#edward nygma  x reader hurt/comfort
Chapter 3 of Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed at (An Angsty Nygmobblepot x Reader Hurt/Comfort Fix-it Fic)
Chapter 3: The Interview
<-previous chapter
Very important new warnings: the (wrong) suspicion that Oswald wants to die & that he self-harmed/was close to killing himself), blood (only what was in this episode: a trophy covered in it & some on skin), canon betrayal (including gaslighting & intimidation) & poor mental state (self-doubt)
Word count: 2764
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Wow, I'm really committing to this cover-for-each-chapter thing so far.
Oswald looked as if he had seen a ghost. His face was even paler than before, his eyes wide, and his back appeared crooked, not to mention how much more he was leaning on his cane. What the hell happened?
He nearly skidded over the floor, and raised his hands. "Sorry I'm late. Mayor stuff." He chuckled artifically, and limped to his seat, throwing you a nervous look with all pretense gone. When an assistant tried to attach a cable to him, Oswald snatched it away and adjusted it himself.
Trying to make him feel a little at ease, you began, "I got you a fresh gl-" but Margaret Hearst interrupted you, "I hope you're ready, Mr. Mayor." Oswald smiled and huffed a little.
"The world is watching."
Why did she have to stress the word that way? He scowled and you did the same.
Her lips were pursed smugly. She knew exactly what she was doing.
"And we're live in three..." What? That's way too soon!
"Good luck, Oswald!"
He put his hands into a less cramped position.
"You've got this!"
The cameras started rolling and Ms. Hearst put on a wide smile.
"Mayor Cobblepot, as Gotham is enjoying an historic spike in job growth and prosperity, it is also going through one of the safest periods of its history."
Oswald smiled but Looked at the floor momentarily. At least one thing to make you proud.
"And I'm sure everyone is wondering: how did you did you do it?" The interviewer raised the corners of her lips but her head was inclined to show that she distrusted him.
"Uh", Oswald closed his mouth and picked up the water of glass, letting a bit spill onto the table.
Oh no. That was an easy question, he shouldn't start using drinking water to buy himself time yet. Maybe I should get a new glass just in case.
You peered at the table to check how much was still in it when Oswald paused his movement and then quickly covered his right wrist.
What was going on?
He stared at Margaret Hearst with an open mouth and she looked back more puzzled.
You went to a monitor to possibly get a better look but his hand wasn't in the frame. Good. Whatever it was didn't need to concern the public.
Oswald closed his eyes, thinking about your encouragement from before and smiled for a moment, then managed to start, "Well..."
While he was fidgeting a little with his hands - though not as much as Ed sometimes did: he was still clutching his right wrist - he actually did quite well, responding eloquently and mentioning a few of his successes along the way.
"So from humble errand boy to kitchen worker to the so-called "King of Gotham", Oswald pressed his lips together, sensing something else than a compliment coming, "it is said that many died so you could rise."
The King of Gotham mustered up a smile, "Oh. An exaggeration. People love to invent scandal." He was putting in quite a lot of energy for how he was feeling today.
The notorious journalist wasn't impressed, "But it was murder that sent you to Arkham. A prison for the criminally insane."
"I," he dragged the word out for a second to find the right words, "rescued this city from the madman Theo Galavan. Some call it murder," he looked down to the side, "others a public favor." He smiled charmingly. At least he won you over with it.
Ms. Hearst continued confidently, "And after your...controversial release from prison," Oswald was tempted to look to you for support, "you met your father, Elijah van Dahl."
Oswald's gaze drifted across the room and landed on-no!
"A man whose identity your mother kept from you."
Oswald opened his mouth. His father! Walking through the room unseen by the security guards. He let out a breath of air and followed the ghost with his eyes, whispering, "Oh my god."
You looked at him alarmed, about to follow his gaze when someone from the camera team made a sudden movement that distracted you.
"Guess it must have been very upsetting."
"What?" Oswald turned his head to Ms. Hearst, "Yes." He looked away again.
The mayor was very distracted but it wasn't as if anyone from the team had noticed anything.
"He also died under suspicuous circumstances, his wife and step children disappearing soon after."
Elijah was holding the trophy Oswald had used to kill his chief of staff, still bloody, raised for Oswald to remember what he had done, not just today but to avenge his father's death.
What did he want him to know? That he was a failure? No, he had been so kind when he'd heard about his past. Advice perhaps? Advice on how to prevent losing you as well?
"I...I-I have to go." Oswald was looking back and forth between Ms. Hearst and something behing you but you were frozen in place, only looking at him.
No one seemed to see what he was looking at anyways. Is he hallucinating?Ed might be able to help with that. Maybe Os had that little sleep. The poor man looked ready to leave.
But Margaret Hearst wasn't done with him yet, "Why? Is it because there's substance to the rumor that you had them killed to inherit your father's wealth?"
Oswald stopped clutching his chair and stood up, "F-father, father, wait!" His voice was frail. With his movement he dragged the chair along audibly, knocking off the glass in the process.
"Oh!" Ms. Hearst exclaimed, "Are you feeling well, Mr. Mayor?"
Oswald began removing the microphone on his suit. "Uh, I'm fine. I-I'm great." He bowed down to her a little, still trying to leave, "Why would I not be fine?" He was still fumbling with the microphone.
"Well, the people of Gotham and America want to know the truth."
Oswald couldn't take it anymore: he ripped off the cord and snarled, "To hell with the people!"
This was it. Margaret Hearst had gotten her story. She looked into the camera and raised her eyebrows. Oswald wasn't needed anymore.
"Father, wait!"
He needed to follow him. He had to. You gave him wonderful support but only his father could give him counsel concerning love: what to do with his feelings for you, how to live with Ed's rejection, whether to deal with the heartbreak in silence or tell you as well as confess to you...and risk losing you too.
He turned around.
"What's wrong?"
He held up a shaky hand. His left one, you noticed. "I can't tell you. Not yet."
"What do you mean "not yet"?"
He looked down, then behind you again, as if there was someone.
"Later. N-not now, at least." He tried to move past you but you stopped his wobbly walk with a hand to his chest.
"Where are you going?"
He gently cupped your hand and moved it down, giving it a small squeeze, then wincing slightly and putting the hand on the other one...his right one.
You needed to ask. Something strange was going on.
Oswald stopped near a mirror and realized horrified that there was a little blood on his face. He wiped it away frantically. "T-to the...bathroom."
You eyed him suspiciously, worried about his well-being.
He pocketed the tissue, his lips twitching from nervosity, his tense legs urging him to follow his father already.
If you discovered his hallucinating, what would you think? You'd think of him as a madman. You knew that his sanity certificate was fake. Who even was he to have one?! Moreover: who was he if he was really sane? In the eye of the public he was a disgraced mayor. A hypocrite. A criminal. A liar. Not even an honest criminal as he sometimes liked to call himself.
After the embarrassment seconds ago he couldn't see clearly, didn't realize how blind he was, that you still liked Ed, who had a fake sanity certificate as well, that you were right there, taking in his state concerned for someone you loved dearly.
He only saw the negative. He was a disappointment. To the citizens of Gotham, to Ed, to you, to his mother, his father...
He had publically made a fool of himself despite your presence, you, his savior, his everything recently.
Not his everything...father!
His face grew less grim. "Now if you'd excuse me."
Again he made a move and would have let him if there wasn't a very important thing you had to ask first, "Just a second!"
Oswald halted.
You reached out to him, attempting to speak calmly, "Your hand. What do you have there?"
You gave it a light touch, meaning to bring it into yours to inspect it.
He flinched, then stood frozen.
"Let me have a look."
"No!" He held a hand in front of his mouth. That reaction was too strong. "I-I mean, it's nothing!"
Very unconvincing.
"Oswald, you can trust me with anything. Please tell me what's wrong."
He evaded your concerned look and you took your chance, looking down at the hand he hadn't raised. The white fabric bore a a red stain. You took in a sharp breath.
Oswald called your name. "What is it?" He looked at you again, a flicker of caution in his panic-stricken eyes.
"The...the blood, Oswald." You gestured to his hand that he was now covering again. "Why is there blood?"
He stared at your pleading eyes.
"Tell me what's bothering you and I can...I can help arrange some downtime for you. I'll look for an open space i-in your schedule and talk to your new Chief of Staff. He seems nice, I'm sure-hey, did I say something wrong?"
"N-no." He couldn't tell you that he'd killed said Chief of Staff. You just said that you liked him, and to be honest, Oswald would've never expected betrayal from him either. What if he was actually innocent?
You went on, "It's his birthday today, did you know that? I'm sure he's in a good mood. Plus, a lot of people like him, so..."
No, no, no, no! Oswald cursed his murder.
You noticed, "But please do continue telling me what's up with your arm or wrist."
Don't say anything about killing him to y/n. "I...I, uh, hurt myself", he tried to explain.
"What?" Stay calm, don't make him feel bad, you told yourself.
"Yes. I-it can happen." Oswald meant to make it reassuring, but to you, who knew how bad he was currently doing, it sounded like a possible confession to self-harm.
"Let me see."
Oswald's eyes widened and he turned to walk away, "I'd rather not."
"Oswald, let me have a look. I-I can help you."
You shrank back.
What have I done? "You don't need to look at it, is what I meant. You already help me so much, dear-dear y/n." Ahh, I messed up! Why did that have to happen today?!
You didn't seem to care about his slip-up, "Whether it looks bad or not, I better inspect it so I can make sure that you have the right bandages ready."
He couldn't let you! You'd see that he had no injury at all! "It's nothing."
"Oh," you didn't believe him, "Good."
He was already walking away, "I'll pick up something from the office." Now he had an excuse for going there.
He only walked slower, which made his explanation all the more suspicious.
"If it's nothing, then please let me see it anyway so I don't have to worry anymore."
This was a smart strategy. While Oswald may have been doleful and weak these last weeks, he had never stopped caring about your well-being.
Instead of assuring you however, he now continued walking, "Please, y/n, I need to be alone!"
"And I'm worried tha..." You couldn't tell him of your suspicions. What if he hadn't done anything in that direction and felt misjudged by you? Or worse: what if you'd somehow inspire him to do something similar?
Oswald saw your distressed concern and stopped, stabilizing himself on a wall, "Worried about what, y/n?" If something was bothering his dear friend so much, his father could could wait for a few seconds.
"Worried that you hurt yourself on purpose."
"Oh." What should he say now?
Usually, if you found out that he'd killed an innocent person, you'd be mad or "merely" disappointed. Either would sadden him immensly at present.
"I didn't. But thank you for your concern."
You peered at his right hand. He still wasn't showing you show you the wound.
The dumpish mayor followed your eyes and let his shoulders sink more. "Please believe me." He made a choked noise in the back of his throat. "It's all so-" he started to cry, "so much a-and-" He waved his left hand around in search for words, his eyes filling with more tears, "I-I...Ijustcan'ttalkrightnow." He looked away and put his left hand to cover his face.
"That's okay. I'm sorry that I stressed you out even more." You stepped closer carefully, not knowing what else to say. Returning your hug, Oswald weakly put one arm to your side.
You stroked over his shaking back. "It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be alright." You teared up.
Oswald nodded despite his extreme doubts. He'd need a miracle to- father!
He jerkily tore away from you. "I have to go."
"What?" You were suprised at this sudden change.
"One more minute here and I'll-I'll have a panic attack. Please don't...don't follow me. I'm just barely managing to...to talk." Will you wait for me?"
"Yes. Yes, of course. But what-"
"Go ahead and wait outside."
"Wh-" What was going on? 'I have to go' sounded...terrible to you! And why wait outside?
"Good." Oswald turned around-
"Wait!" You had to do something, say something, just in case. "Oswald, please wait."
God, hearing that tone in your voice hurt him! He turned his head back towards you.
"You...we...we need to talk about something very important."
"Yes, what is it?"
No no no no, he was supposed to say "Yes of course, we'll talk about that later"!
"I'll tell you later!" You sounded hopelessly dispaired by now. "Can you promise me that we'll do that?" You blinked some tear fluid out of your eyes, "Today?"
Oswald stood still still woth his jittery legs and hands. It must be important. You were hurting and he hadn't helped you yet. He wanted to sob again. "Yes." He took a deep breath. "Of course, y/n. Everything for you."
If not everything for Edward and you, than at least everything for just you.
"I promise."
You breathed out in relief. "Th-thank you."
He was still miserable though. He probably really needed space, whether he had lied to you or not. "I'll wait outside. And Oswald?"
He gazed at you full of hope.
"Don't think that interview ruined everything. You still control the crime world. And they know who you are. But even if you lost everything...you'd still have me."
Hopefully that would take some of the fear from his shoulders.
Oswald's breath hitched.
Those were big words. Words like "I love you", which you had already said today. Words like "I would do anything for you." Words like "more than friends"...and he'd eventually found out what all of those had really meant.
He immediately felt bad for playing his sadness and distress up.
He didn't want to and wouldn't try to find out the exact meaning of what you'd said. Not unless he wanted his heart to be broken a second time.
This time all of his emotional expressions were completely authentic. A new wave of tears threatened to overcome him and so he could only choke out, "Thank you."
Then he walked away.
You stood there, suddenly doubting your little try at ensuring he'd come back. Maybe you could go after him and make sure...no. He'd asked you not to. If you did, it might be his final tipping point to having a panic attack...or worse.
You slowly forced yourself to move, almost reflexively pulling out your telephone and dialling a familiar number.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep... It rang until you were almost outside.
"Ed", you said as soon as he picked up, "you have to tell me what happened between you and Oswald."
Author's note: The updates might take longer from now on, as I haven't begun writing the next ones yet or seen the episodes after season three episode 14 😂. This fic will probably go up to season 3 episode 16, so it's totally okay.
Things are so sad currently though 😭 So please let me know anything you like/think about this. It can be short, medium, long, whatever you want :)
Next chapter (4)->
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Riddler comforts you while you have period pain (platonically (or queerplatonically?))
I'm quite new to writing fanfiction, and I wrote this while dying of period pain, so it might not be the best writing, especially near the end
He's uncharacteristically nice I need comfort okay? (also there's only one riddle)
Allo people are free to interact but please be mindful that I am aroace and this isn't made for you
It's non-romantic and non-sexual but there is touching for comfort in the last third so if you're touch-averse when it comes to fanfiction then you might not like it
I am English, so there might be language differences if you're American (eg: pants is referring to underpants, not trousers)
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Swearing (F**k and B*tch), period pain, hurt/comfort, house break-in
Reader insert info: Vigilante, explicitly asexual (romanticism isn't addressed at all so they're implicitly aromantic but they don't have to be), AFAB (no gender revealed)
Word count: 938
The monthly sinking feeling hits you as you look down at your pants and finally see blood. You knew it was coming; you pre-emptively put a pad in there, but it still send a wave of misery through you as you let out a “fuck!” You stand up, wincing in pain, and pull them up along with your pyjama bottoms. You flush the toilet, watching it go just like your hopes and dreams for the next week. You leave the bathroom and trudge through your house, finally reaching the bedroom. You open the door, turn the light on, and freeze.
There is a man on your bed. He is looking at you, a smug smile on his face, posing with one leg outstretched and the other bent, forming a triangular hole between the two. He’s wearing his bright green spandex, covered in question marks. “Hello, vigilante,” the Riddler says. “Oh fuck off!” you say, the pain making you slightly hunched over. The smile turns into a little look of shock before he regains his composure. “…well, aren’t you foul-mouthed today? What’s wrong? Scared, knowing that I, the Riddler, Prince of Puzzles knows your secret identity?” he says, beaming. He looks into your eyes, and sees the tears. “Are you okay, vigilante?” You are now hunched over a lot more. “Move,” you reply. He is taken aback. “Well, you’re being a bit rude to such an esteemed guest, aren’t you?” he retorts, but still shuffling over and bringing his legs in. You lurch toward the bed, practically collapsing on it. “Get the fuck off my bed. Now.” “…you’re being uncharacteristically rude. Is it something I said? Is it the fact I deduced your identity with my genius mind and broke into your house?” he responds, staring at you. “I’m fucking dying right now, get out.” “Huh? D… dying? Whatever makes you say that?! You’re not doing your vigilante things this week! Did… could someone else possibly have-” “Werewolf moment.” He pauses. “Oh. You mean, uh… I am a river of red, containing unused life, if you wanted to be bred, then seeing this causes strife?” “How the fuck should I know what that means? Bitch I am fucking bleeding right now please shut up just for one second,” you say, curled up on your bed, crying. There is silence, then you can feel him stand up and get off the bed. You drag yourself toward the pillow, and curl up on it. You can feel his weight on the other end of the bed, sitting a respectful distance away from you. “Is this why you always disappear for two weeks?” “Yeah.” There is a pause. You glance up, and see him on his phone, with his green phone case covered in dorky purple question marks. “You better not be taking any bloody pictures,” you say, grimacing. “I already have the ultimate blackmail. I’m not that cruel. No, I’m simply searching for the methods of reducing period pain. Alright. Um… have you stopped smoking?” “Never even started it.” “Alright then. Uh… do you have a, um, a hot water bottle or something?” he asks, rocking backwards and forwards slightly. You point to the fluffy hot water bottle on your shelf. He walks over and picks it up. “I’ll go and fill this up, then,” he says, walking through your door. A couple of minutes pass in agony, and he returns, placing it on your tummy. It’s nice and warm. He also brought a bottle of water for drinking, and places it on your bedside cabinet. He sits on the edge of your bed again, scrolling for more suggestions. His eyes widen a little. He glances around, and sees your ace pride flag on the wall. “I’m definitely not doing… that…” he mumbles. He keeps scrolling, and glances at you, seeing you clutch the hot water bottle, your teeth gritted, curled up on the bed. He slowly shuffles closer to you as you make pained noises. He gently lays his hand on your shoulder. You let out a little whimper, in too much pain to show your gratitude. Right now, you can’t focus on the fact that he is your enemy, all you can think of is the intense pain, and the fact that he is helping you. “Why…” you murmur, trying to focus on his hand. “You’re the sweetest vigilante ever. Seeing you like this, in so much pain that you’ve been telling me to fuck off, is a little heartbreaking. I wish Batman was going through this. Not you,” he says, the mocking tone gone from his voice. He sounds sincere. He wipes the tears from your eyes, and you make little noises as his soft glove touches your face. He gives a little smile, and continues wiping the tears, letting you cry onto his purple glove. You’re making little screaming noises, and he wraps his arms around you, gently rocking you like a baby. “It’s okay… you’ve got the greatest genius ever with you…” he says, holding you close.
“I’m dying… I’m dying… fuck… I’m dying…” He puts one of his hands on your tummy, and gently rubs circles around it. You keep whimpering, but his hands are comforting. “Thank you… thank you…” you say weakly. He continues for a few more minutes, and the pain starts to die down. You make soft little noises, and he gently lays you on the bed again. He tucks you in, and you can feel tiredness fill you. He gives you a gentle pat on the head. “Sleep tight,” he says, as you close your eyes and drift off to sleep.
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hxney-lemcn · 9 months
Affections + First Kiss — General! Scarecrow, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman x gn! reader
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summery: affection and first kiss headcanons.
tw: mentions of abuse (physical and verbal), mentions of toxic dynamics
a/n: I've never wrote headcanons for multiple characters in one thing before, so enjoy! I love them all.
wc: 2k
Master List
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Scarecrow
❥Jonathan wasn’t used to a kind touch. Being bullied growing up, being beaten by the bat. No, all he knew was the harsh touch of a fist. The relentless shoves. The purpling of bruises that always showed after. The red blood that would drip from his nose. The burning hatred that steadily grew towards those who wronged him.
❥So when you came into his life, he would flinch if you raised a hand. He would unconsciously back away. The warmth in his heart that you stirred was unusual to him, a feeling he’s never felt towards anyone. He was used to the bitterness after an interaction, not longing. 
❥You eased him into it. Only when you two started dating did he ever think twice about your touch. He knew you held back your affections. He watched you lift a hand up, only to bring it back down to your side. And to Jon, that meant the world. He felt relief when you didn’t push him into uncomfortable territory, and he respected you all the more for it.
❥Although a part of him wished you would hold him. Touch him. He wondered if your skin felt as soft as it looked. Though he also feared that your touch would sting, and the comfort you brought would be no more. No, he would never reach out first.
❥Starting out slow, he let you hold his shoulder. No matter how careful you’ve been for however long, you slipped slightly. It was a gesture not many think twice about. Holding onto someone's shoulder as you look over them, holding onto them for balance. It was only when you felt him tense under you, his ramblings pausing, that you realized your mistake. Yet, Jon had only reassured you that you did nothing wrong. 
❥Having realized that Jon seemed to open your touch, you continued. Lightly brushing your hands, shoulder touches, even just sitting closer. It was like you were single handedly rewiring Jon’s brain, teaching him that not all touch hurts. That he too deserves a kind hand. The flinching had dulled, and he would even look forward to you being near him. 
❥So when you finally got to kiss him? He was a dead man. You got him hook line and sinker. I hope you weren’t expecting to leave him any time soon, because after you opened him into a world of warm affection, he doesn’t want to let go. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Riddler
❥Touch is a big no no. Similar to Jonathan, Edward had been bullied from a young age. Teased and ridiculed, shoved and hit. If not from his peers, then from his own father. His world was cruel for as long as he could remember. In fact, his brain started to warp, perceiving the hits as a form of love, no matter how hard he tried to deny it.
❥Edward Nygma is a touch starved man. He longs for the comforts others seem to get so seamlessly. Yet at the same time, he doesn’t want anyone touching him. Tap his shoulder if you dare.
❥You were no different, at first. You quickly caught on to his distaste of touch when he reprimanded someone for getting a little too friendly with him. But you managed to weasel your way into his estranged heart. With how respectful and kind you were, he quickly found himself ensnared with your affection. Even hands free you managed to boost his ego and make him feel, should he dare say, loved for. You gave him praise that he had longed for, which earned you a seat right by his side.
❥It was also partly to keep a closer eye on you. Part of him preened at your praise, and another was weary. Why were you so kind? He was a well known criminal, he knew better than to just believe you were doing it out of the kindness of your heart. Y’know the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
❥I honestly don’t know how you deal with it. He always tries to catch you off guard with a riddle or puzzle. He pushes you away by ridiculing you and belittling you. Yet you won’t stop. You keep spilling his praises, and it’s so baffling to him. Yes, he is the smartest man in the world, but you managed to become a riddle. Good luck now.
❥When you first touched him, it was an innocent hug. He had managed to pull off a heist and got away from Batman without a scratch! Of course he had no doubts about his success, you didn’t either. When he got back to the hideout, you were clapping while singing his praises. Edward felt on top of the world, adrenaline rushing through his veins. When your arms wrapped around him, your scent clouding his thoughts, your warmth leaching into him, he found himself reciprocating.
❥Now, whether your dating or you’re just friends, it matters little to the green clad man. You had given him a taste of a touch he’s always longed for. And he realized that he’s more comfortable around you than he’d like to admit. He never reaches out first, but he’ll never turn you down if you want to hold his arm. 
❥His teasing towards you turns lighter, just as his heart feels. So when you finally seal the deal with a kiss, he’ll make sure you never slip through his fingers. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Harley Quinn
❥She will smother you with affection right out the bat. Hugs, hand holding, kisses, you name it. You don’t even have to date her for her to leave a smooch on your lips. Harley Quinn easily trusts people, and you’re no exception. She finds comfort in touch, so why should she deny herself it? She also finds it expresses her genuine affection for you in ways she couldn’t verbalize. 
❥If you don’t like PDA, please tell her right away. She doesn’t understand it, I mean why wouldn’t you want to show your love to the world? But she also doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, so if you wanna keep it behind closed doors, she’ll try her best. But don’t be too surprised if she sneaks in a little smooch or hug if no one’s looking.
❥Harley Quinn is one of the most affectionate rogues out there. But it’s not always sunshine and rainbows with her. She had been in a seriously abusive relationship, and you have to help her remember that she doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around you. That no matter the argument, you won’t raise your hand to strike her. It takes her a long time to come out of that headspace, if ever. It’s a good thing you’re by her side to help coax her into healthier practices. 
❥If we want to get a little darker, Harley may try to treat you like the Joker treated her. It’s scary to see her go from bubbly to dark. Her features twisted into a wicked sneer as she asks that you’ll never leave her. That no matter what, you’ll always love her. During these moments, you gotta stand up for yourself. She’s trying to gain a sense of control she never felt in her previous relationship, and you have to make her snap out of it. When she comes to and realizes what she just did, the look of utter terror in her eyes is the most heart wrenching thing. She’ll sob, pleading that she didn’t mean to, that she never wanted you to go through that, that she’s terrified of becoming him.
❥Please hug her, kiss her, squeeze her gently. She loves it. All Harley wants is to be loved and to love, and getting affection shows her how genuine you are and is the biggest comfort for her. Feeling your warmth, feeling the softness of your skin, it brings her peace. 
❥The first time you made the first move to kiss Harley, she nearly did a backflip. Her little sugar plum made the first move! I hope you didn’t have anything planned, because Harley won’t let you go for the rest of the day.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Poison Ivy
❥I’m not sure how you weren’t just killed or turned into one of her goons. She’s not one for humanity. She keeps a sharp eye on those who dare tread into her territory. There’s no way to beat around it. She drugs you, finding out what your true intentions are. It has to be something she deems worthy enough to keep you around. She barely puts up with Harley as it is. 
❥Once you gain your free will again, you have to continuously prove your loyalty. Of course she can guarantee it herself if she has to, but you’ve managed to catch her eye. So prove your worth to her, prove that her interest in you isn’t just a mistake. It will take a long time. She’s been wronged one too many times, and she won’t make that mistake again.
❥Even if you manage to gain her trust, she won’t drop her walls around you. Though she’s a bit nicer. Ivy knows that a person works better with praise, but she also means it deep down. She doesn’t say what she doesn’t mean, so don’t take her words for granted. Not that you really can when her perfume scent always seems to cloud your senses. 
❥You let Ivy make the first move when it comes to touch. For a seductress, she won’t touch you if she doesn’t have to. Not to mention the toxins that fill her blood. Who knew if one tap on her shoulder meant your certain doom…but maybe that was a bit of the thrill you loved when being by her side. Though you’ve seemed to find a small soft spot in her heart, right next to Harley Quinn. She wouldn’t tell you that though, best to leave you on your toes lest you get too comfortable. 
❥After going so long without a single touch from the green goddess, when she started playing with your hair, you found yourself seizing up. Ivy brushed her fingers through it so gently, yet all you could wonder is if it was finally over. If she grew bored of you, or if she started to find you bothersome. But her gentle reassurances lulled you. Her warm voice and gentle hands relaxed you. It was then that you realized her affections for you ran deeper than she led on.
❥You’re first kiss was electrifying. That underlying thrill that your life was held in her hands. That she killed men with the very action she committed tenderly with you. Yet deep down you knew she wouldn’t hurt you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Catwoman 
❥It's not easy catching her attention. She won’t settle for less than perfection. She is catwoman after all, she has a reputation to uphold. So when she looked at you, and I mean really looked at you, she decided why not have a little fun? Whether you’re a villain, anti-hero, vigilante, or civilian, she’ll take time out of her busy schedule to drop by.
❥She likes to give mixed signals. It keeps you far enough for her to feel in control, yet it also satiates her hunger. She’ll lean in real close, only to grab something from behind you type of beat. She loves to watch you become a stuttering mess, but she doesn’t mind if you banter back. It’s all a part of the fun.
❥No matter how close you seem to get, you’re somehow still a mile away from Selina. She slips away from your affection without you even realizing it. She always turns the moment into a suggestive one. If she left it tender, then it would be too real. It takes time for her to warm up to you and really trust you.
❥If anything, the first kiss happens before anything truly tender. The kiss catches you both off guard, neither sure who started it. Selina tries to wrap it into something that doesn’t make her heart stutter. Tries to turn it suggestively like she always does, but with the way you tenderly hold her cheeks, she feels herself melt. Finally, she succumbs to these feelings you managed to stir within her, and she isn’t sure if she wants to thank you or curse you out. Maybe she’ll settle for a dinner, tab on you of course.
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tainoidiot · 2 years
How would the dork squad respond to finding out their long-time crush was cheated on and in absolute shambles over it? How would they comfort them after such a heartbreak? Just feelin a lil angst today idk why
Dork Squad x Reader who just got cheated on.
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Jervis Tetch
Oh he's ready to kill.
Not only was he right about the monster you were dating, but they committed the most heinous crime to man.. making you cry.
On the surface, he's comforting you as you cry over things from the relationship. "You poor darling, I'll make you some tea for this heartbreak.."
Comfort foods. Even though as a headcanon, we have all decided he can't cook, he tries his best for you.
Cuddles. Cuddles. Hugs, and lots of them. But if you're not comfortable with that he will be sitting next to you and staring intensely.
On the inside, he's plotting how he's gonna kill them. No joke, be careful with this man. Jervis is ready to kill at the drop of a hat, and now he's more than ready.
"God, I wish they would suffer as much as I did!" You screamed. "I can arrange that.." Jervis mumbles. "Huh?" "I can arrange that! As in the teacups!"
Look for your ex on the nightly news.
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Edward Nygma
When you told him what happened, you could almost see a fire burning in his eyes.
"No no, I'm fine.. You're welcome to stay here for the night." He taps your hand and gets up
He grinds his teeth so hard, but then he remembers that you need some comfort right now.
He'll deal with it later.
For now, Ed just let's you fuck around with machinery and puzzles (that he 100% put a parental block style manager on so you wouldn't hurt yourself on accident.)
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Jonathan Crane
(Have I been spelling his name wrong this entire time and nobody called me out. Fake fans smh/j)
Heart broken for you.
"I'm sorry, what happened? Oh, come here.." He's rubbing your back and getting you water.
Need to cry? Go ahead. Wanna scream and throw shit? Fine with him. He just watches.
Unlike the other two weirdos on this list, He'll ask if you want this to be "taken care of."
"Won't even kill the fucker. I'll just send them to the ICU!"
Unsure of what to do. This is a headcanon, but hes a 40 year old virgin so like.. fuck does he know.
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lawrites · 7 months
Riddle to Solve
BTAS! Riddler x Named Female Reader
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1.5k words: Reader hasn't seen Edward Nygma since they both lost their jobs at Competitron. Suddenly seeing him after two years forces a lot of unresolved feelings to come to the surface, for Eddie and Luna both. Did your feelings for each other matter then? Do they matter now?
This was made as a swap with an anonymous Discord friend <3. Their OC is named Luna, but this fic is first person and could be read as a "named" reader.
CW: suggestive thoughts from the rizzler, hurt/comfort, edward nygma being arrogant as per usual
You turn, recognizing that voice almost instantly. “Eddie?”
The both of you stare at each other for a moment, almost making sure the other is real, before mirrored wide grins split your faces. The heart in your chest beats faster as you realize the expression is his genuine, real smile, the one only you could pull out of him. He's truly happy to see you.
Your bodies approach each other quickly, drawn like magnets. Your momentum almost makes you look like you are going in for a hug, your arms swinging forward…but you stop just shy of touching the other. 
You both sit in silence for a moment, taking the other in up close. A slight blush makes its way onto your face, but you can't help it. He looks good. His ginger hair is more loose than it had been when she had last seen him at Competitron. Fluffier, more free…it makes your hands twitch with the want to bury themselves in the shining, copper locks. His face remains as handsome as ever, with his adorable button nose, but his clothes…
He always wore a striped shirt with suspenders when she had worked with him. Cute, but more apt for Wall Street than what you expected of him. This outfit…your mouth goes dry when you take it in. 
A dark green sweater adorns his slight torso, loose on his body but tucked into tight grey slacks match his long overcoat. The lines of his clothes highlight his tall, lean body. He looks professional for the most part, aside from the purple driving gloves. You do your best to contain your thoughts about those before making eye contact with Ed once more. A feeling of satisfaction spreads through your body when you realize that his cheeks are reddening just as yours are. 
Ed is embarrassed about his own blush, if he could be frank. It started when he caught you just as you were walking away, recognizing your shape from behind almost instantly and calling out to you. While he doesn't want to admit that that was his reasoning for recognizing you, can you blame him? 
He had to wait behind you in enough queues, see you bent over enough desks in those tight skirts you wear, that he has an entire section of his mind dedicated to fantasies about your ass. Some days he had to actively keep himself from reaching out, winding his hands around you, and bringing you back against him just to feel that delicious curve. He kept it secret, of course, he did his best to keep things professional when you worked with each other.
But after the initial onslaught of familiar thoughts…Edward was blinded by the glow of your smiling face again as you turned, and that handily won out over anything else in his mind. Your gorgeous, dark hair was up in a ponytail today, shining in the sunlight and swinging behind you as you moved towards him.
He watched you adjust your glasses nervously with a blush after you stopped in front of him, and it filled his lonely heart with a glee he hasn't felt in more than a year. But he immediately chastises himself…he needs to do his best to keep distance from you. He still has plans he needs to fulfill, and he can't allow you to be involved. What if you were hurt, in the process? What if you saw what he's become in his exile? 
The voice that you remember being full of mischief, arrogance, and, dare you say it, warmth suddenly sounds distant and aloof. 
“Luna, it is…good to see you.”
Steadying yourself, you hold back your initial  reaction to his presence and instead analyze his words, his tone, and his body language. If that's all he has to say to you, after years apart, after radio silence…then you refuse to give him any reaction he may want. Your tone mirrors his-professional.
“Yes, Mister Nygma, it is nice to see you again after so long.”
You see how he goes almost stiff when you call him Mister Nygma, his back straightening and his eyes turning dark before his face becomes impassive. But, instead of letting him respond, you continue after a beat of silence, curiosity at his presence winning out over pettiness.
“What brings you to Gotham?”
His previous demeanor relaxes a bit, and he almost looks…nervous. 
“Oh! Well…I suppose I've always heard interesting whispers about this city. And with recent rumors I've been…drawn here for some reason. After everything that happened…”
He trails off, and you can tell his racing mind is reliving the trauma of losing it all in one day, just as you had. Competitron, as your former place of work, used to be everything to the both of you. Ed came up with all of the riddles, but you helped him with the art direction. Your mind would interpret his gorgeous thoughts into a visual reality, and the code you both worked on made it an actual reality, on screen at least. 
But then the layoffs started. First it was a few lower level people…and then a few close coworkers. And then…suddenly, you walked in one day and were told to pack your bags. Years of working for them, for giving it all to make the Minotaur game, and they just brushed you away. You still find yourself frustrated and angry about it, even after getting a new job. The only credit you received was a footnote at the end of the game. 
And Ed…well…it wasn't public news, but he gave Mockridge hell over both your sacking and the lack of royalties for your work. He was planning to sue them, for the both of you. And then…he was fired too. 
You heard the news and tried to call him, but he was just gone. And you haven't seen him for two years until just now, when Competitron has been rumored to be moving to Gotham. The coincidence is too much to ignore.
He seems to startle at your use of his full name, something that you usually only did during arguments or serious conversations. 
“...I-I know that what Mockridge did to us hurt. I still have trouble getting over it, myself. But, don't let his heinous actions rule your life. I'm glad to see you, but if you're only here to harass our former boss-”
Ed stiffens again and cuts you off, “Well, I'm sorry that I can't get over that-that cretin taking credit for my work.” He spits out the words, moving closer to you almost in anger. 
You glare up at him, furious, now, “You mean our work. If you try to take even that from me after I lost my job and my L-” you stop yourself from admitting the truth of what you had felt for him, then. He notices your slip, but doesn't comment. “-my best friend…” your eyes are full of tears now. Frustrated tears. Dejected tears. How could he not notice you when you are right in front of him? What has blinded him for two years so much that he hasn't even sent a letter?
“...then I don't think we have anything else to discuss. I wish you well, Edward Nygma. B-be kind to yourself.” And you turn, prepared to leave. Two years apparently haven't changed your feelings towards him, if your racing, broken heart is any indication, but you've now realized you wasted that time pining for him after seeing him now. He is only focused on himself and what he lost…and maybe he always was. 
You are stopped, suddenly, from retreating by a gloved hand wrapping, gently, around your arm. “Luna…”
Chastising yourself for wasting even one more moment on someone who obviously won't even let you leave with your dignity, you freeze in place but don't turn. “I would prefer to go, Eddie.” You bite out the nickname that used to make him tease you, used to make him blush, even, just to get some petty revenge out of this horrid day. 
The hand on your arm trembles, and it makes you pause. You had planned to shake your arm out of his grasp and leave, quickly, to go cry in your apartment…but then you hear his voice once more. Quietly, almost whispering, Edward Nygma says, “Please.”
You almost collapse hearing the syllables leave his mouth, and turn to see the man that uttered them. In only the few moments between you turning to leave and his plea, Eddie was a changed man. His face is pale, and his expression looks pained. Green eyes that were closed off and arrogant are now surprisingly open, shining with an expression you can't name. 
“You did not deserve that reaction from me after all that we meant to each other. I'm sorry.”
Frankly? You are gobsmacked. Edward Nygma just apologized to you. At least he acknowledged and validated your feelings about his treatment of you…but it still feels like it isn't enough. “Eddie, I appreciate your apology, but I hope you can see that your behavior was not something I expect of a friend.”
You do end up wrenching your arm away from his grasp, making him wince. “If you want to come back into my life, after leaving me for two years-” your voice chokes out the last words, the reality of everything crashing in around you, “-and treat me like I was just a coworker, and not someone who you trusted, as I did you?”
A sniffle leaves you, trying to hold back your tears, “Then I would rather you save the honeyed, practiced words and just leave. I can't take you playing with my good will towards you, again.”
And as you are about to embarrass yourself and sob in front of him, emotionally confused, partly, but mainly sad…his arms bring you to him. You are enveloped in them. He keeps you there, for a moment. His steady breathing and calming, familiar scent ground you. And then, one of his gloved hands moves to the side of your head, gently leading you to look up at him, “No playing. No games. No riddles.” 
His green eyes are shining, “I am truly sorry. The moment you turned, I was reminded of the last time I had to see you go, the pain that came with it. I-I initially tried to push you away because I do have secrets, Luna.”
You try to talk, but he cuts you off, “I can't tell you about them…not now. But I can't let you walk away, again, either.” His expression is torn, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes full of desperation for some sort of answer to his quandary. 
Both of you are dancing around your feelings, for now. But…you can tell he does feel the same, truly, he must. You can't leave the man you love so desperately confused. Your hand reaches up, mirroring his hold on you and gently making him look down, “Then…let's just get some coffee together.”
His eyes are full of hope, gleaming with affection at your answer, “Do you still like it the same way?”
You chuckle, “Of course, I haven't changed much since you last saw me.” You blush, again, worried that standing still would make him lose interest in you, somehow. 
He releases you, and you do the same to him, but he stays close. His eyes trace up and down your body, sticking to your chest for just a moment before meeting yours once more. “Oh I don't know about that…”
He chuckles, holding out his hand for you to take, a smirk adorning his face, “...you seem changed. More sure, more independent.”
You take his hand, and you begin walking together to the nearest cafe. He winks, “A most brilliant riddle for me to solve.”
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dauntless-gothamite · 2 years
Master of Shadows [1/?]
Fandom: DC (Nolanverse; Batman Comics) Pairing: Bane x Fem! Reader Summary: You are a tailor that works for Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin, who tasks you with making clothes for the abnormally large man who has recently arrived in Gotham, Bane. While working with Bane, you see an opportunity to escape the Penguin, something you have wanted for years, and if you play your cards right, you may just gain your freedom and bond with the handsome man in the mask along the way.   A/N: working on another series before finishing Prove Them Wrong is a terrible idea, but I haven’t been able to get this story out of my head. In later chapters I may attempt to write smut for the first time (chapters will be marked as such if there is smut included and I may add *s so people can skip over it, but I’m still undecided on that at the moment).
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“Shit,” you swear under your breath as blood pools in a bubble on your skin, painting the finger you’d just pricked with a needle a warm red. You weave the needle into the fabric and leave it dangling before standing up to search for a bandage and curse the Penguin for the millionth time that day. You walk across the room to where the first-aid kit hangs on the wall from an old, rusty nail, take it down, and rifle through the supplies, tossing aside painkillers, tweezers, a thermometer, and sterile gloves, heart sinking as you realize you didn’t replenish the gauze and band-aids after the last time you’d accidentally hurt yourself. With a groan and much internal dread, you exit the room and descend the creaky wooden stairs to search for a band-aid. 
At the bottom of the staircase, just as you’re about to dart into the bathroom down the hall to the right, the doorway to Oswald Cobblepot’s office swings open, revealing your boss, dwarfed as he stands beside someone you had never seen before. The first thing you notice about the unfamiliar person is how big they are; their arms are bulging with muscle and you could see his thigh muscles straining against his cargo pants. The second thing you notice about them was the mask covering the lower half of their face and the slight metallic hiss it seemed to make.
You’re about to tell your boss you’re only down here to get a band-aid, but he speaks first. “Aha! If it isn’t just the person I was hoping to see!” He beckons you over to his office and leads you to one of the plush velvet chairs in front of his desk before walking around to sit behind it. “Take a seat. You too, big man,” he says. The man he’d been standing with before you’d entered the room sat in the chair next to you, and the chair creaked with the effort of supporting him. “This is the tailor I was telling you about!” Cobblepot says, pointing to you with a wide smile. “She makes all my suits, which is why I’m the most dapper man around!” You immediately freeze in your seat. If Cobblepot is acting excited about anything other than a visit from his beloved Edward Nygma, it was most certainly bad news, and as much as you want to stay far away from whatever “it” is, it seems like you’re right in the middle of it. 
“Y/N, meet Bane,” Cobblepot says with grandeur. You look at the man sitting next to you warily. “Bane only just arrived in Gotham last week, and as the king of this city, I like to know who the big players are, and I think this man is going to bring something new to Gotham that can benefit my circle of friends and colleagues greatly…well I suppose it would be more accurate to say he is going to remove something from Gotham.” Bane nods curtly and crosses his arms, clearly growing tired of the Penguin’s little speech. “Alright, so now to the point of you, little tailor. Well you see, Bane here is a large guy, he has some trouble finding comfortable clothes. So I need you to take his measurements and make a few things for him; I’ll let him specify what they are exactly.” Cobblepot stands and makes for the door to escort you and Bane out of his office, but you don’t move. “Y/N, don’t keep me waiting!” Cobblepot snaps. 
Crossing your own arms as you rise from the chair, you take a step towards your boss. “Before I begin working on this…special project,” you start, eyes darting over to Bane before sliding back to Cobblepot. “I want to address the matter of compensation. Making clothes for Bane will require significantly more material as well as more time than your clothes do. With an increased cost of production, the pay should be higher, yes?” you ask, raising a brow as Cobblepot’s own eyebrows slant in anger. 
“You are in no position to be making demands, you little-” he snaps before cutting himself off, remembering he has company. 
“I also need more band-aids for the first aid kit,” you say, refusing to back down. Cobblepot nods and sends you a withering glare that tells you you’re going to regret opening your mouth before escorting you and Bane to the bottom of the stairwell you had descended not long ago. 
“Go take his measurements and compile a list of anything you need that you don’t already have; I’ll have it picked up this evening. And remember my navy and purple suit with the yellow accents needs to be done for tomorrow evening’s function!”
“Yes, boss,” you sigh as he makes his way back into his office and you lead Bane up the stairs. 
“Stand here please,” you direct Bane as you grab a stepstool, measuring tape, notebook, and pen from around the room. “So, what will I be making for you?” you ask as you flip to a clean page of the notebook. 
“The first thing I need is a coat,” he answers, and you take in the sound of his voice for the first time. It has a slight lilting quality but sounds menacing all the same, and the mask gives it a tinny undertone. 
You nod and step onto the stool to begin measuring his muscled back over the tight black shirt he wears. “Can you tell me more about the kind of coat you want while I measure?” you ask, using his back to support the notepad as you write down his measurements. He looks over his shoulder at you, glancing down to where you’re writing, but he doesn’t comment. 
“I care about functionality,” he starts. “It seems it can get quite cold here in the wintertime,” he continues, and you move around to his front side and ask him to hold his arms straight out to the sides and measure his chest. He looks down at you as you work, and you write down more measurements. Pulling the stool around, you kneel to measure his waist, listening as he finishes describing the coat he wants. You can’t help but notice his stomach is a bit softer than the rest of him, though there is still certainly muscle there, and it brings you a sense of comfort, reassuring you that the man you’re alone with is human. A very large, strong human who could probably kill you faster than you could blink, but human nonetheless. 
You stand on the stool to measure his height; he’d mentioned wanting a bit of a longer coat, and just as you’re about to write the measurement down–using his body for support, which he had continued to say nothing about–the door bursts open and a man with reddish-brown hair and a five o’clock shadow shouts “Bane!” Your head snaps up, and you’re about to reprimand him for storming in when your weight tips the stool and you fall. You brace for the impact of the hard floor, but it never comes. Instead, you find yourself in Bane’s arms.
“Thanks,” you blush, and he nods as he sets you down. 
“Barsad,” he says, turning to the man who had just stormed in. “I told you I would be out until after dark and not to disturb me. What is it?” Barsad looks between you and Bane, hesitating, but Bane waves him on. 
“We have a date problem back at…well, you know. The woman bribed one of the guards, I suspect Ollie, and he let her go.” Your ears perk up at that as you continue to wind the measuring tape back around the round track you keep it on. “And the event is in an hour and a half.”
“Do you still have the dress?” Bane asks, glancing over at you. 
“We do; it would be a bit difficult to transport,” Barsad explains. “What are you thinking, boss?”
“This one,” Bane says, nodding to you, is a tailor, so if we took her, she could make a few adjustments on the dress and she could stand in as the date.”
“Hold on,” you say, unable to stand by quietly despite your better judgement. “If I’m possibly going to some mystery event, I’d like to know what it is,” you say, crossing your arms. 
“That is none of your concern,” the man, Barsad, says dismissively, about to continue speaking, when Bane holds a hand up and silences him. 
“Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you, but this woman is someone we are doing business with, so we will play nice for the time being. And if she is to perform the part well, she should know what she will be doing.”
“I am right here!” you say, causing both men to look at you. 
With a deep exhale, Barsad says, “I need someone to take as a plus one to a party tonight, a fancy one.”
You hesitate, wheels spinning in your mind. You know getting involved with whatever these men have going on is a bad idea, but you’re already employed by one of Gotham’s most notorious criminals, so you doubt it can really get much worse. Decision made, you speak up once more. “You wouldn’t happen to be talking about the party at Wayne Manor, would you?” you ask. 
“Clever,” Bane says, but you get the feeling he is being condescending, so you send a glare his way. “But you are correct, that is the event.”
“Well…I have always wanted to see the inside of the place,” you admit. “And I’ve been dying to get out of this building for ages!” Bane looks at you in a way you can’t quite decipher, but you brush it aside. 
“So it is settled,” Barsad says. “Now, about this dress we-” he starts.
“I think I have something that might be better than whatever the hell it is you have planned,” you say, cutting him off. “No offense, of course,” you add, looking him up and down and noting that his fashion sense isn’t as bad as you’d expected. You stride over to a closet in the back corner of the room, put in the code for the lock you keep on it, and open it, revealing a small collection of couture dresses fit for the finest galas in Gotham. You slide the dresses around, scooting hangers left and right, until you find the dress you were looking for. It is a silk and tulle grey floor-length dress with a fitted bodice that has a plunging v-neck and sheer long sleeves. At the waist, the dress flares out slightly, and there are both white and black pearls sewn into the dress at the waist. “How’s this for a dress?” you ask with a smirk, satisfied when both mens’ eyebrows shoot up and Barsad gives you a wide smile. 
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gothamitelove · 1 year
Hello hello!!
I was wondering If I could have a continuation of
'Btas dork squad x deity!reader'
Now hear me out with this one!
Maybe one day the dork squad and their s/o are out for a stroll. All of a sudden s/o gets their wrist grabbed by a chain, then to their ankle and before you know it they look like a chained animal and not some deity of knowledge and wisdom.
Their s/o is screaming and screeching it sounded so unholy you might think a hellion was loose, they sound like their in so much pain, and to top it all off they decide to electrocute us.
How would our feral gentleman act?
❤ anon
WHOO i love hurt/comfort this is great
jonathan crane: immediately tries to comfort you and figure out what's wrong so he can fix it. once he does, and you're okay again, he's going to absolutely destroy whoever dared to do this to you.
jervis tetch: will literally just beat the shit out of whoever put you in the chains. goes absolutely batshit insane. and then worries over your wounds like a mother hen
edward nygma: i'm not even going to lie he probably panics. once he's done with that, he helps you get free and then probably lets you lick your wounds while he sics his henchmen on the guy behind this. he tells them to save a little for him at the end, though.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
I would love some BTAS Riddler, anything you can think of, 18+ content welcome though not necessary if you can't fit it in, but if he could remain very sweet and gentle with reader as his SO? Thank you!!
A/N: asdfjhjkl okay so, I don't think you know what you've done and I'm so so sorry for the result. But also thank you so much for the freebie cause BTAS Riddler is my husband, literally the one that's started this whole Riddler rabbit hole I've hyperfixated on in comfort for 6 years at this point.
I'm not gonna lie it's a x reader fic, but reader is basically me rip. This is based on true experiences and insecurities I've faced in past relationships and I'm taking a chance to write this out in hopes to come to terms with it.
So this is way more hurt/comfort than anything else I've written thus far and it's very suggestive but the smut isn't explicit like my other fics (no worries more is in store I assure you)
I hope you, anon, and other enjoy it nontheless. Also just an overall note, yall are all extremely lovely and amazing people and don't ever let anyone undermine you or your worth. Period.
TW: Insecurities, Talks of anxiety, mention of toxic ex relationship, some suggestiveness, and some strong language.
Word Count: 2.3 k (yep, I went ham on this folks)
BTAS!Riddler x F!Reader - First Time
It was like a dream. He is an absolute dream. 
To think this handsome, charming, brilliant man sat across from you. 
It had been almost a year since you started this relationship with the one and only Edward Nygma. You met him back when he partnered with Baxter Toys, when he supposedly went clean. During the few corporate events he attended (before ultimately succumbing to his compulsion and obsession to beat Batman), everyone was drawn to him. 
He left everyone in awe of his intellect and one-of-a-kind creations. You were no different, you were a brand designer for the company and mostly showed up because it was required. Edward actually gave you something to look forward to for these events. Most of the time you stood in the background and just admired him from afar. You wanted to talk to him so badly, to know how he comes up with these toys. 
You managed to solve most of his puzzles, except for his latest one. You still can’t believe it looking back on it, but your curiosity truly did get the best of your nerves and you went up to him and asked if you were missing something. Unlike the other women in attendance literally draped over him for his looks and success, you were the only one that came up with an actual attempt at his puzzles. 
Little did you know how observant Ed is, all the times he presented a new toy, he always noticed you getting it right before most. It made him chuckle to see you beaming at your success, before you quickly dart out of the room to keep from being bombarded with how you solved it. 
Ed took an interest immediately, but for all his charm when it came to the opposite gender he was an absolute goofball and wasn’t always certain when, how or if he even, should, approach someone he was interested in, romantically. He knew enough though. He knew he loved your smile, he enjoys hearing you talk, he admires your creative eye, and you were obviously intelligent for solving his puzzles. 
He would be lying if he didn’t see you walking up to him with an inquisitive look on your face his one opening to make a move. The other women paled in comparison and faded away for all he cared. Ed didn’t come out forthright with the answer, but he was able to give subtle hints that he knew you would understand. You did understand and you understood him.
The rest was history. 
Even when he was sent back to Arkham, you kept in touch with him. You sent him letters asking how he was and if he ever needed anything to let you know. He was so touched at how much you genuinely seemed to care. 
It didn’t bother you that you were speaking to a patient in an asylum. Whenever he corresponded back to you, all you heard and saw was your Eddie, not the mad evil genius, The Riddler, who sought to prove his intellectual superiority over others. 
You saw Eddie, the sweetheart that made up riddles where the answer was you. The man that made you laugh until your jaw hurt and the man who made you feel on top of the world. Whenever he complimented or assured you, you couldn’t deny or argue it. 
Except for…maybe one thing. 
Eddie and you were having a quiet intimate dinner at home. He had escaped along with the other rogues only a few days ago, and Batman was surely on the hunt for him and the others tonight. 
Everything was going splendidly. 
You had your Eddie back at arm’s length. You were cooped up in his arms now as you watched his favorite late night game show. His head was nestled in the nook of your neck and shoulder. Every now and then peppering kisses alongside your cheek and neck. 
You knew what usually follows after nights like this, and it caused a growing knot in your chest. You knew because it has happened nights before and you turned him down. Albeit he was accepting and understood, you knew he had to be growing restless with you. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, quite the opposite, you wanted him more than words could even describe. You were just mortified. The last serious relationship you were in, the moment sex was introduced things seemed to change. You were treated less as a partner and more of a fuck buddy, making love wasn’t fun, and it was just a chore every single time. 
You felt bad for even making that assumption about Edward, who has been nothing but loving, loyal, and honest with you. You want to believe and know that being intimate wouldn’t change anything but make your relationship stronger, but you’d be damned if the slightest possibility of being treated the way you had before, didn’t rack your brains. 
“My dear, is there something wrong?”
Damn it.
Lost in your inner turmoil, you completely ignored the outward signs your body was making. You shoulders tensed up and your breathing quickened. You were a fool for thinking Ed wouldn’t notice those things either. 
“I-I’m fine, sorry, just got distracted there.”
“Darling, I can tell when something is tormenting you..I won’t pressure you to tell me, but I hope you know you can tell me anything..”
The slight burning sensation of fresh tears started to rise. You bite your lip to try and keep the whimpers down. You shake your head as if to alleviate the oncoming tears. “I-I’m fine, Eddie…”
He didn’t say anything, instead he turned you around so you were facing him. Straddling his lap, he leaned you into him, in an embrace. He kissed the top of your head. 
Fresh tears fell and soaked into his black long sleeved shirt. You let yourself give into the tears that desperately wanted to be let out. Ed didn’t say a word, he just held you and rubbed your back up and down. 
“I-I’m sorry..” you sniffled. “I-I ruined the evening.”
“Impossible.” He said. “You could never ruin anything, darling. I love every moment I get to be with you, however I do hate to see you cry, but sometimes it can’t be helped. I’m just glad I’m here for you.” 
Urgh, why is he making this so damn hard. Ed is so sweet, considerate, and thoughtful…but I thought the same of my ex…no, no Eddie’s different. Edward is different. Edward Nygma is different.
“I-I’m glad you’re here too, Eddie. I missed you so much.”
“As I missed you, my love…but something tells me this is something deeper than my absence.” 
You nod. “I-it is. It’s something I’ve been at conflict with for awhile now…”
Ed’s eyes widened. “About me?”
“Sort of, nothing to do with your criminal history or anything like that…”
Ed took a sigh of relief, but if not that, then what? “I’m afraid I’m at a loss then, dear. If you’re up to it, I’d love to know, maybe I can help?”
You took a couple breaths to control your breathing and give you a minute to collect your thoughts. “I-I know we’ve been together for awhile…”
“10 months, 4 weeks, 3 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes, and 15 seconds…”
You quirk your eyebrow at him. 
“N-not that I’m counting…” 
You giggled. “You’re such a dork…”
“Only when I’m around you, and especially if it makes you laugh.” He smiles. 
You sniffled some more, you try to wipe your tears with your fingers. Ed was ready with some tissue and handed them to you. 
“A-Anyway, we’ve been together for almost a year, and it’s been the best time of my life. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, and I love you so much it hurts.”
“As I love you…”
“I-I know, and I also know that most couples have…um…been..intimate by now.”
For a moment you lost Edward as his eyes furrowed down in confusion, but it didn’t take long for the lightbulb to turn on and a blush to rise to his cheeks. 
“I-I-I see…”
“I know we’ve come close to it, and I..I always turn it down.”
“If it makes you uncomfortable, I’d rather you turn it down, I don’t want to force anything on you, my love.” 
“I-I..I know and I appreciate it more than you can imagine. I don’t want you to think I don’t want to, because I do..w-want you…”
His face is almost as red as a fire hydrant, but he lets you continue. You’ve rendered him quite speechless at this point, but he also didn’t want to interrupt your train of thought. 
“It’s just, I’m hesitant because in my last relationship…it…instead of bringing us together. It caused a drift…i-it was constant, like all he wanted from me was relief…I-I felt like such a toy. I-I’d cry myself to sleep while I’m beside him and he never noticed…” You pressed the tissue to your eyes and started wiping the ones that managed to escape from your eye ducts. 
“I-I want to believe…no-I-I know you would never, you could never. You’ve proven that time and time again…but I can’t help but be apprehensive you know? Absolutely petrified…no matter how much I wanted it…I would clamp up. I-I’m so sorry, Eddie…”
Ed shook his head and pulled you into another hug. “Shh…you have nothing to feel sorry for, Y/N. My darling, it’s okay…” 
Ed struggled to gulp down the lump in his throat, the slight flame of hatred and anger that was lit by a tiny match. 
How dare he? Who does he think he is?
He had to shake those thoughts away, you were much more important, he’ll ask questions later. You needed him and he was going to be there. 
He kissed your head again. “I-I hope you know that I want nothing but the best for you, I would never pressure you into anything, and if I ever have, with anything, I owe you an apology, it was never my intent…”
You smiled as you leaned back to look at him. Still sniffling, “I do know, and I love you more for it. You never pressured me into anything, you’ve been perfect…you are perfect.”
“Careful…you’ll inflate my ego more than it already has…” He mutters, jokingly. 
It works as you start giggling. “Nope, wouldn’t want that.”
He smiles at you as he pushes some of your hair back from you face, unsticking some strands that glued to the wet spots on your cheek. 
“Riddle me this…a mile from end to end. A precious commodity, freely given. Seen on the dead and on the living. Found on the rich, poor, short, and tall…but shared among loved ones most of all...what is it?”
You blink away the remaining tears as you take in his words. You chuckle breathlessly, “I-I’m sorry, Eddie. I’m not exactly-”
“-A smile. Did I ever tell you that was the first thing that drew me to you? I absolutely adored your smile whenever you got my puzzles right. And I love it even more now. I’d do anything in this world to see it every day.” 
“You may have mentioned it a time or two…” 
He cups your face in his hands, making sure you truly hear him and see him. “It’s true. I cherish every smile, laugh, kiss, embrace, everything. I’m a cerebral man, thought I was too logical. Above and beyond romantic relationships, but you came along, and I’ve never been so grateful for being so wrong.”
You could no longer fight the bright smile that stretched across your face. As you let yourself hear his words, words you didn’t know you needed to hear, but appreciated them all the same. 
“I love you, Y/N. More than I ever thought I could. I will wait however long it takes until you’re comfortable. I do want you and to be…intimate with you, but never at your own expense. Never at the expense of your happiness.”
You couldn’t hold it back anymore. You smashed your lips into his, shocking Edward but he was quick to return the kiss tenfold. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his arms found home around your waist. 
If not for the need of air, you’d doubt you would ever let up on the kiss. When you eventually had to break apart, it was both of your turns to smile at each other. 
“I love you, too. So much.” You replied. There was a pause in the air until you decided. “And..I’m ready…to take this next step with you.”
Edward’s eyes widened for a minute, until he nodded. “Are you absolutely sure?”
You nod assuringly, “I’ve never been more sure.” 
“I promise you nothing will change, I will always cherish you.”
“I know, and I believe you, more than I have anyone else.” You smile. You got up from his lap and embrace. You reached your hand out towards him to lift him off the couch and lead him to your bedroom. 
When the two of you finally got undressed, you were so anxious that your nerves would come up and ruin everything, despite already making the fully committed decision to do this, but those nerves never came. 
The only thing you felt were butterflies of excitement and the growing knot of pleasure being tugged tighter and tighter everytime Edward thrusted into you. He was so patient, so gentle and thorough. He knew your body better than you did, finding new sensitive spots on your skin that turned you into an absolute moaning mess. 
You were kicking yourself for letting your anxieties keep you touches away from absolute euphoria for so long. When all was said and done, he offered to run a bath or get you something to drink, but all you really wanted was to cuddle in his arms. Which he was more than happy to oblige you. 
Your first time with Edward was a dream. He was a dream. A dream come true.
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ao3feed-harleyquinn · 23 days
Wolf Made For Slaughter
by gorbo_longstocking Determined to leave your sordid and less-than-legal past behind, you moved to Gotham in order to build the life you’d spent thirty-three years dreaming about. It wasn’t perfect, you always imagined yourself to be far more successful in making friends, and day-to-day life to be easier to navigate than this — not to mention you wished your beloved siblings were here with you — but if everything was easy, life wouldn’t be so fun! At least, that was what you were telling yourself. Words: 19880, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Jonathan Crane, Edward Nygma, Jason Todd, Waylon Jones, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Pamela Isley, Barbara Gordon, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Original Characters Relationships: Jonathan Crane/Original Character(s), Edward Nygma/Original Character(s), Jonathan Crane/Reader, Edward Nygma/Reader Additional Tags: POV Second Person, Stalking, Gore, Body Horror, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Grief/Mourning, Human Experimentation, autistic main character, Former Mercenary Main Character, Lab Rat Main Character, Jonathan Crane Needs A Hug, Edward Nygma Needs a Hug, and they both need to be slapped too amen!!!, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, religious trauma, Effects Of Trauma In General, Blackmail, the riddler blackmails the mc how romantic, Slice of Life, Comedy, this is funny despite some of the tags i promise, i live for the bit but i take things seriously too, Polyamory, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Dynamics, Slow Burn, Friendship, a lot of friendship, mcs main goal is to make friends romance isnt even on their radar, Touch-Starved, Suicidal Thoughts, pangender main character, Fluff, Eventual Smut?, in the interest of being real this is basically an oc x canon fic written in second person, Nuisances to Lovers via https://ift.tt/4yKVTuL
0 notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 30 days
Wolf Made For Slaughter
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/x6I87Dz by gorbo_longstocking Determined to leave your sordid and less-than-legal past behind, you moved to Gotham in order to build the life you’d spent thirty-three years dreaming about. It wasn’t perfect, you always imagined yourself to be far more successful in making friends, and day-to-day life to be easier to navigate than this — not to mention you wished your beloved siblings were here with you — but if everything was easy, life wouldn’t be so fun! At least, that was what you were telling yourself. Words: 4602, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Jonathan Crane, Edward Nygma, Jason Todd, Waylon Jones, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Pamela Isley, Barbara Gordon, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Original Characters Relationships: Jonathan Crane/Original Character(s), Edward Nygma/Original Character(s), Jonathan Crane/Reader, Edward Nygma/Reader Additional Tags: POV Second Person, Stalking, Gore, Body Horror, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Grief/Mourning, Human Experimentation, autistic main character, Former Mercenary Main Character, Lab Rat Main Character, Jonathan Crane Needs A Hug, Edward Nygma Needs a Hug, and they both need to be slapped too amen!!!, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, religious trauma, Effects Of Trauma In General, Blackmail, the riddler blackmails the mc how romantic, Slice of Life, Comedy, this is funny despite some of the tags i promise, i live for the bit but i take things seriously too, Polyamory, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Dynamics, Slow Burn, Friendship, a lot of friendship, mcs main goal is to make friends romance isnt even on their radar, Touch-Starved, Suicidal Thoughts, pangender main character, Fluff, Eventual Smut?, in the interest of being real this is basically an oc x canon fic written in second person read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/x6I87Dz
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Chapter 4 of Revenge Can Hurt More Than the Person It's Aimed at (An Angsty Nygmobblepot x Reader Hurt/Comfort Fix-it Fic)
<-previous chapter
Chapter 4: Not Completely Heartless Plans and the Lack of a Corpse
Additional warnings for this chapter: Ed thinking about the possibility of Oswald killing the reader (he doesn't seriously think Oswald would harm you), mention of canonical alcohol problems (Oswald), self-deprecating thoughts (by Oswald)
Word count: 2784
Author's note: After me being busy and then ill, the new chapter's finally finished. Enter Barbara Kean & Tabitha Galavan 🤗
Thanks go to @gabriella-aesthetic for commenting on the last chapter & making me do the finishing touches on this one sooner. I hope you enjoy this chapter ❤
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Wow, a cover for this chapter too? Yes!
Ed's eyes were fixed on the entrance to Gotham City Hall. Oswald still hadn't stormed out of the building like he'd imagined.
Ed looked away to Mr. Van Dahl's remains as well as Oswald's dead chief of staff in the trunk of the car, then turned to the shapeshifter he had met in Indian Hill, "A very good job."
Basil Karlo, aka Clayface, took off his contacts and removed his wig. "He bought it."
Ed smirked. "Hook, line and sinker."
"The voice wasn't quite right but, uh, you know." He heard stilettos on the paving stone and stepped back.
"Bravo, boys." Barbara Kean approached them with Tabitha Galavan close behind. "Penguin lost his mind on national TV. Just like you said he would."
"It's all about the power of suggestion." Ed was proud of his knowledge about the mayor. "And whispering in the right ears."
Tabitha wasn't as impressed, "Why don't you just leave these bodies for the cops? Have him arrested."
"That's too easy, Tabitha." He had much better plans, "I want this to be a slow, painful death. One of a thousand deep cuts. First we take away his mind-
Barbara interruped him, "Then - the part I like - we destroy his empire and take it for ourselves."
"And then when this bird is broken and alone, we do the humane thing...and put him out of his misery."
The blonde heiress pouted playfully, then giggled, and Ed smiled with her. He had this planned out to the-
"Why hasn't he left the building yet?"
Ed suppressed a glare at Tabitha.
"I don't know," he responded, folding his phone open to dial one of the contacts he still had from being Oswald's chief of staff. "Perhaps it's because-"
Two (2) messages from y/f/n y/l/n.
Oswald really needs me. He hasn't been feeling well since you left. I hope we can talk about it.
Reading your message made Ed ask himself whether his plan was really as fool-proof as he'd assumed it was. "He's late because he wasn't alone", he explained, then continued reading, Hopefully you don't think I'm ditching you for Oswald. I just had to be there for him, this day is extremely important.
He has an interview with Margaret Hearst, can you believe that?
Of course you'd support your friend when he had an interview with a star journalist. A star journalist Ed had secretely nudged towards Oswald.
He didn't listen, being too focused on your texts:
I hope we can still meet :) When do you have time to spare? Just a quick heads-up: I don't know how the interview will go and if it doesn't Oswald, might need someone to be there for him, and well, we know how much trust he puts in other people, right xD?
Despite the guilt he felt at you worrying about Oswald, your words almost placated him, making him smile ever so slightly and feel transported to when you had all been friends, to that evening when Oswald had laughed so hard that-
"Hello?" Earth to Ed."
Barbara. Barbara was waving her hand in front of his face.
"Are you lost? What did you find out?"
"Y/n", he said, "y/n accompanied Oswald. It must be the reason why he's so late."
"Y/n got in the way, huh?" Barbara stalked towards the brown-haired man and began to circle him. "Do you want us to do something about that?" She halted in front oh him, "A little kidnapping maybe?"
Ed tensed, more than he had when talking about his plans for revenge. "No!" It came out aggressive, as if they were on opposite sides but he didn't care. "No one must hurt y/n!"
Barbara held up her manicured hands in a conciliatory way, "Okay! Geez, Ed, it's alright. Your friend's safe from us. Right, Tabby?"
"Make sure that Butch, no, everyone, knows not to harm y/n."
Tabitha's scoff was overshadowed by Barbara's confident smile. "Consider it done. As long as your friend doesn't interfere, she thought.
Tabitha stepped towards them, "So you are friends?"
"Of course!" Ed said full of indignation.
She looked to Barbara and raised an eyebrow before he gained her attention back with his irritated tone, "Why wouldn't we be? What are you alluding to?"
After a nod from Barbara, the long-haired woman looked Ed straight in the face and asked, "I mean don't you feel guilty for letting your friend worry about Penguin's misery?"
Ed was taken aback. Of course he did.
How could he be at a loss for words after boasting about his schemes seconds ago?
The voice inside his head answered promptly, Easy: You're not as heartless as you pretend to be. Don't lose sight of who you love, Eddie.
While Barbara and Tabitha looked at him expectantly, he gave a quick response, That's what I'm doing! Focusing on Oswald and on y/n! We texted quite often over the past weeks.
"Yes!" He straightened his jacket, "What is it?"
Barbara patted his arm, "I think you're doing great!" She gave Tabitha a subtle look indicating that she knew he wasn't, "Look at you, protecting your friend from someone as dangerous and selfish as Oswald."
Hearing her put it like that...Perhaps he was protecting you from Oswald. The thought hadn't crossed his mind. While Ed believed that Oswald would never harm you, he hadn't suspected him to be Isabella's murderer either.
The thought of Oswald killing you seemed ridiculous but that didn't mean that Barbara's words had no impact.
He had loved Isabella and he loved you, at least as much as-at least a lot.
What if things had been different and Oswald had been jealous of you?
Ed pictured the scene: your lifeless body in the GCPD, a car accident report, Oswald telling him to move on when he was still mourning!
"You still with us, Ed? Cause you shouldn't-"
His telephone rang. 'Oswald Cobblepot'. "Speaking of the devil, who seems to have called...eight times, wow" he was glad to see they were now looking at him as if he was capable despite the zoning out, "he can suffer for a little longer." He clapped the device shut. "You were saying?"
Barbara was pleased that Ed was ignoring the probably miserable mayor, "I was saying...that you needn't feel bad about getting your revenge on Penguin. Just continue doing what you're doing and our plans will be a piece of cake." She laughed.
Oswald was anything but laughing. He stood on shaky legs, panting from walking quickly after finally...well, not getting rid of you but assuring you he'd be fine. Oh god, had he made you worry too much? He hoped not.
He looked back as if you might appear at any moment, then moved back to the door. It was best that you didn't disturb him. If his father's skeleton wasn't real, he'd look insane. He closed the door and locked it. Even if his father's remains were in the same place: you didn't need to see a corpse, beleagured enough as you already were.
He hadn't meant to alarm you. You suspected that he had harmed himself, for God's sake! Oswald limped to the place where he had last seen his father's body, determined to wash away the blood and show you how alright he was. At least physically...
The disheveled mayor opened the office cupboard and gasped in shock. It was empty and what was worse, the traces to Elijah's presence were gone.
"No!" Oswald clutched a hand in front of his mouth. "No no no no no, please don't let this be...please let it have been real... I need you, father! I need your advice. Come back to me!"
He closed the cupboard and looked around the room. Not a single trace of his father. Had he vanished...or never been there to begin with, a hallucination? Oswald was sleep-deprived.
Ed! Oswald was spurred into action. He pulled out his phone and called his number.
"This is Edward."
It normally didn't take this short for the voice message to start. Ed had declined the call.
"Leave a message. Or don't."
Right. There was the audible reminder of the sadness Oswald had caused the man he loved.
"Doesn't really matter."
Oswald rubbed his temples.
Perhaps Ed was busy. Or still not over it. Over receiving a love confession after making one of the oddest business proposals Oswald had ever witnessed. It was almost as if - he steadied himself on a table... It was a level of dumbness almost completely uncharacteristic for Ed.
Oswald took shaky breaths. Coming to rash conclusions wouldn't serve him well. He needed to approach this calmly, at least as calmly as he could.
He breathed in and made sure to let out enough air as well, as Ed has taught him. Taught me with a hand on my stomach to show my where best to breathe from, he thought puzzled, then remembered that the brown-haired man had done the same with you.
Suddenly Oswald had a thought. Could it be that Ed was in love with you both, that this was his reason for distancing himself from him? It would make sense, wouldn't it: Ed, still grieving Isabella, wouldn't want to confirm being in love with Oswald if it meant making you think he didn't like you, but he wouldn't want to confess to you either in fear of losing his other best friend.
Oswald knew the feeling. Right now he wished he had never said the words to Ed. He would to anything to have him back, even if as nothing more than a friend.
Thinking back brought Oswald's mood further down. Ed had been so shocked, his body averted from Oswald's as if the mere idea of the black-haired man as someone worth having romantic interest in displeased him.
Oh, Oswald wished to have him back, to prove that his affection was nothing to be afraid of, that Ed had no reason to tense up and shield himself.
Oswald would keep his feelings to himself. He could do that, yes, he'd let Ed dictate how close they got, so that things could go back to how they'd been.
Now if he could just solve the mystery of his father!
For a moment he considered calling Ed again, then he debated texting him and gave up on that as well. What would he even write? 'Hey, Ed, first of all: don't be afraid, I'm no danger to you. I know you haven't wanted to hear from me for weeks, but I think I might be hallucinating, so I thought I'd call the next insane person I know.'
No, that would simply be ridiculous. Not only that but there was a safety issue as well: Oswald couldn't afford the public questioning his sanity because of one thoughtless text falling into the wrong hands.
He pocketed his phone to keep from making a mistake, and actually went toward the bathroom, where he'd told you he'd be.
Despite everything, there was still hope. You neither knew about the situation with Ed nor about his possibly damaged psychological state, and as long as you stayed with him, he'd manage. He'd bottle up his emotions over the day and find a way to let them out when you weren't there. After today he couldn't afford to be seen by you in such a miserable state again.
That day in the library, Ed had promised not to speak a word of the love confession to you, telling Oswald that he deserved it, that it was completely rational, no, the best decision even: to keep it a secret. He had almost been eager to assure him. Maybe Oswald's theory was true and Ed was planning on eventually getting together with him and you. Yet he had been so shocked. Oswald gasped for breath. Could it be that...could it be that Ed was only in love with you?
With all that had happened it certainly wasn't implausible: the way Ed acted around you, looked at you, cared for you, all of it was filled with love, of whichever type that may be. In Oswald's dreams, all three of you had been in love with each other, never just with one, but knowing what Ed had told him...it might be true!
Oswald collided with the door to the private bathrooms. "Ow!" Rubbing his face, he turned around to make sure no one had heard him. The way there on his shaky legs had taken him long enough and he lacked the energy to look for a new place.
He hastily locked the door and turned to the big mirror.
"Oh God!"
He looked horrible!
Strands of hair had dropped and clung to his sweaty skin, his dark circles were reinforced by the mascara he thought he'd removed sometime yesterday in between glasses of alcohol, and his expression was utterly pathetic.
How could Ed love someone like this? How could you? Had Oswald only made himself look this bad after finding his father's remains missing?
In any case: you had wanted to know whether he'd self-harmed or worse, tried to kill himself, so he couldn't have looked alright.
God, his whole existence was a mess: losing bis best friend because the thought of Oswald loving him was too much for the tall brown-haired genius, losing the public because his father who might just be a hallucination was asking things of him, and now looking like this! His eyes watered again. Of course Ed wouldn't settle for him!
He approached the sink and poured the first wave of water onto his face.
Whether he was handsome in general or not, he was unsightly today. Possibly this week. Hopefully it didn't go back to since Ed had left.
He poured another handful of water over his face.
Of course Ed doesn't love me.
He attempted to wash the make-up smudges away.
And why would you love him?
He began to rub at the mascara remains on his eyelids.
Why did you still care for him?
The mascara didn't budge.
What was keeping you from going to Ed, genius, tall and handsome Ed?
Maybe you would soon.
What would Oswald do then?!
He wouldn't kill you, that was out of the question. Just thinking about how concerned you already were made him feel guilty.
No, he wouldn't harm you, wouldn't even think about manipulating your relationship with Ed. He'd be your friend, watch as Ed got back the love Oswald had stolen from him, and as your concern for Oswald was washed away by Ed's love.
Finally seeing you happy would have to be compensation enough.
Only that you'd probably still worry about him, wouldn't you? Try and ask what's wrong, then support your friend without ever being entrusted with his secret problem, that's what you'd do, and God, it would make things ten times more heartbreaking for Oswald! He couldn't fall out of love with you! If he still loved Ed, who'd broken off all contact, then how would he be able to let go of much more innocent you, how would he endure seing the two people he loved daily?
Surely Ed would come back to the Van Dahl estate if he became your boyfriend...or would living with his friend be too weird if he was in a relationship? Ed had brought Isabella to the mansion but maybe he'd prefer to settle down in his own house, move in with you and leave Oswald alone?
That would be horrible! Except...maybe he'd need the distraction, the time for himself to cry without making either of you worry.
At the thought a next wave of tears spilled from his eyes.
I'd live with it somehow, he told himself. I love them too much to break off contact, he thought, even as sobs shook his body.
Ed's phone rang again. He made a show out of ignoring it but as soon as Barbara looked away to "Tabby", he threw a look at it. It was you.
"I need to answer this." His fingers were already itching to press the button.
"You do that," Barbara saw your name on the screen, then lowered her voice, "and don't forget: you need to protect the last person you love. Oswald doesn't care about the people - as he so elegantly told the whole city - or those he loves. But I don't need to tell you that."
She padded his shoulder and tugged Tabitha along, and after Basil Karlo had left the three alone, only Ed remained, who hastily took the call.
Author's note: I'm back again! I've gotta be careful that I don't overwork myself with this fic. These last weeks it was kind of difficult to continue not just because I was busy & then ill but cause I felt like publishing it didn't pay off (both tumblr & A03 formatting takes more time than I'd like & writing for a niche couple in an old fandom doesn't help with getting comments either 🥲 But don't worry, I get that not everyone has the energy to comment :))
Next chapter->
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acapelladitty · 2 years
are you going to do anything more with the dano!riddler x psychiatrist!reader ??? I would love to see more I am absolutely obsessed with it
I'm floating a few ideas through the old brain meat but most of them have been pure shite. I'm hitting a little bit of block on how to keep things progressing with Edward still being in character without it being too repetitive of the first two parts. I'll think of something tho. A nice mixture of character analysis and smut lmaooo
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ccalhoun · 2 years
≻ ┄┄ ♡ ┄┄ ≺
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edward nygma/riddler x gn!reader sfw + n.sfw/smut hcs!
req: no
warnings: gender neutral reader, fem reader, male reader, n.sfw, smut, riddler is autistic, reader is also autistic, lowercase intended, riddles, kind of ooc edward sorry, small stalking meant, canon typical violence, bottom reader, sub reader, top edward, dom edward, reader works at gcpd, pre bridge falling, overstim, bondage, vibrators, kind of exibistionism, teasing, thigh riding
cut for length!
edward saw you and instantly fell in love, he didn't believe in "love at first sight" but he did believe in "love at first following you home"
he met you around the time when "riddler" was first starting to exist, around the officer dougherty and kristin kringle murders
when he was watching you walk home from work, he knew he had to protect you from the big bad dangers of gotham! i mean, what's a little thing like you doing walking around gotham by yourself?
he saw someone try to mug you and ran out of his place in the shadows, without hesitation he beat the person to a pulp before turning back to your scared form and comforting you and walking you home
after that, you two were bonded for life. you gave him your number and he stopped stalking you
stopped stalking you while you walked home, at least
he watched you at your work constantly, always finding excuses to visit.
"i have to go tell jim something!" (walks the long way so he can walk by your desk)
he'll tell you riddles and let you take your time with them, though after a few minutes he does get antsy and spill the answer
you're good at riddles? well he just fell even more in love!
you're bad at riddles? get ready for him to tell you easy riddles and slowly up the difficulty
if you tell him a riddle he'll answer it as quickly as possible, occasionally he'll pretend like it took longer to solve to make you feel better.
you wanna cuddle? you came to the right guy! i headcanon ed as incredibly touch starved so he'll have to slowly learn how to accept the cuddles but he'll love them either way!
start off with small touches, like holding his hand or sitting close to him
always ask before touching him! sometimes everything is just too overwhelming and touch could set him off and make him lash out
he'll always ask before touching you too!
"can i hug you?" "ed, you don't need to ask," "i know but, better safe than sorry!"
of course, his alter ego will want his fun with you too!
dinner dates with riddler, except you don't even know its the riddler!
he'll tell you about his alter ego eventually, but until then the riddler knew he would have to act semi-sane so you didnt suspect anything.
ed expects you to be freaked out when he tells you about his alter ego, but he just leaves out the part where he murders people and was suprised when you were accepting of him!
riddler was so happy that he almost popped out the moment you said it was fine he had an alter ego.
one day you came over without calling while riddler was plotting and he was suprised to see you at the door! he just said "i need a minute to get 'decent'" and closed the door
"getting decent" being code for "hiding his plans and fixing how he looks in the mirror for a quick second
he let you in and told you it was riddler and was so happy when you two had a nice and sweet movie night
PLEASE let ed cook you stuff! you're on a diet? he can adjust his recipe! youre allergic to something? substitutes exist for a reason!
if you let him infodump about something, he will listen to you talk as well!
he just loves you <33
he's the big spoon no matter what! ed finds it comforting when he can feel you close to him at all times.
when he's ed? the softest mf alive! he'll gently fuck into you until you're crying and begging him to stop cause cumming just hurts too much :((
"poor baby, can you handle another orgasm? for me?" "doing so good baby, just one more for me,"
ed loves it when you ride him! watching you struggle to take his cock and you admitting to needing his help because it just feels too good... <3
melts his heart tbh
he loves praising you, and being praised is a turn on for him
one "feels too good! you're so big" and he'll cum in an instant
big breeding kink, i just have a sixth sense that tells me
god, he just wants to breed you until you're so cock drunk you can't speak. even if you can't get pregnant, he will still breed you!
as the riddler, he is a completely different person in bed. overstim, vibrators, tieing you up, rough sex, the list goes on. there are so many things he wants to do to you.
tieing your hands behind your back with his tie and shoving a vibrator in, asking you riddles. everytime you get a riddle right, he lets you cum. everytime you get a riddle wrong, he turns up the level and presses it against your sweet spot for a couple minutes <33
riddler loves making you wear vibrators in public, turning up the level when he feels like it and if you cum he takes you home and fucks you rough and hard
the riddler also loves making you ride his thigh, degrading you for being able to get off so easily. he loves calling you pathetic but he doesn't really mean it!
i'd be lying if i said he hasn't ever watched you change through your window and taken pics
he loves jerking off to them! the thought that you were doing something as innocent as changing into pajamas without knowing he was watching you turns him on!
≻ ┄┄ ♡ ┄┄ ≺
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
(I am so sorry if I'm being,,, too much with my asks)
Harley Quinn, BTAS, Young justice, and ... Uhh the I think one zero riddler's
Spouse!reader and Ed just being this adorable married couple-
Ed somehow always has his tie loose because he knows his spouse would fix it for him 😒
Nobody knows that this man is married, when they do they just be like "HOW THE FUCK-"
Cause, how did THIS MAN got a sweet s/o like THIS *waves frantically at a smiling reader giving their husband food*
Idk why but I can see him saying "*sighs* I miss my spouse, Jon."
I'd LOVE to be this man's spouse, cause, he DESERVES love alr? Oh, you want me to cook? OFC BABES <33 want me to pamper you with love n affection? BITCH OFCCC
Oh he's being insecure? Walk into my arms and I'll comfort him n give him all the affections he needs
I'm so down bad for him 😭😭
Also, reader knows he's the riddler and is often giving him ideas for his plan n shi
Alr so those were some hc's I thought of but this is the real reaction scenerio
Some hero is about to punch/hit the riddler and civilian! spouse! Reader was just around the area and saw it so they thought of the mist logical thing to do,
Punch the living daylights out of the hero, sending them FLYING-
Turns out, reader is very strong n can hold superman in a chokehold, they're also experienced with fighting <33
The reason why riddler haven't discovered this secret is because reader has perfect control with their strength
More reasons why I love you
Edward Nygma X Reader
AHHHHH the overall mundanity and domestic stuff you put there is making me melt, because gosh, I do strive to be that kind of spouse someday.
💚 Young Justice
Yeah, you can sense the heart eyes radiating off him whenever he's staring at you. Whenever he's staring off into an abyss, it's you he's thinking about or other shower thoughts. 70% of the time, it is you. Stop being so fucking cute UGH—
So imagine his absolute fucking shock, when you caught a punch from one of the heroes with an open palm, and absolutely POUNDED THEIR ASSES TO SAVE YOUR HUSBAND FRIM BEING BATTERED.
Oh be still his beating heart.
💚 Batman the animated series
Yeah, highkey this man loosen his tie or intentionally ties it wrong just so you can fix it. Then he'd take advantage of the lack of distance between you and steal a kiss like, "Sorry, I just can't help it my dear!" 💝😘🤤
Initially, he was scared for you when you suddenly used yourself as a shield to protect him, might've screamed because he'd rather get himself hurt than you (because of him) but then you started to fight back... Gosh he might be shed a tear because LORD, HE HAS TRULY FOUND THE ONE!
💚 Harley Quinn
He has subjected his fellow rogues to his sporadic lines of "I miss my spouse." after he sighs. At first some of them smiled because fuck that's wholesome, but then it increasingly got recent and they just got annoyed. WE GET IT, SOMEBODY LOVES YOU.
Okay anyways, he believes he can handle himself and there would be no need for protection, but if you do, well then my love, it's best if you train hard and-- wait, you're already strong. And you've been keeping this from him? Well how was he supposed to know--!
💚 Year Zero
Everyone is asking why this absolute cunt of a man gets a spouse as loving as you. Why? Just, why? Why him? Are you being coerced? No? Okay, but like, blink twice if you need help--
Okay, so this man. I've yet to read Year Zero, but I can't deny the fact that I'm getting masochistic vibes from this dude. So if he sees you beating up heroes who's he's currently combating, he gets this idea. Idea that had him staring at your frame still fighting against a hero with a smug grin.
Well, he's going to test out some... Things tonight.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
MultiVillains x Reader || Drabbles
Plot: You’re with, and are in love with (Villain A), but for a long time now you’ve noticed that they way they treat you… isn’t up to scratch. And now this other guy, (Villain B) comes along and you feel loved and beautiful and competent all the time, with them. It’s a choice between someone who makes you believe that without a doubt soulmate are real and this person is yours, and the one that makes you feel really, really good. You give (Villain A) a choice.
Includes: Drayton Sawyer / Mayor Buckman (Horror Villains), Eric / Peter Hayes (Misc), Nina The Killer / Candy Pop (Creepypasta), Riddler and Edward Nygma / Barbara Kean (Gotham), and Human!Scar / Human!Shere Kahn (Disney Villains).
Warnings: Toxic or unhappy relationships, BLOOD (Nina and Candy Pop’s part- only a little but still), swearing, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Riddler.)
Inspired by ‘According To You’ by Orianthi. You can also listen to the Elise Lieberth version if you’re gonna!! It’s a lot more soulful and matter o’ fact, rather than mad and desperate. Both are soooo good, though.
Quick directory: If you’re looking for anger, I will send you to the Riddler and Eric and if you’re looking for sad I will show you two Drayton and Nina and if you want a happy ending, go to Scar! 
This is in your POV
Drayton Sawyer (Villain A) and Mayor Buckman (Villain B)
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According to you I'm stupid I'm useless I can't do anything right
“Drayton!” Get back here, you basta-
“I’m too busy for this talk, girl / boy / kid!” He cuts off my thoughts with that dreaded phrase, that I hate hearing come from him and waves his arms dismissively without even turning to look at me. That phrase. That awful, familiar phrase. ‘I’m too busy for this talk’. Jesus Christ, it hits a nerve. He’s always too busy! “And so’re you! Grab the other end a’ this hay bale for me. We’re movin’ it on to the truck- Nubbins thinks I can get some money off ’em from passin’ famers. Better then having ‘em sit here and get eatin’ by Bubba.”
Gaining courage from my frustration, I march over there and slam my foot firmly down on the bale of hay. Drayton looks up from the side he was gearing to pick up and scrunches his face up in his own frustration. “What the hell are you doing? Get your lazy ass foot off this bale!”
“We have to talk, Drayton.”
“About what?!”
Has he already- Forgotten- What I-
I was just talking to him about it!!
“Oh my god Drayton, how self-absorbed can you be?? I was just talking to you about it!”
I feel stupid for feeling guilty for what’s going on, now. I suddenly remember what drove me to this situation- he doesn’t care one lick about me!
“Uhh… “He has the good manners to look ashamed for a moment, voice hesitating as he tries to remember something he knows just isn’t there in his head at all. “My bad.”
“Yes, your bad!”
He sighs in frustration, standing up straight and setting his hands on his hips with an annoyed vigour. He raises his eyebrows, as if to say ‘I’m waiting??’ and I control the urge to growl at him. This is not the way I wanted it to come out, and if he was even a little less infuriating, I would check myself and calm down- but he isn’t a little less infuriating and I want to throw this bale of hay at his scrawny ass.
“Well what’s goin’ on, girl / boy / kid?”
Ohhh, fucking Christ I hate it when he calls me that. Like I’m a child. This may fly with your brothers, Drayton, but we’re the same age! Goddamnit.
Mirroring his actions by putting my hands on my hips in an exaggerated way and raising my eyebrows back at him, I blurt it out firmly. Leaving zero room for him to possibly hear me wrong. “I’m having an affair.”
A moment of silence passes, and of course, now is when I immediately start to feel all the emotions that anger just a moment ago was blocking out. Regret, guilt, heartbreak… I take my foot off the hay back to the firm ground and my eyes well up with tears from the sheer force of the feelings. Drayton’s hands slip off his hips.
“… that Mayor?”
I’m surprised for a moment that Drayton knows. He could pick up on who it must be, which means he was noticing me. Its sort of good, to feel that he actually paid attention to me that one time, when we met... Buckman… but it isn’t enough to make up for the past decade. Looking away from him, I breathe and mess with my hair a bit simply for something to do with my hands. “… yeah.”
Dumbly, he tilts his head slightly to the side. His voice even stutters, which is so not Drayton. “… why?”
I hate myself for hurting him.
Looking back him, some tears break free down my cheeks. “Because! I forgot what it felt like to be liked. It… took me by surprise.”
“Maybe we should have a, ah, a sit down, then. Lets, lets go then. While the boy’s are out. To the kitchen, yeah. Come on, girl / boy / kid.”
He turns around as he says it, plus a lot more that isn’t important is just his ramblings as we walk off, but I wince from the name he gave me again.
Eric (Villain A) and Peter Hayes (Villain B)
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According to you I'm difficult Hard to please Forever changing my mind I'm a mess in a dress Can't show up on time Even if it would save my life
The cruel grin on Eric’s face as he stands over me, doesn’t scare me. It just reminds me of how hurt he is. It’s true, I haven’t done anything… but now he knows what I’ve been thinking. About Peter, of all people, and probably more importantly what I’ve been thinking about him; Eric. “He’s not much better than me, you know.”
Grimacing, I fiddle more nervously with my hands that are in my lap and look down the barren hallway that I was able to corner him alone in. That’s very true. “I know that. That’s not the point.” When I look up, he’s scowling at me.
“Then what is the point?” He sounds mad. Like, bull mad. But I don’t waver, because under this shame- I’m pretty damn mad, too. I feel like my eyes flash at him not understanding the situation after I already, explicitly, explained to him what was wrong with our relationship two seconds ago. But its like all he heard was that I thought another man, Peter, a boy my age and not my instructor, was making me feel better than he was and he ignored everything else. If I wasn’t so pissed, I would understand. Jealousy is a serious emotion. I get that.
But he isn’t jealous.
Eric is possessive. Which is only one of our problems.
“The point is that I love you. I want, you.” It’s so true. Every word. I want Eric. I want him! Goddamnit, if I could genetically engineer a man who looks, acts and thinks like Eric, but with Peter’s attention span then I fucking would do so in heartbeat. “But you treat me like I’m just this small part of your life, like a hobby you can pick up and put down any time you like! And, god, you insult me! You disrespect me. I know you’re overworked and hormonal, but I don’t know how much longer I can wait it out before it isn’t a phase anymore!”
His goddamn nostrils flare, this time. “So you want to break up?”
Oh my god. My heart leaps up into my throat and, instantly, the word ‘No’ leaps right out of my chest, clear as day. “God, no. I don’t want to break up! I want to work through this together. I just want one thing in these negotiations Eric, and that’s to be liked by you.”
He breathes out slowly through his nose, and watch his shoulders and chest slowly drop. His eyes focus on the ceiling. “Y/N, you know I love you- “I get up from my seat abruptly and square up to him.
“Yes I know that! But that isn’t the same thing as being liked!” I am begging him. I am pleading that he understands, and we can be happy again.
… Because if he doesn’t, I have to do what’s best for me.
And as far as I can see, that is Peter. Or being alone! But honestly, the Peter option is looking better and better every second. Peter is an evil little shit, and violent, and deeply messed up, but he treats me well. He would never hurt me- emotionally or physically. And damn, I like spending time with him! And I really, really want that.
With Eric, if I can.
But all I’m seeing in this conversation is that option getting smaller and smaller.
For a good few minutes, he just stands there. First, he was breathing heavily… but now he’s just thinking. I watch with round eyes, and wait patiently. What’s happening? What are you thinking? Please, Eric.
Finally, he reaches over and squeezes more arm for a moment. It’s a comforting gesture, but when I look into those blue eyes of his, all I see is empty. He’s leaving. “We’ll talk about this later, k? I’ve got shit to do, now.”
For me, when he walked away, that was the end of everything right there. The last straw. I feel empty, too.
Nina The Killer (Villain A) and Candy Pop (Villain B)
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According to you, according to you But according to him I'm beautiful Incredible He can't get me out of his head
“NINA!” I cut off her screaming with my own, nearly damn well shredding my vocal cords to cut through. But I succeed, and she’s now just glaring at me, twisting the tip of her knife into the tip of her finger. At first it wasn’t affecting her, just a nervous habit, but now theirs blood and I wince. Moving forward, I gently remove the knife from her hands, put it away in my hoodie pocket and carefully take her hands in mine, instead. Then I look back up at her, and look firm. “You’re just distracting us both. Don’t you wanna work through this with me?”
Through grit teeth, barely moving her face, she tells me. “I feel betrayed, Y/N.”
A rush of guilt for hurting her floods me -my stomach, my heart, - and I feel physically nauseous. “I know. I’m so sorry.”
“Are you really gonna listen to me?” I counter, causing her to flinch at the very thought of hearing me out. She looks away, but doesn’t remove her hands from mine and after a moment, sighs in utter defeat and frustration and nods fine. “Okay… um.” I hadn’t really thought about explaining what’s going on, to her. Being with a Creepypasta like her, who’s been traumatised and emotionally wrecked, you learn to keep your problems to yourself in fear they’ll relapse and hurt you. It’s not a fair or decent relationship in the slightest, I know, but it’s what we have. It’s what I’ve been perfectly happy with for years now. It’s what we’re fighting for.
So… I guess… I don’t have much of a choice, now. Taking a shaky breath in, I start and hope I don’t get murdered. “I feel like… you hate me.” She freezes under my touch but I don’t look up to see her face. “Like Jeff will always be more important than me, to you. He’s the one you want, he’s the one you have the connection to... and I understood that at first. I could take it… but- but the longer we stayed together I realised I always thought you would become more accustomed to me; That you would want me. But you don’t. Its always him-“ She tries to wrench her hands from me, but I clamp my grip down hard on her and drag her back, looking up into her face with a determined, probably pretty pissed off look on my face. “Nina. Still talking, here.”
“Its… its not true!” She doesn’t look so sure, her own determined-pissed off look dissolving into nervousness, chewing on her bottom lip.
“It is.” That look is all the admission there needs to be. Theirs no more supposing about it- Jeff will always be a step ahead of me. That Michael Jackson looking bastard. “And if I‘m going to be with someone, then I want to be number one. And, i-if you can’t… “I chew on my cheek to force myself not to cry. “Nina, Pop does want me like that.”  
I want to show her through my eyes, how serious this is. My desperation for her to just step up for me, and my stubborn desire to be wanted like he wants me.
God, I thought this conversation might help- but I don’t feel like stopping what’s between Pop and I now, ever.
I think its over with me and Nina, as she looks innocent and wide eyed and lost and… heartbroken.
It is the end, then.
She detangles her hands finally from mine, and cups my face in thin, freezing cold, shaky hands. “I wish… “I gather her middle against my body, in between my arms and bury my face in her neck, tears running freely down my face now. “Oh god, I wish.”
I wish we’d met before all that with Jeff. It definitely would’ve been us.
Me too.
Riddler and Edward Nygma (Villain/s A) and Barbara Kean (Villain B)
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She's into me for everything I'm not According to you I need to feel appreciated Like I'm not hated, oh no Why can't you see me through her eyes? It's too bad you're making me decide
My back hits the wall a little too hard, causing my head to knock back into it and my vision to go blurry as he speaks his ironically phrased ‘peace’, so all I see is a very deep scowl and green. I’m pared from his crooked teeth and the dark, hateful way his eyes will be zeroed in on me. “How could you do this to me?? I allowed Ed to keep you, I- “He makes a constipated face as my vision clears up, his fingers digging deeply into my hips. I wriggle and twitch slightly, and try to quietly pull them out of my skin, but they are not moving, and I don’t even think he feels me struggling. So I give up, focusing instead on just regaining my vision. “I STARTED TO LOVE YOU TOO!”
Rolling my head against the wall in boredom, like a student waiting for that bell, and I don’t even flinch when he screams in my face at this point, although I do admit; It of course isn't pleasant. “Ugh, Ed, your breath stinks- “
“Okay, Riddler, your breath stinks.” Same-Same, for me. 
“Treat this seriously- you’ve betrayed me.” He is so mad. No matter how vehemently this guy tries to tell people he isn’t Ed- he sure is controlled by his emotions like Ed. He wouldn’t be this mad if he wasn’t heartbroken. Fucker was born from emotions.
Well guess what Riddler? I’m heartbroken too. And you put me here.
He scrapes his fingers against my skin, and I just grin wider.
There is nothing quite like annoying this man- especially when he’s treating me with such little respect. My eyes flash up to his and I grit my teeth. “I thought you were smart, man. I don’t love you the way I loved Ed- the way I now love her. Mistake number 1. You shouldn’t have ever let yourself fall as deep as you have, here.”
“But you do love me?!” He’s desperate and trying to reassure himself, and at the same time remind me of that fact. And oh god, I know. I know that I love him. Despite his many, maaany faults, I love him. He is what’s left over from Ed, my first love, who’s a whole lifetime away from me now. I’m attached to him, the Riddler, whether I like it or not!
And I don’t like it.
That’s why I’m leaving.
“Mistake number 2. You couldn’t just check yourself- because you’re so perfect, right? You couldn’t just look at how you were treating me and work on it? If you had, we wouldn’t be here right now. I wanted you… but you can’t see me the same way Barbara does.  
I wrap my fingers around the object in my pocket, feelings its need. It’s about fifteen centimetres long, and black, with little nibs at the end designed to leave a nasty lasting impact.
He’s looking at me, waiting for what else he did wrong. Always a learner, and a sucker for pain. “Mistake three- the Hamartia. You then gave me a choice, between you and Barbara. You should’ve known I would never pick you. I love you, yes.” For a second my voice is soft, and I let go of the weapon to reach up and cup his, and more importantly Ed’s, beautiful face. My grip becomes slightly tighter after a second. “But I love her, too. The difference is just that she sees me and sees someone beautiful. You see a possession. I.e. you think it’s a given that I’ll be with you.”
His eyes go cold, and even darker. His mad, laughing smirk makes its appearance, and I move one hand back into my pocket. “What makes you think I’ll even let you leave?”
“I didn’t think that.” I admit, watching for his reaction. As soon as his smile broadens like the sad, mistaken gremlin that he is, I pull out the taser and push the button, pressing the needles into the Riddler’s neck.
He immediately loosens up everything, and flings back awkwardly to the floor. 
“I’m so done with you. You took Ed from me.” My voice wobbles and I cover my mouth, pressing my lips tightly to each other for a moment to pull myself together. Then I glance back down at the Riddler’s twitching body one final time. “And don’t think for one second that you’ll just come pick me up later; I’m going to Oz’s.”
Human!Scar (Villain A) and Human!Shere Kahn (Villain B)
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But according to me You're stupid You're useless You can't do anything right
We spent all day fighting, and now I’m just… tired. And sad. I’m so tired, of pleading with him to like me. Always doing more, for him. Making his favourite meals, smiling when he tells unfunny jokes, agreeing ‘to an extent’ -a bare faced lie, - with the shit he spouts… Today, an actual fight about how I feel, was just the crux of this mess that I’ve been hoping was a relationship for so long. But it isn’t a relationship; Not a proper one.
If it was, I wouldn’t be killing myself trying to be happy.
So I’m leaving, officially.
I give Scar one more cuddle, burying my head in his chest for a good minute, begging myself to be strong and let go, then slip out of the bed and collect my suit case. I packed this while he was cooking dinner earlier, and hid under the bed. Of course, I’ll have to come back and get the rest of my stuff… but Kahn say’s he’ll help me.
Even still in this room, where Scar’s and my relationship turned from beautiful to a monster, the thought of Kahn makes me smile- I can’t help it. Just the mention of him in my head, and then his face comes to mind -Smirking at me, about to tickle me and I know it,- and the corners of my mouth perk upwards and my teeth show. It feels really, really good and I can’t wait to see him.
Taking a deep breath, I leave the room and the apartment all together. There is a slight nauseous feeling in my stomach from doing so, but I push on and the further I get to the exit, the freer I feel. 
Finally, I twist front door open and take a deep breath through my nose, feeling one last moment of longing to go back, but knowing I wont. I cant. It’s violet walls that Scar and I painted together when we first moved in, that now give me headache... And its white wood theme, that was supposed to brighten up the place when he used to leave me alone a lot at home... and the knitted coasters I spent time choosing and making to avoid hanging out with him… I leave it all, closing the door behind me. 
Thinking about all that makes me want to cry, but I’ve already cried to much about all of this- it would feel like overkill.
Besides, I need to focus a little more on not smiling, which would be in such bad taste, when I see Kahn waiting for me outside. I tilt my head to the side. “No car?”
“Nope, we’re walking darling. I thought it might be better for you tonight.”
I take a deep breath of the fresh air while Kahn takes my hand in his. It feels good. “Yeah, you might be right… That sounds good.“
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
Fandom One-Shots and Imagines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iAsehi
by leztrangem
Hello, everyone! This is my first work ever to be posted on here. This is a collection of one-shots from many different fandoms reposted from my Wattpad. All of these are pretty much SFW. That's because Wattpad is so strict about what type of content can be posted. This is honestly just a way for me to get used to posting on here because I'm fairly new. Fair warning, a lot of these were written when I was in like...middle school.
More tags and characters will be added to tags soon!
Words: 1012, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti), Beetlejuice - All Media Types, Beetlejuice (1988), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, Homestuck, Twilight Series - All Media Types, Twilight (Movies), Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer, Blood Drive (TV), Riverdale (TV 2017), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018), A Nightmare on Elm Street - All Media Types, A Nightmare on Elm Street (Movies 1984-1994), Addams Family - All Media Types, The Addams Family (Movies), The SpongeBob Musical - Various/Anthony & Coulton/Jarrow, Hamilton - Miranda, Hamilton - Miranda (Broadway Cast) RPF, World Wrestling Entertainment, Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Supernatural, Gotham (TV), DCU (Comics), DC Extended Universe, Joker (2019), DCU, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020), Shameless (US), Rocky Horror Picture Show, X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Joker (Joker 2019), Joker (DCU), Arthur Fleck, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Pennywise (IT), Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Lip Gallagher, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Lin-Manuel Miranda, James "Bucky" Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Peter Quill, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Yondu Udonta, T'Challa (Marvel), Reader, Mark Cohen, Roman Sionis, Harleen Quinzel, Armitage Hux
Relationships: Pennywise (IT)/Reader, Joker (DCU)/Reader, Arthur Fleck/You, Kylo Ren/Reader, Oswald Cobblepot/Reader, Edward Nygma/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Thor (Marvel)/Reader, Loki (Marvel)/Reader, Freddy Krueger/Reader, Jason Voorhees/You, Freddy Krueger/Jason Voorhees/Reader, Lin-Manuel Miranda/Reader, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Reader, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Reader, Roman Reigns/Reader, Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Reader, Lip Gallagher/Reader, Harry Potter/Reader, Draco Malfoy/Reader, Lucius Malfoy/Reader, Severus Snape/Reader, Neville Longbottom/Reader, Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader, Billy Loomis/Reader, Billy Loomis/Stu Macher, Peter Quill/Reader, Yondu Udonta/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Depression, Bullying, Demons, Demonic Possession, Crying, Kissing, First Kiss, First Meetings, First Dates, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Hide and Seek, Games, Chess, Loki (Marvel) Needs a Hug, Arrogance, Mates, Vampire Bites, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Bisexuality, Bisexual Male Character, Bisexual Female Character, Bisexual Character, Heterosexuality, Witchcraft, Movie Night, Balloons, Harleen Quinzel's Hyenas, Roommates, Harleen Quinzel Needs a Hug, Riots, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Lightsabers, Fights, Horror, Comedy, Lesbian Character, Reader-Insert, Reader-Interactive, Mutants, Mutant Reader, Mutant Powers, Drinking, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, Cuddling & Snuggling, Oblivious Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape Has a Heart, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships, Hogwarts Inter-House Friendships, Why Did I Write This?, Spoilers, Spooky, Romance, Awkwardness
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