magicrobins · 7 years
The Toy Dragon
Valas Telenna & various others [see below]. Dungeons & Dragons [Band of Misfits]. 4,272 words. More under the cut. AO3.
Summary: Valas’ past and present collide.
Other characters: Meiros Vanhorn, Zintra Rastor, Dominic Crawford, Eve Crawford, Evanora Crawford, Elizira Vanhorn, Hai Li, Rihiri Valtari (@jellyfishlovesloki), Zaegar Steelheart (@nutellanewt), Sefhana Brenlynn (@bxtgrl), & Bilbo Swaggins (@theoneandonlyfloozyjesus).
Note: Set in a world created by our wonderful DM (@iodine-kisses).
His ears were ringing. Valas turned on Dominic, annoyed by the young man’s proud grin. His friend’s wavy dark hair had been put up in a bun – the fact that the bard had taken the time to tie his hair up during a fight was irritating in itself. Meiros was already at Valas’ side, searching the drow for injuries to heal.
“Next time you blast a dragon off of me, how about you warn me to cover my ears?!” from the way that Dominic laughed and Meiros winced, Valas guessed he was yelling. It took Meiros a few minutes to get his ears to stop ringing.
In the meantime, Dominic was looking down at the carcass of a dragon and still grinning widely. “I killed that.”
His twin sister, Eve, rolled her eyes. “We helped.”
“But I landed the killing blow!” he countered, causing his sister to roll her eyes again. “I can’t wait to go home and tell my daughter her daddy’s a dragon slayer!”
“Baby dragon.”
All party members looked to Hai, who was the next to get Meiros’ attention, though he often fought from a distance and thus avoided most harm. The sorcerer’s familiar, a raven named Obsidian, sat for once quietly on his shoulder.
Dominic’s grin was starting to fade. “What?”
“You killed a baby dragon,” Hai stated matter-of-factly, nodding toward the carcass.
Dominic didn’t look all that proud anymore. “Well – well you guys helped kill it!”
Eve put on her best sympathetic sister act and clapped Dominic on the shoulder. “But brother, you landed the killing blow.”
“You’re the great dragon slayer!” Elizira chimed in, exchanging a grin with Zintra, who shook her head.
Valas thought Dominic looked like he would cry.
“I didn’t want to kill a baby!”
“It did attack me,” Valas pointed out. He felt Hai sling an arm around his shoulders – the sorcerer’s other arm rested across Meiros’ shoulders. It was an affectionate attempt to keep both men near him, though it also prevented Meiros from walking over and healing the other members of their party.
“Well we couldn’t have that,” Elizira teased and chuckled at the unimpressed look Valas shot her.
Zintra picked up her shield, slinging it onto her back, signaling that it was time for their group to continue farther into the cave. After all, they had a serial murderer to hunt. As she passed Dominic, she patted him on his arm, “Don’t worry. We’ll tell your daughter you slayed an evil adult dragon.”
No, no, no. This couldn’t have been happening. Not again. Not again.
Valas’ hands shook, covered in blood – in her blood, in his blood.
Just a few feet away, her body lay lifeless. She was looking in his direction, arm outstretched as if to beg him to stop, lips parted in a silent plead to spare her brother. Her eyes were wide with shock and tears stained her cheeks, marking her with the heartache, the pain of betrayal. But her eyes were also dim, lifeless. The midsection of the dress the alchemist wore, once a beautiful shade of green, was darkened and soaked with crimson. He could see where the blade had pierced her from behind all the way through to stick out the other end. Perhaps if the blade had been left in, she would have had more time. More time to struggle to live. More time to helplessly watch her brother die.
Just a few feet away, Eve stared lifelessly at him, lips parted as if to ask why he knelt over her brother’s dying body.
Underneath him, Dominic was dying. He was dying fast, the blade having pierced his heart from the front. The blade was still in him. That blade – Valas’ blade.
Valas’ hands shook as he removed the blade. Leaving it in wouldn’t have made a difference. The others were too far away. Meiros was too far away. He wouldn’t get there in time to heal Dominic. None of the others even knew what was happening. None of them knew of the danger. None of them knew about the death and the dying.
He frantically took his cloak off and bunched it together, pressing it against the wound. Dominic whimpered against the pain. Valas felt his heart tear. Tears were in the corners of Dominic’s eyes – some escaped. Valas didn’t even register that he, himself, was crying too. He didn’t register that he was practically sobbing.
Not again.
For a split second, he didn’t see Dominic underneath him. He saw an older man – a drow with short silver hair, not quite white. He saw his hands around the hilt of a dagger. The drow reached up, touching his cheek with bloody fingers. He felt his mother’s presence behind him, looming over him. He saw the disgust on his father’s face beneath him.
“I should have killed you. You should be dead.”
And suddenly it wasn’t his father but Dominic underneath him. Dominic, staring up at him with sad eyes, but still with that caring look of a young father, of a friend, watching someone break. Dominic reached up, his arm shaking with the effort, his fingers and hand bloody from trying to hold his own wound and stop the bleeding he knew in his heart wouldn’t stop.
He weakly cupped his hand against Valas’ tearstained cheek. Valas’ eyes snapped from the wound to him.
“It’s going to be okay,” Dominic managed to get out, his voice quiet, weak. Each word was a struggle, but he looked determined not to die and leave them unsaid. “It’s not… your fault.”
Valas became aware of his own sobbing. “I’m so sorry.”
Dominic tried to shake his head but didn’t have the strength to. “Now you’re fond of me.” He put on his best smile but it wavered. He looked afraid of dying. He looked like a man desperate to live but with no cards left in the deck, no more moves to make.
Valas wanted to tell him he thought of the bard as one of his best friends but the words caught in his throat. He choked out a sob, gently grabbing Dominic’s hand and holding it against his cheek.
“Valas,” Dominic stressed, “Promise me… Promise me you’ll see my daughter.”
Valas started to shake his head.
“See my little Evanora,” he insisted, “She’ll need her – she’ll need her Uncle Val to show her…” He coughed up blood but refused to stop talking. “Show her how to survive… How to survive this cruel world. Tell her – tell her about her Auntie Eve. Tell her about the hero she was, smart and brave…” His words became slower, his eyes dimmer. “Tell her… Tell her that her daddy was a dragon slayer…”
Though he wanted to refuse, Valas slowly nodded. “I’ll tell her about the hero he was too.”
That made Dominic smile. “I always wanted to be a hero…”
With that, Dominic took his last breath.
It had been roughly one year. For roughly a year, he had tried not to think about Dominic or Eve, about any of the others he’d left behind. He’d chosen to run and had never stopped. He had sometimes taken odd jobs – assassinations usually – to earn money so he could feed himself and Spite – the spoiled spider had quite the appetite. But he was used to those jobs requiring only himself. It had been roughly one year since he’d worked in a party.
Now he found himself surrounded by strangers – Rihiri, a tiefling druid; Zaegar, a half-orc monk; Bilbo, a halfling rogue; and Sefhana, a half-elf ranger who he was fairly certain was the most annoying half-elf he’d ever met. Of course he pretended not to remember their names – he didn’t plan on sticking with them for long. They just needed to slay this beast, this… Well he remembered their names, not the beast’s. It was progress.
Still, those memories lingered in his mind. When battle began, his first instinct was to turn to Elizira and give her the mischievous grin that she knew was him asking her to lay down cover fire so he could get close to the enemy as safely as possible.
But Elizira wasn’t there. Instead when he turned he met Sefhana’s gaze. He’d just met her not too long ago, but he assumed it was safe to say they weren’t going to get along.
Where he expected to see Zintra charging into battle, sword drawn, he saw Zaegar, reigning his fists down rather than a blade. Where he expected to see Dominic and Eve concocting some crazy plan that might get everyone killed but hey, at least they’d look good doing it, he saw Rihiri throw Bilbo and the halfling land ungracefully with his face against the ground. Where he expected to see Obsidian swooping down and pecking at enemies, he saw a large bear that had accompanied Rihiri.
And where he expected to see his lovers taking up the rear – Meiros with his crossbow, Hai with his staff and magic – he saw nothing but an empty space. Trees stood where he thought his lovers should have been.
He decided he didn’t like it here with these people early on. It was too familiar yet foreign, working with a group yet a group he had never known before. He’d learned to work in sync with his previous party, with his… friends.
He thought back to that party, to those faces he’d learned to affectionately call his friends – a couple of them more than friends. He thought back to first meeting Zintra, to hunting down that monster. He thought back to being by Zintra’s side as she recruited each of the others. He thought back to the nights they’d spent around a campfire, Dominic creating lyrics to songs on the spot that made no sense but made everyone laugh.
He thought back to Eve, staring lifelessly, silently pleading at him to spare her brother. He thought back to Dominic, to making a promise he couldn’t keep.
He decided that he wouldn’t allow himself to enjoy it here with these people. He wouldn’t allow himself to get close, to stay. He would leave them behind as soon as he collected his money. He didn’t need any more friends. He didn’t need anyone caring about him. He didn’t need the blood of those he cared about on his hands anymore.
He looked around at the group of strangers he didn’t want to get to know. He thought that if he wasn’t in their lives, then certainly their lives would be longer.
Valas stared down at the toy in his hand – a small, wooden dragon. It was clearly a child’s toy, and he had no clue why it was on a corpse unless… He stood up and turned from the corpse, not wanting to find out if it was of a child or an adult. He stared at the little dragon, stirring a memory he’d tried hard to push down.
He saw Dominic using one of his daggers to carve a twig into a crude tiny little spear. He carved it too thin, of course, and it just fell apart the moment he tried to stab a piece of meat with it. Eve playfully rolled her eyes.
“You should leave the woodcarving to the, well, the woodcarvers,” she teased.
He saw himself snatch the dagger back and investigate the blade. “Keep taking my daggers and you’re going to dull the blades.”
Dominic shrugged. “If I want to be a woodcarver, I need to practice.”
Zintra looked up from her meal and cocked an eyebrow. “You want to be a woodcarver?”
Dominic grinned cheekily. “Maybe, maybe not.”
Eve playfully shoved him. “If you were a woodcarver, Evanora would have more toys than she does.”
“She has plenty of toys!” Dominic protested, “Her Auntie Eve spoils her.”
This time it was Eve’s turn to grin. “Well I have to be her favorite relative.”
Dominic barked out laughter at that.
“You should make her a toy dragon,” Elizira chimed in, “After all her daddy’s a dragon slayer.”
Dominic opened his mouth to agree when Eve added, “And it’d be small enough to be a baby dragon.” Dominic shot her a sour look and the party erupted in laughter around the small campfire they had built.
And suddenly Valas was staring at a small, wooden toy. A little dragon in his hands. And he was back in the cave with a different party, a different set of faces. The only familiar thing was Spite, perched on his shoulder, staring at him with her multitude of eyes. For the first time in roughly a year, he slipped the toy into his bag with one thought on his mind.
Evanora would like this.
You’ve got to be kidding me, Valas wanted to say, staring defiantly at the half-orc in front of him. Was it truly the only way to get what they needed? Couldn’t they just kill them all and go about their lives? Did he really need to give this up?
Of course he did. He mentally reminded himself that this was life and life was never kind, at least not for long. Anything kind would surely be taken away from him – kind gestures, kind moments, kind people. It would all become memories soaked in blood. It always had.
He thought he saw Sefhana look like she was going to try to swipe it from him. Which would have been ridiculous in his opinion, trying sleight of hand out on a rogue. But then Zaegar had his attention again – he told himself the monk could easily get his attention just because he was shirtless. He refused to think any farther into that.
The next words out of the drow’s mouth was a price. It was a ridiculous price that anyone in their right mind wouldn’t pay. It was a silly item that wasn’t even worth half that amount. At first he didn’t think he’d heard correctly when Zaegar agreed. But as he saw the coin, he realized he’d somehow walked right into a deal that should have greatly pleased him. He’d never reluctantly taken money before. But as he put on his best cocky grin and traded the small item for the gold, he felt just that – reluctance.
He watched as the wooden toy, the little dragon was given away so they could continue on and finish their quest. He told himself it was for the best. He didn’t ever plan on seeing the Crawfords again. He hadn’t even been there for Dominic and Eve’s funerals, having ran away as they had been traveling to take the bodies home.
He told himself he didn’t deserve to take such a gift to little Evanora, who would be eleven by now. He didn’t deserve to hand her a toy with the same hands that had been soaked in her father and aunt’s blood. He didn’t deserve to see her smiling face again, to be graced with her presence again. He didn’t deserve to have such innocence in his life.
He told himself it was for the best.
He pretended that celebrations bored him, but rather they made him uncomfortable. He didn’t think he deserved to be celebrated, and he guessed the townsfolk might have felt odd, having a drow in the party they were cheering on. Or perhaps it was such a small town that they didn’t care. He found it hard to keep track of every place that despised his race.
He watched the others have fun, mostly sticking to the shadows or eating when he felt hungry. Receiving gifts from the townsfolk wasn’t something he was used to or expected. All he’d wanted was to get paid so he could leave, but free food was free food.
He rummaged through the gifts, not quite caring about them and halfheartedly putting them away in his bag. He froze, though, when he noticed a small, wooden toy. It lifted the little dragon up and inspected it. He wasn’t sure if it was new or the same one. But either way, somehow he now held a toy dragon in his hands. He glanced around, trying to figure out who was responsible for it – it couldn’t have been a coincidence. But to his knowledge, no one was giddily watching him, waiting for him to see the toy. To his knowledge, no one cared.
He glanced to Spite – he guessed that if spiders could shrug, she would have – before carefully placing the toy in his bag.
He wondered who he would owe for this. It wasn’t a coincidence, he was sure of it. And nothing in life came free. Someone knew about the toy, knew what it had meant to him though he hadn’t spoken it. Someone had gone out of their way to get either the same one or a new one and give it to him. He thought someone clearly wanted something from him, but what? He didn’t know, and he wasn’t looking forward to finding out.
He knew this city. He realized that the instant his stomach dropped and he felt sick. He’d been traveling around with Rihiri, Zaegar, Sefhana, and Bilbo for a little over a year now, and he’d been praying to the goddess that they wouldn’t journey to this city. Perhaps this was Lolth’s way of punishing him for not being devout.
It was a big city, but he doubted luck was on his side. He pretended not to know where shops or inns were. He pretended not to know the city, but he was quieter than usual. This city brought back memories that should have put a smile on his face but instead tore at his heart. This city made him look at his hands and see red.
He stood outside a vendor, one he recognized and resisted the urge to groan. He remembered almost punching this vendor for trying to swindle him out of his money while stating not so kind words about drow. The only thing that had kept him from decking the man had been Hai, gently but firmly grasping his arm and pulling him away. He remembered also hearing the man scream something about his hair being on fire.
His hair had clearly grown back – he looked as irritating as ever. He eyed Valas, but kept most of his attention on Rihiri and Zaegar, though technically Bilbo was the one talking to him. The man’s eyes were nervous glued to the tiefling and half-orc, who looked intimidating from his angle. It probably didn’t make the man feel comforted to see the party was trailed by a bear and a wolf.
Valas, however, hadn’t realized he’d neglected to put his hood up. Every now and then the man glanced at him as if he thought he might have recognized him before his attention snapped back to the druid and monk. Valas was tempted to tell Bilbo to steal whatever he needed while the merchant was preoccupied.
“Uncle Val!” he heard a familiar shriek and felt something – or rather someone – collide with him and refuse to let go. He looked down to find a twelve year old girl with wavy red hair tied up in pigtails. Though he hadn’t seen her in a few years and hadn’t expected her to recognize him, he knew instantly who she was.
She released him from her hug and his eyes darted around, searching the crowd for the face of her mother, Amelia. He didn’t see her which both relieved and concerned him. He didn’t think he could face her – the last time he’d seen her, she’d told him and Zintra to bring her husband back safely. However he also didn’t think Evanora should be out without her mother.
He knelt down in front of the little girl, not quite sure what to say. She looked up at his companions and gave a small wave with a big grin before her attention was back on him. Her grin wavered.
“Do you remember me?” her voice cracked, setting off alarms in his head. She was pure, innocent, a child. She didn’t deserve to be sad.
“Yes – Yes, of course I do!” he said quickly, watching with relief as a smile returned to her face. He swallowed down his emotions and tried to put on a smile of his own, cupping her face in his hands. “Look at how big you’ve grown! Why you’re practically an adult!”
She giggled at that. “Mommy lets me go grocery shopping by myself!”
He doubted that was true. Amelia was a protective mother, even though the city was fairly safe and most in it knew and were fond of the Crawford family. “Does she now? You must be so brave to walk these streets alone!”
She grinned and bounced up and down, her pigtails bouncing with her. “I am! I am!” It was clear she had her father’s energy. When she stopped bouncing, she looked at him as if searching for something. “Where have you been?”
He felt like she’d stabbed him with one of his own daggers. If only, he thought.
“I uh…” he tried to think of something, “I’ve um – I’ve been on a secret mission.”
She gasped. “A secret mission?!”
“Shhh, Evanora,” he gently hushed her, “It’s a secret.”
She made a big O with her mouth and quickly nodded her head.
“I’m actually still on it,” he explained. He didn’t like lying to her, but he thought lying was one of the things he did best.
“Why are you here?” she asked curiously.
He thought of that small toy and swung his backpack off his shoulder. “I’ve got a gift for you.” He reached in and gently took the dragon toy out, handing it to her.
She gasped and took it, grinning from ear to ear.
He smiled, genuinely and affectionately. “Now when you look at this,” he spoke up to get her attention again, “I want you to remember you daddy, okay?”
“My daddy?”
He nodded. “You see, your daddy and Auntie Eve, they were brave, brave heroes. The bravest this world will ever know! And your daddy – Why, he was a dragon slayer!”
Her eyes widened. “He was?”
Valas found himself mirroring her grin. “He was! I was attacked one time by this evil evil dragon, and your daddy saved my life!”
“Can I tell Mommy that story?” she asked eagerly.
He thought that it was only because she was young and distracted by her excitement that she didn’t ask him to come with her. “Of course!”
She threw her arms around him, and he found himself hugging her back and not quite wanting to let go. He didn’t want to leave her in the past again. But he had to let go. If he stayed, she would only get hurt. And she would hate him if she ever found out the truth. He stood up and watched her bounce off to find her mother.
He felt eyes on him and, unsurprisingly, found the others had been watching. He didn’t blame them. In their shoes, he probably would have watched too.
“She’s the daughter of someone I knew,” he explained without needing to be asked.
“A friend?” Rihiri asked. During their nights spent together, he had opened up to her a couple of times, though he’d kept majority of the details to himself.
“I don’t have friends,” he stated firmly, though he was fairly certain the look Sefhana gave him translated to bullshit. “Not… anymore.” He didn’t think he’d ever admitted that he’d once had friends before. At least not to anyone but Rihiri. He thought the silence that followed was awkward and uncomfortable. “You can ask what happened.” His own voice sounded demanding even to him, as if he wanted them to accuse him of what they didn’t know had happened.
Zaegar smiled softly at him – Valas thought he smiled too much, and on that note, flexed too much too, not that he would ever tell the monk to stop. He liked watching him smile and flex. “You’ll tell us when you’re ready.”
Valas pulled his gaze away. He wanted them to accuse him. Murderer. Monster. Traitor. He wanted those words screamed at him, spoken like the truth they were.
“He died,” he stated it, his voice cold yet shaking, the sorrow he’d never allowed himself to grieve threatening to shatter the ice he’d put between himself and his heart. “He died with his sister. They were murdered.”
“I’m sorry,” Bilbo spoke up before the others could, but it was clear that even Sefhana sympathized.
Valas found he couldn’t stop talking, speaking words he didn’t want to. “When we first met, I… I was on a quest to avenge them. I’ve sworn to kill the man who killed them.” Before any of them could offer to hunt someone down, he added, “It’s something that I must do. And eventually I’ll get the chance to. Until then, it doesn’t matter.”
“If we run into him, tell us and we can help,” Rihiri promised, and Valas looked away.
He didn’t have the heart to tell them they had already met that man.
“Thank you,” he said instead, “But I’ll kill him… When I’m strong enough, he’ll die.”
He didn’t have the heart to tell Rihiri that this was linked to the bandages she’d seen around his arms and wrists. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that this was linked to the scars and cuts she’d seen on his arms, wrists, waist, and thighs. He didn’t have the heart to tell any of them that he was talking about himself.
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t-modd · 7 years
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One of my favorite things about cosplaying in general, but especially with @nutellanewt and @yeahpauline, is how last-minute we plan cosplays together 😂 It starts out with one person saying, "I'm going as ___ to ___!", and one of us saying, "Oh I wanna be the ___ to your ___!". True story 😂 I think we've only planned stuff together once or twice? 📷: my boi @nerd.justin 📷 · #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayers #friendship #ohana #bff #girlswhocosplay #babeswhocosplay #killlakill #klk #killlakillcosplay #ryukomatoi #ryukocosplay #ryukomatoicosplay #makomankanshoku #makocosplay #makomankanshokucosplay #satsuki #satsukikiryuin #satsukicosplay #groupcosplay #anime #manga #photography #photoshoot (at William Land Park)
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jellyfishlovesloki · 7 years
The Alphabet Game
Tagged by: @magicrobins
A - age: 22
B - birthplace: modesto, Cali
C - current time: 5:25 om
D - drink you had last: water
E - easiest person to talk to: tbh i have a couple but i know the top two at the very least @nutellanewt @theoneandonlyfloozyjesus most of my friends are easy to talk to tho so its pretty much a tie
F - favorite song: never too late by 3 days grace
G - grossest memory: i have a lot but one would be when i changed my nephews diaper the first time when i was a kid
H - horror yes or no : hell yea if its well done
I - in love?: nah
J - jealous of people?:
K - killed someone sure as hell hope not. bad guys in video games count lmao
L - love at first sight or should i walk past again?: no. I really dont think it exists. People all too often fall in love with an idea and then get disappointed so no.
M - middle name: lynn
N - number of siblings: 2 it would be 3 but i disowned them so its 2.
O - one wish: to be genuinely happy. To have my own home and to just be happy.
P - person i called last: @astromouser
Q - question you’re always asked: why dont you talk?
R - reason to smile: hmm probably my dogs or my games.
S - song you last sang: stronger than you parody-undertale
T - time you woke up: 5:30 am
U - underwear color: green tmnt
V - vacation: bts concert yoooo with @theoneandonlyfloozyjesus
W - worst habit: biting my nails or not eating.
X - xrays: uh wut
Y - your favorite food: sushi,pasta,red velvet, and burittos
z - zodiac sign: Scorpio!
I tag @bxtgrl, @iodine-kisses ,@nutellanewt ,@theoneandonlyfloozyjesus, @astromouser
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marcelinewithbonnibel · 11 years
You're so pretty!!! I wish I could be as pretty as you! :O
let me love you down.
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gothnightss · 11 years
Why are you so neat?
Hahah I’m neat?how?XD im the messiest person alive:>
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magicrobins · 5 years
Rules: Bold whatever your MC is afraid of.
Tagged by @bxtgrl​.
Duncan Shepard
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the dark ~ fire ~ open water ~ deep water ~ being alone ~ crowded spaces ~ confined spaces ~ change ~ failure ~ war ~ loss of control ~ powerlessness ~ prison ~ blood ~ drowning ~ suffocation~ public speaking ~ natural animals ~ the supernatural ~ heights ~ death ~ dying ~ intimacy ~ rejection ~ abandonment ~ loss ~ the unknown ~ the future ~ not being good enough ~ scary stories ~ speaking to new people ~ poverty ~ loud noises ~ being touched ~ forgetting ~ being forgotten ~ hospitals
Tagging: @bxtgrl​ (in case you wanna do it for another character), @jellyfishlovesloki​, @iodine-kisses​, @hello-its-an-aj​, @thereluctantinquisitor​, @nutellanewt​, @theoneandonlyfloozyjesus​, and anyone else who wants to do it.
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magicrobins · 5 years
10 TV Shows Meme
Tagged by @bxtgrl​.
Rules: Pick a gif for 10 TV shows you like without naming them and tag ten people.
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Tagging: @jellyfishlovesloki​, @iodine-kisses​, @nutellanewt​, @theoneandonlyfloozyjesus​, @mandiirpcakes​, @bxtgrl​ (if you wanna do more shows, sis, you don’t gotta lol), @thereluctantinquisitor​, @hello-its-an-aj​ and anyone else who wants to do it lol
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magicrobins · 6 years
OC Facts Meme
Tagged by: @thereluctantinquisitor ❤
Tagging: @bxtgrl, @jellyfishlovesloki, @nutellanewt 
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Elaith Lavellan
B A S I C S :
Full Name: Elaith Lyna Lavellan
Gender: Cisgender female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She/her
O T H E R :
Family: Nolanna Lavellan (mother), Sarran Lavellan (father), Varras Lavellan (son; post-DAI).
Birthplace: Free Marches (while the clan had been traveling in the area)
Job(s): Second of Clan Lavellan (formerly), Right Hand of the Inquisitors, co-Keeper of Clan Lavellan (post-Trespasser), Red Jenny (post-Trespasser), Blade of Hessarian (post-Trespasser)
Phobias: Losing her loved ones, spiders, heights.
Guilty Pleasures: Archery
Hobbies: Gardening
M O R A L S :
Moral Alignment: Chaotic good
Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T :
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S :
OTP: Elaith x Solas (solavellan)
Acceptable Ships: Elaith x Galen - almost any other probs too. No one’s asked to ship her with their OC but hey, I’m open. ;P ❤
OT3: Elaith x Solas x Galen
BROTP: Galen Lavellan, Nova Adaar (@jellyfishlovesloki), Aya Lavellan (@bxtgrl), Rasha Andras, Striker Trevelyan, Jacob Trevelyan (@bxtgrl), Derek Hawke, several canon characters.
NOTP: Romantically only ships that would put her with a gay man (such as Dorian) - since she’s a woman. Aside from that, none.
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magicrobins · 6 years
WIP Meme
Go to your drafts or WIPs, pick one, and show us the last line you wrote!
@thereluctantinquisitor did this and I wanted to too so tADA!
There was only one photograph on the desk. He stood up and walked over to it, picking it up. It had been taken on his fourteenth birthday, earlier that year. It wasn’t a formal or posed picture. It had been taken by his uncle, the four of them unaware of it until he’d shown them later. In it, Taylor’s parents were both creating snowflakes that he still had in his room, preserved in a crystal ball. Wonder and excitement could be seen on his and Jessica’s faces. Pride and happiness could be found on his parents.
He tried to focus on the picture instead of the way they’d looked at him mere moments ago. He ran his hand over the image. He could tell he had his mother’s face yet his father’s nose. If it wasn’t obvious they were two years apart, most would have assumed the Darkheart siblings were fraternal twins. Pale was a good word to describe both of them. They had their father’s pale blue eyes but their mother’s pale blonde hair. Jessica had their mother’s face, including her nose. It seemed Jason Darkheart had kept his face and dirty blonde hair to himself.
Taylor wondered where his mortem had come from, though he didn’t think it mattered. He couldn’t change his magic. Maybe if he found a god and begged, but gods were never easy to find. They never seemed to be around when people needed them.
I tag @bxtgrl, @thefaeriesfyre, @mandiiwrites, @code-sheep, @iodine-kisses, & @nutellanewt!
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magicrobins · 6 years
please 13 for the dnd asks!!
I’m so sorry this took so long! Honestly idk why it took so long…
13. Introduce your current party.
Considering this was asked before the Eberron campaign was even planned and also the Eberron campaign hasn’t started yet, I’ll go with the Second Breakfast Club gang! Ngl my descriptions of these characters might be bias based on how my own character sees them.
So let me start with my character: I play the drow rogue, Valas Telenna. He’s nonbinary, pansexual/panromantic, and polyamorous. He has roughly one-hundred years of angsty af backstory ‘cause I’m a piece of shit like that lmao. He’s also a piece of shit. He’s a chaotic neutral assassin who has good tendencies, though he won’t admit it. The good tendencies mostly come from the influence of the previous party he was a part of, as well as his childhood best friend and lover. He’s reckless, suicidal and often depressed. He struggles with self-harm and low self worth. Despite that he’s also cocky and vain af. He’s good looking and he knows it. He’s also extremely protective of those he cares about even if he thinks he doesn’t deserve to have those people in his life.
Now onto the rest of the party!
Firstly, Rihiri Valtari, played by @jellyfishlovesloki. Rihiri is a fucking goddess. My sis and I have discussed it and we’re pretty sure Rihiri’s the heart of the party atm. She’s a tiefling druid and currently in a friends with benefits relationship with Valas - She was probs the first he’s allowed in the party to call him Val without getting pissy at them. But like I said she’s a fucking goddess and she’s so kind but she’ll fucking cut you with her scythe in a heartbeat if you hurt someone she cares about or threatens them. Val finds her immensely attractive, obvs, but also as a shoulder to cry on when needed. He didn’t want to form a friendship with her (he doesn’t want to form attachments in general ‘cause angst and he’s a shit), but now after roughly a little over a year of knowing her, he can’t imagine his life without her. She travels with a sunbear (I had to google it to make sure I had the right bear) named Paz who loves honey. She’s also very good at throwing halflings.
Speaking of halflings: Bilbo Swaggins, played by @theoneandonlyfloozyjesus (tUMBLR WON’T LET ME @ YOU WHY). They’re… they’re quite interesting. They’re a halfling rogue - I believe an arcane trickster? I don’t really know anything about their backstory except they met Rihiri in a bar fight. Valas doesn’t know much about them either, which bugs him and makes him more inclined not to trust them. Though he had no real problem with Bilbo until Bilbo sTABBED him (and not in a fun way -wink wink nudge nudge- … -coughs- anyways). Bilbo’s also good at being thrown but not at landing lmao. They’re never gonna live that face plant down lmao. But yeah they’re quite the mystery. Val’s gonna kill me for admitting this but the fact that he knows jack shit about Bilbo actually really intrigues him and there’s moments when he finds that attractive but then Bilbo opens their mouth or gets drunk off their ass and the moment quickly fades lmaooooo.
Speaking of people Val is attracted to (the list is long): Zeager Steelheart, played by @nutellanewt. When I think of how quickly Val has fell for him, I like to think of him as Zaegar StealYourHeart. Y’get it? Lame joke but it forever makes me laugh. Zaegar is a shirtless half-orc monk. He’ll say he’s not attractive but Val very much begs to differ. He’s very kind, though I don’t know much about his backstory and him as a character. Valas doesn’t know much about him either and that bugs him but he’s afraid to ask, to get to know him better. He’s afraid to grow closer to him like he’s done with Rihiri because he swore to himself he wouldn’t get close to anyone again after some events in his past but oops he fucked up and grew close to Rihiri, he doesn’t want to fuck up again but gdi boy get some. -coughs- Imeanwut. Zaegar’s also like the king of flexing. It’s a guaranteed way to distract Val that isn’t used as often as it should be when Val’s about to make a bad decision. Zaegar and Rihiri are also basically the voices of reason or diplomacy in the group.
Then there’s Sefhana Brenlynn, a half-elf ranger played by my sis, @bxtgrl. While Zaegar and Rihiri are being diplomatic, Sef and Val are sassing the shit out of people, especially each other. Val doesn’t like her. She doesn’t like Val. It’s a mutual dislike. She’s become quite close to Rihiri (I ship it. I already multiship this fucking party guys send help I’m multishipping trash over here - as in the trash is me, not the ships or characters lmao). She travels with a white wolf named Echo that I’m surprised she doesn’t send to maul Val. I know Sefhana’s backstory only ‘cause I’ve read it, but Valas doesn’t know it. Again, he’s not inclined to trust people he knows hardly anything about but they’re breaking down his walls (I mean they also know jack shit about Val sooo -shrugs). He does trust Sefhana not to murder him in his sleep… At least while Rihiri’s around. Sefhana’s also badass. She killed a giant spider with her bow and arrows. She’s also an archer. So like instant brownie points there ‘cause I love archers ok. I don’t think she and Val will ever truly get along but I do hope they can come to some kind of mutual understanding of each other someday.
Onto the newest members of the party! (Both of these players don’t have tumblrs to @ that I’m aware of.)
Thursdorious Lightningborn (I hope I got that name right) is a dragonborn druid. I know… nothing about him? He owns a fat liger. I think he grew up with Rihiri. They seem like close friends which does spike some jealousy in Val because he wishes he could be that close to Rihiri without worrying about hurting her. Val also doesn’t like him strictly because he shoved Val off Rihiri’s lap. That was his first impression of Thursdorious and he hasn’t forgotten it. Val’s also not sure if Thursdorious is the sharpest tool in the shed, but Val’s a judgy shit sooo -shrugs-. Yeah I don’t know much about Thursdorious. He’s new to the party and while I hope he stays, Val doesn’t lmao. Sorry about Val.
Vox Forzare, the gnome wizard (please tell me I remembered that right. It’s late, I’m tired) played by the newest member of our campaign! He likes to light shit on fire lmao. I don’t know much about him because he’s fairly new. Val doesn’t know anything ‘cause they haven’t officially met but they’re not gonna like each other. Vox’s first impression of Val was when Val was under a wizard’s control and forced to attack his fellow party members only Vox doesn’t know Val was under a spell. I’m sure they’ll eventually become friends, but idk how long that might take. Definitely sooner than Sef and Val lmao.
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magicrobins · 7 years
You should do the dnd asks for val 0; i vote do all of them LMAO JUST DO IT FRIEND
Mother of God…
21 Asks for D&D Characters (and OCs)
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1. What influenced or inspired the creation of this character?
Lmao nothing too deep actually. I love the drow. I wanted a drow character, thus Valas was born! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
2. What is your character’s relationship with their family? Family is a word which here refers to biological relatives, close companions, and/or the individual(s) who raised them.
Biological family: Terrible. Valas’ mother and siblings were extremely abusive to him - physically, mentally, and emotionally. He despises them, fears them, yet also still cares about them. He ran away from them for a reason, though.
Close companions: For the sake of this, I’m going to just focus on Valas’ companions from his backstory (y’all can watch the episodes of The Second Breakfast Club to see his relationships with those companions ;D -nudge nudge wink wink-). In his hundred years of life, there were few individuals he grew actually close to, the first being a fellow drow named Miz’ri T’sath. The others were the first party he joined, consisting of Zintra Rastor, Hai Li, Meiros Vanhorn, Elizira Vanhorn, Dominic Crawford, and Eve Crawford. They all became like family to him, including Dominc & Eve’s extended family - Dominic’s wife, Amelia, and their daughter, Evanora. Being with that party gave him the first sense of what a family perhaps should have been like.
3. Who is the closest person to them?
Valas always becomes closest to his lovers - Miz’ri, Hai, and Meiros in his backstory. Out of those three, he was the closest to Miz’ri, whom he grew up with and knew for many many years. At the moment, out of the current party he’s with, he’s the closest to Rihiri - who belongs to @jellyfishlovesloki​, having started to open up to her after entering a friends with benfits relationship with her. I believe he’s opened up a little bit about his backstory to her, mentioning the previous party and his previous lovers, Meiros and Hai - possibly mentioning Miz’ri, not quite sure yet.
4. What were the conditions surrounding their formative years?
Terrible. Valas grew up in a hostile, abusive home. Even his father, who he thought genuinely loved him, emotionally and mentally manipulated and abused him.
5. What creature would they like to have as a pet?
He actually has a pet! She’s a large, cat-sized black spider named Spite.
6. Do they have any bad habits?
It’d be easier to say which bad habits he doesn’t have lmao! I mean honestly it’s a very large list so I won’t include everything. He self-harms, he closes himself off emotionally from others when hurting (unless it’s one of the times he just like shatters, in which case he can’t stop crying), he closes himself off from grief, he blames himself for anyone he’s ever hurt that he’s cared about - even if it wasn’t his fault. Aaaaand a lot more shit.
7. Is there anyone they’d die for? Kill for?
Absolutely! He’d die for and kill for the same people, let’s be honest. And as much as he’d deny it, it’s not a short list. There’s Miz’ri, Meiros, Hai, Zintra, Elizira, Dominic, Eve, Amelia, Evanora, Rihiri, and Zaegar - who belongs to @nutellanewt​. Eventually, as we get farther into the campaign, he could feel this way about other current party members or NPCs.
8. Who was their first love?
Miz’ri, who to elaborate is a drow warlock and Valas’ childhood friends. I love her so much and their relationship so much. It’s the kind of love that can always be rekindled whenever they see each other again and just, ugh that just gives me all the happy feels. (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
9. How would this character react to someone confessing their love for them?
Depends on who for like whether or not he’d be surprised or just like “wtf.” But genuinely nowadays, he’d be surprised. He wouldn’t admit if he feels the same way. He’d insist that the person deserves better than him, that he’s not a good person, etc. In his experience, he feels he just brings those he loves pain.
10. How old is this character?
Currently he’s one-hundred and one years old!
11. Are they normally peaceful or aggressive?
Aggressive as fuuuuuuuck. Growing up in the drow society, he’s learned to just default as hostile.
12. How does this character handle stress?
Not well. He likes to think he’s good at hiding it, but too much anxiety and it shows. Under too much stress and he just goes into fight or flight.
13. Does your character consider themselves lucky?
Nope. With all he’s been through, he’d say he’s quite unlucky.
14. What is their favorite holiday?
He doesn’t really care for holidays?
15. What is the best gift they could receive?
LOVE, PATIENCE, AND UNDERSTANDING. He just needs people to love him, be patient with him, and understand the pain he goes through practically on a daily basis.
16. If they could instantly kill one person in the world without consequence, who would it be?
17. If they were in possession of a trio of wishes, what would their three wishes be?
He would wish for Dominic, Eve, and his father to have never died.
18. What is their favorite spell or method of attack?
He doesn’t have spells. He’s a rogue assassin. His favorite honestly goes back to the previous party he was in. He would run toward Zintra, and jump onto her shield, where she would use her strength to push him up and propel him into the battle with his daggers drawn.
19. What are their guilty pleasures?
Cuddling Rihiri or lying on Zaegar’s back as he does push-ups. Don’t judge him.
20. What is something this character is or could be addicted to?
From my personal experience, self harming can be a form of addiction. I’d say he’s quite addicted to that. Possibly sex too, but idk about that for sure.
21. Have you actually played this character yet?
Yep! I’ve played him in every D&D session I’ve been in so far.
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magicrobins · 7 years
Tagged by @thereluctantinquisitor! <3
1. relationship status: single as fudge ok
2. favorite colors: Practically all shades of red, especially when mixed with other colors such as white and black.
3. lipstick vs chapstick: Lipstick! It’s the only makeup I wear and I love it.
4. last song i listened to: Uhhh technically Walking on Sunshine ‘cause it just played on the tv while I was typing this lmao
5. last movie i watched: Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle (just saw it last night)
6. top 3 tv shows: Currently - The Shannara Chronicles, Shadowhunters, and Star Wars Rebels
7. top 3 characters: how dare you make me choose. Umm Kate Kane (Batwoman, DC Comics), Keith Kogane (Voltron Legendary Defender), and Asami Sato (Legend of Korra).
8. top 3 bands/artists: Imagine Dragons, Halsey, and London Grammar.
9. books currently being read: Magnus Chase & The Gods of Asgard: The Hammer of Thor. (How do people read more than one book??? I can barely keep track of the one I’m reading rn. ;A;)
Tagging: @bxtgrl, @iodine-kisses, @jellyfishlovesloki, @mandiiwrites, @nutellanewt, @theoneandonlyfloozyjesus, @thefaeriesfyre, @code-sheep, @for-mi-ca-tion, @shiftergoddess, @yensidwinters 
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magicrobins · 6 years
Favorite Passage Meme
I was tagged by @thereluctantinquisitor​ to share my favorite passage of something I’ve written (thank you, I always appreciate being tagged <3)! I’ll tag @bxtgrl​ and @nutellanewt​. ;3
This passage is from an original book project, I call it my Darkest Hearts WIP atm. It’s from chapter one of book one. You can find it under the cut ‘cause it’s a lil’ long LOL
It was simple, how it happened. There wasn’t anything that had provoked him. He hadn’t been trying to summon it. His father had merely been distracted and thrown the ball too wide. He’d still attempted to catch it but lost his footing and stumbled.
“Taylor!” he’d heard his father call out once the man had noticed. His parents had the annoying habit of thinking their children were more fragile than they actually were. Jessica had never seemed to mind that, though.
In a matter of seconds, he’d managed to catch himself with his hands, preventing what he’d suspected would have been an embarrassing face-plant into the grass. As he’d fallen, though, he’d felt rather than saw his aura flare up instinctively to protect him. He’d felt the warmth of it spread to his hands and then escape into the grass upon contact.
The ball lay forgotten on the grass mere inches from him. All he could do was stare at the grass, watching it wither and die. Somehow he just knew he had caused it. He lifted his hands and saw the pale red smoke of his aura life out of the ground as he did so, soon dissipating from sight. He stared at his hands. They felt foreign, cold suddenly. Though nothing about them had changed, he no longer recognized them - the lines etched into them, the way they moved when his brain told them too; it all felt as if they belonged to someone else. They certainly weren’t the hands of a magician.
He shakily got to his feet. He needed to speak with his parents. He needed to make sure they had seen what had happened. He needed to make sure he hadn’t imagined that. He needed them to tell him everything was okay.
He turned around slowly, unable to bring himself to move any faster. The grass had died in a perfect circle, fanning out from where he stood. He suspected the death had stopped spreading the moment he’d lifted his hands up.
The first thing he saw when he looked up was Jessica, though she still stood by the large oak tree her mother had been sitting with her at. His eyes had always sought his sister out first, ever since she’d entered his life. He’d never been sure if it was out of sibling solidarity - they understood each other far better than their parents ever would - or a sense of protectiveness. Perhaps it was both.
Now she stared at him with what he recognized as curiosity. But their mother was no longer by her side. His gaze drifted and he found her with their father. One hand covered her mouth, eyes wide, her other hand desperately clinging to their father’s sleeve.
Neither of them were looking at him like Jessica. Curiosity wasn’t what stared back at him.
He remembered when he’d come out to his parents. Like majority of the kingdoms on Alius, Coven was more accepting than what he’d heard about the countries and societies on Earth. But he’d still been petrified. He’d been absolutely certain his parents would accept him but a voice in his head had whispered, clawing its way out from the back of his mind.
What if you’re wrong?
He hadn’t been wrong.
But sexuality was very different from magic. And discrimination could still be found in the kingdoms of Alius.
Now when he’d thought his parents would look at him with acceptance, shock, or at the very least sympathy, all he saw was fear in his mother’s eyes. In his father’s…
“Mortem.” Disgust laced Jason Darkheart’s voice as it filled his gaze.
Taylor felt himself flinch at the word. Mortem.
He’d learned in school that death magic, or mortem, along with a few others, had been forbidden by the High Court of Magic many years ago. Anyone who practiced a forbidden magic was classified as a warlock. It was up to individual kingdoms or countries what to do with their warlocks. He’d heard that Earth was the most lenient planet when it came to warlocks overall. Some kingdoms of Alius accepted warlocks without question, but their numbers were few. Majority viewed them with disdain. They weren’t allowed to join the High Court. Coven had outlawed them entirely.
He couldn’t remember ever learning what happened to warlocks in Coven. No one spoke about it.
“Dad…?” His voice sounded small even to him. He took a step forward and watched as both of his parents took a step back. He felt his breath catch in his throat, a silent gasp of pain that his body didn’t want to release. His body didn’t want to admit to him that what was happening was real.
Jessica was the only one who took any steps forward. Her curiosity had turned into confusion as she looked from Taylor to their parents then back to Taylor. She tried to walk past their parents to her brother, but their mother gasped in what sounded like horror that broke Taylor’s heart and snatched Jessica into her arms.
“Dad?” Taylor strained, “Mom?” He took another step forward and they took two more back.
Jason Darkheart never took his eyes off his son, but he spoke firmly to his wife and his words brought Taylor more fear than comfort. “Notify the Council.”
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magicrobins · 6 years
@nutellanewt replied to your post “WIP Meme...”
This is good!!! I guess I have to do this now? XD
Lol thank you! You don’t have to do it if you don’t want. I just tag people in case they wanna do it. :3
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jellyfishlovesloki · 10 years
I was Tagged
Tagged by:magicrobins
name: shelby birthday: November 18 gender: Female orientation: straight age: 20
favorite soda: Dr. Pepper favorite candy: all gummie candies! i cant really eat chocolate >.> favorite pizza: chicken with spinach and sun dried tomatoes! or meat lovers! favorite salad dressing: hmmmm well ranch is great lol that or Italian dressing! favorite meal:  well i am going to sound like Canada from hetalia but my best friends pancakes (that or sashimi, Mexican food(spicy is always better), or boogers)
best memory: well there is a memory from a long time ago and idk if it really a memory because it was from so long ago but when i was super little i remember looking out the car window and seeing this big ball of light disappearing behind the ocean (obviously the  sun and i was near a beach lol) and i tried to reach out to it (i was really small like i think i was 3 or 4 idk) and i tried to grab it but i just wasn’t tall enough but that memory is always calming to me best friend: magicrobins ,iodine-kisses ,theoriginaljesuspussy ,nutellanewt best relative: uhhhhh im gonna pass on this one best pet: skrappy hands down. he is my baby best celebrity: oh holy shit…. norman reedus or aiden turder
one random fact about you: i love making things! clothes,paintings,jewlery, charms, etc! one random fact about your day: i literally just woke up lol one random fact about your job/school: i go to mjc and i hate it there lol one random fact about your favorite tv show: shiiiiiiit well if we are talking about lupin the third then the fact is its fucking amazing and everyone should watch it. but then the secret Saturdays is also my favorite show and you should also watch that show but one fact about that show is that there is a really cool kid with powers that can control cryptids one random fact you wish was a fact but it isn’t: uhhhhhhh i wish doyle was my boyfriend u,u
Tag 5 Friends: (why just 5? I’m gonna tag all my friends; though can’t tag Dallas ‘cause she tagged me »)  nutellanewt theoriginaljesuspussy iodine-kisses naturegirl202 ladygavi
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jellyfishlovesloki · 10 years
I got tagged by magicrobins(YOU BUTT)
Rules: Just insert your answers to the questions below. Tag at least 10 followers. 
Name: shelby
Nickname: jellyfish
Birthday: 11/18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight 
Height: 5’5
Time zone: PST
What time and date is it there: 7:11pm 9/11/2014
Average hours of sleep: depends on the day! some times 8 and sometimes 4 lol
The last thing I Googled was: "within temptation pagan band?" lol no regrets 
First word that comes to mind: "fuck" XD 
What I last said to a family member: i found the cat o-o
One place that makes me happy and why: my room because i have all my happy things in there! 
How many blankets I sleep under: one (:
Favorite beverage: dr.pepper
The last movie i watched in the cinema was: x-men: days of futures past!! 
Three things I can’t live without: my phone or my drawing pad
Something I plan on learning: i want to learn to surf 
A piece of advice for all my followers: always look on the brightside when you can.
My blog/s: just this one! 
You have to listen to this song: never too late by three days grace! 
I tag: theoriginaljesuspussy  nutellanewt and iodine-kisses
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