#now i can go read the manga again. i always read a few chapters on wano and then watch the episodes im curious about :')) but its so good
thankskenpenders · 8 months
And now for something new
So, here's something I was never planning on doing, but I just couldn't shake the idea... Thanks Ken Penders is gaining a sister blog featuring an entirely different comic franchise!
Introducing... Thanks Steve Ditko, a blog where I read the Earth-616 Spider-Man comics, starting all the way back in the '60s! It's gonna be much more casual and less thorough than how I run things here on TKP, though, which I'll explain in a sec.
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If seeing me post weird bits from old Spider-Man comics sounds fun and you need no further info, then just head right on over to Thanks Steve Ditko. But for longtime TKP readers, I know you probably have questions...
Number one: Why?
Spider-Man's always been my favorite superhero, and with the Spider-Verse movies kicking ass and my excitement building for the new Insomniac game, I've been in a Spidey mood. Inevitably, a thought occurred to me: Maybe I should actually read the comics that everything else is built off of and see the wildly varying contributions of all the original creators, rather than filtering them through big budget adaptations. If I can power through One Piece and all these other manga with hundreds of chapters, it can't be that hard... right?
And, well, after a few issues I quickly realized that my options were to either clog up my other accounts with random Spider-Man panels for years, or to just make a side blog. And so the side blog was born.
Two: Will this blog replace Thanks Ken Penders?
Okay but prove it
To allow the two to exist side-by-side, Thanks Steve Ditko will have a different format than what Thanks Ken Penders developed. Rather than an in-depth guided tour that critically analyzes every story beat of every issue, TSD will just be a place for amusing panels and brief thoughts as I casually read the comics at my own pace.
If you've seen me make a few tweets about reading Spider-Man recently, I'm basically just moving that to a dedicated Tumblr. It's a place for me to dump these things so that it doesn't fill up my media tab on Twitter for the next decade. (You know, assuming Twitter is still around in a decade.) There will be many issues where I only post two panels that I thought were funny. There will be issues where I don't have anything to say at all. Maybe I'll reach a run that I just cannot get into, and I start skipping around more. Who knows!
This may sound similar to what I thought this blog would be before it blew up. Aside from the simple fact that there's already mountains of Spider-Man commentary out there and therefore less of a void for me to fill, one of the main steps I'll be taking to avoid repeating the past is not enabling an ask box on TSD. I do not need people to ask me to go into ten times more detail on everything. I do not need to write seven essay-length responses to questions about Spider-Man minutiae every day. I do not need a place for people to chide me for not covering certain scenes, issues, or ancillary series.
It also won't have any kind of update schedule. I'm trying to keep it very casual. I'm reading these comics at my own pace, and if I feel like sharing a moment or commenting on something while doing so? It goes there. That's it.
(On the subject of format changes, I'm also listing the issue, writer, and penciller in the body of every post. This is a thing I wish I'd done on TKP so that people didn't misattribute every weird Archie Sonic panel I post to Penders.)
Three: So when will TKP come back from hiatus? You said it'd come back after you finished SLARPG!
I don't know! Sorry. I have a couple things on the backburner right now for TKP, but I'm not sure when I'll get back to proper updates where I read more comics.
I wanted to bring TKP back this year, and that's still possible. The main hurdle is that I want to reread my own archive (again) as a refresher, which is, uh. A lot of posts. I've developed a high standard for myself on here, and I feel like I wouldn't be doing my job right if I forgot half the ongoing subplots and character arcs and didn't bring them up in my analysis. Especially when I'm discussing the work of an author as obsessed with continuity as Ian Flynn. Unfortunately, the nature of this blog means that every time I go on another long hiatus for Life Reasons I have even more comic continuity to catch up on than last time.
(This is a big part of why I'm making Thanks Steve Ditko an extremely casual blog instead of promising to become a Lore Expert on 60+ years of Marvel.)
Mostly I've just been very burnt out this year after having finally finished a video game that took almost eight years to make. I haven't really had the energy for any creative projects, including TKP. But I feel a little bit of a spark here with Spider-Man, so I'm chasing that feeling to try to get back into the swing of blogging about comics - no pun intended.
So, basically, bear with me on this as I start this low-energy side project. But hopefully folks will enjoy Thanks Steve Ditko as its own thing, too.
Look forward to goofy shit like this
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 20 days
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 98... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter literally broke me in more ways than one...
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This chapter is a continuation of Martha and Henderson's backstory from Mission 97, so let's talk about it shall we...?
So when I opened this chapter and saw a radio...:
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...I literally got PTSD from seeing it because it immediately made me think of the first part of Mission 62, Twilight's (or rather [REDACTED]'s) past, so I knew that things were about to take a turn for the worst...! 😔
On the same page, Martha asks Henderson what he's doing here and he tells her that there's a personnel shortage, so he got to graduate early. Then, Henderson turns off the radio and says this:
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This is just... It's so sad, but true that things, like radios, that were once made for helping others can easily be used to spread hatred and cause harm... It's just not right... 😞
Moving on, after being separated for so long, Martha and Henderson were able to have another tea party like they used to have, but it wasn't long before things started to take a turn... During a school safety drill, Martha asks Henderson if he's excused from being drafted, and he tells her...:
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"It may be that even education is powerless now."... 😟
Hearing Henderson say that hurts my soul... But nothing could prepare me for the next few pages...
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Why... Why do things like this have to happen... 😣
No, things like this SHOULDN'T happen...! Innocent people dying because of senseless violence, because of war, it's just not right nor is it fair...! And I will always stand by that...!!
Continuing on, Henderson finds out that Martha is volunteering for The Women's Defense Auxiliary and he's upset by this. She tells him that the ballet company she was a part of is going to disband and her dream will go with it, so he scolds her again and she tells him this:
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My heart hurts just seeing the anguish in face and in her words...!! 💔
And the heart break continues because Martha overhears that Henderson is going to be married off and she is devastated... But while in tears, she overhears that the dance is coming again, so this is her last chance to tell him how she feels...!
At the dance, Martha approaches Henderson:
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Martha looks so cute here...!! 💗 I was so excited to see them dance together, that when I turned the page, something unexpected happened... I started to cry...:
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Seeing them happy, even though just for this moment, it reminded me why I love Spy X Family so much... It's for these moments, the moments that most of S×F's cast is fighting for, the moments that we all should strive for...!! There are just so many bad things going on in the world that it makes wish that moments like these could be the norm for all instead of some...!! I just don't understand why must there be so much hatred and malice in the world... Why can't we all live in peace instead of conflict...
Gosh, I'm even crying now just writing all of that... I should probably start to wrap this up...!
So, just as Martha is about to confess to Henderson, this happens...:
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...and the chapter ends... 💔😭💔
And that was Mission 98; truly such a heartwreching chapter to read, just like Mission 62 was...
I don't even know what else to say except thank you to Endo... Thank you for making this manga, for getting me feel all of these feelings, for giving me the opportunity to share these feelings with everyone that loves this series as much as I do...!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart...!! 💗
And thank you to all of you that reads this post...!! There's a lot of things that I wish that I could do to make the world a better place, but if this post inspires you in anyway, that's good enough for me...!! 💗
Sorry for rambling, but anyway... Until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and thank you for reading...!! 🤗 Later!! 💗
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dancingbabya-notes · 1 year
Your scars are beautiful
Everyone gains scars; it's a part of life, no one is immune to that. From small ones that are barely noticeable to ones that signify or are a reminder of a very strong memory. A badge of honor, a reminder of a mistake, luck that no one else was harmed, or a bad memory. (PS the only reason I wrote this is because the most recent chapters I've read are rotting my brain and I sometimes think a little too hard about my own scars)
Characters: Todoroki, Mirio, Midoriya, Amajiki, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinso, Shoji
Spoiler warning: there are spoilers for the bnha/MHA manga in Shoji’s part so if you don’t want that please don’t bother reading.
Tw: trauma, mention of falling from extreme heights, mentions of child abuse, mentions of abuse, mention of self harm, 
Sometimes you would walk into your shared room with Shoto, he looks at his face so intently in the mirror. But trying to imagine him without the burn scar on his face was difficult. That was your only image of him since school. Today he seemed to be intently picking at the skin around the old scar.
Walking up behind him you put his hands down so they sat in his lap as you hug him tightly. “Sho, Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He states, his low voice not expressing much emotion but for some reason you just knew.
“Do you wanna touch my scar?” You ask, he blinked.
You were very protective of your own scars, it wasn’t because it was an old scar. It wasn’t because of anything sad, it was because you went too far. Like Icarus you flew too close to the sun and lost your wings. When it happened you remember him reaching for you and the pain in his eyes.
“Are you sure, my love?” He looks at you in the mirror.
“Of course, you always tell me you find comfort when I touch your scar,” you smile.
“No,” he shakes his head, his hand sitting comfortably in yours. “Just sitting with me right now is fine.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s an old story.”
“That doesn’t mean it can stir new feelings,” you offer, giving him a slight squeeze.
Shoto thinks for a moment, mouth opening and closing a few times as time seemed to stretch before he found the right words. “I know now…why my mother felt the way she did. But I can’t… help but feel I had been too hasty in forgiving her. Or… that I’m wrong for not forgiving… my father.”
You try to think of a good thing to say but you weren’t sure if your words would bring him solace or pester the pain more. “I think you need to talk to them again. While it may open old bleeding wounds I feel telling them how you’re feeling might help. If you want I can sit with you when you do?”
“No, I feel it will only cause me unnecessary pain,” he sighs.
“But emotional pain can come up later,” you mumble then to realize. “Sho, are you worried that we will be bad parents to our children?”
“Yes,” he pulls on your hand a bit, stretching it a bit beyond to position that was slowly making pins and needles prick at your skin.
“No one’s perfect, but all we can do is try our best and make up for the mistakes we make. If you want when we start a family we can go to counseling,” you suggest. “That way we can get a second option, you might also get some closure with the pain you feel regarding your parents.”
Shoto pulls you around to face him, kind of sitting his lap but with his arms around you instead of you’re around him. You smile as he buries his face into your hoodie.
“You always seem to know what to say my love.”
Flinching you quickly roll your pant leg back down. It was moments like these where you wish the mirror didn’t make you feel so small.
“There you are,” Eijiro smiles as he pulls you into a hug. “I thought you were asleep or something.”
“I was just antsy,” you mumble. “Sorry I should have said I was in here.”
He looks at you and he can tell. “Your scars are making you anxious, aren’t they?”
You nod.
He starts peppering your face in kisses. “It’s not your fault, it wasn’t something we could help. Nurse didn’t know.”
Nurse. Without her you didn’t want to know what would have happened to you. Your hero career would have ended that day. Even the short month to recuperate wasn’t enough time, you still had nightmares, waking up screaming, and the phantom pains. The reminder was the scars. Why couldn’t you move past this?
“I know.”
Eijiro picks you up and sits on the bed with you in his arms. He kissed your face, but you could tell where he was kissing. He had a purpose. Your body was littered with scars, the proof of your life and the things you’ve dealt with. The thin one just above your eye was from when your brother spent a day drawing portals through the house and you had fallen through one out into the tree. The smooth one by your ear from a surgery that had been found to be unnecessary: the hospital had mixed up your chart with another child patient, your mom was not enthused.
The one under your eye from when you accidentally cut your face, having thought you put the exact blade down, you were lucky you didn’t get your eye. He brings your hands up and he kisses your fingers, the paper thin cuts you’d gotten from learning how to cook and other craft related accidents. A small giggle escapes as he looks you in the eye for a moment.
“You don’t have to do this,” you smile.
“But I want to.”
With each kiss you were reminded of the origin of the scar. Your left hand: a wet rock from the river by the summer house. Your right wrist: the bracelet you wore during a spontaneous rescue during second year. Your shoulders: the burns from an old mission. Your stomach: an inconsolable attacker. Every memory was fine until he kissed your legs. The perfect lined scars that cut straight accords your knees.
Your breath shook a bit as the tears started. You were so scared. Plenty of other times you’d been scared but when you couldn’t feel your feet or toes, or even just the pain, were the most terrifying two minutes of your life.
His hands touched the scar and you flinched. “I know that I’m lucky. So many people pity me now.”
“Who cares what they feel about your scars,” your boyfriend pulls you back into his lap, peppering the top of your head and your forehead with kisses. “What matters is you are here, you are safe, and the pain you feel will disappear. It will fade into a bad memory.”
“I know. But what if-
“Y/n, if anything had happened we would have figured it out. Okay?”
You nod. “Thank you Eiji.”
When you see Midoriya’s scars, the ones on his hands, his arms, anywhere you wonder, would it have been better if you realized and accepted your second quirk sooner. You had grown used to using the regenerative ability given to you by the monster that forced your creation. Body torn to shreds over and over again, everyone always talked about how lucky you were. But were you?
You could lose a finger and if you consume enough toxins you could grow it back without worry. Your body showed no signs of scarring, well not visible at first glance. You had one scar. It was small and you just knew it was a part of you now.
“Cookie? Is there something on me? Don’t tell me there’s another water-
“No, you’re fine.” You shake your head and you smile looking at your boyfriend. “Have I ever mentioned that you’re beautiful?”
Midoriya didn’t seem to know what to say, his jaw hung open as he quickly covered his mouth and turned away. You chuckle slowly breaking into a laugh as he blushes so hard you could see it on his back from his shoulders.
“Cookie,” he whines and you slowly try to catch your breath.
Standing up you smile before taking his hand and kissing the first scar you’d ever seen on him. “It’s true. I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
You weren’t sure what it was but he pulled you close to him before kissing the top of your left ear. Which made you embarrassed, the only imperfection you had. A slight notch in the top of your ear. Like someone had cut a slice of it out. At the time you must have been no older than three or four, the faint memory of pain and then it ending.
“I think you are far more beautiful than I am,” he smiles before you push him away.
“Put on a fucking shirt,” you scold.
“Sunshine, are you okay you’re shaking?”
Putting the pot down you think. “I’m fine though. Huh?”
Turning your. Hands over and over you did notice a slight shake, but that was normal right? Frowning it was odd when old memories would be triggered.
“Ah, I know what’s wrong.” You chuckle nervously. “I remembered when my mom had a hard time moving the pot to the table because she didn’t want us to burn our hands on the plates.”
Mirio was a bit confused. “Why did you think about that?”
You flex your wings and shift the feathers to the side a bit to show the one spot where only short feathers grew, it didn’t impair  your flying and you were surprised you could even fly at this age. “She dropped the pot, my dad was so angry he hit her and got me in the crossfire.”
Though you had a light hearted smile on your face Mirio frowns. “I’m sorry to hear that Sunshine.”
You wave your hand dismissively. “If I hadn’t witnessed that I’m sure you and I would have never met. Don’t apologize, it made me think that I hope my mom is in a better place, and I will be very very careful who I marry if I ever do.”
Mirio had thought much about how you’d grown up, it was partially because you never talked about it. He didn’t want to pry usually but he did want to know as much as you were comfortable sharing.
“How do you feel about scars anyway?” You ask.
“They’re proof we live,” he smiles before brushing his hand against your feathers.
You shriek, pulling away quickly and stumbling forward. Groaning you clutch your side, having effectively slammed your entire weight into the corner of the counter.
“A warning,” you gasp. “Please, my feathers are sensitive.”
Shaking your head you start laughing only to be paused from the pain shooting up your body.
Your partner watches intently as you work. He always did this, because he said it made him feel better. Watching you work when he had nothing to do. Somewhere along the way of learning you had been given the task to create new things for uniform fabrics. He remembered how when you both met and you made him something only for him to learn how your quirk actually worked.
Your blood infused with fabrics could change them drastically. A fabric that couldn’t be cut with most known blades unless you bled on it. A super stretchy fabric that didn’t wear easily if at all, water resistant fabric, changing a fabric to be flame retardant. Your quirk was virtually limitless if you had drawn enough blood.
“Tamaki? You’re staring pretty hard right now, did I mess up the pattern somewhere?” You pause a bit confused as you look over the piece.
Chuckling a big he shakes his head. “I just thought you looked beautiful.”
Okay now you messed up, quickly switching off the machine you felt yourself gradually melt to the floor. “What did I do to deserve someone as kind as you?”
“N-no I’m the lucky one,” he argues.
“I’m not beautiful and you know that, all these scars from trying to figure out how to use my quirk.” You laugh jokingly.
But Tamaki grabs your hands tightly. “You are beautiful, scars and all.”
You couldn’t help but smile, it was a stupid smile that one only makes when they’re drunk on love. “You’re beautiful too Tamaki. As beautiful as the moon.”
His face quickly reddens, but he did have enough sense to pick you up off the floor. Your work space was a workplace hazard in more ways than one.
“Don’t ever say your scars aren’t beautiful, without your abilities some many more people would be in danger,” he huffs, his ears burning from his embarrassment from your earlier comment.
“Mm, I’ll try.”
Katsuki hardly cared about his scars. He took care of his body and as long as he could do his job as a hero who cared what he looked like. But usually he’d skim over his scars when getting changed and a recent exchange made him angry seeing his scars.
You were working like usual, heroes were still plentiful but the job was safe. Your hero costume featured a mask to shield your face from others. Only he and a few trusted people ever saw your face without the mask. So during the recent publicity event when someone chastised and scolded you for your scar Katsuki had to be held back.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it,” you had said, but you still cried yourself to sleep in his arms.
It was a scar that left you permanently inhibited, taking one eye with it. After all the healing you’d gone through and everything one person’s comment could still bring you down.
“Tsuki? Are you okay?” You ask, crossing your arms.
He scoffs. “I’m fine.”
“Tomorrow is the gala right?”
“Would you be mad if I said I’d rather stay home?”
Why? He didn’t want to go, you didn’t, might as well.
“Then we don’t have to go.” He shakes the wrinkles out of his shirt before folding it.
You pause. “What?”
“I didn’t stutter.”
“I never said you did, are you sure we can just-
Katsuki stops folding the clothes and faces you. “I’m tired, so are you. Plus, you need a break from your mask. Whose fucking idea was it for it to be so tight to your face? Can’t even fucking breathe properly in that damn thing.”
You blink. “Wait, do you think I’m upset about what that person said?”
He narrows his eyes.
“Katsuki, seriously? I’ve had this scar since I was like five. Sure as shit ain’t pretty, but someone who doesn’t matter to me isn’t gonna make me upset.” You laugh. “If this hadn’t happened to me I would have never learned how to feel around for water and sense things with it.”
He smirks, pulling you into a hug. “Damn right. But we’re still not going to the gala.”
“Don’t wanna wear a tie?”
He didn’t answer you.
When you got married to Denki the first thing he did was make you cry. Because for some reason that was shut what he did. At your wedding in front of all your friends. Were you drunk? No. Had it been a long day? Yes. But somehow it was even more memorable.
Instead of a traditional or western “wedding” you both decided a small get together for family and friends would be so much better, on the condition your parents even showed up. As you looked at the scar that you both shared across your arms you couldn’t help but giggle.
“What are you looking at bumblebee?” He asked and his voice seemed to fall. “Oh.”
For Kaminari it held a different meaning. You were always so careful, it came with the territory of being a support item creator especially with a quirk like yours. Telekinesis could be powerful and used in many different ways but you used it both as a crutch and a tool to protect yourself. So when he saw that his mistake blemished your skin he thought “I just vowed to protect her and got her hurt.”
“I feel like it’s beautiful. Luckily Yoko could heal it up,” you smile brushing your fingers on your own scar.
“I’m sorry.”
You frown. “I like this scar. It’s not the first one I’ve ever gotten but it’s ours.”
“I didn’t know that knives could split like that if the wrong pressure is placed on it.”  He mumbles.
“It’ll be a good teaching moment for when this one gets older.” You coo brushing the hair from the child’s eye. “I’m sure Teru will think it’s funny how his parents share a scar. Though I think the story of how we met  will top that.”
“I guess you’re right. But I’m still sorry,” Kaminari pouts.
“You have more than made up for it, my overpowered pikachu.” You grab him by the face and squeeze it a bit before kissing him.
“Do you think Teru will get scars?”
“As he gets older yeah,” you nod, looking at the baby again.
“You’re happy with me right y/n?” Denki squeezes your scarred hand with his own.
“Of course I am. Accidental exploding knife and all. I think that made our wedding more memorable for me,” you chuckle. “I feel like it was my fault.”
“No, you can’t do anything wrong.”
You smile as you finish giving the kitten a bath. Fostering the stray cats so they could be taken care of or at least fixed was probably one of the few things you were glad your house could accommodate. Which made you think about the first time things like this happened. Trying to help a stray dog which resulted in a nasty bite as a child. But regardless you got the dog to safety. Your mom wasn’t all that happy about the bite.
“Hey puddin,” you smile as the older cat rubs against your face. “You know where to leave your gifts. Hitoshi will be coming over tonight.”
You giggle thinking about the first time you met him. Helping out at your parents' rescue center Shinso Hitoshi came in with his arms and face bleeding as the cat tried to free itself of his hold. You damn near panicked because of it. Even laughing with him as you patched him up.
“Look we match.” He joked showing his own bite mark wound.
As he walked in you held the now dry kitten, purring snatched the kitten from you and started taking care of it herself.
“Okay mama, looks like my job is done.” You roll your eyes about to wash your hands.
“Was there any trouble?” Hitoshi asks puttting the groceries down.
“No, I just thought about how I met you.” You hum.
Hitoshi thinks for a moment and nods. “Oh, well I’m glad we match. Doing stuff like this would be hard otherwise.”
You look at the scars you both bear, if not for these you might never have met your best friend.
When you met Shoji you had never expected it to be through your quirk. The ability to walk through people’s dreams and exist in that separate space. He’s much taller than you so even if your eyes weren’t glued to the floor you wouldn’t have usually made eye contact with him. Once you spent more time with him you had wondered about the mask why he wore it, but in fear of prying you kept your questions to yourself.
You’d always lived in the city you read about the way heteromorphs were treated in rural areas so seeing it first hand through a nightmare of his. Made you hurt. People who thought they were better than others hurt innocent people, it made you angry. But as he lays in your lap sleeping after a long day of hero work you keep your tears at bay.
“Why is this coming to mind now?” You mumble.
Shoji stirs in his sleep, and you bring your hand to his hair, rubbing his head much like how he did for you when you apologized for your inability to control your own quirk. His scars weren’t what made him, and you were glad at least he could come to terms with it. But the people who cared for him— like you. Will probably always feel pain. Leaning down, you kiss him and he chuckles.
“Are you crying again?”
You sniffle trying to make your voice normal. “No.”
“It’s in the past, things are slow to go but there’s been change since we were in school.” Shoji yawns a bit before sitting up. “Aside from thinking about the past, what are you thinking?”
“How beautiful you are,” you hum, stretching up a bit you cradle his face in your free hand. “Because it takes a lot to be this beautiful.”
He kisses the inside of your hand. “Only you say things like this.”
“And you know that I mean them. Just hold me back after counting to three if anyone dares say anything.” You clock your tongue.
“Hmm, I’ll give you five seconds.”
“Truly kind indeed to couple with your beauty,” you giggle, bowing your head a bit. “I am not worthy.”
But he didn’t laugh this time, instead he pulled you into his lap and just held you there. He does take your cup away from you.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be drinking coffee after five, stardust?” He frowns at the liquid and you avert your gaze.
“It’s decaf.” You lie.
He smells the cup and puts it on the coffee table before locking you in his hold. “I believe that’s enough ‘not coffee’ for one evening.”
Leaning back on his chest and looking up at him you still smile. “While your scars come from a bad memory I hope since they’ve healed you have a million more to make the bad seem insignificant. Plus I meant it when I said you’re beautiful.”
It was his turn to hold your face in one of his hands. “I know stardust. I know.”
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analogwriting · 3 months
Chapter 12: Sartse
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3.6k a/n: i want y'all to know that for a couple of doffy's lines, i pulled it straight from the manga so i had to read THAT scene again and i ugly cried once more. had to step away from the computer and everything lmfao next
The speed in which you were flying into town could’ve instantly killed anyone who stepped into your path; hell you probably could’ve killed someone if they pulled out in front of you in a wholeass car. You made it into town in record time, a time that shouldn’t even be possible for the distance you had traversed. No cops seemed to be out and about to stop you either, which honestly checked out. They were worthless.
Whatever, it came in handy for you at this moment.
Something that no one except Marco knew, was that you had a secret entrance to the hospital that led right into your office - actually, it led to several different places. As someone of your social standing, you had to have a secret entrance/exit. It was important to be able to have a way out and a way in - specifically for situations like this. You had just hoped that you’d never have to use it.
As you were flying down the road, you looked at the security footage through your phone. Again, no one had this access except you and Marco. Sure, you had a security room with someone always monitoring things, but no one had remote access besides the two of you.
You pulled up the footage, trying to see exactly how much damage was being done. It seemed that the front of the hospital was fine; business as usual. It was the secret wing that was mostly taken over aside from a few of their men being posted in scrubs everywhere else. You knew all your employees by name and face, so of course you’d be able to tell who did and who didn’t belong. It looked like they had already let go of all of your underground staff. At least you didn’t have to worry about them.
You looked through the footage as you also kept an eye on the road, trying to find where everyone was being held. There wasn’t really anywhere in the hospital that you couldn’t see, so you knew you’d find them eventually. 
And you did.
They were currently being held in a conference room in the secret wing; everyone being Corazon, Law, Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi. You nearly crashed as you saw Corazon laying there in his blood soaked shirt, not moving. Were you too late? You felt that creeping numbness starting to crawl into your very being. You set your phone down, leaving it open. 
“How long do you think it’s going to take for them to get here? I’m tired of waiting,” Doflamingo complained, folding his arms and sulking as he perched on the table. Oh, you were glad you had cameras with sound - the extra money was worth it.
“Please, let me tend to Corazon’s wounds,” you heard Law plead. The sheer emotion in his voice made you press on the gas pedal even harder, sending you faster. 
“Absolutely not. This is what he gets for betraying me. His life is in y/n’s hands now since he wanted to be with them so bad.” He huffed, shaking his head. “How can someone of your stature fall for someone so weak.” He scoffed.
You clenched your jaw, pressing a button on the visor of your car as you entered an alleyway. A garage opened up and you flew inside.
“He’ll die at this rate!” 
“Let him then! It’s the consequences of his own actions.” 
Your head was spinning. How could someone be so cold to the very people they were supposed to love and protect? You would’ve never guessed that…Anthony was just like him. That they ended up being cut from the same cloth.
“How could you do that to your own family?” 
“If you keep talking, kid, you’ll end up with a bullet wound next.”
You slammed on your brakes next to a door, throwing your car in park and running up the stairs. You had an elevator, but it was going to take too long for you to use it. The staircase grew more and more narrow as you reached the top, ending in a small hallway that broke off into different parts of the hospital.
You navigated the small tunnel before slowly opening a door. It opened silently, the bookcase in your office in the secret wing opening. You snuck through, sticking low to the ground with a gun in hand. You were silent, listening.
You could hear Crocodile somewhere near the entrance to the secret wing talking with whatever cronies he had with him. He was in the opposite direction as Doflamingo, so you should be just fine. You’d have plenty of time before he’d get to the conference room should any problems arise. You took off down the hallway, your footsteps silent - just as you were trained. 
When you reached the conference room, you dropped down again, below the window. You glanced inside, seeing that things have escalated. Doflamingo was pointing his gun at Corazon once more, the man now sat up. Instant relief washed over you as you saw him sitting there - alive. You had been so scared that you were too late.
Though, if you didn’t act fast - he wouldn’t be much longer.
“Why did you come back just to mess with me, Corazon?” Doflamingo demanded. “Why must I be forced to kill my family not once, but twice?” Forced? What the hell did he mean by that? He absolutely isn’t being forced to do anything. Is that what your father also thought? That he was being forced to do the things he did? A stupid lie to tell yourself to justify such terrible actions.
You heard him cock his gun, standing up immediately and taking aim. You shot through the window, shattering the glass. The bullet hit Doflamingo in the hand, making him curse and drop his gun as he cradled his hand. You kept your gun trained on him. “Don’t even think about moving,” you said as he started for his own gun. He stopped, glaring at you through his sunglasses. 
The others looked at you with surprise, staring at you with wide eyes. You heard a chorus of voices cheer for your name, but you were focused on Doflamingo. “Step away from them.” He scowled at you, but stepped away. A grin spread across his face and you opened your mouth to say something when you heard a click of someone loading their gun behind you. You felt the barrel press against your skull. 
“Drop it.” This time it was you that scowled, letting your gun clatter to the ground. Dammit, you didn’t think he’d get here so quickly. Or so quietly. 
“Let me dress Corazon’s wounds,” you ground out. “Then I’ll sign your stupid papers.” 
“Y/n, don’t worry abou-”
“I appreciate your concern, but I have this under control, okay?” You looked at him through the shattered window, smiling warmly at him. He just stared at you with an expression you couldn’t quite discern but you could also tell he was struggling to stay conscious.
“Sign the papers first.”
“Absolutely not.” You felt him press the gun harder against you and you cursed at him. “Fucking-”
You whipped around so fast that he didn’t have time to react, hitting his elbow from the outside and pushing his hand up. Not enough to break it, but just enough to make him let go. You disassembled his gun and threw it to the ground. The same thing you did to Corazon a little over a month ago. “I’m not asking.” 
You weren’t stupid. You knew you were outnumbered, so you weren’t going to try and take the both of them out now. You weren’t going to start a fight - that’s not what you came here for. Saving the hostages, that’s what you were here for.  You looked back, seeing Doflamingo pointing his gun at you, only it wasn’t with his dominant hand, so you knew he wouldn’t be able to hit you correctly. You could just tell with the way it sat uncomfortably in his hand.
“That’s why you should train shooting with both hands. Cause as soon as you fire that gun in your hand, the kickback is going to be too much and you’re not going to hit me.” The pure rage in Doflamingo’s face was honestly comical.
You walked through the door, heading over to the blond man that was currently bleeding out on the ground. He wasn’t sitting up anymore and he looked like he was barely awake. “Just hang in there,” you said softly, pulling out a first aid kit from under the conference table. You had one in every room.
You felt the gun still being trained on you, hearing Crocodile putting the other one back together and picking yours off the ground before pointing it at you. “I’m not going to try anything stupid, you two. So you can get your panties out of a bunch,” you said.
You fumbled around in your fanny pack, grabbing out your small suture kit. You opened up Corazon’s shirt, assessing the damage. You hissed softly through your teeth. He’d been shot in the abdomen, losing a good amount of blood, but you were sure he’d end up being just fine- you could do this.
He spoke as you started applying disinfectant to a rag. “Do you just…carry this stuff-” He was cut off as you began to sanitize his wounds but you paused for a moment. That’s exactly what he had said the second time you had caught him from falling. He let out a weak laugh and it took everything in you not to start crying. Damn it all.
“Don’t talk, Ros. You need your strength.” 
“I think I’ll be just fine with you here now, doc,” he mused softly. You felt heat creeping up your neck. Really? At a time like this? You finished cleaning his wound, clenching your jaw as you were able to really see the damage. It seemed that Doflamingo was close enough when he shot him that it went through him cleanly, so you didn’t need to try and dig the bullet out of him - you were able to immediately start stitching him up.
You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to keep it together. “How is everyone else?” You looked to the boys, who seemed fine aside from looking absolutely scared out of their wits. Marco wasn’t here, so you imagined that they were watching him while he kept an eye on the front side. You didn’t know why they had to bring the boys into this at all. They absolutely had no ties to any of this. They were just adding to their ‘leverage’ at this point. Not only would they be able to control you, but also Corazon. He did use to be in the business, after all. So, he’d be able to fight his way out of this, throw the boys in and he was just like you - compliant.
“We’re fine,” Law said with a nod. “The only one who was hurt was Corazon.” You could see the genuine concern in his eyes, hear the pain in his voice. This was the man’s father essentially, of course he was worried.
“He’s going to be just fine, Law, I promise.” As you were speaking to him, you were still working.
“Where’s the paperwork?” you asked, looking at the two men who were currently pointing guns at you. They just looked at each other and you sighed. “You wanted me here to sign paperwork so one of you go fucking get it.” You sighed harshly.
“You shouldn’t sign it, y/n.” You looked at Corazon, finishing up his front stitches. 
“Turn around,” you said and he obeyed, slowly turning for you as you started to work on his exit wound. “I know what I’m doing,” your voice was low. “I’m going to get the lot of you out of here safely. I promise.” 
“But you worked so hard-” 
“Rosinante, please,” you said softly, feeling your own voice crack. You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing your work. You already made the decision and came to terms with the fact that you were going to lose your hospital. You could go somewhere else and work. Though, none of the hospitals around here would probably take you. You had snapped at them at that meeting and now none of them want anything to do with you.
Not that you really blamed them, but dammit, now you were going to have to move. It was also the best option. With you out of the picture, everyone would be able to resume their lives as normal. Your last actions with this will be making sure that Corazon and everyone out are able to get out of here safely. You were going to make sure that they’re able to escape the eyes of the families. Just as you did with everyone else. They will be the last ones you are going to be able to help, but at least they’ll be able to get out of here.
You finished patching up the man before you, sighing. “Finished.” Corazon turned to look at you, but you were already standing. You just…couldn’t stand it - all of this was your fault. 
You looked at Doflamingo, who still had a gun trained on you. “One more thing. They all get out of here safely. Away from you. They are not to be followed or tailed. If I find out that they are, the deal is off. Once they’re safe then-”
“Y/n! You can’t-” You ignored Corazon’s pleas, looking at the man before you. “Once they’re safe, then I will sign over the hospital.”
“That’s a large ask,” the man before you said, a shit eating grin spreading across his face. “You already were able to patch up Corazon here before, now you want their safe passage?”
“I think you forget that this hospital is my life’s work. I think that I’m not asking for much, all things considered. This place is a place that even cops won’t look, I think a handful of people who aren’t even involved in things like this to be let go isn’t asking much, right?” 
He opened his mouth to retort when you heard Crocodile’s voice. “Deal. But you will sit here while they leave, got it?” You nodded. “Deal. Also, make sure Marco is provided safe passage as well.” Crocodile nodded. At least he seemed to be willing to work with you.
“Don’t you think you’re giving them too much, Croc?” Doflamingo grimaced and the other shook his head.
“We’re going to get their entire hospital. It’s like they said, a few people who aren’t even involved in things like this is just fine. I know he’s your brother, Doflamingo, but you did just shoot him.”
“Let’s go then,” Crocodile said, looking at Corazon and co. “We don’t have all day. We’ll untie you when we get to the exit.” Everyone slowly stood up. You crouched in front of Corazon, taking his face in your hands. “Please take care of yourself, okay?”
He sputtered for a moment, his face turning red as you held his face. “Are you sure about all of this? We’ll be-”
“Trust me, okay? You guys will be able to get out of here. You’ll be free.”
“Well, what about you?”
“Don’t worry about me - I’ll be fine.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead, resting your forehead on his. "Please don't do this," he whispered, but you ignored his words as much as they stung your heart. “Take it easy and heal up, okay? Then make sure you take good care of the boys.” You pulled away from him, looking over at Bepo. “Bepo, since you’re the tallest behind Corazon, will you help him?” 
“Yes, doctor!” Bepo nodded, heading over as you helped Corazon stand. You glanced at Crocodile, gesturing at the man’s restraints and he sighed before nodding. You untied Bepo’s hands and he wrapped an arm around the injured man’s waist. 
You looked at Law. “Make sure he takes it easy, okay? I expect you to take care of him while he heals.” The doctor in training nodded, looking like he wanted to say something. It took him a moment, but he found his words. “Please be careful, doctor. Make sure you look after yourself too.” He paused, realizing what he said.
“I don’t want to deal with a moping Cora if anything happens to you.” He was trying to cover his sentiment, but it was clear. You stood there, stunned for a moment. That was probably the nicest thing you’ve heard him say to anyone ever. Sure, it was covered with a joke, but the sentiment was there. Your face softened and you ruffled his hair. “Don’t worry about me, just take care of your dad for me, yeah?”
“You talk like we’re never gonna see you again.” He grumbled and you tensed for a moment. They just stared at you. “Y/n, what are you-”
“Let’s get going, I don’t have all day!” Crocodile’s voice interrupted.
You stepped away from them, smiling. “Take care of each other and be careful.” Shachi and Penguin looked at you with teary eyes. “We’re gonna miss you, doc,” one said. “Make sure you be careful,” the other chimed. You nodded, shuffling them all towards the door.
“Now, move along before they change their minds.” You were able to finally get them out of the conference room, heading out. You watched as they left with Crocodile, other cronies showing up to assist in the transfer.
You saw Corazon look back at you one more time before they turned the corner out of your sight. Your heart lurched as you saw the concern and yearning in his face. You just hoped that they’d take the opportunity to get out of here. You’d be just fine. Destroyed, but fine.
“Alright, now sign the papers.” You glared over at Doflamingo. “Not yet. They’re not out of here just yet.”
He let out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t know what you see in him anyway. He’s weak. Though, I suppose it matches with you. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to inherit the power your father possesses. He might be my rival, but I know a man with power when I see it.”
“Not everything is about power and the sooner you realize that - the better.”
Doflamingo laughed and you flinched as it bounced off the walls. He was so loud - and for what? “Power is what took over your hospital, doctor. Power gets you whatever you want. Money, fame, you name it.” 
You shook your head. “I don’t expect a shallow man like you to understand,” you said with a small sigh. He was too drunk with power, money hungry, and dense. 
He grimaced, shaking his head. “Well, I’m not the one losing everything I’ve worked so hard for, now am I?” he mused, grinning. You felt your eye twitch, but you weren’t about to let him see that he was getting to you.
You just ignored him, folding your arms as you waited with a gun pointed to your head.
Crocodile eventually returned, looking at you. “They’re out. They’re safe. No one is tailing them.”
“You better be telling the fucking truth. So help me if I find out you’re lying-”
“Cool your jets. I never fuck with a deal.”
You just narrowed your eyes at him before pulling a pen out of your pocket, signing the papers. You slid them towards the man, glaring at the two of them. Doflamingo uncocked his gun, tucking it away. He grinned. “Fucking finally.”
“Can I go now? I have shit I need to do.” You folded your hands across your chest.
“You’re not staying?”
“This is no longer my hospital, why would I?”
“Suit yourself.”
Crocodile looked over the paper in his hands and nodded. “It all checks out. I guess, yeah. You can skedaddle.” You made a face at his word choice, but didn’t do much else except leave the room. They had the hospital, everyone was safe. You didn’t have to worry anymore.
Honestly, none of this felt real. You headed out the way you came, careful that no one saw you. Just because you signed over your hospital, doesn’t mean they got to know everything about it. If they found it out on their own, good for them. Maybe one day you’d figure out a way to get everything back.
You headed down the stairs, feeling like you were floating. You weren’t in your body. Everything felt fake - like a bad dream. Only, you wished you would wake up from this nightmare. You just lost everything. Your family, your livelihood, all of it. Everything was gone.
You stopped as you reached your car, seeing Marco perched on the hood. He looked over at you, standing up. The expression on his face was that of sympathy and worry. Everything hit you all at once and tears started to free fall down your face. The stress finally hit you at the same time that your body finally gave out as adrenaline left. Your knees gave out and Marco caught you in the process, holding you as you ugly cried into him. Your body shook as you sobbed, clutching onto Marco as if he would disappear at any moment as well.
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louwhose · 17 days
I love Frieren and Himmel's relationship so much and I mean of course I do there's so much to love. An elf that thinks a human's life passes away in the blink of an eye and human that loves her? I'm already hooked. But add into that he doesn't say anything because he knows nothing will come of it with how she views things when he knows her and is content to just admire her for all she is as she is? The fact that she cares for him in spite of thinking his life is so short and getting to know him in the time they were together but regretting not coming to know him better after he died? I mean she's literally following their journey and remembering him along the way and the end destination is the chance to see him again, but I feel like she'll realize she truly know and loved him even if they never reach heaven.
And there's just. So many tiny details. I will try to recount a lot, but I'm sure I won't get all of them.
Frieren remembers so much about him. Regardless of where they go, it's usually a memory about him more than anyone else. She remembers his favorite flower, and takes the time to find it (though she doesn't consider time a least bit rare commodity). And she remembers it, which means that even though at one point she didn't try to learn about her companions, she afterwards made the point to remember their favorite things. And when she talked with Old Man Voll, who was regretting losing his memories of his late wife and asked if she could still remember her companions clearly, she refused to consider that she ever won't. She considers their memories that precious.
And then there's Himmel. Oh my goodness. Beyond just his initial attraction, the way he's always fascinated by her magic and her making enough of an impression on him at a young age that he sought her out years later for such an important quest is delightful. And did I mention that he just loves her magic? BECAUSE HE DOES!! And it helps her to love collecting her weird spells that much more, so good and supportive, Himmel.
And fear not I shan't neglect to mention the mirrored lotus ring because I am incapable of being normal about that scene. He had Frieren choose a ring (my respectful man there where can I get me a Himmel) and when he saw which one she chose he knew what it meant and chose to present it to her in a way that was sure to be memorable to her. Even though she didn't yet know the meaning of it, once she does, she can look back on the memory of him pledging his love eternally to her, an immortal, in spite of his mortality. He may be content to never say it, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't like her to know.
And now I am going to talk about a manga arc that ends on like. Chapter 118/119? So spoilers if you choose to proceed any further.
Frieren has spent so long now working towards seeing Himmel again and then she. GETS TO SEE HIM AGAIN!!! I am certain that if I scoured this arc I could find soooo many details for them (and I am tempted but instead I will focus on a few details that come to mind and analyzing one very specific thing about it.
Just. Himmel saying he likes who she's become, not having any clue that he was a major influence for her becoming that way. I just love that he appreciates her at every stage she's at it's just so uwu. and then when FRIEREN said he's a ray of light??? omg omg omg omg oomg I die they both just see the best in each other and I live for it.
And Then There's The Wedding. If you read this far on this and didn't expect me to gush over this part here is where I disillusion you. Himmel's feelings for Frieren have been pretty obvious up to this point, but seeing that he would in his ideal world want to marry her and spend his life with her is GRAHHHHHHHHHH there's no words to describe it. and like. Frieren is there too? how am I supposed to interpret that but as her own paradise? even if it's as a looser interpretation of she wanted to spend all of Himmel's life with him??? INSANEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee
and then the fact that Himmel had his dreams presented before him, but he felt something was off, and didn't take advantage of it. Not even for a kiss. THIS RESPECTFUL MAN what is there not to like if anyone is good enough for Frieren it is without a doubt him. and the way they work together to get out of it???? oh man I love it
idk I just love their dynamic I think it's great and full of unfulfilled potential and I hope they get something some kind of closure if Frieren really does make it to see him again I just really love thinking about them thank you for coming to my presentation
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neonscandal · 2 months
Manga With Me: CSM and the Concept of "Want" and "Home"
Completely blocking out the events of the first Chainsaw Man segment after reading it is not a unique experience. I am not alone in this phenomenon but one thing I always think about is the idea of "want" or "desire" and how it's this really messed up impetus for Denji to go on living, at least in the hands of Tatsuki Fujimoto, and the concept of "home". I feel like not enough people are ruminating on this so now I have to.
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⚠️ Spoiler Warning: through CSM chapter 97.
First things first, in no way am I insinuating that Denji's reasons to live are not valid nor am I implying that a character with his background is better off dead. I think it's important to mention because we've seen that play out with the likes of Ash Lynx as an example and I hated that.
Tatsuki Fujimoto, the Jackass Genie
When we're introduced to Denji, he's not exactly living the life. Trying to offset the massive debt of his father, he'd sold off several organs including an eye and a testicle and was forced to work off as much as he could by handling the dirty work of the yakuza debt owner. Treated inhumanely and frequently left with barely enough money to feed himself, Denji appears to remain relatively upbeat with his only friend Pochita at his side.
Solely motivated to simply survive the day, hopes beyond that are seemingly out of the realm of possibility for him beneath all of his inherited burdensome debt. It isn't until he gets a seemingly second shot at life that Denji can dare to dream. Mind you, this is after he's discarded like garbage but it just furthers how alone and pitiable he is to be treated in such a way.
Even with this newfound life, his hopes are comparatively low hanging fruit to the average reader and yet, at every turn, Fujimoto takes these innocent asks and twists them into such unpalatable experiences. Most notably being his first kiss.
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What's particularly interesting is the space between Denji's idealization and, of course, the subsequent reality of his wishes. For instance, have you ever wanted something so bad for so long that when you finally got it, it could never measure up to what you'd dreamt in your head? Because you'd sunk so many hours into thinking about it and putting it on a pedestal but... as we saw above, Denji really only had time to think about survival for the better part of his life. So the drastic difference between wanting a solid meal, wanting his first kiss, wanting to touch boobs, wanting a girlfriend, etc. They were so relatively short lived before being obtained, and yet, so catastrophically unsatisfying each and every time. It seems like everything Denji gravitates toward is inevitably something that will cause him great displeasure which we see most readily apparent in his attraction to Makima.
For all this suffering, you'd assume Denji would have had to have done something to have earned such karmic punishment but, to the reader, his only sin seemed to be being born to a recklessly selfish father. Especially when a great deal of his origin seems to be kept hidden behind a figurative locked door which is constantly teased and shown to be something Pochita urges him never to open.
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You Can't Go Home Again
This, of course, brings us to the crux of why I wanted to talk about this in the first place. We see Denji's door, something he regards with unfamiliarity and trepidation, a few times throughout the story. Not knowing its significance until the very end of the arc but, for the sake of this discussion, we will consider this and his life with Pochita Denji's "home". Denji's wariness, his avoidance, it's not unique to him.
Now we know Pochita can seemingly read the heart of Denji (being that he is the heart of Denji) but I wonder how much Power the fiend knows of her former human life. From her introduction, she was likely murdered and left naked in the very woods that Power found the body in. Power is shown to be boisterous and very self-serving, her affection for Meowy being a severe aberration, at least at the beginning of her character arc. Again, not exactly living the life, enthralled only by the taste of blood and the act of killing until she finds herself somewhat domesticated through her employment with Public Safety.
What we know of Hell, Devils that die on Earth go to Hell. Devils that die in Hell go to Earth. Power wasn't exactly avoiding "going home" but her return to Hell destabilized her semblance of safety and comfort by way of facing the Darkness Devil. Even of the devils faced on Earth, Power always faced them with the same bravado that she demanded humans to kneel before her with. Either to generally disguise her relative strength or lack thereof (being that she was fighting in a group) or, in retrospect, perhaps her fear, too. With all the confidence, we don't consider what the Blood fiend's experience may have been down in Hell, whether she was top of the food chain or not. Topside, her experience may have been a little different when you have humans and lesser devils in the mix. But the fear she experienced upon her return to Hell caused debilitating PTSD where she had to lean on Denji and Aki a lot more as she was unable to care for herself or be left alone. In this sense, it tempered her connection to Denji, especially. Almost as if the progression from a life of survival to a life of relative comfort is toppled by the harrowing reminder of one's origins.
Aki is the best literal example of the negative ramifications of "going home". As he packs the kids up for a reluctant trip to Hokkaido to visit his family's graves, Power and Denji remain immature handfuls even on the tail end of the Darkness Devil drama. But as the snow falls and Power sleeps, Aki confesses to Denji:
Every year, when I went to visit their grave, I'd remember nothing but bad things. It was depressing. But this time, you guys were such pests that I didn't have the time to get lost in that.
It's bittersweet, this acknowledgement. Seeing their behavior somewhat changed, his own resolve toward them softening, he questions whether his pursuit of the Gun Devil justifies the possibility of jeopardizing the peace he's cultivated with his found family. A distinct change of heart in light of his previous attitude toward devils and fiends, not just Power and Denji. But moreso an outright defiance of the very thing that has driven his survival thus far. That, of course, being to avenge his family's death by killing the Gun Devil. His decision to pull from the expedition is, of course, manipulated by Makima by using her purview over Power and Denji to solidify his participation. The irony of his found family enabling him to resolve his need for revenge being the bargaining chip to keep him on the hook is dastardly. Moreover, the knowledge that vengeance was never even on the table for him.
The linchpin in this is, of course, the fact that, what precedes Aki's end is not his return to home but the Angel Devil's who he inadvertently and without knowing accompanies. A past Angel Devil had forgotten, courtesy of Makima, precipitates Aki's death and evolution into the Gun Fiend. As the battle wages, the fact that it plays out as the snowball fight with Denji was devastating in light of his previous losses.
With Denji's integration into society, his many goals thwarted by the unsatisfying reality of them, and the comfort he establishes with Power and Aki, we see him grow to understand the world a little better. He's still a neglected and immature kid but his emotional intelligence sharpens with his aspirations even if they only go so far as to wish to impress Makima. With all the trauma he'd suffered prior to joining Public Safety and even the trouble he experienced with them, fighting and killing Aki the Gun Fiend proves to be too big of a breaking point for him. It doesn't hit him immediately. But he finds himself unable to enjoy such simple pleasures with the guilt and turmoil of killing someone he hadn't realized meant so much to him and comes to understand the loss and pain so latently. The end of Aki's character arc as punctuated by Denji, even as prophesied, was shattering to watch unfold. Especially juxtaposed with the innocence of the snowball fight in his consciousness.
This altercation, too, was preceded by a door Denji didn't want to open. A door we'd seen many times over. A door that he'd decided was best left closed wayyy back in Hokkaido. 👇🏾
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Aki's death yields a significant windfall of money willed to Denji to take care of he and Power. Money, the driving factor in his previous suffering, is no longer a problem for him and he uses it to taste and experience more but they do not quell the unrest within him.
Even though Denji grown to adjust to the world he finds himself in with his rebirth as Chainsaw Man, this loss, in particular, forces a deeper reflection beyond the frivolity of why touching his first boob is unsatisfying. He laments the fact that every choice, every want inevitably goes to crap just as Makima finds him. Ultimately, this extremely low point (not unlike the misery she'd initially found him in), is exactly where we see their relation to one another come full circle: Denji, a dog to Makima's whims.
As Denji submits to Makima, we immediately see the cost of his allegiance. Not only by means of Power's death but the fact that her orders completely conflict with what Pochita has been urging him against this whole time. Never mind the fact that this is the second time where he knew precisely to what end the door he was opening would reveal. Aki. Power. But, even though his expectations have been met at the other side of that door, whether it be Aki's or Makima's, it never prepares him for the big reveal. The worse turning worst case scenario. Denji's shock at Makima making good on her word allows for her full plan to come into focus.
The door opens, the true depth of Denji's backstory is revealed. The irony of Makima, the Control Devil, condemning the actions of a child trying to survive the abuse of his father is something the reader doesn't have time to reconcile it before the next big twist to the story is revealed, the next big fight.
This cycle of violence and revelation without reflection breeds an odd disconnect from the events, probably not unlike Denji's own perceived experience. Perhaps it informs our collective amnesia when it comes to the story, again, not unlike Denji's as he's forced to play the part of Chainsaw Man. A blessing and a curse, born of affection and the belief that Denji should get to lead a normal, fulfilling life. But Pochita's kindness is unexpectedly barbed despite his innocent and unassuming appearance because the Chainsaw Devil is one so feared, one so renowned, it is marked and killed by many devils but he arises again and again.
Almost as if Pochita was avoiding the burden of his own nature like Denji avoided the truth of his past... I don't know, perhaps this rant was a bit self-indulgent but whenever I think about these 3 (to 5 if we count Angel and Pochita) characters floating through the ether of life only to be connected and summarily destroyed by the fact that they finally found something worth living for really just spoils my thoughts for where this story is going, what the grand message is. If there's even a grand message at all.
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makeste · 7 months
afternoon, guys! so, update! much to my own shock, I finally followed through on one of my update vows and did indeed start reading the manga again! and even though it took longer than planned, I’ve now made it all the way through chapter 367. so that’s 25 whole chapters read in roughly 2 weeks. and just to be clear, when I say “read”, I mean with reactions and everything, the whole nine yards. 25 new unedited liveblogs safely saved to my PC and backed up on the cloud, ready for eventual posting whenever I finally have more than an hour’s worth of free time.
anyway, so it’s not much, but it’s progress! THAT SAID, I now have a small dilemma. at my current pace, I should be fully caught up to the current manga in a little under 3 weeks’ time. under normal circumstances the obvious thing to do would be to keep reading the story linearly as the manga gods intended. HOWEVER, a small but extremely paranoid part of me cannot shake the nagging fear that if I fail to catch up RIGHT NOW, the manga will somehow end within the next three weeks and I will miss out on EVERYTHING and REGRET IT FOR ALWAYS!!
and so I am asking you, good people, to please weigh in on what my next course of action should be, because I am indecisive af right now and my FOMO is getting the better of me.
fyi, what I’m most worried about is potentially missing out on some incredibly momentous Heroes Rising-level shit. like, I can cope with waiting a few more weeks to see the boys interact again. but if anything goes down with OFA, or the second vestige, or Dad For One, or any of that shit, I want to experience that right alongside everyone else!
but on the other hand, if 404 and 405 contain any huge spoilers for past chapters, I’m probably better off being patient, so long as the manga hasn’t quite reached world-ending levels just yet. I’ve actually been shocked at the number of twists which I had not been spoiled about at ALL (including pretty much everything in the Endeavor vs AFO fight so far, as well as Dabi & Shouto, all of the Big Three stuff, and so on), and I’ve been really enjoying the ride, ngl. so idk! please bless me with your sage wisdom, everyone.
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
A chronological analysis on Twilight and Yor - Season 1 Wrap-Up
*This is a wrap-up post for my Twiyor analysis series. If you missed the Introduction/Part 1, click here*
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As some of you may know, I'm fairly new to the SxF fandom, having only started watching the anime in October of last year. But it didn't take long for me to become hyperfixated enough to binge the manga, start my own blog, and develop ideas for analysis posts.
I've always enjoyed meta writing for my favorite fandoms, and SxF is definitely one of those! While I like many things about the story and characters, the Forgers overall, especially Twiyor, are my favorite thing about it, so I wanted to focus my first analysis posts on them. During my early months in the fandom, I found lots of good analyses and was impressed by the amount of talented fan writers out there. But rather than write random stand-alone posts, I wanted to express all my thoughts in chronological order. I eventually came up with the idea for this post series in December of last year, and after spending a solid month of writing during most of my free time, I finally felt I had enough to begin posting on a weekly basis.
Now that I've come to the end of the season 1 posts, I want to express my sincerest thanks to everyone who read them, especially those who left nice comments and reblogs. Even for those of you who only left likes, I appreciate it! I pay attention to the notes on my blog and it always makes my day to see the same people interacting with each new post every week. It's especially gratifying when I see a new person come along and leave a like on each post in order, one after another! In the many fandoms I've been in over the years, I always write for myself and my own enjoyment first, regardless of whether other people will enjoy my writing too. But it's nice to know that other people can also appreciate how I interpret things.
So here's what's going to happen with the post series going forward…
Since I want to continue keeping the posts as manga spoiler-free as possible, I won't start releasing the next batch of posts until season 2 airs (it's scheduled to air in October). I'll most likely release part 19 and onward towards the middle or end of season 2's run. I already have a good idea of what manga chapters will be adapted and will get them queued up beforehand.
On that note, I did end up having to tag a few of the season 1 posts for manga spoilers. I tried to avoid it as much as possible; I only discussed manga spoilers if I felt not doing so would be a disservice to my analysis. However, once season 2 airs, all but part 18 should be safe for anime-only fans! (I'll go back to those posts and remove the spoiler tags)
At some point during or slightly before season 2's airing, I plan to reblog all of my Twiyor analysis posts in order. If I can get the timing right, I hope to reblog part 18 (the last season 1 post) right before my start date for the first season 2 post. I'll probably do the reblogs just a few days apart before doing weekly releases again when I get to the new posts (for the reblogs, I'll be using the hashtag "#reblog for season 2 hype")
I don't have any other big analysis posts planned until then, with one exception…I do plan to write a post about Anya. I originally wanted to include her in the chronological series, but since her character arc is simpler and more straight-forward compared to Twilight's and Yor's, I didn't have nearly as much to say about her and figured it'd be best to talk about her in a separate post. Not sure when I'll release that post but should be sometime before season 2 as well.
Guess that's all for now! Thank you again to everyone who read this post series and I look forward to more compelling discussions in season 2!
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gallusrostromegalus · 10 months
for the fic writer ask: 3, 13, and 17
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
>Remember an old Special Interest >Hyperfixate >write a few scenes >realize I need to overhaul the entire 38-74 volume Manga series to free it of Shonen Jump Editorial fuckery to The Gay Shit can thrive >Hello Word Processing Software. It's Punishment Time Again :) >Re-outline entire series >in faux-greentext >Major beats first >>hen following the path of individual characters to make sure I'm using the whole cast >Then refine for themes, which have a fun tendency of refning themselves for me (this is when rubberducking the groupchat is most helpful) >Then scene-by-scene to make sure characters are in the correct physical location to do what I need them to >If you have dialouge ideas or turns of phrase put 'em right in your notes >>I AM HERE ON BOTH AEIWAM AND TPOFATGIF >once scene-by-scene outline is achieved (warning: this may be a large enough doc as to crash your wordprocessing software and so you gotta break it in two or three pieces) >commit to the bit >Start writing the scenes more or less in order (easier for me to remember what I was doing), while consulting notes heavily >That Scene is now a chapter. >Let chapter percolate overnight, maybe draw a title card for it, to see if your subconscious vomits up a better way to do that scene before I hit post. >Read final draft aloud. fix lumpy parts. >Send it off to beta-editiors, plural, because I have a US Public Education. Make revisions as needed >Post >Onto the next scene while I wait for comments, to keep the dopamine goblin from panicking
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Read your chapter aloud to someone (roommate, groupcaht, your beloved Husbeast, the dog) to catch editing errors and improve flow.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Something else. It's almost always a case of "I have other needs as an organism, like 'food' and 'going outside' that cannot be satisfied by a word processor" so I go draw something or work on the garden or take a nap or make dinner and I stg, the juice is almost always back in 2-24 hours.
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serasarahhhh · 2 months
Author: Maxine Pairings: BakuDeku Rating: R Chapters: 14/? Notes: Accidental quirk shenanigans result in an unplanned pregnancy. Post-canon, no a/b/o dynamics. Summary: It's not that Katsuki didn't want kids. He figured he'd have them one day, probably. That he and Izuku would adopt or maybe figure something else out. This is NOT how it was supposed to go. ~~~~~ CHAPTER 14 “OI!” Katsuki barks at the rest of the room, even though most of its occupants are already staring at him with arched eyebrows. He swallows as everyone else turns their attention toward him, trying not to fidget in place or do anything that would make him fall. He’s not exactly at his usual level of coordination these days. “Real quick. Uh. I know I was kind of a last-minute addition to the staff roster and maybe some of you are wondering what the hell I’m doing here.” “Recovering from a thing!” Present Mic shouts, and then gives him a double thumbs up when Katsuki scowls. At his side, Vlad King starts snickering. “No – goddammit.” Katsuki huffs. “Look, I’ve been off field work for a few weeks and was getting sick of hanging around my agency not doing shit.” He tips his head in Tsuyu’s direction. “Froppy here was nice enough to suggest letting me double up with her and somehow we got Principal Nezu onboard. Probably just taking pity on me, but whatever. I’m gonna be even more of a pain for you people to deal with than I was in school because…” Katsuki cuts both hands in toward his stomach, more or less framing the bulging curve there. “I’m pregnant. Got hit with a Quirk. Shit happened. It’s Deku’s.” He puffs out a breath and jerks forward into a slight bow. “Thanks in advance for putting up with me, I guess.” “Young Bakugou, please get down,” All Might hisses out in an overly frantic tone, and this time Katsuki does as told. He even accepts the hand the older man holds out to assist him. “See, now that explains it,” a gruff voice says. Katsuki looks up to find Hound Dog stroking the bottom of his muzzle in a thoughtful sort of way. Most of the rest of the room seems completely unphased – likely a byproduct of having years under their belts as both pro heroes and teachers who’ve mentored hundreds of students with all manner of Quirks. They’ve all seen some shit, Katsuki realizes, and the bit of tension that had locked up his shoulders abruptly drains away. This probably isn’t even close to the weirdest thing any of them have dealt with. “Explains what?” Katsuki asks, somewhat warily. Hound Dog shrugs. “Your smell.” “…What?” “You smell pregnant. It was throwing me off.” “WHAT?!” “Maaaan, you’ve gotta share things like that!” Present Mic yells over at Houng Dog. “Spill the tea, share the juice, give me the gossip! How many times do I gotta tell you?!” “Way too early,” Aizawa grumbles again. He pulls open a drawer of a nearby desk and whips out a yellow sleeping bag that’s seen far better days. “Somebody wake me up when the opening ceremony starts.” “Shouta, did you know?” Present Mic demands, spinning toward him before Aizawa can fully disappear beneath the desk. “Shouta! HEY. Did you know??” “Oh man, I’m so glad I signed on this year,” Tokage utters in awe. She looks a little too gleeful, honestly. “This is great.” Tsuyu nods in agreement. “I wonder if it’s always this eventful.” “What the fuck does he mean, I smell pregnant,” Katsuki asks, scandalized. “Is that a fucking thing? Do I stink??” “It’s just his Quirk, Bakugou.” Tsuyu gives him a reassuring pat on the arm. “He probably picked up on the hormonal changes. Don’t worry about it. Want to go over the plans for our first classes?” Alright, well that’s gross and terrible to know. Continue reading at AO3. Through chapter 14 now posted!
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cheesus-doodles · 2 months
Hello again! How are you? I'm the anonymous person who previously asked about the "boss". When reading your response about her personality in the "red dragonflies au", I realized it was me who had asked the same question back in 2022, recognized by the heart character I usually use haha, I didn't even remember that.
To be more recognizable, I'll use a more specific emoji this time.
This isn't a writing request, but I'd like to know about your creative process when writing. Usually, I focus more on my ideas after having a cup of coffee and meditating with white noise. My mind organizes better, and I avoid making too many mistakes.
I can say that your profile is one of my havens in the tokyo revengers community. Your writing and character inspired me to pick up an old project I started weeks after reading a few chapters of the manga, back when my only concerns were school exams, haha.
— 🥀.
was thinking between posting this now and next week, but I suppose it doesn't quite make a difference! will be back working on some longer fics but i'll make sure there's no drought next week
Hello again 🥀 anon! well I have to say its great to see you around, and to have a recognisable emoji! :D I'm super thankful that you decided to stick around here all this time, best of luck with that project (and if you don't mind, I would love to see it whenever you're done!)
Ahh I do kinda miss school a little - the transition to work life is still pretty jarring ngl ;-; I still hate it time to time but what can we do amrite HAHAHAHA
In terms of my creative process, I had a think about it because I was originally going to say that I didn't have any fixed process, but then I realised that the one constant time that I would get some writing done would be usually late nights/early mornings right before bed time. Mostly because I work full time and there are chores and stuff to do around the house after work, but also because I've always been a night owl and I find writing a good way to burn off whatever energy I have left before bedtime. Plus usually I get a bit more loose and fluid when I'm tired (its pretty strange ngl - the logic is just too strong for yanderes to make sense when I'm fully awake).
I also love to watch/listen to news updates/documentaries/financial stuff while I write? Or if I'm overstimulated I listen to music! I did try watching some cafe asmr while writing previously but I get too distracted watching the video to write so that didn't work out HAHAHAHA
But writing when I'm tired generally has an adverse effect on the sentence structure/grammar/generally story flow, so I will use my awake brain to string together what my tired brain wrote the previous night. From time to time at least, other times I'm just too impatient and just fuck it and post it.
Inspiration also tends to hit me here and there, so I will occasionally write down ideas and sentences at work if I have free time, or while I'm out and about on weekends - just pop open Tumblr/Google Docs and jot it down before I forget! Might be that I was mulling over the prompt/idea and I see/hear/think something that hits just right!
Yea but that's how I usually go about it! As chaotic as it sounds ngl, but it works I suppose :))
Would love to hear more about your idea flow/creative process if you would like to share! Like where you get your ideas and inspiration, character personalities, or anything else you want to talk about :)
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epicspheal · 5 months
hi cami! hope youre doing well! id like to ask.. have you seen that pokemon zensho is now fully available in english? i only found out recently lol. you can find it at mangadex! if you have, what are your thoughts on it?
Hi there @soulsilvers I'm doing well thank you for asking! Yeah, I actually didn't know that they full translated Pokemon Zensho until I got this ask, so thank you for alerting me to this I appreciate it! So of course I had to read it all last night! Link here for anyone who wants to read it! It was so cute honestly. First Pokemon Concierge, now Pokemon Zensho making me cry and I'm here for it honestly. Like you said on discord, it definitely is very rushed at only 9 chapters. I definitely would've loved to see it have a few more chapters to explore more about Red and Blue's friendship (well here called Ash and Gary) and going through the league (I always feel like the elite four part of the Kanto story always seems to get the short end of the stick). Despite it's rushed nature, it does make up for it in being the most true-to-gameverse adaptation. But what I appreciated the most was the details that were added were very grounded. Like the problems the gym leaders were facing felt real. It was cool to see how Giovanni became the way he was because it has been hinted at that he's not always been the ruthless Team Rocket boss but something made him that way. I've grown to like Lt. Surge a lot over the years and I feel like his arc was really wholesome too. Many people criticize Kanto for it not being particularly story driven (which to each their own, some people like story drive gameplay some don't, groups are valid), but to say it's completely devoid of story is false. The theme of Gen 1 besides exploration is relationships. It's why the key driver is the rivalry (and strained friendship) between Red and Blue. The orphan Cubone, Agatha and Oak, even Mewtwo's existence plays on the concept of relations in a subtle way. Zensho takes this concept and runs with it throughout as Red travels through Kanto. Much like Pokespe, Pokemon Zensho does a good job at bringing smaller but notable NPCs into the fold and it was done in a way that was not overbearing (looking at Marvin from SwSh Pokespe taking Hop's spot). It was cool to see the SS Anne captain and Game Warden get some more screentime. Also props for this manga low key making non-binary Bill canon! I know some people who read it may not like this version of Red not being "badass" in that he does earn some of his badges without actually defeating the leaders but I think the way it's handled here was okay. I think part of Red's character is supposed to be how he puts caring for others first despite being so talented at battling and I think it's okay that there are adaptations that don't just fall into him being a legendary battler who sweeps everyone. Even though this is a retelling of Red's story I would say if I'm honest this was really Blue's story. Blue got a lot of focus in this manga and outside of Pokemon Generations we don't really get to see into Blue's mindset. I appreciated as you mentioned on discord, how despite everything it did still focus on the fact that Blue was still Red's friend despite everything. It's not something that's focused on a lot in gen 1 adaptations. And of course the rest of the Oak family gets some shine too. This is probably my favorite portrayal of Oak in that it retains some of his flaws but humanizes him too (although I wish they had devoted some time to his and Agatha's rivalry). And Daisy...even with her limited screen time very much still shone especially with her calling out Professor Oak for his harsh words towards Blue. And then of course the revelation of what happened to Blue and Daisy's parents. Give those kids (and this Professor Oak) a hug. This is definitely my favorite of the four Pokemon manga I've read thus far and if we ever got a short miniseries for the Gen 1 games again I would hope it would take more of the Zensho approach and be game accurate while still expanding on little lore details.
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eleni-cherie · 10 months
a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg - chapter 0.8
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"so eager to be in a headlock again?"
"only if it's by you."
he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to lovers s2l
The tires squeaked as the motorbike came to an abrupt halt as soon as the small airfield building appeared between trees further down the empty road.
Yoongi didn't want to attract anyone's attention and decided to leave it there behind and walk the rest, using the plants as cover.
It seemed to be one of those private airfields used by hobby pilots or private jets. And this noon, the small airfield seemed to be in use as indicated by the parked van in front of its entrance and the people scattered in a circle around the hangar at the very end of it.
Yoongi cut a whole in the fence with his sword and was about to sneak in as the building was probably hosting even more surprise guests, when his phone quietly vibrated in his pocket and he picked it up quickly. Making sure no one was near to have heard anything.
"What?" he asked in a hushed tone, not even having checked the caller ID.
It was silent for a moment and he wondered if he had declined accidently when Jimin finally spoke up. "Where are you? I'm at your apartment but you obviously not."
"I'm.. out."
It wasn't hard for Jimin to pick up the distress in his friend's voice though. "What's going on? Did something happen?"
"W-why are you at my apartment anyway?" Yoongi asked in a desperate attempt to change topics. Eyes narrowing when seeing the men entering the hangar. Something having startled them but he couldn't tell what.
"I came because of our conversation yesterday. I'm not an idiot, I know you and I know you won't ask for help even if you need it, which is clearly the case right now. You won't tell me what's going on though I can clearly tell y-"
"It's nothing, Jimin, seriously. Go back home," his voice softened. Trying his best to sound as casual as possible and for anyone else it might've been convincing enough, but not for Jimin. And he heard his younger friend sigh on the other end of the line.
"Fine, if you don't wanna tell me.."
A sad smile spread on Yoongi's lips hearing his disappointment. "Don't worry. It's nothing." And he hung up.
I can't let you get involved in this.
Dragging out a breath, he shook his head and decided to redirect his attention to his plan instead. So he slid through the hole to the airfield. Carefully nearing the airplane hangar by always staying close behind buildings and objects so no one would take notice of him. The fact they were still there meant Soyeon had to be somewhere near as well, which was soothing, but not soothing enough.
He counted five men dressed in cheap suits and sunglasses walking in and out.
Best case scenario, it was only them. Worst case scenario there were more either inside the hanger or the building - or both.
His dark eyes darted a guy who isolated himself from the rest, standing at the side and smoking a cigarette. Taking a long drag, he let the grey smoke evaporate into the warm air. 
With slow but steady steps Yoongi drew closer, nearing him from behind. After a few more drags, the man had finished his cigarette and tossed the butt to the ground, stepping on it with his heel. He was about to return inside when suddenly Yoongi's arm hooked around his neck and forced him to his knees. The katana's blade dangerously close to his throat, making him wince in agony.
"Don't do anything dumb like calling for help," he whispered into the man's ear, "How many are there?"
The man refused to tell, wiggling and trying freeing himself but Yoongi's leg pressed down on the back of his bent knees, preventing him from doing so. The blade almost slipped and touched his neck now. And the man immediatelly stopped when sensing its cool touch, his pulse picking up.
"Twelve. We're twelve," he eventually choked out, screwing his eyes shut. Content with the information, Yoongi knocked him off with a hard hit on the back of his head.
Minus one, eleven.
Eleven against one wasn't good.
Even if he was skilled, even if he had two different weapons with him, it wouldn't be easy without help. But he couldn't ask for any. 
It wasn't pride nor egoism. It was concern that wouldn't let him.
He cared too much for his friends to ask them for help, although he was certain they'd be upset and perhaps offended if they knew what was going on, but that was a consequence he preferred over any alternative outcome.
They might've been in far more dangerous situations in the past and still always made it through them, however, he couldn't be certain about how this story now would unfold. And after all, they had all agreed on stepping out of this kind of life. He didn't want to drag them into it without reason.
And somehow Soyeon's words rang in his memory and perhaps he understood her better now. Because at the end, they both had similar reasons for acting the way they did.
Besides, it wasn't just the three of them anymore like in their early twenties. Others would get affected as well and he couldn't let Arabella or Cassandra grief for something that could've been avoided. Something that was solely his business anyway. 
He took a deep breath then and closed his eyes. Feeling blood flow from his head to his arms and hands, letting his fingers relax around the shaft as his mind went blank. 
With a smirk, he blinked them open again. Already spotting his next targets strolling around. And one by one he took down the other four men as well.
First the one who came out in search for his knocked out colleague. Then the second one standing next to the entrance. When the third and fourth one noticed it was already too late for them, they were too slow in drawing their guns and Yoongi had already moved quickly. Disabling their weapons with a swift swing of his sword. 
Yoongi wasn't an amateur, obviously he wouldn't just leave all the unconscious bodies laying around but instead tied them up and dumped them in a storeroom in the back. However, he knew their colleagues would get suspicious and ask questions about their whereabouts. So he already mentally prepared for that.
He was finished with them in no time, breathing out of his parted lips. His fingers ran through his hair then, combing back the strands that had fallen in front of his eyes. Letting his brown irises wander carefully around the empty looking area.
There didn't seem to be anyone else there and he wondered if they kept her in the main building or if they had already taken her somewhere else. 
Had she already been long gone? 
And why did they bring her there anyway? 
The sense of foreboding he'd had about them not just letting her off the hook so easily, proved more and more right. Even if getting the necklace, the type of people those guys worked for usually weren't so easily pleased. 
But why bringing her there? Did they.. did they plan to take her with them? To another city or.. His breath quickened when realisation hit him. Or another country?
No, why would they bring her to a different place? It didn't make sense.
He turned around, trying deciphering any clues. He didn't dare to call out for her just yet. There were supposed to be seven more guys around after all. So his focus shifted to the private jet parked in front of him instead. Standing idle there when noises were heard from outside suddenly. Still afar but approaching fast, nearing the hangar. 
Without thinking twice, he took cover behind wooden cargo boxes and a pile of stacked sacks. Calming his breath as he pricked up his ears to try distinguish any voices or words.
"Get the machine ready, I don't wanna waste any more time waiting for that guy," someone said in an upset tone. A clear accent audible in his words. Soon multiple steps echoed on the concrete floor.
Eight to nine people, Yoongi deducted by the sound of it. In total more than twelve people.
Had that guy lied to him?
The steps came to an abrupt halt then, a short silence following.
"Where's everyone? Weren't they supposed to keep an eye on everything?"
"You think they got cold feet?" someone else wondered out.
The person with the accent scoffed. "They should pray I don't find them then," he said through gritted teeth. The noise of the airplane's door opening being heard next and Yoongi peeked out of his stash. Seeing a man dressed in a pilot uniform climb up the stairs followed by another one in a navy blue suit that looked of a much higher quality than anyone else's. This particular guy actually catching his interest. After all, Yoongi could spot the platin watch around his wrist from a mile away. He was clearly a foreigner and if he had to make a wild guess, he'd say probably an Italian.
Whoever that was, he wasn't a simple goon like the others. No, he seemed of some kind of status.
His gaze wandered to the rest then, seeing another two men on the side dragging something towards the jet. 
His eyes widening when realising it was a person. Soyeon.
He almost called out her name. Biting his tongue to keep himself from doing anything foolish now. Instead, he observed her intensely. Jaw clenching at the sight of her dull expression.
Her usually sparkling eyes were resting on the ground, almost desoriented. And she looked exhausted. Exhausted from trying resisting and fighting back. The red scratches on her knuckles and knees saying it all. And his heart ached with rage.
She was quietly letting the two men lead her to the stairs of the plane and only then he noticed her wobbly knees, causing the scowl on his face to deepen. Wondering just what had happened in the past hour since he'd last seen her.
Another man pushed open the hangar's entrance completely then. Allowing a plane to fit through it.
That wasn't good. He didn't have any time left. No time at all. He had to act methodically though and not rush into it. He was in a clear disadvantage after all.
His hand went behind him, taking out the gun from his waistband. He might not be as good as a shooter as Taehyung, but he was definitely still good enough to aim at someone's leg from a distance and hitting them. Repeating it on another man. And another. 
Three down. Three left.
"The fck! Who shot?!"
Everyone got tense, pulling their guns out and pointing at all kinds of directions. Shooting randomly at objects.
"I think it came from behind there!" someone yelled and a bullet hit a nearby equipment.
"Hurry and get the plane ready!" another voice echoed.
Yoongi shot another time, hitting one guy in the shoulder this time. Hearing him yell in pain. "There!"
They spotted him, but that didn't mean they could get him. Dodging each one of their bullets with his blade and slicing their weapons with ease while cutting their suits in a way he could twist them around. Immobilizing them in seconds.
As soon as the last one dropped down, he came to a halt. Chest raising and falling when the clicking noise of an unlocking gun was heard behind him. "Impressive."
He didn't have to turn around to know it was the sleezy looking guy in the navy blue suit talking. His hand adjusted its grip around the sword's shaft and he slowly turned around, facing the foreigner standing at the top of the jet's stairs. His gun pointing at him.
"But now I'll close the door, if you allow."
Yoongi swallowed, puffing out a breath. "Let her go first, then do whatever you want."
The man frowned, an amused laugh flowing from his lips then when he began to understand.
"Who? You mean the little thief? That's what this is all about?"
He waved his hand to someone inside the plane. Soon Soyeon's slouched figure appearing at the door frame. And her afflicted expression softened into a stunned one when seeing Yoongi standing there. Her eyes finally having that gleam back.
Her lips mouthed his name, not having the energy anymore to say it out loud or perhaps she was simply too afraid to do so. And he was about to offer her a smile when he froze, seeing sleezy guy's gun pressed against her temple, aiming at her now instead.
"If you want me to let her go I'm afraid it'll only be possible if I shoot a bullet right through her head," the man sighed disappointedly, "But you wouldn't want that right?"
"I wouldn't do that if I was you," Yoongi smirked then with confidence, his eyes piercing his, "Wherever you plan to take her to, she's supposed to be alive when arriving, right? Otherwise you would've already get rid of her."
Soyeon's eyes closed and she exhaled in relief. Feeling the cool metal leaving her skin.
"Smart guy. It's true my boss wants her alive." The engine had started, the turbines were turning. The plane was ready to start rolling into the runway if it wasn't for the still opened door. Time was running. "But he didn't say anything about injuries." His sly grin exuded pure evil as he dragged the gun from her head down to her leg. "So please back off now and let me close that door."
Yoongi remained silent, not even considering succumbing or make the slightest inclination. Staring at the man dead in the eye, causing him to become impatient. He exhaled tiredly, his gun pointing back at Yoongi now.
"Let's just ask her then. Should I shoot your little puppy or will you come without protest?"
"Don't listen to him. I can dodge any bullet," he quickly countered, giving her an assuring glance.
The man bending forward at this to whisper into her ear.
"You wanna find out?" he smirked. His finger already hovering over the trigger.
Soyeon gulped, a deep crease between her brows as she glanced at Yoongi and then at the man. This was what she had feared of happening if she let him get involved in her mess. He'd get in the crossfire and perhaps even get hurt or worse.
She didn't want that, none of that. She just wanted him to continue living a normal life. 
If he had only listened, if he had only stayed away from her..
"I'm coming," she eventually breathed with no hesitation in her voice.
Yoongi's expression falling when hearing those words slip from her lips. "Don't!" he yelled perplexed. Taking a step forward only for a bullet to hit right in front of his feet.
"One more step and I won't be so generous," the man warned.
She gave Yoongi a weak smile. Eyes full of sorrow as she saw him standing there, holding her gaze with sadness and disbelief. "It's okay, don't worry." It was quite ironic and even humerous in a way, the fact she was the one comforting him. Although it seemed like she wanted to say much more than that when she blinked away a tear. As if she wanted to say:
this is my fault and I have to deal with the consequences.
But it wasn't her fault. Not in his eyes.
The man smirked triumphatically, but despite getting what he wanted, he didn't lower his gun. Instead he heaved it more, aiming at Yoongi's head. Noticing this, Soyeon instantly grabbed his wrist, spinning the gun away and twisting his arm around his body. It was one of the self-defense moves Yoongi had shown her. And before the man even realised what happened, she pushed the button next to the door. The stairs beginning to lift, her face along with the man's furious one disappearing behind them. And the last thing Yoongi caught her lips shaping was: I'm sorry.
The plane began moving, rolling out into the tarmac. And he stood there, watching it depart from afar without being able to do anything.
The memory of the last time he'd felt so useless and numb crossing his mind then, like an ugly arrow reminding him of his own mortality. The last time he'd felt like drawning in self-pity. The day his uncle had been murdered.
Feeling his breath sucked out of his lunges, he silently sunk down surrounded by the numerous unconscious bodies of those unknown men. And he allowed himself to take in the moment and accept his failures. Whether it was to save his uncle or Soyeon. 
In the end, her being the one saving him.
He didn't know how long he was sitting there buried in thoughts or how much time passed as he let his self-loathing to take over.
Only when a pair of legs appeared in front of his vision, he snapped back to reality and looked up. Seeing no other than Jimin standing in front of him. Confusion written all over his face while looking around the area. "Alright, what happened here? It looks like a battle field!"
Yoongi's lips parted, his mind too clouded with frustration and desperation to comprehend why his friend was there. "How.. did you get here?"
Jimin shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes wandering to him. "Tracked down your phone, since you wouldn't tell me what's going on. And seems like it was the right thing to do. Just what happened here?"
His jaw clenched at the memory of what had taken place. Anew guilt and shame overcoming his chest and his gaze lowered. "They.. they got her.." he choked out. The words not wanting to leave his mind. Feeling too embarrassed to admit them out loud. "These guys got her because this.. this.. ugh this stubborn woman left on her own and then.. they got her right in front of my fcking eyes!" His voice was picking up, anger building with every word he said, "And I.. I failed. I thought I could make it but I failed and now they took her to who-knows-where. Maybe Europe. Maybe not. I don't know."
The hot rage in his chest getting replaced by fright at the realisation he'd probably never find her.
"Alright, then let's go get her back."
He blinked, processing Jimin's calm words. 
"No, no, no there's no 'us' in this, I'll try finding her alone," he said sternly and got back on his feet. Brushing over his pants as Jimin snorted amused.
"You really think we'd let you go there alone? I'm definitely coming and Taehyung probably as well."
"You two stay away," Yoongi objected, shaking his head. "There's no need for you t-"
"Oh, Yoongi, don't you know me at all?" his friend pouted with a shake of his head, faking disappointment. "I'm definitely coming."
"No, Jimin, listen, you will not come. Am I clear?" Yoongi warned, pressing an index finger on his friend's chest. "I've got nothing to lose contrary to you guys. I won't let you risk getting -"
"No, you'll listen to me," Jimin huffed then, getting fed up with Yoongi's stubborness, "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even have something to lose. I owe you and Tae Bella's life and the least I can do is help you help this girl, who you clearly have feelings for."
Yoongi's hand lowered, falling down to his side. He swallowed hard and looked away, not wanting his friends to think they'd owe him anything because they didn't. But deep inside he knew he needed help. He had failed saving Soyeon when it was only twelve men. He definitely wouldn't have a chance if it was more.
His guilty conscious, however, kept telling him to refuse nonetheless. The risk simply being too high.
"You guys don't owe me anything," he mumbled, shaking his head. Jimin simply ignored him, though, and turned around. Beginning walking out of the empty airplane hangar. Making Yoongi huff as he followed.
"You know the moment we step a foot out of Taiwan, pops and his agents will be back on our tail." Contemplation creeping up his voice which Jimin immediately picked up on. Grinning at him with an unimpressed shrug. "So? Wouldn't be the first time. And even if they get us, we'd just escape like we always do."
They made their way out of the field and back to the lonely country road. Yoongi seemingly lost in thoughts as his eyes laid on the ground. And they stopped in front of Jimin's car parked at the entrance.
"Jimin?" he eventually spoke up again. The younger guy hummed with an arched brow as he unlocked his car, sliding onto the driver's seat. Yoongi frowned in concern. "Don't be an idiot. Seriously, it's fine," he tried arguing one last time.
But Jimin only slammed the door shut, starting the motor.
"Can't hear you, the engine is terribly loud!" he yelled purposely loud then through closed windows. Waving at him with a wide mischievious smile before Yoongi could even counter anything else. "See ya!"
And he drove off, calling up the third in the bunch.
It was way past noon when Taehyung's phone rang obnoxiously loud from the far back of the nightstand. For some reason, however, he didn't hear it or at least pretended not to, much to Cassandra's dismay as she got woken up by it on her free day.
Shuffling under his koala grip, which was definitely a nice thing in winter but quite stuffy in summer, she reached out and patted her hand around the nightstand until sensing the device. Accepting the call then in her half-sleepy state with a yawn, pressing it against her ear.
"H- Cas?"
"Huh, yeah. Jimin?" Her mind still too slow from sleep to fully process anything.
"Can I speak to Taehyung for a second."
"You can try," she lightly giggled then and turned around, "I don't know if he'll hear you though." She held the phone onto her husband's ear, soon hearing a deep hum. An indication he wasn't in a complete coma after all.
Her eyes closed and she was about to drift back to sleep when hearing an anew hum of acknowledge, sounding more like a growl this time. His hand grabbed the phone out of hers then as he got stirred up by whatever Jimin told him. Sitting abrubtly up then, the covers sliding off his chest as he rubbed his burning eyes, definitely regretting staying up till 4am with her. She watched his expression hardening and a line appeared between his brows.
"Alright," he eventually nodded and ended the call. Cassandra sitting up as well when seeing him walking away.
"Where're you heading to?"
With raised brows, Taehyung stopped in his tracks and turned around. Seemingly startled as if he'd forgotten about her and only now got reminded of her presence.
Slowly he sat back down, dragging a heavy sigh as an apologetic look softened his features.
"Remember that girl Yoongi brought over?"
Her eyes widened and she swallowed. Already feeling where this was leading to. "I-is she okay?"
"No.. not at all."
They exchanged a look and she could tell by his expression that it was serious.
"Alright, then what are you waiting for?"
"Cas.." He exhaled deeply and reached out to hold her hand, giving it a light squeeze. "If I do this, I'll need to leave the country and you know what that means.." His brows furrowed, giving her a stern look as his hand wrapped around hers tighter. "One word from you and I call it off. You know that. After all, we said we're over this kind of life."
Cassandra fell quiet, drawing her lower lip between her teeth.
The consequences were obvious, she knew them. It was the same ones that had always lingered around them ever since she'd met them in that hospital so many years ago. She knew them, she had always known them. And just like back then, she accepted them.
If they hadn't hindered her from getting involved and eventually falling in love with him, he should've known that they wouldn't be reason enough for her to hold him back now either.
Moreover, a civilian was in danger and Yoongi was their friend. Considering all the times he'd selflessly helped them, it was the least they could do. Especially since Taehyung was obviously willing to help anyway. 
So she nodded, motioning with her chin to the direction of the door. "Go help them."
"You sure?" He still wasn't fully convinced, so she squeezed his hand back and gave him an reassuring smile
"Go. I'll be waiting here like I always do."
"Bella, no!"
"Oh c'mon, Jiminie, don't be such a party pooper," Arabella whined, crossing her arms in front of her like a child. "Let me come with you. Like in the good old days! It'll be fun!" Purposely squeezing her boobs together while giving him the pout and an innocent flutter of eyelashes. It was her go-to move to wrap him around her finger. Jimin knew that move too well and usually he didn't mind it, even allowing her to succeed with it. But not this time.
He looked at her sternly, shaking his head. "Bella, no, it might get dangerous and I don't want you to get in the crossfire," he reasoned with soft worry in his voice, "This is different from our little thefts here and there."
Her expression became sulkier and her eyes fell down at her bump. And for a moment she missed the life she'd had only half a year ago. Before the idiot in front of her had knocked her up.
She looked back at him with an evil eye, before eventually sighing and dropping down on the couch.
"I just feel so.. useless in a way and.. I don't know, boring? I can't do anything adventurous anymore while you still can." This time her pout was genuine as she did indeed feel disappointed and futile. It wasn't like she didn't understand his concerns or that she didn't care for the little human growing inside her, because she already cared for it more than anything, and yet she couldn't help but feel sad about her abruptly having to give up so much.
She was showing her vulnerable side, which was rare so Jimin could tell how it truly affected her. And he felt bad seeing her afflicted expression, taking a seat beside her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders to comfort her.
"Aw, love, I'd love to have you around. You know that," he mirrowed her pout. To which she only snorted, looking away.
"Yeah, sure as if. Bet you're glad about it. You can finally flirt around in peace again without me catching you."
He laughed at her adorable backtalk and grabbed her chin between his fingers, forcing her to look at him. His smile sweet when leaning in.
"I won't, I promise."
Arabella sighed into his kiss, something in his voice and the way his eyes smiled at hers convincing her. Because in the end, he was the only person she'd ever fully trust. So she eventually nodded. 
"Alright.. but I'll tag along the next time!"
"Of course, love!" he chuckled, planting a peck on her cheek before getting his phone out. "And besides, you're never useless.." The photo of a man showing up on the display when unlocking it and he held it up to her with a grin. "..we could use your help on a little background check."
and so the main action begins haha
next chapter: 0.9 here
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It motivates me to keep writing :)
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mono-blogs-art · 7 months
Tsukutabe Vol 3 English Release, A Review!
A few days ago I was finally able to get my hands on the long awaited third volume of the Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna (She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat) manga! Here are some of my thoughts - first, no spoilers, and then under a readmore I'll discuss some specific scenes I really liked.
I was very excited to finally read ahead - since the TV live action adaptation covers the same plot points as the first two volumes of the manga, and since there are basically 0 spoilers floating over from the jp fandom into my periphery, I truly had no idea where it was going. And what can I say but it was an absolute delight.
Like in volume 2, we are keeping a balance of the silly, everyday life of Nomoto & Kasuga and their cooking adventures, interspersed with quite serious, even dark moments in their personal lives. In fact, this volume features probably the darkest scenes in the series yet, more on that in the spoiler section later, but I truly had tears in my eyes for a bit. However I love how the focus when discussing these serious topics is always on the character and their feelings in the moment - how they can recognize what's been in their past, and how they've been able to move on and find happiness again, expressing a desire to do so. They've been hurt in their lives - mostly by their families that they've left behind, or by coworkers and strangers - but they are allowed to work through those feelings, take no shit, and say "No, I deserve better than this." There's also more focus again on LGBT advocacy now, with Nomoto coming out (to herself) at the end of volume 2, we now see her try to get comfortable with the lesbian label and how it affects her. There's also discussion on asexuality and its many shades, which I really appreciated!
The biggest change in volume 3 is the addition of two new characters - Yako-san, one of Nomoto's online friends who starts to become a bigger part of her life when Nomoto starts opening up about her sexuality; and Nagumo Sena, who is their "middle neighbor", the person who moved into the apartment between Nomoto & Kasuga that's been empty for the previous two volumes. Nagumo starts to befriend Kasuga when the two have a run-in. So a lot of the volume we actually see the two new pairs interact, and the focus is away from our main couple for a bit (but not really). Rather than new side characters, Yako and Sena feel more like an extension of the main cast, an extension of their little family, and they are immediately likeable and mash well with the rest. Speaking of family, although it's been a theme before, volume 3 really makes the central theme of "found family" very explicit. And it really warms the heart.
And my favourite part, without giving too much away, Kasuga also again receives chapters with her as the protagonist, rather than having Nomoto be the narrator all the time. This is actually the only thing I really miss in the TV live action, there are only a couple of scenes in there where you can see Kasuga's train of thoughts. The manga gives you much more insight into her inner workings. I'm hoping this will change for season 2 of the show, especially knowing what's in store.
Overall, the third volume brings a lot of fresh turns but stays true to its vibe and feel at heart. And of course it doesn't forget that there's also a love story, with Nomoto & Kasuga inching ever closer to each other. But I think this volume is where the story makes a point to say, Hey, This Isn't A Romance Series - it's a series about healing from past trauma, family, and especially found family, tackling everyday misogyny and homophobia, and all that through the very mundane task of cooking. I can't wait for volume 4 to come out, and season 2 of the live action series of course!!
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The biggest thing I wanted to talk about was the conversation Kasuga has with her father on the phone. It's just so fucked up. We've only seen her family in flashbacks up until now, and reading the conversation between the two of them shows how far Kasuga has come in the 10 years since she's left home. Unlike Nomoto, who has a rocky relationship with her family but still keeps in contact, Kasuga has cut herself completely off since she left, and her views on family are central to her storyline. She wants to eat whatever she likes and not be shamed for it, own the things she wants, live in her own space, work a job that she choses. She wants to be herself.
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At the same time, Kasuga is also the most family-oriented character. She loves to take care of others, make them feel at home and feel included, and she wants others to care for her too, unconditionally. When she thinks about what she values about "family", and the things she desires, there's only one logical conclusion to come to.
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Kasuga's ties to her family also make her the perfect person to bring in Sena to the group. Sena is the total opposite of Kasuga, yet they're able to connect because of their shared traumas connected to food and family. When Kasuga bluntly accepts Sena without a second thought, the two really start to connect and it was just so sweet. Sena's whole backstory really touched me a lot and I definitely cried xD
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These are the main two things I really couldn't wait to talk about!!! I really love Sena a lot and I'm excited to see more of her in the next volume. It's also very funny that it takes her, what, a single evening to immediately get that Nomoto and Kasuga have mutual crushes on each other, lmao.
The other new character, Yako-san, is also really fun. She's the confident, take-no-bullshit counterpart to Nomoto, and she proudly identifies as both a lesbian and asexual. Apart from that, we haven't seen much of her and her backstory yet - I'm hoping there'll be more in the future, especially with her in parallel to the main romance (idk if she's also aromantic, but it might be hinted at already?). I can't wait to see!
Those are some assorted thoughts... I really love this series and I appreciate it for the simple yet concise storytelling, and the love Yuzaki-san puts into her characters. They feel like real people, reflecting real insecurities and problems you'd run into in real life, even when it's exaggerated in a comedic manner. Can't wait to see where it goes next!!
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Hello there 👋
Can you talk about why you feel the way you do about the female bsd characters? (including the female characters you like) and while I don't think the author doesn't know how to write female characters I think the biggest problem with the female characters is that they're underutilized and barely have much screentime ( the most one we saw recently having screentime currently in the manga is teruko)
Hi!! I love you all SO much but seriously I don't have the mental stability to talk about why the bsd female characters are badly written ahah. Here's my best attempt at it:
I hope it's enough for me to say there's a female / male characters proportion of like 1:10, and no female character has any real repercussion on the plot– literally. Besides from Kyouka and Lucy and maybe Yosano? you could hypothetically erease every other female character and... Realistically, nothing would change. That's just how much irrelevant all but three female characters are, and there's already very few compared to the rest of the male cast. The four main / most popular characters are all males. Dazai is openly sexist and it's just kind of there never to be addressed. Akutagawa is repetedly violent with his female coworker and it's treated as a gag (like you DO realize how repulsive it is to write a character who is obsessed with her abuser and never be intentioned to elaborate on that because I guess that's what women are supposed to do according to author? Like. okay). But honestly the main issue for me is how each of them literally gravitates around another male character. God, it's SO annoying. And I mean every single of them!!! Every. single. Every single!!!! I struggle to come up with even one exception to the pattern. Kyouka has Atsushi as her savior, Lucy has Atsushi as her savior, Higuchi is obsessed with Akutagawa, Naomi is obsessed with Jun'ichirou, Gin literally exists because of Akutagawa, Alcott is just there to aid Fitzgerald, Margaret's only role in the story is to save Hawthorne, Elise is just expression of Mori. Teruko is a person in the body of a child who literally drools over her 50-something superior, like we hadn't as a society come to the common agreement that the “not as old as she looks” trope was disgusting pedophilia apologism like ten years ago (but it's okay though, because pedophilia was established to be okay in this manga at like, chapter 15 or something) (is this the good time to bring up that time Aya asked Kunikida out? No? Okay let's just collectively pretend that never happened). Do I need to go on? I haven't read Gaiden, but do I really need to read it to know Tsujimura gravitates around Ayatsuji? Oh wait, I was just remembered about Gaiden's full title: Bungou Stray Dogs Gaiden: Ayatsuji Yukito VS. Kyougoku Natsuhiko, and if that doesn't speak of the consideration author gives their female characters, I don't know what does. It's just– no female character is ever going to have their own novel. No female character is ever going to be protagonist. They'll just keep being treated as they've always been so far, like flat and personality-less disposable plot devices.
Now. I love Yosano's backstory, I really do- I think it was the best executed arc of the manga, reading those two chapter still gives me chills. But you do have to acknowledge, Yosano herself has no agency in the entire arc development. It's okay, she was eleven, it's natural; but she is just tossed one way to the other by other characters. That, and I can't stretch it enough, is not a bad thing on its own; not all stories have to scream #womanpower to be good stories. It's a good story. But you need to acknowledge it does nothing to empower female characters' role in this manga; it just speaks once again of it being a systematic problem, how author can't write female characters like they were masters of their fate if their life depended on it. And it's not that just because there's one (1) mini arc that happens to have a female character as its protagonist, author knows how to write female characters with depth, or agenda, or an objective, or personality, because... They clearly don't.
Like. I probably became annoying by now but like. When was the last time you found any bsd fan whose favorite character was a woman? When was the last time you found people describing themselves as a Lucy kinnie? If you ask me, it's not a matter of fans' fault for overlooking female characters; the female characters in this franchise are meant to be overlooked, because they're abysmally less stretched out and complex compared to their male counterparts– because male characters are distinctive and unique, while author can't go outside the range of one-dimensional femme fatale, letal woman (Yosano, Kouyou, Teruko, Christie, Gin / Lucy / Elise too to an extent) and woman who's just there to obsess over a male character (Alcott, Higuchi). But do not fret, because author will sometimes go outside that scheme by making a letal femme fatale who also obsesses over a male character! (Naomi). Also this
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(Have you ever wondered why I never talk about Beast Gin? Yeah.)
Okay but you see the problem here? You see how it's impossible to make the same kind of argument for the male characters, because they're all diverse and various and multilayered as much as their little screentime allows? Higuchi doesn't exist outside Akutagawa, Lucy doesn't exist outside Atsushi; but it's not like you can say the same goes the other way round. That is, crossing out the various parallels drawn between male characters, but that only speaks more of how precisely curated male characters are, while all female characters... I'll be honest, aren't written as people. Author really sounds like your average Washington Post best selling psychological thriller author of the week that writes women like an alien species from another planet. It would have spared me having been writing this whole post for an hour (two hours? Which is definitely not the time I wanted to spend on this, man) if only author would have formed the thought, at the start of the serialization: “perhaps! Perhaps I should write women as people instead of writing them as female characters (whatever that means)”. Alas, we ended up with the infamous Naomi description from Untold Origins (what the fuck. who in their right mind would ever think of writing something like that. what the fuck.)
Now, I know if you're here reading this you most definitely like bsd. It's okay, really. Unpopular opinion, but people are perfectly allowed to like things that are flawed (and this is a big flaw). What's extremely important, seriously, I'm on my knees begging you, is to be critical of the media you consume. All kinds of media. Even if you end up disagreeing with me on this matter, really!! Just be able to tell apart the things that make appealing a series for you from whatever kind of agenda / worldview the author is pushing through, and peacefully acknowledge you can like something despite it having issues (because bsd has issues). I don't know who needs to hear this, but someone definitely does: “I love s/kk!!” “the bsd storytelling has many compelling aspects!!” and “I recognize the bsd writing has flaws some of which actively harm an already disadvantaged part of society” are statements that can and should coexist, and if anything - and I know you hate to hear this, I'm sorry, I'm sorry - it should be kept in mind when deciding to support the franchise by buying its products.
One final note is that like... I'm sorry if this comes off as pretentious but I seriously feel like people have NO idea what media with well written female characters look like, because for people to even question bsd being sexist is just insane to me (in the way: do we really need to to talk about it, isn't it obvious like ten seconds in the show??). And this is probably the least good place to advertise things, but please do yourself a favor and read The Promised Neverland and learn what well written female characters read like.
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#Me writing this: I guess this is why everyone hates political sciences students uh#Following up: Why Romanticizing Mafia Is Actually Very Bad (no click bait ‼️‼️ )#Also since I brought up tpn: do you really think that it's a coincidence that the manga with incredibly well written female characters–#and a socialist agenda who was in the top ten Japan's yearly best selling franchises for the entirety of its four years serialization–#got an insulting two seasons anime adaptation that completely narrated another story from the manga‚ a live action movie and THAT'S IT#While series like bsd which didn't even enter the top 20 selling franchises like? Ever? are at their tenth year of serialization–#an excellent four seasons (and counting) anime adaptation five spin-off manga one of which has its own anime–#nine novels as many stage plays and two movies? Do you REALLY think it's a coincidence?#anti bsd#For blacklisting purposes ಥ_ಥ#I know there's some people who won't like reading this but let's be honest... That's probably the people that need to read this the most ;;#bsd analysis#Of sorts...#mine#people asks me stuff#This post contains the several reasons why Tumblr can't become like Twitter namely 1) author in question has Twitter#2) Tumblr is anonymous so people can't send me personally death threats#3) It's Tumblr so people won't send me death threats at all (... Hopefully)#Also I'M SO SORRY I know I have dms pending I'm just the worst at answering them 😭😭😭#I swear I'll do my best to get to them eventually ;;;;;;
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 75... You have been warned...! 👌
[Breathes in............. 😤]
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(This gif perfectly describes how I feel after reading this chapter... So let's talk about it...!)
The chapter begins with Anya, Becky, Bill, and Damian each getting a Stella Star (as they should...! 😤):
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And at first, I was like: "Is Endo really just gonna skip the direct aftermath of the hijacking...?" 🤔 But then, a few pages later, we get exactly that!! 😄
One by one, everyone's parents came to pick them up (we even got a small glimpse at Ewen's mom and Emile's dad...! 😁) And then, it was just Damian and Anya...
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Which honestly hurt my heart a little seeing Anya looking into the distance like that... 😢
Then, we get one of (in my opinion) the most sweetest / wholesome moments between Anya and Damian...!! 💗😊💗
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DAMIAN EVEN CALLED ANYA HIS FRIEND...!!! 💗😆💗😆💗(Which he retracted soon after...!! 😁)
But then, Damian says this...:
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(I swear...!! If the Forgers don't take Damian in, me and rest of the fandom will gladly adopt this boy...!!! 😤)
After that, Yor finally showed up to get Anya, which led to THIS:
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She really tried to play it off like she wasn't scared... 😢 Oh, Anya...! 💔😭💔
Then, we got the first big surprise of the chapter...:
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TWILIGHT ACTUALLY SHOWED UP...!!! 😲 (And I'm happy about it!! 😊)
But that wasn't the only surprise...:
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Melinda Desmond actually showed up!! 👀
And because of Anya, we finally got to see her inner thoughts...:
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And that was Mission 75, and it blew me out of the water...!!! 😵 I've said it a bunch before, and I'll say it again... Endo can always find a way to surprise me and keep me guessing...!! 😊 AND I LOVE THAT!!! 😁👍
As for where things will go from hear, I couldn't tell ya...! 😅 But what I do know is that Anya knows something's not right with Melinda now, and I wonder what she's gonna do with that information...? 🤔 Only time will tell...!! (Also, I wonder if Twilight was informed about the situation or if he heard about it a different way... 🤔)
Anyway, I had a great time with chapter, and I hope that y'all did too...!! 😊 So until next time, I see you all in the next Mission...!! Take care everyone...!! 👋😁
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