#number 2703
ladykailitha · 5 days
WIP Wednesday!!!!!
To start it off, can I get some Sugar baby au?
WIP Wednesday! Make me write!
Let's see if anyone can figure the meaning of the room number. ;)
“Hi, Marcella,” Steve said brightly, “This is Steve Munson from room 2703 and I was wondering if you would be able to do me a favor. You see a good friend of mine sent me chocolates and I was wondering if they were from around here, or if he ordered them.”
“Of course, Mr. Munson,” she replied just as bright. “What is the name name of the company that sells them.”
Steve pursed his lips as he looked around the box for the answer. “Let’s see...yes! I’ve got it. Rene’s Chocolates.”
“One moment, please,” she hummed. A moment or two later, she came back. “It does look like they are a local Hawkin’s company. Would you like me to order you more or would like a brochure sent to you for you to order yourself?”
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dioles-writes · 5 months
• OC FIC •
Masterlist | Characters: Winola (she/her), January (he/him), Maddox (he/him), Alzena (she/her), Avil (she/her), Nyssa (she/her), Akali (he/him), Felix (he/him)
Characters in purple belong to @jiphenn and Winola belongs to @sleepsloooop
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“Oh Winolaaaaa!”
Just as Winola was standing up, preparing herself for a nice, peaceful lunch outside on her own, a familiar voice interrupted her at the door.
January Restall and Maddox Exermas stood in the doorway to her Foods class, eyes twinkling mischievously. Winola waved to them, the feeling of dread that had been following her along all day only worsening at the sight of them. She didn’t even know how they found out her schedule on the very first day of school.
“Come eat lunch with us!” January grinned, swinging into the class. “Oh, and bring your friend too, she looks lonely.” He added, jutting his chin out in the direction of Alzena stowing away her stuff into her backpack.
Winola nodded, walking over to the girl with a small but nervous smile. “Would you want to come have lunch with us?” She asked, motioning back over to January and Maddox.
“Oh, yeah, sure!” Alzena, albeit awkwardly but happily stood up, slinging her pale pink backpack over her shoulder and following alongside Winola as the two boys lead them back into the hall.
“Let’s go to the club room!” January sang, giving both Winola and Alzena another grin. He weaved through the halls, pushing past the flood of students excitedly making their way out to lunch, before finally stopping at a random door.
Room 2703.
There was a girl sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the room, bouncing her leg anxiously. She glanced up nervously as the four of them walked in, green eyes flickering from January and Maddox to Winola and Alzena curiously.
“Welcome to the Board Game Club! You’re all officially members.” January cheered, snatching up a clipboard from a nearby table. Winola internally groaned, already growing more annoyed by the minute that he managed to actually rope her into this. “Everyone write down your first and last names, as well as your phone number.” He said with a smile, passing the clipboard around the table.
Winola didn’t budge from her spot at the door. She stared at January warily, having half the urge to just run out the door and escape from the very determined and very irritating son of Howard Restall. Unfortunately, January had other plans.
“Winola!” He said, ushering her inside the club room and taking a seat at the round table with Alzena. “Come sit, come sit!” He flashed her a big, cheeky smile, pointing at the spot beside him expectantly.
Winola stared at him, wishing for the millionth time today that she was anywhere but here. She wished she was still back in Germany, not in this broke, horrible high school, not with the annoying son of Howard Restall. She still had no clue what she was supposed to do about after school. She had no time for a “Board Game Club”, or for entertaining whatever January had planned for all of them.
But right now, it seemed like she didn’t have many other options. Reluctantly, she took a seat by his side.
When the clipboard was finally passed to her, already on the paper Winola could see-
Avil Chane, 755-736-9273
Alzena Midori, 755-827-0273
She pulled out a pen, quickly scribbling down: Winola Higgins, 755-867-5309, before passing it back to January. He grinned.
“Okay, great! We’re meeting here after school, by the way.” He said, turning to Avil and Alzena, who stared back at him in complete confusion. January didn’t pay them any mind, simply continuing on with the same enthusiastic smile. “Maddox went to get one more person, but until then we’ll get to know each other.”
“May I ask again why I got dragged here?” The girl with the blue and purple hair - Avil - leaned onto the table, giving January a concerned look.
“I’m just a board game club leader collecting people who catch my eyes.” He replied, giving Winola a ‘you know what I mean’ look. “And you all have been specially selected people. You wouldn’t pass up this opportunity, would you?” He gave them all a smile. “Even Winola agreed to join.”
‘Yeah, agreed.’ Winola thought sarcastically.
Just then the sound of two footsteps approaching interrupted any more questions, and Maddox walked in, a new girl in tow. “I’m back.” He said, sitting down on January’s left. The girl quietly shuffled in behind him, her face as red as a tomato, as she took a seat right next to him, not even daring to look up. “This is Nyssa, guys.”
Winola glanced at her curiously, but all that she could see was the girls messy bright red hair that was practically blending in with her face, her head bent down so low that it was almost as if she was trying to curl into herself.
“I’ll start with introducing myself.” January said. “My name’s January. I’m sixteen, and I like ice cream!” He turned to his right - Winola.
“I’m Winola and I’m also sixteen.”
“And a fun fact?” January pressed, the group all staring at her in anticipation.
“I just moved here from Germany.” She answered.
“Ooooooh!” Could be very loudly heard from Avil.
“I’m Alzena, I’m fifteen, and I can speak seven languages.” Alzena ended her sentence with a proud smile.
“I’m Avil, I’m fifteen, and I’m on the city swim team!”
“Oh, um, I’m Nyssa. And uh-I-um, I’m sixteen, and, uh, I like cats.” Nyssa stuttered.
“I’m Maddox, I’m sixteen, and uh, I like reading.”
“Great, now that we all know each other, let’s play a game of two truths and one lie.” January grinned happily, sliding everyone a paper and pen to “plan”.
Quickly, Winola scribbled down:
Truth: I have four toads and a snake
Truth: My siblings are quadruplets
Lie: The only countries I’ve been to are Germany and Canada
“You go first Winola!” January said.
Winola gave him a subtly annoyed look, ready to just book it out of the classroom already. “I wrote: I have four toads and a snake, my siblings are quadruplets, and the only countries I’ve been to are Germany and Canada.”
“Hmmmm…” They all (except for Maddox and Nyssa) hummed in thought.
“Theeeee… third one.” January said and Alzena nodded in agreement.
“I think first.” Nyssa said, no longer red.
“Maybe the second one.” Avil said, not very confidently.
“Mhm.” Maddox said in agreement.
“It’s the third one.” Winola said.
“YAY!” January jumped back in his seat in triumph and Alzena gave her a wide smile.
“How old are your siblings?” Avil asked, leaning over the table curiously.
“They’re six years old, they’ll be seven in about four months.”
“Oh that’s cute!” Avil leaned back in her chair with a smile.
“So you have four siblings and five pets? That sounds like a lot.” Nyssa sighed, just thinking about how little time Winola must have to herself.
“Yeah, but it’s okay, I’m used to it.”
“Okay, Alzena next!” January said, recovering from his ego boost and happily continuing the game.
Alzena picked up her paper and read it out with a smile. “My mom was a hair stylist, my favourite colour is pink, and I like cooking.”
“Two.” January said with 100% confidence and Maddox nodded along in agreement.
“Uuuuuh… Maybe three?” Avil said. Nyssa and Winola pondered for a moment, debating, before also agreeing with her.
“The correct answer isssss… two! My favourite colour is green.” Alzena pointed to her hair with a grin.
“She’s in your Foods class Winola.” Maddox snorted, giving her a wry smile.
“We were busy doing our assignment, we couldn’t really talk.” Winola answered, extremely annoyed for about the millionth time this meeting, but hiding it extremely well.
“Well I’m next!” Avil said. “I’ve been swimming since I was six, my favourite food is chocolate cake, and my hair is naturally this blue.” She looked around, slightly rocking her high ponytail.
“Uuuuuuh… two.” January replied, not as confident as last time.
“I think three.” Maddox said, Alzena agreeing with him.
“I agree with January.” Nyssa said.
“I agree with three.” Winola said.
“The answer issss…” Avil did a little drumroll for anticipation. “Two!”
January, once again, did a bounce of victory before Nyssa spoke up. “My hairs naturally this red so I didn’t think it was that strange.”
“Next is Nyssa!” January, recovered from his second ego boost, rested his face in his palm, looking at Nyssa.
Nyssa looked down at her sheet before glancing back up. “I have four cats, my favourite holiday is Thanksgiving, and I love romance movies.”
“Numbeeeeeeeeerrr… one.” January said.
“Yes, number one.” Alzena agreed, Winola nodding along in agreement with her.
“I think number two?” Avil said, bringing her face to her palms, and Maddox hummed in agreement.
“It’s number one! I actually have three cats.” Nyssa said proudly with a big smile.
“Okay Maddox! But I won’t guess because I’m your best friend and I know everything about you.” January said, causing Maddox to roll his eyes and smile.
He glanced down at his paper, opening his mouth to say something, when a knock came from the door.
January swung it open, revealing a tall guy with dark blue hair and a matching black mask and gloves combo. January smiled and welcomed him in, and the boy looked around awkwardly at the group before quietly taking a seat.
Not even a minute passed before another knock came from the door, much louder this time, and January jumped up to get it once again.
The door opened, and there stood the familiar scowling face of Felix. He fidgeted, pulling at the hems of his neon-green turtleneck, eyes warily scanning the room, before landing on the masked guy. Felix paused, mouth dropping open slightly, eyes going wide with shock.
The boy didn’t even acknowledge him. He kept his head slouched down low, not even moving an inch. It was like Felix was invisible.
Winola could almost see the gears turning in Felix’s head, as he hesitated at the door, eyes darting between January and the masked boy in evident confusion. A beat passed, and still the masked boy would not look up. Felix scowled and huffed, his expression hardening. He turned on his heel and slouched over to the table, falling roughly into the chair beside Winola, hands still busy tugging and fidgeting with his sleeves, with not another glance towards the boy.
“Two new members in five minutes, how exciting!” January cheered, skipping back down to his seat. “You guys wanna introduce yourselves?”
Felix shifted in his seat, gaze flickering back towards the club leader. “No thanks. You already know me anyway.” He said with a pointed glare, very obviously not happy to be here.
This just made January smile. “Well, that’s Felix everyone. And this is Akali.” He pointed at the masked boy, who still hadn’t made eye contact with anyone in the room.
“Hi Akali.” Felix jeered, a sneer making its way across his lips. He could’ve burned a hole through Akali’s forehead, with how intensely he was glaring at it.
“Hi.” Akali said very begrudgingly back. He didn’t look up.
Felix crossed his arms over his chest and turned sharply away from the boy with a confused frown, eyes downturned. He looked like he would’ve rathered be anywhere but here. Winola knew for sure that she would’ve rathered it.
“AHEM.” January cleared his throat loudly, cutting through the tense atmosphere. “I was just about to say my two truths & one lie.” Everyone in the room turned to him, and he continued. “So number one, I have a pet dog, number two, my dad is one of the richest guys known to man, and three…” January’s voice dropped, his mood suddenly shifted from happy to deadly serious. “You’re all secretly Dioles and I’m here to uncover your secret.”
Everyone went quiet.
“Number three is the lie.” Alzena was the first to break the silence. Akali nodded along with her, narrowing his eyes at January like “I’m actually going to fucking strangle you”.
“Um, number three…” Nyssa mumbled, definitely not selling it. Her face had somehow mottled even redder than before, practically brighter than her curly hair.
“Mhm, three.” Avil responded, sitting back in her seat once again, sounding about a million times more confident than Nyssa.
“Felix? Winola?” January turned to her and Felix, his eyes gleaming mischievously, mouth pulled up into a playful grin.
Winola didn’t miss a beat. “Three.” She agreed, eyes staring straight ahead, not allowing a sliver of emotion to peek through on her face.
Felix, on the other hand, wasn’t as composed. He flinched at his name, eyes wide with fear. His hands were raised up in the air, feet planted on the ground, body slightly hovering over his chair, like he was stuck between the need to throttle January and sprint back out the door.
“You’re a Diole!” He blurted frantically, turning to January with an accusatory look. “I know. I saw it with my own eyes!”
January’s grin grew even wider. “That’s right. But if we’re talking about seeing things with our own eyes I did see you pull a little trick.”
Felix’s cheeks flushed almost as red as Nyssa’s. He sunk down deeper into his chair, slouching down like he was trying to make himself appear as small as possible. He opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, before faltering and finally hanging his head, silent.
“What do you think it is, Maddox?” January finally turned back to his friend, and probably the only person in the room who actually liked him. “One is the lie.” Maddox said, like they had rehearsed this already, while making direct eye contact with everyone. Nobody budged, or made any kind of noise.
“Correct! I’m more of a cat person myself.”
Winola sighed internally, staring down at her hands and wondering why the hell her mom had to pick this school out of every other one in the district. She would’ve done anything to be absolutely anywhere else right now.
“What the FUCK.” Felix’s eyes darted back up to January, his expression of cornered fear morphing into one of pure hatred. He clenched his fists and squared his jaw, gritting his teeth. It was the same look he had held barely two hours prior, right before he had swung his hand back and decked January in the face.
January was unfazed by his outburst. He leaned his chin into his fist, smiling good-naturedly. “I’m guessing you all know why I’ve gathered you here. But don’t be alarmed, I didn’t come here to report you to my father.” He spoke calmly, not seeming to notice the six pairs of eyes glaring at him.
Felix sneered, eyes narrowed. “I bet your daddy isn’t too pleased you’re a Diole, huh?” He said scathingly.
“Oh, he doesn’t know. If he did I’d be dead.” January said with perfect seriousness. “And the same would happen if anyone found out about you guys.”
“Then, what the fuck do you want?” Felix’s voice cracked. “Stop it with the fucking games!”
January placed his hands flat on the table, looking determined. “I want to protect you guys. My father is making a vaccine that identifies a certain gene, ‘diaphantine’, in people. If it proves to be effective, the government worldwide will make these mandatory.” He paused, letting the news settle in. “ But I can tamper with your records. Though there’s something I want in return. I want you to help me find other Dioles. I’ve already found six of you in the first two periods. So there’s bound to be more. It’s better to be together than alone.”
Felix crossed his arms over his chest, levelling his stare, skeptical. “And how do we know you aren’t lying? Rounding up Dioles… great way for mass extermination, right? You could just be working with your dad as his little Diole pet, helping ‘rid the world of danger’ and all that.”
January was undeterred. He continued on, “You don’t have to believe me. You could walk out this door anytime you please. But if you do want sincerity what will it be? Breaking my finger or stabbing myself?”
He stared at Felix, waiting for an answer. He looked completely genuine, actually waiting for him to choose one of the options. Felix went quiet, looking at Akali desperately, deflated.
“Stab yourself.”
Alzena broke the agonizing silence. January looked at her for a second, his expression unreadable, purple-and-green eyes flickering. “Okay then. If that’s what you need, I’ll do it.” He reached into his bag, retrieving a freshly sharpened pencil. He held it up, displaying it to everyone gathered around. His face was set. He slowly dropped it down to the table, repeating the action over and over again.
“You see this? The rate of gravity on earth is 9.81m/s2. When the rate of gravity changes, then the weight of something changes as well.” He placed his palm flat on the table once again, raising the pencil directly over his hand. “Look away if you’re squeamish.”
His whole demeanor changed. He placed his thumb over the eraser, the air around him going cold, like he was about to detonate a bomb. In a blink of an eye, the pencil dropped faster than ever, impaling his hand. The deafening sound of pencil breaking through bone and hitting the other side of the table was the only thing to be heard. January didn’t even flinch. He left the pencil in his hand, before motioning Maddox to grab him some paper towel. He stared directly into Felix’s eyes. “Was that enough proof?”
Felix gaped at him. Crimson blood was splattered on the table, slicked to his hand. “You’re batshit crazy!”
January gave him a crooked grin. “I know.” He turned back to the others, like nothing had ever happened, back to his aloof smiling self. “We have another meeting after school. If that wasn’t enough proof for you, feel free not to come. But I know you’ll all make the right decision.”
The bell rang. Lunch was over.
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numeroclinnic · 1 month
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Register Now: 050 594 7781 | www.numeroclinnic.com
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klaser24 · 7 months
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(via 1983 Polska Mi 2891 MNH (k12) - Klaser24)
Michel PL 2891 Numer znaczka PL 2595 Yvert et Tellier PL 2703 Stanley Gibbons PL 2906 AFA number PL 2779 Polski Katalog Znaczków PL 2743
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candacehughes · 10 months
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test33224411223344 · 1 year
First and Last Name SSN Credit Card Number Visa MC AMEX Robert Aragon 489-36-8350 4929-3813-3266-4295 Ashley Borden 514-14-8905 5370-4638-8881-3020 Thomas Conley 690-05-5315 4916-4811-5814-8111 Susan Davis 421-37-1396 4916-4034-9269-8783 Christopher Diaz 458-02-6124 5299-1561-5689-1938 Rick Edwards 612-20-6832 5293-8502-0071-3058 Victor Faulkner 300-62-3266 5548-0246-6336-5664 Lisa Garrison 660-03-8360 4539-5385-7425-5825 Marjorie Green 213-46-8915 4916-9766-5240-6147 Mark Hall 449-48-3135 4556-0072-1294-7415 James Heard 559-81-1301 4532-4220-6922-9909 Albert Iorio 322-84-2281 4916-6734-7572-5015 Charles Jackson 646-44-9061 5218-0144-2703-9266 Teresa Kaminski 465-73-5022 5399-0706-4128-0178 Tim Lowe 044-34-6954 5144-8691-2776-1108 Monte Mceachern 477-36-0282 5527-1247-5046-7780 Adriane Morrison 421-90-3440 4539-0031-3703-0728 Jerome Munsch 524-02-7657 5180-3807-3679-8221 Agnes Nelson 205-52-0027 5413-4428-0145-0036 Lynette Oyola 587-03-2682 4532-9929-3036-9308 Stacey Peacock 687-05-8365 5495-8602-4508-6804 Julie Renfro 751-01-2327 5325-3256-9519-6624 Danny Reyes 624-84-9181 4532-0065-1968-5602 Jacki Russell 514-30-2668 345389698201044
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seansheap · 2 years
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Record 2703. #Titanic This funky enigmatic Norwegian prog rock album was recommended to me by @cutchemist on that magical record digging day organised by @djhifi for my birthday a number of years ago. Includes some wicked drum breaks. #recorddigging #progrock #drumbreaks #vinyl #records #nowspinning #vinyl #records #nowspinning #vinyljunkies #recordcollection #vinyligclub #norwegianprog https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl5tuOYv963/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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veworunity · 2 years
Futuremark pcmark 10
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#Futuremark pcmark 10 license
ganeshts: Don't feel like registering on Reddit just for this :).
#Futuremark pcmark 10 license
RyanSmithAT: Thunderbolt is an anyone thing as long as you pay your license fees and pass the conformance tests.I fully expect that we're going to be finding new side channel CPU a… RyanSmithAT: Spectre is the gift that just keeps on giving.RyanSmithAT: Per the authors: "The name is based on the root cause, speculative execution.It looks like your recent website change has outright broken th… ganeshts: Absolutely no trouble setting up Win 11 without a network connection (I've lost count….gavbon86: Ahhh you learn something new every day!.In the gaming workloads, the results are much more varied, with resolution and details level affecting relative performance greatly. Overall, we see the NUC BOX-1165G7 perform strongly in most UL workloads where single-threaded performance matters. Here, we see the 28W TDP version score 2703 and 837 correspondingly. For additional reference, the Beast Canyon NUC with the 65W TDP Tiger Lake processor scored 7117 for the multi-threaded case and 968 for the single-threaded one. Since we have started processing these benchmarks only recently, our sample set for this benchmark is limited. We present the benchmark results for the single and maximum threads case above. The workload is configured to run with different number of threads ranging from 1 to 16 (and a single entry for the maximum number of threads allowed in the system). The benchmark routine attempts to perform the simulation of birds / bird-like objects flocking together using as many advanced capabilities as offered by the processor. Since gaming workloads are often multi-threaded, it makes sense to include this testing as part of the 3DMark suite. UL recently introduced a benchmark to test the multi-threaded capabilities of the CPU in a system. The graph below presents the overall score in this workload for different system configurations. It is less demanding than Time Spy, and is optimized for integrated graphics. The Night Raid workload is a DirectX 12 benchmark test. The graphs below present both numbers for all the systems that are being compared in this review. However, the plain version targets high-performance gaming PCs with a 2560 x 1440 render resolution, while the Extreme version renders at 3840 x 2160 resolution. The Time Spy workload has two levels with different complexities. The graph below presents the overall score for the Fire Strike Extreme and Fire Strike Ultra benchmark across all the systems that are being compared. The Extreme version targets 1440p gaming requirements, while the Ultra version targets 4K gaming system, and renders at 3840 x 2160. Similar to Sky Diver, it uses DirectX 11 (feature level 11) to render frames at 1920 x 1080. The base version is meant for high-performance gaming PCs. The Fire Strike benchmark has three workloads. The graph below presents the overall score for the workload across all the systems that are being compared. The Cloud Gate workload is meant for notebooks and typical home PCs, and uses DirectX 11 (feature level 10) to render frames at 1280 x 720. The graphs below present the various Ice Storm worloads' numbers for different systems that we have evaluated. While the Extreme renders at 1920 x 1080, the other two render at 1280 x 720. All three use DirectX 11 (feature level 9) / OpenGL ES 2.0. It is a cross-platform benchmark (which means that the scores can be compared across different tablets and smartphones as well). This workload has three levels of varying complexity - the vanilla Ice Storm, Ice Storm Unlimited, and Ice Storm Extreme. In this section, we take a look at the performance of the ASRock NUC BOX-1165G7 across the different 3DMark workloads. We use 3DMark to get an idea of the graphics capabilities of the system. Correspondingly, the rendering resolutions are also different. UL's 3DMark comes with a diverse set of graphics workloads that target different Direct3D feature levels. The power plan was set to Balanced for all the PCs while processing the PCMark 10 benchmark. These scores are heavily influenced by the CPU and GPU in the system, though the RAM and storage device also play a part. We benchmarked select PCs with the PCMark 10 Extended profile and recorded the scores for various scenarios. UL's PCMark 10 evaluates computing systems for various usage scenarios (generic / essential tasks such as web browsing and starting up applications, productivity tasks such as editing spreadsheets and documents, gaming, and digital content creation). While PCMark evaluates the system as a whole, 3DMark focuses on the graphics capabilities with emphasis on gaming workloads. This section deals with a couple of UL Futuremark benchmarks - PCMark 10 and 3DMark.
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mushroomjeremy · 3 years
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The finished main piece I did for the SCP Containment Breach Zine, @containment-breach-zine
I got to do an eye spy like page with over 75+ different SCPs present. And honestly this was the largest project I have ever done
This is all taking place in a site with an aesthetic around the GoI The Factory. So this place is a non - euclidean ancap hellscape. Each room has its own little story/scene going on. 
In Keep Reading is each room shown on it own/the list of all the SCP found throughout the whole thing.
Individual Rooms starting at Top Left going Left to Right
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List of SCPs shown (only in order by number, not shown):
SCP 009, SCP 035, SCP 049, SCP 053, SCP 066, SCP 073,  
SCP 076,  SCP 079, SCP 093, SCP 096, SCP 106, SCP 131,  
SCP 166, SCP 173, SCP 184, SCP 294, SCP 312, SCP 513, 
SCP 527, SCP 529, SCP 610, SCP 682, SCP 701, SCP 745, 
SCP 748, SCP 882, SCP 914, SCP 939, SCP 978, SCP 999, 
SCP 1000, SCP 1008, SCP 1032, SCP 1352, SCP 1360, 
SCP 1461, SCP 1612, SCP 1678, SCP 1762, SCP 1879, 
SCP 1907, SCP 2019, SCP 2140, SCP 2198, SCP 2200, 
SCP 2295, SCP 2300, SCP 2317, SCP 2478, SCP 2662, 
SCP 2703, SCP 2845, SCP 2933, SCP 2999, SCP 3301, 
SCP 3882, SCP 3999, SCP 4074, SCP 4511, SCP 5760
Dr. Wondertainment’s Interdimensional Line and Lure
Dr. Bright's Chainsaw Cannon, Dr. Clef, Dr. Crow, Dr. Roth
O5 - 3 (The Kid), Mr. Carter, Dr. Reginald Wondertainment III, 
Grand Karcist Ion, Robert Bumaro, Ambassador of Alagadda, 
Moloch, Pangloss
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Javier x Narcos
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Javi x female reader [short imagine / words: 458]
Javi x reader [smutty short / words: 202]
Javi x reader [soft, slightly spicy, death mention / words: 1015]
---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
Javi x Steve (Stavier)
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High Maintenance [Finished work on AO3 / NSWF / for more warnings see tags on AO3 / current word count: 18,670] .
Border Lights [Ask inspired short / smutty / words: 548] .
No more Solo Action [Ask inspired short / smutty / words: 541]
[bits and pieces, brainstorming, gifs: #stavier]
---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
Steve Murphy x Reader
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unmarried!Steve Murphy (Narcos) x female reader [inferred sexual harassment, cunnilingus, sex / words: 3799]
The Sandwich Chronicles (unmarried!Steve Murphy (Narcos) x female reader)
. [ Welcome Back - part one of  ?  / words: 2552] . [Hidden Treasure - part two of ? / words: 1511] . [Dinner for Two - part three of ? / words: 3113] . [Nightcap - part four of ? / words: 2703 / NSFW] . [Bliss - part five of ? / words: 1628 / NSFW] . [ Angel - part six of ? / words: 1447]
---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
Kaden Russell x Reader (OC)
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[Chapter One / words: 1197 / tw: terminal illness] .
[Chapter Two / words: 1697 / tw: terminal illness] .
[Chapter Three / words: 1318 / tw: terminal illness; death] .
[Chapter Four / words: 2774 / tw: terminal illness; death] .
[Chapter Five / words: 2332 / tw: terminal illness; death] .
[Chapter Six / words: 2577 / tw: terminal illness; death] .
[Chapter Seven / words: 2397 / tw: terminal illness; death] .
[Chapter Eight / words: 4316 / tw: terminal illness; death] .
[Chapter Nine / words: 1970 / tw: terminal illness; death; nsfw; sex] .
[Chapter Ten / words: 883 / tw: terminal illness; death]
Prequels / Moodboards / verse Related writing
Before / After: Prom [gifs / words: 164]
Masterlist (visuals, music, quotes, headcanons etc.)
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Fargo (Season 1):
Mr. Wrench x Mr. Numbers (Wrenchers)
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Erstwhile [Concluded Prequel to Fargo Season 1 / canon rewrite / NSWF / for more warnings see tags on AO3 / words: 59,405]
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Drabbles, Headcanons, Prompts etc.
Narcos: Javier x Steve (Stavier)
Lights Out: Omar Assarian x Patrick ‘Lights’ Leary
Fargo (FX): Mr. Numbers x Mr. Wrench
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You can find these fics and a few more on AO3 as well: ithinkwehitametaphor
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dioles-writes · 1 year
Masterlist | Characters: Felix (he/him), January (he/him), Akali (he/him), Maddox (he/him), Winola (she/her)
Credits also go to @jiphenn as the story and the characters in purple all belong to her!!
Winola belongs to @sleepsloooop
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Come to room 2703 😋😋
Felix stared at the text, already knowing with one-hundred percent certainty who had sent it.
January Restall.
He didn’t even know how the guy even had gotten his phone number. Didn’t he have anything better to do? He rolled his eyes, tensing up in annoyance. Of course January Restall had to pick Felix to torment out of every other eleventh grader in the school. It just had to be him.
Akali sighed next to him, narrowing his eyes at his phone. “Sorry, I gotta go.”
Felix shoved his phone back into his pocket. “Yeah, me too.”
Reluctantly, he sauntered off, heading down the hall and trying to mentally prepare himself for whatever January had planned. He wished he was still back in the Café with Bliss and Akali, laughing and ranting about school. Not meeting with the son of Howard Restall, worrying about if he was even going to make it to the end of the week.
Akali walked down the hall with him, matching his pace. They were headed in the same direction. Felix eyed him for a second, the anxious feeling in his stomach getting about ten times worse. But Akali couldn’t be headed to the same room as him. It was impossible. He’d known Akali since he was five, and there was no way he was a Diole.
Akali wouldn’t look at Felix, instead choosing to stare straight ahead, his expression unreadable. They were both in unison as they took the same turn. Felix shifted nervously, fidgeting with his fingers.
“Where are you going?” Akali asked blatantly. It just put Felix more on edge. “Uh,” He pulled out his phone, pretending to search for which room it was, even though he knew exactly where. “Room 2703.”
“Oh,” Akali’s expression stayed completely neutral. “Nice.” He hummed, before slowing down and taking the opposite turn as Felix. He smiled and waved before disappearing down the hallway.
Felix had never been more relieved. He kept walking, looking for room 2703.
After a few more turns and even more stressing, he found himself staring at a closed door with a large hand-written sign: KNOCK OR ELSE!
Felix took a deep breath, readjusting the collar of his turtleneck and trying to calm down.
He raised his hand and knocked.
“Oh, someone’s here just in time!” Inside he heard a familiar grating voice yell excitedly. January popped up with a huge grin on his face. “Felix! You actually came!” He sounded absolutely delighted that Felix was standing there.
Felix hated it.
The door swung open, revealing the others inside. Maddox, the German girl from Gym (What was her name again?), three other girls Felix had never met, and-
His head was bowed low, dark blue hair masking his eyes, staring at his lap and fiddling with a string on his jacket. He was turned away from Felix, refusing to even look in his direction. Not even acknowledging him.
A million separate memories played through Felix’s head. Every time they saw another Diole dead on the news, how Akali had always gone silent. He stared at him in shock, trying to piece it all together. He didn’t turn away, trying to make Akali look up, but Akali refused.
Felix had never felt so confused. He huffed, slouching into the chair next to the German girl, fidgeting with his sleeves nervously and feeling about a million times more alone.
“Two new members in five minutes, how exciting!” January cheered, skipping back down to his seat. “You guys wanna introduce yourselves?” Felix had never seen someone look so excited in his entire life. January wouldn’t stop grinning. It made him hate him more.
“No thanks. You already know me anyway.” Felix glared at him.
This just made January smile. “Well, that’s Felix everyone. And this is Akali.” He pointed at Akali, who still hadn’t made eye contact with anyone in the room.
“Hi Akali.” Felix scoffed. “Hi.” Akali said very begrudgingly. He didn’t look up. It made Felix feel even worse. He turned away, staring at the table, completely lost. He wished he was anywhere but here.
“AHEM.” January cleared his throat loudly, cutting through the tense atmosphere. “I was just about to say my two truths & one lie.” Everyone in the room turned to him, and he continued. “So number one, I have a pet dog, number two, my dad is one of the richest guys known to man, and three…” January’s voice dropped, his mood suddenly shifted from happy to deadly serious. “You’re all secretly Dioles and I’m here to uncover your secret.”
Felix flinched, just about jumping out of his seat and strangling January.
He was cornered.
January was smiling at all of them expectantly, holding all the power. January was rich, powerful, Howard Restall’s son. If he told anyone that Felix was a Diole, then there would be no more questions asked. He had Maddox as a witness. This wouldn’t be like before. Felix was sure that if this guy wanted to, he would make sure Felix was dead. That thought made his blood run cold.
“Number three is the lie.” A girl with a green braid and tanned skin broke the silence. Akali nodded along with her, glaring at January now.
“Um, number three…” The girl with curly red hair said, not selling it. She looked like she was about to cry. The third girl nodded along, leaning back in her seat.
“Felix? Winola?” January turned to him and the German girl - Winola. His eyes gleamed mischievously. Felix couldn’t think straight, barely keeping a neutral face. “You’re a Diole!” He blurted frantically. “I know. I saw it with my own eyes.” January’s grin grew even wider. “That’s right. But if we’re talking about seeing things with our own eyes I did see you pull a little trick.”
Felix sunk farther down into his seat, his face burning hot. He opened his mouth to say something, but faltered, closing it again.
“What do you think it is, Maddox?” January finally turned back to his friend, and probably the only person in the room who actually liked him. “One is the lie.” Maddox said, like they had rehearsed this already, while making direct eye contact with everyone. Nobody budged, or made any kind of noise.
“Correct! I’m more of a cat person myself.”
“What the FUCK.” Felix’s panic turned into anger. He couldn’t believe January was messing with them like this. Making them all play some sort of game, the whole time grinning and smiling like it was all just some fun little silly thing to him.
January leaned his chin into his fist, smiling good-naturedly. “I’m guessing you all know why I’ve gathered you here. But don’t be alarmed, I didn’t come here to report you to my father.” He spoke calmly, like they could trust his word, like this was perfectly fine.
Felix narrowed his eyes at January. “I bet your daddy isn’t too pleased you’re a Diole, huh?” He said scathingly.
“Oh, he doesn’t know. If he did I’d be dead.” January said with perfect seriousness. “And the same would happen if anyone found out about you guys.”
“Then, what the fuck do you want?” Felix’s voice cracked. “Stop it with the fucking games!”
January placed his hands flat on the table, looking determined. “I want to protect you guys. My father is making a vaccine that identifies a certain gene, ‘diaphantine’, in people. If it proves to be effective, the government worldwide will make these mandatory.” He paused, letting the news settle in. “ But I can tamper with your records. Though there’s something I want in return. I want you to help me find other Dioles. I’ve already found six of you in the first two periods. So there’s bound to be more. It’s better to be together than alone.”
Felix crossed his arms, all the new information swirling around in his head. He leveled his stare, trying to focus. “And how do we know you aren’t lying? Rounding up Dioles… great way for mass extermination, right? You could just be working with your dad as his little Diole pet, helping ‘rid the world of danger’ and all that.”
January was unfazed. He continued on, “You don’t have to believe me. You could walk out this door anytime you please. But if you do want sincerity what will it be? Breaking my finger or stabbing myself?”
He stared at Felix, waiting for an answer. He looked completely genuine, actually waiting for him to choose one of the options. Felix went quiet, looking at Akali desperately. He wished he sat beside him. Wished that he could at least have his best friend by his side, in this room of complete strangers.
“Stab yourself.”
The girl with green hair broke the agonizing silence. January looked at her for a second, his expression unreadable. His purple-and-green eyes flickered. “Okay then. If that’s what you need, I’ll do it.” He reached into his bag, retrieving a freshly sharpened pencil. He held it up, displaying it to everyone gathered around. His face was set. He slowly dropped it down to the table, repeating the action over and over again.
“You see this? The rate of gravity on earth is 9.81m/s2. When the rate of gravity changes, then the weight of something changes as well.” He placed his palm flat on the table once again, raising the pencil directly over his hand. “Look away if you’re squeamish.”
His whole demeanor changed. He placed his thumb over the eraser, looking like he was about to detonate a bomb. In a blink of an eye, the pencil dropped faster than ever, impaling his hand. The deafening sound of pencil breaking through bone and hitting the other side of the table was the only thing to be heard. January didn’t even flinch. He left the pencil in his hand, before motioning Maddox to grab him some paper towel. He stared directly into Felix’s eyes. “Was that enough proof?”
Felix gaped at him. Blood was splattered on the table. “You’re batshit crazy!”
January gave him a crooked grin. “I know.” He turned back to the others, like nothing had ever happened, back to his aloof smiling self. “We have another meeting after school. If that wasn’t enough proof for you, feel free not to come. But I know you’ll all make the right decision.”
The bell rang. Lunch was over.
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numeroclinnic · 2 months
Numerology Workshop in Dubai-UAE | Dr. Aneil Kkhare | +971 50 594 7781 | www.numeroclinnic.com |
Join us on July 14th, 2024, for an immersive Numerology Workshop where you'll discover how numbers can reveal your life's purpose, strengths, and challenges. Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your knowledge, this workshop is designed to enlighten and guide you on your personal and professional journey. Secure your spot now and embark on a transformative experience!
🌟 Date: July 14th, 2024 (Sunday)
⏰ Time: 4:00 to 6:00 PM
📍 Location: 2703, Al Moosa Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
🎟️ Register now: +971 50 594 7781
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holopiloted · 2 years
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          so...how do the apex games really work ?
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     nobody knows. i don’t know, i don’t think you know ( and if you do...why didn’t you tell me ?? )...& respawn DEFINITELY doesn’t know —
                    so here’s my take on it that nobody asked for !!
     okay — there’s a few basics that we do know from canon; like the fact that they operate on a ‘seasonal’ system. and right now, they’re somewhere in between season 130 and 140, approximately 120-ish of those being thunderdome games before the apex games were a thing — i’m still trying to make sense of respawn’s math and timeline, but to me, it only makes sense if there’s 2 SEASONS A YEAR, and here’s why:
     as usual, because elliott is who i’m most familiar with in the lore, i’ll be using him and his timeline to kind of bookmark a few other important points and events. i’ll try my best to explain as i know not all of you are as familiar with him and his story.
so there’s a few canon dates that we know in lore:
elliott was born in 2703.
elliott is 30 years old.
the apex games ( not the thunderdome ) started somewhere between 2728 & 2731.
elliott has participated in 8 SEASONS of the games.
using this information, we now know a few more things:
the current year in apex lore ( at the game’s release ) is somewhere around 2734 ( the year elliott was born plus his current age ).
according to the date range, the apex games have been going on for anywhere between 3 to 6 years.
     we also know that the bloodsport had already been revived and in play when elliott convinced pathfinder to join the games to aid in the search for the robot’s creator, meaning the apex games have already made it through a season or two ( or a few more ) before elliott decided to join.
     so, if elliott has played in 8 seasons of the apex games, and it’s only been around for a maximum number of 6 YEARS, this means that there’s a MINIMUM of 2 SEASONS a year. and that the games have been going on for a MINIMUM of 4 YEARS. though, as i’ve stated before, i believe that the games were going on before elliott decided to join, which, in my book, would mean that the games have been going on for at least 5 years.
     now, let’s keep in mind, those are the MINIMUM numbers. from here, i can’t put together any solid evidence to determine if it’s two seasons a year, three seasons or four, so from here out, is purely headcanon based.
     well...everything except for this: we know that new legends have to go through “qualifying matches” to prove their skills if they’re not invited to join the apex games. these qualifying matches could be something that goes on year round if the apex games were to have 4 seasons in a year, buuut —
          hear me out: think about an olympics style schedule.
     you have the qualifying ‘pre-season’ — three months where you go through sign ups and qualifying matches to make it into the apex games; past players of a certain average rank and higher don’t need to run through qualifiers again for the next season. there’s two pre-seasons a year.
     then there’s three months worth of SUMMER GAMES, the official start of the season. it’s a televised event, and i can definitely see them treating it like one — a game a week, 12 games in a season. there’s prize pools every match, but stats are king at the end of it all.
     after that they get three months away — the off season. there’s another set of qualifying games running in the meantime, but for those who’ve already played in the games the season before, this is time to spend on themselves, to go home, to rest — to train and get ready for the WINTER GAMES, another three months of weekly matches and prizes.
          of course, this is reiikon we’re talking about, so, i DO have a theory behind my reasoning for all of this ! but this is also getting really long so i think i’m gonna put it in another post later this week — but yeah, this is kinda what goes through my brain when i’m writing out threads & plotting,, i think —
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jergle-oopz · 3 years
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Drawing of the day 2703.Most liked drawing of the year number 3. #drawing #doodle #cartoon #sketch #art #illustration #ink #loxiloxus #blindspecter #cuphead #ghost #spirit #videogame https://www.instagram.com/p/CYKF3Ftpnki/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Destiel Trope Collection Day 30: Wing Fic
Purifying Snowflakes | @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1855 Main Tags/Warnings: depression, snow, first kiss, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: “I was asleep, then I had a nightmare.” Dean closes his eyes, schooling his face to stillness so he doesn’t wince. Angel or not, all the trauma Cas has been through in the past few years means he needs to sleep sometimes. And that same trauma means his sleep is almost always interrupted by nightmares. It’s a vicious cycle, one Dean would do anything to break. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks. Cas shakes his head. “It’s...my room feels too...confined. I need to get out. Could you...would you...walk with me?” “Outside? It’s the middle of…” He’d meant to finish with ‘winter’ but seeing the hope fade from Cas’s eyes changed his mind. “Sure, Cas. Give me five minutes to change. This robe ain’t exactly cold weather gear.” As he’d hoped, this brings the hint of a smile to Cas’s lips. “And you too. I don’t want you wasting your grace just to keep yourself warm. I know it’s not what it once was.” Bristling, Cas starts to protest, but Dean holds his hands up to stave off argument. “Come on, Cas. You take care of me. Let me take care of you, too.”
Always and Forever | @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2306 Main Tags/Warnings: greek mythology au, god!cas, hunter!dean, bittersweet ending Summary: Falling to his knees, the hunter spoke. “Forgive me, Bright One. These woods are not always safe. It was only instinct that caused me to draw a blade. But I would never harm you. I could never…” His voice trailed off as he stared into up into the face of the god. Castiel drew the hunter to his feet. “I am Castiel.” he said simply. Dean’s eyes widened. “God of the dawn? I have aptly named you Bright One! You bring light wherever you go. Flowers bloom for you. Birds and bees fly in your wake. Mortals…” He paused, blushing. “Mortals sing songs of your beauty.” --a loose retelling of the myth of Eos and Tithonus--
Feathers | @rogueangelshunter
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2703 Main Tags/Warnings: Domestic fic, wing fic Summary: Early one morning, Dean stumbles onto something kinda amazing. *Set sometime during season 14, when Cas and Jack are living at the bunker and Cas still has his angelic mojo working.
Eros | @supernatural9917fic
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3350 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Universe, Wing Kink, Angel Magic, Dean finally getting his head out of his ass, Sam Winchester is Scarred For Life, switch Summary: Sam finds a spell that can heal Castiel's wings, but there's a bit of a catch...
What Bare Eyes Can't See | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: General Word Count: 3553 Main Tags/Warnings: Cas with wings; hunt Summary: One of the first things Dean learned when he first met Cas was that he couldn’t see all the planes that Cas exists at outside of his vessel, so when they’re on a hunt for a hellhound and Dean looks at Cas with his scorched with holy fire glasses, he can’t believe his own eyes.
on feathers and dreams | @pomegranatedaffodil
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4984 Main Tags/Warnings: Fairy Tale, Winged Castiel, Inventor Dean, Mutual Pining, First Kiss Summary: Once upon a time, an angel fell in love with a man. But Castiel's brethren did not approve of their bond, and so it was put to the test: if Dean could prove his love and his devotion to Castiel in spite of overwhelming obstacles, and if Castiel could keep his faith in Dean for the duration of his trials, only then would they be permitted to be together.
Angel Wings | @Clio-philyra
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6094 Main Tags/Warnings: Wing kink, fluff and smut, hurt/comfort, Christmas, Summary: Christmas night in the bunker and Dean gets an unexpected visit from an injured Cas.
Finding Flight (WIP) | @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 11960 Main Tags/Warnings: space diplomat au, alien!cas, human!dean, mutual pining, angst with a happy ending Summary: Dean, a low-level (human) diplomat stationed in deep space, is part of a team trying to negotiate peace between two peoples who have been arguing for decades. Cas is an alien brought in to negotiate for the other side. When their lives collide, neither will ever be the same.
Cursed or Not | @dates-with-cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15520 Main Tags/Warnings: canon!verse, witch curse, casefic, mating cycles/in heat, winged!dean, masturbation, public masturbation, reference to intended non-con, sex toys, top!Cas, bottom!Dean, implied switch!Dean Summary: When Dean is cursed by a witch, he doesn't even realize at first, so he doesn't bother Cas or Sam with the sudden, unusual pain until it turns into something he can't deal with on his own.
Birds of a Feather | @tucuxia
Rating: Mature Word Count: 17829 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Wingfic Summary: Cas wants a pet. If he can't have a cat, he will find something else.
The Last Repentant | @spnsmile
Rating: Mature Word Count: 23000 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphical Depiction of Violence, CanonDivergent Summary: Who will have mercy on his soul? The first time they landed in Purgatory, Dean was forced to leave the angel behind, oblivious to the many things that happened until Castiel escaped with the help of Heaven. Unknown to them are the Shadows lingering in the Forsaken Land, the tortured Souls that haunted the angel, only to be forgotten when Heaven attempted Castiel’s reform. Years later they dived back in Monster land with a mission to end the greatest manipulator, but with bond strained and brotherhood severed, how will Dean and Castiel reconcile? Especially when Dean wakes up to find the angel taken away by the Leviathans. There has to be something to save them before the tortured souls win another one in their number. Injured and beaten, Dean remembers friendly advice inside a confessional a long time ago. Bless me father…? Nope. A prayer.
Grooming Instincts | @jemariel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 26153 Main Tags/Warnings: Wing kink, grace sharing, angel soul bonds, massage, miscommunication, top!Cas, bottom!Dean Summary: There's something going on with Cas. Dean is determined to help him through it, in whatever way he can. He might end up with more than he bargained for. OR: Dean helps Cas scratch an itch. As it were.
The Angel's Widower (WIP) | @pray4jensen
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 50697 Main Tags/Warnings: Wingfic, Enemies to Lovers, Soul Bond, Switching, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: After Castiel dies, the portal to the other world opens and obliterates the universe that Sam and Dean know. Bobby takes them in, teaches them how to survive in a world with new rules and new consequences, a world where humans live in camps enclosed by high walls to keep angels out, where angels will do anything and everything to seduce and lure humans away. Why and to where beyond the wall, no one knows. While Sam struggles to find a way home, a grieving Dean loses all hope. But then one night, while Dean's guarding the wall, in the middle of a snowy blizzard and under the cover of darkness, an angel with beautiful black wings and a familiar face appears. His name is Castiel. And he asks Dean to go with him.
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kaijubluu · 4 years
dude i had dream where i went on a trip to outer space with shawn, jules, gus, lassie, henry, & vick, and we were all hanging out in the rocket ship getting ready to launch and then we spent time in space together. but the ship kinda just looked like a huge ass bus and had a cafeteria. and i was bffs with shawn and gus and then kept complaining to me individually about how they were in love with the other person. but like 1/2 the time i was shawn and the other half i was myself. and when i was myself i was sitting on the opposite end of the gang next to two people i went to kindergarten with and haven’t thought about in 15 years. gus felt left out of the gang for some reason and he was eating lunch by himself not with them, and for some reason his lunch was special - like they had to make special food for him bc he didn’t like the cafeteria food. and the lunch table was an individual desk but it had wheels so it kept rolling away from him and when i was standing there talking to him, i had to keep bringing it back and keep it in place. he was sitting next to a fireplace i think. and then i left and had lunch with my friends (not psych characters, real people) and we were at a table in the middle of the room/bus (just a bit away from gus, he was near the wall). and i think we were talking about disney princesses but idk why. then after lunch i sat in the bus seat behind shawn and was like “woah i had a wild dream!” and proceeded to write in my journal the exact dream i was experiencing (this one right here that i’m telling you). and then i was also writing about how shawn and gus are in love but they’re dumb and won’t tell each other. and then shawn turned around in his seat and asked what i was writing about and then he saw that i was writing about him and gus and he got upset bc “what if gus sees! stay out of our business.” and then i think this part was in the middle of the dream - i think there were like 2 timelines, one where i was me and one where i was gus. but anyways this part where i’m gus, i wasn’t sitting near the gang, i was sitting near my(me, madison) kindergarten classmates (the same 2 as before) and shawn & the rest of the gang were on the other side of the bus all having fun. and there was something about them sharing food and shawn handing over a pile of 2703 individual grape nuts (have no idea how i remember the specific number) and also they were tossing nerds (the candy) at each other to catch in their mouths. but i (gus) was busy pining over shawn so i didn’t join them and was sad that they were all having fun without me. and then i think i went over there to sit with them and hang out. ohhh ok yeah and that’s when i turned into myself and we get the plotline from above. sorry i half remeber this and remeber more as i write 😭 but anyways now i’m myself again and the bus/rocket lands (i don’t remeber any actual space stuff) and we’re in my school parking lot and i have to get my bag but for some reason i lost my tank top and i had to find it so i went to the back of the bus and this girl is like “did someone lose this?” and i was like “yeah that’s mine!” bc i thought it was my shirt, but it was actually someone’s bra and so this other person next to me took the bra and put it in her suitcase bc it was hers. i don’t think i ever found my tank top. idk what happened to the psych gang after that 🤔
Among Us Backstory
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