#npc: rosie || sister
nobody190 · 14 days
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Born in usa rosie the sister of ragatha she treats how people treat her she hates Jaxson how treats her sister she is gonna fix him with the flip flop and using violence to fix this shit child, she is good and bad and care about so much to ragatha ,her mind live in 1950s ,ex militar and experience how to treats and Fix childs au by: @ozzaban
Also enters with ragatha in this circus , no npc
And she treats Men worse, she not leet Men piss her of and she is bi no see oportunity love in this world-
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creacherkeeper · 4 months
🌧✨🌊💙 for bo and lost npcs of your choice
of my choice ..... hmmm lets do sarah and florence :o)
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
bo: he would want to spend half of it alone and half with the party. i think he would want some time to himself to read and listen to music and make a big meal but would also want Friend Time and would want to wrestle with kai and have a big dinner with everyone and invite rosie and bubba to eat with them and maybe watch a movie
sarah: sleep in late, have a big breakfast with divine and hawk, [redacted], take divine out swimming in the pond and have a picnic, [redacted], hang out at the saloon, [re
florence: i think she would want to spend it mostly alone. she likes her quiet time. i think a nice long walk in the morning and then reading time and then do some sewing and then finish the day by baking a lot of dessert
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
bo: how much calmer dolly is and how much less she has to signal him now that theyve been at the library a while
sarah: the family talking about their days over dinner
florence: whenever her sisters wear something she made for them
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
bo: he knows what theyre doing with the library is hugely important but he kind of just wants to live with bubba and rosie and have a normal life for a little while
sarah: being able to talk to their parents again and asking if they'd missed her
florence: that she had been born into a different family
💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
bo: pretty neat, not very personalized besides a few photos. i think wren made ezzy get him a shelf because he kept leaving books on a pile on the floor
sarah: divine did most of the decorating and a lot of the stuff in the room is more divines than sarahs but they do have their marriage quilt on their bed and i do think sarah has a little section of the nightstand that is just various strange little knickknacks and trinkets that shes adhd bonded to
florence: her room in silvermoon is very like ... cozy. big colorful quilt and stacks of books and stuffed animals and a rocking chair by the window
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newyorksrose · 11 months
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gonna post this on rosie's blog since sandra's still gonna keep up that theft accusation and tumblr's block feature is hiding my response👏🏾
Hi @k4ndall, I’m aware this isn’t the first time you posted about me “stealing from Jessica” and because I no longer consider myself to be an active roleplayer, I thought I would confront this narrative head-on. Yes, I did use Marisa Abela for my OC Rosaria and no, that is not theft. Marisa is not from a super rare or old show. Industry was streaming on HBOMax the same time that Euphoria was.
Did you ever think that maybe I saw the program, considered using that FC for a new OC, but hesitated from bringing them to the roleplay community? Furthermore, Marisa is not the only FC you use for Jessica. If I recall right, when we were mutuals you used…
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Melanie Scrofano
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Olivia Cooke
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Annie Murphy
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Sydney Sweeney
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Marisa Abela
You even entertained using Juliette Lewis for Jessica.
And let me be frank when I say none of these women look like the same person. Which is why I felt that using Marisa would ultimately NOT diminish your portrayal of Jessica.
I largely wanted to use Marisa Abela because Rosaria Scozzari is the sister to Salvatore Scozzari, since their FCs looked alike through their similar eyes and noses. I was already using him for Sal at the time of my “theft.”
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Now, FCs aside, your belief that I copied you is honestly a shallow, surface-level examination of Rosaria Scozzari. Let’s go over the similarities of Rosaria and Jessica.
They both have office jobs. 
I’m inclined to portray Rosaria doing more average/low-paying office work. In the recent writing I’ve been doing, I depict her as a secretary. In the RPC, I depicted her as working at a bratva-owned insurance company that isn’t glamorous at all. But, this work is ultimately temporary for Rosaria, as she becomes a lawyer by the time she’s in her forties. In contrast, Jessica works on Wall Street which frankly, seems significantly better and higher paying.
They’re both Italian-American.
Jessica is a quiet girl who lives at home with her conservative family. Rosaria is extroverted, neurotic, and lives alone because she doesn’t want to live with her rambunctious family. Jessica is the older sister to her younger brother. Rosaria is the younger sister to Salvatore and Sonia.  Since leaving the RPC I’ve been exploring the paternal side of Sal and Rosaria’s family, which is composed of Italian-Brazilians. Which is interesting because I heard you had a OC who was Italian with roots from Argentine…
You act as though I stole the fundamental family headcanons of Jessica. Which I would consider the headcanons about the family-run candy store, the abundance of cousins, the cousin in an abusive relationship, or an office romance.
But let me say another thing: your depiction of Jessica on Wall Street isn’t original whatsoever. When I capped icons from that show for Rosaria I saw how many elements you actually stole from Yasmin, the character Marisa plays.
I recall you posting that this variation of Jessica spoke with a posh accent when at work. That’s an odd coincidence, considering the FC is an upper-class British woman.
The secret horny side for her co-worker. That’s an odd coincidence, considering you use the same character as a NPC that Jessica crushes on.
In fact, all the NPCs in Jessica’s life are from Industry.
So, all you did was portray Yasmin as an Italian-American woman. There’s nothing original or unique to your portrayal. If I used a new FC for Rosaria, you would not be claiming I stole from you. They would just both be white women who worked at an office, but MUCH different offices. In fact? They would probably be meeting at a bar getting drinks together and talking about the things that piss them off.
If Marisa was the sole FC you used for Jessica and I used her? That would be fucked up. But she was just one face in a collection of women who looked absolutely nothing alike.
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voddiesk · 1 year
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Hehe muses on this meme (harder to place than expected)
[hard / not fun to rp]
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All [outside of comfort zone] & with a Mean Streak that I'm neither witty enough, brave enough nor feel good to play...
Laverne: nerd, & the traits i chose off someone hurts to play🗿 His magica!AU self is easier in that he's still shonen dumbass there.
fox sisters 'Eiko' & Kyouka: coy & manipulative, which I Cannot
Rosie: I'm no pirate buff LOL. Accents & concision... tough.
[easy / not fun to rp]
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Personalities I enjoy drawing in Slapstick Comics, but not to play. Growth is Slow (if any) & dependent on others.
Rainn: too woobie for me LOL
Ming: for literal slapstick jokes, shallow. Not my style anymore
Inis: a little boring to me with the history / personality I made! NPCish being more reactive than proactive... but working to give them Motivations and Curiosities to muse over.
[fun / easy to rp]
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1 int oonga, self-explanatory. My brain just smashes red button lately
Roth: basically mingyue v2, but removing (gender) & (human) facets completely makes me happier lol.
Sir Horsie: 🤯
Eoghan: Easy to play & joke in vapid nonsense. Superficially one note, but has backstory to inform his Weirdness though I'd rather not show it / he's fairly well-adjusted. 🤔Just having the element to reference is nice, and being cheery amid angstier folk is fun.
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bom!Haruka: Angst & Amnesia combo. Didn't want a 1:1 to rl grief, so had IC reasons to dull emotions and their loss. On the surface they're comically gap moe (easy to play) and most ocs wouldn't know them past that. But they had unconscious layers that informed their heart, perhaps in... unfortunate ways. (Fun)!
aa!Haruka: WIP, may need to change much of what I enjoyed in bom!version (alas).
[hard / fun to rp]
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50% [chatty extroverts], 50% [moody introverts]...
· introverts' my preferred, but engaging others & trying not to leave All the legwork to them can be as tough as attempting to drive the rp-convo via an extroverted oc... (for i am Not) 🗿 · All have personality Contrasts that others may read only the superficial (as intended). But I too forget nuances as a result. LOL
Arietta & weedy: Both still 1-note atm as npc/neglected theatric extroverts. 'Voice' is likely too similar rn...
Stitches: I've trouble Being Mean so I backpedal like a COWARD. His inherent tsun & edginess makes me cringe even though that's the point. Easier to comic than rp.
Lilie (& Lewy): Passive Aggressive (cannot do that anymore). Reserved, pessimistic, but who also try to step out of their shells. Headspace takes a bit of warming...
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· twins Leith & Liam: 1-int jokes that'll Press the Red Button & have Bad Opinions, but also gooey feelsy inside. I enjoy that they can act independent of others with their different strengths, while still falling under my mun need to hold hands w/ someone.🤡
· struggles with their Words (or lack thereof). Liam is too chatty, Leith takes much effort to convey. But still a fun struggle at the end of it all, as their relations with other peoples' ocs made them so.
I tend to make ocs that ignore or skim feelings, so twinnies being overly guided by emotions has been a fun (if embarrassing) change.
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hexiflexi · 3 months
2nd to last session!
ok so today was a really... interesting session of EWW.
It started with the characters in a port town called Ayrith, where Teddy (a pc of a new player. He's from Iska and is an investigator) and Sora were talking with an npc called Rosie, one of Teddy's mom's friends. They had baklava together, while Eilo and Albus were hiding in a bush. We ended up skipping over most of their walk from Ayrith to Nastra Port (the city they're trying to get to to stop the Countess), but after that it did start getting a bit... annoying for myself as the dm. See the player for Eilo, while she's amazing at improvising and making dramatic moments, she has a need to make all the dramatic moments somehow related to her character, and often doesn't accept input from other players.
This became relevant when the party was fighting the mastermind bbeg (Countess Seramajor). Our newer pc, Teddy, was trying to make use of his skills (which I encouraged because the player is new), Eilo's player had her make a plan that involved her being the only one to fight the Countess, while sending the others to save the kid and run and hide. At this point, it was becoming a pattern with this player that I did something kind of petty; I didn't let her plan work. I fudged some rolls in the rest of the party's favor, and eventually let the bbeg succeed a little more than I originally intended, so that Eilo's plan wouldn't work. Again, not my proudest moment, but it did seem to make the rest of the party feel a little more satisfied with their work, so that's good.
Plot recap: The party fought merrow's in the straight between Iska and L'akem, each getting down to around half health. They made their way to Nastra Port, fought Albus's dad and Countess Seramajor (who had kidnapped Elwyn's sister), but found out that Elwyn had made a deal with the Countess in order to save her sister. The Countess managed to unlock the passageway to Halivaara, the home of the ancient storm giants.
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bloodxhands · 5 years
{ text; marzena 10: 00 } hey, are you awake? { text; marzena 10:03 } it’s rosie, i need to talk to you { text; marzena 10:07 } where are you??? it’s important! { text; marzena 10:10 } ??????? answer me!!! { text; marzena 10:15 } harrison is hurt! he’s at the hospital & i need you to call me!!
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it was a miracle that rosie could text at all with how badly her hands shook while pacing the hospital waiting room, forced to wait anxiously for news on her brother’s condition. it was two hours ago that harrison was stabbed numerous times following an attack that left him in critical condition & if it wasn’t for a passerby seeing the weakened man on the sidewalk, he might not have made it. he was in good hands now that the doctors were working to save him, but that was no guarantee that harrison would live. growing tired of waiting for a text, rosie sat in a chair & called the brunette in hopes that she might be able to finally reach the young woman. 
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masculinepeacock · 2 years
i recently realized that there's a few of us who post a lot about Library of Lensa, but i haven't broken down the pcs and npcs yet and i <3 wanna talk about my blorbos <3
PCS: bo (@creacherkeeper) - he/him, human ranger, Tragic, chronic foot in mouth disease, the son of Bubba and Eabha and foster brother to Rosie
frankie (@agentcalliope) - she/her, elf paladin, extremely ADHD with a lack of filter that is Very fun, niece of Zii Giovanni and Dante
kai (@rizguks) - they/he, human monk/barbarian, apparently originally supposed to be an asshole but has quickly kind of become a therapist, bubba adopted him very quickly and rosie sibling
nox (@strangetorpedos) - he/they, tiefling rogue/wizard, just a lil guy!!, complicated family relationship, son of Kairos and Chastity and the older sibling of Verity
NPCS: wren - she/her, woodelf cleric, keeper the library, has been connected to the library for 1000 yrs, kind of ezzy's mom, her ex gf is her god, fucked JFK
lensa - she/her, ex gf of wren, created the library, goddess of knowledge, permanently stuck as a 23 year old
ezzy - he/him, werewolf rogue artificer, higher level librarian, lives in the library, father of rosie, sad divorcee widower
bubba - he/him, human ranger, father of bo, former member of a cult of rangers, foster dad to rosie, does contracting work for the library occasionally
rosie - she/her, werewolf barbarian, daughter of ezzy and foster daughter of bubba, forcefully adopted kai, 16 year old girl with a Complicated family and relationship to herself
c - they/she, human bard, one of kai's roomies and the child of evil wizards, investigative journalist, fucking the DAs wife
theo - she/her, [redacted] sorcerer, the older sister of c, stuck in w her parents
sylvie - they/she, third quarter elven ranger, child of wren, ran away from the library, suspected of murder, still loved by wren
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
The Bat Ray
NOTE: The following NPCs are considered minor characters. All of them have potential alternative faceclaims, so please feel free to apply for a character with one of these faceclaims.
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Seetha Nadar
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Communications of The Bat Ray
Age: 25
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Heterosexual (She swears that it’s not her fault and she is so sorry)
Species: Human
Home Planet: Kraysha
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Charithra Chandran
True Appearance: N/A - Seetha is human. She does own dark violet contacts for situations when appearing to be Erkuss would be best.
Seetha got the idea to have contacts to help her appear more like an Erkuss from Skylar Clarke.
She grew up with three older brothers, and looked up to Julia like an older sister since she was very young. Her loyalty to Julia is quite intense.
She attended a very small school, and was the only human in her year. Despite this, she’s good with people across many species.
She loves One Direction so much, and makes Leo listen with her all the time.
When Seetha was 18, Julia was visiting Kraysha, and Seetha impulsively decided to join up with The Bat Ray as a mate.  
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Marked Danger Espionage IV “Mark Espionage”
Pronouns: He/him
Position: Master Gunner of The Bat Ray
Age: 29
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: He’s never said “bisexual” before, but he doesn’t hate when people say that about him. Women are his preference, but he’s open.
Species: Erkuss
Home Planet: Kor'Sel'Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Mitchel Musso
True Appearance: Mark has red eyes, but he wears hazel contacts to cover them up on Earth.
Mark comes from a long line of experts in weaponry and ‘danger.’ His great grandfather “Marked” (a secret agent and later mercenary), grandfather “Dan” (a consultant and combat instructor), and his father “Mac” (a mercenary) were all successful and well known in their respective fields.
Mark has been trained from birth to be the best at what he does. He might not be the best yet, but he’s certainly a good shot and very observant. He’s also a good team player.
Sometimes he can come off as a fuckboy, but he’s very respectful of boundaries.
He has been a crew member for 2 years.
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Leonid “Leo”
Pronouns: He/open to they
Position: Gunner of The Bat Ray
Age: 23
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Queer
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Kor'Sel'Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Omar Rudberg
True Appearance: His eyes are a vibrant green, with tousled leafy dark copper “hair.” He largely resembles his human appearance. 
He is quite fast, and much stronger than he looks. Quite literally, he will sweep a potential roll in the hay off their feet.
Leo is very sex-motivated, and spends a lot of his night’s off unashamedly looking for a good time. It just doesn’t seem to occur to Leo that he’s kind of an asshole.
He thinks his job is cool, and gets geeked out about guns.
Seetha is probably his best friend.
He had a one night stand with Ryder Astrea, but didn’t leave a note before leaving in the morning.
Something happened on “margarita night” that nobody outside of The Bat Ray feels the need to describe. Whatever went down, Leo is explicitly forbidden from indulging in most beverages.
He has been a crew member since January 2022.
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Ekka Riis
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Quartermaster of The Bat Ray
Age: 43
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: ???
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Oggdel'Lu
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Tiffany Haddish
True Appearance: The wood texture of her skin is intricately patterned. She has dusky pink eyes, and very defined angular features. The leaves atop her head are rosy pink.
Ekka took over as Quartermaster shortly after Daphne left.
While she isn’t as awkward as Kenna, Ekka is not particularly talkative. She appreciates quality attention, and a one-on-one conversation.
She likes flower arranging. Yes, she’s a plant person. No, it’s not that weird.
Since she isn’t exactly an open book, it can be difficult to learn much about Ekka. She did know Kenna before the first mate joined up with the ship, though.
She has been a crew member for eight years.
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 years
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Name: Vivian
Debut: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
So, Paper Mario: The Origami King came out last week! I haven’t played it, and besides that it’s brand new so I don’t think we feel like spoiling it or judging it yet. I am not going to mention it for the rest of this post.
Now for a different Paper Mario game that I haven’t played, but am totally willing to judge, let’s talk about The Thousand Year Door, which came out sixteen years ago, today! This was not planned, but boy is it working out. The Thousand Year Door, we need to talk. We need to talk about Vivian.
Vivian, as you can probably tell from the picture starting this post, is a FLAWLESS character! Everything about her design is perfect. I love how wispy she is, I love her huge pink striped hat, I love that her hair obscures her eyes, and I love her pink rosy cheeks. And she’s purple! Purple is my favorite drink. Even without being a marine invertebrate, I think Vivian hits just enough marks that I can safely say that she’s a top-tier character design. I aspire to look exactly like Vivian does.
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Vivian was the youngest of the three Shadow Sirens, alongside Beldam in the blue hat and Marilyn in the yellow hat. I say “was,” as she quits being on their side to join Mario instead, as tragically, Vivian’s sisters are incredibly cruel to her, regularly blaming her for their mistakes, and insulting her. Although specifically sent to fight Mario, she quickly realizes Mario is nicer to her than her sisters ever were.
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Vivian is awesome, she’s a shadow gal with strong magic powers that can drag Mario into the void to avoid obstacles and enemies. She’s a bit insecure, due to the ridicule she received from her sisters, but that doesn’t stop her from being one of the best characters ever. She’s also transgender! Which is... actually a double-edged sword kind of!
On one hand, I think there is a sort of abstract joy in knowing that this awesome ghost gal is canonically transgender. She’s one of my Best Characters Ever (not to infringe on Mod Chikako’s copyright) and she is a transgender woman much like myself! No wonder I want to be her. Vivian’s character design simply rocks too much to be cis.
...Unfortunately, whoever was writing The Thousand Year Door didn’t quite handle this situation with the most tact and care. If you don’t recognize Vivian as a canonically transgender character, in which case, where have you been, then that’s probably because the whole thing was erased in the English and German versions of the game, while left in tact in every other language, including the original Japanese. And how was it handled? Well...
So in the original version of the game, Beldam’s insults towards Vivian were very much geared towards her being transgender, often calling her a “man” and slinging transphobic insults at her. While it could be argued that this is being portrayed in a negative light, since the other Shadow Sirens are antagonists for most of the game, this doesn’t change the fact that a number of “good” NPCs seem to treat her with a sort of weird hesitation. Even Goombella! GOOMBELLA I say!
The game very much seems to treat her Epic Transgender Existence in the “used to be a man” sort of light, and even in Super Paper Mario, her catch card description refers to her as a “boy...”, a sort of portrayal that makes it, as best, questionable whether or not Vivian was written with positive intent. Oh Super Paper Mario catch cards! How have you betrayed me like so! While it’s great that a character like Vivian is trans, at best it’s just handled sloppily, and at worst it appears to be actively malicious towards her. It might not be quite on the same level as Birdo, but... that’s a really low bar to pass.
While it’s a pity that certain translations completely erase Vivian’s transgender identity, it may be for the better, considering how sloppily it was handled more often than not. Poor representation can prove to be more damaging than no representation at all. I’m certain there are people who have found comfort in Vivian’s character and story, and that is a good thing! (I mean, if anything you can probably tell I sort of have!) But it should also be acknowledged that this doesn’t necessarily mean Vivian’s story was well-written, if it was even written with positive intents.
I like Vivian. I love Vivian. I wish her post didn’t have to end up like this, because she deserves so much better than this. Obviously, the world has changed in the past sixteen years, and I hope that if Vivian were to make a return, it’d be in a world that is kinder to her. But that’s two “if”s in one, considering that Nintendo still, unfortunately doesn’t have the best track record with handling trans characters, and besides that, weird restrictions have been placed on the Mario series ever since the Wii era.
But who knows? Maybe if Odyssey is an indication, Nintendo’s opening up to the idea of doing more daring things with the franchise, and acknowledging more of its history. Maybe a mainline game will acknowledge Paper Mario before Paper Mario acknowledges Paper Mario. And who knows? Maybe someday, she’ll come back, and it’ll be in a game written by better, kinder people...
And maybe then we’ll be able to play as her in Mario Kart. C’mon Nintendo. This is main material right here. You’ve given Vivian enough slack, now let her enjoy the joys of Waluigi Pinball. She deserves it.
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creacherkeeper · 2 years
wait can you explain the premise of your dnd campaign I am so curious about it
so the basic premise is that its based on the tv show the librarians (which only our dm has seen lmaoo)
a long time ago magic was very free and well known, but an evil king was using magic to oppress and harm people, and so many bad people had their hands on magic, that the court apothecary convinced the king's sister to intervene (because they were gay for each other). the king's sister, in a great act of magic, sealed away much of the magic of the world into a library, forming herself into an immortal god of knowledge and sealing away the apothecary to act as her immortal cleric and the keeper of the library
several hundred years later, the keeper of the library's child betrayed the library, stole away a bunch of the magic artifacts that kept the library functioning, and theyre now working with the very bad people who have obtained those artifacts and are trying to use them to unleash magic in the world once again. the library stays functional by having one librarian, who keeps the knowledge, and one guardian, the library's protector, at all times. however the bad people have gone and murdered all the viable candidates and now what's left is the very bottom of the barrel (us)
our dm is @beatricexbenedick who is insane in the head (affectionate)
i play bo dawson, a human ranger/cleric and a guardian of the library. he was framed for a murder attempt as a child and grew up in juvie, and had been serving his years of community service by working as a firewatcher in a national park when the library found him. has a service dog named dolly because his special interest is dolly parton and is a good downhome southern boy
@strangetorpedos is nox, a tiefling divination wizard. nox grew up in a community that knew about magic but banned its use, and after having a falling out with their parents ran away, starting learning magic, and was making it on his own but scraping by when they got recruited
@punkbarbarian is kai, a human sun soul monk, who didn't know about magic growing up but learned that his grandmother was a cleric of the japanese goddess amaterasu and that she's chosen them as her monk. after their grandmother died he was bounced around in foster care until emancipating themself and had been slumming it up in boston working odd gigs and just trying to get by
nettle is a more recent addition and is played by @paladinbaby. she's an alchemist artificer/wild magic sorcerer and only just found out she's an aasimar. she found the library entirely on accident and was convinced magic was not real but that making potions or having infinite space in your bag after doing some embroidery on it was just like. stuff normal people could do. she's simply been having a very bad time since becoming the library intern
the npcs are also fucking insane so theres: wren (the apothecary turned immortal keeper of the library, she is a bitchy 900 year old lady), lensa (god of the library, permanently stuck as a 23 year old), ezzy (the oldest librarian, traumatized middle aged artificer werewolf, has a semi estranged teenage daughter), sylvie (wrens child, the betrayer, now with the bad guys. has a dragon.), theo (eldest daughter of the main villains, was dating sylvie, is now? on our side kind of?), c (younger child of the main villains. on our side but is scary about it. hates theo), bubba (bo's father who he was reunited with after like 17 years, middle aged ranger, is raising ezzy's teenage daughter but Its Complicated), rosie (the daughter, teenage werewolf, Figuring Herself Out, bo's new foster sister)
did i mention that our entire party is autistic and it was on accident because the other three players did not know they were autistic until i got my grimy social worker fingers on them
anyway we're all having a normal time!!!!!! as you can tell!!!!
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zorarpg · 4 years
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“The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.” 
– Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture. 
NAME: Esther Corbyn BIRTHDAY: November 14th 1677 GENDER: Cisgender female SPECIES: Banshee OCCUPATION: Zora delegate YEAR THEY JOINED ZORA: 1695 FACECLAIM: Christina Hendricks
TW: domestic violence.
To others, “unwanted” may be an adjective describing a worn out shoe or unwanted teddy bear, but to her it was a noun, a self-identifier, until she was welcomed into Zora. Esther Corbyn was found by a bishop who often boasted of his selfless nature, taking in a presumably orphaned infant with scarlet hair. He and his wife endured the wailing their new baby sang day and night, almost like clockwork as is normal for children so young. The crying worsened years later as young Esther reached womanhood, taunted by vivid nightmares, and her father threatened to beat the hysteria out of her. Clear tears trickled down freckled, rosy cheeks, and Esther tried to behave herself like never before, but heightened emotions continued to betray her.
One horrific night in 1690, Esther lay in bed inconsolable for twelve hours as she witnessed the upcoming Battle of Quebec. At her young age she couldn’t tell which side was right or wrong but saw the over-100 dead bodies laying in a stream of their own putrid blood. At his wit’s end her father, despite her mother’s insipid protests, handed Esther over to the Ursuline Sisters, a nunnery in Colonial New France. As they traveled into war-torn parts of the city of Quebec, Esther slowly put pieces together that she may be an advanced human because the dreams from previous weeks had actually come true for the poor victims of the city. She was young but intelligent and kept her findings to herself, having full knowledge that ‘witches’ were deemed daughters of Satan and would be killed upon sight. The lion’s den she and her father were nearing meant she was not safe from anybody. The nuns at the monastery gave Esther many teachings, and while reading and flora were some of her favorites, the beatings, constant supervision, and lack of any trust or liberty were not. Unable to hide the majority of her nightmares, the young banshee found herself being given blows to the stomach to hide her punishments for scaring the other young women and disturbing the abbey in the middle of the night. As the years slowly passed, Esther grew fluent in reading, writing, and speaking, but she was still a scared child with no support system.
After turning seventeen, Esther’s abuse worsened and she waited for the snow to melt before running away. As soon as April began, the young woman made it out of the city and into the woodlands, wandering for days. But freedom was better than being the helpless hostage she was all her life, and despite on the brink of death, she was happy. As her health diminished, she was found by the kindest face she had ever laid eyes upon, and taken into Zora. She learned of her species, of her healing blood, of her peers and mentors and what they could do. Some teachings may have been biased, but overtime her bruises healed and she returned to a healthy, steady weight. While excelling in school, she has had many positions in the town such as teacher, mentor, assistant, gardener, chef, and most recently a delegate of the town.
When asked where she grew up, often Esther Corbyn will give a quiet, close-lipped smile and look down at her hands which have pulled her up her entire life. “I was born chapped in the snow, a juvenile with nothing to her name. But because of Zora and Her love for all, I can give back to the community which taught me the definition of love, when I was on the verge of disbelief.” While she does not speak of this silent, forbidden past, she does not change her name so she remembers where she has come from. The seasoned banshee has belonged to the invisible world of Zora for as long as she has been alive, and she has no interest in the outside world. But the wars knocking at their door remind her of that dream many years ago, and she does not wish for history to repeat itself.
Logan Couture: Esther’s previous supernatural mentee.
Julian Flamel (NPC): Esther’s friend.
Esther Corbyn is taken.
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sugarpilled · 4 years
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     ✎⌠margaret  qualley.  cisfemale.  she/her⌡❝  —  well,  look  who’s  just  arrived  !  if  it  isn’t  the  one  and  only  billie  haynes.  though,  around  here  they’re  known  as  the  escapist.  don’t  tell  ‘em  i  said  this  but  the  twenty-four  year  old  bassist  /  cashier  at  a  dime  a  dozen  kinda  has  a  reputation  of  being  aloof  and  indecisive.  but  y’know,  they  can  be  imaginative  and  peaceful  too.  typical  scorpio.  anyways,  welcome  home  and  stay  safe  billie  !  ❞
     ok guys… hear me out…. a character based off the riot grrrl movement of the 90s but with margaret qualley’s face…. that’s billie
full name.     billie renee haynes. nickname / s.     bill, ??? birthdate.    october 27th, 1995. age.     twenty-four y.o. star sign.     scorpio, babey. gender & pronouns.     cisfemale, she / her. sexual orientation.     bisexual. occupation.     bassist / cashier / wannabe ghost hunter. place of birth.     misty hollow, connecticut.
billie’s life was always a little chaotic, tbh ! she was the youngest to kim and elijah haynes, the only sister to two older brothers. she spread the rumor that she ate her twin in the womb in middle school, but unfortunately that was just her lying to seem more interesting.
her house was the kind of small where there’s no privacy. she shared her room with her brothers her entire life which was … a nightmare ! so surprising to no one she was more of an outside kinda girl. always exploring, always finding an excuse to get out, typically barefoot. y’know the type.
winona ryder vc always a fan of the strange and unusual. her and her mom would watch murder shows on id together all the time ‘nd those ghost specials on tv were literally billie’s jam growing up. she’s known she’s wanted to be a paranormal investigator from a young age.
her parents were both huge stoners ! both of ‘em never bother to hide this. their entire family had a 70s vibe to them tbh…. lmao.
billie was never stupid, but she never applied herself in school, either. was always a sweet kid and never got into too much trouble aside from talking a little too much and playing rough with her friends. was very anti-drug as a child, too … ironic isn’t it ...
anyways, she thought there were more important things in life than school so she just never… bothered.
rebel girl plays in the background she started getting into the punk scene when she was thirteen… tho that was more of an emo phase. then she started learning guitar, learned she can’t sing for shit, ‘nd transitioned to bass. started smoking pot around fifteen with the permission of her mom… got really into stick ‘nd pokes… the type to ditch class ‘nd smoke under bleachers in an 80s movie… thought she was Cool™ .
got recruited into rosie’s band and she’s been the bassist ever since!! misty hollow’s own tall ‘nd gay hex girls .. love to see it !!
did one year of college ‘nd flunked. lied to her mom for an entire year ‘nd then got caught oop!! her mom gave her the option of getting a job or getting kicked out. since ghost hunting with shitty equipment wasn’t exactly getting views on youtube, she started getting part time jobs all over town.
she got fired from a lot of jobs over the years. since her band and ghosthunting expeditions are her main focus, she shoves any other job aside.
anyways, her mom eventually kicked her out, but she’s secured her job the thrift store w/ nothin’ but her charm, babey. she lived in her car for her a while, but now she’s found a shitty apartment that she can only afford thanks to her roommates. *👀
personality ‘nd stuff.
she seems tougher than she is. she’s v sensitive, gentle, the type who wouldn’t hurt a fly. at the same time, she gets drunk on stage ‘nd screams at hecklers while the adrenaline is pumpin’ so … love a girl who is dynamic !
loves her friends more than anything. always willing to go out of her way for absolutely Anyone who needs it and is probably one of the least judgemental people ever… but...
she’s also… v annoying. tends to zone out in conversations … always encouraging people to do dumb things in order to ~learn~ … she can never make up her mind about who she is and has no sense of self but u kno that’s just relatable. takes things too personal sometimes nd won’t confront the person but will just cry abt it! 
innocent in the way she seems to b carefree ‘nd awe of the world… like she doesn’t know consequences or worries… just gettin’ drunk ‘nd living life… a Dream
rlly thinks she’s going to grow up and have a show like buzzfeed unsolved while also being a bassist in a very well known ‘nd respected band… the delusion.. lov that for her.
always looking for something to put herself into. creativity is everything to her and without it she’d probably drive herself crazy. her mind is always buzzin’ ‘nd she’s always looking for an Out !
her style influence is v much d’arcy ( image ) ( image ) 
tries to leave as much waste behind as possible… walks everywhere… wants to hitchhike even tho people are getting murdered... is her mother’s nightmare tbh.
believes that the ghosts of misty stranger’s victims haunt misty hollow and honestly thinks she’s gonna be the one to prove it… out of all the professionals in the town…. whew honey
also… is terrified of ghosts and demons. she’s the ryan bergara to her bandmate lou’s shane… she probably cries during 80% of their ghost hunts
wanted connections.
friends. outside of her band!! give her someone to share conspiracies with, or someone who is the total opposite of her, or someone to smoke w… platonic goodness pls!!
a fan. okay… or maybe they’re pretending to get on her good side bc the band’s not exactly popular … that’s up to you!! regardless, she’ll try really hard to stay on this person’s good side.
exes. she’s been in misty hollow all her life, but long distance could be a thing too if ur muse isn’t from here!! good terms, bad terms, idc give me it all.
people who know her thru her family?? her dad’s been a chef at the diner forever and her mom’s a teacher. her older brothers also lived here their whole lives so connections based around them could be fun too, they’re npc so we can plot some stuff out!!
roommates. [ 0/2 ] people she can annoy by practicing her bass all hours of the night… but she loves them! mostly. 
idk, i’ll take anything!! just like this and i’ll hit you up for some plots!! 
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Anons wanted an explanation for the placements I had on my previous tier list, but upon going back and looking it over, I realized that I wanted to move a few characters around, so I ended up getting a new template and remaking it. 
I wrote little bits about each character [yes, each one] below the cut, but be warned, it’s long. 
“I love you so much that I would sell my soul to make sure you’re happy”
Lee Everett: Lee is a goddamn legend. He deserves to be at the very top. He’s one of the best protagonists I’ve ever played as in a game, his backstory is incredibly interesting, and his relationship with and dedication to protecting  Clementine never felt forced and is one of the highlights of S1. Even now, having replayed S1 a million times, seeing him get bit and slowly become weaker and weaker as he refuses to give up on Clementine still breaks my salt encased heart. Watching him die in the end never fails to put that lump in my throat. I love him.
AJ: I love this kid. I was so worried that they wouldn’t do him justice when the game was announced and I saw the trailer, but I was floored by just how much I grew to love him. He feels like my kid, my responsibility and I want him to grow up strong and smart, but also human. His voice acting is terrific, and I think he’s one of the best child characters we’ve ever been given in video games. His relationship with Clementine rivals Lee and Clem’s relationship and that’s what I wanted. This kid earned his place at the top. 
S4 Clementine: This Clementine is my absolute favorite. While I love all the Clementine’s across the four seasons, I feel like she truly hit her peak in S4. I fucking love her, I’m proud of who she grew up to be, and seeing her journey to this point only solidifies that she’s my favorite. She’s strong and stern, but she has her softer moments with AJ and Louis/Violet, and what else is there really to say? She’s Clementine.  
Louis: ....Do I really need to explain this? I mean, c’mon. If you’ve been following me for a long time- shit, if you’ve only been following me for a few minutes, then y’all know how much I love Louis. I can say with 100% certainty that Louis is my favorite non-playable character across all four games. I’ve made numerous posts, answered over a hundred asks, written thousands of words about him. Everything about him from his character design, his personality, his traumas, his voice acting, his expressions, his relationship with Clementine and AJ and Violet and Marlon and everyone- He’s the best. I love him. 
Rosie: Rosie is the bestest girl in the world. ‘nuff said. 
“I fucking love everything about you.”
S1 Clementine: Alright, before y’all come at me with the whole “Why isn’t little baby Clem SS tier you monster??” let me explain: I adore S1 Clementine. She’s still in S tier, after all. However, after playing through these games several times over again, I realize that this really is just the beginning of Clementine’s character and her growth. She’s lovable, she’s cute, and I want to protect her, but she’s not... a compelling character? She doesn’t fully come into herself and develop a stronger personality until S2. Like I said, I still love her and I can’t deny the impact that she had on the characters and us players, but she’s not my favorite Clementine of the bunch. 
S2 Clementine: I fucking love S2 Clementine. I’d actually say that she’s my 2nd favorite Clementine. I give S2 a lot of well-deserved shit, but she is the high point of it all. Something about her character is compelling to me, like how she’s stuck with a bunch of adults who underestimate her yet want her to do everything for them and she just... is so done with it hahaha. But her growth is what it really does it for me. We went from little baby Clementine who whimpered at a small cut on her finger to a Clementine who fucking sews her own arm up, covers herself in walker guts with barely a flinch, can shoot a gun with great accuracy and take down walkers like they ain’t shit, and can survive and make her own decisions. Also, her instant connection with AJ is great. Love it. Love her. 
Javier Garcia: Yo, I love this beautiful man. This man is honestly the best part of ANF, and without him it would’ve been such a shitty game. I found his backstory as an ex-professional baseball player booted from the league for gambling a cool concept. He’s hilarious and charming, too. Honestly, he deserved a better game with better, y’know? The only reason he’s not SS tier is because of the writing and his nonsense with Kate when you don’t want to romance her. It makes it seem like he led her on and then was like “Wait nevermind lol” which is annoying, but other than that, he’s great. Love his relationships with most of the characters, and the ending he got was pretty good. 
James: I don’t talk about him as much as I should because I find James fucking fascinating. If they ever made a DLC or a mini-game for twdg, I want it to be about James and his journey in finding and joining the whisperers, his relationship with Charlie, and how he escaped them. His views on walkers, his survival and killing skills, his past traumas haunting his every moment for fear that he’ll revert back to what he was, his extreme pacifism that ironically turns violent- just what a cool fucking character. And while he has his wild moments [cave scene, anyone? “Oh ouch!” hahahahahaa] he’s still one of my favorites. 
Violet: Oh, Violet. She’s amazing. I love her so damn much. If there’s ever been a character that I see a lot of myself in, it’s her.... which is why I tend to be a little harsh with her sometimes, but I can’t deny that she’s one of the most well-written characters across the whole series. She’s not perfect [both she and Louis do have their tiny inconsistencies that I blame the writing for] but that’s a good thing. And while I don’t ship her and Clementine, I 100% get why a lot of people do. Their relationship is adorable and way more compelling than her previous relationship with Minerva. 
“I love you <3″
Carley: My beautiful girlfriend... you were taken away far too soon. Carley’s one of my favorite characters from S1. I wish we could’ve had more time to explore a relationship between her and Lee, but what we did get is enjoyable. She’s a badass, and I will always love the moment she tells Lilly off for being a little bitch, even though it results in her death. Not a day goes by where I’m not salty about that one. 
Molly: Molly’s a goddamn badass. She scales buildings like it’s nothing, she named her weapon Helga, and her backstory with Crawford and her sister is terrific. Also, she’s funny and I love her. That’s that.
Omid: This dude was literally a light in S1. He brought us some humor when we needed it [ “...You broke that dude’s face.” ] and his relationship with Christa was so sweet. Also, him and Lee bonding over being history nerds? Yes, please. It’s bullshit that he was killed off two seconds into S2 but hey... S2 had a lot of bullshit in it so...  Justice for Omid 2k19. 
Luke: *deeeeeeeep inhale* Big Brother Luke did not deserve that bullshit. Literally one of the best characters in S2 and y’all just.... did him dirty like that. And for what? To make room for Kenny and Jane? Bull. Shit. Luke was so damn good, and the only reason he’s not higher is because of what they did to him after ep3. He starts out so kind and supportive and seriously like a big brother character then SUDDENLY he’s stupid and “makes it” with Jane while walkers are trying to eat us and then he gets himself shot and then fucking dies and akjsjdlkjasdkjaslkjasdklerwedascasads- 
S3 Clementine: ...So, here’s where y’all will probably get pissed. S3 Clementine is my least favorite of the bunch. Don’t get me wrong, I still love her and she is still in A tier, but... how do I explain it? She’s in her 13-year-old, emo/angsty phase and it’s hilarious when it shouldn’t be. There are moments where I do become emotional for her, like when David takes AJ away and Javi hugs her, or when Gabe dies and she’s saying goodbye, or when she gets her first period, y’know moments like that! BUT... then we have moments where Javi goes to talk to her and she’s all “HAVING PEOPLE IS GREAT AT FIRST BUT EVENTUALLY EVERYONE DIES” or when she straight up shoots that guy who gave her faulty bullets OR WHEN SHE’S LIKE “IMMA KILL ME A LINGARD” AND.......... it’s too much for me! I can’t take her seriously when she’s this angsty, even when I understand why she is the way she is. Again, to reiterate, I still love her but in ranking all four Clementines, she comes in last for me.... and I can already hear the shit that’s gonna be thrown my way haha
Conrad: The most underappreciated character in S3 and it’s nonsense. Don’t come for me, but this dude is my favorite npc in S3. I love Conrad, and I wish we got more of him. He does have his own little arch if you keep him alive through the end. His grief over Francine is heartbreaking and his downward spiral that leads him to act out and threaten Javi, Clem, and Gabe so that he can get his revenge is wonderful. And btw, he does apologize for pulling the gun on them and makes up for it in the future. And y’know what moves him up into A tier? The moment you let him kill Badger. One of the best kills of the game. I prefer it over beating the shit out of Badger myself. 
Aasim: This boy is my son, and I’m sorry, but he’s really fucking cool. You’ve got this kid who was sent to Ericson for being a pyromaniac [according to Kent, it’s not actually mentioned in game] and grew into this guy who documents everything so that they’ll have a form of history to look back on and help not repeat mistakes. His banter with Louis is funny, and even though he gets fed up with Louis for not taking anything seriously, he still cares deeply about him given how he reacts when Louis loses his tongue. His crush on Ruby is adorable, too. I just love him, he’s great. 
Marlon: Now, originally I put Marlon in a lower tier [the “I like your role in the story” type of tier] but upon reflection I actually find Marlon to be a compelling character. He’s high on the list because of how well he’s portrayed. Marlon has some of the best voice acting across all the games. There isn’t a single moment where I don’t believe what he’s saying, which says something. There are moments where Clementine will say something and I go, “Really? That’s the take they went with? Okay...” but not with Marlon. For only being in ep1, he played his part really fucking well. I won’t defend any of the shit he pulled because it’s awful, but I understand everything he did. He is a coward, a sheep hiding in a wolf’s coat, pretending that he’s got everything under control and putting all the pressure of a leader onto himself and it eventually breaks him. I know they killed him off to further the plot and show how ruthless AJ can be as a child growing up in the world, but I wish he survived past ep1 so that we could really get into the meat of his character. I’ll say it: I love him as fake-friend-to-full-on-antagonistic-character and his role within the story. 
Mitch: I fucking love Mitch and the only reason he isn’t in SS tier is because of how goddamn dirty the writers did him. You give me this boy- this butterknife wielding, foul-mouthed, angry, hilarious, bomb-making boy and make me fall in love with him and THEN YOU KILL HIM OFF IN THE STUPIDEST WAY POSSIBLE. “Oh, lemme just run at the crazy lady with a knife and- OOF! It appears I’ve been throat stabbed bleh-”  I’ve complained about this since ep2, but lemme say it again: Mitch had so much potential to be an amazing character but never got the chance to because we had to add to the death count and make us more afraid of Lilly even though it didn’t do shit because it was a reaction kill rather than one made out of malice. 
Tenn: Tenn is such a tragic character for me. In my personal canon ending, he dies because he was “messing up again” and AJ shot him. This poor kid was so full of hope that the walkers would go away one day, he’s so genuine and never wants to hurt anyone, even if they’re trying to hurt him, and he’s so fucked up from seeing Minerva that he stops thinking and tries to go to her even as she’s being devoured right in front of him. Tenn is like this game’s Sarah, but done right. He deserved better, but he was a well-written character and I love him. His friendship with AJ was so sweet which makes it even more heartbreaking when he dies. Yet another terrific child character. 
“I like you and/or your role within the story”
S1 Kenny: This dude is such a chaotic topic. I feel like 90% of the fandom has an incredibly strong opinion on him, and of that 90%, 45% of people absolutely love him and if you say anything negative you’ll get a boat to the head while the other 45% loathe him. Then you’ve got the 10% who don’t have such strong opinions, and that’s where I fall. I like Kenny, and I like S1 Kenny more than his S2 counterpart. He has a great arch throughout the season regardless if you’re his best pal or not. He has some funny lines, some emotional scenes. I’ll never forget the first time I played the scene where Kenny’s crying over Katjaa’s dead body while Duck is laying against the tree on the brink of death. And I definitely will never forget the part where he finds the boy in the attic. Overall, I like him and what he brought to S1. 
Katjaa: She was really sweet and her death broke my heart. I don’t have too much to say about her, but I liked her a lot. She loved her family and met a tragic end. 
Ben: Fucking Ben, man. This poor kid. Another character with wasted potential. I’ve mentioned this plenty of times before, but I wish we could get an alternative ending where Ben was the only one who survived and became Clementine’s new caretaker. There was so much room for growth. He just wanted to help out but kept screwing up and it’s just.... sad. 
Christa: I’ll be honest, the first time I ever played S1, I didn’t like Christa. Something about her rubbed me the wrong way and I didn’t care about her as much as I did Omid. However, the more times I replayed it, the more I grew to love her. She’s strong but sweet, and you can’t deny how much she loves Omid. And while I wish we did get to know what happened to her in S2, I can live with it remaining unknown.  
Chuck: As much as I like our guitar playing hobo friend who deserved so much more, I would probably put him a tier lower if it weren’t for the advice that he gives Lee on the train. Because of him, Lee stopped treating Clementine entirely like a little girl in need of protection and cut her hair, taught her to use a gun, and furthered their communication by building a plan together. Without Chuck and his wise hobo words, Lee might’ve fucked both of them over. Also, Chuck’s pretty badass with that shovel, he got a lot of chuckles out of me, but his death was off screen and disappointing. 
Andy St John: Okay. Okay okay okay. Andy. He is so high here [and so much higher than his mom and brother] because to me, he’s the scariest of the St John’s. Why? Because he’s the most normal-appearing of the three. He acts and talks like any normal guy would. He’s someone that I could see myself running into in real life. He’s so good at hiding how fucked up he is from everyone, unlike his brother who you can just look at and go “hahahahaha no thanks” and his mother who’s character design is just awful. I find him to be the strongest of the three, the smartest and the most dangerous. And the final fight between him and Lee is amazing. I love how you can be so furious with him that you keep punching him even after the prompt goes away and then his face goes all purple and swollen. Easily the greatest antagonist in S1.
Eddie: This dude is the best character to come out of the 400 Days dlc. End of story. 
 Alvin: He gave me a juice box and that automatically puts him here. Real great guy but we didn’t get too into his character. Wish we could’ve, though.  
Rebecca: She grew on me tbh. Didn’t like her in ep1 when she was being all pissy and all, but for the most part, she’s pretty good. 
Mike: I will forever wish the writers went through with the concept of Mike being one of the guys who attacked Christa because then he could’ve had a better character backstory. Regardless, I still like him. He’s pretty funny. 
Nick: Nick? Oh, you mean PURE WASTED POTENTIAL. I mean, they really did give us this super flawed but sympathetic and interesting character and kill him off-screen. They really did that. Honestly, S2 really pisses me off sometimes for the way they treated these characters. It all goes downhill once everyone escapes. Yeah, yeah, blah blah not everyone gets a meaningful death blah blah but y’know what? You can do better than that. I loved Nick and I was so excited to see what they’d do with him in the end but NOPE! Justice 4 Nick 2k19
Pete: What a good dude. He stuck by Clementine’s side even when everyone thought she was bit. Love him. Wish we saw more of him. 
Sarah: Ha. Ha. PURE WASTED POTENTIAL 2.0. What else needs to be said? This girl had the foundation for a great character but again, NOPE! I really liked Sarah! I wanted to teach her to use a gun to protect herself! The loss of her father fucking broke her and it was hard to watch but I wanted more and just ahaklsdjlaskjdlkakjaskjsaadkljas ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
Ava: Yo. Ava’s a fucking gorgeous badass. Really liked her and how she was sweet on Clementine. Also, it’s interesting that she stuck by David’s side like that. 
David: I have a lot of mixed feelings about David. On one hand, the complicated relationship between him and Javier is good, even if it’s a little bullshit at times. On the other hand, David’s an asshole.  But he’s a great antagonistic character. I do love that about him. The shit with him and Kate was a little annoying, but only because they didn’t ever elaborate on anything. On what level was the marriage fucked? Was it straight-up abusive? What happened to David’s first wife? Why did Kate and David get married in the first place? I got questions! But, like Javier, I think David deserved a better game with better writing. 
Jesus: This dude parkour kills walkers. Pretty fucking badass. 
Tripp: I feel like I don’t like Tripp as much as some people. I like him fine, but I know a lot of folks gush about him. I think he’s a good dude, a little pushy with Eleanor, but he’s loyal and strong. 
S2 Lilly: I fucking hate Lilly. I hate her so goddamn much. She pushes every wrong button with her bullshit “Where's our new recruits?? Lee would be so disappointed knowing he taught you all the wrong things! You’re one of my people now, Clementine” AND THE GODDAMN “Yes, Ma’am” SHIT. Nothing irks me more than every time someone from the delta acts like Lilly’s the baddest bitch and call her “Ma’am” I HATE IT AND I HATE HER. SHE KILLED MITCH. SHE KIDNAPPED MY CHILDREN. SHE DARES TO TRY AND HURT LOUIS LIKE HE’S NOTHING. AND I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER....... That being said, y’all are probably thinking “wtf if you hate her so much why isn’t she in F tier???” and that’s because no other antagonist in these games has ever gotten this strong of a reaction out of me. Lilly is a damn good antagonist. She’s not perfect, and there are definitely things I would change or add, but she does her job and makes me absolutely livid [yeah yeah I know ha ha ha ha] every time she’s on screen doing her bullshit. I hate her and that counts for something. She’s easily the best “villain” in the entire series. 
Ruby: I love my funny little hot-headed medic. Ruby’s amazing and I love her. 
Willy: This kid really grew on me. I thought he was weird and creepy at the beginning but I adore him now. His brotherly relationship with Mitch should’ve been explored more, and at times his voice acting is kind of jarring, but I still love him. 
“You’re fine, I guess...”
Duck: He’s fine. I like Duck. I like the “what if” scenarios we’ve come up with surrounding his character, and his death always puts a lump in my throat, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to say I love him, y’know?
Doug: Again, he’s fine. He has some funny moments when you save him, and he’s got a cool little panda bear on his sweater but... yeah. He’s okay. 
Mark: Oh hai Mark. He’s cool, and the reason he’s not lower is because the iconic moment of finding him in the hidden room with his legs chopped off choking out the words “Don’t... eat... dinner” forever haunts my nightmares. 
Russell: I’m not a big fan of most of the playable 400 Days characters, but I think if I had to pick a favorite, it’s Russell. His backstory of being with the group that believed in the power of 7′s [I think it was 7 I dunno going off of memory here] was cool and his weird thing with Nate was fun and disturbing. He’s a pretty cool character. 
Carlos: I’ve made posts about Carlos before and how I think he had a lot of potential, but looking strictly at his role in the game and I’m left underwhelmed. I did get a lot of shit for where I placed him in my previous tier because he was [and still is] above S2 Kenny but I’m not going to lie and say I like Kenny more than him because... I don’t. I just think Carlos should’ve been given more development.  
Carver: A cool antagonist who was defeated waaaaaay too early in the game. They were doing a fantastic job at making me hate him with his treatment of Clementine, beating the shit out of Kenny, murdering Alvin and pulling all that shit with Rebecca, but killing him off so quickly didn’t make it feel as satisfying. Again, underwhelming. 
Sam: This pup betrayed me and he ain’t no Rosie, but we played frisbee so he gets a C I guess
Gabe: Y’know, Gabe could’ve been so good. But every time I play through ANF, he ends up annoying me more than Ben. What does that tell you? He’s fine, but he could’ve been a lot better. 
Mariana: I’m not so much “meh” on Mari because I think she’s sweet and likable! The problem is I don’t want to put her any higher because really? What did she do? She died horribly because Badger’s a piece of shit. 
Abel: Meh this guy’s garbage. I only put him up a little higher because the scene with him in the basement is really good. 
Brody: Brody is like the Mariana of S4 for me, just a bit better. I do like her. She had some development but her whole purpose was to die by Marlon’s hand and get the plot going. Would’ve loved to learn more about her, but I couldn’t give her anything higher than a C. 
Minerva: Controversial opinion but........ I don’t like Minerva as much as a lot of people do. If I could be brutally honest, if I were ranking these characters solely on how I feel about them without looking at their roles in the games and character development, Minerva would be in E tier at the highest. However, I can’t deny how tragic and complex her character and backstory is. It’s similar to how I feel about Lilly, but different. I think she’s just so fucked up from the delta that she’s become a husk of who she was and it results in her constantly pissing me off with all her shit. Also, the bridge scene alone bumps her up. That shit was crazy in a good yet tragic way. 
Omar: At one point, I forgot Omar existed until he got shot in the leg...... but he’s also God so y’know. I like him but I also had to make up my own little backstory for him so...
S1 Lilly: I don’t care about S1 Lilly in the slightest, she’s awful. They made her way more compelling in S4. And she killed my girlfriend which is bullshit on it’s own.
Jolene: If I could rewrite S1, I would’ve thrown out the Stranger and had Jolene be the kidnapper. As Danny said, “What a waste.”
Bonnie: She’s pretty disappointing, tbh. I didn’t like how the game help pushing her onto Clem and overall she’s pretty forgettable. 
Vince: He’s okay, I guess. He killed a dude one time. And shot a guy’s foot off.
Wyatt: “Meh” hahaha Eddie was a cooler character than he was
Jane: I wish Jane had been the Molly of S2 and stayed gone after she left the first time. I like that she taught Clementine some useful survival tactics and that’s what puts her on this tier, but I think we all know how I feel about the whole Jane vs. Kenny thing by now so... 
S2 Kenny: This Kenny actually moved up a tier because I fully took in everything he’s been through thus far and.... “Meh.” I don’t think he’s good for Clementine, I think she and AJ need a group like Wellington. I recognize that he’s a lot of people’s favorite, but like I said above in his S1 counterpart, I’m the 10% that doesn’t have that strong of an opinion on him. I’d much rather discuss other characters over him. 
Sarita: Forgettable, really. Except for when you get the chance to cut her hand off. That fucking scream of hers is anything but forgettable, yeesh. 
Walter: Again, mostly forgettable. His death was sad, and I do think he’s a good example of what happens when you’re too trusting in this world, but overall he doesn’t stand out to me. 
Kate: I probably would’ve liked Kate more if her romance wasn’t so damn forced. She has some funny lines, but she’s also pretty selfish and fickle when it comes to a lot of things. And I will forever be annoyed at her inability to keep her mouth shut about her and Javi’s relationship [or lack of] in front of David. 
“I don’t like you but you’re not the absolute worst, I guess...”
Danny St John and Brenda St John: I put these two together because they have the same issue: They’re fucking creepy. Where Andy was normal and deceiving, these two look like they want to cut my legs off and eat them. I think they’re much weaker in character than Andy was, even with Danny’s weird sexual fixation of his gun and Brenda talking about her husband. 
Vernon: He’s not the absolute worst because I do feel a little sympathy for him losing his daughter, but everything else just makes me not like him. 
Shel and Becca: Easily my two least favorite characters in 400 Days. I had no real interest in either of them. 
Arvo: This guy. I didn’t put him in as the absolute worst because of all the unnecessary shit Kenny put him through. No wonder he wanted to get the hell outta there. 
Clint: I literally couldn’t give a single shit about this dude or what happens to him. 
Eleanor: I don’t like Eleanor. I found her annoying. Her one good quality is her want to help people, but that want didn’t do much to help Tripp now did it, Eleanor.
“The absolute worst”
Larry: Did you expect anything else? Fuck this guy. 
Stranger: Worst final antagonist ever. You’re telling me I have to fight this Mister Roger’s tootsie pop? I’ll bet you $1 I can do it with one hand. Fuck this guy. 
Troy: Fuck Troy. All he does is smack Clementine around and then get shot in the dick. 
Joan: This lady is a laughably bad antagonist. The worst fucking “villian” jfc...
There ya have it. Do you agree, disagree? Maybe a character I found boring you really liked! Maybe you want to tell me why Kenny is the best/worst again!  We can discuss it. 
I’m always open to talking about these characters!
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sea-and-storm · 5 years
* Here’s the redone version of Kjrn! Ignore the other profile going around!
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[FULL NAME]   Kjrn Fythe.
[PRONOUNCED]   Kee-ehrn Faiythe (rhymes with lithe).
[ALIASES]   None at present. At least, none to which she’ll answer.
[GENDER]   Female.
[AGE]  Somewhere in her 80s-90s, but appears approx. early to mid-thirties.
[NAMEDAY]   21st Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon (8/21).
[RACE]   Rava Viera
[RELIGION]   Non-practicing.
[LANGUAGES]   Common, Dalmascan.
[ACCENT]   Icelandic, by real world standards.
[HANDEDNESS]   Ambidextrous.
[HAIR]   A mid-back length mess of loose brunette waves, generally pulled forward to drape over one shoulder. Soft and silky smooth, its care obviously involved much love and attention – and vanity.Touch at your own risk.
[EARS]   Short-furred, not overly long, and standing straight upright, with the same brown of her hair giving way into some white dappling towards their tips. 
[EYES]   Pale, rosy pink.
[COMPLEXION]   Medium tan with coppery undertones.
[HEIGHT]   6′2″ (before ears)  -  7′0″ (with ears)
[BUILD]   She’s neither muscle-rippling powerhouse nor dramatically curved bombshell, but equal enough between both to boast both a bit of shapeliness as well as being sturdier than one might expect.
[POSTURE]   Upright, cool, and cocksure are all good ways to put it.
[SCARS]   If she has any scars, she goes to great lengths to conceal them and she’s certainly not going to tell you about them.
[MARKINGS]   A set of three white markings almost always don her face, set in patterns of lines and dots. It’s an odd, almost tribal touch to a woman who for all else seems to rebuke her more traditional origins. She doesn’t seem wont to speak of their meaning.
[MANNER OF DRESS]   Kjrn is quite fond of nice clothing that shows off her wealth, and she has somewhat of a weakness for jewelry and gems. It’ll be a cold day in the seventh hell before you catch her willingly garbed in something drab or of low quality make.
[COMBAT CLASS]   Gunslinger.
[MELEE PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[RANGED PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[MAGICAL PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[HEALING PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[ATTRIBUTES] - - -  STRENGTH:   11 (+0) - - -  DEXTERITY:    15 (+2) - - -  CONSTITUTION:   11 (+0) - - -  INTELLIGENCE:   15 (+2) - - -  WISDOM:   13 (+1) - - -  CHARISMA:   14 (+2)
[WEAPONRY]  A 6-shot pepperbox revolver (mid range), single shot rifle (long range), and a thin-bladed estoc (close range) as a final line of defense.
[ARMOR]  Usually not terribly much. She prefers not to be weighed down, so if she’s going to wear armor, it’s usually in the form of leathers.
[COMBAT STRENGTHS]   Excellent aim. Fights well at mid- to long distances. Quick on her feet, both physically and mentally. Resourceful.
[COMBAT WEAKNESSES]  Struggles in close quarters or when in need of a reload. Not the strongest or most durable, physically. Particularly sensitive to magical effects cast upon her;  too much aetheric exposure, even of the positive variety, may trigger a brief berserk state until the excess aether is expended and exhaustion takes over.
[HOMELAND]   Good luck finding out, because she’s not telling.
[PARENTS]   Mjra Fythe (mother)  -  Father Unknown.
[SIBLINGS]   Aela Fythe (younger sister)
[CLAN ROLE]   Huntress, tracker.
[CLAN STATUS]   Exiled.
[REASON(S) FOR LEAVING]   Kjrn left her homeland not once but twice, and that’s about as much detail as she will willingly impart on anyone without at least a fair few rounds being bought for her first.
[PAST RESIDENCE]   Dalmasca.
[PAST OCCUPATION]   Magitek salvager.
[PAST AFFILIATION]   Dalmascan Resistance.
[PAST FINANCIAL STATUS]   Moderate, comfortable.
[PAST RELATIONSHIPS]   Pria Atoel, wife - deceased.
[PAST FRIENDSHIPS]  A number of friends and allies from the Resistance, as well as other Dalmascan citizens. (Open to background connections!)
[REASON(S) FOR LEAVING]   Left Dalmasca and set herself to wandering aimlessly once her wife, Pria, had passed.
[RESIDENCE]   The open skies aboard her own small airship, the Fortuneseeker.
[OCCUPATION]   Some would define her lack of qualms about taking anything that isn’t nailed down (and some thing that are, with enough effort) as piracy or flat-out thievery. Kjrn prefers to call herself a simple treasure hunter and merchant of myriad miscellanea.
[AFFILIATIONS]   None actively, but still sympathetic to the Dalmascan Resistance and occasionally will send a bit of extra coin or goods their way through old contacts.
[FINANCIAL STATUS]   Well-off, or that’s what she’d like you to believe. Even when the money isn’t so good, she certainly won’t let on as if she’s broke.
[SOCIAL STATUS]   Hasn’t really stuck around in one place long enough in recent history to establish any roots, but there’s a few places that she may or may not be wanted by local authorities.
[RELATIONSHIP STATUS]   Widowed, shows little interest in courting anyone.
[PRESENT FRIENDSHIPS]   Keeps in touch with a few people from her Resistance days, but not many that she could call a close friend. (Open to connections!)
[VICES]   You can readily find Kjrn drinking, smoking, and even occasionally indulging in some drug use. But her worst vice of all is gambling. She can hardly turn down a good game of chance, especially when there’s betting involved.
[GENDER IDENTITY]   Cisgender Female.
[ROMANTIC ORIENTATION]  Demi-homoromantic.
[EMOTIONAL ROLE]   Submissive  |  Dominant  |  Switch  |  Unsure
[RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES]   Her biggest tendency is to just not get herself into a relationship, period. Relationships are like anchors that weigh her down from the skies she’s come to love most of all. 
[LOVE LANGUAGE]  Kjrn isn’t much of a verbal lover. She’ll drop an ‘I love you’ every now and then, but her love speaks through things like lavish gifts and pampering.
[SEXUAL ROLE]   Submissive  |  Dominant  |  Switch  |  Unsure
[LIBIDO]   Average. She’s not bereft of want, nor is ruled by base physical needs.
[ATTRACTED TO]   Confidence. Wittiness. Ability to hold a good conversation. Thrillseekers. Fellow lovers of the skies. Physical attractiveness. Money.
[TURN OFFS]   Shyness. Indecisiveness. Clinginess. Jealousy. Lack of intelligence. Anyone afraid of heights.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
TREASURE HUNTER Kjrn presently makes her living by delving into ruins, tombs, and other such places most folk have no business wandering into in search of anything she might turn a profit on. Want some company on a good ol’ dungeon delving? Or your character responds to a posting she’s made seeking assistance? 
SKY PIRATE Annnd sometimes when the more legally palatable treasure hunting jobs are lacking, Kjrn may or may not turn to a bit of piracy to fill the gaps. She’s targeted everything from small Garlean crafts to merchant vessels, usually trying to avoid violence where she can. Maybe your character was on one of these vessels, or has come to seek one of the bounties placed upon her for said crimes? Or maybe – just maybe – your character is interested in signing on with her?
CAPTAIN OF THE FORTUNESEEKER As mentioned before, Kjrn owns her own small airship by the name of the Fortuneseeker. She claims the title of captain upon her, with a crew of about ten (NPCs) underneath her. Maybe you’re looking to sign onto the crew? Or maybe you just have a more temporary need for someone with an airship to ferry yourself or any goods – legal or otherwise – from one place to the next? The sky’s the limit!
MERCHANT OF MYRIAD MISCELLANEA Naturally, after a victorious venture in dungeoneering or plundering, Kjrn will usually come out of it with a number of items in need of off-loading. She has a particular eye for anything shiny and beautiful like gems and jewelry, but she’s also been known to come back with anything from weapons to magical items to sell to whomsoever is inclined to pay good coin. Come buy something shiny from her!
DALMASCAN RESISTANCE AFFILIATE Kjrn and her wife, Pria, were once fairly respected members of the Resistance, salvaging Garlean magitek to refit and use against them when all was said and done. However, after the former’s passing, Kjrn stepped down from her active position in the Resistance to take on a more auxiliary role by helping support it financially. She still maintains connections to the Resistance to this day, and some still haven’t given up the hope that she might eventually return to the fight.
GAMBLING ADDICT Kjrn’s vice of choice would be a good drink, some good company, and a good game of cards. Or dice. Or anything, really, so long as there are stakes involved. It’s a pretty general and basic hook, but hey! It works!
GOT OTHER IDEAS? Maybe you’ve read through this profile and something other idea than these hooks has sparked your muse? If so, let me know! This isn’t an exhaustive list of hooks, so I’d be excited to hear your ideas!
[ OOC ]
[CALL ME]   Jali, Ghoa, Kjrn.. Anything but weird overly familiar petnames! (She/her)
[I AM…]    A 27-year-old woman who works a full time job and plays multiple tabletop games as well as playing FFXIV, so my schedule can be kinda all over the place. I also love cats and really bad puns and writing drabbles that make people’s hearts hurt.
[AVAILABILITY]    Most weekday evenings from 5PM - 10PM Central. Weekends, pretty much whenever. Not available most Wednesdays, and some Thursdays/Saturdays due to various D&D games! Also please note that Kjrn is an alt character. Meaning I won’t be available for RP on her 24/7! Please be sure you’re okay with this before reaching out!
[IN GAME NAME]   Crafty Corsair.
[SERVER]  Balmung (Crystal), but willing to world-visit for RP!
[PREFERRED RP METHODS]   Discord has quickly become my #1 RP platform because I can post even when I’m busy with something else or when I’m having a slow day at work. I can also do in-game RP, usually so long as we work out a day/time in advance! Sometimes I can do impromptu RP requests, but not often!
RP of any sort with real-life minors. Sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable writing with anyone under eighteen!
Characters that are minors ICly are tentatively fine, but I will absolutely not RP any romantic, sexual, mature, dark, or otherwise questionable themes with such a character;  and likewise, I will not RP with anyone whose minor character engages in this sort of RP with others, either.
Fetishistic characters, i.e. “f*ta”, “tr*p”, etc. Actual transgender, agender, genderfluid, etc. characters are 100% fine, but if your character is written not as a fleshed out person but as thinly veiled ERP-bait, I’m not interested.
OOC Romance or possessiveness or clinginess. Just… don’t. I don’t want to date you. I don’t want to sext with you. I don’t want to be up your butt 24/7, and I sure as hell don’t want you up mine. RP partners with reasonable personal space boundaries only need apply, please!
ERP-heavy/only connections.  I’m not opposed to sexual RP coming up, but I ask that it not be the goal of every single or even a good deal of the RP we do. To be entirely honest, I much prefer fade-to-black as opposed to writing out such scenes, anyway. Please respect this! Pressuring for ERP is immediate grounds for ceasing all RP and potentially all contact entirely.
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bloodxhands · 5 years
@gentlegrace liked for a starter with rosie!
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“harrison, is that you?” hearing the door close downstairs, rosie froze as she looked around the top floor, clearly searching for something. no response was given which prompted the brunette to make her way to the staircase, once again calling out to whom she thought was her brother. who she found instead made the private investigator stop on the last few steps, eyes fixated on the unfamiliar woman who stood in the apartment instead. “who are you?” 
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Beginning July 17, the gay bachelor is bringing you a WHOLE NEW WORLD!
This will be random game play with 21 Main Characters (and who knows what it may develop into) within 8 different locations in the Sim World, focusing on one family in each world as follows:
Willow Creek ~ The Goths (of course)
Oasis Springs ~ The Landgraabs (including Johnny Zest)
Windenburg ~ The Vilareals
San Myshuno ~ The Fengs (as brother and sister, not spouses…)
Forgotten Hollow ~ The Vatores
Brindleton Bay ~ The Heckings & Rosie
Del Sol Valley ~ Judith Ward (and her two children by artificial insemination!)
Sulani ~ Kai Kahale (I borrowed from @anotherplumbob)
Each family will have one post per day per week, in random order.
All premades, other than the main families have been deleted from the game, as well as all houses and other locations! As the game progresses, I will add new homes and locales as needed. And as the game generates NPCs and Townies, I will edit them to make them playable more attractive.
I hope you enjoy, and I think this will give me something new to indulge in while I mourn the loss of the Boedell’s
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