#nuest fiction
sherenachan · 2 years
Fandoms and Thoughts on Defamation
I'm pretty sure we are all in some kind of fandom at some point of our life. But first, the definition. Fandom is a term of "the state of being a fan of someone or something, especially a very enthusiastic one" (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022).
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I won't say that I am a hardcore fan for anything but I am a fan of gaming, and music, and a fan and for some non existence fictional characters.
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I like playing quite a few games but the best for me would be Valorant (although that game tilted me almost everytime and I just lost 2 games before writing this). The Valorant community can be considered big since it is one of the mainstream games currently. This game has made me fans of some streamers on Twitch (I love Kyedae and TenZ, they're so cuteee) and also professional competitive Valorant teams (Paper Rex!!!).
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Apparently, my Spotify 2022 Wrapped shows that BLACKPINK is the most listened artist for me this year with 6353 minutes. Hmmm... Well, it's true. I'm a a proud BLINK! I LOVEE "How You Like That", "Shut Down" and "Pink Venom". Their songs just makes me high.
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One of the many fictional characters (because why fan for one when you can fan for more characters HAHA) that I am in love with (not literally) is Bruce Wayne, a.k.a. Batman (he's just too cool 😭). I do not want to continue babbling about this so let's just move on to the next part.
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There's always something that we like and also dislike. Some of us like to keep it to ourselves, some of us like to voice them out. Same thing goes to fans and some fans may take things to the next level on social media, to defame the opponents or vice versa, and it is scary, particularly in the K-Pop industry. Defending is a different thing but defaming is real bad.
I've come across YouTube shorts that has an opening or caption, that I personally think that is trying to bring down a group or idol's reputation, such as "Kpop Idols THAT ARE "CRINGE"" or "these are the worst kpop songs of 2022" and these titles are often misleading because sometimes the content has nothing to do with the title. Another example is sexual assaults claims on the Internet. Yes, I know, some of them are true, but there are also a number of innocent people that are accused of doing so. For example, in 2017, a member of NU'EST W was accused of sexually a person in the community back in 2009 by exposing him in an online community but was later then proven innocent through investigation (Lim, 2018). If accusing someone for something that was not done, was it done for attention? Maybe? We never know.
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Conclusion, we all have our own likes and dislikes, but if you dislike something, maybe keeping it to yourself would be better in this case. We all are part of different fandoms, let's respect all fandoms and make the world a better place for any fans regardless of their fandoms ♡
Fandom (2022) Cambridge Dictionary. Available at: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/fandom (Accessed: December 9, 2022).
Lim, J. (2018) NU'EST's Baekho acquitted of sexual assault charges, Soompi. Soompi. Available at: https://www.soompi.com/article/1156273wpp/nuests-baekho-acquitted-sexual-assault-charges (Accessed: December 9, 2022).
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Defining Roles
Summary: Minhyun wasn’t sure why Daehwi was so against being in his class again this year, and this made him hesitant about what role he would have in your son’s life.
Pairing: Hwang Minhyun x reader (ft. Lee Daehwi)
Genre: teacher au / parent au / fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: This is the sequel to Life Lessons, and also dedicated to the wonderful @notsosubtlekpop who without her request earlier in the year, we wouldn’t be blessed with teacher Minhyun in the first place. Happy birthday, beautiful <3
This story is part of a world previously created. Whilst you don’t need to have read it before this one, it will put more into context. You can read Life Lessons HERE.
Word count: 2120
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“Not againnnnnn!”
Minhyun glanced up from setting the table for dinner, watching as the child ran over to your side grumbling. You shot Minhyun a confused expression before looking down at your son. “What’s wrong, Daehwi?”
“Daehwi got the best gift ever!” the other child who entered the living room behind him announced, puffing up her cheeks in annoyance. She walked over to Minhyun’s side and shot him a disgruntled look. “Don’t you think this is unfair, Daddy?”
“I’m in Minhyun’s class, again!” Daehwi announced to everyone and you moved over to the table, placing down the serving dish before turning to your son.
“You had so much fun being taught by Minhyun before,” you pointed out as you gestured for your son to take a seat at the table and Daehwi slumped down into his chair, nodding his head dramatically.
“That was when I was a kid. I’m eight now, Mum!”
“And I’m nine but I wouldn’t complain if my Dad got to teach me. He never has! You’re so lucky, Daehwi!” Sohyun spat back and Minhyun groaned, resting his face within the palm of his hand. Looking through his fingers, he noticed the small smile playing on your lips.
Daehwi continued, ignoring the serving of pasta you had just placed on his plate. “More like unlucky!”
“Hey, I happen to be present in this room, you know,” Minhyun finally piped up but Daehwi’s hard gaze was unrelenting. He sighed at the boy. “What’s so bad about being back in my class? I’m a good teacher!”
“Yeah, but you’re dating my Mum now. All the kids will tease me as soon as they find out! Don’t you think that’s wrong? Why are you teaching my age group anyway? Can’t you go back to teaching the babies? I liked you better then.”
“Gee, thanks for that.”
You hissed at your son before shooting Minhyun a placating smile. “No one needs to know who your teacher is with, Daehwi.”
“Everyone probably already does, he has a photo of us all on his desk,” the child retorted glumly which made Minhyun clear his throat awkwardly.
Admittedly, he hadn’t expected this either. He had only found out the finalised school teaching roster earlier in the day, with Daehwi’s sudden addition to his class. However, he hadn’t been as dismissive about the idea as Daehwi. Dating you had been the best thing that had happened to Minhyun aside from the birth of his daughter Sohyun. He had never expected to feel as fulfilled as a human ever again. You were definitely his better half, and Minhyun was incredibly fond of Daehwi as well. Although you had only just started living together over the summer when you got engaged, he considered Daehwi just as much his own child as Sohyun. He would do anything for his needs and supported him easily. In Minhyun’s eyes, Daehwi was rambunctious compared to Sohyun, yet he loved the boy far too much already.
So it hurt that Daehwi was so against him being his teacher again.
Of course, Minhyun did understand. He was at an age where peer pressure and socialising started to make more of an impact on a youngster’s daily life. Daehwi only wanted to fit in. Being the teacher’s child – related or not – could have a negative impact on how they treated him.
Minhyun nodded, deflated. He wouldn’t tell Daehwi how much he had been excited to teach him again. “I’ll have a word with the office and see if you can swap classes.”
“You can’t do that!” Daehwi cried, completely aghast by the suggestion. Minhyun frowned, glancing at you for back up.
You reached out for Daehwi’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Why not?”
“Woojin and Jinyoung are going to be in my class too! I don’t want to leave my friends!” Daehwi folded his arms across his chest petulantly. “Minhyun should just go back to teaching babies!”
“Stop being a brat and eat your dinner, Daehwi,” Sohyun grumbled and the younger child whined loudly, causing you and Minhyun to step in and break up the argument before it grew any deeper.
Later that evening, when the children were nestled in their beds fast asleep, Minhyun sat down beside you on the sofa with a heavy sigh. You opened your arms and he moved into your embrace, relishing in the gentle circles you rubbed on his back. “I’m sorry Daehwi was insensitive tonight.”
“I don’t blame him, for someone his age this must seem like a nightmare.”
You chuckled softly. “I’m with Sohyun, if I was lucky enough to be taught by you, I’d lap it up.”
“Would you now?” he asked, looking up at your smiling face. You nodded brightly and Minhyun placed a chaste kiss on your lips before settling back onto your shoulder. “At least you would like my lessons.”
“I learned a lot from you when you taught him last time. In fact, if you hadn’t taught him…”
“We wouldn’t be looking at marriage in the near future, huh?” Minhyun finished off, smiling warmly as he thought of the happy prospect of the next step in life, fingering the ring he had placed on your hand affectionately. He faltered then, letting out a small groan when Daehwi’s face reappeared in his troubled thoughts. “I don’t want Daehwi to hate me.”
“How can he? He loves you as much as I love Sohyunnie. We’re a family, Min.”
“What should I do then? I can’t do what he wants, it’s my turn to teach this age group,” he mentioned and you brushed Minhyun’s hair away from his face, leaning in to kiss him softly.
“Don’t change it. He’ll be fine.”
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With the way Daehwi was glaring at Minhyun on the first day of school, he wondered if your advice had been the right choice. He had removed the evidence of any family portraits from his desk, ensuring there was nothing that would upset Daehwi further. In this classroom, he was Mr Hwang, not his impending step-father. He had always remained professional with all his students and he wouldn’t change that just because he was engaged to you. Just as he had when he was dating you and teaching Daehwi a couple of years ago, he would maintain the barrier between professional and personal lives maturely.
He just hoped Daehwi would find it in himself to do the same thing eventually.
“Isn’t Mr Hwang dating your Mum, Hwi-ah?” Woojin murmured when morning break was called and his friend glanced at his teacher with round eyes, the panic clear from across the room. Minhyun went to move but then Daehwi turned back to Woojin, rolling his eyes.
“Unfortunately,” he replied flippantly, causing Minhyun’s heart to crumble at the edges.
Maybe the stigma of being in his class would be too much for Daehwi after all.
Minhyun grew anxious over teaching his students. The first week was awkward, with it soon established with all the children that Daehwi was in fact at an advantage.
Or in a particular child’s eyes, a great disadvantage.
In the second week of school, Daehwi refused to ride to school in the same car with Sohyun and Minhyun. You told Minhyun that you would talk with him about it and for now would bring him to school on your way to work. He tried not to let Daehwi’s attitude break his spirit completely, but Minhyun felt more exhausted at the end of each school day.
The only thing keeping him going was that despite it all, Daehwi didn’t once stop coming to school, and he continued to put in a great amount of effort with his school work.
The first assignment for the term was to write a page about what was most important to the student. Minhyun expected a varying of answers, some children would list off their favourite possessions or a sport they enjoyed. But he knew most students would mention a little about their family as well.
“Has everyone handed in their assignments?” Minhyun addressed the class, smiling brightly. The majority nodded or shouted a positive answer back and he chuckled, pointing to the door to the room. “Then you can be excused. Have a great weekend everyone!”
The noise in the room grew louder as chairs scraped across the floor and the classroom emptied out into the afternoon sun.
All apart from one student. Minhyun glanced up from the equipment he was tidying to see the piece of paper thrust in his face. “Oh Daehwi, is this your assignment?”
With ears crimson and a quick nod of his head, he let go of the paper, mumbling a goodbye before speeding out of the room.
Reaching down for the assignment, Minhyun took it over to his desk, planning on leaving it there to mark when he was done packing up, but a sentence jumped out and caught his attention, his body blindly folding to sit in his chair as he hurried back to the top to read what was written. By the time he finished, he brushed aside his tears, looking at the door.
Minhyun gathered up the assignments and put them in his bag, dashing out of the building and to the parking lot, where his hurried steps stopped, finding Daehwi waiting awkwardly by his car. He knew that Sohyun had gymnastics practise today and you would pick her up on the way home from work. But lately, your son had been catching the bus home and going to his grandparents until Minhyun or you were home.
He hadn’t been prepared to find the boy waiting for him.
Without saying anything, Minhyun unlocked the car, and both of them got into it, pulling out of the school lot and heading for home. Minhyun didn’t know what to say, his emotions were all over the place. He wondered if Daehwi would even want to talk about it.
It was Daehwi who spoke up first. “Did… did you read it?”
“I have.”
Silence filled the car once again.
“Will you tell Mum about it?” he eventually asked and Minhyun glanced briefly at the nervous child beside him and then back at the road.
“Do you not want me to?”
“Are you going to do what I want you to?”
Minhyun hesitated to answer, before nodding. “I will, for you.”
“Then you can tell her,” Daehwi announced, going back to looking out the car window.
Minhyun remained on tenterhooks until you arrived home, his eyes peeling for yours as soon as Sohyun opened the front door. You seemed equally as wired when you found Daehwi home already. After placing a gentle kiss on Minhyun’s cheek, you went over to your son. “Do you know how worried I was when I got a phone call from Grandpa about you not getting off the school bus today?! What happened?”
Daehwi glanced over at Minhyun before returning his focus to yours. “…Dad brought me home.”
“W-what?” you breathed, following Daehwi’s stare back to Minhyun. “Dad, as in…”
Minhyun nodded, clearing his throat unsteadily. Sohyun looked around the room and then gasped noisily. “Are you calling my Dad your Dad too?!”
This seemed to break the emotionally charged atmosphere completely. “Well, you call my Mum your Mum!”
“Yeah, because she is going to be my Mum!”
“And he’s going to be my Dad too! Don’t be so greedy!” Daehwi bit back and started chasing Sohyun around, both children exclaiming they wouldn’t refer to each other as siblings adamantly.
Coming over to Minhyun’s side with tears welling in your eyes, you slid your arms around his waist and leaned in. “What brought this all on?”
“Daehwi chose this. He wrote in his assignment that the most important thing he had in his world was you, and then us. That he was the happiest knowing that he would have a Dad who cared about him and couldn’t wait to call me his Dad proudly.”
“Oh my God,” you breathed, and Minhyun chuckled, his tears falling into your hair as he hugged you tightly. “I thought he was struggling with the idea of you being his teacher, not what your true role in his life was.”
“It took me just as long as you to figure this out,” he commented, looking over at the younger pair now hugging and giggling about being a proper family soon.
Minhyun had always thought that having Sohyun in his world was enough. But watching as his new family was growing attached to the idea of being officially just that made him realise that this was exactly what he had hoped for since he met you and Daehwi two years ago.
He felt like the luckiest man in the world.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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marriedtothewriting · 3 years
NU’EST | Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s day L.O.V.Es! I have something for you uwu
NU’EST planning their Valentine’s Day for their partner.
JR simply surprised you with your favorite candy and some cute roses. He didn’t see a big reason to do anything else, as he knew you knew he loved you. But still in the end of the day, spending time with him was the best gift.
“Happy Valentine’s Day baby! I love you so much!”
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Aron didn’t think you’d want anything too fancy for Valentine’s Day. So he cooked your favorite meal and made a table for two in his place. Noah and KKotsooni would also join your romantic dinner.
“Happy Valentines Day!” *Noah and KKotsooni join* “And happy Valentine’s day to you too...” *Aron looks at you* “I hope you don’t mind them joining too.”
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Baekho but all in. He bought flowers, a teddy holding a heart that said “I love you” and he also made a five star course meal for the two of you. All for you. He loves you so much and wants you to know it. And maybe he also has something else planned for you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“Happy Valentine’s Day babe! These flowers are for you! ... Yes I made this meal, and desert, just for you... yes I got you this teddy, but isn’t he cute? And I also have something else for you if you want... .”
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This awkward bean had planned the Valentine’s Day for weeks. He wanted it to be perfect for you. So he asked for help from Aron for the cooking and Baekho for other gifts. In the end of the day, he had a whole meal ready for you (mostly done by Aron) and few cute gifts like flowers and a teddy holding a heart.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my love! Uhh... Yes, I made all of this myself... and chose this teddy for you as well.. I love you!”
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Ren went all for Valentine’s Day, but in his own way. He first sung a beautiful love song for you and then dramatically gave you his hand and guided you to your favorite ramen restaurant. He told you to order whatever you wanted. He payed for the two of you. You spend the whole day with him.
“Eat well! I have put a lot of thought into this day! I love you.”
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rabbitscup · 5 years
Amor Fati
At three past eleven, Jonghyun sees a girl with beautiful black hair standing by the window looking at the full moon. The smile in her face has captivated him and her voice sounds so reassuring to his ears. Even days have passed, the memory of that night stays on his mind like crystal clear. But, why does she look so sad? And the most important thing is, who is she?
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Golden Tongue (Bias x Reader) Pt.16
The next few weeks are a blur with a dose of recurring nightmares. Not only for you, but more so for B/N. 
You don’t go home. You’ve been staying with him since the incident, afraid to leave him by himself. He barely eats, his body imprint on the bed signals that he hardly leaves it. 
And right now he’s standing in the kitchen, eyes glazed over as his mind wanders. He doesn’t notice you standing there, he’s hardly noticed you since Jesse was buried. 
Guilt, grief, and rage is all he’s suffering from and it’s eating him alive. He’s lost so much of himself.
You stand beside him, looking at his face. It’s been days since he’s said more than five words to you. 
Placing your hand on his cheek, you softly say, “Come back to me,” 
He turns his head to you, blinks twice as he returns to the present. A look of pity crosses his features. 
“I’m gonna shower. My parents will be here soon,” he says, walking around you.
You stand there, forcing your emotions down. A habit you’ve started doing while you tried caring for B/N. You both weren’t official yet, recent events preventing you both from talking about it. You sort of just...stayed with him. 
In truth, you liked him a lot. But you felt incredibly overwhelmed. He was so caught up in his own pain that he seemed to have forgotten you both were in the same battle that day. 
You wipe your tear-stained face. When did your life take such a turn? Sitting in the stool Jesse once sat in to eat your breakfast. Can’t have two distraught people trying to make it through the day, right? 
You don’t have much of an appetite but you know you need to eat. Tracing your fork through your food, you realize you’ve been spaced out for over twenty minutes, doing the same thing B/N was doing. 
You drop your fork, feeling uneasy. Heading to the bathroom, you realize B/N is still in there. He didn’t lock the door, but you knock. 
“B/N, you okay?” you can still hear the shower running but he doesn’t answer you. You let yourself in. Your heart is pounding at what you’re unprepared to see once you pull the shower curtains aside.
He’s sitting in the corner, his knees to his chest and staring at nothing. 
The sight of him like this is the tipping point of your emotions and you sink to the floor. You sit on the ground outside of the tub, holding your face in your hands. 
“I wish I could go back,” he says and you look at him. This is the most he’s admitted to feeling since the incident took place. His eyes and nose are red, “I wish for nothing more than to go back,”
He pushes his hair back, sniffing. His eyes focus on you, “I need you to do something for me,” 
You nod, “What?” 
He takes a moment to reply, his voice breaking, “I need you to take this pain away,” you know where he’s going with this, and you shake your head, “I need you to make me forget,” 
“No...” you say in the middle of his request. 
His face switches from pleading to anger very quickly. He gets out of the shower and you follow him. 
“It’s one request, Y/N!” he snaps as he pulls his boxers on. He’s taking his anger and depression out on you now. 
“I won’t do that,” you tell him.
“You cannot forget Jesse!” he doesn’t want to hear what you’re saying, “No matter how bad you feel, forgetting him would make his entire life meaningless.”
He roughly pushes his wet hair from his face, flinging the nearest thing, that happens to be his laptop, across the room. 
“I want to die, Y/N! Do you understand that? You almost died saving me. My best friend is dead because I’m so fucking stupid. He didn’t want to do this. All he wanted to do was run a stupid realtor company,” as he says the final part, he presses his palms against his eyes, his voice breaking. 
Your voice is soft, hoping it will lessen the blow, “That’s why you can’t forget him,” saying that makes him even more upset because you won’t give him what he wants.
“You’re practically Wonder Woman. You don’t understand what this feels like,” he scoffs. His words shock you, the look in his eyes spiteful, “Have you lost someone close to you?” he asks cynically. 
You slap him in the face hard, purposefully. 
Wet strands of hair spread across the side of his face, cheek slowly reddening. He doesn’t look surprised, almost like he wanted you to retaliate. 
“I don’t understand?” Your body is shaking in anger, tears springing into your eyes, “Jesse was my friend too. Not as close as you guys, but he was a friend,” he rolls his eyes and you shove him hard in the chest. He wants to fight.
“You know what? Fuck you,” You’re pained that he thinks so little of what you could actually feel, after all you’ve done. You turn from him, grabbing your stuff. You can’t take this anymore. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m leaving. Obviously,” 
Walking to the living room, he follows you, “I’ve been babysitting you because you’re so damn sad that you can’t help yourself. I’ve been neglecting myself and for what? Are we even friends? We’re not even officially together,”
“And how dare you? You think just because you feel pain, you have a right to say those things to me?” his expression lets you know he realizes his mistake, “Not once have you asked how I felt. Do you just assume I feel nothing? Wonder Woman felt pain too.” he presses his lips together, remembering what he said, “Honestly, did you not think of me once?” 
“I did... I just didn’t think-” 
“No, you didn’t think,” you push your hair from your face, “I killed people, B/N. Did you forget that?” 
He pauses, watching you carefully now, as if the pain in your own voice made him snap out of his own, “That shit keeps me up at night. A man is braindead because of me. I accidentally killed a girl who ran into my force field. I put a bullet through a woman’s brain without a second thought. And I’m not entirely sorry, and that scares me. And you wanna forget? I want to forget.”  
His image is blurring before you, but you see him coming near you. 
You back away from him, “I tried to save Jesse, but I didn’t see her gun. I wasn’t fast enough. I hate myself for that and sometimes I think that you hate me because I didn’t do any better,” you finally admit all of this to him.
You cover your face because you’re crying harder than you have before, your own guilt overflowing. He’s so quiet you’re not even sure he’s listening or even there. But you feel his arms come around you quickly and you’re pushing him off because you haven’t forgiven him. You don’t want your tears to seem like a weakness that you need him.  
But he’s persistent and you can hardly stand up on your own. 
He’s never held you this tight, as if he’s trying to keep you from crumbling to pieces, “I can’t forgive myself,” you whisper. 
“I never blamed you,” he says, “Not once,” 
You pull away to wipe your face, holding your bag tighter on your shoulder.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t save him for you,” 
She was leaving him and he didn’t even blame her. 
B/N didn’t mean to snap as he did but he’s almost glad he did, because he wouldn’t have known how much Y/N was keeping in. 
Yes, he was being spiteful, an action he regretted as soon as he did it to her, but she was releasing so much. He didn’t know how hard she took Jesse’s death. Didn’t know she actually blamed herself. He even forgot about the people that died or were injured by Y/N’s hands. Her guilt greatly outdid his, yet she was being so strong for him. 
Feeling like shit didn’t even cover it. 
“I think it’s time we part ways,” she says and his throat is tight. He caused all of this.
He didn’t want her to leave, but he knew it would be the best if she did. She lost pieces of herself caring for him, her clothes fit her body looser than before. Her skin was dull and her eyes didn’t have that spark like before. On top of her own turmoil, did he drain her that much? 
“I’m sorry,” is all he can say. He’s sorry he did this to her; neglected the only person he had left. He’s sorry he threw everything she did for him back in her face. He felt such shame looking at her, additional to the fact that he only had his boxers on. 
“Keep in touch with your parents. Share your grief with them, because they loved Jesse too,” her final words. As she’s about to turn for the door, she pauses, looking at him. 
He can’t let her leave this way. He meets her where she is, embracing her. He holds her tightly, his hand resting on the back of her head. Her tears cascade down his chest, his own disappearing in her hair. 
She steps back, patting her cheeks. When she looks at him, he almost can’t hold her gaze. 
“I can’t make you forget, but I can do something else for you,” she says softly. 
She holds his face, looking into his eyes, “You will heal. You will get past this. You will be happy again. And you will forgive yourself,” 
His body relaxes, his thoughts flashing gray as her words reconstruct his mind. 
When he comes to, he realizes he is alone. His cat sits at the door, waiting for her to come back, not realizing she won’t. 
He wasn’t sure how he’d face his parents when they arrived at his house. He couldn’t even look them in the eyes at the funeral. 
He opens the door once they arrive, his stomach tight. 
He feels better after what Y/N did to him. But her absence created another void that he would have to live with. 
“Hi Mom,” is all he is able to say before she pulls him in for a hug. 
“My baby. You’re so thin,” she sniffs, squeezing his arms and face for emphasis. She takes the food she brought from his father’s hands. She rushes to the kitchen.
“Dad,” B/N finally says. 
His father sighs at the sight of his son, his stiff aura softening. He pats his neck, pulling him in for a hug, “Make sure you eat, or she’ll nag until you do,”  
He gives a small smile, nodding. 
Within minutes, his mother notices something isn’t right. 
“Where’s Y/N?” she asks. 
He’s not sure how to answer but says the truth, “She’s gone,” 
His parents are quiet, glancing at each other before looking at their son again.
“Sharing burdens is only effective if it’s shared equally,” his mother says, seeming to know what he didn’t have to explain. 
“I liked her for you,” is all his father says.
They eat together, his mother speaking the most and he’s grateful because he has no words to contribute to the conversation. She even manages to make him laugh despite the fact that there’s two chairs empty at the table. He felt happy for that split second and the rush of guilt that overtook him was insufferable. 
He places his fork down, excusing himself from the table. 
He clutches the counter in his bathroom, taking deep breaths. 
“Pull yourself together,” he tells himself. Once he steps into his room, he pauses seeing his mother sitting on his bed, the book she had given him in her hands. 
“Did you finish it?” she asks. 
He shakes his head, “No. Haven’t gotten around to it,” 
She nods, flipping through the pages, “You should,” 
“Why? Some message on life lessons or something?” 
“Something like that,” 
“I don’t want to read it,” 
“You will,” 
“Read it,” she says firmly, holding the open book towards him. Even at his age, he knew when to pay attention to his mothers tone of voice. 
With an exasperated sigh, he takes the book from her hand, standing as he reads the written words. 
“The gifts that we’ve been given has brought us more pain than we anticipated. To forget is a gift. A gift I cannot give myself,” 
“Not much encouragement from her here,” he says, closing the book.
“You accept what’s happened and move on. That’s the way it goes,” 
He knows why his mother had him read this but he’s too stubborn to accept it. He’s feeling a mix of emotions. He already poured his soul out to Y/N, must he do it again? 
But then he remembers what she said, to grieve with parents.
“He’s gone, B/N,” his mother says as gently as she can, “Jesse is gone,”  
He pauses, biting the inner flesh of his cheek, “I know that,” 
He feels her hand on his back, “Stop blaming yourself. You must live again,” 
Her words cause tears to spring into his eyes and he fights them. He clenches his teeth so tightly to prevent himself from cracking. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally says.
“I know,” she wipes his tears even though hers are glistening on her cheeks as well, “But I can’t lose another son. You might think you don’t deserve to enjoy life right now, but Jesse would’ve cursed you for leaving your plate full just now,” 
The truth in her words cause him to laugh despite his tears, “He really loved food,” 
A hard pang to his chest at using past-tense. His mother notices, taking his hand. 
“I love you and I always will,” she says to him. Loving him despite what he did, a form of healing he didn’t expect. 
His father steps in the doorway, looking his son in the eyes. An action he’s been doing lately, no longer fearing what his son could do. 
He does a double take, noticing the broken laptop in the corner that he through, during his fight with Y/N. 
“You and your temper,” he father chastises him as he picks up the broken pieces. 
“I’ve been curious about something,” his father says, “You mentioned Y/N saved you? How?”
“She’s kind of like me,” 
“How so? What can she do?” his mother asks. 
He gives a knowing smile, remembering how ethereal and badass she looked as she fought. How before she knew of her gift, she pulled him towards her by simply being who she was, “Everything I can’t.”
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interview tag!
rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
thanks @shineesltm for tagging me, i don’t often do ask games these days because I get too lazy (although i love to be tagged in them LOLOL) but i was in the mood tonight!
I won’t tag 20 blogs lol but @hobitonins @abunnycotton @jaanwoo can have a tag if they wanna look/play! and anyone else that wants to lol
name / nickname: leila. My dad sometimes calls me leily and i have a few friends who call me lei-lei (not a preferred nickname but they’re my friends so i let them lolol) but overall no nickname
pronouns: she/her
star sign: cancer sun/aries moon/libra rising
height: 5'4
time: 12:48pm
when is your birthday: july 1
nationality: canadian
favorite band/groups: nct, monsta x, bee tee ess, exo, ace, nuest, twice, red velvet, block b, the boyz, ateez, victon, stray kids, oneus, onewe, day6, mcnd, dkb, idk i’m probably forgetting some lolol but in general yeah
favorite solo artists: yoongi LOL, wonho, woodz, han seungwoo, taemin, kang daniel
song stuck in your head: answer by ateez which is weird because i don’t actually super care for that particular ateez song
last movie you watched: i think it was Howl’s Moving Castle
last show you binged: i never binge shows. i intend to slowly watch the latest posted season of ru paul but i shan’t be binging it
when you created your blog: i could look it up but honestly i don’t recall. long time tho.
last thing you googled: seungwoo...........omg me all the time....
other blogs: just this one. my past ones are now out of commission
why i chose my url: ummmmm mcnd’s iconiQUE hit song of 2021, woodangtang? extremely iconic of them
how many people are you following: 187
how many followers do you have: 376
average hours of sleep: mmm like 4.5 on work days, probably 6-11 variably on days off
lucky number: 8, because it’s round and even
instruments: NONE lol
what i am currently wearing: matching pajama t-shirt and shorts, black cardigan
dream job: children’s program coordinator at a big museum
dream trip: idk man i don’t think lots about travelling...maybe like a month to visit australia, china, korea? travelling gets legit super hard when you have severe food allergies and don’t speak the language and don’t have control over what you’re consuming, so I just don’t bother dreaming about travelling
favorite food:
1. rice
2. cake
3. whipped cream
4. nutella with butter toast
5. doritos
6. maynards sour mango candies
7. candy in general
8. fruit cream filled chocolates
9. carrots
10. chocolate in general
favorite song: i don’t have a favourite song because songs are so like, changing, lol, but rn idk why but euphoria by mr. jk himself is making me very emotional. not my favourite song tho.
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: hmmm honestly i’m not sure? probably the bloody jack series universe, downton abbey universe, and i don’t know a third? Mad Men maybe?
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shownusfool · 4 years
Ghost around you my heart hurts when i see you, the ache doesn't go away
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aka a playlist for every time i think about how much i miss boy groups from the second gen. idk why but their heartbreak sounds so good to the ears. 
over the top - infinite; be mine - infinite; the ghost of wind - ZE:A; error - VIXX; fiction - beast; 1004 - BAP; insane - BTOB; growing pains - super junior D&E; before you go - TVXQ; good bye bye - nuest; it’s you - super junior; obsession - shinee; love ya - SS501; breathe - ZE:A; haru haru - big bang; 330 - ukiss; was i wrong? - 2AM; baby i’m sorry - myname; all day long - ZE:A; paradise - infinite; betting - infinite
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suwua · 4 years
Okay in no order after the first 10 or so...top 50 groups/artists for me and my favorite eras/tracks by them
dreamcatcher - fly high
bts - house of cards
shinee - 1 of 1
nuest - face
after school - because of you
exid - ddd
suran - don’t hang up
ailee - i will show you
cl - i quit
bom - wanna go back
seventeen - mansae
mamamoo - gogobebe
red velvet - peek a boo
jessi - boing 
twice - heart shaker
yoon mirae - no gravity 
loona - butterfly
ft island - severely
2ne1 - go away
cherry bullet - hand up
weki meki - i don’t like your girlfriend
sistar - one more day
got7 - just right
beast - fiction
leo - blossom tears
clc - devil
monsta x - hero
stray kidz - voices
1nb - where u at
dal shabet - joker
4minute - hate
fiestar -  you’re pitiful
k.will - please don’t 
big bang - monster
younha - winter flower
sunmi - siren
gfriend - crossroads
aoa - come see me
ladies code - hate you
blackpink - kiss and make up 
(g)-idle - put it straight
teen top - rocking
bga - dong saya dae
exo - growl
vixx - voodoo
bestie - excuse me
yezi - crazy dog
akmu - re-bye
punch - love me
jenyer - bus
oohyo - uto
bol4 - travel
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haechanin · 6 years
About Me Supertag!
I was tagged by @wait-whaaaat and @renjunslaugh thank you guys ily <3
Name: Sude
Nicknames: Sudiş
Gender: female
Age: 16
Sexuality: straight
Zodiac: aquarius
Height: 171 cm (i thinnkkkk?)
Hair and eye color: brown hair and brown/grenen(?) eyes
Tattoos and piercings: 7 piercings on my ears and i want to get a tattoo
Lucky Numbers: none
Number of blankets: ??
Hogwarts house:🐍 slytherin 🐍
Nationality: turkish
Languages: turkish, english, learning german (but i suck) and i want to learn russian and japanese maybe
Favorite fruit: pretty much every fruit lol
Favorite colors: black
Favorite animal: dogs and wolves??
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: every one of them 
Favorite fictional character: there are too many but draco malfoy
Dream trip: anywhere different than my country basically
Last film seen: justice league
Songs on repeat atm: Dally by hyorin and Deja Vu by nuest w
Favorite Book: i cant pick one there are literally too fucking many
Followers: 171 :/
pretty much everyone has been tagged soo @cypodin @bananamilk-jeno @dxjxhnhyxcks @godtierjeno @leeduckenthusiast @strawberryjaehyuns and @jaehuynstiddies and anyone lol
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channie · 6 years
20 questions tag!
rule: answer 20 questions then tag 20 ppl who u want to get to know better
tagged by: @1dogs thank u <33
im not tagging anyone sry :/ do this if u wanna
name: fishy
zodiac sign: pisces
height: 171 cm
languages: hungarian, english, a teensy bit of italian
nationality: hungarian
favorite fruit: mmm pomegrenates? maybe
favorite scents: rainy air, soil, those kinds
favorite color: yellow
favorite animal: pufferfish uwu also cats and bears
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea
favorite fictional character: oof i made quite a list last time... you from love live, moca from bandori, shiro from voltron, amami from dangan ronpa, iida from bnha!
when blog was created: 2016 (theres this rly handy code in the desktop theme im using)
last movie seen: the incredibles 2
favorite candy: mmm marshmallows
favorite holiday: does halloween count??
songs on repeat: shine by pentagon, sunset by kim donghan, dejavu by nuest w, shoot me by day6, complete by onf
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kkamist · 6 years
tags (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
ok so ive been tagged in different tags by different people ,,, nd have procrastinated on actually doing them ,, so i decided to compile all of them in one post !!
warning: this will be a v long post ,, read only if u wanna ,, know more abt me i guess (why would u lmAO)
fact tag?? i guess
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions
was tagged by maria !! @s0ftminho ♡ඩ⌔ඩ♡
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour: yellow,, peach,, nd black
Top 3 ships: oof idk?? oo nomin probably !!
Lipstick or chapstick: i dont use them :”)
Last song: im listening to gfriend - rough rn!
Last movie: spiderman homecoming hAHHAHA ( i was doing a mini marvel marathon bc my dad had the movies and didnt ! tell ! me ! but i uh stopped there lmao )
Top 3 shows: i dont watch shows often,, but i do rly like knowing brothers, night goblin :”) nd its dangerous outside the blanket! oooo theres also cafe amor that is p cute too !!
Currently reading: ok if manga counts, kimi no todoke nd bnha ,, if not ,, waking gods by sylvain neuvel (but i paused like ,, last yr prob hAHHA)
kpop + music tag!
ok so i was tagged by @01yoonjin to do ,, both of these tags if im not wrong,, and @maetaamong tagged me for the music shuffle tag and @hyuunjins tagged me for the kpop tag thingy aha
music shuffle tag
rules: put all of your phone’s music library – no playlists! – on shuffle. list the first ten songs that play. bold the song(s) that lift your mood and italicise the song(s) that makes you the most emotional. then tag ten people!
mad city - nct 127
campfire - svt
us now - vixx
hold me tight - bts
talk me down  - troye sivan
paradise - nct 127
too good - troye sivan
grr 총량의 법칙 - skz
another world - nct 127
blue - troye sivan ft alex hope
kpop tag
rules: answer the questions!
1) 5 favorite groups?
2) Top 5 on your bias list? (no particular order)
(lee) chan
(lee) mark
jr (jonghyun)
3) Ult Bias group and why you love them?
oof ok i,,, dont know? im not the type to actually Stay ulting a group?? like ill stan then ,,, then,, get into another grp,,, yeah,,,, im not v loyal aa my friends always ask what grps i stan and im liek ,,,,, idk,,,, i stan a Lot,,, (that was a real convo between a new friend i made weeks ago) but i guess,, atm its skz? their music is,, my taste? like the meaning of it nd all,, and uh theyre also v v fun to b with,, there isnt a moment when i dont smile whenever i see one of their vids or during their vlives :”) tbh what i like the most in groups i stan is their humor lmao,,, like if theyre v funny, i automatically love them even more :”))
4) Ult Bias and why you love them?
again,,, idk man,, i dont think i even Ult hAHHA ok but i ,, rlly like bae jinyoung nd chani hHAHHA ok but also ,,,, hyunjin. that boy,,,,,  id do anything for him tbh ,,  also bjy wasnt even mentioned in  2 but,,, i rlly love him ,, like idk,, i dont stan w1 as much now but ,, whenever i see him im like :-))))) (same goes for chani aa) fiuwe idk y i like them sm tho aa
5) Favorite Kpop Meme
iiiiii dont have any guawdeij
6) Favorite pic of your ult? (I dare you to only pick one)
ok what,,, i dont even know my ult hAHAH
7) 5 Favorite Kpop MVs
dont stop - twice (this is in jap tho,, does it count?)
nuest - daybreak
blooming days - exo cbx
you&me - kisum
go - nct dream
8) 10 Favorite Kpop songs?
vivid - loona/heejin
heart attack - loona/chuu
singing in the rain - loona/jinsoul
scentist - vixx
boss - nct u
rollercoaster - chungha
shine - pentagon
blooming days - exo cbx
trigger - vixx
my valentine - vixx
nd a lot more auief
9) Favorite Kpop crack video?
oof i dont watch crack often-
10) Favorite content creator within the fandom?
all of them!! :”)
11) What fandoms would you say you’re an active member of?
aa atm the sk fandom !! i was q active in the svt fandom in my main blog but i dont make content anymore :-( i do want to b active in other grps (like nct nd sf9 nd mayb nuest) but i dont have enough Commitment to run other blogs at the same time :”)))
12) Take your top 3 biases- fmk
these arent my top 3 but-
F(riendly convo with) - murk leeeee
M - oof tbh id marry seungcheol or mingYU OmG :-)))))))) hes not my bias but ,, hes such husband material tbh ,,,,,,,,
K - lee chan bc he,, keeps Killing me w those looks even when im tryna stan another grp ughrei
13) If you could be best friends with any idol, who would you choose?
chani? or chenle!! for chani ,, we’re q similar nd we both like chicken !!!!!!!!!!!! so yes. for chenle ,, we’re also kinda similar but we def have the same humor ,,, which is always great  :^)))))
14) If you could date any idol, who?
hm,,, tbh these days ive been feeling Soft for mark (lee) nd !! also bjy ,,,, ahHa im sorry hyunjin yshvriIHFED
15) What’s one Kpop album you think everyone should have listened to?
vixx - eau de vixx bc nO ONE i know talks abt it :-((((
16) Are you a soft or a hard stan?
swoft??? or medium idK HAHAH
17) An idol that makes you go into soft mode?
100% hyunjin,,, Also bjy.
18) An idol that makes you want to smash the empire state building with one single punch?
o man is also hyunjin aLSO mark lee :-))))))))))
19) Favorite vocalist?
oof hm,, defo seungkwan ,,, seokmin,,, basically svt’s vocal team :-))) oOF reading this again ,, yo haechan???? God tier vocals,,, pls stan nct :-)))
20) Favorite Rapper?
oo ok so i watched high school rapper nd i really like osshun? nd oH bang jaemin :”) aa i need to watch s2 soon jgafiue
in terms of idols, defo 3racha,,, theyre So Good uiahrfiu
21) Favorite dancer?
aAA in terms of girls: cHUNGHA!! for boys its ,, basically all of svt performance team nd,, ten and taeyong- (i like a lot of dancers its hard to choose ifajoiwe)
22) Things you have in common with your ult?
ok i,, dk my ult but ill just do it w the idols i put in in that q - for hyunjin i feel like we ,, both struggle w cooking lmAo nd have troubles waking up early :”) ,, actually now that i think abt it,, were both v quiet nd shy but when u get to know us? were v Loud nd savage (same w bjy nd chani) also again ,, chani likes chicken, i do too so :-)))))))
23) The mot beautiful trait any idol can have?
hm,, confidence? it takes a lot for someone to just go on stage and sing/dance etc,, like i would Never b able to do that- (proven today: had a skit and had a shaky voice the whole time , also laughed alot oops)
24) Songs that will always make you jam along?
vIVID by heejin nd singing in the rain by jinsoul nD ALL THE OTHER LOONA SONGS-
also rock by skz !!!!! nd nd omg rollercoaster by chungha nd,,, scentist by vixx nd many others hAHAH
25) Your worst wrecker?
in skz its ,,,,,,,, ***** :-)) also nomin have been wrecking me these days ,, rip
26) Any kpop concerts you’ve been to?
0 bc my parents wont let me :-(
27) Favorite choreo?
there r too many-
28) Favorite live performance?
also too many- but i do like concert performances where the fans sing along too- like those Hit me in the feels everytime (eg: smile flower - svt!!!) iahfnie (does this even count lmao)
29) Favorite debut mv?
adore u- svt !! (3rd anniv coming up ihHIWU)
30) Recommend a rookie group
skz obv, loona, unb ,, (g)i-dle !!
31) A kpop song you could listen to every day for the rest of your life?
there is a Lot but prob vivid - heejin hAHAH I RLLY LIKE THAT SONG AUWIFHIAU
20 question tag!
rules: answer 20 questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better
i was tagged by em !! @realstraykids  (´∀`)♡
name: hazirah (oo name reveal :^))
nickname(s): haz
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: i am smoller than em ,, barely 5 feet :-)))))))))
languages spoken: ok ,, eng, malay, arabic, uuuh tiiiiiny bit of chinese and im now (kind of) self learning korean :^)
nationality: singaporean
favourite season: ok we dont have fall in sg,, but fall !!
favourite flowers: baby’s breath!
favourite scents: the scent of fried chicken :-)) or fresh laundry ,,, also petrol smell :-) 
favourite color: i answered above but yellow, peach nd black
favourite animal: shiba inus !!
favourite fictional characters: mmmm kacchan nd aizawa nD TODOROKI IFIAEUR HOW COULD I FORGET HIM O Mg frm bnha !! also baz nd simon frm the book carry on, simon by raindow rowell (one of my fav books tbh) ,,,, also tanaka frm tanaka kun is always listless bc hes goals tbh. ALSO oMg USUI TAKUMI FRM KAICHOU WA MAID SAMA OH MY GODUIHF
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: ok in cold countries i Always get hot chocolate,, here in sg i always get green tea,, or ice lemon tea sometimes :-)))
average sleeping hours: 5-6
dog or cat person: both but more towards cats tbh
number of blankets you sleep with: 1
dream trip: the world !! or like japan/england ,, 
blog established: feb 1 2018
followers: a number :-)
random fact: mmmmmmmm i broke my fast w two of my friends last night nd caught up w each other nd im v happy :-)))))
nd thats the end !! (not really,, theres like 2 slefie tags but i have 0 pics oops) but if you read through all this,, congratulations,, you probably know me more than my classmates :-))))
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Prompt: #53 for anon – “Why do you hate me?”
Anonymous said:
Hello! Can I request a drabble for Baekho? #53 “Why do you hate me?” If you can find a way to make it a royalty au of some sort, I would melt but if you have another idea that makes more sense or sounds more fun, don't listen to me! Thank you! - Nu'est anon)
Pairing: Kang Dongho x reader
Genre: royal au / romance / friends to lovers
Warnings: none
Word count: 954
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Glancing across the room, you smiled graciously at the man against the wall, though he did not return the gesture. It disgruntled you momentarily, scrunching your face up as you rolled your eyes in an otherwise silent protest. He merely pointed to your company and with a sigh, you spun back to the Baron and Baroness and pasted on another smile.
This one didn’t reach right up to your eyes as your last had.
Being the only princess in a royal family with three princes was often a burden. You had no stake in the throne, not that you had ever desired for such a thing. Whilst you were strong-willed, it wasn’t something you wished to harness for the greater good of your nation. Call you selfish all they may, but you only dreamed of the removal of status entirely. You wished to retire from the public role of playing dress up for countless state dinners, functions and other politically fuelled events of the royal court. You wanted to roam as free as the butterflies did out in the pasture, to fly as high as you could and see the world without the shackles of acting proper and keeping to timely order. Now that you were no longer a child, your ability to ask for play had been revoked. Your mornings were full of learning, not that you were ever to be expected as intelligent, instead, quaint. Your afternoons spent improving your skills, such as tapestry, sewing, and dance. Once a week you would be fortunate enough to have a ride out across the moors, and only on those excursions did you ever feel as if the wind could tousle your hair enough and have the excuse for it.
“My dear, are you quite alright?” the baroness asked and you nodded, composing yourself to answer as you always did. A princess must always be diplomatic and prompt with a response.
“Of course, I was just contemplating the idea of starting a new quilt. The colder season will arrive soon and I know my father quite enjoys sitting in his study late into the evening.”
Everyone marvelled over your avid affection of the King.
You hadn’t once been thinking of making the quilt for him. Though you were planning on making it for someone else. Your eyes slipped to the wall again, growing perplexed when the man who stood there previously was now nowhere in sight. It unsettled you, made you uncomfortable to remain standing there talking pleasantries and faking an interest in the lives of these people. When it was possible to retire from the party, you took your farewell effortlessly, dashing out into the foyer of the grand hall and then through to servants quarters. You didn’t even stop to knock when you entered his bedroom, the man within spinning around to see you.
And you darted your eyes immediately to the wall. “Oh… well, I was not expecting such an exhibition.”
“Nor was I aware I would be in company tonight, Princess.”
You grumbled, uncaring of his shirtless predicament and stared back at the man before you with hard eyes. “Must you refer to me as my title? Dongho, I do not know how many times I have asked you to call me by my name. In the very least, you should follow this request when it is just us two.”
“The walls may be made of stone, my lady, but I assure you they have ears.”
You ducked as if they had eyes as well, shifting closer to hiss at Dongho. “Why did you leave?!”
“Must I stay and endure such a boring spectacle all night long?”
You stomped your foot in petulance. “Yet you leave me to suffer.”
“I am not the Princess of this nation.”
“No, but you are my bodyguard, Dongho. What will of you if I had been harmed?”
“By what? Another piece of fruitcake conveniently dropped by the baroness in hopes to ruin this gorgeous dress you wear?”
“I’ll have you know when she dropped it on my foot last time, it felt as if a rock had fallen upon it!”
You giggled together, a simple reaction yet it meant everything to you. For a moment, your status was removed and you were back to the friends who had grown up playing together out in the pasture chasing butterflies. As soon as the happy sound ceased, you fell back into your roles, you of a princess and he of a guard.
You sighed. “Why do you hate me?”
“That’s an odd thing to accuse me of,” he mused, giving you a quizzical look. “Tell me of a time where I’ve shown you any emotion deserving of the title hatred.”
“Then, are you jealous?”
“The suitors who come to greet you these days.”
“You’re truly jealous?” you repeated, a small smile curling up your lips with delight. Dongho heaved a deep breath before placing his index finger in the middle of your forehead and pushing you gently. “Must you look so wicked?”
“I must. It is not every day that you show me signs.”
“Signs? Of jealousy?” he wondered and you shook your head, reaching up to sling your arms around his neck. Dongho visibly flinched but he did nothing to undrape you from around him either.
“Of love. I wondered if you hated me but now I realise it’s far from that emotion.”
“Y/N, you know this will be forbidden.”
You nodded, shifting closer. “Much like everything is to me. Allow me these moments.”
“As your guard, is this a request I must follow?”
“As my best friend, this is a confession I hope you will treasure.”
Dongho smiled, drawing you in closer. “Always.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Drabble Game Masterlist] | [NU’EST Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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hanjisungie · 7 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Tagged by: @ultless
1.Nicknames: germ
2.Gender: female
3.Star sign: sagittarius
4.Height: 159cm
5.Time: 10.35pm
6.Birthday: 19 dec
7.Favourite bands: wanna one, ikon && many more including the boyz and stray kids !!!!!
8.Favorite solo artists: sik-k, gray, loco, ziont, dean
9.Song stuck in my head: runners high
10.Last movie I watched: i honestly don’t remember ???!!
11.Last show I watched: produce101 weekly idol reunion
12.When did I create my blog: ard 3-4 weeks ago
13.What do I post/reblog: STRAY KIDS
14.Last thing I googled: nice hair salons
15.Other blogs: @jellypinguuu @theboyz-net @parkitwoojin
16.Do I get asks: sadly no:(( do send me asks !!
17. Why I choose my URL: i rlly love jisung and i thought this name was rlly cute hehe
18.Following: 100+
19.Followers: 220
20. Average hours of sleep: 5-8
21: Lucky number: 7
22.Instruments: piano, violin, cello
23.What I’m wearing: tshirt and shorts
24.Dream job: an entertainment company’s ceo to go ard recruiting talented ppl from roadsides ahhh
25.Dream trip: somewhere thats rlly peaceful and has really cool weather
26.Favourite food: chicken🍗🍗🍗
27.Nationality: singaporean
28. Favourite song right now: nuest w’s where u at is really gooood YAY
29.Last book I read: happiness index
30. Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Want to Join: idk,,,,, anything,,,, abt,,,, this,,,,
i don’t know too many people yet so i can’t tag 20
@hyyunjinn @fehlix
@str9ykids @strykids @strayskid @felixsfreckles && anyone else who wants to do it !!!
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nuestaaron · 7 years
30 Questions Tag
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
Tagged by: @lazyhani (you tagged my main but i’d rather do it here. hope that’s kay)
1. Nickname: Ellie (my name is actually ellie, so since it’s so short, people don’t call me by anything else)
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: virgo
4. height: 5′6
5. time: 4:30pm
6. birthday: September 5th
7. favourite bands: Waterparks, Panic! At the Disco, Nu'est, knk, Vixx
8. favourite solo artists: Psy, Kris Wu
9. song stuck in your head: Shall We Dance by block b
10. last movie I watched: Baby Driver (it was a lot better than i was expecting tbh. my roommate was adamant that we watch it)
11. last show i watched: Stranger Things (only in ep6 of season 2 bc it takes me 10 years to watch a show)
12. when did i create my blog: I made this side blog towards the end of last year but only to save the url. i started posting on this around when p101 was about to happen
13. what do i post/reblog: nuest. not a hard one. my main blog is multifandom kpop
14. last thing i googled: nitrogen ice cream gainesville
15. other blogs: @jonghyumyum is my main. if you’re followed by this blog, it’s just me stalking you.
16. do i get asks: one time i got an ask.
17. why i choose my url: nuestaron was taken by an inactive blog :( so next best thing
19. followers: 293
20. average hours of sleep: lmao what day of the week are we talking
21. lucky number: 05
22. instruments: I played trombone for 6 years and I did drumline all throughout high school (I can play a plethora of percussion instruments, but main one being vibraphone)
23. what i’m wearing: an indoor drumline show thsirt from my sophomore year and running shorts (even tho i barely run)
25. Dream trip: I’ve always wanted to go to France, but i’ve been talking to my conversation partner and she wants me to visit her in korea someday
26. favourite food: you can’t go wrong with pizza
27. nationality: American
28. favorite song right now: Chococo by Gugudan and Do It by MASC
29. last book i read: Salem’s lot by stephen king
30. Top Three Fictional Universes: anyone that isnt in mortal peril bc goddamn there’s always something ominous going on. maybe post-battle-for-hogwarts wizarding world, power (exo) mv, and sleep talking (nuest) mv
i’m going to tag @mint--min @knk-tinkerbell4life @diadeo @fuckyeaharonkwak @hisabiwolfe15 and anyone else who wants to share
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cheonsavage · 7 years
20 Questions Tag o-o;;
tagged by @gonefortuan​ (why would you do this to me ;-;)
tagging: @boosonseok @jin-wootwoot and whoever cause i have no online friends hahah.... ;-;
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers (hah rip me i dont any that im close enough to do so XD)
Nicknames: squish cause apparently my cheeks are really squishy XD
Zodiac Sign: libra \o/
Height: 5′4.25 (the .25 is very important to me)
Orientation: i honestly dont know ._.
Nationality: chinese
Favorite Fruit: mangoooooooo :D
Favorite season: fall o-o
Favorite Book: the book i read the most over and over again is house of the scorpion cause thats the only book my family has that arent outdated programming books lol 
Favorite Flower: peach blossoms look nice o-o same with plum o-o 
(amanda you better not say smile flower when you answer this...if you ever answer this)
Favorite Scent: fresh air 
Favorite Animal: panda~
Favorite Colors: blue, black,gray, or pastel colors usually ._.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Coco:  what about.... milk tea ;)
Average hours of sleep: during school its 2-4 hours....summer its around 10 hours?
Cat or dog: cat
Favorite Fictional Character: gonna say ursula or scias(japanese version) from breath of fire 4..... not exactly sure tbh XD
Number of Blankets: 2 or 3 o-o
Dream Trip: going to japan and korea with friends after we graduate highschool :D
Blog Created: october 5th 2016 (it was supposed to be created on october 3rd and supposed to be a surprise but turns out @boosonseok​ saved this blog name for me which is why the surprise failed lol)
Favorite Song at the moment: temple of time maplestory ost (shut up maplestory music is great >:( )
Number of Followers: 51 (im a very small blog lol)
Favorite Bands: seventeen, nuest, day6(tho i still need to get into them but i like their music tho lol), asian kungfu generation, kalafina, flow, claris, fhana im missing alot.... do these even count as bands....some of these are idols lol
Favorite Solo artists: aimer...i feel like im missing alot
Song Stuck in my Head: raindrop flower(maplestory ost o-o;;)
Last Movie I Watched: dont really remember but i think it was your name
Last TV show I watched: produce 101 season 2 (kms =~=)
What stuff do I post: seventeen and some produce 101/wanna one stuff i guess :\
When did your blog reach its peak: when i posted that one vine of jeonghan acting lazy and annoying to all the members by sitting on the couch while all the other members were trying to move it to prepare for their pretty u performance at.... i forgot which award show tho :\
Do you have any other blogs: @yukkin​(i usually just post anime/w/e stuff on there ._.)
Do you get asks regularly: nopeeee (tho it would be nice if i did XD jkjk)
Why did you choose your URL: @boosonseok​ made it a while ago and apparently was saving it for the day i made a svt blog :|
Following: 94
Posts: 671
Hogwarts House: ravenclaw
Pokemon Team: mystic...?
Lucky Numbers: 24...?
What are you wearing right now: tshirt and shorts cause those are the only clothes i have XD (someone plz drag me to go shopping with them ._.)
Dream Job: 2D animator but money is hard in that path :\
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Life Lessons
Summary: you knew with the changes in your environment at home, you son Daehwi was bound to show signs at school. What you weren’t ready for was the support from his teacher, Mr Hwang.
notsosubtlekpop said:
Requests?!?! Well, you know what I would request, if you feel so inclined 😂
Pairing: Hwang Minhyun x reader ft. Daehwi
Genre: teacher au / parent au / fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 2925
This has since become a two part series. Link to part 2 can be found at the end of this story.
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You weren’t ready for this to begin. You had believed you had several years left up your sleeve until you got called into school to meet with your son’s teacher. After all, Daehwi was only six years old. What kind of havoc could he cause in the first week of school?
But you knew your son and his rambunctious ways, and as you hurried along the corridor to his classroom, you resigned yourself to the fact you were in for all sorts of things this year.
Coming to a halt outside the room you had dropped your son off at earlier in the morning before work; you took a steadying breath and rapped your knuckles on the door. You expected the teacher to call out for you to enter, but the door opened instead and you were greeted by Daehwi’s teacher.
Wait, wasn’t he a she earlier this morning? You flushed with colour at your mistake. “Oh, I think I have the wrong room.”
“Mrs L/N?” the teacher asked, smiling welcomingly at you. You blinked several times, trying to open your mouth to say something in return. Like correcting the title he had just given you.
But words seemed to be a lost cause, much like your thought process in the handsome teacher’s company.
You followed the tall man across the room, barely taking in the various art projects that had clearly filled the afternoon of class today. The teacher gestured to a chair and you glanced at it, noticing how small it was. He chuckled at your obvious stare. “Ah, the joys of teaching six-year-olds. Sorry, I don’t have any adult sized ones to offer you unless we go into my office. I thought it would be more welcoming to have our chat in here. They’re stronger than they look.”
You smiled meekly and took a seat, laughing at how ridiculous you felt as you adjusted yourself on the little chair. You glanced over at the man who now sat with his knees up far too high for it to look all that comfortable. He grinned and the tension you felt coming in to see Daehwi’s teacher subsided.
Until you realised you were still confused as to who he was. “I uh, thought Daehwi’s teacher was female this morning.”
“Oh, that would be Ms Kim. She helps out in the classroom in the mornings. She’s a teacher’s aide.”
“I see.”
He grinned and then his mouth fell ajar briefly, before he threw his hand out at you, a tinge of colour flushing his cheeks as he chuckled. “Sorry! I know who you are, but you don’t know me. I’m Daehwi’s teacher, Mr Hwang. But you can call me Minhyun.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” you replied, taking his outstretched hand and shaking it. You ignored your reaction to the way he held your hand and pulled it back, looking around the room before settling your eyes on Mr Hwang.
“So uh, the message I received stated that Daehwi caused an issue today?”
Minhyun nodded, his expression turning solemn. “He is a really lovely kid, and whilst I can see no harm was intended, well, Daehwi was a little bit opinionated today and it made a couple of children in class upset.”
“I see.” You cringed, knowing that the teacher was downplaying it. You knew just how opinionated Daehwi could be.
And how adamant he was even if he had come to the wrong conclusion about something. You could still remember when you had taught him all about the colours and yet he was certain the sky was green, even if he could point out what blue was immediately from anything else.
But what colour the sky was wouldn’t be something that could get him in trouble right away. Kids say the funniest things and you were certain Mr Hwang had heard his fair share of amusing anecdotes over his years of teaching.
Minhyun cleared his throat before continuing. “I uh, just wanted to warn you perhaps about what he hears between you and your partner or husband. Whilst it’s not really my place to discuss what may or may not be said within the home, Daehwi was adamant in telling all the children at his table that fathers are useless jerks.”
You gasped, your face flooding with colour whilst Minhyun smiled weakly. You could tell he was uncomfortable, but not nearly as much as you were in this moment. For the umpteenth time this year, you felt like a failed parent.
“I’m so sorry, I never expected… you see Daehwi’s father left us earlier in the year and, oh my god I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”
The teacher’s smile turned encouragingly and he nodded his head. “It’s good for me to know that there is a transitional period happening with him at home.”
“It’s my fault, I should have triple checked that he was asleep,” you continued, blinking back your tears. Minhyun was up and soon returned with a box of tissues, placing them on the table. He didn’t offer you one outright and you appreciated that, knowing had he, you would have turned into a blubbering mess. That was something you weren’t quite prepared to become in front of your son’s teacher. You had already cried far too much in front of everyone, especially Daehwi. You internally mourned for the trauma you and your ex had placed upon your child.
“We all have hard times as parents and sometimes we don’t always notice that our kids are picking up on more than what’s said. I’m sure Daehwi just wants to protect you and has chosen to vent his anger towards his paternal figure.”
You nodded slowly. “I’m so sorry again.”
“I just wanted you to know. He’s not in any trouble; I managed to distract them all from the heated conversation and will ensure to make sure that we incorporate healthy ideas in the classroom about different ways families exist. It’s actually a good thing in some ways, as we can all learn from this experience through an upcoming module.”
Just then, your son ran into the classroom, tackling his teacher who laughed heartily. “Mr Hwang, you have taken up far too much of Mummy’s time!”
The teacher nodded happily. “You’re right, I have! Shall I let you go home now?”
“Yes please!” Daehwi then turned to you. “Can we get ice-cream on the way home?”
“We’ll see about that,” you informed and Daehwi pouted before yanking on your hand to help you up. You stood up and nodded gratefully at Mr Hwang. He smiled and waved you off.
Despite talking with Daehwi on the way home that day, it wasn’t your last time being called into school. You were seeing far too much of Minhyun after class and now you were both on a first-name basis. You no longer were meek and wounded in front of the teacher; rather, you spent a lot of time trying to come up with strategies to assist Daehwi with his misplaced anger. You could tell Minhyun was a hub of resources and the ideas he gave you were definitely working within the home. You were thankful that the meetings soon became positive ones and your son was settling into his new routine of school with little disruption.
You realised it was also helping you heal from the separation and pain you felt from being cheated on. Although you had no desire to date any time soon, you humoured your best friend when she showed you a notice on the community board in the grocery store.
“Look, it’s a group for single parents to meet up.”
“I don’t need that, Nara.”
“Y/N, you could meet some people who could connect with you more than someone like I can. I don’t even have a kid and as much as I love my adopted nephew as if he were my own, I don’t always understand what you go through with Daehwi. These people will.”
You paused in pushing your cart out to the car, pondering the idea. And then you scrunched your nose up. “I don’t think so. It’s probably just a place where people get together and whine about how hard it is to raise kids alone.”
“So? Don’t you do just that to me at times about Daehwi?”
“I do,” you agreed, smiling weakly. “I mean, I want to meet with people who feel empowered and have positive things to say too. I’ve been learning a lot of great tips for positivity in the house from Daehwi’s teacher and-”
“Ooh, Mr Hwang!” Nara cut in dreamily and you reached out to swat her away. Nara laughed and nudged you. “That teacher has been a blessing for you and Daehwi, I’ll admit. But I think you might be harbouring a crush on him.”
“Nara, don’t be silly. I couldn’t date my son’s teacher.” It sounded so odd just saying that out loud and your face flushed with colour.
“You like him!”
“He’s probably married.”
“Does he have a wedding ring on his finger?” Nara continued and you sighed exasperatedly at her.
“If I promise to go to one of these meetings will you stop going on about Minhyun?”
Nara grinned knowingly at your use of his first name but nodded firmly. You took the flyer from her hand and placed it into your bag, unloading your groceries into your car and hoping one meeting was all you would need to commit to.
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The solo parents’ meeting wasn’t what you had expected. Sure there were people were littered around the room chatting about what their kids had or hadn’t done before the session was called to order. But there was a lot of structure and you were surprised when a guest speaker started talking about what impacts parenting alone can have on a child and the parent itself. You walked away not only pleased with what you learned during the session, but with the contacts for a couple of really friendly parents who made you feel welcomed. You signed your name up for the following meeting and counted down the days until Thursday arrived again. You were earlier this time, having dropped your son off at his grandparents for the night and decided to go out for dinner after the meeting as a treat to yourself. You greeted the few faces already around the room and went over to the table to collect your name badge the coordinators had out ready for the parents. You found someone staring at your name and gasped when you recognised who it was.
“Minhyun?” you asked and the tall man turned to face you, somewhat startled to see you there. He recovered and reached for your badge, handing it over. “Do teachers come along to these nights to learn from the guest speakers?”
He nodded softly. “Well, I’m sure there are a lot of various professions mingling around this room. Parents have jobs outside of the home too. I mean, that’s why you’re here right?”
“Yeah, I came last week and learned a lot.”
“You will, these sessions have helped me immensely. Some of the stuff I shared with you didn’t all come from experience but from what I picked up here,” he explained though you looked up at him in confusion. A tinge of colour crossed his face from your continued stare and he visibly jumped when another person greeted him.
“Minhyun, it was so sad you missed last week. Is Sohyunnie feeling better now?” The coordinator looked at you beside him and grinned. “Oh, you have already met our newcomer. Y/N, Minhyun is one of the parents who helped in the beginning set this all up. It’s been just over two years now, hasn’t it?”
“Something like that,” he mumbled and you nodded softly, watching Minhyun still. Not once had you considered his help came from a place of understanding what it was like to parent alone. You believed he had some amazingly normal life, and you almost laughed out loud at your quick assumption.
And the fact that you now realised there were so many ways of being normal. Your previous thinking had been so narrow-minded.
Minhyun glanced at you and then gestured to the chairs to take a seat upon. Once there, he angled himself towards you. “I have a daughter. I’ve been raising her alone for the past three years so I know what it’s like to think you’ve failed as you did when I first met you. I can’t guarantee it gets any easier; there have been times where I thought I was doing everything wrong by Sohyun. Having a group like this to turn to for advice and strength when it all feels so wrong has really helped me. I guess that’s why I poured time into helping you with Daehwi because I understood how lost you feel when it’s all suddenly different.”
“I feel so foolish; I was so self-absorbed and just thought you were a teacher who went the extra mile with your students.”
Minhyun grinned. “Well, that, regardless of being a parent, is a trait of mine.”
“Is it bad that I feel some sense of relief from finding out about you also being a solo parent?” you asked and he shook his head, still smiling. “It’s nice to know someone already in my world who understands what I’m kind of going through.”
“I admit, it’s been comforting helping you with Daehwi too.”
You shared a smile with him before the session was called into order and once again, you felt like you were in a magical place full of wisdom. Except, this time, you got to see how the words of those around you affected Minhyun, and share knowing glances with him in between scenarios that you both related to. You hadn’t felt this fulfilled in forever.
Stepping out after the meeting, you lingered in the foyer, waiting for Minhyun to catch up. When he reappeared, you smiled brightly at him. “Do you have to go home to Sohyun now?”
“No, she’s with my sister for the night. Daehwi?”
“With my parents.”
“Have you eaten yet?”  “Would you like to go for coffee?”
You both laughed at your predicament and then you nodded. “I haven’t had dinner yet. If you want, you could join me?”
“That would be great, I barely had a chance to stuff half a sandwich in before coming tonight,” Minhyun mentioned and then pointed to a local restaurant down the road. You nodded in agreement and you both started walking in that direction.
For some reason, you began to feel flutters in your stomach about going somewhere alone with Minhyun. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t spent a lot of time alone with him so far, but the difference was you weren’t surrounded by charts showing the alphabet or colourful pictures on the wall. And despite just being with a bunch of parents just now, this was a rare occasion for you to be with an adult and do adult stuff.
You swallowed at the feeble romantic voice inside your head trying to title this as a date.
Minhyun cleared his throat and you glanced up at him, blinking away your juvenile thoughts. “Y/N?”
“Do you think whilst we eat dinner we could do something different from what we normally do?”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” he started and despite the plume of darkness that surrounded you now that the sun was long gone from the sky, the streetlamps allowed for you to see yet another tinge of colour surface on his cheeks. Did Minhyun always blush like this or was it because you were with him outside of his usual teaching habitat?
“All we’ve done is talk about Daehwi, and now Sohyun, since we’ve known each other. Which makes sense given our initial connection.” He took a deep breath. “Do you think tonight we could just talk about us instead?”
“Us?” you repeated, feeling your stomach rejoicing far too prematurely. Minhyun coughed awkwardly and you surmised his slip-up hadn’t been in the way you immediately thought. “Oh, you mean about ourselves. Sure, I don’t get a lot of time in my day to have adult conversations with people.”
“I was hoping you would see it more as getting to know more about each other to see if there could be an us,” he admitted shyly and you snapped your focus back to his face. “If you feel comfortable with it being like that, that is.”
“As in, how you would on a date?” you questioned and Minhyun nodded.
You felt your cheeks burn from how happy you suddenly felt. And then you faltered. “Is it appropriate for a teacher to date their student’s mother?”
“Well, it’s not normal conduct, I guess.” Minhyun smiled down at you, offering out his hand. “But as one parent to another, shouldn’t we explore feelings if we experience them?”
You didn’t hesitate to slip your hand into his, his comforting grip making your heart thump faster.
You weren’t looking for someone to come into your world and shake it up even further than it had been earlier in the year. And you were sure that you would stumble and fail along the way with dating Minhyun too, if this actually progressed that far. But if there was one thing you had discovered over the past year, it was that life was all about learning.
And you couldn’t wait to learn more about Hwang Minhyun.
Next: Defining Roles
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