#now back to stardew valley
frogchiro · 2 years
I promise i'm not turning into a incel cod gamer boy buT HOLY SHIT DO I NEED TO BABYGIRLFY GHOST MY MASK AND VOICE KINKS ARE BARKING RN
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skellagirl · 5 months
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Back in winter 2022 I started working on a comic of one of my favorite nsfw oneshots, Practical Demonstration, made like five pages, and then promptly dropped it cause I was still in the midst of Art Block From Hell, among other reasons
but the fic series recently got an update and I read it on a flight last week, which has renewed the brainworms :)
The comic's FAR from finished (I've thumbnailed the entire thing and it comes out to twenty-eight pages, while I have thirteen of those pages in varying stages of completion) but I've been having a lot of fun working on it and forcing myself to try and learn new things (backgrounds/environments, in this case) in the pursuit of Harvey Smut LOL
I thought I'd post some WIP shit here, in case ADHD gets my ass and I end up dropping it again 😭 pray for me
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speltfields · 7 months
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i drew this outta my mind with the flu idk if i even rememberhow to draw him because my brain? fried to a delicious golden brown 😋
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dreamtydraw · 1 month
Hellooooo tumblr. Well you see, My class start in two weeks and turns out i'm still kinda short on cash ( I'm getting better at handling financial crisis I promise ) SO ! Comissions are currently open.
If you're interested please message my in private :}
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Thank you for reading my post, It would means a lot if you could share it to people you think might be interested ! Else, have a nice day !!!
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tamatosss · 1 year
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My girl, Maru~
This is a redraw of a Maru from 2 years ago (I’m sure some of you remember it). I’ve been meaning to redraw it forever ago, but I got preoccupied with life stuff ;)
Keep reading to see the original drawing!
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The link to the original post is here~
Even though my drawing skills and art quality improved a lot in 2 years,, I can’t deny that there is a charm in my older works that I definitely miss and can’t quite encapsulate again.
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sinsydia · 3 months
Alright I'm absolutely in love with your art haha, and I love your drawings of Sebastian so so much!! I've got to ask you though, your art with Sam in it made me wonder if you've got any other drawings of him? I adore him and I'd love to see more of how he'd look in your style!! I've looked over your profile but I haven't found much, other than the art of him with Abigail and Seb when Seb is getting a tattoo haha. Which is why I'm asking, because it's 100% like me to miss something. You have such a unique take on each character I've seen you draw from Stardew, especially with how like. Detailed your art is for these pixel characters lol. and it kinda makes me wonder how you interpret him/details you headcanon and stuff if you've got any haha. I hope you are doing well!! Feel free to ignore this ask if it's bothersome!!!! No pressure at all to respond, I'm just curious is all :D
I've been wanting to answer this and YES i have a tonnnn of sketches but mostly fleshing out how I want him to look because I want to draw the ASS trio more but here are a few of my latest Sam sketches :3
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my only HCs is sam can do a very mean tre flip on his skateboard and do some impressive joja cola belches that sebastian finds extremely entertaining lmaoo
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Enjoy these skateboard gifs inspired by sam
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Hes a good boi :3 thanks for your ask anon! And thanks for the lovely compliments to my art i trulyyyyy appreciate it 🖤🖤🖤
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moeblob · 2 months
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If SDV won't let me give my husband a glow ring in game, I'll just do it in art instead !
(Asmo puts it on Shane's middle finger cause he knows when he realizes the ring makes him glow he'll probably get flipped off so it's only fair! He makes sure to give it during daylight though)
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sockssketchingshack · 4 months
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Back from da grave with even more arts! But for real though how do villagers always know things. It gets concerning how specific they can be. But I love em. Have a good day. Love ya.
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theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
I hate that the only way to get back with a divorced spouse is to wipe their memory, I should be allowed to divorce and remarry as many times as I want
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Pumpkin Eve
Hello! I am back again! @spotaus
Gonna be real. I wasn't sure where to write the next drabble before i remembered i wanted to do this one. (look i was in the mood for fluff and nice times and not for angst so here we are!)
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Lets go! Also i know it is obvious i take inspiration from stardew festivals over our world festivals and events sshhhh
Cross stops the truck and Killer grins at the babybones in his arms "Ready tiny bat?"
Nightmare shoots him a glare and Killer can't help but snort as there are now two tiny grumpy faces staring at him. One from Nightmare and one from Nightmare's hoody.
Dust huffs and pokes him in his neck and Killer shoots him a look. Really hoping the slight shiver wasn't obvious. Dust just looks ar him bored in his own cheap vampire costume "Don't annoy Nightmare." and he leaves their beat up truck.
Cross makes a curious noise as he quickly turns off the engine "Dust! Don't get out of the car when the engine is still running!"
Moments later Killer's door opens and Dusty easily picks Nightmare up. Dust shoots Cross a look as he tilts his skull "You were already parked." and he walks towards the side as Horror joins him.
Killer quickly undoes his seat belt and joins the two as Cross grumbles and locks their truck.
Their little group walks towards the main road of town and quickly see pumpkins and decorations everywhere. magical candles floating and all kinds of other spooky decorations.
Nightmare looks around to glance at everything at once.
Killer grins and leans close "Having fun tiny boss?"
Ngihtmare blinks and shoots him a look before answering "Never been to... something like this..." and he goes back to looking around.
Right. BEcause while the hide out had been save it wasn't exactly the hot spot for parties and events. And Nightmare had never been invited to any event of festival before. Well! Time to make this one rock!
Killer grins and pokes the chubby little cheek "Well! Ready to have afun time!?" Even if Killer has no idea what there is to do here. He is used to just trick or treating on halloween and those memories are spotty and from a very long time ago. One that he hardly remembers or honestly doesn't even care about.
Why would he care about half forgotten memories? When he has everythign he ever wanted and could want right here with him?
Killer however is happy it doesn't seem to be a traditional Halloween. Mostly for Dusty and H. Horror must have very bitter sweet memories about all the old parties and holidays from his own universe. How stuff just wasn't celebrated anymore as the food shortage got extreme. And well, Dust is still wrecked with guilt when something reminds him. It is good that this is a different type of party! They will just have to give Nightmare other childhood traditions to enjoy here!
A glance to the side and Cross is looking around in awe as well. Crossy had grown up in pretty much a military AU or base or whatever. It is no big surprise he hardly had fun festivals to enjoy. And even if those were there he probably only guarded and worked at those.
Killer grins as he glances around. Looking for a good spot to start. He sees a lot of games and little stalls to get sweet and nice treats.
They start with a few games. Some apple bopping is one of them, though instead of apples these people use oranges. Some spooky duck fishing game. They all got a kick out of the weird bowling game with a ball with a skull on it called Skull bowling.
After that came the treats. all spooky themed and with a lot of pumpkin flavours. Killer doesn't care too much for the flavour itself but Nightmare seems to really enjoy the more autumn flavours. Which together with his love for sweets makes these snacks perfect!
Killer does see the candy apples in the distance and makes sure they don't go near there. It is about having fun and enjoying their time together.
Killer grins as he leads them to the corn maze, they go in together and easily make it out again. Horror having lead them out of course, wiht Nightmare on his shoulders looking around.
They exit the maze just in time to see Ellie and Dani walk by. the two monsters see them and grin back "Hey guys! Having fun?" Ellie grins widely.
Killer studies the two. Dani and Ellie seem to have gone for some egypt kinda thing. Killer tilts his skull "Egypt?"
Dani sighs but nods as Ellie grins proudly "Yes! Dani is as Anubis! And I am as cleopatra" she grins more "Or better said. CleHOPatra." and she shoots them finger guns.
Killer snorts and hears both Dust and Horror chuckle as well. Cross lets out a loud sigh as Nightmare pouts unamused.
Ellie giggles as Dani looks around "How are you guys liking your first festival?"
Cross smiles brightly "It is amazing!" Nightmare nods his agreement and Killer feels like his soul is being squeezed. Nightmare looks happy and content as he is held by nay of them. Cross is actually enjoying himself instead of trying to force himself to be serious all the time. Dusty is relaxed as he is near and Horror is content and feels at ease.
This is exactly how it should be!
Killer knows he should care more about all they left behind but honestly? He is a pretty selfish person. Everything in the multiverse can crash and burn for all he cares. As long as those who are his are happy he is happy.
He will eventually talk about that... squeezing feeling in his soul whenever he sees them laugh and grin. or when they touch or hug him. Eventually. When he feels a bit braver. For now he just lets himself enjoy this.
The two girls wave their own goodbyes as they rush off to enjoy their date night.
Horror looks around curiously "Where to now?"
Nightmare, who has been tranfered over to Cross, points at a building "Maybe that?"
Killer looks over but knows all of them are already going in the direction of whatever it is. As they get closer they realise it is a haunted house and they share grins.
None of them are easy to scare after all that happened and they went through. They make their way over and talk with the human and monster manning the building.
THe human frowns as they see Ngihtmare "are you four sure you want to take the tiny kiddo in? I mean. It is scary."
Nightmare huffs and pushes close to Cross. Cross just hugs him close. Killer grins "Yeah it is fine! He loves scary stuff!" maybe a bit of an exaggeration but it will work.
the people manning the stall share a look but eventually agree to let them in. On the condition that they don't let go of him.
Which, ppppfffff. As if any of them would willingly let go of Nightmare! Killer is very aware all of them are very clingy when it comes to their babybones. It is alreayd a miracle they are all willing to share tiny boss wiht each other.
They go in and the haunted house has theme rooms. All centered around certain fears or scare situation.
THe first is about canibals which Horror just huffs at with a roll of his eye. They grin with him and Horror snorts a laugh as he mutters "They are using the wrong temperature for human meat." and they laugh as they move to the next room.
Something about a stalker and some lady sitting in the living room. spooky phone calls and shadows in the fake windows. sound track of footsteps. Nice enough alright.
Dust huffs "Way to stalk badly. Announcing your presence."
Killer laughs and hangs over his shoulders, his soul and magic purring at having one of the three this close and not being pushed away as he rubs his skull againt Dust's "Not everyone can be as skilled at stalking prey Dusty~"
Dust lets out a loud sigh but only gives him a small nudge to get Killer to let go. So no actual annoyance.
There is another room about medical experimentation which Nightmare just looks displeased as he mutters about the tools being dirty. Killer nods "I know! It is going to mess with the results." which causes Dsuty to snort as he walks past.
there is another room about spiders and that is just great! they laugh and relax as they walk through and go exit the house, and enter the next area.
Killer walks into the garden only to stop and start laughing. Cross frowns at him before looking and gasping, and then quickly covers Nightmare's sockets. Nightmare pouts "Hey!"
Killer snorts and leans heavily against Horror as Horror just pats his shoulders and back. Dust hums and mutters "naked skeletons. nice."
Becuase plastic skeletons are used for decoration. Which Killer knows is a halloween thing but it ALWAYS cracks him up.
Cross huffs and mutters "it is indecent. Come Nightmare. Lets quickly go."
Nightmare mutters about it being fake and silly but he doesn't protest as he is carried out of the naked skeleton area down the path to get back at the front of the house and the start. Killer does manage to glance around and realise it is set up as a graveyard of some kind with a witch hut and everything. but there are just so many naked skeletons that he starts laughing again.
They get to the start of the house again and Cross mutters about indecent while Nightmare eats one of the many snacks they bought him. Killer knows he is still grinning and giggles every once in a while while Dust and Horror just share amused looks.
They say their goodbyes but Killer makes sure to give the two manning the house a cheeky wink as he blows them a kiss "interesting yard. Didn't realise that were your types." the two share confused looks before looking around the side. Then they both look up shocked and stutter out protests.
Killer laughs as he walks with his friends. Cross shoots him a look "Don't do that!"
Killer grins and winks at Cross "It is harmless Crossy. You know I only mean it with any of you guys~" and he winks again.
Cross has this tiny adorable blush as he mutters about Killer having to be serious before rushing to catch up with Horror.
Killer sighs but smiles. It is fine. Eventually they will realise he is being serious. for now? They are happy and Nightmare hasn't stopped purring for almost two hours now. That is what matters.
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Also also! @mikimakiboo made a very cute drabble for my series! You guys should check it out! It is very cute <3 You guys are all so talented <3
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salt-n-salt · 1 month
Guh,, I guess I'll take my chances here. I'm not the best at drawing but I drew my little farmer girl, Sophie, recently. She really likes Shane c:> also erm! I recently followed and I love your art please never stop drawing 💗
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lavendel081 · 10 months
Got this ad and immediately thought of Sebastian
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I`m on my wayy!!
Literally saw this, whipped out my ipad and drew on the train on my way back home yesterday.
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traumatas · 10 months
I'm sure someone has done this already, but I am still curious. Also special shoutout to everyone friend maxing Krobus, I wish I could put them as an option too.
Reblogs are always appreciate and feel free to tell me why they are your favourite. :]
EDIT: We are also not going to be mean about any Bachlor/ette we don't like. We are keeping that off my poll, please.
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turtletaubwrites · 2 months
Guess who pulled an all nighter finishing a 21 page document including my history of contributions to this company that’s going bankrupt and changing its name at the end of the month, only to end up sending in a 3 page version of the job proposal instead?? 🙃🙃🙃 (don’t worry, I’m saving those receipts in case they stay shitty)
Anywho, in two weeks I will either be filing for unemployment because the last five years of promises for a director level position were lies, or you’ll be looking at a Director of Quality Assurance.
But either way, my in person caseload will be greatly reduced, so I’ll have much more spoons to play around with at the Oak Roots Estate.
Lol, I wonder if the Cross Guild could use a DoQA along with their new CFO. 🤔🥰
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wigglebox · 1 year
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Dean doodles 082623
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