#wessa fanfic
if you’re still taking requests, could you do a will and tessa fic as a married couple before they had kids. i feel like it would be really cute and wholesome
Hello!! Yes, I completely agree that Will and Tessa are naturally wholesome!
Now before you read this fic, I'd like start this off with a new segment I like to call "Stupid things Ana does to get info for fics!": Because I've never had a boyfriend, I didn't know what it feels like to have someone's head on resting on your belly (yk, bc that's something romantic that couples do...I think) and I wanted to make sure it wasn't uncomfy bc accuracy. Since google didn't answer the question, I had to ask my little sister (mind you, it's like 1 am) to lay down on my belly, so that I knew how it felt like. SO there's that. Anyway, thanks for being patient, I really hope you enjoy the fic!!
I Want Your Midnights
~~~Will and Tessa ~~~~
It was a cold December evening, with snowflakes dancing along the windowpanes and the wind howling. No Londoner that was fortunate enough to own a house and not have any pending obligations would, in their right minds, spend the night anywhere else that wasn’t in their homes. 
Tessa and Will were no exceptions to this rule, of course. Both were more than content to spend the night together in the warmth and comfort of their own room, as they did many nights, thanking the angel that they didn’t have to patrol tonight. 
Will’s head had taken residence on Tessa’s lower abdomen, which was a better pillow than any he’d ever rested on.
They had only been married for a little over two years now, though they had been the best two years they could have asked for. 
Tessa, propped up against pillows, ran her fingers through Will’s hair unruly curls, savoring their incredible delicacy, while holding her book in the other. She’d mastered the art of flipping the pages with one hand, something that marvels Will to this day.
“I don’t understand how you do it.” Will said, shaking his head as he heard her turn the page of her book effortlessly.
“It’s because I’m not an amateur reader.” Tessa said, not missing a beat. 
Will turned his head to look at her. She was trying to hide her smile behind her book, but Will knew her too well for it to work.
“What did you say?” He asked.
Tessa raised her eyebrows, bringing the book even higher up her face. “You heard me, Will Herondale: you are an amateur reader.”
Will sat up pretending to look angry.
“You dare insult me, woman?” 
“As a matter of fact, I do. I’m not afraid of you.”
Will smirked, “is that so?”
Tessa nodded with a smirk of her own.
Will looked at her for a moment, before grabbing her ankles, pulling her close to him. Tessa giggled uncontrollably. 
“You’re still not frightening to me,” Tessa said, wrapping her legs around his waist. She put on a disinterested face and examined her nails. “I don’t know if you are aware of this, but I have defeated my fair share of ghastly demons. And also the famous Mortmain so…”
Will shook his head as he leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek. “I see you’ve become cocky, Tess. All that time you spend teasing me about not being humble and here you are, doing exactly what you told me not to. One might call you a hypocrite.”
“Though that may be true, I can get away with being cocky.” Tessa gave him a pointed look, as if to suggest he couldn’t.
Will gasped. “How dreadful, to be insulted by my own darling wife.”
“I should hope your pride is not so easily wounded by such comments.” Tessa said, looking up at him.
Will was mesmerized by her wide gray eyes, her warm smile, her thick dark hair. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her.
She sighed as he kissed her softly, provoking yet another grin from Will
“At least you can’t say that I’m an amateur kisser.” He said, pulling away.
“No, I cannot.” She said lifting her head so that their lips met again.
They kissed some more, letting time go by before Will pulled away. He took out his pocket watch, and Tessa looked at him quizzingly. 
“Do you have somewhere you need to be, Mr. Herondale?” She asked, nuzzling his neck.
“We both do actually,” he said, lifting her off the bed.
Tessa scrunched her eyebrows as he took her hand. 
Will sighed at her expression. “Must you always be so questioning?”
Tessa rolled her eyes. “Alright, I’ll humor you, though just for tonight.”
Will grinned like a boy and tugged her towards the door.
They giggled like children as they ran through the empty halls. Will and Tessa were completely alone (Gabriel and Cecily having gone to Idris and Briget visiting family in Ireland) and yet, despite this, they still hushed each other jokingly, as if they didn’t want anyone in the world to know what they were up to. Will rounded a corner, Tessa following, only to see that the hall was entirely empty.
“Will?” She said, her smile slowly disappearing.
Suddenly, hands grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into the shadows. Tessa shrieked, discovering a second later that it was her husband’s arms that had reached out at her, and that said husband was now laughing hysterically.
Tessa swatted at his arm, “Nicely done, William. You’ve brutally murdered the ambiance. We were having a nice moment.”
Will was gasping for air. “You–your scream could probably be heard from a mile away.” 
Tessa pressed her lips together to keep from smiling, and crossed her arms. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
Will dug his face in her neck, laughing through his nose. It tickled Tessa’s neck, sending a rush of shivers down her back. She smiled and nudged his head with her shoulder in a half attempt to push him off. 
“I love you, Tess.”
Tessa smiled despite herself and brushed his messy, raven hair. She could feel his eyebrows furrow against her neck. He lifted his head and looked at her.
“Do you not love me back?” He said, sticking up his bottom lip, pretending to pout.
“After that trick you played on me, I require a period of reflection before answering your question.”
Will’s pout deepened. “But, what will I do without the love of my darling Tess? The most precious diamond amongst all the others? Without her love, I shall fall into the deepest depths of despair.”
Tessa shrugged. “You should have thought twice before scaring me, I suppose.”
“Oh Tess, however can I make it up to you? I cannot live without your tender heart!”
Tessa rolled her eyes. “Well you must,” She said, detangling herself from his arms and walking away. “For I’m not quick to forgive.” 
She bit her lip to keep from smiling as she continued to walk. She could hear Will’s footsteps as he followed her. She forced herself not to look at him, as a single glance at him might cause her entire act to crumble. 
Will quickened his pace, to which Tessa responded by doing the same. Soon they were both running again, though this time it was a game of chase, of some sorts. 
Finally, Tessa was in the midst of rounding a corner before Will grabbed a hold of her waist and turned her towards the balcony. 
Tessa stared. “What am I supposed to be looking at, William?” She asked, dryly. 
She could practically hear Will rolling his eyes. “If you could hold your judgment for a mere two seconds, you might find out, Theresa.”
Tessa began to speak, before she was cut off by the Clock Tower chiming midnight. Then, she heard a gasp. Well, her own gasp, to be exact. 
There had been flower buds, apparently, and they had all begun to bloom simultaneously, a soft glow emanating from them as they opened. 
Will chuckled and kissed her neck. “They blossom at midnight.”
“Are they a type of nightshade, then?”
“That sounds like a question for Henry, the scientist, not Will, the romancer.”
“It’s just so beautiful.” 
“I know I am.” 
Tessa shook her head. “Must you always be like this?”
“You love it.”
Tessa only smiled. She’d never admit it, but she really did.
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @ninacarstairss  @stxr-thxif   @icouldnotask @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca @heronstairs2014 @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @readersconfessions812 @nightshade3465 @livvyheronstairs @zemiraa @proudtobealuthor @neurogliadudette @theenchanteddreamer @cheeseandmacarons @shadowhunting-hoolingans @writeordie-4 @amchara @myangelbach @livingformyself @dancing-under-the-moon @julescarstairs @wouldyouknowmeblind @grace-lightwoodd @livingformyself @ilikebooksandtvshows
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reality-exodus · 9 months
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch2 sparkles
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Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x Fem!Herondale
I walked out on a fast pace without turning back or waiting for my brother's Parabatai. I was wearing my own coat now as I strolled down the alley to get on the bridge and find my way to the institute.
"He just worries you know" I heard, I could see Matthew walking behind me with the side of my eye, he was still holding his extravagant coat in hand. "And can you please stop rushing on my account I will get my alcohol, therefore I wish this was more scenic" Matthew joked. I admired the way he used his vocabulary always, sobber or not. I listened to his wish, my arms crossed across my torso, I was making this gesture to highlight my fury, although if I am being frank I was shivering to the freezing temperature of London.
"Didn't sincerely seemed like he was concerned about me, more like he did not have the mood to hear our father whine about his daughter to be wandering alone helpless in the streets of this horrific city, As if I am a damsel in distress." I barked, my nerves were still tense, I was too angry to concentrate on anything.
Matthew didn't reply immediately, he touched my shoulders carefully to place his coat on me, he observed my being cold. I tensed and reflexively turned to face him, shocked, not so much because of his gesture but with the fact that I felt as if I would see something. I always looked chill with my charisma therefore I was freaking out most of the time internally. "Do not worry, I know. It is not nice to watch another broken past." He assured me and I exhaled relieved lightly and placed my arms on the sleeves while he tied the belt around my waist gently.
"Its never the past that gets me unnerved. Even though I think I witness the worse of you every time you drink alcohol." I spoke and looked at him. I rarely seen his eyes so upclose. They were green, darker as if the reasons that got him drunk every day and night had shaded his eyes too.
"And what unnerves you?" He asked me. Despite the instability of his voice that seemed so familiar since he was more drunk than sober.
"When I see the future, I have only seen it a few times. Three to be honest." I spoke and looked elsewhere, I was scared to look for his comment or his eye contact, these were things I avoided speaking of, barely mentioned them to my parents. "I will get going it gets colder" I excused myself, expecting him into offering to escort me.
"I was leaving anyway, my beautiful bottle is right down this way." Matthew spoke and walked away from me. I smiled and started walking down the bridge.
The way there was peaceful and calming, I was gazing at the cloudy sky trying to make out at least a small, tiny star but the rain that started a few minutes ago was getting stronger. It felt nice, the droplets on the coat and on my hair made me colder but the feeling was refreshing as the wind blew as well. I placed my hand to the bottom of my chaotic braided bun and set it loose into the two braids and I started loosing them as well.
I was so peaceful and calm. Forgot about my fight with James, the vision of Polly, the demon splatter and the times I saw James disappear and Matthew almost lose his life. I opened the door and walked in unknown of the mess I was in. I hoped I wouldn't meet anyone. I only went inside Lucie's room, I hoped she would be awake. I knocked the door.
"Come in" her sweet voice sounded and poked my head in. "What happened to you? Where is James?" she asked, her voice sketched with concern as well as her expression, she stood up from her desk and approached me. We were the same height even though she was two years younger than me. Her hand got my wrist and pulled me inside her room. "If mama and papa see you, you'll scare them to death." She spoke.
"Nothing happened, we only killed a demon." I replied and threw my boots next to the door and walked to her mirror to witness myself the big deal. I, indeed looked horrible, my light brown hair were wet and filled with mud that made them stick together and my face had dirt as the rain spilled the light make up I wore. "James made it explode." I sighed.
"And why are you wearing Math's clothes?" she asked me. "You are shaking..." she noticed.
I smiled subconsciously as I took off the coat and let it fall on the ground. "He accompanied me up to a point on my way home and I was cold." I explained briefly as I started taking off the heavy and wet equipment. "Could I use your bathroom? I do not feel comfortable being on my own." I added with false hopes that she would not start the curiosity drill of questions.
"Why? What happened?" Lucie asked me as she assisted me, with great care to not trigger any seizure, to take off the rest of the equipment until I was with the underskirt.
"Nothing in particular." I spoke as I took her comb and started untangling the mass in my head trying to remove as much of mud as possible. I felt my sister's gaze upon my back and let out a sigh. She probably was the only person I was unable to keep secrets from. I was a pretty cold person therefore Lucie can read me, even though my pages are always blank. "Alright, I fought with James before I left. I was certainly right with my arguments. Perhaps, I was a bit harsh." I explained.
"Oh do not even worry, he won't remember it in the morning..." Lucie smiled lightly. "This is why you came here. To cover for him, so mom and dad won't know you returned alone?" her smile got bigger. She is such a sweet angel. When me and James fight she is more sad than we are. 'You are twins, you can't talk to each other like that, you are supposed to be two of a whole' she usually quotes and tries to stop our conflict which most of the time plays out into a best sarcastic comeback battle as we actually forgot what we fought about.
"You really think so?" I asked lightly and then walked into her bathroom as I started washing the mud from my face.
"Do you remember what you fought for?" asked Lucie and my smile disappeared lightly. "Well, since it is this serious, tell me about it." She encouraged me and I exhaled unwilling to so.
"Do not tell mama and papa... James started disappearing during the battle... It was a close call for me and Math, and especially for Math... After we killed it, we went at that stupid tavern they hang out... And I had a seizure with flashback. So we were kind of on edge both of us." I unriddle the events of the night as I filled the tub with water.
"I don't think you are worried that you spoke harsh to James. You are simply upset. Come on. Have your shower and I will get you some tea and then I can tell you about my book, so you take your mind off." Lucie giggled and I nodded with soft smile. I winked and nodded before she closed the door of the bathroom.
I came out of the tub and saw that my sister brought pajamas and underwear, freshly washed, they smelled vanilla and sandal wood. The clothes were mine. I wore them and walked out to the bed where I saw her laying with a book. "Feeling better?" she asked me and I nodded.
I climbed next to her on the bed and placed the book aside with a smile as she took her brush and removed the towel. Lucie began to brush my hair. I have curly and long hair, longer than hers, with the color of my father's while I had my mom's eyes, deep gray. The brush met a comb and she abruptly untangled it making me jump.
"I am careful, you know that" Lucie reassured me with a sweet smile, she knew I was anxious.
I didn't really felt when I fell asleep, I hugged Lucie's stuffed animal. Tomorrow would be a great day, the Carstairs would arrive. I was happy to see them, to see Daisy and Alastair again. I was probably the only one who found Alastair likeable but this didn't really matter, he didn't seem to care that much to converse with anyone. Us Herondales have a special place for the Carstairs family in our hearts. My father's parabatai was a Carstairs, uncle Jem became a silent brother under awful circumstances while he was on his death bed owing to a demons doings. I cannot imagine how my father was feeling back then, I do not have a parabatai like James has and like Lucie will soon have. I have a close relationship with Barbara and Anna Lightwood but none of them to a point to have such eternal and unbreakable bond.
Uncle Jem must be the only person I can talk to about the visions I see and not feel like a freak. The whole clave looks at me and my brother as if we are some kind of unexpressed danger against the Nephelim race. Even my mother and father are uncomfortable when we speak about it. Perhaps it is in my head. Uncle Jem always knows what to tell me to ease me and not make me feel... different from everyone else. Speaking of whom I had to summon him, I was obliged to report to him every single vision I had as well as the conditions it came under.
"Lina..." I heard in my sleep as I felt a soft shake. I turned around ignoring the voice and this is when the blanket was pulled violently from my figure. "Lina!"
"What!" I exclaimed disturbed and shot up.
"Get dressed we have to get breakfast the Carstairs will be here soon" Lucie spoke as she was literally jumping up and down on her mattress.
"Is James back?" I asked her.
"Yes he is." James replied and I turned my head to see our brother sitting in the arm chair on Lucies room, it was next to the pile of my dirty clothes.
"Oh Good morning" I greeted and sat up and leaned to the bedframe as I stared at him. The gash on his hand was fully healed and he looked well and rested.
"Oh Good morning to you too" He chimed therefore his expression was just like mine dead serious as we only stared at each other. I could sense Lucie darting her gaze between us.
"Now come on you two..." Lucie began when a ghost appeared in the middle of the room.
"Oh look at the two naughty Herondales following their father's footsteps once again. Stubborn as donkeys!" Jessamine floated in the room.
"Ah great, here were the commentary again." I spoke inside my teeth.
"Jealous much Lina? At least the ghost can form more ingenious sentences than you." James smiled at me. The revenge begun.
"At least the ghost has the intelligence to think before they speak nonsense." I smiled back, Lucie was saying we had the same facial features, even our teeth and expressional wrinkles were the same, everything except our eye-color. He had brown eyes, I had gray.
"At least the ghost has manners!" Jessamine whined at us. "Like father, they say..." she sighed and floated to the edge dramatically.
"Does she though?" James asked Jessamine and she turned her attention to him, her expression puzzled.
"You really do just barge in a room, that is really not lady like." I commented with a fake frown, my posture was suddenly fixed as I was remarking the good manners that my father always said were more important than anything else. She was the last Lovelace of her family name and now she was haunting my house.
"Uh Tessie really left your upbringing to Will didn't she?" Jessamine huffed in annoyance when my father opened the room.
"She indeed did, Jess. Aren't they adorably charming?" My father asked as he looked at us his eyes were smiling.
"So adorably charming that they get on my nerves almost as much as you do Herondale." Jessamine spoke up.
"Then I did a wonderful job." He smiled lightly and sat down on the bed next to me. "How did the hunt go? You must have returned late huh?" Will asked us. I could see his gaze searching for injuries or any sign that needed his attendance or an iratze.
"It went well actually. We found a Deumas demon" James spoke and then my father looked at me.
"And? What happened?" Will asked us, I could sense his enthusiasm.
"Well at first I was up the building watching Matthew and James. And they struggled a bit, so I thought I would step in." I smiled proudly and felt James' eyes on me.
"Yes, Lina stepped in and saved Math's ass..." James spoke and our mom stepped in.
"James! Language." She noticed and allowed him to keep going.
"She used the whip and injured it and lured it away from Math but then it cornered her and thankfully Thomas was there and assisted Lina." James continued and smiled at me.
"James recovered from the hit and he tried to kill it at first but then he had a gash on the hand during this attempt so me and Thomas kept it in line when my bright twin came slashed it and filled us with ichor and blood." I finished the story.
"And then we stayed at Devil's Tavern for a drink." James spoke up and looked at me.
"Or eight?" I lied with a giggle.
"Eight? Linette!" My mother exclaimed and made a move to touch my forehead and I pulled myself from the way.
"I am fine mom, I do not have temperature or something. I was only a bit dizzy and Luce offered to brew some lemon balm with anice to sooth my stomach." I exclaimed. They knew I was uncomfortable with physical contact.
"I was with her as well. And so were the boys its really not big deal, or the first time it happens" James tried to cover for me but he earned an almost infuriated gaze from our father.
"Well it isn't that bad..." Lucie intervened.
"Well I was celebrating the demon victory. And then I got entinced by the drunks around me?" I smiled and my father shook his head. "I know I am a girl and I shouldn't- ." I started off and then saw my parents exchange a look.
"Lina... It is not that. Honestly I couldn't care less what each one of those pretentious Clave members has to say about me, my wife, my children or my parabatai. Both me and your mother have been through the gossiping and it doesn't real phase us, it never did. We just want you to be safe." My father spoke and carefully took my hand I exhaled as I realized I was still wearing gloves.
"I don't see you preaching my twin about these. But anyway, I see your points and your concerns." I spoke and gave him a light smile and removed my hand. If you'll excuse me. I must get prepared for breakfast." I excused myself to go to my room. I didn't know how I felt and suddenly I wasn't in the mood of socializing either. Even if it was with the Carstairs.
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
@fluffbruary Day 22
How was your year, Tessa? Jem asked in the way of the Silent Brothers, in her head.
Their meetings on the bridge were so brief, barely cooling the aching grief of her mind and heart, and she yearned to draw him to her and never let go, to say my Jem and hear him say Wo ai ni.
She shook the urge off. Thus was the curse of immortality, and she had gotten better at bearing it over the years.
“It was good,” she said. “I worked as a nurse again, which was exhausting. I have all the respect in the world for Catarina. I think I’ll be going to university again this year.”
Which course would you want to study?
“Linguistics,” she said, spinning the bracelet Will had given her for their wedding anniversary around her wrist. “It has a few entertaining jobs lined up afterwards, which spares me from going into the Labyrinth for a while.”
She loved her fellow warlocks, and she loved working and researching in the Spiral Labyrinth – but after the incident seven years ago it was still hard to think about going back there. She had no doubt she would, though: to her it was what hospitals were to Catarina, what luxury was to Magnus, what the Shadow Market was to Hypatia, what Idris was to Ragnor, what his family was to Raphael. A constant, something you find yourself drawn to in the long years of loneliness.
“How was your year?” She asked him, even knowing his response, because thinking about how her life was going sometimes made her incredibly sad.
It was well, he answered, entirely uninformative as usual. He always encouraged her to talk about herself and her life, and always refused to say much about his own.
Tessa spent all year yearning for this period, for the time she got to interact with the love of her life, and then when it came to it, when she was finally looking at him, she wanted to close her eyes and be done with it. She hated what life had done to the two of them, she hated how much they had lost: Will. James. Lucie. Cordelia. Jesse. Matthew. Christopher. Thomas. Alistair. Anna. Cecily. Sophie. Gideon. Charlotte. Gabriel. Henry.
She hated that looking at Jem and talking to him brought up so many sad memories of her past, all the people she loved and her memories of them tinged with grief and sorrow.
Silences were unfilled, but never awkward between them. As many conflicted emotions Tessa held for this, there was always a peace to be had with Jem, even with his eyes peacefully closed, in the  parchment robes of Silent Brothers.
Suddenly there was a loud commotion from the other side of the bridge. A few teenagers were creating a cacophony of noise, yelling at one another. One made gestures which were getting more and more agitated and exuberant by the second. Another stomped their feet and pointed between two of them, screeching about the sheer betrayal they left. It looked like those two were about to come to blows before the third pushed their way between them, hands on hips, and began to scold them, and then they stood there sulkily, occasionally glaring at one another.
Tessa threw her head back and laughed in a way she hadn’t in a while.
Jem was looking at her softly, and her breath caught. He almost looked the way he had, mortal, so many years ago.
It has been a while since I have heard laughter, he confessed.
Tessa found that indescribably sad. No matter how much she went through in life, she had never been devoid of laughter, in herself, in the people she loved, or simply on the streets she passed.
Why did you laugh like that? Jem continued.
“I just remembered something,” Tessa said, and for once, it brought the hot rush of joy rather than melancholy. “It was so silly. It was so long ago. We were such children.”
What was it?
“Cecily and Gabriel,” Tessa chuckled. “And the day Will found them. Also, coincidentally, the day they got engaged.”
I assume it was not quite that coincidental, Jem commented dryly, though she was fairly certain she and Will had told him that story when it had happened, Will nearly incoherent in his apoplectic, appalled rantings.
“No, it wasn’t,” she agreed, and she slipped back to the memories.
Gabriel and Will had been on an overnight mission, and Tessa and Cecily had stayed up until dawn for them, Cecy practically vibrating with impatience that she hadn’t been able to go. They’d watched the sky turned lighter as Bridget sang about murder in the background.
At that point, Cecily had completely lost her temper and gone to demand mission details from Gideon, who had never been good at denying his brother’s girlfriend, and caved instantly.
“Are you coming, Tessa?” She’d asked grimly, adding several daggers – her chosen weapon – to her holsters.
“Of course,” Tessa had replied. “I’m not leaving my sister to go out and get my husband alone.” That had gotten her a smile.
They’d gotten the carriage out, Cyril expressing several worries over them going out alone, and followed the trail left by their partners to a slime covered street.
“Cecaelia demons,” Cecily had said, her eyes blazing with that battle high Tessa saw so much but could never understand. “No wonder they’re late.” The both of them drew their blades and then charged in.
“Cecily!” Will had cried in fury. “What are you doing here?”
“You were late. I’m not sure what else I could’ve come for, Gwilym,” she’d replied, throwing a demon bodily off a stunned Gabriel. “Feel free to give me ideas, though.”
The four of them had made quick work of the demons, Will and Cecily trading barbs, and Will regularly trying to keep Tessa out of the way, which was rather useless.
“Why are you here, Tess?” Will had asked at the end, tiredly but tenderly, taking her hand.
Tessa had cocked her head to the side and smiled. “Cecily put it quite well. You were late. I hope you didn’t expect me to sit around and wait.”
Will had laughed. “Of course not, my Boadicea,” he’d kissed her hand. “What did you think of my performance?”
“You were rather dashing in the battle,” Tessa had allowed loftily. “But you wouldn’t have succeeded without me.”
“I would be incapable in every way without you,” Will had agreed mock solemnly.
“I don’t know,” she’d replied amusedly, “Cecy seems to keep you in line.”
At that, his face turned thunderous. “Cecily!” He barked. Cecily was nearly eighteen then, the same age they had been when they had met, but Will would forever remain overprotective – smothering, Cecily complained – over her. “By the Angel, I nearly forgot. Where is she?”
They’d found her in Gabriel’s arms, the two of them kissing like the world was ending. Tessa had smiled – you could say many things about Gabriel, but never that he didn’t adore Cecily. And she certainly remembered her own ‘we’ve survived, yay! Also you look hot fighting’ sex.
Will … did not see it that way. He had gone absolutely ballistic. He’d torn Gabriel away and thrown him to the ground.
Tessa had tried to calm him down, but to no avail.
Cecily and Will had gotten into a screaming match. Will raged and said she should have better decorum. Cecily swore at him in Welsh and called him a bloody hypocrite. Gabriel and Tessa exchanged a half-amused half-hapless look.
“How many times have I walked in on you and Tessa?” Cecily demanded.
“Tessa and I are married,” Will had snapped back. “That doesn’t matter.”
“Really, Will, you know we didn’t wait for marriage,” Tessa said exasperatedly. Gabriel winced at that. Will shrugged, knowing it was true and not wanting to argue with her, but his face was set.
“So, what you mean is if Gabriel and I were married, you would have been fine walking in on what you did?” Cecily had said, eyes gleaming with the Herondale promise of mischief and Tessa felt dread rise up in her. Gabriel made a choked noise.
Will laughed, clearly not considering that a serious question. “Sure, why not.”
“Very well then,” Cecily had tossed her hair back arrogantly and gone and knelt in front of Gabriel. Both Gabriel and Will’s jaws had dropped. Tessa had been unable to prevent an excited half-cheer half-laugh. “Gabriel Lightwood,” she continued, and the challenge in her eyes faded to something softer, something that made Tessa feel like a voyeur. “. I have never loved anyone before you, and I sincerely doubt I will after. Ever since I met you, you have kept pace with me, supported me, and challenged me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you continuing to do those things. Will you do me the honour of being my husband?”
“Cecy. . .” Gabriel had sounded absolutely flabbergasted. And so, so in love.
Cecily had smiled at him, a moment so solemn and sweet not even Will had interrupted. “Do you have an answer for me?”
Gabriel had dropped to his knees as well. “For you,” he’d said. “The answer will always, always be yes.” They’d kissed, chastely but still somehow fiercely before parting, Gabriel having a hand on his fiancee’s cheek. “I am happy to spend the rest of my life with you,” he had continued softly. “And I am honoured you chose me.”
Cecily had grinned in a private, tender amusement. “I’m certain you would have been insulted if I had picked anyone else.”
Gabriel had snorted, taking her hand, slipping his family ring off his finger and onto hers, and pressing a light kiss to the back of it. “Rest assured; I absolutely would have been.”
“Congratulations!” Tessa had beamed, seeing that the moment had been teetering towards an end. Both of the lovebirds had startled slightly, before turning matching smiles to her. She moved rapidly to hug Cecily, and turned to Gabriel with his fiancée still in her arms. “Welcome to the family, Gabriel.”
Gabriel had smiled, obviously touched. “Thank you, Tessa.”
“The family?” Will had called, sounding revolted. But his expression hadn’t matched his tone, he’d been looking between the newly engaged couple, a furrow in his eyebrows. “Cecily, cariad, you’re seventeen.”
“Tessa was seventeen when she was engaged to Jem, and no one objected to that,” she’d pointed out in return, ignoring the slight noise Gabriel, who had never understood how they still considered Jem family, made. Cecily had, though. Cecily still called Brother Zachariah Jem, even though Tessa knew he slightly unnerved her. “We shall perhaps have a long engagement, but that does not matter right now.”
Will had sighed ruefully, considering this, hands in his pockets. Tessa had made her way back to him, and he’d almost unthinkingly come to her side. “I suppose there’s little left to be said then,” he’d commented. “Keep good on those promises you made, Gabriel, and we’ll be okay.”
Gabriel’s eyes had been wide at the approval. Cecily looked happy and irritated at the same time, saying “You have no right to comment on my relationships, Will!” while he’d stared at Will, the two men nodding sharply simultaneously moments after.
“Welcome to the family, I suppose, Lightworm,” Will had continued resignedly. “I probably won’t call you that anymore or prank you. Much.”
And with Will and Cecily still arguing, with Gabriel still looking delightedly dazed, they had made their way back to the Institute.
That is quite the story, Jem said, and he sounded wistful in her head. Tessa wasn’t sure if it was her own bias or if he actually did sound that. And it was very Cecily of her to propose.
“It’s fairly common now,” Tessa agreed. “But back then it was nearly unheard of. Cecy did love breaking stereotypes,” she said softly, and for once, the memory of someone she loved brought her joy rather than pain.
Tessa was immortal. Nearly everyone she loved was dead, and those still alive could die someday. She would outlive Jem, and it wasn’t a guarantee that she wouldn’t outlive her immortal friends.
But that wasn’t the point, she realized with a startling clarity. The point was to make memories like that which would make her smile years in the future. The point was that you lived, and did everything you could to live well. The point was the choices you made and the people you loved. The point was having those people, even for a short while. She thought of Gideon and Sophie, and of Gabriel and Cecily, who had lost their Barbara and Christopher so early into their lives and had still not regretted a second of it.
Tessa swallowed the lump in her throat, and looked at Jem: no longer a melancholy piece of the past, but the hope and happiness of her life there that she carried into the future.
“I think I’m going back to the Spiral Labyrinth,” she decided on a whim. “I’ve missed it a lot.” And she had, she realized.
You will? Jem asked, sounding surprised.
“Yes,” she said firmly. “What about you? Any New Year’s resolutions?”
I’m not sure, he admitted.
“That’s alright,” Tessa said, smiling. “We’ve got time.”
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thefictioness · 5 months
Who wants pain and suffering? I've got some to spare :'3
A little something I conjured up about Jem's time of dying. Kind of a parallel to the epilogue about Will's.
Original work by @cassandraclare
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astriefer · 2 years
Dinner Night With the Herondales
Pairing: Gabriel Lightwood & Cecily Herondale
Summary: The title is pretty self-explanatory. Plus baby Anna is a little thunderstorm and her family loves her a lot.
Length: +2k
CW: none
It's a fic for my dearest friend and one of the coolest people I know. happy late birthday!! <3
The lightwood Townhouse, London 1886
Two-year-old Anna Lightwood marches from the nursery, eyes twinkling. She walks across the lounge as her father follows her, trying half-heartedly to retrieve his stolen hat. "Mam!"
Keep reading
Gabriel puts no real effort into it, more concerned Anna doesn't crush into a wall. He seems amused if anything, and by the mischievous smile plastered to Cecily's little girl's face, it's clear she's quite enjoying herself too.
She only stops pacing around the room when she's in front of her, Gabriel on her heels. Bright, eager blue eyes look at her, a replica of her own.
"Ma," Anna says, in that childish, high-pitched voice of hers. Cecily smiles and crouches down so Anna doesn't have to tilt her head so high. Cecily wouldn't be able to do it soon.
The hat was far too wide on her small head, falling forward and covering her eyes. The dark-haired woman fixed it for her daughter. "What a lovely hat you have there, cariad bach."
Anna touches it, pleased with the compliment, and giggles. Her chubby hands grasp the brims of Gabriel's hat – with effort, as it was huge on her – and tilting it as if she's in a show, bowing to her crowd. It only results in the hat falling on her face again. Cecily's heart fills with warmth as she laughs. So confident her daughter is, making mischief and standing for what she wants. Even if it was her husband's hat.
Cecily finds it hard to believe one can possibly love so hard. But she looks at her husband, his green eyes meeting hers. There's this undeniable emotion in his eyes as he looks at her and their daughter, pride and adoration and happiness she feels just as much.
While she gets back on her feet, Gabriel swoops Anna into his arms. The toddler squeals and squirms, her dark hair is revealed when he lifts the hat from her face and puts it neatly on his head. Anna, in an instant, retreats to kicking her arms and legs in protest. The maid enters the lounge just a moment after, quick to bring Anna a hat fitting her size. It matches her dress, a blue shade or two lighter than Cecily's own outing dress.
Gabriel thanks the maid while Anna, still not satisfied, attempts to steal his hat once again. The pout on her face makes it hard to do anything but laugh. "You're a little troublemaker, aren't you?" He says, arching an amused eyebrow at his oldest daughter. Anna, ever unapologetic and confident, puts her hands on her waist and makes a sound of pure dissatisfaction.
"You two, stop it," Cecily sighs. Inside, however, she finds it very entertaining. Being done herself, she takes Anna from Gabriel so he can finish the last touches on his appearance.
"Well," he says with a broad grin, finished fastening his cuffs. He gestures broadly to the door as he links his and his wife's arms together. The graze is gentle and warm. "Off to Wales, we go."
"I can't believe it," Gabriel grumbles. It's the fifth time he says this sentence accompanied by a grumpy face he wears ever since they entered the carriage.
"Oh, hush," Cecily says. "There are worse things than that."
"It’s the third time this week!" Gabriel proclaims, visibly annoyed. "And it is only Wednesday." The blue-eyed woman presses her lips at his words, adjusting the toddler on her lap as he continues. "I have never," Gabriel huffed, "ever imagined I'd be subscribed to the `steal-your-in-law's carriage` membership."
Much to their surprise, when they left their townhouse earlier they found the carriage raider – without the carriage and with a note. Soon Gabriel came to the realization his dear in-law, Will, had 'borrowed' his carriage to a visitor of the Institute that wished to go to town but had no carriage available. Had Gabriel's brother lived far from them, they would have gotten stuck.
"I don't believe you had much of an option," Cecily responds, biting down a snort. She seems hardly as irked by her brother's antics. It only agitates him more. "Not that you were asked, for the matter."
The carriage comes to a halt in front of the London Institute. After climbing the stone stairs leading to the door, the three Lightwoods are ushered inside by a maid. She offers to take Gabriel's hat. He refuses, instead letting Ana toy with it like she so loves to do.
The maid bows and quietly rushes to call her masters. No longer than a few minutes later, Tessa Herondale steps into the room.
"Cecily, Gabriel," she welcomes them warmly with open arms, a smile tugged on her lips. They rise from their seats to embrace her. Cecily presses a kiss to her cheek as well, and Tessa kisses Anna's forehead. "It's been some time, hasn't it?"
"Indeed," Cecily agrees, putting her hand on her sister-in-law's forearm. They met in enclave meetings and when they had to visit the institute from time to time, of course, but nothing other than work for the past month. "We've been so caught up with tending to Anna, we barely had time for anything else."
Tessa smiles kindly at them. "The joys of parenthood, I suppose."
Gabriel glances at Tessa's hand, resting on her swollen belly, pregnant with her and Will's first child. "Is it truly safe for you to travel through portals?" he asks. "Do pregnant women suffer any kind of side effects from it?"
Tessa waves her hand dismissively, clearly unbothered by his concern. "Frequent travels through portals are not recommended, but there's no real harm. Besides," she adds as if in an afterthought, "Charlotte is the consul and she visits Idris and London regularly. I doubt she – or Henry, frankly – would have put the fetus in danger if that was the case."
"Oh," Gabriel seems and sounds relieved. The tension set in his shoulders loosens by a fraction. "Right, of course."
Tessa eyes him suspiciously. Before she can query him about that, he changes the subject. "If we're yet at the topic of children," Gabriel grimaces. "You should know that dear husband of yours is one, too. And a thief."
Tessa raises her eyebrows in question, so the green-eyed man elaborates. "He stole our carriage."
"Exactly what I was saying," Gabriel nods. He looks at Cecily who just rolls her eyes. He sighs, and Tessa sighs, and if Church – who is asleep on the lounge's window - could sigh, he would have done that too.
Tessa shakes her head, but shrugs. "William," she says if it solves all Gabriel's problems. "I'll have a word with him."
"I hope your baby won't grow up to be a thief like their father," Gabriel murmurs. "I hold high hopes for it, considering it shares at least half your genes." He'll love the child nonetheless even if they would be an immaculate copy of Will, and all three of them know that. Still, he wishes his nephew would be a bit less impish. Wistful thinking, he knows.
Tessa pushes back brown curls behind her ear. "No matter, now. Shall we go to the portal?"
They agree, so Gabriel picks up little Anna, still fiddling with his hat, and together they go towards the portal of the London institute.
Heronadle estate, North Wales
"Oh my," Linette Herondale says when they appeared on her estate's doorstep. "My beautiful granddaughter, how much you've grown!"
"Hello to you too, Mother," Will jokes, then lets himself be swept into a tight hug. "We’ve come for the food."
"I'm sure you did, cariad, " Will and Cecily's mother says in a lighthearted tone as Edmund opens his arms to welcome his family as well. 
Cecily hugs them and watches as her parents hug her husband and daughter just as firmly. After they all get inside, they sit around the broad dinner table. Scents of Cecily's childhood food flare her nostrils. It's been too long since she had a meal of her homeland - the maids serve them cawl, and bara brith, and she feels so nostalgic she almost burst into tears. She concentrates on eating, meanwhile keeping a watch Anna doesn't devour anything she shouldn't. Gabriel, on his part, concentrates on bantering with Will and discussing the latest events of the London Enclave. He asks for a napkin and Will throws it at him.
"Anna, aren’t your father and uncle ridiculous?" Cecily smiles softly at her daughter. She points her finger up, then continues, "Please, never learn from them."
Anna burst out laughing. Gabriel shakes his head at the accusation. It's hardly his fault he has Will as his brother-in-law.
"Why are you so cruel, younger sister, despite we share the same blood?" Will chuckles, just as Gabriel says, "Well, you still married me."
"Not much I can do about the first thing, " Cecily drawls. The people around the table laugh, while Gabriel seems pleased with himself and Anna babbles happily for no reason.
At one point, once they finish dinner and drank some wine - except for Tessa, who's pregnant, and Cecily who said she doesn't feel like it - they settle in front of the fireplace. Cecily and Gabriel sit on the loveseat in front of Cecily's parents, Tessa in the armchair while her husband plays with Anna on the rug.
They brought various toys Anna enjoys with them to dinner, but she is entirely fascinated by a new game her grandparents brought her. It was a colored wooden train carriage, big enough to not be a hazard to Anna's safety.
"Ai'n," she says to Will, pointing at the train. He grins, nodding. The toddler then yawns, so Gabriel gets up to pull her into his arms. It was soon her bedtime, and his parents-in-law made sure to have a bassinet in cases like this. Before he turns to go, Anna protests. Pushing her palms on his chest to get his attention, she looks her father in the eye. "Ta'ain," she demands.
"The young lady got some attitude," Edmund points out, amused.
"Like mother, like daughter," Will muses as Anna says gibberish to Gabriel, to which he nods. She looks very grave and demanding, probably in an attempt to tell him what she wants.
Cecily's about to remark back to her older brother when Gabriel lands his eyes on Cecily, and there's only admiration in them. "I agree. And aren't they perfect?"
He flushes at the realization of his saying, catching the train toy before quickly disappearing out of the room. When he finally returns, Anna is not with him and his cheeks are just slightly less red.
"Rydw i'n dy garu di," Cecily whispers to him when he takes his seat next to her. Gabriel turns away, mostly so they wouldn't see how he fails to repress a wide grin.
"So, Tessa, how much longer it is until you're due?" Linette asks, sipping from her tea. Her legs are crossed and her other hand rests on Edmund's.
They were always affectionate like that, and Cecily has always viewed them as the perfect couple. She grew out of this, learning no marriage is perfect, but she still sees the way they look at each other with love, even after all those years.
"A few weeks," Tessa replies, leaning back against the armchair. Her voice softens, and Gabriel can't describe the emotion written on her face. "I cannot wrap it around my mind. It's something I feel I still ought to get used to."
"We weren't sure we could ever have this," Will comments. He reaches to caress the back of his fingers against Tessa's belly, no longer a bump like it was a few months ago. "It's still difficult to comprehend, you know? That we're creating life."
Cecily and Gabriel look at each other and smile quietly. They watch the other couple have this moment together. They discussed their lives and their loved ones before Linette lifts herself up from the coach.
"Cecily, annwyl," she says, "can you help me with something in the kitchen?"
Cecily obliges and follows her mother until they reach the small space of the kitchen. When they're inside and there's no one to hear, the older woman starts, 'Is there anything going on?"
Cecily frowns. "What do you mean?"
"You might be a grown woman now, and a mother," Linette crosses her arms, "but you're my daughter, and the fact remains intact. There's something you want to tell us, I've noticed it all evening. What is it?"
Cecily levels her eyes with her mother, the same dark blue both her and her brother share. "Nothing bad, I promise," she brushes dust off her blue skirt and straightens up. "Just wait."
She walks back to the parlor, her mother next to her. Gabriel gazes at her as she sits down next to him with a quizzical look. "I think it's time," she concedes, taking Gabriel's hand in hers.
"Time for what?" Tessa quirks an eyebrow at her, and Cecily takes a breath before nodding toward Gabriel.
"We didn't come just the three of us. Cecily, myself, and Anna, that is."
"Oh?" Edmund looks puzzled. "Who else? I've seen no other come through the portal?"
"Well…" Gabriel and Cecily both turn their gaze down.
To Cecily's flat stomach.
"Don't tell me…" Tessa's voice trails off. Cecily's gleaming eyes are her answer.
"Heavens!" Linette puts her hands over her mouth. "Are you pregnant?"
Cecily nods, letting Gabriel rest a protective hand on her stomach. She doesn't need it, and he knows she can handle it on her own just fine, but he also wants to be close to the baby, to her.
It follows a few reactions from all four of the other people in the toom:
"How long have you known?"
"Oh, angels, another Herondale."
"I'm going to have another grandchild?"
They let themselves be surrounded by the love and questions of their family, smiling the whole time.
When they returned home with sleeping Anna, Cecily throws her hands around Gabriel. He wraps his hands around her immediately, holding her close. She says the same thing she has said earlier, and on their wedding night, and when he's done something stupid, and when their Anna was born. "Rydw i'n dy garu di."
Taglist (I know it's not tlh sorry if you didn't want to be tagged): @ary-es @all-for-the-fanfiction @justanormaldemon @life-through-the-eyes-of @rainingpouringetc @tessherongraystairs @cordelia-in-the-right-skin-tone @takethetrain
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
What is ur personal favourite, hands down recommended reading order? The way you like most, the way that's the most optimal way of reading it? According to you of course (and maybe including extra chapters) ? :))
Cassie Clare Canon -> If a short story is listed by name, it means I recommend you read it there rather than where I list the rest of the story collection. Or, you know, you could reread the story and have fun ;)
My fanfic
NOT PUBLISHED YET. Indicates a WIP that I am actively working on. I did not list WIPs that I am not actively working on.
My fanfic, but NSFW
@vwritesaus fanfic because I accept all her works as canon and also we share almost every headcanon so they fit in with all the other stuff on this list.
W/T -> Wessa
M -> Matthew
EIR -> Expert in Romantics Series
T/A -> Thomastair
TWLTB -> Together We'll Learn to Breathe Series
J/C -> Herondaisy
Note: I have only included fanfics that are fully canon compliant. I have others as does V, and you should read those too :P But these are just canon and bonus chapters.
When Our Eyes Meet, Darling, I Fancy You
Have I Known You Twenty Seconds or Twenty Years? W/T
Leaves, Cider Donuts, and William Herondale W/T
Happy Birthday, My Tess W/T
Tale as Old as Time W/T
The Howling Wind W/T
My Hips and Thighs and Whispered Sighs (Oh Lord) W/T
The Whitechapel Fiend
A Tale of a Great Behemoth W/T
Nothing But Shadows
Cast Long Shadows
Come Feel This Magic I've Been Feeling Since I Met You T/A
Every Exquisite Thing
A Combination of Shock and Awe M
The Midnight Heir
The Penultimate Hours
Chain of Gold
Empty Bottles, Heavy Hearts, the Memories of Broken Dreams T & Lily
The Letter Game
Part-Time Soulmate, Full-Time Problem T/A
Chain of Iron
Chain of Thorns
Daisy, My Daisy... J/C
breathe T/A
Enouement J/C
Chrysalism T/A
Can We Dance Through an Avalanche? T/A
Serindipity Ari/Anna NOT PUBLISHED YET.
A Therapeutic Chain of Events T/A TWLTB
The Closet Game A & C
The Golden Age of Something Good and Right and Real T/A
Butterflies J/C
Prices & Vices (I End Up in Crisis) M & A
Your Flower's Filled With Vitriol M & A
In the Gutter, Looking at the Stars M & A
The Name We Give Our Mistakes M
Summer Went Away (Still the Yearning Stays) M
Love Thorns All Over This Rose J/C
You Drew Scars Around My Stars T/A TWLTB
Passed Down Like Folk Songs (The Love Lasts So Long) T/A
Taffy Stuck and Tongue Tied A & Grace
It's a Love Story (Baby Just Say Yes) J/C
Soul to the Universe (Wings to the Mind) J/C, T/A, M
I Can See You (Up Against a Wall With Me) J/C
Across our Great Divide There Is a Glorious Sunrise M
Fourty-Eight M
Dreamscapes on the Wall T/A
I'm a Fire and I'll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm T/A
The Diaries of Sir Thomas Lightwood, Age 14 T/A
what's in a kiss (by any other touch would feel just as sweet) T/A
A Troublesome Tale of Truffles & Trifles T/A
Religion in Your Lips (the Altar Is My Hips) T/A
A Dazzling Haze, A Mysterious Way About You T/A
Seeking Lapsang Souchang J/C
The Crown You Never Take Off T/A
Closets of Backlogged Dreams T/A
dear christopher T/A
Life Is Not Complex (We Are Complex) M EIR Eugenia/OC
The Cheap Severity of Abstract Ethics M & T/A
Walk, Walk, Fashion Baby M & T
Got Me Right Where You Want Me, Baby (Could I Be More Obvious?) T/A
More Than Anything: A Thomas and Alastair Drabble Collection T/A
The Besotted Couple's Guide to Half-Baked Mistakes J/C
Privacy Sign on the Whole World J/C
Until the Stars Burn Out: A James and Cordelia Drabble Collection J/C
Flying in a Dream, Stars By the Pocketful T/A
Twenty Minutes T/A
hygge T/A
Like a Candle You Burnt Out T/A
Christmas on the Balcony W/T
The Surprise T/A & C
i'm only me when i'm with you J/C
Every Tear's a Rain Parade From Hell T/A TWLTB
A Dwindling Mercurial High T/A TWLTB
Bloodsucker, Famefucker T/A TWLTB
Baby You Got Lucky Cause You're Rockin With the Best T/A
Is This the End of All the Endings? (My Broken Bones Are Mending) T/A
Dinner in the Dark T/A
For One Moment, Our Lives Met (Our Souls Touched) M EIR Ragnor/Catarina
Fashion Is Ephemeral (Art Is Eternal) Matthew EIR T/A
A Little Sincerity (A Dangerous Thing) M EIR Risa/OC
The Moon in Her Chariot of Pearl M EIR T/A
Days Future: Paris 1912 T/A
A Ribbon of Dream T/A
Kaleidoscope of Loud Heartbeats Under Coats T/A
Moonlight Sonata and I T/A
Connecting the Tide to the Sand That Was Dry T/A
Love on Ice T/A
portrait of a dissipated parisian T/A
Time, Mystical Time M
TMI 1-4
The Red Scrolls of Magic
TMI 5-6
Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy
The Bane Chronicles
TDA, if you absolutely must, but I usually recommend people don't waste their time.
Ghosts of the Shadow Market
The Lost Book of the White
Sentimental Boy Is My Nom de Plume W/T
This Beautiful Beast M T/A and Kit H
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thevagabondexpress · 1 month
B and D + trc and/or tsc
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind. Christopher/Filomena. I was in the process of writing a fanfic that made me pay way more attention to the details of Chain of Iron than before and suddenly bam look there's a potential ship I didn't notice.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. Wessa. They're objectively really well written but just not for me. Tessa feels specially designed to give me dysphoria not just gender-wise but in general and Will reminds me too much of both myself and my dad—in a good way but thatt actually makes seeing the character in a romance plot even more awkward.
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harringtondale · 2 years
this feels like a fanfic, Tessa recognizing Will's footsteps because they've married for over 20 years. Wessa still being flirty & madly in love & Tessa getting lowkey jealous because a lady was flirting with him but Will didn't even notice & he just goes to kiss Tessa I just love them so much😭
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belle-keys · 9 months
Not the original anon, but weighing in with a Rant. In addition to what you said, harassing fic writers about what they do and don't write is a douche move. I've literally gotten comments telling me I write too much Thomastair and Wessa and should write (x) things instead, and I find the comments super rude, ngl? Like, someone else is definitely writing what you want! Leave me alone!
One of my good friends also got some really nasty ass guest comments on a Gracetopher fic where the person spent what must have been like an hour catching every typo and perceived historical/scientific inaccuracy. Like dude my friend just wanted to write cute lab fluff, I wanted to read cute lab fluff, it you don't like cute lab fluff gtfo
Yes, exactly – fanfiction is the Wild West. There is no logic, no real editing, no complete originality. You pay nothing to write it or read it. You can publish it on ao3 after writing it on a post-it at 2am while drunk. Criticizing fanfiction is stupid when it’s easy as hell to not read what you don’t like. And people should just, yunno, get to write what they want anyway. The rules of books, original prose, and literature do not hold up in fanfiction because fanfic exists within a completely different creative framework.
There is not a single individual fanfiction criticism that holds up when you contextualize what fanfiction even is. You think this person used the phrase “blue orbs” too much? Great, they’re not a writer, they didn’t make the fic intending for it to have good prose. They just wanna squeal over Damon Salvatore’s blue orbs with their five friends online. The writing is bad? Great, the purpose wasn’t it for it to be good in the first place, so keep it to yourself. No one is reading this one specific fic for “good writing”.
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zoyalannister · 1 year
Last week I mentioned Gabrily fanfics written by Wessa stans, and I decided to make an example post instead of ranting.
The message here isn't that you can't like two ships, but typically Wessa stans have a vision on Gabrily that define weird would be generous.
Also, this isn't meant as an attack to a specific fanfic. If you read some of these "Gabrilys", you will think at least about 5 different titles.
A typical Gabrily (by Wessa stans)
Premise: this fanfic isn't actually a Gabrily, it's just an excuse to write about Wessa from a different POV and show how much superior they are.
Gabriel is a total asshole, not meaning cocky and arrogant, but meanig outright douchebag. He is always angry with Cecily, even for things out of her control like gettig infections or being pregnant with a girl, and even verbally abusive. He is super mysoginist and treats Cecily like shit even when she's pregnant. He also is very selfish in bed and the "only missionary" kind of man.
Bonus: he can be both sexist, asshole and a shit father flipping out on Cecily for birthing a daughter right after she delivers Anna.
Cecily instead is Daphne Bridgerton 2.0, super naïve, oblivious of what happens in bed and totally scared of it. She's scared of Gabriel in almost evert situation: before having sex, after having sex, to talk to him about feelings and she's absolutely terrified of his reaction if he finds out she's pregnant. Obviously, as a good wife, she accepts all the verbal abuse from her husband and doesn't fight back. She has sex only when Gabriel wants to and never takes initiative.
In this fanfic Gabrily have a stupid and nonsense fight that would never happen if they were IC, but don't worry: Saint William Herondale from Wales arrives walking on water with his shining halo and heals Gabriel from the assholesness by impossing his hands on the forehead, and Saint Tessa Grey from New York will guide Cecily through her fears and doubts.
In the end, thanks to the greatness of Wessa, Gabrily will magically solve their problems and get their happy ending, obviously after remarking how superior Wessa are.
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amchara · 1 year
📓 <3333
Oooh hello! I am trying to remember which meme this comes from and I think it's the... send an ask and I'll tell you a fanfic idea I have that I haven't written yet? 😅 (if it's not- tell me the right one and I'll answer that)
As for the fanfic idea...
I don't write much for the The Infernal Devices but I do love all the characters, and especially Tessa, Will and Jem. I have this Wessa fic idea - it's an AU fic for the end of Clockwork Angel.
This is a fic set a couple days after Will and Tessa's showdown on the roof where Will offers to sleep with Tessa but not have a relationship (you know- throwing it in her face that he'd only do it because she's a warlock and can't get pregnant or ever be respectable enough).
Tessa after a few days decides there's something odd about that argument and decides not to mope about it but actually calls his bluff. She sets up in his bedroom in what she considers a 'provocative' nightgown but of course- this is still Victorian times, so basically, he can see her ankles in it because SCANDAL.
Now, she's doing this with the idea Will is a gentleman deep down, and won't go through with it - and this might be a way to break down his walls - but when he comes back, he is very much like 😳😳 but continues to try to act the suave, young debased gentleman - while still trying to keep her modesty.
Anyway, there's tons of sexual tension and some very close touching and potentially even further kissing. And then Will hears Jem coming down the hall, and Tessa has to hide in his wardrobe, and well- after all that, she sneaks out. And both her and Will have to continue to suffer and pine because- well, because there's another two books to get through. 😂
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yayy second part tessa telling sohpie plsss, and maybe gideon present too plsss
Sorry!! I wrote parts of this in a bunch of different places, and I had lost a part, so I was looking for it for the longest time, before I gave up and just ended up rewriting the part, only to find it right after I was done 😂 Basically, my life is a mess.
I love you even though I hadn't met you yet—Extra scene (I feel so professional calling it an extra😎)
Tessa knocked on the Lightwood’s door, slightly dismayed at the sound that came from the other side after doing so. 
Suddenly, the door was yanked open to reveal Gideon standing in the threshold, two tiny hands hanging from his shoulders. Those tiny hands eventually revealed a tiny face that had been hiding behind her father’s back, one that Tessa hadn’t realized resembled Gideon so much. Though Barbara had Sophie’s eyes, their shape was identical to Gideon’s, as was her smile. Tessa couldn’t help but smile at how they looked together.
She almost put a hand to her lower abdomen, feeling a pulling sensation in her heart at the thought of her own child looking like her lovely Will.
“Tessa,” Gideon said, reaching back to grab Barbara. He managed to turn her around so that she was now perched at his hip. “You must be here to see Sophie.” He stepped aside to let her in. 
“I am. She’s here, is she not?”
Gideon nodded with a slight smile, as if the very thought of his wife provoked a smile out of him. Tessa couldn’t believe she used to think Gideon wasn’t good enough for Sophie when they’d first started fancying each other. Though, to be fair, she didn’t know him very well when she was young. 
Barbara began squirming in Gideon’s arms. He put her down and she sped out of view. “Behave yourself!” He called after her, before turning back to Tessa. “She’s in the parlor. She’ll be ecstatic that you’re here.”
Tessa smiled. “Then she will share my sentiments; I could hardly sleep all night in anticipation of coming here today! Oh, but where are my manners, how are you Gideon? It’s been a while since we’ve last conversed.”
“I’m well. I do love it here in Idris.”
Tessa nodded in agreement, “Will and I were going to come for a couple of days in the summer to Herondale manor, get some fresh air.”
Gideon chuckled, “Yes, that London air is something else.” 
“Thicker than honey,” Tessa agreed. 
When they made it to the parlor, Sophie looked up, her lips turning up into a brilliant smile. 
“Tessa! You’re back, and so soon! How delightful,” she exclaimed, getting up and catching her in a hug.
“Mama, Papa, look at what I made!” Barbara yelled. Both Sophie and Gideon looked pained. 
“I’ll brave the thunder dome,” Gideon said. “But only because Tessa seems to be exploding with news.”
Sophie turned to Tessa. “News?” 
Tessa grinned at her. 
Gideon took his leave and Sophie wished him luck on his way out. “He lied,” She said. “He always braves the thunder dome, when he’s here and not working, that is. I’m entirely selfish.”
Tessa giggled. “Poor Gideon, you treat him unjustly.” 
“Only on matters such as these.” Sophie said with a wink. “But enough of that, what news do you have? I’m simply dying of curiosity.”
Tessa bit her bottom lip in anticipation. She took both of Sophie’s hands and looked into her eyes. 
“I’m pregnant.” She said, quick enough that she might as well have merged the two words into one. She had wanted to break the news in a different fashion, perhaps saying something witty so that Sophie would realize herself, instead of blurting it out, but she simply couldn’t contain herself.
Sophie’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened. 
“TESSA!” Sophie screamed, throwing her arms around her with the strength of a hurricane. “Oh darling, I’m so incredibly happy for you! Oh, lord, what a blessing!”
“Thank you, Sophie darling,” Tessa said, grinning. “You have no idea how much I was dying to tell you.” 
“How far along are you?” Sophie asked, “it can’t be much. Why, you were just here only a short while ago, were you not? Oh, I never know, after becoming a mother, I have lost all conception of time.” Sophie shook her head, before her eyes lit up. She reached to grab Tessa’s hands, “Oh Tessa, soon you shall know what it is like!”
Tessa giggled at Sophie’s ranting. Her friend tended to speak excessively when she was excited. Her accent also slipped, her practiced proper English swapping out for the cockney she grew up speaking.
“Only a couple of weeks!” Tessa replied. 
Sophie’s hands fluttered every which way, not quite sure what to do with them. “Oh Tessa—”
Gideon burst into the room, his expression distraught. “What happened?” he asked frantically.
He caught sight of Tessa and Sophie, who looked at him blankly. Gideon’s shoulders dropped. 
“By the angel, Sophia. What on earth possessed you to scream like that? I thought someone had died.”
“Died? Oh Gideon, you blow everything out of proportion.”
“Out of proportion? You screamed bloody murder!”
“It was a mild reaction, considering the news that Tessa told me. She’s pregnant Gideon!” Sophie said, before slapping a hand over her mouth. 
“Are you really?” Gideon asked Tessa. “That’s wonderful, Tessa. Congratulations.” 
Tessa grinned at him. Gideon had a way of saying things with such sincerity that one couldn’t help but smile. 
“Oh goodness, you probably wanted to keep it a secret and now I’ve gone and told Gideon. I’m the absolute worst.” Sophie said.
Tessa laughed. “Don’t worry Sophie, of course I expected you to tell Gideon.”
“Who else have you told?” Sophie asked. 
“Only the two of you and Jem, who told me I was expecting. Oh, and Will of course.”
“You told the father of your child before us?” Sophie said. “How could you, Tessa? I thought we were best friends.”
“I know, I’m sorry Sophie. I assure you that it was only because of convenience. Could you ever forgive me?” 
“I supposed I can find it in me.” Sophie said with a grin.
Gideon looked between the two of them. “I found out you were pregnant before Tessa did, right Soph?”
“Oh, of course you did, darling.” Sophie said, making a show to sound unconvincing.
“Oh, don’t torture him.” Tessa said. “I assure you, Gideon, you knew before I did. Poor Gideon doesn’t deserve that, Sophie.”
“Why thank you Tessa.” Gideon said. 
Sophie shook her head, “The two of you are no fun.”
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @ninacarstairss  @stxr-thxif   @icouldnotask @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca @heronstairs2014 @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @readersconfessions812 @nightshade3465 @livvyheronstairs @zemiraa @proudtobealuthor @neurogliadudette @theenchanteddreamer @cheeseandmacarons @shadowhunting-hoolingans @writeordie-4 @amchara @myangelbach @livingformyself @dancing-under-the-moon @julescarstairs @wouldyouknowmeblind @grace-lightwoodd @livingformyself @ilikebooksandtvshows
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spacehero-23 · 2 years
It’s not that serious these are just book characters and your ranking doesn’t change anything hell I probably dislike your faves LOL, I’d just have to comment on the fact that you put Clary and Lucie before Cordelia with her heart of gold says enough 👀 Lucie barely did anything in the series, she kept more secrets and lied way more than Cordelia did, She blamed Cordelia for her fallout with James without even being there for Cordelia, Barely did anything with her powers to save the day..Is it because she’s Wessa’s daughter that’s pretty and likes to write fanfic? The appeal to Lucie feels shallow when the character isn’t that good and then there’s Clary…
Not alot of people responded to your list so I’d say your safe.
umm I’m sorry but, says what exactly???
I asked people not to be angry/annoyed because I know some people in this fandom can get very heated over these things and I don’t really like shit talking someone’s beloved character (especially when she’s beloved by many)
I don’t want to shit on Cordelia and I’m not gonna (even though I have many thoughts about her in chot and most of them are not nice). but that’s something I’m gonna keep in my annotations. 
but I wholeheartedly disagree with everything you said about Lucie. She barely did anything? She saved the day by freeing the spirits of the silent brothers and the iron sisters. Just because she didn’t chop off any heads and isn’t a “conventional” fighter doesn’t mean she did nothing. 
The fight they had was incredibly stupid, they were both idiots at that moment, but all Lucie did was ask Cordelia not to break her brother's and her friend's hearts. It was Cordelia who snapped back at Lucie and accused her of preferring Grace to her and then wouldn’t listen when Lucie tried to explain. 
and you don’t have to like Lucie, but saying the only reason people like her is because she’s wessa’s daughter is just so dumb. Would you say people only like James because he is their son? Or Thomas because of Sophie and Gideon? no, I don’t think you would, because that doesn't make any sense.
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neeksxoxo · 2 years
need a fanfic about the tid parents pov in idris after the portal (wessa, sophideon, gabrily etc) and how they felt when they realize their babies are stuck in a place where it's basically a hell dimension and they have to save it all by themselves and the trial with bridgestock and charles and the fire messages and whether or not gabrily knew christopher was dead in the message or after the message and all the parents being ruined together when they found out
we were robbed
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glassandhoney · 2 years
hi, so i'm writing a wessa au fanfic and thought maybe someone here on tumblr would be interested :))
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dandeliononthemoon · 3 years
I hope I’m not too late!
50 & Wessa <33
I hope i haven't kept you waiting on this too long.
Also not totally satisfied with it, but I really wanted to put this up at the latest today so here you have it. I hope you still enjoy it <3
And obviously it is christmas themed :)
Fandom: The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Pairing: Will Herondale x Tessa Gray
Prompt(s): 50. A kiss, followed by more, that trail down the jaw and neck
Words: 807
Warning: very mild nsfw
Today was Christmas and Will and Tessa decided to spend the day together watching Christmas movies.
Tessa woke up early to do some chores around the apartment before they went out to pick up the DVD’s . She walked over to the dishwasher to take out the dishes of last night. When she opened it, the dishes were still dirty. She frowned, pushed some buttons and tried to make it work. But it didn’t. Tessa groaned, she really didn’t want to deal with this today. Will arrived from the bedroom, yawning. His eyes crinkled when he noticed her standing in the kitchen. “Good morning, honey”, he kissed her on the cheek, “and merry Christmas”. Will proceeded to make some coffee for him.
“It is no good morning and no merry Christmas”, Tessa huffed and picked her phone to google how to fix the dishwasher. “Why, what happened?”. He turned his head over his shoulder to see her scrolling through the phone with annoyance. “The dishwasher is broken. The dishes of yesterday are not clean.”, she replied distractedly, still vigorously searching for any clue. “Ugh, and I can’t find anything on google that I haven’t tried already”, she added, face turned upward frustration written on her face. “And obviously no one would be available today so we’d have to do the dishes by hand until at least Monday.”
Will took a sip of his coffee and said ”Well, that is okay, we gotta do what we gotta do. We’ll just divide up the work, like we do with the other housework. I’ll do the cleaning, you do the drying, okay?”. He planted a kiss on her face. “Fine”, Tessa replied dejectedly.
“You do have to get ready soon, the library won’t stay open for too long. It is already amazing that they are open on a festive day”
“i will be ready in no time”, Will assured.
He was in fact ready in a lot more than no time. “Hey I don’t want to look awful on Christmas okay”
Finally they left and roamed around in the library after they got the DVDs. It started with Will finding a new book that he had heard of and wanted to read, which cascaded into looking at the books they had read in that section. After a while Tessa saw the time on the clock hanging and dragged Will out of there.
“It is getting late, let’s go!”
“Wait, look at this!”
“No, no, otherwise we won’t ever go home”
Tessa dragged him out of the library in the middle of it. Will pouted the whole way home.
Once at home, they cooked dinner together and ate while watching the movie, snuggled underneath a blanket.
Then it was over and it was time to do the dishes.
“Come on, let’s go!” Will said and got up.
“I don’t want to”. Tessa shrunk deeper in the sofa, covering the blanket they had shared over her head.
“Oh no, you are coming”
Will pulled her out and dragged her towards the sink. He laid out a towel beside the sink to put the washed dishes there so that Tessa could dry and stack them.
It took a while, but they were finally done with the dishes.
Tessa was drying the last plate when Will said with a teasing smile, “Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
She put the plate on the stack and put them in the cupboard.
“Well, no, not really” she grunted. He took the towel that Tessa had used for the dishes to dry off his hands. She turned around to lean against the counter.
“Although I could’ve used some other kind of encouragement”, she hinted.
Will smiled and stepped towards her, putting his hands beside hers on which she was leaning, caging her.
“Like what?”. His eyes alternating between looking in her eyes and her lips.
“I don’t know, you tell me”, she breathed.
His face moved closer until their lips met each other.
It started soft and light. “Like this?”, Will breathed. He pecked her lips, then pressed his lips against hers, licking it.
His kisses trailed along Tessa’s jaw, then just below the jaw, his lips going along the neck, sucking it. Tessa moaned and pressed her body against his, throwing her head back to give him more access. Will picked her up, her legs going around his waist, and maneuvered them towards the bedroom, where he put her down on her back and continued kissing her neck.
Sweaters were thrown off, pants going along, hands roaming on each body part. The kisses turned rough, hard and eager. Their hips working in tandem to get some sweet relief.
Soon they were both sated, slumped in each other’s arms.
Breathing hard, Tessa stated, “More like this”.
Will panted, “I will do so the next time”.
Tag: @brekkersfeed
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