#now he wants to take charlie's kid to the prom
panlight · 1 year
Interesting comments in the "Was Rosalie mean?" poll, with many making distinctions between 'mean' and 'unfriendly,' 'cold', 'rude', 'unwelcoming.'
And I agree; when I think of 'mean' I think of someone going out of their way to be actively nasty to someone--to yell at them, to call them names, etc. Rosalie doesn't do that (maybe in her head but again, she's not saying it aloud, so we only 'hear' it in Midnight Sun), but Bella is picking up on those "doesn't like me/doesn't want me here" vibes and seems to interpret it as 'mean.'
There's always going to be this tension there because Bella is the Main Character and Twilight has a protagonist-centered morality problem. Without larger context, Rosalie having a problem with Edward putting the whole family at risk because he's obsessed with this random human isn't 'bad' or 'mean,' in fact you could argue Rosalie is looking out for the family and Edward is throwing them under the bus in favor of Bella. But because this is a romance and because Bella is the main character, not supporting her and not supporting her relationship is 'bad' in that context and Rosalie is perceived by the general audience as 'mean.'
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floralcyanide · 1 year
𝐃𝐚𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
Ghostface x Reader
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Headcanons of how each of the guys would be as a dad. (No Ghostface)
warnings: mentions of infertility, mentions of illness of a parent, not much else other than that, this is mostly fluff
word count: 1127
author’s note: hiii I know it's been a while since I've written and posted. but I wanted to write a little something for father's day for our fave slahsers. I hope you enjoy!!
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❈ Billy is such a girl dad, and you can’t change my mind
❈ you end up having twin girls, both of which look just like Billy
❈ they are attached to him in ways you can’t explain
❈ your girls love you, and you love them very much, but their dad is definitely the apple of their eye
❈ Billy spoils the hell out of the girls growing up
❈ they’re still very humble despite them getting everything they want
❈ you and Billy made sure to teach them values
❈ when they’re teenagers, they’re drop-dead gorgeous, which makes Billy nervous
❈ he’s definitely the dad who threatens the boys who date your daughters, even though you tell him to be smart
❈ but, knowing Billy and his past, you know for sure he would definitely kill for his girls
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❈ Stu is also a girl dad
❈ when your daughter is born, he’s a mess
❈ Stu has this huge smile he can’t wipe off his face every time he looks at your daughter
❈ he takes her everywhere with him when she’s a toddler and buys her any toy or candy she points out
❈ when school starts, you don’t who cries harder, Stu or your daughter
❈ prom and graduation are also very emotional times for Stu as his daughter is now grown up
❈ Stu is protective of his daughter, but not so much that he’d go into a murderous rage
❈ but he still scared the boys in her life enough to where they never hurt her too badly
❈ Stu is ecstatic when your daughter gets married and has children of her own
❈ just as he was a cool dad, he’s now a cool grandpa
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❈ Mickey has always wanted a son to teach everything to
❈ so when you find out your baby is a boy, Mickey is beside himself with excitement
❈ he has a whole list of names picked out already
❈ when your son is born, Mickey stares in awe at him and how much he looks like the both of you
❈ he has your eyes and Mickey’s nose and smile
❈ Mickey is the perfect father, getting up to take care of him at night when it’s his turn
❈ sometimes he’ll do it when it’s your turn, too, so that you’ll get more rest
❈ and he’s just enthralled with his son and loves spending time with him
❈ skin-to-skin contact is Mickey’s favorite part of your son being a baby
❈ when your son is old enough to do things, Mickey is over the top with getting him into sports, art, music, and so on
❈ he wants his son to be happy no matter what he chooses to do with his childhood and his life
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❈ you have both a boy and a girl a few years apart
❈ the girl is older and very sassy, just like her father
❈ the boy is very shy and to himself, also just like his father at times
❈ Roman loves teaching the kids about art and film
❈ your daughter picks up photography, much to Roman’s delight, while your son is into costumes and designing them, which also makes Roman excited
❈ you both decide to send the kids to an art school, and Roman is upset that he won’t see the kids as often as he’d like during their teen years
❈ but he knows they love what they do and need the necessary education for those subjects
❈ once your kids are no longer kids and have graduated university, Roman makes sure that they get good jobs in the industry in Hollywood
❈ watching your little family be so close and working together makes you incredibly happy
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❈ Charlie was very terrified when he found out you were pregnant
❈ but god, does he love his son more than anything
❈ your son looks like Charlie spit him out, with his large, round eyes and rosy lips
❈ your son is just like Charlie personality wise
❈ but your son can be very outspoken sometimes, which can make Charlie a little mad
❈ however, Charlie is very patient and learns how to handle your son and his attitude
❈ when your son struggles in school due to attention problems, Charlie researches and does everything possible in order to help his educational needs
❈ when your son graduates high school, he decides to go on to college for something Charlie isn’t a big fan of
❈ but upon seeing how skilled your son is in the career field, Charlie grows happy for him
❈ once your son has a family of his own, Charlie helps him a lot with raising his own son
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❈ at first, Richie wasn’t too keen on the idea of having children
❈ but when you both find out you’re infertile, his attitude changes
❈ suddenly, he wants to do anything to make you happy, including having children, even if they aren’t your biological ones
❈ you both decide to foster kids for a little while
❈ Richie is surprisingly wonderful with every kid who comes through your household
❈ one kid specifically holds a dear spot in your and Richie’s hearts, so you decide to adopt them permanently
❈ soon, you adopt a few more kids, making your family grow larger
❈ once all your kids have completed school and the house was empty, you realize just how much your unluckiness with fertility changed everything in your and Richie’s lives
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❈ when your last living parent falls ill and is no longer able to take care of your little sibling, you have to step up and have temporary guardianship
❈ you and Ethan have been together for a while, but kids haven’t really been brought up quite yet
❈ so it’s weird suddenly having the responsibility shared between both of you for a child
❈ but the weird dynamic quickly becomes habit and routine
❈ Ethan takes your sibling to school, makes breakfast and packs their lunch, helps with their homework, and just about anything you can think of
❈ you and Ethan discuss having children of your own once your parent gets better and has your sibling back in their household
❈ but when your parent doesn’t get better, and it seems your sibling living with you is permanent, life throws another curveball, and you become pregnant
❈ so you and Ethan raise your sibling and child together very happily
❈ Ethan is great with kids because of his personality, and it definitely has reflected onto the kid he helped raise as well as his own child
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@bridgergf @criminalmindsfan13 @axen-gers @belovedtylerr @bonbekahsfav @jokersgrf @snazzynacho @cobra-kaii @im-a-slut-for-this-man2 @nicepeony @her-violent-delights @justacosplayerlol @chiimiki @radiant-whore @ppanemorfii @teleiophiliac @18lkpeters @vampyrgoff @roryculkinsbf @leilani788
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- bizly wasnt expecting them to eavesdrop on tide and harlem, so he and grizzly made up that whole convo as they went . the only things grizzly got in dms to say as harlem was "looking for tide. give no other information about anything"
- theyre talking about potentially interrogating ashe about his intentions/whether hes working with wavelength or not, and grizzly says "dakota really wants to ask him, but he won't take the lead on that because last time, he pursued doug and the base blew up. if william says not to do it, williams word goes." iiiiiii love this dynamic. have been trying 2 keep my personal takes out of the trivia so far but GOD i love u ghostkicks. william looks up to dakota for being the most heroic out of all of them. dakota looks up to william for being smart and knowing how to handle things. they balance each other out so perfectly, if you were to take them each into separate rooms and ask them who the leader of the prime defenders is, you KNOW they would both name each other no hesitation
- yakko: i like how ashe immediately went from talking to wavelength having him be like "stay out of trouble, dont get into fights" to IMMEDIATELY tripping on the train and ripping a guys shirt off and starting a fight
- "i think we should commit petty crime as the purps and then never speak on it or acknowledge it ever again"
- charlie: i think we should start a gang war as the purps. but not like an actual gang war i want to do west side story. i want to smoke cigarettes and be a purple bodysuit greaser
- THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THEM ABSOLUTELY HATING MARK BEHIND THE SCENES bc bizly brought up the conversation he and ashe had in the car by saying "you started to see a side of your dad you havent seen in a while where he was like 'im proud of you' and you think things are gonna start to be different, and then he stops and its suddenly back to how it always is" (<< aaugwaaughghh :[ )
- they realized they havent gone to school in like a week and then decided they should have a prom episode. every day i wish they would have done this
LISTEN. BIZLY. at this point u should just think they're gonna eavesdrop on everything. these kids NEED 2 know things they are the most curious bunch ever if they're not listening in on things they will explode
"if william says not to, william's word goes" oh my god dude. he is like a loyal dog in every universe. he will do literally anything william asks. they WOULD both name each other as the leader of the pd no hesitation. they would. what if i exploded right now. ghostkicks ur everything 2 me
WINTERS FAMILY TORMENT NEXUS. jesus christ. bro i think about ashe and mark all the time always forever. oh my god dude.
PROM EPISODE!!!!! a prom episode would have slapped so hard. brb writing a fic about what a prom episode would have been like (/j /j i have like three million bajillion things 2 write already </3 it would b fun tho. imagine <3)
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marvelgirl123 · 7 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel songs
So a friend of mine recently got me into Hazbin Hotel and while I haven’t watched the whole series I love it. I love the designs of the characters, the voice acting is incredible, and the little theater kid in me loves the music. I think the soundtrack is filled with absolute BANGERS that had no reason to be as good as they are. I’ve seen a lot of people rating the songs so I thought I’d do the same and before I get started these are just my opinions that you are welcome to disagree with. As long as you respect my opinions I’ll respect yours. Anyway let’s get into it
Hell’s Greatest Dad - This is actually the first Hazbin song I listened to and I love it. I think the banter and fighting between Lucifer and Alastor is hilarious and I can’t hold back a smile whenever I hear it. The song really makes them look like two divorced dads who are fighting over their daughter who doesn’t want them to fight
Respectless - I won’t deny that Velvette is a bitch but she’s fun to watch and I love her song. I think her voice actor did an amazing job with it and Velvette actually is one of my favorite character designs. She kind of reminds me of Cersei from Game of Thrones in the aspect of she’s a bitch but she’s a great and entertaining character
Stayed Gone - I love the back and forth between Vox and Alastor here and I once again think the vocal talent is great. Vox makes me think of a teenage girl who’s obsessed with the boy that turned her down at prom. The song also makes me wonder what could have possibly happened between Vox and Alastor to make them absolutely hate each other now so I hope we get some insight on that in season two
You Didn’t Know - I love the part when Emily and Charlie sing together. That harmony just scratches my brain the right way and I love it. I was also definitely not expecting Vaggie to be a fallen angel and seeing Charlie’s reaction to it broke my heart. I also loved hearing Lute sing and even though she’s a bitch I think her voice actor is really talented
More Than Anything - I love Charlie and Lucifer’s relationship and kind of envy it (daddy issues if you can’t tell). I love the “I’m grateful you’re my father/daughter” part and it always hits close to home. I also really do think that Lucifer does his best to be a good dad to Charlie and I hope we get more of him in season two
Poison - Angel Dust is one of my favorite characters so hearing this song makes me feel so bad for him and makes me hate Valentino even more. I want to hug Angel so badly whenever this song finishes and I was definitely not ready for that episode
Loser Baby - I love Husk and Angel’s relationship so much and I need to see Husk battling Valentino for Angel is some way in season two
Hell is Forever - I hate Adam and his song had no right to be so good but it was. I also love Alex Brightman and think he did an amazing job throughout the entire show even though his character is an asshole
Out for Love - This one is usually higher on people’s lists but there are just songs I’d prefer to listen to before listening to this one but still think it’s really good
Happy Day in Hell - I think Charlie is adorable and I think this one is usually further down on people’s lists but I really like it. No hate pls 🥺
Ready for This - Honestly I think Alastor and Rosie carried this whole song. I adore their friendship and hope that we get a lot more of it in season two. I need to see them hanging out and talking shit about other demons and overlords
More Than Anything (reprise) - Really cute song and I love Charlie and Vaggie together
Finale - It was a nice way to end the show but there are just other ones I like better than it. Also someone please go help Alastor, my boy needs it
Whatever it Takes - It’s a good song but it’s not really my cup of tea but I do love Carmila’s voice actor and I think we need more of Vaggie singing because I love her singing voice
It Starts With Sorry - I think this song is cute but that’s about it. Other than that I don’t have much to say on it
Welcome to Heaven - I hate this song and I think it’s pretty much just the angels flexing the whole time
And there you have it, my ratings and opinions on the songs from Hazbin Hotel. Like I said before, if you disagree that’s totally fine all I ask is that you respect my opinions. Have a great day or night and hopefully I’ll post again soon (it’s the middle of the night for me and this is what I’m doing)
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Okay, so, I made it home from my little trip! The past week has been insane.
Prom was amazing, then I got drunk and had to apply to colleges with a hangover, but the first one already got back (the university that I REALLY want to go to, at that) and said that they’re looking at my application, so that’s a good sign.
And then I went to see Harry Styles last night. I queued for 10 hours for this man and then waited another 3 for him to come on…
My view was captivating. It wasn’t barricade, but I’m so lucky we still got 4th row!!
I already met Charlie and I almost died because he saved my life. With Harry it’s even worse because his songs literally pulled me from the edge when his first solo album came out and so he will probably always be the real life person in first place on my list. So, even though I didn’t meet Harry, he was still right in front of me, I saw him and realized he was more than real, and now I can die happy. Not gonna lie, I cried. I sobbed during the show and every time walked by; I am so in love, it’s insane.
I got my period while queuing and had to borrow a tampon from a very nice girl (she saved my ass), but I ended up bleeding through because I bleed like a slaughtered pig. Anyway! There’s more. I’m so sunburned, I can’t even lie down, and my mom berated me for it (which she should because I’m already at risk for skin cancer) but it was so worth it. I’m not even kidding.
This was my view:
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I am physically exhausted and emotionally drained because post-concert depression is hitting me hard. I might need to take tonight to recover, but this is just a quick update to show you I’m about to come back tomorrow/soon!
I got some ideas while I was at the hotel. There was this huge ass mirror that gave me some unholy thoughts about Matt Murdock and mirror sex AND I got an idea for a Michael Kinsella fic while watching Criminal Minds: Evolution to pass some time. Being unable to write for so long kind of makes my fingers itch now and I can’t wait for the physical exhaustion to subside and channel my mental exhaustion into writing.
I love you all!
Gonna read the stuff I was tagged in once my brain has rebooted, I promise.
Requests and other fics coming soon!
Yours truly,
Lizzi <3
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shxdowsofombra · 2 years
Hallie sat at the dinner table as she played with her fork and didn’t really take a bite of anything. She listened to her brother’s talk as they tried filling the awkward air now that her parents were still fighting. She noticed everyone getting up and looked up from her plate as she placed her fork down. “Mom? Daddy? Can I talk to you please, before you head to bed?”
While Zach appreciated the effort they were still mad at each other even though they were at family dinner. He finished and went to grab his things before hearing Hallie. “Sure, what do you need to talk to us about?” He asks 
Hope thought she was free until she heard Hallie’s words and put down her purse as she turned to look at Hallie. “Of course sweetie, what’s up?”
She looked at them before looking at her hands, “School is starting soon and you both haven’t told me if I’m allowed to go back or not. I would like to. I don’t want to stay here. It’s my last year anyway…I’d rather just be there.”
“You know I don’t want you going back there after everything that happened at the prom they threw for you. There are always going to be people out to use you because of who you are, Hallie, even more so in school.” He tells her. 
“I thought you were warming up to the idea of your Uncle teaching you? Or going to the castle for school. It’s not all bad. And your grandparents would make sure you had fun. There are other royal children there so you also wouldn’t be alone.”
“I know you don’t but I do, Henry still gets to go. I don’t want to stay here. And I can get my own room on campus, so I wouldn’t have to worry about a roommate or anything. And there are many reasons I don’t want Uncle Stiles teaching me anymore. I don’t understand why I can’t go?”
“Henry doesn’t make friends that use him as their drug testing monkey or experimental ‘oh if it doesn’t kill her it will be okay for us’ type of friends either. I didn’t have many friends and I like to think I turned out okay. Okay so what are your reasons for not wanting him to teach you? You and Noah are the same age so he can teach both of you.”
Hope looked away to hide her rolling her eyes. She looked at Hallie before shaking her head, “How are you going to go to classes and take care of DJ by yourself? Because you haven’t mentioned David so I’m guessing he’s not going with you?”
“Why would I want to be around my Uncle when he is married to…I just don’t want to.” She said simply before hearing her mother mentioning David. “We haven’t…talked about it yet. I am supposed to pick up DJ tomorrow so I will…tell him.”
“From what I have been told she isn’t in the picture anymore and he is staying with Noah at one of the castles so that won’t be an issue.” He tells her. “I thought you two already discussed this and that was why you ended it. You know he won’t be happy about your decision and neither will I.” He tells her. “If something were to happen to you again at a school, I would never forgive myself.”
“Everyone just wants the best for you Hallie. We don’t want you to get hurt or anything bad happen to you. You are our daughter. We love you and just want you to be happy.” She said honestly. “I don’t understand why you want to go so badly.”
“He loves her, she’s not gone forever and I don’t…I don’t want her to be. I just am mad.” She said before hearing their words and her eyes flashed blue. “Please…I just want to go back to school.”
“You can be as mad as you want but I don’t want to risk it. We already let you go and it did not go well.” He tells her. “You are our daughter as your mother said. I would prefer not to lose you anytime soon. What if we came to a compromise? You let Stiles teach you for half the year and then you can go to school at the castle for the other half?”
“I can even ask my parents to let more kids in. I know they have wanted to and Charlie needs to meet more people anyway so this works out for everyone. And that way DJ can be with you and David while you work things out. And you can focus on school and not being a single parent.”
“The castle is boring. You hate it. Mom hates it. Why would you make me go? It’s not fair. Henry got to go. Tommy and Ellie got to go. Emmett got to go. Why is it that I can’t? You two wouldn’t even ask your parents, you would just do it. And I’m asking to go to school, not drop out. I don’t want to be here anymore. I told you what I want.” She said as she pushed away from the table and stood up as tears fell down her face.
“Well sometimes being an adult and a parent means you don’t always get what you want. That is something you need to learn. All your siblings and your uncles and aunts stayed out of trouble. They focused on their education more than their need for friends. You are going for an education not for friends and parties.” He tells her. 
“Tommy and Ellie are fucking each other, would you rather I fuck my brother so I can go to school?” She snapped. “I don’t even know why I thought either one of you would get it. You didn’t even go to school. You didn’t finish. You want me to do things you can’t do. I have my own money. I can go to school without you. I just…I thought you would get it.”
“Then why is it so important you go where they did? Why is it more important to go to that school than your own life?” He asks. “Also I did go to school and I did finish it before I became who I was so I know how difficult it can be. So no it’s not a matter of doing things we can’t do because I did it. And them doing that with each other has very little to do with the education aspect which is what school is for. I understand you need a distraction to want to feel normal but I am not willing to risk your life for that. If you had a stable group of people at the school that supported you and not cause your grades to slip that would be a different story now wouldn’t it?”
“Why are you acting like I died? I am fine dad. I am fine. It was a stupid prank and you killed them. It’s over. I won’t fucking talk to anyone anymore if that will make you happy. I will stay by myself like at the beginning of the year so no one becomes my friend or anything. I don’t ask you for anything, I just want to go back to school.”
“You didn’t die because your mother and I got there when we did and were able to get you the help you needed for the drugs they gave you. If Henry didn’t tell us you might have been dead. I don’t think you understand how serious that was Hallie.”
“When you tell us the real reason why you want to go back then we will talk about it but you aren’t giving us a good enough reason to put you back there.”
“Because the only fucking normal thing in my life right now is my son and that stupid school. I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t want to be around Uncle Stiles or Grace and I barely…I love him and it hurts how mad I am. But I want to go back to school. Please.” She said before breaking down.
Hope had stayed quiet and watched as Hallie started crying and just looked at Zach. “Me and your father will talk about it, Hallie. Okay? We will. We will consider it. We know school starts Monday. We will decide before then. I promise.”
“We will talk about it. We will let you know what the decision is once we make it.” He tells Hallie. “I think there might be another school we can discuss where you can be there and have no one know who you are so that you will have the normalcy of school that you want. But your mother and I will talk about it.” 
Hope moved over to Hallie as she noticed she was still crying and just hugged her. “I don’t think running away is going to help Hallie. We will only talk about it if you tell David. That’s it.”
She hugged her mother back before nodding her head, “I will. I will tell him.” She said softly as she rested against her mom’s shoulder.
“Running away and pretending everything else isn’t happening won’t help as much as it might seem like it. You just have to work through it with people who will be there for you and support you. You always have us if you need us, baby you don’t have to worry about that.” He reassures her. 
Hope ran a soothing hand down her back as she kissed Hallie’s forehead. “Your dad is right honey, we will always be here for you. And I don’t like him but…David loves you. Almost more than us.”
Hallie looked up as she heard her dad’s words and just looked between him and her mother. “But isn’t that what you guys are doing? Pretending everything is okay when you are getting a divorce.”
“We had a fight and needed a few days to calm down. Sometimes some space can help not to the point of avoidance but enough to be able to recollect your thoughts and think clearly.” He tells her. “Your mother and I will probably talk about things either later tonight or tomorrow.”
Hope didn’t say anything as she pulled away from Hallie slightly and kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you head upstairs and get some rest? We can all talk about this later okay?” She smiled before watching Hallie nod.
Hallie smiled as she moved to hug her dad tightly. “I love you.” She said softly before pulling away. “Thank you both. I will see you tomorrow.” She says as she heads upstairs to her room.
He hugged her back. “I love you too baby.” He tells her as he waits for her to head up to her room before getting his things once more. 
Hope watched as Hallie started to walk upstairs and grabbed her purse. “Are you going to the ship again?”
“Unless you want me to stay here then yes. We can always talk in the morning and I can be home before she comes down if that is what you prefer.” He tells her before pulling out a box of cigarettes. 
“I never asked you to leave so I don’t know why it would suddenly be on me for you to decide to stay or go.” She said as she took out her car keys. “You left on your own.”
“Yeah cuz I wasn’t going to sleep on the damn couch again.” He explained before pulling out a lighter. 
“There is a guest bedroom. You could have slept there and don’t pretend like you don’t know why you were asked to sleep on the couch.”
“Yeah and I moved past that whole situation and told you the solution to the issue.” He says. “So honestly, there is no reason to keep fighting about it.”
“Yes, the starving girl in the basement is your solution. You…fine you are right. I fucked up. You were right all along. You don’t want to stay here. Don’t. It’s up to you Zach.” She says as she moved into the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of wine before heading to the door and grabbing her jacket and leaving the house. 
“I got rid of her a long time ago. It was a peace offering to let out your anger on something. That’s not…fucking hell Hope.” He says before shaking his head and going outside to smoke.
Hope tried to start the car and it wouldn’t start and she just groaned as she hit the wheel. “Fucking great.” She muttered before getting out of the car and pulling out her phone.
“A night of drinking sounds good to me. We can break open a good bottle I was saving for our next anniversary…” He tells her before heading inside to get it. 
She looked at Zach as she heard his words before turning her attention back on the phone. “Yeah, sorry I won’t be able to make it tonight. I will let you know…okay…bye.” She said before moving to grab her stuff out of the car.
He grabbed two wine glasses before opening up the bottle and pouring them some wine. Once she put her things down he offered her the glass. “I got your favorite wine at peak season.”
Hope moved to sit on the swing in the backyard and slid her jacket on before taking the glass from him. “Thanks.” She said softly before taking a sip..
Zach noticed she had not taken off her wedding ring so maybe they still had a chance to fix things. He sat on the other side of the swing before taking a sip of the wine himself. 
Hope started moving her legs slightly to swing back and forth as she took another sip. “Do you remember when you first came to the castle as my boyfriend and we snuck away to sit in the garden?”
“I do…your father almost caught us from the window of the castle.” He smiled fondly at the thought. “If your mother had not called him away he definitely would have caught us. We talked about life and how we would never become that old boring couple and stay home all the time.” 
“My whole life I watched how my dad loved my mom and how my mom loved him. I thought that only certain people get that type of love. I hadn’t even brought a boy home before let alone let one sleep in my bed, and I didn’t even think about those things when you were around.”
“I never thought I would let anyone into my life like I did you. I told myself love makes you vulnerable. It makes you weak. But when I have you I never felt stronger in my life. It gives me something to work for…to fight for. I never thought…I never even thought it was possible for me to want to marry someone and then we met and everything changed.”
Hope looked at him as she heard his words, “Do you still feel that way? After all this time…” She asked softly as she kept swinging.
“Yea, you are the only person who has ever made me feel that way…this way.” He confesses to her. 
Hope brought the glass up to her lips as she took another sip and looked away from Zach as she kept swinging. “What would you tell yourself? If you could go back and say anything to your younger self…what would you say?”
“Well I would tell myself that having a family isn’t as bad as I was told about. That I will meet an incredible girl, have an incredible family that accepts me the way I am. Don’t close yourself off to everyone because showing emotion isn’t a weakness in all cases…what would you say to your younger self.”
“Probably, all those things that you hate about yourself because some people made you feel bad are the things that make you special. That your parents aren’t disappointed in who I am…they actually love me more for me just being myself. And that I’m not unloveable. I will meet someone who will truly love me and that I am…truly in love with as well.”
“They do make you special and they were part of the reason why I fell in love with you. You are very lovable, I agree.” He tells her as he gets up and walks over to her swing. He stopped it from moving as he leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss. “It’s rather ironic that we both weren’t looking for it yet we found it in each other. I wouldn’t change that for anything in the world.” 
She felt him stopping her swing and looked up at him before feeling his lips against hers. She kissed him back before hearing his words. “I wouldn’t either.” She says before looking down. “I’m sorry about the fight…I know you wouldn’t ever…cheat on me.”
“I am sorry too. I should stop bringing up the past and using it to justify my behavior. I would never cheat on you baby girl. You know that. You are it for me and everyone else just has to deal with it.” He smiles before kissing her once more. 
She kissed him back before nodding. “I know. I just get jealous sometimes.” She teased slightly before looking at him. “I have been thinking a lot…about the divorce I asked you for.”
“I do too, a lot more than I would like to admit.” He tells her before listening to what she was saying as she looked at him. “What about it?” 
“I don’t want it anymore. Sure, we fight but most couples do that. And I know we are going to have our ups and downs especially when we move to the castle but…I don’t know…losing you would hurt more than all of that. And not because of the imprint, but because of how I feel for you.” 
“What do you mean move to the castle?” He asks in confusion. “I thought your parents were taking care of that.” Zach says as he takes some time to comprehend the rest of her words. “You know I would never let us divorce right? I love you too much to put you through something like that.” He tells her. 
“Huh…oh uh…no I know Zach. But now I agree with you.” She laughed slightly before standing up and kissing him. “Just forget what I said. This wine was really nice.” She smiled.
“It’s your favorite wine so I hoped that you would like it.” He smiles with a small laugh. “I guess we should talk about what to do about Hallie then since I know she will want to know our decision soon…or should we save that for tomorrow?” 
“She is right. She has more than enough money to just go to school by herself. I can thank my parents for that. So we might as well agree to let her go to a different school. It’s only one last year, the only thing I’m worried about is the whole DJ and David thing. She’s running away and we both know she doesn’t want to actually leave him.”
“I am worried about the fact that if she pushes him away long enough he will actually move on and I know that would hurt her more than she does now. A different school is a good compromise. I can also see if there are any people I know that go to the school we decide so we can keep an eye on her from a distance without her really knowing. I am worried what would happen if they were to find out who she is. I don’t want them to use her again.” 
“Ellie uses a fake name at work, I can just ask her to sign all the papers for Hallie at the new school. And we will just keep a better eye on things. We were too trusting at the last place. This time she will be alone and we can use our resources to make sure she is okay without her knowing we are even doing that. And as far as David, if they are truly meant to be together then they will work it out. You keep saying David isn’t an idiot so, if he wants to live he will stop making my daughter cry.”
“They are each other’s imprints, it's a lot more complicated than that, your father knows that. Maybe they just need some space and then they will figure it out. I am sure neither of them would want to die anytime soon. Ellie works far enough away where people won’t really suspect much from her since they are so removed from the royals.”
“I am aware that she might have imprinted on someone, but so did my dad and look what happened there. He realized it wasn’t real…all I’m saying is there is a chance. My dad can’t be the only person who made a mistake.” She said before nodding. “I will ask her then. I am sure she won’t have a problem.” 
“I thought your dad thought he bonded to Ashton not an imprint of his. He found that out when he was still sleeping with your mother while with him so it was rather obvious that they weren’t imprints and that she was his.” He tells her. “For our daughter’s sake, I hope so but she imprinted before he did so I don’t know about all that. Because if they are and they want to go their separate ways they will have to make a trade with the demon here and we don’t want that.”  
“Who knows? Everytime he tells the story it changes so I just smile and nod now.” She responded before shrugging. “Hm might not be too bad. But I will give her a chance to make up with him. But I certainly don’t like him. I guess I understand my mom now…”
“That is how any mother is with their children, more specifically daughters from what I learned. No one really likes who their daughters bring home the majority of the time.” He teases before finishing the wine in his cup. “Would you like some more?” 
“No I would have liked him, but he slept with her first, got her pregnant, then fucked Grace which that alone makes me want to kill him. But Hallie won’t let me and neither will you, which does make me mad, but I am putting my feelings to the side.”
“I am sure if she didn’t kiss him and force him to turn off his emotions to not break the imprint bond, they wouldn’t have done that. The darkness can get you to do things that aren’t yourself. You and I both know that. Sometimes there is no choice in the matter. I still don’t understand why we can’t just kill Grace…” 
“Yeah yeah, whatever. He should be scared to come to this house. I won’t kill him…but I can let my anger be shown in other ways.” She smiled before laughing at his words. “My mom already doesn’t like you, you killing Grace will make things worse Zach.” She teased.
“Why is your mom so protective of her anyway, she did a lot to your family as well. Besides, Stiles isn’t even with her anymore so like…there is nothing stopping us…” He tells her. “I can make it look like an accident…I am sure she is upset about what she did to your brother and she has made multiple attempts on her life already so…shouldn’t be that hard, just saying…” He shrugged. 
“The only person who loves Stiles beside my mom is Grace. She’s not going to let anyone kill Grace. Sadly.” She said before smiling. “I said no Zach, but you can give me more wine. I would greatly appreciate it.” She teased.
Zach sighed before getting up and grabbing her glass and heading back to the kitchen to fill them up. Then he walked back out and sat down with her. “You sure we can’t just find someone else for him to love? I am sure there is someone else out there who your brother could love instead…that won’t try to kill the family…”
She sat on his lap as she listened to his words and took a sip from her glass. “I mean he can’t just die alone? I actually would prefer that. He isn’t my problem. If my dad wants to help end the Grace problem then he should since that’s his son.”
“That is true but we both know your father won’t end it. We should find some sort of solution that keeps her away. What was it you were saying earlier about the castle?” 
“You already threw her in my shed and that didn’t work, you should leave it alone.” She said before hearing his question and just kissing him. “I missed you.”
“Mhm I suppose I can.” He sighed before feeling her kissing him. “I missed you too baby.” Zach smiles as his arms wrap around her waist. 
“Good.” She said softly before kissing him again. “I’m going to head upstairs, and I am going to put on your favorite pajamas. You are welcome to join me if you want. But if you want to go to the ship you can do that too.” She teased before standing up and heading inside.
“You know that I'd rather go to sleep next to you baby.” He smirked before getting up and following her inside as he finished the glass of wine in his hand.
Hope finished her glass and set it in the sink before heading upstairs. She unzipped her dress and let it fall to the ground as she picked up her pajama set and slid it on. 
Zach removed his clothes once he got to the bedroom and changed before getting into bed and waiting for Hope to join him. 
Hope moved to sit in bed and looked over at Zach. “My mom invited us to stay in the castle for a few nights. Our anniversary being one of them…I hope that isn’t a problem.”
“So then how long exactly are we staying in the castle? I thought you wanted to be as far away as possible from it?” He asks while raising a brow. 
“Just a few days baby.” She said as she turned his face to look at her. “We have been married a long time, they want to celebrate us.” She told him before kissing him. “You always like the dresses they give me anyway.” She teased. 
“Mhm as long as it is a few days that is okay.” He tells her. “Do I need to dress up or do I just wear my normal clothes?” He asks before humming in approval. “Only some of them.” Zach jokes. 
“You will have to dress up.” She teases before looking hurt at his words. “Only some of them? You think I’m ugly Zach…wow…I’m sad now.” 
“I mean some are too conservative. I can stare at your tits if they are covered completely.” He pouts before gesturing for her to come to him on the bed. “Come here.”
“You see my tits all the time, I don’t know why you need to see them in a dress for others to stare at.” She smiled before moving as she climbed in bed and straddled him. “Pack in the morning please.” She says before kissing away his pout.
“I know but I want everyone to see the marks I leave.” He smirked before holding her against him. “Mhm okay I can do that for you.”
“I will tell them to make dresses low cut and to have a slit in the middle.” She teases before moving off of him and lying beside him. “And please try and get along with my mom.”
“I can try just for you baby girl.” He tells her with a smirk. “Oh that sounds like a very hot dress.”
“Good if you do, I’ll sit on your face.” She purred in his ear before cuddling up against him. “Goodnight Zach.”
0 notes
simply-ellas-stuff · 2 years
You can blame this post -> *Hai* for this post. [Sorry @babybabyaphrodite I sort of took your joke post and ran with it like a kid with a knife. I hyper-fixated. Sorry]
I know that post is a joke, but now I want to figure out if it would work timeline-wise. So... yeah. Enjoy
Establishing timeline in general I’m using the Lexicon for base reference. I also used Timeanddate for the math because I suck at math in general but especially in timeline-math-form.
- New Moon starts September 13, 2005 - Ends April 7, 2006.
- Eclipse starts May 14, 2006 - Ends some point between June 16th and August 12, 2006. [the epilogue in Eclipse with Jacob has no set date, hence the uncertainty of when Eclipse really ends]
- Breaking Dawn starts August 12, 2006 - Ends January 1, 2007.
Then Renesmee is born on September 10th, 2006.
Now if you use timeanddate and use there subtractor from 9/10/2006 - 40 weeks it equals out to about December 4, 2005. Now in the actual timeline - Bella is a fucking zombie at this point, it’s in New Moon time.
Now lets figure out what possible dates Bella and Jake could’ve been... involved in New Moon
Now, Obviously any time between September 13, 2005 and January 15, 2006 are out of the possibilities. Why? Because Edward was around from Sep. 13th to Sep. 16th then Bella is a zombie from around the 16th of Sept to the 16th of January.
So - September, October, November, December. [I’d like the point out in this time that Renee did come to Forks to try and get Bella to move with her to Florida because Charlie was at his wits end and needed her to be healthy and happy again and figured Renee would know how to do it better so he called her and Bella literally threw a temper tantrum in this time because she was convinced that she needed to stay in Forks to survive because it was the last reminder that Edward had actually been real]
Now when we come back to Bella, it’s January 16th, 2006 and she’s forcing herself out of her zombie state to go hang out with her Human Friends from Forks High School to appease Charlie being worried asfuck about her. [I wonder the fuck why Isabella]. She discovers on this night that if she does anything dangerous [the bikers] that she can seem to heard Edward’s voice warning her against the decision (because that’s a healthy normal post-break-up relationship thing).
On Jan 17th she sees a neighbor getting rid of two motorcycles and decides to take them to Jake’s house so he can fix them so she can be stupid to hear Edward’s voice. This is the first time I think we’re told Bella has seen Jacob since the Prom scene and she’s way too into Edward at this point to do anything with Jake and he knows that so he doesn’t push for anything and just agrees to fix up the bikes. [I’d like to point out here that this is the first night Bella goes to sleep without dreaming or screaming in the middle of the night since Edward left Forks]
From this point on Bella sees Jacob a number of times - Jan 18, Jan 21, Jan 23, Jan 24, Jan 25 (Note - this is the day where Bella cuts her head open riding the bikes and Bella calls him beautiful in the truck), Jan 30, Feb 14, Feb 20, and then they talk on Feb 21.
From Feb 22nd to March 10th, Bella doesn’t see Jacob because of the transformation and all that fun shit. She’s told several times he’s sick, then he’s out with friends, then the excuses just fall flat and she decides to confront him about it but instead gets confirmation from Quil that Jake has joined Sam’s ‘gang’ aka Sam’s Pack.
On March 11th, Bella figured out what the fuck is happening with Jacob. Jacob and Paul fight. Bella meets Emily and the rest of the pack. then on March 12 she spends all day at La Push.
She then spends March 14 and March 16 (the cliff diving chapter and the Almost Kiss in the kitchen) with Jacob until Alice returns on the evening of March 16th thinking that she’s dead. Bella then doesn’t see Jacob from March 16th until April 7th, when he confronts Edward about the treaty and gives Bella her motorcycle back.
Now, if Bella really threw caution to the wind you can say the earliest she could’ve started fucking around with Jake would’ve been any time after Jan 17th. Do I think she would’ve? Nope.
The more likely dates are any time after the bike accident because that’s really the first time Bella unknowingly admits her feelings for Jacob. Now we know Bella fell in love with Jacob in New Moon (the only good confirmation we got from Smeyer tbh) so, it’s entirely possible that the ‘You’re beautiful’ moment could’ve been when Jacob said “Fuck it” and actually started putting effort into getting romantically with Bella, seeing that moment as her opening up for something a bit more than friendship between them.
Now that was January 25, 2006. Lets say Jake decides that for Valentines day [about 20 days after the Beautiful moment] to make his move and Bella doesn’t say no [she was going to kiss him if the phone didn’t ring on 3/16]. It would be entirely possible for that to have been a date of possible conception for a child. And given that Jacob is a werewolf, and triggers it approx. 8 days later, you could use that as a reasoning why Bella’s pregnancy could be Slightly faster than the normal pregnancy if you want her to be the full 40 weeks along in gestation when she has her baby.
Now - If Bella got pregnant on February 14th, the exact 40 weeks later date is November 21st. BUT,  If the baby was early, like day was born at the 30 week mark, the due date would be more around September 12th. Now according to a google search, Babies born between 30 and 32 weeks, while still preterm, have at least a 99% chance of survival. They also have very low risk of health and development complications later on {*}.
Now typically, Women don’t start showing in their pregnancy until around 16 to 20 weeks along [timeline wise this would put Bella around June 6th to July 4th if she were to start show like a normal woman] which would be literally only weeks before her wedding [Bella got married on August 13th and realizes she’s pregnant on August 31st] It is actually entirely possible she could’ve only realized it on August 31st even in this scenario because there are people who don’t realize until like super late in their pregnancy and people who have such irregular periods they don’t even pay attention anymore - and with how much stress Bella’s gone through, I’d imagine she could miss a period and not even think about it for a while. 
And its possible for women to not show until late in the pregnancy because of the way their bodies are, the way their uterus sits inside their body, and Also, Cryptic Pregnancy is a thing, kiddos. {*} {*}
So Even if Bella’s pregnancy was Super Normal™, it’s still entirely possible that she could’ve had Jacob’s baby in this scenario and not even realize she was pregnant in the first place.
Now lets figure out what possible dates Bella and Jake could’ve been... involved in Eclipse for fun [tbh I wrote this part before realizing New Moon would make more sense for a normal pregnancy and I don’t want to get rid of it lmfao].
So when we start Eclipse, Jacob and Bella have absolutely fucking nothing to do with each other bc... angst and also Bella chose Edward (like a Dumbass) over Jacob in front of Jacob and Jacob got Bella grounded bc the motorcycle. So. The Children are fighting.
The Cullens and the Wolf pack get into their boundary dispute while Bella is in Florida with her mother on May 20th. 
May 21 - Jacob confronts Edward to remind him and his family about the treaty and also makes sure Bella is still human. Edward finally comes clean about Vicki being in the area. [and if I’m remembering correctly, this is the first time Bella and Jake have seen each other since the end of New Moon]
May 25 - Bella pulls a Harry Houdini and jets the fuck off to La Push to see our favorite boy Jake. She learns about imprinting in this time and all sorts of shit. 
From that day until June 1st she’s essentially under house arrest by the Cullens [dicks] and Alice or Edward are constantly up her ass during this time and not in a good way.
June 1st - Bella fucks off to Jacob’s again by escaping school. Bella tells Jakey that she wants to be a vampire and he gets understandably upset as fuck. That night Bella and Edward sleep in each others arms. 
Bella hangs out with Jacob on June 3rd, June 8th (this is where the Kiss-Punch shit happens - I still think that was bullshit mischaracterization from RacistMeyer and will argue the fuck out of that tbh and the entirety of his character in Eclipse), June 11th (sorta, this is the grad party), June 12th (supes early in the morning bc of the training seshy and Jake’s a wolf for it), June 14th (Jake carried Bella to the campsite then they share a sleeping bag so she doesn’t freeze to death), and June 15th.
on June 15th is when Jake overhears about the engagement (Edward is still a dick for that), Bella asks Jake to kiss her (I stand by the fact that the manipulation tactic he uses in this is both too immature for Jacob and a massive mischaracterization bc smeyer is racist and probably realized Jacob was the better choice), then the battle happens and Jacob gets hurt by one of the newborn vampires. That evening, Jake and Bella talk she tells him what she saw when they kissed (ya know, their whole future) and then he asks her not to come back for a while if her choice is going to remain Edward. Then Bella has a break down while driving and Edward drives her home and then she cries in his arms all night long. The next day (16th) Bella and Alice talk about the wedding after Bella tells Edward he’s it for her.
If Bella and Jacob slept together in Eclipse there’s only a few dates it could’ve happened. May 25, June 1, June 3, and June 8. 
Now if Bella got pregnant on May 25th and had a normal pregnancy, the due date would be around March 1, 2007.
If she got pregnant on June 1st and had a normal pregnancy, the due date would be around March 8, 2007.
If she got pregnant on June 3rd and had a normal pregnancy, the due date would be around March 10, 2007.
And if she got pregnant on June 8th and had a normal pregnancy, the due date would be around March 15, 2007.
Now if we keep the September 10th birth date she would be approx. x weeks along if she got pregnant on these dates, in a normal pregnancy:
15 weeks and 3 days for May 25th conception.
14 weeks and 3 days for June 1st conception.
14 weeks and 1 day for June 3rd conception.
13 weeks and 3 days for June 8th conception.
The likelyhood of any of these normal pregnancies surviving the September birthdate are... slim. Most pregnancies aren’t considered medically viable until after 24 weeks of pregnancy. So if she got pregnant in the Eclipse timeline - the pregnancy would have to be supernaturally enhanced [in this case, via Jacob’s werewolf genes] in order for the child to survive at all.
Now, I don’t think it’s possible even in canon for werewolf genes to enhance or speed up a pregnancy because of the fact that at their core, the wolves are human. They exist as humans who can shift into these wolves. And if Quick-Pregnancies were a major thing for the wolves it would’ve been mentioned because the Tribe would’ve talked about it due to the similarities between them and the Cullens’. Also humans themselves would take note because Sam’s and Jacob’s packs are not the first werewolves to exist in this world or in that general area. 
Do I think this actually happened? No that’s be gross since in Canon Jacob imprints on Bella’s baby.
Do I think this would be perfect for an AU or fanfiction? Yes.
Do I give full permission for someone to take this timeline I’ve built and fucking run with it? Yes. Just fucking tag or link me I want to read it lmfao.
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oddree13 · 2 years
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want - Chapter 1
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
(Next Chapter)
(Read on AO3)
“I’m not going to prom. End of story,” Dustin proclaims, getting out of the car. Steve and Dustin have been having this argument for close to a month now. 
Even though they’ve seen each other at camp four summers in a row now, and their parents have chatted, Suzie’s family continues to pretend that Dustin is just a very good friend of their daughter and not the reason Suzie’s computer skills should be monitored by the government. Consequently, Suzie’s parents denied her request to come to Indiana for Dustin’s senior prom, which is why Steve is once again trying to convince Dustin to change his mind. 
“You had a great time at the Snow Ball!” Steve counters, getting out of the car to walk Dustin into the record shop Eddie runs his campaigns out of nowadays. 
“I was thirteen!” he shouts, not holding the door open for Steve. Steve sighs deeply, running a hand over his brow in frustration. “My kids are not going to be this ill-mannered,” he mutters to himself before walking into the store. 
Smash Records is located in a random strip mall barely twenty minutes outside of Hawkins. The shop is constantly in the midst of an aesthetic struggle since the owner, an aging hippie, is reluctant to change. Carpeted floors that are well-treaded hold shelves of cassettes and pricey CDs but also have bins and bins of vinyl records lining the baseboards. Shirts and memorabilia on the wall compete with incense sticks and questionable paraphernalia in glass cases with fluorescent lights that are just a tad too bright. In retrospect it’s hilarious that Eddie had been reluctant to apply, fearing his reputation preceded him. But now? Now Charlie is just happy to have someone who understands what teenagers want to listen to nowadays, more or less. Eddie’s gone from just a counter jockey to managing the store in just over two years. Who says drug dealing doesn’t have transferrable skills?
Eddie’s behind the counter when Steve walks in and beams at his boyfriend, pulling him over the counter to steal a kiss. 
“Your son is currently tucked away in the listening booth. Disintegration is playing in there so I have a feeling it is not going to help his moping. I take it the prom discussion did not go well again?” 
“Is he not my son. Our kid would have way better manners than that,” he insists, making Eddie chuckle. “It did not. Same excuses again too - all the guys have dates, it would be weird going stag, and he refuses to just ask someone platonically. As if all the guys' dates aren’t also in his pack," Steve grunts in frustration. "Did you try and talk to him?"
"I managed it once, and immediately had my head bitten off, by not just Henderson but Sinclair too."
"No, Erica. I made the mistake of suggesting Dustin take her and let's just say I contemplated finding a portal to the upside-down again to escape the teardown I received."
Steve winces in sympathy because with age Erica Sinclair has only grown into a greater force to be reckoned with. "I just need him to agree to go if only for the suit."
"You don't have a suit he can borrow? What did you go to prom in?" Eddie asks, and Steve can tell his boyfriend is trying to decide whether he likes the idea of Steve in formal wear. 
"You know exactly what happened to my suit. After that dinner at Enzo's, you set it on fire once you realized it was still in your care. And I actually didn't go to prom. Did you?"
Eddie levels Steve with an incredulous look. "Harrington, in what world would I have gone to prom? Also, why am I finding it hard to believe that King Steve didn't go to prom?"
Steve bristles at his old nickname and knows Eddie only brings it up to irk him. "First off, don’t call me Harrington when you’ve literally, you know…”
“Knotted you? You can say it, Stevie, we aren’t puritans.”
Steve ignores him and continues his explanation. “And Eds, if you must know  I did not go to prom because I was freshly single, without friends for the first time, so I decided to opt-out. But how did you miss three opportunities to go to prom?"
"Oh, that's easy! Failed English. Failed English. Bats," Eddie lists off with a giggle. "Not that I would have gone if I hadn't been recovering. Can you picture me in a suit dancing to Madonna? No thank you."
"I can maybe picture the suit part," Steve grins, looking Eddie up and down.
"Mister Harrington, this is a place of business," Eddie gasps, clutching nonexistent pearls. "You should behave yourself before some people get the wrong idea. And by people I mean me." Eddie bites his bottom lip and returns Steve's leer, making the omega blush. 
"You know, if you chaperoned with me you could see me in a suit and even take me out of it," Steve offers. Dustin isn't the only person in his life right now refusing to go to prom. 
"Absolutely not Stevie. I'm going to get you out of your suit when you get back from watching these goblins at prom. I will be resting from the millionth Chicago road trip. Sometimes I think if I have to make that drive one more time I'm going to blow my brains out.” 
"Why have you been driving to Chicago so much?" Dustin asks, walking towards them from the listening booth, either sick of sulking or sick of The Cure.
“Wheeling and dealing Henderson,” Eddie sings, making Steve chuckle because he knows exactly why Eddie’s been driving back and forth so much, but the alpha is convinced the other shoe is going to drop. 
“I thought you stopped dealing,” Dustin frowns, and Eddie just waves him off. 
“Henderson, is the fact that you associate the word dealing with drugs something for concern? Do Steve and I need to sit down at have a talk with you again about the dangers of marijuana ?” Eddie whispers the last word, his eyes wide in mock concern, which succeeds in throwing Dustin off. 
“Don’t worry your pretty head Henderson. Steve here keeps me on the straight and narrow. Well not exactly straight, or narrow either,” he smirks, winking at Steve who blushes while Dustin pretends to barf. 
“You know sometimes I miss the days when you two were hiding your relationship.”
Eddie walks around the counter to pull Steve into a kiss, dipping him down low before righting him back up. “Fat chance, Sir Dustin. This boy is mine and I’ve got to let everyone know.”
“Is that why Steve’s parents are still in the dark about you two?” Dustin scoffs, making Steve frown and Eddie tense. 
“Low-blow Henderson.”
“I’m sorry but I just don’t get how your parents still haven’t caught on and why you haven’t told them to fuck off!” Dustin wonders.
“Langauge,” both men scold, Steve seriously, Eddie in mock support. “You of all people should know why some things are best kept away from parents.” Steve is too exhausted to keep arguing so he kisses Eddie on the cheek and heads out, waving to Will, Lucas, and Erica on his way out. 
Steve turns on the car and glances at the clock. If he speeds home he won’t miss the call from Califonia.
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magicianpanache · 2 years
Reading Midnight Sun: Chapter 29 and... an Epilogue ???
And we’re onto the last chapter, ladies and gentlemen. Finally, I shall be free.
Bella wakes up and Edward scolds her for running away.
They confess their love for each other for a long time, blahblahblah.
Renée comes in, and she tries to convince Bella to come live in Jacksonville with her. Bella refuses because of Edward.
Renée leaves, Edward promises to never leave Bella (siiiike).
Bella asks to be changed, and Edward refuses. When Edward brings up her parents, she’s dismissive, as if their daughter disappearing wouldn't faze them.
She falls back asleep.
Holy shit there’s an epilogue.
Bella and Alice become quick friends. I suppose it makes friendship easier when one member is already your friend.
Edward envisions wistfully Bella’s future.
I envisioned Bella twenty years from now, maturing gracefully into middle age. Like her mother, she would hold on to the image of youth longer than most, but when the lines came, they would not mar her beauty. I imagined her somewhere sunny in a pretty but simple house that was, unless she changed her ways significantly, filled with clutter. Adding to the clutter would be children, two or three. Maybe one boy with Charlie’s curly hair and smile, and a girl who, like Bella, took after her mother.
This is one of the moments where SM’s mormonism shines through, but I’ll act as if this is purely Edward. Of course Bella, being a woman, would want kids. Her future has to involve children in some way, despite her never mentioning wanting some, ever. Also, of course imaginary!Bella stays pretty as she ages. She couldn’t possibly become unattractive after three pregnancies.
He also imagines that Bella will stop her teenage kids from watching Carrie. Bella, who watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
They go to prom. Somehow, Bella didn’t notice she was going to prom, despite Edward changing into a tux, Alice dressing her up into a gown, and them driving there.
Tyler tries to take Bella to prom, but Bella is already gone from the house.
For some reason, Charlie call Edward, and not Bella, which makes no sense, since Bella is the one involved. Edward tells Tyler to piss off over the phone.
It had been a very domineering kind of thing to say, and while I was fairly positive that Bella had no interest in Tyler, it wasn’t really my place to make that decision for her. 
Since when does Edward care about being domineering ? He brought Bella to prom in secret, even if she didn’t want to go. And now she’s crying about it she’s so mad.
No joke, Edward then gets turned on by looking at her ankle.
We learn that Rosalie is still upset. Now, she’s not rude to Bella about it, but Edward is still not talking to her about it.
Jacob comes, paid by his dad, to warn Bella away. He’s very embarrassed. He’s really nice about it, too.
Edward cuts back in, the confess their love, yadee yadee yada.
Finally, this is done. I will be writing meta, since this has shown be just how unhinged Edward is, and I will have to show it to the world.
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adam-banks2024 · 3 years
going to eden hall’s cotillion with adam banks
you were super nervous about the dance
it was one week away and you still didn’t have anyone to go with
at this point you thought you’d have to go alone
and you were excited
this was gonna be different than anything that you’ve ever went to before
yeah, you went to prom when you were a sophomore at a smaller school, and you went to winter formal in january, but you had never gone to anything as fancy as this before
you didn’t even know what it was at first
big thank you to google
as soon as you learned that it was a “fancy french dance” as russ put it, you started picking up more hours at your part time job
you didn’t need anything super extravagant or expensive, but you wanted to look nice and feel pretty
you talked to charlie about it almost everyday, and he seemed as excited about it as you
“i think i’m gonna ask lisa”
“what kinda tux should i get?”
“what kinda flowers do girls like?”
yada yada
you helped him with everything, of course
and he helped you pick out a dress, and a corsage, the whole shabang
and so the only thing left was to get a date
easy right
laugh out louddddd
but charlie was optimistic
he knew that you liked someone, but he didn’t know who it was
julie and connie didn’t even know so he knew there was no hope trying to find out
so you collectively agreed to find someone to go with as friends
you talked to ken first
made a really nice poster board, and made some ice skating puns
he looked super happy, and he laughed the whole time you were embarrassing yourself with your cheesy poster
he said thanks
but apparently...
he was
going with
like damn ken okay
i see u
so you were upset
but kinda proud of him
so that meant it was on to the next person
russ? maybe
he’s be funny, plus it wouldn’t be awkward with him
so you get him some candy instead of a poster board, and walked up to him during lunch
“thanks, but averman, goldberg, and i are going together. kind of like a bachelors thing, yknow?”
you sighed
that takes out one more person
who else who else
you could ask dwayne, and he’d be a gentleman, and you’d have an amazing time
you ditched the candy, borrowed a cowboy hat, and gave him a sunflower and asked him
he thought the gesture was sweet, and he was obsessed with the flower
“i think i’ll name him bob”
bless his heart
But He Said He Was Already Going With A Girl From A Different School.
cool. cool. cool
fulton! he’s chill!
you’d probably have a comfortable night with him and still have a good time
you game him a card with a hockey puck on it, with some cheesy saying about hitting hockey pucks too hard
you didn’t know
this was like the umpteenth guy you asked
he laughed at the gesture and thanked you for the card
“sorry y/n, but i’m going with portman. date night yknow?”
you understood
because let’s be honest that’s cute
but now that rules everyone out
except for him
but no because you’ve seen a million girls ask him
so you figured it’d be best if you went alone
you even considered going with julie but she’s going with scooter
why is this so harrrd
“i could talk to adam?”
charlie kept insisting
you kept saying no because you didn’t want a pity date
“i can just meet you all there”
that sounded a lot less sad in your head
“just ask him tomorrow, please?”
you decided that you’d ask him
on friday
“y/N tHaTs ThE dAy BeFoRe ThE DaNcE”
itll be fine
except it wasn’t fine
you worked your ass off the whole week leading up to friday
you worked everyday, you had exams all week, and you still had hockey practice
you were dead by friday
sweats to class, energy drink in hand, bags under your eyes
and your slippers
you had zero cares today
then you remEMBERED
charlie would absolutely murder you if you didn’t end up asking
so you said screw it (:
you and adam saw each other every day during 5th hour because you both had a free period then
you guys usually hung out and giggled like little kids
but that’s usually where it ended
if he saw you in the halls he would lend a nod, but that’s about the extent of things
so you thought hey, just ask him then
aha. he did a double take when he saw you walk in the library
“are you feeling okay?”
“yeah just tired. working like hell for this stupid cotillion”
he just looked confused
“not everyone has money to burn, cake eater”
he looked embarrassed now
“nono, i didn’t mean it like that. i- i’m just tired”
he shook his head as he smiled and gestures for you to sit down
uh oh
now is the time
where you have to say the thing
“hey so,...uh!”
why does he lOOK SO GOOD
“so i asked, like, almost everyone...”
great now you sound pathetic
“...and they’ve just been busy so it’s cool...”
you’re just digging yourself deeper
“...but i still don’t have a date to the cotillion, so... would you— wanna go?”
he sat in silence for a moment
so you’re just gonna take that as a no
“what, no poster board, or candies, or sentimental cards?
w h a t
“you mean you saw all that?”
“kinda, yeah”
“o h”
now you didn’t know what to say. you just felt bad
“but yes. i’d love to go”
you did it.
he said yes?!
he took you out to a nice restaurant
complimented your dress
your hair
your face
yes your face
AHHHHH this boy
and he actually danced with you?
some songs he knew came on and you were just jumping up and down in the middle of the dance floor
you guys even...
he was an awkward distance from you, not wanting to overstep your boundaries
but you pulled him closer
and he thought it was nice :)))))
at the end of the night you two were beat
he even walked you back to your dorm room which was in a building opposite than his was :,)
“well, it’s been an amazing night. and now i get to walk across campus”
and then
then you
so yeah
he seemed giddy
and you offered him some sleeping clothes
and you slept on separate sides of the bed
and then you got a little closer
and then a little more closer...
and then y’all were cuddling
need i say more?
so yeah, it was just a really nice night for you two :))))
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ameliterature · 3 years
Kyle and Joey (From AnderPerry Teachers AU)
Spin off from @inahallucination 's Teacher AU
Okay like, everyone's already established that Mr. Perry and Mr. Anderson are married and somehow it's even worse now because Kyle and Joey can't pretend that the other teacher is making them do extra credit or going past the period. Their mutual bond over getting the two teachers is what got them to be good friends
Joey the dunce in the back who's soul purpose is to "hit the lights" whenever Mr. Anderson wants to present Neil Perry PPTs. He's not really aa dunce, he's just distracted a lot in class so Mr. Anderson usually gives him extra credit to bump his grades, Joey thinks it's just torture.
Kyle is the Chaotic student of the batch. think Charlie, but a modern day teenaged boy. He tried to spike the punch bowl back in junior prom. He's set fire crackers in the janitor's closet. He DOESN'T LIKE DOING ENGLISH OR DRAMA HOMEWORK-- he likes watching plays sometimes but not enough that it'll make him interested. He loves spy movies though, so he likes to commit dastardly deeds of inconvenience whenever he can.
Kyle's the one who ropes Joey into trying to get their teachers together so they could get away scot free next time. They did stakeouts, fake gifts, fake poetry (that oddly seemed genuine), and tried their best to copy their teachers' handwriting. When they find out they were married this whole time, part of them feels bummed out they can't hang out anymore.
Then Mr. Anderson sets them up to do an English project together, which at first they "whine" about it. "Ugh not another assignment." But they didn't mind because they get to work together.
Mr. Perry also assigned them to be the Villager 1 and 2 for the upcoming school play. They don't have important scenes but it's enough to give them an excuse to rehearse together because their lines are only with each other.
Neil and Todd would update each other regarding their ploy and giggle whenever they see the two together in the cafeteria.
Joey goes up to Mr. Anderson one time to tell him he's got feelings for his friend and Todd's like "OooOOOH???" and basically helps Joey come up with a way to confess to Kyle.
Meanwhile, Kyle was alone in the parking lot of the school cursing at some pigeons and Mr. Perry's like "???" and basically Kyle straight up just says he likes Joey so much he doesn't know what to do'-- "Mr. Perry PLEASE HELP ME, my HEART IS ABOUT TO BURST INTO A MILLION PIECES, GOD I LIKE HIM SO MUCH--"
So then on the day Joey was about to confess, Kyle appears by the bleachers to sing "Can't Take my Eyes off of you" before asking Joey to Senior Prom.
Neil and Todd both look at each other, Neil smirking while Todd is in shock.
"My kid got to confess first~" Neil mocks.
"They're literally BOTH my students first." Todd leans on Neil as they watched the two students collide in a hug.
"You think they still did the assignments we gave them?"
"I highly doubt that."
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kkkkkafka · 3 years
For pre-relationship 2 and 6 For general uhhh maybe 7, 8, and 9 And i want 2, 6, 7, 8, for LOVE And 3, 10, 11 for domestic live uwu
Yes I have a Marlie brainrot thanks✌😔💕
Long post so under the cut lol
2. What was their first impression of each other?
We all know that William and Henry were partners, and their kids definitely met when they were toddlers. I imagine a 3yo Charlie sat on the couch with her father holding a baby Michael and asked him “Dad, why does this big potato have hair? And soft too?”
And for Michael, he pretty did not remember about this first meeting. He was just a little boy at that time
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
“Not surprised. Only I can handle him”
“Yeah, because who the hell would comfort her when she watches soap opera with me?”
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Michael. Charlie gets anxious easily when it comes to a crowded place with strangers and all
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Michael. The man is lowkey insecure of himself (both post-scoop and in some AUs) so he worried people, especially who are close to him will leave him because of what happened to his family and him
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Charlie. She has a hidden mischievous side
2. What are their primary love languages?
Both sucks at lovey dovey words so their love language is physical touch and quality time
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
They switch frequently
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
As long as it together, they don’t mind
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
I adopted the idea Gregory was their kid so yeah. But I think they were not the type to have kids due to some reasons (*gestures to William*), they stick with animals instead. They have 4 cats as their fur babies
10. Who’s the better cook?
Charlie. She learned how to cook when she was a little girl due to her father always working. Michael can cook to but it was decent
11. Who likes to dance?
Charlie. She used to ask Michael to dance with her when they were in college prom, and it is still the same now
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
A Meddling Friend
charlie dalton one shot
word count: 2,380
warnings: none
notes: soooo i wrote a matchmaker!charlie one shot because i felt like it heh (also there is no way charlie isn’t the best matchmaker around tbh)... here it is (: 
A Meddling Friend
When Charlie “Nuwanda” Dalton set out to do something, hardly anything could stand in his way. A meddler by plain terms, Charlie butted his way into any situation, whether he saw a benefit in it for himself or for others. Oftentimes, Charlie’s triumphs would stem from wanting to succeed. In what? The possibilities were endless. He had once convinced his entire chemistry class to fudge their hardest experiment of the year (“Look, the teacher can’t possibly fail all of us; a failure on all of us means gigantic failure on him,” he’d said pointedly), he’d tricked his younger sister into begging their parents for a dog, despite her allergies (when asked about why he didn’t just ask his parents for a dog, he claimed they were much more inclined to appease his sister), and he’d smooth-talked his way into a date to the Ridgeway Junior Prom at a diner in town on a dare (“Now I have a hot date and five bucks from all of you”). His successes were plentiful, and there was no end in sight.
So when Charlie had endured months of secret glances between his best friend, Neil, and Neil’s roommate, Todd (not to mention the awkward, weighted silences and painfully obvious unsaid words), Charlie decided to do what he did best: meddle.
The leaves were in their adolescence on the trees; varying shades of orange and red made campus seem ablaze. Charlie would find himself, on multiple occasions, staring out the window when he was supposed to be paying attention in class. Today was no different– the leaves were beckoning, and Charlie’s eyes sat fixed upon them until he heard his name being called from the front of the room,
“Mr. Dalton?” being at the back of the room, everyone turned in their desks to look at Charlie.
“Yes, sir?” he replied, unfazed. Dr. Hager had begun to go into detail about the question he had just asked Charlie, but Charlie’s gaze was, again, caught. This time, by Todd, who was the only person not looking at Charlie; Todd was looking at Neil. Charlie hadn’t heard a word his teacher had said, more focused on the fact that Todd was gawking at Neil and Neil didn’t even seem to notice. Rolling his eyes at Charlie, Richard Cameron (Charlie’s roommate), raised his hand to answer the question Dr. Hager asked.
“That’s a demerit, Mr. Dalton,” Dr. Hager deadpanned before calling on Cameron. After everyone had turned back around to face the front of the room, Charlie sat forward in his seat, watching Todd, who was still looking at Neil. Upon dropping his pencil, Neil bent to pick it up, locking eyes with Todd on his way back to sitting normally. A smirk played on Charlie’s face when Todd’s face flushed as he turned back toward the front. And Charlie couldn’t help but notice that Neil’s cheeks had also turned slightly cherry-colored as his eyes darted back to his notes. Charlie sat smugly back into his chair and began to hatch a scheme in his head. If he could just get them to admit their feelings for each other, the world would be a better place.
A few weeks prior to the day, Charlie had caught Neil drawing a heart around Todd’s name in the margins of a trig textbook. A few days before that, Todd had read an original poem out loud in their English class that was so clearly about Neil it was painful (“Richest coffee eyes / That paint the stage wonderful”).
Charlie didn’t dare bring up the subject with any of his other friends, but once alone with Neil after Chemistry, he began to work his magic.
“What’s bugging you?” he asked Neil, nudging him slightly as they walked down the hallway.
“What?” Neil returned, confused.
“You dropped your pencil during chem. I’ve never seen you do that. So that either means you were distracted by something, or you were falling asleep, which means you haven’t been sleeping well because you’re stressed out. Which is it?” Charlie prodded, looking at his friend as they continued down the hall, “Come onnnnn, Perry,” he goaded, elbowing Neil, who sighed in exasperation.
“It’s nothing, Charlie,” Neil groaned, adjusting his books in his arms and casting a nervous look at Charlie.
“Lie to anyone else, Neil. Anyone else but me. It’s just embarrassing at this point,” Charlie smirked, “And offensive.”
“It’s just… the play. It’s hard to memorize without help,” Neil sighed before turning to Charlie, “You could help? Do you want to help me, Charlie?” Neil said excitedly. Bingo, Charlie thought.
“I’d really love to, Neil, but I’ve got some Latin stuff with Meeks for the next few days,” Neil sighed, “I do, however, know someone who can help you,” Charlie finished, pleased with himself.
“Who is it?” Neil cocked an eyebrow.
“I don’t know if you know him, but I’ll just tell him to meet you somewhere tomorrow? What time?”
“How do I know this guy isn’t crazy?”
“Again, I’m hurt. You don’t trust me to put you into good hands?” Or Todd’s hands, Charlie thought, laughing to himself.
“Of course I trust you, Charlie, it’s just… I don’t know, I’m stressed out, and my father is all over me, I just need some help. If you know someone who can help, I’m more than willing to accept. I don’t mean anything bad by my reactions, I promise.”
“I know you, don’t, Neil,” Charlie clapped Neil on the back, “At the dock, tomorrow at 4. He’ll be there,” he looked at Neil, “Everything’s going to be okay. I promise,” Charlie smiled as they made their way onto the landing of the boys’ floor.
After parting ways with his friend, Charlie bursted the door to his own room open, startling Cameron, who was sitting at his desk studying.
“Jesus, Dalton, you scared me half to death,” Cameron clutched his chest.
“Sorry, darlin’,” Charlie smirked, jumping into bed (with his shoes still on). He turned onto his back and put his hands behind his head, crossing his outstretched legs.
“Can you look at this trig, see if it makes sense?” Cameron asked, holding his textbook up to Charlie.
“At any other time, any other day, and in any other circumstance, I totally would, but I have some things to plan. Sorry, Cameron,” Charlie shrugged, closing his eyes.
“Come on, Charlie. I rarely ask you for help, and the one time I do, you won’t do it?” Cameron groaned. He opened one eye at the redhead across the room.
“Trust me when I tell you, the thing I’m planning is a lot more important than trig,” Charlie shot Cameron a knowing look, then closed his eye again, beginning to visualize and scheme as his roommate huffed a sigh and turned back around to his desk.
The following day brought giddiness for Charlie; he’d gotten Neil committed to going down to the docks, now he just needed to get Todd alone. The only thing Charlie was still figuring out was how. Todd was the biggest introvert Charlie knew.
Charlie’s proclivity for picking up on the ins and outs of his best friend had led to having more insight into Todd as well. Todd Anderson was new to Welton this past fall. And he was Neil’s roommate, so by association Todd had slowly, but surely (and slightly excruciatingly) joined Neil and Charlie’s friend group. He mostly listened and watched, but always sat near (although not too near) Neil when they were hanging out.
Since they were kids, Neil had always been personable; every new thing he learned about a person, would be spun in a positive way, even if the trait was inherently “bad.” He and Charlie would spend hours talking about people, but not in the “let’s gossip” kind of way– they both found a lot of intrigue in the general population. Even as children they were constantly surveying their peers in a way normal children wouldn’t. When Neil had met Todd, it was no different; he would go on about his sandy-haired roommate for ten minutes straight without taking a breath. Why Todd had transferred schools, where his family is from, what kinds of activities he liked. Charlie found the answers to these questions interesting, but perhaps nothing was more intriguing to him than the fact that Todd had willingly shared all this information with Neil. From what Charlie had experienced, Todd was not a talker, and would rather sit in a painful silence for hours on end than open up to the friend group or start a conversation… but he was doing so with Neil. Granted, Neil asked a lot of questions, but Todd seemed comfortable enough around him to share. That was the first thing Charlie noticed between the two of them, and the catalyst that had sparked Charlie’s master plan of getting them together.
After breakfast, which entailed a small conversation about Playboy models, gross scrambled eggs, and of course, a silent Todd, Charlie hung back to catch the boy before he slipped away to the dorms before class.
“Hey, Anderson!” Charlie called, jogging after him. Todd looked as if he’d seen a ghost.
“H-hey Charlie, what’s up?”
“Listen, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?”
“Um, s-sure?”
“I’m meant to help out one of my friends with his poem later, but I have Latin tutoring with Meeks, and I figured since you’re so good at it, you could meet with my friend to help him out?”
“I… I don’t know, Charlie,” Todd knitted his eyebrows at the idea of meeting and talking to who he thought was a perfect stranger.
“It’d really mean a lot, Todd,” Charlie pulled his most innocent face and looked at the boy in front of him. Todd was quiet still, “Listen, if you really don’t want to, it’s no sweat. I just figured I’d ask you since you’re so good at writing,” Charlie smiled small, not wanting to push Todd that far.
“I… um, no I-I”ll do it. Where?”
“Ah, Todd you’re a lifesaver! It’s 4p.m. at the dock. You’re sure you want to?”
“Yeah, just… tell your friend I’ll be there,”
“I will, thank you!” Charlie called, backing away from Todd and turning away to head to class. I won’t be telling anyone a thing, Charlie grinned to himself, feeling pleased.
When the clock read 3:56, Neil began to get nervous. No one had shown up. Was Charlie pulling his leg? I’ll give them five more minutes, Neil thought, sitting criss cross on the dock and twiddling his shoelace between his fingers. His “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” script sat on his lap, frayed edges and all.
4:04, Neil sighed, looking at his watch. Just as he was calling it curtains for Charlie’s friend, Todd, flush-faced and sweaty, was making his way over to him. He was looking down at his shoes, careful not to stumble,
“H-hi, sorry I’m late, I got stuck in the dining hall behind–” he looked up to see a confused Neil. Neil’s disorientation spread to Todd’s features, “Neil?” he whipped his head around both ways to make sure someone else wasn’t coming.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Neil stood up from the dock, dusting off his pants and clutching his script apprehensively.
“I… um, I’m supposed to meet… Charlie’s friend… he needs help with–” Todd trailed off, looking at Neil quizzically– “Wait, w-what are you doing here?”
“I’m… supposed to meet Charlie’s friend… he’s supposed to help me rehearse lines…?” Neil’s voice upticked at the end of the sentence, confusion prevalent between the two of them.
“Wait, you’re supposed to meet Charlie’s friend, a-and I’m supposed to m-meet Charlie’s friend, too?” Todd shook his head, unbelieving. Neil’s face changed on a dime, a green light going off over his head.
He smiled slightly and huffed a laugh, “I think we’ve been made, Todd,”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I think we’re meeting… exactly who we’re supposed to be meeting,” Neil blushed, looking at Todd, whose cheeks were rosy from rushing over to the dock (and probably at the situation, too).
“We’re… you’re the friend that needs help with poetry?”
“Todd, I think Charlie meant to get us here alone…” Neil looked to Todd, fidgeting even more with his script.
“W-well why would h-he do that…?” Todd chewed his bottom lip. Neil shut his eyes, almost as if the next thing out of his mouth would cause endless pain. He breathed an unsure sigh,
“Because,” he swallowed thickly, looking at Todd, “Charlie knows I have the biggest crush on you, and this was his way of making me make a move,” Neil’s cheeks were a deep crimson.
“You have a-a crush o-on me?” Todd gestured to himself, bewildered. Neil grimaced and nodded, squeezing the script tighter than before, averting his eyes, “Oh…” Todd’s eyes widened slightly as he looked around them once again, “I… are you sure?” Neil sighed again and sat back down on the dock.
“Yep,” he looked at his hands, the script clutched tightly between them, “I’m sure,” he sounded tired all of sudden. Todd stayed frozen for a few seconds before he trudged over to Neil’s slumped body and sat down carefully beside him.
“I guess Charlie’s g-good at this thing, then,” he laughed incredibly lightly.
“What do you mean, why?” Neil cast a glance up at Todd before looking away again.
“I don’t know… b-because I like you, too,” Todd mumbled.
“What?” Neil looked at him again, not daring to turn away this time.
“I like you… t-too,” Todd’s volume stayed the same. Neil raised his eyebrows, his eyes searching Todd’s.
“Really? This isn’t some prank that Charlie is pulling? You’re being serious?” Neil interrogated, his hands still wrapped around his script. Todd just nodded, earning a huge grin from Neil. Silence fell over the pair and their newly learned information, but when Todd spoke, his conviction surprised even himself.
“So can I help you read lines?” Neil’s smile was vibrant.
“I think I’d love nothing more.”
Charlie watched from his dorm window, smiling as the two boys sat down to read lines. He climbed down off of the windowsill and dusted his hands off, another victory in the books.
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hauntthebodies · 3 years
1. What’s the one thing they would save in a fire?
3. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
32. What were they like in high school?
for everyone, please!
1. What’s the one thing they would try to save in a fire?
Aman- material thing? Shit, he’s making sure his car is far the fuck away from it if he can. The rest would probably be covered by home insurance lbr 😭
Avery- they would probably try to save more of their siblings stuff than their own? They don’t keep much for themselves in terms of material items; they’re more prone to buying their siblings things.
Mason- is saving their laptop. The amount of cherished pictures and such on it would be heartbreaking for him to lose
Sloan- would try to save their plush toys 😭 most were a gift so they don’t want to lose them.
Carson- if he doesn’t need to worry about Hati, then it’s the gun safe he keeps under his bed.
Charlie- if it’s not her chinchilla, Powder, then she’s trying to save all her projects equipment or work.
3. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Aman would probably be able to stay alive for most of it, he’s got a good head on his shoulders. Would make him squeamish tho at having to kill undead/sick people.
Avery dies, and they die shortly after the start of it trying to protect their siblings from their own stupidity.
Sloan would probably die if on their own, might make it longer with a group, but I think the entire ordeal would be so overwhelming for them they have a lot of difficulty adapting.
Mason would be able to survive. He knows a loooot of places most people don’t, and he has no issue hiding out in the woods until it blows over.
Carson would do well in a zombie apocalypse. He’d be a bit more brutal in terms of attitude, but when you have to kill a bunch of fucked up people to survive, I feel like anyone loses a bit of themselves.
Charlie would survive if she stuck with Carson or another group. Her and her brother make a very compatible team, though, so her chances are better with him.
32. What were they like in high school?
Aman was kinda popular? Everyone knew him, he wasn’t really stuck in a specific clique or anything, he hung out with anyone who wanted to. Was on the football team, got voted for prom king but never won.
Avery was even worse than they are now. Combative, constantly arguing with teachers or other classmates over benign and stupid shit. Felt more like they were just taking their anger out on others. Infamous in school for starting a loooot of fights.
Sloan was studious and somewhat quiet in high school. They were well known, being the child of the preacher, but that made people more avoidant than accepting. A lot of rumors about their family and them went around school.
Mason was a lot more awkward! It wasn’t until after high school that their confidence rose. The school they went to was pretty shit, and didn’t have a lot in terms of opportunities. Had a couple decent friends, but Mason moved away as quick as possible after graduation.
Carson was a quiet kid in high school. He mostly stuck around with Charlie, as the two did everything together. Spent a lot of time in the chemistry labs though, and it was a joke around school he was trying to make a bomb (he wasn’t)
Charlie had a very conflicting time in high school, as it was around then she began questioning her gender identity. She never caused any issues within school, and was something of a teachers favorite, though. Super smart, valedictorian of their high school.
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kkoongiee · 4 years
enhypen scenarios — non-idol!enhypen as classmates ‹𝟹
prompt, hi angel !! could i request enhypen as classmates? btw your writing is super cute teehee ^^ and if you’re not getting many requests , it might be because anon is not on !! but i hope you’re having / you had a wonderful day MWAH <333
notes, idk if there is cursing i’m a lil blind but yeaah idk if this is what u wanted?? but i kinda just went with it so i hope it is um mayb :]
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heeseung — populars
i feel like heeseung gives me those marcie from charlie brown vibes? everyones real good friends with marcie even though she’s shy. i get those social butterfly & those good vibes from him, he just seems like a person whose really great to talk to once you get to know him. heeseung is the dependable friend and he will make time every day for each person who wants it. he can talk to you, go out for whatever you want, knows where this persons at, and people swarm his accounts with followers and likes, commenting nice things. his name is probably mentioned everyday, maybe a solid thirty times, every student looking for him. everybody knows him & they love heeseung, who wouldn’t?
jay — the jock
he seems like he is a basketball player 😭 definitely having his own little fanbase of girls over there. let’s be honest.. everyone has a crush on jay. he isn’t a dumb jock though, he gots the good grades but he is oblivious that he is very popular. he sometiimmeess will accidentally flirt with people, he doesn’t even know he does it 🚶🏻‍♂️ but the whole school really likes him & considers him a star player. definitely a year-book superlatives slot. everybody knows his name as well, just oh its jay!!! the star basketball player & everyone loves him!!!!! most talked about and most loved, every teacher loves him 😭 definitely not teachers pet wise, but like the way everyone talks about him, they just have to love him
jake — the golden boy
okay, he is adored by everyone 🥺 i think he’d get the good grades, probably on student council, and in the running for prom king. jake was a new kid and he wanted to make the best impressions on everyone. he probably has a group of three people walking around with him, they keep him laughing and that’s all he needs is some normal humans surrounding him. people wonder why jake is loved by so many people, but he doesn’t feel like people reaaalllyy love him? if that makes sense. he’s kind to everyone, an important figure in student council, and people idolize him. he hangs out with everyone, he likes to move around and find other people. floating around and being friends with different people who have different personalities is just a jake thing.
sunghoon — the all-around kid
sunghoon is fashionable, handsome, great at ice-skating, and smart as hell. he is there to consult on fashion tips sometimes, not for everyone. he is pretty quiet, but he shakes up the talking line with some outfits or just sunghoon being himself. he is also sort of someone who floats around like jake, not sticking with just one group of friends. sunghoon is someone people whisper about and someone who people will stare at all day, including when he posts an ice-skating picture or video (cue everyone fawning over him and his spins) they have the silly little rumors about him too, but he really doesn’t need all the attention, he’s just himself!!
sunoo — drama/choir kid
he for whatever reason makes me think he got stuck in choir as an elective, but he started to enjoy it after. sunoo doesn’t strike me as someone who was all that popular in school, but definitely had a good group of friends, i don’t think he’d want a whole lot of friends either. he’d probably show off his talents in a school talent show or if his school selected him for a lead role in a play. also i’d think sunoo would be great at acting!!! keeps to himself for the most part and enjoys only his choir elective and lunch,, he’s deff not into having to wake up and drag through his boring classes.
jungwon — the brainiac
jungwon seems like a smart kid, along with the taekwondo but for the most part .. his friends can call him to do their homework. jungwon does take advantage of his smartness, charging 10$ for every page, which he makes big bucks. he isn’t really an outcast i don’t think, but jungwon is that friend that is on the side and doesn’t dedicate himself in hanging out with them everyday or going to parties. jungwon loves his friends in all of his classes, very chattery but he simply is dedicated to his work and taekwondo!!!! he loves what he does & pictures himself being a smart sorta role as a job, taekwondo is just a cherry on top. jungwon likes to show it off and whatnot, going right back to his books afterwards
ni-ki — the forever new kid
ni-ki is fairly new to his school, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less popular 🧍 he is very suave with everyone because he speaks japanese, he loooves to float around and the fact that ni-ki is now considered the cute new kid. at first, he wanted to hide in the shadows and be hidden, but ni-ki was quickly grabbing everyones attention. he excels at his mothers dance studio, which ni-ki became a trendsetter as since then everyone decided that they wanted to participate in dance. his name really is just the new kid ni-ki or the new kid, it doesn’t matter even a year after. aahh everyone really just feels lucky to be his friend and even though he doesn’t care as much about popularity, ni-ki loves the new friends he’s made, very glad that he didn’t end up with a new school horror story.
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shxdowsofombra · 2 years
Hope’s B-day Weekend
Zach had planned a few days for them to both get away from everything that was going on. It was a surprise for Hope since there was a lot going on with the whole prom thing and the drama at the castle that they were trying to stay out of. “Are you all packed and ready?” He asks as he turned to look at her. 
“Hm are you sure now is a good time to go? I mean there is a lot going on. Charlie said my parents are fighting again so maybe we should just wait. Besides, Eli has never been left alone this long and Emmett is still ghosting this family. Hallie will take the whole break to be with her boyfriend and I swear if we come back and she’s pregnant, I will kill her.” 
“Your parents are always fighting to be honest. Eli will be okay it is only like two days if anything? Emmett…we at least know where he is so that’s not that bad. Hallie knows better than to become pregnant again. They have DJ to be concerned about anyway so they can’t get too carried away.” He reassures her.
“Yeah I know, but eventually people get tired of fighting Zach. And I am just worried.” Hope says before smiling at his words. “We had Emmett to worry about and you got me pregnant with Hallie so that is the opposite of reassuring.”
“Yeah but they always come back together. It might take them having a break from each other for a bit but then they make up somehow and they are the longest standing couple on this island.” He tells her. “I mean…listen Hallie…definitely we wanted him to have a little sister for sure.” 
“Hm I guess, their breaks always suck for the rest of us though.” She said as she zipped up her luggage. “You didn’t even want kids, so I don’t think you planned for that but it’s cute you are trying so hard to reassure me.” She laughed. “We can go before I change my mind.”
Zach finished zipping up his bag before helping carry her bags as well. They made their way downstairs where Zach thanked Tommy for coming to watch Eli. “You know that only you can get away with calling me cute right?” He jokes with a laugh. 
She walked with him downstairs before seeing Tommy. “I didn’t know you asked my brother to babysit. Hi Tommy, how have you been?” She asked before hearing Zach’s words. “You know I’m not the only one that calls you that. All those mom’s at Luna’s birthday party called you cute. I thought it was adorable.” She smiled teasingly.
“I have been okay. And don’t worry I don’t mind coming here to spend some time with my nephew. I don’t get to come around all that much so it’s a nice change in pace. Just make sure you make it back in one piece please. I heard that Eli can be a bit picky like dad.” He teases.
“Ew, why are they calling me cute. No more soft Zach around the parents. It might get to their heads.” He shakes his head before greeting Tommy as well. “Thank you for offering to come and watch him for the next two days. And if you need anything just let me know.” 
“Maybe they were calling you cute because you did everything Luna asked you to.” She smiled before turning her attention to Tommy. “You know you don’t have to hide away. I mean I know the reason you do, but you are always welcome.” She told him. “Henry and Hallie will probably be stopping by as well, they don’t start school until we get back. And Emmett most likely will stay at the castle so you should have some help.”
“I know we don’t but it’s just nice being in our own little bubble you know? Away from all the drama and things…it’s just…nicer.” He tells her. “But I will keep that in mind.” He smiles. “Now off you two go. I know there are instructions in the kitchen so I am going to go and read those.” 
“I was doing everything that was asked of me from the birthday girl.” He tells her while looking at her with a smile. “He is right though, let’s get going.” Zach says before taking her hand and leading her out the door.
Hope said goodbye to her brother before following Zach outside. “So where is this cruise going? Is there a specific destination or no? I feel like I know nothing.” She said as she helped him with the bags.
“Mhm there is no specific destination but it is a private cruise so we can go wherever we want technically speaking.” He says before putting the bags into the trunk of the car and opening up the door for her to get in. 
“A private cruise? You didn’t want to share me with other people?” She asked teasingly as he opened the door for her. “Aw, how sweet.” Hope kissed his cheek before moving into the car.
“Of course I didn’t want to share you with anyone else. It is your birthday so I figured you could spend your time doing whatever it is you want.” He shuts the door and gets in on the other side and starts the car. “Plus I figured you would want us to have some privacy since it is your birthday after all.” He winked. 
Hope buckled herself in as she smiled hearing his words. “Hm being in public never bothered me, but I do think I will have more fun with it just being you.” She said before resting against her seat. “Thank you for the trip.”
“Of course baby girl. It will be nice to get away, just the two of us.” He buckled himself up before starting the car and driving to the dock at the beach. Once they got there, the ship was already there so one of the deckhands helped him bring the luggage onboard the ship. “There might be like one or two people for the crew but other than that it is just us.” 
Hope watched one of the crew members flirt with Zach as he moved the luggage on board. She just smiled to herself before seeing Zach coming up to her. “That’s fine baby.” She hummed at his words before wrapping her arms around him and kissing him deeply. It was definitely a lot more intense than normal but she was sending a message.
Zach figured the crew member was just being nice and he smiled and thanked them. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her just as deeply. “Mhm we haven’t even made it to the cabin yet baby girl.” He teases as he takes her hand and leads the way. 
“I couldn’t help myself.” She purred in his ear before following him through the ship. She looked around as they headed to the cabin before letting his hand go and looking at the cabin. “This is very nice. Much better than your cabin on the ship.” She teased.
“It is a lot bigger, I can tell you that for sure. I made sure to get the best accommodations while we are here. Besides this is a cruise ship not just a normal pirate ship. This ship actually has standards.” He teases with a small laugh. “Plus it has a nice view of the ocean due to the reinforced windows and floor being made of magical glass that won’t break. You can literally sleep with the fishes around us. I thought it was pretty cool and that you might like something like this.” 
Hope couldn’t help but laugh at how Zach explained everything. “You are so cute.” She teased as she sat on the bed. “I love it. It is very nice. And the floor is also nice. But you know mermaids do swim around too. So…they might see things.” 
“You might think they would be able to see us but this is actually one way glass. We can see out but all they see is just the normal bottom of a ship. That is what is so great about the magic here.” He smiles as he shuts the door and locks it behind them. “The bathroom also has a tub and hot tub as well so…the more fun the merrier.” 
“You’ve thought of everything.” She smiled as she watched him. “Hm I’m guessing we can order things as well? So we spend more time having fun and not having to worry about everything else?” She asked as she stood up and moved to her suitcase.
“Of course I did. I wanted everything to go smoothly and be as stress free as possible. We can order things as well, they do have a chef on board.” He nods before getting his own suitcase and starting to unpack. “Plus if we enjoy it enough I could see us coming back here quite a lot to escape from everything else.” He smiles. 
She started to unpack and pulled out all her bikinis and smiled. “Well I think we will have a lot of fun.” She said as she kissed his cheek and started putting things in her drawers. “Also, for the day of my birthday I have a surprise for you.” She said playfully.
Zach bit his lip as he watched her unpacking all her bikinis knowing that they would be going back with them in pieces. “You have a surprise for me? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around baby girl?” He teases as he continues to put his things away. 
“What’s the fun in that? I wanted you to get something special this weekend too and it’s my birthday so you can’t say no.” She smiled. “You are really going to like it. It was hard to hide it from you so I am happy to finally show you.” She told him.
Zach smiled at her words. “Of course I can’t say no to you on your birthday, that would be rather mean of me wouldn’t it?” He jokes. “Mhm, having to hide something from me? Now that is some dedication.” Zach teases with a smirk as he finishes unpacking and puts the suitcase away. 
She finished unpacking and placed her suitcase with Zach’s as she turned to look at him. “Maybe if you weren’t an assassin I wouldn’t have to go out of my way to hide things. I could do what normal wives do and place it in the closet.” She giggled. “Can we go swimming?” She asked.
“Mhm that was what made me all the money and those rings on your fingers dear.” He smirked. “Of course I course we can go swimming. The pool is up top near the balcony.” Zach smiles before grabbing his swim suit. 
“Hm I do love my rings.” She teased back before grabbing one of her bikinis and changing into it. She left her hair down as she left her phone on the bed. “We should agree that we don’t use our phones this weekend. I trust Tommy can handle it and hopefully if Tommy is with our kids, Ellie is with my parents.” 
Zach threw his suit on as he listened to her words. “I agree with no phones on this trip. They are too distracting and this weekend is just about us.” He reassures her as he walks over and wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close to give her a kiss. “I am sure they will be fine. If he needs help I am sure he will call her.” 
“I believe you.” She said before kissing him back. “You look really sexy.” She smiled as she grabbed his hand and led him out of the room.
“mhm you look even more sexy in that bikini baby girl.” He purred as he followed her out of the room as they made their way to the pool. 
“Oh really?” She asked teasingly before seeing the pool and getting inside. She turned to look at him. “I brought a lot of them in case my husband wants to rip them off…” She smiled as she let her arms come up and playfully tugged on her strings.
“Good because that is probably what will happen.” He smiles before getting into the pool as well. “I would say we could just walk around naked on the boat but we don’t need anyone else getting distracted by your beauty now do we?” 
“Hm, that does seem like a problem.” She teased. “I would agree with you but we have both come to realize how incredibly possessive you are and if you kill everyone, what was the point of bringing them in the first place?” She asked.
“Oh that is true. Well I am sure everyone knows to stay away from where we will be though. We can give them blindfolds or something. They should be able to rely on their other senses perfectly fine.” He tells her as he pulls her onto his lap in the pool. 
Hope felt him pulling her into his lap and she wrapped her arms around him. “But then they’ll still be able to smell us. I won’t be able to hide how turned on I am if I’m walking around naked.” She smiled. “Is that a rule you gave them when you hired them? Stay away from us?”
“That is true…well I gave them the rule that if we see them I will kill them. So they need to take care of things when we aren’t around. We wanted to have as minimal exposure to everyone else as possible so I figured that was the best option.” He smiles. 
She smiled before kissing him softly. “I am sure they will stay away. They aren’t here now.” She pointed out as before, running her tongue over the sensitive part of his neck. “I’m always so horny when I’m pregnant.”
Zach couldn’t help but let out a moan as she ran her tongue over the sensitive part of his neck. “mhm I know you are, baby girl, that is why I got us this private boat so that we can definitely take care of that for you.” He purred. 
“Aren’t you clever?” She teased before pulling away and swimming away. She looked around and saw the crew getting some drinks ready for them and couldn’t help but laugh as they fought over who would bring it to the couple. “You scared them Zach.”
“Of course I did. They know to only come when I tell them otherwise they stay away.” He smirked before motioning for them to bring over the drinks. Once they set them down, he thanked them before shoo-ing them off. “I know you can’t have alcohol so I have the closest thing to it for you without it being actual alcohol so we can still have some fun.” 
Hope waved at the person that brought the drinks before watching them basically run away. “Hm…thanks baby.” She smiled. “Do you know Luna called for you yesterday?”
“It’s so funny watching them run away.” He smirked before turning his attention back onto Hope. “She called for me? Why? I thought she was spending time with Charlie or something?” 
“She wanted you to fly her around.” She says before swimming over to him as she leaned close to his ear. “You remember. You were downstairs training and I called you upstairs and asked you to use your dragon tongue on my favorite place? That’s when she called.”
“Mhm oh that was the phone call? I think we had a lot more fun though instead of me leaving. Besides, she can get Henry to fly her around. He could use the practice.” He says as she swam over to him. 
“Do you know how hard it was not to moan on the phone when your tongue is deep inside of me.” She asked as she pulled him closer to her. “I enjoyed it a lot more than having you leave.”
“Mhm it was very interesting to watch. I loved seeing you get all worked up while on the phone. I would hope you would want me around more instead of leaving.” He teases before giving her a kiss. 
Hope pulled away before he could kiss her and smiled. “I always want you around Zach. I love you.” She says smiling.
“I love you too. Why are you pulling away from my kisses baby girl?” He pouts before giving her ass a squeeze. 
She smiled happily before feeling him squeeze her ass and she let out a soft gasp. “Are you pouting? Is my assassin pouting?” She teased before kissing his cheek. “There you go. Aren’t you cute?”
“The fuck you dodging my kisses? MY kisses? Rude.” He says before turning his head away. “Nope, you didn’t want my kisses, that is your loss.” Zach smirked. 
Hope couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh wow, you definitely aren’t the bad boy I dated. You are soft now.” She teased as she poked his stomach. “I should tell the staff you didn’t mean to threaten them.”
“All soft? Are you kidding me?” He says before feeling her poking his stomach. “The fuck…I will go eat them right now just to prove my point and you know I would.”
She giggled as she heard his words and bit her bottom lip, “Aw but you are soft. All the moms love you and the kids are obsessed with you. Even Waddles loves you.”
“I am not that soft. Only for you and the kids that is it.” He tells her. “Everyone else can go away.” 
She couldn’t help but smile as she pushed her hair behind her ear. “I know Zach…and that means a lot to me.” She told him honestly.
Zach held her close to him as they enjoyed
 the water around them. “I am glad that it means so much to you. I know it’s been hard but I have been trying to…you know control the other side for the sake of the kids and yourself.” 
Hope felt Zach holding her tighter and was confused by his words for a second, “Oh, Zach you know I don’t care about that. They don’t care. You are who you are and if that’s the other side then we love that. You know I will always love you.”
“I know but I just want to be a good father to the kids and a good husband for you. I never really thought about all of this before I met you and now it is all that I can think about. I wouldn’t change it for the world.” He smiles before giving her a kiss. 
“But you are. You are a great father and you would know if I was upset with you. I don’t like when you put too much pressure on yourself. I just want you to be you.” She replied before kissing him back.
“I know baby girl, that is one of the things I love about you.” He smiles. “Happy Birthday Hope.” Zach gives her another sweet kiss. 
She giggled as she looked at him, “It’s not my birthday yet, but thank you Zach.” She said as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.
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