23b0075nke · 1 year
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norgad-art · 1 year
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A vengeful giant, licked by flame, come to tear the city out by its roots.
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voidsovereign · 2 months
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41.9873° N, 72.5448° W [oc] (rework and repost from my old art account, @verminfuneral)
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faxmachine0210 · 11 months
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Lancer NRFAW SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edena, exhausted after days of conflict, and fearful for her life, must give a speech. Broadcast on a wide area, a signal comes through. Desperate, tired, she gives up. Mountain Fall. With Beggar-One's takeover of Evergreen complete, he unleashes his ultimate weapon. Silent Night.
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anjotv · 1 year
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Satellite Company is ambushed by unknown attackers while escorting a group of civilian engineers to the colony’s landing bowl to carry out critical repairs. 
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mimicmerchant · 1 year
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Oops I didn’t post any art this year. Anyway here’s some of my Lancer brain rot in chronological order
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taulupis · 2 years
Just wanna show off these beauties from our No Room for a Wallflower campaign
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@honeybee-ho​ @shadowkat678​ @asdfjasklfjdkla​ @tigerking-of-kings​
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skiavona · 3 months
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Don't let anyone else ruin your day. Be proactive. Ruin your own damn day. Ruin everyone else's day while you're at it for maximum efficiency. With enough drugs in your system, anything is possible. (x)
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swishysword · 23 days
after that last lancer post that reminds me I haven't talked about my campaigns in a hot minute, nrfaw mission 4/5 spoilers below
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Party's back together post mountainfall, and on the counter attack against the Machine! Thanks to some paracasual shenanigans, they're also aware now that BEGGAR_ONE is just a small part of the greater threat looming over Hercynia, and already it has nearly wiped out the combined forces of the taskforce and HUC.
However they have a daring plan to take the CRT's corvette and hit the Cassander before it can fire again, but before THAT they want to take out one of the Machine's Lieutenants in order to prevent it from hindering their objectives.
See, I've set up a bit of an additional minigame where the Machine's Horde is still operating while it fortifies Evergreen, pursuing tasks to increase its power and hinder the players. In turn they can hunt down those lieutenants to remove the ability for the Machine to act, and reduce the named enemies they'll have to face when going to confront B1 in Evergreen.
So they went to find [THE HUNTER] who is a custom lieutenant who has been tasked with specifically hunting them down, and has until now been a looming threat that can and has jumped them on other missions. Now they're turning the tables, and along with the HUC have set up an ambush.
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Mission deets:
Mission // #005
Evergreen has been claimed by Beggar_One, Hivehome and Daylight have fallen, and refugees stream into Mycol Fields daily. Your goals are to destroy Beggar_One's casket, currently located in Evergreen, and cut the head off the Machine Horde.
You may take as many Full Repairs as you wish, so long as you are not in the midst of an encounter or scene. For every Full Repair your party takes, you may take 1 full set of Downtime Actions. Then, any Interstitial Scenes or Encounters happen. Afterwards, the Machine Horde will take their own set of Downtime Actions and increase the Consumption (and then Ascension once it is filled) clock by 1.
At any time, the players may choose to attack Evergreen and begin Operation: SPLIT-KNUCKLE HAYMAKER. This mission involves assaulting Evergreen in an attempt to find and destroy Beggar_One's casket, and will consist of multiple encounters that cannot be rested between unless the players full retreat.
Players may make the operation easier by engaging in Side Goals.
Side Goals:
Liberate the Prison Camp: 20,000 colonists and militia are currently held by the Horde in a prison camp. Rescuing them may provide useful intel, and deny the Horde the ability to use them for information.
Deal with the Cassander: While Beggar_One holds the platform, any assault must contend with simply being blasted from orbit.
Hunt Lieutenants: The Horde's activities have lessened, except for those under the direct command of its lieutenants. Hunting them down means denying the Horde actions, and prevents you from having to face them elsewhere.
The Machine Horde:
receives 1 Downtime Action per lieutenant currently active
10 Unit Points per Machine Horde slice
10 Tactical Points per Machine Armament slice
acts to both increase its own resources, and hinder players at the end of every Downtime cycle
automatically succeeds on their actions, unless opposed directly, most often filling a clock by 2
The HUC Rangers:
represented by the clock HUC Mobilization
may be spent by the players to oppose Horde actions, or to assist them in their own Downtime actions
if used to oppose Horde actions, must roll once per Lieutenant involved. Failure = reduce Horde action effect by 1 but spend an additional Mobilization, Partial = reduce Horde action effect by 1, Full = reduce Horde action effect by 2
The Lieutenants
M5 - Ambush Hunter
Primary Objective: Defeat [ THE HUNTER ] by the end of Round 6.
Risk: At the end of Round 6, [ THE HUNTER ] will figure out an escape route and immediately leave the scene, allowing it to fully recover.
Reward: [ THE HUNTER ] will be destroyed, removing a segment from the Lieutenant clock and meaning they will no longer show up in future missions.
Hercynian Fall: The environment is no longer hyper-flammable, as plant life loses its hydrophobic coating in preparation for winter.
Devastated Surface: After the Cassander's strike, tunnels across Hercynia collapsed in the after-shock. These freshly opened pits and sinkholes are now hazards. 1/turn any unit that enters, or starts a turn over a pit loses all movement, takes 3 AP Kinetic damage, and is moved to the nearest non-pit space.
Special Notes
While fighting on the surface of Hercynia, the HUC will provide as much support as they can. A special "HUC Support" unit will be added to the tracker, and may 1/round take an activation at the end of any turn. This activation does not count as a player or enemy activation. Actions they may take are listed in the HUC folder under the NPC folder in the Actor's tab.
Also between Mission 3 and now, B1 has had "raid actions" where he could drop artillery, call in reinforcements, etc, as a thing off round, and the HUC Support here is basically the players getting their own version of that turn to against him as a reward for having allied with and preserved much of the HUC.
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23b0075nke · 2 years
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"I am your pilot," it said. "You remember."
It did.
"Come. You remember what we must do."
And they did.
(words @/belmarc)
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norgad-art · 1 year
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vexwerewolf · 2 months
I’m suddenly getting swathes of Lancer hate across my feed… Has something happened in the fandom? “Union is ______ how could they paint them as even remotely good. They allow _____, and I hate the devs they are ______. The whole thing is just 40k with communist veneer”.
Like am I taking crazy pills…? I thought that all of the problems were literally like right there on the tin “we are a utopia in progress! We will obtain it by any means possible even if it means being everything we say we are not/fighting against. As the player you decide what is right. How much will you ignore for someone else’s idea of utopia?” Like doesn’t it mean all the tools to actually change are there and that is the HOPE aspect of all of this?
(Sorry if this in incoherent grammar is a weak point and I pulled something in my back simply standing up. Now I am sad and crook backed in spasmodic pain)
This isn't an argument I feel super enthusiastic about stepping into, because it gets the most annoying sort of people in your mentions eager to maliciously misrepresent what you say.
However, yeah, there are some pretty terrible readings of Union floating around. I'd invoke "media literacy" because think that a lot of this comes from people not really holistically engaging with the fictional future history of Lancer, but also from a sort of dogmatic purism that requires future societies to be flawless, else they're irredeemable.
It is important to note that ThirdComm is the direct descendant of two highly imperfect societies. FirstComm was formed as a response to the Three Great Traumas of discovering the Massif Vaults (and thus that they were the inheritors of a fallen world), the wars over the Massif Vaults, and the discovery of the lost colonies, all of which collectively showed humanity how close it had come to total extinction.
FirstComm decided that it had a responsibility to ensure that humanity never risked extinction again. It manifested this by trying to colonize every habitable planet it could find, pumping out ship after ship to seed the cosmos with as much human life as it possibly could. This led to problems when it encountered civilizations like the Karrakin Federation and the Aun, who had been carrying humanity's torch just fine by themselves, thank you very much.
SecComm was an Anthrochauvinist fascist state. The book defines it thusly:
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We can see a lot of Anthrochauvinist historical romanticism in the mech naming schemes of Harrison Armory, SSC and IPS-N - the fact that Harrison Armory names its mechs after great military leaders of pre-Fall Earth history, IPS-N does the same with naval figures, and SSC uses the names of Earth animals. Even the GMS Everest is named for a mountain on Earth. It's very Cradle-centric.
Anthrochauvinism was, to be clear, largely just an excuse for colonialism and hegemony. Atrocities could easily be justified under by stating that whoever they're being committed against were a threat to the Continuance of Humanity - a term that SecComm got to define.
It's also at this point that we have to zoom in from broad sociopolitical points to address one very specific piece of history: the New Prosperity Agreement. This was signed to prevent the outbreak of a Second Union-Karrakin War, and mandated that the Karrakin Houses would maintain privileged levels of autonomy within Union, and that they would be granted colonial rights to the entire Dawnline Shore. This agreement, struck in 3007u, basically defines much of the current political situation today.
ThirdComm was a final and inevitable reaction to the atrocities, abuses and excesses of SecComm. The unspeakable horrors of Hercynia were the spark, but I need to stress how little Hercynia actually mattered in the larger Revolution - at the start of NRfaW, it's explicitly stated that almost nobody in the galaxy even knows where it is, let alone what happened there. The Revolution was a generalized response to SecComm's tyranny, with no single rallying cry.
The Revolution might also have failed entirely, but for a critical error by Harrison Armory: pissing off the Karrakin Trade Baronies. After getting kicked off Cradle, the Anthrochauvinist Party organised a fleet at Ras Shamra to try and retake Cradle. Simultaneously, however, they were attempting to secure protectorate agreements to steal worlds in the Dawnline Shore out from under the KTB. Putting these two together and making five, the KTB assumed that the fleet was pointed at Karrakis, and started the First Interest War.
The First Interest War initially favoured the KTB. They smashed the fleet above Ras Shamra and simultaneously conquered the moon of Creighton in the Dawnline Shore. However, they underestimated just how ruthless Harrison I was - he "retook" Creighton by relativistic bombardment, and then conquered four of the 12 worlds of the Dawnline Shore with mechanised chassis, a technology the KTB had not adopted and had no counter for.
To prevent further loss of life, Union was eventually forced to broker a peace agreement that saw Harrison I handing himself over to Union justice in return for Harrison Armory's continued sovereignty, and the KTB joining Union as a full member state.
So, with that historical context out of the way, let me get to the second part of this absurd essay I'm writing.
Third Committee Union isn't a civilization that arose from whole cloth. It's shaped by five thousand years of Union history, six thousand years of post-Fall history, and six thousand years of pre-Fall history before that. It is, ultimately, an extremely well-thought-out and well-worldbuilt fictional polity, in that all of its imperfections come from traceable root causes in its history.
Why does ThirdComm permit the abuses of the KTB? Because to stop them, it would likely have to go to war, and such a war would butcher billions. Worse, to do so, it would probably have to ally with Harrison Armory and make horrific concessions.
Why does ThirdComm permit the expansionism and cryptochauvinism of the Armory? Because to stop them, it would likely have to go to war, and such a war would butcher billions. Worse, to do so, it would probably have to ally with the KTB and make horrific concessions.
Nobody in CentComm likes that Harrison Armory are empire-building expansionists. Nobody in CentComm likes that the KTB has a hereditary nobility and enforces blockades against planets that rebel against it. The problem is that ThirdComm is, in historical terms, still relatively new. They've been around five hundred years, and compared to the 1600 years that SecComm was around and the 2800 years FirstComm existed for, that's not very much.
ThirdComm is attempting to decouple itself from the Cradle-first politics of its predecessor, and to amend the many, many atrocities committed in the name of Humanity. It is not easy to do any of these things. SecComm was defined almost entirely by the fact that if it didn't like what you were doing, it would send in the military as a first response. Every time ThirdComm chooses to do the same, its legitimacy erodes, because the mission of ThirdComm is to prove that diverse, vibrant and compassionate human civilization can exist without devolving into war and bloodshed. ThirdComm always tries diplomacy as a first response because if it doesn't, millions of people could die.
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reading nrfaw and i would protect every egregorian with my life
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faxmachine0210 · 1 year
So yesterday we finally had another Lancer session. For some reason Guardian was once again absent, but the rest of the party was able to make it for downtime 2.
Dustmite, Butcher, and Mudskipper decided to start the morning after the attack on evergreen by figuring out the deal with the captured pilot from the assault. They learn that he is a Hercynian Ranger named Arro Ordo(i gave Dthall a brother) and he explains that he was a member of a contingent of Rangers that had broken away from the main force, and they were tired of the seeming inaction that Dthall was showing towards Evergreen, but now he realizes his mistake and that Evergreen is not with the machine or Union as he also refers to it. The party doesn't ask much more beyond that, but Mudskipper begins getting a headache (for reference, he's an empath and he took cynosure) so he decides he needs to go lie down, only for Butcher to decide that he wants to figure out what cynosure is and look into his mech.
Mudskipper is knocked out by a strange force, rendering him unconscious, and while Butcher and the rest of the party try to figure out whats going on he begins having a nightmare (the group is trying to cure Cynosure, so I thought it would be fun to scare them). After a bit of digging through the code and some old seccom research documents into Paracausaul systems, they are eventually able to piece together what is going on.
After curing him of Cynosure, a few days pass and Mudskipper is starting to feel a bit better, however he is concerned for his mech, which while it doesn't have an NHP, shows some signs of sentience. (As the GM, i let everyone in the group kinda flavor their backstory however they want, and Mudskipper is an amnesiac union operative who was sealed in a metavault for 500 years. I have aome pretty grand plans for him, so I will reveal them later >:) )
Mudskipper and his mech, the Kappa, a horus hydra pattern group, have a conversation where he apologizes for installing the software, before kappa makes mention of the strange signal it is beginning to hear.
\\from across the sea, a prophet speaks of a great flood, and of bodies rising from the water
Concerned, he immediately tries to tell the party, but everyone just assumes its a residual effect of Cynosure.
A few more days pass while the party decides to follow up on a rumor they heard about an old buried weapons cache a day or two's travel north of evergreen, but while they are gone they want to make sure the town is safe, and so they begin construction on defences around the perimeter. Its about this time that Shadow Dragon gets a call from his horrible parents, and Cavalier also gets a call from his brother. Apparently Cavalier's brother Mauler will be arriving in the system soon, and wants to meet to catch up, while Shadow Dragon's parents are only calling to make sure the situation around evergreen is being stabilized, but they threaten to take away his licenses if they are unable to remedy the issues down there.
After a few days of prepping, a worried patience meets them at the gate before they leave. Thanks to the new emplacements he hopes they will be safe, but wants permission to use the players mechs while they are gone for defence. The players allow him to do so, and they begin heading off...
Okay, thats not the end of the session, I'll be back to finish this once Im done in the shower. I have to get ready for my job, unfortunately.
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zejha · 6 months
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Here's Gif! I'm so proud of them. (This is my new Lancer Pilot, Gif. No Room for a Wallflower spoilers under the cut).
Last game, my DM ran a heavily homebrewed NRfaW where I ran Zejha, a heavily-modded furry who was really big into aliens, NHPs, and mechs. They ended up dating and marrying an Egregorian, and this is their child who should not exist. The two woke up one day and just discovered an egg, which eventually hatched into something resembling the two of them.
In the NRfaW game my DM ran, Zejha went off to become a renowned writer, researcher, pilot, and even won a Grand Prix with their Lance. Gif, their kid has struggled, living in their parent's shadow, but vows to make a name for themself.
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spatialapprentice · 1 year
hey any followers of mine interested in lancer? I might wanna run no room for a wallflower or try out the new campaign masif just dropped
(warning though for nrfaw, it deals with some really heavy themes like genocide, generational trauma, the horrors of war, etc)
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