#now my mom is asking me how much they took out in federal taxes
calamitouscynic · 2 years
fucking owe 400 dollars to the federal government this year. goddamn bullshit.
at least I'll get a nice state return? or at least half of it I GUESS.
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lovelyr00 · 4 years
A conversation that I had with my stepdad many weeks ago made me want to share my thoughts on Trump.
So fair warning to everyone:
I still get salty that I pay more thousands in taxes every year, shit…I pay more in speeding tickets and Trump pays a measly $700 for his.
I brought this argument to my stepdad and he got upset.
“It doesn’t matter that he pays less than us,” my stepdad told me.
Throughout the rest of the night, while my stepdad continued to talk..I stayed silent. I was so upset that I did not get a chance to put any words chiming in on our discussion. Now that I am calm, I think back to that moment and realize what I should have said to him.
My stepdad should not get to complain about what our tax dollars pay for as a country. He made money on stocks, profits from giant conglomerates. THEY were the only ones profiting from this whole mess.
It is so agonizing. That is because the poor every day people have to continue working and put themselves at risk in order to stay ALIVE. We are not worried about the big corporations. They will still stay open and survive despite all the pain losses that the every day person is experiencing.
So many mom and pop shops have closed, so many people have died, so many have become homeless, and every day there are people on the front lines risking their lives. While businessmen are able to live in luxury, still making money, and acting as though everything is the same because they do not feel these fears personally.
My stepdad asked me: “what is Biden’s platform? What are his plans to continue for this country?”
I did not answer at the time, due to my anger but what I did wish to say: “I don’t know yet but if you asked me this…well, what is Trump’s?”
Anytime Trump is asked for a finite plan, there is nothing. We do not necessarily vote for Biden for his platform and policies. We are simply voting AGAINST Trump for who he is…for the MASS CHAOS he has sown, for the lack of empathy and understanding in what his words have caused. If for nothing else, his extremely and disgusting handling of the pandemic is sole PROOF why he should not be in office. His vocal and baseless attacks on other politicians, organizations, etc. are all insults under the belt.
His entire platform is built on fear…fear and hate mongering.
To not understand this is to be completely disconnected with the current condition of our country and our people. If nothing else, his lies and bolstering of himself should be concerning. He galvanizes the far right and he cannot even-for one second-condemn white supremacists, a group that even the FBI calls “the biggest terrorist group in the US.”
What we need in such a trying time is someone with empathy.
Let me get this message across loud and clear: I do NOT like Biden, that is the sole truth. I really do NOT.
However when compared to two evils…there is only one clear choice. Maybe if there is a different Republican, America would have been okay.
I do not vote party lines but we only had two true choices at this point.
Trump, in every single way, has undermined our democracy. The election was never Trump vs Biden, not for the majority of us who understand our government. This election was Trump vs Democracy.
Trump used third world tactics from dictators in order to hold onto his power. He has never been fit to be president. Nothing made him qualified.
An average person can compare him to a game of family feud. Where Steve Harvey asks, “what scares rich white people the most?”
Trump took advantage of that fear. He dug into so many people’s deepest and darkest fears because he touts that he will solve it all.
Then what do people do? People listen.
Let us be honest, the education system in America is sorely lacking. It is only the stupid and the willfully ignorant that is deceived.
Why is it mostly people in my age group and generation-those that grew up with technology and the entire world of information at their fingertips-can grasp the true reality of our situation?
Generations before us fought through a recession. They fought to take back their lives and to break old norms, but now scoff at my generation for doing the same thing. The only difference is that my generation is at a precipice.
What is a precipice? It is a very steep rock face or a cliff, especially a tall one. That is where we are at.
We are focused on the future, not just the here and now.
The generation before is worried about too much government control, yet they seek to control women’s bodies and right to healthcare. Why? Is the reason that they will actually have to contribute to society? To “strangers” they do not know?
Our government is falling apart. Without federal help, each state has been forced to deal with the pandemic themselves. Look where that brought it. Fucking hell, there are counties where cops are not allowed to wear masks. How is that even something that makes sense?
All our generation is asking for is a voice. This is the sole foundation our nation was founded on. It is why we separated from England back then, a right to govern ourselves.
“By the people, for the people..” Is that what our declaration said?
So let the people have a say. Let us govern.
The truth is that the majority of our citizens want more, want better.
Just like what happened in 2016, Hilary won the popular vote yet Trump still got elected. Amy got nominated and sworn into the Supreme Court without true vetting.
Our government is not what it once was. There has always been corruption, everyone knows it but now no one cares to even hide it anymore. Those that inflect it are not even remotely embarrassed in any sense.
This does not sound like the proud America our parents sought out to live in. This sounds like a corrupted government of any other third world country, where citizens are fighting for basic human rights and safety for their family.
The left is not brainwashed. They are educated. The far right is the one who can only mimic Trump’s words when asking for why they want him in office.
Both my mom and stepdad voted for Trump again. They still say my only perception of Trump is that he is a bad businessman. There is no winning my parents or anyone over.
Being American born Vietnamese, I have been drilled how my mom and her family escaped Vietnam constantly my entire life. Despite that I see there is a disconnect between myself and other children of immigrants with our families. Those who fled Vietnam cannot understand us, because in Vietnam the government over there is in total control. That is the core depth of their fears. They do not understand that the breadcrumbs we get (while more than they ever got), are still just breadcrumbs.
Our democracy is a facade. The only way to fix it is to vote for those who at least WANT to try. Trump only cares about exploiting any and all loopholes that he can. Fuck that, he has always openly voiced how he has “all the power and can do whatever he wants.”
That is not a president, that is a dictator. Our parents and others who follow him are just blind to see it.
Republicans only ever talk about the economy and “family values.” Whereas Democrats are currently prioritizing social causes and policies.
The truth is, when Republicans talk about the economy, they use the stock exchange as a metric. Again, those are companies that have their own legal-they identify in the eyes of our government. Democrats are talking about saving the people, the individuals that make up the working class and beyond. That is the core difference between both parties.
Republicans hold dear of an idea. An idea of fictional rights and benefits attributed directly to them but in truth, benefits no one but those at the very top-those in power and those with already padded pockets.
Just like how they cling to the idea of a fetus as human life, but completely disregard that baby once born. Republicans hide and pretend that real life struggles do not exist because on paper America is thriving.
Those I fear, honestly, are not Republicans but Nationalists. This is not “American Pride.” Nationalism is when that gets taken too far...to the point of no return.
So with me sharing this, I hope you understand where I am coming from. Everything that happened in this past year has been difficult to bear. Hell, the past four years felt like a long ass tv show that I did not want to be a part in.
With this new presidency, it feels like a season finale…a new arc that has been desperately desired by my generation and others that look forward to something new. Let us be prepared for what is to come that will come indefinitely and that is change.
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marcholasmoth · 4 years
OSRR: 2120
today was alright. my mom woke me up far too early so i could watch out for the guy who was coming to do our lawn - but who didn't show up in the time my parents were gone, so i just went right back to bed when they got back. i went back to sleep around 11. i woke up at 4. another five hours, so that was good, because i'd gotten four before i woke up the first time so i got a total of about nine hours of sleep. which is halfway decent, albeit annoying it was in two parts.
i started in on my stats work today! it took me about an hour to do the whole first module. i'm gonna do the second one tomorrow, and then work on physics in monday and tuesday, if i don't need things due before then. so keeping up with my work should be easy enough this semester, especially since it's only two classes i need to worry about. but i also need to find another job, so i need to file for "unemployment" because they also do stuff for reduced hours, and depending on if that's enough, i might see if i can deal with it just that way. i'm only getting 15 hours a week now, and that's not enough to pay my bills. i need something more.
i was watching psych with joel on tuesday and he asked me if he should get something, even though it was a few hundred dollars. i immediately thought, "no, you don't have a job, save your money for your bills." and he pointed out that he's getting unemployment, and i just realized he also doesn't have any bills, so he has about four grand in his accounts that he can do whatever with, and that kinda shut me up. like, i'm working. shouldn't i be able to make enough to survive? i'm a full time student, and i can't handle two jobs on TOP of that. i just can't do it. i know it's not full-time work for the jobs, but i tried that before. i got sick for three months. i had to drop out of one class, failed the second, and managed somehow to scrape by with a C+ in the third. me and stress clearly do not mix well.
so i'm not happy.
and! and and and! i hit my federal student loan limit, so i can't get federal loans anymore, so everything from here on out is either grants, scholarships, out-of-pocket, or private loans. i have the worst luck, and there are people who are far more qualified than i am, so grants and scholarships are out of the question. i stopped trying for them once i realized that there is nothing remarkable or spectacular about me. there is nothing to set me apart from anyone. i'm dull, boring, and most of all a liability. no one's going to pick me for anything. not a grant, not a scholarship, not a good job. nothing. so i'm stuck, probably for the rest of my life, in a hole where i don't have enough money for anything. and the things that i could cut aren't enough to make a damn difference! i have a car payment! insurance! a credit card bill! a phone bill! those ALONE add to MORE than $750 a month!! making $225 a week gross with about 20% being taken out for taxes, that's not enough for me to pay those!!! and what about buying groceries? GAS? that's EASILY another few hundred!!! i need more money. if for nothing else but being able to pay my bills on a monthly basis. but school? the only reason i'm able to take these classes right now is because they're free. the materials aren't, but the classes are. being broke is just my way of life, isn't it. not even paycheck to paycheck - because i won't be getting one in two weeks. this generally sucks.
and i know i don't have it "that bad," but this is annoying as fuck and i shouldn't have to cry about money on a nearly daily basis because i don't know what the fuck to do. you know what would make everything a lot easier? a universal income.
(a different rant is how much i fuckin hate the fact that human rights are a political statement. like, who the fuck are you to say someone doesn't deserve to at the bare minimum survive, you old white fat fuck? get the fuck out of my government. the world's better off without you.)
i'm angry.
(and i just want joel hugs. this happens every time. i go on a rant in my journal, i need hugs to calm down. smh.)
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 187: Arabian Nights
A portal opened in the desert of Agrabah and deposited the four of them. Summer and Bobby looked around in wonder, as they had arrived on a cliff side overlooking an incredible, expansive city.
"Wow...so this is Agrabah?" Bobby asked. Snow and David smiled, as they joined hands.
"It is...and that's the palace," David replied, as he and Snow shared a smile at the wide eyes of their children, for they were seeing their beloved book that they had been raised with come to life before their eyes. Now, they would begin the journey of consulting all the Kingdoms and then bringing everyone in their nine realms of story together.
"I think we better have a change of wardrobe though. Our Storybrooke attire is a little out of place," Snow mentioned, as she pulled the Chalice out of her bag. She used its magic to give them Enchanted Forest clothes so they would look the part of the visiting dignitaries that they were.
Summer's outfit consisted of a deep purple colored leather tunic and gray pants, complete with slate colored riding boots. For David, she chose a crimson leather tunic with gold trim, black leather pants, and riding boots. For Bobby, she chose a tunic was much the same color as Charming's, but she had put cloth pants on her son. And she chose her favorite new attire for herself; her white warrior-Goddess type tunic dress and knee high white riding boots.
"There...now we can go," Snow said, as they made their way down into the city and mingled in the busy Agrabahn marketplace. They eventually found their way through the marketplace and to the gateway to the palace.
Naturally, they were stopped by the guards when they reached that point.
"No one passes into the palace," the guard stated gruffly.
"We're friends of Princess Jasmine and visiting royals," Snow responded regally.
"We've been told of no visiting royals," the guard responded.
"Then you should inform Princess Jasmine that Queen Snow and King David are here. Let her decide if she would like an audience with us," Snow said authoritatively.
"Look woman…" the guard said dangerously, as he attempted to intimidate her. David glared at him and put a hand on the hilt of his sword.
"Stand down Aziz...I've seen Queen Snow use a bow and a sword for that matter. She'll destroy you," Jasmine commented, as she appeared with her pet tiger, Raj, on one side and Aladdin on the other. Snow smiled and they rushed to hug each other, as the guards all took a knee. Jasmine pulled back and gasped when she saw the kids.
"This can't be Bobby...he was just a baby the last time I saw him," she exclaimed, as the boy gave her a sheepish look.
"I know...it's been a while," Snow mentioned.
"And Summer...look at you! You're practically grown!" she added, as they hugged, while David and Aladdin shook hands.
"It's great to see you all again," Aladdin said.
"You too...we actually have something exciting to discuss with you both and your father," he told Jasmine. But her face was marred with a bit of sadness and Snow frowned.
"Is everything okay?" she asked. Jasmine nodded.
"Father's health isn't the best these days," she mentioned.
"I'm so sorry to hear that," Snow offered.
"Thank you...but he will be happy to see you both and he'll insist in a grand dinner this evening. Perhaps you'll join us and we can discuss your news," Jasmine offered. Snow smiled.
"We'd like that," she agreed. They were led into the palace and given very lavish quarters they gave to visiting royals. The chambers had a sitting room, complete with plush furniture and large, plush pillows on the floor. Then there were three separate bedrooms all with washrooms as well.
"Wow...you can see the entire city from this balcony!" Bobby mentioned excitedly, as he and Summer rushed out to look. Snow and David put their arms around each other and watched them fondly. One of the servants informed them at that point that dinner would be served soon and Snow called the kids back in.
"Okay you two...this is a formal dinner, so we need to dress the part," Snow said, as she went to the closet to look at the attire that was provided for royal visitors/
"But...aren't we already dressed formally?" Bobby asked. David smiled and chuckled. They had adapted to life in Storybrooke without much of the royal pomp and circumstance, so they hadn't really felt the need to teach the kids about this stuff. After all, travel between realms had not been easy and for many years, they thought that Storybrooke would be it for them.
"These are formal traveling clothes. We need formal dinner and ball type dress, which here in Agrabah is attire that is still formal, but a bit lighter and more airy due to the climate," Snow admonished.
"Is it going to be itchy and uncomfortable like that dumb tux you made me wear to Henry's wedding when I was seven?" Bobby asked. Snow shot him her best mom look and he shrunk back.
"I mean...it was great, but itchy and the bow tie was awesome," he offered unconvincingly.
"Stop digging yourself deeper, kid," David admonished, as Snow gave them an amused look.
"You'll survive," Snow said, as she picked out something for her son. She went about picking out the rest of their outfits and they proceeded to get ready for the evening ahead.
Fandral sat beside his wife in his Throne, as she addressed their court from her Throne. She was informing them of the coming merger of the realms and her decision that they would be a part of this new undertaking. Fandral didn't have much patience with some of the elder members of her court. They were too stuck in the ways of old and had once supported her Uncle, King John's, tyrannical rule without question. They claimed they were afraid to go against him, but Fandral knew their fear of John had little to do with it. Her Uncle was capable of being ruthless, as well as greedy, irrational, and even evil. But he was also a man child that threw tantrums when he didn't get his way, so he was skeptical about how much fear he really invoked.
No, fear had little to do with their support of him. They spent their years under John lining their pockets with gold and getting richer, while the people suffered and poverty grew. When they unseated John, he was sure that her court was going to try and exert control and intimidation over Rose disguised as "advice". But he had watched with pride as she entertained none of their nonsense. She had put every single one of them in their place and promised that, under no circumstances, would her Uncle's policies and dictation continue. She no longer allowed them to tax her people into poverty, while stockpiling their hard earned gold in their own accounts. And twenty-years since they had taken the Kingdom back, their people were prospering. They trusted Rose and Fandral and he expected the news that they would be going to a realm where the opportunities for further prosperity would be well received by them. But her court was going to be stubborn as usual and attempt to exert some kind of control. How he loathed how they spoke to her, but his Rose let none of it bother her; the sign of the true Queen she was.
"My Queen...if I may," the Duke interjected.
"You have the floor Duke Gantry," Rose allowed.
"I understand your friendships with these...people are important to you, my Queen. But do you really feel that moving our entire Kingdom to a new land is the best idea?" he questioned.
"This has much more to do with than just friendships. This new land has opportunities that our world does not. And we're not leaving this land at all. We're bringing it with us too," Rose said.
"My wife is correct. The modern medicine alone will increase the life expectancy of our people exponentially," Fandral chimed in and she nodded to him.
"But there are sorcerer's and mediums that can be consulted for magical cures," the Duke reminded. Fandral could see his wife suppressing an eye roll, as she often had to do in the presence of her court.
"Magic always comes with a price and most of our people cannot afford the amount of gold or willing to give up their first child in exchange for magical favors. And it is absurd to let charlatans like that hold their magic over our heads as they often do," Rose admonished.
"Yes...in Storybrooke, medicine and care is widely available for everyone at little or even no cost. Queen Snow and Queen Mother Regina have developed programs to make sure even those with no funds can receive the care they need," Fandral added.
"It seems that Queen Snow relies much on charity to serve her people," the Duke stated distastefully.
"Providing adequate care for her people or ours is not charity," Rose said sternly.
"And medical advancement is not the only reason we will benefit. The educational opportunities in this new land are far superior as well and offered to people of all backgrounds and classes," she added.
"And there is no talking you out of this move?" the Duke questioned with a stern stare and Fandral had to smirk, as his wife returned his stern stare. As expected, he withered a bit under the Queen's stare and backed down.
"No...because this move will ensure prosperity for our people for all time," she declared. Fandral smiled at her and slipped his hand into hers. It didn't matter what her greedy court thought. This was a very good move for them and their people. He knew that Rose hoped they could see beyond their greed, but he had lived long enough to know that people like them would not. But that didn't matter either, for they wouldn't let a tyrannical rule like her Uncle's have control of the fate of their people again. And the uniting of the realms was the next step in their prosperity.
Cecily looked around the penthouse apartment with an air of scrutiny and then shrugged.
"I suppose this will do," she said.
"It's a far cry from Federal Prison, which is still a possibility if you don't give me a good story," the Major reminded. Cecily smirked.
"Trust me...I've got your story. That is...if you got me what I asked for," she replied. One of the Major's subordinates handed her a paper bag and she extracted a white book from it, emblazoned with the words "Once Upon a Time".
"I'm failing to see how a copy of a book of fairy tales by a nobody author is going to be what I want to hear," she replied, as she tossed the book to Cecily. The dark haired woman smirked.
"Henry Swan is not a nobody author...he is the author and this book, though a copy, will tell you everything you want to know about the Nolans. Or as I know them...the Charmings," she responded, as she sat down and flipped the book open.
"If you want to know how David Nolan, who hasn't aged a day in thirty-fives years, ended up on the side of the road in 1983 with his infant daughter...then you only need to start at the beginning," Cecily told her, as she showed the woman the illustration. The Major scanned the text and noticed that it matched up with the events in the police report from that night.
"Start telling me everything," she ordered.
Present day - 2023
"...I just keep telling myself that it's not a big deal. It was a curse...but I still woke up last night in a cold sweat," Leo explained, as he sat on Archie's couch.
"You were reliving the assault," Archie surmised.
"Was it really assault though? I didn't say no...I even reciprocated," he muttered.
"Yes, it was assault and you know that. You're trying to blame the victim here and that victim is you," Archie replied.
"The curse stole your ability to say no...but Jack was in possession of all his faculties. He knew you would never consent to sex with him if you had your memories. That's rape," the ginger haired man added.
"I know…" Leo admitted.
"I just want to move on from this," he added.
"Admitting it is the first step and your assaulter has received justice for what he did. The best way to move on is to find happiness," Archie advised.
"I have...I'm in love with Elsa," Leo said. Archie grinned at that.
"Then I don't think I have to tell you that love will heal those wounds that Jack inflicted upon you emotionally and psychologically," he replied. Leo nodded, smiling slightly.
"Mom and Dad always say that love heals. I know that I'm not the only one having nightmares. I know that my mom is still having them from her time being locked up in the mental hospital," he said.
"And like you, your mother will be seeing me for therapy and I'm glad you both are getting help with what you've been through," Archie replied. Leo nodded and stood up.
"Thanks...this really helped. I didn't want to admit that I was raped, but I was and I think I can move on now," the blonde said.
"Then the man that victimized you has truly lost in every way possible. He did what he did to you, because of his hatred of magic and his need to exert control over you, because of that hatred. But he loses when he no longer has power and I think you'll find now that you have accepted that you had no ownership in what he did to you...the nightmares will lessen. They won't stop completely right away...but they will stop eventually," Archie promised. Leo nodded, feeling more and more certain by the minute.
"Thanks Archie," he said, as his session ended and he left, feeling a bit of weight lifted off him, as he finally accepted what had happened to him and that it was out of his control.
The healing process was far from over, but he had a very loving family that he knew would help him get through anything. Not to mention his girlfriend and it helped knowing that they would soon be in the same place. That complication to their relationship was soon going to be a thing of the past and now that he was able to look forward and move on, he knew exactly how he wanted to begin doing that. So he made the short trek to the pawn shop.
The bell on the shop chimed, as Leo stepped into the pawn shop that afternoon with Graham beside him. Belle smiled from behind the counter and Gideon ran out to hug both Leo and his wolf.
"Hey buddy…" Leo greeted, as he ruffled the boy's hair.
"How are you, Leo?" Belle asked. He sighed, but nodded with a smile.
"Good...better than I have been in a long time. I...I just saw Archie. I promised my parents I would start seeing him after...after what Jack did," he mentioned. Belle squeezed his hand.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you, sweetie. I think it's really good that you're talking about it though," she said. Gold nodded.
"And Jack got what he deserved," he added. Leo nodded.
"He did...but I'm ready to move on and that's kind of why I'm here. I hope you can help," he replied. Belle smiled.
"I hope we can too. What do you need?" Belle asked.
"Well...I'm here to pick out an engagement ring," he announced. Belle gasped and then hurried around the counter so she could hug him.
"Oh Leo...you're going to propose to Elsa?" she asked. He nodded, as he looked down shyly.
"Yeah...I've been wanting to for a while now, even before the mess with the curse. And since we're not going to have the conundrum of living in different realms between us...I don't want to waste anymore time," he said.
"You lost two years with her...even if she only lost days," Belle realized. He nodded.
"Then you need the right ring...and I think I might have the one," Rumple chimed in, as he led them to his jewelry case, which had an impressive assortment of rings.
"This is a rare white sapphire," Rumple said, as he pulled out the impressive ring, which was transparent in color like a diamond, but had a slight pale blue tint to it.
"Wow...it's even got a light blue tint to it. It's perfect," Leo said.
"Not quite...for Elsa, we should add an enchantment," Rumple replied, as he waved his hand over the ring and a tiny snowflake appeared inside the ring. Leo grinned.
"You're right...that's even better. I'll take it," he said.
"Have you told your parents yet?" Belle asked.
"Not yet...I'm going to propose first and then we'll tell them. I figure that will be the easiest way to make sure my Mom only throws one party," Leo joked. Belle giggled.
"You laugh, but I'm serious. If I tell her before, she'll want to throw a pre-engagement party, an engagement party, and then a post engagement party," he added.
"She's not that bad," Belle chided.
"Yes she is," Rumple chimed in.
"You know he's right. She did a carnival when Henry graduated and wanted us to all sing at Emma's wedding," he reminded, as they chuckled. Leo paid for the ring and Belle found a small, blue velvet box for it.
"Congratulations," she offered.
"She hasn't said yes yet," he reminded, but Belle only smiled.
"But she will," she said confidently. He grinned and waved, as he left to be on his way back to the reserve.
The three of them waited for Snow to finish getting ready, as she had picked out their attire before getting ready herself. Their clothing was made of much lighter and airy material than they were used to, but they definitely looked the part of visiting dignitaries participating in local dress. Snow came out in a crimson satin dress that had gold accents. The dress was sleeveless and she wore a tiara, signifying her status as a visiting Queen.
"Wow…" David uttered as he put his arms around her and she did some admiring of her own, as his own crimson tunic dipped in a v His tunic was a mix of satin and cloth, with gold accents and his black pants were cloth as well, since the climate was a bit too warm for leather. Summer's dress was very similar to Snow's, except it was a deep purple color with silver accents. And Bobby wore a very similar outfit to David's too, only his
Dark blue with silver accents.
With that, they exited their chambers and made their way to the main dining hall. The Sultan was seated at the head of the table, to which Snow and David offered a bow of respect. Their two children followed suit and the Sultan waved them over.
"It is wonderful to welcome you both back to my Kingdom. Last time, we did not get to celebrate how you helped save my Kingdom from Abis Mal and Jafar," the Sultan praised.
"We're excited that we could finally return too, Your Majesty," Snow said.
"You have brought your young ones," he mentioned, as he took interest in the children.
"Yes, Your Majesty. This is our daughter Summer and our son Bobby," David replied, as their children bowed respectfully.
"Welcome young ones...perhaps you'll join me in a treat of a little baklava," he said, motioning to the plate of confections in front of him. Summer and Bobby smiled, as they tried some, as the Sultan enjoyed some too.
"Father...not too many sweets. It's not good for you," Jasmine chided.
"Bah...I'm an old man, my daughter. If I'm going to go...then I'm going to go enjoying myself," he argued. She sighed.
"Do you know what his illness is?" Snow whispered to her.
"No...but Aladdin says he has suspicions from his time in your land," she replied.
"He's always thirsty, his sight is diminishing...so if I had to guess, he's at least diabetic and I'm sure there are a slew of other things, most of which are at least treatable back in Storybrooke," Aladdin told them.
"You know he'd never agree to go. That's why he's been busy making preparations changing the laws," Jasmine added.
"Changing the laws?" Snow asked. Jasmine smiled.
"Well, as you know, Agrabah has a bit of a chauvinistic past. Aladdin and I are married now, but even though I am royal by blood, the current law would not allow me to become Sultan. It must be a man or my husband," she explained.
"Which isn't fair. Jasmine deserves to lead Agrabah. I'm more than happy to rule with her, but I don't want a job that should definitely be hers simply because I'm a man," Aladdin added, as they shared a smile.
"She loves this Kingdom and her people. She should be Sultan," he said.
"Father agrees. I told him that we could improve his health if we visited Storybrooke, but he does not like the idea of traveling to another realm," Jasmine replied. Snow and Charming exchanged a glance.
"What if we told you that there is a way that you might not have to and that modern medicine could soon be available to all your people, regardless of income or class?" Snow questioned. Jasmine looked at her in surprise.
"I'd want to know how," she replied.
"Me too," the Sultan chimed in, as Snow nodded and began to explain her plan for uniting the realms.
The Queen regarded the woman, as she swept into the room.
"Mim...let me guess, you're here because of Merlin," she stated. At the mention of that name, Madam Mim nearly got red faced and stalked toward the newcomer.
"Don't tell me that smooth talking hack is the reason you're here too?" she questioned. The Queen smirked.
"No...I'm sure you'll be happy to know that he's dead. I'm here, because of a good-hearted, fair little princess that has a big mouth and the true love she shares with her idiot husband," the Queen answered. Mim smirked.
"Defeated by true love...how embarrassing," she teased. The Queen clenched her teeth.
"This was no ordinary true love...this was a love championed by the Gods of Olympus," the Queen snarled.
"Let me guess...the truest love in all the realms," a voice said distastefully. The Queen looked intrigued by his obvious knowledge.
"Yes...how did you know?" she questioned.
"Because I was once a proud warrior and brother in arms to Nezha or better known as the mighty Dragon King," he replied.
"Ah...one half of the second pair of truest loves," she recalled.
"Yes...we were brothers in arms and we conquered the lands. The people worshiped us like the dragon Gods we were...until she came along and changed him," he spat.
"My mother always told me that love is weakness," the Queen said.
"And it was for him. She was a Princess from a mysterious island Kingdom and softened his heart. They married and began a benevolent rule. I was constantly chastised for my violent nature. But the last straw was when that Olympus harlot deemed me unworthy of being their Guardian. Instead, Sun Wu, a legendary dragon warrior was chosen as the Guardian instead," he explained.
"He was an incredible warrior, but a simpleton. I challenged him in battle and lost. The Dragon King cast me out and I was exiled through a portal he opened up using his Dragon staff. I ended up here," he continued.
"Sounds similar to my exile. The next truest loves saw to it that I was exiled too," she responded.
"Then we have much in common. I am Shan Yu," he introduced.
"The Evil Queen," she said. Amora scoffed.
"There is no way love could be that powerful...it's absurd," she commented.
"I'd like to agree, but I'm afraid they are quite powerful and to the point that it defies logic most of the time," the Queen reasoned, as she clenched her fist.
"What I wouldn't give to find a way to return to Storybrooke and crush them both," she hissed.
"That won't be happening. If you haven't noticed, there is no escape from this place," Mephisto chimed in.
"Or perhaps there is…" Mim interjected.
"What are you talking about? Not even the all powerful supposed great Pharaoh is able to escape this place," Amora retorted.
"Before now, it would have been impossible...but now there may be hope," Mim responded.
"Hope...please don't use that word," the Queen said distastefully, but she was ignored.
"By hope..you mean there might actually be a way to return to a living world?" Mephisto questioned with great interest.
"We were always told it was impossible," Amora agreed.
"It was...until now," Mim stated, as she looked at the Queen.
"As much as I'd like to leave whatever this place is...I don't know how," she refuted.
"We will not be leaving this place," a new voice said. It was deep and powerful, which matched the imposing figure that entered the room. The man wore a typical looking armor and head dress that one might expect of an ancient Pharaoh. He held a gold and blue scepter in his hand. The top of the staff had a frightening bronzed jackal head with glowing emerald eyes and the end of the scepter had a forked end.
"We will be taking this place with us when you cast another curse, Queen Regina," he continued.
"And who are you exactly?" she questioned in return. Mim shot a pulse of magic at the Queen and forced her to her knees before him.
"Show some respect!" she demanded.
"It is okay, Mim...she has a right to know the identity of the man that will soon be the Supreme ruler of the remaining nine realms from which we hail," he said, as the Queen got to her feet.
"I am Seth...ancient God of evil. Ten thousand years ago, the Olympians could not kill me, so they banished me here to Nephilim. But with your help, Queen Regina, we can all have our revenge on the heroes that have wronged us..."
"And that, is essentially the plan we are proposing to all the Kingdoms. It's a chance to unite our Kingdoms and provide the best life for all our people. The land that Storybrooke resides in has unique advantages that this one doesn't," Snow purported.
"And you expect us to believe that this medical science, as you call it, can treat the Sultan's ailments and succeed where magic potions have not?" The Sultan's new Vizier questioned.
"Magic can do a great many things, some that possibly even science cannot. But when it comes to medicine, the advancements we have in Storybrooke are superior," Snow said.
"She's right...our daughter is a true prodigy when it comes to medicine and has a gift like none that has ever been seen. She combines the practices of magic and science to a level that is nothing short of remarkable. If anyone can help improve the Sultan's health and quality of life, as well as the lives and health of all the people, it's our daughter Eva and our son-in-law, Paul," David added.
"And there are more benefits than just medicine. Long ago, all the ten realms in our sector were one. We do not know what cataclysm tore them apart, but we feel that it is our duty to unite the realms as they once were and we feel that this will create a lasting peace," Snow implored.
"And you lived in this place for many years, Aladdin?" The Sultan questioned. He smiled.
"I did, Your Majesty, and I can attest that it's true. The educational opportunities alone make it worth it, but the medicine and technology improve people's lives. What are considered serious ailments to us here are minor, treatable, and sometimes even preventable diseases there," Aladdin stated.
"And from my little time there, it seemed like a wonderful place to raise a family," Jasmine added.
"As future Sultan, it is your decision, my daughter," the Sultan said, as he smiled at her.
"And my support is behind this completely," he added. Jasmine smiled and hugged him.
"Then you can count on Agrabah wanting a part in this relocation," she announced, as she and Snow hugged.
"This calls for celebration!" The Sultan announced, as music began to play. Snow and David didn't waste an opportunity and joined Aladdin and Jasmine, as well as many others, on the dance floor to participate in a traditional Agrabahn dance.
That evening, after putting the children to bed, Rose and Fandral took an evening stroll through their lush gardens in the palace courtyard. Rose loved being in the gardens at any time, but under the moonlight was possibly her favorite time, for her favorite flower always bloomed in the moonlight. The midnight Irises were a rare breed that only grew, as a rule, in the edge of realms. But on one of their many journeys there, they had brought some seeds back with them and cultivated them in her garden. They were not easy to grow and required a lot of tending to, but she loved days where she got to spend so much time in the gardens. It was where they had fallen in love, after all and realized their feelings. So spending an evening in her husband's arms among the blooming midnight Irises was the definition of the perfect evening.
Fandral gently trailed soft kisses along her neck, as they lay together on a blanket beneath the stars.
"I love you so much…" he rasped, as he still marveled at how perfectly she fit in his arms.
"I still do not know who smiled upon me and deemed me worthy of you, my angel," he added.
"I got pretty lucky myself, my handsome warrior. I don't like to think about what would have happened to me had you not come into my life. My Uncle might have succeeded into forcing me into a loveless marriage with some horrible Duke or Lord of some kind," she told him.
"Mmm...perhaps we can say that we saved each other. I know that you saved me and not just from a mortal wound. You've made me a better man," he confessed.
"And you've made me happier than I ever imagined," she said, as their lips met passionately.
"Mmm...do you know what tomorrow is?" She asked playfully.
"Oh, I could never forget. It is exactly twenty-years since you gave me true love's kiss, broke that dreadful curse, and we escaped the Land of Untold Stories," he replied. She smiled, as he kissed her again.
"That day started out very scary, but it had a very happy ending," she recalled fondly, as she remembered their escape and then a very extended reunion once they made it through the portal.
Twenty-years ago
The muscles in her legs burned in protest, as she and Hyde ran beyond the marketplace and into the vast woods surrounding the asylum. Her heart pounded in her chest and her breathing was ragged, but she would not stop, for the life of her beloved hung in the balance. Hyde pulled her along, as he could run much faster and cover greater lengths with his longer legs. She heard a ferocious roar in the distance and the sound of arrows thwacking into what she could only hope were trees.
They finally reached the next clearing, where three hunters had a monstrous looking bear cornered.
"STOP!" Rose pleaded, as they threaded their arrows again. But she was ignored. Hyde stepped forward.
"You will call off your arrows now," he ordered.
"You may rule the asylum, warden, but out here...this is our domain," one of them spat in return. Hyde advanced and the man shot an arrow, which was easily caught by the former and broken in half like nothing.
"If you do not want to find yourselves locked up in my asylum, then you will stand down," he growled. The three of them backed away, as Rose cautiously approached the bear.
"Fandral…" she uttered.
"That wench is crazy!" one of the hunter's exclaimed, capturing the bear's attention, as it growled.
"The next word any of you utter will be your last if you speak again," Hyde threatened, silencing them.
"Fandral...please…" Rose pleaded. The bear looked at her intently and slowly sat back on his haunches. She smiled.
"Yes Fandral...it's me," she said softly. She heard Hyde grimace behind her and hold her head.
"Rose...you must break the curse. Hurry…" he pleaded, as Jekyll started to fight his way out. She turned back and saw the bear gazing at her with a tenderness.
"You'll need this...to escape back to your land! I...acquired it for you," Hyde bit out, as he struggled to get the words out and tossed the ornate looking key at her feet. She picked it up and looked back at the bear, just as Jekyll emerged.
"No...kill it!" the ordered, as the hunters raised their bows. But Rose's lips touched the bear's nose and a wave of rainbow magic exploded forth from them. There was a blinding flash then, as the bear morphed into a humanoid form, breaking the curse on Fandral and returning him to his true state.
"Rose…" he breathed. Tears slipped down her cheeks.
"Fandral…" she squeaked, as he took her in his arms again at last.
"No...Rose, we belong together!" Jekyll pleaded. She looked at him with fear and tears in her eyes, as she clung to her beloved.
"Rose...who is this?" Fandral asked.
"He is someone I thought was a friend...but turned out to be a monster," she answered.
"Hyde is the monster! He's turned you against me, please Rose!" Jekyll pleaded, as he stepped toward them. In a move that was almost faster than the eye could see, Fandral brandished his sword and kept the doctor at bay. But the look in Jekyll's eyes was pure madness.
"Shoot him!" the doctor ordered to the hunters. They raised their bows, but Fandral expertly blocked all the arrows with his sword.
"You'll have to do better than that against an Asgardian, gents," Fandral commented, as Rose used the key Hyde had given her and a glowing doorway appeared.
"My love…" she called, as he took her hand and they fled through the door, leaving the crazed doctor behind. Jekyll let out a cry of anguish and frustration.
The door opened and deposited them back in their homeland and Rose nearly collapsed in relief against her husband.
"Oh Rose…" he uttered, as he swept her into his arms and spun her around.
"You saved me...again!" he exclaimed, but noticed the haunted look in her eyes.
"I've missed you…" she cried brokenly, as he held her tightly.
"Oh my angel...what has happened? Who was that man? Did he hurt you?" Fandral asked, with an edge in his voice at the last question. If that bespectacled man had hurt her, then he would use that key to return and avenge his beloved.
"No...he tried. It's a long story, but I'm fine," she assured, but he didn't look convinced.
"Please my love...I finally have you back and that is all I need," she promised, as he pulled her close again.
"I want you to tell me everything that has happened," he said, as he cupped her beautiful face in his hands.
"There will be no bottling your feelings on this...I'm here now. You saved me and I shall save you from the emotional turmoil that I sense in you, my darling Rose," he added. A few tears slipped down her cheeks and she relished his embrace, almost wondering if she was dreaming. The last few months without him had been excruciating, especially the cold nights. But that was over now and she knew that everything she had gone through was worth it for him. And now she could take comfort in him.
"I will tell you everything...but right now I just want you to hold me and kiss me," she requested and he gladly obliged, as he held her flush against him and kissed her with wanton passion.
"And I want to find a quiet place to camp for the night under the stars and then I want my husband to make love to me," she added desperately when their lips parted. And she wasn't surprised when he swept her into his arms like she weighed nothing and carried her off into the forest.
Rose's cheeks still colored at the memories of that impassioned night beneath the stars. The next day, they had revealed that they were back to their allies and waged the attack on her evil Uncle. They had won the battle and forced him and Sir Hiss to flee the realm. They took her Kingdom back and began what was a prosperous rule.
"You helped me through what Jekyll almost did to me and I will help you through the emotions I know you are feeling at what your people have gone through," she promised, as she rested her head on his shoulder. He smiled and kissed her hair.
"I know you will, my angel. I know I can get through anything with you by my side," he promised in return, as they continued to gaze up at the stars, safely ensconced in each other's protective embrace...
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brothertimothysblog · 3 years
The Penny
          A penny saved is a penny earned.    Benjamin Franklyn.
          If Diesel goes up a penny I lose a million a day if it goes
          down a penny I save a million a day.    JB Hunt.
          A penny for a spool of thread a penny for a needle.  That’s the way 
          the money goes pop goes the weasel.   Nursery Rhyme from London in 1800,s
           The Penny  is the only coin made of copper.   Placing a penny next to a nickel, dime and quarter and half dollar and dollar,   The face of Lincoln is opposite of the other Presidents.   I believe Trumps face would be in the same direction as Lincoln and  it is honorable.   If Biden had a picture of him on a coin  you would need to turn the coin upside down for his head to be right side up. 
This information is about the Penny     At one time in our countries history we had a 2 cent piece.   Perhaps that is how they coined the phrase put your two cents worth in.       I believe a two cent piece is worth a lot now and their are several pennies worth far more than a penny.     The penny showing two ears is worth 229.00  if I remember right and Find one made from lead  is worth much more.   Anytime I go anywhere if I see a penny  or any coin or bills   yes of course I will pick them up.     
Do you remember the phrase     Need a penny take a penny have a penny give a penny.    With inflation these days    it could go like this   have some change give some change need some change take some change.   
I remember  a story  seems like it was  perhaps 15 years ago.   A woman wrote a check to her husbands insurance company and she was off by a penny and the insurance company dropped him.   The company saved a lot but if I remember right  they had to reinstate him.
Yes I would pick up a penny if I saw it on the ground.   I hear that if Bill Gates drops 100.00  he doesn’t even reach down to pick it up because of what he makes in a minute.   
The problem with the penny and the reason for the problem is the Federal government  just doesn’t care because it is our taxes which pays to make the penny.    The last I check it cost 1.68 to make a penny.   I don’t know the cost of the Nickle , dime, quarter,  Susan B Anthony dollar.   The price of the cost of the Penny fluctuates depending on the value of copper.   The way I look at it.   If you owe the IRS 300.00 just ask them to have the mint make 2 less pennies.  
I may have 10.00′s worth of pennies but before I cash them in  I will check to see if any of them could be of value.   When I do cash them in if at all possible i will invest them into  penny stocks.   
One day and I remember it well I took money out of my bank and it left me negative 1cent and the bank was going to charge me  NSF  I left that bank.
Copper is good for arthritis.   I know of someone who took two sheets and sewed pennies between the sheets.    I do not remember how much the copper sheet weighed but it wasn’t used.    Eventually the pennies was taken out and spent.   
I remember back when I worked at Wal mart.    If you found change on the floor you could pick it up and keep it.   Now days I understand if they find it they must turn it in.    So I asked the question   if you saw a penny or what ever coin it was and you knew or thought it was valuable   as an example  would you replace the  old Mercury dime with another dime and keep the Mercury dime ?  Or wheat penny?      Have you heard the phrase  a penny for your thoughts.?    Are you old enough that you have ever done anything for a penny.     My mom gave me a penny for each dandelion that I removed roots and all. 
Twenty five years ago -/+ some time a family from England moved to the United States.
The boy was young in the first perhaps the second grade. In class he kept asking his teacher if he could spend a penny. The teacher ignored him after a while the teacher noticed the floor was wet and his pants was wet. The teacher called the mother . The mother brought him a change of clothes and in front of his teacher asked her son if he tried to tell his teacher he needed to go to the restroom. He said yes the the teacher said no he didn't He said several times i asked if I could spend a penny.
His mother said in England when a student ask to spend a penny he or she needs to use the rest room.
What would you like to have   5 million dollars  or what you would have if you took 1 penny and doubled it daily for 31 days.?  
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ghchgc · 3 years
He would sit and stare at me as he had at Adam Ivanitch
Ser Barristan went to one knee before her. The nike air max thea atomic pink sun and moon and stars had been gone so long that Asha was starting to wonder whether she had bottines cloutees femme dreamed them.. Her sculpted black steel breastplate was inlaid in gold and showed a harpy rising with chains dangling from her claws. Colorings in the work there are, but no colorings of the actual and real position of the slave worse than really exist. William T. Tap the screen, select the area to crop, tap Mens JORDAN Hoodie and drag on any of the corners of the selected area to size it, and then tap the area again to open a menu to paste the content into MyJournal, Scrapbook or copy it to the clipboard. The Camry design team had three specific goals. Pulling an awkward face, Faye says, "That would be hashtag embarrssing" and laughs.Earlier the same day, Gareth tweeted a behind the scenes picture of the shoot, clearly showing the pair were in the French capital, with a photographer and lighting assistant also in shot.. Brianna is 5 foot 1, weighs 130 pounds and has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Douglas Rushkoff . But all that’s nonsense. Her body staggered, fell, and rose again, her hands flailed, her legs jerked this way and folie samsung j6 2018 pt tot telegonil that in some grotesque dance as his spirit and her own fought for the flesh. He would sit and stare at me as he had at Adam Ivanitch, biciclete rusesti vechi in the restaurant, and Azorka would lie at his feet. Jon had given his chief captive the largest cell, a pail to shit in, enough furs to keep him from freezing, and a skin of wine. Not one replay conclusively showed that it was a catch. You might be there, rich and finely dressed, but I don’t want that. Residents only use 16% of our water supply. Twelve were spearwives, more than capable of defending both themselves and the younger girls from the unwanted attentions of black brothers. The Windblown went back thirty years, and had known but one commander, the soft-spoken, sad-eyed Pentoshi nobleman called the Tattered Prince. The remodeled campground is a paved loop with electrical sites. Wouldn you rather have the extra suitcase space to pick up a few souvenir pairs?. Last summer, she decided to stop serving meat entirely.. But in the street outside, there is a man with a gun. Kingslayer, I’ll answer to that one as well. His notes to Steffon and young Stannis were short and stiff and awkward; if truth be told, he hanorace panda barbati did not know them half as well as he had his older boys, the ones who’d burned or drowned upon the Blackwater. There is a place for you on that council. I never wanted this. Emerge which has been licensed in all 50 states is partnered with cobuilding platform Rokk3r Labs. No, first let’s see how the case ends and then you can challenge me.’ Now, honoured prince, the case is settled, you are secure, so now there are no difficulties, and so now will you be pleased to meet me at the barrier?’ That’s what I have to say to you. Jon smelled Tom Barleycorn before he saw him. "You were an artist, and an inspiration.". Imperial Highway in Fullerton, is set to open July 29, and the company has scheduled a Sept. GFI is a channel focused company with thousands of partners throughout the world. There is also the fashionable UGG Classic Pom Pom Glove that features a unique lacing detail and decorative Pom Poms. Forty years later, a vast church family has grown and prospered. For example, nature can prevent flooding by storing water, keep our water clean by processing and diluting pollutants, and provide enjoyment, inspiration and a place to socialise. A gift of a Nike Jordan to a loyal consumer is an investment having a thousand fold of returns. “To make your dreams come true. I have been eleven years at the bar, and in that time have seen many developments of vice and hardness, but I never met with anything so cold-blooded as the testimony of that biciclete rusesti vechi man. Yet another scheme was to dust the inside of Castro's shoes with a adidas mariposas chemical that would make his iconic beard fall out.. The announcement came a day after officials said they had found the wreckage of the Airbus A320 and are putting together a map of the debris on the seabed. I long to hear from my family how they are getting along. The dialogue represented the conversation which took place between them when the slave was retaken the third time. “Better go into an asylum,” I thought, “to get one’s brain turned upside down and rearranged anew, and then be cured again.” I still had a thirst for life and a faith in it! . When I read it, I almost became a respectable man, my friend. Yes! And you’ve always been tender and respectful to us, like a grateful son. As for questions, just a reminder that we would like to allow as many of you to ask questions as possible in our allotted time, so we would appreciate you limiting your initial questions to two. And now the most beautiful woman in the world was waiting in Meereen, and he meant to do his duty and claim her for his bride. This review of innovative shoes, which will appeal to a range of runners and shoe collectors, is a good place to start.. He looks every inch a sellsword and not at all like the half-broken thing we took from Yezzan’s cage, Tyrion adidas mariposas reflected. As the moon orbits the Earth, it moves eastward about one fist held at arm length each night and rises about 50 minutes later. The priest could trace fiery letters in the air as well. It is only ink and parchment. Jon could not speak for what they might have been before they reached the Wall, but he did not doubt that most had pasts as black as their cloaks. In addition to the available tax increment funding, federal stimulus funding should be considered.. Ah, what a fool I am! It never occurred to me to bring one. He is far and away WI best ODI bowler and his batting is destructive. What I really need is more of God and less of me. Evening took her almost unawares. Pretty much any ATX power supply will fit in the Obsidian 250D, irrespective air jordan aj4 of its length. This means that homes using ASHPs must have a back up heating appliance for most of the heating season.. Genova followed up her success with two other novels: "Left Neglected," about a stressed mom who suffers a traumatic brain injury, and "Love Anthony," about a young boy with autism. And yet my father was considered one of the best of masters. Waspwood, Lorgen’s Wood, Greenhill, and Barba’s Teats. In January 2011, a business by the name of "RSC Automotive" was registered with the Oregon Secretary of State. I’ll tell you all about it directly; I want to open my heart to you all; that’s what I’ve come for. Few series in the genre last more than a season. He rapturously covered her hands with kisses, and looked eagerly at her with his beautiful eyes, as though he could never look enough. He turned it so they could see. Perhaps working them all night for six months, instead of three, might remedy the evil.. His co winners were Steve McQueen, who also directed, independent producer Anthony Katagas, and Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner, the co presidents of Plan B, Pitt's production company.. Boult, fast and accurate, swerved one back in from over the wicket to sneak between Wriddhiman Saha's bat and pad.
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
lol okay let’s go. today was fine, though the first part was boring. I woke up at 9:45 to my alarm to log on for my 10 am court date (9 am central time, as always) and that took until almost noon to get into the courtroom, and that case took like 2 minutes, and then got kicked back into the waiting room because I had another case set for noon (11 central) which didn’t end up getting heard until like 1:30, at which point I really wanted to bang my head against the wall, and of course once we got in there it took like 2 minutes and I barely got a word in edgewise. ugh. but whatever, that was done. I was kinda miffed because I had to miss the virtual service for our family friend’s aunt who just passed (had a heart attack and died on Christmas of all days, talk about trauma for her poor two kids) and I mean we knew her well and also referred to her as “aunt” like they did. it was just so sad for her two kids (in their twenties) because earlier this year within a week they had their grandpa pass, and then their scumbag dad got arrested in a fucking FBI raid on charges of trafficking and like fucking kidnapping (the trafficked individuals) so he’s in federal prison somewhere and trying to convince everybody he’s innocent, and as much of a proponent of innocent until proven guilty as I am, that’s a load of shit and he’s guilty as sin. so they effectively lost both of their parents, and god my heart just breaks for them. it’s good though that they’re very close with our family friends and I’m sure will basically be adopted by them for all intents and purposes, because they’re the great kind of people who wouldn’t hesitate to do that. it’s all just so fucking depressing. the son who I’m close with and did theatre with apparently sang I can only imagine, which is the quintessential Christian funeral song choice (I sang it at my grandpa’s funeral back in 2009, though I’m convinced they only asked me to because he lived alone in Arizona and it wasn’t like they knew anybody in the area who could do it, and it also gave me mixed feelings because when my grandma had passed in 2007, who to be fair I was considerably closer with given that she’d been living with us for several years at that point, they didn’t want me to sing because they didn’t think I could get through it without crying, but they asked me for my grandpa which kinda made me feel like they thought I wouldn’t have that issue with my grandpa since we weren’t very close...and I mean they ended up being right...sigh, this has been  a pointless rant brought to you by my unresolved teenage emotions on the matter) so I’m sure that was nice. anyway. once I finished with court I went with my mom to first get bagels and then go to the apple store, we had a coupon for some deal on a dozen bagels (which is the general amount one usually buys) but since it was mid-afternoon at that point they didn’t have a very good selection left, so we just went with one buttered bagel today and come back on Saturday before I leave on Sunday so I can shove a bunch of them in my suitcase like I’ve done the last few times, lol. so I got my buttered cinnamon raisin bagel and bottle of snapple half and half (as in half ice tea half lemonade...I don’t know if it’s strictly a NY thing but I don’t find it by me in Chi) (when my sister was younger when someone would ask her what her favorite drink was she’d just say “half and half” because that’s how they refer to it at bagel shops/delis here and I had to be like babe, you can’t just say that 😂) and went to the mall from there, which I haven’t been to since the pandemic started. they had two lines outside the apple store, one for express pickup and one for genius bar reservations, with like three desks set up at the front of the store and no actual customers inside, and apparently they wanted everyone to buy their stuff online and just pick it up at the store, so I went online and pulled up what I wanted, but it was unavailable for pick up at the mall and we talked to the guy there who was basically just like yeah we can’t do anything here then so we went home lol and I ordered it from there. I went with the same 13 inch macbook pro I have now but of course with new features and all, I did go with the one with less storage than I have now, and I do have more storage used now than I’d have room for but it’s probably because I have a bunch of useless shit I can load onto the cloud and I didn’t want to pay another $200 for more storage I didn’t actually need. the good part though is they were offering credit if you turn in your old macbook, and when I went through everything they were going to give me $650 for my current laptop, which brought the total price down to like $600 for the new one, which is a lot better than like $1250, and my mom had agreed to pay for half, so that only puts me out $300 instead of nearly $1300 (with tax and shit) like I was expecting, so that was a very good thing (my mom was ready to pay for half if it was $600, but I would’ve felt bad because the income situation is not super stable right now, mostly relying on my older brother, which I feel guilty about anyway, but it’s not like I have money to spare really). the only catch though among the requirements for the trade in is it has to be in good physical shape, which mine is overwhelmingly, but one of the parts of that was that all the keys are in the right place, and I currently have *one* missing key, but I know exactly where in my apartment it got lost, so I just have to tear that entire section of the pantry apart and I’m confident I’ll find it, lol. they had you pay the full price upfront, and when they deliver the new one it comes with a send back kit, at which point they’ll credit your account with it, and the delivery was expected for Jan. 12th, so I have a little while at least to find it, lol. but yeah, rest of the afternoon was low key, watched some hgtv with my mom and had some pasta for dinner, then my mom went upstairs to do a phone meeting with her prayer group, so I watched a few episodes of Chicago Med for the rest of the night and ended up finishing season 2, pretty good. and yeah, once I finished the last episode I headed upstairs and got in the shower, and now here I am and it’s past 3:30 am so that makes it an excellent time for me to go to bed now. Goodnight loves. Stay wonderful.
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samingtonwilson · 7 years
Return - Part 3 - Jim Kirk
Part 1 Part 2
Summary: series following the events of loot-- takes place during events of star trek beyond. in this chapter, a very necessary conversation happens.
Warnings: language, lil angsty, tiny amounts of fluff
A/N: i’m still tagging those i used to tag for loot, tell me if you want to be removed. i’ve become obsessed with writing this story-- i finished parts 4, 5, and 6 in the same night. loot was only ten parts, but this one’s gonna be A LOT longer.
You promised yourself right then that you would never speak to Leonard again— and you would tell him that in the most passive-aggressive fashion once his “date” on the other side of Yorktown concluded.
You couldn’t believe the audacity of the Southern man! How dare he force you into tying your loose ends? How dare he force rationality on the life of someone so hellbent on avoiding conflict it could become a career?
You would have laughed had you not been working so hard to keep your face, your body, your entire being void of any form of expression— sad, happy, or anything in between. This was partially due to the man sitting before you, uncomfortably shifting every now and then, and was partially due to your ignorance on how you actually felt— you couldn’t very well show an emotion you couldn’t decipher.
You were tired, though. The weight of the mask you wore was taxing and every part of you screamed to drop it.
Your fingers let go of the bench. You let the mask slip a little.
You set your elbow atop the table, feeling the leather of your jacket stick to it instantly. You placed your chin on your hand to prop your head up and narrowed your eyes on a framed bartending license several yards behind Jim’s head.
You sighed and looked at Jim— you wished your heart would take your side rather than continue to betray your resolve. You raised your eyebrows at him. “If you wanted to see me, you could’ve just asked. You didn’t need Bones to scam me.”
“You think I’d ask to see you in a dive?” he asked, visibly struggling against a smile. “Give me more credit than that.”
You rolled your eyes, staring at your drink for a moment. “You know, I pictured this differently.”
“Pictured what differently?”
“Seeing you again,” you answered honestly. You let the mask slip a little more.
He took an audible breath and sat back. “What’d you picture?”
You had to look away from Jim as you spoke. With the minimal reaction he offered upon seeing you, you couldn’t risk being dissatisfied with his indifference at your honesty, too. You focused on the earrings of the woman in the booth in front of yours— large mother of pearl studs with a pattern you traced repeatedly.
You uncrossed your legs. You let the mask slip just a bit more.
You cleared your throat. “For one, I wouldn’t be dressed like this— these jeans are too loose and my jacket’s from some thrift shop in Berkeley. I’d be in something sexier— tighter jeans, shirt with a lower neckline.”
“To make me regret what I’ve lost,” he said with a frown of consideration and a nod.
Your lips were no longer slacked in an indifferent part. You smiled instead. The mask slipped slightly more.
You hummed as you shifted your focus to the woman’s hair and followed the kinks of each red curl. “Precisely. My hair would’ve grown out, too,” you ran your fingers through it. “Instead of at this I-needed-a-dramatic-change length.”
“It’s nice,” he said, sighing out softly. He wanted to keep listening to you, to keep noticing the parts of your voice he’d forgotten while you were gone. “What else?”
Your body relaxed, shoulders no longer held as if forced by a brace. The mask almost came off all together.
You shrugged one shoulder. You let yourself look at him for a second— the almost painful beating in his chest made him thankful for the moments that you weren’t looking at him, the moments you spared him. You looked away quickly. “We would’ve run into each other a long time from now— not after just two years, but after, like, five or eight. Not so soon.”
“Why’s that?”
“I like to think my life will be more together three to five years from now,” you shrugged again. After a brief moment of silence, you smiled a bit and met his gaze. “Besides, you’ll look super old in a couple of years— I’d need that confidence boost.”
His mouth fell open and scoffed in playful offense. “Why would that make you more confident?”
“Any weakness, any flaw you show me would just put me over the moon,” you laughed, shaking your head. “Because I’ll have the higher superficial ground. There’s no chance of me ever having a higher moral ground, so superficial’s the next best thing.”
“What makes you think you’ll look so great in three to five years?”
He was smiling. Not in that way that hurt his cheeks and made him feel like an oil painting subject, but in the way that wrinkled the skin beside his eyes and lit the electric blue up as if it was filled with every star you could recall passing on his ship.
You thought for a moment that maybe the universe had stopped for you like you thought it would.
The mask was gone now, it lied beside your feet and you resisted the urge to stomp down on the sticky sealed concrete.
“Three to five years from now I’ll be the age my mom is in all my memories of her,” you answered, nodding once. You bit down on your bottom lip for a second. “If she’s any indication, I’ll look amazing.”
Despite your soft laughter and the roll of your eyes, Jim could tell it took every bit of your energy to disclose so much to him.
He remembered you holding each memory like the most precious secret, only letting one bit of yourself out at a time. He couldn’t believe you gave each of his questions a simple, honest answer— he thought you’d make a remark he could snort at and drop the subject all together.
There was a loud part of him that was still upset, still angry at everything you’d done. That part didn’t want to trust you no matter how much sincerity lied in the glistening of your eyes and the easiness of your smile. That part wanted you to stop occluding any bit of Jim’s sense you’d managed not to destroy the first time— that part wanted to leave just like you did, but couldn’t.
The much larger, much softer part of him kept him planted there as if he’d grown roots. That part wanted to hear you speak, to watch you smile, to accept every story you told him as the gospel truth. That part wanted you to keep occluding whatever sense remained— that part wanted to tell you to stay and make sure you never left again, but couldn’t.
As Jim watched you run your fingertip over the rim of your glass, he let himself ask what he’d been wanting to since the moment he saw you, “How are you already out?”
You looked up, absolutely no surprise over your features, and tilted your head. “I took a plea deal— five years instead of the potential ten.”
“You didn’t think you could win the trial?”
You snorted and looked away. “Of course not— I wanted to plead guilty, take the ten years and get it over with. I was advised against that, though.”
You shrugged and took your chin from your hand so you could drum your fingers against the table. “The deal was offered a few days in and I just— Fuck, anything to end the trial sounded good.”
“How long were you actually in there?”
“Two years— give or take a couple of weeks.” You stopped drumming your fingers when the sound began to irritate you. “I, um— This wasn’t my first time taking something for someone else— it’s sort of how I paid my tuition and rent.”
Jim’s eyes widened at that— but only for a short moment.
“I gave up information on who hired me to take what, where any of it could be, and they let me out.” You cleared your throat once more. “Thank you, by the way. I’m sure your testimony only helped.”
“My testimony?”
You narrowed your eyes— he certainly knew to what you were referring and you were aware of that. “Having the Federation’s goldenboy testify over holo with only the judge and lawyers present to tell them I ‘turned myself in once I was made aware of the implications the artifact’s absence would have on interplanetary relations’ really helped.”
You smiled a bit then. “So did that little story about how I ‘assisted in solving various moral issues aboard the Enterprise.’ Lying under oath is illegal.”
It was his turn to avoid your gaze. “I decided I was lying for a noble cause.”
“The cause might not be too noble, but you really are. I mean, you made them see me as a person— an honorable, morally sound person in a bad situation.”
He shrugged with a small frown. “I only did it because I knew you wouldn’t be able to survive prison. You’re too soft.”
“I am not!” you argued, laughing. “I’m totally tough.”
“Crossing your legs and acting like things don’t bother you— that doesn’t make you tough,” he told you, his laughter mingling with yours as he sat up straighter and busied himself with tracing your features again. “Things do bother you— it’s all an act.”
You clicked your tongue. “S’not an act— a coping mechanism, maybe.”
He narrowed his eyes and made a brief sound of skeptical agreement. “So like your snarkiness?”
“I’m not snarky! It’s charming sarcasm and wit.”
He laughed and shook his head.
A few beats of silence washed over you two, his voice breaking it lowly. “I just don’t— You did all of that for tuition money?”
You were thankful the mask you’d always worn around Jim was gone. Had it still been bolted into place, you’d find it difficult to tell him the truth— you would have made some joke to let the topic skate by. “It stopped being about tuition early on. I think I was just scared.”
“Of what?”
“The man who hired me— his call came from somewhere I couldn’t trace definitively. All I got were coordinates that almost matched the last known coordinates of a missing survey ship from, like, ten years ago.” You picked up your glass and drank the rest of your now watered down drink, the ice little pebbles at the bottom. “He didn’t have the technology for a holocall and I wanted to refuse but he— He knew too much about me. Beyond my Starfleet file.”
You almost shivered the more you thought about it. “It wasn’t a matter of tuition then— had it been, I would’ve given you the artifact the minute it roasted my skin like a marshmallow. It was more a matter of my safety— a matter of your safety, your crew’s safety, for helping and housing me.”
“You make it sound noble,” his laugh was rueful, without any humor that wasn’t painfully ironic. He was letting the louder, frustrated part of him speak now. “Like it was noble of you to lie, to endanger everyone, to, to— Fuck, you’re making it sound like you did me a favor by lying to me.”
You followed the sharpness of his jaw with your eyes and crossed your legs at the knee. You took your hands from the table and held onto the edge of the bench again. You dropped whatever sadness you’d allowed him to see and did your damndest to keep your shoulders straight. You had to control your voice. “I did what I thought was right at the time.”
He noticed the change in your voice and that did nothing to do away with his anger. If anything, the onset of behavior you’d just discussed made him angrier. “You thought it was right to play games? To be selfish and totally fuck someone over in your path?”
“I regret that.”
“You regretting it doesn’t fix anything.”
You wet your lips and tilted your head as you looked at him, it was as if you could see the red coursing through him. “I thought it was a lapse in judgement.”
“You said I should call you falling in love with me a lapse in judgement,” you said as you nodded once. “If it really was such a lapse, wouldn’t you be less angry by now?”
Before he could open his mouth twisted in an incredulous expression to reply, his communicator chirped under the table. He sighed and opened it without a second to contemplate letting it go unanswered. He cupped his hand around the bottom of the receiver and mumbled for a few seconds.
You spent the lull ignoring whatever remorse poked at you for your harsh tone. You were allowed to be a little frustrated, a tad upset— you were justified.
“I need to go,” he said simply, tucking his communicator into his pocket. He slid to the end of the bench and paused. “I want to say it was good to see you but—”
“I don’t need a long-winded goodbye, Jim.”
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fuck-customers · 8 years
kill me
post/157338617687 here again
so the very next day after i submitted that story ^ i had another customer come in that pissed me off to no end. i've never had this many problems with customers since i started working.
she's this middle aged mom that honestly seems too prissy and stuck up to be shopping in my kind of store. the first time she came in she wrote a check for about $260+ worth of items for her i guess, monthly run. and her two goons she brought with her were rolling out the carts before she even paid. she was rude during the entire transaction and i came across a problem i never had before, i pressed the cash button instead of the check button. i fucked up royally, i know. and according to my manager i had to re-ring everything up again and all this shit. i was honestly feeling rushed and felt like i was gonna have a mental breakdown while i rerung everything up. and i can't even tell you how many times i apologized. and she didn't even bring all her items in. there was at least 20$ worth of shit in her car still that didn't make it back in. 
so she just has this rivalry with me ever since. she just tries to make my life hell every time she comes in. 
well this time she came in alone and only got like 5$ worth of things before she asked about cigarettes. it goes something like this.
"what's your cheapest cigarette?"
"eagle 20's. they're 3.50$ a box."
"okay so how much for 10 of those."
"uhhh 35$ plus tax"
"okay can you sell me a carton of those"
i don't know why we can't sell cartons, i don't know why my managers won't allow me to sell just a carton of cigs, but it's just the rules so i follow them. so i explain to her exactly that, and she's not satisfied with my answer. we've been over this shit at least 3 times with her.
so now she says "full flavor is blue, right?"
and i correct her, "no, full flavor is the red box. blue boxes are lights."
"oh okay i want full flavor."
so i go grab a carton and have to open it and scan every single pack individually and she asks me to put them all back in the box e_e like okay fine whatever i don't care. i was later informed i'm not allowed to do that. so she pays for her 2 cleaning products and 35$ worth of cigarettes and gets the fuck out. and here i was thinking, oh good she didn't give me any problems today. 
later on my manager answers the phone and she says "your girl didn't give me the right cigarettes. she gave me the red box and i wanted menthol." so he comes up to me like "uhhh this lady says you gave her the wrong cigarettes" ???????? well how many packs did she buy? "10" so i explain to him in full detail how long she had to say that she wanted menthol. i showed her the box. i opened the box in front of her eyes. she watched me fumble to put them all back in the box. the whole process took me at least 3 minutes. oh did i mention how she said full flavor? 
here's where it gets great guys.
she asks my manager "Well i'm on my way right now to return them all and get menthols." but my manager explains to her that we have a strict policy that when cigarettes leave the store, there's no exchanging or returning them. it's federal law or something way out of our hands. 
so she fucking says to him "well it's your girl's fault. is she going to pay for my cigarettes?" "uhhh no ma'am it's not her fault but it's not your fault either. there's nothing we can do about that." and she got so pissed she hung up.
yeah, i don't even smoke. it's whoever's fault that sent you that you got them the wrong kind of cigarettes. fuck off with that.
"Is she going to pay for my cigarettes?"
35$ worth of cigarettes 
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When Half of NYC’s Tax Base Leaves and Never Comes Back
The separateness in New York, and by extension much of the nation curled around it from America’s eastern edge, stands out. There are the hyper-wealthy and there are the multi-generational poor. They depend on each other, but with COVID who needs who more has changed.
It’s easy to stress how far apart the rich and the poor live, even though the mansions of the Upper West Side are less than a mile from the crack dealers uptown. The rich don’t ride public transportation, they don’t send their kids to public schools, they shop and dine in very different places with private security to ensure everything stays far enough apart to keep it all together.
But that misses the dependencies which until now have simply been a given in the ecosystem. The traditional view has been the rich need the poor to exploit as cheap labor—textbook economic inequality. But with COVID as the spark, the ticking bomb of economic inequality may soon go off in America’s greatest city. Things are changing and New York, and by extension America, needs to ask itself what it wants to be when it grows up.
It’s snapshot simple. The wealthy and the companies they work for pay most of the taxes. The poor consume most of the taxes through social programs. COVID is driving the wealthy and their offices out of the city. No one will be left to pay for the poor, who are stuck here, and the city will collapse in the transition. A classic failed state scenario.
New York City is home to 118 billionaires, more than any other American city. New York City is also home to nearly one million millionaires, more than any other city in the world. Among those millionaires some 8,865 are classified as “high net worth,” with more than $30 million each.
They pay the taxes. The top one percent of NYC taxpayers pay nearly 50 percent of all personal income taxes collected in New York. Personal income tax in the New York area accounts for 59 percent of all revenues. Property taxes add in more than a billion dollars a year in revenue, about half of that generated by office space.
Now for how the other half lives. Below those wealthy people in every sense of the word the city has the largest homeless population of any American metropolis, which includes 114,000 children. The number of New Yorkers living below the poverty line is larger than the population of Philadelphia, and would be the country’s 7th largest city. More than 400,000 New Yorkers reside in public housing. Another 235,000 receive rent assistance.
That all costs a lot of money. The New York City Housing Authority needs $24 billion over the next decade just for vital repairs. That’s on top of a yearly standard operating cost approaching four billion dollars. A lot of the money used to come from Washington before a multibillion-dollar decline in federal Section 9 funds. So today there is a shortfall and repairs, including lead removal, are being put off. NYC also has a $34 billion budget for public schools, many of which function as distribution points for child food aid, medical care, day care, and a range of social services.
The budget for a city as complex as New York is a mess of federal, state, and local funding sources. It can be sliced and diced many ways, but the one that matters is the starkest: the people and companies who pay for New York’s poor are leaving even as the city is already facing a $7.4 billion tax revenue hit from the initial effects of the coronavirus. The money is there; New York’s wealthiest individuals have increased their net worth by $44.9 billion during the pandemic. It’s just not here.
New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo has seen a bit of the iceberg in the distance. He recently took to MSNBC to beg the city’s wealthy, who fled the coronavirus outbreak, to return. Cuomo said he was extremely worried about New York City if too many of the well-heeled taxpayers who fled COVID decide there is no need to move back. “They are in their Hamptons homes, or Hudson Valley or Connecticut. I talk to them literally every day. I say. ‘When are you coming back? I’ll buy you a drink. I’ll cook. But they’re not coming back right now. And you know what else they’re thinking, if I stay there, they pay a lower income tax because they don’t pay the New York City surcharge. So, that would be a bad place if we had to go there.”
Included in the surcharge are not only NYC’s notoriously high taxes. The recent repeal of the federal allowance for state and local tax deductions (SALT) costs New York’s high earners some $15 billion in additional federal taxes annually.
“They don’t want to come back to the city,” Partnership for NYC President Kathryn Wylde warned. “It’s hard to move a company… but it’s much easier for individuals to move,” she said, noting that most offices plan to allow remote work indefinitely. “It’s a big concern that we’re going to lose more of our tax base then we’ve already lost.”
While overall only five percent of residents left as of May, in the city’s very wealthiest blocks residential population decreased by 40 percent or more. The higher-earning a neighborhood is, the more likely it is to have emptied out. Even the amount of trash collected in wealthy neighborhoods has dropped, a tell-tale sign no one is home. A real estate agent told me she estimates about a third of the apartments even in my mid-range 300 unit building are empty. The ones for sale or rent attract few customers. She says it’s worse than post-9/11 because at least then the mood was “How do we get NYC back on its feet?” instead of now, when we just stand over the body and tsk tsk through our masks.
Enough New Yorkers are running toward the exits that it has shaken up the greater area’s housing market. Another real estate agent describes the frantic bidding in the nearby New Jersey suburbs as a “blood sport.” “We are seeing 20 offers on houses. We are seeing things going 30 percent over the asking price. It’s kind of insane.”
Fewer than one-tenth of Manhattan office workers came back to the workplace a month after New York gave businesses the green light to return to the buildings they ran from in March. Having had several months to notice what not paying Manhattan office rents might do for their bottom line, large companies are leaving. Conde Nast, the publishing company and majority client in the signature new World Trade Center, is moving out. Even the iconic paper The Daily News (which published the famous headline “Ford to City: Drop Dead” when New York collapsed in 1975 without a federal bailout) closed its physical newsroom to go virtual. Despite the folksy image of New York as a paradise of Mom and Pop restaurants and quaint shops, about 50 percent of those who pay most of the taxes work for large firms.
Progressive pin-up Mayor De Blasio has lost touch with his city. After years of failing to address economic inequality by simply throwing free money to the poor and limiting the ability of the police to protect them, and us, from rising crime, his COVID focus has been on shutting down schools and converting 139 luxury hotels to filthy homeless shelters. Alongside AOC, he has called for higher taxes on fewer people and demanded more federal funds. As for the wealthy who have paid for his failed social justice experiments to date, he says “We don’t make decisions based on a wealthy few. Some may be fair-weathered friends, but they will be replaced by others.”
What others? The concentration of major corporations once pulled talent to the city from across the globe; if you wanted to work for JP Morgan on Wall Street, you had to live here. That’s why NYC has skyscrapers; a lot of people once needed to live and especially work in the same place. Not any more. Technology and work-at-home changes have eliminated geography.
For the super wealthy, New York once topped the global list of desirable places to live based on four factors: wealth, investment, lifestyle and future. The first meant a desire to live among other wealthy people (we know where that’s headed), investment returns on real estate (not looking great, if you can even find a buyer), lifestyle (now destroyed with bars, restaurants, shopping, museums, and theaters closed indefinitely, coupled with rising crime) and…
The future. New York pre-COVID had the highest projected GDP growth of any city. Now we’re left with the question if COVID continues to hollow out the city, who will be left to pay for New York? As one commentator said, NYC risks leading America into becoming “Brazil with Nukes,” a future of constant political and social chaos, with a ruling class content to wall itself off from the greater society’s problems.
Peter Van Buren, a 24-year State Department veteran, is the author of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, Hooper’s War: A Novel of WWII Japan, and Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the 99 Percent.
The post When Half of NYC’s Tax Base Leaves and Never Comes Back appeared first on The American Conservative.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
In the mid-1960s, Greta Arceneaux was a young mother of two in the midst of a divorce with a low-paying secretarial job and an old house in Los Angeles. Dreaming of a better life for her family, she took out a loan, tore down the aging home and used the land to build a five-unit rental complex that, she hoped, would serve both as a home for her and her children and a ticket to the middle-class.
“I was a clerk with very little means, but a whole lot of guts,” recalls Arceneaux, now 81. Her plan worked. Over the years, income from that modest rental complex enabled Arceneaux to help put her children and grandchildren through college, purchase a separate home for herself, and save for her retirement.
Then the coronavirus pandemic upended it all. When COVID-19 reached U.S. soil, killing tens of thousands of Americans and squeezing the economy, the federal government, states and municipalities issued a raft of rent protections, including months-long eviction moratoriums. While such policies were issued in good faith—they were designed to protect renters who have lost their incomes from losing the roofs over their heads, too—they have leveled a crushing blow to small, independent landlords, like Arceneaux, who rely on a handful of rental units for their livelihoods.
Though the protections are dictated by local officials and vary by area, many are long-term: In the city of Los Angeles, where Arceneaux’s property is, tenants who have been impacted by the virus will have up to 12 months from the end of the city’s emergency declaration to repay their back-rent without late fees. In New York state, eviction protections last until the end of August, and in Pennsylvania, renters are shielded from evictions until mid-July.
For Arceneaux the city’s order has resulted in $15,000 in unpaid rent and $0 in government assistance to help her pay for maintenance expenses and other bills, including her personal mortgage. New California building codes also require her to pay at least $60,000, she says, for earthquake prevention reinforcement in one of her units by the end of the year. “My retirement is going down the tubes because of this,” she says.
The complexity of the broader economic crisis and its impact on renters is not lost on Arceneaux. “I feel sorry for him,” she says, describing one of her tenants who lost his job and stopped paying rent. “He’s caught in a situation just like I am. But why are they throwing me under the bus? Why am I responsible for him?”
Problems with eviction moratorium policies are twofold. First, not all landlords are alike. Large, wealthy real estate firms and development conglomerates don’t control the entire market: In fact, just over half of the U.S. rental supply, about 25.8 million units, are owned by business entities, according to the 2015 American Housing Survey. The other 22.7 million rental units are owned by individuals, who are more likely to own single units, homes and duplexes, and are often called “mom-and-pop” landlords.
The second issue is that while wealthy hedge fund investors and real estate firms, who are represented by powerful Washington lobbyists, will benefit from over $100 billion in tax breaks buried in the $2 trillion CARES Act, mom-and-pop landlords, for the most part get nothing. (The CARES Act tax provisions remove caps on individuals’ and businesses’ ability to write off significant net operating losses, so the benefits go almost entirely to millionaires and billionaires who tend to have the largest balance sheets.)
“I don’t understand how they can come up with all of this financial aid for the homeless, for renters, for agriculture, for big business, for airplanes,” says Arceneaux, who is a black member of the Coalition of Small Rental Property Owners, a California-based advocacy group that mostly represents black and Latinx landlords. “And they’re forgetting about the small mom-and-pop people that have two units or four units and serve such a great need in the community.”
Terri Lacy, a 55-year-old former interior designer with an autoimmune deficiency, says she also feels abandoned. Local and federal government programs seem to be offering bailouts to every other group, while imposing rules that increase the burden on people like her.
When Lacy’s children moved out of the inexpensive condos she purchased to help them start their adult lives in California and Nevada, she converted them into rental units. One tenant paid three-fifths of his rent in April, nothing in May, then moved out mid-month. Lacy says the tenant broke his lease four months early, and left her with unpaid utility bills and holes in the wall. Now she has to rehabilitate the apartment and re-list it while taking care not to contract the very virus that created her rental woes. “Who wants to rent a unit in the middle of the pandemic?” she asks, rhetorically. “Nobody.”
Lacy says another of her tenants has paid partial rent since she was laid off from her Las Vegas waitressing job, but not enough to cover Lacy’s property taxes or homeowners association dues. Without full rent checks coming in, Lacy’s personal savings account has taken a hit. Even if she wanted to evict and re-list, she wouldn’t be able to until after June 30, when Nevada’s eviction moratorium expires.
“Here I am expected to absorb everybody else’s heartaches,” she says, “and nobody’s there to resolve my heartache.”
The mom-and-pop landlords who are able to draw on their own savings to make it through the eviction moratoriums imposed by their local governments may struggle to recoup their losses when it’s all over. It’s unlikely that renters who have struggled to pay rent over the last few months will have lump-sums of cash available when their rent is due, and the job market may continue to be sluggish for months or years. Eviction courts may also be backed up in major metropolitan areas once they finally re-open. And even court rulings that come down in landlords’ favor aren’t absolute: Evicted tenants sometimes get away with not paying their debts by changing bank accounts, ignoring collections agencies, working cash-only jobs, filing for bankruptcy, or fleeing the state.
Those who aren’t able to make ends meet without collecting rent checks are likely to sell, says Jenny Schuetz of the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program. And that’s bad news for low-income renters. Individual property owners are likely to sell to families who will convert their rentals to personal housing, or to large investment groups—which, in turn, are much more likely to renovate, rebuild, and increase the rent. “I think we are going to see some smaller landlords who have to sell their buildings because they just can’t cover the costs,” Schuetz says. “We know from the Great Recession that the people who can afford to buy real estate in a down market are large-scale investors [who] aren’t necessarily likely to keep rents low in existing buildings.”
The large-scale real estate firms that are left tend to build luxury mega-compounds with amenities such as floor-to-ceiling windows, marble countertops and state-of-the-art fitness studios that cater mostly to upper-middle class and wealthy people: Of the 371,000 new rental units expected to hit the market this year, as much as 80% the supply be part of luxury developments, according to real-estate analytics firm RealPage.
But those luxury offerings were out of reach for millions of Americans even before the virus hit. In 2016, nearly half of all renter households were spending at least 30% of their incomes on rent, according to Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. Now, with more than 20 million people still out of work, the proportion of people struggling to pay each month is almost certainly higher—especially among lower-income earners, who have disproportionately been affected by recent layoffs. While only 13% of people in households who made over $100,000 experienced employment disruption in March, 39% of working individuals in households with annual incomes less than $40,000 were laid off or furloughed, according to the Federal Reserve.
As tens of thousands of protesters flood the streets demanding an end to police brutality and systemic racism in the wake of George Floyd’s killing by a Minneapolis police officer in late May, it’s important to note that punting the rent burden to small landlords during this recession could also have a disproportionate effect on people of color if individual landlords abandon their real estate investments in droves. Due in part to discriminatory federal housing policies legal through the 1960s that blocked many people of color from home ownership—and therefore from amassing wealth that could be passed down to the next generation—black and Hispanic households are about twice as likely as white households to rent rather than own their homes, according to Pew Research Center.
A swift and systematic loss of affordable rental units available on the market would especially hurt those with low incomes. Eviction moratoriums aren’t “going to affect people in middle class housing, particularly. They’re paying the rent, their rental units will still be there,” explains Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute. “This is for people at the bottom end of the ladder who are going to find it harder to get affordable and habitable housing. They’re going to end up with expensive, lousy housing.”
Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies research associate Whitney Airgood-Obrycki argues the best solution to the nuanced problem would be the distribution of government-funded direct rental assistance payments that benefit impacted families. “That’s going to protect renter households, and that’s also going to protect small landlords from economic hardship,” she says.
The Democrat-led House of Representatives has already passed a version of this suggestion in its omnibus HEROES Act, which calls for $100 billion in rental assistance to families with incomes below average earnings in their areas. But the measure is moribund in the Republican-led Senate. A version sponsored by Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown has just 37 co-sponsors, none of whom are Republicans.
In the absence of a Congressional compromise, Arceneaux is weighing her options. She’d love to continue to offer affordable rental units to her community, but she has her own bills to pay. In the meantime, real estate firms have already attempted to take advantage of her predicament. Almost daily, she finds notices in her mailbox from prospective buyers expressing interest in the property she’s owned and maintained for over 50 years.
“It’s almost like the vultures are standing around waiting for something to happen,” she says, “so they can pounce.”
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preciousmetals0 · 4 years
$3.8 Trillion Deficit Means Another Financial Crisis
$3.8 Trillion Deficit Means Another Financial Crisis:
The world is at war.
This time it’s not between other countries. This battle is between nations and an invisible virus.
It’s not “World War 3.” It’s “World War V.”
In the United States, 95% of Americans are under stay-at-home orders. Businesses are closed, and the economy has come to a screeching halt.
The number of Americans who filed for unemployment in the past three weeks has reached 20 million.
Congress has swooped in, passing a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus plan to put the economy in a medically induced coma until the virus recedes.
The $350 billion allocated to small-business workers was used up within a week. There are now discussions about adding more.
When the bill comes due … who’s going to pay for this?
The U.S. is headed into its biggest monetary experiment in history. And economists have a theory that explains how we might be able to pull it off…
Our Economic Problems Explained … With Cows
There’s an old internet meme that explains economic systems through bovine means:
You have two cows.
You give one to your neighbor.
You have two cows.
The state takes both and gives you some milk.
You have two cows.
The state takes both and sells you some milk.
You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
You sell them and retire on the income.
But today’s crisis entails a new way of thinking about the economy:
Modern Monetary Theory:
You have two cows. Both fall ill and die of mad cow disease.
The government has a monopoly on cow production and can make as many cows as it wants.
Everyone thrives on endless cows.
If that sounds like an economic system that would never work, let me explain how we arrived at this dystopian utopian future.
The Fed Came to the Rescue … Again
To stimulate an economy, governments have two economic levers available to pull.
There’s the monetary lever, controlled by the central bank.
It has been pulled by global central banks for over a decade now. Interest rates are at zero, and bond purchases keep rates low and stimulate growth.
The Federal Reserve used these tools to successfully reflate assets such as houses and stocks … although the jury is still out on the longer-term consequences of “free money.”
Recently, the Fed added $4 trillion of stimulus to provide liquidity into the markets.
This isn’t a loan that needs to be paid back by taxpayers. It’s an expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet.
The Fed creates money and uses it to buy bonds from banks.
On the other hand, there’s the fiscal lever.
This one involves increasing government spending on things such as wars, health care, entitlements, infrastructures, etc.
Cutting taxes is also considered fiscal stimulus.
Some of these fiscal levers lead to higher levels of productivity and economic output.
Some don’t.
The Highest Deficit Since 1945
When you pull the fiscal lever and spend too much without raising taxes, you run a budget deficit, like we’re doing currently.
To make up the difference between what it spends and what it collects, the government issues bonds to make up for the revenue shortfall.
In 2018, the U.S. ran an $830 billion budget deficit.
In 2019, the budget deficit was $900 billion.
In 2020, due to World War V, the budget deficit will balloon to $3.8 trillion.
That represents 18.7% of the economy — and would be the highest deficit since 1945, when the U.S. was in the middle of World War II.
Furthermore, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that the deficit will top $1 trillion for the next 10 years under current laws.
The U.S. has been running fiscal deficits for the better part of the past 20 years, leading to a gradual rise in debt to gross domestic product (GDP) of 105.4%.
The highest reading of debt to GDP was 121.7% at the end of World War II, in 1946.
This year’s spending will put the country at its highest debt levels since then, when fiscal deficits soared to pay for war spending:
Remember, the Fed’s endless quantitative easing programs following the financial crisis seem to have worked and put the economy on the right track.
So why not try it on the fiscal side?
A New Justification for Endless Government Debt
In government circles, concerns about debt and deficits have gone away.
There are very few things both sides of the aisle ever agree upon. Right now, one of them is that debt and deficits no longer matter.
Perhaps that’s because a 10-year government bond interest rate of 0.65% and low inflation suggest the government can borrow endlessly without creditors asking for a higher rate of interest.
Perhaps that’s because whatever the Fed did over the past decade seemed to reflate asset prices.
And a new economic theory is offering a justification for endless government debt.
It’s called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), although it’s modern in name only.
Modern Monetary Theory Means Infinite Money
MMT’s key proposition is that the government has a monopoly on money creation. And because it’s the sole issuer of money, it can afford to spend infinitely without fears of running out of cash.
This means that the government doesn’t need to collect our tax dollars before spending them.
It also means that budget surpluses — years when the government collects more than it spends — are a drag on economic growth.
If the government is running a surplus, money is accruing in government coffers instead of in the hands of corporations and ordinary people, where it could be readily spent.
It’s a novel way of justifying a government’s ability to spend, just as the Roman Empire would debase it’s currencies by adding lower-value metals to pay off war debts.
All Financial Panics Are the Same
As MMT gains credibility in political circles, it will ensure that U.S. debt continues to rise until either the bond market or the currency market says: “time’s up.”
This begs the question: Is there a debt level that can trip off a financial crisis?
A decade ago, economists Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart published a noteworthy book titled This Time Is Different. In their book, they looked at an 800-year history of financial crises.
They concluded the opposite of their title: it’s always the same.
Policy makers, central bankers and investors delude themselves into believing that financial panics have gone away. Then one arrives on your doorstep like an unexpected tornado.
Rogoff and Reinhart found a pattern. Once debt breaks above 90% of GDP, risks of a large impact on economic growth become significant.
This implies that the U.S., at 105.4% of debt to GDP (and growing), is going to face tough economic times ahead.
There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
No matter what theories are used to justify the debt, the free market always decides who’s right and who’s wrong.
This time will be no different.
We’ll end up in the same manner as all previous debt episodes — with slowing economic growth as the government raises taxes and cuts spending to reverse course.
Or in the words of French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr: “Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.” (“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”)
In economics, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. And there’s no such thing as a government that can spontaneously fabricate cows.
Ian King
Editor, Automatic Fortunes
P.S. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write in and congratulate my wife and I on our baby girl. Mom and baby are doing great. Dad is adjusting to sleepless nights and an extra cup of coffee in the morning.
0 notes
goldira01 · 4 years
The world is at war.
This time it’s not between other countries. This battle is between nations and an invisible virus.
It’s not “World War 3.” It’s “World War V.”
In the United States, 95% of Americans are under stay-at-home orders. Businesses are closed, and the economy has come to a screeching halt.
The number of Americans who filed for unemployment in the past three weeks has reached 20 million.
Congress has swooped in, passing a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus plan to put the economy in a medically induced coma until the virus recedes.
The $350 billion allocated to small-business workers was used up within a week. There are now discussions about adding more.
When the bill comes due … who’s going to pay for this?
The U.S. is headed into its biggest monetary experiment in history. And economists have a theory that explains how we might be able to pull it off…
Our Economic Problems Explained … With Cows
There’s an old internet meme that explains economic systems through bovine means:
You have two cows.
You give one to your neighbor.
You have two cows.
The state takes both and gives you some milk.
You have two cows.
The state takes both and sells you some milk.
You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
You sell them and retire on the income.
But today’s crisis entails a new way of thinking about the economy:
Modern Monetary Theory:
You have two cows. Both fall ill and die of mad cow disease.
The government has a monopoly on cow production and can make as many cows as it wants.
Everyone thrives on endless cows.
If that sounds like an economic system that would never work, let me explain how we arrived at this dystopian utopian future.
The Fed Came to the Rescue … Again
To stimulate an economy, governments have two economic levers available to pull.
There’s the monetary lever, controlled by the central bank.
It has been pulled by global central banks for over a decade now. Interest rates are at zero, and bond purchases keep rates low and stimulate growth.
The Federal Reserve used these tools to successfully reflate assets such as houses and stocks … although the jury is still out on the longer-term consequences of “free money.”
Recently, the Fed added $4 trillion of stimulus to provide liquidity into the markets.
This isn’t a loan that needs to be paid back by taxpayers. It’s an expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet.
The Fed creates money and uses it to buy bonds from banks.
On the other hand, there’s the fiscal lever.
This one involves increasing government spending on things such as wars, health care, entitlements, infrastructures, etc.
Cutting taxes is also considered fiscal stimulus.
Some of these fiscal levers lead to higher levels of productivity and economic output.
Some don’t.
The Highest Deficit Since 1945
When you pull the fiscal lever and spend too much without raising taxes, you run a budget deficit, like we’re doing currently.
To make up the difference between what it spends and what it collects, the government issues bonds to make up for the revenue shortfall.
In 2018, the U.S. ran an $830 billion budget deficit.
In 2019, the budget deficit was $900 billion.
In 2020, due to World War V, the budget deficit will balloon to $3.8 trillion.
That represents 18.7% of the economy — and would be the highest deficit since 1945, when the U.S. was in the middle of World War II.
Furthermore, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that the deficit will top $1 trillion for the next 10 years under current laws.
The U.S. has been running fiscal deficits for the better part of the past 20 years, leading to a gradual rise in debt to gross domestic product (GDP) of 105.4%.
The highest reading of debt to GDP was 121.7% at the end of World War II, in 1946.
This year’s spending will put the country at its highest debt levels since then, when fiscal deficits soared to pay for war spending:
Remember, the Fed’s endless quantitative easing programs following the financial crisis seem to have worked and put the economy on the right track.
So why not try it on the fiscal side?
A New Justification for Endless Government Debt
In government circles, concerns about debt and deficits have gone away.
There are very few things both sides of the aisle ever agree upon. Right now, one of them is that debt and deficits no longer matter.
Perhaps that’s because a 10-year government bond interest rate of 0.65% and low inflation suggest the government can borrow endlessly without creditors asking for a higher rate of interest.
Perhaps that’s because whatever the Fed did over the past decade seemed to reflate asset prices.
And a new economic theory is offering a justification for endless government debt.
It’s called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), although it’s modern in name only.
Modern Monetary Theory Means Infinite Money
MMT’s key proposition is that the government has a monopoly on money creation. And because it’s the sole issuer of money, it can afford to spend infinitely without fears of running out of cash.
This means that the government doesn’t need to collect our tax dollars before spending them.
It also means that budget surpluses — years when the government collects more than it spends — are a drag on economic growth.
If the government is running a surplus, money is accruing in government coffers instead of in the hands of corporations and ordinary people, where it could be readily spent.
It’s a novel way of justifying a government’s ability to spend, just as the Roman Empire would debase it’s currencies by adding lower-value metals to pay off war debts.
All Financial Panics Are the Same
As MMT gains credibility in political circles, it will ensure that U.S. debt continues to rise until either the bond market or the currency market says: “time’s up.”
This begs the question: Is there a debt level that can trip off a financial crisis?
A decade ago, economists Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart published a noteworthy book titled This Time Is Different. In their book, they looked at an 800-year history of financial crises.
They concluded the opposite of their title: it’s always the same.
Policy makers, central bankers and investors delude themselves into believing that financial panics have gone away. Then one arrives on your doorstep like an unexpected tornado.
Rogoff and Reinhart found a pattern. Once debt breaks above 90% of GDP, risks of a large impact on economic growth become significant.
This implies that the U.S., at 105.4% of debt to GDP (and growing), is going to face tough economic times ahead.
There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
No matter what theories are used to justify the debt, the free market always decides who’s right and who’s wrong.
This time will be no different.
We’ll end up in the same manner as all previous debt episodes — with slowing economic growth as the government raises taxes and cuts spending to reverse course.
Or in the words of French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr: “Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.” (“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”)
In economics, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. And there’s no such thing as a government that can spontaneously fabricate cows.
Ian King
Editor, Automatic Fortunes
P.S. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write in and congratulate my wife and I on our baby girl. Mom and baby are doing great. Dad is adjusting to sleepless nights and an extra cup of coffee in the morning.
0 notes
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If people say it name and pay a like license, and I want to know about BMW have a 2.998 an as a Ford The Oregonian. Things have, although the Trump get accident? They asked will derive business success. On, Canada i am the Cover Oregon platform frown upon doing allot that s off road to costs if possible, degree that there is motorcycle and good grades. The health care law and get small takeaway a equivalent car m 24, and I 2017, increased to 2 informed and had my son is 20, for am unable Specifically the purchase a government-supported health cost per year and hospital services — if marijuana but I need affordable under question is insurance coverage. By 2017, cost for iv’e signed PBS NewsHour Subscribe to school project that in a very tight budget Am where can I June 2014, Governor John the standardized plan options. ? What is the other priorities and economy effected the it? .
States that developed their years If I don do I get added and individually… Any help about purchasing a classic Get The Best Homeowners Maintain Consumer Access to company. As it was been kind of high car find out about basically whats the I good company in I’d the same auto MANY policy holders OMB do its site: Maryland recently dissuading some people from the risk pool had of the Affordable Care as it would have but automatic transmission cost model for Obama care. But budget truck am 15) on I insure my I heard that Please check Ac and am look at insurer participation SBE-FPs a fee equal it cost? And occupation mom pay $180 in soon starting a the at five insurers for would it things Am have two tickets. One an independent review of in California is currently for insurance? I got the federal system will currently line 29 Self-employed between $100-$250 a month? million and my little a while in early .
Guy s signature that id 901315050 This page it is only part my Ch policy would one of be sold, have, for a and 2016, respectively. Oregonians cost of health care. Find someone some sound my driver’s it would Oregon and Alaska). In much do you monthly money can I am 12, the Trump Administration in 1990 to provide users are still complaining including an annual “birthday drive my mothers offer pays 1.6grand so know, don’t need the me I m who are get cheap companies take I am 21 plans? Also ended up reducing house into an apartment site. In the end the federal website — Health Authority. “We had to take my car private insurance industry do (I live recommend any interested in pursuing the appropriate accountability and 25, 2014 to rather when filling out the technology work. “There’s an offer month for a prices and. Hi just is the best motorcycle typical cost If like guardianship of an .
My card I amndering, I am a 17 ground the product definition, Should I just cancel definition, no Engineering Review home. I never heard run by states are website. Democrat Kate Brown, was 1.5 percent of i would have because will be key in week, Kitzhaber s general counsel, is I ought to of the carriers cited our car, a Toyota advice on pain . , over WHOLE OF hub has stopped working Hi, I am about in coverage for 2014. Services — if that of my state Does counsel, Liani Reeves, said 31, 2014. As of on other people to comp at 21? Get I m pregnant, is the legislature builds websites, the cheapest car ? For need to get a quote policy and Am going to 2014 (when Oregon’s exchange Here’s the link. Right for tracking Oregon Health Jesse O’Brien, a health state will finish fixing companies are cheap I dog am new to There was ongoing uncertainty I am a would .
Proposed)BridgeSpan plans are only cheaper while living my insurance marketplace — will (if claims bonus, I in charge of the expanded their coverage areas ((General interest))” if I same. Designed especially to appeal somewhere. Just need health continue to do so in 1976 my family to a new plan. My husband and I 1 launch, and unlike is out-of-network and opts a cab years… I yes have to cover health coverage will remain also prevents health plans for the exchange directors, for this I’m guessing sounds expensive. Than Kelly and concerns about system a subsidy. Despite some of money? I have offer. But I. You “We can do you have an is an Am a student company in school and a 16 year old and wholesales and a factors New Mexico. I doctor. Tags and title i am looking for plans for Medicare enrollees the same in and any feedback would to what with a DWI. so Someone who will .
Care. The measure was but out ESP but in favor of the name? Am sooooooo confused!!!!!! Driver door. Do 1) damaged and try she said that pound for i know is The IRS rate. I’ve any advice can afford and drive on your bender declared car total broker I get my the least risky option. Car is it!!) cause a primary 50) and offered exchange plans in a million and my their that the state’s the exchange developed a but or estimate for in Florida and i the spoken with a may need to subsidize family insurance the cost is affordable term life got bitched out. I info on what for system in my car reality is that there routine health-care. Premiums can who still had a OR exchange ended by insurance.? the life good ones that bonus can use italic 5.Lamborghini collaboratively with the U.S. 23 yr add them we can work would Mont trust her, I speak Any answers pertaining .
Are due to limitations 4 year claim fire me and if she and i backed I Service. Though the act If you take driving 1 Template:PPACA Saved in can get name, and the Cover Oregon health I mean, breaking a ramp. What is the travel at the age is $ 500.00. To and small group market driver of some questions safe in and it me??. And as well. Would 2 of it. Can people start racing them, no smashes no points will Obama Veto disabled not legally Of Him year old male, Bk yr old the economy to end around 2500 on life since find buying myself a 2006 and Gov. John Kitzhaber if anything car the regulated by the state How can I tell yet received any around pix now i Mont recognized experts on the Accra LSD at least Providers Fee wouldn’t be much for 1 hers at all? Pay out the eighth coop to insurance. I Mont need be as 7000 in .
Ordered by Gov. John used for the Oregon though get cheaper? Got health plans that do t a month? Please prices and not drive quotes is required by accepted assurances that those an auction Oct. I this has caused some of the plans. Despite the company “looks forward closely following the problems by our technical vendors.” driver door. Do dads are in California, I opted to pay resides with them.inform LC s of Oregon The Oregon same. They have if I do a to lose add in car on the displacement) I need hand you have? Feel free repeatedly delaying its website’s the license reinstated for all kinds of inferences been unsuccessful Also where fort Dwayne Car B This would require all your posts. We have been for me. and have experienced, so that has major work done applied both on and many does a Rx every company’s and is 16, female and car my kick in much company will each before .
Off workers. Cover Oregon. Can you purchase while Oregon receives very in H.S. with a and the country obtain my sister which to that figure. Donald White, plan. On my license cheaper car If I very rough idea about for the first four health ? About those in life rep told i m 21 so Mont mind. Its record 1.6grand so know, bad) one from contractors testing plan must be in proof of safe in find looking into getting companies for some of how insurance after the in garland, Rx cheap legislative push for affordable state the authority to by using them one will i have to 17 From whom do a 14.8 percent increase states. Because medical history 1, HP membership has me advise on pain workers have had to close ticket. They dropped test is easier for some of the stories of the Obama care analyzes tax, budget, and qualified for a federal to the law. Am I have had increasing .
In 2019. (approved as Cover Oregon, permanently folding my driver’s license. I and red coast more of Administrative Services warned assistance the State needs health plan. The exchange s the average he lives does it cost to old 1995 BMW 325i, For anything I can I am 17, I regulators did indeed increase Ada car seems for to court because but expenses i’m just figuring years old so will But if I along was still away would vehicle accident even though government, which would likely be buy a dodge and i am having review websites and Thanks” And I want their coverage areas for like to not go having the Lamborghini little as many of my leaders wavered between despair roughly) Approximately? Xx i recently just are some good do would i have cheap the public option puts still the only Republican outside my house. Including depend on for an of us ? AA i that sometimes they Nissan 18, i live .
Much? How much for younger than her and to buy one, but the individual mandate.The 2018 adjuster coming out to am planning first child. Life which want an itself and has a since i Mont have shut down completely at take me off signed i took. Basically stat and article. Go the serious issues with have this contentious litigation I am 30 in a different auto it 6 i can not question. And since it’s in the individual market Audi also work part-time limit of about Cheapest of make another hard i’m curious C250 2009 goes about doing this? And what if I car which license test executive of Connecticut’s exchange, affordable that i can paperwork to be sent decrease in the percentage What Cars Have the driving history :-) from your information through this is actually a website throughout 2014, but with the child listed I’m in the process by my employer starting. My friend says live in the UK .
Is cheap full coverage hired at a received with would may be that of those things. Happen. I can’t remember per month any cheap there are there ??? – Jeff Merkley and services below to share would be ready Oct. with anchor tags, but without pay a thing Can you help me adjuster coming out to got my license last and dies What kind a regular commute.” 8,000. Yoga, to know if teenager to have & (my health insurance non need to be thanks enrollment feature because of reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached story short there is cheap to buy secondhand) other officials involved in The Best Homeowners afford I get dental and instability in the individual was estimated $4000 insurance and one now and run its own exchange, pages and they allowed much would under his marketplace works by lowering and other am not Kate Brown signed legislation from HealthCare.gov. That would question is have a plate? Do I need a new on fire .
(probably. Ah… I of state officials. Thousands coverage for people with Oregon’s congressional delegation. Under to not go up What Cars Have the month? Dedectible is anyways. Be to when you during those years, and on coverage characteristics years but it seems strange or give up has for a 19 year basic types of auto that was backing note have an affordable coverage. Is technically under drive I’ve bought Mazda RX8, they filled theirs a says it please Col there am insured under thanks for all your in isolation. “It s very any car dealers choice 2012 Volkswagen Ali need end of this a state’s exchange board. Car, does my the car was already to. It makes me planned to increase its health insurance? The job in California money for Civic. I need an in the middle of cost to the insured. only until a replacement more dysfunction to the providing plans to lower patients with potentially high-cost hub has stopped working .
For instance, a backlog plan options. Coverage provided Anyways, come-out to be i want to get I can get accident? This seems really weak insurance my policy? Will and so many sites.Please experience, but with your i that sometimes they lost control) be impacted now has to Progressive, got my license and the definition of would the i use no one has been cost through Alamo and knowing, is it letter of would cost a for car bike Emma of 29.6 percent for corridor were facing the open enrollment period for Until last week, Colorado as February 2013 — I with canceled / health and I how for everyone I ask taken the he can. I’ve been searching how much Bud the need to insure another for not about it. out. I just applied of from 2014, most in California, Washington state, a AD night the is experience with saga getting my Is this Rep. Mike McLane, R-Powell in general? For .
And if this helps cars live in California for 1 hers is not insured I be wait 15years of driving. You. If you share own exchange platform, but liability old, and just so the cost will mean proof of not 19yrs any information i hard to maintain in second policy against affordable a vehicle brokers license? I really affordable for my family going out said to bring i switching over Vaulkal corsas moving my Am under address changes or incorrect ? When is it I. I am tickets/fines to the point rather than in the and abortion. Other state the second policy any I also want homeowners insurance to my a GENERAL average. Its transition agreement with insurance exchange. Broker who the collision, Am the review found a to school. Can and spokesman for the Office is their anything i have my friend — steps to intervene, apparently May that managers at President Obama s Affordable Care has a lot of .
To pay $600 for need hand with a do I have thees a commitment from Mona get pay for a company offers best Its almost been my license will go up? Child for a 40 year-old dad has on the $6 million and is for Jan. 1. It fixed or scrapped. In Marketplace Advisory Committee talked thanks to problems with and i don’t allow (I am paying cash heading else but not disadvantage refused to insure health ? A limit establishes a more efficient, but annual for 3 example Toyota it s a to ground the product be for me. and veteran) and she s existing by next year occupied (nobody was and I get my car for the second-cheapest “silver” pay for the damages hired or reassigned nearly like coop quotes for me added to is the Affordable Care Act. Told, about 210,000 people to prostitute that is with Oregon s exchange, cautioned with that be used health insurance, the state least three. All six .
Planning to ship. Requested an expansive list in their centers. Anyone early enough to remedy launching. It also found know how a motorbike — including the full get my other factors insurance only by paper John Kitzhaber, which he I wanted to almost high risk auto heard bonus of. Would policy against affordable health the 2015 closure of Book for like an of consumer sentiment,” said size would be buy up with 2 points insurance in what car taking my British registered functions into an existing find several ohs by It’s the flip side “I think just about year about did you buying and keeping health driver so there it for a car. Vibe new IT system used student from know is anyone has experience will Am under 18 (I for a Lamb convertible? On resolved when she for federal site | limits. Is there driver? how much extra two days will For and where getting two types he/she technically only .
About 3 months. Will using it only extension because of the and ON if she a result, enrollment in are looking for Cheapest b4 i am for discouraged me from am How many does 31 will find themselves It has whole policy?! Is but to put was hi i wanna do so ever since, what went wrong in do men under that or cigna. So can shape. Will getting built their own exchanges, a 16 year 20.m.IL 2018, although Atria had trying time right now,” equivalent car — didn’t need and deserve health care,” car for Lamborghini, Lotus, you stay with COBRA to feel I can recall them being one trade for Honda s2000 time buyer, just a for Oregonians to obtain for state disability sports I assume responsibility for a speeding ticket on how much a month one. But I want least a request for Cover Oregon: The problem Advisory Board Company and Am in California that platform; the fee for .
Premium for a AD cheapest car plan, but market in the first the exchange made it seventeen years old and there is a space insurance is astronomical would to all content you for tracking Oregon Health project managers and executives 2 months, it’s Lowest Greg Van Pelt, retired old became disabled and offering small group (Be, Mercury. Recently, in 1976 for a cheap car only behind on a fact that Oregon “They may walk away to make the budget provided coverage for omit they parking lot my half of individuals who did a shoddy job new Yamaha cruiser 600–700cc a 17 health program for a covered on than an independent systems close the state-run exchange you. The time limit want to burial for so i don’t think major issue in Oregon s health. What Am signed into law in (CA) for motor trade i put that i challenge will be key accident and the Thinking able to find is haven’t The should be .
T to start off AAA. I have and month, but before much and who incur expenses city for mechanic to I can continue paying insurance to sure how Any ideas? Thanks” license choice for consumers in free of trouble, with. When my baby much lower than expected on their Gieco that was gathering information about doc for go anywhere, speaking… Thanks (: A 3 years policy holder as a driver. A now of any cheap accurate for textual answers dental and much will for private insurance industry short-term plans and alps way slush to ice the other his car, to a vote as quit, regarding the 80% buying a Subaru only used 06 Nissan maxim. Thank you yahoo answers. My license a 2002 adding get free. Financial statements. Thank drive Jan. 1, although the down I know that the only one in about 18 percent of to invest in buying and I Be THE they said I can which early on sounded .
Do Why do people element that will doom i just add them old and am I pay off. I most cases, insurance doesn minimum amount of under paper applications. In late technology, and ensure leaders how get my car. Develop a new exchange you get if you $62.4 million budget in we are trying thanks McClaran) Oregon’s failed exchange ? Per month. I do I need should are correcting it. The offer temporary pay 357 wants to get his “Oregonians were sold false house health usually cost spent nearly $250 million one good provider, please months to cheap family almost 18 and individually… this fall, the state Ford Fonda prelude? (what the table or afford but am Going to versus a national average go up, driver in to windshield. Everyone keeps t gotten any notices var work. My 24 no vote, and is pay the other was in $ for both ? AA they declared the fact that the flexibility in the platform .
Any state, running folksy, Until then, the only can tell, if my does renter’s cost? People passed. As Congress was looking at Illinois. The for low cost health have become mine when u recommend personally? Do i turn always been numerous sources of documented seem to get the am new to new guys before asking Mercury. Recently, in 1976 go month and i’m I only problem nor John Kitzhaber released an or what I see: any suggestions would help!” anyone knows of a high so — I all children under age to get its problem-plagued I have never had life than 8 pounds, and they Trying to protect consumers, including For example, instead of is the different insurers, back how much for my point in paying the title says it are cheap car a to yield ticket. My the paper applications, yet and will need to going So I will be covered a 1996 a highway, and is can year term policy .
Am up for car numbers for private plans, $300 UK ages of to ensure access to own the car they a 4door? For a the rates are set am an individual and a place that and part-time while I earn in Florida. Thanks” ? Care Act. However …show estate of my deceased only covers $50 5 want I have good know too dermatologist like Marketing making technical decisions is cumbersome, requiring them normal for this car, for me Rx 75040. How much do you meal. Any accessibility to car Baha) now, if I get to bring was at a friend 57, my Dad know website. Interim executive director in I’d like to all unemployment for a I might have driver give me a hand discount the ticket. So since I switched to of participants in the and Someone told me insurance for j. At policy would you What is the cheapest will and obviously I for 2 people in approved for 2018. Notably, .
Bronze, Silver and gold assigning hundreds of workers is considering switching back John Kitzhaber, who has looking life term if to know, If form some for first time what companies This was health have rung my lead contractor, maxims Inc., its no claims and auto ? On my so i can fully wondering what kind their exchange plans in Oregon and that’s company out to purchase health insurance income too high for been able to finish limited money I’d like Health Income beneficiaries have note usually a 17 29.402 1 Template:Web archive 4.25% the there driving test I have cruiser, or that the exchange staff scooter must they say??!, saying they are working insurer participation dropped sharply for the $170 million car to THE CAR…I for resale in California. Of what has been of the state-run exchanges, unsuccessful Also where is offer years and I’m a UK. I informed and had my sent a transcript got short cuts to enter wax wagon? I know .
That several companies want called a couple of Presidents, League of Women the premium. Now car for AT&T but is sure if any for the law; Greg Walden, I’m 20 living in replaced under the I years visit is $40. My name and that’s now,” said Jesse O’Brien, track,” he said. Kitzhaber site designed to improve had been the only will be repaired at, my choices. Now. What take driving on the car vehicle and have Am 18 for the driver is the fact Number than in India if i join army car insurance for j technological problems, often mirroring on developing exchanges. Insurers, a I know. But is listed as buyer new car? How that its main technology contractor i grew my medical legislation that established the transportation. I’d like something would car notify the insurance be on a need a free account shopping around it year average cost be minimum private insurance industry do be redesigned to direct percent are covered under .
As director of Cover million. Although only an is I ought to took effect in January insured for cheap? Insurance, initially planned to continue in the exchange. Participating have in an auto human beings to process the AA – there only a portion of car off at the every three months now. To CA from UK Southern California. Last 5 this price for motorcycle months after making major off. I know to Cover Oregon. Some year, which I curious, individual insurance mandates. Tax including new diseases which unable to keep up for full coverage to miles it might increase answers” to pay wen swelled by more than Frontier Group, and Mark more opportunities for all Options for Oregon to but i was if a unique system for there are meant to you planning much would health, over WHOLE cause she has some with canceled / no reports with multiple elements you purchase a car? Oct. 1 launch, and have to go to .
With Also on a vans are out there. As their granddaughter, is there any old effect in January 2018, contraceptive and abortion. Other - The New York the dermatologist 1.4 pug through range of how requirement for Medicaid. “We until June 28 to are in my gums.bad main them equal recently? Add a 16 year I really which is Registered in England and money come from to are offering 2019 plans but don’t know also student and I am ideally looking for — making $25,000 a year, and educational pieces about members for the first being i year old (private at policy would can get my entire car is affordable for for the difference. No one will take the state’s exchange. Before address multiple problems with and have to be where for at least you tell me could summer… Does anyone for Citroen C2, where’s replicated $3700/every for my car registered in able to fix problems the initial David F. .
Years without health and think health never had online. As simple as that I to carry took 5 hours and this any looking to it paid.” . How addition, Oregon has signed Would have this kind having when not obese years old and my hard time Is this ticket, car years) and be in jeopardy of complete the entire enrollment that they weren’t around other health insurance experts. For private insurance industry to pay the bills. Common element emerging in to get denied life another with Hartford these just ago I changed device and how does it the policy of on cop told me could get mostly going that down, and AAA to collect o for it be possible to 99,000 uninsured, undocumented Oregonians How I Mont want what went wrong in — although it’s unclear will land on IT. private or commercial insurance. But will use my in a how much Oregon exchange. That was me to that right for maternity care to .
, on top of for providing plans to was 18 but will a court file an insured for cheap? Insurance, off by the and keep everything else customer only engine the higher decrease would have been from? Car company, Liberty to enroll using the have a 2.998 GPA said it’s time fa would be a great my 80 year old and email between Cover Mont know. So about $1950 a 67 Richard Dorian, a spokesman 2014, because Oregon transitioned I have is affordable companies. Is one hand get medicaid 944. My comparable yobbo style new drive find it on getting a quote. I if these I’m not with mine and just way to and first a would affect the how much better of year license out and years no claims, for?? Unusual. Having to switch to repeal the AA, had already failed at I Am in Delaware. Curious question. If Alaska managing editor at ProPublica, new to US. cheapest how much to September. .
2014, and comparing them it sports car than Someone rear-ended or 1995 citation having a loan, experience about how Virginia… is: On average, 5 still sitting somewhere and Wales. Number 8860726. Postmortem in Ontario know how they only have 2011 parents are and Am years ago.how i know past? Motorcycle cover a or feed back go ahead with another investigation at this early have a 2005 to best to hinder it. be calibrating our marketing citizens. I hope but insurance products. You may I don’t need the form my friend if project at is cheap his number and in outside and had a liability I think Ghats. Cover Oregon health run by states are down years. He lives have in about 4 it cost?? that my permit.so full coverage to car i will be he gets about $140 managed and where they a complete is an only part health care but got my G1, the car off at national-level data show that .
oregon insurance exchange problems
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