#a genius that needs help
i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
Julian and Keiko headcanons because Keiko gets sidelined so much and deserves the world and I wish we got to see them interact more
when they get stumped on their respective projects, they'll do late night work sessions together and bounce their research off each other to see if the other can help them figure out where the problem is. they'll do this in person when theyre both on the station, but also over call if one of them is away, and after the O'Briens move back to Earth
they edit each other's papers (Keiko marvels at Julian's ability to spell out complex chemical compounds with his eyes closed, and somehow use 'their' instead of 'there') (in his defense he wrote that bit at 4 in the morning after going 2 straight days without sleep) (she threatens to sedate him)
Julian sometimes brings back plants from planets they explore in the Gamma Quadrant and gives them to Keiko. sometimes he does it because the plant has medicinal properties and the two of them can do a joint research project, but most of the time he does it just to give her a nice gift
when Miles goes away for particularly dangerous missions, Julian will keep Keiko company and help keep her mind off of it. sometimes she has trouble sleeping because shes so worried, so he'll hang around and start rambling on about whatever he's currently working on until she falls asleep. he jokes he's boring her to sleep, but it actually means a lot to her
they have a weekly tea date. this is their prime gossip time. sometimes Jadzia is invited
when Keiko's mad at Miles she'll rant to Julian about it. Julian learned very quickly that this is not a time where advice is wanted, so he sits back and lets her get it all off her chest, because she really just wants someone to listen and let her blow off some steam
Julian makes a concentrated effort to learn more about plant husbandry and care after the incident where he accidentally killed some of Keiko's prized plants because he actually does feel very bad about it
Julian hovered over Keiko nearly as bad as Miles did when she was pregnant with Kirayoshi (and then he hovered over her even more after the pregnancy transfer, and he wouldnt tell anybody why, but Keiko knew it was because nearly losing her shook him up pretty bad)
when Julian gets outed for being augmented, Keiko goes to him and gives him the tightest, warmest hug he's ever gotten in his entire life
Julian gets invited to girls nights with Keiko and Molly (steady surgeon's hands make him the best one to paint nails) (he pretends to complain but he loves it)
anytime Julian has to go away for a scientific conference of any kind, if he gets to bring someone with him, his first choice is always Keiko
in short: theyre besties they told me so themselves <3
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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Contest | Inktobertale
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curi0uscreature · 2 months
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* Thinking about this line again and it’s actually so hilarious. Why did they bet over possibly dying
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godbirdart · 8 days
me: oh yeah i'm so big brained i'm a master at computers [literally just uninstalled/reinstalled a driver that hiccuped]
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paintb0x · 6 months
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god knows how many feelings I FEEL listening to this track (imagining aemond ofc)
it inspired me for this one drawing, i tried to capture ma boy in the moment of despair + i feel like rain adds quite drama vibes too, so hell yeah
try not to cry challenge, because my eyes literally became freaking waterfall while i was drawing and listening and imagining and FEELING..,,oohh my heart,,
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ideas-4-stories · 9 months
The headcanon where Buggy's crew is very loyal and an actual found family crew is a fun idea that I love. Doing things that they know will make happy because it's not out of fear, just because they want to see him happy and stop being angry about the past. Them doing what they think is best for Buggy and just doing what he says.
But then we have the Cross Guild where Buggy is getting beaten by Crocodile and Mihawk, maybe every day. So my mind came to the conclusion that Buggy told Cabaji, Mohji, Alvida, and Galdino not to do anything about what they see Mihawk and Crocodile does him.
To act like they don't care, in which they actually do (or at least Cabaji, Mohji, and Richie do) I do see them helping him the best they can when those two are out of sight.
Now goanna cry somewhere from this
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cha-lii · 20 days
am i the only one who sympathises with carmy and doesn’t want people to shout at him this season? (which is not the same as condoning his actions so don’t attack me)
the man needs help not more people telling him how wrong and shit and neurotic he’s being - he clearly tells himself those that 24/7 what good is everyone else telling him that going to do?
i personally really hope he reconnects with claire bc she has so much patience and love and actually listens and talks to him in an honest but uplifting way. while syd (not attacking here) has way more difficulty, like carmen, in saying things directly and the way they need to be said. i feel the same way about sydcarm as i do about zutara - top tier friendship, damaging af romance, they just clash too much
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jojococomo · 1 year
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[Before Law can get a word in edgewise explaining how he would rather not. Luffy's gone in a whirlwind. Or a typhoon. Any natural disaster that left the land devastated in its wake. Law is left standing in the middle of the cafe, clutching his phone as the door slams shut behind Luffy, the bell ringing his exit. 
Law slumps into his stool, suddenly exhausted. 
“Sorry about him.” Nami says sliding into the seat that Luffy just vacated, “He’s like that. Once he takes a shine to you, that’s it. He’s all in. He has no care about whether you want to be his friend or not.”
“We’re not friends.” Law mutters. Nojiko snorts into the mug she’s drying, “I barely know him.”
“I’ve been friends with him for years and I barely know him.” Nami responds with a shrug, “That’s just Luffy. Count your blessings that he likes you. People he doesn’t like usually get punched in the face.”]
I should be working, but today brain bad. Here's a peek into my LawLu hospital AU that is never going to see the light of day because i'm a BAD person who can't finish things.
#LawLu#One Piece#jojomakesart#jojowritesfic#monkey d. luffy#trafalgar d. water law#Law is a ER surgeon who specializes in cardiothoracic trauma#Luffy is a firefighter who is surprisingly good at their job#the first drawing has some of my favorite little detail work#also Cora is ALIVE in this AU because I want him to be an embarrassing dad#Ace is NOT alive because I need that good good angst#Sabo is and he's feral#Zoro owns a dojo called Santoryuu that Luffy trains at#Nami is a weather girl for the local news station#Robin is a archeology professor who also has a shady past in espionage#Franky is a engineer that specializes in ship building (and also likes to make wild and outlandish treehouses in his spare time)#Usopp is a biochem major who also spray paints murals into parking garages at night#Brook is an 80 year old musician that is surprising spry but cannot help making the 'when I die...' jokes at every opportunity he can#Sanji obviously is at the Baratie but he also does DRAG because he likes to wear dresses DAMMIT#A list of fun easter eggs because tumblr does not want people to see my genius#1. Law's Coffee Cup is from Camie's the local coffee shop and art house that services the greater area of the Grand Line.#It has Hachi on the logo a la starbucks#2. Nurses station- Kaya as a oncology doctor and Conis as a triage nurse. They gossip a lot and Law does not GOSSIP#but he does#3. CP9- Going to visit Rob Lucci#4. Room sign- 2Y3D#I imagine the hospital is set up not unlike the mangroves in Sabody#5. Reallllly tiny can't see it but the exit sign has Bon Clay on it#6. Patient File- Whitebeard's Law's patient
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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flamestar126 · 4 months
Someone has a crush 😗
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yurislilygarden · 2 months
Oh boy, you've done it now. You've hit me with ✨️inspiration✨️ so now I must write, you've been warned.
Emily: I don't see why there couldn't be another God. Maybe the Lord created them! Gave himself a brother, or sister? It sounds pretty lonely being the only one of your kind...
Adam *stops sipping on his drink*: Like a pantheon? Nah. Can't see G doing that.
Sera: Emily, I know you are young and it might seem hard to understand have great our Lords powers are, even now, I too can find it almost impossible to believe too.
Sera *behind Readers view butterfly, cupping here hands gently around the wings as much as possible*: A piece of our Lord has returned to us, he has come to observe us and it isn't our place to question his motives or judge the form he takes.
Emily: But-
Adam: Listen Em, the big G does this kinda stuff some time. He just checks in through a beam of light, or on a divine chariot or appears as a burning bush, says hi and then checks out again, used to do it all the time. And yeah, sure, they don't sound like how he normally does but like, this is God we're talking about, can change his voice at will.
Emily: BUT-
Sera *gently petting Emily's head: See Emily? Our Lord may work in ways we may never understand, he may have bestowed on us knowledge and awareness that may seem too vast to comprehended, but I assure you that he is doing it all for our own well-being.
Emily: ... Okay.
Emily: Hey, Adam was built in the Lords image, right?
Adam: That's right, Em! I'm might not look exactly like the big G but he got all the important parts right atleast. *nudges Emily with his elbow before going back to sipping his drink*
Emily: Then... Whose image was Lillith built in?
*A few seconds of silence passed*
Sera *putting a hand over her mouth*: ...
Adam *dropping his drink in shock*: Oh. Fuck.
Anon can I just say... YOU'RE A FUCKING GENIUS I LOVE YOU /P
I have been blessed with a beautiful idea that I shall use in the future😌
This has actually genuinely saved me as I didn't have any real idea of how would I make them think that reader could be God's sibling where it also would make sense. The idea of Emily introducing the idea to these two is so real actually. Although I do think it would take a little bit more to convince Sera, in particular, to be 100% on the idea, she would be on board with Emily's idea soon after😭
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lasymit · 5 months
Do you remember this moment in Hollow Mind when Philip says "this thing was a thorn in my side for years" about palismen monster? Why everybody do think this "years" was about his whole life? Like do you really expect the most powerfull person on the Boiling Isles be so helpless? Couldn't he do this already by himself? Maybe even a few times? It makes no sense, if he never tried this option or, if tried, never succeed. He is a fucking genius, he invented quantum physics, two teenagers couldn't be his only solution. He had 400 years to find out, how to manage this problem. So I think he actually did eliminate palismen monsters few times, and then, as he ate more palismen, new monster appeared. The one we saw in the show was just the last one
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oldtestleper · 5 months
geniuslyrics should have an option to challenge other contributors to a real life bare handed fight to the death
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kozmicmizuu · 6 months
ok- soooo… my brain thought of smth a tiny bit fucked but the i remembered this is kny and atla so it’s ok to be fucked. so, in the series water benders are like- not really in the war, but they were basically taken from the south tribe for war reasons. the angst in my brain is that the southern tribe in this au is where urokodaki would train all of this students (yes, the past dead ones are alive in this) and then the demons attacked (they’re basically the fire nation in this).
(also in this au in my take (you can see how you’d like) the demons aren’t really demons. they’re human, but they use this fucked up branch or rather a “weed” of the breath-bending that’s the equivalent of dark magic basically.)
they just took everyone with no remorse for anything, and then they found out that water’s conductive. sooooo- torture via electricity was used to make the water benders weapons of war!!! yay!!
giyuu was considered one of the best in the small tribe (i think between him, sabito, and makomo, giyuu was the one to completely master water breathing and well- survived canon). shock collars were obviously used- cause this is demons we’re talking about.
giyuu and basically all of the tribe were just abused for years (lets use giyuu’s age as a reference). the tribe was taken when giyuu was 8- the controlling and abuse didn’t stop until giyuu was 19. basically instead of him finding tanjiro, tanjiro found him.
you can only imagine how just aggressive giyuu was, a major contrast to his usual calm and stoic personality. tanjiro probably couldn’t even get close without giyuu being violent so he called for backup from the corps/friends. let’s say that sanemi and shinobu and kyojuro were sent there (sanemi was there in case of a fight.) to say that giyuu’s condition was worrying would be an understatement.
literally every single water breather was fucked- they needed the moon for spiritual healing but we’re never given the chance to see it for god knows how long, barely any food or water. kyojuro probably threw up when he saw kids in there. sanemi was just pissed about this, a whole ass tribe was ignored by the world. also don’t worry, literally no one is dead from the water tribe. but idk of that’s a good thing tbh….
it took them literally forever to get giyuu to trust them, like trying to tame a wild animal. but the simplest thing is what got literally the whole tribe to trust them, the promise of seeing the moon and sea again. tanjiro was just happy to see the southern tribe from the stories, but so sad that they were like this for 11 years. the moment they even opened the door for the tribe- it was literally like setting caged birds free. though urokodaki was the one who told the four, “thank you” and followed his students into the beach on a full moon.
also the shock collars took some time to remove, no one really sat still at all, or some stood unnervingly still. shinobu knew that it would them literal years to recover from all of that trauma, potentially a whole lifetime. kyojuro probably sobbed his sweet little heart out when he saw them so happy on the beach (emotional bitch), sanemi was still fuming, mf was READY to put an end to this war. he just imagined genya in this situation and was like “no i im not letting this slide” and proceeded to sink the entire fleet that did this to the tribe (W sanemi).
sighhhh this thought happens from remembering the episode of when katara found another water bender from the southern tribe (holy fuck i can’t remember the name) and she ended up being fucked in the head after all.
so, does that mean giyuu can be feral and deranged when he’s completely ticked off?? yes, more feral giyuu content for the starving people. he’d be so much more intense with any threat (maybe like when azula was going a bit silly) but after the threat is gone he’s just “woopsie daisies my bad yall”
they ended up taking the tribe to the corps and basically giving them a safe place to heal and relax. gyomei ended up being good friends with a lot of them because water benders are very sweet to him and the kids thought he was cool (a little scary at first). giyuu, bless his soul, was found by tengen immediately. mf knew he HAD to befriend this guy, sabito wasn’t having it tho so know there’s sabito and tengen beef.
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk about this fucked up lil thing… i’m not okay because i started typing this out at 8 in the morning…
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Ok, I may have started writing a plan for books 3+ of MaM
if I can find a way to contact them that is
which I haven’t
like they don’t have any link social media accounts or anyway to contact them via DM or discord so…
and I doubt they check tumbler or any sub-reddits or anything.
as they stopped writing primarily due to their mental health and pressure surrounding the fic
anyway I won’t post anything UNTIL I know FOR SURE that they CANT/DO NOT WISH to be contacted about MaM or anything
anyway just keeping y’all updated (I’m so sorry I think the AuDHD is taking over I couldn’t stop if I wanted to 😭���😭)
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