#now he calls her Ana and thinks of her as sister in arms
demacianhcart · 6 months
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If there is ever a day I can RP with a Jerik I will honestly just die.
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sainzfilm · 2 years
hiiii i would love to please request carlos introducing you to his friends/family.
pairing: carlos sainz x reader
a/n: im so SOOOOFT for these things :( and also thank you for requesting a drabble with carlos hehehe i just love him sm. i hope you like this anon! :)
Your relationship with Carlos was along the lines of private but not secret, which can probably attribute to why things have been going steady with him for the past six months.
Everything was great, he was truly the guy you’ve always yearned for. You knew it was coming sooner or later, but you weren’t ready when he proposed for you to meet his family and friends.
“Now, Mr. Sainz,” You teased as you set down your glass of wine, “What’s the special occasion as to why you wanted to cook for me?”
Carlos laughed and shook his head, “Nothing, mi amor. It’s just a regular day and I want to cook for my girl.”
“The c in Carlos stands for cheesy,” You rolled your eyes playfully as you twirled the pasta with your fork, “Thank you for dinner, baby.”
“Of course,” He smiled and reached out for your hand across the table, “I have one thing to ask though.”
“Hm, what is it, Carlos?”
“I think it’s time for you to meet my family and friends during my birthday dinner this weekend.”
If it wasn’t obvious enough to Carlos, you’ve been staring at yourself in the mirror for the past five minutes. Were you dressed up okay? Was it too much? What if they don’t like you?
“Amor, it’s ti- are you okay?” Carlos frowned as he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder, “You know you’ve been standing for a few minutes.”
“Do you think my outfit is okay?” You mumbled as you played with his fingers, “I feel like I’m underdressed.”
He sighed as he leaned up to kiss your cheek, “Underdressed? You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
“What if they don’t like me?”
“Ah, there it is,” Carlos smiled softly as he turned you around and held your face in his hands, “Y/N, I talk to my mother about you every time I get the chance to. My sisters? They’re glad I’ve finally found a partner like you. Don’t get me started with the guys, they tease me when I uncontrollably smile when you text me before and after races.”
You pouted and hugged him tightly, mumbling against his chest, “I hate you. Why are you so perfect and I’m me?”
“I could throw back the question to you,” Carlos chuckled as he kissed the top of your head, “C’mon now, they’re waiting downstairs.”
Taking a deep breath, you put on a smile and held Carlos’ hand as the two of you exited the room and made your way downstairs.
“There he is! My birthday boy,” Carlos’ mother exclaimed and walked over towards the two of you, engulfing him in a hug, “Feliz cumpleaños, mi hijo.” Happy birthday, my son.
“Gracias, mamá,” Carlos smiled and kissed his mother’s cheek, “Mamá, I want you to meet Y/N. Ella es el amor de mi vida.” Mama, I want you to meet Y/N. She’s the love of my life.
Before you could smile and respond, Carlos’ mother gave you a big hug and kiss on the cheek, “Oh, tan hermosa, Carlos! Nice to meet you, Y/N. Carlos has told me such wonderful things about you.”
“O-Oh, thank you, Mrs. Sainz!” You blushed as you smiled softly, “It’s really nice to finally meet you too.”
“Nonsense, mi hija,” She gently patted your shoulder and smiled, “You can call me mamá, too.”
“Mamá, donde estan Blanca y Ana?” Carlos asked his mother, looking around for his sisters, “Ellas estan atrasadas?” Mama, where is Blanca and Ana? Are they late?
Carlos’ mother snickered and nodded, “Sí, estarán aquí pronto. Blanca recogerá a Ana.” Yes, they’ll be here soon. Blanca will pick up Ana.
“Ay, ¿por qué son tan lentas?” Carlos laughed as he shook his head, “Mamá, voy a presentarla a los otros conductores, ¿de acuerdo? Estaremos de vuelta.” Ay, why are they so slow? Mama, I’ll just introduce her to the other drivers, okay? We’ll be back.
She nodded, giving Carlos a quick hug before she turned to you and smiled as she leaned in to whisper in your ear, “Thank you for taking care of my son’s heart.”
“He means the world to me,” You smiled, “Thank you for being so kind to me, mamá.”
Carlos put his arm around your waist as he led you to the patio, where the other drivers were, “See, amor? Nothing to be nervous about. Mamá adores you.”
“Is that the birthday boy coming?” Daniel exclaims, clapping his hands and cheering, “Finally letting us meet his girl.”
The drivers greeted Carlos one by one, smiling and hugging him quickly.
“Guys, this is Y/N,” Carlos smiled as he put his arm around your shoulder, kissing your temple, “She’s my girlfriend.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Charles grinned as he looked over at Carlos, “You know he always turns as red as a Ferrari when you text him.”
“Shut up, mate.”
Everyone was welcoming, either shaking your hand or bringing you in for a hug. It was nice meeting your Carlos’ friends– especially the ones he was with so often.
As everyone mingled and enjoyed the night, you stayed beside Carlos as he blew out the candles on his cake, wrapping you in a hug.
“So, what’d you wish for, birthday boy?” You smiled as you brushed his hair back, “Think it’ll be granted?”
Carlos looked at you lovingly as he nodded. Anyone in the room could tell that you were his wish, a different sparkle in his eyes since you came in his life, “It already was, mi amor.”
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
The Innocent's Folly pt. 3
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Description: Your pregnancy is announced and Aemond grows distant, while rumors swirl and reach your ear with the help of your good-brother Aegon.
Previous chapter, Next chapter
Alicent worries, she worries often, about many things, but on this day she in particular worries about Aemond. She knew it was a large sacrifice she asked him to make, to marry y/n in order to gain information on Rhaenyra, but now she worries it has gone too far.
Y/N, sweet y/n has come to her, smiling and radiant as she excitedly told Alicent that she was with child.
She wasn’t aware that Aemond had such feelings for the girl and when she asked him, he mentioned the conversation he had with his grandsire, which turned her stomach.
A child for power was a trade she herself had been forced to make, and it was not one she wished for her own children. But what could be done? Y/N was happy, Aemond seemed happy, and Alicent couldn’t deny that the thought of another grandchild made her heart sing.
She bites at that skin around her thumb as her mind lingers on that word seemed, what if her son was truly unhappy? No child should grow up with an absent father, and while she had faith in her son, she knew the tension unwanted children bred.
This was not the first time she wondered if perhaps this plan was too cruel, y/n genuinely loved Aemond and had been striving to do her very best to fit in to the family. When she tripped over her words, or the light dimmed in her eyes at a passing insult from Aegon or Otto, Alicent couldn’t help but see herself in the young girl.
She ripped her finger from her mouth, no, this was for Aegon, for her children, y/n would be well taken care of even if once Aegon was on the throne, Aemond decided he no longer wanted her.
You hummed in contentment as you walked through the gardens with Helaena, arm in arm as she told you, her experiences with pregnancy. She did her best to make it not seem terrifying, but you knew better, having assisted in the Princess Rhaenyra’s births, you felt a bit more prepared than then average noblewoman.
Helaena was called away, and you wandered back into the keep, your hand resting on your small bump, you couldn’t wait to be a mother, and have someone to pour all your love into.
 Since the announcement of your pregnancy, Aemond had withdrawn from you. Your good-mother assured you it was simply nerves, but you couldn’t help but think back to the hushed conversation you’d had with Ana, a kitchen maid, and one of your closest friend.
“I hate to tell you this y/n, I know how much you love him but…”
“But what? Ana, you are one of my closest companions, I trust you with my life, and that will never change.”
Ana fidgeted with the strings of her apron. “I’ve been hearin’ that the prince has taken to joining his brother down on Silk Street, they say he’s been asking for someone who looks like a certain woman, but it isn’t you.”
You had swallowed hard and thanked Ana, asking her to keep her ears open for you.
“Sweet good-sister, how lovely to see you.” Aegon said, suddenly appearing at your side, and linking arms with you.
“Aegon, hello, how are you this afternoon?” You asked politely, wary of his hands and where they might try to travel.
“Better now that I know my plans for this evening.” He drawled, giving you a smile that set your nerves on edge.
“Oh? Is there an event I have yet to hear about?”
“No, it is simply a brotherhood event, a celebration of manhood.”
“Ah, I see, well that sounds like it will be quite fun for you.” You looked down at your feet, worries beginning to dissipate.
“And Aemond.” He added.
“Aemond is going?” Your worries returned, and your hand fell to your stomach.
“Yes, but he will be safe, worry not.”
“I am sure he will be; I would not bet against the two of you in a fight.” You laughed but didn’t feel it.
“He is the better swordsman, for sure.”
“Yes, but it is you both as a team that makes me feel protected.” You looked up at him and found a flicker of sympathy in his eyes.
“Let me escort you back to your quarters y/n, you are with child, you should rest.”
Aegon continued to ask you questions about your wellbeing as he walked you back to you and Aemond’s shared quarters. As he opened the door for you, he scanned the room then lowered his voice. “Tonight, midnight, find the painting with the purple roses and follow the tunnel through there, you will be looking for the Gilded Lady, a pillowhouse on Silk Street. Let no one see you.”
You wanted to ask questions, but he shook his head.
“I take no pleasure in this, but I do believe you deserve the truth.”
Then he left, and you stood in the doorway, head spinning as you tried to digest the information he’d given you.
“Sweet y/n, are you waiting to welcome me home?” Aemond called, a slight smile on his face as he approached you.
You nodded, still half in your thoughts, only to be broken out of it by Aemond tilting your chin up and kissing you, his hand resting on your stomach.
“And how fares our son?”
You follow him into your quarters and sit at the table. “Well, the morning sickness has finally retreated.”
“That is good to hear, have you spoken with Helaena about her experiences with childbirth?”
“Yes, I did today, and I have assisted in births before I am not scared, not yet at least.”
He kneels before you and reached up, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. “My brave wife, I cannot wait to see our son.”
You leaned into his touch, confused but grateful for his sudden increase in affection. Perhaps now was the time to ask him to warm your bed once more. “I have received a new nightgown, and wish to wear it, do you have plans tonight?”
“We cannot try for another babe until this one has been born.” He laughed, releasing your face and moving over to the dresser.
“Well, that is not the only reason one might wish to sleep with their husband.” You said, cheeks burning. The way Aemond had acted the night your child was conceived had you believing he would jump at the chance to be intimate with you again.
“Unfortunately, I do have plans, I must take Vhagar and fly to Oldtown. Grandsire has taken to using me as his personal delivery boy.”
You stood; hands bunched in your skirts. “But Vhagar is massive it will take her no time to fly to Oldtown and back, could you not go in the morning?”
“Y/N, I must go, I cannot stay merely because you hunger for me.”
You moved to him and when he turned, you sunk to your knees, batting your eyelashes up at him, your hands on his thighs. “But do you not hunger for me as well, husband?”
He took your hands and pulled you to your feet. “Do not do that, you look like a whore.”
Your chest squeezed, and you bit the inside of your cheek to keep from crying. His words were like blows, and shame rushed to your cheeks. You hung your head. “Apologies, husband, I simply wished—”
He cut you off. “I must leave now, Vhagar has been temperamental all day.” Then he squeezed your hand and left the room.
You waited until he was gone to let the tears flow. You had never been so embarrassed or rejected so cruelly.
You wanted to fling yourself into your bed and cry under the covers, but you steeled yourself. Perhaps he was simply attempting to correct you on what a prince’s wife does and does not do. Or perhaps he didn’t enjoy that type of pleasure, he’d never asked it from you before.
You wiped away your tears and decided to return to sewing the blanket for your unborn child.
Tag list: @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010, @partypoison00, @serrhaewin, @issshhhaa, @pax-2735, @malfoytargaryen, @sahanna, @dellalyra, @mxrgodsstuff, @jkhomes, @unusual-raccoon
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lady-of-imladris · 11 months
Synopsis: Thranduil fights a dragon, Anarríma is... not happy about it. When he comes home, he is not the same anymore.
Word count: 4.6k
Pairings: Thranduil/OC
Warnings: smut, battles, death
Additional tags: SMUT, breeding kink, bondage
Link to the chapter overview
Read the end notes for a special announcement!!
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You drew up some good faith treaties I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone You said I have to trust more freely But diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire - The Great War (Taylor Swift)
The early years of their marriages were happy. Filled with joy and laughter and passion. The people loved their king and queen and Thranduil and Anarríma loved each other. There seemed to be no evil left in the world, only light and happiness. Anarríma often travelled to Lothloríen to visit her parents, and sometimes to Rivendell to see her sister Celebrían and her nephews Elladan and Elrohir.
But recent years were not so kind to them. Reports reached the king and queen, of a gigantic serpent that spewed fire, terrorizing people far up in the north. Thranduil sent out scouts and their worst fears were confirmed. The threat was real and something needed to be done. Queen Anarríma begged her husband to seek council with Elrond in Rivendell and Celeborn and Galadriel in Loríen, but he refused. He had sent word of the threat to Elrond, who had dismissed the reports as human superstition.
After a lengthy and heated discussion, Thranduil convinced his wife that their best course of action was for him to go north with a small party and investigate. Eliminate the threat if it was within his power. The silence between them was tense as Anarríma helped Thranduil put on his armour on the day of his departure. “I will not be gone long, meleth nin,” the king promised. She grunted in response. He had refused to let her come with him. He could not bear it when she was angry with him. “I do not accompany you either when you visit Lothloríen, so there is no reason for you to come with me now. Besides, someone needs to keep this kingdom running.”
She glared up at him. “I am visiting my mother. You are running off to hunt a dragon. That is hardly the same.” Thranduil bit back a remark he would surely have regretted, but Ana shot him a look that told him that she knew what he was about to say. “Thranduil I swear to Ilúvatar if you are comparing my mother to a dragon right now, I will make your life hell!” Thranduil started laughing. He couldn’t help himself. Anarríma’s fist connected with his arm. “Do you think this is funny!? You could die! I could lose you! The entire kingdom could lose you!”
Tears were streaming down her face when Thranduil had finally processed her words. “I will return to you. I swear it.” He wrapped his arms around his reluctant wife and pulled her against his chest. The cold metal of his chest plate did little to comfort her. Nevertheless, she leaned into his embrace. The king ran his hands through her hair and whispered sweet words into her ear as they stood there. A knock interrupted them. “Aran nin, we are ready for departure,” a guard called from outside. Ana pulled away from Thranduil. “Go and kill that dragon,” she grumbled, “and then come back to me.”
Thranduil moved to kiss her on the lips, but she stopped him. “No. You have to earn that privilege.” She turned his face slightly, kissing his left cheek instead before turning away from him. Anarríma could not watch him walk through that door. It did not matter if she looked or not. Thranduil was gone and she had to pick up the pieces. She allowed herself five more minutes before going to the bathroom, splashing her face with some cold water to conceal the fact that she had been crying. Anarríma put on her crown and an ornately embroidered robe and made her way to the throne room. The kingdom would persevere.
Thranduil and his group followed the forest river upwards, making their way towards the Ered Mithrim. They buried the charred remains of the villagers which confirmed that they were on the right track. The hunting party made their way west, crossing the rivers that would merge into the Anduin further south. The weather was good and they were certain that crossing over the Misty Mountains would not give them any trouble. Until they encountered that which they had been hunting for. The dragon.
The king had been a young prince during the War of Wrath and yet he had been there to witness Ancalagon the Black. He had seen Elrond’s father Ëarendil kill the beast. The dragon they were dealing with now was obviously much smaller. Still, Thranduil wished that Ëarendil were here now to take this task off his hands. He’d even be grateful for Elrond at that moment. But it was just him and his men. Too few he had brought on this quest. But they had no choice but to kill the beast. The dragon had seen them already.
He dispatched his fastest rider, and dearest friend, Feren to the nearest elven kingdom - Rivendell. “Tell Elrond we need reinforcements. As many soldiers as possible.” He took off fast, stealth was of no use anymore. Thranduil and the rest of his men got into position and drew their weapons. “Goheno nin, Ana. I have no choice,” he whispered under his breath. The king did that, which he had hoped never to do. He drew his swords and approached the dragon.
“What foolish creature dares to disturb me,” the dragon asked calmly, its voice not indicating any plan to attack. “The King of Lasgalen,” Thranduil answered, the voice he was using usually reserved for particularly annoying members of his council. “And what do you want?” The monster was playing with him. “I seek to end you,” he told the dragon truthfully. It threw its enormous head back, roaring with laughter. It was off-putting not only to Thranduil but also to his men. Their king was a fearsome warrior, did the dragon have no sense of self-preservation? Or were they all doomed?
It took the dragon a while to stop laughing. Thranduil just sighed and shrugged. “If you leave the shores of Middle-Earth and vow to never return, I will let you go free,” he offered, hoping the dragon would accept, but knowing that it was highly unlikely. The dragon chuckled dangerously. “Stop playing for time, princeling and attempt what you came to do. You will-” Thranduil did not wait for the dragon to finish his sentence. He gave the archers the command to fire. And a storm of arrows hailed down on the dragon. But none could penetrate its thick skin.
The next hours were spent running, dodging, shooting, slicing and stabbing. Thranduil’s best warriors died. One after the other he lost them all to the fire. The dragon taunted him, made fun of him, called him a fool and weak for daring to defy it. Thranduil did not care. He only had one thought left in his mind. Anarríma. He could not die. He had promised her he would come back. In a last, desperate attempt, Thranduil managed to distract the dragon by redirecting the sun with his swords, causing the glittering stones in the mountains surrounding them to sparkle so brightly the dragon could not look away. The king attacked the dragon from the side, thrusting his sword into its eye, but it was too late for him to move out of the way. The fire burned him.
The world was dark around Thranduil. Dark and hot. So hot it felt freezing cold. He heard someone call his name but whether or not it was real he could not tell. He was floating “Ana,” he whispered, “goheno nin.” And then he was gone.
Feren groaned loudly as he lifted Thranduil onto his horse. “Ana,” he heard the king whisper. Feren huffed a laugh. “If you survive this, my friend, she will kill you.” Elrond had foreseen it all. When Feren had arrived with the message from the king, he had told him that it was out of their power to do anything now and he had sent Feren back to save the injured Thranduil. “Stupid Elrond and his stupid visions,” Feren grumbled and mounted the horse.
The next time Thranduil awoke, everything was too bright. Everything hurt. And Elrond’s face seemed to be floating over him, appearing almost translucent. Then he passed out again. The following week passed in a similar manner. When the king was awake, there was only pain. And when he was asleep there was also pain. But she was there as well, dancing in a meadow in that damned purple dress he loved so much. In his dreams, she laughed and smiled. And she was pregnant. Thranduil smiled in his sleep, making Elrond smile as well as he tended to the king’s wounds. Let him be happy for a while. A bitter awakening waited for the Elvenking.
“Thank you, Galion,” Anarríma yawned as she accepted the letter without looking up from the papers she was looking over. Ruling a kingdom took a lot of work, and Thranduil had been gone for far too long. The queen was working from sunrise to sunset, and on this day, she had not even changed out of her nightgown yet. She sighed and leaned back in her chair, absentmindedly opening the letter from her sister. The soldiers that rushed in, reacting to their queen’s blood-curdling scream only saw a piece of paper, slowly slipping out of Queen Anarríma’s shaking hands. “My Queen?” one of them approached her carefully, “Your majesty, are you hurt?” Ana did not react. Galion, who had come running just after the guards had entered, commanded everyone to leave the room. He knelt down beside his queen. Galion picked up the letter and read it hastily.
“My dearest sister, It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of the incident in the Hithaeglir. The Lord Elrond has foreseen it, too late for us to interfere, and the dragon was too great a threat for such a small force to handle. His Majesty the King has been gravely wounded and he will have to remain in our care for the time being. He has not yet awoken but rest assured, he will recover. As for your soldiers, you have my heartfelt condolences. Lord Feren, beside your husband, is the only survivor of the group. You may wish to come at once, but I beg you, please reconsider. Your most important duty and privilege is, and will always be, to serve your kingdom. I wish you courage and strength in these dark times. Celebrían, Lady of Imladris”
The king was wounded, healing in Rivendell, and Anarríma was here. Galion put the letter back on the desk and decided to forgo all decorum, taking the queen’s hands in his. “Your majesty,” he tried carefully, but her gaze remained fixed on the loose thread on the curtains she had been wanting to cut off for the longest time. The queen shrugged off the butler’s hands and rose from her chair, walking slowly towards the window. She reached out, forcing her hands to stop shaking, and carefully ripped the stray thread away, inspecting it briefly before letting it fall to the ground. “I need the addresses of the families of my husband’s guards,” she commanded Galion without turning around, “and let my maids know that I will need help getting dressed.”
Anarríma thought that it would get easier, but it did not. With every house she visited, it just became harder and harder to tell them that their beloved father, brother, or husband had been slain. Every single stop on her tour was the same. The people were happy, albeit a bit confused, as the queen came to visit them. She told them that their loved one had passed into the Halls of Mandos. They cried. They screamed. They begged for it not to be true. And Ana had to fight against the tears every single time. “I am so sorry,” she told them every time, as if it had been her fault, because to her, it felt like it was. She had sworn to protect those people, and she had failed.
Feren’s mother was the last on her list. Galion had suggested the queen should also bring the good news in person, not only the bad ones. She knocked on the door hesitantly. The Lady Alweth had been like a mother to Thranduil. After his own mother had not been able to care for her son, Feren’s mother had taken over, and she would have loved the king like her own son, had King Oropher not forbidden her from seeing him again after the young prince Thranduil had called her Naneth once. Thranduil had never told Anarríma what had happened to his mother and she did not dare to ask him.
The door opened and Alweth emerged, hair tied back, wearing a flour-covered apron. She smiled widely and bowed her head when she saw the queen. “My queen,” she greeted, “please, come in.” Anarríma walked through the door, holding up her hand, indicating for the guards not to follow. “Sit and say your bit,” Feren’s mother commanded and pushed the queen into a comfortable chair by the fire. “Feren is fine,” Anarríma said and she could see Alweth relax instantly. “And Thranduil?” she asked concerned. Ana sighed and let her head fall back. “He lives.” “And the others?”
Anarríma shook her head and let the tears fall freely. “Gone. All of them gone. How can I expect the people to trust me as their queen if I fail to protect them? I cannot do this anymore Alweth.” Alweth dropped a slice of freshly baked cake in front of the queen. “May I speak freely, your majesty?” Ana looked up at her and nodded. Alweth had visited them often after Oropher’s death and she had become very fond of the “little Lady of Loríen”, as she had called her. Alweth sighed deeply and plopped down on a chair next to the queen inelegantly.
“He left you weeks ago, dear. Has anything burned down? No. The kingdom is safe, and if I had to guess, I would say that you are weeks ahead on Thranduil’s paperwork.” “Spit it out Alweth, you did not ask permission to speak freely for nothing,” Ana mumbled. “To be honest, you look awful. The kingdom is fine, but are you? When have you last eaten, or taken a bath, or even slept?” The queen seemed to shrink back in her chair with every accusation. “And what would the king think of such negligence?”
When Anarríma had returned to the palace, Galion noticed that she was looking better. In truth, he had scheduled the visit with Alweth not only so that Anarríma could deliver the news, but he knew that Alweth would insist to take care of the queen. She even managed to smile at him as he arrived to pick up the letters she had written. Two of them. To the Lord and Lady of Imladris, and to Thranduil. The queen seemed to be in somewhat of a better mood, but the content of the letter to Elrond and Celebrían was brutal. Had Elrond not shrugged off the warning from Thranduil as he did, this whole situation could have been avoided.
“My dearest Lady Celebrían and Lord Elrond, I thank you for handling the situation as well as can be expected. If only my husband had notified you of his plans earlier, then you could have sent reinforcements and the whole situation could have been avoided. Please arrange for the bodies of our soldiers to be returned to us at your earliest convenience, their families deserve to bury them in their homes. Queen Anarríma of Lasgalen, Lady of the Woodland Realm”
“Thranduil, Your kingdom is still standing, take your time. You idiot. Ana”
Thranduil chuckled when he read the letter, the entire left side of his face stinging so badly that he groaned loudly. Elrond had healed him to the best of his abilities, but the scars would remain forever and he would never regain vision in his left eye. When the king had first seen his reflection, he had smashed the mirror against the wall and refused to eat, drink, sleep and speak. He was angry. Mostly at himself, but also at the whole world. How could he return home like this? How could any child that he might have with his beautiful wife ever look at him and not be afraid of its own father? He was a monster.
Mithrandir had come up with the solution. Elrond had sent for him, hoping that Thranduil could be healed, but there was no healing for the wounds the dragonfire had caused. Mithrandir had taught Thranduil a simple spell that concealed his injuries. It was hard for the king at first, and holding it up caused his head to hurt. He often lost control over it in the beginning, scaring his young nephews one evening, as he read them a bedtime story. The pain would remain, Elrond had told him. It would improve over time, but he would never fully recover. Within weeks, Thranduil had mastered the spell, easily upholding it without having to pay any attention at all. Yet he hesitated to return home.
His best warriors had died. He blamed himself. Anarríma was alone. He had almost made her a widow. What would have become of their realm? Who would have attempted to take the crown from her, with no heir to the throne? The letters kept coming. His wife had been patient until Elrond had told her the truth. Thranduil was fine. Perfectly healthy. Anarríma’s next letter was less friendly. Thranduil would have to return home. He did not wish to face the consequences of his actions and the wrath of his wife. Just the former was bad enough.
Their reunion in public seemed very affectionate. But Ana knew that Thranduil was hiding something. He refused to go to bed with her, telling her he needed to work and not exiting his office for three days. On the third day, Anarríma threatened Feren until he finally told her the truth. Thranduil was still wounded and would never fully heal. She barged into Thranduil’s office that evening. “My darling, what can I do for you?” He smiled at her. She squinted. His smile looked different. “My love, it has been days since your return.” Thranduil turned his attention back to the papers on his desk.
“You refuse to join me in bed. I have been waiting for you,” Ana said seductively, hoping he would take the hint. “My apologies, I have been quite busy.” She huffed a laugh and threw her arms up in defeat. It was hopeless. The queen walked around the king’s desk, took the papers out of his hands and sat on his lap. “My love, I-” “Shut up,” she interrupted him, reaching between them and opening Thranduil’s pants. “Ana,” he warned her. His cock was hard and he groaned as she ran her hand up and down his shaft. Thranduil grabbed her wrists and rose from his chair, pinning her against his desk. Anarríma saw something flicker across his face, apart from the burning rage and desire.
“You can stop pretending now, I know the truth,” she hissed at him. His hold on her wrists was uncomfortably tight. He released her and took a step back, turning around. “And what is the truth, wife?” Wife. He had never said it like that before. “You are hurt. You will never fully recover.” Thranduil stormed out of his office and started pacing up and down in their bedroom instead. “Sit,” he ordered. Anarríma sat down on the bed and he came to a halt in front of her. “Don’t scream.” Thranduil’s face twitched in pain as he partially let the spell fade away.
“Oh Eru,” Ana gasped in shock as she looked upon her husband’s face, the skin slowly disappearing, revealing the deep wounds in his left cheek. Neither of them knew what to say. Anarríma was crying quietly as she inspected the damage. “You must be in so much pain,” she whispered with a shaky voice. She took his hand into his and slowly pulled him onto the bed next to her. “I want us to change sides on the bed,” the king confessed. “Of course, my love. I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.” He shook his head and sighed deeply before removing the rest of the spell, revealing his eye. “I told you once that I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up, and the last before I go to sleep. I will never regain vision in my left eye, so I need you to be on my right side. Always.”
Thranduil carefully laid down, his head on his wife’s lap. “You killed a dragon,” the queen said quietly and began to run her fingers through Thranduil’s hair. She was afraid to touch him, he knew it. “But at what cost, meleth nin?” The tears that ran down Thranduil’s face hurt him, even with the added layer of protection the spell provided. Elrond had told him that he should try not to cry, but how could he? His men were dead and he was not, and he was glad. “I had a thought,” he tried to broach the subject as gently as possible. His wife nodded at him, telling him to go on. “If I had died, what would have happened to you? To our kingdom? I’m certain our people have accepted you as a ruler but we have no heir. Who would carry on our legacy after you? You could not have remarried after my death.”
He looked up at his wife as she processed his words. He pressed a soft kiss against her stomach over the thin fabric of her nightgown before sitting up. “We will not leave this room until you are pregnant,” he ordered. Anarríma swallowed. “Yes, my king,” she answered him shakily. “That’s my good girl. Now spread your legs, I want to taste you.” She gasped, thinking about all the times she had wrapped her legs around his head. “But what if I hurt you?” When she looked into Thranduil’s eyes, Anarríma fought the urge to back away from him. She had never seen him so full of desire before. “I must simply tie you up so you can’t move,” he stated plainly as if it were the only logical choice.
Anarríma gasped when she felt the silk restraints being pulled tightly around her wrists, thighs and ankles. She could not move in the slightest, however hard she tried. He had pushed her nightgown up to her waist, happily noting that his queen was not wearing any underwear. “You remember our safeword, my love?” Thranduil asked before settling down between Ana’s thighs. She nodded. “Yes.” The king wasted no more time. The queen moaned loudly as she felt his mouth close around her clit and suck it harshly. She had been untouched for months at this point.
Thranduil began thrusting his fingers into his wife hard and fast as he pleasured her with his mouth. When her moans and whimpers became louder and more frequent, and her breathing quickened, he stopped. He chuckled at her sounds of protest and rose from the bed, taking his time to undress, before returning to the bed, slowly stroking his cock. The king removed the restraints and almost ripped his wife’s nightgown as he took it off of her. He pulled her against his naked body in a tight embrace, pushing his hand between them and resting it on her belly. “You will look so good when you are round with our child,” he whispered in her ear, “now get on all fours and spread your legs so I can take you.”
Anarríma obeyed. She desired nothing more than to be fucked by the king until his seed was dripping down her thighs. He took his time, approaching her slowly. The queen inhaled sharply when she felt his hard cock against her entrance. “Please,” she begged him. “Please, what?” The queen took a deep breath in. “Please fuck me, my king. I want you to fill me with your seed.” Thranduil laughed. It sounded cruel. “Your wish is my command, my queen.” Thranduil groaned loudly as he thrust his cock into her wet cunt. He had missed her so much. His pace was brutal and the prospect of impregnating his wife spurred the king on even more.
She gasped as she felt one of his hands against her chest, pulling her up against him, as the other hand found her clit. It did not take long for Anarríma to reach her climax and as she gasped and moaned loudly, legs shaking, unable to control her body, she felt Thranduil’s cock go soft inside her. He held her still for a while, both of them breathing rapidly, as he kissed her shoulders. Ana tried to free herself from his grasp, assuming that it was done, but Thranduil’s arms held her back. “Once more, just to make sure,” he whispered into her ear.
Once more turned into approximately ten more times. Anarríma was sure she would be sore for days after Thranduil had fucked her so thoroughly. He had taken her in every position imaginable, moaning the filthiest words into her ear as he forced orgasm after orgasm out of her, filling her with his seed again and again and again, before they finally collapsed on the mattress. The spell was gone and Thranduil’s scars were clearly visible to her. The queen did not mind. He was still hers. She could feel it inside her body already. Elves knew almost immediately when they were pregnant. Anarríma smiled at Thranduil joyfully. She took his hand and put it over her stomach. “We did it.”
Thranduil smiled as he kissed his wife’s forehead. “You earned it now,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss him on the lips more lovingly than she had ever done before. “By the way, what did Elrond do to that dragon carcass?” she asked casually, as if they had not just spent more hours fucking than most elves did in an entire decade. Thranduil shrugged. “I suppose he burnt it. But Feren saved some of the scales from its stomach. They shine as bright as the stars. I am currently having them made into a crown.” She smiled as she curled up against his side. “All hail our dragon-slaying king,” the queen proclaimed. Thranduil gently cupped her cheek and tilted her head up. “It is for you, my queen.”
Anarríma smiled hesitantly and kissed Thranduil’s neck, before laying her head on his chest. She could not hear his heartbeat from this side. But she did not mind, at least he had returned to her alive. With a crown of dragon scales for her to wear. Thranduil had Galion give him a report of what had happened during his absence. Anarríma was the queen he needed. She was his bravest warrior. He drifted off to sleep, exhausted but happy, as Ana remained awake. The treasure of a dragon was cursed. Was it wise to wear its scales atop her head? A fluttering feeling in her stomach reminded her again that she was pregnant. As if the child had wanted to snap her out of those negative thoughts.
She knew that this child would be her sunshine, that one little green leaf that remained, even when all the other leaves turned brown. “Legolas,” she whispered, as she put one of her hands over her stomach, on top of Thranduil’s. This child would be her ray of light. And times were about to get dark for Lasgalen.
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Announcement: I have hidden a reference to a popular LotR meme in this chapter. The first person to find it gets to request a oneshot! <3 (channeling my inner @somebirdortheother today because those bounty hunts are fun!)
Everything Taglist: @fenharel-enaste @nevermcre TGW Taglist: @queenmeriadoc @spnbandwagon1019 @somebirdortheother @some--morphine @hc-geralt-23 @legendary-maddie @vellichormybeloved @bookflowersnerd This Chapter Taglist: @wareagleofthemountain
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wildissylupus · 8 months
Pharah being a werewolf is so interesting especially when paired with the alchemist and the gunslinger. How does Cassidy react to being bitten by his sister? Does he know it was her? How *did* Fareeha become a werewolf? What was Ana’s reaction? Does she know too? What did Fareeha do afterwards? There are so many fun (aka tragic) interactions to be had holy cow-
However (and I’m under the assumption Pharah can still fly in this universe), I can’t get the image of Cassie getting his arm bitten off by a flying werewolf out of my head. It’s so funny I’m sorry.
In terms of the canon of Halloween Terrors I don't think Pharah would be the one to bite Cassidy's arm off since he says it was "claimed by a darker power", and I doubt Cassidy would ever call Pharah that. However, I'd still like present;
Will-o-the-Wisp: How did you loose your arm?
Gunslinger: It was claimed by a darker power...
But honestly I'm my own mind I see Pharah being bit at a very young age, because we can assume that Ana is still presumed dead but I think it would have happened earlier in life. Specifically because The Gunslinger and The Soldier mention a war happening. Meaning it's possible that something happened that made people the that The Alchemist was dead.
So by that you could get multiple stories from this.
It could be a situation where Cassidy was taken in by Ana at a younger age and after Ana "died" Cassidy took up monster hunting to bring in money. Maybe Pharah followed him onto on of his hunts and that's when she got bit. Meaning Ana wouldn't be aware but Cassidy would.
There is also the storyline where a reason why Ana got into alchemy was to try and hopefully find a cure to Fareeha's curse. Meaning both Cassidy and Ana would know about it and could also be a reason as to why Cassidy, as the Gunslinger, doesn't trust alchemy.
On the side of neither of them knowing I could definitely see it being a dramatic moment where Cassidy has been bit and in that moment he realizes in horror that the werewolf he's fighting is Pharah.
And on the topic of Pharah still being able to fly in this universe I now see this version of Pharah as an Artificer who made either the entire armor or just a jetpack by herself.
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louis-ii-reyes-strand · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
ahhh wednesday has come around so quickly. thank you @welcometololaland (no actual reyes siblings in this snippet, but it is from that fic (ofc)) @thisbuildinghasfeelings @birdclowns @lemonlyman-dotcom @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand for the tags.
You all smashed it today. I had so much fun losing my mind at your snippets 🫶🏻🖤
From Tangled Roots, we're going to early September, Carlos' 14 or 15th birthday (if LS can have a janky timeline I can too (I do plan to fix it when I can figure it out))
Carlos dropped his school bag by the door and kicked his shoes off messily.  He took two steps before he turned back to place his shoes on the rack, a finger space between them and the pair next to them, and picked his bag up from the floor to sling one strap over his shoulder. The weight of the day would be nothing compared to the nagging thought of his things outside of their assigned space. “Mami, I’m home,” he called as he began to ascend the stairs. He could hear the sound of the radio playing in the kitchen, only just audible through the sound of her favourite wooden spoon clinking against a pan.  He didn’t stop to let her fuss over him as she had the first few weeks of this school year– she worried about him taking the bus without one of his sisters to keep an eye on him, even though his summer growth spurt meant he was now a head taller than most of the kids he rode with. All he wanted to do was lie down and not think about his day before starting his homework for the evening so he could get most of it out of the way before dinner. His dad was supposed to be home. He should’ve known his mom wasn’t going to let that happen.  She knocked on his door, not waiting for him to answer before pushing it open. Carlos didn’t roll his eyes; Ana and Luisa had never been able to stop her just walking in, the knocking was, at least, an improvement. “Happy birthday, mijo,” She cooed.  Carlos grunted. As soon as he got into his room, he had hung his backpack on the back of his desk chair, then flopped down onto his bed and tossed an arm across his eyes and hadn’t moved in the fifteen minutes it took her to make her way upstairs, so he didn’t see his mom frown at the lack of response.
tagging @lightningboltreader @mikibwrites but no pressure to share if you don't want to 🖤
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wildlife4life · 1 year
6x17 Coda
Alright so I whipped this up super quick! Its a little angsty and the ending is... up for interpretation. Just like last nights episode ending. Enjoy!
“I think I met someone. Or actually re-met.” Eddie says taking a stool at Buck’s Island. 
Buck glances over his shoulder at his best friend, taking note of his slightly pink cheeks and soft smile. He looks smitten really.
“Oh?” Buck inquires, putting away the last of the clean dishes.  Kameron apparently needed a different dish for each snack and meal she craved, making his dishwasher do double time.
“Remember the siblings we helped after destroying their ceiling?  The sister, Marisol?” Eddie asks.
Buck nods because it was his idea in the first place to go back and help fix the damage.  “Short, curly dark hair, Latina?” Just Eddie’s type apparently. Or really his family’s type. It was sounding like a very familiar situation.
Eddie nods, “Yea I ran into her at the hardware store, and she helped me find the perfect glue for Christopher’s project.  Said it worked likes magic… and it did.”
Magic. Exactly what Eddie was looking for.
Buck’s heart clenched his chest and it somehow seemed so much tighter than it did when Natalia walked out his door. Clearing his throat, Buck turned to face Eddie, “Did you-um get her number or something?”
Eddie gives an awkward chuckle, and rubs the back of his neck, “Ah no. I needed to get back to Christopher, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find her again. You know?”
Buck gave him a noncommittal hum because it reminded him of when Abby tracked him down via dispatch.  “And how do you plan on doing that legally? Go back to that hardware store every day until she shows up? Go to her brother’s house? Or just wait for fate to intervene again to give you that magical moment.” Frustration bled into his inquiry.
Eddie immediately caught and his eyes narrowed, “I haven’t thought that far yet. It was just a few days ago. Why are you getting upset about this? I thought you were on board with me dating, however awful I am at it.”
Buck blows out a harsh breath, “Didn’t you just tell me the other day that dating people we meet on calls never ends well? And here you are doing just that.”
“And you ignored me. You’ve been on what, 4 dates with Natalia now?”
“That’s over.” Buck spits out and crosses his arms over his chest, hoping it would help hold all this emotional mess churning within him.
Immediately Eddie’s beginning anger wipes away, replaced with concern, “I’m sorry Buck.  I know how much you liked her.”
Buck just shrugs, “Just proves that you were right. So fair warning and all that with Marisol.”
Eddie sighs, “It’s not the same.”
Buck quirks his head to side, “How so? Because from what I’m hearing you met this girl on a call and then run into her later.  A girl who gave you the magic solution and helped you with Christopher. A pretty Latina that is exactly who you’re looking for without really looking. Sounds awfully familiar.”
His best friend flinches back, most likely remembering the whole Ana ordeal.  An ordeal that is repeating itself before Buck’s very eyes.  Buck doesn’t like that he’s putting Eddie though all that again but at the same time he couldn’t watch it happen again. See him struggle being in a relationship that makes everyone but himself happy.
Maybe Marisol is different. Maybe she and Eddie have chemistry, magic or however else he wants to explain it. Maybe she’s, his future.  But from where Buck is standing, it’s just the past repeating itself and hypercritical advice circling around them.
(And maybe, just maybe Buck wants Eddie to see that everything he thinks he’s seeing with Marisol, he already has with Buck.)
“Chemistry, magic, fate, the universe, it’s all just one factor in a relationship. Don’t be like me and rely on it to be the only thing.” Buck warns.
And Eddie sits back eyes wide as if he was seeing Buck in an entirely new light.
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monoafterhours · 1 month
Oc lore
Mono Crowley was born to Dire and Briar Crowley on the 19th of November, ????. He lived fairly normally with his parents and his siblings named Anastasia "Ana" Crowley and Oliver "Olive" Crowley up until the age of seven.
On Mono's seventh birthday he'd gone out for the day, eventually he got tired so Briar took him home. Dire had taken Anastasia and Oliver out for a few days beforehand and would be returning a few days later than them.
Once Mono and Briar had reached the family home Briar set Mono down so he could rest and ended up drifting off. He awoke to the noise of cracking and clearly confused began to walk upstairs to the sound.
Using his little hands to pull at the door, Mono walked in and saw his mother being brutally devoured by something, he saw everything but didn't stay long enough to see what had eaten her. Mono ran back downstairs in a panic and in tears into the arms of his brother and sister, who'd just returned from their trip.
Despite being older than Mono, Anastasia and Oliver had no idea how to feed themselves or their little brother. So Oliver went out to find food after a few days while Anastasia stayed back to take care of Mono, who kept whining about how hungry he was, he was hungry and she was tired, so she made the decision to kill herself and allow her brother to consume her so he could survive, and that's what he did.
Shortly after Mono passed out from crying so hard, waking up in the arms of someone he'd never met before, but this person would quickly become very significant for him. Upon closer inspection Mono realised that the person holding him had long dark hair with red streaks, he thought it was cool but didn't think about it besides that.
He'd quickly learnt of this person's social status, and that they were a Fae. But he only referred to them by their title, it scared him to even think of calling the other anything other than that. Mono had lived for many, many years in an active warzone, and was only allowed to wander around with supervision so someone could scoop him up and return him to safety in the event of an attack.
Despite this Mono only ever had contact with the General, never having contact with anyone else by his own choice, other than prisoners that'd been captured which he'd dispose of after telling the General about his newfound cannibalistic tendencies.
Before The General was to find a human boy, Mono was relocated, for some had found his father's location. He entered Night Raven College and did exceptionally well in each year, but now he's starting to burn out, with his father's work being piled on him instead. Due to how busy Mono is, he is rarely seen around the school. Prompting students to question if he is even real. He has become somewhat of a legend around the college for this reason.
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bookloover35 · 10 months
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Anakin Skywalker X Fem Reader - Flower Crown.
Anakin pov:
Daddy, daddy can you make me a flower crown.I heard my daughter calling for me.
Anakin: Of course I can do that princess.
Go pick some flowers and I'll fix you a crown.
She ran away and started looking for some flowers.Yn asked me today and I could take care of our daughter Sky today, because she had a lot of meetings today.And today Sky chose to be out chasing butterflies and making flower crowns and whatever my little princess wants to do, she can do.How lucky I know how to make flower crowns thanks mom.
Sky is so similar to Yn, she inherited her smile and her curiosity.But she is very similar to me, she has inherited my hair color and my eyes.When I found out YN was pregnant with Sky I was saved from the dark side, the two of them save me.
Sky: Dad, look at all the beautiful flowers I've found.
Anakin: They are super beautiful princess, ok let's start.
Anakin: And done, a crown fit for a princess.
Sky: Thanks dad, I love it, dad can we make one for mom too?
Anakin: Of course princess we can do it.
Okay, then we were done with Yn's flower crown for Yn.And Sky thought it would be a fun idea to surprise Yn with a little picnic.So now we are standing behind a tree and waited for Yn to come here.Sky started to get very restless and started tugging at my pants.
Sky: Dad, when is mom coming.
Before I could answer her, I was interrupted by Yn calling after us.
Yn: Sky, Ani, where are you?
I looked down at our bubbly daughter, who looked like she might explode with eager heat at any moment.We started to count down from three to one and then we jumped forward and screamed.
Sky and Anakin:Surprise.
Yn jumped for joy and began to laugh, and as soon as Sky saw her mother, she began to run to her for the joy of life. And when she was there, she threw herself into her mother's arms.
Sky: I've missed you mom.
Yn: I have missed you too. My little Flower.
Sky: Mom, look what we made for you.
She took her mother's hand and led her to the gift and both laughed.
Ohhhh, This is probably one of the nicest things anyone has done for me.
I really needed this, all day I just sat in long and extremely boring meetings.But I have very happy news, I had a doctor's appointment today and I am pregnant and it really feels like this is the perfect time to tell you about it.I'm so happy, I hope they're as happy as I am, and I really hope Sky likes the news that she's going to be a big sister to either a little sister or little brother.
YN: Oh how nice, thank you so much my angels.
I gave my daughter a kiss on the forehead and then I gave Anakin a kiss on his lips.And then he gave Sky a flower crown that was my size and I bent down so she could put it on my head.What beautiful crown of flowers wonder if Sky has made them?
YN: What beautiful flower crowns Sky have you made them?
Sky: No, dad made them.
She said giggling.I turned to my husband in shock.
YN:I didn't know you could make flower crowns.
Anakin: There are many things you don't know about me.
He told me and put his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.We watched Sky as she began to chase a butterfly, then Anakin and I sat on the blanket and I sat between his legs and leaned against him.It's moments like these that I enjoy the most.
YN: Thank you so much Anakin, I really needed this.
Anakin: It was actually Sky's idea and you really deserve it all.
You and Sky have made me so very happy, you two saved me.I don't think my life can get any better.
Okay now it's happening now I'll tell him.Please hope he is happy with the news.
YN: Ani, I have to tell you something.
I was at the doctor and I have good news, Ani you are going to be a father again.
Anakin: Do you really mean it?
I nodded and before I could say anything he started to attack me with a lot of kisses around my face.And after a good while he put both his hands on my cheeks and looked at me with a huge smile and said with joy tears in his eyes.
Anakin: 'm going to be a father again, I'm going to be a father.
I haven't been this happy since the day I met you and the day you told me you were pregnant with Sky.Speaking of Sky.princess came here.
Sky: Coming, what is it?
Anakin: Princess, your mother has some good news to tell you.
Ok hope she takes the news of the new baby as well as her father,
YN: You, my little flower, are going to be a big sister.
Sky: Am I really going to be a big sister?
I nodded at her and she started squealing with joy and started jumping up and down and started shouting that she was going to be a big sister.Anakin and I both laughed at our daughter's joy and I just felt so happy that she is happy.She will be a wonderful big sister.
The End.
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if you’re still taking requests, could you do a will and tessa fic as a married couple before they had kids. i feel like it would be really cute and wholesome
Hello!! Yes, I completely agree that Will and Tessa are naturally wholesome!
Now before you read this fic, I'd like start this off with a new segment I like to call "Stupid things Ana does to get info for fics!": Because I've never had a boyfriend, I didn't know what it feels like to have someone's head on resting on your belly (yk, bc that's something romantic that couples do...I think) and I wanted to make sure it wasn't uncomfy bc accuracy. Since google didn't answer the question, I had to ask my little sister (mind you, it's like 1 am) to lay down on my belly, so that I knew how it felt like. SO there's that. Anyway, thanks for being patient, I really hope you enjoy the fic!!
I Want Your Midnights
~~~Will and Tessa ~~~~
It was a cold December evening, with snowflakes dancing along the windowpanes and the wind howling. No Londoner that was fortunate enough to own a house and not have any pending obligations would, in their right minds, spend the night anywhere else that wasn’t in their homes. 
Tessa and Will were no exceptions to this rule, of course. Both were more than content to spend the night together in the warmth and comfort of their own room, as they did many nights, thanking the angel that they didn’t have to patrol tonight. 
Will’s head had taken residence on Tessa’s lower abdomen, which was a better pillow than any he’d ever rested on.
They had only been married for a little over two years now, though they had been the best two years they could have asked for. 
Tessa, propped up against pillows, ran her fingers through Will’s hair unruly curls, savoring their incredible delicacy, while holding her book in the other. She’d mastered the art of flipping the pages with one hand, something that marvels Will to this day.
“I don’t understand how you do it.” Will said, shaking his head as he heard her turn the page of her book effortlessly.
“It’s because I’m not an amateur reader.” Tessa said, not missing a beat. 
Will turned his head to look at her. She was trying to hide her smile behind her book, but Will knew her too well for it to work.
“What did you say?” He asked.
Tessa raised her eyebrows, bringing the book even higher up her face. “You heard me, Will Herondale: you are an amateur reader.”
Will sat up pretending to look angry.
“You dare insult me, woman?” 
“As a matter of fact, I do. I’m not afraid of you.”
Will smirked, “is that so?”
Tessa nodded with a smirk of her own.
Will looked at her for a moment, before grabbing her ankles, pulling her close to him. Tessa giggled uncontrollably. 
“You’re still not frightening to me,” Tessa said, wrapping her legs around his waist. She put on a disinterested face and examined her nails. “I don’t know if you are aware of this, but I have defeated my fair share of ghastly demons. And also the famous Mortmain so…”
Will shook his head as he leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek. “I see you’ve become cocky, Tess. All that time you spend teasing me about not being humble and here you are, doing exactly what you told me not to. One might call you a hypocrite.”
“Though that may be true, I can get away with being cocky.” Tessa gave him a pointed look, as if to suggest he couldn’t.
Will gasped. “How dreadful, to be insulted by my own darling wife.”
“I should hope your pride is not so easily wounded by such comments.” Tessa said, looking up at him.
Will was mesmerized by her wide gray eyes, her warm smile, her thick dark hair. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her.
She sighed as he kissed her softly, provoking yet another grin from Will
“At least you can’t say that I’m an amateur kisser.” He said, pulling away.
“No, I cannot.” She said lifting her head so that their lips met again.
They kissed some more, letting time go by before Will pulled away. He took out his pocket watch, and Tessa looked at him quizzingly. 
“Do you have somewhere you need to be, Mr. Herondale?” She asked, nuzzling his neck.
“We both do actually,” he said, lifting her off the bed.
Tessa scrunched her eyebrows as he took her hand. 
Will sighed at her expression. “Must you always be so questioning?”
Tessa rolled her eyes. “Alright, I’ll humor you, though just for tonight.”
Will grinned like a boy and tugged her towards the door.
They giggled like children as they ran through the empty halls. Will and Tessa were completely alone (Gabriel and Cecily having gone to Idris and Briget visiting family in Ireland) and yet, despite this, they still hushed each other jokingly, as if they didn’t want anyone in the world to know what they were up to. Will rounded a corner, Tessa following, only to see that the hall was entirely empty.
“Will?” She said, her smile slowly disappearing.
Suddenly, hands grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into the shadows. Tessa shrieked, discovering a second later that it was her husband’s arms that had reached out at her, and that said husband was now laughing hysterically.
Tessa swatted at his arm, “Nicely done, William. You’ve brutally murdered the ambiance. We were having a nice moment.”
Will was gasping for air. “You–your scream could probably be heard from a mile away.” 
Tessa pressed her lips together to keep from smiling, and crossed her arms. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
Will dug his face in her neck, laughing through his nose. It tickled Tessa’s neck, sending a rush of shivers down her back. She smiled and nudged his head with her shoulder in a half attempt to push him off. 
“I love you, Tess.”
Tessa smiled despite herself and brushed his messy, raven hair. She could feel his eyebrows furrow against her neck. He lifted his head and looked at her.
“Do you not love me back?” He said, sticking up his bottom lip, pretending to pout.
“After that trick you played on me, I require a period of reflection before answering your question.”
Will’s pout deepened. “But, what will I do without the love of my darling Tess? The most precious diamond amongst all the others? Without her love, I shall fall into the deepest depths of despair.”
Tessa shrugged. “You should have thought twice before scaring me, I suppose.”
“Oh Tess, however can I make it up to you? I cannot live without your tender heart!”
Tessa rolled her eyes. “Well you must,” She said, detangling herself from his arms and walking away. “For I’m not quick to forgive.” 
She bit her lip to keep from smiling as she continued to walk. She could hear Will’s footsteps as he followed her. She forced herself not to look at him, as a single glance at him might cause her entire act to crumble. 
Will quickened his pace, to which Tessa responded by doing the same. Soon they were both running again, though this time it was a game of chase, of some sorts. 
Finally, Tessa was in the midst of rounding a corner before Will grabbed a hold of her waist and turned her towards the balcony. 
Tessa stared. “What am I supposed to be looking at, William?” She asked, dryly. 
She could practically hear Will rolling his eyes. “If you could hold your judgment for a mere two seconds, you might find out, Theresa.”
Tessa began to speak, before she was cut off by the Clock Tower chiming midnight. Then, she heard a gasp. Well, her own gasp, to be exact. 
There had been flower buds, apparently, and they had all begun to bloom simultaneously, a soft glow emanating from them as they opened. 
Will chuckled and kissed her neck. “They blossom at midnight.”
“Are they a type of nightshade, then?”
“That sounds like a question for Henry, the scientist, not Will, the romancer.”
“It’s just so beautiful.” 
“I know I am.” 
Tessa shook her head. “Must you always be like this?”
“You love it.”
Tessa only smiled. She’d never admit it, but she really did.
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @ninacarstairss  @stxr-thxif   @icouldnotask @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca @heronstairs2014 @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @readersconfessions812 @nightshade3465 @livvyheronstairs @zemiraa @proudtobealuthor @neurogliadudette @theenchanteddreamer @cheeseandmacarons @shadowhunting-hoolingans @writeordie-4 @amchara @myangelbach @livingformyself @dancing-under-the-moon @julescarstairs @wouldyouknowmeblind @grace-lightwoodd @livingformyself @ilikebooksandtvshows
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Little bug
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Note: I may or may not have taken inspiration from my friend's daughter who we all call her little bug since she was in diapers, even though she is starting first grade in September. All her dialogue lines are mostly what she tells me when we meet (I swear this child is killing my neurons daily now that she started texting me :D). Anyway, I thought this concept to be cute and also it would give you some answers about what happened to Ana's sister (she is mentioned in Memories). I hope you like the story as much as I do. Enjoy! 🤍
Warnings: pure, old fluff with a bit of NSFW activities mentioned... Oh, and Severus acts all fatherly with the little girl (if you can consider this a warning, I don't, I'll gladly let myself be surprised by this in fics)
"FOR FUCK SAKE, DARLING, I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE THE SHOES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY! Can’t even walk inside my DAMN HOUSE without trouble! " Small and hurried steps approached him while Severus crouched and started picking up the groceries he dropped when he stumbled. 
"Uncle Snape! You finally came! I thought you'd never come! " And she threw her small arms around his neck and squeezed with all her force. Severus almost fell back due to the force of the attack. "You shouldn't speak like that. Mommy says it's not good to use bad words."
"Well, here I am, little bug! I apologize, the words slipped before I could think about it! "
"It's okay, just think about it next time."
"I will, little bug," He kissed her forehead and struggled to disentangle her arms from his neck. "Now tell me, where is Ana?"
"I'm here, sorry!" Ana said as she made her way toward the two of them. "She was so excited to be here that she ran straight into her room to unpack, and my mind was only focused on catching up with her. I forgot to put the shoes away. " She helped him stand up and left a chaste kiss on his lips.
"You kiss just like mommy and daddy." Isobel brought her palms up to her mouth to hide the fit of giggles that started to get a hold of her.
"Now Izzie, I think we were just starting your summer homework when your uncle arrived home. Why don't you go and start it while I help Severus put the groceries away, and I'll come to you in a minute. "
"But I don't want to..", she stopped when she saw Ana's "I didn't ask you'' face. "Fine, but can I at least get my notebook and join you in the kitchen?", Izzie said as she pulled the classic puppy eyes she was a master at.
"Ugh, okay, Izzie, but I expect you to finish a page from the book like you promised your mother, and then we can play all day long."
"Yes, I’ll go now. Stay where you are until I come back," Isobel stated as she motioned her hands in a stay here motion, turning her back to go upstairs and fetch her book and notebook when she suddenly remembered something. "Uncle Snape, did you bring something for me?"
"Isobel!" Ana slightly raised her voice towards her niece. 
"I'm going now," she exhaled, defeated. "But can uncle Snape play with us when I finish my homework?"
"He will if you ask him nicely. But homework first, and no further delays. " With this, Isobel ran up the stairs, and they could hear the sound of her steps long after she was out of sight, probably distracted by Merlin knew what instead of grabbing her backpack.
Ana turned her eyes to Severus, who was once again crouching and picking up the groceries he missed when Isobel stormed into his arms.
"What do you think you're doing, Sev?" She pulled her wand out of her dress pocket and waved it at the whole mess. In an instant, all the groceries floated in the air and silently went into the kitchen where they would be arranged and stored in their rightful place by the spell she cast.
"Oh, aren’t you a smart one? What happened to she doesn't need to see magic until she exhibits signs of it ?"
"What she doesn't see won't affect her. Come now, I was about to make some iced tea, and we have lemon cake in the fridge. You must be hotter than usual." Ana winked playfully at Severus and dodged the slap going for her ass cheeks. "You won’t get dessert if you act like that." She laughed, and Severus' face relaxed upon hearing it. 
"Would I get some dessert with that little bug around? Anyway, wasn’t she supposed to arrive tomorrow? "
"It was today, I told you again last night."
"When? Before or after you fucked my brains out? " He whispered in her ear, and now it was Severus' turn to smile mischievously, raising his brow in a silent challenge.
"Language!" She turned as they entered the kitchen, and smacked him in the chest before he caught hold of her wrist.
"If you kiss me, I'll consider it."
Ana rolled her eyes but still pressed her lips more passionately than before over his. Her free hand made its way toward the back of his neck and got hold of his ponytail, slightly pulling it, as his other hand cupped her breast. 
"I swear you're acting more like a child than Isobel sometimes," Ana breathed against his cheek.
"About that little bug, remind me how long she'll be staying," Severus said as he planted a kiss on her jaw. 
"A week. Her father came home from work after 3 months, and I invited her to let my sister and her husband have the most deserved time for two. "
"What about my deserved time for two?" Severus almost whined in her neck. 
"It's not like we didn't make love in every room in this house, multiple times a day, for two summers already."
"I'm insatiable when it comes to you." Severus then nipped at her earlobe and drew a silent moan from Ana.
"Let's stop it before she sees us."
"One last kiss," Severus pleaded as he brushed her lips with his, his nose nudging hers, his warm breath filling all her senses.
"Only one kiss," she whispered, and before she could properly finish the sentence, he dropped her wrist and cupped her face with both his palms.
"You kiss too much." It was Isobel. "So she really can be silent when she wants to," thought Severus, and turned towards her after breaking the kiss. 
"I am your aunt"s boyfriend, so I get to kiss her as many times as I want. Now, what is your homework? "
It was dark and the full moon was already high in the sky when there was a soft knock on the door of Sev and Ana's bedroom. He grabbed a robe from the end of the bed and made his way to the door after gently placing Ana from his chest to the pillow. Anastasia was shifting in bed behind him, searching for him in her sleep.
Severus opened the door, and there, in the unlit hallway, Isobel was carrying her blanket in her arms, eyes half asleep but still far away from any real rest.
"What is it, little bug? Trouble sleeping?"
"I miss mommy!" she whined. "Can I sleep here?"
"Of course, Izzie! Enter, "Severus gestured with his head and stepped away from the door. "You can sleep between me and Ana."
After she got comfortable under the duvet, her blanket still tightly wrapped in her tiny arms, Isobel turned to look at Severus, who was getting comfortable under the duvet as well.
"Have a good night, little bug!" He kissed her on the forehead, but her eyes were still as open as when he opened the door.
"You look at Ana the same way daddy looks at mommy," she mumbled in a failed attempt to whisper. "Do you love her?"
"I do, very much by the way." Severus didn't know what got him to open up so easily to this 6-year-old child. Maybe it was the ease of having a child with a pure mind to talk to, and to whom the world was still very much white and black, with no grayness on the canvas of life yet. He was entranced by her, not for the first time though, as she seemed to enter so easily into his soul, searching for answers. Severus pondered for the billionth time how she would be an excellent legilimens if she possessed magical abilities, as Isobel, eyes sleepy and slightly wet from crying, continued to fix his eyes with her own.
"Then you should get married. Daddy says he’s happier to have mommy as his wife. "
"Are you telling me, bug, that I"m not happy?" Severus unconsciously looked over Izzie"s shoulder, smiling slightly at the sleeping form of Anastasia, the silver light from the full moon outside tracing every curve of her covered body. 
"You can be happier if you marry her. Then you could be my real uncle. "
"I"'ll think about it. Now how about we get some sleep before we wake Ana up, and she punishes us both, hm? "
"Good night, Uncle Snape!" Izzie got closer to Severus and nuzzled her forehead near his chest. Severus saw her scrunching her eyebrows together, and all of a sudden, the curtains drew by themselves.
"Did you do that, little bug?"
"Of course I did. I always do it. Too much light. Go to sleep before you wake Ana, "she giggled more loudly than she should.
"Good night, little bug!", and once more he kissed her forehead as best as he could in the dark bedroom, and enveloped her in his arms. "Sweet dreams!”
They were both sitting at the kitchen table the next morning, both drinking coffee, her smoking a cigarette, lost in small talk about what they were supposed to be doing around the house that day when the subject of Isobel began and Severus remembered what happened the night before. He told Anastasia, and her eyes widened, a single tear making its way down the swell of her cheek.
"We have another witch in the family," she cried happily. Even though it was taboo in the family, both she and her sister started to think that maybe Isobel was a squib. There was a high chance of this happening since her father was a no-maj; a muggle is what his kind is called here. So the news of Izzie's magical abilities was something she could only compare with riding her broom for the first time at Ilvermorny, pure happiness mixed with anticipation for what was to come next.
"And she said she always draws the curtains like that?" Severus nodded. "I can't wait to tell Julia! And to tell Izzie as well! "
"Tell me what?" It was Isobel, once again moving like a ghost in the house while rubbing her eyes with the back of one hand.
"Stop rubbing your eyes, or you'll get them all red and infected!" Ana said while getting up from the chair. The bud of the cigarette sat furiously smashed on the bottom of the ashtray. "You can sit here, bug. I'm going to make you something for breakfast."
"Were you talking about me?" Isobel flashed at them her most charming smile.
"In fact we did, Isobel. Have you heard about magic? "...
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total-killer-brainrot · 7 months
Choose Fuck
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Your heart pounds in your chest. Your limbs are frozen. With every moment you fear that the slightest move would cause Johnny to slit your throat. You feel his body press up against yours, trapping you against an old car. Johnny holds you in place with one arm as he drags the blade slowly along your throat. Barely slicing the skin. Not enough to truly do damage, just to make you whimper from the sting of it. His head rests on your shoulder and you feel him grin against your cheek.
"You wouldn't be tryna leave now would you, darlin'?"
Johnny catches you right before you escape. He has his fun with you.
I have decided to post all of my AO3 fics on here. So enjoy.
Not Beta Read. Rating: Explicit. Length: 1,910. Ship: Johnny Slaughter x Fem!Reader. Tags: Knife Play, Murder, Blood Play, Cannibalism, Death, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Hair-pulling, Choking, Minor Necrophilia, Outdoors, Semi-Public, Canon-Typical Violence, Dirty Talk, Degradation
The blistering Texas heat beats down on you. Clothes clinging to your body, wet with sweat. You feel the heat scorching the back of your neck. Your mind is filled with resentment and fear. You remember how all of this started with Ana Florez's sister going missing. You can't help but turn the blame towards towards her. Without her insistence to come out here, you and your friends never would have been caught in this mess. Then you immediately felt bad for even thinking those thoughts. You had found her body while sneaking through that nightmarish basement. She had suffered just as much as the rest of you.
"If only she hadn't dragged us here," you think. Then focus back on the battery before you. Pausing for a moment to gaze behind you. You fear that one of those freaks is lurking in the shadows, just waiting to attack.
As you shut off the battery, you take a moment to breathe in relief. But just as you step back to move towards the gate, you feel yourself pressed against a large and solid object. Suddenly, there is a blade against your throat and a large hand gripping your wrist. You turn your head as far as you dare and see a grinning man eyeing you. You recognise him from the basement. While he hadn't tortured you specifically, you had definitely watched him cut up Julie on more than one occasion. Johnny. That's what the singing woman had called him. 
"Now, where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" he says, his tone taunting as he presses the blade closer to your neck, grazing your skin and stinging ever so slightly.
Your heart pounds in your chest. Your limbs are frozen. With every moment you fear that the slightest move would cause Johnny to slit your throat. You feel his body press up against yours, trapping you against an old car. Johnny holds you in place with one arm as he drags the blade slowly along your throat. Barely slicing the skin. Not enough to truly do damage, just to make you whimper from the sting of it. His head rests on your shoulder and you feel him grin against your cheek.
"You wouldn't be tryna leave now would you, darlin'?" his voice is so low. Almost a whisper. If he weren't about to kill you, you might even find it attractive. That would be something you could unpack in therapy once you escape. If you escape.
Johnny shifts behind you, adjusting his stance. And you feel it. Pressed against your backside. He let out a soft chuckle when he realises that you've noticed. Rolling his hips against you to really make it known. He is enjoying the 'hunt' far more than you anticipated.
"I love catching the pretty ones right as they're about to escape..." he continues to grind against you. The hand holding the knife to you is steady as ever. Undisturbed by his movements. "Their relief cut short..." he loses himself for a moment, letting out a soft groan. You were flushed. And not just from the Texas heat anymore. His words, and especially the way he said them, send sparks straight down to your core. A small whine slips out of your mouth before you can stop it. Behind you Johnny barks out a laugh.
Johnny moves quickly, slamming the hood of the car you were working on shut. He pushes you against it face down, his strong arm holding you down by the back of your neck. His free hand trails down your outer thigh, skimming just below your dress and tugging it up. Fear and helplessness overcome you as this situation gets worse and worse. You feel his body pressed up against yours, his breath on the back of your neck, his strong arm holding you firmly. You can't help but let out a shaky whimper. 
"You enjoyin' this, sweetheart?" You try to shake your head but his iron grip makes it difficult. There was really no denying it. He was pressed up so close to you, he could tell you were enjoying his actions. And he had just barely started.
There was a loud tearing sound as his blade ripped up the back of you dress. The fabric was already ruined and stained from your torture. But now it was merely rags. He presses his hips against your ass once again, keeping you pinned against the car. Now the only thing separating you was his jeans, and your thin panties.
He leans down close to your ear. His voice dripped with seduction. "I just gutted two of your little friends, sugar. And I know you saw me do it... an' you still enjoying this?" His deep chuckle only makes you squeeze your thighs together with yet another needy whine. "What kind of a whore enjoys this?" 
There's a brief moment where Johnny is no longer pressed up against you. You hear the buckle of his belt come undone. Knowing that he's doing it right behind you is exhilarating, and you feel the warm touch of his breath on your neck. You're soaked at this point. You hate your body for reacting this way but deep down you love it. Deep down you remembered wishing he would hurt you in the basement. Anything to have his hands on you.
The feel of Johnny's gloved hands on your rear are both frightening and exhilarating. He easily tugs away the ruined scraps of your dress. For a moment, you feel him squeeze your rear end roughly. It's a strange thrill to feel him on you. You are fully aware you may not make it out of here alive. But you're going to enjoy yourself while you still can. 
"Now isn't this better, sweet?" He asks in a low, seductive voice.
Your silence irritates Johnny. He tugs roughly on your hair so you are pulled back up against him. The force of his actions tugs at your neck. The pain brings tears to your eyes and you gasp. Hands reaching back to try and tug him away. But before you get close the knife is back at your neck once again and you go still
"Isn't. This. Better. Sweetheart." he repeats forcefully, spitting out the words. You can feel his hot breath in your ear as a sob escapes you
"There's my good girl..." And that makes your knees weak. Feeling the heat of his body pressed up against yours, his gloved hands stroking your back. 
He presses gentle kisses down your neck and along your shoulders. It's surprisingly sweet. Your fear slowly fades as you relax and start to enjoy yourself. And then he bites. Hard. Drawing blood. A cry chokes in your throat as pain blossoms from the wound. You feel his teeth sink deeper as he mutters against you. 
"And what do you say?" he asks, still grinning in satisfaction. 
You whimper softly and give in, "Thank you..."
His hand comes down and snaps your panties against your hip. Pain shoots up your body from the force. Before you can gather yourself and let go of the gasps of pain, you feel his hand grip your throat as the blade moves down. Johnny isn't gentle, leaving nicks and cuts the whole way. Only laughing whenever you would whimper in pain. In just one slice, your panties fall to the floor. Leaving you fully exposed to him. 
"Now stay quiet darlin'. Wouldn't want the others to hear you and come running... Find you all pliant and laid out for me..." he says, and you can hear the smug grin in his voice. 
He is so hot it is driving you insane. You must be crazy if you're enjoying this. He is a cannibal. A psychotic killer. And you're arching your back like a paid whore so that he might let you cum when he finally fucks you.
Johnny seems to be getting impatient. Keeping his grip on your throat, so tight it was making you dizzy, he leaned back slightly to guide himself inside you. When he first entered your mouth dropped open. Then as he pushed his whole length into the hilt you moaned. Long and loud. Johnny sneered behind you and tugged your hair back. "I said be quiet, slut."
You were about to apologise, but before you could get a word out he moved. Pulling all the way out and slamming back in hard. The words died in your throat as you choked out another, quieter, moan. He felt massive. You felt every inch of him stretching you to your limit. 
One hand moved to your hip, keeping you in place as he built up a steady rhythm. Not too fast, but harsh and strong with every thrust. The other hand tugged you up so you back pressed against his chest. Holding you still by your throat. He didn't care if you passed out from lack of oxygen while he fucked you. And honestly you didn't either. His large gloved hand felt incredibly wrapped around your neck. Pressing against the still bleeding bite mark.
Behind you Johnny was slowly getting more vocal. His soft grunts turned to low groans. Lost in his own pleasure. He didn't care whether or not you finished. It was just dumb luck that he was big enough to hit all the right spots inside you. Afraid to even ask for him to do it, you reach down to circle your fingers around your clit. Your gasps hit a higher pitch as you feel your edge nearing much faster than before.
The hand on your hip disappeared. Johnny tugged the glove off with his teeth and slapped your hand away. 
"Bad girl... you shoulda asked..." He kissed down your shoulder as his fingers ghosted over your clit. Barely touching the little bundle of pleasure. He bit down on your shoulder and flicked your clit hard at the same time. Making you cry out and tears spring in your eyes once again. Your knees gave out but Johnny kept you in place pressed against the car. 
As his tongue lapped at the knee bleeding bite mark, his fingers started to rub properly. You sobbed weakly. When the pain faded the pleasure crashed upon you. Your sniffles turned to moans. Crying out his name as you came on his cock. Distantly you felt his hips stutter. Barely able to keep it together as you tightened around him. His hand left your throat and you sucked in air. Then choked on something else.
The intense pleasure of your orgasm was cut short as his blade slid across your neck. You tasted blood in your mouth. When you tried to speak it just came out as weakening gurgles. He let you drop heavily onto the old car below you. Both hands gripping your hips as he groaned. Bringing himself to his own finish as you suffocated on your own blood.
You barely felt him cum inside you. Your brain getting foggy before finally… nothing.
Johnny took a minute. Panting as he stood there still balls deep inside you. Biting his lip as he pulled out and watched his cum seep out of you. He cleaned himself with a scrap of your ruined dress before tucking himself back in his jeans. Grunting with satisfaction as he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder. Just as Sissy burst through the door brandishing her razor blade. 
She grinned when she saw Johnny carrying a victim. Then paused and frowned. 
"What happened to her clothes? Why is she naked?" To which Johnny simply shrugged.
"Found her like this."
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valkblue · 2 years
Let’s get to know everyone a little bit better.
8. 13. 14. 21. 22. 29. 32. 37. 44. 48. 50. 68. 74. 75. 77. 84. 92. 96. 100. 108. 114. 115. 120. 126. 132. 133. 146. 153. 163. 165. 169. 172.
Bonus points if there are illustrations or quotes to justify your answers. ✨
Wow, thank you Anon! (I mean... "Anon"... 👀) You really want to read all this?!
8. Who has the worst luck?
Zak, maybe. He's adamant in staying out of trouble, but trouble keeps on finding him!
13. Do/Did any of your characters have large ears they had to grow into as a kid?
Ulrik... Nah, they're still big. 🤡 So, it would be Altair!
14. Are any of your characters nonverbal?
Ash probably, and Juliva.
21. Do any of your characters have heterochromia?
Ash! She's my only character whith heterochromia, and it wasn't even intended at first. But, writing her background story and the part where she's gravely wounded during a hunting accident changed one of her natural green eyes to a blue-ish hue.
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22. Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else?
Altair isn't the only "Altair" branch in his very extensive family tree, and also Mereel (one of the kids rescued by the Mandos on Aq Vetina in "The Foundlings") has obviously been named after Mand'alore Jaster Mereel.
29. Are any of your characters nameless? (In that there is no legal record of them existing, they just don’t have names in canon, or history remembers them but not their name?)
... Not one that I talked about here, but he's only known as "Sarge".
32. Do you have any characters who are twins?
Yep! Jo and Josh, Merry's cousins. And Guten and Borg, Ash's adoptive brothers (she's the adopted one).
37. Did any of your characters have a fever they almost died from as a child?
Ash again! After the hunting accident, she almost died while being treated because of said fever. Luckily, Walter and the Crone were good at healing people... 😰
44. Are any of your characters overshadowed by other siblings? Or have parents who clearly have a favorite? (ex: Boromir and Faramir)
Vivian, by her baby sister. She loved her, but so did her parents and she felt left aside. And sadly, she didn't imagine it even though she might have exaggerated it all in her child's mind...
48. Are any of your characters apprentices?
Ash was, Zak too... And Elara, somewhat. But also the main character of a fantasy story with dragons I wrote long time ago.
50. Are any of your characters Good Dads ™?
Neal, even though he isn't around as much as he should, but Korben too. I think Din's biological father (and mother!!) was exactly what Canderous would praise against stupid Dantooine farmers whinging about not knowing what to do to protect and save their children, and Korben made a point for Din to remember them and their courage daily. Korben had a son and a foundling before Din, so he knew already what loss and pain could do to a child and how to handle it... even though after his son and foundling left the covert, he wasn't too eager to take another under his care. Until he saw that silent kid mesmerized by the controls of his ship... 😊
68. Are any of your characters intimidatingly beautiful?
Personally, I'd say Juliva and Litti (because Ana Torv and Gugu Mbatha-Raw are just gorgeous 😍). But none has been written to be seen or recognized as such. I'm not sure Isaac (Juliva's brother in arms and now husband) even noticed how pretty I think she is, and Ela just loved how nice and caring Litti was with her.
74.  Are any of your characters associated with flowers?
... none that I've ever talked about here either. (She's called Lily.)
75: Do any of your characters wear glasses, sunglasses, goggles, or monocles?
Elara wears goggles, Leona wears glasses after a long, tiring day and Vivian and Merry wear sunglasses anytime they need. No monocles but I feel like Anton could fit in here too, because of his stupid gunner helmet 😝
77. Have any of your characters had to kill a friend?
I... don't think so?! 😲 But I have a gnawing doubt now.
84. Do any of your characters have gaps in their teeth or are missing teeth?
Vespera had a gap between her front teeth when she was a child. But not anymore.
92. Have any of your characters started and/or led a revolution?
Vivian started a revolution, somewhat. But if not her, then Ash. Not exactly a revolution though. More like raids?!?! It was against bandits and highwaymen so I'm not sure it can apply as "a revolution" though...
96. Which character is The Proudest ™ of their kids?
Crahl, for starters. All the kids he trained are his pride and joy. But Elara too! She's so proud of Jakem even though he's not her son, and now she's so proud of Tip-yip too!!! She doesn't understand SHIT about all that Jedi stuff but she doesn't care all too much either, so... What she sees is that he knows a lot of stuff, and understand even more!! And that's all she needs. 💖
100. Are any of your characters queer?
Well, Elara? Her most loving and lasting relationship was with a woman.
108. Are any of your characters dogs?
Astro and Nerio. The first is [REDACTED]'s dog and the second is Altair's.
114. Do any of your characters insist on going by their fullname rather than a nickname?
Hmm. I think I have more characters doing the very opposite of that and preferring to go by completely different names like Zak using the name of his dead best friend, Ulrik being known under specific names by his snitches and other contacts, Vivian trying not to trigger Lawrence's script by using her college nickname/username in the park, Elara having a heap of nicknames and monikers given who's talking to her because she can't bear to hear people she barely know call her "Ela" like her parents, brother and Din did...
Well! Now that I think of it, Elara would be one of them! She'd rather be called "Elara" or even by her family name than to be called "Ela" by strangers!
115. Do any of your characters have an honorary father figure?
Ash could count Walter (the grumpy asshole who taught her how to become a demonist) as an honorary father figure, I guess?! 🤣
120. Do any of your characters have PTSD?
Sadly, a few yes. Vivian and Ulrik were my only shell shocked characters, and Vespera has been added to the roster now... because of awful things she recently saw and had to run from during one of our game session! 😭
126. Are any of your characters on good terms/still friends with an ex?
Elara! Litti is still a very good friend of her.
132. Who is the precious cinnamon roll?
Answered here! But I could add Mereel too! This kid is the sweetest there is in all the galaxy.
133. Have any of your characters ever been caught in a fire or explosion?
First, there was Zak.....
"There was a mosquito in the basement... so I threw a match in the powder kegs."
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And now, little spoiler for upcoming chapters of Lost and Found, even though he isn't exactly *my* character:
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146. Were any of your characters disowned or abandoned by their parents?
Ulrik, kinda. His mother helped him out of the house because the tension with his *cough* 'father' *cough* was getting out of hand. So she caught him as he was planning to flee on his own, gave him a few aquilas, and kissed him farewell and good luck. 🥺
153: Do any of your characters embody the spirit of a flapper? (Bonus points for style and or lifestyle)
A "secondary-ish" character in my Westworld series: Marge, a colleague of Vivian's. Also Adelaide and Leona.
163: Are any of your characters autistic? (If so, do they have special interests and what are they?)
... according to @hathorik , Elara would be... ?!?! Even though she hasn't been written to be.
She loves numbers and languages, but I don't know if these interests are any special! Speeder bikes, maybe???
165: Who is a “girls just wanna have fun” character?
Marge again! She's boisterous and a very big mouth but I think she's hidding a lot of anxiety behind her behavior... (PUN INTENDED)
169: Are any of your characters married to the sea?
Does Elara count? Not exactly the sea but space... Litti can tell that you can't keep Ela on the ground for too long.
172: Do any of your characters hold a grudge against someone?
Answered here!
6 notes · View notes
Chapter 11: Seduction
Chapters 1-10
HI GUYS! New chapter here! This one was fun to write, it’s more filler right before stuff pops off! but there’s a little Easter egg in this, a meme reference, and it was fun to reread and edit. Hope you guys enjoy!
- "I'm so happy I found you. I was so worried. Mom and dad put posters everywhere-" "They.... They did? They're the ones that told me to leave" I frowned with confusion.
- "Yes, a sister company of TCRI I am doing more research into" he nodded, licking his lips as his eyes were glued to his 3 monitors. The light and parts of the screen reflecting off of his thick glasses as he ran his fingers over the keyboard rapidly. 
"What's it called?" I asked. 
"Silver" my shoulders slumped, my eyes grew wide.
- "We have a hit on the guy. April is coming over real quick to make a plan. She knows where we can find him" both our eyes widened at that. That would be an insane break through.
warning: unwelcomed grabby hands at some point, I thinks that’s it. Idk, lemme know guys
I settled for putting my sweats on over my pajamas, along with my very baggy and oversized sweatshirt (Raph might fit an arm into this thing, it was that baggy) and headed to the living room where April was waiting.
I sat on the couch, expecting one of my brothers to squish into me, (Mikey lived for it, I found it hilarious.) But when Raph walked in front of me, smoothly picked me up, sat where I was, I was confused at first, until he set me down on his lap.
He looked around as if daring someone to say anything about it. I was simultaneously a pile of goo and embarrassed. Not about him, but I was just not used to all of this, like really not used to this. My heart was melting though, Raph was fantastic.  
April came in, saw me in his lap, his chin resting on my head. His whole body hunched over mine. Her eyebrows shot up but she had a knowing smile on her face.
No, not a knowing smile. I knew that smile, she was plotting. I don't know what, but she was, I looked at her unsure, and she winked at me.
"Hey! You April?" That was Ana as she came through the door.
"Naw. That ain't her. It's a different human female that comes down here" Ana didn't seemed fazed by how Raph and I were at least, she was insanely good at reading people, she knew before we did, how close we were probably. Simply because she knows me so well.
"I mean. There's chief Vincent too" Don said in Ana's defense
"You know Raph? You talk real big for someone who gives tactical croc vibes" any and all body movement around me stopped. I swear I heard dial up noises from Raph brain, trying to process what the actual hell Ana said.
"I-what does that mean?"
"Proving my point" Mikey started to laugh really hard at Raph's expression, giving the woman a high five.
"Its called a real life shit post" Ana explained to her new best friend.
"I freaking love it" Mike sat down, squishing up against Raph.
"Nice to meet you" Ana finished, April was snickering at her.
"Nice to meet you too I think we'll get along just fine" The black haired woman had a sparkle to her blue eyes
"Cool. April likes my girl friend" Mikey yanked the woman he supposedly claimed, down to sit next to him and pulled her into a hug, squishing her face to his obnoxiously but it was super cute at the same time.
She didn't even have time to respond, and now she was too busy laughing. Clearly she though it was adorable too.  
"Wow. That was quick"
"A lot better than the last one" Leo muttered as he came in.
"Last one?" Ana honed in on that. I was giving Leo a look of warning, my sister was probably armed with something. Even if it wasn't a gun. Though I would be surprised if it wasn't a firearm.
"Mikey found a she devil and decided to date her" Raph said quickly before I could stop him.
"What. Was she a bitch to you?" Ana turned to the now unusually quiet turtle, saw his face, how hurt and scared he was. Quickly put two and two together.
"Where's this bitch? I just wanna talk to her" sure enough, she pulls a hurking, hunting bowie knife out, it was a familiar snow cammo one.
"Is that mine?" I said accusingly
"What?" That was Raph. I immediately buttoned my lip.
"Where did you even pull that from" Leo blinked.
"Don't worry about it. There's more where that came from though" a smile found its way to Mikey's face at her shenanigans.
"If I just shook you, would more come out?" Leo raised a brow as Ana stood up, and began to back up.
"Don't you DARE big blue" Ana was kind of fast, meanwhile Leo was VERY fast, she yelped, dropping the knife, lord knows Leo wasn't scared of blades.
Then she started to laugh when Leo turned her upside down, holding onto her by her ankle so easily, and began to gently shake her like a dirty rug.  
Mike was laughing hysterically now. I grinned at him, realizing what Leo was doing. He wanted his brother to laugh, to feel better, the sweetie pie.
"Wait wait wait. Leo. Stop. Mike, get a camera, I have an idea" Leo perked his head at her, his muscles in his arm and shoulder flexed when he lifted her high enough so they were damn near face to face.
"What is your idea?" He challenged as Mikey got his phone out.
"Sis. What's the exercise with the dumb bell, behind the back, you literally called them "behind the backs"" I looked up at the ceiling in thought.
"Oh. The one that works triceps.  Dumb bell extensions?"
"Yes! Leo. Do you know what those are? And hurry up because the blood is rushing to my head" he nodded, looking amused, Raph wasn't the only one that liked weight lifting, they were both ripped and shredded for a reason.
"Alright. Bear with me here, do that to me" Mikey immediately covered his mouth, knowing exactly where she was going with this. Perfect pose now, Leo was holding her like a fish. Mike took a picture, and he was laughing so hard the entire time, if the picture came out right it would be a miracle.
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"Alright. Leo. Put me behind your back, and do a dumbbell extension"
"Where you going with this?" Leo demanded.
"I'm trying to reenact a meme!" She explained. The leader in blue rolled his eyes.
"You and your memes" he did what she asked though, swung her behind him, careful to make sure she didn't get banged up on his shell, then put the other hand on her ankle.
"Do a silly face Leo. Mike get the picture" the poor turtle in orange was laughing so hard he couldn't even hold his phone up at this point.
April bit her lip in amusement, snatched his phone, and then took the pic for him.
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Mikey's face was buried in the couch, his body shuffling with his laughter. It got contagious, everyone else started snickering. Leo carefully set Anastasia down, she tucked her head in so she would harmlessly land on her back, and she was also laughing hysterically as she picked her knife back up and sheathed it.
"Grade A performance Chris Hemsworth" she said through her laugh, wiping tears away. She couldn't even get up because she was doubled over and light headed from dangling.
"April! April! Lets see the picture. You saint. Good save!" Ana carefully got up. Going to Mikey and April who was eagerly scrolling through the pictures. All three saw the picture and started laughing all over again.
"You are such dumb asses" Raph shook his head, but he wasn't able to hide his own amusement.
"Mark me down for love struck dumb ass, bruh" Mikey beamed
"As love struck as she's packing" Mikey. Like everyone else was finally reducing his laughter down to giggles.
"Not packing as much as you, cutie" Ana smiled innocently
"I don't have my chucks on me" I'm no social genius, maybe I just knew my sister too well? But I knew where she was going with this.
"Oh bless your heart. That wasn't what I was talking about" ladies and gentlemen. My sister singlehandedly made the mouthiest, loudest turtle brother shocked into silence. AND blush.
"You're so cute when you blush. I'll definitely make you do it more" there was a guilty grin on her face now, she definitely looked like she was going to keep true to her word with that.
"I.... Mikey found an equally as pervy and meme addicted as him: woman. Fate really does have a plan" Donnie was in disbelief.
"Guys I'm so in love. I feel like Raph when Abby threw him the first time"
"What does that mean" I heard them mention the same past events with us twice now and I was so confused.
"I'll tell ya later" he promised with an amused rumble.
"Appreciate it" I grinned. I was just a smiling goof ball lately, I wasn't even mad, it felt so amazing.
"Alright" Leo slapped his hands together, looking at April.
"Lets cut to the chase. You said you know who he is, and where he'll be next" the pretty black haired woman nodded.
"And I have a plan" she added. Leo was the one that usually had the plans, so when April mentioned it, he was very intrigued.
"A Ryan Leakly. Yes. Abby and I are going to comicon, finding him, and seeing if he'll open up to us"
"Why you 2?" That was Raph quickly intervening. Maybe bristling.
"I always wanted to go to a comicon" my eyes lit up.
"Same" Donnie grinned. I pointed at him excitedly. It looks like we were going to comicon! I knew Mikey and even Leo would be down too. Mike loved videogames and Leo (though he hid it) loved comics, you learn a lot about people when you cleaned their rooms.
"Well Raphie? We're going to dress up and be in the scene, Abby would be a good candidate in case things went south quickly. You guys can be on standby there, and she can be at the ready" April shrugged.
We got to dress up? Yes! I wonder what we were dressing up as! Admittedly, I was a nerd, and always wanted to cosplay.
Leo and Raph exchanged looks in thought, not knowing how they liked the idea of this plan.
"Please?" I begged, in favor of April, this sounded like so much fun! I haven't been out and doing something like this in years!
"This is a mission, not a vacation. I'm worried about you getting distracted and then hurt" Leo frowned.
"I won't. We'll be fine" I promised.
"Raph, what's your input?" The leader sighed, he clearly wasn't on board with this fully.
"Abby. You think you can do this?" I felt him look down at me. I made eye contact and nodded happily. He sighed, clearly not wanting me to be on board with this, and then nodded.
"We'll have eyes on them" Leo assured his brother. I was so excited now! I got to go to comicon! And hang out more with April, I bet it'll be so much fun with her.
"I'm coming too" Ana decided.
"Fine. But stay out of the way in case anything happens" you could tell Leo wasn't in the mood to pick that battle.
"What are we going as?" I asked, and then immediately regretted it. I don't know why, but the look she gave me made me nervous.
"What?" Came my nervous follow up question.
"My house. Right now. We're going to figure out" something tells me we weren't going in cosplay...
I changed, and then stood in April's apartment, wide eyed, and questioning my decision.
She came out of her closet with a couple dresses, some skirts, and some shirts that appeared to be missing their midsection, she even got some bras out.
"Well? Get to it, let's see what you're wearing" she had a smirk.
"April I have never dressed this way in my life"
"Perfect. Lets see how you look" she was not about to back down. Oh god. I waited another moment, looking at her with pleading eyes. But all she did was motion with her hand to get a move on. I groaned and began to strip down to my bra, looking at her selection.
"What size do you wear?"
"34 DDD"
"Are you serious?? Why are you always wearing such baggy clothing?" She seemed appalled
"I wear what's comfortable" I explained bluntly. I put one of her bras on, it did not fit. My breasts were basically spilling out of it. I frowned and went to take it off but she stopped me.
"Perfect" why was she doing this?
"Girl. What are you doing? You look amazing you're so cut, and you're always covering yourself up. We're changing that. I'm going to make a grown man cry" what? I didn't like hurting peoples' feelings.
"Who are going to make cry? Leakly?" Why were we going to do that? Because be was a bad guy? Still a little messed up
"Sure. We'll put a show on for that creep, but he's not the one I'm excited about" I was so unbelievably lost.
"April… you're confusing me"
"Put this on." It was a long sleeved belly shirt. I've never even tried on a belly shirt before, I've never been more unsure in my life.
"You've got muscle tone and you're really fit. I know why Raphie is losing his mind over you." she smiled. I blushed, as I slipped my arms in, and slipped my head through the shirt.
My delts and arms looked lithe and small, my breasts looked, like, fake and huge, and it really drew attention to my now well toned stomach.
"And this!" She gave me and insanely short skirt. I barely wore short shorts, this is just insane. But I humored her, slipped out of my pants, and slid her skirt on. She bit her lip at what she saw.
"Oh. Seducing him is going to be too easy"
"WE'RE DOING WHAT?!?" April laughed at my exclamation. I couldn't do something like that! What would Raph think??? I never want him to feel jealous or hurt, especially if I inflicted it.
"Sweety. Sweety calm down. This is going to be A-mazing. Raph isn't going to react the way you think he will. Trust me" I couldn't help but to examine myself, and then try to cover myself up. I've had swimsuits leave more to the imagination than this!
"I am so not going out like this" I warned her. She was changing into a different outfit, something along the same lines: short skirt, belly shirt, and she put some heals on.  
"No. You're not. We need to get your eyebrows done, hair, and make up done. And THEN you're going to comicon" this is it. This is what she was plotting that night. What was her end game with all this?? She shoved some wedges near me and I blankly started to put them on, just to see if they would even fit.
I looked at her, exasperated. I can't do this, why did she pick me for this whole thing? Seducing someone? What? I was perfectly the WRONG person to do that. I don't even know how to Flirt. Why not just get Ana? She'd be perfectly fit for it.
"Let's go"
"No wait!" Too late, she dragged me out her door, and I have never been so hypersensitive of gazes and looks in my life, honestly I was so self conscious.  
"Where are the girls at? They're supposed to be home soon" Leo was getting a bit worried. They needed to get to comicon and start their mission, hopefully nothing happened to them.
"Abby has been texting me, keeping in contact. She said they're on the way" Raph told his brother. Leo nodded.
"Everyone geared up and ready to go?"
"Depends. How many guns can I bring into comicon?"
"Don't make me shake you again" Leo warned to which he got a snicker from her.
"Yooo. This is gonna be lit! Leo. Can Don and I just walk around?" Mikey chirped excitedly.
"No you can not"
"But we can just pretend we're cosplaying!" Mikey whined.
"Mike. This is a mission. We aren't there to play. And risking yourself like that is just insane"
"Have you met him?" Donnie asked the eldest in a flat tone. There was a knock on the door, but it was opened before any of them could answer it.
"Guys. Are you ready for this?" The guys couldn't help but to gawk a bit at April. It wasn't abnormal for her to show herself off a bit.
"Damn girl!" Nope. That wasn't Mikey, that was Anastasia. Mikey was yet again: laughing at the woman next to him.
"How was my Mikey impersonation? spot on? Because we were all thinking it. Let's be honest" Ana grinned at all the looks she got.
"That's what you're going to comicon in? What about Abbigail?" Raph narrowed his eyes a little in suspicion.
"Just wait for it. Abby get in here!" She seemed so excited.
"I am not going in there April. How did you even get me out of your apartment?" She all but whimpered.
"Abby? You ok?" Raph asked while wondering what it was that April did to her, he started to walk towards the door but April held a hand out to him to stop him, amusement in her eyes.
"She's fine. She's just bashful. After I got her to wear her outfit I dragged her out of my apartment before she could process it and it finally occurred to her how she looks. It's adorable" April smiled at them.
"Come on Abby~" she all but sang.
"I am not" she decided firmly. It also sounded like she was trying to go back down the sewers to leave even.
"No. Nope" April went out the door, a little 'yeep' was heard, and she carefully dragged her back into the room, lightly enough to not make her trip on her high heels.
The room very quickly grew silent, Abby didn't even look like herself. Her hair was down and curled, she was wearing make up like she never did. And her clothing was something the boys never seen her wear, was this even Abby???
"April. I am so mortified right now" Abby was frozen, staring at the ground, the boys were just in a state of shock. Once they got their minds back they looked at Raph who was staring HARD. His situation was DEFINITELY more than just a little shock.
The red banded turtle swallowed, once. They swear they saw his breathing pick up a little. His eyes were shamelessly glued to her.
"Raph.... I can change clothes real quick" the poor woman looked so ridiculously nervous and uncomfortable.
"If you're changing clothes its for you and you alone" his voice was a bit raspy, he cleared his throat. He walked up to her, taking her in, very slowly, observing every curve. Her legs  and ass were large from squats, waist tiny from core exercises, and she hit the push ups hard so her breasts were plenty large. Everything was perfectly defined in the clothing.
He got just a little closer to her, towering over her. Lord help him, he needed some strength to focus on this mission, and he'd need all the help he could get.
"You being in a busy room is your only saving grace from me right now" he murmured lowly into her ear. Her bright blue eyes got brighter when her pupil constricted in shock.
Her face got so red, Raph couldn't believe she was his, she was prettier than any model he's ever seen, with the heart to match it. And he couldn't wait to show her physically, Abby felt an anticipated shiver go up her spine. April was so smug as she watched the couple interact.
"Told you he'd like it" she bit her lip.
"Who are you. What did you do with my sister. Got damn" Ana was covering her mouth. Their parents would flip, God she wishes she could have a reaction from them right now. Make her day.
"April, this had nothing to do with your plan for Leakly" Abby turned her attention on her accusingly.
"It still is. This is just a bonus" April walked up to Raph and an overly flustered Abby. Well, both were flustered, Raph was just a predatory flustered. She was loving this so much, this was hilarious. And would hopefully get these two to get a move on.
"So. What is the full plan here? Because you two aren't blending in like that" But typically Leo's plans would veer in the shadows, not making a scene, etc. This was quite literally the opposite. The leader was also finding the situation amusing though, He's never seen Raph react this way, he understood why though
If it wasn't for the mannerisms and gentleness only Abby could have, he wouldn't even believe it was her. She looked like a completely different person from a magazine.
"Sometimes standing out is the thing to go for Leo. We get close to this guy. See if he'll give us answers" April winked at him.
"You'll definitely get his attention" the turtle leader assured, really unsure about this now.
"Raph. She wants us to seduce him" Abby panic in the main ambiance of her hushed tone.
"Yeah she does. You'll knock him dead babe" the hot head grinned. Dear lord Raph was more than ok with this, in fact it was along the lines of him being IN to this.  
"Come on. You already walked all over New York like that. You'll be fine" April assured her friend.
"I cant believe I am doing this" Abby wanted to back out, but she wanted to be there for April. She was depending on her for her first line of protection, that was a really big responsibility.  
"I can't even flirt" Abby looked at Raph and April.
"You don't need to" Raph assured, she'd be turning all the male minds into goo.
"I'll do all the talking, just look pretty and help me distract him" April assured. Clearly Abby wasn't making any progress here, it was pointless to keep fighting.
"Ok" she sighed. Look pretty? She usually dressed like a tom boyish slob, this was going to take A LOT to get used to.  
April and Abby turned to leave the lair, and Raph casually checked out Abby's ass in the skirt as she moved along, this turtle actually bit his fist a bit and closed his eyes a little as Leo walked up next to him.
"Brother. Give me strength to focus" his tone was low.
"I'll just get Mikey to annoy you into focusing" Leo slapped his shoulder obnoxiously as he passed him.
"Right on" Mikey cheered a little, and followed the leader.
Comicon was packed, and I was almost distracted enough by all the things to look at.. If I wasn't getting a hole stared through me every 17 seconds, this is not how I wanted my first time to go. If I was wearing like, some cool cosplay then I wouldn't have minded, but that was not the case.
"How did I get you to convince me to do this?" I said over the loud noise in the area. It would be a lot easier to stay focused now at least.
"You're going to do just fine" April assured.
"If I transform, I'm going to ruin your nice clothes" I warned.
"Eh. They'll get ruined one way or another tonight" wh-what. What? What did THAT mean?
"One thing you should know about Raph. He likes being territorial" April smirked at me. And that made me worried. I didn't want him to feel the need to do that-
"No. Abby. You misunderstand. He LIKES to be territorial. Show off, be up against this guy. You're going to drive him crazy the entire time" she giggled.
"Trust me" well. Raph knew people grossed me out. So I was hoping he'd remember that if I got down and dirty, my version of it anyway. Hugs to strangers was dirty for me if I was being honest.
I put the ear piece in, messed with my phone, and continued to follow April.
I carefully looked up at the support beams of the building, looking for my lover, I couldn't help it, he had a death grip on my heart and my mind was on him a lot lately.
"I'm here, baby" even over an earpiece his voice rumbled pleasantly in my ear, I couldn't help a smile on my face.
"Don't get distracted" April gently grabbed my wrist and waltzed along, everyone moving out of her way as she strut what she had. I was not about to do that, but I was impressed by the sass and confidence. Need me some of that.
There was art of all kinds from different fandoms everywhere, and as much as I wanted to stop and look, I refrained. It was basically like if you were able to walk through tumblr in person in here. And maybe meet a famous person or two, though that was a bit expensive.
"Alright, this guy should be here by now, so let's see if we can find him" I was not good at that either. I never really studied people enough or stared at them hard enough to remember features, I swear my memory with people was just terrible, I really was the worst possible candidate for this job. Maybe it was because I tended to not care what they looked like? I don't know.
"Over there. By the anime body pillows" April motioned lowly.
"Can't we just kidnap him?"
"No, he's leading a vital project for the company, we need to figure out what it is" April said.
"Say the word, I'll kidnap him, get back to the lair faster, and we can have some alone time" Raph said over the earpiece.
"Raph, stop giving her ideas" Leo huffed.
"Can I think about it?" I begged the leader, as if pretending there was anything to actually think about, that sounded like an amazing plan.
"No. Start moving in you 2" Leo quickly ordered.
"You heard him, fun time later" April poked.
gently weaved our way around the large rivers of the crowd, pretending to look at other stuff to not draw too much attention from this guy too quickly.
Finally, April marched us up next to him, I could tell she was strategizing on how to start a conversation, but when I saw what he was looking at, I moved in.
"My Hero Academia fan?" This 30+ year old man, was looking at a body pillow of a teenage anime girl, I could ignore or put up with a lot, but this? was so creepy. The man looked surprised, and then smiled at me, I smiled back sweetly, but man it was not genuine.
"Yeah, you watched it?" he smelled of BO and his breath was rank. I was supposed to seduce this man? I was repulsed by damn near everyone, but this was a whole new level.
"A little. I love Deku and Almight's relationship. It's very wholesome" I've watched this series once, and that was damn near all my knowledge of the anime. But clearly it was enough because the man's smile got bigger, and he got closer to me, April seemed impressed by my ability to charm this weeb.
"Hi. I'm Megan, this is Stephanie" April introduced herself, she was wearing a wig so he shouldn't be able to pick her out as the famous news reporter she actually was.
"Someone go get Cris Hansen" Mikey said over the communication link, I gave a genuine smile at him this time and it was to hide the laugh and real smile I wanted to give Mikey at the hilarious joke.
"Megan, Stephanie, so great to meet you nice ladies, what are women like you doing in a place like this? You nerds?"
"Oh totally" April was playing a flawless ditsy girl.
"I'm Ryan. So what are you into?" He was getting excited
"Little bit of everything, Megan likes Dr. Who, I'm a big fan of Supernatural" I was playing along with this, least I can do is have fun. I could see the shine of pride in April's eyes for making for a good ditsy fangirl too.
"Very nice. Well as you can see, this is my scene"
"Yeah! That's like, so cool!" She had such a good fake smile as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Would you like to walk with us?" April asked excitedly.
"Give us a tour? We just got here" She pouted a little.
"Oh absolutely!" He grinned, and held his arms out, ew, gross, no. I didn't want to do this, but if we were going to get into his head, we were going to have to go for his body I guess. I know allosexual people tended to be easy to hypnotize with sex, he already proved it was on his mind with the body pillows.
April and I both wrapped an arm around his, April watching me and holding it close her body, biting her lip a little at him as we walked. She was giving me instructions, how far before Raph would get upset with me though? I really didn't want to find out, and I was so grossed out touching him at all!
"You're doing great baby. Keep it up" Raph said to me, again, making me genuinely smile, and this idiot thought it was directed at him.  
"So, who's your favorite character in MHA?" He continued to look at me.
"I totally like Bakugo his temper cracks me up, but he's so funny later on" I was getting the weird accent down.
"Big fan of hot heads?" Raph snickered at me
"Stop distracting her" Leo scolded.
"Raph has more testosterone up here alone than all the men in this building combined" Donnie tattled on his brother. Noooo Don't make me blush guys! But I did, and the creep seemed to be digging it, if only he knew. I think he was saying something, but I was definitely not paying attention because I was distracted on my REAL love interest.
"I love Mr. Aizowa" he told me. When I looked at him in confusion he clarified.
"The teacher"
"Oh that's so funny! WE are teachers!" April smiled.
"Damn she's good" Mike said.
"Yeah, fourth grade. What do you do?" I looked overly excited to find out.
"Bio engineer. I actually work in a lab, and have been working on a project" April and I both in unison: made our faces light up, with some overdramatized "wooooow"s.
"You sound like, so smart" I leaned into his arm, letting my breast rub up against it.
"You do. That's so impressive!" April captured him in a trance with her sapphire eyes.
"Can you tell us anymore, we're like DYING to know" April bit her lip.
"Oh... not really supposed to..." but he was teetering.
"Please? I'm a total sucker for a nerd" I pressed myself closer in his arm, trying not to show my disgust, or tense my body. He looked down at my breasts against his arm. And then the smile he gave me was nasty beyond all belief.
"We made a project to go up against our sister company. On the brink to discovering the last key factors of it" that was a tidbit of VERY important information.
"Woooow. That is amazing!" I smiled. His arm went from my front, where he snaked it around and got a handful of my ass. I couldn't help my quick, disgusted reaction of moving away from him. That's when I realized I messed up. His face fell, he seemed to be snapping out of hypnotic state April and I had him in.
Then quickly went for his wrist, pressing something. Several men moved from the crowd, they were blending in well, and started to charge at April and I. Bodyguards.
One went to strike April, but a green hand caught it, my green hand, I finished my transformation. And threw that guy into another guy. More blows tried to come at me, but I was a lot stronger than them, even if they landed hits, they weren't going to do anything to this form.
"What the hell!" Ana said from her place by the turtles. Leo and Raph took off, Mike and Don hung back for now.
"We'll explain later" Don said sheepishly. Ana took a breath, and realized her new life was probably going to be full of surprises like this, she might want to get used to it.
"Side note: Raph's gonna be squaring up, and the dude he'll be fighting is gonna be like: ah! Help! He's got a boner!" Ana told Mikey, doing her best impression on Beavis and Butthead. Mikey and Donnie both got a kick out of that one, Don even giving an adorable nerd snort.
I transformed back when Raph and Leo got to the scene to continue the fight. The people of the convention were scrambling around at the sudden commotion.
"Follow him!" Leo pointed at a fleeing Ryan. Raph, myself, and April made a beeline for the garbage truck outside. Don and Mike making it to the door first, the jokester had the other jokester tucked under one of his arms. When we made it outside, a black Lincoln pulled up to the front of the building to swoop him up.  
The boys picked us up, and high tailed it to the truck, tossing us in gently and taking their places. Leo hit the gas hard the second it was started and in gear. The wheels broke a bit, and peeled off as we quickly started to catch up to the Lincoln.
"He's going back to the lab. Ain't he?" Raph said from next to me as he put a blanket over me for me to cover me up, save whatever dignity I had left.
"Yes. And something tells me we are about to go up against what he was talking about. What better thing to save him?" Leo said darkly as he stayed on their tails.
"Not before I whoop his ass for touching Abby" Raph assured with narrowed eyes. Man I hoped I wouldn't have to do anything like this again.
@mysticboombox​ @thelaundrybitch​ @selfless1978​ @katecupcakekate  
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louis-ii-reyes-strand · 9 months
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ooo they made a banner. ooo they think they're so fancy. nerd. one day this fic will actually feature tk, it's important to the "plot".
thank you for the tags @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-in-glasses @thisbuildinghasfeelings @birdclowns @bonheur-cafe 🖤🖤
from Tangled Roots again, I figured some things out and now words are flowing!
The old wooden fence had been digging into the flesh of his thighs for well over an hour when Luisa finally found him. He knew it would be her or Ana, didn’t even have to turn around at the sound of shoes on the old dirt path leading towards the paddock to know it wasn’t his mother or father.  “I thought I’d find you out here,” Luisa said conversationally as she hauled herself over the fence. Once her feet touched the grass she climbed up it backwards so she was perched in the same way Carlos was. She knocked her shoulder into his.  Carlos just grunted. He didn’t want to not be found, that's why he poked his head through the door of the house to tell Tomás he was here and going to take one of the horses out because he knew that would mean a phone call to tell his parents where he was. But he didn’t want to talk about what was bothering him.  They both sat in silence for a while– Carlos’ feet were starting to tingle with pins and needles– and they both watched as [horse name] grazed across the paddock. Carlos hadn’t even managed to put a saddle on him, just attached a lead rope to his bridle and set him off as soon as the gate was closed behind them in the field.  It had been nice to watch the horse run around freely for a while. Then he wished that he had saddled him up and taken him on the wooden trail that backed onto the ranch lands. It was a trail he was familiar with, but he wasn’t allowed to go it alone, had to have one of his sisters or cousins with him. Maybe that one act of rebellion would have made him feel better. Let his parents actually worry about his whereabouts.  “Do you want to talk yet?” Luisa asked. It was growing late and there was a chill in the air.  “No.”  Luisa hummed.  “Why did they even send you anyway?”  “I offered to come.” She knocked their shoulders together, teasing. “I can’t bear to see my favourite brother upset.”  “I’m your only brother.” Carlos scowled, he didn’t need reminding that they only cared about him when they had to.  Luisa laughed and finally threw her arm around his shoulders so she could use her other hand to ruffle his hair. It was only Carlos’ grip on the fence that stopped them from sprawling into the grass. “That doesn’t mean it’s not true.”  Carlos shrugged her off and jumped down from the fence. His legs almost collapsed beneath him, but through sheer force of will he managed to stay standing. “What are you doing, Loser?” She rolled her eyes at the use of the nickname. He couldn’t say Luisa growing up, could only manage ‘Lu’ and ‘Sa’ which had affectionately become Loser, but he was saying it to hurt now.   “You need a ride home and–”  “I can get the bus. I’m thirteen, I’m not a baby!” Luisa held her hands up placatingly. “As evidenced by you getting the bus here all by yourself, well done!” Carlos glared at her, felt anger buzz under the skin of his upper arms, and felt his core tremble as he curled his hands into fists. He didn’t need to be mocked right now.   “I came to tell you that I can come to your game next week.” The anger he had been feeling drained out in an instant. “What?”
i think most people have already been tagged/ have posted so the most low pressure tags: @welcometololaland @chicgeekgirl89 @mikibwrites @lightningboltreader 🫶🏻
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caradocdearbcrn · 2 years
Location: the Nott home.  Closed to: @anxstasias​
Caradoc never liked the big manor homes that most people in pureblood society seemed to inhabit. They were imposing things, and never as warm inside as he was used to when it came to houses. His da’s house, down in the countryside, was the warmest and most comforting place on earth. He liked to avoid these big manor homes as much as he could. Especially since most of the people inside looked down on him like he was scum, even if he did have the Dark Lord’s mark seared into his skin. 
He was making an exception for Anastasia, coming to see her willingly. He couldn’t stop worrying about her in all honesty. She was his to take care of now, and he didn’t quite trust anyone else in her circles to help him do it. Pureblood men didn’t think much of their women. No one seemed to care enough for Anastasia, he thought, even before her brother died. 
Alex, poor Alex. Gone too soon. He was a maniac sometimes. He was a proper twat. He was Caradoc’s friend despite it all. A brother in arms in this mess they had all gotten themselves into. He didn’t want to be a Death Eater, not really, but Alex was a man it was easy to put up with. And Alex would have wanted someone to take care of his sister. So there Caradoc was, in the cold halls of the Nott house. The house elf had directed him into a drawing room, and he passed by Ms. Nott looking rather frazzled on his way in. She didn’t even stop to say hello. He frowned as he walked, and couldn’t quite stop frowning when he finally set eyes on Anastasia. 
“Your mum is in a proper state, Ana.” He greeted. “Doesn’t she have friends to call in and check on her?”
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