#nw rewatch
this rewatch is giving me SUCH adoration for jackie like i love her SO much
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
I guess it’s time for Yellowjackets season 1 finale again
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quillheel · 8 months
@mobiues // loki & mobius!
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Loki tries to wrench his arm free, and the contact feels like a fire against the skin to him. But resisting it feels worse.
The way hot is cold and cold is hot, and something in them is burning up. The shiver-shake-speed up of being wounded, of being pinned down. — not a pin, just a snare — no, a cradle. not hare stuck in bramble, not salmon caught in web, not a preyish thing being caught in the maw of something bigger than him, he and his many arms, he and his many snares. It isn’t the same. He has to remember that.
Remembering is difficult in a place with no time. Remembering is difficult when he reaches up, compulsive, to drag his fingers over his neck to see if there's still a collar there. — like a misbehaving hound you pushed back in the kennel until they learned not to bite. like teaching the hard way, the way they were raised, the way of hard lessons and hard wars and hard laws to live by but they had to live by them; decisions already made. decisions they had to keep making.
Reality. Breathe, lungs burning, focus or it'll get you killed. Loki looks to Mobius, coming back to the right-here right-now and the angle of which the skin frames his eyes make him look a little more harsh than maybe he intends. The look of a man who’s been through this before. The look of a man who’d kill you not to go through it again. — but you already know what he’s gone through, a thousand different iterations, a thousand different wounds; you’ve watched him die, Mobius, and he knows it. The wicker frame of his scarecrow body only proves you right, only does so much.
He was never much of a fighter, and even if he was, it’s never enough in the TVA.
“ Let me go. “ the words bite out of him before anything he meant to say can overtake them, like that dog in that kennel. the God continues, composure humming back into him like remembering who you are after a bad dream. He wasn’t going to wake up, but he’s gotten good at thinking on his feet. “ I will handle this later. The longer we wait the more we waste— “ he hisses a breath through his teeth, maybe irritation, maybe pain. Mobius is the expert, isn’t he? Too bad he wasn’t the doctor, too.
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“ —I know you and your merry men don’t exactly have time-keeping beyond keeping time, but surely, you understand the urgency I am impressing upon you, yes? “ Loki tries to stray, and the burning only thickens, a lesson they have to learn the hard way.
( Even through the unspoken determination of ‘I’ll drag you if I must’, the way it is sometimes a test of will against the divine to hold them and to keep them at all. He lived into his act of the snake very well, didn’t he? )
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spider-season · 8 months
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nw: Tales from the Crypt S1.E6 "Collection Completed"
Rewatching all the episodes that scared me in middle school.
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ubersaur · 3 months
Was talking to a friend abt loaning some anime dvds to rip to their data hoard and nw I'm thinking abt Planetes again cuz thats one of the series i have as dvds. Should rly rewatch that or read the manga cuz I know it's a fave but I can barely remember it cuz I binged it all v quickly sine years ago lmao
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mika-0730 · 4 months
Tagged by @queen-vv! Thank you and i had a bunch of fun with this :3
Last song i heard: Motherland from Ado
I love the MV and it's jumped up my personal fave list. Certain notes during the chorus hit hard for me
Fav color: Most shades of blue 💙💙💙💙
My eyes are blue, i want my hair to be blue, blue is the BEST (followed by pink and i swear i was like this since i was a child, truly trans coded from birth lmao)
Last watched Series: rewatched bocchi the rock most recently, but dunmeshi and lycoris recoil also here
Spicy/Sweet/Savory: I'm a sweets girl first and foremost but after that i love all of these
Relationship Status: ironically "it's complicated" is probably it. I'm poly, but still technically not officially divorced from this common law marriage (probably just gonna wait out the relationship Status to expire/agree we divorced at some point), I'm talking to a few people with varying degrees of interest and levels of comfy with it.
Last thing i googled: searching for source on an image
Last thing i read: "Goblin Is Very Strong", solid 7-8/10. Cute Yuri romp cut short
Current Obsession: Unfortunately depression brain has hit so nothing really at the moment, but slowly getting back into gaming and Yuri
Something I'm looking forward to: March 8th, first paycheck free from paying rent in a place I'm not staying. After that, I'd like to travel and see some friends soon. Pacific NW, Boston, San Diego, Japan, Canada, maybe the EU all on the eventually list
As for tagging people I'm pretty bad at this but let's go with:
And anyone else who reads this and says "i would wanna do that" imagine I'm also including y'all (and for those i tagged if you don't like being tagged in these lmk and I'll make a note)
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steelycunt · 6 months
is your love for the song “shame shame shame” to do with the scene in pride 2014? nw if not i just love that scene so much :)
it ABSOLUTELY is that’s where i know it from…i fucking love that scene and the whole film just so so joyous…i rewatched it at the start of the year and have been playing shame shame shame on repeat since : ^ D
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hirik0 · 5 months
if you want to rewatch the ICJ of South Africa Vs Isreal hearing because of time zones or you didnt know it happends today January 11 heres a youtube chanel you can rewatch it. Also thank you to the twitter user sumayamamdoo for sharing the links on twitter
Today january 11. 2024 Oral argument South Africa
Youtube with analyses in between breaks from soukISLAM
If you want to watch it from a News Chanel I have:
DW News Live stream
SABC Nws Live Stream :
Today January 12 2024 Oral Argument Israel:
Again wiht legal analyses at soukISLAM
also back today is DW News
and SABC Africa
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🎬 - 2022, 2003, 1982, 1970, 1940s (any year). Trying to give a big range lol nw if you don’t have films for some of them I picked random years.
2022— Everything Everywhere All At Once
I have nothing new to say about this movie that hasn’t been said before; it’s a masterpiece and it made me cry so hard I almost threw up. Incredible, beautiful film that I think everyone should watch.
2003— I’m going to cheat because for the life of me I cannot think of a movie from 2003 lol, but Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is 2004 so close enough. Eternal Sunshine is a big comfort movie for me, I watch it a lot when I’m sad. Idk, something about it is just very soothing.
1982— This I actually first watched pretty recently but I instantly feel in love with it, and that’s The Thing, 1982. The special effects are insane and I’m obsessed with them, I watched a whole ‘making of’ documentary immediately after I finished it and it was just *chef’s kiss*. Rob Bottin is a genius and I love him.
Another 1982 movie that I have loved forever is The Dark Crystal, which was a childhood favorite.
1970— I think the closest I can get is 1971 with Fiddler on the Roof. Another childhood favorite movie, although when I was a kid my parents would stop it before the pogroms because they thought it was too dark, so for a long time I didn’t actually know how it ended lol. If I Were A Rich Man still gets stuck in my head frequently.
1940s— I’m also cheating on this one so I can say Singin in the Rain, which is 1952 lol. This was my favorite movie as a toddler for some reason, I was so obsessed with it, and I rewatched it recently and it’s still a banger.
Thanks for the ask, this was fun! I’m honestly really bad at watching movies so I’m impressed with myself that I was able to come up with all these lol.
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real talk: i never forgave ten for what he did to harriet jones
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
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Follow This Simple 10 Step Guide On How To Defrost Your Mercicle
also introducing our friend Kit! they’re completely new to the show and have recently joined our Merlin watch parties :)
BBC Merlin + live commentary by @gabbaghouls @witchboykit and I from our Merlin re-watch
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mysterietwin · 2 years
dipper pines saying ghost rights..............always get me
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spider-season · 9 months
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nw: Saw 3D (2010). Almost to the finish line. I do not care for the fish hook trap at all.
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I might need to attend the support group for Jigsaw survivors at the end of this rewatch.
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sexysilverstrider · 4 years
my childhood animes were sailor moon and inuyasha which would explain how im into the romantic pining shit with a dash of tragedy and angst (and furry)
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liaswritesrobots · 5 years
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lanseax · 6 years
damisalghul replied to your post: yall pls give me something to watch im dying of...
u shud watch the dragon prince
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