#o: noah
cass1x1 · 1 year
" i just... don't care anymore. " (ethan/noah)
Ethan suspected Noah didn't mean it. Not that Noah was usually dishonest. If anything, Noah was usually brutally honest. But there was something in her eye, in the way that she stared at him, hard, for a while after speaking while he gathered his thoughts. That didn't look to Ethan like she didn't care. If anything, it looked like she cared more than she wanted to.
That seemed more like Noah. She was a private person, yes, but even so, he'd gathered that relationships, romantic or otherwise, weren't her strong suit. She liked to believe that she didn't need anyone, and was wary of the idea that anyone might need her. So caring--about him, or about anything else? It likely didn't sit well with her.
"I don't think that's true," he said softly, weighing the idea in his mind as he spoke. Sometimes, Ethan felt like he needed a map to understand her, but this seemed pretty obvious.
Noah didn't like that answer, a fact which did not surprise him. "Well, it is," she said, absolutely unconvincingly. "I don't."
"I think you do care," he pressed on. His tone was soft, almost like he was talking to himself. Maybe, in a way, he was. After all, Noah had said that she didn't care to him, and it stung. Maybe, more than convincing her that she cared, or that she should care, what he needed was to convince himself that it shouldn't hurt. But Ethan really felt, in his gut, like he was on to something. "I just think that...scares you."
Noah's eyes went wide at that. "You have no fucking idea what you're talking about," she answered, turning away from him. That frustrated Ethan--he'd been relying on watching her to make sense of all this. "Leave me alone."
He sighed, reaching out just shy of putting his hand on her shoulder. He shouldn't touch her unless she said it was okay. "You shouldn't be alone. You deserve more." He couldn't force her to accept that, but he could at least tell her. That was something.
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pittipedia · 2 years
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'McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish w/Strawberry Shake & Fries' by Noah Verrier (2022) Artist Website: https://www.noahverrier.com/
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noahverrier · 1 year
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My oil painting of McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish
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elephantshoetoo · 1 month
I've seen a few posts pointing out how Byler fights bring them closer together, whereas Mileven fights tend to push them further apart and are never resolved in a satisfying way.
Mileven fights are not nearly as fun to watch. They tend to be painful or just plain bitchy. But BYLER fights...?
Byler fights are PASSIONATE. There are so many points during Byler fights where it would feel completely natural for them to just grab each other and kiss.
Mileven fights be like:
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But Byler fights are all:
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In conclusion:
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ficsofabotchedmind · 6 months
What is lost, will always be found
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Summary? No.
Warnings? Yes, but only a little; hurt/comfort, reader needing their moms, depression, feelings of abandonment, this was self indulgent.
Alex x Olivia x their kid!Reader
Things had been going ok, but at the same time things were also going to shit. 
Y/n had been exhausted every day, putting on a mask of happiness, lying their way through everything. 
They sighed and thought as they walked to Olivia’s door, “Why did I agree to this dinner with mom and Noah? All I want to do is go home, curl up and cry. Although I should be grateful, at least they remember me and include me.” 
Knocking and hearing a ‘hold on!’ coming from inside, Y/n took one last shuttering breath and prepared the mask that they wore so well. 
The door swung open and there stood Olivia, Y/n’s adopted mother and one of the only people to genuinely love and accept them, and with a wide smile, “Sweet baby come here! I’m glad you could make it, come in!” 
As soon as they entered a smaller body collided with their own, looking down they could see a head of unruly curls and a wide smile, “Y/n! I missed you!” 
For the first time in days, the smile on their face became real, “I missed you too, Bud! How was your day at school?” 
Noah grinned even harder and pulled back, “It was good! We did an art project in class; I get to bring it home Monday!” 
Olivia smiled as she watched the interaction between her two children and walked to where Alex was, “They don’t even notice you yet, let’s see how long this will continue before you’re noticed.” 
Alex laughed quietly, “Deal, but I’m sure Noah can keep them busy for a while.” 
Liv giggled quietly and looked to Alex, “Thank you for coming back, Alex. Speaking of, have you given any thought to- “ 
Alex gave Olivia a look, “I still have my license, I never lost them but Olivia, if I do come back, keep Elliot away from me. Got it?” 
Liv pulled a face, somewhere between shock and humor from the looks of it, but said, “I will try my best, but you know we work cases with Organized Crime.” 
Alex sighed and was about to grumble but the timer went off, it was time to eat. 
Olivia and Alex bought everything to the table before Liv called everyone to eat, “Alright you two, let’s go. Y/n, can you hand me the glasses please?” 
Y/n smiled but as they turned around, their jaw fell open and there stood Alex Cabot in the flesh wearing a wide grin. 
Y/n felt a tear slip down their cheek and as they dove into Alex’s arms, they spoke softly, “Mama! Wha-what are you doing here?” 
Alex smiled and held them tight, “I’m coming home, I got sick of Florida, and I wanted to be near some of my favorite people, so I decided to move back home.” 
Y/n pulled back with tears and a certain look in their eye but before Alex could ask them what was wrong, Y/n pulled away completely and said, “Let’s eat!” 
Alex watched them carefully and then turned to make eye contact with Olivia confirming if she saw it as well and once Alex saw the look, they knew something was going on and now both women were suspicious. 
They would leave it alone until later, for now it was time to have some family bonding. 
Talking amongst each other and going about how their days were and what they all did, dinner quickly ended. 
Liv smiled at Noah and told him it was bedtime and to say goodnight to everyone but of course he didn’t want to go to bed yet but with one look from his older sibling, he compiled and told everyone goodnight. 
Liv gave Alex a look that told her to get started and she’d be back soon, and Alex complied, “So let’s go ahead and dive in, no bullshitting. How are you really, sweetheart?” 
Y/n faltered slightly with the dish in their hand, “I-uh I’m fine, why?” 
Alex sighed and put everything down, “Listen to me, I know I haven’t been here like I should have for quite a few years but I’m coming back and I’m going to be here and around you quite a lot. So, tell me now and I won’t have to use my lawyer skills on you.” 
Y/n took a shaky breath, trying to speak the truth but the burning lump in their throat wouldn’t cooperate and all that came out was a broken sob, quickly covering their mouth and turning into the arms that came around them, they let all the pain out. 
Alex held Y/n tightly, one hand on the back of their head and the other rubbing their back, “Let it out, little bear. It’s ok, I’m here. It’s ok.” 
Y/n cried hard into Alex’s shoulder, holding themselves close to her and let out a few broken words, “I’m so tired, mama. It’s so fucking hard.” 
Olivia heard those words as she came around the corner and immediately wrapped her arms around the two and held them, letting a few tears at the obvious pain their little bear was in. 
After a while Y/n pulled back, Alex and Liv had more questions but kept quiet and led them into the living room. 
After a while longer, Liv spoke but kept a tight grip on Y/n’s hand, “What’s going on, sweetheart? Tell us, please.” 
As a hand went carding through Y/n’s hair, they broke again and spilled it all, “When is it going to be me? Everyone is leaving me behind, moms! All that happens in this life for me is I help people, but when it comes to getting help in return, I get ‘I’m sorry, I’m busy’! When am I going to be placed first!? When am I going to get helped in return!? When is it going to be ME?” 
Alex and Olivia both felt tears streaming down their faces at the obvious pain and turmoil in Y/n’s voice, they could see clearly in their body language and their face how tired they were. 
Olivia immediately drew her eldest in for a hug, squeezing them tight, cradling them. Alex immediately came in behind and wrapped herself around the two, holding both Olivia and Y/n, they cried with their child. 
While Alex wasn’t legally Y/n’s other mother, she sure as hell thought of Y/n as her child as well and damnit, she was going to help bring the light back to their eyes. 
Sitting on the couch for quite a while letting Y/n get some of their pain out, Olivia spoke, “Listen to me, we may not be your friends or your coworkers, but we are your mothers and as long as we are here, we will never forget you. Little bear, neither of us care what time it is, where we are, what we are doing, come and find us and we will be there. Ok?” 
Alex made a noise of agreement, placed a soft kiss upon the back of Y/n’s and said, “Listen to your mom, she’s a wise woman. We’re here, sweetheart. We are here, we always will be.” 
Y/n made a noise of acknowledgment and nodded against Olivia, and they said in a broken voice, “Thank you, please never leave me.” 
Alex squeezed harder and said, “Never, we will fight to be here by your side for the rest of our lives. You are our child, we will never forget, never leave, and will always make time for you.” 
They continued to stay in their little pile they made for a couple more hours, keeping their child sandwiched between them and cocooned in safety. 
With Y/n drifting to sleep, the last thing they heard and felt was Olivia’s voice and Alex squeezing tightly, “No matter how far you roam, we will always find you. What is lost, will always be found.” 
Alex chimed in, “If we even let you out of our sight, you are our baby, and we swore to protect you. We love you, Y/n. Please never forget.” 
Drifting to sleep within the warmth and safety of their mom’s arms, Y/n was finally at peace. 
Bonus: The next morning  
Y/n was groggy when they awoke, rubbing their eyes, raising up to find where the voices were coming from, they spotted their mothers locked in an embrace and made a slight face before speaking and scaring both women, “Ew but fucking finally, it’s about damn time and I would continue but I want more sleep, just don’t be too loud if you have sex. Two impressionable children in the apartment.” 
Both women gaped at Y/n and shook their heads while Y/n fell back asleep with a soft smile on their face and a soft huff of a laugh escaping their lips and thinking as they drifted even farther into sleep, “Fucking finally, it only took them 24 years.” 
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rebouks · 2 months
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Hmmmmmmm where to even start, I love these past few scenes with the og Finch fam cos I think it does a really good job of encapsulating their family dynamics..
We already know that Oscar's pissed off with Noah for what he said but I don't think we can really blame him for thinking Oscar might just be like meh if something happened to Sid. It's no secret they don't have the best relationship-.. not to say they don't love each other cos they do, a LOT, but I think you can love and admire someone and still find it really hard to get along or be around them for too long.
I think what's REALLY interesting here though, is how Oscar's always felt second best to Noah (aka Golden Boy) but in reality, it's actually been Noah in the backseat all along.
I rewatched Breaking Bad recently and there's a scene where Jesse says something to his brother about him being the favourite cos he's well behaved and does well in school and wins trophies etc etc. but his brother's just like ?? are you kidding? you're all they talk about! It made me think about Oscar/Noah and how similar it is with them.
Almost since the moment he arrived, everything was always about Oscar. He's the one they worried and argued over, the one who took up more of their time and attention, the one who needed them the most, yet it still wasn't enough.
Sid's always been brash and a tough love type of person and in terms of the type of mother she was/is, probably not what Oscar needed. I don't think it's either of their faults, or that either particularly did anything wrong, it's just the way they are. Alton's always been inert too, which doesn't help. He's rubbish in an emergency, never makes any decisions until it's too late, never steps in when he should-.. and on the rare occasion he does, he'll probably go about it in the wrong way. Noah's the placatory one on the side-lines, trying to pick everything up once it's fallen apart; except he's clumsy with it and he's not very good at reading the room or putting himself in other people's shoes so his "help" often feels insincere and judgemental and that doesn't help either.
Sure, Noah's closer to his parents and spends WAY more time with them, he's barely ever fallen out with them and he's never felt neglected by them/resented Oscar or anything but I still think he's undeniably aware that he's not the favourite Oscar claims he is. He was just easy in comparison. I think Oscar's somewhat aware of it though, he briefly mentions it in this scene, saying; "They didn’t prefer you. You just weren’t a little cunt like me." Although.. he kinda overlooks this fact most of the time, probably because of his bitterness toward feeling like a misfit in his own family and general penchant for ruminating on the past.
Sid/Alton were just never equipped to deal with a kid like Oscar. He needed patience, empathy, trust and guidance but he didn't get any of that-.. like they gave up on him before he even knew what that meant. As guilty as it makes him feel, he'd be relieved if Sidney wasn't around cos he'd have no one to prove anything to anymore-.. like how Wyatt felt free when his father died!! A strong comparison maybe but the same undercurrent of never feeling worthy is there, y'know? Even if the relationship is much, much different.
It's a shame really, but no matter how much Oscar grows as a person, his family still kinda see him the same way that they used to; the unstable and impulsive one. It's like they're blind to all the nuances of his personality and sometimes I just wanna shake em like ahhhhhsdkjskdjk.. Oscar could do 9 good things and 1 bad and you can guaranteeee they'd focus on the bad :/ (side note: this is probably the main reason Robin is sorta like eh toward them all as well - more so than the other kiddos - cos he can sense all this and it pisses him off almost as much as it does me fkjfjk)
I don't know, this family is SO interesting to me.. like I don't think any of them are wrong for how they are or how they act with one another but they're so inherently mismatched that they just don't work. They've never been much of a functional family unit if you include Oscar, however cute they can be sometimes, and they probably never will be. That's just the way it is...
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mostlyinthemorning · 6 months
Noah living his best life singing O Canada at the Yankees-Jays game today. x
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
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artificialstardust · 6 months
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byleriscannon22 · 2 months
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As pessoas não podem ver o Noah com ninguém do elenco que já dizem que ele está a se intrometer. Tipo, não????💀
Eu vi literalmente um comentário a dizer que um dos irmão Duffers convidou o Noah porque foi “obrigado”???? Tipo podemos parar de ser assim. Se vocês não gostam do Noah é só ignorar e bloquear as coisas que aparece dele. Se os vossos favs estão com ele é só ignorar a presença dele e não o rebaixar. Eu vi literalmente um comentário que dizia “fagoah”. Tudo bem gives odiarem-o mas isso não quer dizer que vocês podem ser homofóbicos só porque ele deu a sua opinião. E alguns estão a fazer com que ele só apareceu lá e decidiu que ia ficar com eles. Vocês acham mesmo que ele iria sem ter sido convidado?! Se eles o convidaram é porque são amigos e gostam da presença dele.
O Finn já chegou a dizer numa entrevista que ele e o Noah ficaram mais próximos nas filmagens da 4 temporada. Se eles não gostassem da presença do Noah ele não estaria ali. Vocês falam como outros estão a ser obrigados a andar com ele e a ficar na presença dele. 💀🙄
Por amor de Deus!!!! Ninguém obriga ninguém a nada. Se eles o não queriam tar com ele não estariam. No vídeo o Finn e ele estão próximos. Vocês acham mesmo que se o Finn não o quisesse ali ele estaria próximo.?! Não!! Se ele o não quisesse ali ele estaria do outro lado. Por exemplo á beira da Natália ou onde está um Duffer. A homofobia não é nada fixe. O comentário “faggoah” foi literalmente escrito por um Byler.💀💀
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Parem com essa palhaçada de eles não quererem estar com ele. Os boatos de que ele estava a ser ignorado pelo elenco nas gravações já foi desmentido 3 vezes agora. No teaser que eles lançaram nós vimos um dos Duffers a abraçar o Noah. Eles já repostaram algo que o Noah postou e disseram que estavam orgulhosos dele.
Vocês podem odiar o Noah mas isso não é desculpa para serem homofóbicos. Sendo que á literalmente pessoas piores para odiar.
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Vocês acham mesmo que se o Finn não estivesse confortável com o Noah ou que parasse de ser amigo dele deixaria o Noah estar assim perto dele. Ele podia claramente afastar-se e ir para outro lugar. Mas não!!! Ele não fez!!! Ele ficou próximo do Noah. Então parem de dizer que o Noah deixa todos á sua volta desconfortáveis pois ele não faz. Eu até queria que saísse um vídeo deles a interagir e as pessoas da net e os que odeiam o Noah vissem eles a falar e confortáveis. O Finn e o Noah foram até vistos juntos sozinhos.
E agora tá toda a gente a criar rumores de que o Noah é racista e outras coisas. Tipo, não!! Parem de dizer coisas que são claramente mentiras. Os Duffers gostam do Noah. O Finn ainda é amigo do Noah. A Millie também é melhor amiga do Noah. Na foto o Joe está feliz. Eu vi um comentário a dizer que dava para ver que eles estavam desconfortáveis. No vídeo a Natália brinca com o Finn. O Ross estava com um sorriso. O Joe estava com um sorriso. Então parem de criar coisas só para justificarem o elenco estar á beira dele. Ainda há pessoas que dizem que o Noah é feio, mas depois, vais ver o post anterior da pessoa e é uma foto do Will com o título a dizer que o Will é bué bonito. Tipo não faz sentido.
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Se puseres está foto vai ter pessoas a dizer que o Will está bué lindo.
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Mas se alguém postar alguma foto do Noah vão dizer que ele é feio.
Não faz sentido!!!!!
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idontplaytrack · 6 months
Mama Bear
Olivia Benson x teen daughter reader + younger brother Noah (ft. Amanda & Fin)
Warnings: fluff, slight descriptions of vomiting
In which, reader falls sick for the first time in a long time, driving Olivia into full on mama bear mode while having to juggle work and also making sure that Noah was taken care of
Olivia was making breakfast when she heard your usual morning alarm clock go off. However, when you didn’t turn it off like you usually would, she initially thought you just wanted to laze in bed for a little bit. Still ten minutes go by, you didn’t walk out and your alarm went off again. That caused alarms to go off in her head. Olivia turned the stove off and walked up to your room, knocking on the door.
“y/n, time to wake up, honey.” She opens the door after that, surprised to see your curtains closed and the blanket basically covering your head completely.
“No.” You mumbled into your pillow.
You never did this. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Her immediate reaction was honestly to worry, but she didn’t show it. Obviously. But it’s not like you could see her face.
“My head hurts so bad, Mom.” You croaked.
Now, the panic really set in. She hasn’t heard you admit you weren’t feeling well in at least 3 years. It was always an occasional cold or headache that you got, but this time around? You were really beaten down.
“Is sissy okay, mama?” Noah asked, Olivia turned her head to see him standing in your doorway.
“She’ll be okay, she’s just not feeling too good this morning. Give me a minute and I’ll bring you breakfast, okay, honey?”
“Okay.” The boy agreed quickly and left you and Olivia alone again.
“Baby, can you sit up for me please?” She requested, her hand rubbing your back comfortingly, “Is it just your head that hurts?”
“I don’t know.” You managed to tell her, your lower lip quivering, signalling to her that you were about to cry. Something she’s always knew about you- you cry easily when you’re ill. “My ears? I can’t- I can’t really hear that well on one side.”
“Oh, I think you have an ear infection, sweetheart.” Olivia realised, “Just- stay here and give me a minute to get Noah sorted.”
Olivia rushed back outside to give Noah his breakfast of pancakes and scrambled eggs then grabbed her phone to text Lucy to come over and keep an eye on Noah, then she texts Fin to tell him that she won’t be at work that morning, explaining why as well. He didn’t even need an explanation.
The doctor confirms Olivia’s suspicions of an ear infection. A double ear infection, an after effect of a cold which caused there to be fluid buildup in your inner ears and a bit of hearing loss — which thankfully, will resolve once the prescribed antibiotics kick in and run its full course. The doctor also gave you three days off of school in order to recuperate. But let’s face it, even if she didn’t, you would’ve stayed home anyway- even normal talking had you flinching. You couldn’t imagine spending a whole day in school feeling like this. Your head also felt like it was going to explode if people kept talking to you. It even hurt to open your mouth- so eating was the least of your worries currently. Finally, after a noisy drive, you were back home. Once the front door opened, Noah tackled you with a hug. “Hi, bubby.”
“Sorry you’re not feeling good.”
“Thanks, bub.” You ran a hand through his hair.
“y/n, go to your room and I’ll bring you a little something to eat before you take your meds, hm?”
“Okay.” You quietly agreed and walked into your room.
“So, what’d the doctor say?” Asked Lucy.
“Double ear infection, bit of a hearing loss in one ear but it’ll go away once the meds take effect.”
“That’s good. Do you want me to just keep an eye on her too so you can go to work? I know how much you hate missing work.”
Olivia chuckles, “Ah, I think a bit of time off would do me some good. I already told my squad I won’t be going in today.”
Lucy nodded.
“Yeah, so you can go if you want.” Olivia says.
“No, it’s okay. My day’s free. It’ll probably be better if I stay for a little longer, at least. Seeing that you probably need to take care of y/n.”
“Thank you.” Olivia smiled lightly, proceeding to go boil some water in the electric kettle in order to make you some oatmeal. She slathers a couple tablespoons of peanut butter onto the top of the oatmeal before bringing it to you on a tray, along with a cup of water.
The worst symptom was the unpredictable, sudden stabbing pains that you’d get that will literally bring tears to your eyes. “Okay, I need the painkillers.” You told your mother decisively.
“I’ll bring it for you now. But here’s some oatmeal so the meds won’t hurt your stomach, okay?”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Flashing you a smile, she leaves the room to retrieve your medications from the dining table. You fought through the ache and ate a few spoonful of the goop, though you actually really liked it…despite how unpleasant it may look. Your Mom knew exactly what you liked to eat and how you liked it.
“Here, take this for the pain and fever first. Eat a bit more oatmeal then take one of these antibiotics pills, okay?” She took them out for you, then she just sits there with you. You nodded wordlessly and just did as she told you to.
“Take the antibiotic pill with the oatmeal, honey.” She suggested- no, reminded you. “I know it’s hard for you to do it, but please?”
You whined.
“You need to take it, baby.” She cups your cheek, stroking it with her thumb, “Otherwise the pain will just get worse and we don’t want that.”
You held your breath and put the pill in your mouth, swiftly chasing it with a spoonful of oatmeal. You swallowed the whole mouthful before the chalky medicine could dissolve too much.
“That’s my girl.” Olivia smiled of relief, “Okay, you still want the oatmeal?”
“No, thanks.”
“Alright, I’ll take of that. You get some rest.”
When evening comes around, you were still asleep. You fell asleep a good four hours ago and only got woken up when you heard a new voice. Wait- it was one you recognised. Fin’s
“She’s in her room. Asleep.” You heard your Mom tell him.
“It’s okay, I just wanted to drop this off. Got her a little something to cheer her up.”
You groggily sat up in your bed then stood up, dragging yourself on your feet to the bathroom. Randomly shivering, now that you were away from the warmth of your sheets and blanket. You hurriedly washed your face with the cleanser to rid it of the greasy feeling. When you made your way out to the living room, he was still there, playing with Noah.
“Oh, you’re up.” Olivia realises.
“Yup.” You forced a smile.
“Hey.” Fin greeted you.
“Hi Fin. Thanks for the uh…thing you got me.” You said.
“No problem. It’s just a little something.” He shrugs.
“Mom, where- where’s my water bottle? I can’t find it. I thought I had it in my room.”
“Ah, I just washed and refilled it for you. It’s in the fridge.” Olivia recalls. While you drank some of that cold water to hydrate, Fin was chatting with your Mom- Telling her she didn’t have to worry about work. But you all knew her and knew that as much as she was a loving mother, she also loved her job and would be working all day if life allowed her to.
“Just go back to work tomorrow.” You pretty sure you slurred.
The adults glanced at you, slightly amused. “You heard her.” Fin says.
“Are you sure?” Oliva asks.
“I’ll just be clingy tonight, then I’m pretty sure I’ll feel a bit better tomorrow- better enough to not be clingy.” You shrugged, sitting at the table, gripping onto your cold, olive coloured Nalgene with both hands. Noah laughs. You did too.
Your gaze falls on the box of chocolate on the table in front of you. Your fingers reached out to peel off the clear plastic wrap. “Ooh, can I have one? Please, sissy?”
“Sure, Noah.” You cleared your throat, chuckling. “Here, pick one.”
“Yay!” He cheered, jumping off the couch and running over to you to take a look at the selection.
“Fin, you really shouldn’t have.” Olivia says.
“Can’t stop me. Or Carisi and Rollins who are on their way with dinner.” He shrugs.
“Oh, my God.” Liv inhales. “You can’t be serious.”
“Do I look like I wanna mess with you right now?” He squinted, “Look, I got one grandkid, the squad’s kids are like my own, too. Just let me spoil ‘em once in awhile.”
“Once in awhile? You get her a box of chocolates and some chips every month.”
Fin laughs, “We all need a little treat.”
As if on cue, there was a string of knocks on the door, making you jump and seethe in pain. Noah looks at you worriedly for a moment. “I’m okay, bubs. Just my ears being a little sore.”
He nodded, quickly more interested in the box of chocolates once again. Liv got up to answer the door, giving you a squeeze on the shoulder when she walked by you.
“Sorry, I should’ve given them the heads up to not knock.” Fin said.
“It’s- it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
Unexpectedly, your stomach felt heavy after dinner. Like it just did not feel right. But, everyone else seemed right as rain. You deduced that it must’ve been a side effect of the antibiotics. By then, Fin and Carisi had left, Noah was sitting with Olivia and Amanda when you got up from your seat on the couch, leaving Amanda alone chatting with your Mom. You quietly retreated to your bedroom, and sat on your bed, wishing for the sickening feeling to pass.
You hear the creaking of your door, causing you to look up. Amanda leans on the doorframe asking if you were okay. “Uh, not really?”
“Do you need me to get your mom?”
“I don’t- think so. Just the antibiotics making me feel a little, ugh.” You took in a sharp breath, then a sip of water- slowly. “Oh, God.” You jerked, scrambling to your bathroom. A very worried Amanda trails after you. The little bit of food you had for dinner spills out from your mouth, leaving an extremely uncomfortable burning sensation in your throat. You felt a hand on your back, and the blonde’s voice assuring you at you were okay. Seconds later, another voice- your Mom’s.
“She’s alright. The antibiotics upset her stomach.” Amanda says. “You ready to get back into bed?”
You nodded, “I want to- uh, rinse my mouth.”
“Okay, easy, easy. You got it.” Amanda held onto you while you hear your Mom fluffing your pillows then she leaves, and returns. You hear the sound of a plastic trash can hit your floor.
Amanda helps you back into bed, your Mom pulls the blanket up to cover you properly. “Thanks.” You smiled, now feeling a tad embarrassed about what’d just happened.
“Don’t mention it,” The blonde smiled, “Feel better soon, hun. I’m gonna get goin’, Liv. I’ll see you back at work soon,”
“Alright. Good night, Amanda.”
You watched her leave, then your gaze pans over to your Mom. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine- go back to work tomorrow.”
“Okay, okay.” Olivia agrees, “I’m gonna leave your door open, so if anything- I can probably hear you better, alright?”
“Alright.” You shrugged.
She presses a kiss to the crown of your head,“Good night, sweet girl.”
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cass1x1 · 2 years
ethan/noah: [ 📲 sms: ] my day would’ve been a lot better if i’d gotten to spend it with you. / [ 📲 sms: ] netflix? chill? both?
[ 📲 sms: ] my day would’ve been a lot better if i’d gotten to spend it with you.
[11:41pm] thanks [12:00am] you too [12:01am] i mean mine would've been better with you too
[ 📲 sms: ] netflix? chill? both?
[unsent] both [7:15pm] lol yeah ok [7:16pm] i'll be there in 5
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eucatastrph · 1 year
constant reinforcement throughout the dream thrives that family is a choice, even if it is by blood, the fact that the lynch brothers still choose to spend Sundays together because they love each other deep down vs. the grey man’s well earned fear of his brother who is “the worst thing”, gansey’s realisation that his parents are his parents not just because they made him but because they choose to care for and love him, and that adam’s father is the opposite, blue has “family and everyone else” in a way that has nothing to do with blood
there is no room for “forgive them because they’re family” here, if they wanted to be your family they would choose you back
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elephantshoetoo · 2 months
So, what are we thinking -- Finn started working out because he knew he'd have a steamy shirtless Byler scene to film and wanted Mike to look goooooood for his man...?
Anyone else feeling this?
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qulizalfos · 8 months
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strawberry wine by noah kahan playing softly in the background :)
yall this is a redraw of one of my favorite scenes from chapter 2 of homesick. by the amazing talented kind and wonderful wayli @wayward-sherlock and basically i cannot urge you to read this fic enough - the prose, the characterization, the dialogue and the vibes are all IMPECCABLE and so, so vivid. wayli's eloquence is super impactful and i adore every sentence. also the depth and thought and care that has gone into it is INSANE. you would not believe it. genuinely. thank u so much for letting me beta this wayli i cannot emphasize enough what an HONOR it is and i love u sm<3333
click for quality, closeups under the cut🫡
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