#now ideally the coffee cooperates....
colloquialcolors · 2 years
me, a fool who is subject to a bit of russian roulette every time i drink coffee as to whether or not a wave of anxiety will upend me and fuck me up for a bit, odds worsened if I'm already stressed: well, looks like itll be a late night trying to get something done for work before morning, im a litle tired, lets have some insta coffee! this will not backfire.
me, still a fool, 30 minutes later, vibrating slightly: hmmmmmmmmmmm i cant believe this may have backfired.
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So what about a genius hero x street smart villain, maybe hero is a little awkward from being in the lab all the time but villain makes up for it by being able to pick up on hero’s body language? Kinda alone the lines of “they didn’t correct you to insult you, they were trying to be helpful”?
"Can you walk?"
"Y-yes, of course," the hero answered. But the villain wasn't fooled that easily. Obviously, they noticed the white-knuckled grip and the pale face. They noticed the unsteady gaze and the shaking hand. The five coffee mugs.
"I didn't bring you here to work yourself to death," the villain said. they crossed their arms in front of their chest, attempting to sound soothing.
It could be quite challenging to guess the hero's feelings. Kidnapping someone to work for them wasn't exactly...a promise for good cooperation. It wasn't ideal either but the villain barely knew what an Erlenmeyer flask was and they really needed the hero to research the disease.
"Being careless could cost you your life. This is pretty dangerous. If this virus can kill people with superpowers, I don't want to know what it can do to us."
"The average human immune system can destroy the virus, don't worry," the hero said. They closed their eyes and took in a deep breath. "People with superpowers are flawed, though. Their bodies need to come up with a lot of energy to conjure superpowers. Specialized cells create a nearly independent system on their own. But, you know, some parts of the body - of the vessel - don't get as much energy as they need. Organs are important, so...immune system it is. That's why a bunch of kids with superpowers die. There is barely any information on it yet, though."
"Do you need more...specimen?"
"No. No, I..." The hero pressed a palm against their temple. They looked angry, they looked frustrated. The villain supposed not getting proper sleep for days was an explanation for that.
"Okay, that's enough, I think."
"I am fine," the hero insisted.
"You are not fine." The villain took a step towards them. "I know you are working on this so you can find a way to kill supervillains, not superheroes. But right now the only person you are close to killing is yourself."
"What would you know about my work? I am fine, I am doing amazing."
The villain reached out to touch the hero's shoulder but the hero slapped their hand away weakly.
They knew the hero wasn't...particularly good with other people. Especially, when it came to work. For the most part, the villain understood why but they could barely understand why they insisted on working hard enough to forget basic self-care. It seemed like brilliance demanded stubborness.
"You're right. I don't know much about your work, but I do know a lot about behaviour. And your behaviour is unacceptable."
"Unacceptable? How dare-"
The villain grabbed their chin, shutting up the hero. They took a step forward, forcing the hero to press their lower back into the table.
The proximity surprised even the villain - they hadn't realised the hero was this close to the table.
And this close to the villain.
"Alright, listen," the villain said. Their voice was dangerously low. "Right now, I am your boss and you will do as I say. If I tell you to rest, you will rest. If I tell you to eat, you will eat. I don't care if you want to work 20 hours a day or if you want to finish one more test. I decide how much you work, got it?"
The villain's fingers dug into the hero's cheeks softly and they smiled when the hero frowned at that.
"You don't want me to start threatening you, do you?"
The hero rolled their eyes and then they just stared at the villain. Stared with those curious and tired eyes, as of if the villain was another experiment they were interested in.
"You're actually quite adorable," the villain said. They squeezed the hero's cheeks again for good measure. "You can have my bed."
The villain let go of them and the hero blinked a few times. A soft blush decorated their face. And for some strange reason, the villain felt really warm and...satisfied inside.
"What about you?" the hero asked.
"I will take the couch."
"Absolutely not. Do you know how many bacteria colonies are on a couch?" They turned away from the villain and slowly started cleaning their workplace with shaky hands.
"Believe me, I will survive."
"Fine." The hero shrugged. "Your funeral."
"You're making this up, aren't ya?" The hero turned towards the villain again and even their ears had turned red.
"Do I look like I would lie about that sort of stuff?" they asked but they didn't meet the villain's eyes. It was quite funny but the villain didn't know if it was supposed to be a joke.
Usually, the hero only acted sassy when someone criticised their work, when they got annoyed or when they got embarrassed.
The villain guessed the latter was happening.
But whatever was the catalyst, it seemed like the hero was willing to rest and that was all the villain truly wanted.
"Ah, screw it." The villain waved with their hand, still smiling. "My bed is big enough for two, anyway."
"It, uh, better be."
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logical--dreamer · 2 years
Filling Empty Space - Logical--Dreamer
"There once was a time when she appreciated living alone in her apartment.
She could read and meditate on what she read without interruption. She could focus on her studies and allow her mind to focus on…well, brains. She could practice her harp without worrying about bothering anyone. She could....sit in the darkness for hours, wishing she had a friend.
But honestly, the highlight of living alone was that she no longer had to share a living space with her overbearing and overcritical mother.
She might not have had a social life, but at least she was free.
Or, well..she thought she was until the silence became too loud, and the overwhelming loneliness hit her like an ocean wave.
She had accepted her fate of being alone. No friends, no boyfriend. After all, why would anyone want to fill the space of her apartment?
She was different, and different was bad.
Different got stood up by her cousin for Prom. Different made-up miniature horse breeders to get their families off their backs when it comes to dating. Different makes deals with their mother about going on a date once a year. Different got trapped in a sauna with a Horny Otter.
She was fine.
Sad, but fine.
But then the ding to the dating website her Aunt sent her went off, and there he was. Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
She could remember the first time she saw his face in the picture on his profile. The icy stare sent shivers down her spine.
She didn't know what to expect when he agreed to meet for coffee. Would he be like any other man? Or would he be different too?
When they finally met in person, she didn't know what to think of him or how he made her feel.
He wasn't different. He was special.
It scared her.
After so long of being alone, finally, there was someone to fill the void. Finally, she had a friend.
But what if she ruins it? What if she shows too much of herself and scares him away just like everyone else?
She was disappointed but also relieved when he suggested a relationship of the mind. She can keep her friend but hold him at a distance.
When he started to encourage in-person meetings, she was in full panic. What do friends do together? What if she gets to know him better, and it ruins what they have? What if he gets to know her and ends up hating her?
She allowed them to step closer, but she kept up her walls. Whenever he seemed to reach out to her, to form a closer bond, she shot it down.
She wasn't ready.
When he terminated their relationship, she was sad but not surprised. What did surprise her was how he reacted to her being gone. It fascinated her.
Could someone actually like her company so much that it drove them to the point of buying a clowder of cats in hopes of replacing her in their lives?
For the first time, she felt wanted and realized she didn't want to be alone in her apartment anymore.
She wanted to slay the dragon of loneliness and force it out of her life. She wanted friends, and she wanted love, and she wanted freedom from the cage of her design. And now that she had a taste, she was desperate for more.
She wanted to be like girls in movies and have a best friend she could go to whenever she needed comfort or a laugh. A friend she could count on. She wanted a friend that would understand her in a way Sheldon couldn't. She wanted a Bestie.
She didn't know many girls, but Penny and Bernadette had seemed like the ideal candidates. Both are different in their own ways but full of potential.
Also, they were in her new social group, meaning they would be forced to spend time with her.
She knew that, at first, things were awkward between the three of them. She tried very hard to make them like her. She was desperate to make them like her. She was ready to change anything about herself, so they accepted her into their lives.
Well, nearly anything. She refused to give up her best feature: her brain.
She might not have been Penny attractive, but her brain made up for what she lacked in the outer beauty department.
So using her brain, she started an experiment on how to gain a best friend.
At first, she studied their behavior…how do her new friends "tick?"
Second, she evaluated the data to figure out who her best "match" would be.
Turns out, the knockout that is Penny was perfect for the role of BFF.
Next, she started to mimic their behavior. She started drinking, talking about coitus and blindly followed whatever the two blondes wanted.
She craved the attention they gave her, and their companionship overwhelmed her almost as much as Sheldon's did.
She opened herself up to the feelings and the experiences and ate up all the attention she was deprived of as a child. For the first time, she wasn't alone anymore, and never would she have to sit in an empty apartment again."
How naive was she?
She closed the tab that contained her blog with a huff and took a sip of wine straight from the bottle.
She thought the loneliness was gone, locked up tight in a room in her head where it would never bother her again. But here she was on a Friday night, completely alone.
She leaned back on her couch and pulled her blanket tight around her shoulders.
She knew her friends had lives outside of her, and she shouldn't expect them to include her in every little thing they did…but…
She let out a groan and took another sip of her drink.
How pathetic was she?
Once upon a time, she could fill her time with many things that didn't involve others. Now here she was, sulking.
She was a strong and independent woman who was a respected scientist in her field. She didn't need a pretty blonde and Bernadette to tell her what to do.
She rechecked her phone just in case they texted.
Nope. Nothing.
She sighed.
She didn't need them to have fun anyways.
She sent Sheldon a quick text to see what he was up to, only to frown. He was busy too. It was Friday. Vintage video game night and probably a movie with the guys.
She tossed her phone on the table with a huff. He was probably going to watch some cheap science fiction again. Trek Wars or whatever it was called.
She took a sip of her wine and let out a sigh.
Star Wars.
She didn't know why she pretended not to know. After all, her father was a huge fan of it when she was growing up.
She looked at the bottle in her hand with a frown. Penny didn't like it, so she acted like she knew nothing about it. Thinking about it, she pretended a lot when she was around Penny.
She set the bottle on the coffee table and brought her knees to her chest.
Had her desperation for friends caused her to lose a part of herself along the way?
Who was Amy Farrah Fowler?
She closed her eyes as the voice in her head whispered replies to her question.
She covered her ears with her hands as she curled up more on the couch. No. No. She would not let her alone time be ruined by the very thing she was most proud of.
She just needed to fill the emptiness, and she needed to drown out her thoughts.
She turned on her tv and scrolled through Netflix, looking for a distraction. Nothing with friendship, nothing with romance, and nothing depressing.
She didn't need reminders of what she was trying to distract from.
She paused on a show and stared at it with curiosity.
Sheldon uses science fiction to escape from the world…if she gave it a fair chance, could it do the same for her?
She clicked on the first episode and tilted her head with surprise as a quote appeared.
"Great leaders inspire greatness in others." She read out loud before nodding, "I suppose…."
She listened as the narrator caught her up on the start of the episode, and though it was a bit childish, she found herself enjoying the animated show.
She had heard Sheldon talk about it a few times and how great it was.
"It helps you tie the franchise together nicely," Sheldon told her during one of their date nights, "though the order is atrocious. I am so glad the official star wars website put a chronological order."
She picked up her computer and pulled up the list.
If she wanted the full experience, she wanted to do it right.
She spent the whole night jumping seasons and watching arc after arc, completely lost in the world of a galactic war.
It had what she expected. Men with powers fighting with glow sticks. But it also got deep into the politics of war.
She grew to care for the clones and the Jedi that she had never spared a second thought for. Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Obi-Wan…so many characters that she grew to love in a single night. They filled the space and fought the loneliness…they were her friends.
Is this why Sheldon watched these movies? Did they take him to another world, away from the stress and confusion of day-to-day life?
She was about to start another episode when an unexpected knock sounded on her door.
"Knock knock knock, Amy."
"Knock, knock, knock. Amy."
"Knock, knock, knock, Amy."
Amy looked at the screen with longing before forcing herself to turn it off and walk to the door.
"Sheldon?" She asked in confusion; she looked at the man at her door at…she looked down at her watch, after midnight? Had she really been watching that show for almost 6 hours?
"Thank the lord!" The Texan exclaimed, relief washing over his face at the sight of her, "Are you alright?"
His eyes went down her body, searching for any injury.
Usually, she would make a joke about him checking her out, but after the evening she had, she was just not in the mood.
"Sheldon, what are you doing here?"
"You missed our scheduled Skype meeting and didn't reply to any of my text messages, emails, DMs, Facebook messager, Twitter-" he started to list off all the ways he tried to contact her.
"Oh," she replied with a slight frown, "I didn't realize I had missed it…I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?" He crossed his arms, "Amy, I was worried sick."
"You were?" She asked in surprise, "I thought you were busy tonight?"
"Yes, I was. It's vintage video game night, but you know I scheduled it around our nightly conversation." He frowned, "I feared the bobcat returned to your neighborhood."
"Oh." She mumbled again, "well, I'm fine." She tried to reassure him.
"You're fine?" He repeated, "Fine? You violated the Relationship agreement!" He pushed past her into her apartment, "Neither Boyfriend nor Girlfriend may miss their nightly Skype chat without a 4-hour notice ahead of time." He quoted and crossed his arms, "the only time where the notice is not needed is if you are sick, out of town, working on a breakthrough that may give you a Nobel, or if you are in a dangerous situation…like being attacked by a bobcat."
"I had to make sure you were okay. As the boyfriend, it is my responsibility to check up on you and demand an explanation."
She sat on her couch with an annoyed huff, "Sheldon."
He paused in his rant and looked over the scene. Amy is sitting on the couch, eyes red, face flushed, a wine bottle without a glass to be seen…
"You missed my call to drink?" He exclaimed and snatched the bottle up, and held it up, "I told you drinking alcohol was a bad idea. I blame Penny! If she hadn't dove in like a seagull and snatched you away like a 6-year-old's hotdog, you-"
Amy rubbed her head and interrupted him with a loud sigh, "Look, I'm sorry I missed the call…I was distracted by something. Can we put a pin in the lecture for later?"
"Oh, you would love that!" He started to pace, "if we procrastinate one lecture, soon all the lectures will be put on hold, and what kind of world do we live in if there are no lectures?"
Amy watched him from her spot on the couch, "Did Leonard drive you?"
Frustrated, Sheldon aggressively pulled on his pants, "Bus Pants!"
"I see."
After a moment, Sheldon sat on the couch next to her and let out a sigh.
"Amy...why were you distracted?"
She looked at her boyfriend and nibbled on her bottom lip, "I was Lonely."
He blinked, "really?"
"Yeah," she looked down at her lap, "Penny is at work, Bernadette is with her mom, and you and the rest of the group were busy…."
"You know, Vantage video game night is extended to anyone interested," Sheldon said, biting his lip.
"And have Raj mad at me? Being yelled at for ruining a video game day once was enough for me." She pulled the blanket more around her and let out another sigh.
Sheldon raised his hand and lowered it a few times, unsure of what to do in this situation. He decided to pat her back gently, "Amy, it doesn't matter who is with me…you are always invited,"
"Really?" She looked at him with hope,
"Of course," he smiled at her, "I like spending time with you, and you always seem to make things more fun."
"You think I'm fun?"
"Well, yeah," he shrugged, "I'm not the only fun one in fun with flags,"
She smiled at him, "Thank you, Sheldon."
"Are you still lonely?"
She thought about it for a moment and realized that no. She wasn't.
Maybe after all this time chasing Penny, trying to make her like her, she neglected the very first friend she had. The most important one she had and the one she loved most.
"It's you, " she whispered in realization,
Sheldon blinked in confusion, "Uh, yes…it's me…are you sick?" He pulled his shirt up over his nose, "you said you were fine!"
"No, no!" She waved her hand, "I mean…I never realized it…but you are the chosen one. You're Anakin! You bring balance to my life and are meant to stifle the dark side that tries to consume my thoughts."
Sheldon blinked, "Was that a star wars reference?"
"You hold onto friends by keeping your heart a little softer than your head." She quoted, watching Sheldon's eyes widen in surprise.
"Are you quoting Star Wars: The Clone Wars?" He asked her, causing her to nod.
"That's why I missed our call...I was watching it on Netflix." She admitted, "I was trying to fill the emptiness by losing myself in another world."
"Oh," He looked at the blank screen of her TV and then back at her, "you know…there is a way to make it up to me for making me worried that I came here at this time of night."
She tilted her head in confusion, "how?"
"Watching clone wars together."
"Really?" She smiled shyly, "I'd like that,"
"Good," he nodded as he watched her load the next episode on her screen, "Amy, what are you trying to pull?"
She looked at him in confusion.
"Start with Cat and Mouse," he shook his head as he stood up, "Silly lump of Wool,"
"But that's the first episode," Amy watched him walk to her kitchen and start making tea for the two of them.
"Yes, I know." He looked at her, "we are in for a long night, Amy Farrah Fowler," he shook his head, "and don't think that you are getting away with watching one of my favorite shows without me. I swear, what am I going to do with you?" He set her tea on the coffee table next to his as he sat next to her, "and really, Amy? Comparing me to Anakin? Do you really think Darth Vader will stifle the Dark Side?" He snorted and patted her shoulder, "you have much to learn, my young Padawan."
"I guess you're right, but he did bring balance in the end, right?" She asked him with a tilt of her head.
He looked at her, "Amy Farrah Fowler, you Vixen,"
'what-ooof!" Amy's question died on her tongue when a pair of lips covered hers in a quick, chaste kiss.
He pulled away and looked at the screen as if nothing had happened, "Now, hop to it. Clone Wars isn't watching itself,"
Amy looked at her boyfriend with a big smile and hit play. As the two relaxed on the couch, Sheldon's shoulder became her pillow without either really realizing it. The empty space in her apartment was filled by the man she loved.
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lilyvandersteen · 1 year
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Home Away From Home Chapter 4: Big Plans
Chapter summary:
Blaine turns industrial buildings into a leisure centre, gets into trouble but is saved by a knight in shining fashionable waistcoat.
Many thanks to my beta @hkvoyage!
You can also read this story on AO3.
Chapter 4: Big Plans
So far, Blaine had only focussed on the hotel and had kept the industrial buildings Cooper had also bought at the back of his mind.
Clearly, the hotel was Cooper’s priority. He hadn’t even mentioned the rest.
And seeing as the hotel licence was in jeopardy, it only made sense to deal with that issue first.
Still, whenever Blaine had a spare moment, he ran the matter over in his mind, trying to find the ideal use for the abandoned factories.
Most of the ideas he came up with were better suited to a smaller property, though.
It wasn’t until Blaine met up with a few Dalton friends for coffee at the Lima Bean that he got an idea that would work.
For that, he had David to thank.
David’s elder brother was getting married (“More fool him!” said David), and David had been appointed as best man and had to organise the bachelor party.
“And now Colleen says he isn’t to have any strippers, and he isn’t to get drunk the night before the wedding. And you just know Jim is going to stick to that, he’s so whipped! But then what do I come up with that’s still FUN?”
Blaine cocked his head to the side. “Didn’t Jim room with Nick at one point? Bit of a prankster, wasn’t he?”
“Yep, that’s where Nick and Jeff learned it all,” Wes grinned.
“That was before he met Colleen and became boring,” David sighed, looking gloomy. “If that ever happens to me, get me away from that woman before I turn into a pod person, all right?”
Blaine patted him on the back. “We will, man, that’s a promise. And I may have an idea for your bachelor party.”
“All right, hit me with it.”
“I’d start with a laser-shooting session,” Blaine suggested. “Jim used to have a team he went laser-shooting with, right? Every week or every two weeks?”
“Yep, that’s right. Though I don’t think he does that anymore. Colleen won’t let him. Still, it’s a great idea. And then?”
“Does he still like escape rooms?” Blaine asked.
“Oh yeah. But we’ve done all escape room activities in the area already. I’d have to find a new place.”
“We’ll find you a new place,” Blaine promised. “And then you end the night by going bouldering, and afterwards having wings and beer at a sports bar. He can have a few beers, right? He won’t get drunk off that.”
“True, true… Thanks, man! You’ll help me find an escape room Jim hasn’t already done?”
Blaine rubbed his chin, thinking hard. “Tell you what, I’ll MAKE you a new escape room! And the rest of it, too. A bouldering hall, a laser-shooting hall, a place to chill out and have wings and beer… In those factory buildings Cooper bought in Lima. They’re certainly big enough. When’s the bachelor party supposed to be?”
“In five weeks,” David answered. “Can you do all that in five weeks?”
Blaine shrugged. “With a little help from my friends.”
David grinned and started to sing. “What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?”
They all joined in for the chorus, and then laughed.
“We’ve still got it,” Wes said.
“Yeah, we do!”
“I’ve got to go,” David said after checking his watch. “Blaine, you’ll keep me posted? And let me know if you need help.”
The other Warblers promised their help as well, and on that note, they left.
Now that Blaine knew what to do with the industrial buildings, he needed to go check them out as soon as possible, and with the escape room in mind, he contacted Nick and Jeff to come with him.
What he hadn’t counted on was Jeff’s car having trouble, so that Saturday morning, instead of getting on with things, he stood in an auto shop waiting for one of the mechanics to become available.
He hoped they wouldn’t lose too much time. If they only had five weeks, he wanted to get cracking.
His gaze swept around the place idly, and then froze.
Was that…? It couldn’t be. Could it?
His feet took him closer of their own accord, and Blaine gasped.
Was that really Inspector Hummel, working on a car with some other guy and looking like a wet dream come true in well-worn coveralls with the sleeves turned up? Would you look at those arms, yum…
As in a dream, he watched the man work for a while. He seemed to be teaching a newbie, showing him what to do and then letting him try it.
Blaine saw him slide under the car with practised ease, admiring the long lean lines of him.
He still wasn’t sure it was the inspector, though. The auto shop was called Hummel Tires and Lube, so maybe he had a brother?
Hesitantly, he asked, “Inspector Hummel?” and then winced when he heard the man thump his head into the car.
Oops. Might have waited until he’d come from under the car.
No wonder that Inspector Hummel sounded irritated when he asked Blaine what he needed.
And of course that was the exact moment Nick and Jeff turned up to make matters worse, teasing Blaine for staring at the inspector. How could he help it? The guy was gorgeous, all right?! And now Jeff’s teasing actually made the inspector grin, and wow, what a sight!
It took Blaine a while to retrieve his tongue from where he’d swallowed it, and even then, his brain was too scrambled by the sexy guy in front of him to string sentences together, so Jeff had to take over.
Slowly, Blaine’s heart rate went down again, and he became aware of Inspector Hummel talking to him. Asking him if he planned on buying more hotels. What?
Oh, right, because Jeff had mentioned the buildings they were going to look at. Better explain.
When Blaine mentioned the abandoned factories, though, Inspector Hummel frowned and told him it might be dangerous to go check out the buildings without taking reinforcements along to deal with the squatters. He suggested Puck and his brother.
Blaine fell in with the suggestion and excused himself to call Puck and ask if he was available.
Thankfully, he was, and his brother Jake too.
Once the car was fixed, all five of them headed to the industrial buildings, while Puck filled them in on the people who lived there.
“Well, the ones I know are people who don’t live by society’s rules, really. Never have. In high school, they were the Skanks. Skipped class more than they went to class. Spent their time smoking under the bleachers. You don’t want to get on their bad side. Zizes is a champion wrestler.”
When they arrived, Blaine got out the keychain Smythe had given him, but Puck just rolled his eyes and headed to a spot where the wire netting had been cut. “Through here.”
The lock on the heavy metal doors of the first building was hanging open, and all they had to do was push the doors to get in.
“Hey girls, it’s me!” Puck yelled.
Blaine glanced around. The TL lights on the ceiling didn’t all work anymore, but there was enough light to see everything. And what he saw looked amazing.
“Look, they’ve made a parkour and skate park with the old factory equipment. This is awesome! Look at those ramps and pipes!”
Jake flashed Blaine a grin, produced a skateboard from somewhere and started to do tricks on the pipes.
When Jake rejoined them, Blaine clapped him on the shoulder. “Brilliant, man! You’re so good!”
“Hey Puck,” a lazy voice drawled behind them. “Brought us some puppies to play with, I see?”
Blaine turned around and saw a pretty brunette sizing him up. She was flanked by two other girls, and a third hung back behind them.
“Hey babe,” Puck grinned. “You know Jake, right? And this is Blaine, I work with him, and his friends Jeff and Nick.”
The brunette lit a cigarette and blew the smoke into Blaine’s face. It made him cough, and she laughed.
Puck rolled his eyes at her. “Mack, be nice. Guys, meet Mack, Sheila, Ronnie and Zizes.”
The girl called Zizes came closer, scowling at Puck.
“Blaine? Isn’t that the guy from the hotel? He’s here to tell us all to leave, is he? Well, we won’t. And if he tries to make us, I’ll break him in half!”
She crossed her arms and glared at Blaine. “I can, you know. I’m a wrestler. A good one.”
Blaine grinned at her. “A champion, Puck says. Congrats!”
“So what are your plans with our home, puppy?” Mack wanted to know. Her voice had somewhat sharpened, and her eyes had narrowed to slits.
“This skate park is perfect,” Blaine told her. “Oh, and is that graffiti over there? Can I take a look?”
Mack laughed. “Be my guest. Don’t ruin any of it, though, or Matt and Kai will have your head!”
Blaine went to check out the graffiti on the walls. It wasn’t just random tags. No. Whoever had made these detailed and colourful drawings was a true artist.
“This is beautiful,” he sighed, running a finger over a portrait of a cat so lifelike it seemed on the verge of jumping out of the wall.
“It’s graffiti,” Nick shrugged.
“It’s ART, you heathen,” Blaine protested. “Put this in a gallery and millionaires will pay through the nose for it!”
“You think?” a deep voice behind him asked.
Blaine turned around and saw a muscled Black man and a wiry Asian guy.
“Yes,” Blaine answered. “If you make me a small version of that portrait on a canvas, I’ll ask Trent to get it into a gallery.”
The Asian guy chuckled. “As if Matt has money to buy fancy art supplies.”
Blaine shrugged. “Fine. I’ll get you a canvas. Or a couple of them.”
“For me too?” asked the Asian guy.
“Why not? Which of the paintings are yours?”
After a tour of all the graffiti paintings in the building, with a full explanation by the artists of what they were portraying and why, everyone came along with Puck and Blaine to go check out the rest of the buildings.
There were no beautiful graffiti paintings there, nor any factory equipment that had been given a new implementation. They were just big empty buildings, with plenty of room for any of Blaine’s plans. He saw a few mattresses and sleeping bags lying around, and looked for their owners, but Matt said, “The guys living here work during the day. They’re only here at night.”
Once they’d seen the whole property, Mack asked again, “So, what are your plans?”
So Blaine told everyone about the paradise for bachelor parties and team building events he meant to turn the buildings into.
“And in the afternoon, after school hours, the activities here can be offered to middle and high school students, free of charge. We need to train up the next generation, don’t we? And keep them out of trouble. I remember that my boxing lessons did wonders for me.”
Blaine saw Kai and Matt nod, and grinned at them.
“Your building is perfect as is, for graffiti and parkour initiations. We won’t let anyone ruin your wonderful art, obviously, but it can serve as an inspiration, and we’ll set up big plywood boards for people to practise on.”
“And you’ll throw us out to sleep out on the street again, huh?” Zizes growled at him.
Blaine shook his head. “I have an acquaintance who makes custom tiny houses on wheels. I’d have to take exact measurements, but I believe there’s room enough to put two tiny houses in your building without crowding things, each of them housing four of you, and you could live in them with a lot more comfort than you have now. Of course, if you’d rather rent a regular house somewhere, I will help you with that too.”
“Why would you do that for us?” Mack wanted to know.
“Well, I’m counting on employing you. Matt and Kai as teachers for the graffiti initiations, and maybe the parkour ones too? And you, Zizes, could give wrestling lessons. You’ll have to help me out as to what’s needed for that. I’ve only ever taken up boxing, not wrestling.”
“Colton boxes,” Kai volunteered. “He’s one of the people staying in the biggest building. And I do taekwondo.”
“Brilliant,” said Blaine.
“For parkour, you’re gonna need Ronnie here, and her boyfriend Connor.”
Blaine jotted that all down on his phone, then said, “All right, that’s a great start. Now, in the biggest building, I want to create a bouldering and sport climbing hall, ‘cause it has the highest ceilings, and I want a sports bar there as well. So I’m gonna need bartenders and instructors for the bouldering and climbing.”
Mack grinned at him. “I’ll be a bartender. You too, won’t you, Sheila?”
Sheila scowled. “I have a criminal record for vandalism and stealing. I’m sure Mr. Squeaky Clean won’t want me working here.”
“Oh yes, I do,” said Blaine. “I believe in second chances. If you want in, Sheila, you’re in.”
She gave him a piercing look, and then a sharp nod. “I’m in.”
“Good. Welcome aboard.”
Blaine then explained about the escape room and virtual reality activities he envisioned in the third building. “That’s what I brought Nick and Jeff for. They can come up with fun themes and scenarios.”
Jeff pretended to take a hat off his head and bowed.
“And in the last building, we’ll have laser shooting and maybe paintball shooting, too.”
Mack put her hands on her hips. “Won’t you need all kinds of permits and stuff? And will we really be allowed to live here? I mean… Legally?”
Blaine smiled confidently. “You leave all that to me. I’ll sort things out with the mayor. He won’t kick up a fuss about anything, I promise. I’ll call and schedule an appointment with him as soon as possible.”
If there was one thing Blaine’s parents had taught him, it was how to speak and behave like a politician.
From a young age, he’d been brought along to all sorts of official events and had learned not just how to network and schmooze, but more importantly, how to assess people in just a few minutes’ conversation so as to be able to spin the message he wanted to bring in a way that would garner their support.
Little wonder then that the meeting with the local and regional politicians ended up a resounding success.
It took Blaine less than ten minutes to get a read on Lima’s mayor.
The derelict and unused factory buildings were a thorn in his eye? Blaine would spruce them up and turn it into THE place to be for adventurous rich thirty-somethings.
Worried about the homeless, jobless, delinquents and drug addicts? Blaine would give them homes and jobs and turn them into model tax-paying citizens.
Wanting to keep youngsters from disappearing to big cities? Let’s give them all kinds of fun stuff to do outside of school hours to keep them out of trouble and to grow roots here in Lima.
By the time Blaine was done talking, the politicians were like wax in his hands, only too happy to help him in any way he liked. They promised to get him the building permits he needed, and he’d also receive subsidies for the youth programme he’d presented to them.
Having received official permission to start on the renovations already, Blaine contacted Monique to tell her about his new plans.
As he had expected, she balked at the cost of this ambitious project (“So much to buy and install! And I shudder to think of the insurance premiums you’ll have to pay!”), but she did admit that it was a great idea to entice people to come to Lima, of all places. And she applauded the initiative he’d shown in contacting the mayor and even securing subsidies.
“If you can pull this off, you’ll make money like water. But, Blaine, you’ll need a top-notch marketing team to turn Lima into a hotspot for thrill-seekers. That will cost you a packet, too. Wouldn’t it be better to focus on the hotel first?”
Then, when Blaine explained about David’s brother wanting a cool bachelor party, she hummed thoughtfully. “All Dalton alumni, I take it, the people coming to this party? That will be good advertising for your new project, if they like the activities you come up with for them. All right, sweetie, you tell me what I can do to help make this happen.”
After discussing all the practicalities with Monique, Blaine spent the rest of the day with Jeff and Nick, brainstorming about possible escape room activities.
When they’d decided on a Jungle Room, a Spooky Boarding School Room and an Escape the Mafia Room, and sketched it all out, Jeff told Blaine he wanted to go out dancing to unwind.
“There’s a gay bar here called Scandals, we can go check it out!”
Blaine tagged along with Nick and Jeff, but was far from impressed with Scandals. It looked seedy at best, and the patrons of the bar were old and unattractive.
“Good thing I’ve already got my man,” Jeff whispered, and Nick grinned at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“Let’s dance,” said Blaine.
The sooner Jeff started dancing, the sooner they’d be able to leave, right? And unlike the rest of the bar experience, the music was not a let-down. They were playing Katy Perry!
For a while, the three friends had the dance floor to themselves. Then the crowd started to migrate from the bar stools to the dance floor, and Blaine felt bodies move sinuously against his.
When he got a little too hot and uncomfortable, he nudged Jeff and Nick and told them he needed a drink. “You want something to drink too?”
Jeff shook his head. “Maybe later.”
Blaine paid the barman, installed himself on a bar stool and took a long drink from his glass.
Aaah, that’s better!
“Well, if it isn’t Baby Anderson!” a voice slurred next to him.
Blaine turned his head and saw Smythe.
Ugh, what’s he doing here?
“Looking for a hook-up, are you?” Smythe continued, bending towards Blaine and then almost falling off his bar stool.
Clearly, he’d had quite a few drinks already.
Blaine held his hands out to stop him from face-planting, but Smythe didn’t so much as notice, focused as he was on picking Blaine up.
“No need to look any further, I’m the hottest guy in this place,” Smythe boasted. “Come, I’ll show you where to go!”
Smythe made to grab Blaine, but Blaine quickly moved out of the way.
“No, thank you. My friends and I are just here to dance.”
Smythe quirked an eyebrow. “Ooooh, dancing! I’m a great dancer, let’s dance together.”
Blaine smiled politely. “I wanted a bit of a rest, really, and a drink, because I’m parched.”
“Well, then, drink up, and when you’re done, we’ll dance together.”
Smythe waggled his eyebrows, and Blaine understood that Smythe meant to dry-hump more than dance.
Ugh. I’ll take as long as I can with my drink, and I hope Jeff and Nick will arrive in the meantime and then he’ll switch to another victim.
He took a tiny sip of his drink.
“How’s the hotel, by the way?” Smythe asked, smirking. “I bet you wish your brother had never bought it, right?”
Blaine put his poker face on. “Not at all. I’m quite enjoying running it.”
Smythe looked surprised and none too pleased. “You’re still in business? I should have known those inspectors wouldn’t close the hotel down. Empty threats. Might have swung it another few years.”
Blaine struggled to hide his anger. This was clear proof that Smythe had sold the hotel to Cooper to get rid of it because he was going to lose his licence.
He didn’t reply. Let Smythe think whatever he wanted.
Come on, Jeff and Nick, get over here!
But they were lost in one another there on the dance floor. Nick had his head in the crook of Jeff’s neck, and Jeff’s hands were in the back pockets of Nick’s jeans, gently kneading. They slowly revolved, not noticing anything or anyone around them.
Blaine found himself smiling, and wishing, as always, that one day he’d have a love like that too.
“Friends of yours?” Smythe asked, following Blaine’s gaze.
Blaine sipped his drink again to avoid talking to the guy, and looked at the other dancers.
One of them moved with such effortless grace that Blaine instantly wanted to hop off his stool and join him.
And then the guy turned around, and Blaine was thunderstruck.
Inspector Hummel! Dancing with abandon, his eyes closed and a dreamy smile on his face. Wow, what a sight!
Look at those hips move!
Without even thinking about it, Blaine drained his drink and headed straight for the dance floor, drawn like a magnet by the mesmerising moves of his by now favourite inspector.
He just wanted to be closer, because this show was not to be missed.
Though he had a writhing mass of people around him, he focussed on one person only, and for a while, it seemed like they were in a bubble of their own.
The bubble snapped when Smythe’s voice broke through it. “Let’s dance, killer!”
Smythe pulled Blaine against him, plastering his front against Blaine’s back, and started to grind up on him.
Blaine pushed him away, but the sudden movement made him dizzy, and he stumbled and fell.
It took some effort to get up again, and he realised the wooziness was getting worse instead of better.
What was the matter with him? He’d only drunk one light beer, and he’d eaten a filling meal before he came to the bar, so why did he feel like he’d been binge-drinking?
“Hey… Are you okay, man?” a kindly voice asked.
Blaine looked up at the man and woah, that made his head whirl again, and his vision got kind of blurry.
“He’ll be fine once he gets some fresh air,” Smythe said. “Come on, let’s get you outside.”
Blaine felt himself being tugged away, but the air didn’t become fresher. Quite on the contrary. With every dragging step he took, the smell of urine became stronger.
And then their progress halted, and Blaine sagged against the wall, his eyes drooping, wincing at loud voices close to him that hurt his head. He felt nauseous. Why did he feel so sick off just one beer?
There was a loud crack and a bang, and then all was quiet again.
Not for long, though.
An insistent whisper made Blaine struggle to open his eyes and focus.
Pretty eyes. Such pretty eyes. Blue and grey and green and gold, swirling, swirling, swirling… What was that? Jeff? Jeff wanted to dance. Why didn’t I stay with him and Nick? Yes, yes. Take me to Jeff.
He felt a hand slip into his, and again he was being led somewhere, but this time, he didn’t feel the slightest apprehension, only blind trust and a sense of rightness. As if this was a hand that had always been meant to hold his.
The place he was taken to now was hot and noisy and crowded. Loud beats throbbed through the air, and Blaine felt his head pound to the rhythm.
He felt the comforting hand slip from his and let out a squeak of protest –
No, don’t leave me, stay with me so I feel safe
– but then, though his view was blurred, he saw a tuft of blonde hair and he heard Jeff’s voice, and he knew everything would be okay.
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weaselle · 2 years
thoughts on a theme on a scene on a dialogue too fast!
to write it is to halt its flow, sitting here with a blank document open i’m overwhelmed by a three-trilogy, nine book series worth of socio-economic /socio-political explorations set in a sci-fi fantasy crossover universe. Like, i’d have to commit to writing at least two hours a day most days of the week to .. hm, actually.
now i want to sculpt the bone creatures my grandmother haunts me about
what i really want is like, the mad-scientist’s-lab version of a creative space
with like paints and clay and 3D printers and tools and musical instruments and recording booths and microphones and cameras and computers and a stage and circus gear and props and costumes and a green-screen room, a big kitchen and a workshop.
Like, a really nice gym but for creativity instead of fitness.
Because if i had access to that (and a budget of some kind) i could jump in and stay in, just do it as i feel it, wake up like:
 “i want... toys, i want to film like dinosaurs and cars in a pre-history to far-future City of Alltimes we make as a setting for some stop-motion shit. Okay we’ve done some of that i want to make a song, hold on, let me write lyrics to a song about that, cool, okay now let’s pick a vibe to build on and get some music going, this is going to become a music video featuring the dinosaur and car stuff we were doing, I think it’s going to be an awesome part of the choose your own adventure video tree i just thought of...”
oh yeah, “we were doing”, because in my fantasies about this it’s always with a group or a team of some kind
The dream is, we all wake up and have a nice breakfast and morning time, some of us eating together, some doing quiet solitary dawn greeting or whatever; anything each person likes (ideally there’s, like, a sauna and hot tub and viewing lounge with a nice view and a coffee station. Hey, if i’m dreaming, might a well dream big)
And then after our morning routines, we congregate in the creation lab
First I ask if there is anything the group wants to do, like if people sort of “song? anybody feel like songs” “how about a cooking video?” “i kind of want to do something in the workshop today” “yeah, let’s build something” “that sounds nice let’s do things with tools” “yeah building stuff” 
okay so it sounds like a lot of us want to build something in the shop, let’s do that, any ideas on what we should build
 Or maybe someone has a specific thing they have an idea for, a mural or something, and everybody else gets hype about it.
But then, for times when people were willing to create but didn’t have a specific idea, i would be there, with my ten latest greatest ideas and we could pick one to sort of let me conduct it like an orchestra meets mad-science experiment.
Anyway, the entire dream is that, but expanding the projects from purely creative to also include things like creating programs to help local homeless people, and looking at school charters and social messaging and local political projects that could help the next generation get the education they will actually need to accomplish what humans need to get done for ourselves sooner rather than later, in terms of turning climate collapse and politico-economic corruption into global peace and world-wide sustainable prosperity.
And maybe running a couple home businesses to fund it all.
So just, a tight crew, facilities, a budget, and getting up every day and making something happen that we want to happen, because no matter what that thing is, it’s going to happen faster and bigger and better with a highly-cooperative group than with individuals. 
and that’s how i want to live.
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noisycowboyglitter · 28 days
Planning Your Visit to Coeur d’Alene, AK: Essential Tips and Tricks
Cooper Landing, Alaska, is a picturesque community nestled in the heart of the Kenai Peninsula. This small, unincorporated town is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities, making it a popular destination for tourists and adventure seekers.
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Situated at the confluence of the Kenai and Russian Rivers, Cooper Landing is a paradise for fishing enthusiasts. The area is world-famous for its salmon runs, particularly sockeye and silver salmon, attracting anglers from across the globe. The crystal-clear waters also offer excellent opportunities for trout fishing.
The town is surrounded by the stunning Chugach National Forest, providing endless possibilities for hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing. Visitors can often spot bears, moose, and eagles in their natural habitat. The nearby Kenai Lake, with its turquoise waters, is perfect for boating, kayaking, and scenic photography.
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Cooper Landing's rich history dates back to the gold rush era, and remnants of this past can be explored at local museums and historical sites. Despite its popularity, the town has maintained its rustic charm, with a small population and limited commercial development.
Accommodation options range from cozy lodges and bed and breakfasts to campgrounds, catering to various preferences and budgets. Cooper Landing serves as an ideal base for exploring the wider Kenai Peninsula, offering a true Alaskan wilderness experience.
Fishing in Alaska is an unparalleled experience that draws anglers from around the world. The state's vast wilderness and pristine waters offer some of the best fishing opportunities on the planet. From the mighty king salmon runs to monster halibut in coastal waters, Alaska's diverse fisheries cater to all preferences. Iconic spots like the Kenai River and Bristol Bay are renowned for their abundant salmon populations. Inland lakes and streams teem with arctic
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grayling, rainbow trout, and Dolly Varden. Fishing in Alaska isn't just about the catch; it's about immersing oneself in breathtaking scenery, where snow-capped mountains and lush forests provide a stunning backdrop. Whether you're fly fishing in remote streams, ice fishing on frozen lakes, or deep-sea fishing in the Gulf of Alaska, the state offers a fishing adventure like no other.
Fishing themed gifts cater to anglers of all levels, combining practicality with a touch of humor and personalization. Popular options include customized tackle boxes, funny fishing t-shirts, and decorative wall art featuring fishing motifs. Practical gifts like multi-tool fishing pliers, waterproof gear bags, or fishing-themed bottle openers are always appreciated. For a personal touch, consider engraved fishing lures or custom-made rods. Novelty items such as
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fishing-themed coffee mugs, calendar planners, or bobber-shaped floating keychains add a fun element. These gifts not only celebrate the recipient's passion for fishing but also provide useful tools or memorable keepsakes for their angling adventures.
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Fitspresso Reviews (User Warning) Effective Weight Loss Method or Risky Side Effects?
How Does the Fitspresso Coffee Reviews Work?
FitSpresso espresso is the ideal espresso hack equation for easily getting thinner. The equation's parts advance cell reinforcements while expanding energy and digestion, controlling appetite and desires that can lose slims down, and expanding the body's capacity to consume fat.
FitSpresso weight reduction equation utilizes home grown extraction power in a contemporary, helpful pill to assist with making weight reduction more reasonable, despite the fact that a decent eating regimen and a functioning way of life are as yet significant.
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With regards to the lives that Fitspresso has changed, the tributes represent themselves. Incalculable people have encountered exceptional outcomes with this enhancement, shedding undesirable pounds and accomplishing their weight reduction objectives. Fitspresso has turned into an encouraging sign for the people who have battled for quite a long time to find an answer that really works. The strong mix of fixings in Fitspresso works synergistically to help digestion, smother hunger, and backing fat consuming, prompting quicker and more reasonable weight reduction.
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To genuinely see the value in the adequacy of Fitspresso in speeding up weight reduction, understanding its perplexing useful mechanism is significant. This supplement uses an intricate interaction that objectives different parts of the body's digestion, prompting improved fat-consuming and quicker weight reduction.
The mysterious behind the viability of Fitspresso lies in its one of a kind detailing. Every component is painstakingly chosen to cooperate synergistically, making a strong mix that expands weight reduction potential. By focusing on various pathways in the body, Fitspresso conveys complete help for your weight reduction objectives.
Basically, Fitspresso's practical system is the consequence of its insightfully created plan. By joining intentional fixings, it focuses on numerous parts of weight reduction, including digestion, hunger concealment, and fat consuming. Through the propensity for adding Fitspresso to your day to day refreshment, you tap into its maximum capacity, upgrading the adequacy of your number one beverage and making weight reduction both feasible and agreeable.
In reality as we know it where time is a valuable ware and weight reduction arrangements are bountiful yet frequently deceptive, Fitspresso Reviews remains as a reference point of genuineness and viability. The excursion towards a better, more slender self can be mind boggling, however Fitspresso improves on it by offering an all encompassing methodology that lines up with current ways of life. Its cautiously organized equation, containing deductively upheld fixings that are as of now referenced in this Fitspresso survey, says a lot about its obligation to both viability and security.
By focusing on the body's normal metabolic window, Fitspresso takes advantage of a domain of maintainable fat consuming without turning above and beyond. The scope of advantages it offers goes past simple weight reduction; it cultivates a complete feeling of prosperity, incorporating energy levels, concentration, processing, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Fitspresso's accentuation on continuous, solid weight reduction forestalls the traps of crash consumes less calories and guarantees getting through results.
As you leave on your excursion with Fitspresso, recall that accomplishing and keeping up with your ideal weight is an organization between an enhancement and your devotion to a fair way of life. This combination of science and taking care of oneself, epitomized inside Fitspresso Weight Loss, enables you to assume responsibility for your prosperity and step unhesitatingly toward your objectives. In a scene where the charm of handy solutions frequently eclipses certifiable prosperity, Fitspresso remains as a demonstration of the way that reasonable, comprehensive changes are without a doubt reachable.
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healthytips93 · 10 months
"Mastering Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Guide to Key Factors for Lasting Results"
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I. Presentation
Heftiness has turned into a worldwide wellbeing worry, with its related endangers influencing a great many lives. The excursion to weight reduction is many times complex, impacted by a horde of variables. In this complete aide, we will dive into the critical powerhouses of weight reduction, giving experiences and techniques to assist people with accomplishing their objectives. Go here to get a natural nutritional supplements for weight loss.♥
II. Digestion and Energy Equilibrium
The body's digestion assumes a urgent part in weight the board. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the energy consumed very still, and understanding its elements is critical. Factors like age, orientation, and hereditary qualities fundamentally influence digestion. Accomplishing weight reduction includes finding some kind of harmony in energy utilization and use, making energy balance a foundation simultaneously.
III. Nourishment and Diet
Caloric admission and the nature of the eating regimen are key to weight the board. A reasonable eating regimen, wealthy in entire food varieties, gives fundamental supplements while supporting weight reduction. This segment will investigate different weight control plans, from conventional ways to deal with moving ones, revealing insight into their adequacy and manageability.
IV. Actual work
Practice is a strong device for weight reduction. Various types of actual work offer extraordinary advantages, and making a custom-made exercise routine is fundamental. From cardiovascular activities to strength preparing, understanding the different parts of actual work is urgent for a comprehensive weight reduction approach.
V. Chemicals and Weight Guideline
Chemicals assume an essential part in directing hunger and digestion. Insulin, leptin, and ghrelin are central members in this unpredictable framework. Procedures to adjust chemicals normally will be talked about, giving important bits of knowledge into improving hormonal capability for viable weight the board.
VI. Conduct Variables
Stress, rest, and emotional wellness can fundamentally influence weight. This part will investigate the interconnectedness of these elements, offering commonsense tips for pressure the board, further developing rest quality, and taking on careful eating rehearses. Social adjustment methods will engage people to make feasible way of life changes.
VII. Natural and Financial Elements
The climate and financial variables add to way of life decisions that impact weight. Investigating what local area assets and admittance to good food can mean for weight reduction endeavors will reveal insight into the significance of considering more extensive context oriented components in individual weight reduction ventures.
VIII. Ailments and Prescriptions
Certain ailments and prescriptions might present difficulties to weight reduction. Understanding these variables is pivotal for creating customized weight reduction plans. Cooperation among people and medical care experts is vital to exploring these difficulties actually.
IX. Customized Ways to deal with Weight reduction
Perceiving that a one-size-fits-all approach may not be viable, this part underlines the significance of customized weight reduction plans. Fitting systems in light of individual inclinations, way of life, and medical issue guarantees a more manageable and effective weight reduction venture.
X. End
All in all, opening weight reduction includes a multi-layered approach. By getting it and tending to the key impacting factors, people can leave on an excursion towards supportable and powerful weight the board. Engaged with information and systems, now is the ideal time to assume responsibility and accomplish the ideal wellbeing and health objectives.
For those of you trying to lose weight, I can introduce "Green Coffee 5K", the only natural and safest product on the market that contains 100% green coffee extract. With this product you can quickly get a slim and attractive body without unnecessary dieting or excessive exercise. It also controls aging and preserves your beauty forever. Grab this "Green Coffee 5K" today and go here to make your dream come true.
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halaluia · 2 years
Coworking Office Space Available For Rent In Dhaka
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Coworking Office Space Available For Rent In DhakaA coworking workplace is like a shared park for business people. People from all sectors and backgrounds come together in this vibrant and adaptable environment to work, network, and develop. Imagine walking into a vibrant, exciting workplace where productivity and creativity are encouraged. You have access to a variety of workplaces, including private offices and communal desks, all of which are furnished with the newest amenities and technology. However, the community at a coworking space is what makes it unique.
What Sort Of Business Needs Coworking Office Space?Small startups to established businesses of all sizes can benefit from coworking office spaces. Small businesses and independent contractors may profit from the adaptable and affordable workplace options, access to meeting spaces, and chances for professional networking and cooperation in the same location. 
1. Co-working spaces can be used by established businesses to provide remote or flexible work arrangements, giving staff members an alternative to traditional office space for smaller satellite offices. 
2. Co-working office spaces always provide businesses a dynamic and adaptable workspace option that can support their growth.
How Flexibility Is Created Through Coworking?One of the qualities that employers respect the most in today's workforce is adaptability. Businesses must be able to adapt how, where, and when work is done without compromising effectiveness or quality. This flexibility is provided by coworking spaces, enabling a bigger section of the workforce to respond to shifting demands. As an alternative to a typical workplace, businesses are understanding the value of coworking in empowering their employees.
5 Key Facilities  During Working Inside A Coworking Space 1. Cost-effectiveness: With possibilities for short- and long-term leases and a range of various workplace alternatives to pick from, coworking spaces frequently provide flexible and affordable solutions for businesses.
2. Networking opportunities: Coworking spaces offer a social and collaborative atmosphere where workers from all backgrounds and sectors can connect, exchange ideas, and create new connections.
3. Improved work-life balance: Coworking spaces provide flexible work options and a caring community, assisting staff in establishing a better work-life balance and enhancing their general wellbeing.
4. Increased productivity: Coworking spaces give employees access to a variety of office alternatives and contemporary amenities, creating a relaxing yet exciting setting that may increase attention and productivity.
5. Refreshment And Kitchen: A coworking space includes a functioning kitchenette to the standard office features. A good cup of coffee should also be included. In this manner, you may take advantage of your coffee break while also unwinding in a welcoming setting.
Available Component Provided At Our Coworking Office 1.Super-Fast Internet 2.Continual Refreshment 3.Standard Meeting room 4.Comfortable Desk Service 5.Separate USB & Electricity Ports 6.Printing ,Scanning , Photocopying 7.Lockable Storage Spaces & Cabinets 8.24 Hours Security, Friendly Environment
Check Out Our Best Coworking Spaces In Dhaka Feel free to discuss your demands with our professionals whether you need coworking office spaces, address conference rooms, or any other virtual linked services if you own a business and are seeking for the ideal coworking space. Our skilled professionals will work with you to meet the demands of your business. So get in touch with us straight now.
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quixoticrealty · 2 years
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NEW LISTING! $3750 monthly 2500sf! 735 S Los Angeles St! PICS SHOW SPACE BEFORE PREVIOUS TENANT MOVED IN. WALLS & CEILINGS ARE NOW BLACK ALONG WITH OTHER CHANGES. Ground floor creative work space with an INDUSTRIAL LOOK for lease! Located just two blocks away from the Cooper Building and close to the Cal Mart (Adidas Corp offices), and a block away from Civil Coffee Cafe, and Sonoratown! This space is ideal for fashion/clothing companies; but tech, media, film/tv, lawyers, accountants and you name it are welcome to use this space for office use! Previous tenant was a HOOKAH LOUNGE. The space has EXPOSED CEILINGS along with POLISHED CEMENT FLOORING and common area KITCHENETTE as well as two common area restrooms. This space has a 2ND FLOOR MEZZANINE/LOFT. Call/text 213-304-4727 realestateLA.com Lic01753250 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnmz5iiO-JW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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camelotresort6 · 2 years
Best resorts in Munnar for honeymoon
There are many waterfalls around the Camelot Resort , which is a delight for the guests who come to celebrate Christmas.Nature walks, trekking are the things that make Camelot the best unforgettable memories this Christmas. For entertainment, we arrange table tennis, football, chess, carroms for kids, and Christmas celebrations with campfires to brighten up the night. We serve a variety of delicious Christmas dishes for our guests.
The resort has comfortable rooms, and having a perfect view of the hill makes Camelot one of the top resorts in Munnar . It is a pleasure to watch the sunrise and the tea estates, coffee, cardamom, and pepper plantations surrounding the Camelot resort in Munnar. From this spot, we can see Kannimala, Rajamala, Kallar, Nallathani, Nyamakad, Vagavarai, Silent Valley, Parvathy, and Lekshmi. This view of Anamudi, the highest peak in South India, brings warmth to our eyes. Munnar is famous for its tea plantations, especially the plantations surrounding the Camelot resort. There are several waterfalls around Camelot resort. It is also a pleasure to watch the guests. The Camelot staff are very cooperative, and their service is appreciated.
This is one of the best resorts in Munnar for spending Christmas holidays.Spend your vacation with your family at Camelot resort .The hilltop view of Munnar is breathtaking, making it an ideal destination for an intimate Christmas getaway. Also, arrange outdoor activities together for some uninterrupted time.Camelot provides the most unforgettable memories and a campfire to make the night beautiful.
We provide a variety of delicious dishes for the guests. So, our other specialty here is the use of fruits and vegetables grown on the farm. We also gave Indian and Chinese food.Come to Camelot to make your Christmas holiday beautiful this winter. Make your Christmas holidays unforgettable with Camelot. Book now…!
If you are looking for a best christmas holiday destination for your family don"t delay come to Camelot resort in Munnar and make your Christmas holiday beautiful this winter
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tonkicourse · 2 years
Macchiato definition
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#Macchiato definition how to
Taking a look at its origins, the modern macchiato has come a long way from the traditional version of the drink. This could be a jab at coffee shops for serving macchiato as milk stained with coffee rather than the other way around.īut that doesn’t demerit the deliciousness of this cup. No single type of coffee was made to be equally liked by everyone.įor die-hard coffee lovers, macchiato might be something that is not appealing to them because of the huge amount of milk diluting the coffee itself. This drink evolved from its traditional recipe and become something that is crafted by different coffee shops depending on their customers’ tastes. Now, the macchiato evolved into something personalized and customizable. This came to be when Italians wanted to have a bit of espresso as an afternoon drink, but don’t want to fully consume pure espresso. Unlike cappuccino, which is usually categorized as a morning drink, the macchiato is traditionally drunk in the afternoon. Eventually, when baristas would serve the espresso with milk, there’s a significant stain on top of the coffee and that’s how macchiato was invented. Italian baristas would use a dash of milk to stain the top of espresso mixed with milk to differentiate it from the plain one. This was originally made not as a beverage but rather as a way for the baristas to determine different types of espresso for different coffee drinks. Macchiato was believed to be created in Italy back in the eighties. Latte macchiatos are also commonly served with a type of syrup flavoring. This layered drink contains a shot of espresso, steamed milk, and finished with a milk foam layer. This drink is comparatively sweeter and more milk-forward compared to the espresso macchiato. On the other hand, the latte macchiato is the most common category sold in coffee shops. The traditional macchiato has a single shot of espresso stained with a teaspoon or two of milk.Įspresso macchiato leans more towards that, and has a higher ratio of espresso to milk where the espresso flavor is really pronounced. The main difference between the two is the espresso-to-milk ratio. But macchiato actually has two different types: espresso macchiato and latte macchiato. In coffee shops, options for macchiato are usually just distinguished by the additional syrup added into it (like caramel macchiato). Since macchiatos are usually topped with steamed milk and foam, the body has a smooth and silky texture. The taste of a traditional macchiato coffee has a bold and rich undertone mellowed out by the creaminess of the milk. On a coffee scale, the macchiato is smack right in the middle of espresso and cappuccino. This refers to the marking or staining of the coffee with milk. The simplest way to break this drink down is to have an espresso shot with a splash of milk.Īn Italian coffee staple, the word “macchiato” means “marked”. Lavazza Super Crema Whole Bean Coffee Blend – Medium Espresso Roast Illy Espresso Classico – Fine Grind Medium Roast Cooper’s Cask Coffee – Ethiopian Bold Roast – Light Roast Volcanica Coffee – Espresso Dark Roast Coffee Macchiato vs Latte vs Cappuccino vs Espresso.
#Macchiato definition how to
Tips on How to Make the Perfect Macchiato.Who Is The Ideal Audience for Macchiato?.
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tvsmovies · 2 years
Watch Free Full 101 Dalmatians
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Release Date : 12/13/1996 (GB) Category : Family, Comedy Production : Country : GB Rate : Cast : Glenn Close,Jeff Daniels,Joely Richardson,Joan Plowright,Hugh Laurie,Mark Williams,John Shrapnel,Tim McInnerny,Hugh Fraser, An evil, high-fashion designer plots to steal Dalmatian puppies in order to make an extravagant fur coat, but instead creates an extravagant mess. An evil, high-fashion designer plots to steal Dalmatian puppies in order to make an extravagant fur coat, but instead creates an extravagant mess. Published by The Massie Twins Release Date: November 27th, 1996 MPAA Rating: G Director: Stephen Herek Actors: Glenn Close, Jeff Daniels, Joely Richardson, Joan Plowright, Hugh Laurie, Mark Williams, John Shrapnel oger (Jeff Daniels) is a video game creator in London who struggles with creating an engaging villain for his child-oriented animal project (with animation blatantly resembling that of a certain Disney cartoon). Anita (Joely Richardson) is a talented fashion designer for the House of De Vil, a cold, black-and-white mansion of a building, riddled with harsh corners and sharp sculptures. They bump into each other when their perfectly matched pet Dalmatians, Pongo and Perdita, respectively, cause them both to topple into a pond. When Roger and Anita dry off at Roger’s flat, they notice their dogs cuddling by the fire – and do the only thing they can think of to prevent the separation of the Dalmatians. After a proposal that very night, and a swift marriage to follow, all four of them can live happily ever after. But Anita’s boss, Cruella De Vil (Glenn Close), an insultingly brusque, obnoxiously loud woman garbed in pitch black, blazing white, and piercing crimson (magnificently grand costumes by Rosemary Burrows and Anthony Powell, which change from scene to scene while maintaining the animal-print color scheme, and wild, Two-Face-like hair to match), comes to visit the family when they learn of the upcoming arrival of both a baby and puppies. Caring nothing for human children, Cruella is instead overjoyed at the thought of a litter of young Dalmatians, with their soft, spotted skin – which could make a sensational coat for the fur-obsessed woman. When Roger and Anita refuse to sell the newborns (even for the outrageous sum of 7500 pounds), Cruella hires scruffy thugs Jasper (Hugh Laurie) and Horace (Mark Williams) to steal them when the nanny (Joan Plowright) is alone with the lot. Now that the Dalmatians are live action, they’re unrealistically intelligent – which is a daring stretch considering the creatures from the original 1961 animated film could speak English. Pongo can work a computer, turn on a coffee pot, start up a shower, and open the door to grab a bottle of milk. The fa
imal faces round out the adventure in this mildly entertaining twist on a classic Disney animated masterpiece. – Mike Massie Watch free movies and tvshows on VidooTv
Watch Free Full 101 Dalmatians
Watch Free Full 101 Dalmatians
mous “Twilight Bark” scene is still effective, but the story is adapted differently to accommodate the lack of direct communication between the various animal actors. Extensive barking and visual cooperation take the place of dialogue; despite the momentary bits of awkwardness (which will seem very farfetched to viewers unfamiliar with the source material), it’s amusing to see real animals working together, sans language (and equally as hilarious when plainly visible puppets or shoddy CG are employed for particularly challenging dog undertakings). But it’s Glenn Close who is easily the most notable element of the production, looking the part about as ideally as imaginable. Unfortunately, her acting is so exaggerated that it’s difficult to admire the character – one whose deviousness and mercilessness can’t come across as anything but comically insincere when Close cackles maniacally with a wide grin and a brightly painted face. It’s still a great part for the actress, even though she screams most of her lines – as well as for sidekicks Laurie and Williams, who closely resemble the roles of Harry and Marv from “Home Alone,” bumbling ineptly as they give chase to fleeing puppies while combating borderline lethal booby-traps. Slapstick, stunts, and plenty of cute an
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nunchiimagines · 3 years
Choco Bun: 2
Choco Pudding
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— Summary: When you moved to Korea after finishing college to continue pursuing latte art and baking, the last thing you were expecting was to open up your very own coffee shop under BTS Corp, Korea’s biggest entertainment service company for idols, models, singers, and more. Thanks to your hard work, creativity, and approachable personality you managed to become friendly with some pretty big named individuals as well as up and coming talent. As exciting and fun as it was for you, you slowly began to realize how much your 7 bosses weren’t particularly fond of this, acts of jealousy, pettiness, and aggression poking through in the most unsuspecting of ways. But what could 7 big named dragons want with a little foreign bunny?
HYBRID TYPES: Reader-Bunny Namjoon-Earth Dragon Jin-Water Dragon Yoongi-Moon (Dark) Dragon Hoseok-Sun (Light) Dragon Jimin-Wind Dragon Taehyung-Ice Dragon Jungkook-Fire Dragon
— Pairing: ceo!mythical hybrid!bts x poc!curvy!hybrid!coffee shop owner!reader
— Genre: fluff / poly!au / ceo!au / hybrid!au / mafia!au (if you squint)
— Status: Completed
— Warnings: fluff, murder, mentions of blood
— Word Count: 7.1k
CHAPTERS: Prev _ Next
Here’s chapter 2! Thank you all for the feedback and kind support. This one’s a bit shorter but now we have officially been introduced to all our CEOs! :D Please enjoy! Remember, if you want to be apart of the tag list, message me directly or send in an ask, do not comment the request under any of the posts. I will not check there! Anywho, half the slots have been officially filled! Thanks for understanding!
A few weeks have passed since your new found friendships amongst 4 of the 7 CEO’s of BTS Corp. You would have never pegged yourself of all people to have been blessed with such an outlandish opportunity like this. From your viewpoint, this was almost too good to be true, circumstances fit for a fairytale if you were being truly honest. But somehow, it was your reality.
You were so used to hopping onto social media seeing so many people fawn over the individuals you now call your bosses. Many of them argued over what they’re ideal type was and who could and couldn’t interact with them as if they knew better than the ones in question. It was comical really, witnessing people who hadn’t even seen them in person, let alone know them, provide information they were convinced was factual. So sure of themselves that even those who have yet to formulate their own opinions ate it up like it was god’s given gospel.
You never really liked interacting with people like that, more prone to keeping your opinions and personal life far away from social media. There was always someone looking to say something no matter what kind of consequences came from their actions. Over the years you’ve learned to stray away from social media entirely unless it was to post your work and interact with the comments and critiques from people who wanted to say something about it. Other than that, your relationship with social media has been both cooperative yet distant.
Regardless, despite all the conspiracy theories formulated around the CEOs you’ve met thus far, what you do know is that they are about as childish at heart as grown men could get. When fans joked around and said these men could end all comedian’s careers, that was a very accurate statement. It actually made you impressed with the duality they all held. One minute you had seductive Jimin, intimidating Hoseok, enthralling Taehyung, and superior Yoongi. Then the next minute you had goofy Jimin, hyper Hoseok, shy Taehyung, and dorky Yoongi. It was tantalizing to witness when they turned their switch on and off based on who they interacted with. And honestly, it was really attractive.
You found yourself feeling more pulled to them with each graceful interaction. More attracted to them in ways that you never knew you’d find appealing. It left you feeling like a giddy school girl again, sudden butterflies tickling your tummy as well as the warm bursts that tinted your skin a rosy color. You were naturally a shy individual who took time to come out of her shell. Though interacting with the opposite sex no longer terrified you as much, being around males you were attracted to, looked up to, and worked for made all those years of hardwork slip away like a distant memory.
Yet somehow, you always managed to pull through without being detected. Well, you thought you managed to pull through. All four of the males knew, they could feel the reciprocated feelings. It was amusing to tease you from time to time, watching your innocence and naturally shy demeanor reveal itself. They got off on it and you never suspected a thing. That’s what made it even more fun. In fact, it was so fun and so alluring for the guys to partake in such behavior that it was starting to become a bit too obvious to those around them.
It was Seokjin who noticed it first. When he went to visit Jimin for the approval of a possible collaborative photoshoot with Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty brand, the younger male in question was missing, yet again. When he had asked Jimin’s secretary about it, a thin antsy weasel hybrid, he made mention of Jimin's second disappearance to the 19th floor that day. Seokjin thought that was pretty odd behavior coming from someone like him, as this wasn’t the first time this has happened. However, he just brushed it off, waiting for the male to return.
Not too far around roughly the same time, Namjoon headed on over to speak to Taehyung about the up and coming budget increase for a highly anticipated movie being shot over in Gangnam. When he couldn’t find the male in question, realizing he was missing from his office as well as from the entire floor, he was more than a bit confused. Luckily, a kind staff member under Taehyung had informed Namjoon that the male had gone down to the 19th floor for the time being. Namjoon didn’t really question it, but found it oddly coincidental that when he had visited Yoongi the other day, he was given almost identical information.
It wasn’t until he made his way over to the elevators that he had noticed Seokjin in there looking a bit frustrated.
“Oh, hyung! What’re you doing down here?” Namjoon asked.
“Looking for Jimin. He’s been gone for a whole 30 minutes! I figured he and Tae were off doing something childish, so I came here.” Jin said with an exasperated sigh.
Namjoon raised a brow, a slight cock to his head in thought.
“Funny enough, Taehyung is missing down here too. Was told he was on the 19th floor.” Namjoon informed.
Jin reeled his head to lock eyes with Namjoon, a look of realization hitting him. Namjoon was a bit taken back by the flabbergasted features of the older man, curious if he had said something he wasn’t supposed to.
“He...He what?!”
“I said he’s on the 19th floor...is there a problem?” Namjoon questioned, a quirk still in his brow.
“Yeah! There is actually! That’s where I was told Jimin was at too.” Jin explained, irritation laced in his rising voice.
As the two were in the midst of figuring out what was going on by sharing information, a high pitched ring from the neighboring elevator erupted in the small area, announcing the arrival of someone new. When the door’s had opened, Binnie walked out, catching sight of a provoked looking Seokjin and a contemplative Namjoon. He, at first, wasn’t sure if he should bother the duo but thought it’d be rude to not at least offer a hello and bow having been working close with all of them for over a year now.
“Ah, Binnie! Hello, how’s dance practice with Hobi?” Namjoon asked, not wanting to come off as impolite.
“It’s good actually. He’s taught me so much in such a short amount of time. Actually, we ended our session not too long ago. He seemed pretty excited to go see Y/n.”
“Y/n?” Seokjin asked.
The two men went quiet for a moment. The gears were turning in Namjoon’s head while, by the looks of it, Seokjin was realizing it too.
“This...Y/n, she wouldn’t happen to be on the 19th floor would she?” Namjoon asked with a curt smile.
Being human, Binnie didn’t immediately pick up on the irritated aura being given off by both Seokjin and Namjoon. However, the surrounding individuals who were hybrids did and they either went dead silent, froze, or ran off. The anger of a dragon hybrid was not to be messed with.
“Yeah, she does actually. She works at the little cafe on the 19th floor. Only place I’ll go to for some really good coffee. Funny enough, I’ve been seeing Mr. Jimin, Mr. Taehyung, Mr. Hoseok, and Mr. Yoongi there quite a lot lately. I think they’re all there now actually.” Binnie explained, finger on chin in contemplation.
“Oh...really now?” Jin said with a forced smile.
“Well then, we better take our leave. We have important business to discuss with them. See you around Binnie.” Namjoon said.
Binnie just bowed and smiled, going on his merry way for a bit before a chill ran down his spine. He didn’t realize where it came from but just brushed it off. When he rounded the corner, he was practically tackled by his manager, a cute yet cubby female bear hybrid, worrying that he had said something to anger the two CEOs. Needless to say, Binnie was very confused.
Namjoon and Seokjin boarded the elevator together, giving each other a silent yet agreeing look. They were going to get to the bottom of this but first, they needed to have a little family talk.
The following morning you came in to work as usual. You prepared your work station and had just enough time to start making your well sought out chocolate pudding. It was a special recipe given to you by your aunt from Germany. She actually had no blood relation to you whatsoever but her husband and your father had a friendship that dated back further than you could even fathom. She loves cooking and was enamored with your dream to open up a cafe. She insisted you add her special pudding on the menu, with an agreement you’d name the treat after her. And so, you did.
The first time you offered the sweet treat to the public, it sold out before the lunch hour even had a chance to start. That surprised you at first but you were grateful by the high demand. So you designated every Wednesday to sell a specified amount of chocolate pudding and without a doubt, people always rushed, fought, and lined up for it. You wished you could make it everyday, but it was difficult to ship the ingredients out to you from overseas and it actually took longer than normal pudding to make. That’s part of the reason why you had to start it so early in the morning.
So naturally on pudding days, you’d expect to see four very eager faces awaiting to sample the premade dessert you never failed to give them. In fact, it was something you always looked forward to, a sense of pride swelling within you when they praised your work. So imagine your surprise when you were not peering at the elegant face of Jimin, the sharp features of Taehyung, the vibrant warmth of Hoseok, or the boyish looks of Yoongi. Instead you were met with what could easily be described as a handsome prince and an alluring authority figure. Or better known as Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon.
Your heart practically jumped out of your chest. You weren’t sure rather to panic and run or panic and hide. Oh but by the grace of god you sure as hell were panicking. You stared for a bit, not really sure on what to do. Them suddenly appearing was not on your list of expectations today and seeing them was like throwing a wrench into a machine filled with cogs. It was already hard enough to be around the other four men who took it upon themselves to visit you but you managed, somehow, to get used to that. This...this was not something you were used to and you weren’t sure if your racing heart and plump red cheeks could provide you enough of an opportunity to compose yourself to even try right now.
Ahh, but don’t fret, as you were far from being the only one with such internal thoughts. At that very moment, the confident, handsome, boastful Seokjin was stuck. Actually, stuck couldn’t even begin to describe it. He was mesmerized, enamored, infatuated. The list could go on and on. You were so vulnerable, so small, so innocent, so enticing. His mind raced, eyes tracing over the way your blouse fit your curves, the way your hair graced your sunkissed skin, the way your eyes looked both hesitant yet angelic, and the way your large ears were placed so cutely, so adorably, adorned the top of your head.
His throat felt dry, his face felt hot, his palms felt sweaty and for a brief moment he forgot the point of his visit. Hell, he even forgot Namjoon was standing next to him, who, by the way, held very similar, yet less appropriate, thoughts as the elder. But the silence was looming over the three of you for far too long and it was more of a staring contest than anything else. And yes, it was getting awkward. Especially for you. So, Namjoon took it upon himself to voice something, finally.
“Ms. Y/n, correct?” he asked, giving off a charming smile that displayed his perfectly placed dimples.
“Y-Yes sir, Mr. Kim? May I help you with something?” you asked, trying to calm your nerves.
Namjoon could notice your nervousness and attempted to swallow the rising smile that bubbled within. The urge to giggle and coo over you. To continue to trace over every curve and every eyelash and...God he was falling hard and he’d only said three words to you, one of them being your name. Namjoon swallowed thickly to compose himself.
“Y-Yes-” he paused to clear his throat.
“Yes, actually. We were just curious where exactly our brothers always ran off to in the middle of the day.” he explained.
You cocked your head cutely, your ears swinging to the side. At first, you really weren’t sure what he was referring to but your eyes brightened in realization then directly into guilt.
“Oh my god! I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I was causing a distraction to them-”
“Please, don’t apologize.” Seokjin chimed in, waving his hand dismissively.
“It is far from your fault Ms. Y/n. My younger brothers just tend to be a bit too playful at the most inopportune times. So please, this is no fault of your own.” he continued to assure.
“If anything,” Namjoon started, quickly glancing around to admire your small workspace.
“This is actually a really lovely and quiet place. Plus it smells really good.”
You smiled and bowed politely, feeling a swelling sense of pride having been the one to come up with the design.
“Thank you so much Mr. Kim for such kind words. I wanted to bring a little piece of home with me here. I’m glad the space comes across as warm and welcoming as I had hoped.”
“Please, just Namjoon.”
“Seokjin will do as well. I can imagine calling us both Mr. Kim may actually be a bit odd and awkward in our current circumstances. Plus, I feel old when you say it.” he chuckled.
You couldn't hold back a giggle, relieved he had said the very thing you were thinking. Feeling a bit more comfortable and confident you carried on the conversation longer before it got quiet and awkward again.
“Then just call me Y/n and seeing as you’re both here, would you like to order something?” you asked politely.
“I’ll admit I am a bit tempted.” Namjoon hummed playfully, glossing over the creatively designed board with options.
The two ordered their respective drinks, looks of astonishment after having tasted it.
“I knew it wasn’t bad, it’s just far better than I had expected.” Seokjin exclaimed.
“It’s smooth, not too bitter or too sweet. This is excellent Y/n!” Namjoon praised shortly after.
“I’m really glad you like it. Oh! Here try this!” you said scurrying off in the back to grab something.
Seokjin and Namjoon hung around for a bit while you had disappeared from sight. They eyed each other silently, unspoken words being shared between the two before their gaze fell back on you again. You had such a lovely smile on your face, eyes filled with excitement before revealing two small plates with pudding on it. It was perfectly shaped with a coating of chocolate syrup. Atop that was a small flower decoration made from sugar. It held a nice sleek shine with no blemish in sight. It was appetizing yet too attractive to destroy.
“Normally, Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Hoseok eat this every morning on Wednesday but...it seems they’re not showing up today.”
You were right, they weren’t showing up that morning. And that was all thanks to Namjoon and Seokjin. That little family talk they had last night got them into more trouble than they cared to admit. Grant it they weren’t little kids anymore, they were still reprimanded for their lack of proper work ethic as CEOs. So that morning, they were each forced to meet a specific quota by lunch to make up for all the wasted time. It was also to keep them on task from visiting you, hopefully this being enough to keep their priorities in check.
However, what Seokjin and Namjoon quickly realized was the ‘why’ in their continual visits. It wasn’t the food. It wasn’t the drinks. It wasn’t even the nice ambience that felt like a soothing embrace from home. It was you. Kind, sweet, adorable, angelic you. You and your soft features, doe-like eyes, beautiful skin, curvaceous figure, your alluring scent, your innocence, and the purity you held they oh so badly wanted to taint in the most provocative and inappropriate ways imaginable. You were like a hidden treasure; a pure, raw, untouched gem that shined and sparkled in a way too beautiful for some to even appreciate in full. And that was more than enough to entice and rile the inner greedy desires of any dragon.
They knew you had never been touched before, there being no indication of it. How do they know this, you ask? See, the thing is, mythical hybrids, as stated before, are and aren’t different from normal hybrids. Though they may share a vast majority of similarities, there are just some things that mythical hybrids can do that normal hybrids can’t. And one of those things a dragon hybrid can do is be able to tell if someone has ever had a partner before just from their scent alone. And yours is one of the purest they’d ever smelt. It was mesmerizing, intoxicating, and addicting. It was no wonder the others kept coming back. Being here was now a game changer.
“Oooh! What’s this?” Seokjin asked delightfully, eyes sparkling with wonder at the aesthetic dessert.
“This is a special pudding I make every Wednesday. It’s usually only sold at lunch time and is sold out within the hour. I don't usually see the guys until I have my lunch break so I never have any for them unless I give it to them first thing in the morning!” you happily explained, handing them two cute spoons to go with it.
As Namjoon and Seokjin excitedly ate the treat, you were indulged with noises of gratification and pleasure.
“This is like a luxury item!” Namjoon proclaimed with shock.
“How have I never heard of this before? Wait, why have they never told us about this before?!” Seokjin asked slightly irritated with hints of betrayal in his eyes.
“If it’s any consultation, I can always make some for you two aswell moving forward. That is, if you’d like me to.” you suggested.
“Yes!” they simultaneously shouted, a bit out of character from their previous dominating aura.
I full blown laugh left you throwing your head back. It was enough to catch their attention and watch you as if they were hypnotized. Wiping a falling tear from your eye, you tried to compose yourself.
“I’m sorry it’s just, you’re all so different from what I’d always imagined. I’d seen you act pretty funny on TV before but I never expected you all to be so-”
“Normal?” Namjoom finished with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, exactly. If I may be so bold, I’ve always looked up to you all. You’re all so amazing, young and strong hybrids doing things so many before would’ve never imagined. I’m so used to seeing people like you fall prey to the fame, drowning in all the recognition and spotlight. But here you all are, acting in ways that make it easy to forget you’re billionaires. It makes people like me feel less inferior, for lack of a better word. I guess what I’m trying to say is, thank you for staying authentic and proving that status, no matter how it was acquired, is nothing more than a title and doesn’t define the worthiness of an individual.”
Namjoon and Seokjin went quiet for a minute, a bit amazed by your sudden speech.
“And you’re good with words. You sure you’re not the amazing one in question?” Namjoon asked.
You waved your hands dismissively, shaking your head in disagreement.
“No no! I’m far from being like that! I’m way too shy and awkward.” you protested.
“Probably would make people feel more uncomfortable than anything else.” you joked sheepishly.
“I beg to differ.” Namjoon countered.
“I do as well. And to prove it to you, I’d like to make an offer.” Seokjin added.
“An...offer?” you questioned, cocking your head instinctively.
Namjoon side eyed Seokjin, unsure of where he was going with this.
“Yes. This Saturday we’re hosting a gala at our estate as a thank you for our new business partners. Funny enough, one of the restaurants we cater from had a last minute cancellation. We’ve actually been trying to find someone who could fill the spot and I personally think you’d be a perfect fit.” Seokjin disclosed.
Your eyes widened, an opportunity like this would allow for your name to expand to all sorts of people.
“A-Are you certain you’d like me of all people? I mean, of course I’d love to! But wait, I’m just a simple cafe owner, I’ve never catered to such...prestigious people before. What if it’s not to their liking? Is there something specific I should make or bring? Oh wait, I-I don’t have anything to wear.” you rambled with a panic.
Namjoon reached for your hand, the difference in size once again being apparent. It was much warmer and much softer than you had expected and, unlike Hoesoek and Taehyung, it was a calming and soothing sensation, kinda like when you were around Yoongi. You hesitantly looked up at Namjoon with a pinkish tint on your cheeks, his hand connecting with yours making your heart swoon. He smiled charmingly at you, his dimples on display again but much closer than before.
“Relax. I promise you it’ll be okay. Do you know how many of our clients have talked about you and your cafe? Don’t worry about how you’re going to be perceived, just stay authentic to yourself. That’s how you managed to get so many patrons to enjoy your work.” Namjoon assured.
“And about that dress, little one.” Seokjin called out, lightly gripping your chin in between his fingers boldly.
“We can take care of that no problem. Here,”
Seokjin quickly wrote some things down thanks to some sticky notes and a pen you had on the counter. When he handed you the note, you observed it, reading over the scribbled markings thoroughly.
“We can take care of that when you arrive at the estate early. Promise.” he added.
“Are you...are you sure?” you asked once more.
“Hahahaha, god you’re so cute. I can completely understand why the guys are so enamored by you!” Jin laughed loudly.
“Eh!? I-I-I...What??” you stuttered, tripping over your own words.
Namjoon snickered as well, agreeing with the elder.
“We swear to you we mean it. You’ll see. But for now, we must take our leave. Thank you for indulging us, Y/n.” Namjoon said, kissing the top of your hand before leaving.
Seokjin gave you a sweet smile before following Namjoon. You stood there a bit stunned, a surge of emotions coursing through you. But you couldn’t help the rising blush as well as the soft smile. When Seokjin matched paces with Namjoon, he couldn’t help but notice the obvious smirk on his face.
“They canceled on us last minute? News to me.” Namjoon mocked.
“You didn’t know? But it’s all good now. Can’t tell me she wouldn’t be a perfect replacement.” Seokjin feigned ignorance.
“I won't argue against that. But funny, don’t remember us even calling a catering company, seeing as we have the staff provide the food anyway.” he shot back.
“What?! We didn’t?” he overdramatized his shock as they continued walking.
You had to force yourself to stay distracted throughout your shift after what had happened. In fact, you were very grateful it was pudding day or you may have zoned out in the midst of orders more often than you’d care to admit. Luckily, just like clockwork, it got really busy and gave you no time to reminisce about the situation from this morning. After the lunch rush you were blessed with a brief grace period that allowed you to clean up a bit before being able to relax a little. And a little was all it was you got before you were graced with yet another big surprise.
“My choco bun~” Taehyung called out with a sly smile.
“We missed you bunbun!” Jimin whined, coming and engulfing you in a big hug.
That’s right. You didn’t really know when it started, or why for that matter, but for a while now the guys have become more touchy to say the least. It wasn’t anything inappropriate, just hugs, brief hand holding, and lingering touches. The most anyone’s ever done was kiss your hand and that was from both Taehyung and Namjoon. You didn’t mind it, not at all. In fact, you craved it, always melting into their embraces with a contentment you could barely comprehend.
“Hi guys, I missed you this morning.” you said with a slight pout.
Jimin cupped your cheeks, a look of adoration decorating his features.
“I’m sorry bunbun, we had work to do.” Jimin admitted.
“But we missed you too. Did...did Namjoon-hyung and Seokjin-hyung come in to see you?” Taehyung asked, trying to mask his hesitation.
You smiled sheepishly, nodding in response to his question.
“Yeah, they did actually. They’re both as kind as I had expected. But guess what?” you asked with a rise of excitement.
They knew their brothers had come to visit you and they were a bit more than annoyed when they were put on a temporary, yet short, lockdown due to their work ethic. But something in them knew that it all worked out for the better. Especially when they spotted and interacted with the two in question. There was definitely something off about them. And when your name was mentioned, that made it all the more obvious and entertaining. But that was beside the point.
Your visible passion sparked the two males into putting all their attention solely on you. Seeing you this vitalized filled them with a sense of unexplainable bliss. Both Jimin and Taehyung shamelessly looked over you, their imaginations running to a shared domestic life where they were blessed to see such a cute face from morning until night.
“Oh, what’s got you all excited?” Jimin teased, twirling a small lock of your hair in between his fingers.
“Seokjin had offered me a chance to cater to your gala this weekend. I admit I’m a bit nervous but the thought of doing something like this makes me really excited.” you happily revealed.
Jimin and Taehyung both showed visible enthusiasm for your news, glad to hear and see you so elated for the opportunity. But they already knew about it. Of course they weren’t going to tell you that for fear of witnessing your bright hopeful eyes, wide beautiful smile, and rosy red cheeks be tainted with a crestfallen expression. So they played the part by acting surprised and congratulating you.
“That’s amazing Y/n! Imagine the amount of people you could network with?” Jimin encouraged.
“Not to mention them being able to sample some of the best a cafe could provide. No wonder you were chosen to be the face of our own authentic brand.” Taehyung added.
“What a perfect segway into your next surprise!” Jimin mentioned, a mischievous smirk painting his angelic features.
You cocked your head slightly, unaware there was a deeper reason behind their visit today. Nonetheless, your heart raced in slight anticipation, your inner child having always been tempted by surprises. When Jimin and Taheyung moved out of the way, you were standing face to face with a very tall man. He was young like the others but held some boyish looks that definitely indicated him being the youngest. He shared a similar length and wavy texture in hair to Taehyung and was just as handsome as the rest of the brothers. It took everything in you to not freak out for the third time today but it was very hard when Jeon Jungkook was here. Funny enough, he seemed as nervous and shy as you were feeling.
Taehyung lightly chuckled, pleased with the way this was going. Jimin was too, opting to spill the secret that their little maknae had hidden since your arrival.
“I’m sure you know who this is Y/n.” Jimin assumed.
“Yes! Hello, it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you. I think you’re the only one I haven’t formally met yet.” you said trying to regain your composure.
Jungkook kinda jumped when you finally started talking to him. You could tell he was a bit fidgety and uncomfortable but he smiled slightly at you and nodded. Was he blushing?
“It’s nice to finally meet you too. My hyungs talk about you quite a lot actually.” Jungkook said.
“Uh uh uh!” Jimin jumped in.
“Little Jungkookie, you know none of us would’ve been able to meet her if it weren’t for you.” Taehyung added.
Jungkook stiffened and your eyes widened in confusion.
“Wait...what?” you asked with bewilderment.
“You see, Jungkook had been a fan of yours for quite some time.” Jimin finally admitted.
“Yep! You know how they call him the golden maknae?” Taehyung asked.
You nodded, very intrigued on the development of this story.
“Well, he had come across a cafe in Busan a while ago where they do latte art in their drinks. He was curious and wanted to know more about it. Around that time you had become very popular here in Korea and naturally you showed up on the search engine.” Taehyung continued.
“It didn’t take much digging to reach you, especially when one of the most famous coffee brands here commented on your post. That caused even more people to migrate to your page, Jungkookie was just one of thousands at the time.” Jimin tacked on.
“A few months later from that point and we had announced our relocation to a bigger building. We all had agreed that we wanted to have our own authentic coffee brand that represents the company and what it stands for. So, we gave Jungkook the responsibility to handle that as he was the health buff.” Taehyung said.
“And that’s when he came up with the idea to bring you over. We felt that whatever his decision was would be a good fit, given his background and profession, and never actually realized it until recently. Kinda funny how the universe works, right?”
Jungkook’s face was crimson red, hand rubbing the back of his neck as a result of his nervous habit. He refused to make eye contact with you and bit his lower lip. Was Jungkook always this cute? You were more than a bit stunned by the sudden release of information and were kinda at a loss for words. Should you thank him? Or was that too weird? You truly weren’t sure, but you knew staying silent wasn’t the way to go.
“I...wow. I honestly don’t even know what to say. I guess hearing that someone as amazing as you found potential in someone like me is kinda unreal if I’m being honest. I’ve never really felt like someone who would be recognized like that, especially by someone whom I’ve looked up to for a few years now. I hope it doesn’t sound too weird by saying this but…” you said trailing off, trying to gather your thoughts.
“Like fate?” Jimin asked.
“Yeah, exactly like that.” you said with a pleased smile.
“I’m not a heavily spiritual person but I do believe in fated encounters. So,” you continued, turning to look at Jungkook.
He had finally given you eye contact, something in him forcing him to hold your gaze. You really were as beautiful as his brother’s had described. Actually, more so than that. Their words did you no justice. He had actually never seen your face, opting to keep it hidden from all your videos and posts. That only added to his intrigue in you. However, the inner feeling, that hidden force, the indescribable pull towards you was something Jungkook wasn’t even sure himself how to explain. All he knew was that he needed, he HAD to bring you here. But when it finally happened, he panicked, fearing he was being creepy and got too scared to actually see you. So imagine his surprise when the family meeting was sprung on him about the very girl he was drawn to and now so were his hyungs.
“Thank you Mr. Jeon. I mean it. This is far better than any dream of mine could’ve ever concocted. It feels too good to be true and a bit undeserving. But I will never disregard how lucky and how amazing this all is. And it all was thanks to you. Honestly, thank you doesn't even feel like it is enough to show my appreciation.” you said with as much sincerity you could muster.
Your words snapped Jungkook out of his daze. However, as the meaning behind what you said officially sunk in, he felt...off. You didn’t truly think you were good enough. Good enough to be here. To be given this opportunity. To be able to interact with someone like him, who, he himself, doesn’t really find to be as amazing as people make him out to be. Something about that made him upset.
“Please don’t belittle yourself. You’re far more amazing than you give yourself credit. I picked you because I was enamored with you. Your talent is amazing! It speaks to people, influences them, makes them happy. It’s real and authentic and genuine and it reminds people of their happy place. That’s why we titled it Magic Shop. You have just the right magic we were looking for.” Jungkook exclaimed with earnesty.
“Also...please just call me Jungkook. I’m barely a year older than you.” he mumbled more to himself than anyone else.
Jimin and Taehyung were more than surprised by their little brother’s words, having not realized just how much thought and dedication he put into finding someone who would represent a part of the company. He may have been good at everything and a little bit shy, but he had always had an emotional and raw viewpoint in the way he sees and does things. It was inspiring and well nurtured. Needless to say, his hyungs were both impressed and proud of their little brother. You, on the other hand, weren’t sure when it had happened, but tears began falling down your cheeks, your heart filling with an emotion that surpassed the mere ideas of gratitude.
You quickly tried to wipe them away, the strong emotion becoming too much for your sensitive heart to handle. The three males panicked, rushing to calm you down and to ensure you were okay. You’d never heard Jungkook apologize so much before and it caused you to laugh a little in response. It only helped that Jimin mocked and berated Jungkook while Taheyung pretended to cry along with you. Regardless, you managed to recompose yourself, excusing your unforeseen outburst before offering to them something to eat and drink. It took the entire time they were there, but Jungkook slowly started to warm up to you.
“Ahhh~ amazing as always!” Jimin cooed, eating some of the chocolate pudding you saved for him.
“Thank you Y/n. This is truly delicious. Would it be alright if I come by every Wednesday morning for some?” Jungkook asked with wide pleading eyes.
“Of course! Seokjin and Namjoon were offered the same option so it won’t be a problem at all.” you insured.
Jungkook blushed a little before nodding his head and quickly looking away. Jimin noticed and laughed to himself, aware of how oblivious you were to how quickly the youngest one became even more enamored by you. In the meantime, Taehyung’s phone buzzed, stealing his attention away from the small group for a bit. As the device illuminated his features with a soft blue glow, he frowned in irritation before sighing heavily. Jimin cut him a look in wait while both you and Jungkook were conversing with one another.
“What is it?” Jimin asked.
“Black Swan.” Taehyung simply stated.
Jimin’s eyes darkened but that’s all there was to it. Jungkook heard it too and got quiet. He quietly finished his meal and stood up. That caught your attention as you watched them all curiously.
“Ahh man, is it time to leave already? Don’t you have 15 minutes left.” you asked with undertones of disappointment.
“Sorry bunbun, we gotta run.” Jimin stated, bopping your nose before winking at you.
“No need to look so down. We’ll be back to see you again tomorrow, no restrictions this time. Well, as long as we control the urge to see you, that is.” Taehyung seductively tacked on, whispering lowly into your ear before giving your arm a slight squeeze.
You blushed furiously and nodded your head in understanding. Though your heart was racing and pounding heavily in your ears, you couldn’t help the shy smile on your face. Jungkook watched almost enviously at the interactions you shared with the two slightly older males. A sudden feeling of irritation was bubbling within him. He had wanted to do something similar but was far too shy to enact on such urges. You had only just met him but even them, he was never that bold enough. He didn’t want to freak you out. So he opted for a cute wave and small sweet smile. Little did he know that that didn’t stop any of his older brothers from doing it, except Yoongi of course. Him and Yoongi were pretty similar in that regard.
As you finally reached closing you locked up the doors and made your way downstairs to the first floor. As you glanced out the giant glass window, you finally realized how late it had gotten, not realizing at first due to prep work for tomorrow's menu. When you passed the identification desk, you were swiftly stopped by a man dressed in all black. From his attire you could tell he was a chauffer of some kind but couldn’t tell what he wanted or needed from you. He was an older man, slightly taller than you but very thin. He held a kind smile and sweet eyes. He bowed to you before explaining himself.
“Madam Y/l/n?” he asked.
“Yes sir? May I help you with something?” you responded back a bit confused.
“Ahh~ Excellent! My, if it’s alright with me saying, you are very beautiful. My granddaughter is a little bunny hybrid and you remind me so much of her.” he said sweetly.
You couldn’t help but smile at that, feeling a bit honored by his words.
“Oh but that’s not important right now. I was instructed by Mr. Kim to take you home tonight, ensure that you arrive safely.” he explained.
You cocked your head a bit, unsure why they felt the need to do this all of a sudden.
“Oh uh...I see. But I always take a taxi or ride the subway, are you sure it’s not a little out of the way?” you asked somewhat hesitantly.
The old man just chuckled and shook his head dismissively.
“Surely not madam! Think of it as a courtesy from the CEOs. Nothing else to it!” he said happily.
His overly benevolent personality made it easy for you to drop your guard a bit, even if it was hard to wrap your head around the reasoning behind this whole ordeal. You figured it was no big deal and eventually accepted the elderly man’s offer, not wanting to stand there and contemplate all night. He offered to take your bags which you handed to him with much thanks. Following him out the revolving glass doors, you were surprised to be met with a black Lexus CL500, a car that’s easily $95 thousands USD. The elderly man just chuckled at your astonishment, eager to get you in and on your way.
It took all of 30 minutes to get you home, a trip that usually took about an hour. Funny enough, it felt much shorter as you and the man talked almost the entire time about yourselves. It was oddly comforting and it made you pretty thrilled to be able to hold a decent conversation, something you weren’t used to when coming to and leaving work. It was also really nice having the extra 30 minutes to yourself and was actually pretty grateful for the sudden ride home. When he pulled up to the small apartment complex you were offered in the contract, you gave your last goodbyes to the man, whom you found out was named Mr. Choi. He waited for you to safely reach and enter your building before his sweet and kind smile softly fell off his lips.
He reached into his back pocket to pull out a gun, quickly attaching a silencer before approaching a large bush stationed in front of the gate leading to the complex. There was a man dressed in all balck, blending perfectly in with the night as it blanketed the entire area. Putting the tip of the silencer to the man’s head, Mr. Choi pulled the trigger before giving it a second thought. The man in hiding hit the ground with a thud, rustling the neighboring shrubs as he did so. Taking out a handkerchief from his pocket, Mr.Choi cleaned the back splatter that got on the gun before dialing a number. It barely had a chance to ring before the man on the other end answered.
“Did she arrive safely?” Namjoon asked.
“Of course Mr. Kim. However, we did have a Night Owl here.” Mr. Choi revealed.
“However, he was eliminated without any issue. I’ve already notified the clean up crew to dispose of the body.”
“Understood. I appreciate looking out for her. Thank you Mr. Choi. I imagine this will continue for some time so please be sure to continue watching over her.” Namjoon instructed.
“Of course Mr. Kim. Have a wonderful night.”
“You as well. Thank you for your services.”
Putting the phone away, Mr. Choi walked back to the vehicle and got in without any hesitation, driving off as you proceeded with your normal nightly routine unaware of the dealings that just occurred right outside your window.
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harrysweasleys · 3 years
a love like in the great stories // p.p
summary: there’s a cute boy you meet on the train every day while heading upstate, but you don’t know much about each other until your lives are in danger.
warnings: mentions of blood, injury, broken bones, language! 
word count: 5.2k
a/n: i feel like new york doesn’t have nice above ground trains like this but i do not live there so let’s pretend they do for the sake of this fic haha
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Trains were your preferred method of transportation, if you were being honest. There was nothing not to like about the smooth ride, the comfortable seats, and the windows that gave you all the natural lighting you could ever want. You could just sit down, plug in your headsets, and read a book. Maybe even fall asleep if you needed to take said train at some ungodly hour of the night.
When you had first gotten the job upstate, you hated it. The commute was brutal, and you were too stubborn to move out of the city and cut down on your public transit. The train was sometimes busy, and you’d be stuck sitting in the middle of a group of people trying to have an obnoxiously personal conversation. It had been less than ideal for the first few weeks.
But then, you started to like it. You didn’t dread the morning rush, the long hours spent sitting here when you could be doing something productive, the crappy snacks you had to pack in your bag for when your stomach began to gurgle. It didn’t become so annoying. And you’d like to tell yourself it was because you had matured and realized that complaining about it wouldn’t solve anything — that the only person who had put you in this position was yourself. 
But, no. The reason you didn’t hate the commute anymore was because you had met someone. A guy who took the same train as you, at the same time, every day. He worked upstate, he told you, but his job was really complicated and he didn’t want to bore you with it. Something about computers and data, he had said. 
 You honestly didn’t know much about him other than the fact that his name was Peter, but you looked forward to your daily conversations with him either way. He always found a way to make you smile or set you on the path for a better day, and that was something you really needed. 
Especially right now.
Your Tuesday was really not off to a great start. Your coffee machine wasn’t cooperating, brewing hot water instead of your usual caffeinated drink — which was really tragic considering you had only gotten three and a half hours of sleep due to your screaming neighbours. Then, you couldn’t find your headphones, which completely sucked ass, since how else would you listen to music while on your work break? 
Lastly, and worst of all, there was a torrential downpour. 
The rain was impossibly loud against the hood of your raincoat as you shoved your way through the train station, clutching your backpack close to your body to keep an eye on your possessions — a pickpocket had stolen fifty dollars from you last week — and tried not to slip on the wet stone floor. You could hear the announcement that your train was about to leave in two minutes, and you swore your heart did a leap in your chest. You still had to rush to the other side of the station to catch it, it was highly unlikely you’d make it if you didn’t run.
So you did. Your pants were nearly soaked with puddle splashes as you continued excusing your way through the crowd, receiving a few curses as you did so. Shocker. The Queens morning rush was more brutal than anything you had experienced, and it was another reason you questioned why you still lived here. Why were they always so angry? 
You spotted the train a couple dozen meters away, relief flooding through your body as you approached the open doors. It was lucky that this specific train was usually the least busy, or else by now there was no way there’d be enough room for you to squeeze on. Your soaked shoes gave a small squeak as you stepped up onto the vehicle, trying to catch your breath as people stared over at you, coat and backpack dripping as you panted like you had just run a marathon.
Peter, from his usual seat, waved over at you and motioned to the chair next to him. You saw that he had placed his own backpack on it, and your heart did a little flutter as you realized he saved it for you.
Excusing yourself a bit more quietly, you walked over to the extra seat, removing your raincoat and flopping down. A couple other people seemed to be a bit soaked, but no one was as bad as you. 
“You look like you just finished swimming,” Peter chuckled, placing his backpack between his legs and giving you a small smile. 
“How are you so dry? Have you seen the weather out there? I practically was swimming,” you defended, leaning your head back against the seat as you gazed out the window. You could hear the sound of the drops hitting, but nowhere near as loudly as when you just had your hood and it echoed into your ears.  
He gave a small shrug, “Aunt May dropped me off. She usually doesn’t but with the weather, she offered. What was I going to do, say no?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “Fine, I guess not everyone had to run eight blocks in the rain to make sure they weren’t late for work.” He let out a small laugh at your disgruntledness, clearly amused by your miserable start to the day. 
“The rest of your day will be better, I’m sure,” he reassured you, placing one of his hands on top of yours. It felt like a rush of electricity had zoomed through your entire being — electricity? thrill? you really couldn’t be sure — and it took you a second to process that his skin was against yours. 
He seemed to notice too, quickly snatching his hand back and rubbing the back of his neck with it. You had to bite your lip to hold back a grin, wishing he hadn’t snatched his hand away, but finding it ridiculously endearing how awkward he had become. 
Neither of you spoke up for a little bit, the train beginning to move slowly through the city as the rain continued to drench the poor people below. After fifteen minutes, you guys were out of the buildings and starting to see a bit more greenery. 
The rain lightened up as you made your way out of the city and further up north, small conversations keeping the both of you busy as the long train ride barreled on. He spoke about a high school friend of his — Ned something — while you mentioned your childhood cat. He had then said he was more of a dog person, and you pretended to ignore him for a quick moment afterwards. Small conversation, not really leading anywhere, but enough to make the stupid fluttery feeling grow. 
Peter was just so easy to talk to, so kind and optimistic. You really wished you’d know him for longer — high school might not have been as unbearable if you had a friend like him to help you power through.
Plus, you know, he was really cute. He had beautiful brown curls that fell into his face, making you wish that you could run your fingers through the silky strands anytime one specific curl would stick out. He also had beautiful brown eyes, eyes that were so easy to get lost in. They were warm, soft, and you swore that each time he gazed at you, your heart did a little leap. 
“Newspaper?” A voice to your left made your jump, placing a hand on your chest as you peered up at the man in the aisle, holding a newspaper in front of you. You nodded, taking it quickly before he moved on. 
Had you really been too busy daydreaming about Peter that you didn’t notice the approaching man? How embarrassing. 
You gazed at the front cover, the massive letters in the headline catching your attention, “Oh, look. Another news article about Spider-Man.”
You could feel him sit up straighter beside you, but you didn’t question it. Sometimes these seats could get pretty uncomfortable. 
“What, you don’t — do you not like Spider-Man?” he asked, and you could feel him staring into the side of your head. 
Turning to face him, you gave a small shrug, “No, of course I like him. I don’t really have an issue with him. I just feel like… I don’t know, the mask thing is getting a little old,” you admitted, which was true. “You know, I heard a buzzfeed rumour that he was actually Leonardo DiCaprio? Imagine that. Who runs that page?” 
Peter let out an awkward chuckle, “What do you mean by the mask thing is getting old? You don’t… you don’t like the suit?”
“What? No, the suit is alright. It’s probably the best out of all of the Avengers,” you laughed, placing the paper down in your lap and leaning your head against the seat, “It’s nice to have someone looking over the city, of course, and he saved a friend of mine once. I don’t know, I just want to know who he is. What if I know him, but I don’t know I know him?” you let out a laugh, “That was a repetitive sentence.” 
You could feel Peter sitting impossibly straight next to you, shoulders tense as he gave a small nod before you asked, “What do you think about him?”
He shrugged, “He’s cool, yeah. I’ve seen him once or twice. Very nice guy, very fit.”
“The second word that you thought to describe him was fit?” a laugh escaped your lips as you folded the paper in half, “He probably is, though. You’ve got to be fit to do all of that.” A laugh from him followed yours, the two of you chuckling quietly as the rain began to come to a stop. Peter didn’t press or ask any more questions concerning the topic of Spider-Man, so you didn’t either. You knew opinions on the Avengers were immensely divided, and while you really didn’t have an issue with them, you could never really be sure how others felt.
For the better part of the next half hour, you blabbed on about a guy at your work who you were just waiting to get fired. You wouldn’t blame Peter if he wasn’t fully listening as you divulged about how incapable your co-worker was, choosing to take secret naps and spend the whole day on his phone instead of doing his job. But with the way the brunet boy next to you nodded and laughed along at your story, you felt that he was. He was always listening. 
It was as if you were really the centre of his attention every time you two spoke. 
As the train came to a slow stop, Peter picked up his backpack and gave you a small smile, “It was nice talking to you today. Not that it isn’t every day — it’s always nice talking to you. The best part of my day,” he shook his head and you bit back a laugh, “Anyway, I hope you have a good day and I’ll see you tomorrow morning, hopefully this time there won’t be rain.” He winked in your direction, at your now dry outfit and backpack. The action caused a warmth to creep up your chest.
How he could stumble over his words and still find a way to render you flustered, you could never possibly explain it.
You nodded, raising your eyebrows as you moved your legs out of the way to let him through, “God, I hope there’s no rain tomorrow,” you gave a small wave and a smile, “See you, Peter. Don’t miss me too much during your day.”
The train ride was always so boring after he got off, but luckily for you, you only had one more stop to go before your own, so there really wasn’t that much time for you to sit quietly and think about him the whole time. Because it was nearly impossible not to think about him. How pathetic was that?
You knew the guy’s name and a couple of random details about him, hardly enough to say you knew him. Did he even consider you a friend or were you just someone that he sat next to? Did he go into work every day, struggling to focus because you were on his mind? Doubtful.
Was this a crush or just an attraction? You know, like when you see a gorgeous person walk past you at the grocery store or a restaurant. You would hardly consider that a crush. But crushes usually developed once you knew someone — knew who they were and what they meant to you.
You shook your head, feeling a little nauseous at the thoughts clouding your mind. Reaching into your backpack, you pulled out the book you had brought with you, the little red bookmark poking out of your last page, and began to read, hoping and praying that you could actually focus. 
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By a stroke of good luck and wishful thinking, Wednesday’s weather was much more tolerable.
A little windy and grey, but no rain, and no chaos to start the day. Your coffee machine worked just fine, your headphones were found tangled on your kitchen table, and you were in no rush. You had left your apartment at just the right time, walking to the train station with your music blasting in your ears; Yellow Submarine, to be exact. 
A positive song for a positive day. 
Despite the tune, you could hear the distant whistles and bells of the train station, spotting the building in the distance as you checked the road, looking left and right before darting across. You might have started off on the right foot, but the honking yellow cabs and businessman rushing by in suits seemed to be feeling quite the opposite.
You made it onto the train in record time, smiling at the man by the door before making your way in. You had once again shoved your way through the station with your bag clutched to your chest, but you were in a much less sour mood than yesterday. That was, until you stepped into the train. Your usual seat was empty, but so was the one next to it.
Peter was always early, he was always here before you.
Feeling like you were about to worry over nothing, you walked over to the seat, sitting down and keeping your eyes trained on the doorway, expecting to see him any second. He told you he’d see you today so you knew he was working. Had something changed?
Why were you so worried? He was likely fine, walking over and maybe picking himself a breakfast along the way. That was probably it. Or maybe he was just nursing a cold in bed, wrapped up in a blanket with some lame sitcom blasting on the television.
But why couldn’t you shake this bad feeling?
The crummy feeling only turned to worse when the train doors closed and the seat next to you was still unoccupied. Where was Peter? He was always here. In the months that you had taken this train, only once was he not on board. And he had told you the day before that he wasn’t working — so where was he today?
As the train moved out of the city, you tried your absolute hardest to focus on your book, on the white noise of the train’s engine and the hum of conversation around you, but things just felt really weird. You were ninety-nine percent sure that you were overreacting, that this feeling you had was only because you missed him. And you did miss him, you loved your mornings with him and the day just wouldn’t feel the same without him.
That had to be it, right?
Yeah, that was it. 
You kept telling yourself that as your eyes scanned the words on the page, reading about the blossoming romance between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy, wishing that someday you could experience the love and passion that these two had at the end of their story. You hadn’t really been into romance books before meeting Peter — as cliche and lame as that was. But now, you wanted to know what experiencing romance felt like. So, here you were, with the most iconic love story in history between your fingers.
After about forty five minutes, your eyes glanced out the window. The same scenery as yesterday greeted you, but this time, something was weird. You spotted a small dark spot in the skies, and it seemed to be getting bigger. 
You tilted your head, squinting your eyes to try and catch what it was. A plane? No, it was moving too fast and getting too big. A meteor? No, it would be on fire, most likely. 
Before you could question it any longer, the figure was right outside the window, and the train was tumbling off of its rails.
Panic seared through you as the cart rolled over onto its side, screams from passengers flooding your ears as your body slammed against the side of the seating area. There was a rush of heat — fire, or maybe an explosion — and the cart rolled over once more with shuddering force. 
What had once been the ceiling of the train was now the ground.
As your body landed with a sickening thud, the ground — or now, the ceiling of the cart —  was ripped open. Pieces of metal collapsed, one of them landing on your leg and sending the worst possible pain rushing through your body. You let out a scream, not wanting to look down. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t. The train was filled with smoke so thick, it was too difficult to see or breathe.
You placed your hand on your thigh, immediately regretting it as bolts of agony made your mind fuzzy. You could feel a warm liquid on your thigh, your hand feeling wet and sticky, and you knew that that wasn’t a good sign.
Bringing your hand back up, you spotted the crimson blood running down your fingers and staining the edge of your long-sleeved sweater. Your entire body felt like it was being crushed, and you could hardly think straight as the pain from your leg set your body on fire.
You turned to your right, spotting the woman that had been seated behind you, now clutching her forehead as a gash along her hairline caused blood to leak down her brow bone. There was no way of telling if the entire train was like this, or if it was only a small section. Either way, the groans and cries around you signalled that there were dozens of people in pain. 
“Somebody help us!” A voice shouted — but you were so disorientated you couldn’t even tell where it was coming from. Behind you? Below you? Outside?
You really couldn’t tell.
A flash of red and blue passed overhead, too quick for you to determine what it was. The figure disappeared for a couple of short moments — moments that felt like hours as you sat in the smoky darkness, struggling to breathe — before returning. As you faced upwards, you spotted him. 
Spider-Man had arrived with impeccable timing. You swore someone behind you cheered, and some lady shouted, “God bless you!” but you weren’t conscious enough to really be sure. You could feel your eyelids begin to droop, tiredness settling over your body as Spider-Man made his way into the cart. You could hear him shouting, and you could feel hands on your shoulders.
“(Y/N), hey, hold on, I’m going to get you out of here. Stay with me, please,” his voice sounded like it was down a tunnel, and you were too focused on that to wonder how he knew your name. His hands gripped you tightly, but you could barely feel them. Only when one of his hands grazed your cheekbone did you realize that he was there. He was here. He was going to save you, he was going to save everyone on the train. 
The thought was comforting, reassuring, even as you could feel yourself become dizzy. Blood loss, probably. You had seen enough medical television shows to know that blood loss could cause you to pass out. At this point, you’d rather have that. If you were passed out, you wouldn’t be feeling what you’re feeling now.
He lifted your head, placing it in his lap, “We’re going to get you to a hospital, okay? You’re going to be fine. Please. Please, keep your eyes open.”
Hearing that he was going to take you to the hospital was the reassurance you needed, and a swell of gratitude formed in your chest. You couldn’t find the strength to say it, but you gave a small nod. You could barely see him, eyes unfocused and lazy. 
You tried to keep them open, you really did, but your body failed you and before you knew it, you were unconscious. 
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The beeping of the hospital monitor wasn’t what woke you. Like the train engine, it felt like white noise.
No, what pulled you out of slumber was the pain. 
Your eyes shot open and your hands instinctively went to your leg, expecting there to still be sticky, warm blood and an excruciating ache. However, your hands never touched your skin. A clean white cast covered your entire leg, only your toes visibly sticking out at the end. They felt cold, and the only thing you could think of was that you wish you had a sock. 
You weren’t surprised your leg was broken. You had never broken a bone before, but that seemed to be the most fitting description of the pain that you had felt. 
There were no doctors or nurses in the room, but you had a small glass of water on the table so you didn’t need to call anyone. You gingerly reached for it, wincing at the twisting feeling in your body — you were no doubt bruised all over your abdomen — and took a large gulp. All the ash and smoke in the train cart had made your throat feel like sandpaper. 
You could barely remember what had happened on the train. There was a jolt, there was a cart flipping over, and then pain. And then, of course, you were rescued. You knew, once again from watching medical shows, that trauma could very easily affect how much of an incident you remembered, and how much you forgot. It was either that, or you had a concussion. 
The throbbing pain in your head told you that the latter was entirely possible.
You nearly dropped the little paper cup as a sound from next to your bed startled you. Your eyes snapped over, heart thundering at the shock, and spotted a red figure crawling in through the window. It didn’t take longer than a moment for you to recognize him as the man who saved your ass on the train earlier that day. Today? Had it been yesterday? What day was it?
“Do you just go crawling around windows in hospitals?” you asked, trying to be the first one to break the ice as he looked over in your direction, watching as you slowly placed the cup back down on the table next to you. 
“No,” he cleared his throat, “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You eyed him up and down and realized that Peter was right — he was fit. 
Oh, my god. Peter. Was he okay? Had he heard about the train accident? You were overcome with a feeling of relief that he hadn’t been there today. It really sucked that you didn’t have his phone number. You wished more than anything that you could send him a text and say you were alright.
“I am okay,” you nodded, turning your attention back to the man in front of you, “Thank you. You really saved my life.” You had never said those words before — never needed to have your life saved before today. The words sat heavy in the air, the taste of them in your throat almost bitter. 
He stepped closer to your bed, steps muffled by the fabric of his suit, and gave you a small nod, “I’m glad I arrived on time.” He looked towards your leg, “The doctors said it was a minor fracture. You should be okay to remove the cast in six weeks.”
You let out a small sigh, frowning at the pristinely white cast, “Thanks. I’ve never broken a bone before. What a way to have a first, huh?” You had so many friends who had broken their bones in normal ways; skiing, slipping on ice, sports, things of that ilk. And here you were, stuck in a hospital after a train ride gone wrong. You hadn’t asked Spider-Man about what happened, you didn’t really want to know. If anything, knowing the truth might make you feel worse about the whole thing. It was better just thinking of it as a meteor, or an impossibly strong gust of wind.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner,” you could hear the defeat in his voice as he sat next to your bed, putting his head in his hands for a quick second before looking back up at you. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you kept your gaze glued to where you imagined they would be.
“How could you know?” you asked with a small laugh, “It’s not like Spider-Man can go around riding trains every morning, making sure everyone is safe. I’m sure you’ve got more on your plate than anyone in the city.” Which wasn’t a lie. New York was practically the crime hotspot. Of course a superhero would have his schedule overbearingly full.
A small laugh escaped his mask, and he shook his head, “You’re not wrong. I… I had a bad feeling when I woke up this morning. That’s why I wasn’t there today. I’m sorry. ”
You furrowed your eyebrows, lifting yourself off of the overly-soft hospital pillows and rested on your elbows. You recognized his body language. His slouched shoulders, the way his right leg was bouncing up and down lightly in a sign of worry. The way he knew your name.
“Who are you?” you asked, voice sounding weak and unsure. He seemed so familiar, and you could practically say his name. But you didn’t want to.
You didn’t want to make that jump and be wrong.
He lifted his shoulders, letting out a deep sigh. No words were spoken for a long time, but you didn’t press questions, you didn’t want to start spewing and demanding answers. Not when he had been so good to you; that would just be unfair. 
One of his hands lifted up to the base of his neck, and your breath caught in your throat. It felt like he was removing it agonizingly slow, doing it on purpose to test how patient you really were. But you knew he had never revealed his face to the public before and so this couldn’t be easy for him. 
When he pulled it up over his jaw, his chin, his lips, his nose, you knew you had been right. How could you not tell who he was when he was speaking to you? His voice was one that you often thought about while trying to fall asleep at night.
The pain had really thrown you off your game.
Peter sat there, a dark bruise under one of his eyes, his hair sticking up in every direction, and his eyes laced on yours. You should be speechless, you should be shocked, but somehow you really couldn’t bring yourself to feel that way. It made sense now, why he had been so focused on saving you, coming to check if you were okay.
It felt like a movie — like one of those stupid rom coms that you watched where in the end, the girl realized that the secret admirer was the main guy all along… or something cheesy like that. Maybe you’d get your own story, like the novels that had you so enchanted and bewitched with the ideas of a forever romance. 
You reached over, placing your hand atop his. You couldn’t feel his skin against yours, which kind of bummed you out, but the warmth of his touch reached you either way. You didn’t speak, letting the both of you sit and process the events of the last little while in silence before you decided to say something.
“Thank you,” you grinned, feeling a rush of gratitude and admiration, not missing the way that a pink flush creeped onto his cheeks. The reaction caused a fluttery feeling in your belly. To know that you were the one who made a superhero flustered — it felt pretty damn great. 
His thumb rubbed small circles on the back of your hand, “I’ll be there next time. I promise.”
“Peter,” you sat up a bit straighter once more, making sure he looked over at you, “You saved me today. Stop feeling guilty. I’m alright.” Your shot a genuine smile his way, “You're the one with the busted up face, not me.”
He let out an exhausted little laugh, bringing his other hand up to his cheekbone, lightly touching the dark blue skin under his eye, “That’ll heal within a day. You’re the one who’s going to be using crutches and a wheelchair for a few months.”
You shrugged, “Hey, as long as you push me around, I don’t see the issue.” He shook his head, amusement written across his features. You wondered to yourself if his smile hurt the bruise, but if it did, it really didn’t seem to bother him. 
“Of course I will,” he said softly, giving your hand an extra squeeze, “I���ll be there every step of the way while you heal.”
You bit your bottom lip, noticing that there was a figure outside your door. Peter slipped his mask on, quickly trying to hide his face before the doctor walked in. A part of you wanted to frown, wishing that you could have more alone time with him, but you figured a doctor would have to show up eventually. 
“Oh—,” she stopped in her step as she walked into the room, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” She held a clipboard in her hand as she gave you a small smile, walking over to the side of your bed and checking out whatever was written on the small monitor. 
Peter cleared his throat, breaking through the awkward silence, “It’s okay, I should — I should get going. Crime, you know,” he chuckled, his gaze not leaving yours. Again, you couldn’t see his eyes, but you could feel it. You knew he was worried, that he didn’t want to leave. But it was probably for the best if he did. 
“Wait,” you reached your hand out, not touching him but catching his attention, “I just have a quick question for you.”
“Yeah, anything,” he nodded, causing a grin to form on your lips. 
“Can you sign my cast? I think Spider-Man’s signature will be a great conversation starter.” 
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blackmaylovesfries · 3 years
China line - It could be worse
Words: 1219
Sinopse: Seventeen Hybrid AU - Since the second adoption, Jun took upon himself to make sure all the new guys felt safe and comfortable. Even the most wild one.
Notices: Not so good English. I am needing my china line as they are away for now ;-;
Solo stories’ destiny // Buy me a Coffee
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“Are you in position, Alpha bird?”
“I hate this name on so many levels, I told you to not call me that, Junhui.” The cute cat hybrid just giggled when he heard his new friend’s voice over the walkie talkie. “Why are we doing this again?”
“Well, you were complaining that you were bored, so I thought it would be fun to trail behind Y/n while she works.” The hybrids were just a few meters apart, so Jun could see Minghao’s eyes rolling just as well as the other could see his smile getting bigger and more mischievous. “Come on, it’s not like you have anything else to do.”
That’s how the hyper cat hybrid was able to convince the bird one to follow you like two secret agents around the center as you did your daily tasks. It was their luck that you didn’t have field trips that day, but that does not mean you were just in your office. No… That day you were going around enough to the boys following you had a hard time keeping your pace all the time.
First, you helped the medic team with some hybrids that didn’t want to cooperate. Most of your morning was spended at the medic bay, where Jun and Minghao saw you joking and convincing unknown hybrids that no one there would hurt them. Although the wild hybrid hated humans, he could see the genuine care those professionals had in their eyes when they looked after his fellows. He couldn’t even put any faults in your behavior, which crossed the little hybrid enough so his mischievous friend was tempted to let out a laugh.
“You know, Y/n said I should give you time but I think you just need a little push.” The tall one put his head on the skinny one’s shoulder, ignoring the way his body tensed with the contact. “Some people need to have the heart forced open a little before they can do it themselves.” The8 just shaked his head as his friend’s insights still surprised him every single time.
“Come on, she’s moving.” The bird hybrid didn’t want the other to notice how his words affected him. Until then, they had only made jokes and commented on what they were seeing… It was rare to Jun say something deep like that. The feline turned his eye to your form, that was leaving the bay just to be stopped by Youngjae at the door.
“He did what!?” Jun flinched as you screamed. Minghao looked at him, a little worried, but the boy just smiled at him.
“I just don’t like when she screams. Let’s go, we’re losing her.” He didn’t elaborate, rather pulled Minghao to the direction where you had run to. The wild one knew that everyone there had their own scars but to see that even one of the most cheerful hybrids could not be healed yet made Minghao think… Maybe he did need to observe more before judging the situation.
As he thought about that, he and his friend arrived where you were. A small corridor at the dormitory's side in the complex. There they saw Youngjae and you lecturing a duo of canine hybrids. It seemed that they were fighting and it was quite the fight by the bruises and scratches on their bodies. You were saying something about expelling them.
“She’s lying, you know?” Jun had a smile on his face that made The8 narrow his eyes. “She would never throw someone out there. She’s saying that so they learn to behave but if they really can’t adapt, she is just going to send them to reserves created to receive hybrids who are more animals than humans. They take good care of them there and there’s no need to be what the humans call ‘civilized’, although everywhere has rules.”
“I had been at one of those… Most really are the ideal home for those types.” Minghao had traveled around a lot and was quite curious. Just like he didn’t accept being adopted without thinking about all the options, he would never save his fellow hybrids and give them no place to go. But it still surprised him that this center would also think about those kinds of reserves.
They then observed as the duo nodded their heads at you and Youngjae before turning around and going to the cafeteria. Just as you were ready to go searching for your dear hybrids to eat lunch, Hyuk, an employee from the adoption setor ran to you. You almost cried and Jun almost let out a huge laugh. Before leaving with the newcomer, you whispered something to Youngjae, who nodded and turned around walking in the direction of the hiding hybrids while you went with Hyuk.
“Y/n said that she can't have lunch with you guys today, if you guys want to keep following her it’s okay but don’t play too much and forget to eat, okay?” The human said when he stopped beside the two.
"Damned!" Jun hitted his thigh. “I thought that with Minghao with me I wouldn’t get caught that easily.” That made the human laugh and the other hybrid look at him, confused.
“Jun has that habit of following Y/n whenever he’s bored.” Youngjae explained, laughing again. “You can have a hybrid with a lot of skills but you are still you, Junhui. Even I who don’t go much to the field could perceive you. Now, run or you’ll lose her trail.” He waved to the hybrids and continued his way to somewhere neither of them cared.
That made your hybrids move. They had to run a little before seeing you and Hyuk but Jun nor The8 noticed that the second was actually enjoying their little adventure at this point. They saw you entering the adoption part of the complex, quickly following you inside. Neither had ever been at this part of the center so everything was new to the duo.
Their eyes were studying the new environment, looking through the glasses where some young hybrids were playing and having their meals. They also could see where you went. A sort of commercial counter separated you and Hyuk from Leo and Ravi, who Jun already knew, who were holding a really angry guy.
“Okay.” You were actually stressed at that moment, which means no patience to deal with that kind of human. “Now, either you go away and never come back alone or I shoot you and drag you out of here.” You pointed the revolver to the guy’s leg, he stopped struggling.
“You can’t do it! I’ll denunce you to the police! I'm a paying tax citizen, you can’t do it with me!” You narrowed your eyes before laughing.
“Try me.” You removed the safety pin and smiled. That made the guy freeze before taking off for good. You sighed while your coworkers started to laugh. “Yes, keep laughing. Just remember that you guys now need to call Jonghyun so he can know what’s coming for him.” This made the men freeze too. They all growl as you turn to the duo behind you. “So, can we have lunch now? I’m starving.”
Jun was still processing your change of demeanors so he didn’t answer you immediately and almost lost The8’s involuntary giggles.
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Hello everyone! How are you?? I hope everyone is okay and healthy!
First chapter of today!!!! 1/2
Tag: @mimisxs ; @moonmin-miya ; @naminalati ; @woohoney ; @notpatriciararw ; @amber-thumbs ; @skylions-den ; @snowballbear ; @restless-nights-thoughts ; @haoareu ; @killcomet​ ; @un-ravellyn - If you want to be tagged, answer the first link at the beggining of this post.
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