling water feels like it has replaced the blood in her body. Whatever hate she felt for Alix increases tenfold with the help of the generational rage that has been stored in her body. She doesn’t even notice that she’s being held down anymore because she’s too focused on Alix, the creator of her nightmares and reason for her life of running. Y/N hadn’t seen this demon of a woman in five years but nothing has changed. She is still tall and lean, her long braids piled on top of her head give her a towering appearance. Her face is still somber and rigid from the years of bad deeds she’s done. She’s duller than before, thanks to the stress of trying to find Y/N but her eyes are what catches Y/N off guard. 
They’re gold. 
A yellow gold unlike before. 
The same yellow gold that a Lycan’s eyes become when they turn. 
Against her dull and lifeless face, the contrast is horrifying and gives her an inhumane like mien. That alone is enough to make Y/N break eye contact but she refuses. Even the simple act of breaking eye contact will feel like an act of submission to Alix and that is something that Y/N can not give to her. 
“There’s my baby girl,” Alix mocks her as she circles the tub like a predator stalking its prey. 
“What are you doing here?” she asks Alix. 
“Use your brain. What do YOU think I’m doing here?”
Y/N doesn’t answer right away. 
“Cat got your tongue? I’ll just tell you,” Alix says as she keeps circling Y/N, “Your little witch friends agreed to help me kill Bucky in exchange for you.”
“What do you mean in exchange for me?”
“They get to keep you since apparently you’re some important doppelgänger. I quit listening after a while.” “I thought you wanted me for yourself.”
Alix shrugs, “I did but then I found you that caught feelings for that Strigoi bastard so now I could care less what happens to you.”
Y/N chooses not to answer and when Alix is behind her again, she turns her angry eyes to Peggy who is not shy in her joy. A smirk is painted across her face and it sends a dagger right into Y/N’s heart. 
Y/N leans forward enough to make sure that Peggy knows that she is the object of her words and spits out, “How could you? After everything that Bucky has done for you, for Steve, for your son. How could you betray him like this?” Peggy’s smirk falters at the mention of her son, “That man has done nothing but cause my family pain. He’s made Steve his servant, murdered my best friend, and put my son in harm’s way too many times to count.”
“You are to blame for my murder.”
A gust of wind causes the candle’s flames to flicker and a pressure fills the room, making it feel tight and cramped.
“You were the one who was supposed to protect me and you didn’t,” Y/N says but there’s a hollow look in her eye, “You were supposed to go with me that day but you were too busy sleeping with Dorian Wright to come and that’s why I’m dead.  If you had just left Steve like you told Dorian you would then I would still be alive.”
Ana Cristina and Luca glance at each other but neither make a move. The gust of wind had been anything but normal and the two witches fear for the outcome. 
“They were after you that day, not me but you know that.”
Peggy’s eyes open wide in fear and she stumbles backward but Y/N doesn’t stop, “You used the fact that the Wright gang had tried to kill me in the past as an explanation for my death as a way to cover up your affair. You used the curse that my husband sold his soul for to cover up your affair and now you’re trying to fix your mistake via the worst plan I have ever seen. How exactly does siding with the great granddaughter of your paramour and my murderer achieve what you want?.”
Peggy goes to defend herself but Y/N will not have it and interrupts her, “How does this plan make any sense, Margaret? It most certainly won’t free you from your guilt nor will it end well for you. If it’s freedom that you’re after, THIS will end with you running for the rest of your miserable life and facing that eternity completely alone. Steve will not forgive you, your son will not remember you, Bucky will not rest until you have paid for your betrayal, and I will let you forget what you did.”
Y/N slumps forward, breathing raggedly like she had run for miles and silent tears stream down Peggy’s face. Alix, Thor, and Loki to each other for answers but none can produce one. 
“What the fuck was that?” Alix demands Ana Cristina and Luca. 
The two bring Y/N to rest against the back of the tub and exchange silent words through glances. Ana Cristina provides an answer, “It appears that Celeste used Y/N as a mouthpiece.”
“Ghosts can do that?”
“Celeste is not a ghost, she is a spirit and yes when a witch with enough power dies, they can sometimes use that power to communicate with the living or,” she looks to Peggy, “to those who are neither living nor dead.”
“Is she going to do it again?”
Ana Cristina dips her head to look at Y/N’s face, “no. Y/N is not strong enough for that. Celeste won’t risk killing her doppelgänger and angering her coven even more to get revenge on Peggy.”
“Can we hurry along with the spell? I don’t want to give her a chance to try,” Peggy mumbles as she wipes away at the tears and straightens her back. 
Ana Cristina and Luca nod before gesturing to the other two men to come forward. Thor and Loki take their place next to the tub but Y/N grips onto the cook’s arm. 
“Please don’t do this. Please…” Y/N begs her, “Please, don’t let them hurt me.”
Ana Cristina puts her hand on top of Y/N’s, “It won’t kill you, I promise.”
With that she tears Y/N’s hand away and allows Loki to take her place. All trust that Y/N had placed in her or Luca shatters and spills out of her eyes as tears race down her face. She begins to sob and thrash against the men’s grip, pleading with them to let her go and to not hurt her. Ana Cristina tells Alix to join her at the table and starts to go over her portion of the spell. 
Peggy stays pressed against the wall, still reeling over what Celestse had said to her. Any and all emotions are racing through her as she tries to process it all but one thought sticks out; if Celeste could use Y/N to say all of that, what else could she do?
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The answer of what else can Celeste do comes in the form of a vision to Bucky. On their way back from dropping Natasha and Wyatt off in town, Bucky lets out a howl of agony and Steve slams on the breaks of the car. 
“What was that for?” he asks as he starts to drive again, “Are you okay?”
Bucky takes deep breaths to manage the head splitting pain, “There’s something wrong.”
“I gathered that.”
“No there’s something wrong with Y/N. I think….I think Alix is at the estate.”
Just as Steve goes to speak, he sees Yelena usher a wounded Juliette into her car. 
“You’re right. Something is very wrong.”
Bucky nods as he grimaces and looks up to see the same thing. Steve is already calling Yelena and has confirmation of the worst. 
“Yelena said that Alix is at the estate but Y/N is safe because Ana Cristina and Luca are there,” he tells Bucky. 
“That means absolutely nothing to me because we’re not there. What I want to know is why the fuck Yelena knows that.”
“She said it was a long story but that we need to get back as soon as we can.”
“Bull fucking shit it’s a long story,” Bucky sneers and rips Steve’s phone from his hands, redialing Yelena’s number, “What the fuck is going on and why do you have Juliette with you?”
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“Let go of me,” Y/N howls at Loki and Thor as she uses any strength she has left to rip herself away from them, “Let fucking go of me!” “Take her out and sit her in front of me,” Ana Cristina tells the two men who do as she says. 
The entire time they are lifting her, Y/N is kicking and fighting them until she manages to kick Thor in the chest. Having the wind knocked out of him, he drops her and Loki does the same in efforts to check on his brother. She makes a run for it and makes it to the stairs but Alix is quicker and looms above her, blocking any chance to get past her. 
“Silly girl,” she mocks her once again as she grips her tight enough by the arm to leave bruises. Y/N tries her hand at fighting again and when Alix turns to chide her, she spits in her face. Alix freezes and slowly takes a deep breath. The hand leaves her arm and threads into her hair as Alix yanks her down the hall by it.
“I forgot how fucking stupid you are when you’re mad,” she mumbles as she drags Y/N back to the group. 
“Be a good girl for once and stop fighting,” she snaps before throwing Y/N to the ground at Ana Cristina’s feet. Thor and Loki stare at her in disgust while Peggy refuses to acknowledge her. Luca doesn’t meet her stare and keeps his head bowed as Ana Cristina bends down to Y/N’s level. 
In her hand she has a bowl with a red paste in it and she dips her fingers in it to draw on Y/N’s skin. She’s singing under her breath as she starts the process of tying their lives to each other but doesn’t speak to the doppelgänger otherwise, treating her as though she is just the doppelgänger and not someone who’s come to care for. 
“Please,” Y/N whispers to her as she shivers and tries to hide herself from everyone around her, “Please don’t do this.”
Ana Cristina makes eye contact for a moment but breaks it and continues to sing while adorning her with paste markings. Luca hands her various other things needed for the spell; herbs, jewelry, and other pastes. They are finally complete in their decorating when a metal headdress that is dripping with chains, jewels, and coins is placed on Y/N’s head. Her naked body is covered in runes similar to those that Bucky wears and she smells of the earth thanks to the burned bundles of herbs. 
Luca helps her to her feet albeit both reluctantly and he squeezes her hands. She glares at him and pulls her hands away, hoping that the cold shoulder will hurt him as his betrayal has hurt her. Ana Cristina steps in front of her, takes Y/N’s hand, and begins to sing even louder with Luca joining in. A similar gust of wind to before causes the candle flames to flicker and the brothers join in on the singing. The candles got completely out and Y/N let out a loud gasp. 
The candles burst back to life and the runes on her body are glowing a bright red as another voice uses her body to sing along. Alix shifts uncomfortably next to Peggy as the voice grows louder and louder until it stops. 
The witches collapse onto the ground, leaving Y/N to stand on her own as the glowing runes start to dim. She opens her eyes which are a flaming red and fixes them on the two women before her. The voice from before speaks to them.
 “Alix Wright,” it says as Y/N walks towards them, stepping over the bodies around, “Your family is disappointed in you. All that you have done in the Wright name has been for your own gain. You have forsaken your sacred oath to serve and protect Lycan. You’ve chosen a human over your siblings and now those who you brought with you are dead. Their blood is on your hands, how do you plead?”
Alix looks wildly between Peggy and Y/N, fear fresh in her yellow eyes. 
“You’ve sanctioned the murder of your siblings and now you must be held accountable, how do you plead?” the voice asks again.
“How am I supposed to have been killed?” Alix asks, anger replacing her fear as she tries to square up to her.
Y/N rolls her flaming eyes and utters Alix’s death sentence, “You are guilty. Lumină pe foc.”
Fire spills from Y/N’s body and races across the ground towards Alix, licking up and consuming her whole. Peggys lets out a scream and jumps away from a burning Alix. She tries to run towards the stairs but Bucky, Steve, Yelena, and Juliette block her way. Bucky grabs her by the throat and throws her against the wall next to them. 
“What the fuck did you do?” he growls at her as the others flock to those who are still laying on the floor. 
“She attempted to usurp your position and cover up her betrayal by taking the side of your enemy,” Y/N answers for her. 
Bucky turns to look at her and meets her stare with shock. He recognizes the voice of Celeste but the woman standing there does not look like her nor Y/N. Covered in ritualistic runes and jewelry, she reminds him more of the witches that his father warned him of and the waves of childhood fright he instilled into him come crashing back. 
“She is guilty of treachery, murder, and infidelity. How do you plead, Margaret Carter Rogers?”
With Ana Cristina in his arms, Steve yells, “Not guilty! She’s not guilty.”
Peggy takes her chance and breaks Bucky’s arm before sprinting to her husband’s side. Bucky lets out a howl of rage and pain as he resets his arm. 
Steve looks to his wife and pleads with her to say she’s not guilty but she just offers him a sad look and kisses his forehead. 
“I plead guilty.”
Y/N smiles, “So be it. Binecuvântează-ți trupul, Strogori.” 
As soon as the words leave her mouth, Y/N goes rigid and collapses on the ground while Peggy begins to choke. Bucky rushes to Y/N, cradling her burning up body in his arms and whispering words of reassurance to her. Steve, on the other hand, goes to do the same to his wife but hisses in pain when he touches her. Peggy wails and sobs in pain as her skin begins to sizzle and crosses appear in the places where her skin is unmarred. He looks to Y/N in horror and back to his wife. 
“What did she do? Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!” he shouts and his despair awakes Ana Cristina. 
She groans and shifts in Steve’s lap which draws his attention back to her. He begs her to help Peggy but she explains that she can’t. There is no way to stop the blessing process once it’s started. His horror grows even more as Peggy’s cries grow quiet until there is nothing. 
Thor and Loki slowly sit up as Ana Cristina drags Luca closer to her. Bucky is holding Y/N against himself while Yelena and Juliette stay huddled by the doorway. Peggy’s and Alix’s bodies lay motionless as Steve stares distantly at them. 
All is still and peaceful in the room. The only sounds that can be heard are the shallow breaths of those awaking and Bucky’s whispers.
“I love you, Y/N. I have always loved you and I always will. Te iubesc, T/N. Te-am iubit mereu și o voi face mereu. Mereu și întotdeauna.” 
Mereu și întotdeauna.
Always and forever.
Always and forever means endless nights and long days for people like Y/N and Bucky. It’s a promise of love everywhere and in everything. As her breathing remains shallow and his whispers become a song, their new love does not fade but grows for it’s the only thing it can do. It’s fitting isn’t it?
His lost love coming back to him years later only for her to then suffer at his hands the same way she had before. The cycle will continue.
Always and forever 
as it means in 
this life 
the next.
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
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Marvel just released this picture, which has made me ask a question:
Are the people running the TVA human?
Remember, Loki is stronger than humans. He could break through their grasp if they were humans and he wanted to. And, based off his face and what we know about the TVA, he probably does.
So why can they hold him back? Is it because they're alien?
I went here for answers. The Marvel fandom wiki. I'm short on time so I can't check elsewhere for now.
I went through all of the information on the species of the known TVA people in the comics. They are either human or unspecified. For example, Mobius is confirmed as human in the comics. Others, such as Mr Tesseract, aren't ever given an exact species in the comics.
But there's also this bit of information.
"All employees are born and bred specifically to complete their functions...Most TVA employees are cloned from the same genetic stalk to reduce disputes and improve efficiency."
"Born and bred," you say?
If you're already doing crazy genetic work to create employees for your bureaucracy, why not add in a little something special? Anything from super soldier serum to combining different alien DNA.
Everyone working for the TVA could be human, but could have been enhanced. The guards could have been given Asgardian (or any other species') strength so that they could hold back prisoners of any strength. Time scientists could have heightened intelligence granted by another species. There could be any number of other jobs at the TVA where the employees have been genetically modified to be able to do those jobs really well.
The only other explanation to this picture I can think of is that Loki doesn't want to break free because it would be better for him to go along. "If you try to escape, we'll erase you from existence," is probably pretty effective at getting people to cooperate. So maybe he wants to wreck the TVA, but knows the consequences of misbehaving and will go along until he's in a better situation to get the upper hand.
(Okay I can't remember who I saw that said something about Loki having incredible strength in a post/tags, but I think it was @worstloki, maybe I'm wrong, but whatever, I'm tagging you anyway).
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mysticalmayhem1930 · 2 years
A Tale of Two Weddings: Midgardian Mayhem
A Loki x Eva (OC) story
Part Three of Loki’s Dragon
>>Part Nineteen<<
A/N I don’t own any of the Marvel characters. Just my own creations. This was originally posted in Wattpad. But I rewrote the parts as I transferred them, so there are some differences.
Summary: Eva thinks Laufey may have been right
Pairing: I originally wrote this as Loki x Eva but it can be read as Loki x Reader if you desire.
Link to previous chapter
Link to next chapter
Link to Masterlist
Credit to artist
Overall Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Adult Language
>>>18+ ONLY<<
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Eva's nerves were on end during the next week, and she knew Loki could tell something was up. She kept deflecting answering that it had to do with the wedding, and it technically did, so there was no lie for him to detect. While Loki, Clint and Thor were on a mission she met Wanda in her room, bringing along with a bag full of 5 pregnancy tests. Eva set to taking them. The two sat and waited, Wanda asking her what was she hoping for.
"Well I guess if I am, it really doesn't matter so long as it's healthy and has ten fingers and ten toes."
"How do you think Loki is going to take it?"
"Honestly, I think he'll make a great father, I see him roughhousing with a little boy or being gentile with a girl who will have him wrapped around her finger. Teaching them magic, and if it's a girl teaching her how to defend herself..."
*DING* the alarm was going off on Eva's phone.
"Get Nat, she should be here too. I can wait"
A few minutes later Nat came in and the three led by Eva went to the bathroom counter. Her hands shaking as she was able to see the first one. When her eyes laid on it she was happy to see that it was positive. And the next and the next, but the last two showed negative.
"Crap, now we have a problem, and I'm going to have to see Stephen, to see if he can help."
"I can say I have questions on some magic and need to see him and you can tag along to say hi to your brother, or Wong." Offered Wanda.
"Thanks, I'd like to go ASAP!”
Later Eva was in the common room, reading, being constantly interrupted by Scott. Wanda stalked out, frustrated, "Hey Eva, do you think Doctor Strange would be willing to help me? I'm having problems with a complicated spell."
"I don't see why not, at the very least Wong can assist. How bout I come along... it's been a while since I've seen Wong."
"Sure can we go now?"
"I don't see why not," Calling to Tony in the kitchen "hey Bro, let Loki know I went with Wanda to see Strange"
"I will Pips, and remind the Wizard we have a fitting tomorrow for the wedding."
"Will do, see ya later."
Wanda took flight and Eva was nice enough to do a flying leap with her wings out to quell the fear in the team when she just stepped off the ledge. They landed in Bleeker St and walked to the Sanctum. The doors opened before she could knock and the cloak of levitation gave her a hug as they rested on her shoulders.
"What the Hell!" Stephen screamed in frustration. "It had better be Eva or your going to be a fucking curtain...." Stephen walked down the main staircase "Hello Eva, that Damn thing loves you more!"
"They always have."
"What brings you both here?"
"Can we talk in the study?" Wanda asked.
"Sure, is everything ok little one?"
"I don't know the answer to that, but I, well me Wanda and Nat need to know if you can keep our secret?"
"You know I can and will, and will aid if you need to keep Loki away from it too."
The cloak levitated Eva to the study as Stephen and Wanda walked. "Show off " muttered Stephen to the cloak.
Taking seats in the study Eva and Wanda told him about Laufey's theory, and then the tests.
Pulling his hand down his face, Stephen summarized "So you want me to find an OBGYN that deals with mutants and is ok with helping with a possible alien birth. Wow, give me a few minutes I'll call Christine, and see if she has any leads."
Wanda wandered around the study admiring all of the magical artifacts. Eva was just watching her breathing as she was starting to freak out, what if he didn't have anyone she could go to, then what?
Sauntering back into the study, "Ok so Christine has a colleague that she knows will work with mutants, they just ask you not flaunt your mutant abilities in or around her office. Christine made an appointment for you in an hour, I'll give you a portal directly into her office for the appointment and back here. Wanda I'm guessing you want to go with us?"
"Yes, it would probably make Eva a little more easy all things considered. If that's ok with you Eva."
"Yes, Stephen, you are going with us…I appreciate that, you know how I feel about Doctors."
The trio walked out of the portal into Dr Mooney's office. She was only a but startled.
"Good afternoon, which one of you is my patient?"
"That would be me, but took five tests and three were positive and two negative."
"A little excessive, but good to know, please give me a rundown of your abilities."
"And you," she indicated Stephen "are the father?"
"Nooo, no no no... she's like a sister to me. No if she is pregnant she wants to surprise her husband at the wedding in two weeks. That's why he's not here."
"And you both are?"
"Doctor Stephen Strange"
"Wanda Maximoff"
"So you both wait here I'll take her to a room and get a confirmation If she is or isn't ok?"
Wanda was getting fidgety Stephen kept saying it takes time remember, not magic, just old fashioned medicine. She's fine, Christine would not have sent us to someone who wouldn't take good care of her. The door opened slowly and Eva came in taking her seat in between the two. Dr Mooney took her seat again behind the desk. So do you want the good news or the other?
"Give us the other first." Eva said.
"Well given that Eva's a little different and her husband is an Alien, any pregnancy would be high risk."
"And the good..."
"Congratulations, you are pregnant!"
"I will expect to see you back here in 4 weeks for your next appointment, and I hope to meet the father at that time as well, I need to take in his genealogy into account. But is there a way to cover the Blue skin while you are in the waiting room?"
"I'll ask Nat about borrowing her Photostatic Veil." Said Wanda "I'm sure she won't mind."
"I'm sorry I'm just relieved, and Loki's going to be floored when I tell him. Is there anything I can wrap to give him?"
"Just use one of your positive tests."
"Thank you so much for seeing us short notice and for being so wonderful."
"I will contact Dr Moira MacTaggart, she's a mutant and a geneticist, and should be able to help with any complications. And I'll make your next appointment and send you an email for it. Also will you be leaving the way you came?"
"Yes" responded Stephen and opened a portal to the tower. "I'm going to need to talk to Tony and tell him you're hurt but not to mention it it Loki, and keep you off missions until after Loki finds out. Also I'll put a block in your, Wanda and Nat's minds around this topic."
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afoolandathief · 3 years
Last line tag
Tagged by @aalinaaaaaa, @jezifster, and @thegreatobsesso
Tagging, if you'd like, @jaxwolffwrites, @karolinarodrigueswrites, @kjscottwrites and anyone else who wants to.
Technically the last line was from Something Wicked, and I'm still on that diner scene. Going to put this and some other excerpts I've been working on below the cut (TWs for food and drink, language, mentions of abuse, violence, panic attacks, injury and death):
For a moment, Caz’s nonstop mouth was silent, firming into a flat line as he drummed on the table.
“You know, I once met a guy — he was a sort of a counselor at a prison, helped a lot of people,” he finally said. “He was there serving time for killing four people.”
Jade turned her attention to her second cup of coffee. She had heard this line before, on the night she had first met Caz. The night a strange man in a silver suit had whisked her away from the casino on the promise of dinner together. He’d bought her dinner, then brought her to a man smoking in his car with a record of beating his wife.
“Do you think a guy like that could ever be redeemed?” he had asked her.
“I don’t know. Probably not, I guess.”
He had dragged the man from his car after that, cutting off his air supply and any hope of calling for help.
“So, I’ll ask you again, Seer,” he had said, looming over her with a too-white smile. “Could this poor bastard ever be redeemed?”
Somewhere between then and the stalking of a stranger, Jade had realized this wasn’t a dinner date.
She glanced back to where Caz was now sitting in the booth. He was a lot less threatening knowing his grimace was likely due to heartburn for overdoing it on Derek Meyers’ blood supply.
“So,” he was explaining to Brooks. “We have a way to know what someone’s going to do next. We find out they’re gonna keep doing bad things. We stop them. So to speak.”
Brooks was staring at him and Jade.
“Holy shit,” he breathed. “You’re like an avenging angel.”
It's a bit long, but I wanted to get the whole excerpt in for context, and also because I'm happy I was able to work in dialogue from the prologue I've since cut from the story.
Anyway, this technically doesn't count, but in between working on SW I wrapped up the next chapter of Those Horrid, Horrid Things, and while it needs some work, I'm proud of that:
Bone-white tiles fuzzed and floated before them as they leaned forward on their knees. They tried to take a breath, but the oxygen didn’t seem to want to go to their lungs. They wanted to scream, but their throat wouldn’t let anything come out. It was as if their mouth had been sewn shut again, but far, far worse.
Sidney was there. She was there, and bringing her arms up behind them as they collapsed into her.
“I’m here, I’m here,” she was whispering.
They nodded numbly, then let out a choked sob.
Why would they do that? Why would they ever lead their own children into battle? To their very deaths?
“I’ll always be at your side,” she said. “Do you understand? There’s nothing to be afraid of. We’ll face it, together.”
Loki twisted around to face Sidney. Her eyes, deep and rich as the earth, had a faint sheen of tears over them.
They pressed the flats of their palms to her shoulders and pushed away from her. Confusion worked over her face as they rose to their feet and backed down the hallway like a stray animal.
“I’m afraid there’s not much you can do to help me, my dear.”
Also, for good measure, I got back into the Yonder Outline/Zero Draft today:
She was falling backwards when her left leg caught in the rigging, pulling her ankle from its socket and leaving her dangling as Gallic sailors launched further lead and flaming wax from their trebuchets.
She didn’t know her ship could sink that fast.
She broke free, eventually. By then most of the Erinys was gone and the Galls were collecting her and the remaining crew from the wreckage.
Most of the Erinys never learned to swim. It was preferred to be swiftly taken under rather than prolong drowning. Let the sirens have me, her captain, Sofya, used to say. Rather spend my afterlife in their kingdom.
Oh, Sofya, I hope you’re with your pretty sirens now.
Something rose in Thera’s throat. There wasn’t enough fluid left in her to cry. She swallowed it down, forcing it instead to burn inside her.
She couldn’t get pitiful now. Not when she intended to burn the entire Gallic kingdom to the ground and purge it with saltwater.
God, I love Thera so much
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marveloushiddleston · 4 years
The Monster Within
German Masterlist English Masterlist
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Plot: After the last fight against Thanos, the task of the remaining Avengers was done. And a new team of Avengers must now protect the Earth from a new unknown force. Together with SWORD, Wanda, Vision, Doctor Strange, Carol, Bucky, Sam and Loki, who must first prove himself on Midgard as a team and face unknown enemies. Will Loki be finally himself?
Chapters: Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Chapter 3
"Okay team! Heads up." says Carol as she walked into the center of the Quinjet, the team gathering in a circle around her, "The mission is simple: free and move out. A terrorist organization we don't know has taken nine hostages. Among them, four scientists and two technicians. It is important, under no circumstances, to compromise the mission or the hostages. It's our first mission as a team, we have to prove to people that they can trust us. Any questions?", Carol walks to the right side next to the ramp of the jet and presses the little red button so the ramp opened. Sam walks to the edge and looked out before starting his small Falcon jetpack drone and flies to the small fortress. He presses a small button on the left side of his goggles.
“Scan." says Sam, his drone starts scanning the building, "I count ten soldiers and nine hostages in the building. There are five snipers on the roof."
"All right. Get ready to move. We're going to go low. Landing would be too dangerous and would most likely give us away," Carol explained before smiling, "Try to keep up."
The proton energy spreads to her fists and her energy covers her entire body. When she fully ignited her energy, she flew out of the Quinjet at the speed of light. Wanda began to float as well and red magic surrounded her before she flew behind. Sam's wings readied themselves and he flew out of the jet. Vision and Stephan also followed.
Wanda arrives and flies over the roof and into the yard. She takes control of a soldier and lifts him up.
"Sam." says Wanda. Sam flies past Wanda and catches the soldier on one of his wings. The Quinjet has set to fly low. Bucky puts the magazine in his rifle and unlocks it, while Loki makes two golden daggers with green handles appear in his hands.
"Well I think it's time. Otherwise we're going to miss all the fun.", Bucky declares and pats Loki on the shoulder before they jump out of the jet. Sam, meanwhile, flies onto a rooftop, spinning and using his wings to deflect gunfire. Stephan flies onto the roof Sam was standing on and takes out the two soldiers who were shooting at Sam. While Vision and Carol fly over the rooftops one by one, taking out the remaining snipers on the rooftops as they fly. An enemy jet closes in on Carol and Vision as it begins to strafe the team. Carol and Vision looked at each other and flew in the direction of the jet to destroy it. Wanda uses her powers to lift Bucky up and through the window. He hurls one of the soldiers, who started shooting at him, through one of the windows. Sam jumped off the roof and caught the soldier in flight, while Bucky takes out another soldier in hand-to-hand combat. Loki kicks open a door in the basement of the building before spotting one of the soldiers, he hides behind the column to avoid being noticed. Loki changes his appearance into one of the soldiers and stepped out from behind the column.
"The captain requests your presence.", Loki calmly explains as he approaches the soldier.
"Well there's only one problem with that," the soldier says as he looks to him.
"What's that?" asks Loki, confused, tilting his head. The soldier raised his gun and pointed it at Loki.
"I'm the captain.", Loki grabs the barrel of the gun and turns his back to the soldier. Before he removes the magazine of the gun and hits the soldier in his face with his elbow. The soldier falls over backwards, unconscious.
Loki stalks through the building, looking for the rest of his team and the hostages. He glances slightly over his right shoulder and notices movement in one of the corners. It wasn't hard to notice that he was being followed, the person was visibly untrained at it. Loki makes an appearance to investigate something as the person stepped closer to him. In a quick movement he turns around and tries to hit the person with the dagger. But he is blogged, his right arm is grabbed and stretched behind him. The person tries Loki against the wall. Loki loosens his grip on his dagger and lets it slip out of his hand. He throws his head back, breaking the person's nose. The person staggers backwards because of this and loosens his grip on Loki's arm. When he turns to the person, he is bent over holding his broken nose. Blood is dripping onto the floor. With a hood covering the face, Loki could not see who the person was. Just as Loki was about to remove the hood, the person, a man, spoke, "This is just the beginning."
"From what?" asked Loki, confused, and moved closer to the person. Quick as a flash, the person shot up and administered him a syringe with an unknown fire-red liquid. Loki pulls out the syringe before it was completely empty. The person threw a smoke bomb and kicked Loki in the chest. Loki stumbles backward. The man used the distraction to flee. Through the smoke from the smoke bomb, Loki coughs. He knew he had to pursue this person, as he seemed to have important information that could be helpful to SWORD. Likewise, he could not risk this dangerous man getting away with it. As the smoke lifted, Loki's gaze searched for the man, hoping to catch him after all. Finally, he spots the man again. He was already at the end of the hallway. The man glanced back and looked at Loki one last time before jumping out of a window in front of him. Loki ran with long strides in the direction the man had fled. Through the window, Loki realized he was running toward a lake. Loki held on to the edge of the window and jumped elegantly over the window. Loki looked again where the man had run. He was by now at the edge of the lake and one of the enemy jets began to land in front of the man. Loki looked to his left, Carol and Vision were being strafed by three jets. While Wanda levitated the enemy soldiers with her magic and Sam caught them in flight. Bucky and Stephan must have been busy in the building with the rest of the soldiers and the hostages, Loki assumed. It was up to him to stop the jet, Loki ran as fast as he could to the jet, which was already starting to take off. The man sat on one of the seats and looked down at Loki, who was standing at the edge of the lake, grinning. He raised his hand to wave goodbye to Loki. Loki averted his gaze from the man and looked at the water in front of him before making his cloak and boots disappear with a simple wave of his hand. To take a running start, he took a few steps backwards. He took a deep breath and as his skin turned from alabaster to blue, markings appeared on his body and his eyes changed from green to red. Loki focused on his seidr before quickly sprinting towards the water. The coarse sand crunched under his quick steps. When his feet touched the water, it froze in a few seconds. A thin layer of ice formed on the water directly under Loki's feet. But when a wave threatens to sweep him off his feet, Loki freezes the wave into a bridge to the jet. He creates an ice weapon in his hand as he walks across the frozen ice floe. With his weapon, he manages to rip open the side of the jet and destroy the electronics. The jet threatened to crash, but before it could crash, a layer of red mist forms over it. Loki looked to the beach and saw Wanda landing on the dark beach and using all her strength to keep the jet from crashing. Sam, Bucky and Doctor Strange stepped up to Wanda's side. Loki pulled the mystery man out of the jet and flung him up. Vision flew past Loki and caught the man before he flew to the rest of the team. Carol flew to the jet at the speed of light and carries it. She landed it on an open grassy area and pulled the pilot out of the jet. Loki walked the ice bridge that he made appear back to the beach and with his seidr, he melted it behind him. When he entered the beach, he veiled his true appearance.
"Did you know Loki could do that?" asks Sam, pointing to the water. The rest of the team members merely shrugged their shoulders.
A/N: My tag list is open, post in the comments if you want in it. And please also write me in the comments what you think of the chapter!
Tag-List: @silvers-hero-vault @i-like-most-things-i-guess
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