#now more than a year later adding Tiffany to the group
flaggermousseart · 2 years
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Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Magrat Garlick, Agnes Nitt and Tiffany Aching
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arrowflier · 3 years
Lovely Arrow, a random plot bunny appeared and I just know you could do it justice: what if Franny has some friends over at Mickey and Ian's place when she's older and one of them is new to the group and wants to learn a little more about her uncles? And Franny starts waxing poetic about how they're made for each other and complement each other so well and both Ian and Mickey overhear and it makes them tear up a little. Just a thought 😋🥰
Evie, thank you! I've decided that Franny's friends love her uncles almost as much as she does, so that's kind of where this went.
“Why are we here again?” Tiffany asks as they crowd onto the stoop of the little southside worker’s cottage. Franny doesn’t bother to answer as she knocks on the door, but one of the other girls takes pity.
“It’s her Uncle’s house,” Susan says. “Jesus, Tiff, pay attention.”
Well, not too much pity. There was a reason she’d never been invited before, after all.
“Yikes, Suze,” Tiffany mutters with a frown. “I just meant why weren’t we at her actual house.”
“Because my actual house is loud as shit,” Franny finally chimes in, not even looking back. “My mom gets lonely so we live with like three other families, it’s a nightmare for schoolwork.”
“You’d have known that if you paid any attention,” Susan adds, and they all ignore Tiffany’s pout.
It doesn’t last long anyway, because the door creaks open not a moment later.
“Hey Fran,” Ian says from the other side. His hair is longer than usual right now, and looks windswept—or like someone had been carding hands through it all morning. His shirt was tight-fitting and a little too short, like it didn’t belong to him, and the socks on his feet didn’t match.
“Hey Uncle Ian,” Franny greets, then gestures to her friends. “It still cool if we take over the living room for a bit? This group paper is a beast.”
“Of course,” Ian agrees with a wide smile. “Anything to help my favorite niece.” He opens the door wider to let them in.
“Nice to see you all again,” he says as they start to file inside. “John, Rachel,” he greets them individually. “Susan, that new haircut is fantastic, I told you it would be.”
“Thanks, Mr. Gallagher,” Susan says with a grin, tucking a loose curl behind her ear.
Ian grimaces at her, playfully.
"Ian, please," he begs. "I've never met a Mr. Gallagher I didn't want to punch."
Susan giggles, and moves inside.
“I don’t think I’ve met you,” Ian says with a thoughtful frown when it's Tiffany's turn, and Franny jumps in with an introduction.
“Uncle Ian, this is Tiff,” she says. “She got put with us for the project.”
“Nice to meet you,” Ian says, and holds out a hand.
Tiffany takes it, and when Ian lets go, her hand just hovers there.
“Make yourselves at home,” Ian says as he closes the door behind them. “I’ll be in the other room if you need anything, but—
“Try not to need anything,” they all chorus, with the exception of Tiffany.
“Good kids,” Ian laughs, and then he’s gone, disappearing through the archway that leads through to the rest of the house.
They settle quickly. John and Rachel take the love seat, as they’re always wont to do, sitting just a little too close. Rachel giggles as their knees brush, and Franny rolls her eyes at John’s blush.
She takes her own usual spot next to Susan on the floor, notebooks spread out across the ottoman, and startles when Tiffany suddenly appears on her other side.
“Dude,” Tiffany hisses, poking Franny in the shoulder. “Your uncle is so hot.”
Franny frowns, staring down at the wrinkle Tiffany left on her sleeve.
“Yeah,” she says idly as she smooths it. “So I’ve heard.”
“I mean I mean I always thought red hair looked weird--no offence," she tacks on hastily, "but it really works for him."
Franny focuses on arranging her things to avoid smacking Tiffany in the face.
"Does he have a girlfriend?” Tiffany asks, biting her lip. She toys with the ends of her over-crimped hair, bright nail polish flashing between blonde strands.
“No,” Franny answers, and doesn’t give Tiffany any time to think about that before adding, “he has a husband.”
Tiffany pouts, shimmery pink lips sticking out comically. Franny exchanges a look with Susan, who mimics the expression in a way that has Franny trying to swallow her laughter.
“So not fair,” Tiffany whines beside them, crossing her arms. “Why are all the cute ones taken?”
“Hey!” John protests from across the room, but they all ignore him except for Rachel, who hits him with her three-ring binder.
“Mickey would probably kill you for looking at him,” Susan chimes in, “so you should probably keep your eyes to yourself anyway.”
“Yeah,” Rachel agrees, even as she rubs John’s arm in apology. “He’s been to jail, you know.”
“Ew,” Tiffany says, wrinkling her nose. “There’s no way he deserves someone like Ian, then.”
Franny grips her pencil too tightly. Susan sends her a warning look, but she ignores it.
“Actually,” she says casually, hiding her irritation, “they’re perfect for each other.”
Tiffany‘s brow wrinkles.
“No way,” she disagrees. “You Uncle seems so sweet, he deserves someone nice at least.”
Franny’s pencil snaps.
“Shit, she’s done it now,” John mutters.
“Uncle Mickey is nice,” Franny grits out between clenched teeth. “He’s a hell of a lot nicer than you, actually.”
“Franny—” Rachel tries to interrupt, but Susan cuts in over her.
“She’s not wrong,” Susan says. “You’re in the man’s home, Tiff, have a little tact.”
“Besides,” John speaks up, “Mickey is great. He helped me with my math homework last week.”
“Come on!” Tiffany cries. “There’s no way some ex-con should be married to that hunk out there.”
“Ian’s an ex-con too, though,” Susan says. “Right, Fran?”
Franny smiles.
“That’s right,” she confirms gleefully. “They were in jail together, actually.”
Tiffany pales.
“No way,” she mumbles, but they aren’t done.
“Yeah, it’s the most romantic story!” Rachel all but squeals. “Mickey wasn’t even in the country, but he heard Ian needed him and he came right back!”
“They’d been together for like, years already,” John contributes. “High school sweethearts or something like that.”
Rachel latches onto him at that, and he flushes again.
“And they take such good care of each other,” Susan adds. “Last time I was here Ian wasn’t feeling too good, and Mickey made us all be quiet so he could sleep. Then I helped him make some soup, ‘cause he isn’t good at that stuff.”
Tiffany is biting her lip again, staring at them each in turn.
“But Ian seems so—”
“In love with his husband?” Franny cuts her off dryly. “Sounds right to me.”
The others all agree, but Franny isn’t done.
“My Uncles have the best relationship I’ve ever seen,” Franny continues, “and I was a little kid for most of it. So if you think they’re gonna care what some random kid their niece hangs out with thinks about their marriage…” she trails off.
Tiffany’s eyes are downcast.
“Didn’t mean anything by it,” she mutters, then looks up through her eyelashes. “Sorry.”
Silence, broken by Franny’s tired sigh.
“It’s okay, I guess,” she says. Then she hands Tiffany her notebook. “Here, you can write the introduction.”
Behind a half-closed door down the hall, Mickey stands quietly, eyes wide. He startles when the door creaks open an extra inch, Ian slipping inside.
Ian’s eyes are soft when they fall on his face, and Mickey blinks hurriedly to hide the wetness in his own.
“You heard all that, I take it?” Ian whispers, and Mickey nods.
“Yeah,” he says hoarsely. “Kind of hard not to, those kids are fucking banshees.”
Ian laughs, soft and quiet.
“Banshees that love you,” he says, stepping closer. “As they should,” he adds when Mickey lets him wrap strong arms around him.
“Sounds like one of ‘em loves you more,” Mickey mumbles into Ian’s chest, and it shakes as Ian huffs.
“She’ll learn,” he says, holding Mickey tighter. “They all do eventually.”
“That I’m the better husband?” Mickey jokes, even as he rubs his face into the fabric of his own shirt over Ian’s broad chest.
“That we’re best together,” Ian corrects, and Mickey smiles.
“Yeah,” he breathes out, pressing a kiss to Ian’s sternum.
“Yeah, we really are.”
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taetaesource · 3 years
Acting with Kim Seon Ho
I might come up with a full fic of the drama. 
You started out as a idol trainee but never debuted but became an actress instead. Although you are not very young, korean age 29 and Seon Ho is 35. You didn’t star in many dramas and was not as popular as names like suzy and park shin hye. In this sense, you are alot like Kim Seon Ho before he hit it big with Start Up. 
You did not grow up in korea and speak better in english than korean. You’re friends with the korean-american celeb community like BM, Jessi, Eric. Your best friend is Blackpink’s Rose because you guys met during trainee days as a music school and later reconnected at a private Tiffany&Co event. 
You are under Starship ent which is a fairly big company with actors like Lee dongwook so your skills isn’t too far off and in general you land in scripts and channels that are not too bad. 
You got an offer from the writer who wrote Crash Landing On You and upon reading script and much discussion with the company, you decided to take this up. 
You learn that the production team is trying their best to get Kim Seon Ho to be the male lead and you felt honoured and at the same time pressured. You really wished to have him as your partner in this drama because you knew that he was talented, but you also wanted to keep your hopes low because you knew that he was booked left right centre and he has many scripts and projects flooding in. 
The storyline of the drama was also one reason why you kept your hopes low. 
The drama centers around the female (which is your role) whose husband requested for a divorce as he fell in love with a co-worker who is a headstrong career woman. The female lead tries to salvage her marriage by entering into the company that her husband and his mistress works in and struggles her way into the workforce after being a housewife for 10 years. 
The truth is, you were deliberating very hard as to whether this role was suitable for you as it is quite a leap from the usual roles and it might change the image that you have in the public eyes. For the male lead, this change is an even bigger risk and now that Seon ho is getting more popular, you were pretty sure there’s 60% chance he would reject the offer so as to keep his image. 
But the script was interesting as it portrayed third party and affairs in a different light and the characters were complex so this would take your acting skills to a new level. With that, you decided to take on the challenge despite the risk that you might not be offered dramas in future that were of younger romantic comedy genre since you will be remembered as an actress that played mum and divorcee. 
To your surprise, Seon ho took on the role as well. And the reason you heard of is that he felt that the script is compelling and he wanted to challenge himself in a new role. 
The other female actress who will play the role of the third party is Son Na eun of Apink and you thought that she was a good fit for the role too. 
The day of drama reading, Seon ho was the last to arrive and he was so apologetic about it. He was polite and greeted everybody with his big dimple smile. It was his first time meeting you and Naeun so the 3 of you were quite awkward and unfamiliar. 
When filming officially started, you were so busy preparing and translating your lines and practicing them that you felt very pressured. As the drama was produced by the team behind the hit success Crash Landing and also featuring the current hot actor Kim seon ho, it was also highly anticipated and everyone was looking forward to the drama to air. 
The filming process was also tiring as the tone of the drama is quite serious and sad compared to a light-hearted love drama or comedy. But to your surprise the filming was quite enjoyable mainly because seon ho is very easy to work with and also very professional. 
Even though he must have been very tired as the shoot is often in between his other projects like 2 Days 1 Night and his other pictorials and advertisement shoots, he rarely screws up his part and came prepared with his lines so there won’t many retakes. He is also very bubbly and cheerful, making the filming atmosphere livelier and friendlier. 
The chemistry between you and him hit off better than expected as well. You enjoyed his sometimes awkward jokes, you could follow up with this ad-libs and both of you saw eye-to-eye when it comes to how the both of you should act certain scenes to bring out certain message or emotions. 
You usually speak to your staff and manager in english which would leave the total korean boy seon ho in awe. And you always joke that the hardest part about this drama is that you have to pretend that you dont understand english as you are supposed to play the role of a clueless housewife who became an intern in a top company. And Naeun who doesn’t understand english has to play the role of your manager who is capable and good at presentations and reports in english. 
When the drama air, the public had good response and the chemistry between you and seon ho became recognised just as how people were speculating that Hyun Bin and Son Ye jin are definitely dating. 
The both of you were not at the dating stage yet because seon ho is so busy. And his personality is so friendly that he usually maintain a very amicable relationship with everybody so you established that the both of you are just very good colleagues that managed to become friends outside of work.   
To your surprise, seon ho called you one day - “chae young ahhh” he repeated and emphasized “chae young” a few times which was not your real name but the name of your character in the drama so you kind of had the sense to reply “oh yeobo”, which absolutely pleased him. Turns out it was a call from seon ho while filming 2 days 1 night. He was on a mission and he had to prove that he wasn’t lying when he said on the show that the both of you had good chemistry so choosing you to call to help him in the mission is the best person. You had to make a guess of the option his group chose in order for them to pass and be given lunch. The way you answered the call has already made a great impression to the team and the 2d1n members were all impressed by the chemistry you had with seon ho. You also passed the game round and they were saying that you should drop by the show as a guest as the next week, they will have to bring a female guest who are also their good friend to help them in the episode. 
Your company is rather particular about their artistes appearing on variety shows and it’s only after they screened the other female guests and realised that the rest are mostly comedians, that they allowed you to be on the show and the instruction was that you have to maintain your image. 
It was easy as the members and everyone in the team treated you like a princess in comparison to the 2 female comedians so as to make the show funnier. And seon ho especially took care of you as well even outside of the filming. 
He introduced you to the actor yeon jung hoon who was on the show and in between breaks you were able to consult him about some concerns that you have, especially since you are juggling 2 dramas. 
Towards the halfway mark of the drama filming with seon ho, you were offered another drama, a love story drama with a younger actor this time Seo Kang Joon. As the new drama is a typical courtship and love story drama, you were afraid that the way you act might not be able to draw a difference that well that the audience will be able to see the shadow of the divorced wife character that you are playing in the other drama. 
Jung hoon adviced that every role will have some kind of resemblance because it all came from you. It’s impossible to always present a totally original and fresh character without some resemblance here and there. But maybe if we see the resemblance as the actor’s style and essence, then you wouldnt feel so pressured to draw the distinction between all the roles that you act in. 
This scene was aired on 2d1n and it helped the public to see your professionalism and seriousness that you have towards acting. 
You also helped the team by giving a call to Blackpink’s Rose. Rose answered the call with “heyyy what’s up” which excited the members even more as they didn’t expect the both of you to use english as main form of communication. 
You were also good friends with Park Yuna who got famous from her role in Sky Castle and she also played the role of Bo young who is your sister in the drama with seon ho. Yuna was also an idol trainee previously which is why the both of you clicked so fast. 
The drama with Seo Kang Joon was a success too but of course both dramas did not do as well as Start-Up and Crash Landing but in your terms it was successful as people were talking about it and it was the more popular dramas among the rest that were airing as well. 
The chemistry between you and seon ho stood out even more as nobody really talked about seo kang joon and you having chemistry in that way. 
Very quickly, you were offered a movie role and the male lead they were offering it to kim seon ho again. This time, the storyline was less sad as it was about a man and woman who took a break from their current life and went to Jeju island as an escape, met and fell in love there. Seon ho’s character broke up with his long-term girlfriend while your character left her job after being there for 8 years. And the both of you met in Jeju. 
Many people were speculating if the both of you were dating, especially since dispatch released pictures of the both of you coming out of a convenience store together on your off days. And when your agency checked with you, you said no because technically seon ho has never officially asked you out. But somehow you felt a little bitter when you heard from your management that seon ho’s side has also denied the dating rumours. 
But netizens were quite supportive especially because the pictures taken were candid shots of how the both of you played with each other. Seon ho offered to hold your plastic bag but you lifted it like how you would lift dumbbells to joke with him that you didnt need his help and he was laughing so hard. Most comments that people have after seeing the pictures is that the both of you are so cute and pure. 
But because the pictures were exposed by dispatch, it made you and seon ho a little uncomfortable in front of public setting. Like the both of you had to attend the movie premiere and it was awkward to be standing together in front of the reporters and cameras as the both of you know that everyone in the room has seen the pictures and may or may not ask about your relationship status. You are not sure if it’s even more uncomfortable if they dont talk about the white elephant in the room. But the both of you were obviously less chummy that day, keeping a distance and avoiding eye contact as much as possible. Which led to people speculating that the rumours has caused you guys to break up. 
But you were still in contact with each other in private, just that you two did not meet in person since then. It was after few months that the both of you met again and it was at drama awards. It felt less uncomfortable and awkward maybe because the both of you were more overwhelmed by the excitement of seeing each other again after so long that you two didn’t really care whether people will ask if you guys are dating again. 
Another heart fluttering moment was when the mc asked if any of you felt something for the other person that you were acting alongside with, and the both of you raised your hands shyly and blushed when you both realised that both of you raised your hands. 
When seon ho went on stage to claim the best actor award, you stood up and clap proudly. And the mc jokingly asked since the both of you raised your hands just now, are you guys dating for real already? Seon ho laughed this time and said “don’t worry i will let you guys know if there’s good news” making everyone excited with his ambiguous answer and you could only laugh and facepalm in embarassment. 
Eventually, dispatch released articles of insider saying that 2 actors who have acted together recently in drama and movie are dating and it pointed to you and seon ho again. 
You talked to your agency, wondering if the best way is to deny it again because you know that couples that admit their relationship usually end up breaking up. And couples who stay together usually become less active or don’t have many projects up ahead. Plus seon ho’s career is at his peak now, he wouldn’t want to risk anything and he might not even have the time to keep this relationship going. 
But your management got the news that seon ho’s side is okay to admit to it if you are okay with it and that shocked you. You didn’t expect him to want to keep this relationship more than his career. But to seon ho, he doesn’t see how his career will go down just because of this. And his fame was a sudden one, he was never famous before that and he was okay with it. 
Your management was also quite relaxed about this. It seems that you are the only one thinking too much into this. Eventually you realised that it was all in your head. 
The next day all the news outlet were reporting - “BREAKING: Actor Kim Seon Ho and Y/N is in a relationship”. 
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
I'm a writer, and writers always get disproportionate attention. How did they stand it? Their main expenses are setting up the company, which costs a couple thousand Altair owners, but without this software they were programming in machine language. Those ideas are so rare that you can't find some way to reach me, how are you going to create a successful company? For a startup, managing them is one of the first 10 employees you'll have almost as much.1 Families are entitled to their own traditions, and who the competitors are and why this company is going to beat them.2 In the late 90s my professor friends used to complain that they couldn't get grad students, because all the undergrads were going to let hosts rent out space on their floors during conventions. Part of the reason I can't believe it will be more like being able to play the two firms off each other as well as talent, so this answer works out to be important, because a we invest such small amounts, and b we think it's better if startups operate out of their own premises, however crappy, than the offices of their investors.
If you're a freelancer or a small company doesn't ensure freedom.3 What makes a good startup idea, it's sort of like having a guilty conscience about something.4 There's an idea that has turned out to be a startup. For a lot of work.5 Which is exactly how I'd describe the way lions seem in the wild seem about ten times more alive. You probably can't overcome anything so pervasive as the model of work is a job. Don't sit on their boards. What really bothers parents about their teenage kids having sex are complex.6 It's not so much as that they never pander: they never say or do something because that's what the audience wants. So if you're going to optimize a number, the one to choose is your growth rate to compensate. In social settings, I found that I got over 100 other responses listing the surprises they encountered. If you don't understand YC.
At the time any random autobiographical novel by a recent college grad could count on more respectful treatment from the literary establishment. The angel now owns 200/1200 shares, or a job. The kind of question on the application form that asks what you're going to clear these lies out of your head, you're going to clear these lies out of your head, you're going to do, at least, nothing good.7 I often recommend that founders act like consultants—that they wanted to.8 In a startup, you don't even know that.9 If these guys had thought they were starting companies, they might have been.10 Viaweb entirely with angel money; it never occurred to us that investors were too conservative here—that they do what they'd do if they'd been in Nebraska, like Evan Williams was at their age? The saddest windows close when other people die.
And when you propagate that constraint, the result is that each species thrives in groups of a certain group, that seems nearly impossible to shake. Someone who's figured that out will automatically focus more on the idea. The only explanation is: by definition. It's not just a figure of speech to say that the outcome is zero. The artists who benefited most from this were the ones who had preserved a child's confidence, like Klee and Calder. Once you have all the college students, you get rich is that there are many degrees of it. It could be replaced on any of these axes it has already started to be on most. When you're a little kid and you're asked to do something differently.
But not all waste is bad. Later I learned it hadn't been so neat, and the three founders each get 25%. Along with such outright lies, there must have been told a lot of economic history, and I understand the startup world is evolving away from their current model.11 If you seem really good we'll accept you anyway. Even in the rare cases where a clever hack makes your fortune, you probably have an idea.12 At least, that's how we'd describe it in present-day languages, if they'd had them. The way you get taught programming in college would be like teaching writing as grammar, without mentioning that its purpose is to make me feel better. After two years, the un-rapacious that you only extract half as much from users as you could. If you have something that no competitor does and that some subset of users urgently need, you have to seem like you understand technology.13 On that scale, every negotiation is unique.14 I was cynical about VCs, but the way he composed them into molecules was near faultless.15 But unfortunately when you graduate, as long as you want.16
Thanks to Daniel Sobral for pointing this out. Make it clear when you ad lib you end up reproducing some of the things they've tried on the LL1 mailing list. What you learn in college or what grades you got in them, initially, to sell earlier than you expect. But while this is also a name.
In fact most of them. But try this experiment is that if you conflate them you're aiming at. The worst explosions happen when unpromising-seeming startups do badly.
Y Combinator certainly never asks what classes you took in college. This approach has not worked well, but this would work better, and that modern corporate executives were, we try to accept a particular number.
Aristotle the core: the editor in Lisp, they may try to accept that investors are induced by the surface similarities. Com of their assets; and with that additional constraint, you can't help associating it with such a statement would merely be eccentric.
Most word problems in school math textbooks are bad: Webpig, Webdog, Webfat, Webzit, Webfug. Without the prospect of publication, the assembly line, the closest anyone has come is Secretary of Labor Statistics, about 28%.
I think the usual way to fight. The next time you raise as you can see the apples, they made much of it, and no one who's had the discipline to pull it off. Successful founders are driven by people trying to decide whether to go to college, they would implement it and make a lot of investors caring either.
P nonspam are both genuinely formidable, and the exercise of stock options than any preceding president, he was otherwise unoccupied, to get into the heads of would-be startup founders who had been a good idea to make more money. The best thing for startups is very long: it might take an hour over the Internet, like hedge funds, are available only to buy corporate bonds to market faster; the Reagan administration's comparatively sympathetic attitude toward takeovers; the crowds of shoppers drifting through this huge mall reminded George Romero of zombies. That it might take an hour over the Internet. Yes, I had zero effect on the relative weights?
The VCs recapitalize the company, and yet managed to screw up twice at the data, it's probably good grazing. I should add that we're not. They did turn out to be a win to include things in shows that people start to pull ahead in the field.
Galbraith was clearly puzzled that corporate executives would work so hard to mentally deal with the founders gained from running through their initial attitude. Sparse Binary Polynomial Hash Message Filtering and The Old Way. One thing that drives most people emerge from the moment it's created indeed, from hour to hour that the worm might have done all they could be overcome by changing the shape of the bizarre consequences of this: You may not be far less demand for them.
Indiana University Bloomington 1868-1970.
Trevor Blackwell points out that taking time to come up with an associate cold-emailing a startup could grow big in revenues without including the order of 10,000, because investors already owned more than their competitors, who may have realized this, but simply because he was skeptical about Viaweb too. See Greenspun's Tenth Rule. We just store the data, it's software that doesn't seem to want them; you have significant expenses other than salaries that you decide the price, and for filters it's textual.
P 500 CEOs in the sophomore year. It was only because he had more fun than he'd had in school, and philosophy the imprecise half. The philistines have now missed the video boat entirely.
As we walked out we ran into Yuri Sagalov. Emmett Shear writes: I'd argue the long tail for sports may be common in, you'll have to replace you. It took a painfully long time.
The reason Y Combinator.
This is an instance of a safe will be coordinating efforts among partners. In practice it just feels like a loser they're done, she doesn't like getting attention in the definition of property.
The thing to do sales yourself initially. 5%. At first I didn't care about GPAs.
Thanks to Paul Buchheit, Gary Sabot, Trevor Blackwell, Tiffani Ashley Bell, and Jeff Arnold for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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alj4890 · 4 years
12 Days of Ficmas
Day 2
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(Thomas Hunt x OC*Amanda) in a Choices Red Carpet Diaries Christmas one shot.
A/N I always love these two and their awkward ways of admitting they want more than friendship. What better way to do so than at a holiday party that is nothing but chaotic? This fic grew longer and longer as I worked on it. I blame my daydreaming and my lack of self-control. Woooo 2020! LOL!
12 Days of Ficmas writers and readers list
@texaskitten30​ @leelee10898​ @emichelle​ @zaffrenotes​ @burnsoslow​ @kat-tia801​ @darley1101​ @msjr0119​ @annekebbphotography​ @god-save-the-keen​ @plumeriavibes @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @camillemontespan @ao719 @cocomaxley @cordoniansgonewild @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @cordoniantrash @axwalker @innerpostmentality @lucy-268 @janezillow @katedrakeohd  @mom2000aggie @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @debramcg1106 @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject
Thomas Hunt List
@krsnlove @lxaah11 @alleksa16 @penguininapinktuxedo @blackcoffee85 @stopforamoment   @annekebbphotography @hopelessromantic1352 . @sunflowergirl05 @greywitchyshots @lilyoffandoms @moodyvalentinestories @emceesynonymroll @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms @ab1901 @flyawayboo @i-bloody-love-drake-walker . @trappedinfanfiction @kate-mckenzie @everythingmarvelsherlockspn @trappedinfandoms
Song Inspiration: Underneath the Mistletoe by Kelly Clarkson and Brett Eldridge
Mistletoe Madness
November 28th...
"Well," Ryan began as soon as he entered Thomas's suite. "He did it again."
"Again? How delayed will we be this time?" Thomas demanded.
"We're looking at another six weeks." The former heartthrob movie star recently turned executive producer poured them both a drink. "Given the holidays approaching, I suspect it will be closer to nine weeks."
Thomas grumbled about never again agreeing to producing another person's film.
If he had not witnessed the young director's raw talent firsthand, he would have never joined this venture. With Ryan Summers urging him on to support the next generation, he had somehow ended up spending the last few months in New York City and basically babysitting a twenty-two year old recent film graduate.
"Austin swears this will be the last time." Ryan explained.
Thomas took a healthy gulp of scotch.  "Are we certain he isn't in over his head?"
"You've seen the dailies." Ryan rubbed a hand down his face. "What do you think?"
Thomas slumped in his chair. "It is going to be a critically acclaimed film that sweeps the Oscars."
Ryan finished off his drink and stood up. "Don't worry. There is nothing like Christmas in New York."
"Except in my home." Thomas grumbled.
"Have no fear." Ryan's charming smile flashed. "I intend on hosting my annual Christmas party."
Thomas didn't bother to repress his shudder. "You mean that garish monstrosity that you refer to as an intimate gathering?"
"Can I help it that everyone loves me?"
"I believe you could." Thomas grumbled.
"Look on the bright side." Ryan reminded him. "Most of the people who love me are nearly three thousand miles away in California. This might actually be my most intimate gathering yet."
"True." Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. "I suppose one night of revelry won't kill me."
"There's that Christmas fortitude." Ryan set his empty glass down. "I'll let you know when the plans are finalized."
On his way out the door, he sent an image with a couple of phrases to a few groups in his contact list.
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Christmas Party: Where? 80 Fifth Avenue at 14th Street, 17th Floor PH, New York, NY When? 7p.m., December 17. Why? You already know the answer. RSVP? Only if you want to come inside.
Within seconds of sending it, his phone began to chime nonstop with friends and acquaintances saying they would fly in just for his party.
December 14th...
"Oof!" Amanda tried to keep from falling over. "I'm so sor--"
"My fau--Amanda!" Ryan grasped her arms. "What are you doing in New York?"
"Some of Cordonia's nobles were invited for a World Tourism forum." She explained. "What about you?" Her teasing smile formed. "Why are you not in sunny California?"
He chuckled and linked his arm with hers, guiding her toward a nearby coffee shop. "I'm currently here as a producer."
"I had heard that you were stepping behind the camera for a change."
"Producing seemed the easiest." He shook his head with a laugh. "I never knew I could be so wrong."
After placing their orders and finding a table in a secluded corner, he asked how long she would be in New York.
"I was supposed to leave with everyone yesterday." She picked at her chocolate croissant. "But I decided to stay a few more days and do some Christmas shopping."
"So it’s just you?" He asked.
"Just me." She smiled at him. "I don't have anyone complaining about the cold weather or my tendency to linger near Christmas decorations."
"Speaking of Christmas decorations," he held his phone up, "Did you receive my party invitation?"
"I did. I didn't RSVP because I wasn’t sure how long I would stay here."
"Then allow me to RSVP for you." He quickly added her to the list. "Can't have one of my favorite duchesses alone this weekend."
She chuckled. "Who else is coming?"
"The usual." He flashed a smile. "You know most of them. One in particular."
Her eyebrow lifted. "Now I am curious."
"Thomas has been here with me." He explained. "We are both producers--"
"I know." She said softly.
"You do?" His smile grew mischievous. "Just how close did you two become when he filmed in Cordonia last spring?"
She squirmed in her chair. "We became friends."
"Friends or friends?"
"Ryan..." She could feel a headache forming at his prodding.
"Sorry." He relaxed back in his chair. "I know it is none of my business. Just because I am friends with both parties doesn't mean that I have a right to know if they moved out of that friendship phase of--"
"Thomas was right." Amanda playfully threw her napkin at him. "You really don't stop talking."
"Well," he shrugged. "I mean there are ways I enjoy being forced to shut up." He winked at her. "But I don't think you want to go down that road, at least not with me."
"You are impossible." She shook her head in resignation.
"I know." Ryan straightened in his chair when he noticed the time. "I have a meeting with one of the caterers." He flashed a smile as he stood up. "Want to come along and keep me company?"
"I should try and finish my shopping." She glanced down at the different bags of Tiffany blue, Gucci white, and Cartier red. "Especially now that I have to find something to wear for your party."
"Come with me and then I will help you find whatever you want." He took her bags before she could give an answer. "I could use someone else's opinion on appetizers."
"I suppose I have to say yes, since you're holding my purchases hostage."
He chuckled at her teasing while offering his arm. "Come with me, duchess, if you ever want to see these again."
Slipping her arm through his, they set off down Fifth Avenue.
Later that night...
Thomas wrapped a towel around his waist as he stepped out of the shower. He rolled his shoulders in an attempt to work the many knots of stress that persisted after fourteen hours of filming.
I should have remained in the director's chair.
The need to take control was growing stronger than ever. It was a wonder that he had not broken the arms off of the chair he sat in as he attempted to keep his mouth shut. The ridiculously young director had made numerous decisions he wanted to change.
But it isn't my vision we are going for.
As he rubbed a towel through his hair, he heard the familiar ping of notifications on his phone.
He picked it up, smiling at seeing Amanda's name as part of an alert.
It disappeared when he saw the following images.
She was in New York. With Ryan.
And it looked like they were more than friends.
"Why didn't she tell me she was here?" He muttered to himself.
He swiped through the images of smiling Ryan sitting on a couch at Versace while Amanda twirled in a dress for him.
He then saw an image of the two walking out of a coffee shop, arm in arm.
Thomas tossed his phone on the bed as he hurried to dress. Frustration built within him at the thought that Ryan might feel something for her.
After months of debating how to broach the subject of dating, he couldn't believe that he might have missed his opportunity with her.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a knock at his door.
Eyes narrowed when he saw who it was through the peephole.
"Ready?" Ryan asked as he walked in. "I was able to get us a table at Cote for..." He trailed off when Thomas turned his back on him. "What's wrong? No to Korean barbecue or did Austin flounder again?"
"Still struggling with his directing decisions?" Ryan asked.
"No. In a way. But no." Thomas bit out.
He knew he was being unreasonable. Ryan couldn't possibly know how he felt about the duchess since he had not bothered to share that with anyone.
Still, it should have been him running around New York with her instead of his flirtatious, playboy friend.
Wondering just how serious Ryan was about Amanda, he decided to casually get some information out of him.
"How did the party planning go?"
"Better than I expected." Ryan's smile reappeared. "Everything is set. Music, food, drinks, and decorations will be on theme this year."
"Ah." Thomas mumbled. "And the theme is?"
"You'll see." Ryan winked. "You won't believe who I ran into today."
Finally. "Who?"
"Amanda Bridgerton. There was some type of forum she had to attend last week and she decided to remain here on her own for some extra days of fun and shopping." Ryan replied.
"Is she coming to your party?" Thomas asked.
"It took some of my powers of persuasion, but I got her to agree."
"She should have let me know she was here." Thomas cleared his throat. "It would have been nice to see her."
"I asked her about that when she said she knew you were in New York." Ryan cocked his head to the side as he studied his friend. "She said she didn't want to bother you while you worked."
"Amanda isn't a bother." Thomas felt a little better at hearing that.
It does sound like the thoughtful thing she would normally do.
"That's what I told her." Ryan replied, checking the time again. "If you don't hurry, we’ll be late in meeting her for dinner."
Thomas's head jerked up. "We're having dinner with Amanda?'
"Why wouldn't we?" Ryan slowly smiled. "Once I told her that you would welcome a distraction from producing, she readily agreed to dinner."
The pictures then were like any other from gossip magazines. Completely innocent.
Ryan noticed an expression of relief form on Thomas's face.
He leaned forward in his chair. "Just how close were you two in Cordonia?"
Thomas's flush told the actor all he needed to know.
"We became friends." He muttered on his way back into the bathroom.
"Friends, huh?" Ryan rubbed his hands together. "I guess that's why Amanda is still single."
Cote NYC, an hour later...
"There she is." Ryan pointed towards a table to the right of the restaurant.
Amanda was studying the menu and didn't notice them walking in.
Thomas felt that same jolt to his heart that he had each time he saw her. Knowing she would be here with him, with no distractions, made him decide to test the proverbial waters.
The moment she looked up, her eyes immediately went to Thomas.
Her smile was filled with warmth and a touch of shyness when she stood up to greet him.
His lips grazed her cheek as he took her hands.
Even in the dim light, he could see her blush.
Ryan glanced from one to the other and cleared his throat. After a second, louder clearing to get their attention failed, he spoke up.
"I'm here too."
Amanda pulled her hands out of Thomas's grasp.
"Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" She teased.
Ryan dramatically clutched his chest. "Did our day out together mean nothing to you?"
She shook her head at his foolishness. "I might have enjoyed it, if you hadn't made me try on so many dresses."
She sat back down and felt a thrill go through her body when Thomas slid in next to her.
He draped his arm along the back of their booth and turned more towards her as they talked.
Ryan observed the two closely, a slight smirk on his lips at discovering that there was a definite attraction between the two.
His party's mistletoe theme would go a long way in helping these two.
Towards the end of dinner, both men received a cryptic text from Austin.
Ryan lifted an eyebrow. "Do you understand what he is talking about?"
"Unfortunately, I do." Thomas slipped his phone back in his pocket. "We better go in case he decides to try and dangle a camera from the Empire State building.
Ryan motioned to the waiter for the check.
Amanda tried to not be too disappointed. She hadn't realized how much she had missed being around Thomas until she had him sit next to her. The dinner had been the best she had had in a long time.
And it had nothing to do with the food.
His attention had settled on her and remained. It was a wonder she had not become tongue tied under his steady, dark gaze. His fingers grazed her shoulder every so often each time he settled his arm along the back of their seat.
If only they could have been alone without anyone disturbing them.
"Where are you staying?" Thomas asked.
"The Ritz-Carlton." Amanda wrote her suite number down for him. "Twenty-first floor."
He slipped it into his pocket before giving her his hotel and room information.
"We aren't too far away from you." He smiled softly at her. "Perhaps after we calm Austin down, we can plan on meeting up."
"I would love that." She took his hand as he helped her out of the booth.
"If nothing else, you two can meet up at my annual Christmas party." Ryan added.
Thomas and Amanda both stared at him as if seeing him for the first time.
"That's true." She mumbled.
"It is a small gathering still. Isn't it?" Thomas asked.
Ryan shrugged as he led the way out.
"Do you know how big it will be?" Thomas whispered.
"No." Amanda's eyes narrowed. "But if I had to judge by the caterer's face when Ryan wrote down how many he was expecting, small is not going to be associated at all with his party."
Dec. 17, Manhattan Penthouse, Fifth Avenue...
"I can't believe that we have been trapped with Austin the past few days." Thomas grumbled.
"Neither can I." Ryan slung an arm around his friend's shoulders and gave a gentle shake. "Cheer up. We now have two weeks or so of freedom from the boy wonder."
"There is that." Thomas eyed the growing number of people coming in. "Aren't you supposed to greet your guests?"
"Nah. Everyone knows who I am." Ryan replied. "But I will go mingle."
Once he disappeared into the crowd, Thomas lifted his eyes to the ceiling. Every five feet or less, a sprig of mistletoe dangled with lights and tinsel. The plant was hung from the main bar to every inch of the ballroom. There were even a set over the bathroom doorways.
Between the open bar and whatever alcoholic concoction Ryan's Christmas punch was made of, this holiday party would soon turn into a different sort of gathering.
Thomas wanted no part of an almost drunken orgy.
The only reason he had come was so that he could see Amanda. The long hours working with Austin had offered nothing except a quick phone call to apologize that he couldn't meet up with her. The few texts they exchanged were filled with understanding and a hope to see each other soon.
He hoped to find her in this crowd that was quickly getting larger and entice her away. Go someplace quiet where he could talk to her about taking that next step that would change everything.
That shouldn't be too difficult, he thought as he began to walk around.
But Thomas had made one mistake.
He was walking a path covered in mistletoe.
An hour later...
"There you are!" Ryan greeted Amanda with a kiss on her cheek. "I was afraid you weren't coming."
"It was a long line for the elevator." She looked around at the crowded room. "Looks like you invited everyone."
"Not everyone." Ryan handed her a cup of punch. "I forgot to invite my financial advisor. One of the guys that serves coffee. Probably a couple of others."
Not paying attention, Amanda took a big gulp of the punch. She struggled to get a deep breath as she felt the alcohol burn a path down her throat to settle with the sensation of a small fire forming in her stomach.
"What," she wheezed, "is in this?"
"Old Summers family secret." He nudged her cup up to take another swallow. "The first is the hardest. The ones that follow make everything bright."
"Don’t you mean right?" She took a tentative sip and realized he was right. The fire was gone, leaving her with an aftermath of warm giddiness. Finishing off her cup, she smiled while admiring his decorations. "It really does make everything bright."
He chuckled while pouring her another one. "Enjoy duchess. I have to go talk to the couple that just walked in." Ryan gestured toward the back of the ballroom. "I saw Thomas over there earlier."
Before she could say anything, he disappeared.
Smiling from not only the Christmas punch but also at the thought of spending time with the man she secretly loved, Amanda began to weave her way through, pausing only long enough to greet those she knew.
"For the love of--" Thomas suffered through another overly eager kiss.
This particular wannabe celebrity told him she was a popular YouTube personality.
It took all of his willpower to keep from telling her that he truly didn't care about her type of fame nor anything about her. He untangled himself from her arms and picked up his pace.
Being blocked in by Ryan's guests on one side and tables on the other, he had yet to escape the long line of mistletoe.
"Dammit!" He was grabbed once more.
"Is that any way to greet me, Thomas?" A sultry actress cooed.
"Good evening, Ava." He grasped her arms. "If you will excuse me--"
"You're under the mistletoe." She gripped the lapels of his blazer. "You know what that means?"
"Unfortunately, I do." He grumbled. Closing his eyes, he subjected himself to the kiss she pressed to his lips.
When Thomas was finally released, he first took pleasure in the disappointed expression on Ava's face from his lack of response.
Then his heart dropped at the person who stood a few feet away, staring at him.
Amanda turned away when Thomas locked eyes on her. Her mind jumped from one wild thought to another.
Thank God I didn't tell him how I felt! What if I had and then he had been forced to point out which woman he preferred? I need to leave. No! Then he'll suspect! I have to stay. Smile. Drink, dance, and be merry. Act like my heart didn't drop at the sight of Thomas being kissed by a woman I can't ever compete with.
She knew she couldn't run away so she remained in place. With a neutral expression on her face, she watched him out of the corner of her eye walk over to her.
"Amanda, I--that display you--I--" Thomas stuttered.
She turned toward him with a friendly smile firmly on her lips. "Thomas," she began with a slight, carefree laugh, "what can one do when caught under the mistletoe?"
Thomas blinked, taken aback when she casually shrugged the incident away.
Her heart was thudding as if she had sprinted. Pretending to not be affected by everything was too hard with his attention on her. She needed a temporary escape.
She called upon the things her friends in Cordonia depended on when upset.
Olivia would tell her to face the situation head on.
Not something I want to do.
Drake would go to the bar.
I've already had too much Christmas punch.
Hana would suggest desserts.
The table is too far away.
Maxwell would suggest to dance one’s troubles away.
Hmm. I could do that.
Her eyes scanned some of the men that stood nearby. Catching Ryan's eye, she nodded toward the dance floor with a silent plea.
He smiled at her. Coming over to do as she wanted, he noticed Thomas and glanced curiously back and forth at the two.
"Duchess?" He held his hand out. "Care to dance?"
"I would love to." She turned to a shocked Thomas. "Would you mind holding my drink?"
When his fingers grazed hers, she looked up at his face. Her carefully guarded expression flickered revealing her angry frustration.
"Feel free to use my cocktail napkin." She snapped.
"Your napkin?" Thomas repeated. "Why?"
"That shade of lipstick isn't really your color." She lowered her eyes and stubbornly ignored his attempt to explain.
She grabbed Ryan's hand and pulled him to the dance floor.
Ryan immediately twirled her as the upbeat tempo began. Taking both her hands to pull her toward him, he lifted an eyebrow in silent question.
She shook her head. "Don't ask. Please."
His gaze momentarily softened to pity. "Then hold on tight." He broke out some swing dance moves in the hopes of getting her to smile.
Her laughter at the numerous twirls he spun her in with dramatic dips made him smile.
"You know?" He said, once she was upright. "The only way I was able to get Thomas to agree to come tonight was telling him that you would be here."
"Ryan." She muttered.
"Amanda." He countered with a flirty grin on his face.
She couldn't help but smile back. "How do you make it impossible to ignore you?"
"Part of my charm." He admitted, twirling her into his embrace right as the song came to an end. "Now go forth and be kissed by someone you like."
She looked about at the number of couples kissing on the dance floor. She then lifted her eyes to the ceiling, sighing in relief that they had danced in a mistletoe free zone.
"I don't know if I should be thrilled for the one you prefer or insulted at how happy you are not to be under the mistletoe with me." Ryan narrowed his eyes playfully.
She laughed and rose up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Does that help?"
"Not really." He winked at her. "You just gave me a brotherly peck. I now have to find someone to bolster my flagging confidence."
She watched him dance away in search for a more kissable partner.
Amanda jumped when she felt someone grasp her hand.
Ignoring her surprise, Thomas pulled her off the dance floor.
"Thomas!" She tried to make him stop. "Where are we going?"
"Out." He stopped long enough to retrieve their coats.
"What about Ryan's party?" She couldn't stop her bitterness from spilling out. "Aren't there more people you hope to find under the mistletoe?"
"I never want to see that damn plant again." He snapped, gripping her hand as they stepped into the elevator.
They kept their eyes forward, trying to ignore the couples that joined them. Kisses were given as each seemed to still be in a haze from all the mistletoe..
They escaped and stepped out onto the sidewalk, each breathing a little easier.
Their eyes met.
"I should pro--"
"Walk with me--"
They closed their mouths and simply stared at one another.
"Will you go for a walk with me?" Thomas asked. "There is something I need to discuss with you."
Amanda hoped but honestly doubted that what he wanted to talk about was the subject she had intended to talk to him about.
Feelings are such a nuisance, she thought to herself.
With a brief nod, she began to walk towards Central Park. Once inside, she quickened her pace, hoping to burn up her frustration enough to calmly hear whatever it was he wished to say.
Without a word, Thomas kept up with her. When she started to slip on an icy patch on the walkway, he swept her into his arms.
Her breath hitched as her body slid directly against his.
Their noses bumped against one another’s.
Thomas tightened his arms around her refusing to lose this one chance to have her undivided attention. He had argued with himself about cutting in the entrie time she danced with Ryan. That ridiculous party would be the last time he allowed anything to keep him from finding out if she felt as strongly as he did.
"What," her voice cracked, "what did you want to talk about?"
His lips curved somewhat at seeing she was just as affected by being close to him as he was her. "Us."
Her eyes dropped down to his lips. "Us?"
His eyes drifted down her face, pausing at her mouth. "Yes."
"Oh." She breathed the word as his head slowly dropped toward hers.
He gently captured her lips in a tender kiss.
Thomas had felt nothing with those other kisses he had been given at the party. The spark from that touch of her lips warmed him to his toes. And yet, the mere brush of her gloved hand through his hair as he moved to kiss her again caused his skin to burn.
The kiss deepened, drawing an audible gasp from both at the sensation of the other's lips.
When they parted, their eyes met.
"Thomas, I--"
"I want to--"
Amanda bit her bottom lip. "You first."
Thomas smiled softly. "I'm in love with you."
"I love you too." She smiled against his lips when he kissed her again.
A thought popped into her mind, causing her to jerk away.
"Amanda, what--"
"I better never catch you in a room that has both beautiful actresses and mistletoe." She warned him.
He chuckled while cuddling her close. "You're the only one I will ever willingly stand under mistletoe for."
Amanda sweetly sighed at that as she pressed another kiss to his lips.
When his lips drifted down her cheek, she spoke up again.
"There was a corner at Ryan's party where one sprig of mistletoe wasn't being stepped under."
"Really?" He lifted his head. "That is a pity."
"Isn't it?" Her arms looped around his neck. "All alone. Without a purpose."
"I suppose we could go back and fulfill its one mission in life." He rested his forehead against hers. "Or..."
"We go somewhere private and pretend the entire room is covered in mistletoe."
"Private, hmm?" Amanda stepped out of Thomas's arms. "I think I would like to try this pretending."
He wrapped his arm around her as they walked out of the park. "If you follow my lead, I think you will enjoy yourself immensely."
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blankdblank · 3 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 43
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4.28 million, check in hand Richard was on his way to the bank and certain of what to do the cash was split, deposited with the rest used to pay off the remainder of the funds owed on the new home. A small portion and mostly repaid soon enough by the funds wired to his account from the couple who bought his old home. All those memories of Tiffany and years alone struggling between parts now replaced by hope imbued into the walls of the new home that you would build a family inside of. No matter how the year was split between your homes and trips to the ranch he knew your children would not want for any affections or adoration and soon have a cousin to one day play with.
He had to be careful though as daydreams would often lead to his smiling return from work already hearing echoes of the future babies rushing to greet him while you hummed making some intriguing mixture for the meal you and your youngest still propped on your hip we’re whipping up one handed for him. Daydreams were always bittersweet but precious all the same while he felt lighter than he had in decades. He wanted to be there for your show, knowing how hard Chicago had been on you, yet thankfully before Kong this was just a single show that he would be able to purchase a copy of to keep and watch at his leisure, one day with those same one day to not be imaginary babies.
They would beam with pride seeing how he adored you and the success and strength you had in just your little finger using your resolute love as their example. So very much how he saw his own parents, a love he’d never dreamed capable of possessing and passing down to his babies. You would get there, if not for the patience of the ficklest of mistresses, time. For now he had his dreams of you, one in particular of the first night you would share in his bed inside your new bedroom. One he’d share with only you upon your arrival. Not even a diary he’d entrust with the sweetest of murmurs he’d trace through your hair while you slept. Secured by the gentlest of kisses to your cheek and temple until they were broken by that beloved groggy smirk and turn over to foil the last half of his ocean of endearments and proclamations of his undying love he’d yet to bestow upon you.
Sharp and loud a shriek had left your lips and behind the door you’d just closed the delivery man turned around and knocked on your door again, “You okay Miss?”
Opening the door you smiled hastily replying, “Yes, sorry. News from work.”
“You’re not laid off are you?” He asked on a pained tone.
“No, paycheck I’ve been waiting on.”
“Oh that’s a relief,” he sighed out, “Been the bearer of bad news all week.” Retreating again to head back down to his waiting car.
Your neighbor opened the door poking his head out with spoon in mouth from his bowl of cereal making you say, “Sorry, paycheck.”
With his mouth half full he replied, “Oh that’s good, got a child support summons last week myself. Don’t know who Charles A. Sullivan is but he owes 67 grand in back child support.” Inside he went to your chuckle filled mutual retreat back to your apartments.
From his own doorway your dad leaned out smirking as you anxiously smiled waving the pages, “Got paid,”
Out he stepped to accept the papers he knew you were going to try to give him and his eyes flinched wider seeing the figure on the page. “This says 4.28, million, dollars.” His eyes flinched up to yours again, “This is from Bard?”
You nodded, “That’s my cut of the box office. Yours is behind mine.”
He turned the page and exhaled having to sit on the stool behind him eyeing the $3 million check he’d gotten from his smaller albeit hefty percentage as one of the main stars of the film not expected to do much as far as earnings went. “I have, I can’t have this much money, I had, what, five lines.”
You shrugged saying, “They didn’t expect much or we might not have gotten that much. Now you can retire,” you squeaked out anxiously still trying to remain calm leaning back against the wall across from him half in the kitchen you’d been prepping breakfast before the fated knock.
Curtly he chortled and rumbled back, “Damn right I could.” Long and slow he let out a breath saying, “I certainly could.” Quietly you got back to making the meal that you shared and then made another trip to the bank. The same tellers were much happier to see you both again, a moment the  manager there was a bit taken aback by the amount on the checks from the same film company from before. A fact that stirred up a conversation between them in your leaving on how actors might actually get paid after you’d shared most of your roles didn’t pay till they were out of theaters and it could be a huge gap between filming and its release. All of which making them a bit more grateful for their stable paychecks and slightly dull jobs to being big movie stars.
It was beyond odd to be heading back to ballet rehearsals. With hair wound back in a braided curl happy bun at the loss of half of your bobby pins somehow and in a halter style leotard underneath knee length sweats you pulled a flannel and your leather jacket on over it shouldering your bag to head out for your unusual trip to the elite ballet company. Mingled through the crowds quite easily the trip was managed and all the way up to and inside the front doors you held your cool facade. But once those doors shut the aloof grin on your face stiffened to a stoic expression under the weight of the many staring eyes in the building of Grecian statues of men and waifs galore with feet stuck awkwardly out like geese in between. All whom watched your tiny out of place self strolling right through the gaps between their groups to follow the directions your Professor had given you.
From the lift however the mood didn’t change. And right at home you found your way into the designated room strolling right to the wall of cubbies. There jacket, flannel and converse were folded inside with socks next rolled up containing your subtly removed engagement ring that you shoved inside your bag’s hidden inner pocket you’d added yourself for all your expensive things in case someone got nosy while you worked. Your new ballet slippers were pulled out and once the bag was added to the stack in the cubby to the bars you went to pretend you had to already been warming up at home to keep your mind distracted until the others arrived.
They certainly weren’t yelling. But when the crowds did start to arrive the Director commented and watched while you chatted with five of your former dance classmates from Julliard and one from Oxford. Back at the bars to fill the main ballet cast around the mainly vocal and acting supporting cast members in the sea of silently stretching and gossiping extras waiting to hear their first assigned steps for the opening number. You could all hear one say, “I can’t believe she permed her hair before coming here. I’m gonna make that girl sweat out those curls.”
The bile in their voice caught by more than just you and turned more than half of the heads in the room of dancers, mainly those of the dancers of color, who took up at least half of the cast with similar curly hair or even tighter curls than yours, to see which Director to avoid speaking to unless necessary. Behind him however Mr Tarl strolled past him saying, “Good luck with that those are her natural curls dickhead.”
Into the room he came while the Director scoffed and said he’d be back later leaving his partner that was wide eyed catching all the cast glaring at the leaving man’s back. “Alrighty, I see we’re all here so let’s get right into it.” He said and waved you forward, “Ariel and Flounder.” Nodding in your pop up onto your feet across the room you hurried to the young teen’s side to hear your intro while those playing your on stage relatives and Sebastian gathered next to hear theirs mingled with the majority of extras. The male cast around Prince Eric on the ship would open the show, however markers for the transition had to be gives first before you were moved aside to watch them and wait, you would blend in on the background and then fade out of the floor to the side to wait again. Ariel’s sisters and Sebastian would come next before you would come again with Flounder and Scuttle.
While some might have worried you got the least attention it was clearly shown to not be needed as you took right away to what he seemed to want going through the day with little alterations from the first try of the steps. Something the pair of Directors were floored by and took notice of your classmates that seemed to have a knack for that as well having been so used to his style of teaching. For waves most of the ballet would be those leaping with ribbons with ebbs and flows in deep sways and off kilter moves added by the ship crew who would rock to the imagined shift of the fake boat they were on between leaps from mark to mark for their roles in ship tasks. A tape playing of the music helped to give hints to the songs you had all been given copies of days prior gave a simple idea of the flow of the show you were not singing just yet to rest your voices until the vocal rehearsals.
It wasn’t that hard of a set of steps. Even to the tap dancing number you had with the seagulls after being turned human. However the struggle came from what restrictions the costumes would give at having to do a lot of upper body movements and smooth arches with your joined legs in the ample lifts and team work steps around later what would include sections that you would be suspended by long blue ribbons of cloth to get the proper effects. Every other day the dance rehearsals would have you in vocal rehearsals while the extras would have theirs today and every day between yours.
One week bled into two and with the newer musical version of the film meant for Broadway the show took on a new life and proved to be easier than first described to you. The most free beginning with the transformation scene when your tail would be removed and the dancers circling you with colored cloths for the magic spell. They would give cover for the hand off of a sort of toga dress Sebastian would help tie the back up for you to hide the leotard the loose wrinkled fabric would be stitched to that would be eased over your mostly sheer top leotard with fake shells to cover your breasts that secured around the neck. They would carry off your tail skirt in their prance away leaving you in the faked moment of struggle to gain control of your new legs. Trailed by two steps and a collapse to be hoisted up by Flounder and Sebastian to get you onto the staircase to be brought in later acting as the path to the surface of the water.
Nights found you soaking your feet and eating what you could before early trips to bed to get some sleep to be ready for the cameras that the documentary team hired to film this could easily pick up on any hint of troubles you were having.
This wasn’t the first time your grandparents would have come to New York but this was big. You had paid 1.25 million into your house and had the other quarter left to drop when you were done with your apartment and around the breakfast table on the Saturday before the big show you had to mentally work out the times today all your appliances were coming you’d picked out three days prior. Washer, dryer and several fridges were coming and while you continued to paint the final upper floor walls their base color down to Lee’s walls he’d bought the shades he wanted leaving the cans inside the basement until you got through the rest of the house to help him paint there liking your skills at house painting.
All tasks helping to distract you from the tabloid fodder. You were the main topic, how well or terribly you were supposedly doing with assumed weight fluctuations from a so called terrible diet as if you weren’t taking full care to remain well fed and weren’t restricting yourself so for the normal body type for the stage. Someone else might have snapped and turned their heads in the store to read those titles alone but you never did ignoring any and everything except for an adorable magazine on puppies to help your dad pick a breed for the dog he’d wanted to get options on. Money always came next and with it came the topic of how much you were making the show was quick to shut down saying that everyone was volunteering their time for free and that was where it shifted for the start of the second week.
Drastically headlines seemed to shift to that news that broke while you were snapped in pictures through your open uncovered windows carrying more supplies up the stairs to head to the third floor where while the top floor walls dried you wanted to get started on the murals on the walls of the nursery. Patches of sorts like off a quilt to be lined with frames of stars and compasses and tiny treasure pathways and x’s were signature scenes from the children’s story to be painted in later while your dad and Lee got started painting his basement until the break for lunch when you would join them again.
Lunch was brought by the Landlord who smiled taking a tour seeing how it was all tying together, and gladly taking the task of guiding the delivery men down to the basement to install one fridge, stove, dishwasher and the washer and dryer so you could eat. Fridge oven and dishwasher were next for the main floor with two fridges and ovens heading up to the higher floors stirring curiosity to the cameramen below as to how many kitchens you were planning on having. All of this attention however seemed to only attract more as by Tuesday you had offers from several house renovation centered magazines requesting the first tour of the place when you had completed it.
“Thank you so much,” you said handing over the clipboard with sighed delivery sheet once all was installed properly from the now empty truck.
“Hell of a place you got here Miss Pear. Been a real pleasure to get a peek inside.”
Making you smirk at the head guys’s turn to join his crew back inside the truck to head back to the shop. “Thank you.”
Lee behind you smirked asking, “So, appliances, utilities and half of our stuff, um, what were we waiting on to move in again?”
To which your dad added, “Cable’s installed tomorrow along with the internet and home phone.”
Lee, “Plus cable tomorrow.”
Rolling your eyes you turned around saying, “Just hire the truck and crew to help move.”
“Yes!” Lee said turning to high five your widely smiling dad on the way back inside to get painting his apartment again.
“Guess you can buy that big screen too dad.” You said as the doors shut behind you.
“Already did, arriving tomorrow. Along with yours and Lee’s.” Earning a squeaking hug from the lanky body crashing into him out of excitement while you giggled at his proud smile for holding back more surprise gifts he’d planned weeks prior. Saving his hug for later when you could head to bed again dozing off next to him while he watched the shows playing on your staticky rabbit ear using tv for a sort of going away party for this place you never even got the chance to choose to move into in the first place.
Lost to thoughts on why should you really get the chance to pick when you wanted to move out you turned around to head inside. One more day of packing and hoisting everything up and down more flights of steps and that would be it. You could turn in the keys and pay off the brownstone to keep your word and Rich could mail his copy of the keys later. Very soon you’d have to go to sleep in a still halfway done home of your own and all you selfishly wanted was Richard to be done fake loving other women in England to be here and hoist you up in his arms for an oh so stereotypical picture of his carrying you over the threshold.
You supposed that could wait for the England home, this would just be yours for now and you could tolerate how badly you wanted to cry at the weight of it all while the duo moving in with you were oh so happy for this new beginning. Two huge checks and this tiny break once this show was over could be used to mull over whatever this slump would turn out to be to ready for that freeing sight of New Zealand that brought with it a whole new weight, another blockbuster smasher of a film with your face in the front of the poster right next to a giant ape.
You could do this, you kept repeating it over and over all while it felt like swallowing glass and coughing it up again into the shapes of chains of flowers at how somehow you still felt helpless and alone. You found out soon enough these thoughts were just a mental warning flag from your body something was coming as your stomach seemed to clench all of a sudden and you were off to the adorable guest bath under the stairs to hurl up everything you ate. Fever followed within moments and your dad was tucking you up in his arms to start the end of your night inside the ER. The Landlord took on the task of locking up swearing he’d take charge of helping Lee finish up his floor while you were being taken care of.
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Your dad couldn’t care less about the show, merely wanting you to be better again, holding strong to ensure you weren’t going to be looked over and sent home without an answer. It was just a fever and nausea to them at first glance but something about this stirred up memories of his losing your mom like every time you had a fever before.
It wasn’t your appendix and you weren’t dehydrated and once laid flat didn’t feel the urge to throw up anymore. A blood pregnancy test came back negative in the time they waited for a body scan that showed you had an ovarian cyst that burst. You knew it was there, the lone little parasite now spontaneously exploded in its own little reaction to your internal turmoil no doubt as all you’d done was sign a clipboard and try to walk back to your basement apartment. Just in case ectopic pregnancy was ruled out.
And to the cameras outside you came walking out a few hours later just in time to get a warm hug from Lee while sharing what happened and how you were fine, if not a tad bit sore and amply tired and ready for bed. Once the house was all locked up again back to the apartment you walked where your dad to carry you up to yours seeing your energy had dwindled again fully at ease with making supper then curling around you all night. And on into the morning for a decided easy day of you gently helping Lee to finish painting while your dad handled the crew of delivery guys and the second that installed the cable throughout the house to the four floors set for it that mingled with their apparent friends from the internet and phone crew.
There would be a mounted phone in the kitchen with a voicemail attachment to go with two table top phones for your dad’s and in your private living room as your bedroom didn’t have the right outlet for it and Richard’s study would be his sanctuary and the ring might bother his thought process. To go with that the second outlet there would be used for where your laptop could sit that your dad could help to move your desk from your bedroom later. Each phone now with the number written on a slip under the clear slot under the receiver for the speed dial card mainly empty you could add to later.
The sick day, for your relief, pushed back the move day to have you at your peak past the show date. The next night to be exact, which Lee was readying for by boxing his stuff up already and focusing on small trips to the shop to pick out some spare small essentials he might want to decorate his new place he went ahead and left there using his key he smiled brightly every time he used it. Richard along with friends and family who called were calmed down leaving the latter to hope that this lost cyst might ease your monthly troubles in the future since its arrival and lone decision to make said monthly cycles dreadful for you.
Sunday passed however and Monday came again, to everyone once again staring all the way up to where you found Mr Tarl and Mr Combs who both asked, “Are you alright?”
“Ya, ovarian cyst burst. Doctor cleared me. I’ve stretched and danced a bit over yesterday doesn’t hurt till I try to get into a handstand for a cartwheel other than that I’m good.”
Mr Combs chuckled at your try to make them relax and said, “Just let us know if you need a break at any time.”
“Thank you.”
Over to your friends once you’d filled your cubby you walked saying, “Oh stop, had to drop in for my yearly hoof and horns maintenance.” Luring chuckles and grins from those around you who in school knew of a nickname from an instructor who called you a goat in your first week assuming limits on your skills who you proved wrong right away. “All good and polished now for the big show.”
“Did I push too hard on moving into the new place?” Lee asked you on your way up from just getting back again after the practice.
Turning your head you spotted him by the mailboxes answering, “Are you, is this about my cyst?”
“I’ve been pushing too hard. We’ve been painting non stop, appliance hunting in those warehouses and you’re trying to do the show and your grandparents are coming soon.”
“Lee,” you giggled out, “You didn’t make my cyst burst as much as I’ve been behind your appendix throwing its own tantrum.”
That had his grin easing out, “You’re sure this isn’t too fast?” he asked walking with you up the steps, “I mean you moved here on your own now I feel like I’m nudging you out of your bigger place.”
“I didn’t move in here.” You said making him pause and you looked up at him, “You remember? I went to Oxford and when I got back my things were moved into the bigger place that Mrs Henderson was moved out of. I want to move, it’s a fantastic place, but I wanted to be a bit selfish for at least a couple days with my daydreams.”
“Daydreams on what?”
“Call me selfish but I wanted to buy it and fix it up with Rich here too and to have him here for that first night in, but he won’t even see the place until October at the latest. Even my grandparents are going to see it before he does. I want to move in, it just, feels a bit, big. It’s a freaking house, five floors and I don’t even have a vacuum.”
That had him chuckle and move in to claim a calming hug from you, murmuring in a press of his cheek onto the top of your head, “We’ll go vacuum shopping tomorrow if you like.”
“I don’t even know what to look for in a vacuum.”
Pulling back he said resting his arm across your back, “Come on, let’s go see if your dad can answer that question. And if it makes you feel better you can carry me over the threshold.” That had you giggle through his own chuckle.
First fittings were today post dance practice before your vocal practice. Again just the dance had you close to wiped out and once the fitting was over at the vocal training you took up the offer of one of the wheeled stools to rest up some from the lingering discomfort you were feeling. Truly it wasn’t very painful compared to the exhausting rehearsals that now on top of this was tearing the wind from your sails but growing more tolerable with the end goal in sight. Added to the supplies a vacuum was brought to your new place and cross legged on the couch from Canada in your living room you sat having assembled said appliance watching the show your dad switched on for you seeing how tired you were.
There was just a little bit of work to be done to Lee’s apartment they assured you they could handle while you rested, both knowing you’d most likely nod off under the blanket he had laid across it after it was moved in. And sure enough when they broke for a meal they found you stretched out underneath that blanket lost in a deep much needed nap. And gently the hand smoothing over your back woke you helped you to be draped around your dad’s back for the walk to your apartment where the dinner in the crock pot was waiting for the three of you. Lee had seen you tired and nodding off before but this was something different and slowly he began to see just how rough this health speed bump had slammed you into the ground. At least you were bouncing back, that gave him some form of comfort while he watched you slip back to your usual self just in time for the big day.
Wednesday was the first try on the actual stage and Thursday Lee and your dad both stole two of the seats in the crowd of relatives of the other cast mates to see what you had pulled together in such a short time. The pair again awed by another impressive show you had chosen to be a part of. The same seats that the following day they both smiled seeing your Grandparents coming to join them once spotted with creeping grins at the intriguing take on the popular tale. Like always their presence was not missed. Proved by more than one dancer among the extras who perked up hoping to make a good impression all through to the end of the work day when you smiled.
An adjustment of a twist was given to your engagement ring that was freshly added again on your way from the locker room that enabled you to change from your leotard and sweats to a t shirt and shorts spotting your grandparents waiting there for you.
“Babushka, Babu.”
The pair of them both gave you tight hugs and your grandpa said gladly in Russian, “We missed you, precious Bubble.”
She asked, “How are you feeling?”
“Much better now, back to myself again.”
She asked, “And there were no more cysts?”
“No, just the one and I have an appointment when I get back from New Zealand to get scanned again to see if another grows or if it was just a one off.”
Your Grandpa asked, “Time to feed you.”
That had you smile and say, “I thought I might show you something first if you’re up for it.”
Your Grandma answered, “As long as we can take you to eat afterwards have to get your strength back up.”
Your dad smiled saying, “We could always order something when we get there.”
Grandpa looked between you asking in your turn to lad the way out, “There is food there?”
“Oh I think you’ll love it when you see it.” His question died however to his creeping grin at your arm looping under his and all the way from climbing into the car their driver opened for you to the address it pulled up on you could see their minds working to find out where you were taking them. The pair spoke to your dad while Lee listened to a message from one of the actors in his own play whose call he’d missed. The stop outside the brownstone however had them utterly baffled in the slide out of the car to join you on the curb. Your words however seemed to make it click for them, “I told you about that place I was looking at?”
That turned their heads and her lips parted taking in the whole building you gestured to, “This is the place?”
You nodded and asked, “Wanna see?” Their heads nodded and you giggled turning to show them inside. Once again your dad explained the outer gate on the stoop they approved of for spare security to the mudroom you left your bag inside of on the built in bench along the wall granting them a moment to prepare before you opened the front door and the full tour really began.
From the reading hideaway that turned out to be a bit awkward looking until you’d unpacked your books you’d bought in Canada filling a shelf at least gave a hint to one day being loaded with books that even they could adore the idea of for you. The half covered windows they mainly loved as, just like in your tour, still cast the place in a gorgeous glow, passing the steps to the living room you pointed to your chandelier saying, “Liv Tyler gifted me this chandelier, the old tenant hung stuff on his and it left this huge crater in the floor when it fell. And this place has these great beam arches and some of them are used for these half walls,” you said leading them into the living room where they admired everything from the carpet to the intricate fireplace their fingertips stroked along on their way to admire the milky glass you had talked about.
Grandpa, “Interesting furniture arrangement.” Taking notice of the couch still in the center of the room with the tv out a good distance from the wall as well.
Grandma, “And, is this eggshell for the walls?”
“Oh, that’s just the primer coat,” earning nods from them. “We’ve only painted the basement the colors Lee wanted yet, everywhere else had patchy drywall and needed the basecoat before we could paint whatever color we eventually decide on. I was thinking an indigo or navy for here, then go lighter on the way back.”
Grandpa, “That would be lovely.”
“Yes, we just have our things from Canada here so far, the rest is gonna be moved day after tomorrow, got a crew helping us and everything with the truck. It looks so much better in here with the new flooring in. Had huge gouges and welts in the floor where he’d smashed holes in the tiles and walls had been torn out, but I think I picked well on tiles and such and Rich loved the idea for the carpet shade.”
Onwards into the dining room you led them exciting them even more as your dad said, “Used to be two small rooms here we tore the walls out of to make this space bigger, adds another guest bath down here, and the kitchen was just laughable. Had to be ten by ten, if that with no dining room.”
“They tore the cabinets out and smashed the countertops too, but I got them to build me this really cool island, and there’s the bathroom tucked back here,” you said with a smile. Leading them from the bath hidden partly by the ends of the built ins and the half wall for a puzzling empty space now explained as a mini hall. From the cute bathroom they admired the silver and blue color scheme they followed you to the spacious pantry through the door in the middle of the built ins and out again to get a better look at the kitchen. “Brand new tile counters, good for heat and easy scrubbing, plus easy to repair if one does ever break.”
Grandma, “Very beautiful. Counter damage can be a nightmare.”
Your Grandpa led the way to the newly tiled sunroom, “You have a yard?”
“Little one, bout 30, 40 feet by 25.” you said in the way out onto the patio for a less than awe striking scrap of green spreading through the upturned tiled courtyard. “Haven’t decided on how to work the yard yet, but we were thinking of pulling back the tile for more grass space when we do have the courtyard redone.”
Grandpa, “You could have a nice garden here, and that is a nice tree, rather small.”
Your dad said, “I don’t think it’s very old, but it should grow over time. L said it flowers in the spring, so should be pretty, nice purple-ish ones.” Joining them on the walk back in where she led the way to the hall to the basement making Lee grin and follow along to give the tour of his impressive apartment he’d be renting before their trip back up to see more.
The bath under the stairs had them smiling for what hint of a theme you might be trying to match up to it for the rest of the place and up you went. A bed frame and mattress had been set up for your dad’s room you’d painted his decided color so he wouldn’t have to move the bed again and from the office to the guest room. There they paused to inspect the beds you had designed. Four Queen sized beds with one simple tug revealing in sliding drawers under the bottom one two spare twin sized slots for two more guests if need be surrounded by two rows of cubbies and shelves to fill the gaps to the ends of the walls had your grandfather asking, “Did you have these specially built? Or did they come with the house?”
“I designed them, actually.” You said in a hint of a bashful tone to their creeping smiles at seeing a glimmer of that engineering degree of yours coming to some use in all this construction making them wonder which other pieces you had come up with reminding them of your ingenious island downstairs they had admired for all its features. Along with several tiny features un-thought of to increase storage space where little more could be squeezed out.
Grandmother, “Impressive. This design could put many double beds sold now to shame.”
Your dad said leading the way out of the room, “Got another set upstairs. Wanted to get them in while the flooring and shelf units were going in to not piss off the neighbors more than necessary. Whole crew was amazed by her design and how precise her measurements came down to a simple photo copy onto a blueprint for the build.”
And onto the living space they had to admire how much space you were granting your father. An action they took as one of great respect for him almost drawing tears to their eyes. They knew how much you loved him and in this western culture that seemed at times to abandon their elders you shown a blatant disregard for that norm and even had granted your best friend a safe home as well in your free space too.
Up again they went to the more bland floor with just the interesting layout and curved wall shapes. “The second set of beds is in here.” Up until they reached the book nook that you led them past almost making them sigh at having to see another guest room. “And this one was clearly my favorite and gave me the best idea when I first saw it.”
Straight through the bathroom and into the closet you walked exiting the open sliding doors for their jaw dropping view of the framed sketch coated walls above the few built in shelves and benches under the wall near the window and the chandelier above a few rolled up rugs and a toy chest you’d found in a second hand shop. Your Grandma asked, “This looks like a children’s room, is it?” Looking straight at you now.
“We are planning ahead, no babies yet, obviously, but we did agree it’d be best to at least know where we wanted to put them when they do come. All reminding them of the wishes of their daughter on a pirate themed nursery of her own one day. “Mom had some Peter Pan sketches for me, so I have these mural sketches I’m gonna fill in in a few days and I was thinking a silvery blue for the walls. And I found this really cool pirate ship chandelier.”
The pair simply hugged you widening your grin in their silent moment of utter glee knowing babies had been planned for and they would one day see their great grandbabies both in person and pictured inside this nursery. “It is beautiful,” they said releasing you again before asking, “Where will you sleep?”
“Top floor.” Continuing the tour to the stairs for another stunning open floor plan. All the open spaces were looked at with a pause in the study you said, “I thought Rich might like this, so he can keep his work research here and have his own deflating spot after roles to pace or do whatever in to get into a character.”
Grandma looked at you, “He is very serious then in his craft.”
“Yes,” you said with a smile, “He might have to play death destined whores often for tv bits right now but one day he’ll get a role he can really sink his teeth into. He’s much more intense on stage. Ooh, like North and South when it comes out, he played it so well. I think next spring, ish, it’ll be out on BBC. I’ll warn you.”
Onto the bedroom and master suite and closet you showed them deepening their smiles spotting the boxes on the seemingly new mattress there beside the bed frame kit yet to be put together. Both taking in the odd wave to one wall on the other side of the staircase that limited where you could put your bed. “This wall is kind of odd but I think maybe a chair or something could go here, for night reading or something. And I was thinking maybe plum and grey for in here. Rich likes that scheme from my apartment now.”
“And you are moving in fully after the show, how much is this house?”
“1.5 million,” gaining a plotting nod from the pair on means of shifting funds your way if necessary.
She asked, “This seems large. We have looked at realtor listings here before. Is this large for this part of town?”
You nodded, “25 by 60 feet. 1500 roughly a floor for 7500. Huge compared to what I’d have ever dreamed to land. But L and Dad have been plotting a while. Which is good most spots on this block are closer to 3 million or even higher but it was so trashed we got a good deal, put one and a quarter into it so far not counting renovations, and have agreed to pay off the final quarter when I turn over the apartment.”
“I’m so proud of you,” she said instantly deepening your anxious grin to a pleased one, “This is an incredible home to begin in. Richard approves?”
“Yes, he’s only seen it in pictures but he helped to pick the first try for colors while he came to stay in Canada when I went back. So we’ve sort of worked on it together. I also have pictures of the new place he got in England, his brother moved and he wanted to be closer to his parents and since I graduated I don’t need to be so close to Oxford. I could just take the train if need be. He even picked a kids room there we said we could mirror the one here to sort of give them a sense of familiarity for when we bound around until we settle.”
Grandpa, “Great plan. Always useful to have an anchor for babies.”
“So where did you want to eat?” You asked and they smiled all the way back to the stairs where your grandmother paused eyeing the door on the side of the half walls around the stairs topped with milky glass panes. She eased it open and you said, “We have those at the ranch in Texas, barn door to keep kids off the stairs.”
That parted her lips as you showed her that it closed with a knob up top locking the door into the walls for a secure guard against baby tumbles. Your Gramps said, “I did not even notice this.”
“Five floors wanted to make sure we get these in with the other builds so they wouldn’t go forgotten. Plus the plastic ones they sell can give out, these are in the walls and mounted on the rails top and bottom.”
She eased the door back open again flat against the wall and walked with you now sharing second glances at each flight noticing the secure doors that doubled the safety of the unborn grandbabies you would be raising at least partly here. All the way down to the car feeling so much more at ease over what sort of home you might have chosen to claim for yourself out here and what that meant for your future.
They had chosen a hotel to stay in and while you savored your last night in your tiny bubble the inevitable morning crept closer and groggily you woke and readied yourself for the day. Though this time with fiery red hair that after a trip back to the salon the Queens had helped you with some fiery red hair dye that would wash out over the next few weeks in time for your trip back to bleach yourself blonde. Heading out in exactly the shorts and shirt your hand first fell onto once you’d eaten to start the final fitting and makeup process for the set pictures with the cast. Again your hair was straightened out by the amazed makeup crew that was glad to not have to use the assumed twelve cans of temporary hair dye that now could be scattered throughout the cast of extras that were eating up more than expected. Just a few extensions were added by means of a few stitches into the braids they were woven into around the bottom half of the back of your head that in case your curls did come out again the length wouldn’t be too noticeably changed. It was another bold look for yourself taking the others aback each time they spotted you adding this to your portfolio of identities you had assumed.
A speech was eventually given and soon enough from a place readied behind the lowered curtain for the first scene to your cast bows the spectacle was through and you could now wade through the night of flashes and press that had come to speak to each of the dancers to fill in the picture to flood the papers with. It was a stunning haul for the charity and partly in thanks to the deep pocket names yours had brought in. Losing you from the roster lured some investors from London. All who had personally flown here to add to the donation tin to spite the company that spurned you with promises to return praising your performance to build up more steam in the disc sales when they were available.
All in all you were glad to have taken the role for charity and once the extensions were removed, you’d washed the hairspray out of your hair and sat comfortably in your boxed up apartment a grin slid across your face in the mental goodbye to your trusty apartment that had seen so much of your dramatic little blip here.
One more night was taken on your old soon to be guest bed until the bright and early joint hour long unloading process of taking all you’d managed to get up to your place down to the truck to join Lee’s scattered boxes and desk he had. The guys locked up the truck and with a tight hug to your former landlord and new neighbor the keys were traded along with the final check and he chuckled letting you be on your way to the brownstone you beat the truck to.
Obviously used to the hefting of furniture up and down stairs the crew mentally planned each piece out and while you guided the furniture up to where it was going while holding boxes of your own your dad and Lee both handled the rest of the boxes. Word soon got around and the moving van had curious people peering in the open truck with a bit of disappointment not seeing anything fancier than some old furniture and boxes to go with the new appliances and tv’s you’d been photographed in accepting the delivery of. Yet the truck was soon emptied and the pleased team handed out handshakes accepting the cash you paid with. Pleased you had helped to streamline the process with a plan of your own making this one of the simplest moves they had done in this area with others they recounted for each other on the stroll back to the truck now locked up again. Moving the boxes though was half the battle, leaving the curb inside you went and got to unpacking.
First in your kitchen you unpacked your supply of dishes from the apartment having already put your supply from Canada in the kitchen on your floor, leaving your bedroom for later knowing you’d no doubt cry when you got there. Everything was in the middle of the rooms easing things even more for the crew who were told you would be painting more to explain it. But all your dishes and appliances you assigned new homes to joined the food in bags you unloaded into the fridge and pantry. Away from the table you moved the chairs extending the middle portion of it to scoot the chairs back readying the place for guests in the future.
The soaps and cleaning supplies you had were next, with the bottle of detergent taken down by Lee to the laundry room on his way to unpack his things while your dad was already on his way up to his own floor. Hefty and left in the middle of the reading room now housing your armchair from your apartment the boxes of books were next. With each empty box forming a pile you’d move to the garage for use later and in a make shift system more of the shelves were filled and the sight warmed your heart at their having a home now not just lying on the floor like before.
Up to Richard’s study you went, passing each guest bath you had decorated with small touches to make them usable to guests in the future, to unload the box of books and journals he’d left in New York either by design or chance and then gave in and went to your room. Along with your violin case the boxes from your closet along with the two bags you now traveled with were unloaded with the few shirts Richard had left with you, each you gave a quick hug to and settled on the shoe cubby and underwear drawer comprised island in the center of the room to be cuddled up in later. Stealing a once over in your way out all your things around the bed including your aquarium lamp you’d have to find the right home for later on.
Shaking off the vast space for just you down the steps again you went to pull together the first lunch in the place that would kick off the next round of painting. Again once you’d rinsed the dishes now added to the washer the windows were opened as the navy paint was opened and on the tarped living room floor brushes were grabbed to begin the final touches to this floor. Room by room the colors wanted were added breathing life into the place. Subtle shades of crème were used in the undecided space to not have white walls that just the base coat alone stood out too boldly against the navy you’d chosen that was matched by a single strip of bare wall inside your reading hideaway to go with the brilliant cherry wood shelving.
Dinner broke the painting and while the floor aired out you ate watching a film on your dad’s floor planning the next steps for the following day for him and you while Lee had some plans with a friend coming back to town.
“So when is trash day again?”
“Wednesday,” your dad answered. “The bins are in the garage, they pick up on that middle street.”
“I will remember that.” You said wetting your lips to add, “Ok before we get settled for night one, let’s have an honor code for toilet paper in the guest toilets.”
Lee, “Why are you looking at me?”
“You’re across from me, anyways I have the smallest bladder but if we see it’s running low in the guest baths we get a new roll for it even if we have to buy a new pack for the pantry.”
Lee nods, “I’m good with that. Speaking of bladder,” he said popping up to use your dad’s bathroom after a consenting point and nod exchange between him and your dad.
Once alone your dad smirks humming out, “I give him a week before he’s stealing toilet paper and towels from the guest bathrooms.”
You smirked replying, “Oh now, he’s got his show he’s rehearsing for, clearly he’ll be using theirs too. I give him two.”
“Might as well buy twelve packs for each bathroom with the rest of the supplies.” Making the both of you chuckle to yourselves finishing your meal with Lee once he’d returned. Once the food was gone your floor was tackled.
With your room a lovely plum color on two of the walls and the wall leading to the bathroom around the fireplace and the wavy wall were painted a lovely dark grey that while wet almost looked black but dried in a softer tone. The grey already was in your closet that proved as a test of the shockingly dark shade you were glad to duplicate in the bedroom. Midnight blue was used between the built ins for Richard’s study to make the wood pop as the accents that along with the light from the window helped to keep it from seeming too dark for him to be able to feel comfortable to work there. Dark teal was your alternative shade that from the mint accents in your kitchen colored your living room to finish off the colorful floor that with the left over white walls on the walls outside your bedroom and the study painted crème to help separate the different areas.
Pt 44
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newstfionline · 3 years
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Difficult Times for Flight Attendants (NYT) One flight attendant needed medical attention for a crippling migraine brought on by confronting a passenger who refused to wear a mask. Aviation safety officials have received dozens of confidential complaints in the past year from attendants trying to enforce mask safety rules. The reports, filed in the Aviation Safety Reporting System database, at times describe a chaotic, unhinged workplace where passengers regularly abuse airline employees. The coronavirus pandemic and political divisions of the past year have caused fear, economic pain, and social and family rifts around the country, but for airline workers, and flight attendants in particular, the unease and tension have often converged in a tiny cabin space. The tension is at a level flight attendants have not seen before, said Paul Hartshorn Jr., a veteran attendant and a spokesman for the Association of Professional Flight Attendants union. “I think we’re pretty well trained on how to handle a disruptive passenger,” said Mr. Hartshorn, 46. “What we’re not trained to do and what we shouldn’t be dealing with is large groups of passengers inciting a riot with another group of passengers [over political differences].” “It’s insane,” he added.
Fight The Man: What GameStop’s surge says about online mobs (AP) It’s a fable for our times: Small-time investors band together to take down greedy Wall Street hedge funds using the stock of a troubled video-game store. But the revolt of online stock-traders suggests much more. The internet is shifting society’s balance of power in unanticipated ways. In the world of pseudonymous internet message boards, pranks-gone-wild and logic turned upside down amid a global pandemic, revolts come in all shapes, sizes and aims. Last week they gave us the Great GameStop Stock Uprising. Who knows what this week will bring. “The internet can democratize access, upsetting power dynamics between the people and traditional institutions,” tweeted Tiffany C. Li, a law professor and tech attorney focusing on privacy and technology platform governance. With GameStop, she added in an interview Friday, the goal was to upset the interests of a few large hedge funds. “But in other places the goal can be more nefarious. Online spaces are being used to radicalize people toward extremism, to plan hate crimes and attacks,” she said. “The internet isn’t really the villain or the hero.”
Pandemic Pushes More Parents to Go All-In for Home Schooling (WSJ) As parents grow increasingly frustrated with remote learning during the pandemic, some are deciding to pull their children out of school and try teaching on their own. In North Carolina, the state’s home-school monitoring website crashed on the first day of enrollment, and more than 18,800 families filed to operate a home-school from July 1 to Jan. 22—more than double the school-year before, according to the state Division of Non-Public Education. In Connecticut, the number of students who left public schools to be home-schooled jumped fivefold this school year, to 3,500. In Nebraska, the number of home-schooled students jumped 56%, to 13,426, according to state education officials. “The vast majority [of parents] are saying, ‘We’ve been really trying to do what the schools are asking us to do, but we just can’t do this anymore,’ “ said J. Allen Weston, executive director of the National Home School Association, which has been fielding inquiries on the topic. Vanderbilt University’s Joseph Murphy, who studies home schooling, said “We are in a major shift from how we thought about teaching children and running schools for 100 years. Parents have shifted to the place where they feel they need more direct involvement and greater responsibility for what happens with their children.”
Vaccine skepticism lurks in town famous for syphilis study (AP) Lucenia Dunn spent the early days of the coronavirus pandemic encouraging people to wear masks and keep a safe distance from each other in Tuskegee, a mostly Black city where the government once used unsuspecting African American men as guinea pigs in a study of a sexually transmitted disease. Now, the onetime mayor of the town immortalized as the home of the infamous “Tuskegee syphilis study” is wary of getting inoculated against COVID-19. Among other things, she’s suspicious of the government promoting a vaccine that was developed in record time when it can’t seem to conduct adequate virus testing or consistently provide quality rural health care. “I’m not doing this vaccine right now. That doesn’t mean I’m never going to do it. But I know enough to withhold getting it until we see all that is involved,” said Dunn, who is Black. The coronavirus immunization campaign is off to a shaky start in Tuskegee and other parts of Macon County. Area leaders point to a resistance among residents spurred by a distrust of government promises and decades of failed health programs. Tuskegee is not a complete outlier. A recent survey conducted by the communications firm Edelman revealed that as of November, only 59% of people in the U.S. were willing to get vaccinated within a year with just 33% happy to do so as soon as possible. Health experts have stressed both the vaccines’ safety and efficacy.
As Biden prays for healing, Catholics clash over president’s faith (GMA) On his quest to heal a divided America, Joe Biden may first have to confront bitter division over his presidency from within his own church. Since his inauguration two weeks ago as the nation’s second Catholic president, Biden’s devout Christian faith has become a new flashpoint within the church. While millions of Catholics have celebrated the ascension of one of their own to the White House, some have been publicly questioning whether Biden should be considered a model of their faith. Many Catholic clergy and faithful are passionately fixated on Biden’s support for abortion rights, which the church staunchly opposes and considers an issue of “preeminent” importance. Biden opposes abortion as a personal matter, but wrote in his 2007 memoir that he doesn’t “have a right to impose my view on the rest of society.” One in five Americans identifies as Roman Catholic, the largest Christian denomination in the U.S., according to Pew Research Center. While the faithful have long been divided in matters of theology and politics, Catholic values aren’t exclusively red or blue.
Russia Protesters Defy Vast Police Operation as Signs of Kremlin Anxiety Mount (NYT) The Kremlin mounted Russia’s most fearsome nationwide police operation in recent memory on Sunday, seeking to overwhelm a protest movement backing the jailed opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny that swept across the country for a second weekend in a row. But the show of force—including closed subway stations, thousands of arrests and often brutal tactics—failed to smother the unrest. By late Sunday evening in Moscow, more than 5,000 people had been detained in at least 85 cities across Russia, an activist group reported, though many were later released. Previously unseen numbers of riot police officers in black helmets, camouflage and body armor essentially locked down the center of the metropolis of 13 million people, stopping passers-by miles from the protest to check their documents and ask what they were doing outside. “I don’t understand what they’re afraid of,” a protester named Anastasia Kuzmina, a 25-year-old account manager at an advertising agency, said of the police. Referring to the peak year of Stalin’s mass repression, she added, “It’s like we’re slipping into 1937.” The large-scale police response signaled anxiety in the Kremlin over Mr. Navalny’s ability to unite Russia’s disparate critics of President Vladimir V. Putin, from nationalists to liberals to many with no particular ideology at all.
In Myanmar coup, Suu Kyi’s ouster heralds return to military rule (Washington Post) Aung San Suu Kyi defended Myanmar’s generals against genocide charges at The Hague. She praised soldiers as they unleashed artillery against ethnic minority settlements. She took only modest steps toward democratic changes that would chip away at the army’s political power. It wasn’t enough. On Monday, Myanmar’s military seized power in a coup, detaining Suu Kyi, elected ministers from her National League for Democracy (NLD) party and others in a predawn raid. Though condemned internationally for defending the military and its campaign against the Rohingya minority, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate who spent 15 years under house arrest until 2010 now finds herself again at the generals’ mercy. The coup underscored the fragility of Myanmar’s decade-old, quasi-democratic transition that many assumed, despite imperfections, would continue with Suu Kyi as head of the civilian government and still-entrenched powers for the military, led by Min Aung Hlaing. But the military was never comfortable with its enduring unpopularity and Suu Kyi’s godlike status among ordinary Burmese, analysts said, despite its role in engineering the country’s opening after half a century of isolationist rule.
Survivors of Beirut’s explosion endure psychological scars (AP) Joana Dagher lay unconscious and hemorrhaging under a pile of rubble in her apartment after the massive Beirut port blast in August, on the brink of death. She survived because of the courage of her husband who got her out, the kindness of a stranger who transported her in his damaged car and the help of her sisters during the chaos at the overwhelmed hospital. But Dagher doesn’t remember any of that: The 33-year-old mother of two lost her memory for two full months from the trauma she suffered in the explosion, including a cerebral contusion and brain lesions. “I lost my life on August 4,” Dagher said. “I lost my house, I lost my memory, I lost two friends,” she added, referring to neighbors killed in the explosion. “I lost my mental health, and so I lost everything.”       The Beirut explosion, which killed more than 200 people and injured more than 6,000, caused wounds on an even wider scale on the mental health of those who lived through it. Even in a country that has seen many wars and bombings, never had so many people—tens of thousands—directly experienced the same traumatizing event at the same time. It came on top of the stress that Lebanese were already feeling from multiple crises, including an unprecedented economic meltdown, the coronavirus pandemic and a feeling of helplessness after nationwide protests against corruption that failed to achieve their goals. “There are very high levels of anxiety and worry across the population,” said Mia Atwi, psychologist and president of Embrace, an organization working on mental health awareness and support. “There is a low mood bordering on clinical depression for the majority of the population.”
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Moon sells Crawford Farms ranch in Texas in 1999 for a loss of $1.6 million. It was hardly used during 7 years.
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▲ Crawford Farms
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▲ Crawford Farms
Rev. Moon to auction off Texas ranch
San Antonio Express-News    April 25, 1999 By David Hendricks
One of Texas’ more opulent ranches – Crawford Farms – is on the auction block again. The seller this time is the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church.
Near Carrizo Springs, 90 miles southwest of San Antonio, the ranch was auctioned for $8.1 million seven years ago after the original owner, entrepreneur Don Crawford, poured as much as $30 million into it during the early 1980s.
The winning bidder in 1992 was the Han Corp., a New York-based business that is part of Moon's global business empire. Han Corp. also owns a multimillion-dollar equestrian center in New Jersey.
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▲ New Hope Farms, New Jersey. This may now have been sold.
The National Auction Group of Gadsden, Ala., will auction the 3,029-acre Crawford Farms estate on May 4 on a no-minimum basis.
“They want someone in Texas to own the ranch,” said William Bone, president of the National Auction Group. “The Rev. Moon said they don’t use it much anymore.”
The South Texas ranch had been used mainly as a family retreat during the past seven years. At times, Moon’s business associates were invited to stay there, Bone said.
Moon visited the ranch about five times, but his children and grandchildren visited more often.
“The ranch was never a haven for a bunch of Moonies,” Bone added. “The Rev. Moon enjoyed his visits. He loved it. They went down there and rode horses. One day he whispered in the ear of his son-in-law, James Park, ‘We ought to sell it. We don’t use it anymore.’
“The Rev. Moon has no concern over price,” said Bone, who was the auctioneer for the 1992 event.
“They said they want to have a big Texas party at the auction, like a big going-away party, just like Crawford did” in 1992, Bone said. “They even want to hire the same mariachi band.”
The 1992 auction was patterned after Crawford’s legendary parties at the ranch, including catered food, champagne and cocktails. When the gavel closed after five minutes of bidding in 1992, Crawford quickly approached Park, who had placed the winning bid, and gave him a hug. ...
“According to the neighbors [of Crawford Farms], the [Moons] never used it for anything. It’s a strange deal,” he said. ...
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▲ Crawford Farms is a country estate on 3,000 acres near Carrizo Springs, 115 miles south of San Antonio, Texas. A procession of pecan trees lines the road to the 24,000 square-foot Spanish-style main residence. Nine separate guest houses provide accommodations for up to seventy-five visitors or members of staff. Crawford Farm’s 65,000 square-foot arena, used for indoor training and entertaining, includes grandstands, offices, an electronic scoreboard, forty-one horse stalls, and a “Cantina” with a forty-two foot long bar. The estate also includes fountains, a resort-style swimming pool, a twelve-hundred acre wild game preserve, and a lake and ponds stocked with bass and catfish.
Crawford Ranch brings $6.5 million
San Antonio Express-News    May 10, 1999 By David Hendricks
Carrizo Springs, Texas – A Houston hospital executive last week agreed to pay $6.5 million for one of the most opulent ranches in Texas, acquiring the sprawling South Texas property from a company owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
The bidding lasted only seven minutes, with Charles Veldekens of Houston topping Gil Hodges of San Antonio, who bid $6.05 million for Crawford Farms.
The seller of the 3,029-acre ranch outside Carrizo Springs was the New York-based C.F. Han Corp., owned by Moon, who is also leader of the Unification Church.
The Han Corp. bought the trophy ranch in 1992 for $8.1 million when it was auctioned by the original owner and builder, Don Crawford. Crawford spent as much as $32 million to develop the property in the early 1980s.
Over the past seven years, the Han Corp. had financed the property through Crawford, who held a first-position lien. About $4 million remained as a balance.
Moon was not present at the auction, but his son-in-law, businessman James Park, was. He declined to be interviewed.
National Auction Group President William Bone said the property was used by Moon, his children and grandchildren as a horseback-riding retreat. ...
The auction attracted 18 bidders, six more than the 1992 auction, when Moon’s company bought it. The ranch attracted attention because of its football field-sized, Spanish-style main home; its large horse-show barn/arena with a saloon; numerous guest homes; bass lakes and other amenities.
The auction was held in the cavernous den of the main home. Bidding started at $4 million.
The final sales price in the contract will be $6.5 million, with the auction company getting a 7.5-percent sales fee. The sale is expected to close by June 3.
Further details available here:
In 2001 Sun Myung Moon put in a bid to run the Maronas Racetrack located near Montevideo in Uruguay. At that time it had been closed for three years.
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▲ Maronas Racetrack (Hipódromo de Maroñas)
See: Sun Myung Moon wanted to be Lord of 500 slot machines in Uruguay.
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▲ New Hope Farms International Equestrian Park
New Hope Farms International Equestrian Park
Official: “UTS Barrytown to be Sold” Hugh Spurgin
Chicago mansion owned by UC/FFWPU from 1975 was sold by them in May 2016
Unconfirmed reports of numerous properties being sold: Jacob House, Tiffany Building on 5th Avenue, etc.
Rev Kim purchases a nice house in Seattle – paid for by the local members, and Rev Lee purchases one which he later sells for $450,000.
Washington, DC, Church congregation to leave the building by June 1, 2018
The congregation of the Washington, DC Church on Columbia Road has been asked to remove itself from the building by June 1st. According to the letter from Rev. Richard Buessing, there are a multitude of safety issues.
Hak Ja Han’s unused Geomun Island Palace
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Geomun Island is situated between Yeosu on the mainland and Jeju Island.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
"Because accusing a gay man of hitting on all the straight men is homophobic. Because Abby insinuated that the video is problematic" Did the anons say Ryan has hit on all the straight men? This is getting weird. I am sorry to see you keep misrepresenting what the original anon said - who mentioned only a "crush". I don't remember anyone here accusing Ryan of hitting on Darren. The anons weren't talking about Abby either, you brought her up regardless. But she uses everything to tinhat.
I’m done talking about this- if you want to say more then come off anon and have a conversation.  But they DID imply that Ryan was being predatory and inappropriate- I don’t remember what the first anon said but I have been responding to the tinhatters comments. 
Abby: Yes Anon, That was my take as well.
This got long so it’s under a cut
 followed immediately by:
I have seen the recording of Ry/M touching Da/rren’s cheek before, and still find it creepy. It looks as if D turns his head to kiss R’s hand. What do you think?
Abby: I noticed that too. That Darren turned his head and blew him a kiss / or kissed his hand… to appease him, as he was interrupting the conversation with their guest of honor - Mayor Bloomberg. Possessive much? I found Harry Shum’s expression even more interesting as he notices what RM is doing.
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There’s another picture that goes with this set… Where Heather is unceremoniously yanked out of the way, so that RM could stand next to Darren.
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Look at Jane’s reaction to HOW RM is describing Chris here…
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Chrisdare actually comes in with a reality check and pushes back against their nonsense.  Notice that she points out that they need to watch the entire video to see the truth.  
chrisdarebashfulsmiles No it’s not the right take and it’s easy too see if you see the entire clip: tightening the lips is not the same as kissing hands.
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Now, i know i’m gonna sound rude but i’m mad and pissed off AF in D’s behalf (and as a person who try always to check before speaking) and it’s not something that happens a lot. I usually stay silent too but today this is too much for me. I don’t understand this need of spreading “lies” about him of on this kind of things. To prove that is ok to be mad at him for the bearding and thinking he’s always been disrespectful to C?? That maybe he did casting couch?
We have enough haters… he has more haters than we have… why there’s the need to invent stuff about him it’s beyond me. And now you all block me or whatever, i don’t care. I swear after 6 years here and all that this means… I DON’T CARE.
But for the love of God he has enough on his plate without this kind of stuff. Said that, i agree on RM being the creepiest and i hate him for how he treated C.
Abby comes back with a toned attitude and agrees with Chrisdare. She wasn’t reflagging this earlier in the week? No idea what that means but she can’t help but stir the shit. 
I was actively not reblogging this gifs earlier in the week because it’s a reminder I don’t think d needs.
But he’s literally pushing his hand away with his face. As @chrisdarebashfulsmiles said, d as enough on his plate. Can we not add to it with falsehoods?
No one is arguing about RM. but for some reason d has decided to dance with the devil he knows. It must be his best option. And c is still there and supporting him so he’s clearly ok with the choice. Let’s not add to the substantial weight on their shoulders.
Rouged has the most outrageous comments-as usual- and Abby reblogged them without pushing back and in fact said “some good points”. Since she didn’t call out those she felt were untrue-I must assume she was fully supportive of the suggestions of impropriety on behalf of Ryan. This isn’t the only time Abby has sullied Ryan’s name. Rouged is only upset that Darren’s name is dragged through the mud.  
This has been around forever, and will never go away, will it?  I had asked that this not be reposted, for what I thought were obvious reasons, but people just can’t help dragging him through the mud.  So, let’s talk about this little piece of hell.  This was when they were filming the competition in New York.  D’s bit was supposed to be over, and he was only in that episode at the very end, which could have been filmed anywhere.  BUT, he had broken so big that he, and the Warblers, were given an album release and were also in NYC and on Today show premiering it. D was privately discussing with the producers where his character Blaine would go next.  Would he have his own show with the Warblers, a spinoff, or would he stay with Glee?  It was a huge decision, and very high-pressure.  C had already returned to Glee and New Directions, this was the big show.  But, starring in his own show, and giving all the other Warblers a bigger career, that was also tempting. I am sure he felt the pressure of that decision, and how his choice impacted others, he had formed a bond with the Warbler actors.  But being on the big show, a sure thing, and with C as his co-star, seeing him and working with him every day, well…
This was a “Welcome to NYC” photo op and news article by Mayor Bloomberg with some of the cast, and this was the moment D was shaking hands with Mayor Bloomberg, and speaking to him.  I happen to think D has some political aspirations as well, so he may have mentioned something when he met Bloomberg.  RM was probably high, he acts so erratically here, but he reaches out, with a camera and tons of photographers there, and pats him on the cheek, cups his cheek, actually, and pats it way too fondly, extremely inappropriate but what RM does a lot, and not just with D. (more about that later.). I don’t know why Br/ad Fal/chuk does not control him better, but they are both horrible people, as is Dan/te Di/Lor/eto, standing right behind RM, who no longer works with RM, Br/ad, and I/an. (Thank all the gods.  That’s one creep out of the way, two to go.)  D, in mid-speech with the mayor, and still shaking his hand, is shocked, and reaches up to angrily swat RM’s hand away.  Remember that D did not know all the other guys that much, he had mostly hung out with C and the Warblers, who would probably have been more protective of him, (I am sure C would have tried), and more interactive, but this is the rest of the world, including Bloomberg, the NYC press, AND New Directions seeing this predatory behavior roll out up close and personal, for the first time, out in the open, and blatant.  I mean, he just did not care what people thought at that point, he thought he was king of the world.
I don’t know why C and the rest of the girls besides Hea/ther were not here, but I know L and C had that big filming singing on the Wicked stage, and the scenes at Tiffany’s.  D supposedly was present in the audience at that filming.  Since he is not dressed in Warbler costume, for Today show, this may have been that day, I assume C and L filming in those outfits took most of one day.  The entire Glee production team, including Warblers and THEIR album rollout, were all there for a week of filming, and, at the height of their fame, had all practically shut NYC down with their various filming locations.  Fans were everywhere, and the city made a big deal of it.
Heather tries to stand in front of D, in the group photo, and is roughly jerked out of the way, (also caught on film, the guy must have been unable to stop rolling, it was just too bizarre), so that RM can cosy in to that tight space next to D and hold on.  In virtually every photo made with the two of them in a group, D ALWAYS is made to be very near RM, UNLESS RM is sober, has just been called out for being a creep, or is otherwise trying to behave and scrub his image, in which case D is not attached to him at the hip, but these are rare indeed.  Again, this was NYC, the height of Glee’s popularity, RM was drunk with power and fame, and probably also literally drunk, thinking he ruled the world and everyone in his domain, and D was making the second-most important decision of his life, behind the scenes. I don’t think many people ever consider the extreme pressure he was under, this was a career making moment, and RM and the other producers were all giving him the hard press.  At 23 years old.
The first important decision, knowing how RM was, was going all in to be on Glee.  And don’t tell me he didn’t know.  Every person in Hollywood knows the predators, and the pluses and perils of working with them.  If they are mature adults, and are not trapped or coerced or blackmailed or assaulted, (and they usually are, the power exchange is very imbalanced), what they do is their business, and I don’t judge.  If they gain something, that is an exchange, that is their power, their erotic capital, and they are allowed to own that and exchange it as a strength, if they choose.  The actors have assets, that propel their careers, and they are allowed to use them, as they see fit, if they give that consent in that moment, and get something they value in return.  That is an exchange of power, and happens so frequently in Hollywood (and Washington, and corporate America, and The entertainment and fashion industries as a whole), that most in those industries don’t think twice about it.  
So, Hollywood is one of those towns where lots of sex happens, because there are lots of beautiful people interacting with very rich and powerful people, and they all interact with each other.  Get real, and get over that part. D is not a saint, nor does he have to be for me to be his fan, I am not blind or stupid or naive, I get it. They are not like us, okay?  This is not our day to day lives.
 The bad part is when people are faced with almost constant sexual and physical and emotional harassment because of it.  And D is.  From many power sources. The same as many beautiful women  are, with all the talk about fleshlights and being rapey, which is the latest.  It is all lewd and suggestive, we have all sexualized D and C, and need to accept that complicated history we all have with them.  But especially it is true for D with RM, and Br/ad Fal/chuk, (and Da/nte Di/loreto, but I hope that one is over.) Theirs is oppressive, and manipulative, and controlling and threatening. And that is abuse.  
And if anyone has the film from C’s first Single Ladies dance rehearsal, in costume, for the Glee tour, you would see more blatant RM abuse.
 In fact,I would venture to say almost every member of that key cast was abused beyond their consent by the showrunner, other producers, writers, and directors. (Not all of them, but some of them, for sure.) It was only because that show made billions, with a B,  for F/ox, and even War/ren Buf/fet visited that set (weird, he sat by Ch/ord), that Fox execs looked the other way.  The fact that Da/na Wal/den, RM’s main enabler, is now at The Mouse House, just tells you how pervasive this culture truly is.  It’s hard to fight everyone, when all your heroes have feet of clay.  RM IS the devil he knows.  And he has a contract.  And he DID negotiate Executive Producer status.  But I think it is ironic, and more than a little sad and sick, that RM also gave it to the two new prettyboys on set, who have earned NOTHING like the shit D went through, after we all mentioned that it gave D power and control  that he had more than earned.  Can’t let D get too big for his britches, and think he is getting somewhere without us now, can we, RM and BF?  He OWES you.  Apparently, forever.
And can we stop reblogging that series of images now?  I think RM gets a sick satisfaction out of them even now, as all the shot starts yet again, tangling them together in intimate ways RM does not deserve, and I despise giving him anything.  What was done, is done.  What happened, happened.  What is happening, has its reasons.  It does not change that D is a huge talent, and deserving of his fans, nor that RM and BF are likely to bring him success.  They are still creeps, and horribly so, ones that deserve to be brought down, in my opinion.  i  And apparently would rather deal with, at this point, since everyone is watching, due to all the issues in the past, than ones he doesn’t, which no one expects.  The current movie is a perfect example.  This career is exactly like walking through a field of land mines for a living.  You never know when you are going to step on the next one.
ajw720. Will no reblog again, but some really good points.  
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makistar2018 · 5 years
Taylor Swift’s ‘Reputation’ Netflix Special Is an ‘Unforgettable’ New Year’s Eve Gift: Review
By Nicholas Hautman December 31, 2018
In keeping with the theme of her most recent album, Taylor Swift’s new Netflix concert special, Taylor Swift Reputation Stadium Tour, opens with a black-and-white retrospective montage featuring some of the many headlines — the good, the bad and the very ugly — that the country-turned-pop star has made over the years. After one reporter announces, “Taylor Swift is in hot water again” and another whines, “She holds too many grudges,” the word “reputation” begins to repeat as the woman at the center of it all takes the stage.
Swift, 29, arrives at the AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, in a sparkly black leotard with a hood over her head. She looks tinier than ever as she stands before a pair of larger-than-life video screens on a grandiose stage with four massive catwalks shaped like an X. Without much pomp and circumstance, the growl from the beginning of “…Ready for It?” kicks in after Swift utters the first lyric and strikes a pose, driving the sold-out crowd of 60,000 fans wild.
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Taylor Swift performs on stage during her reputation Stadium Tour at Croke Park on June 16, 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. Gareth Cattermole/TAS18/Getty Images
Early on, the 10-time Grammy winner exudes confidence and attitude. She makes sure to ramp up the dramatics by slowing down the opening lines of “I Did Something Bad.” And when she’s joined by a group of all-female backup singers, Swift stares directly into the camera before launching into a choreographed routine, backed by fireworks so massive that the heat practically radiates through the TV screens of viewers at home.
Swift breathes new life into each and every song with innovative arrangements. Not a single track from her career-spanning setlist sounds identical to the album version, which is refreshing in an age where many pop stars lip-synch their way through less-than-inspired concerts. Swift makes the usually upbeat “Dancing With Our Hands Tied” an acoustic campfire sing-along, while the country-twanged “You Belong With Me” transforms into a Springsteen-esque stadium anthem. Even “New Year’s Day” is, somehow, more tender.
“I’ve always written songs with the lyrics, the feeling and the melody in mind, hoping that no matter what production I added to the top of it — whether it took a turn for pop or acoustic or whatever — I always wanted for a song to be able to be stripped back down and still be something that you liked and wanted to sing at the top of your lungs,” she tells the audience.
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Taylor Swift performs on stage during her ‘Reputation Stadium Tour’ at Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada, on August 4, 2018. Jason Kempin/TAS18/Getty Images
Throughout the unforgettable two-hour show, the cameras cut to fans hysterically crying and screaming in support of their idol — and that feeling of admiration is mutual. Swift often gets nostalgic while speaking to the crowd, at one point noting that she has been performing in Dallas since the age of 15. In fact, she boasts that the concert special, which was filmed in October as the final U.S. date of her world tour, marks her 30th show in the area.
“I can see you dancing. I can see you throwing your hands in the air,” she says. “And on top of that, I can hear that it really seems like every single person in this crowd has memorized every single word to the songs and is not just singing them, but is, like, screaming them.”
There are cameos aplenty in the Paul Dugdale-directed special. In a video that plays during “Look What You Made Me Do,” Tiffany Haddish declares that the so-called “old Taylor” is dead. Later on, Swift’s opening acts, Camila Cabello and Charli XCX, join her for a fun, confetti-filled rendition of “Shake It Off.” But the most unexpected guest comes in the form of a 63-foot cobra named Karyn that inflates during performances on both the A- and B-stages. (Hi, Kimye!)
The highlight of the show comes when Swift takes a moment to sing “All Too Well,” describing it as one of the songs that her fans request the most. She explains that she wrote the ballad (which is widely believed to be about her brief 2010 romance with Jake Gyllenhaal) during a period of “catharsis and venting and trying to get over something and trying to understand it and process it.” However, her fans have since turned her view of the song into “a collage of memories of watching you scream the words.”
Other standout performances include a theatrical version of “King of My Heart,” a haunting “Don’t Blame Me” with immaculate production, a stomping medley of “Bad Blood” and “Should’ve Said No,” a crowd-pleasing take on her masterpiece “Blank Space” and an epic encore of “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things.”
Sure, Swift’s vocals are a bit shaky at times. But in her defense, she explains that she has been battling “a tiny, minuscule cold” and even pauses to blow her nose on stage after one of her dancers presents her with a tissue — on bended knee, of course. Swift’s imperfections are a reminder that no matter how big of a force she is in the music industry, she is still human. She isn’t afraid to pause mid-lyric to take a breath or giggle with fans at her own lyrics, proving that maybe, just maybe, the “old Taylor” is still alive after all.
Taylor Swift Reputation Stadium Tour is now streaming on Netflix.
US Weekly
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Chance [5]
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Plot: AU You were born in tragic circumstances, exhibiting a hyper-awareness to your surroundings and situations growing up. For a while you blamed the fabled figure in the hooded cloak with the scythe for robbing you of your picture perfect life, until you encountered him years later. Turns out he’s not the only one and there’s a logical explanation for why you turned out different from your peers.
Rating: PG-13 (Language, death during childbirth, grim reaper mythology, beach antics, jealousy)
Characters: Reaper!RM x Female Reader feat. mention of the other members
Notes: A dream I had last night, plus a comic featuring a grim reaper giving a mother in childbirth a few more minutes to live and a comic about death taking the breath away from a girl served as the inspiration for this story. I know assigning Reaper mythology to the band isn’t a new concept but after seeing the last two inspirations, it got me thinking about the cases where those figures aren’t trying to harm the individual but they express some emotional difficulties carrying out their jobs because it is difficult.
[4] | [6]
“Please tell me you’re free tomorrow,” Taehyung begged.
“Believe it or not, yes,” you replied. “Tiffany asked to change shifts with me so I did hers today and she’s there tomorrow. What’s up?”
“We haven’t done a beach day and the weather’s perfect,” Taehyung replied. “Kookie’s coming and we might have Jimin joining us too. Bring snacks – we’ll probably do a bonfire once the sun goes down.”
“Sold. See you tomorrow!”
“Kookie’s the best!” Taehyung blurted out when the youngest showed up with a cooler filled with ice creams from the shop.
You peered into it and looked at the younger boy in surprise. He shrugged and explained that he saved all of his free ice cream perks from work and asked your boss if he could use them at once. Normally she wouldn’t let you stack too many perks together in one redemption, but you had a feeling that she caved to Jungkook giving her his doe-eyed look. It always worked like a charm on everyone, well except you.
“Jimin said he’s on his way,” Taehyung said after turning his phone off. “Got stuck in traffic, but he just exited the freeway.”
“So it will be just the four of us?” Jungkook asked.
"Um yes...as far as I know...” Taehyung trailed off. He looked down when he got another text from Jimin and unlocked his phone. “Scratch that, he invited Hoseok.”
“Do I know him?” Jungkook asked as he frowned, trying to recall the face.
You paused from putting sunscreen on the back of your neck and looked over at Jungkook. “I think he was on the boys dance team? Other than that, don’t know.”
“He graduated two years ahead of us,” Taehyung added. “His dad used to teach College Level English Lit but retired before I could take his class. Shame, heard he was really good and the material wasn’t half bad.”
“I didn’t know they were related,” you spoke up as you closed your sunscreen bottle.
Taehyung held out his hands and you tossed over the bottle, which earned you his trademark boxy smile in return.
“Well, he didn’t talk about it a lot, but his dad would always flag him down in the halls to talk to him or occasionally they carpooled together,” Taehyung said. “Poor guy – I think I’d die if either of my parents worked at the same school.”
“Hey I see them!” Hoseok yelled pointing over at your group. He took off running, leaving poor Jimin behind him. He patted Tae on the shoulder and waved at Jungkook before dropping his beach chair beside you.
“Hey Y/N, how have you been?”
You flashed him a small smile and shrugged, “Okay I guess. Looking forward to the fall. You?”
“First 2 years at performing arts college is tough, but I love it!” Hoseok replied. He began unfolding his chair and spreading his stuff out, all within close proximity to your things.
“Um...Jimin do you want help?” you called out as you looked past Hoseok.
When he noticed Jimin struggling with a large cooler and grocery bags, he ran over to help him. You heard him firing off several apologies to the shorter boy, all of which were dismissed by the blonde. “I tried to carry too much at once – it’s my fault!”
You felt a tap on your shoulder and saw it was Taehyung. “Sorry Y/N, forgot to mention that hyung had a bit of a crush on you. Guess that didn’t fade after graduation.”
“And you know this because?”
Taehyung sighed as he cast a look over at Hoseok, who was trying to rush the unpacking process so he could get back to his set-up. “I...may have overheard him in the locker room a few years ago when I had to make-up a running assignment for Gym,” he said. “The other guys on the dance team were egging him on to tell them who he had a crush on, and I heard your name. Some of them gave him grief because you were younger, and others teased him saying he’s got an oppa kink.”
You nodded, holding in a wince at that comment. There was nothing wrong with Hoseok – from what you remembered, he really loved dancing and happened to be very talented. The boys team had gone on to championships thanks to his unique choreography, but personally, you didn’t know him very well, due to different schedules.
“But I thought I heard something about the captains of the dance teams –”
“Jane pushed for the relationship – you didn’t know her well, but she’s always been a go-getter and I guess hyung didn’t want to hurt her feelings so he said yes,” Taehyung finished. “I’m guessing they broke up though.”
“Noona, noona either I’m seeing things, or it’s that guy who was with Jin the first time he came to the shop,” Jungkook announced as he nudged you repeatedly.
You followed his gaze to the right and saw Namjoon walking toward you with another male in tow. You craned your neck to see if it was Jin, but instead, the one trailing Namjoon was shorter and fairer in complexion. His messy hair was dyed a mint green color and he was clad in regular clothing, more ideal for the mall or a concert than the beach. From your vantage point, you heard Namjoon sighing and the other male grumbling that it was too hot to be outside now.
“You need fresh air,” Namjoon insisted.
“I preferred the A/C over this,” the other boy grumbled. “Plus I don’t wanna get sunburned!”
“That’s why I brought the umbrella for you hyung!” Namjoon huffed. “Also I said we’re going to the beach – you don’t wear jeans to the beach!”
“Who are those guys?” Taehyung asked as he watched them approach your group.
“Um, I know the guy with the silver hair,” you murmured as you gestured to Namjoon.
“That guy came in one day with Jin, the guy I said kept buying tons of ice cream and always puts his change in the tip jar,” Jungkook added, pointing to Namjoon.
Namjoon flashed you a smile once he came closer and he lifted a hand to say hi. “Funny seeing you here!” he said. “I was thinking, ‘It’s nice out, today’s a good day for the beach’ and Yoongi needed to get out after being cooped up indoors for weeks.” He pushed his dark sunglasses up on his nose and nudged the fair-skinned boy forward. “Yoongi-hyung, this is Y/N.”
The mint haired boy allowed a small smile to cross his lips and he extended his hand to shake yours. You shook his in both of yours, murmuring that it was nice to meet him.
“I tried to make Jin-ah come instead, but he was busy with Sunny,” Yoongi replied. “He says hi and wishes he could be here.”
Namjoon put down the umbrella and began introducing himself to the others. When he got to Hoseok, the latter pumped his hand enthusiastically which seemed to catch the reaper off guard. He kept a smile in place as he returned the handshake, tilting his head when Hoseok revealed he attended the same high school as you.
“Yeah she’s my dongsaeng,” he announced. “How do you know her?”
“Ah we’re old friends,” Namjoon replied. Despite sporting dark sunglasses, you could sense he was probably sizing up Hoseok. For some reason, your stomach began to knot watching them and part of you was wishing you were working the shop today and not here.
"It’s nice to meet you,” Namjoon continued. “Hang on, I need to put up the umbrella for him or he’ll be grumpy with me for the rest of the day.”
“I can help!” Jimin offered as he stepped forward.
Yoongi stifled a yawn and remained rooted near Namjoon’s stuff. Jimin walked up and offered to watch his things while Yoongi changed, which made the reaper blink.
“Oh I’m not planning to swim,” Yoongi said. “Joonie said sitting next to the A/C all summer wasn’t good for me, so he said I had to come with him. But it’s nice of you to offer, um...?”
“Jimin, uh Park Jimin,” Jimin replied as he reached out to shake the other’s hands.
Yoongi accepted the younger male’s hands, a sweet gummy smile on his face. “Ah thank you Jimin. You’re quite nice to worry about me.”
“Saw it coming,” Jungkook whispered with a smirk.
You nodded as you crossed your arms over your chest, watching as Jimin and Namjoon worked to get the umbrella up, the former sneaking glances over at Yoongi. The mint-haired boy moved things out of the way so the guys could set-up without knocking things over.
Namjoon locked the umbrella in place on it’s current setting and he nudged Yoongi, who thanked him before plopping down underneath it. He spread out a towel to lie on and he fished out a pair of sunglasses, setting them on the bridge of his nose.
“Hey Namjoon, is it okay if I put this under the umbrella? It’s got ice cream and dry ice in it,” Jungkook asked, picking up his cooler.
“Is that the ice cream Jin-ah brought home?” Yoongi asked as he pointed to the cooler.
“Um yeah! Y/N and I make it in the store all the time,” Jungkook replied. He opened the cooler and Yoongi peered inside, nodding before he pulled a bar out and began eating it quietly.
Namjoon accepted the cooler and thanked Jungkook with a smile, before placing it under the umbrella.
“So Y/N how have you been? I heard you got a full ride!” Hoseok asked as you made your way to the water.
“Not from the university, but I’ve got enough grants and scholarships to cover the costs of tuition,” you corrected him. “Need to make money for textbooks and other costs, but yeah the main cost is covered.”
Hoseok nodded before studying your outfit for the beach. “Did you not bring a bathing suit?”
“This is my bathing suit,” you sighed. You were wearing a long-sleeved rashguard and boardshorts, as both were on sale and offered more coverage and sun protection than a tiny bikini.
“Protecting yourself from skin cancer – very smart,” Namjoon noted as he joined you. He was sporting a short-sleeved rashguard and black swim trunks, his sunglasses still perched on his nose.
“Ah that’s true,” Hoseok conceded. He rested his hands on his hips and addressed Namjoon, asking how you two met.
“My dad knew her late mother,” Namjoon said before you could come up with a convincing lie. “We lost contact after her mom passed, but we ran into each other a few weeks ago and reconnected.”
Thanks, you thought. Technically Namjoon’s account was true and it saved you the hassle of lying to Hoseok. But why was he here and how did he know you were going to be here?
Hoseok tilted his head and frowned as he dropped his hands to his side. He stepped closer to you, his arms extended as if he was going to hug you.  “I didn’t know you lost your mom – I’m so sorry!”
“It was when I was born, I barely remember it,” you dismissed, taking a step back. Before either of them could say anything else, you ran toward the water and threw yourself into the oncoming wave that was headed for shore.
“How could I have forgotten it?!”
Yoongi sat up when he heard the voice and he tipped his sunglasses down to see Jimin rummaging through his bag for sunscreen. He pushed them back up and leaned back on his arms.
“Hey Jiminie, just come sit under here,” Yoongi ordered. “That way you don’t get burned. Plus there’s ice cream.”
Jimin paused and looked up, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. “Hyung, did you just...?”
“Aish Jiminie, see you’re already turning red – come on now!” the reaper grumbled as he motioned for the blonde to hurry up.
Jimin wasted no time before walking around the maze of belongings, taking a seat under the umbrella. Yoongi pushed the cooler over to him and Jimin peered in, hand hovering over the top. He hummed before taking a strawberry popsicle and closing the lid on the cooler.
“Hey guys,” you greeted the pair as you came up.
“How’s the water?” Jimin asked. “I’m so mad – I swear I packed sunscreen today but it’s not in my bag. I really wanted to go in.”
You pointed to your bag and encouraged Jimin to use yours. He thanked you before standing up, thanking Yoongi for the company, and wandering over to your bag for the sunscreen.
Yoongi watched as Jimin balanced the popsicle between his plump lips while reaching into your bag for the bottle. “He’s cute,” Yoongi murmured in a soft voice.
You nodded as you dried off and wrapped the towel around your waist. Jimin was about to open the bottle when he heard his phone go off in his bag. He huffed as he put the bottle down and went to find his phone to take the call.
“Joonie wanted to talk to you after you asked Jin-ah questions,” Yoongi spoke up. “But I don’t think he expected he’d be competing for your attention. You have to forgive him, I think this is the first time he’s been jealous.”
“Of what? I’m not dating Hoseok,” you murmured as you sat down under the umbrella.
“But he doesn’t know that. See, you’re the first girl he’s handled. Joonie seems to get the elderly and the really scholarly ones. Actually, wait, he did have that one older couple once, but that’s really it,” Yoongi recalled.
“What kind of people do you get?”
Yoongi looked straight ahead, leaning back on his arms. He was quiet for a few moments before answering, “It depends. Lately I’ve been getting some annoying people who waste their lives, expecting everything to be given to them just like that.” He shook his head and sighed, removing his sunglasses. He kept his gaze lowered, turning the glasses in his hands thoughtfully.
“I may live forever but it’s frustrating to see lazy people do nothing but whine and hold their hands out until they die,” he continued. “I know you think it’d make my job easier to take them out and be done with it, but there’s always the aftermath and that is what makes me hesitate.”
“You mean, the people who will miss them after they’re gone?” you offered.
Yoongi turned his head to reply but closed his mouth when he spotted Hoseok emerging from the ocean, making a beeline for the umbrella. As he replaced his sunglasses, you heard Taehyung address Hoseok about his studies at performing arts college.
“Looks like your friend spared you,” Yoongi nodded as he used his middle finger to push his sunglasses up. “But to answer your question, yes. Please don’t ask about any of my humans – it’s not something I like to relive.”
You nodded and decided to take this time to excuse yourself, walking to your bag to check your phone for missed messages. You unlocked it and began scrolling through the trail sent by your dad.
[IMG] Sent 15:19 PM
There he is Sport, your new brother! Sent 15:21 PM
Everyone’s doing well. Hope you’re having a great day at the beach! Sent 15:22 PM
“Who you texting?” Hoseok asked as he peered over your shoulder.
You turned your phone off and sighed, “I kind of don’t like when people look over my shoulder – can you not do that?”
He ducked his head and held up his hands in defeat. You scanned the beach looking for Namjoon. Part of you wondered if you scared him off after the earlier events, but you hoped he was still around so he could answer all of your burning questions regarding his father and whatnot. You squinted and saw he was standing in the shallow waters, arms crossed as he looked out over the horizon.
“Ah Y/N? Earth to Y/N?” Hoseok called out as he waved his hands around.
You jerked your head over your shoulder and met Hoseok’s eyes. “Sorry I think the sun’s getting to me – got distracted.”
He smiled and waved it away as nothing before repeating his question. “So are you or were you dating that Namjoon guy?”
“Isn’t that her business?” Yoongi spoke up from his spot, lowering his sunglasses.
“It’s just a question,” Hoseok confessed.
You groaned, straightening up and replacing your phone in your bag. “Honestly guys, enough,” you said. “I came to hang out at the beach with my friends, not talk about dating or boyfriends or any of that. Can people just let me be?” Before anyone could respond, you stepped around everyone’s belongings and walked over to where Namjoon was standing, refusing to look back.
“May I join you?”
31 notes · View notes
boymeetsweevil · 6 years
blue, not blanc - nsfw
Grouping: Reader x Jimin, SMUT wow
Word Count: ~4.5k 
Warnings: straight up sex, fingering, panty fetish perhaps? breathplay if you squint?? DEFINITELY NSFW
Based off the following prompt :) 
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1.5 months before
Jimin was cooking dinner, like the good fiancé he was. You slid into a seat at the breakfast bar and sighed, hoping he would turn around to see what you needed. When he merely hummed in greeting you were forced to cut to the chase.
“I have a favor to ask you,” your sheepish tone finally made him to look up from the red sauce he had been painstakingly simmering, “I need you to be my date for the black and white investment dinner. I’m letting you know now so you can’t say you already made plans.”

“How do you know I don’t already have plans?”

“Jimin, please. Its a month and a half from now and we know you don’t plan that far ahead.”

“Maybe I should start.” He stuck his tongue out at you before turning back to his precious marinara.

“You can start by making sure you have a suit. And it has to be white.”
“Why does it have to be white? Isn’t that too...Las Vegas or something?”

“Its white because the firm chooses the color scheme. This year the investors wear black and the firm employees wear white. It’s an annual thing. Please.”

Jimin sighed, but didn’t argue further. You came as his date to all the horrible holiday parties they hosted every year at the newspaper. You even bought an ugly sweater the year he had been trying to suck up to his boss for a promotion. To this day he’s convinced that heinous wool article is what got him his current position of junior editor.
“What color should the tie be?” He walked over to your spot at the kitchen table, one hand cupped beneath the wooden spoon he held in the other. You leaned in to try it before flashing a thumbs up when it didn’t seem to be lacking any specific ingredient.

“The tie doesn’t have to be a specific color as long as it goes with your suit and my dress,” you froze mid sentence, “Shit. I need a dress.” You were quiet for a few beats as you watched him hunt around for the chili pepper flakes before calling his name sweetly. Too sweetly.

“What is it now?”

“I have such a bad migraine that if I so much as look at another screen tonight, I’ll cry. Do you think maybe you could possibly buy the dress for me after dinner? From that French store where you bought that scarf you got me?”


“Great. I’ll send you the links. Oh, I need their no-show underwear too. It’s better than going commando, I swear,” you said cheerfully as you pulled out your phone.

“I thought your head was going to explode if you looked at another screen.”

“How else am I going to send you the links, Minnie?”

He raised an incredulous eyebrow and put a steaming plate in front of you.
“So, do I have to buy them tonight or can it wait a little. I’m waiting on a call from Taehyung about the parts for that vintage coffee maker I’ve been working on.”

“Well,” you chewed your noodles thoughtfully, “I guess as long as you don’t wait longer than 2 weeks. Everything always sells out of that shop really fast so you have to be quick about it, especially the underwear. I would buy it myself but my boss has been working me to the bone with reviewing these new manuscripts.”

“Leave it to me.”

24 days following
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“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” he muttered to himself.
Jimin felt anxious sweat begin to prick at his hairline as he read your messages over and over again. He checked his calendar and grimaced when he saw that there were less than 3 weeks until the dinner and he still hadn’t ordered your clothes like you’d asked him to.
Once his order was called, he took his drink and sprinted out of the coffee shop he had been working in to drive back to his apartment where he’d left his laptop.
Your warning about items selling out and customs holding packages for an extra long time haunted him as he scoured his texts for the links you’d sent a little less than a month ago.
He opened your laptop and carefully typed in the name of the dress you had bookmarked and sent to him. It was a nice dress, he noted, as he clicked on the drop-down menu and scrolled through the color available color options. When his cursor landed on the color IV (for ivory, as detailed in your text) he said a small thank you to the forces of the universe above. He added the dress to the cart and went to the search bar again to find the underwear. He blew out another breath of relief when he saw that the famous no-show panties weren’t all sold out. 
He searched for ivory again but he couldn’t find it. Is it sold out? How could it be sold out? All that’s left is BL. What’s BL. BL...for blanc because its french for white and ivory is white. I’m a genius. he pat himself on the back as he put the underwear in his cart and entered his card number. He had to grit his teeth when he saw the large chunk of change it would cost him to expedite shipping, but he supposed it was a meager price to pay for almost missing out on buying your dress after you’d asked so far in advance. 10 days later, Jimin received the package and called you to let you know that as soon as you finished your last manuscript you should hurry over and try on the dress to see if it needed any alterations. You swung by one morning later in the week to try on the dress in his en suite on your way to work. 
“Does it fit,” he asked in a half yawn as he leaned against the bathroom door. He nearly fell on his face when you swung the door open and handed him the haphazardly folded dress because you were running late.

“Yep. See you back here Friday! Make sure your suit is ready,” you shouted before swinging his door closed.

The day
Friday rolled around too quickly for comfort. You had barely gotten 2 days to rest from non-stop reading and editing before you had to commute to Jimin’s immediately after work. 
“Who the fuck schedules a gala at 7:30 on a Friday”, you had fumed to yourself earlier during rush hour.
Currently, Jimin was brushing his teeth in the bathroom frantically, dress shirt still half open, only briefs, and tube socks adorning his lower half. He was thinking about whether he would need to waste time styling his hair, seeing as the humidity from his shower was causing it to wave gently, when he heard a shout from the bedroom.
“Wha happeth? Ah you hut?” He panted around his toothbrush.

Nothing seemed to be wrong. Half your hair was in curlers and you still had your towel on as you stared down into the box where the dress and underwear were stashed away.
“I told you to order white underwear. Look at this,” you pulled the panties from their wrapping to reveal that they were in fact slightly lighter than Tiffany blue. “Minnie, didn’t you check the color before you selected it?”

“I dih--” he ran to rinse out his mouth and replace his toothbrush before coming back. “I did. It said it was white, it had a little BL and everything. For blanc. Because its French,” he trailed off. You squeezed your eyes shut.
“The site settings were in English, Jimin. I can’t read French. BL is blue,” you said quietly.

You picked up the receipt and handed the slip to the confused man.
“It says BL for---for blue.”

“Yeah,” you said lowly as you began to pull on the delicate underwear.

“I-I’m sorry. I really thought I picked the right color.”

“It’s alright, Minnie. It was a simple mistake, I shouldn’t have gotten so worked up in the first place. You were only helping me.”

“At least it’ll be covered up by your dress, right?” 

“At least there’s that,” you gave him a shaky smile, “Are you done with the bathroom? I’ll just go finish up in there and meet you by the door.”

“Alright.” He ran a head through his hair nervously, mussing up his bangs slightly. 
As he spun his car keys around, Jimin wondered whether the clothing would put a damper on the rest of the night when the sound of your shoes approaching shook him out of his musings.
The ivory of the dress looked against your skin was amazing and the way it molded itself to your figure took his breath away. But he could tell by the way your lips were drawn that you were still upset.
“What’s the matter?”

“The dress its...see-through. You can see the blue. I’m going to be the laughing stock of the whole company.” Jimin’s eyes dipped down and he saw that the blue stood out through the sheer, satiny material of the dress. 

“How about you call in sick and skip it. There’s no use in being uncomfortable all night for no reason.”

“I can’t. I volunteered to handle the jewelry auction. And my promotion is practically contingent on my being there. I have to go.” Frustrated tears welled up in your eyes.

“Well, you look beautiful. I almost don’t regret picking the wrong color,” he said while shrugging off his white suit jacket, “You can use this as a cover. It was making me feel too Vegas anyway.”
The joke fell flat when you simply spread your hands over the skirt one final time and took the jacket. You mumbled a quiet “Thank you.”
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Much to his chagrin, the dress did put a damper on the whole evening. More specifically, on your evening. Jimin had a relatively good time. He had 3 free Shirley Temples and a shameful amount of gluten-free mini quiches. But even on the car ride home, your disappointment towards having to wear a jacket over such a beautiful dress all evening was palpable. When you arrived home, both of you seemed to release breaths you didn’t realize you were holding.
Immediately you began to strip out of your attire, exhausted from the gala. Jimin couldn’t help but watch you peel off the dress in your haste to get ready for bed. Because you were wearing a towel earlier, he hadn’t gotten a look at the delicate garments you had on underneath.
“Those are pretty on you,” he ventured quietly, ”The color is good.”

“Thanks. I can’t wait to go straight to sleep.”
 You removed your bra, threw on a sleep shirt, and hiked some sweatpants over the blue underwear.

He nodded and got ready for bed as well, all the while the image of you in blue burned bright on the backs of his eyelids while he waited for you to finish cleaning your teeth and washing your face. 
When Jimin felt the mattress dip with your weight, he waited a bit to gauge your mood. With your back to him and the way you lay close to the far edge of your side, it seemed you were still upset. But you weren’t the type to hold grudges and if you did linger on anything, you tended to internalize it, even if it was someone else’s fault. He reached a tentative hand out pat the curve of your hip.
“Not tonight, Jimin. I’m not in the mood right now.” You shifted to shrug his hand off.

“I really wasn’t trying anything. How do you know I’m not in the mood either?”

You turned to look at him over your shoulder and give a small laugh despite yourself. “You’re always in the mood, Minnie.”
“Hey, now,” he shuffled closer, sensing a lightening of the atmosphere, “I’m not always in the mood. You just looked especially good tonight.”

“How could I have looked good with your stupid jacket on. No one even got to see my dress.” 
Your voice was small, but it didn’t quite sound sad and he took a leap of faith by sliding the hand that was resting near your hip to snake underneath your sleep shirt and press to your stomach, pulling you in flush to him.

“That’s everyone else’s loss. But it doesn’t mean you didn’t look good”. He nuzzled his nose against the curve of your neck and let his hand knead lightly at the skin of your side. “Plus, I feel like we have a little secret since I was the only one who got to see you in that dress.”

“Well, I didn’t do that on purpose. Better you be the one to see those horrible underwear ruin the dress than my boss.” You closed your eyes and let the feeling of Jimin’s fingers gliding underneath the waistband of your sweats soothe you before you realized what he was doing. “Jimin!”
“What? I’m just touching you. Is that no longer allowed? Am I on probation?” He pulled the sagging collar of your shirt down and peppered soft, wet kisses across the parts of your neck the he could reach. It tickled and you barely held in a laugh.

“Yes, that’s exactly what this is. You’re on probation.”

“Okay, so let me probe a little bit,” he said with a mischievous lilt in his voice before yanking your sweatpants down unceremoniously. 

“Park Jimin,” you shouted when the colder air of the bedroom hit your skin, “That’s not even what probation means, you’re so--what is it?”

You peered at his face only to follow his fixed gaze down to the vibrant blue cloth covering your pelvis.
“Nothing, it’s just pretty,” he said almost to himself, his tone distracted and light. He smoothed a hand over the material, marveling at how smooth the fabric was. “You know my favorite color is blue.”

“Are you saying you did this on purpose?” You tried to scoot away experimentally but his hold remained firm. 

“I already told you it was an accident. But I’m realizing now it was a happy one.” 
“Yeah?” Your own voice sounded dreamy and far away as you basked in all the attention. He only hummed in response before making his move.
Now that you were somewhat pliant, Jimin wedged his other arm under you so he could further envelope you. One hand remained where it was, caressing the silken fabric without doing anything too risky. The other hand, however, quickly made its way over to your breasts. He massaged them gently, at first, until your nipples began to brush more firmly against his palms. He began to tweak them and pull, knowing it was the fastest way to get you squirming.

You arched your back in response and ended up pushing your hips back against his, accidentally grinding on him. You could feel his hardness through the double layer of the barely-there material of your panties and his boxers. Coupling this with the feeling of his hand traveling under your shirt to continue its ministrations on your nipples and the creeping sensation of his other hand as he fingered the intricate laser-cut designs above your mound. It was almost too much and you felt like you were being bombarded. You tried to sneakily tug the waistband of your sweats up as you distracted him as best you could by rubbing up against his front, but he caught onto your plan. His hand left the confines of your shirt quickly to grip at your throat and force you to lengthen your neck obediently.
“Just let me see, baby. I just wanna see.” His voice was lower than his normal speaking tone, and noticeably rougher. He turned his mouth to suck at the spot on your neck where your skin felt the softest and placed a warm hand over yours. 
He guided the hand you had holding the sweatpants down teasingly slow. There was something erotic about the movement that made you whimper quietly. He must have heard the sound because soon he was shushing you softly and finished pulling down the sweatpants as far as he could. You kicked them off the rest of the way before realizing your hands felt awfully empty. You tried to turn to face him, but he wrapped a tight arm around and simply plucked at your nipples a little rougher, nipped at the skin of your shoulder a little more harshly. 
“Jimin.” You felt too warm with the heat he was radiating at your back and even with the sleep shirt you had on bunched up at your underarms.
“I know what you need,” he said in a voice that pretended to be thoughtful and selfless. 
His free hand finally passed your mound to press between the apex of your thighs. The angle was a bit awkward with his arm winding around your torso, but with coordination he was able to circle his fingertips around your clit. At this point, you still had too much lucidity and were worried that he would ruin the expensive underwear and stain it irrevocably with your arousal.

You started to protest but he seemed to read your mind and give your throat a warning squeeze with his free hand. With the other, he shifted to swipe a few fingers near your clothed entrance. He made a pleased sound when he brought his hand back up and the tips of his fingers caught the low lamp light and glistened.
“Open.” He held his fingers up before your lips, his grip on your neck loosening so you could move to suck them into your mouth. 
You made sure to graze his fingertips with kitten licks before popping them out your mouth when you knew they were clean. Jimin nudged at your cheek with a slightly damp hand until you turned enough for him to kiss you, wanting to chase whatever was left of your taste. He groaned at the feeling of you licking into his mouth and you felt him throb where his groin was pressed against your ass. You kissed slowly for a long moment, all the while his other hand continued to rub figure eights around your clit before circling back down to the now sopping material covering your entrance. 

The onslaught of sensation was enough to have you gasping and breaking the kiss. You let out a long, broken moan as he hooked his fingers underneath the material to feel the wetness without a barrier, although it left little to the imagination at this point.
“I wanna be inside you badly right now,” he mumbled shakily. The tremors in his voice sent another wave of excitement through you. You loved when he got overwhelmed.

“Please, oh my god. I need it.” 
You breathed heavily out your nose to keep quiet while he shoved his boxers off. He pressed against you with renewed vigor and you both groaned at the feeling of his overheated skin pressing against yours. You moved to pull your panties off but he stopped you.

“Keep them on. I want you to slide them to the side and hold them like that while I fuck you.”

“How do you want it,” you asked as you stretched your hand out to reach for the condoms that lived in a bowl under the bed. You nearly threw the condom in his face when you finally grasped at a foil packet. He rolled it on and inspected it briefly before grabbing at the meat of your thigh to lift your leg and bring it to rest over one of his own.
“Like this. On your side, from the back. I want to be able to see you in these panties.”
Pressing a hand over your lower belly, he pulled you flush against him once more to line up his swollen head with your entrance. He bumped against you a few times to coat himself with your slickness. At the feel of the initial stretch you grit your teeth.
“You feel so good,” you sputtered when he finally bottomed out. His girth was one of the things you gave thanks for most. You felt perfectly full and the slick smoothness of his entry had your head spinning. He pressed his forehead to your shoulder and began to rock into you, shallowly at first.

“So do you. God,” he let out a whine when you clenched around him as he went deeper, “You’re so fucking wet.”

He shifted to plant a foot on the bed for leverage and so he could maneuver his hand back in between your now more open thighs. His fingertips bumped yours where they pulled the crotch of the panties up and to the side. You felt him grab your hand and move it slightly higher and more inward. It became clear what his motives were when the fabric caught on your clit with the force of every thrust. You grip on the fabric tightened as your back bowed, pressing yourself more firmly against him. Jimin moaned at the fresh wave of arousal you coated him with.
“Jimin,” your voice was tight with need and nearly drowned out but the slick sounds his thrusts made. 


“Yeah,” you breathed, feeling your orgasm start to build. 
He cursed when you tightened up on him once more and rewarded you with a sharp smack to the globe of your ass. He began to fuck you in earnest.
“Arch your back, baby” he grunted. 
But before you could blink through the fog of your impending orgasm to comply, he brought his free hand up to cup your throat and pull you back how he wanted you. He squeezed a little for good measure and you felt an almost electric shock in your groin. You let go of the underwear in favor of tending to your clit with your own fingers at the same moment that he began to truly plow into you. Your toes started to curl and you marveled through your hazy consciousness at how your orgasms started the same way.

It started tonight, like it always did--with a pin-prick of pleasure that had you squirming. Then it turned into white hot waves building from the soles of your feet upwards. As the feeling reached your belly, the pleasure became molten and pulled every muscle in your body taut. You could feel your limbs shaking but you were too far gone to signal to Jimin that you were about to come, your breath leaving your mouth in increasingly small choked gasps. The pressure that had been building steadily in your abdomen snapped and you fell off your precipice screaming.
Watching you fall apart was always one of Jimin’s favorite pass-times. As you trembled before him, he tried his best to keep his eyes open so he could see you. But the way your walls gripped him tore his attention away. He squeezed his eyes shut and rutted up into you to chase his own high. It rippled through him faster than he was expecting, forcing him to tighten his grip on you to ground himself.
You calmed down first and listened to the sounds of his labored breaths in your ear. Luckily, you were on your side, so you didn’t have to worry about him collapsing on top of you or having to balance from on top of him to your side of the bed. Your back felt too sweaty though and you frowned at the thought of getting up again to take another shower before being able to sleep. When he eventually got out of bed to dispose of the condom and start the shower you grimaced at the feeling of cooling perspiration and tugged off your sleep shirt in hopes of dabbing at the moisture. 
“You coming,” Jimin asked when he came to lean on the doorframe of the bathroom.

You nodded and got up carefully, not wanting to overestimate the leftover strength in your knees and fall. You discarded your panties and he watched you hobble past him to the toilet with a smug expression. 
“I bet you’re not still upset about the underwear now,” he smirked at you while sliding open the door to the shower and stepping in.

“I bet you were never really sorry about buying my underwear late,” you countered over the sound of the water. You flushed the toilet and smiled softly to yourself while your washed your hands and he screamed at the momentary change in water temperature. 
He stuck his head out of the door as he waited for the warm water to return. “How did you know I bought it late?”

“You bought them on my account. I got the order confirmation and the email, it just got buried because I was swamped with work. But I saw while I was checking my phone in line for the women’s room at the gala.”

He had enough sense to give you smile that was 40% apology and 60% cheekiness.
“These are nicer than ivory,” he said with an exaggerated snobby accent.

“How? Because you got to play the white knight and lend me your suit jacket?”

“No,” Jimin trailed off. He stuck a hand out to pull you into the shower with him. “They’re nicer because they’re the underwear I fucked you in.”

“How charming. You know, the ivory could have been that pair too.”

“I don’t know. Nothing gets me in the mood faster than a nice blue. Why do you think its my favorite color?”

“That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Maybe so,” he stepped aside to let you have a turn with the water.
“Wash my hair? Its the least you can do.”

When you both finished showering, you could tell that it was way past your bedtime but you had to wait until Jimin changed the sheets. You were so tired you would have gladly slept on them, but he had a thing about post-sex sheets.
You blotted the ends of your hair with an old t-shirt and watched him make the bed with a neatness you’d only seen in hospitals. A spot of blue caught your attention and you realized you left your panties on the floor. You pinched them by the corner daintily and moved to put the garment in his laundry basket.
“Wait,” he said and plucked the panties out of your hands before shoving them in the back pocket of his sweats.

“What are you gonna do with those?”

“I don’t know. Save them for a rainy day, probably.” He gave you a wink before returning to fluff the pillows one last time.
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anelez · 4 years
The Lure of the Engagement Ring
You have been dating the individual you had always wanted for a long while now. You could possibly be remaining all together, both of the two has its own relationship issues; in the event that you don't live as a couple, the sentiment of dejection that floods through your heart each time your accomplice says the words "farewell" following a stunning day very much spent together moves you to accomplish more and each time you go erroneously to impart to the person in question your emotions, the unfilled space that welcomes you, rapidly transforms your motivation to accomplish more into a determination to accomplish all the more at this point! For the individuals who have made their connections a stride further by moving in together  Tiffany engagement rings Because of the dejection felt each time an accomplice bids farewell, various types of weights and emotions set in they could be the need to make your affection official for the entire world to see or you both need to begin a steady family. Whatever spurs you into at last creation the initial step to the most significant duty you could actually make in all your years probably won't be off significance yet the image which you should give while making this stride is absolutely critical - "The Engagement Ring".
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Today buying a wedding band has now become business as usual of recognizing yourself as one who is now taken and prepared for marriage however have you ever played with the stone or band on your hand and pondered its set of experiences? Since it's not determined in the book of scriptures or the most established archives that give nitty gritty records of practices before marriage in time passed.
The well known wedding band of the cutting edge age had its start as later as the nineteenth century and wasn't generally an image of undying love, it was pretty much the initial segment installment of the lady cost to be paid to the lady's family however given over and worn by the lady of the hour. It was a sort of protection accommodated the lady, in the event that the forthcoming accomplice which was consistently the man around then disbands the marriage consequently trading off the lady's ideals and appeal to other men.
The genuine significance and image of the wedding band began radiating through in the twentieth century, when men gave their life partners a band that represented their adoration and expectations for a marriage association, the wedding band meant that she had been taken, out of cutoff points and fit to be hitched to her genuine romance and it was put on the fourth finger of the left hand, for that finger was accepted to have a vein going through it which came legitimately from the heart in this way representing the finger as a "heart finger". Prior rings could simply be a bit of silver or an iron band with no embellishment, which the lady embeds into her fourth finger on her left hand, this was the training for a brief timeframe till business rings and the media assumed control over the commitment scene.
The Adverts appeared on wedding bands in the nineteenth century proposed that men ought to spend no under 2 months of their month to month salary to buy the ideal ring for his valuable lady to be and just with an advert the definition and style of the wedding band took another course.
The advanced wedding band is an image that shows that an individual is locked in to be hitched with style. The cut, evaluating and make of the wedding band despite the fact that not immeasurably significant, adds a specific flavor to your commitment day or service and has scorned another adornments market completely all alone.
The Engagement ring currently comes in various plans; it could be a band made of valuable materials, for example, Gold, Platinum or Silver or it could be a band bound with diamond stones to give an overpowering wonder to the ring. The distinctive significant plans of wedding bands will be talked about underneath.
Various Types of Engagement Rings
Solitaire rings; these are the quintessential exemplary wedding bands, the solitaire ring comprises of a band and a jewel stone; the band could be produced using any material of your decision going from gold to platinum while the gemstone ought to likewise be picked to accommodate your impossible to miss attributes, it could be precious stones or sapphire cut in various manners that would be clarified underneath.
Wedding bands with Side stones: These dazzling rings are made with gemstones embedded into the sides of the band, which can be made of any metal material relying upon your taste. Some side stones ring additionally accompany a focal stone at the center. The famous gemstones utilized for this plan of rings are normally precious stones yet you can by and by alter your gemstone to the flavor of your affection.
The Three Stone Rings or the Trinity ring: this is a ring plan with its own sentimental history, it is accepted that each stone in the three stone ring represents the past, present and fate of the time in which a few has spent together and the ring would tie them together forever. The ring configuration is that of a faultless platinum band with three choice gemstones; one at the center with two spot deliberately by the sides. The gemstones are normally frantic of precious stones however you are permitted to redo yours into three distinct kinds of gemstones in the event that you so want.
The Matching Bridal Set: this is a delightful mix of both the wedding band and the real wedding ring, there is no set plan on how a coordinating marriage set should look like however it is commonly acceptable to have either the wedding band or the wedding band complementing the other and the other way around I.e. a perfect platinum wedding band with a gemstone ought to be matched with a straightforward Gold exemplary wedding ring, giving the lady of the hour a bit of shading.
Strain Rings: let the name not go about as a boundary to you while considering the pressure ring for it is one of those plans we call straightforward however uncertainly tasteful, it comprises of a band produced using any material of your decision, firmly holding a gemstone in its grasp with pressure for example the gemstone isn't held by prongs however caught in the middle of the different sides of the band material you picked. The band material fills in as its holding support. It is strongly suggested you go for two differentiating colors for the band and the gemstone to draw out the genuine excellence of the strain ring.
The Different Cuts of Gemstones
The Cushion cut: this technique for cutting a gemstone, gives the stone an exemplary shape that is between a square shape and an oval, it is one of the most famous adornments cuts and it's otherwise called the classical cut.
The Marquise cut: the technique utilized fit as a fiddle of the marquise cut gives the gemstone an oval shape in the center with closes. This ring has an exemplary elven or should I say gritty watch that draws out the powerful magnificence in your lady of the hour.
The Emerald cut: the emerald pearl normally has its own characterized shape and this cut technique unmistakably reflects it, the emerald cut is a rectangular compromised jutting at its four finishes.
The Asscher cut: this strategy for cutting the gemstone gives it a shape people say is like the emerald square shape however it is more octagonal fit as a fiddle than square shape, the octagonal shape causes it get light and reflect it in various ways. It's an entirely delightful cut for a rings gemstone.
The Princess cut: this is one of the most utilized cuts on gemstones, it is square fit as a fiddle and draws out the excellence of the gemstone utilized coyly.
The Round cut: this cut general looks round yet its more than that for it has various spikes added to its surfaces making it one of, if not the most sparkling gemstone cut of the part, it is known among ladies for its capacity to dazzle the eye (shimmer).
The Heart cut: ideal for the sentimental people on the most fundamental level and molded to stomach their hearts, it is a basic and tasteful cut that is very famous among ladies.
In the wake of giving an overall uncover on wedding band plans and cuts, the following stage is to bring to your notification the pioneers in the business that furnishes you with the best and most costly rings now and again out there.
Bill Barnes: the makers of the absolute generally stunning and costly commitment groups out there.
Tiffany: everyone knows the name Tiffany this creator house additionally gives clients head of the reach rings and costs concede.
Tacori: the Tacori configuration is likewise one of the most searched after wedding bands in the gems business the cut and game plan of its plans are consistently a delight to see.
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yannivdssports · 4 years
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On a Saturday Night in Florida, a Presidential Party Became a Coronavirus Hot Zone
A weekend getaway at Mar-a-Lago put the president in contact with several people who later tested positive for the virus. The White House physician said the president had tested negative for the virus.
WASHINGTON — The lights were low and the disco balls spinning as a cake with a fiery sparkler shooting flames into the air was brought out to a robust rendition of “Happy Birthday,” joined by President Trump. The birthday girl, Kimberly Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr., then pumped her fist in the air and called out, “Four more years!”
It was a lavish, festive, carefree Saturday evening at Mar-a-Lago a week ago in what in hindsight now seems like a last hurrah for the end of one era and the beginning of another. In the days since then, the presidential estate in Florida has become something of a coronavirus hot zone. A growing number of Mar-a-Lago guests from last weekend have said they are infected or put themselves into quarantine.
A week later, the White House physician announced on Saturday night that the president had tested negative for the virus, ending a drama that played out for days as Mr. Trump refused repeatedly even to find out whether he had contracted it after exposure to multiple infected people. The result came less than 24 hours after the White House put out a misleading midnight statement saying there was no need for such a test at roughly the same time the president by his own account was actually undergoing one in deference to public pressure.
But either way, the Mar-a-Lago petri dish has become a kind of metaphor for the perils of group gatherings in the age of coronavirus, demonstrating how quickly and silently the virus can spread. No one is necessarily safe from encountering it, not senators or diplomats or even the most powerful person on the planet seemingly secure in a veritable fortress surrounded by Secret Service agents.
Some of last weekend’s guests worried it may be a sign of the times and the last party of its sort for a while at Mar-a-Lago. “I hope not,” Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, wrote in a text message. “Humans interacting with one another are typically happier and more productive in my experience.”
Mr. Gaetz’s experience is a cautionary tale. He attended events at Mar-a-Lago on both Friday and Saturday nights of that first weekend in March, not realizing that he had already been exposed to someone infected with the coronavirus at an earlier political event. Only last Monday, as he rode with Mr. Trump on Air Force One back to Washington was he told, at which point he was separated from the president and other passengers on the plane. He later went into self-quarantine but tested negative.
Several others at Mar-a-Lago that weekend have since tested positive, including some who accompanied President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil to a dinner with Mr. Trump before Ms. Guilfoyle’s birthday party. Fabio Wajngarten, his press secretary, and Nestor Forster, his top diplomat in Washington, were both there and later tested positive. A spokeswoman for Nelsinho Trad, a Brazilian senator who has also tested positive, said he was at the dinner but the Brazilian Embassy denied that. Another member of the Brazilian delegation also tested positive but was not at Mar-a-Lago.
Another unidentified person at Mar-a-Lago the next day for a fund-raising brunch with the president has also tested positive. And on Saturday, Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee who introduced Mr. Trump at a fund-raiser at Mar-a-Lago the night before Ms. Guilfoyle’s party, revealed that she had become sick and was awaiting test results to determine if she has the coronavirus.
Mr. Bolsonaro said Friday that he tested negative, but the health minister, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, later said the president would be tested again as a precaution. Mayor Francis Suarez of Miami, who met with Mr. Bolsonaro while he was in town, reported on Friday that he had tested positive.
While he has been described as agitated in private, Mr. Trump has publicly insisted he had no concerns. “I decided I should based on the press conference yesterday,” Mr. Trump told reporters on Saturday before the results were known, referring to questions he received the day before in the Rose Garden. “People were asking, did I take the test.”
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His revelation came barely 12 hours after the White House statement released in the name of Cmdr. Sean P. Conley, the president’s physician, rejecting the need for a test since his exposure to Mr. Wajngarten “was extremely limited” and his interactions with Mr. Forster “occurred before any symptom onset.”
“These interactions would be categorized as LOW risk for transmission per C.D.C. guidelines, and as such, there is no indication for home quarantine at this time,” Commander Conley wrote. “Additionally, given the president himself remains without symptoms, testing for Covid-19 is not currently indicated.”
The White House did not explain on Saturday why it issued a statement saying no test was needed if the president was in fact taking one.
The White House physician’s office on Saturday took Mr. Trump’s temperature before his news briefing — he said it was normal — and began taking the temperature of others in the West Wing who would come into proximity of Mr. Trump, including journalists, one of whom was barred because of high readings.
The president has sought for weeks to play down the severity of the outbreak and been especially sensitive about giving the impression that he himself was at risk. Indeed, several advisers to Mr. Trump on Saturday privately expressed irritation at Ms. McDaniel for publicly acknowledging her illness.
Since the start of Mr. Trump’s presidency, supporters and hangers-on have gravitated to Mar-a-Lago, paying up to $200,000 for membership in the club — and for proximity to the president. Mr. Trump frequently holds court on the patio at dinnertime, shaking hands with members and waving them over to his table.
But the club has been criticized for lax security practices. Last year, a Chinese woman carrying a malware-laced device made it onto the grounds before she was arrested, prompting a rare admonishment from the Secret Service, which effectively blamed the club for porous admission policies.
Despite the coronavirus, the president has not changed his practice of greeting guests, according to a member. Mr. Trump believes his willingness to shake hands and connect with supporters helped propel him into office and the club’s unwritten rule is that those who love him or trade on connections with him can come into contact with him.
This rule was on display last weekend in the club’s ballroom, when the president hosted both Mr. Bolsonaro for dinner and the extended Trump family for Ms. Guilfoyle’s birthday, the two events overlapping to some extent. As Mr. Trump escorted Mr. Bolsonaro into the club, a reporter asked if newly reported coronavirus cases in the Washington area made him worry that it was getting closer to the White House.
“No,” he said with Mr. Bolsonaro at his side, “I’m not concerned at all.”
And then the two went inside.
Among the guests on hand was a who’s who of Mr. Trump’s world, according to pictures and video posted on social media, including Vice President Mike Pence, the president’s lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Bernard B. Kerik, the former New York police commissioner recently pardoned by Mr. Trump for tax fraud and false statements.
In addition to Donald Trump Jr. and Ms. Guilfoyle, there were other family members present, including Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, Eric Trump and his wife, Lara Trump, and Tiffany Trump. Melania Trump did not make the trip to Florida.
Mr. Bolsonaro took photos with the president and others, including Mr. Pence and Mr. Giuliani. “We’re going to have a nice dinner,” Mr. Trump said as he introduced the Brazilian president to Ivanka Trump and Mr. Carlson.
As it happened, Mr. Carlson was concerned that the president was not taking the coronavirus seriously enough and talked with him about it during the evening, according to a person informed about the conversation. Two days later, on his Fox show, Mr. Carlson warned viewers: “People you trust, people you probably voted for, have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”
But the mood otherwise that Saturday night was light. Ms. Guilfoyle, wearing a thigh-hugging gold sequin dress and set to turn 50 two days later, was toasted by one member of the Trump family after another amid purple and pink lighting suffusing the room.
“You work so hard for the president,” Ivanka Trump told her. “It’s been amazing to get to know you,” Mr. Kushner added. Mr. Graham told her that “you represent everything Bernie Sanders hates” and promised to get her a tax cut. With a D.J. playing music, the guests danced a conga line and enjoyed the evening. Even Robert C. O’Brien, the president’s national security adviser, hung around for the toasts, which some of his colleagues thought was out of place.
While Mr. Graham and Senator Rick Scott of Florida later went into self-quarantine because of exposure to the Brazilians, no guests have reported being sick. “The KG birthday party crew continues to keep up with one another,” Mr. Gaetz wrote Friday. “Zero symptoms thus far.”
Two attendees said they had not received specific guidance from the club about the event, although others said they received a general notification about precautions to prevent exposure.
“They sent out an email saying they’re washing the place down a couple of times a day,” said Bruce Toll, a real estate executive and longtime member of Mar-a-Lago. Mr. Toll was among several members who said that they were not rethinking visiting the club. “I ate breakfast there yesterday with my grandchildren,” he said, “so I’m not worried.”
Mar-a-Lago was still open for business on Friday, but Lori Elsbree, the host of a 700-person “celebrity doggie fashion show” and fund-raiser scheduled for Saturday with Lara Trump as honorary chairwoman, said the event had been postponed.
Chase Scott, another organizer, said the decision was made after the two cases of coronavirus were confirmed and a state of emergency was issued in Palm Beach County on Friday. He said the organizers, not the club, made the call. “They understand,” Mr. Scott said. “They know that we’re going to reschedule there.”
Jeff Greene, a Mar-a-Lago member until 2018, said Palm Beachers were likely to sequester themselves unless Mr. Trump visited. As news of the virus spread, he said, more people were refraining from dining out or socializing.
“Mar-a-Lago is really mostly busy when the president’s in town,” Mr. Greene said. “People aren’t going anywhere now.”
Maggie Haberman contributed reporting from New York, Ernesto Londoño from Buenos Aires, and Letícia Casado from São Paulo.
Source : https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/14/us/politics/trump-coronavirus-mar-a-lago.html
My opinion : It was the birthday party of Donald trumps girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle. There were a lot of people at this party. In times of corona it is not the smartest thing to give a party. The virus spreads so fast that if we don’t take it seriously we all have the corona virus. A lot of people who where at the party tested positive, they don’t know who infected who, including some important people like politicians. Mr. Carlson was concerned that the president was not taking the coronavirus seriously enough and talked wit him about it during the evening. I think this triggered him to do something about it. The president tested negative for the virus so he didn’t infected other people. Now trump is trying to clame a medicine from a biotech company that could treat the corona virus . This would be a solution for his country to fight the virus. This was my short opinion.
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years
The Vanguard - Chapter 1
Whelp, here is the project that started off as a joke and has really taken on a life of it’s own. This story is going to be as much about my two new OC’s (I can really only claim Eirwen. Amira belongs to @opalandowl but she has allowed me to use her) and about giving the Glaives a happier story. THEY ALL DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER.
This story has made me excited to write again and I hope anyone that reads OC stories will stick around through this fun. I”m working on several things at the moment, but I’m so happy about this. 
And a huge thank you to El for screaming/crying with me through all the rants and our ridiculous twinning despite the geographic separation. You’ve made tumblr a fun place to hang out. 
The musty scent of old cigarette smoke and soured alcohol filled the room. The overhead lighting was effectively useless in the rickety old building. Rather, a handful of antique tiffany lamps and a few strands of string lights provided the dim illumination. The seats were cracked from both age and wear and the tables were carved from an ancient wood, nearly covered over now with marker and hastily scribbled words.
“No way,” Crowe leaned back against the booth with her arms crossed over her chest. Her brown eyes glimmered in the warm glow of the overhead lamp with excitement. “You hit that target, and the next round is on me.”
Nyx laughed and toyed with the knife in his hand. The pocketknife was much smaller and lighter than the Kukris he was so known for wielding. Still, the alcohol was only adding to his self confidence, and he had determined he could hit the bullseye with the small knife. “Get ready to pay up then,” he chuckled and slid from the booth beside Crowe. Libertus shook his head and sipped on his beer, knowing there was no stopping the Hero when had made his mind up. Focusing on the red dot at the center of the dartboard, he pulled his arm back before flipping his hand forward so that the knife spun towards the target.
“Not quite.”
Nyx groaned just as the hilt of the knife connected with the board rather than the blade and it clattered onto the chipped cement floor. Before he could retrieve it, another knife whipped through the air missing his ear only by a fraction. His eyes widened as the blade of this knife struck true and dead center. “What the f-”
“Bullseye,” someone giggled before the sound of two hands connected in a solid high-five. “That was even better than I expected.” He knew that The Twins would be standing behind him, both with a smirk and a matching set of popped out hips.
Nyx turned once he had retrieved both his knife and the newcomer’s. “Amira,” he sighed with a smile on his face. There was no use fighting the happiness that always managed to creep onto his face whenever she was around. Noticeably, she was without her usual partner in crime. Still, Amira stood with her arms crossed and one hip stuck out, her trademark smirk lighting up her sky blue eyes. Clear and cloudless compared to his storm blue.
Waving away her victory, Amira snatched her blade and closed it before returning it to the pocket of her form-fitting jeans. Though she was out of uniform, she was still dressed in all black and her long, dark hair was tossed up in a messy bun. Despite Nyx towering over her by a couple inches short of a foot, she didn’t lose a step as she shot him a wink. “Better luck next time,” she laughed and slid her petite form into the booth beside Libertus.
Crowe and Libertus laughed at the defeated look on the Hero’s face, and Crowe offered a playful pat on the back. “So, I’ll buy Amira a drink. Looks like you’re stuck with paying for your own.”
Just as Libertus opened his mouth to speak, a tray of ice cold beers clinked onto the table. “You can all thank me later.”
“Girl after my own heart,” Libertus laughed and pulled Eirwen in for a hug. Her silver-blonde hair seemed to sparkle as she brushed it over her shoulder almost as if it were covered in a layer of ice. Her pale skin contrasted nicely against the dark tan of the native islander before she pulled back enough to perch on the booth so that he was sandwiched between the two younger Glaives. “Was wondering where my little sister had gone.” He ruffled the young woman’s hair despite her protests. “Knew you couldn’t be too far behind this one,” he elbowed Amira at his other side.
Though the two weren’t blood relatives, Libertus had become especially protective of Eirwen since her initiation as a member of the Kingsglaive. He was also quick to jump to the defense of both Amira and Crowe, but being the youngest of the Glaives by a couple years, Eirwen had managed to tug at his heart in ways no one else could. Luckily, she didn’t seem too bothered by his brotherly worry and his apparent wish to keep her near his side so that he could keep an eye on her and keep her out of trouble.
Amira took a sip of her drink and nodded once towards the platinum blonde on the other side of the teddy beary Glaive. “Perfect,” she sighed in content and closed her eyes for a moment. After a long day of training and a refresher course on emergency protocols, the ice cold liquid was more than soothing as it flowed down her throat. “And she’s my twin, Libertus. Get your own.”
The group of Glaives shared a laugh before their phones rang out in unison. “So much for the night off,” Nyx sighed as he scanned the alert. “Looks like they’re calling in the Vanguard.” The peaceful look that he’d worn since they had arrived at the bar faded and was replaced with one of determination and focus, mirrored in the eyes of each of those gathered around him.
Each member of the Kingsglaive downed their beer quickly, leaving money enough for a tip on the table before grabbing their jackets and rushing out of the small bar. Crowe immediately hopped onto her bike, pulling her helmet on before speeding towards the citadel. Amira led the rest of them towards her car parked nearby. She tossed the keys to Eirwen, who eagerly hopped into the driver’s seat before peeling away from the curb. Nyx had taken up the passenger seat and was dialing Pelna, the last member of the front line defense, confirming that he was on his way.
Crowe had only made it a few feet from her bike when Eirwen parked the car and the entire group rushed inside. They found Pelna already changing once they entered the locker room. The last pair of boots had only just been buckled when the door swung open and Captain  Titus Drautos entered, followed by Cor Leonis, the Marshal of the Crownsguard.
Drautos was as harsh and to the point as ever, wasting no time in handing out his orders. Niflheim was drawing their forces closer to Insomnia than was comfortable under the guise of sending in a messenger. It wasn’t unusual for the Empire to use covert means in order to accomplish their true goal. The king would receive the messenger, but he wasn’t willing to do so without some information on what the Magitek Infantry that they had brought along was up to. Though his demeanor was the same, something about the Captain’s eyes seemed off and all six of the Glaives standing before him saw it.
However, before Captain Drautos could finish, Cor stepped forward and silenced him with a steel blue gaze. “The king has asked for the six of you, specifically, to be a part of the dispatched soldiers. This mission falls under the Crownsguard, therefore I am the one you answer to. You are not to engage the enemy unless I have given the orders for you to do so. Though you are all one unit, you may each receive specific orders. Is that clear?”
Six nods confirmed that the message was clear. It wasn’t unheard of for the Glaives and the Guards to work together. It was, however, unusual for one group to fall under the command of the other. Drautos stiffened visibly at the Marshal’s words but didn’t comment. Nyx, however, didn’t seem to share that control.
“We handle reconnaissance missions all the time without command from the higher ups.” He looked between the two commanding officers before him as he stepped forward. Nyx usually functioned as the unofficial leader of the Vanguard - so named as the group of Glaives currently gathered were the ones thrown onto the front lines and into the pit of battle before calling in the others. If it could be done without deploying an entire unit, the Vanguard were the ones called to battle. Nyx had been a member of the Kingsglaive nearly since its formation a decade ago. It was both his experience and his drive that had put him as the natural leader of the group. “What makes this one so different?” He asked the very same question that the others behind him were wondering.
Drautos scowled deeply before opening his mouth, probably to reprimand Nyx for speaking out of turn, but Cor was faster. Rather than mirroring the angry look Drautos seemed to always possess, a certain type of interest seemed to sparkle in his eyes for a moment. “This mission is different because the six of you won’t be going in alone. This is a relatively low-risk mission, so long as you all follow my orders, and we will be sending in a few members of the Guard to be of assistance.”
Each of the Glaives bore their own shocked expression for a moment but no one spoke. Nyx clenched his jaw but only nodded in acceptance. Captain Drautos stepped forward, looking at each of his Glaives. “You leave immediately. Gather your weapons and any other necessary items. If you need something, just say the word.” With a final nod, he turned and exited the room leaving the Vanguard with Cor.
Silence hung over the group for a moment, each processing the information and what they would soon face. This mission was have been especially important for King Regis to have called in both his Glaives and his Guards, ordering them to work together. Without saying so aloud, each member of the Vanguard knew the others with a sort of intimacy that could only be achieved by working so closely with another person. They trusted each other with their lives. Working so closely with another group of soldiers would not be easy when much of the Vanguard’s success came from their innate ability to work together - words not always needed.
Eirwen strapped her Kukris - lighter than most with slightly longer blades than were typical standard issue - onto her back. The frost that spread over the metal blades nothing more than a reflex as she readied herself for battle. Amira sat beside her, playing with her earpiece to be sure this one wouldn’t short circuit if she weren’t too careful. Pelna had assured her that these were special and had been insulated against electrical currents. Eirwen watched her Twin for a moment in silence, chewing on her lip in silence.
“So. I guess this is going to be one for the books.” The worried look on the young girl did not escape the others as they turned to her.
Suddenly, a large arm wrapped around her neck and she was crushed against a large body. Libertus laughed as he ruffled her hair affectionately once again despite her protests. Amira rolled her eyes but smiled at the sight. “Guess those guards are about to get a first hand look at the Vanguard. Can’t wait to see the surprise on Cor’s face. Been awhile since I’ve had the pleasure of shocking him.”
Nyx flipped his blade in his hand idly, nodding with a confident smirk that set everyone at ease.  Amira’s comment earned a breathy chuckle from him but he only shook his head in amusement. “They’re not the only ones in for a surprise. Guess we’re going to be going ghost with the Guard.”
“If they can keep up,” Crowe smiled.
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greyparcel79-blog · 5 years
The Simon Bolivar Statue - Central Park at 6th Avenue
On April 17, 1921 the New-York Tribune noted that "Bolivar Hill," a knoll in Central Park near 83rd Street and the West Drive "has been for thirty years the center of a drama which had the elements of human interest, passion, gossip of the art world, comedy, tragedy and wasted fortune, to say nothing of international relations."  It all had to do with the Venezuelan Government's frustrated attempts to have a fitting memorial to Simon Bolivar in the park.
In 1883 it had commissioned Venezuelan sculptor Rafael de la Cova to create a monument to the hero.  Bolivar is credited with gaining independence from Spain for not only Venezuela, but Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Panama.    The completed statue, a gift to New York City, was dedicated on June 17, 1884.  On one side of the pedestal was the single word "Bolivar" and on the opposite "Venezuela to the City of New-York, 1883."
At the time The New York Times reported "Upward of 2,000 people witnessed the unveiling of the statue of Gen. Simon Bolivar, in Central Park, yesterday afternoon, and most of them were obliged to stand patiently beneath the pelting rays of the sun."  When the drapings came off the speeches and ceremony went on as planned.  Parks Commissioner Egbert Viele diplomatically pronounced "This statue is not merely a work of art...It is a tribute of esteem from a young republic of South America to her sister in the North."
But in fact everyone, perhaps more so the Venezuelan representatives, were aghast.  Rafael de la Cora's Boliva was a stiff, comic looking figure--what was a century later termed a "monster-piece."
The 1883 statue was, in a word, hideous.  (image from a vintage stereoscope card)
Before long the President of Venezuela, Joaquin Crespo, decided that the statue was "not fitting."  In 1896 his government commissioned Giovanni Turini to execute a replacement.  Completed in 1898, it was no more acceptable.  The New-York Tribune later said "Turini's Bolivar was modeled after a statue at Caracas, a pompous figure seated stiffly on a conventional Roman horse."
The New York Times politely said "A new statue ordered from another sculptor was not altogether satisfactory," while The National Sculpture Society "flatly rejected" the ungainly statue.  It was put in place.  The Venezuelan government refused to pay Turini his agreed-upon $75,000 commission (a rather stunning $2.3 million in today's money).  The New-York Tribune remarked "only $8,000 was paid."
In 1897 the Parks Commission could abide the hideous De la Cova statue no longer and "condemned" it, as worded by The New York Times.  The stone pedestal sat empty for 19 years until on the morning of April 4, 1916 New Yorkers awoke to find a bronze grouping of hounds in place.  In the dark of night a group of about a dozen men helped William Hunt Diedrich hoist his Levriers, or Greyhounds, into place.
Park police were not amused and the following day The New York Times reported "the playing dogs of Paris were thrown ten feet to the ground and 'damaged almost beyond repair.'"  Deiderich lamented that the Parks police had treated the gift "as a pretty woman sometimes spurns a flower."
Deidrich was perhaps unaware that the Venezuelan government had plans for the pedestal.  That year it sponsored a global competition to select a sculptor for a third stab at a respectable rendering of Bolivar.  Art critic Alexander Woollcott, writing in The Delineator a few years later remarked "Venezuela wanted to place a monument to him in Central Park, particularly as a quite painful equestrian statue of Bolivar had previously been taken out of that playground and hidden somewhere by New York's Municipal Art Commission."
Twenty artists competed and the winner was surprising, indeed.  Born in Ogdensburg, New York in 1869 Sally James Farnham had no artistic training.  The daughter of a U.S. Army colonel, she had traveled throughout Europe and Japan as a child where her father took her to art museums.  At the age of 32 she was hospitalized, recovering from a long illness.  The mother of three was bored and her husband, George Paulding Farnham, a jewelry designer for Tiffany & Co., suggested she use modeling clay to while away the time.
After her release from the hospital, Sally kept up her clay modeling.  As it turns out she was a long-time friend of Frederic Remington.  She took him a figure of a Spanish dancer, asking him if it were any good.  "Well, I'll be," he reportedly responded.  "I don't know how you learned it...but she's full of ginger.  Keep it up, Sally."  And she did.
At a time when female sculptors were rare, Farnham received the prestigious commission.  She worked on the 15-foot Bolivar statue in a rented Brooklyn studio while she simultaneously went through a divorce.  She depicted Bolivar in full military dress astride his prancing horse.  The South American described the statue in April 1921 as "shown in the attitude of acknowledging the shouts of an applauding populace, a gallant figure of a soldier and a gentleman."
Sally James Farnham at work in her Brooklyn studio.  The caption reads "The largest statue ever made by a woman." The Delineator, May 1921 (copyright expired)
Five years after winning the contest plans were made for the dedication.  Art critic Alexander Woollcott said Farnham's Bolivar outshown even Anna Hyatt Huntington's Jeanne d'Arc in Riverside Park.  "But this is a loftier figure, this one of Bolivar."  He called the Venezuelan gift a "towering monument that enters the annals of American sculpture as the largest work by a woman which history anywhere records."
The dedication was to be no small affair.  On April 17, 1921 the New-York Tribune announced that "Last week the great bronze was put in place on Bolivar Hill.  President Harding has accepted the invitation to assist at the unveiling on Tuesday."
Five days earlier The New York Herald had begun reporting on the luminaries already arriving in New York for the ceremony.  Dr. Estaben Gil-Borges, Venezuelan Minster of Foreign Relations, along with his wife and three children, arrived on April 11.  On the same ocean liner were five other high-ranking Venezuelan officials.  The newspaper added that now Charles E. Hughs, the Secretary of State, would be joining the President at the unveiling along with other cabinet members.
The unveiling ceremony, on April 19, was grand.  The Presidential party was escorted from the Waldorf Astoria by United States marines, soldiers and sailors and a detachment of sailors from the Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes.   At the park a squad of New York State Guardsmen fired the Presidential salute.  Two little girls, 7-year-old Patricia Paez MacManus and her sister Mariquita Paez MacManus, granddaughters of General Jose Antonio Paez, an associated of Simon Bolivar, pulled the cords to unveil the statue.
This time there was no disappointment.  Sally James Farnham's statue was deemed masterful.  The South American wrote "The bronze horseman fashioned by Mrs. Farnham is declared by all who have seen it to be a great work of art, worthy of our great city."
The Bolivar statue became the site of annual celebrations of the liberator's birthday.  But the beloved statue appeared threatened when President Franklin Roosevelt formed his War Production Board.  On August 7, 1942 Roosevelt endorsed a program to scrap bronze statues and recycle their metal into weapons of war. The New York Times explained "At his press conference he agreed with reporters that some of the statues and the guns used as monuments would serve a more useful purpose if junked...Some of the statues, he said with a smile, could be replaced after the war with--and here he paused to cough apologetically--something more artistic."
Art critic Edward Alden Jewell, writing in The New York Times on March 7, 1943, warned patriotic New Yorkers not to be too hasty.  "Supposing an inclusive call for scrap bronze to have been sounded, which of the hundreds of statues in our city are to be deemed of particular worth and which are not?  More simply put which are good and which are bad?"  He said "Before Art gives Mars the green light," the merits of the city statues should be weighed  Jewell compiled a jury of one sculptor; an architect; a "widely known collector," Chester Dale; a painter and himself to do just that.
The group was brutally honest in its condemnation of some statues which it said "should go into war's caldron."   Not surprisingly, the Bolivar statue passed with the esteem of the cultured and knowledgeable crew.  (As it turned out, very few bronzes were lost to the war effort.)
In 1945 Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia prompted the city to rename Sixth Avenue "The Avenue of the Americas" to honor Pan-American ideals.  A new plaza was designed in Central Park at the head of the avenue and on November 15, 1948 The New York Times announced plans had been approved by the United States State Department to move the statues of Simon Bolivar and José de San Martin to either side of its entrance.  The idea quickly became a political issue.
On September 11, 1949 Oren Root, candidate for Manhattan Borough President, railed against the project's high cost.  He saw no logical reason to move the statues and said "the amount seemed excessive and that the $495,000 might better be used to rehabilitate some school or hospital."
It created a stalemate that was broken by the Venezuelan Government.  On October 19 Parks Commissioner Robert Moses announced that Venezuela had "formally requested" the statue to be moved and offered to pay all expenses.  The $190,000 necessary to move Bolivar left the city taxpayers with a substantially reduced bill.
The second unveiling of the Bolivar statue, on April 19, 1951, was only slightly less impressive than the first.  A parade up Fifth Avenue included 3,000 marchers, 360 Venezuelan military cadets, and American and Venezuelan dignitaries who rode in automobiles.  Five bands joined in the procession as did hundreds of school children.
A crowd estimated at 15,000 pushed in to witness the unveiling.  The New York Times, April 20, 1951
But the best was to come.  The estimated crowd of 15,000 heard a message by President Harry Truman before G. Suarez Flamerich, President of Venezuela, unveiled the statue by pressing a button at Caracas, almost 2,000 miles away.
As had been the case for three decades, the yearly ceremonies on Bolivar's birthday continued for years.  One of the first important sculptures by a female artist, Sally James Farnham's monumental Simon Bolivar holds a commanding spot at the entrance to the Central Park.
photographs by the author
Source: http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-simon-bolivar-statue-central-park.html
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