#nygmobblepot x reader hurt/comfort
Chapter 3 of Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed at (An Angsty Nygmobblepot x Reader Hurt/Comfort Fix-it Fic)
Chapter 3: The Interview
<-previous chapter
Very important new warnings: the (wrong) suspicion that Oswald wants to die & that he self-harmed/was close to killing himself), blood (only what was in this episode: a trophy covered in it & some on skin), canon betrayal (including gaslighting & intimidation) & poor mental state (self-doubt)
Word count: 2764
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Wow, I'm really committing to this cover-for-each-chapter thing so far.
Oswald looked as if he had seen a ghost. His face was even paler than before, his eyes wide, and his back appeared crooked, not to mention how much more he was leaning on his cane. What the hell happened?
He nearly skidded over the floor, and raised his hands. "Sorry I'm late. Mayor stuff." He chuckled artifically, and limped to his seat, throwing you a nervous look with all pretense gone. When an assistant tried to attach a cable to him, Oswald snatched it away and adjusted it himself.
Trying to make him feel a little at ease, you began, "I got you a fresh gl-" but Margaret Hearst interrupted you, "I hope you're ready, Mr. Mayor." Oswald smiled and huffed a little.
"The world is watching."
Why did she have to stress the word that way? He scowled and you did the same.
Her lips were pursed smugly. She knew exactly what she was doing.
"And we're live in three..." What? That's way too soon!
"Good luck, Oswald!"
He put his hands into a less cramped position.
"You've got this!"
The cameras started rolling and Ms. Hearst put on a wide smile.
"Mayor Cobblepot, as Gotham is enjoying an historic spike in job growth and prosperity, it is also going through one of the safest periods of its history."
Oswald smiled but Looked at the floor momentarily. At least one thing to make you proud.
"And I'm sure everyone is wondering: how did you did you do it?" The interviewer raised the corners of her lips but her head was inclined to show that she distrusted him.
"Uh", Oswald closed his mouth and picked up the water of glass, letting a bit spill onto the table.
Oh no. That was an easy question, he shouldn't start using drinking water to buy himself time yet. Maybe I should get a new glass just in case.
You peered at the table to check how much was still in it when Oswald paused his movement and then quickly covered his right wrist.
What was going on?
He stared at Margaret Hearst with an open mouth and she looked back more puzzled.
You went to a monitor to possibly get a better look but his hand wasn't in the frame. Good. Whatever it was didn't need to concern the public.
Oswald closed his eyes, thinking about your encouragement from before and smiled for a moment, then managed to start, "Well..."
While he was fidgeting a little with his hands - though not as much as Ed sometimes did: he was still clutching his right wrist - he actually did quite well, responding eloquently and mentioning a few of his successes along the way.
"So from humble errand boy to kitchen worker to the so-called "King of Gotham", Oswald pressed his lips together, sensing something else than a compliment coming, "it is said that many died so you could rise."
The King of Gotham mustered up a smile, "Oh. An exaggeration. People love to invent scandal." He was putting in quite a lot of energy for how he was feeling today.
The notorious journalist wasn't impressed, "But it was murder that sent you to Arkham. A prison for the criminally insane."
"I," he dragged the word out for a second to find the right words, "rescued this city from the madman Theo Galavan. Some call it murder," he looked down to the side, "others a public favor." He smiled charmingly. At least he won you over with it.
Ms. Hearst continued confidently, "And after your...controversial release from prison," Oswald was tempted to look to you for support, "you met your father, Elijah van Dahl."
Oswald's gaze drifted across the room and landed on-no!
"A man whose identity your mother kept from you."
Oswald opened his mouth. His father! Walking through the room unseen by the security guards. He let out a breath of air and followed the ghost with his eyes, whispering, "Oh my god."
You looked at him alarmed, about to follow his gaze when someone from the camera team made a sudden movement that distracted you.
"Guess it must have been very upsetting."
"What?" Oswald turned his head to Ms. Hearst, "Yes." He looked away again.
The mayor was very distracted but it wasn't as if anyone from the team had noticed anything.
"He also died under suspicuous circumstances, his wife and step children disappearing soon after."
Elijah was holding the trophy Oswald had used to kill his chief of staff, still bloody, raised for Oswald to remember what he had done, not just today but to avenge his father's death.
What did he want him to know? That he was a failure? No, he had been so kind when he'd heard about his past. Advice perhaps? Advice on how to prevent losing you as well?
"I...I-I have to go." Oswald was looking back and forth between Ms. Hearst and something behing you but you were frozen in place, only looking at him.
No one seemed to see what he was looking at anyways. Is he hallucinating?Ed might be able to help with that. Maybe Os had that little sleep. The poor man looked ready to leave.
But Margaret Hearst wasn't done with him yet, "Why? Is it because there's substance to the rumor that you had them killed to inherit your father's wealth?"
Oswald stopped clutching his chair and stood up, "F-father, father, wait!" His voice was frail. With his movement he dragged the chair along audibly, knocking off the glass in the process.
"Oh!" Ms. Hearst exclaimed, "Are you feeling well, Mr. Mayor?"
Oswald began removing the microphone on his suit. "Uh, I'm fine. I-I'm great." He bowed down to her a little, still trying to leave, "Why would I not be fine?" He was still fumbling with the microphone.
"Well, the people of Gotham and America want to know the truth."
Oswald couldn't take it anymore: he ripped off the cord and snarled, "To hell with the people!"
This was it. Margaret Hearst had gotten her story. She looked into the camera and raised her eyebrows. Oswald wasn't needed anymore.
"Father, wait!"
He needed to follow him. He had to. You gave him wonderful support but only his father could give him counsel concerning love: what to do with his feelings for you, how to live with Ed's rejection, whether to deal with the heartbreak in silence or tell you as well as confess to you...and risk losing you too.
He turned around.
"What's wrong?"
He held up a shaky hand. His left one, you noticed. "I can't tell you. Not yet."
"What do you mean "not yet"?"
He looked down, then behind you again, as if there was someone.
"Later. N-not now, at least." He tried to move past you but you stopped his wobbly walk with a hand to his chest.
"Where are you going?"
He gently cupped your hand and moved it down, giving it a small squeeze, then wincing slightly and putting the hand on the other one...his right one.
You needed to ask. Something strange was going on.
Oswald stopped near a mirror and realized horrified that there was a little blood on his face. He wiped it away frantically. "T-to the...bathroom."
You eyed him suspiciously, worried about his well-being.
He pocketed the tissue, his lips twitching from nervosity, his tense legs urging him to follow his father already.
If you discovered his hallucinating, what would you think? You'd think of him as a madman. You knew that his sanity certificate was fake. Who even was he to have one?! Moreover: who was he if he was really sane? In the eye of the public he was a disgraced mayor. A hypocrite. A criminal. A liar. Not even an honest criminal as he sometimes liked to call himself.
After the embarrassment seconds ago he couldn't see clearly, didn't realize how blind he was, that you still liked Ed, who had a fake sanity certificate as well, that you were right there, taking in his state concerned for someone you loved dearly.
He only saw the negative. He was a disappointment. To the citizens of Gotham, to Ed, to you, to his mother, his father...
He had publically made a fool of himself despite your presence, you, his savior, his everything recently.
Not his everything...father!
His face grew less grim. "Now if you'd excuse me."
Again he made a move and would have let him if there wasn't a very important thing you had to ask first, "Just a second!"
Oswald halted.
You reached out to him, attempting to speak calmly, "Your hand. What do you have there?"
You gave it a light touch, meaning to bring it into yours to inspect it.
He flinched, then stood frozen.
"Let me have a look."
"No!" He held a hand in front of his mouth. That reaction was too strong. "I-I mean, it's nothing!"
Very unconvincing.
"Oswald, you can trust me with anything. Please tell me what's wrong."
He evaded your concerned look and you took your chance, looking down at the hand he hadn't raised. The white fabric bore a a red stain. You took in a sharp breath.
Oswald called your name. "What is it?" He looked at you again, a flicker of caution in his panic-stricken eyes.
"The...the blood, Oswald." You gestured to his hand that he was now covering again. "Why is there blood?"
He stared at your pleading eyes.
"Tell me what's bothering you and I can...I can help arrange some downtime for you. I'll look for an open space i-in your schedule and talk to your new Chief of Staff. He seems nice, I'm sure-hey, did I say something wrong?"
"N-no." He couldn't tell you that he'd killed said Chief of Staff. You just said that you liked him, and to be honest, Oswald would've never expected betrayal from him either. What if he was actually innocent?
You went on, "It's his birthday today, did you know that? I'm sure he's in a good mood. Plus, a lot of people like him, so..."
No, no, no, no! Oswald cursed his murder.
You noticed, "But please do continue telling me what's up with your arm or wrist."
Don't say anything about killing him to y/n. "I...I, uh, hurt myself", he tried to explain.
"What?" Stay calm, don't make him feel bad, you told yourself.
"Yes. I-it can happen." Oswald meant to make it reassuring, but to you, who knew how bad he was currently doing, it sounded like a possible confession to self-harm.
"Let me see."
Oswald's eyes widened and he turned to walk away, "I'd rather not."
"Oswald, let me have a look. I-I can help you."
You shrank back.
What have I done? "You don't need to look at it, is what I meant. You already help me so much, dear-dear y/n." Ahh, I messed up! Why did that have to happen today?!
You didn't seem to care about his slip-up, "Whether it looks bad or not, I better inspect it so I can make sure that you have the right bandages ready."
He couldn't let you! You'd see that he had no injury at all! "It's nothing."
"Oh," you didn't believe him, "Good."
He was already walking away, "I'll pick up something from the office." Now he had an excuse for going there.
He only walked slower, which made his explanation all the more suspicious.
"If it's nothing, then please let me see it anyway so I don't have to worry anymore."
This was a smart strategy. While Oswald may have been doleful and weak these last weeks, he had never stopped caring about your well-being.
Instead of assuring you however, he now continued walking, "Please, y/n, I need to be alone!"
"And I'm worried tha..." You couldn't tell him of your suspicions. What if he hadn't done anything in that direction and felt misjudged by you? Or worse: what if you'd somehow inspire him to do something similar?
Oswald saw your distressed concern and stopped, stabilizing himself on a wall, "Worried about what, y/n?" If something was bothering his dear friend so much, his father could could wait for a few seconds.
"Worried that you hurt yourself on purpose."
"Oh." What should he say now?
Usually, if you found out that he'd killed an innocent person, you'd be mad or "merely" disappointed. Either would sadden him immensly at present.
"I didn't. But thank you for your concern."
You peered at his right hand. He still wasn't showing you show you the wound.
The dumpish mayor followed your eyes and let his shoulders sink more. "Please believe me." He made a choked noise in the back of his throat. "It's all so-" he started to cry, "so much a-and-" He waved his left hand around in search for words, his eyes filling with more tears, "I-I...Ijustcan'ttalkrightnow." He looked away and put his left hand to cover his face.
"That's okay. I'm sorry that I stressed you out even more." You stepped closer carefully, not knowing what else to say. Returning your hug, Oswald weakly put one arm to your side.
You stroked over his shaking back. "It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be alright." You teared up.
Oswald nodded despite his extreme doubts. He'd need a miracle to- father!
He jerkily tore away from you. "I have to go."
"What?" You were suprised at this sudden change.
"One more minute here and I'll-I'll have a panic attack. Please don't...don't follow me. I'm just barely managing to...to talk." Will you wait for me?"
"Yes. Yes, of course. But what-"
"Go ahead and wait outside."
"Wh-" What was going on? 'I have to go' sounded...terrible to you! And why wait outside?
"Good." Oswald turned around-
"Wait!" You had to do something, say something, just in case. "Oswald, please wait."
God, hearing that tone in your voice hurt him! He turned his head back towards you.
"You...we...we need to talk about something very important."
"Yes, what is it?"
No no no no, he was supposed to say "Yes of course, we'll talk about that later"!
"I'll tell you later!" You sounded hopelessly dispaired by now. "Can you promise me that we'll do that?" You blinked some tear fluid out of your eyes, "Today?"
Oswald stood still still woth his jittery legs and hands. It must be important. You were hurting and he hadn't helped you yet. He wanted to sob again. "Yes." He took a deep breath. "Of course, y/n. Everything for you."
If not everything for Edward and you, than at least everything for just you.
"I promise."
You breathed out in relief. "Th-thank you."
He was still miserable though. He probably really needed space, whether he had lied to you or not. "I'll wait outside. And Oswald?"
He gazed at you full of hope.
"Don't think that interview ruined everything. You still control the crime world. And they know who you are. But even if you lost everything...you'd still have me."
Hopefully that would take some of the fear from his shoulders.
Oswald's breath hitched.
Those were big words. Words like "I love you", which you had already said today. Words like "I would do anything for you." Words like "more than friends"...and he'd eventually found out what all of those had really meant.
He immediately felt bad for playing his sadness and distress up.
He didn't want to and wouldn't try to find out the exact meaning of what you'd said. Not unless he wanted his heart to be broken a second time.
This time all of his emotional expressions were completely authentic. A new wave of tears threatened to overcome him and so he could only choke out, "Thank you."
Then he walked away.
You stood there, suddenly doubting your little try at ensuring he'd come back. Maybe you could go after him and make sure...no. He'd asked you not to. If you did, it might be his final tipping point to having a panic attack...or worse.
You slowly forced yourself to move, almost reflexively pulling out your telephone and dialling a familiar number.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep... It rang until you were almost outside.
"Ed", you said as soon as he picked up, "you have to tell me what happened between you and Oswald."
Author's note: The updates might take longer from now on, as I haven't begun writing the next ones yet or seen the episodes after season three episode 14 😂. This fic will probably go up to season 3 episode 16, so it's totally okay.
Things are so sad currently though 😭 So please let me know anything you like/think about this. It can be short, medium, long, whatever you want :)
Next chapter (4)->
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lonleywriters-blog · 2 years
Excuse the rambling 😭
Ooo can I please request a Poly Yandere Nygmobblepot x innocent reader headcannon where it takes place when Ed had saved Oz and brought him back to his apartment. Ed, after doing some research, finds out that Oz is just as in love with and obsessed with Y/n as he is, so he goes, finds Y/n, and brings her home with him to his apartment. So when Oz wakes up, Ed tells him one about his new uh… Hobby lol (like he did in the show), but also that he brought the love of their life home, Y/n! She’s super freaked out and scared but Oz and Ed get her to calm down and all three of them fall in love? Oof and when Ed saves James Gordon’s life (when he wakes up and sees Ed and Oz singing/playing the piano in the show), Gordon would be like “???” Seeing Ed, Oz, and Y/n singing, playing the piano, and being all lovey dovey
Yess I love his apartment
Description above ^
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Oswad is thrilled that Ed had saved him and also shared his love with y/n. When he sees you, you are tied to a chair with soft silk so you don't hurt yourself with tears streaming down your face. Both the men crouch down to you level and hush you telling it is okay. Ed explains that they love you and just want you safe. Oswald mentions the crime in Gotham and how they are worried you may be hurt. You being innocent believed them and slowly started to calm down. You know Ed and Oswald so you feel comfortable around them. They stroke your face and arms. Edward slowly unties you and lays by you on the bed. Oswald joins and hums to you. It didn't take long for you to fall head over heals for you. They are so kind and gentle like you are porcelain. They taught you how to play the piano, it was a fun pass time.
You and Oswald were eating super when Ed brought Jim home and saved him. You being kind set up the bed made sure he was comfortable and set water with some food next to Jim for when he wakes up. When Jim does wake up he sees you three laughing and playing piano together. "W-where am I?" You all turn to Jim and explain the Ed had saved him. Jim just stares at you all trying to understand what was going on.
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Gotham Rogues x / & reader request blog!
I love a lot of existing rogues blogs but they always seem super busy and swamped so I figure another can't hurt and it'll give me a chance to practice my writing.
What's x / & mean?
Classically x and / are gendered relationship markers (x for m/f ships and / for m/m or f/f, originating the terms "slash fiction" and "femslash" to refer to lgbt shipping) but today they are largely interchangeable. However x and / both indicate romantic relationships. & indicates platonic and familial relationships. This helps avoid ship mixups!
What can I request here?
I have seen every Batman movie but not Catwoman, Joker, Justice League (either cut), or the 1940s serials. I have seen Batman 1966, Gotham, BTAS, TNBA, and Mask of the Phantasm but am not through Batman Beyond and have not seen The Batman 2004, TBATB, or Happy Halloween Scooby Doo. I am almost done listening to Batman Unburied but have not heard Rogues! Or Batman Audio Adventures. I do read comics but don't feel grounded enough in my knowledge to write comics canon yet. I have watched LPs of Arkham Asylum & City but have not finished watching LPs of Origins, Knight, or the Telltale series, and do not have the actual games to mine for details.
I would prefer only Rogues requests at the moment, I don't quite feel comfortable writing for the Batfam. I will also only write & fics for Ivy Pepper, Selina Kyle, and Jonathan Crane from Gotham.
Can I request NSFW?
I've never written NSFW before, nor do I have experience to draw on, but if you can stomach the awkwardness or inaccuracy go ahead.
Can I request a minor!reader?
No. If this is a success, I might later consider a seperate blog for strictly & requests but to start with I'd prefer minors don't interact at all.
Can I request a ship?
You can request a polyamorous reader fic i.e. nygmobblepot/reader or Harley x reader x Ivy, but for now I won't write direct ships.
Can I request a fic where a rogue with a "split personality" is "cured" or my favorite personality "wins"?
No. DC's treatment of mental health issues is always questionable and that's part of writing these characters at all, especially in regards to systems like Two-Face, but while I might mention conflict between system members I will not write about them being destroyed, erased, assimilated, or otherwise unmade to suit the preferences of the reader.
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meteora-writes · 5 years
Request Info 11/25/19
Below is a list of fandom’s, ships and characters I will write for. I will consider requests for characters/fandoms not listed though, so feel free to message me and ask.
Fandoms: Fear The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Teen Wolf , The Maze Runner (Movies and Books), Gotham, Marvel, The Walking Dead, Supergirl, The Flash, Fantastic Beasts, Good Omens, The 100, Umbrella Academy, Death Stranding
Ships: Sterek, Destiel, Trick, Newtmas (Yes, they’re ALL GAY!), Nygmobblepot, ForstMaster, Karamel (okay I have some straight ships), Winndox, Symbrock, Coldflash, Nedence (Nagini x Credence), DreamerDox (Nia Nal x Brainy), AtomWave, Donnie (Daryl Dixon x Connie) Ineffable Husbands, Bellarke, Memori,
Fluff, Angst, Hurt Comfort, AU’s, Sickfics, Humor, A/B/O, light BDSM, Gender Swap, Recreational Drug Use, Shared Fantasies, Soulmates, Shapeshifting, Magic, NOTE: I will write smut, BUT I am slow to write it as I’m Gray-Asexual and I end up overthinking everything and taking forever to get it written.
Characters: for regular stories and Reader Inserts*
Castiel Crowley (Supernatural) Kevin Tran Charlie Bradbury Jack Kline Stiles Stilinski Derek Hale Scott McCall Malia Tate Isaac Lahey Liam Dunbar Theo Raken Nick Clark Troy Otto Luciana Galvez Thomas (TMR) Newt (TMR) Minho (TMR) Edward Nygma Oswald Cobblepot Loki Odinson Grandmaster Thor Odinson (no Thorki, EVER! Sorry if that offends) Peter Parker (I will not write any underage Peter smut just FYI) Tony Stark (No Tony x Peter either) Dr. Stephen Strange Daryl Dixon Connie Jesus (Paul Monroe) Lydia Kara Danvers (Zor-El) Mon-el Winn Schott Jr. Brainy (Querl Dox a.k.a Brainiac 5) Nia Nal Lena Luthor Barry Allen (The Flash) Cisco Ramon Leonard Snart Mick Rory Ray Palmer Eddie Brock Venom Newt Scamander Credence Barebone Nagini Clarke Griffin Bellamy Blake Octavia Blake John Murphy Emori Maddy (no shipping, shes a kid) Jasper Jordan Aziraphale Crowley (Good Omens) Klaus Ben Number 5 Diego Sam Porter Bridges BB-28 Lou (Louise) Deadman Mama (Malingen) Lockne Clifford Unger Heartman
Send me a request?
Buy Me a Ko-fi?
* I don’t write many of these anymore but I will write them
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Chapter 4 of Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed at (An Angsty Nygmobblepot x Reader Hurt/Comfort Fix-it Fic)
<-previous chapter
Chapter 4: Not Completely Heartless Plans and the Lack of a Corpse
Additional warnings for this chapter: Ed thinking about the possibility of Oswald killing the reader (he doesn't seriously think Oswald would harm you), mention of canonical alcohol problems (Oswald), self-deprecating thoughts (by Oswald)
Word count: 2784
Author's note: After me being busy and then ill, the new chapter's finally finished. Enter Barbara Kean & Tabitha Galavan 🤗
Thanks go to @gabriella-aesthetic for commenting on the last chapter & making me do the finishing touches on this one sooner. I hope you enjoy this chapter ❤
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Wow, a cover for this chapter too? Yes!
Ed's eyes were fixed on the entrance to Gotham City Hall. Oswald still hadn't stormed out of the building like he'd imagined.
Ed looked away to Mr. Van Dahl's remains as well as Oswald's dead chief of staff in the trunk of the car, then turned to the shapeshifter he had met in Indian Hill, "A very good job."
Basil Karlo, aka Clayface, took off his contacts and removed his wig. "He bought it."
Ed smirked. "Hook, line and sinker."
"The voice wasn't quite right but, uh, you know." He heard stilettos on the paving stone and stepped back.
"Bravo, boys." Barbara Kean approached them with Tabitha Galavan close behind. "Penguin lost his mind on national TV. Just like you said he would."
"It's all about the power of suggestion." Ed was proud of his knowledge about the mayor. "And whispering in the right ears."
Tabitha wasn't as impressed, "Why don't you just leave these bodies for the cops? Have him arrested."
"That's too easy, Tabitha." He had much better plans, "I want this to be a slow, painful death. One of a thousand deep cuts. First we take away his mind-
Barbara interruped him, "Then - the part I like - we destroy his empire and take it for ourselves."
"And then when this bird is broken and alone, we do the humane thing...and put him out of his misery."
The blonde heiress pouted playfully, then giggled, and Ed smiled with her. He had this planned out to the-
"Why hasn't he left the building yet?"
Ed suppressed a glare at Tabitha.
"I don't know," he responded, folding his phone open to dial one of the contacts he still had from being Oswald's chief of staff. "Perhaps it's because-"
Two (2) messages from y/f/n y/l/n.
Oswald really needs me. He hasn't been feeling well since you left. I hope we can talk about it.
Reading your message made Ed ask himself whether his plan was really as fool-proof as he'd assumed it was. "He's late because he wasn't alone", he explained, then continued reading, Hopefully you don't think I'm ditching you for Oswald. I just had to be there for him, this day is extremely important.
He has an interview with Margaret Hearst, can you believe that?
Of course you'd support your friend when he had an interview with a star journalist. A star journalist Ed had secretely nudged towards Oswald.
He didn't listen, being too focused on your texts:
I hope we can still meet :) When do you have time to spare? Just a quick heads-up: I don't know how the interview will go and if it doesn't Oswald, might need someone to be there for him, and well, we know how much trust he puts in other people, right xD?
Despite the guilt he felt at you worrying about Oswald, your words almost placated him, making him smile ever so slightly and feel transported to when you had all been friends, to that evening when Oswald had laughed so hard that-
"Hello?" Earth to Ed."
Barbara. Barbara was waving her hand in front of his face.
"Are you lost? What did you find out?"
"Y/n", he said, "y/n accompanied Oswald. It must be the reason why he's so late."
"Y/n got in the way, huh?" Barbara stalked towards the brown-haired man and began to circle him. "Do you want us to do something about that?" She halted in front oh him, "A little kidnapping maybe?"
Ed tensed, more than he had when talking about his plans for revenge. "No!" It came out aggressive, as if they were on opposite sides but he didn't care. "No one must hurt y/n!"
Barbara held up her manicured hands in a conciliatory way, "Okay! Geez, Ed, it's alright. Your friend's safe from us. Right, Tabby?"
"Make sure that Butch, no, everyone, knows not to harm y/n."
Tabitha's scoff was overshadowed by Barbara's confident smile. "Consider it done. As long as your friend doesn't interfere, she thought.
Tabitha stepped towards them, "So you are friends?"
"Of course!" Ed said full of indignation.
She looked to Barbara and raised an eyebrow before he gained her attention back with his irritated tone, "Why wouldn't we be? What are you alluding to?"
After a nod from Barbara, the long-haired woman looked Ed straight in the face and asked, "I mean don't you feel guilty for letting your friend worry about Penguin's misery?"
Ed was taken aback. Of course he did.
How could he be at a loss for words after boasting about his schemes seconds ago?
The voice inside his head answered promptly, Easy: You're not as heartless as you pretend to be. Don't lose sight of who you love, Eddie.
While Barbara and Tabitha looked at him expectantly, he gave a quick response, That's what I'm doing! Focusing on Oswald and on y/n! We texted quite often over the past weeks.
"Yes!" He straightened his jacket, "What is it?"
Barbara patted his arm, "I think you're doing great!" She gave Tabitha a subtle look indicating that she knew he wasn't, "Look at you, protecting your friend from someone as dangerous and selfish as Oswald."
Hearing her put it like that...Perhaps he was protecting you from Oswald. The thought hadn't crossed his mind. While Ed believed that Oswald would never harm you, he hadn't suspected him to be Isabella's murderer either.
The thought of Oswald killing you seemed ridiculous but that didn't mean that Barbara's words had no impact.
He had loved Isabella and he loved you, at least as much as-at least a lot.
What if things had been different and Oswald had been jealous of you?
Ed pictured the scene: your lifeless body in the GCPD, a car accident report, Oswald telling him to move on when he was still mourning!
"You still with us, Ed? Cause you shouldn't-"
His telephone rang. 'Oswald Cobblepot'. "Speaking of the devil, who seems to have called...eight times, wow" he was glad to see they were now looking at him as if he was capable despite the zoning out, "he can suffer for a little longer." He clapped the device shut. "You were saying?"
Barbara was pleased that Ed was ignoring the probably miserable mayor, "I was saying...that you needn't feel bad about getting your revenge on Penguin. Just continue doing what you're doing and our plans will be a piece of cake." She laughed.
Oswald was anything but laughing. He stood on shaky legs, panting from walking quickly after finally...well, not getting rid of you but assuring you he'd be fine. Oh god, had he made you worry too much? He hoped not.
He looked back as if you might appear at any moment, then moved back to the door. It was best that you didn't disturb him. If his father's skeleton wasn't real, he'd look insane. He closed the door and locked it. Even if his father's remains were in the same place: you didn't need to see a corpse, beleagured enough as you already were.
He hadn't meant to alarm you. You suspected that he had harmed himself, for God's sake! Oswald limped to the place where he had last seen his father's body, determined to wash away the blood and show you how alright he was. At least physically...
The disheveled mayor opened the office cupboard and gasped in shock. It was empty and what was worse, the traces to Elijah's presence were gone.
"No!" Oswald clutched a hand in front of his mouth. "No no no no no, please don't let this be...please let it have been real... I need you, father! I need your advice. Come back to me!"
He closed the cupboard and looked around the room. Not a single trace of his father. Had he vanished...or never been there to begin with, a hallucination? Oswald was sleep-deprived.
Ed! Oswald was spurred into action. He pulled out his phone and called his number.
"This is Edward."
It normally didn't take this short for the voice message to start. Ed had declined the call.
"Leave a message. Or don't."
Right. There was the audible reminder of the sadness Oswald had caused the man he loved.
"Doesn't really matter."
Oswald rubbed his temples.
Perhaps Ed was busy. Or still not over it. Over receiving a love confession after making one of the oddest business proposals Oswald had ever witnessed. It was almost as if - he steadied himself on a table... It was a level of dumbness almost completely uncharacteristic for Ed.
Oswald took shaky breaths. Coming to rash conclusions wouldn't serve him well. He needed to approach this calmly, at least as calmly as he could.
He breathed in and made sure to let out enough air as well, as Ed has taught him. Taught me with a hand on my stomach to show my where best to breathe from, he thought puzzled, then remembered that the brown-haired man had done the same with you.
Suddenly Oswald had a thought. Could it be that Ed was in love with you both, that this was his reason for distancing himself from him? It would make sense, wouldn't it: Ed, still grieving Isabella, wouldn't want to confirm being in love with Oswald if it meant making you think he didn't like you, but he wouldn't want to confess to you either in fear of losing his other best friend.
Oswald knew the feeling. Right now he wished he had never said the words to Ed. He would to anything to have him back, even if as nothing more than a friend.
Thinking back brought Oswald's mood further down. Ed had been so shocked, his body averted from Oswald's as if the mere idea of the black-haired man as someone worth having romantic interest in displeased him.
Oh, Oswald wished to have him back, to prove that his affection was nothing to be afraid of, that Ed had no reason to tense up and shield himself.
Oswald would keep his feelings to himself. He could do that, yes, he'd let Ed dictate how close they got, so that things could go back to how they'd been.
Now if he could just solve the mystery of his father!
For a moment he considered calling Ed again, then he debated texting him and gave up on that as well. What would he even write? 'Hey, Ed, first of all: don't be afraid, I'm no danger to you. I know you haven't wanted to hear from me for weeks, but I think I might be hallucinating, so I thought I'd call the next insane person I know.'
No, that would simply be ridiculous. Not only that but there was a safety issue as well: Oswald couldn't afford the public questioning his sanity because of one thoughtless text falling into the wrong hands.
He pocketed his phone to keep from making a mistake, and actually went toward the bathroom, where he'd told you he'd be.
Despite everything, there was still hope. You neither knew about the situation with Ed nor about his possibly damaged psychological state, and as long as you stayed with him, he'd manage. He'd bottle up his emotions over the day and find a way to let them out when you weren't there. After today he couldn't afford to be seen by you in such a miserable state again.
That day in the library, Ed had promised not to speak a word of the love confession to you, telling Oswald that he deserved it, that it was completely rational, no, the best decision even: to keep it a secret. He had almost been eager to assure him. Maybe Oswald's theory was true and Ed was planning on eventually getting together with him and you. Yet he had been so shocked. Oswald gasped for breath. Could it be that...could it be that Ed was only in love with you?
With all that had happened it certainly wasn't implausible: the way Ed acted around you, looked at you, cared for you, all of it was filled with love, of whichever type that may be. In Oswald's dreams, all three of you had been in love with each other, never just with one, but knowing what Ed had told him...it might be true!
Oswald collided with the door to the private bathrooms. "Ow!" Rubbing his face, he turned around to make sure no one had heard him. The way there on his shaky legs had taken him long enough and he lacked the energy to look for a new place.
He hastily locked the door and turned to the big mirror.
"Oh God!"
He looked horrible!
Strands of hair had dropped and clung to his sweaty skin, his dark circles were reinforced by the mascara he thought he'd removed sometime yesterday in between glasses of alcohol, and his expression was utterly pathetic.
How could Ed love someone like this? How could you? Had Oswald only made himself look this bad after finding his father's remains missing?
In any case: you had wanted to know whether he'd self-harmed or worse, tried to kill himself, so he couldn't have looked alright.
God, his whole existence was a mess: losing bis best friend because the thought of Oswald loving him was too much for the tall brown-haired genius, losing the public because his father who might just be a hallucination was asking things of him, and now looking like this! His eyes watered again. Of course Ed wouldn't settle for him!
He approached the sink and poured the first wave of water onto his face.
Whether he was handsome in general or not, he was unsightly today. Possibly this week. Hopefully it didn't go back to since Ed had left.
He poured another handful of water over his face.
Of course Ed doesn't love me.
He attempted to wash the make-up smudges away.
And why would you love him?
He began to rub at the mascara remains on his eyelids.
Why did you still care for him?
The mascara didn't budge.
What was keeping you from going to Ed, genius, tall and handsome Ed?
Maybe you would soon.
What would Oswald do then?!
He wouldn't kill you, that was out of the question. Just thinking about how concerned you already were made him feel guilty.
No, he wouldn't harm you, wouldn't even think about manipulating your relationship with Ed. He'd be your friend, watch as Ed got back the love Oswald had stolen from him, and as your concern for Oswald was washed away by Ed's love.
Finally seeing you happy would have to be compensation enough.
Only that you'd probably still worry about him, wouldn't you? Try and ask what's wrong, then support your friend without ever being entrusted with his secret problem, that's what you'd do, and God, it would make things ten times more heartbreaking for Oswald! He couldn't fall out of love with you! If he still loved Ed, who'd broken off all contact, then how would he be able to let go of much more innocent you, how would he endure seing the two people he loved daily?
Surely Ed would come back to the Van Dahl estate if he became your boyfriend...or would living with his friend be too weird if he was in a relationship? Ed had brought Isabella to the mansion but maybe he'd prefer to settle down in his own house, move in with you and leave Oswald alone?
That would be horrible! Except...maybe he'd need the distraction, the time for himself to cry without making either of you worry.
At the thought a next wave of tears spilled from his eyes.
I'd live with it somehow, he told himself. I love them too much to break off contact, he thought, even as sobs shook his body.
Ed's phone rang again. He made a show out of ignoring it but as soon as Barbara looked away to "Tabby", he threw a look at it. It was you.
"I need to answer this." His fingers were already itching to press the button.
"You do that," Barbara saw your name on the screen, then lowered her voice, "and don't forget: you need to protect the last person you love. Oswald doesn't care about the people - as he so elegantly told the whole city - or those he loves. But I don't need to tell you that."
She padded his shoulder and tugged Tabitha along, and after Basil Karlo had left the three alone, only Ed remained, who hastily took the call.
Author's note: I'm back again! I've gotta be careful that I don't overwork myself with this fic. These last weeks it was kind of difficult to continue not just because I was busy & then ill but cause I felt like publishing it didn't pay off (both tumblr & A03 formatting takes more time than I'd like & writing for a niche couple in an old fandom doesn't help with getting comments either 🥲 But don't worry, I get that not everyone has the energy to comment :))
Next chapter->
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Nygmobblepot x Reader Jealousy Over the Reader's Ex Wanting Them Back (Headcanons)
@i-smoke-chapstick requested: absolutely ADORE your writing <3 if requests are still open id love to see some poly!nygmobblepot x reader jealousy headcanons? maybe just how these two deal with readers ex coming back for them 😂 take your time! Reader: gender-neutral (no pronouns) for both the reader and the ex Warnings: the love-interests having thoughts of murder & non-specified torture of the reader's ex, spoilers for what positions they're in in season 3 episode 5
•You're at an event with them, a gathering with people of various social classes, including your ex for some reason •Your boyfriends haven't outed you as their official date of course, that would be too dangerous with Oswald in such a high position, two positions, if you count his illegal business •He and Ed regret you being single in the eye of the public however, when they find out that your ex is there - before even knowing that the ex wants you back •Actually, just seeing you with someone else incites jealousy in both, knowing your past relationship or not
•Then they hear the ex bringing up your previous relationship and "how much they regret things not having worked the first time". •"First time"? More like last time!
•Forget Ed's "Love is about sacrifice, it's about putting someone else's needs before your own". He's a huge hypocrite. Yes, he'd sacrifice things for you, but he won't let you sacrifice even a little of your own happiness to make your ex feel better. Is that because he's jealous? Partly yes. A bigger part of it 🤫
•With Oswald, it depends on how much Ed and you have expressed that you dislike jealousy, cause he'll reign it in if it prevents you from being sad or angry at him, and keep the murder fantasies to a minimum...
•...unlike Ed. He'll see you talking with your ex and picture himself walking over to plunge a knife into the offending person's chest. His imagination can be rather vivid 💀. •Oswald has to shake him out of the fantasy, feeling rather lonely by now •Ed sees Oswald's worry and jumps into action: •He walks over to you and introduces your boyfriend to your ex, aiming to make a professional impression •With Oswald possibly still being more shaken, Ed does the talking, mentioning many a great deed of them while testing the stranger's knowledge •He does this using riddles that neither you nor Oswald can answer •To be honest, this makes Ozzie pretty insecure. He knows that Ed is showing off & using extra difficult questions but the ex forensic science technician looks at you as if only the people who know the answer were worthy of your love
•Oswald is quick to drag you away, not even giving your ex an explanation. He's a feared man, he doesn't need to justify himself. •Away from the party guests, Ozzie pads you down to look for harm •Ed asks whether you want them to take care of "the problem" •Both are very eager to make propositions about what they could do to your ex •They can get pretty graphic •Oswald could describe torture and Ed would admire him with heart eyes 😍😂
•After their initial rambling, your partners listen very closely to what you have to say •If the ex was abusive or is creeping you out...well, Owald slowly starts to smile rather innocently and is soon joined by Ed 🙃😂
•Until you know what you want to be done with your ex, Oswald's henchmen can always deal with the unwanted guest •Oswald can make use of his mayor security for you •They'll definitely do a background check, just to be sure. This is Gotham, they can't trust just about anyone, good taste or not 😉
•Now Ed is freaking out about the chances of you still being interested in your ex, even without having heard what you've got to say about it •Oswald is a little calmer and musters up the courage to ask about your feelings
•If you tell them that you still find your ex attractive, they're heartbroken. Two smart men reduced to sad kicked puppies. What did they do wrong?! Or what did your ex do so right? Can they do something? Anything? They'd worry about it a lot
•If you say that you "just" like your ex as a friend, they're still agitated •They probably both propose to out themselves as your boyfriend, only to follow it up with promising not to for your safety
•Unfortunately, the event must continue and so your ex talks to you again, much to your boyfriends' misery •They're very protective of each other and would normally offer to kill whoever's upsetting the other in a heartbeat •Now they just throw each other worried glances and direct glares at your ex together
•When the event is over - naturally or after a word from the mayor - you're quickly whisked away by them •Once alone with you, they're less agited •Perhaps you want to share your true hatred for your ex now? Or tell them what you love about them? Please 😢 •They need it
•After some time Ed calms down, not having Oswald's reflexes to analyze people's every micro expression •He'll show you why you should stay with him
Let's just say I wouldn't say no to making a one-shot with this topic in the future - because Ozzie definitely takes longer to be assured ;)
Author's note: Wow, those headcanons got quite long 😄🤗 Y'all let me know what you think :)
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Chapter 5 of Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed at (Nygmobblepot x Reader)
<-previous chapter
Chapter 5: The Talk About Oswald and Ed, and Continued Bathroom Thoughts Word count: 4366 Author's note: This is the chapter I've been looking forward to for the longest time since getting the idea for this fic 🥰🥺 (well, I split it up because otherwise it would take longer for you to get an update)
No additional warnings:)
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Look at this picture I edited 😊 You readers look good on it 😉😂 _________________
When Ed finally heard your voice, serious and distraught, you didn't even greet him but come right to the point, "Ed, you have to tell me what happened between you and Oswald." He gasped. "Whatever it is..." What could he? Telling you of his plans would be unwise: unlike Oswald and him, you were against murder and torture in most cases, so both criminals had tried to shield you from this side of their jobs as best as they could.
One time you'd overheard a call from Victor Zsasz with chilling background noises that even Oswald would've wished weren't so loud through the phone and afterwards Ed had assured you that the person being tortured deserved it, only for you to get even more concerned because you asked yourself what they could've possibly done to deserve this. Eventually it had been Oswald who managed to console you by telling you how many people could die if this person didn't share crucial information.
Yes, telling you more than you needed to know would only do unnecessary harm. Ed couldn't talk about the whole Isabella thing on the phone. What else could he tell you?
"Ed?" You sounded anxious. "Yes?" Not far away from him, you made sure that no one could overhear this personal talk, "The thing that made Oswald so sad?" "Oh. Right. Uhm..." He didn't continue, so you explained, "The interview was a disaster, a-and I can tell you that it didn't have to do with anyone present, at least that wasn't the main reason, I mean, Margaret Hearst was sort of rude but..."
So you had been there. Ed wondered what that might mean for his plans: you'd no doubt supported Oswald but at least the interview had still exposed the mayor's true feeelings. Ed was too distracted by your tone to concentrate on that. He could hear how desperately you needed to know the truth. Were you crying? He wished he could see your face.
You started pacing. "It's not as if his mother's death day was around this time, right? Also, b—" "Yes, that would be in-apologies, I interrupted you." "Don't worry." You admired his good memory but right now you wanted to find out how you could help Oswald, preferably with your voice still intact or well, at least intact enough for Ed to hear you clearly.
You stepped away from City Hall's big entrance and paced back and forth near the bottom of the stairs, the light sandy wall shielding your from anyone walking out this way. "A-anyways, business seemed to be okay, at least as mayor he was cheered on just a few days ago..." Your voice was uneven but still far better than Oswald's today. Ed took notice of it, thinking it more likely that it was due to your concern and not for example a cold.
Could he tell you about the fake love confession? Probably not, after all, he needed to make Oswald miserable for this plan to work and he couldn't have you working your magic on the other man. He tapped on his phone and clenched and unclenched his other hand. If both were free, he'd be shaking them nervously. "Ed? Please." You were definitely sad, maybe crying, Ed decided. "Yes! Uhm, well...I think you already listed a lot of reasons."
He started walking; perhaps movement would help him come up with an appropriate theory or lie to tell you. He looked at the sunlit trees and the building Oswald must still be in and went a little closer but still far away enough from the entrance so you wouldn't see him should you be there.
Meanwhile you were tired of being stuck in the same place as before the call. Ed had to know something! "Please, Edward, be honest with me. Oswald is..." Your sight blurred from tearing up. "He's not just in a bad mood because of the interview. I-in case you haven't heard of it — of course you didn't, you were busy — uhm, he...told everyone that he doesn't care about the citizens of Gotham and in an, uh, aggressive tone no less. But that's not my main concern. He's miserable! Has been miserable ever since you left. I think." Explaining was getting harder and harder for you.
Your sniff could be heard through the phone. Ed automatically took a few steps towards the building you were presumably in. "I told you I need to be alone to grieve." "Yes, of course." You felt a little guilty about momentarily forgetting Isabella's death, yet still had the feeling that Ed wasn't telling you everything. "But he doesn't just miss you. You two haven't even talked, now have you? He recently asked how you were doing..." Oswald had phrased it in a way that could make you assume he merely hadn't had the time, yet you left that out, certain that it had been his way of hiding his lack of communication with Ed.
Ed's pace grew faster. Oswald had asked you about him? Even when he knew that he had no chance with him? He instincively stepped closer to the road in front of the large stairs.
You only heard faint footsteps through the phone. Was Ed outside too? It didn't matter unless he was here to make things right. Why didn't Ed say anything?! Maybe he's in a dangerous neighborhood. You immediately felt sorry. He better take care of himself. Oswald being down is bad enough. You decided to give him a break and take a moment to think.
Oswald had claimed Ed had left due to criminal business. At first you believed him, then doubts started to fill your brain when it became clear that they weren't talking anymore. Still, you'd let them be, after all, who knew, maybe Ed had to pretend that he'd broken ties with the King of Gotham so he could gain their enemies' trust.
Fittingly enough, Ed had been busy pretty frequently. Busy and strange... When he talked with you over the phone, his voice carried more melancholy than when he'd been grieving at the mansion, and there was something else in it, a sort of anger that you sometimes felt was directed at the place you often slept in...or its inhabitants...or more precisely: Oswald.
Nevertheless, you'd given Ed the benefit of the doubt because after all, what could possibly destroy this friendship? What could make Oswald as devastated as today? Ed heard you crying. Think, think think think. Your friend needs your support too, not just the other way round! Your uneven breathing coming through the phone distracted him while you recollected today's events.
Oswald had had blood on his white shirt and not even denied it! Whether it was his or not, he'd said things: that he needed to go and...what had he whispered repeatedly? You hadn't fully taken in the words then. That someone should wait for him. "..., wait!" Farther, father... "Father, wait!" "I have to go." Oh no. "Ed?" "Yes!" You didn't want to make presumptions about Oswald but you'd share them with Edward if it meant getting information to help Oswald.
"Tell me." "Uh, maybe you could ask him first?" he attempted. You leaned your back against the stone wall. "Ed, I'm ser-" your voice broke, "serious." Ed felt his nails dig into his palms, he forced himself to walk to battle the stress. If listening to your worries was painful, then how were you feeling? "If he hasn't told you, then perhaps he can't talk about it yet. So I'd say it's best if we just-" "-I think he wants to die." "What?! H—" You burst into tears and Ed fell silent, only hearing your sobbing.
You let the tears spill and leaned more heavily on the wall to the right of the stairs, breathing irregularly and not caring about the blurred world around you anymore. Your assumption wasn't even an exaggeration! You began sinking down and could only stop your clothes from touching the pavement at the last second. At that you let out a tired snivel and didn't bother trying to stop crying.
Ed could hear it, hear your despair, quite loudly, actually. He eyed the area in front of him. There were a few parked cars, no one seemed to be walking out of the building, but in front of the stairs was a crouched figure, leaning against the wall. Despite your position, he recognized you immediately with an additional wave of pain to his chest and gut. "Where are you?" he said with a sudden tone of urgency. You sniffed. "Out...side City Hall. Near the stairs." A choked noise escaped your throat. "Why?"
"I...I'm nearby right now. Just wait where you are." "Ka-okay", you spluttered and he could see you clutching at your phone. He should probably wait a few minutes so he could better explain why he'd said he wouldn't be available. Ed balled his hand into a fist, then tried to relax it immediately. "I'll be there shortly." Crying. "Everything's gonna be alright." It had to. Breathing heavily, you didn't stop shedding tears. Instead, it was possibly becoming worse. "I-I think I can see you now." You whimpered, too much of a wreck to look up and his promise too unrealistic. "Yes, I see you. I'm gonna hang up now. I'll run." He started running, hitting the sidewalk loudly with his polished shoes. "Y/n!" You looked up. "Y/n." Ed's here? You craned your neck and there he was, a strand of his brown hair fallen out of its gelled-backed place, and eyeing you with concern. The strain from looking up at him from your position become too much, so you let your head hang down again. You wanted to say something, explain your theory, but the hopelessness kept you from doing so.
Ed too wanted to say something, tell you that you needn't worry, that Oswald deserved what was happening to him. He crouched down to look into your eyes and stared at them, took in how filled to the brink they were, overflowing with tears this whole mess had caused you. "I can exp-" a sob shook you. He cleared his voice to speak again but your crying was too loud, it would be inappropriate if he spoke louder: you made the impression that you'd only become more devasted if he did so.
"Hey", he spoke softly, when you didn't hear him again, just a little bit louder, "Hey. It's gonna be okay." He stroked your side. "Look at me." You did, noticing the shock passing his face upon seeing your lovely face drowned in tears. "I promise I will tell you..." Could he promise to tell you everything? What he'd done to Oswald had gone differently than planned. He hadn't meant to... Ed took a steadying breath. At the moment you were all he wanted to focus on. "I promise to tell you what's up with Oswald." He gulped. "But let's get you to a better place first."
He held out his hand and breathed out when you distanced yourself from the wall and wrapped your arms around him. It was the first time you'd seen one another in weeks. You began to take deeper breaths, using Ed's tall body as a focuspoint. You loved him and Oswald so much, why couldn't they all just be happy?! Ed detected the movement of your upper body instantly. While your arms trembled, his hands stroked over your back with sure movements. Between your body against his, your shaky breaths and your scent he now took in with a nostalgic feeling of fondness, it took him some time to remember what he'd even been doing here. Laughing with Miss Kean seemed hours away.
He let his hands fall down and took a step away. "Is-where is Oswald, right now?" You cleared your throat. "He... said he'd go to the ba—bathroom, that he was near-" your voice wavered, "near a panic attack." You looked at him expectantly, searching for sympathy or guilt. He definitely showed concern but for who you couldn't tell. "Why?" "So you're waiting for him?" "Yes?" "Be-because it would be best if...Let's move away from the entrance, so that we can talk in private." Your voice was raw from the crying, "But not too far away." You got out your phone. "I'll text Oswald to wait in the car." "You're sleeping at the mansion tonight?" There was definitely angry undertone to his question. Was Ed jealous of Oswald? "Maybe." You had slept at the mansion most of the time since Oswald's election as mayor. It had become your home, as you had thought it had Ed's.
"What's wrong?" You didn't have the nerves for his question evading right now. "Nothing. Just... Perhaps he could use some distance." "Why-" you were still crying and Ed still wasn't answering your very pressing question, "why's that? He made a gesture you didn't understand. "It..it, uhm," he cleared his throat, "certainly helped me after Kr-Isabella's death." You felt bad because of your assumption. Of course he wasn't upset about you being at the place you'd all lived in. "Oh, right. Sorry. I'll text him. Then we can move a few feet." _________________
Oswald was looking down, away from his mirror image. How late was it? He opened his telephone to make sure. The interview had been scheduled to end—no, he couldn't rely on it, he'd taken this small chance away from himself. One (1) message from y/n ly/n. He'd once thought about adding some cute nickname on your profile as well as Ed's, then thought the better of it and quietly scolded himself for potentially endangering you like this. Hey, Ozzie, I'm going outside for a moment. Call or text me when you're ready, you can wait in the car, no need to put pressure on your leg :)
Was he saved as Ozzie in your phone? In any case, it managed to lift his spirits a little to know that you still used the term of affection for him after hearing him make a statement so uncharacteristic of someone deserving of a term of endearment. Well, it was a nickname but still: he'd had enough bad ones yelled at him — as had Edward — to treasure it when someone meant no harm with them.
Did you call the other man nicknames ither than Ed sometimes? Ed had never visited you or seen you in a different place, at least as far as Oswald knew. You wouldn't meet at his father's house in secret, would you? Surely having to make sure Oswald didn't walk in would take too much effort and be too stressful.
And yet I've kept the biggest secrets from y/n for even longer, Oswald realized. Killed Isabella. Confessed my love for Edward. But not without showing how utterly doleful I am. You had been cheerless more than too much, he admitted. Perhaps you were hiding something. Or maybe Edward really hadn't seen you for weeks.
Anger sparked in him. Maybe Ed forgot you in all his mourning over a woman he'd known for days. You didn't deserve this, to lose your friend because Oswald had messed up. Why couldn't Ed see how much his friends loved him? He'd been shocked that Oswald wanted him to be his boyfriend but he knew how much they all cared about each other, that you treasured him as a friend! If Ed didn't even want contact with you because of what Oswald had said, then he should prepare himself for Oswald's anger. You mustn't suffer from unrequited feelings, romantic or not. He huffed and felt a bit of strength return to him through the protective anger stirring inside of him. Ed better not break your heart too! Oswald relaxed his grip so he wouldn't crush his phone. He turned it in his hands and sudenly remembered your unanswered text message, "Why didn't I think of this earlier?" he mumbled, and quickly replied to it, saying that he was starting to feel less panicky but that you could take your time enjoying the fresh air, he'd meet you in the car in about 20 minutes. _________________
After you sent the text, Ed gently led you to a place where you could sit in peace. Still shaking, you leaned against him and tried to look into his eyes. For a moment you did, staring at the sympathy and surprise evident in his brown eyes. Then the thought crossed your mind that the secret problem had to be something very dangerous or complicated if Ed hadn't offered you an explanation yet. As soon as you started sobbing again, he wrapped his arms around you and stroked your back, feeling the tremors and hearing you whine.
Contrary to what Barbara had said, Ed now started to realize that he may have gone too far. He'd been doing to you what he had only wanted to do to Oswald. I only meant for him to get hurt, he wanted to tell you but knew that he hadn't managed to achieve that. Revenge can hurt more than the person it's aimed at.
He spread his hands over your back and moved them upwards to the back of your head. Weeping, you buried it in his chest. "It looked as if he'd h-hurt himelf." "Oh." "And after the," you snivelled, "the..." A helpless whine caught in your throat. "It'll...it will be all right." You felt Ed's heart beating faster. " I'll tell you when you're ready. Alright?" Too unsettled to speak, you nodded against his chest.
Oswald wants to die? Ed shivered and started cradling your body, trying to calm himself with your closeness. Your plan was to break him, what did your expect? Now he wants to die. He wants to die. Ed was hit with a wave of guilt. He'd only wanted Oswald hurt, sad, but not like this! He didn't even tell himself that he felt only bad about it because of you. I'll correct it somehow. The potential was still there to comfort Oswald a bit before he learned the truth about Ed's plan of revenge.
Ed felt your hands on his back and moved his over yours, this time aiming to soothe himself as well. Yes, he'd still have the chance to bring a little bit of joy back into Oswald's life. After all, it would be the second to last time he'd see the man. With shock Ed realized that he'd never see Oswald happy again if he didn't see to it that he was. Of course the mayor would be glad to "save" Ed's life but it wouldn't be the cheerful spark Ed had often admired in his sea green eyes. You moved your head against Ed and pressed it into him as he inched closer. Ed was determined now: He'd hug Oswald one last time, hold the smaller man close and soak up the false love he pretended to offer. Oswald would hug him, right? At the very least when he'd come to Ed's "rescue". He'd need to prevent Os from distancing himself from him.
You were still crying and Ed was stroking you absentmindedly, closer to you than you'd dared to dream of in the last weeks. His fingers were almost fidgeting against you except that they were more controlled, trying to soothe you while his arms steadied you. Letting the feeling calm you as best as it could, you moved your fingers over the fine fabric of his suit. Fittingly enough, he took deep breaths to let your scent calm him just as you you wondered whether it helped him as much as smelling his familiar scent helped you. Ed's voice was rough when he murmured, "This is so much better than texting."
Why did I say that? he asked himself, puzzled: it felt as if he had just bared a big secret part of himself. The raspy agreement you made brought his attention back to you. Yes, that's right, I should treasure the time we have, he thought as he took another breath of your familiar scent and felt energy flow back to him at your touch.
With his presence and gentle touches, Ed was giving you the much-needed sign that he still cared about you. Soon you'd be ready to speak, and he felt it too in the way your breathing changed.
While you collected your thoughts, Ed thought about how he could make you happy again. You cared so much about Oswald that he had a sudden urge to let the man live. He tried to make it fit together, find a reason to believe that he'd get fully over Isabella: Oswald had managed to become strong again after his mother's death, and he had been wary of Ed in the beginning whereas Ed had started his journey of grief already having a friend in you, who'd been there for him from the moment he'd gotten the call from the GCPD to ask him to come as quickly as possible. How much grief did he even feel? Today all he felt was anger followed by concern.
For a moment, he let himself imagine a life in which he let Oswald live: Ed wouldn't meet another partner, wouldn't even want one, because you'd have each other. He pictured it: he'd get to enjoy Oswald's presence again, see him devour sandwiches with spicy mustard — adorably innocent compared to when he'd command respect in a meeting room or when the two of them had fun with traitors — and hear Oswald's voice —  talking, humming, laughing, singing — when he came home late and was welcomed by both him and you and have a relaxing evening on the couch. Ed let the idea soothe him: you'd hug, sometimes all three of you together, and everything would be alright, he wouldn't even want a second chance with Miss Kringle, just being with the two of you would be perfect.
There was still a flicker of anger in him but Ed was focused enough on the positive that as he felt you stir, now collected enough to talk and listen, he swore to himself that whatever may come, he'd hug Oswald at least once more, and make sure that you felt loved. _________________
Oswald had started scrubbing at the blood stain on his white shirt and felt guilt pricking at his insides because he had hurt both you and Ed.
Still, he wondered why Ed would try to get him to confess. The more he thought about it, the more he believed in the theory that Ed loved you both (hence why Ed hadn't told you about Oswald's confession) but that he'd gotten cold feet and rejected Oswald before he could be rejected by you so soon after loosing Isabella.
Ugh, how could Ed fall in love with her but not Oswald and you? Or at least with you. Oswald sniffed. He didn't deserve Ed, had hurt him too much. But you, why couldn't Ed see you the same way Oswald did? You cared so much for them, knew how to soothe them and prevent triggering unhappy memories, had loveable characteristics that made Isabella seem even more boring in comparison, and you were so good — at least in Gotham standards — that Oswald wanted to give you the world nearly every time he looked at you. Didn't Ed see all that?
Of course he didn't. He hadn't even asked about the Founders' Dinner where Oswald could've died, instead smiling with Isabella as if he hadn't admired you with a similar look on his handsome face mere days ago!
If things weren't so complicated, Oswald would think himself a better option than the sometimes stupid genius but alas he couldn't and he knew why. Oswald had the perstistent fear that if you knew what he'd done, you would never want to be with him, hell, maybe never even see him again! He rubbed harder over the shirt's fabric.
He'd become a better person, he promised himself, be a bit more patient, become forgiving when it was needed, not murder his crush's partner so quickl-no: not at all. He sighed, shoulders heavy with the knowledge that you would be angry with him for thinking this way, or worse, afraid. He shook his head, as if trying to prove his motivation to become a better person, someone you and Ed deserved. Until you were ready, he'd have to keep his feelings to himself, allow no thoughts of what your names would look like together on an invation or what gifts he could give you when you were finally together.
Oswald's head sunk down from the weight of it all, directing his gaze to his shirt cuffs. The blood was wiped away. What would he even do, he needed to give you a good excuse, then successfully bottle his emotions up, cross those thoughts of affection and happiness out and— That was it! He let out a hysterical cry of joy and grabbed his phone to tell you that he'd be downstairs in around fifteen minutes, then quickly left the bathroom to go to his office.
There he scrabbled about, threw one or two pens in the wrong color away, and finally found one he'd usually never use. It was light red and perfect for what he had in mind.
Oswald flexed and relaxed his fingers to ensure a secure grip on the pen, then bent over and wrote your name. +Ed. +Oswald. He half considered drawing a heart around the three names but thought the better of it, instead taking the image in for a few seconds and making a promise to earn both of you, be it as friends or as partners.
After a few moments, he gripped the pen again and crossed everything out. Then he stowed it away where you wouldn't come across it by chance and went back to the bathroom. He needed to wash parts of it away — as well as the new tears that had run down his cheeks.
_________________ Author's note: Title dropped! 😂🤗 I hope you liked this chapter and that the length made up for the break time ❤
Next chapter->
(@gabriella-aesthetic I'm not sure whether you wanted to be tagged in the next chapters as well, let me know if that's not the case & I'll remove it :))
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Chapter 2 of Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed at - An Angsty Nygmobblepot x Reader Hurt/Comfort Fix-it Fic
Chapter 2: Comfort Before the Interview
<-Previous Chapter
Word count: 2996
Chapter summary: The next day, you try to be there for Oswald on the day of his big interview.
Warnings: canon betrayal (including gaslighting & intimidation) & poor mental state, a lot of angst (Oswald feeling miserable, fear of abandonment)
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Wow, I actually made a second picture just for this story?!
The next morning there were no less than fourteen missed calls from Oswald on your phone but you couldn't reach his phone or landline.
You texted him, What is it,Oswald? Are you ok? and got dressed quickly.
When he finally called back, you immediately asked what was wrong.
He was incredibly anxious and hesitant, "It-it's nothing more than nerves. I've got that big interview today. You know the one. P-plus, I accidentally hit the button a few times when my hands were jittery. Silly me, haha. They still do that sometimes, out of Arkham or not." Oswald paused to catch his breath, "I-I would still greatly appreciate your presence, of course." He laughed with a shaky edge, and you instantly recognized the hidden desperation in it.
You mentally said your goodbye to the idea of finally seeing Ed again today.
I'm so sorry, something has come up. you wrote, then decided to add a little something to make Ed think about breaking off contact with Oswald:
Oswald really needs me. He hasn't been feeling well since you left. I hope we can talk about it.
Ed left his phone in the car. Right now he had a mayor's reputation to damage. And what better way than to let him damage it himself?
Since Oswald was almost running late, the car he sent drove you directly to City Hall.
On your way there, you kept checking your telephone but Ed hadn't responded yet.
Well, if he hasn't seen my message, maybe he doesn't have time after all.
Trying to distract yourself, you looked outside through the darkened windows and saw that you were arriving.
You quickly left the car, and marveled at the pleasant breeze of fresh air and the chirping of birds. The sun was even shining and bringing such a welcome warmth onto the streets of Gotham that you craned your neck to bask in it for a moment after looking for Oswald. He wasn't outside but he must have noticed today's wheather too, the completely unclouded blue sky. You smiled. Maybe it would cheer him up.
It was a beautiful day...counting only the weather.
You treaded to the entrance. As soon as you saw Oswald, your smile disappeared.
He looked terrible.
His head hung low as if he wanted to confront nothing but the floor, he was slouching and clinging to his cane, leaning to the side, dangerously close to tilting over.
Your footsteps made him jerk and look up with wide eyes. He called your name repeatedly, his voice hoarse and just as shaky as the rest of him.
"Oswald!" You approached him quickly so that he wouldn't have to walk over, and he welcomed you with open arms and hugged you firmly, indulging in your touch. His hands padded over your back, thankful for your presence.
"I'd say I missed you", you murmered close to his head, "but that might be a little over the top since we've only seen each other yesterday afternoon."
He didn't giggle as you'd hoped he would.
You pulled away, lightly tugged on his sleeve and whispered, "Do you want to talk before the interview?"
He nodded eagerly, already turning away from the woman who was trying to get his attention, "Remember, Mr. Cobblepot, in 20 minutes-" She tried to sound nice but it was clear how stressed she was, especially when he wavd her off.
"Don't worry", you told her with sympathy, "I'll make sure he's there on time."
You hurried after Oswald and followed him to a secluded corner.
"Why did you call me?" You looked him over again. His hair was spiked as usual, if possibly a little greasy, but it might just be styling gel.
He looked at you with tired eyes, "What? What did you say?"
"Why you called me so many times." You put a hand to his shoulder, knowing that it usually calmed him down. "You seemed a bit off on the phone."
"Oh." He gaped and looked at you with wide sad eyes. "I didn't mean to disturb you, it's just that..."
No, he'd sound crazy saying it. He didn't want you to leave him too.
"I-it..." He gestured helplessly and looked down.
It was a pitiful sight: his need for you not to see him as pathetic translated into a pleading expression that made you want to take his hands into yours and look down at them instead of into his watery eyes to make him feel less observed.
Oswald's balled fists almost disappeared in his blazer, relaxing when he became aware of you looking at them.
When you touched the tips of his fingers probingly, he responded by tucking up his sleeves to give you more access, so you stroked over his hands soothingly, spotting bits of polish still clinging to his nails, as if he had forgotten about redoing them or removing the coat. This really wasn't his day, his week, really.
"You can tell me anything."
Oswald was looking down at your joined hands. Tell you? No, he decided. He had already told Ed that he loved him, and it had cost him their friendship.
Maybe what he should have done is confess to you both before that damned blonde woman whose name he still refused to pronounce correctly had-
He came back to reality and noticed that he was clutching your hand too tightly.
"Sorry! Uh, I didn't mean to! I, uh..." He took his hands away but you caught them and gently brought them into yours again, "It's okay. Do you want to talk about it later?"
He shook his head. "It was just a nightmare. A very bad one."He sniffed and you searched in your pocket for a tissue and handed it to him. "What did you dream about? Only if you want to tell me, of course."
Oswald shook his head. "It doesn't matter. It just felt very real."
Perhaps that was the best way to put it. He was almost completely sure that he had seen the ghost of his father. There had been ghosts in the mansion before, Charles had told him so himself, so it wasn't too unrealistic that his own father appeared to Oswald, right? But if he had, who was the Birthday Boy? He had too many questions!
"Hm-what?" He had been absent again, hadn't he?
"Is something else bothering you? You can tell me. Whatever it's about. If you don't want to tell me the details, just tell me the core of what's concerning you, okay? You can also tell me all the details if you want to."
Tell you everything? Oswald wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.
Ed told me he wanted us to be more than friends, and for a moment I had the hope that he loved you too and that we could all be together forever, so I confessed but then he said it was all a misunderstanding, and now he's gone and I'm seeing ghosts. You ask me what's wrong but if I tell you about my father, you might see me as a madman and leave too, but if I tell you about Ed, I'll have to confess that I love you or else you'll think that I only love him. If I confess however, I will destroy the last shred of hope left in me!
"Oswald? It pains me to see you unhappy. I-I love you, you can trust me with anything."
'I love you' brought him out of the sea of unsaid words, "I-I love you too."
His words and expression full of honesty touched your heart.
He may never confess his love to you but at least you knew that he loved you as a friend.
In return he'd hear you say that you loved him too.
At this point you doubted whether you'd ever tell him. Thoughts raced through your head: you were well aware that he had no one else like you. Not since Ed left.
While Oswald wouldn't disdain you if your love wasn't reciprocated, in his current state he might think that you were only such a good friend because you wanted to make him fall for you.
You couldn't let that happen. You loved him and if supporting him meant not getting to find out whether your love was reciprocatdd, you'd keep it a secret. Maybe Ed would come back-no. If Ed came back and you confessed that you loved them both, he might distance himself from Oswald again.
Your attention was pulled to Oswald's hunched form, "I'm sorry, y-you shouldn't suffer because of me. It's...It's my father...a-and my mother, I miss them so much...", his eyes filled with more water, "and my duties as mayor, as well as the pending interview with such a famous figure, it's all just...I'm overwhelmed. I-" Tears fell down. "I don't know how to continue..." He looked down again, shaken in a bent position, and you gently padded his back and put your other hand on his arm.
"I'm here. I will support you", you said, soon feeling Oswald pressing into your body.
"Nhths mmnt", he muttered into your clothes.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing is permanent." He pulled back to look at you. "Everyone leaves me or dies a gruesome death eventually!"
This was Gotham. Betrayal and death were everyday occurrences.
"I won't leave you", you said, immediately regretting the stress on "I". You wouldn't ask him about Ed today, but eventually you'd have to ask.
"I'll stay by your side."
He stared at you with big eyes.
"And Oswald?"
"Yes?" He had stopped crying.
"Your parents would be proud of you. You're the mayor. Not just the way Aubrey James used to be, no, you've actually improved Gotham a lot! Not to mention how well you treat your friends."
There. You shouldn't have reminded him of Ed. His eyes were already watering again! Seeing them filled with tears of despair was heartbreaking.
"I love to be in your company," not a love confession but you wanted him to hear the word love again, "you care for those close to you and clearly do everything in your power to keep them happy", it was true: he had given Ed and you many a thoughtful gift, "and not to forget, your hugs are amazing!" You smiled. They really were.
"You have done so many things right and you're capable of continuing to do so. Maybe you don't know how to continue: so what? You're in a difficult position. Was mayor James the King of Gotham as well? No. Just being mayor is a huge responsibility on its own, don't forget that, Oswald. You're doing so much already."
You looked at him expectantly, searching his face for a sign of agreement.
His normally sharp hair streaks looked more greasy than styled today and dark make-up had gathered under his eyes, giving the normally fabulous-looking Penguin panda eyes.
"What, d-yes?" He looked at you frightened. Did you know that he had just been about to call you "dear"? Perhaps you knew and didn't want to ask. Maybe you were like Ed. Uninterested.
"You...you asked for a next step. How about you go freshen up your make-up? Clear it up and wash the tears away? They smudged it a bit."
Honestly, you doubted whether all that had been smeared today, a part of it had already been smudged when you had welcomed him a few minutes ago.
"Looking better will give you more confidence for the interview. But in any case: don't worry, you've got this."
You looked him over to find something to compliment and your eyes landed on his purple tie with light blue flowers.
"Oh, and by the way: nice tie." You smoothed down his shirt collar a little, trying to make it look like mere gesturing. "Your fashion never disappoints." It was true. Not only was he a very handsome man but a well-dressed one.
When you saw that though he was no longer crying, he still looked sad, you squeezed his hand one last time and noted relieved that at least his hands were clean.
"Do you want me to wait here?"
Oswald lifted his head and attempted a smile, "No thank you, that's not necessary. You will be there for the interview though, won't you? It would be nice to have you there." This time his smile was more convincing.
"Of course I will be. Being with you is nice too."
Oswald's face lit up. He made sure to give you a smile, then went towards the staff's bathrooms.
While Oswald was away you found a quiet corner on the floor the interview would take place in.
Figuring that you owed Ed more of an explanation, you opened your telephone and typed:
Hopefully you don't think I'm ditching you for Oswald. I just had to be there for him, this day is extremely important. He has an interview with Margaret Hearst, can you believe that?
I hope we can still meet :) When do you have time to spare? Just a quick heads-up: I don't know how the interview will go and if it doesn't Oswald, might need someone to be there for him, and well, we know how much trust he puts in other people, right xD?
Thinking about those last two letters brought back memories of a happier time. If Oswald wasn't so troubled today, you might've even smiled. Now you were frowning.
"What does 'xD' stand for?" Ed had asked you one day.
"Oh, it's for laughing", you had explained, "The 'D' is the mouth."
"And the 'x' for...?"
"For when you laugh so hard you close your eyes."
"Who laughs like that?" Ed didn't have many experiences with making people laugh. At him, yes, but not because of his jokes. "I mean who would think closed eyes are more probably than open ones and make the eyes, say...a colon?"
"Probably people outside of Gotham. Trust is hard to find here."
Ed had laughed at that.
The memory dissolved your frown. It was a very happy one.
On that same evening, Ed had made a hilarious comment and you and Oswald guffawed, the latter's eyes flitting between Ed's and yours, saying that anymore laughing and he'd land on the floor all helpless.
Then someone important called and Oswald tried to calm down and closed his eyes to distract himself, giggling for a good minute.
Ed and you shared wide knowing smiles. Oswald trusted you both, trusted you enough to show his true emotions in front of you, to laugh so hard he almost fell to the floor, and to close his eyes, fully trusting you not to stab him.
In another city it might have sounded like little but in Gotham it more than a lot of people could say. It had been everything until something had happened. Only a very bad thing could have disunited the two. The thought made your muscles tense.
You checked the time: Oswald would have to hurry, he only had about eight minutes left. Margaret Hearst was already getting angry.
She was acting as if her time was more precious than his. A huff escaped you. As if the hard-working mayor of Gotham owed her his full attention, as if he didn't already have enough stress in his life. She knew nothing about him!
Oswald had fought hard for his place, lost and rebuilt it. He lost his mother and continued to believe in the power of love, ignoring what Ed had initially said: that love was a weekness for people like Oswald and him.
This made you think again: after meeting Oswald and you, Ed hadn't mentioned this opinion on love again. On the contrary: he had used Oswald's mother to motivate the kingpin frequently, and thrived in the time you three had spent together, at least until Isabella's death.
You looked at Ed's name on your phone, imagining how he felt now that his second chance at love had died. Maybe that was the reason he hadn't texted back yet.
Suddenly you became aware of a familiar walking pattern. Oswald was back, walking over quicker than he had before.
You figured you shouldn't distract him with the notion of Ed, so you quickly shut the phone and gave him your full attention.
He had wiped off most of the smudged mascara and wasn't as bent over anymore.
"Hey, you look good! How are you feeling?"
Oswald stepped closer, "Better, thank you. You look good too, by the way." Much better than him. He looked to the ground, then grew cold from shock. There were footsteps, muddy ones: like those of someone risen from their grave.
He tensed and tried not to make the change too obvious. He needed to investigate this on his own.
"What is it?" You tried to turn to look at the spot he was staring at but his frantic movements distracted you.
"I..uh, there-being here isn't, uh...I need to..." His voice wavered, "I still have a few minutes left, right?"
"Y-yeah, six. Should I accompany-"
"-no!" He gaped at you, shocked at the mere idea of it, then  "No," now less panicky, but avoiding your eyes, "that won't be necessary. I need...There's something that needs to be done." He hurried off.
You frowned letting him go, but stopping him would only compromise his timetable. Instead of going after him, you went around the room to check that everything was as comfortable as it could be for him: a chair at the right height, artificial lighting not too warm, you even put a new glass of water on the table next to his chair just in case it was poisoned.
It seemed like everything was ready for a good interview.
Until you he returned and you saw how feeble he looked. _____________________________________
Author's note: Me, nearly crying: I want Ozzie to have comfort in this episode but for that there needs to be hurt 😢😭
Let me know if you want to be tagged in this series 😙
->next chapter (chapter 3)
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Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed at - An Angsty Nygmobblepot x Reader Hurt/Comfort Fix-it Fic
Chapter 1: Late Messages and Phone Calls
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(I made a cover for this, whaat? With text messages from the fic edited onto flip phones? Yes, I did 😄🤗)
Word count: 1757
Reader: gender-neutral (no pronouns)
Spoilers: season 3 episode 12 (& in later chapters for at least S03 E15) Stop reading here if you want to avoid the spoilers :)
Plot: After Ed left his position, seemingly due to Oswald's love for him, the mayor's left with no one but his other best friend, you, who comforts him as best as possible, all while Oswald tries not to lose you as well - or accidentally tell you that he's in love with not just Ed but you.
Meanwhile Ed hopes to destroy Oswald from within, making him doubt his own perception by playing evil tricks on him.
At least he tries to do so. There's still you, who he's kept in the dark so that he could hurt Oswald unexpectedly.
However, he'll soon ask himself whether it's worth seeing you hurt by Oswald's poor state.
Warnings: canon betrayal (including gaslighting & intimidation) & poor mental state, a lot of angst (Ed's hate for Oswald)
Author's note: I originally just wanted to write some comfort for Oswald for this episode and well, Ed needed to be there for the original hurt to be there, so I made it Nygmobs x reader 🥰
Also on AO3
Ed had chosen not to tell you his plans. You would only confront Oswald, ask him whether he had truly killed Isabella, acceleratung the process and taking away from Oswald's suffering, and oh, how Ed wanted him to suffer!
He'd tell you in time, when he had captured Oswald. Once you knew that Oswald had killed her, you wouldn't like him anymore, and then Ed could take Oswald's life.
You'd be sadder about his betrayal of Ed than about his death. After all, Ed's relationship with Oswald's was just as good as yours to the mayor, so wouldn't your reaction be the same?
Ed didn't know for sure and it was plaguing him. He didn't want to hurt you.
Everyone you love gets hurt sooner or later, he heard a familiar voice inside his head whisper. It had been piping up more over these last weeks, at least more than it had when everything had been alright. When Oswald's concern had been a lie.
What a pretty lie it had been: spending time with his best friends, going on dates with Kris-Isabella, even before her, life had been like a daydream.
Not anymore. Oswald just had to go and destroy everything!
Ed balled his hands into fists. He had to be quiet, otherwise his whole plan might blow up.
Checking his muted phone one last time, he read your message from before again:
No, I won't be at the manor tonight. Why do you ask? Are you coming back?
Or just for a visit? You can call us anytime. Or just me.
Whatever it is that made you leave, I'm sure we can find a way to make things work.
No, we can't, he thought grimly, when a new message popped up that made his heart clench:
If this is about Isabella, it's okay too.
What is it about her? he thought alarmed. Did you know about her murder?!
A new message appeared:
Don't let what Oswald said bring you down. Even if you only knew her for a short time, it's alright to still grieve.
Did he still grieve? Ever since turning his ideas into plans he had thought about her less and less. All that was on his mind was his revenge, Oswald and you.
Thinking of: he started typing but then figured it would be best to wait until later. That way he could stall for time, make you expect less from him, only seeing the grieving boyfriend.
He was about to close his phone when he saw one last message:
Can we meet sometime? I want to make sure you're alright. Plus I haven't seen a friend for a long time.
He closed the phone. He hadn't seen you in too long indeed. And it was all Oswald's fault. He stood ready in the Van Dahl Mansion near the switch for his illusion. Oswald would pay.
Until the finale however, there would be many more a step.
For the ones tomorrow, he'd text you this evening. He was already thinking of the phrasing.
After Oswald's encounter with what he was sure was his late father's ghost, he wanted nothing more than to be held by the two people he loved the most.
Unfortunately he was so shaken that it took him a minute to even walk to the bathroom to splash water onto his face.
That didn't help much and so he just stood there, frozen on the spot for half an hour, both of his legs stiffened uncomfortably, until he finally had to move to shake the feeling back into them.
He dialled your number first, not wanting to alienate Ed and knowing that you had already been ready to comfort him in the last weeks, without even knowing why exactly he was so sad.
The only thing you knew was that it had to have to do with Ed, who had resigned from his position as chief of staff and left the manor to live elsewhere.
When you asked, Oswald had merely said that it didn't matter, that it was criminals' business you needn't worry about.
You worried about it. Just a few weeks ago, you had believed Edward, Oswald and you to be be an inseparable trio, but now it was weeks since you had last seen the brown-haired man.
Oswald worried as well. After calling you four times, he decided to ignore his fear of annoying Ed, and called him. Twice. Then he waited until the hour was early instead of late to call again. Ed would simply have to see it as the emergency that it was.
After all, reciprocating Oswald's feelings or not, Ed still treasured their friendship...didn't he?
He had looked so shocked when he had heard Oswald confess his love, his hand raised so defensively.
But then in the library..."You're my best friend as well, Oswald" resonated in his head. If only he was more than that.
As soon as Oswald had gone to the bathroom, Ed had quickly gotten himself and the paid actor out of the mansion, and texted you when he was alone again.
I'm free tomorrow but after that I'm not available at all. Can you keep the day free?
He knew for a fact that you could. Lately Oswald had been clearing your schedule so that he could be comforted by you at any time.
You responded soon after:
Yes, I have the day off
When are you free?
Ed replied immediately:
I don't know when I'll be free yet, but maybe early on. He'd try to choose a time that would keep you away from Oswald for as long as possible.
He could tell you tomorrow that he didn't have time in the morning. Or for lunch or in the afternoon and so on and so on. Most importantly: you wouldn't be there to support Oswald when Ed's plan to make him freak out on Margaret Hearst's live show came into action.
The phone ringing mere seconds after Ed texted you made him light up at seeing that you were obviously waiting for him to respond.
Ok, I could always wait for you.
Ed smiled at your eagerness to see him. Your meeting would be wholesome. Unlike Oswald's bad, selfish possessiveness.
Wonderful! I hope he can spare you for a few seconds, I've missed you ;) Ed typed with a similar jealousy, not realizing his own hypocrisy...and not thinking about the hope that wink would elicit in you.
A wink... Had Ed mistyped? Edward Nygma, the man who sometimes sent comically formal messages? The man who had once asked whether this was "an adequate symbol for philandering via text" when he had dated Isabella?
In the last days his texts had lacked any trace of humour. Maybe he was feeling better.
I probably shouldn't interpret anything into a single letter. Maybe he tried to write a smiley and missed.... but he'd told Oswald once that he tried to proofread all of his messages just in case. Maybe he hadn't been wearing his glasses...which he almost always wore. Maybe he was...maybe he had had tears in his eyes?
Your heart ached at the thought. Seeing him so heartbroken after Isabella's death was horrible, add to that not seeing him at all, not even receiving written riddles...
You felt with him...and yet at the same time there was that insistent piece of jealousy, which was questioning why he would think more about a dead woman he had known for little more than a week than about his two best friends.
Of course you understood that he wasn't merely mourning the librarian but also his chance at a new chance of love. So despite it not feeling right on first thought, you'd let him grieve for as long as it helped him.
Just because there was someone else in love with him didn't mean that he was considering to give them a chance. It would be selfish of you to assume that.
Even if you were almost certain that you weren't just assuming. Before he had met Isabella, you could have sworn that there had been something else than friendship between him, Oswald and you.
He'd give each of you compliments with a lot more admiration than necessary, throw admiring glances your ways and lean towards the two of you as if he was being pulled in by a magical force.
Perhaps you were just projecting your love for them onto him; maybe he had only been beaming with joy because he treasured this friendships, which you definitely did as well.
It could be that he only got so close because he didn't understand the idea of personal space...even if he had once made a very hurtful jab at a politician who had stepped too close during an argument.
Still, maybe he just didn't have any previous examples of good friendship to base his behavior on.
When you thought about these things individually, the chance of him having had a crush on Oswald or you didn't seem big and there was almost always an excuse, but adding all the looks, compliments, leans, touches, smiles and talk of fate together, you couldn't help but think about your secret hope: that he had been, maybe even was, in love with you and Oswald.
Then the day he had handed in his resignation, you had been afraid that you'd lose him, that it had maybe just been living together and that he'd forget about you once he no longer saw you.
Yet he proved you otherwise when he texted you after leaving the manor, explaining that he needed time away from anywhere he had been with Isabella and that he hoped you would be alright without him.
He asked a lot about that, about whether you were doing okay, whether he could do anything for you.
What he didn't ask about was Oswald, at least not beyond inquieries of how he was doing, which only proved to you that something bad had happened between them: otherwise Ed would have already heard from Oswald himself and Oswald wouldn't constantly ask you about Ed.
It seemed a hopeless case. You should let go of it already. He and Oswald didn't even talk anymore.
Just then your cellphone lit up. Ed had sent you a new message:
I've really missed you.
You could almost hear his voice, low and comforting.
I've missed you too, you wrote back. Oh, how you still loved him!
Missed you a *lot*, you added.
Author's note:
To be continued.
If you have any comfort regarding this episode and the ones before it, please share, seeing Oswald so down was very hard for me to watch and still hurts after writing this! 🥺😓
And of course let me know what you think of this, and let me know if you want to be tagged :)
Chapter 2->
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Oswald Cobblepot's Contradiction When Someone's Living with Him at the Van Dahl Mansion (can be seen as platonic or romantic) 🥰🤭😂
Oswald: I want you to feel comfortable here, as if this were your own home. In fact, why not move in? I can fill a wardrobe with luxurious clothes made just for you. 😁 Also Oswald: There are ghosts in this house, I was told by a...former inhabitant myself. Ghosts, yes, and not all who lived here were as kind of heart as my father. ☝ Oswald after a few moments: D-did you hear that? Can you hug me for comfort? 🥺 I mean, I can keep us safe. Please don't go. 😢
If anyone wants to draw this, you absolutely can 🙃🥰 @wishfulsketching ? If you want to? 😊
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Nygmobblepot (Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot x Reader) Masterlist 💜💚
Aww, these two 🥰😢😭❤️
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Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot x Third Person Potential 😍😜😂
Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed At (Angsty Hurt/Comfort Series):
Chapter 1: Late Messages and Phone Calls
Chapter 2: Comfort Before the Interview
Chapter 3: The Interview
Chapter 4: Not Completely Heartless Plans and the Lack of a Corpse
Chapter 5: The Talk About Oswald and Ed, and Continued Bathroom Thoughts
Nygmobblepot x Reader Jealousy Over the Reader's Ex Wanting Them Back (Headcanons)
Nygmobblepot x Reader Jealousy Over the Reader's Ex Wanting Them Back (Headcanons)
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meteora-writes · 5 years
Request Info 6/27/19
Below is a list of fandom’s, ships and characters I will write for. I will consider requests for characters/fandoms not listed though, so feel free to message me and ask.
Fandoms: Fear The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Teen Wolf , The Maze Runner (Movies and Books), Gotham, Marvel, The Walking Dead, Supergirl, The Flash, Fantastic Beasts, Good Omens, The 100,
Ships: Sterek, Destiel, Trick, Newtmas (Yes, they’re ALL GAY!), Nygmobblepot, ForstMaster, Karamel (okay I have some straight ships), Winndox, Symbrock, Coldflash, Nedence (Nagini x Credence), DreamerDox (Nia Nal x Brainy), AtomWave, Donnie (Daryl Dixon x Connie) Ineffable Husbands, Bellarke, Memori,
Fluff, Angst, Hurt Comfort, AU’s, Sickfics, Humor, A/B/O, light BDSM, Gender Swap, Recreational Drug Use, Shared Fantasies, Soulmates, Shapeshifting, Magic, NOTE: I will write smut, BUT I am slow to write it as I’m Gray-Asexual and I end up overthinking everything and taking forever to get it written.
Characters: for regular stories and Reader Inserts*
Castiel Crowley (Supernatural) Kevin Tran Charlie Bradbury Jack Kline Stiles Stilinski Derek Hale Scott McCall Malia Tate Isaac Lahey Liam Dunbar Theo Raken Nick Clark Troy Otto Luciana Galvez Thomas (TMR) Newt (TMR) Minho (TMR) Edward Nygma Oswald Cobblepot Loki Odinson Grandmaster Thor Odinson (no Thorki, EVER! Sorry if that offends) Peter Parker (I will not write any underage Peter smut just FYI) Tony Stark (No Tony x Peter either) Dr. Stephen Strange Daryl Dixon Connie Jesus (Paul Monroe) Lydia Kara Danvers (Zor-El) Mon-el Winn Schott Jr. Brainy (Querl Dox a.k.a Brainiac 5) Nia Nal Lena Luthor Barry Allen (The Flash) Cisco Ramon Leonard Snart Mick Rory Ray Palmer Eddie Brock Venom Newt Scamander Credence Barebone Nagini Clarke Griffin Bellamy Blake Octavia Blake John Murphy Emori Maddy (no shipping, shes a kid) Jasper Jordan Aziraphale Crowley (Good Omens)
Send me a request?
Last Update 6/27/19
* I don’t write many of these anymore but I will write them
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meteora-writes · 5 years
Request Info 5/21/19
Requests are open
Below is a list of fandom’s, ships and characters I will write for. I will consider requests for characters/fandoms not listed though, so feel free to message me and ask.
Fandoms: Fear The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Maze Runner (Movies and Books), Gotham, Marvel, The Walking Dead, Supergirl, The Flash, Fantastic Beasts
Ships: Sterek, Destiel, Trick, Newtmas (Yes, they’re ALL GAY!), Nygmobblepot, ForstMaster, Karamel (okay I have some straight ships), Winndox, Symbrock, Coldflash, Nadence (Nagini x Credence), DreamerDox (Nia Nal x Brainy), AtomWave, Donnie (Daryl Dixon x Connie)
Fluff, Angst, Hurt Comfort, AU’s, Sickfics, Humor, A/B/O, light BDSM, Gender Swap, Recreational Drug Use, Shared Fantasies, Soulmates, Shapeshifting, Magic, NOTE: I will write smut, BUT I am slow to write it as I’m Gray-Asexual and I end up overthinking everything and taking forever to get it written.
Characters for regular stories and Reader Inserts Castiel Crowley Kevin Tran Charlie Bradbury Jack Kline Stiles Stilinski Derek Hale Scott McCall Malia Tate Isaac Lahey Liam Dunbar Theo Raken Nick Clark Troy Otto Luciana Galvez Thomas (TMR) Newt (TMR) Minho (TMR) Edward Nygma Oswald Cobblepot Loki Odinson Grandmaster Thor Odinson (no Thorki, EVER! Sorry if that offends) Peter Parker (I will not write any underage Peter smut just FYI) Tony Stark (No Tony x Peter either) Dr. Stephen Strange Daryl Dixon Connie Jesus (Paul Monroe) Lydia Kara Danvers (Zor-El) Mon-el Winn Schott Jr. Brainy (Querl Dox a.k.a Brainiac 5) Nia Nal Lena Luthor Barry Allen (The Flash) Cisco Ramon Leonard Snart Mick Rory Ray Palmer Eddie Brock Venom Newt Scamander Credence Barebone Nagini
Send me a request?
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