#now i want to make an account for the bad batcher
luminalightsverse · 1 year
Me not so long ago: I have way to many accounts and this is getting too much for me. I really have to reduce my accounts...
Also Me: *planing new rp accounts because why not*
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dystopicjumpsuit · 7 months
Hi DJ! (Main account to @starstofillmydream here!) For the Bad Batch asks: 13, 20, and 21!
Hi Molly!!! Ooooh, these are great ones; thank you for asking!
13. Which Batcher would you have crushed on in high school? (Not who you’re crushing on now, unless you genuinely believe your tastes in men are the same)
In high school, I think I would have crushed on fratboy!Hunter (as opposed to dad!Hunter), but because I desperately wanted to seem Edgy and Unique™, I would have pretended to hate him and would have antagonized him nonstop. He would have been totally clueless, too, like, "WTF did I ever do to deserve this?" I would have gone to prom with Crosshair and been miserable just to prove a point. (Crosshair would have refused to dance and sat in the corner smoking and making fun of the popular kids all night. I just want ONE kriffing dance, Crosshair, is that too much to ask?!)
20. Which Batcher has the ‘weirdest’ taste in music?
Omega. She's still in her "exploring everything" phase, and my god, if Hunter has to listen to one more Herglic rage-metal song, he is going to lose his Maker-forsaken mind.
21. Which Batcher is the best cook?
NOT HUNTER. With his enhanced senses, that man has never met a seasoning or condiment that he didn't hate. He's a super-taster, and everything he tastes is either too bitter, too spicy, too salty, too sour, or too strong. His food is bland AF.
For who is actually best? Possibly unpopular opinion, but I think Wrecker would approach cooking with the same joie de vivre that he does everything else. I think he'd have an adventurous palette and a natural curiosity that would make him eager to explore new flavors and techniques. I also think that his incredible time management and fine motor skills (the ones he developed to disarm sensitive explosive devices in a hurry) would mean his knife skills would be top-tier, and he would never burn anything. Downsides: I think that sometimes his flavor combinations would be a little too adventurous and might end up being revolting.
And just for fun: Tech wants to cook because he loves the idea of molecular gastronomy, but he makes a huge mess and doesn't clean as he works, so he undermines himself. Echo is picky AF. Crosshair knows how to make killer scrambled eggs, and that is IT. Omega is Wrecker's sous-chef, and some of the wildest flavor combos are her idea.
Send me a Bad Batch ask!
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For The Love Of Soup: An Untold CT Story
Hello there friends!
What started out as just a fun tik tok has turned into a full-blown hyper-fixation with the clone now known as "Soups." If you don't know who this man is, he is an unidentified clone in The Bad Batch from the cafeteria scene in episode 1. During this scene he is shown making fun of our Bad Batchers (yes he has issues don't come for me), but it is clear that this man was also INSANELY excited to eat his soup - because of this, me and countless others have decided that this lil copy and paste boy must be protected at all costs. 
In a result from that tik tok video, this lovely individual Matt left a comment saying "every day I hope for a soup clone spin off where he defects and opens a soup shop on a nice remote planet." This comment opened the door to my wildly unstable imagination and I have took it upon myself to bring Soups' story to life. I am actually going to take this fic very seriously since our boy Soups deserves it. I want to make this story as close to canon as possible, so I am currently taking my time (and by that I mean I am in a state of manic) researching, world and character building. 
If I have a good time making this fic, and people enjoy it, I will probably turn it into a series and make little stories for a whole bunch of our favourite random clones. 
If you want to read it on AO3 here's the link
And if you wanted to check out the tik tok my account is _.thegeneral._
Stay safe out there ya'll!
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