#now i can actually share my characters....
|| When there’s only one bed. || Wind Breaker ||
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thank you so much for the support on my first ever multi character post it gave me enough confidence to try again haha due to certain circumstances there’s one bed don’t question it lol
: Sakura Haruka. Suo Hayato. Nirei Akihito. Umemiya Hajime. Kaji Ren. Togame Jo.
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❥ Sakura is frozen like a statue at the sight of there being only one bed in the room. His brain is taking a while to take in the information, so it’s up to you to bring him back to reality. He’s startled when you suddenly touch him on the shoulder, for some reason you don’t know he’s super red in the face. He’s quick to declare that he sleeps on the floor before you even have a chance to protest and he’s adamant stubborn about it too. When you offered for him to share the bed with you and he almost woke up the neighbors with how loud he declined. Sakura has never slept in the same room as anyone before so this is new to him and he’s nervous about it. At first, Sakura couldn’t fall asleep because he jolts awake from every sound and noise you make but eventually he does. When he wakes up he’s in for a surprise to find you curled up beside him on the floor-arms wrapped around him. Now this time he really woke the neighbors up. Afterwards when you’re both up and awake he’s blushing and stuttering nonstop but realizes that having you sleep beside him wasn’t bad at all, in fact he maybe wishes for a next time.
“Why are you on the floor?! You’re s-supposed to be sleep on the b-bed!”
❥Suo only has a calm smile on his face when he sees the situation. As a gentleman, he’ll offer to sleep on the floor but when you refuse and ask him to take the bed, Suo is quick to offer a solution to solve both your problems. Why don’t you both sleep together? Who knows what will come crawling if you sleep on the floor. You wouldn’t like that, would you? He wouldn’t either. It’s a win win situation. You’re blushing at his choice of words of “sleeping together” while he’s teasing you on how naughty your mind is. You were almost dying in anticipation wondering when Suo will take his eyepatch off but he doesn’t and you’re left disappointed. Suo has no trouble falling asleep while you’re wide awake is what he wants you to think. In truth, he’s actually pretending to sleep to see what you’ll do to him. Maybe take a peek at his eyepatch? Only when he knows you’re actually asleep does lean closer to place a kiss on your forehead whispering good night, and finally lets his guard down, really falling asleep this time.
“I meant just sleeping, but we could do something else if you’d like…”
❥Nirei is having a panic attack because there’s one bed what should he do? The thought of sharing a bed together with you has him burning red. Afterwards, he’ll immediately blurt out that he’ll sleep on the floor. You’ll have to calm him down and tell him that you can sleep on the floor instead but Nirei is also quick to refuse that too. Eventually you’ll have to give up because Nirei is really insistent and even thought of a list of excuses on why he should sleep on the floor instead. When it’s time for bed, Nirei’s head is running overtime with thoughts that he ends up mumbling some of them out in which you hear. Unable to take it you’re now sitting up beside him while he lays down, gently stroking his hair humming him to sleep. He’s flustered but he can’t fight your warm touch, it’s too comforting.
“Suo-san said that s-sleeping on the floor is a part of my t-training!”
❥Umemiya practically ran for the bed when he saw it. Immediately tossing and turning, moving around the bed almost jumping on it. When you offer to sleep on the floor he instantly shuts your idea down before you could finish your sentence. The only choice you have is to agree. Now it’s time to sleep, and Umemiya wasted no time in pulling you to his chest. Saying that he always sleeps using a body pillow but there isn’t one so you’d have to be it’s replacement. You wonder if Umemiya can hear how loud your heart is beating but he doesn’t because as soon as he says good night to you, he's lights out. His grip is iron tight, you can’t wiggle away. You couldn’t fall asleep right away so you spent the time admiring his cute sleeping face. You almost jumped through the ceiling to wake up finding his face super close to yours.
“Oh, let’s have a sleepover party with everyone next time but of course you’ll sleep next to me!”
❥Kaji almost crushed the lollipop he was eating but after a while his face returns to normal. Before you could say anything he already announces that he’ll sleep on the floor. He goes over to the bed and places the pillow on the ground marking his spot. When the time for bed arrives, Kaji mumbles a good night to you before lying on the floor. What he doesn’t want you to know is that he’s nervous and probably wouldn’t be able to fall asleep because you’re going to sleep in the same room as him. He switches to his wireless earphones, eyes closed trying to focus on falling asleep until he feels one of his earphones being taken out. Kaji almost let out a shout to find you lying beside him, with one of his earphones in your ear. You tell him you couldn’t fall asleep so you thought listening to some music might help. Kaji tries to hide his blush by turning on his side away from you but secretly a smile is creeping on his face.
“Urgh fine, you can listen but don’t blame me if you can’t fall asleep!”
❥Togame isn’t worried in the slightest that there’s only one bed. He seems as cool as a cucumber as he goes to sit down on the bed. You’re left standing, cheeks dusted pink, you quickly say that you’ll sleep on the floor but Togame refutes. He says he gets scared of sleeping alone so you’ll have to sleep on the bed with him. You’re steaming red now but you agree nonetheless. In truth, Togame sleeps just fine alone but since you’re here too why not share the bed? Why sleep on the dirty floor when there’s a perfectly good bed right here for the two of you? You don’t know if it’s on purpose but his face is awfully close to yours but when you turn your back on him-he wraps his arms around you from behind pulling you to his chest. Which causes you to freeze, his head buried in your neck, trying to nuzzle even closer, his breathe tickling your skin.
“This is comfortable, let’s just fall asleep like this….” 
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blue eyes so green (18+)
Ewan Mitchell x reader / Aemond Targaryen x reader
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A oneshot where Ewan becomes cross with you for having a sensuous dream... about his character, Aemond.
a/n : yet another Ewan fic to ring in the season premiere! Expect a whole lot of Aemond fics while we're in the thick of the new season. Happy premiere day, my loves!
word count : 1k ▪︎ masterlist
The silver-haired Targaryen emerges from underneath your skirts, his deft fingers buried in the layers of cloth to keep them away from your prized cunny.
His curved lips are left puckered, parted and glistening from the sheen of your juices. He had practically lost his mind when you finally returned from your duties with the Septa, the hours far too long for him to be away from his lady-wife.
So, with only a few raspy words of desire -
You have kept me waiting
All day long I have longed for a taste of you, my wife.
I will make certain that you never wish to be parted from me again.
- he had lifted you atop the desk in his study, haphazardly shoving his heavy leather-bound volumes of histories and philosophies.
And in a haste, he delighted in a sweetness that can only ever be known to him. Just him, because you will only ever be his.
Your cunny is his. Your kisses all his own. Your heart, his possession.
And he is yours. All yours. He will never tire of making this known. "My love," his tone is desperate as he kisses you hungrily, the exquisite rarity of a prince begging, "I am yours to take for tonight, and every night, for as long as I am breathing."
"Oh, Aemond," you croon, tracing his features with your fingertips, "my sweet husband. Is that your fancy way of telling me that you wish to fuck me for eternity?"
He smiles against your skin. He has always loved the pert particularity of his wife's humour.
"Oh, my sweet sweet wife," his hands seek and they find the fastenings of your dress, the keys to his kingdom, "you know me so well."
And long into the night, you ride a dragon.
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All throughout the morning, you can count on one hand the times your boyfriend actually spoke to you.
A few rushed, almost incoherent responses are all he seems capable of sharing.
And it is starting to bug you.
"Baby," you reach for Ewan's hand as the two of you peacefully have your Sunday breakfast.
He squeezes your hand in return, at least, but he doesn't fully meet your gaze.
You retract your hand, and for a split second, his hand scrambles to keep a hold of yours on instinct, but he lets it go with a sigh.
You try again, your tone now more demanding, "Alright, Ewan. Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wro - "
"Look at me."
He takes his sweet time in doing so, his blue eyes raking from his plate to the expanse of the dining table, to your arms and finally your face. He takes another deep breath, unfazed by the attitude you're showing him.
"Some dream you had last night, huh, babe?"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh yeah," he tilts his head, with the solemn confidence of someone who thinks he has the upper hand, "you just about woke me up with all your squirming and moaning."
"Oh." It dawns on you just what he is hinting at. Normally you would only recall some odd bits from your dreams, and sometimes they would even be gone from your mind as soon as you wake. But not the one you just had - no.
That one was just too good to forget.
"Baby, come on," a giggle escapes your lips, feeling less heavy now that you know what he is so worked up about.
"It's not funny," he pouts, fighting back a laugh as he can't help but mirror his beloved's glee. He dramatically pushes his plate away, but the annoyance isn't there. "You basically cheated on me," he pretends to complain.
"Do you even know who I dreamt about?" You amble over to where he sits, and his eager arms take you onto his lap. So much for being infuriated at you.
He doesn't answer, shaking his head as he absently caresses your hips.
"You," you clarify, and his eyes shoot up to meet yours, "well... you meaning Aemond. I had a dream about the one-eyed prince."
He shrugs, "I know."
"You... you know?" You try to stand up but his sturdy arms keep you firmly in place. "You know who I was dreaming about, and yet you sulk all morning?"
"So what? I can't deny that I'm still jealous. Aemond would be a pretty fierce competitor for your heart, darling."
"But he's you!" you squeal, lightly punching his chest. He takes your forearm and pulls you closer to press a soft kiss against your cheek.
"I know," he smiles. "I suppose I was just getting way into my thoughts."
"You think?"
"Hmm," he narrows his eyes, his features taking on that cheeky guise he expertly sports so often, "if you were to choose, between myself and Aemond - "
"Oh no," you laugh dryly, prying yourself from his arms and returning to your seat, "I am not playing this game."
"Who do you think would be a superior lover in bed?"
"Ewan - "
"Come on, darling," he prods lightheartedly. "Humour me."
"Well," you say, "why don't you hurry up and finish your breakfast so you can convince me to your side?"
His cheeky sneer disappears at your insinuation, in its place an indicative clenching of his jaw.
A moment passes. You take a delightful sip of your orange juice, satisfied.
Sure enough, you hear his chair scrape loudly as he stands and makes his way to you.
"Fuck breakfast," he rasps. "Time to make your dreams come true, darling."
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She must handle her sons “as the power goes to their head and they see her as irrelevant.”
“She’s terrified of Aemond and what he’s become, and she can’t access Helaena.”
As Alicent slowly becomes invisible, it’s also strangely liberating, “because all of a sudden eyes aren’t on her and she can sort of do whatever she wants.”
When it came to sex scenes, Cooke worked closely with House of the Dragon’s intimacy coordinator, Vanessa Coffey. Given Game of Thrones’ reputation for nudity, she had originally braced herself.
“I thought there’d be way more, and so I’m relieved that when it has been used for me, it’s showing Alicent being pleasured, which is amazing and doesn’t feel gratuitous.”
“It feels like we’re telling a story.”
She recalls one bedroom scene she filmed that was cut: “It was messy as fuck. It wasn’t beautiful, and that was really fun to do.”
It was “carnal” and even “animalistic.”
“I think Ryan [Condal, the showrunner] said we weren’t learning any more about the characters, which I disagree with slightly, but it’s okay. It’s his show,” she adds, with no hard feelings."
"Maybe we’ll see it in the bloopers, she says, laughing."
“They’re like my family, and we adore each other.”
“We put the wigs on and the costumes on, and all hell breaks loose.”
“She’s a dear friend and a great giggler.”
Who shared many scenes with Cooke this season as Alicent’s daughter Helaena, remembers their antics while filming an otherwise somber procession scene.
“We just got really hyper, and it became a little bit of a chamber of music actually.”
“Lots of singing.”
“I think Liv’s performance this year is one for the gods.”
“They practiced proper adult relationships on each other” Cooke says of the severed friendship.
“When you break up with a friend, it’s so much more heartbreaking than breaking up with a lover a lot of the time, because they know every single part of you and it’s so much more vulnerable.”
And of course, parts of the fandom ship Rhaenicent, a.k.a. Rhaenyra and Alicent as a couple.
“Don’t they ship everyone together, though?” Cooke asks when I bring up the imagined romance.
A fair point, but wouldn’t things be better if the old pals just made up and ruled the kingdom together?
Cooke humors me. “Absolutely. Matriarchy now, please.”
“It’s funny to talk about a friendship that is so fundamental in your life.”
“The thing I find strange is to realize that I suppose we haven’t known each other that long in broad terms, but she’s a pillar in my life."
"I would have found this a challenging experience if Liv was not on it.”
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anthurak · 1 day
So I’ve been theorizing about Rosebird Parents, aka; ‘Raven is Ruby’s real dad’ for close to five years now, and it’s funny how in that time I haven’t actually touched on what feels like somehow both the most obvious AND most innocuous bit of potential foreshadowing to this theory.
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I am of course speaking of Saphron, Terra and Adrian Cotta-Arc, aka; the wlw couple raising a child together.
Now on the one hand, yeah it is really easy to read this as a potential subtle hint towards Summer and Raven being Ruby’s parents; a case of the show ‘planting a seed’ in the audience’s head of the image of two women in a relationship raising a child together. Particularly as there is no mention an ex-husband/boyfriend or other kind of ‘sperm-donor’, leaving open the possibility that Saphron and Terra may have conceived Adrian themselves.
On the other hand… yeah it’s also possible to read a bit too much into this. It’s entirely possible that if Saphron and Terra are meant to hint towards anything, they could just as easily be meant as a hint towards Bumbleby, given their shared hair-colors and the fact that Volume 6 is so pivotal towards the development of Blake’s and Yang’s relationship.
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And appearance-wise, while Adrian certainly looks a lot like Terra, his design doesn’t exactly have any stand-out elements that point to him also being Saphron’s biological kid.
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At least not in the same obvious way as Raven being easily mistaken for Ruby’s mom.
So when it comes to ‘the Cotta-Arcs are foreshadowing Rosebird Parents’, my honest take is pretty much: ‘They might be, and they might not be.’
That. Being. Said.
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If it IS ever mentioned, especially in-show, that Saphron and Terra really did conceive Adrian together…
Then I would consider that to be THE, smoking-gun evidence that Rosebird Parents is ABSOLUTELY a thing that is HAPPENING.
Because when you really get down to it, the prospect of ‘two woman normally can’t make a kid together’ is really the biggest ‘barrier’ to Rosebird Parents. It’s just one of those things that is generally a given in most stories. Something that the audience just assumes to be true.
But, if RWBY happens to put ‘two women can make a baby’ on the table as a thing that CAN and does happen in its setting?
Then that means EVERYING myself and others have been saying is now ALSO on the table.
Ruby looks nothing like Tai but enough like Raven that Raven can be confused for Ruby’s mother?
Summer and Raven seem to have been quite close with strong hints that at least Raven was in love with Summer?
Raven has all the classic traits we so often see in “I am your father” characters?
The creators have disproven Qrow being Ruby’s dad by saying she and Yang are half-sisters which is a relationship which would be unchanged by Raven being Ruby’s other parent?
ALL of that and MORE starts being a LOT more relevant.
It effectively takes a statement that ‘if Raven were a dude, we would ALL be expecting them to be Ruby’s real dad’ and says “Yeah, for all intents and purposes, she basically IS now.”
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mxnhoo · 2 days
late nights, in the middle of June (n. rk)
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⌜ ⌝
ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; [ Heatwaves - Glass Animals ]
1:07 ——◦———— -3:58 ↠
ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
⌞ ⌟
synopsis : a friendship breakup which hurt more than your actual breakups. genre : angst w/c : 2.7k a/n : it is infact a late night in the middle of June, and i'm thinking about someone :'D and this unfortunately was something that actually happened to me with that someone and one of my ex's, had to pull up some old texts for this LMAO. not proofread, sorry if there are any mistakes
playlist : to riki, i'm sorry. here's a playlist i made for this imagine!
Emptiness was something that filled you.
It's that feeling you get when something so special was abruptly taken away from you.
You knew it would happen, yet you didn't change anything when you had the chance to, because you assumed everything would be fine.
You knew that it was only your fault, not his.
It was your fault that the friendship had been neglected, all because you liked a stupid boy.
But now that it's too late, all you can do is reminisce about the things that happened at night.
It was June 15th. The sound of raindrops, thunder, and your music blasting were the only things you could hear
On Spotify, Heatwaves was playing.
"Sometimes all I think about is you, late nights in the middle of June"
Your apartment dim, with only the lamp across the room turned on, and your curtains covering the window
You stared at the bright computer screen in front of you. The screen was so bright it was practically burning your eyes, but you could care less with the amount of energy you have, and the feeling of your heartconstantly aching.
The screen displayed photos of you.
You and Ni-ki.
There was a selfie of you and Ni-ki in a public bus. It was the day you and him played bowling for the first time.
Another one, this time in his house. In the photo, Ni-ki was making an ugly face and you were shaking in the frame, indicating your laughter.
I fucking miss him."
There was more.
One photo was a formal picture. It was taken on his birthday. His hair shorter than usual, probably because he was forced to have a haircut for the special day, and him holding onto your waist while holding up a peace sign as you smiled at him.
There was even more photos. Even in games.
In Roblox, there a screenshot of both of your characters. You remembered this night, it was when you both played Bingo and cursed at random strangers who managed to win when you were close.
In Valorant, there was a screenshot. You were playing Cypher, and he was playing Raze. You took a screenshot from Cypher's camera and in the frame was both you and him together.
One more in Call of Duty, another in PUBG.
Fuck, there was far too many photos.
There were too many for your liking.
And you hated how you remembered every single one of them. What you both were doing, how the calls were and the jokes you cracked on that day.
You even recalled those calls when all you did was talk. Talk about life, rant our feelings, and there was never a moment where you felt invalidated. That was rare for you.
You both enjoyed during karaoke calls over discord too. You both shared a playlist, and both of your favourite songs to sing together was 'Best Friend - Rex Orange County'.
Your heart dropped even more if that was even possible, and you lowered your eyelids, allowing the darkness to take over. You lean your head back, resting it on the cushion behind you, and you let out a long defeated sigh.
You really regretted everything you did.
Why did you have to fuck up and lose someone like him?
You regret not responding faster when you gotten a notification from him.
You regret turning him down when he invites you out, or to a game.
You regret neglecting him when you liked someone.
Fucking hell, you didn't even like him romantically, why the fuck does it hurt so much?
There were so many days when people convinced the two of you were dating, and so many times when you stayed up late at night debating whether you genuinely had romantic or platonic feelings for him.
It was never romantic, only platonic.
So why the fuck does it hurt this much?
You opened another tab, and quickly typed in the link to your usual chatting app.
Scroll... And there was his name. His contact was still the inside joke you both had.
The last message was sent by him, and it was an "okay''. It was sent 2 years ago.
On your spotify, Heat Waves finished playing and Best Friend started playing. Dedicating your favourite songs to someone is the worst thing to do.
"I can't wait to be your number one, I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine but I still wanna break your heart and make you cry."
There were so.. so many moments when you just wanted to message him and catch up with him, but everytime you opened his chat, the fear overpowers your desire. Your desire to reconnect, the desire to catch up, the desire to fix everything.
You scroll up your chat.
"I'm sorry for-"
It was the apology message from you. One of the many apology messages you sent to him. Your stomach instantly dropped and you quickly scrolled up further before you could fully read the message and relive the past arguments you had with him.
2 December
y/n : BRO do yk what him n i did today y/n : he literally y/n : LET ME PLAY W HIS HAIR?!?? y/n : fucking hell bro y/n : HE'S SO CUTE THE FUCK?? y/n : I LOVE JAY SM nrk : lmao
"I'm on my own shit now, and let me tell you how it feels to be fucking great"
10 November
nrk : BITCH nrk : HOP ON VALO y/n : wait i'm calling him nrk : okayyyy nrk : hello? nrk : oi nrk : r u there nrk : i already started brah
nrk : bro nrk : ??? it's been an hour y/n : SHIT I'M SO SORRY y/n : him and i were talking about something important y/n : SORRYYDHUSCFH nrk : o nrk : okey
"I feel great"
14 August
y/n : fuck bro i feel like the bitch is looking at me nrk : no fucking way nrk : u better get tf up and MAKE that bih stop looking at u y/n : fuck off nrk : oh
"You need to be yourself, and love someone for loving you instead of someone really cool who makes your heart melt, who knows what you truly felt"
10 July
y/n : bro y/n : there's this dude barking in front of me?? y/n : furry core nrk : LMFAOO TF??? y/n : HAHAHAHAHAH y/n : reminds me of u nrk : TF?? NAHHHH BRO
"You're gunna wanna be my bestfriend baby, you're gunna wanna be my bestfriend"
27 May
nrk : dude chan approached me and fr asked me if we were dating y/n : LMAO TF?? y/n : i already told chan i liked jay nrk : yea bruh nrk : idk y he still asked me that nrk : 💀 y/n : LOL y/n : anyways y/n : roblox? nrk : bet, hop on disc
"I said that, you're gunna wanna be my bestfriend baby, you're gunna wanna be my bestfriend"
28 February
y/n : i think y/n : i might like someone.. nrk : BITCH WHOOO???? y/n : UM.. y/n : idk if u know him y/n : jay nrk : OMG??? nrk : BRO HE'S IN MY CLASS y/n : WAIT WTF R U FR y/n : STOPPPP nrk : YA I LITERALLY SIT NEAE HIM nrk : NEAR* y/n : imagine making a typo y/n : im calling u on discord rn PICK UP y/n : TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT HIM nrk : OKAYWHDIOSJOIFJO
There was more. One thing you noticed was how the conversations could flow better as you scroll to your older chats.
"You're gunna wanna be my bestfriend baby, you're gunna wanna be my bestfriend"
Honestly, everytime you find a new friend, you never open up. You never text first, you never have the desire to know the person more.
But Ni-ki was different.
"You're gunna wanna be my bestfriend baby, you're gunna wanna be my bestfriend"
You wanted to talk to him everyday, play games with him, go out with him, and do so many things with him.
When Ni-ki was gone, you physically could not bring yourself to do the same with other people. The loud person you once were became someone who is quiet, more reserved.
"You're gunna wanna be my bestfriend baby, you're gunna wanna be my bestfrienddd"
And you hate it.
"I say that I'm happy"
You hate how you couldn't be yourself.
"I say that I'm happy"
You wished there were more people you were comfortable with, so you could truly be yourself without worrying.
"But no no no no, no no no no"
And again, you fucked up and the only person you were truly comfortable with left.
"But I still wanna be your favourite boy, I wanna be the one that makes your day, the one you think about as you lie awake"
At this point, tears were forming in your eyes. The verse that you and him always sang your lungs out to was playing, and it only made you feel worse.
"Why am I crying?
Why am I so sensitive?
I shouldn't feel this way, it was my fault...
I.. miss him.
I ... miss Ni-ki so much...."
"I can't wait to be your number, your number one, I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine but I still wanna break your heart and make you cry"
Your voice cracked as you cried out to yourself, your tears rolling down your cheeks as you held onto your chest. Your breathing rate becoming rapid as you start to sob.
There was this guy that you liked back then. His name was Jay. Park Jay. At first, he was someone you rarely had any interactions with, but because you both were in the same club . Randomly, you found him somewhat attractive, you started to romantacise every single interaction you both had.
From the way your hands accidentally touched when he passed you something, to the way you both laughed when you were talking.
Jay was the perfect person for your fantasies, because you craved love, you craved attention. Eventually, your crush on Jay became real and you started to interact with him more. Actually, instead of having a crush, you were becoming attached to Jay because you were depending on him to fulfill your desires.
Lucky for you, Ni-ki was in the same class as Jay, so everytime you would wanna fangirl or rant about Jay, Ni-ki was the perfect person to do so.
At first, you and Jay dated, but it lasted a week, and he initiated the break-up. The reason? It was apparently because 'he was not ready for a relationship'. But your dumbass thought he would eventually be ready, so you continued to court him.
Constantly treating him as if he was your boyfriend, constantly messaging him, thinking about him, being worried about him. Fuck, it was driving you crazy, but Ni-ki was going insane too.
He'd be the one having to deal with your rants and crying. He was sick of it.
It was even worse when you'd choose to hang out with Jay instead of Ni-ki even after Jay would treat you like shit.
Ni-ki was sick of it. Constantly being treated like the second option.
Ni-ki was really supportive, but would nag at you when it was necessary. There was once Jay broke your heart, leaving you crying for days, just for you to give Jay a gift a few days later that costs a LOT simply because Jay's birthday was coming up. Fuck, Jay didn't even give you anything for your birthday.
Slowly, you stopped talking to Ni-ki, simply because you were talking to Jay, and you felt as if Ni-ki was getting sick of you. Your chat with Ni-ki that used to be at the top every single day was slowly making it's way to the bottom.
Then, there was one day your entire world collapsed. Initially, Jay was ghosting you and you were confused as to why, but you didn't want to ask. Then suddenly, there was news being spread throughout the entire school that he was dating another girl. Jay was dating the girl he told you not to be worried about. It fucking broke you, and you weren't in the right state of mind.
The first person you messaged was Ni-ki when you found out.
y/n : you heard the news right y/n : he's a fucking liar y/n : i fucking hat ehim y/n : i dont know whar to think anymre y/n : i'm fucking crying rn nrk : what did i say? nrk : you never listened to me when i warned you y/n : i'm sorry y/n : i just thought he'd be the one for me nrk : be so fucking for real nrk : he tells you not to worry about her, yet he still hangs out with her nrk : you get angry at him, cry to me, and then suddenly when he texts you you're suddenly not angry anymore? nrk : have you lost all self respect for yourself nrk : do you not fucking realise the way he's been treating you? nrk : wake the fuck up nrk : he doesn't like you nrk : maybe he never even liked you nrk : why would you treat him like your boyfriend when you guys aren't even together? nrk : you allow yourself to get stepped over nrk : now look where it brought you? nrk : you even neglected me? nrk : you seriously put HIM over all your other priorities nrk : you even forgot about your OWN BEST FRIEND nrk : you always go out with him even when you and i already made plans nrk : do you know how i feel? nrk : i feel like SHIT nrk : sometimes i wish you never even liked him so we could still be our usual self nrk : now i see where im placed in ur life nrk : thanks for treating me so well. nrk : thanks for shutting me out of your life! y/n : riki.. y/n : i'm so sorry. y/n : i never knew you felt that way. y/n : honestly, i started distancing myself from u because i thought u were getting annoyed at me for talking about Jay so much. y/n : you were someone that I always talked to Jay about because i trusted you and you were in the same class as him, but idk u just started to seem dry everytime i brought Jay up so i thought u were annoyed at me y/n : that's why i started to talk to you less, and i stuck to other people. i was scared you would scold me again for talking to Jay, and i also felt like if i ranted to you, i'd be trauma dumping or something y/n : please tell me how i can improve
That day when you and Ni-ki had this text conversation, you were more worried about your friendship than Jay. Your appetite was practically non-existent while waiting for Ni-ki to respond.
nrk : nothing can be done if you're scared of me, right? nrk : i don't see a point in talking anymore if you're scared of me.
"Fuck me..."
y/n : nonono y/n : i'm not scared anymore y/n : there's no reason for me to be scared anymore y/n : i mean jay is already dating someone else. y/n : i don't care about him anymore nrk : are you so sure? nrk : weren't you the one who was crying to me and then instantly running back to him? y/n : i won't anymore, no more. nrk : u fucking better, i swear on god.
y/n : so.. are we okay now? nrk : i dont know nrk : are we? y/n : u have anything else to tell me? like how u feel? nrk : nah y/n : so we're okay now? nrk : ig
After that text conversation, the mood was never the same. Everytime you initiated the conversation, he would be dry. You slowly stopped trying to fight for the friendship.
y/n : heyy y/n : gl for ur exam! nrk : okay
This was the last text conversation you had with him.
And just like that, you lost your closest friend and your situationship in one day.
You sighed, reliving the memories you so desperately wanted to forget 2 years ago. Remembering the feelings of regret, you groaned and ruffled your hair in frustration.
It was all your fault. If only you had treated him properly back then, everything would've been fine.
Still being on the tab of the chat with him, you suddenly get a spontaneous boost of energy, and you started to type something on your keyboard.
"i'm sorry" was what you typed.
Realising that you should just move on, you sighed once again. It's been 2 years, but you were still affected by the fallout between you and Ni-ki. Friendship breakups definitely hurt more than relationship breakups.
On your laptop, you went to your folders, selecting the photos that contained memories of you and Ni-ki, trashing them. Your heart drops, worried that you would regret it, but you need to move on, you decided that it was for the best. After 10 minutes of clearing your gallery, you wanted to go back to your tabs.
The first tab you returned to was the chat with Ni-ki.
"Wait, wait what the fuck?"
Oh my god, you sent the message. You sent the ''i'm sorry'' message. Oh my god.
Your eyes widen and your heart starts to beat faster at the realisation. You hastily move your mouse to delete your message, but your eyes realise that he was online.
He was typing.
Oh my god.
nrk : y/n nrk : hey.
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bubblewrapsnek · 2 days
Phantomarine Live reread: Prologue
I'm anticipating the reread before the chapter finishes cause I want to read it now again, altho I wanted to wait the chapter to be over to have a cleaner finish line for mental order and to avoid posing questions to things that would be maybe have more ground to speculate on or outright be answered in a few days This is my first time rereading Phantomarine, so if anyone is actually goint to read these posts expect me to come to realizations about stuff that everyone knew ages ago probably, also it's my first time liveblogging something since a friend suggested it could be appreciated, I am not convinced there would be interested but it can't hurt I guess. That said I hate the idea of clogging with posts and like keeping stuff a bit more tidy, so I'll post one post per chapter with my thoughts, silly ramblings and whatever comes to my mind that I feel like sharing while trying to put my thoughts in order
So uhh if you exist and are reading, have fun and feel free to interact!
First thing I'll not here with a few examples and try to not say everytime, but I can't help seeing how the royal family brands EVERYTHING with the Manta, I swear you could fill a where's waldo book by searching the mantas in Phantomarine's pages at this A manta hat, manta drawer, manta desk, and a manta polo in just the first pages, I swear they have a disney park-esque gift shop outside the palace
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A manta hat, manta drawer, manta desk, and a manta polo in just the first pages, I swear they have a disney park-esque gift shop outside the palace
Bonus neat things, the candle has the same pattern as Cheline's dress and there is what I guess is a samoyede on Irving's shirt
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Next thing is something I hadn't noticed before but I've seen already people point out in the comments now, Irving having very clearly pink eyes, at first I thought it might have been lighting but in the pages where he is alive they are very clearly pink, and even when in shock the characters get drawn with pinprick irises, while the others get black dots he has pink and is even more blatant in the shot with the Fata morgana stabbing them where he is eye to eye with a Fata with the same eyes
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Bonus: alive Lani is very cute
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I pointed the next thing in another post but I love how Cheline wanted to be sure to scapegoat the Fata Morgana so much she painted the arrows and bow too with Cheth's name bands(confirmed to be painted on by the transcript too altho it was the only possible reason they had those bad with what we know now), also I love that the cyan outline was faintly on the Fata Morgana's eye from the beginning
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I am also getting suspicious about the ghosts being blue and the veins(referred as such in the transcript) that spread from the bite being purple, tho I don't have a concrete or sound thought about this
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Also, something I love a lot in comics is paneling so some of this won't be thoughts but just panels that are really pretty or fun or creative here I love how the action flows very well, having many details making what happens readable such as the "magic" squares making phae's body on the bottom edge of the silouhette in the middle also appear on the heart, showing the wound being "repaired"
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Love the veins snaking behind her
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Something I had completely glossed over was Phae's middle name being Augusta, and I do find it possible to have a reading on it, as Augustus was the name and title that Octavian took as the first emperor of rome, the member of a what can be considered a royal lineage establishing the name for himself and becoming a key turning point in the history of an empire, just as I can see Phae become the turning point for the history of her reign, a change of the guard and of the status quo of the kingdom she watches over
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End in the end, to finish the prologue of this reread, a funny typo Cheth appears, tipping his fedora: "M'Phaedra"
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dustykneed · 1 day
can you share some of your mirror verse hcs?
(gladly! ... as you can see this really got away from me in terms of length and i am SO sorry in advance for springing a whole short essay on you skdjsdh)
to open with a bit of a shocker, perhaps, well, the way i interpret the mirrorverse, i just... cannot see mirror mcspirk happening. now don't get me wrong! i think mirror spirk is absolutely possible, and in fact highly probable, and not even as just a sleeping together thing. i think their dynamic could absolutely yield a form of co-dependent emotional attachment on a highly personal level. everyone defines love differently, but i think that in the mirrorverse, if not love, it is certainly as close as you could get. but mirror mcspirk i actually can't see, believe it or not, and this is for a couple of reasons:
the thing about the mirrorverse is that it is all about the death of humanity (not humans, but for what we know as the human capacity for empathy, kindness and hope. i've seen the mirrorverse described as "the universe where no hope can survive". i think that is a very apt summary of what i explore here.) one key assumption of my interpretation of the mirrorverse is that the characters themselves, initially, are no different from how they are in any other universe at the core, and it is the varied external factors of the universe in which they exist that produces the people they become.
to examine the effects of the mirrorverse on the triumvirate, we might begin by looking at the original triumvirate's relationships with the concept of "goodness", with reference to the principles of ethos, logos and pathos.
one of the fundaments of kirk, as a character, is his relationship with goodness as a choice. he represents ethos, morality, in that his goodness is the result of a conscious decision to be good, to do good, as far as possible, to pick the least of any evils if he absolutely must and even if it is difficult, to keep going for the greater good. in the end, it all boils down to his core motivation to be a net force of goodness on the world, or in other words, to train his eyes on the bigger picture when interacting with the situation at hand and to believe that goodness can always prevail in the sense that he will have a net positive impact on the world around him.
spock, on the other hand, is arguably characterized by his relationship with defining goodness. his struggle to reconcile logic and emotion goes hand in hand with his desire to know if, and why, what he is doing is right-- logos. other vulcans rationalize displays of emotion by interpreting them through the lens of logic. spock, i think, is unable to do this because while he has been taught that emotions are illogical and undesirable, and internalizes this to perhaps a far stricter extent than most vulcans due to being held to unfairly high standards to prove himself "vulcan enough", he recognizes on a subconscious level that there is no inherent contradiction between logic and emotions, and that goodness is a mixture of value judgements and rational, ethical methodology.
but mccoy, i think, is a little different, in that goodness in itself is what defines him as a character. instead of ethos (making the right decision) or logos (understanding what makes something right), mccoy's pathos (an unrefined, innate compulsion for goodness; something similar to mencius' theory of good human nature) is not a conscious decision or a principle of action, but a visceral, impulsive, desperate, sometimes irrational and neurotic need to do good no matter the cost, simply because he instinctively knows that it is the kind thing and therefore the right thing to do-- which, sometimes, makes him disregard the bigger picture, and, ironically, do the wrong thing out of irrationality.
(to digress-- i actually think that kirk is actually far more logical than we sometimes give him credit for, especially in the context of spirk. the dynamic of a logical, stoic character and an emotional, affectionate character whose very souls find solace in one another is a hugely compelling and moving one, and i cannot fault people for applying that dynamic to their relationship-- but, well, by virtue of being relatively less direct associations of their character dynamics in the context of slash, i think what happens sometimes with spones, mckirk and mcspirk is that in the process of fumbling around for ways to fit them together believably, people often end up doing a greater degree of exploration of their character dynamics and nuances that is like catnip to me xD)
for kirk and spock, as men whose worldviews are rooted in tangible logic, where the goodness they have seen is the driving force for their pursuit of morality, i do not doubt that without external proof of goodness as a feasible, worthy path, the same traits that grant them their steadfast belief in humanity and hence their great devotion to goodness will be the traits that drive them to turn away from that goodness in the mirror universe. in a world where hope cannot survive, where cruelty and ambition are the only constants, kirk's resourcefulness prompts him to adapt to his environment and seek what he sees as the bigger picture-- ambition and power. spock, a being of logic, observes that cruelty is simply how the world functions, and as a result applies this science to his interactions with it, seeking power not because of a specific ambition, but, again, because it is a logical course of action according to his observations.
i see spirk as highly probable in the mirrorverse precisely because of how alike they are in this regard. they are capable of great compartmentalization of personal sentiments in order to do what they consider "the right thing", or take the "logical course of action", and this is what makes them effective in command roles, where dwelling on the implications of a wrong decision could either kill you from the sheer crushing guilt, or kill more of your men because of your indecision. they are comfortable in their pursuit of power by use of force because they have internalized the rules of the mirrorverse, and are able find solace in each other because they are evenly matched as opponents and a force to be reckoned with when in alliance, which gives them the space to develop that personal attachment and tension in the first place.
but mccoy? mccoy's goodness isn't rooted in logic, and as a result, this facet of his character largely remains untouched even in the face of the greatest cruelties and atrocities his world can offer. his great stubbornness (or illogic, or perhaps even self-delusion) lends him the ability to, against all odds, still believe that people are inherently worthy of kindness and compassion. he believes in good without ever having experienced it, because his belief in good is illogical by nature.
i have no doubt that mccoy would possibly love kirk, and spock, in part simply because he resonates subconsciously with the capacity of kirk and spock to show great kindness. it is possible that he sees the apparitions of what they could have become, had the world not been so unkind to them, and his love for them is tinged with an undercurrent of mixed grief and disgust, and pity. but fundamentally he doesn't trust spirk-- and because of that i think he could never bring himself to truly fall in love even though he has the capacity for it, because that would require betraying his love for humanity.
i think, based on the way mirror kirk and spock likely treat mccoy, as technically their subordinate (and especially in mirror mirror, when mirror spock mind melds with mccoy to figure out why he saved his life without so much as a moment's hesitation, because he doesn't see mirror mccoy as a threat, so why would a mccoy from a softer, kinder universe ever be anything more?) i wouldn't be surprised if they saw mccoy as... lesser. you know? they know that mccoy isn't capable of seeking power the way they do. that makes him weak. i think they trust him far more than anyone else other than each other, perhaps less out of respect for his profession or character, but more because they are able to clear him as a possible threat, as something too pathetic to seize power even when given the chance. they definitely have some interest in his motivations-- like you would a pet, or a plaything, because kindness makes you a target, a weakness, and a liability. a fascinating study, but ultimately, inadvertently disposable.
and it makes sense, in a way, that they are unable to bring themselves to ally themselves with mccoy the way they have each other, because in the mirrorverse, to believe in kindness is a death sentence. they might pity mccoy or regard him with contempt borne out of inexplicable regret, the same way mccoy pities them, for his wasted potential as an asset (and maybe even as a partner). by insulating themselves against their inevitable loss of mccoy, conciously or otherwise, they save themselves another hurt in their world where hope is a lost cause.
(i definitely have more bouncing around in my head about mirror bones especially, but i think 1.5k words is enough for one sitting LMAO so sorry i think i'm halfway in finals mode still. but this is why i could never take literature lol i can never help myself and it takes a lot out of me xDD)
(oh and @callofdooty i think the mirrorverse as a place where no hope can survive quote was from you during our conversations about mirror bones! but either way i think you might enjoy this hahah)
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noraigo · 11 hours
some days ago, i started watching we are the series, since a friend of mine tried to convince me for a long time to tune in. we are isn’t exactly the type of series i would watch. not disregarding its charm, i must admit it’s even endearing, i’m just more keen on the angsty, adult queer love. however, there’s a certain couple that’s been running nonstop in my mind ever since i started the series and, of course, it’s no other than tan and fang.
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tan is certainly unique as a whole, because if anything — i think it’s the first time i see such a loud but not annoying character, and that’s hard to portray. his excitement seems genuine all the time and i feel his happiness is shared through the screen. that doesn’t brush off his emotional intelligence and i think people underestimate this trait of his: just because he seems silly and party-loving doesn’t mean that he is insensible. he can be serious if it’s needed and he cares for the people around him. it’s safe to say that cheerful characters are often overlooked because of it and, as viewers, we shouldn’t take it for granted.
fang, on the other side, is the total opposite of him, yet it doesn’t make him less interesting. his background is implied to be unstable, which made both phum and fang be more closed off emotionally speaking. even so, fang is trying his best to be on the same page as tan, though tan adores him when he’s serene and quiet. most of the time, characters like fang are misunderstood and it’s a little saddening. he is kind and tough, but it’s not hard to love him. something tan understood from the very beginning.
their dynamics keep me pushing watching the series. now that fang has been softening more and more, their scenes became even lovelier to watch, if that was ever possible; their kisses, clear eyes of infatuation, playful banters and words of love show it. i’m not a fan of sex scenes, they underwhelm me a little (might be the acespec in me), but tanfang’s was just perfect. not too much, not too little. just enough to show that these two desire each other. possibly, it could be not their first time as a couple, which is refreshing and new in thai queer shows as far as i've seen. (aouboom definitely enjoyed kissing and touching each other a little too much but, didn't the same happen with hidden agenda? just saying.)
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people like them could be too much for others, but for each other, they are an absolute match. fang knows tan loves him unconditionally and so does tan. tan tries to push him for the better without overstepping his boundaries whilst fang apologizes if his behavior might be irrational when he’s angry and accidentally lashes out on tan. that’s actual respect and patience in a relationship. none of them are trying to change the other to fit their own personality, they have already changed once they realized they were into each other back then when they were problematic teens. ain’t that sweet?
just look at these sweet two blorbos, just in their own world, happy and in love.
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on another note, though, i’ve gotten to know aouboom since viceversa era and i could already smell the cute chemistry between both, yet it’s very sad to know they suffer from secondary couple syndrome. how many series have they starred in as a second or even third couple? very unfair, gmmtv, you better give them a nice series, regardless of its length. as long as they don’t keep acting in college settings, i would give my entire scholarship for a coffee shop or any other ordinary plot. they are just THAT good and i will never get tired of their chemistry. they have a kind of spark i see very rarely and if gmm doesn’t give them a shot, they’re losing a potential gem.
please, give us more tanfang content and especially, an aouboom series. thank you very much.
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jillsandwhichs · 13 hours
➤ reader x re character , chap 1 , talking body (part of a new smutshot series i started, it's also on my wp & ao3)
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pairing: fem!reader x vendetta chris redfield.
summary: chris finds out about the fact you're insecure about your body and takes matters into his own hands.
status of your guy's relationship in this smutshot: dating!
wc: 5.5k (srry)
type: NSFW
warnings: insecurities, mentions of an ed, clit rubbing, dirty talk, p in v, hair pulling, praising kink, breath play & no condom
a/n: hi. this is the first ever chapter to a new smutshot series i started on wp/ao3 (you can find the links on my pinned post) so yeah, enjoy!
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The mirror paints a reflection of the body you hate most. Staring back at it, you scoff in disgust. 'How could I let myself get this bad?', you think to yourself. You were wearing a cropped tank top with shorts, considering it was over 80⁰ today. The summer heat is no force to be reckoned with. Even with the AC kicked on in your bedroom, it wasn't going to stop the heat from finding it's way into the apartment. The AC's were practically busted anyhow.
You wandered around your small bedroom, aimlessly thinking about different ways you could view yourself in a more positive fashion. The only source of confidence you ever manage to have is when you're all covered up or directly after a workout. It's not like you're a slob or anything, you don't even understand how you've managed to gain weight. Even so, the flat out disgust you feel about yourself is clear as day.
Pacing around some more, you paused as you watched you dog come running in the room, barking and being obnoxious as ever. "What do you want, boy?" You giggle as you questioned your dog. You and your boyfriend, Chris, recently adopted him from an animal shelter. He was a great way to distract you from your insecurities. You could hear his subtle panting as he made attempts to jump up onto the lifted queen sized bed.
"Oh come here..." You laugh as you pick him up, placing him carefully onto the bed. He must've been over heated from being out in the other room. Your bedroom, the one you share with your boyfriend, is the only room with AC throughout all of the apartment. It was also micro sized so it got cold quickly.
His tounge was out as he rolled around on the bed, his hair shedding & sticking onto it. "Oh whose a good boy?" You snicker, plopping down on the bed beside him but right as you did, you watched as your rolls folded, you felt even more insecure now. This is exactly why you feel better being all covered up. You can't even escape it, not at home, not anywhere. Huffing out softly, you rub your temple firmly, you could just feel the eventual headache coming in.
You remember how you used to not care so much about your body. Hell, once upon a time you've been bigger than this and even now, you aren't even able to be considered chubby. But your mind doesn't allow you to have that positive mindset. Overthinking is a bitch. The only person whose ever there to reassure you is your boyfriend but even then, it's hard believing it, he's just saying that because he's obligated too. Does he not find you gross as well? He has too.
You stared down at your stomach, watching as the two rolls poked out. If you stood up, it wasn't as bad, actually, it was more bearable, but even then it was still upsetting to witness. But sitting down? It was just 100x worse. What haunts you even further is the fact your boyfriend works for the BSAA, all sorts of fit & attractive women work there, like his friend Jill, does he find her more attractive? Does he check her out without knowing? Was this all just deep down a fear of Chris not finding you appealing anymore?
Snapping you out of your trance, your dog barked loudly as your iPhone, which was resting on the entertainment center in front of you began to ring. "Oh just relax, boy." You whisper to your pup, giving him numerous smooches on the head before pushing yourself off of the bed and back onto your small feet. Your phone showed an icon of you & Chris together with formal attire on, that's how you knew it was him. It was his ID photo in your contacts.
Picking your phone up, you accepted the call and put it on speaker. "Hi." You calmly spoke out, waiting from a response on his end. "Hey princess, I'm on my way home now, I was able to clock out early today." Chris said with a loving tone, his voice also sort of distant due to the loud traffic in the background. "Oh, that's good baby, how far are you from home?" "I'd say like ten minutes." He answered your question. "How's the pup doing?" "Great, he's on our bed right now, just loving the AC." You snort out, petting him as you climbed back onto the bed.
A cackle releases from Chris as he hears what you said. "That's good. I'm glad he's settling in well. How are you doing, baby?" He asks, his tone gentle. Chris always makes sure you're okay, it's like he has senses to know when you aren't. "I'm fine, kind of hungry though." "Oh, want me to stop somewhere? I'll get you whatever you'd like." You think about his offer for a second before knowing you had to turn it down. No need to eat for the rest of the day. "No, I'm okay." "Hmm, I'm sure babe." Chris snickers - he can tell you're lying through your teeth.
"But anyways, I'll be home soon babygirl." "Sounds good... I love you." "Love you too baby." Chris cooed before you then ended the call. It was short & sweet. It was 3 PM, you could definitely live without eating for the rest of the day. Maybe you'll even be able to get another work out in. In your head, not eating yet working out will do you just good. It'll help you. Although, whenever you Google whether or not that's a smart strategy, you're just given links to eating disorder websites.
You aren't sure if whether or not you have an ED, your wellness doctor has told you there's a chance, but you feel as though you eat fine enough. It's just some day's are harder than other's. But that's normal. Chris even tells you that he doesn't think you do suffer from one but if you did, he'd help you recover every step of the way. He's really a great boyfriend. He's always there for you. You honestly couldn't have asked for someone better - someone better than him doesn't even exist.
Your dog continuously licked and nipped at you, he was a hyper boy. You were happy with the fact Chris was on board with getting one. You also never knew until recently that your apartment complex allows cat's & dog's. "Oh, you're such a good boy!" You praised him, his tail wagged at an even faster rate now. "Aww, look at you." You muttered to him, your face close to his as he'd occasionally slurp at your face. "Crazy pup." You giggled before lastly getting off of the bed, leaving him by himself to play.
You ambled back over to the mirror in your bedroom, it was long & skinny, it was what you dreamt to be. Chris bought it for you this past Christmas. It wasn't meant to look at and see someone you're ashamed of but to look into it and check yourself out, do your make up and he's put it to use in other ways as well... But, you're appreciative that he bought it, you just wish that every time you passed by it, you wouldn't feel sick to your stomach.
Rolling your eyes, you snatched the white, fuzzy blanket off of your bed and tossed it onto the mirror, that way you wouldn't see yourself as you pass by anymore. It worked. After doing that though, you strolled out of your bedroom and into the kitchen, which was close by, it wasn't that big of an apartment. You used to never care about what you ate & drank but that's different now. You grabbed an ice cold water from the fridge, the feeling of it's coolness on your hand was refreshing. You cannot wait for this heat wave to go away.
Twisting the cap off, you could the crackle as the seal broke. That sound was always satisfying. You took a few teeny tiny sips before putting the bottle back into the door of the fridge. It felt good, the cold liquid seeping down your throat. You felt more hungry now, the last time you ate was earlier this morning and with that, all you even ate was toast with berries. That was enough to get you through the day though. You were gonna be just fine.
"Come out here!" You shouted out to your dog, wanting him to come snuggle with you whilst chilling on the couch. You loved to utilize your living room, you'd sit out there for hour's on end. Chris isn't like that as much. Once he's out of work, he either takes a shower, eats or goes into their bedroom for the rest of the day. You don't blame him though, he's a hard working man and if he wants to relax, then he may do so. You work too, just not at a job like his. It is a lot different. His is way more tough to manage.
Jumping onto the couch, you could hear the sound of your dog's little legs running out to the living room. "Hey buddy!" You chuckled, lifting him up and putting him next to you on the couch. You grabbed the quilt and placed it beside you, making it into a comfy little spot for him to nuzzle into. You wanted to just sit and wind down before Chris gets home. You'll probably cook dinner for him. You don't know what excuse you'll use when you tell him you can't eat.
As you were still sitting in the same spot, on your iPhone, you heard the sound of the doorknob being twiddled with, you knew Chris home for the night. You felt a surge of warmth within you as the door open and you seen him standing in the doorway, he was still in uniform and he looked so handsome. Chris's eyes trailed up to you as he stuck the house key into his jean pocket. "Hey baby." Chris smiled at you, closing the door and wandering over to you. "Hi." You articulated hushly, standing up and holding your arms out.
Chris wrapped his arms around your lower waist, sighing deeply into the crook of your neck. His breath was hot against it but you didn't mind, you were just happy he was finally home with you. "I missed you." Chris whispered, kissing the side of your head as he pulled away from the hug. "Missed you too." You said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Are you okay?" Chris raised the question to you, concern on his face. "Just tired babe, you know how it is." You reassured him, your arms crossed against your chest. "If you say so." Chris snickered out, his hand going to your cheek & holding it as he gave you a loving, brisk kiss.
"What's that?" You asked as Chris set his bag down and pulled out a paper bag, you couldn't read what it said on it. "It's food, for us, for dinner." Chris said with a tranquil voice as he unbagged it. "Oh... But I told you I wasn't hungry." "Yeah, but you lied." Chris laughed, presenting the bag to her. It was one of your's & his favorites, chicken wings from the local bar. "I wasn't lying. I ate this morning." "Honey, it's almost four now, you're going to it dinner soon." Chris demanded but not meanly, rather lovingly.
You weren't going to fight back. You weren't going to say no to him. You'd probably just have to say you are sick or say you'll eat later. Of course he had to pick up chicken wings from the best spot in town. He knows you've been craving them recently. He's only trying to do good for you but eating like this won't be good. You exhaled shakily before speaking up, "I don't feel very well, do you really think wings will help that?" "Eating will. What's going on with you babygirl?" "Nothing Chris, I think I'm just tired." "Ok babe." Chris mumbled out. He seemed off now. You felt bad for how you got.
Chris placed their food onto the coffee table, along with placing his bag on the couch. He was planning to take a shower but now he was unsure. He was worried about you. He has no recollection of what's going on with you. "You in the mood to take a shower?" "Not right now baby, I was thinking of just laying in bed for awhile." "I wouldn't mind laying in bed with you." Chris smirked and set his hands onto your hips, instantly you felt insecure. Could he tell how chubby you were? You didn't want him to feel your stomach.
You stepped away but very moderately so he wouldn't notice that you didn't wanna have him touch you there. It felt so weird. Being scared of having your own boyfriend touch you, it wasn't something you were used to. Chris didn't catch on, instead he gave you another fast kiss before turning around and convoying towards your guy's shared bedroom. You followed behind him, just wanted to at least be near him.
"So, I'll take you up on that offer of laying in bed." Chris chortled, gazing behind him at you as he entered the bedroom. "I don't mind." You giggled, teasing him right back. It was apart of your guy's love language. Studying the room, Chris took notice of the thick blanket wrapped around the mirror. It confused him. "Why is there a blanket on your mirror?" He questioned you, taking the blanket off of it and throwing it back onto your bed. "I put it there to fix the bed and I never put it back, my bad." You spoke with a blue tone.
Chris stood there, a plain stare as he did so. "You know, I'm not dumb baby." Chris said softly, his hands on his midriff. "What do you mean?" "There's something going on with you, tell me babygirl." Chris pleaded with you, stepping over to you and setting his hands on your hips, this time you didn't move away. There was a ball in your throat, a spiky & round ball. Not literally, but it sure as hell felt like it. It was like barbed wire was surrounding your neck.
"It's really nothing, I'm okay." You insisted but Chris wasn't having it. With both hands, he pulled you closer to him, sliding his left hand up to your face, caressing it carefully. "Talk to me." Chris whispered to you, pressing his forehead to yours. Chris felt like something serious had happened. You think the last thing he imagines is wrong is your own personal insecurities.
"Do you think my body is unattractive? Do you think I'm too big or something?" You asked him, looking down at your feet, you weren't wearing any socks, your toe nails recently got done, no shame in showing them off. "What? Are you being serious princess?" Chris wondered, now both of his hands were running your warm felt cheeks. "Yes, it's a serious question." "Babygirl, I think your body is the most attractive thing in the world. You're so beautiful. Where is this coming from?" He praised you, it made you feel so good on the inside.
You didn't say anything for a good bit. You honestly didn't know what to say. Deep down, there were many reasons. Your mind didn't allow you to live your body for what it was. Not only that, you fear Chris finds the women at work to be more fit & good looking than you. He always reassures you it's the opposite and that he doesn't find any other women even remotely attractive. It's the most heartbreaking feeling, that your partner doesn't find you beautiful anymore.
"I was looking at myself in the mirror today and realized my body isn't how it was when we first started dating. I've gained weight... Not a lot but some..." You explained, it felt so uplifting to get it off your chest. Chris gazed at you and released a quiet snort as he listened to what you were saying. "I think it's so damn sexy that you've gained weight, you're treating it like you're obese or something and even if you were, I'd be here to help you and to take care of you, like any good boyfriend should." Chris told her, playing with her hair somewhat.
"Is this what's been on your mind all day? Your weight? Baby, you're literally breathtaking." He expressed to you, his sweet brown eyes set on your's. "I don't know..." You said with hesitation. "Oh but I know." He reassured you. "What can I do to prove to you I'm right and the wrong?" Chris snickered, letting go of your blushed face. "Nothing... I'll just have to get over it." You complained, rubbing your eyes as if you blind yourself from your body.
"Don't cover the mirror up ever again. You're the most beautiful woman in the world." Chris spoke, stern in his tone. "Come here." Chris mumbled out as he pulled you into a deep & passionate kiss. His hands pulling you into him from your lower back. "Don't talk badly about my girl." Chris chuckled into the kiss, his lips rapid against yours. "Promise me you won't baby." "I promise." You said, you didn't know if you fully meant it or not.
His hands roamed all over your body. Did he truly admire you? Was he being truthful? You hope so. His hands found their way to your ass as he squeezed his hands on it firmly, grunting into the longful kiss. "Mmm." You whimpered, your hands placed on his chest as you randomly scrunched your hands onto his tight shirt. It was a full-on make out now. You didn't mind though. "Chris..." You whispered as his lips trailed from your yearning lips and onto your thin jawline.
"Hmm?" He hummed out, his soothing lips marking their territory on your face. "I want you..." You whispered out, your hands slowly slithering down his chest, to his abs then to his belt. He was wearing a brown leather belt, it was apart of his work gear. "You want me to fuck you?" He panted out, stopping his repeated kisses for now. "Mhm." "I'll fuck you so hard right now if you just tell me it's what you want." He paused, "I'll do anything for you." Chris noted.
"I want you, I want you to fuck me." You begged of him, kissing him again, inhaling harshly whilst doing so. Chris lifted you up by your thighs, his ripped arms grasping them. A surprised gasp emitted from you as a giggled did too. "I'm gonna show you just how much I love you and your entire body. Every single part of it." Him saying that made your core soak, he really knew what to say. He made you feel so much better. He was so fucking perfect. "You're perfect." You uttered out as you brought your arms around his neck.
You could feel the wetness from your center soaking through your panties. You didn't know how he always managed to get you like this. The arousal you feel currently is immense and all you want more than anything is for him to rail the ever living life out of you. As he held you close, Chris layed you down on the bed gently, making sure you didn't get hurt in the process. He was rough, but not rough enough to actually injure you. Your head hit the soft, silk pillow, it felt comfortable.
Chris pulled away from your body slowly, his hand going to his belt and unbuckling it. The entire time he did that, he looked at you dead in the eyes, it felt extremely intimate. "Can't believe you think badly of yourself... Just look at you..." Chris said with pure love. He spoke from the heart. His heart told the truth. He genuinely loves you more than anything, even if you'll never know that. He slipped his belt out through the loops of his jeans, tossing it onto the wooden floor swiftly before drawing his body back on top of yours.
You stroked his cheeks softly, his scruff running against your thin fingers. You felt his big hands trail down your body and down to your shorts, his thumbs latching onto the elastic waistband. "Already?" You questioned, wondering why he wasn't going to start with foreplay. You don't know why but the feeling of when he teases you makes it so when he fucks you so much better. "Sorry baby, I just can't wait." He snickered, he pulled off your shorts which ended with your legs being spread open to his liking.
The underwear you were wearing had lacey trim on it, it wasn't a thong, you'd never wear one. "Cute." Chris complimented them, giving you a playful smirk before bringing himself back down to you, pressing his lips against yours in a heated kiss. You opened your mouth slightly and moaned as you felt his tounge slip into it, exploring your mouth and taking control of it. You also felt his right hand glide down between yours legs but he hadn't done anything yet.
Both of your hands went to his back, reaching down and ripping off his shirt speedily. You loved his body. Hopefully just as much as he loved yours. Chris allowed you take off his shirt, his lower half then his upper half being revealed. The sunlight from outside of the window beamed on him, it made him look even sexier, especially when it'd shine into his brown eyes, he was so handsome, it was overwhelming.
Your nails lightly trailed down his front, feeling his pecks was like heaven. The tiny amount of chest hair was so attractive too, his facial hair overall was a turn on. The feeling of his scruff on your dripping cunt whenever he eats you out is enough to bring your orgasm closer. Just thinking about it makes you wanna ride his face. Your guy's tongues were in a dance battle as you made out. You wrapped your legs around his waist, making it so he couldn't move away at all.
"You dirty girl..." Chris chuckled, towing his mouth away from yours, it made you pout a bit. Chris lifted his boy up slightly and slid his hand to your crotch as two of his fingers found their way to your clit. "Shit." You mumbled dully, biting your lip as he rubbed circles on it. He could most definitely feel how fucking soaked you were. It was too much. You couldn't help it though. Chris was just something else. "Does that feel good?" "Mhm." You whimpered out, opening your legs a teeny bit more, your mouth gapped out as whiny noises came out from it.
As he fondled your clit, you couldn't help but begin to breath heavier. The way he'd rub it fast then more slow was painful, you just wanted release but then again, it felt so good. "You're so beautiful. I don't know how you can't see that." Chris's coos to you meant everything. The way he'd talk about you made you feel affirmed. "Fuck." You groaned, your nails digging into his back which only nudged him to pleasure you faster.
Whilst he was pleasing you, he gazed into your eyes with thirst. Oh you could just tell he wanted you. No. He needed you. Even Chris was getting pleasure out of this despite not being the one getting pleased. "Go faster." You whined out, your legs wobbling as you focused on the sensational feeling he was providing you. When you requested him to do it quicker, he obliged, now using three fingers to stroke your clit, causing your thick hips to buck up. "Oh!" You shrieked out, an adorable giggle coming out as well.
"Chris... Oh it feels so nice." You keened, biting your lip and throwing your head back as he stroked you perfectly. "You're so wet for me." Chris praised, "You're doing so good." He went on, kissing your pretty little neck as he slowed down on the rubbing, he could tell you were getting close due to your mannerisms. "I'm gonna cum." You muttered out to him, you were practically riding his fingers at this point. "Hold out a little bit longer princess, I know you can do it." Chris mumbled against your neck, licking up it before planting gentle kisses behind your pristine ear.
"My sweet girl." Chris said with a drowsy tone as he kissed your ear lobe then pecked you numerous times back down to your collarbone all while still smoothly rubbing you. You could feel your wetness dripping from your center and down your ass, onto the sheets, you two were definitely going to have to remake your bed for the second time today. Wasn't a problem though, cause & effect is a real thing.
Chris caressed your clit at light speed now, he just wanted to see you unfold, to see you lose your sense of reality. "C'mon babygirl... You can do it..." He tittered, staring at you as you squeezed your eyes shut. "No, no, no, look at me." He demanded, using his free hand to grab a hold of your chin sternly. You opened your eyes and gazed back at him, shaky breaths were all that was heard as your orgasm came up from deep within you. It felt so spectacular.
You moaned loudly as your climax hit an all time high. You rode out your high, riding Chris's three fingers as you orgasmed. As you came, Chris fondled your tits, squeezing them and rubbing them, you could feel his erection pressed against your bare thigh. "Fuck Chris." You gasped out, your breath lost as you panted over & over again. His fingers manage to work wonders on you each time he fingers your nub.
"You did so well babygirl, good job." Chris leered, leaning down and giving you a simple smooch. "But I'm not done with you yet." He laughed sincerely before flipping you onto your stomach. It wasn't totally unexpected but you figured he would just fuck you in missionary, this was an amazing surprise. "Oh." You giggled seductively, not even allowing him to pull you up as you set yourself in doggy style instantly, your ass pressed against his manhood. "That's my good girl." Chris chuckled, fondling your ass carefully.
From behind you, you could hear the sound of him unzipping his jeans and pulling them down alongside his underwear too. Your bare ass was already ready for him, the feeling of him inside you was going to be exlierating. Your arms held you up as they rested on the pillows, Chris will hold onto you too, he always does. You could feel his hard length frequently touch your rear, you knew he was ready for you.
"You ready sweetheart?" Chris asked you, wanting consent. His hands were already on your waist, it felt like he was also gripping onto your tank top. "Yes baby." You responded, moving your ass on his pelvic area. You could hear a grunt from Chris as he held onto his cock before he then swiped it up and down through your wetness. This caused you to sigh softly, his tip went over your sensitive clit. "Oh." You moaned into your arms, your head lifted above the pillows.
Chris held onto you tightly as he pushed himself into you, you could feel all of him, it felt never ending. "Oh babygirl." Chris groaned out, his fingers digging into your waist as his member was now buried deep inside of you. He began to thrust in & out of you carefully, taking in all the pleasure he was receiving from it. "You're so tight princess." He praised you. Chris was obsessed with how you felt around him. The way your core clenched, it was like your cunt was made for him.
He pumped himself out of you, basically pulling all the way out before slamming himself back in, ending up with you moaning into the pillow. He wasted no time with this. His right hand slid up your back and held onto the back of your neck, as if he was mounting you. He slammed himself into you over and over, and over again. You could hear muffled grunts & moans coming from Chris, he was enjoying this just as much, if not more, than you.
Going from slow and cautious to rough and passionate, you couldn't tell what his next move was going to be. You could feel yourself grip around him, were you already close again? That dick has some power to it. "My beautiful girl." Chris boasted out from behind you, his front hitting your ass roughly whenever he'd slide back into you with ease. Your wetness was like it's own lubrication. You two rarely ever had to use the real stuff, that's how wet you tend to get for him. He just does something to you that's indescribable.
His hand moved up to your head now, his fine fingers running through your hair. You knew what he was going to do, it was just a matter of when. Now, all that was able to be heard was your skin slapping together and your wetness squelching each time he fucked into your sopping cunt. "Keep taking it babygirl." Chris stated as he continued to fuck into you, his strokes turning into long & deep thrusts.
As he slowed down, his hand dug into your hair, lifting your head up as he officially sped up. "Oh fuck..." You moaned out hushly as he dug his free hand into your stomach. All he was doing was admiring you & your divine body. He was still appalled with how you were talking about yourself earlier. He genuinely finds you to be the sexiest woman to ever roam the planet Earth. You are his world.
"You're so fucking hot." He grunted out, his voice husky. You realized he was almost at his breaking point. You could feel his cock twitching and squeaming inside of you. You could just imagine how much he was pulsating. Your clit still felt like it was. Each one of his fingers held onto thick strands of your hair as he thrusted into you at a crazy pace. "Says you." You stifled out, your freshly manicured nails going hog wild on the bedsheets.
Switching from just grasping strands of your hair, Chris let go for a millisecond before using his entire hand to grab a full fist of your hair, resulting in your back arching even further. "Oh yeah." Chris panted, his left hand smacking your rear, not too hard though, he still feels bad for how rough he was last time...
"Chris, I'm so close." You winced out to him, attempting to look back at him but his hand wasn't allowing you as it just kept you in place. "I know princess, I know. Me too." Chris grumbled, heavy heaving emitted from his throat. Chris unburied his hand in your hair and swiftly convoyed it to the front of your neck, choking you lightly as he moved into you again, this thrust was your complete & utter undoing, your second orgasm of the day.
You gripped the sheets so hard, your knuckles turned white. You felt your core clench around him in an instant. Your stomach felt like it was burning with pure passion & lust. "Oh fuck me, oh my God." You moaned out, practically screaming. Chris's hand immediately covered your mouth, your eyes widening. "Jesus baby, you wanna get people to hear you?" Chris chortled, slowing down but still giving you pressed movements. He was about to nut.
"Fuck babygirl." Chris exclaimed as he released inside of you. His cum dropped from your cunt and onto the bed, you lathered his dick in it too. "Oh my Gosh." You soughed, plopping onto the bed like a ragdoll after Chris pulled out of you, laying right beside you. "You were fucking amazing." Chris snickered as he grabbed you, nestling his head into the crook of your neck and suckling on it. "So were you." You whispered, tossing your hand up to the top of his head, messing with his fluffy hair.
He kissed down your shoulder all while making eye contact with you. "Don't ever talk badly about your body. I just fucked the life out of you, I wouldn't do that if I didn't find you to be beautiful." He assured you, leaning up & kissing your nose with calmness. You grabbed ahold of the blanket that was once on the mirror and covered the two of you up with it as you placed your head onto his chest. "Thank you honey." You expressed, trailing your finger tips along the lines of his abs. "Always beautiful." He mumbled, kissing the top of your head, chuckling at your now frizzy hair.
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Guess what I got! The recording scripts for all of the episodes of Spongebob season 13!! Gang gang
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I got it from some guy from YouTube. He said this was leaked on internet archive and Nick tried to scrub it clean off the interwebz. He managed to salvage some and he gave me a link. His account was gone before I had an opportunity to say thank you, so now I have it. I'm sharing it here because idgaf if my account gets taken down lol. But also no one checks tumblr anyways.
I made sure to print out the Slappy Daze recording script because idgaf about the other episodes tbh. I only care about my beloved Peter Lorre fish's day in the limelight <3 I put it in this plastic slip and keep it in a nice binder. It's my most prized possession besides Slappy's character sheet. I also have the Squidferatu script as well.
To be honest a lot of these scripts are pretty similar to the final product of the episode. There are some minor differences like Slappy wasn't originally in the script for There Will Be Grease. Instead it was supposed to be some nerdy fish asking if everything juice will make him sound more manly. Bless whoever snuck Slappy in there because you all remember me tweaking for a week when the episode came out because I was so happy Slappy got a part in the song lol.
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Also the episode Upturn Girls was originally titled City Cetaceans.
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Slappy Daze is pretty near identical to the final product tbh. Nothing really changed besides a few words. I am fascinated by the fact that the first draft is dated as being July 30th 2021. By that point I already fully and completely developed Slappy brain worms and was already considering watching Lorre's movies to get my fix cuz the airings of the Patrick show were frustrating. Ahh the good ol days <3
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I also do believe Slippy (Slappy's female counterpart) was made for Slappy Daze originally though. The episode gives a physical description of Slippy which makes me think she just made for the moment. I think she was added to Mid-Season Finale in The Patrick Star Show episode afterwards but Mid-Season Finale aired first. Nickelodeon actually did mess up with this episode and released it on DVD before it officially aired. Now the pieces are coming together. This is only interesting to me lol.
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Spongebob fans are such h8rs fr. Where else would you find THE original dreamy haired emo boy Cesare the Somnanbulist working as an assistant for the primary care physician fish Dr. Caligari? I would LOVE for Cesare to rid me of my allergies😤😤
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Squidferatu actually has the most differences between the script and the final product. Plus plenty of interesting details. Squidferatu actually has two scripts, part one and part two.
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The first and most important detail to me is the fact that Slappy is still named "Laszlo". You've seen Slappy's character sheet where it mentions he was formerly named "Laszlo" (obviously a reference to Peter Lorre's birth name Laszlo Löwenstein).
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But in the Squidferatu scripts you can actually find the EXACT moment where his name changes from Laszlo to Slappy. It all has to do with one specific gag.
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These both are the same scene. The left side is from Squidferatu part 1 and the right is Squidferatu part 2.
I do think they absolutely fumbled the name Laszlo. There are enough cartoon characters named Slappy. Laszlo is much much cuter and brings the Lorre reference full circle but oh well.
I also keep forgetting to mention but the villager in Squidferatu who begs Spongebob and Squidward not to go to the castle was intended to be the same villager in the 1931 Dracula who warns Renfield, who actually was based on a villager from the 1922 Nosferatu who warns Thomas Hutter. This character respawned in 3 different pieces of media. I think he's the true star of this episode lol.
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There is also the fact that carriage driver in Squidferatu is confirmed to be Nosferatu! I feel like this fact is obvious enough if you're familiar with Dracula media (1922 Nosferatu, 1931 Dracula, or even just reading the book) the count is always the carriage driver duh
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Also the fact that in this episode he hisses like a vampire, is strangely humanoid, and briefly has the Nosferatu™ eyebrows which fully gives it away. Unfortunately the folks on the SB wiki do not agree >:((
The first time I saw the carriage driver I said "ohh he kinda bad" and you know what? I'm not retracting my statement. He IS a baddie. I'm tired of lying to myself otherwise.
Anyways this caused me to come up with a headcanon that Nosferatu is broke and likely does not pay Slappy. I mean that explains why Nos has taken on shifts at the Krusty Krab, but also explains why Slappy is working 2 jobs in The Patrick Star Show. I imagine property taxes on a castle really drains a vampire's family fortune. I'm getting off topic.
There are some extra gags that didn't make it into the episode.
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There's also the fact that we've been robbed of Erik from the Phantom of The Opera giving the audience a cute wink uwu
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Hey, I hope this isn't too rude considering you already have an effing mountain of asks in your inbox, but I wanted to express my gratitude. No pressure to respond; I just hope you see it, and it makes you smile. Just read the pink out of this word salad; my kink is that I feel the need to explain my reasoning like a proper STEM idiot.
(below explaining why I'm thanking you essentially)
Probably oversharing here, but:
For the last two years or so, I've started to believe that the only men who would accept me were those that needed me as their therapist rather than a partner. I don't mean just listening to them; I mean them struggling with mental health crises and me having to pick up the pieces like the empathetic dumbass I am (and them being too scared to call the hospital). These are just the sort of people I seem to attract. As you can imagine, that did wonders for my self-worth and future perception of people who hit on me.
I already consider myself an eccentric woman. Among other things, my libido often feels insatiable. I write smut both on and off tumblr, the latter of which is some of the most nonsensical, most embarrassing, most bizarre shit I have ever written. 783 pages since 2020, the last 100 pages of which have been me realizing I have a deep-seated desire to be a cocksleeve. It's hard enough to tell people how much I care about having a healthy, passionate sexual relationship without bringing any of that into the mix.
(end explanation, TL;DR I attract shitty men and am insecure as hell about my own sexual preferences.)
All of that has made me despair on numerous occasions that I will ever get to know someone who both actually loves me and wants to fuck the absolute shit out of me.
But blogs like yours have lifted me out of that hellhole of anxiety more than once. Seeing both your own fantasies and the way you respond to your asks makes me feel like I'm not doomed to a relationship where I will have to sacrifice a large part of myself for the other person's sake. It makes me think: "People like this exist somewhere."
Thank you for being a dom that cares about your sub, and thank you for sharing on this blursed platform where I could see you.
Side (less wholesome) note: Yes, you have provided a lot of fuel for my smut pieces, and I am officially blaming you for the fact that there are now 446 fucking instances of the word "Daddy" in my most recent collection.
I appreciate how much effort you put into making this. And as another STEM idiot I love the way you made your reasoning. Also to be clear I love asks, I just have a hard time replying to many at once, but I appreciate them a lot.
And as to you attracting shitty men, I understand how exhausting and how heavy it might be the burden to carry the responsibility over someone’s mental health issues. But I think that also says a lot about your character, how you’re someone who’s really caring. Who wants to help these people, which is an amazing thing but it can be problematic if you don’t set boundaries. Which is a hard thing to do (I know because I’m bad at that…) it’s healthy to focus on your own mental health, your own problems. Especially when we have very little energy left.
And you aren’t doomed for that type of relationship I believe. And I hope you eventually find the right person who’ll love you and not make you responsible over their mess (and also fuck the shit out of you, fingers crossed). So it’s just a matter of time
Side (even less wholesome) note: I’d be lying if I said part of me isn’t curious about those 446 instances now..
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larks-birdhouse · 2 days
i want to make it so so clear i don’t want to dunk on genloss. this is my braindump and i LOVED genloss. please support young creators as they grow and improve i beg of thee
im putting this under a cut because i expect it to be long 😭
❤️ - negative
💚 - positive
💙 - neutral
💚 once again reminded how much ranboo’s acting has improved since dsmp <3
💚 AND a fantastic reminder of how great the other actors are!!!! all the deaths still hurt and the security officers did SO SO GOOD
💚 i love that hetch is more evil now. hurts even more watching hetch manipulate ran even harder up to his death
💚 ranboo has survivor’s guilt :’[ god him slowly accepting it was his fault (even though it WASNT) broke me
💚❤️ i think redubbing certain parts makes sense, but for some reason it was just really obvious during niki’s intro?? it felt so jarring
💙 ngl i paused the premiere to catch the qr code. in my defence i was about half an hour behind already :’]
❤️ GOD i wish we saw more of the carousel folks. so much time spent on setting up mousetrap, so little on them. is that in of itself a commentary? genuine question i do not know
❤️ also i am so sad we didn’t see more of austin’s “hey what the fuck is happening.” there was plenty of it but i want MORE
❤️💙 and i wish there was a little more time on ethan’s fashion show simply because it is funny
💚 the play on words with austin being the straight man is still fantastic
💚 someone else pointed this out (i’m not sure who i saw it from first but i’ll find them) but hetch near exclusively calling ranboo “hero” is such a good detail. not their name, but their character
💙 i forgot about the charlie stream! but honestly i would fully believe that is something charlie would just Do
💙 i know we all love the “charlie was raised by showfall” theory and i offer you “charlie was raised in a cabin in the real world, and showfall mimicked that environment to give him a false sense of security”
💚 the ART!! the DESIGNS of the devices!! adds so much to the story and i’m so glad they were shared. such fantastic art too!!
❤️ the create-a-creature kinda came out of nowhere, i was so confused and i wish there was a bit more buildup
💙 about hetch saying they aren’t themselves anymore: how many times can the actors get tortured and brainwashed before they stop being themselves? how much of them can be taken and replaced before it stops being them? (theseus’s ranboo)
❤️ i might have missed it so correct me if i’m wrong but i don’t think we had the wide shot of the hero-kill-inator or whatever and i WISH we did because it goes so hard
💚 in terms of ending changes, i loved both endings!! both so good for different reasons, and the “thank you” KILLS ME IM SO SORRY BOO I HOPE YOU CAN JOIN YOUR FRIENDS IN THE CANON AFTERLIFE
💙 actually only hell is canon. maybe heaven just Doesn’t Exist. only suffering
💚❤️ at some points i thought the gore was great and at some points i wanted MORE. all the blood seeping out from under the doors, the room they haven’t “reset” yet, the guts instead of food were all great. but i wanted more of surgery charlie’s suffering to contrast the absurdity and just generally more carnage
❤️ i also wish there was more audio gore with austin & sneeg’s deaths. the wall just kind of Stops with no indication of them being crushed and its not apparently obvious that they died
💚 gen zero preview!!! i’m so excited, wondering who will be brought in for that one
💚 hearing the echos of “just let me die” in the beginning was haunting, fantastic stuff loved it
💚 overall i quite enjoyed the founder’s cut! can’t wait to see what comes next and i’m so proud of ranboo!!
💙 what is it with media about content creator self inserts that suffer immensely with little to no comfort that draws me in so? why has this happened so many times??
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Onset - Chapter Two.
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Rating: Explicit Media: Jujutsu Kaisen/JJK Pairing: Geto Suguru x Original Female Character Characters: Geto Suguru, Valerie (OC) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Not Canon Compliant, Pre-Established Friendship, Geto and OC are roommates, Self-Insert, Smut, Penis in Vagina Sex, Creampie, Brief mention of an inability to get pregnant, Unprotected Sex, Cunnilingus, if I tagged everything we’d be here all day, This is part of a series
Part 3 of Sundane
Previous Part: Egg Fried Rice
Previous Chapter: One
He isn’t expecting her to throw his earlier words back at him that way, and it catches him off-guard. “Why do you always remember the dumb shit I say?”
“Was it dumb?”
“It wasn’t absolute,” he mumbles. He pauses, knowing that if he says what he wants to say next, he’ll kick himself for it.
He says it anyway. “Sometimes one slips through the cracks, you know,” he adds softly. “Sometimes, there’s one that really is special.”
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Read on AO3
“I’m sorry about what I said.”
She’s started to doze off when he says it, and it takes her sluggish, sated brain a few seconds to catch up with her ears. “What?” 
Shit. He’s torn between two feelings. The first is annoyance that she hasn’t somehow magically read his mind and figured out what he’s apologizing for. He doesn’t want to have to explain himself. He wants her to know why he’s sorry, so they can move past it and forget it happened.
The second, more prominent feeling is that pang of guilt that’s resurfaced, sticking in his side and reminding him that he actually does owe her an apology for what he said earlier. He once again pushes that pang of guilt back into the abyss, but the residual feelings that linger leave him wanting to clear the air. “What I said earlier,” he sighs. “About you not being able to get pregnant. I know it’s a sore spot for you.”
“It doesn’t matter,” she says with a shrug. “It’s not like you to feel sympathy for something like that, and it isn’t something other people care about either.”
He lifts his head from her stomach to look up at her. She’s smiling, but he gets the feeling it’s because she thinks she should be. “You wanna talk about it?”
Her fingers pause in their movement in his hair as she considers his face. His expression is open, non-judgmental, as if meant to make her feel like she can continue talking about this if she wants to. Part of her wants to spill everything - to tell him these feelings that she’s never shared with anyone else. But part of her feels like talking about this with Suguru would be like opening a door she won’t ever be able to close again. 
She is still contemplating opening that door when she feels the soft warmth of Suguru’s lips against her skin. It’s a gentle kiss on her hip, and she thinks it feels a little like encouragement.
“Well,” she starts softly, resuming her gentle strokes through his hair. “You’re right, it’s a sore spot. The thing itself is something that I know I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life, and I can deal with it. But whenever people find out, they only ever acknowledge the thing itself. They don’t acknowledge all the complicated feelings that come with it. 
“It isn’t a choice I wanted to make,” she goes on. “And if I’d had the ability to choose otherwise, I would have. People who have gotten to choose - and who still can - don’t seem to understand that. So when they say things like ‘you’re not missing anything’ and ‘you’re lucky you still have your freedom,’ it just ends up feeling like… like they’re invalidating how I really feel and telling me how they think I should feel instead.” She pauses. “Enjoying the life that I have now and feeling like I’m missing out on that thing I can’t have aren’t mutually exclusive, you know?”
“I get it,” Suguru muses. “Kinda like somebody who insinuates you should be relieved that your chronically ill parent has finally died. Like, yeah, taking care of them and being worried all the time while they’re alive and sick is stressful and emotionally draining. But it doesn’t mean you want them to die, and it doesn’t mean you don’t miss them when they do.”
Stunned, she stares down at him. “Huh. Actually, yeah. That’s a pretty accurate comparison.”
Suguru is quiet for a long time. When he finally speaks, it isn’t to tease her or to make fun of what she’s told him. “Now that I know how you really feel about it,” he starts quietly, “I don’t think it’s something I could ever joke about. And I’m doubly sorry for making light of it before.”
She hates that there’s a lump in her throat, and so she speaks before that lump can manifest itself in tears. “Why are you being so sweet to me?”
“I told you I was giving you the princess treatment today.”
“Right,” she recalls. “It doesn’t hurt to make them feel special, even if they’re not. That’s what you said.” 
He isn’t expecting her to throw his earlier words back at him that way, and it catches him off-guard. “Why do you always remember the dumb shit I say?”
“Was it dumb?”
“It wasn’t absolute,” he mumbles. He pauses, knowing that if he says what he wants to say next, he’ll kick himself for it. 
He says it anyway. “Sometimes one slips through the cracks, you know,” he adds softly. “Sometimes, there’s one that really is special.”
His words hit her right in her chest, hard enough to make her take a deep breath. It’s on the tip of her tongue to ask - am I special? She bites the words back, unsure if she’d even want to know the answer. 
“Come on,” Suguru says, when it’s clear she isn’t going to speak. He sits up, taking hold of her hands.
“Where are we going?”
“You’re gonna wait for me in the shower while I change your sheets,” he tells her, pulling her up into a sitting position. “Unless you wanna sleep in a bed full of my sweat and cum,” he adds with a smirk. “Some people have a thing for that.”
“Wait for you?” She repeats, choosing to ignore the latter part of what he’s said. She lets him pull her off of the bed, lets him maneuver his rumpled shirt over her head so she can have something to give her a bit of warmth and some semblance of decency. 
Suguru himself doesn’t seem to care about warmth or decency as he begins stripping the bed of its sheets in only his skin. “Mmhm,” he murmurs patiently, pausing to push her in the direction of the bathroom on the other side of her bedroom. “I won’t be long. Run the water, yeah? Make sure it’s warm, and I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Stop reading into it, she scolds herself. This is all routine for him. “Right,” she laughs. “It always takes at least ten minutes for it to get hot.”
He makes an affirming noise and turns his attention back to the bed. She stands there for a moment longer - enjoying the view, she would say if anyone asks her - before turning away. 
He finds her in the bathroom a few minutes later. “Is it hot?” He nods in the direction of the shower. 
“Yeah.” She’s feeling suddenly awkward, ridiculously bashful. “Do you want to go first, or should I?”
Puzzled, Suguru looks back at her. “If I wanted separate showers, I would’ve just showered in my own bathroom,” he points out. “I told you to wait for me so we could go in together,” he adds, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world for the two of them to co-shower. 
“I know how to bathe myself,” she retorts. “I’m not a kid.”
“Good, because I don’t fuck kids,” he snickers. “What I do do, however, is make sure the adults I fuck are well-taken care of. Both in bed and outside of it,” he adds, tilting his head and leaning close so he can look her directly in the eye. “So you can either climb into the shower yourself, or I can lift you up and put you there. Whatever you like.”
She stays where she is long enough to say, “You said doodoo.” 
His palm just misses her ass as she scurries away. 
Showering is a functional thing; she knows that it’s meant to serve the purpose of getting a body clean. Even though she’s taken showers with lovers before (should she think of Suguru as a lover? While it’s true that they’ve had sex, she is hesitant to bestow that title on him just yet), she has never viewed anything about the act of showering in itself as sexy.
But she would be hard-pressed to deny that there is something incredibly erotic about the way her roommate-turned-bedfellow handles her in the shower. His touch is gentle, her washcloth an extension of his hands as he bathes her. Nothing that he does is designed to arouse her, but she finds herself marveling at how the way he’s touching her feels almost more intimate than what they’ve just done in her bed.
“You’re good at this,” she tells him, raising her voice slightly to be heard over the steady stream of water coming out of both showerheads. 
“I know,” he asserts, a smug expression on his face. “Aren’t you glad you waited for me?”
She leans forward, sinking her teeth into one of his pectorals. It isn’t meant to hurt, just to shut him up, and he yelps. Satisfied, she leans back to look at the faint little bite marks left behind.
“Haven’t you marked me up enough?” He grouses.
“I could say the same about you,” she shoots back. “It’s a good thing I wasn’t planning on wearing anything low-cut to work tomorrow.” 
“Dummy,” he laughs, reaching for the washcloth he’d brought in for himself. “You work from home. Who would see you anyway?”
She shrugs. “Zooms are still a thing, you know.” She watches him pour her peony-scented body wash onto his washcloth. “You’re gonna smell like me,” she warns.
“Where am I going that anybody would care? You like it enough to have it, and you’re the only one who’s gonna smell me.”
“Good point.” She watches him lather himself up for a few minutes longer. Then, “Let me help.”
He obliges her. When she gets to his back, she pauses. The scratches weren’t enough to draw blood, but she can see that she did end up breaking the skin in a few places. She’s careful when washing those spots, trying to emulate the gentle way he’d cleaned her. 
Suguru goes quiet for the duration of the time they’re in the shower, and she wonders what he’s thinking about.
“I don’t need that,” he protests, keeping his elbow raised to block her approach. 
“It takes six seconds for your skin to dry out once you’ve washed your face.” She’s brandishing one of her high-end skincare products like a weapon. “You should at least moisturize it.” 
“I don’t need it,” he repeats stubbornly.
“I beg to differ,” she sighs. “You may not see the difference right now, but you will in five or ten years.” 
He rolls his eyes at her but says nothing. Nor does he lower his arm.
“Suguru,” she huffs, exasperated. “You can’t expect to pamper me and not let me do the same for you.”
He looks down at her. “Is that what this is?” He motions to the bottle of moisturizer in her hand. “Is this your version of aftercare?”
“If I say yes, will you let me put it on you?”
She thinks he’s going to say no again. To her mild shock and utter delight, he lowers his defense arm and sits obediently on the closed toilet lid. “Fine,” he assents. “But just this once.”
“That’s what they all say,” she grins. “I’ll have you hooked on Dermalogica in no time.”
She treats his skin exactly the way she’s treated her own post-cleanse: toner, moisturizer, eye cream, and serum. She applies each product carefully, her touch gentle as she uses the pads of her fingers to massage the liquids and creams into his skin. 
“You do this every night?” He asks when she’s done, watching her line the bottles back up in the organizer on her vanity.
“Yep,” she tells him, her attention focused on what she’s doing. “Morning has a slightly different routine.”
He’s still sitting on the closed toilet lid. She’s within reach, straightening the other bottles and tubes in her organizer. It would be so easy to wrap his arm around her waist and bring her nearer to him, to pull her down into his lap. To cradle her close so he can breathe in the smell of her hair and feel her soft skin against his once more. So he can register her heart beating against his chest and put one hand against her back to feel her breathing.
His hand actually twitches with the urge. Shit, he thinks, as he balls the hand into a fist. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Valerie finds it curious, the way they’ve picked right back up where they left off, like slipping on a pair of well-worn pants. Suguru takes out the leftover fried rice that they’d had the presence of mind to put in the fridge and dumps it into a pan for reheating while she scrolls through their shared streaming apps to find something they can watch while they eat.
She’s been sure that it would feel awkward to spend time together the way they normally do after what’s transpired between them. If it weren’t for the soreness in her legs and the burgeoning love bites on her neck and chest, she would wonder if what they did was simply a figment of her imagination. Just further proof you are not one of the special ones, her brain reminds her, unsolicited. You never are, remember?
“Shut up,” she mutters back at it.
“What was that?” Suguru calls from the kitchen. “Couldn’t hear you.”
“I was just asking what you’re in the mood to watch,” she calls back.
“Pick whatever you want. All that stuff in the community queues is stuff we both wanted to watch, so it doesn’t really matter to me.”
She finally settles on a lighthearted comedy they’ve both watched before. It’s an old favorite and one that doesn’t require their full attention to follow. He seems pleased with what she’s chosen when he finally joins her, handing her a bowl and a spoon and settling next to her with his own food. 
Halfway through the third episode, she mutters, “I usually put on my headphones, you know.” 
Suguru turns to look at her, amused. “Is this a conversation I’m invited to join, or should I leave the room and let you continue?” He asks, pausing the show.
“I was talking to you,” she sighs. “You asked me - earlier - if I was gonna pretend I’ve never heard you jerking off.” She shrugs, fiddling with the blanket in her lap. “I have, but whenever I know you are, I just put my noise cancelers on for a while.”
She stares at him. “Because that’s private. It’s not something I should listen to.” 
“Maybe not.” He laughs. “But are you saying you wanted to?”
“What? It’s a fair question, isn’t it?” He shifts on the sofa, turning to face her full-on. 
“Actually, it isn’t,” she huffs with a laugh. 
“Can’t be that you’re embarrassed,” he goes on. He leans forward, a teasing smirk on his face and his eyes trained on hers. “You let me put a part of my body inside yours. Actually,” he amends thoughtfully, “I’ve had several parts of my body inside yours.” 
“You get on my damn nerves.” She snatches both bowls up and gets up to carry them into the kitchen. 
Of course he follows her. “You still didn’t say yes or no,” he insists. 
Valerie turns to him, offering him her sweetest smile. “It will be a cold day in hell before I do that, Suguru.” 
“Hmm.” He leans back against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, watching her load the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. “I think the fact that you refuse to answer me is probably an answer within itself.”
“Fuck off.”
It only makes him laugh. “Fine,” he says finally. “You don’t have to tell me. But until you say otherwise, I’m just gonna assume the answer is yes.” 
Once again there are words threatening to escape her; she wants to tell him that he’s right, that she does want to hear him jerking himself off. But more than that, she wants it to be her he’s thinking of when he wraps his hand around himself and thrusts into his fist. She wants it to be her face he’s seeing when he closes his eyes, when he’s putting himself in danger of going lightheaded because it feels so good he’s forgetting to breathe. 
She says none of those things. “Keep dreaming,” she says, flashing him another sweet smile. “Let’s go - the tv’s probably timed out on us.” 
Something unreadable passes across his face, too quick for her to identify it. After the split second that she sees it, he smiles casually back at her, and whatever was beneath the mask he now wears is lost forever. “Yeah.”
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im-me-he-says · 3 days
(Okay I wasnt going to post this but im actually pissed off.)
Dear Bridgerton fans who are unreasonably angry at Michael being Micheala in the new season,
You still have the book.
Let me bring up points that I've seen in arguments online:
1- "But her story is about infertility! Putting her with a woman changes everything!"
Queer women struggle with infertility too, in fact it can be very difficult for lesbians who wish to start families of their own as not everyone is able to adopt or find a sperm donor, and even if a sperm donor is found THEY CAN STILL HAVE INFERTILITY ISSUES.
Let me list off romance books that deal with cishet women and their infertility issues below-
Untamed Rose, Scandalous Mistress by Bronwyn Scott
The Devil in Disguise by Lisa Kleypas
The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt
What's Left of Me by Kristen Granata
Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen (this one is regency too)
A Secret Sorrow by Karen Van Der Zees
And many more if you google I just dont have all day.
(Extra point, in many of these books the women do not stay infertile and have a miracle baby...not only do many cishet women never get their miracle baby but lesbian couples literally cannot concieve)
And now let me list of books that deal with Lesbian women and their fertility issues-
This leads me to my next point.
2- Bridgerton is a love letter to minorities in romance.
As someone who is south asian myself, I have seen how western beauty standards and racism has treated women in our culture, literally go online and search up "which race would you not date" its disgusting.
I grew up only seeing white women be the desirable one in romances as did many others, you know what changed this for me?
Kate Sharma.
The international audience for Bridgerton especially with brown women of South Asian descent grew TREMENDOUSLY. We had a woman like us portrayed positively and seen as desirable, you guys genuinely do not understand how many brown women watch this show because of season 2.
If we had Kate, WHY should Lesbians struggling with infertility and Black Lesbians not have Francesca and Micheala.
3- "It should have been Eloise and Cressida!"
Why? Because Eloise is a loud mouthed feminist and Cressida is a mean blonde and they shared an understanding? Because theyre both white?
While I do want Eloise to be queer as well just think about that for a moment, while lesbian representation is scarce these days it is even scarcer for Lesbians who do not fit the norm...the mostly white, neurotypical, skinny, cis norm.
Genuinely think about how many times ypu have seen these tropes in wlw fiction, like sit and think about it.
Such as Black lesbians for example, you all are aware they exist right?
I want to reccomend this video by a sunny book nook which talks about how lesbians in a VAST MAJORITY of lesbian romance novels arent really...allowed to be complex characters and it would be some FANTASTIC insight for some of yall
In conclusion, you are allowed to miss Michael, but don't you dare say this takes away from her story, as it ties into the very aim of the show.
Thank you for reading.
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mintleflower · 7 months
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ignore Rogier ok
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sparklecarehospital · 20 days
Sometimes I wonder how I'm ever gonna be able to work on the other Spinch stories I have, I have so many ideas for things but only so much fixation power
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