#o-kay bub
wikitpowers · 1 month
no bc what if after tlkof comes out i'll be tempted to get a kit quote tattoo??????? and what if i actually do it????????
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he115re · 2 months
Nice tits
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Literally just the dreamies holding/touching your tits :)
MDNI!! , tit holding, nipple play, kissing, teasing?, proof read, uhm might've forgotten something.
He is the type to mindlessly play with your tits. You're both laying on the couch cuddled up to each other. In your most comfortable clothes, he has an arm over your shoulder while the other holds his phone. He's scrolling mindlessly trying to fill his mind of something as ads roll. The hand by your shoulder slowly slips into your sweater by the collar and immediately finds your soft nipple his cold hands making it harden.
You look at him to see if he's doing it on purpose but to your surprise , he's still mindlessly scrolling. He takes the nub between his fingers and starts lightly tweaking it. You sigh at the feeling, he's done this so much he doesn't even have to think about it.
You put your hand atop his to get his attention and he looks at you confused. He looks down at where his hand is and then at you and gives you an apolagrtic smile going to move his hand "I didn't tell you to stop" you mutter as you move in closer to him.
A boyish smile plasters across his face as you climb on his lap and start kissing his neck. "Would've done this ages ago if I knew you'd act like this". You don't think of protesting to his statement, instead you shut him up by kissing him.
When I tell you he knows you like his hands. He'll take any opportunity to say that. Puts his hand on your thigh and lightly squeezes while he's talking to a friend.
But his favorite activity so far is pulling your shirt up and holding your tits, you'll look down to see his hands and then to him and he'll just smile "thought they needed a holder" he says as he playfully pushes them up. Your nipples between his forefinger and middle finger, he pinches at them before moving to using this thumb to circle the now hard buds "and you said you loved my hands" he whispers in your ear "you can watch them as I play with your tits" he whispers as he kisses just below your earlobe.
Whatever you were doing is forgotten as you lean into his touch. You put your hands on his forearms as he continues go play with your tits. He lightly tugs at the buds watching your face for every reaction as he does so.
Face first into them. He'll come back from the gym and just needs to recharge. He'll drop his bag and crawl on top of you, lifting your shirt up making you giggle as his soft and damp hair tickles your skin. He knows you don't wear a bra while at home so all he needs to do is lay down.
And lay he does, his weight on you like a weighted blanket, his considerably hotter body warming you up. Any protest of him being too warm, too heavy, or stinky fall to deaf ears, he knows you love this about him. He's heard one too many times, of you talking to your friends about it when you think he's asleep.
If you start complaining a little too much though he'll sneak one of his hands up to your tit and gently massage it also lifting his head up so he can take your nipple into his mouth. Instantly your words get caught in your throat at his actions as he rolls the hardening bub between his lips. It's muscle memory at this point, he doesn't need to put much thought into remembering what you like.
He lightly sucks at the bud rolling his tongue along the tip. He release it with a wet pop as he moves his head go to the other resuming the same actions. You put your hand on top of patting it gently "okay-o-kay i-i get it I'll shut up" you say in defeat and he pauses his actions "but please don't stop" you mumble. He smiles and continues pulling you almost impossibly close to him.
Omg gamer alert. He loves playing games but he also loves watching you play games, any kind of game as long as you're passionate about it. Just the intensity of your concentration. You're so in tune that you didn't notice him sneaking up behind you, or when his hands slid under your shirt to grope your breasts.
You only really take notice when he tells you to use a specific item. Now the warmth on your chest makes sense. But you don't bother to say anything "it's extra support" he says as he excuses now playing with your nipples as he watches you play. "Heachan you're distracting me" you protest as you slightly curl into yourself. God if only he didn't know they were so sensitive.
He smirks "oh,don't mind me" he says as he continues now also kissing along your neck. He completely understands why you distract him from his game a whole lot now. A moan slips past your lips as he starts to suck a new hickey onto your neck. You quickly hit pause on your game and try your best to pull him closer to you.
"Fu-fuck this" you mumble as you pull him into a kiss which he gladly accepts. He leans over your chair pushing you deeper into it. Oh now he gets it, the power he feels just from doing this, he could get used to doing this more often.
Loves watching you dress. Especially when you're still half asleep. The first thing you put on is a some pants. Then you walk around looking for your bra. And when you find it, you waddle on over to him for help. Tho it's not his favorite thing in the world "aw cmon let your tits outs" he'd protest but he does enjoy helping you put the clasps on if you're struggling. He gets to sneakily hold you tits saying he's adjusting the cups.
He also enjoys seeing your shirt bunched up at the top as you try to remember where you left your deodorant. He always comes up behind you and slides one of his hands under the cup of your bra as he reaches up to where it is, he always miss places it so he has the chance to. He squishes at the soft flesh as he leans down to kiss your cheek "you always forget where you put it~" he teases as he puts the deodorant in your hands.
It seems now's the time to forget about getting dressed as you turn your head to capture your lips in his, you don't miss the little smirk as you do so.
Domestic moment! Doesn't usually do it out of the blue, but seeing you doing some menial task like washing the dishes, making your self a snack, standing in the kitchen while he's in there, just doing anything in the kitchen. It fills him with the urge of being close to you. Skin to skin. But he can't since he doesn't want to disturb you.
So he settles for sliding his hands under your shirt, resting his hands on your bare hips and playing with the waistband of your shorts. "Lele what are you doing? " you ask with a slight giggle as he taps his fingers. "Can't I touch the love of my life? " he asks as he lightly squeezes at your hips.
You shake your head "I know what you're doing" you say in faux annoyance. Even if he doesn't do it often you know his ulterior motives. He feigns ignorance as he slides his hands up your hips to your waist "I have no idea what you're talking about". He says smile clear in his voice. His hands keep on wandering until they're at your ribcage just below the swell of your breast.
"Chenle" you say in a warning tone, but just as you utter his name he does the opposite. He easily pushes up your bra and replaces it by cupping your breasts. He smiles to himself as you sigh in defeat. He lays his head on your shoulder to look at what you're doing "whatcha doing anyways? " he innocently asks looking at your hands that are frozen in place as he starts to toy with your nipples.
He shyly slides his hands up to your chest. They were already there hugging your waist as you sit in his lap. He can't remember exactly why you're there but now he just has to hold them in his hands. They inch up slowly watching for any hesitation.
But to his suprise you just move his hands to your tits yourself, a surprised gasp leaving his lips as you do so. He hides his face in the crook of your neck slightly embarrassed by your boldness. But that doesn't mean he'll stop. You just gave him permission why would he stop now?
His hands automatically cup your breasts lightly squeezing at the flesh as he gently rolls his fingers over it. He loves the small reactions you give him despite being immersed in your own thing. The small gasp you let out as his pointer finger pushes on your nipple and then rolls over it. Or the way you stiffle a moan as he starts kissing at your neck both of his hands now gently playing with your tits. He's all too observant of every reaction even when you slightly shift and lean back against him.
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thoughtsforsoob · 2 months
Could you do something with TXT with a s/o that has emetophobia (fear of vomiting)? i struggle a lot with that phobia and it would mean a lot to see something like that :)
a/n: Hello!! thank you for requesting. I also have this fear and it’s the worst thing to have when you also have e/d. anywayssss please enjoy and I hope this can give you some comfort :)
he totally understands you and why you would be scared of this
he finds out about your fear when you get sick
you two had gone out to eat that night when when you came back home, you started to feel sick
you had eating something bad and were about to find out
you ran off to the bathroom and started to cry while throwing up
yeonjun heard your sniffles and insisted he go in with you
he frowns and almost cries watching how sad and scared you were
he wipes away your tears and helps you brush your teeth and clean up after, giving you the ultimate princess treatment
"im so sorry. i know it's scary. let's forget about it and focus on helping you recover."
you period cramps always made you nauseous so soobin finds out the first time you get your period while dating him.
you wake up with a stabbing paid in your stomach from the cramps.
you start waking soobin up when you feel the nausea coming on because you wrre feelign scared and didnt wanna go through it alone
he wakes up and you drag him with you to the bathroom
he immediately starts to understand why and comforts you.
a gentle hand on your back and one in your hair, ocassionaly moving the hand on your back to wipe stray tears from your cheeks
"oh baby, lets' fix these cramps so they dont make you sick again. poor baby."
He didn’t understand at first but it all hit him the first time he goes through this experience with you
You were both having a yummy dinner and having a few drinks
Once you both got home, you weren’t feeling really well
You’d eaten a little too much and you felt absolutely nauseous (idk about you guys but this happens when I eat out)
You explained to him that you feel nauseous but you’re scared
he does his best to go along with it and just comforts you, talking you through it.
“Bub, don’t be scared. You’re gonna be okay. I’m gonna make sure of that.”
so so caring
if he sees you feeling sick and looking like you’re gonna throw up, he’s by your side in an instant
he walks with you to the bathroom to throw up and he’s with you the whole way through
He knows you’re scared so he holds back your hair and rubs your back
he talks you through the whole thing and once you’re done, he gives you a smile
“I’m sorry my love. I know it’s scary but you’re okay. I’m here. Let’s get you cleaned up alright?”
huening kai
you had a little get together at your apartment with kai, his bandmates, and some of your own friends
you were drinking and after a while. you had goen over your own limit
you started to feel sick and immediately looked for kai
you rushed to the kitchen and gave him and scared look
he rushed to you and you explained, with a slurred voice, you felt sick but scared to throw up
he nodded and led you slowly to the bathroom to make sure he could keep and eye on you
"it's okay. let it out, bubba. no more drinks for you tonight or you'll make yourself sick again."
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fairybinie · 10 months
.✰ 8:14 PM
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🎧﹟‘this fluttering sensation my heart is mayhem but i love it we are finally perfect the two of us, us, us.’ - crown
pairings: idol!kai x gn!reader
genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
wc: 1.1k
warnings: pet names, mentions of insecurity, kissing
꒰ 💌 ꒱ my contribution to k-labels debut event <3 also happy birthday to my bestest boy in the world ⋆˙⟡♡
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“what’s on your mind, love?” kai asks as you two walk hand in hand near the calm, glistening pond.
you hum in slight exhaustion. still, a small smile forms on your face hearing your boyfriend’s voice after the comfortable silence between you two.
“nothing, i promise!” you do your best to reassure. you bring your intertwined hands in the air and move them back and forth as you continue to stride along the path.
“tsk, didn’t know we were lying to each other now,” kai shakes his head in a teasing manner. despite his actions, his words were serious enough. “c’mon, y/nnie. you were quiet throughout the entire dinner.”
ah, yes. kai and his members were back in town after the first half of their tour. tonight was kai’s birthday and you all decided to eat out in celebration of his special day. you were ecstatic seeing your boyfriend after all these months. seeing his pretty face in person after those daily facetime calls was much more than you could ask for. catching up with his friends was also a neat bonus, you missed them too.
it was too bad you weren’t exactly in your best mood. lately you haven’t been feeling like yourself. getting up in the morning has taken you longer, your sleep schedule has become inconsistent, you overthink everything you do now. not to mention, you haven’t felt great about your appearance recently. you’ve thought of confiding to kai about this, but he’s been so excited about his performances that you didn’t want to bring him down.
still, you can only handle so much burden.
you sigh in defeat and warn him in advance. “i don’t want to ruin your birthday with my stuff, bub.”
kai stops you both in your place which forces you to bring your gaze from the ground onto him, slightly off guard.
“we’re not going home until you do,” kai’s eyes glimmer in the moonlight, ensuring this safe space. “i mean- talk to me, not ruin my birthday.”
“i’ve just been in a funk, kai,” you eventually give in, staring at the water ahead. “i haven’t been feeling great mentally and physically and it’s taking a toll on me. even tonight, i was staring at myself in the mirror longer than usual! it’s like anything i do, wear, or say isn’t right and i don’t know what to do at this point.”
kai remains silent and thoroughly listens to your rant. with each word he traces small shapes on your hand, a habit of his you loved. he hasn’t done anything and he’s already soothing you.
“why didn’t you tell me sooner?” he asks in a whisper.
“i- you have a lot going for you, i didn’t think you’d understand,” now that you say it out loud, it’s a little unfair for you to assume something like that. your boyfriend was a star, not avoidant of feelings like this.
“and i…didn’t want to be a buzzkill,” you mumble under your breath while kicking a nearby pebble to the pond.
you both watch the stone trickle along the water creating the path it does. you glance up at kai, who sucks his right cheek in as he bites the inside in thought. he was too naturally cute to you, which has your eyes smile.
“baby, i was feeling the exact same way not too long ago,” kai mentions the truth that shocks you momentarily. you felt a sense of remorse, were you too focused on yourself to realize?
“you were?” you nearly gasp, upset with yourself.
“why do you think i barely showed my face while we talked on the phone?” kai reminds in a lighthearted manner. “at this point you’ve memorized my forehead.”
your lips form an o shape as you take in his confession, unsure of what to say next. kai fills in the empty void and continues to add on.
“i’ve had plenty of days like that,” kai reminisces as he longingly stares ahead before looking back at you in an admiring gaze.
“how do you make them go away?” your voice nearly cracks, almost like you’ve given up.
kai tilts his head as he thinks up to the stars before staring at the one standing right next to him.
“i’ve found that keeping yourself busy distracts you from those thoughts,” he responds. “or treating and enjoying yourself with the little things.”
“it’s hard to do that when you’re away,” you admit in a mutter, a pout following your words. the action brings you and kai to a smile.
“i know my love, but tour is almost over,” kai reassures while kissing your hands. a giggle escapes from you and kai excitedly reacts, pointing his free hand at you in a gotcha moment. “see, you can enjoy yourself!”
you try to hide your smile after he says that to mess with him and kai facepalms in a frown. he glances at the trail ahead and heads over there, letting go of your hand in the process. you follow behind him, confusion taking over you as there’s nothing special about this area.
kai kneels down on the ground and starts collecting stemless flowers. his palm eventually becomes busy with several colors and he stands up, not quite satisfied yet. your mouth opens in attempt to speak, but it’s interrupted with pondering sounds coming from kai as he walks over to the other side, seemingly in search of something else.
you stay in your spot as all you can see is his back, but it appears like he’s crafting something. it’s not until he turns around and walks over to you with a completed twine and those flowers all around it. he made you a flower crown on the spot.
“maybe this can bring you happiness these upcoming days,” kai says as he places the crown on your head with light hands. his touch was always so delicate. “you’re already feeling better, aren’t you?”
“i guess,” you tease with your eyes rolled, that smile coming right back. kai returns the favor as he admires you in awe seeing his creation compliment you so well.
“here, back up a little,” he instructs all of a sudden, but you do as you’re told.
kai reaches in his pocket for his cell phone and whips out his camera app. you catch along and start protesting with your hands covering your face, but he urges you with pleads and cute clap backs. you can’t resist, and eventually bring yourself to showcase your biggest grin in your beautiful flower crown that your boyfriend made.
“now this is the best gift i could ask for,” he nearly says to himself as the camera shutters. this would become his new lockscreen.
you return back to kai and he welcomes you in his arms. you fit right in his embrace and you two begin to head off back home where cuddling, more talks, and movie binges await you before he leaves the next day.
please do not translate, modify or repost on other platforms.
© fairybinie
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゚𐦍༘⋆ @iyeonjuni @odxrilove @iuwon @ijhyo @cherr-y-eji @ameliesaysshoo @enhacolor @misscalcutta @cherrybeomgyu @wccycc @hyukabean @strawberri-uyu @hyuntaena @feyregels @boba-beom @luvnhwa @ericyjun @jmin-s @ashxxgyu @bibinnieposts @laylasbunbunny @shiguresohmas @beomsbeanie @stepout-09-15 @ox1-lovesick @soobsdior @ifwtyun @peachy-yabbay @sunlightwoo @ttyunz @rikijackson04 @miyawwn @aintgeluh @baekhyunstruly @wxnderingthoughts @myknifeyourlife @uwuheeseungie @luvrgirlkumi @s00buwu @kangfication
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evansbby · 1 year
*Cough cough*
A fic of senetor steve being and absolute SIMP for his wife after a whole Macho! Call me Mister Macho! I'm the whiskey makers best friend BITCHES! i'm the man, vote for me u assholes. lemme alpha up all in the bitch! Speech :3 Then entering the door and just all coo-y and ice cream puddly, and is dying inside coz he SOOO badly wants his shy omega wife to run her hands through his hair but she so fucking she and he knows he could ask her to but he doesnt WANT to ask her to. And the only way she'll do it is he makes her cry during sex. so he's all fidgetty during dinner. coz he really just wants her to scratch his head. And she's like, he's being so weird :( does he not like dinner? Why does he keep tilting his head at me when we were at the couch? He keeps ruffling his hair and if he does it one more time in gonna jump him- but i wont. Coz that wud make him mad :(
then hes like kay fuck it LETS FUCK (which is not loss to him at all really. and omega like oop ok no he's definitely ok and happy) and then during sex, she finnaly scratches his hair and he BUSTS. He just breaks and hes like FUUCKKKk OMEGA KEEP GOING! like A GOOD OMEGA LOVES ON THEIR ALPHAS LIKE THIS WHEN HE GETS HOME OMEGA. GOTTA DO THIS SHIT EVERYDAY U FEEL ME, GYAL?
and shes like o k...
and he spends a solid hour after comign home, with his head in her lap and scratching his head. The recorder is playing some old jazzy blues, their 100 kids are doing their hw on the coffee table infront of them, and damn if he doesnt feel absolute elated that he can feel their newest pup kick at his head from inside her belly.
He's just like "go at it bubs. i couldn't be happier."
then the interviewer asks him what he does to destress and he's goes dead silent. then just says some macho shit like "Golfing." and runs off.
everyone speculates that he really meant fucking coz his omega has a pregnancy announcement every other week but he knows. he knows his leg practically kicks when his omega is scratching his head 🤣
Bestie you’re genuinely SO funny like this made me laugh about ten times as I read it 😂😂 BUT it was also so hot 🫣🥵🥵
poyt!Steve totally WOULD give some macho misogynistic speech when he becomes senator. But really, he’s just so sweet for his baby omega wife, like SO soft for her! The moment he gets home, he’s literally all heart eyes. And HE LOVES when she scratches his head but ofc, he’ll never admit that!!! Ughh, I love how you wrote this… just Steve being so content with life and Stomega being domestic and in love and omega being all shy and just ahhhhh I LOVE THEM 🫣😍
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beah388love · 1 month
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Miguel Diaz Fluff Alphabet
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He loves to go to golf n stuff with you and to the park at noon time
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves your smile and especially your stomach he loves laying on it and using it as a pillow
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He would hug you and comfort you but he wouldn't speak because he wouldn't want to overwhelm you at all
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He would picture you guys in a beautiful home with your beautiful children and you all would be happy and healthy
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He always makes sure you guys are equal and that you both understand each other and make sure everything's acknowledged for the both of you
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He could never hold a grudge for longer than a day because he would always miss you or feel bad etc. So he always apologised first and in the fighting situation he would usually argue by saying everything that's annoying him etc and then listen to your side but then add in the shouting and tears
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is very grateful for you and always asks himself how he was so lucky to end up with you
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He doesn't usually hide things from you but he was a bit scared to tell you about his past with his dad but besides that no he doesn't have secrets
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You changed him in the way of his mindset when he's mad or upset so after a couple of your first arguments you kinda changed his perspective so now he will ask others perspective and will acknowledge their side of the story
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He doesn't always get jealous but he hates seeing you with Robby and he has told you before a lot to stay away from him
K iss - Are they a good kisser?
What was the first kiss like?
He's a good kisser and gives you very passionate kisses even if they're small or short and your first kiss was at golf n stuff on your second date and it was perfect
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Well he went to Johnny first and Johnny told him about golf n stuff so he took you on a date there and you both told each other how you felt and you started dating not long after that
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He would love to get married to you but definitely when your older and he would want it to be perfect but he wouldn't do it in public he would do it somewhere special and private
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He loves calling you bubs/bubba but usually he calls you baby
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He's sweet and gentle and gets you chocolates and flowers And it's usually quite obvious for others for example hawk and Demetri knew immediately when he first saw you at school
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's okay with PDA like he will kiss you in public and hold hands with you , cheek kisses and nose kisses etc.
Q uirk - Some random ability they
have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He loves to communicate with you about both your feelings and he's a chatterbox at night so he will always chat about his day etc which makes you fall asleep in less than two minutes
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He will give you gifts and give you his attention and especially his affection all the time
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He loves to help you achieve things but doesn't like doing things for you he likes to just help you achieve them if that makes sense
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He prefers a routine but will change small things for you and him if either of you want to
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows nearly every small thing about you wether it's your blood type to you middle name he knows everything
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it's worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is everything to him but karate has caused a lot of arguments in the relationship especially cobra Kai itself
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He keeps a Spotify album on his phone just for you and on his tv he has all your favourite films in a album on Disney + / Netflix etc.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He's very affectionate if he hasn't seen you after school or if he missed you but even if he has seen you all day he will still wanna cuddle you and kiss you anyway
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He will do karate to keep his mind off of it but if he can't then he'll just do the pillow trick by getting a pillow and cuddling it (pretending it's you)
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He said that if you had such a big problem with karate then he would give it up just for you after you did a breakup prank on him and you died right then and there
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
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Love will never be 5000 miles away.
Paring: Chris x Little sister! Reader
Warning: little angst, overwhelmed, emotionally exhausted, sibling relationship fluff
The prospect of Chris leaving for a bit again is too much for his younger sister, since he is her safety net and has always been.
Relationships were always a strange thing for y/n even if they were though blood but alas Chris was always the brother she found the safety net of comfort in, not to say her other siblings were bad or anything they all understood as a family y/n had the one person she’d always count on and that was Chrissy.
I found out Chris moving out again after he just came back from LA, it hurts because everyone is leaving or already has, Scott is in LA, my sisters have their own lives and here I am crying over the fact Chris is leaving again.
I’m silently crying trying not to be too loud because it’s so late at night, staring up at the ceiling thinking of why everyone leaves me alone. Maybe it’s something to do with me being the little sister to everyone, their all adults I’ve only just turned 17. I’m the baby I don’t mind it but sometimes it hurts.
I’m sat in my room just resting over a script, Dodger snoozing on the end of the bed like usual. It’s quiet but I feel like I can hear soft crying, it sounds like y/n but why would sweetpea be crying especially at this time. Looking at my clock it read 2:48am it’s a bit late for her to be awake considering she goes to bed early.
Knocking on her door not knowing what’s wrong makes me feel bad and I just want to cuddle her so she feels safe.
“Sweetpea it’s me, why you crying bubba? What’s goin on huh?” I said walking over to the edge of her bed, as soon as I did she grabbed on to me like a koala which confirmed that she definitely was in her head and exhausted.
“I- i don’t want you to leave me alone because I’ll miss you and you- make me feel -safe.” She sobbed whispering as quiet as I’ve ever heard her all I did was tighten my grip on her, peppering kisses on her forehead, rubbing my hands down the small of her back to comfort her.
“Baby, I’m not leaving you alone i would never dream of doing that bubba you know that. I’m just going back for a meeting I’ll be back in 3 days just the weekend then you’ve got me for the foreseeable okay bub.” I made it crystal clear for her that I want leaving her this is the thing y/n she’s always had issues with expressing her emotions to the point she gets emotionally exhausted and just explodes like now so the comfort and safety net i can give is the best thing and the only thing she wants most of the time.
“Oh o-‘Kay i thought-.” She started to reason but I cut her off so she couldn’t go down that road again it didn’t end well last time.
“Bubba I’m gonna stop you right there because you thought wrong and we are now going to go into my room with dodge, cuddle and watch monsters inc, okay.” I said to as I picked her up still in her koala like state walking across the hall.
“I’m ‘ired Chrissy, i just want cuddles” y/n mumbled sleep very much now catching up on her.
“Okay honey we can do that instead, I’m not leaving you okay.. I promise.” I muttered as she drifted off to sleep.
This is why Chris was secretly my favourite sibling because even though I was being quiet he just knew something was wrong and had to sort it, the safety net even being 23 years younger it never changed.
And it never will.
So I guess you could say this is a little headcannon on the insight into Chris and his little sister’s relationship that will never change not for as long as they both have each other.
This was written after a little emotional draining meltdown but here we are there is a song that could go with too I’m gonna link it but I think I’m going to sleep now so good night 💖
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months
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📖"Hydra Sanatorium"
Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Word count: 4608
Tags: a/b/o, medical institutionalization, cognitive disability, made up kinky medical things, diapers, catheters, enemas, non-con medical procedures, restraints, forced wetting, hurt/comfort, humiliation, kind!Careworker Steve, bratty!Patient Bucky, alpha Steve, omega bucky, dry humping, forced orgasm, masturbation, implied self harm, orgasm therapy, age difference (19/30), omorashi
Summary: Bucky is a troubled teen coping with the traumatic transformation of late-onset omega puberty. Steve's the care worker who's been developing too much of an attachment.
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Wait! I think I missed a previous chapter! Series Masterlist
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Chapter 8: Sensory Reset Therapy
Steve may have made up his mind to quit Hydra, but he still has a job to do for the time being, and that’s to take care of Bucky the way he needs. He finds the specific audio track he wants and sends it through to the room’s system, then closes out the laptop. "Okay bub," he says, pushing out from the desk and standing. "Time to come down nice and gentle from your high."
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He goes over to where Bucky’s been investigating the plushies and steers him towards the area of the room that’s covered in foam floorboards. Bucky’s eyes light up and he starts heading for the very same rocker that Steve had scraped him off of that morning. Steve chuckles and grabs him by the shoulders, pulling him away from it. “Ah ah, bub. You’ve had enough of that today.”
“But Steeeve,” he whines, sounding younger than usual. “I need to. I feel all … nghh.” He makes a face and squirms, rubbing his padded butt back on Steve to no avail. “Please?”
Steve calms him down with promises that he’ll get to have as many orgasms as he wants during this session. “What do you think we’re in here for, silly?” Bucky goes lax again at the promise, and waits while Steve gets everything ready for their session together. “You’ve done one on one sensory before, yeah?” he checks, already knowing the answer. Bucky nods, and Steve rumbles in approval. “Okay, good. That’s what we’re going to do.”
Bucky looks at the things Steve’s arranged and huffs, though his scent betrays his interest. “Why can’t I just rock?” he whines. Steve pulls him close and threads a hand into his hair, using a gentle but sturdy grip to ease his head back and force eye contact. Bucky looks up at him with parted lips and blown pupils. “Alpha?”
Steve kisses his forehead to keep from kissing him straight on his mouth. “It’s because of the fit you had earlier, Honey. I can’t just let you rock mindlessly. This is a partnered activity. We need to keep you present and engaged while you feel things, so you don't just slip into another fugue.”
Bucky grumbles obstinately, and Steve smiles and bops him on the nose with a finger.
“Don’t be that way. Any time we do hormone inflation we gotta do sensory after. Those’re the rules.” He doesn’t bother detailing it much further, knowing that the information would probably only go in one ear and out the other, with the state Bucky’s in right now. Instead, he uses both hands to give him a scalp massage and explains, “This’ll help you come down nice n’ steady, bub. It’s gonna feel really good.”
Bucky, who currently has his face mushed into Steve’s chest, groans in pleasure and nods. “Mmph. Kay.”
“Good boy.” Steve pulls him back and gets a look at his face. “Do you want to keep your clothes on or be naked?” he asks. “Any way you want is fine. It’ll just be different based on what you pick.” He waits patiently while Bucky struggles to decide. When it becomes clear that the kid is too dumbed down to make much of a choice, and that the options are stressing him out, Steve takes pity on him. “Why don’t we start with taking just your top off for now, huh?” He rubs his upper arms, squeezing lightly. “Mm? That way I can touch your chest and your tummy. How’s that sound?”
Bucky chirps in agreement, so Steve helps him with the shirt, then guides him down to kneeling on the padded floor. “There ya go.” He pushes over a half barrel-shaped support for Bucky to straddle, helping him settle over it. “How’s that?” he checks, palming his shoulders. “Comfy?”
“Yeah,” Bucky whispers. His eyes are already hazy, looking like they’re ready to slip closed at any moment. He shifts a little in place, moving his bottom against the support and feeling the pressure of it between his legs. His shoulders stiffen for the barest second, and then he relaxes even further, humming happily as his hips give another experimental shift, and then another. “Oh, mm, mmm …”
He’s so sweet when he’s fully in his instincts like this. Steve’s chest flares with fondness and he encourages him with a gentle murmur. “There you go. Good boy. See? You can rub on it like that if you want, and I’ll help you focus on everything else we’re doing.” This particular half-barrel form isn’t as soft as some, and it’s not shaped for mindless stimming in the same way the rockers are. It would take a bit of effort for Bucky to work himself up to orgasm on it, especially with the added layer of his diaper to work through.
Steve watches as he gives a few more hopeful rolls of his hips, the muscles of his legs tensing and releasing underneath his pants as he grips the form with his thighs. Steve keeps rubbing his shoulders until Bucky gives a frustrated whine from the lack of stimulation. He slumps in resignation and looks to his Alpha with big, pitiful eyes, asking for help.
“Good,” Steve praises. “Okay, Honey. So for now I just want you to relax. Can you close your eyes for me?”
He waits, and Bucky obeys and closes his eyes, his dark lashes resting prettily against his cheeks. He doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands, and for a moment he starts moving them closer to his crotch, but then stills as if he’s realized what he's doing, and keeps them on top of his thighs.
Steve swallows heavily, aware of his own dick plumping up in his pants yet again. “Um, good,” he croaks, forcing himself to ignore it. “Okay. Now keep your eyes closed. Just listen to the sound of my voice.”
There are posters on the wall that chart out the various basic ASMR starter dialogues. Steve chooses the one that matches the audio file he selected, and he reads through it in a low and soothing voice while keeping his hands heavy on Bucky’s shoulders. He can feel Bucky shiver in response to the intimate and praise-heavy words. It’s an old-school, traditional gender roles-themed script; a guided dialogue of an alpha to their omega, with lots of pet names and gentle comforting. The track that goes with it, Steve knows, has a lot of the hypothetical omegas' soft moans, and the alpha's answering murmurs of encouragement—all things which Bucky has responded well to in the past.
“Okay,” he says when he’s finished the sample. “So that’s what the audio will be like.” He slides his hands up Bucky’s neck and circles his thumbs in at the base of his skull just behind his ears, eliciting a quiet moan. “Did you like how it made you feel when I said those things?”
Bucky continues to breathe open mouthed for another minute or two. His lips are swollen and wet, his eyes still closed obediently. There’s a pleasured little pinch between his eyebrows, and he nods his head as he works on verbalizing an answer. “Uhh—uh huh.”
“Good.” Steve pets his hair to comfort him and gently says, “You know … I can smell a little change in your scent right now. Are you aroused?” Bucky whines and Steve shushes him with a chuckle. “No, no, Sweetheart. You’re okay. That’s the answer I was looking for. You’re responding beautifully already, you know that?” He cups Bucky’s face and strokes a thumb gently at the corner of his eyelid. “You're keeping your eyes closed and staying focused just like I asked. What a good job you’re doing. So smart and pretty, being so good for Alpha.”
Bucky doesn’t know it, but it’s been well documented these past three years, how well he reacts to praise. It’s noted in all his charts. He responds much better to gentle praise and encouragement than he does to any sort of firmness or discipline, and he's in the ninetieth percentile for how strongly he responds. Even now, just being given a few words of encouragement, he’s already softening under Steve’s hands.
“Such a good boy for me, Buck,” Steve praises again. He gives his shoulders another squeeze and then pulls away to grab the restraints: a puffy pressure collar that has a strap attached to go down the patient’s back, with two wrist cuffs there, one atop the other, to keep the patient’s hands behind their back. It’s all made from soft but sturdy fabric, and in butter yellow, of all colors; certainly nothing you’d see in a sex shop or a BDSM dungeon. Soft, but it’ll do the job. Normally Steve would think about using one of the comfort coats to really give Bucky the full effect of a long and steady hug, but he has a general idea mapped out of how he wants to stimulate the kid in this session, and he’ll need access to more skin than that would allow. So he brings the restraints over and runs the fabric of the straps against Bucky’s skin: over his cheek and down his naked neck and back. “Feel that?” he asks softly. “It’s a collar and some cuffs in the back. That’s what I’m gonna tie you with, okay?”
Bucky nods, a belated “kay” coming right after. Steve puts the collar on first, wrapping it firmly around his neck and securing the Velcro. Bucky makes a tiny sound at the feeling of the pressure against his glands. “Oh.”
Steve chuckles and moves to secure his wrists. They go one on top of the other, resting right at the small of his back, and Bucky’s hands curl into loose fists as he accepts the restraint. “That feel nice, Honey?” Steve asks.
“Y-yeah.” Bucky tugs a little with his arms, making another small sound of enjoyment when he feels himself held fast. The tugging of his arms will only bring more force through the collar’s pressure points at his glands, so it’s a positive feedback loop. “Mmm. S’nice,” he mumbles. On the half-barrel form, he’s widened his knees a bit, putting more of his weight through his crotch, hips shifting restlessly.
Steve gently stills him. “Hang on, bub. Just a couple more things.” He grabs the blindfold from his pile of supplies. Again, it’s nothing hardcore—just an elasticized loop of blue terrycloth. “Here you go.” He slips it on him and Bucky’s body seems to melt another inch into the floor. Not being able to see will make everything else Steve does to him feel more intense—which is, of course, the entire point of the session. Steve stands in front of him and cups his jaw. Bucky presses his cheek into the touch, and Steve’s previously half hard cock is suddenly filling again, interested in what’s going on. He uses his free hand to give himself a harsh press from over his clothes. “Okay. I’m going to put noise cancelling headphones on you,” he tells him softly. “All you’ll hear is the track, but you’ll feel me stimming you, during. I’ll be right here with you the whole time."
Bucky nods, shifting in position again. “Steve, what if I have to, um … go?”
The fact that he’s even asking means that he must feel at least some urge in his bladder right now. “Then you can,” Steve tells him gently, petting at his cheek. “You’ve got your diaper on. It’ll just be another thing to feel.”
Bucky whimpers and squirms a little at that, but the restraints quickly calm him down.
“Shh, you’re good. Here.” Steve fetches one of the candles he’d lit, kneeling down in front of Bucky and pouring some of the melted oil into his own palm. It’s warm but not too warm, as these candles are designed for aromatherapy massage. He spreads it between his hands and then claps them onto Bucky’s shoulders.
“Ah.” Bucky’s breath hitches in his throat, shocked, and then he lets it out in a long moan. “… Oohhhh.”
“Mm, yeah. I bet that feels good, huh?” Steve leans over for the headphones and checks to make sure the Bluetooth is turned on and working. “You just make some racket if you need ‘em off at any point, m'kay?” He slips them over Bucky’s ears and turns on the ASMR recording. Bucky gets still for a second, listening, and then he relaxes as the soothing tone of the alpha Voice on the track’s dialogue seeps into his brain. Steve continues to massage him with the warm oil while he watches it happen:
He's beautiful, slowly dissolving into pleasured hums and purrs as he takes in the audio. Steve brings his hands down to rub Bucky's chest. It’s still a little swollen from his body’s reaction to the inflation session, his normally flat breast tissue engorged and his nipples puffed up. Steve slides his hands all around, kneading and pressing what little there is to play with between his fingers, thumbing back and forth over the buds of his nipples as they draw into hard peaks, darkening in color and achingly pretty from the shine of the oil. Steve licks his lips and soaks in the sight of his big hands on such delicate skin. Fuck, it’s gorgeous. He hums happily when he can see Bucky beginning to pulse his hips against the form again. “There you go. That’s right. Rock it out while Alpha touches you. Bet it feels so good, huh? All this warm, slippery oil on your tits. They’re extra sensitive right now, aren’t they? Yeah, I know they are.”
Bucky can’t hear him, but Steve murmurs the words anyway, maintaining a steady string of filth to give himself some sort of outlet for his own arousal. Under his pants, his cock is hard and pulsing, pressed uncomfortably against the seam of his compression briefs, not understanding why it hasn’t been buried in somebody’s wet cunt by now when the room is suffused with the smell of an omega’s climbing arousal and slicking asshole. But Steve is a professional, goddammit, so other than a few peevish glances down at his throbbing dick, he manages to ignore it and keep his focus on his patient.
He can tell exactly when the ASMR dialogue finishes, because Bucky becomes restless, frowning and then chirping plaintively at the loss. Steve removes the headphones and rumbles low in his chest to soothe him. “You’re okay. I’m right here with you, bub.”
“Daddy,” Bucky whines, mind still stuck on the audio, which Steve knows used the title 'Daddy' in its script.
Hearing it makes his chest tighten and his balls throb. Bucky’s never really called him that much before. It’s an old-fashioned term, an endearment that encompasses all of the deepest, most intimate things that an alpha can share with their omega. To someone like Steve, it means far more than the title of ‘Alpha’ ever could. It implies care and belonging and devotion. It means love. “Oh, Buck,” he says, moving the massage lower down to the kid’s belly. “Is that what you want? Want me to be your Daddy?”
Bucky moans at the question and at the feeling of big, strong hands rubbing him. He presses into it. “Daddy, yeah, oh …” On the floor, his knees part a little wider and he rocks harder against the form between his legs. The bulge of the diaper is obvious as he humps, and it makes him whimper self-consciously. But Steve encourages him with gentle sounds, holding him at the hips and guiding him in the motions.
“Shhh, that’s good. That’s so good, Bucky. That’s what Daddy wants. Daddy wants you to feel everything.” He brings one hand further down to press on the front of Bucky's pants, squeezing on purpose to make the plastic crinkle. “Mmhm. Feel that?”
“Nnnn, nn-hnngh.”
“Aw,” Steve coos, jostling his handful. “I know, Honey. I know. Does it just feel so nice, all that padding smooshed up between your legs? Rubbing your little cocklet on it?”
Bucky makes a hurt sound and tugs against his restraints, and Steve figures it’s in response to his use of the word 'cocklet'. Before his transition, Bucky had plenty of time to grow up ascribing worth to his penis like any other beta boy, but he’s shrunk up quite a bit in the past few years. One of his therapy goals has always been to build a positive self-image around his changed body.
So Steve shuffles closer on his knees and pulls him into a hug, hushing his cries. “Shhh. S’okay. Daddy loves the way you look down there. You know that? You’re so beautiful. You’re perfect.”
“I sh–shouldn’t ...”
“Shouldn’t what? Shouldn't like it?” Bucky makes a miserable little noise of assent, and Steve tuts and rubs his back, finding one of his bound hands and giving it a squeeze. “Stop. It’s okay to let it feel good, bub. It’s okay. I love that this feels good for you, y’know that? I love it.” He kisses the side of his head. “I love you.”
Bucky keens and nuzzles his face against Steve’s chest, leaning fully into him as his scent blooms richer with an added layer of intensely happy omega. He doesn’t say “I love you," but Steve knows it all the same, and his confidence over whether that was the right thing to say out loud is bolstered.
Somehow, at some point, this thing between them has gone from purely medical to intensely personal, from sex to love. And the only thing Steve knows for sure is that it didn’t happen in the last few hours or even in just the last few days. It’s been building for a while, obscured by Steve’s professionalism and Bucky’s insecurities, by the large gaps of time between one stay on-ward and the next. But now that they’re both in a place to let that truth come bobbing to the surface, Steve can finally see the full shape of it: Bucky is meant to be his omega. He always has been.
Steve hugs him tightly for a long moment like that, just breathing in the scent of his pheromones, the slick in his diaper and the cheap hospital shampoo in his hair. Only when Bucky starts moving his hips again does Steve pull back, putting just enough space between them so that he can see everything and enjoy the view.
Meanwhile, Bucky’s world is still completely dark, the soft material of the blindfold blocking out any distractions. His breathing gets a little heavier the more worked up he gets, and even though he’s pretty dumbed down at this point, the sweet thing still tries to communicate, stringing together a bunch of slurred words in lieu of real sentences. “F-feels good … don’ w-wanna … nnngh, it’s so, mmmm, f-feels so—Oh! ... god. I jus’ wanna, I wanna …” he whines loudly in frustration, the tail end of it morphing into an angry sob as his hips shove forward.
Steve tuts and pets him to calm him down. “That’s alright, Sweetie. I know what you’re tryin’ to say. I know it’s a lot. Alpha knows.”
“Shhh. No need to get frustrated, bub. We’re just exploring all these different feelings, right?” He waits for Bucky to settle down and nod. “Good boy. I don’t want you to worry about a thing, Buck. I’m gonna make you cum, I promise. I’ll make you feel so good. All you gotta do is listen to my voice and sink into it, okay?”
Bucky says his name—a shaky, broken “Ss-teve,” that makes Steve’s heart swell and his cock throb. Without thinking, his hand finds its way to the crotch of his own pants and cups his erection. Fuck, he’s so hard. He even gives in to temptation for a second and squeezes himself, jerking over the fabric to bump the head just the barest bit. But then he gets a hold of himself. He exhales harshly through his nose and yanks his hand away.
No, he thinks sternly. He’s managed to do his job ethically for over three years with this kid tempting him. He’s not going to fuck it up this late in the game. All those things he’s been dreaming of: touching himself, touching Bucky while touching himself, and—god—letting Bucky touch him; those’ll all have to wait just a little bit longer.
He hastily leans over to reach for something from the pile. The suckers are the first thing his fingers touch and he grabs them up, wasting no time in applying them deftly to each of Bucky’s nipples. Bucky, who can’t see what’s coming, makes a sharp cry of surprise as they latch on, the sound dissolving into an uncertain but pleasured warble in his throat. “Ohh,” he breathes. “Mmm …”
Steve smiles. Really, they’re for use on any erogenous zone or pressure point. More often than not, he’ll use them for gland stimulation on his younger patients who aren’t yet cleared for sexual touch therapies. But they work just as well on the chest or genitals. The suction keeps them sealed to Bucky’s skin, sticking straight out like little rubber knobs.
Bucky moans and squirms as his nipples are slowly pulled into the pressure, whispering a tiny little “ohhffuck,” under his breath.
“That'a'boy,” Steve hums. He goes back to rubbing his tummy, thumbs dipping just below the plastic waistband of the diaper to dig in at either side of his pelvis. If he angles it just right, he can get at the glands that’re hidden under the muscle there. Bucky’s still making pleasured noises of confusion at the pressure on his chest and how good it feels. “This is normal. Your body’s extra sensitive from the enema,” Steve reminds him, because the poor kid is definitely too far in his head to remember that right now. Steve frees up one hand to nudge and flick at the suckers, intensifying the sensation, and Bucky sobs,
“Ungh, noooo. Oh god. I have’ta, have’ta … nngh.” He pulls against his restraints, shoving his crotch forward. “S-steve, I can’t. I’m gonna.”
“It’s okay. Whatever you’re feeling, it’s okay, bub.” Steve hasn't missed how he’s been licking compulsively at his lower lip, sucking it into his mouth and releasing it, over and over, stimming to satisfy his body’s natural reflex. Maybe it’s time he had something in his mouth. Steve hadn't thought to pick out a gag, but there is a jar of PheroGel sitting in the pile of things he’d hastily grabbed for this session. He pulls it over and unscrews the lid. The stuff comes out pearly white and creamy, lewdly similar to the appearance of cum (so of course it sends his mind wandering). He coats two fingers in the stuff and brings them up in front of Bucky’s slack mouth.
Immediately, Bucky reacts. He whimpers and searches out blindly, bumping into Steve’s hand before eagerly drawing him in. “Mmmn.” His lips mold to the shape of Steve’s fingers and suck hard. "Mm, mmph ...”
Steve chuckles lowly at the display. “That’s it,” he murmurs, letting him suck them clean before dipping back into the jar for more. He feeds the fake cum into his mouth with a sense of awe, watching as Bucky’s gorgeous lips shape to his fingers and suck in long, demanding pulls. God, the kid has a pretty mouth, so lush and full. Steve can’t help but to imagine those same lips wrapped around the head of his cock, instead; how wet and red they’d be as Bucky worked hard to pull what he craved out of Steve’s body.
If you were mine, Steve thinks, then changes it to 'when', in his mind. When Bucky is his, Steve’ll jerk off into a cup every day if the omega wants. Save up every bit of his spend that isn’t fucked straight into Bucky’s ass, feed it back to him leisurely whenever he needs or wants it. Maybe fix up a slow-pull sucker tool for him to work at during the day when Steve’s away at his new job.
Because he is getting a new job. Kneeling here in front of Bucky and seeing him like this, Steve has no doubts anymore. He needs to be Bucky’s Alpha. He needs to bring this boy home with him. For good.
Even though Bucky seems to be enjoying the taste of the PheroGel, he eventually turns his face away, forcing Steve’s fingers from his mouth. His lips are shiny from the fake cum and he’s panting harder all of a sudden. “Oh.” His hips jerk and his face goes pink. “Oh, S-steve, I think … I’m gonna …” He shudders and stops breathing, body taught as a bowstring, and for a few long seconds, Steve isn’t sure if he’s wetting or orgasming.
An orgasm, Steve concludes, as he slides his hands all over Bucky’s skin and eases him through it. The scent of omega release hits the air, telling him that Bucky’s managed to stimulate his prostate enough to find that deeper level of pleasure. Normally, it’d be impossible without penetration, but the enema must have his insides swollen enough and sensitive enough that he’s been able to achieve it nonetheless.
Steve groans at how fucking hot that is and rubs encouragingly up and down his sides. “Good,” he praises, letting the pleasure he’s feeling come through in his voice. No point in hiding it anymore: He’s aroused as fuck. “That’s so good, Honey. Did you get a release out, there?”
He knows he did, but Bucky’s shaky nod confirms it. “Mm. Mm hm,” he grunts, his hips still making shuddery little movements through the aftershocks. “Oh. Oh no ...” he whispers, freezing up again. That’s when the faint hissing sound comes, and Steve knows he’s lost control of his bladder. He whines and pitches forward, hiding his face in the bend of Steve’s neck and shoulder. “Nnnnhh!”
Steve just holds him and coos a steady stream of supportive nonsense, hushing and comforting him the entire time. He wraps one arm around his waist and worms the other down between his legs, cupping where the warmth is spreading and making the diaper fill out. “Shh,” he soothes, letting Bucky moan and rock into it. He provides pressure with his hand and hugs Bucky tight against him. “Remember what we talked about? This happens. It’s totally normal. Just means you’re feeling relaxed and safe like you should be, right? Thaat’s right. Shhh. Just let go now and enjoy the way it feels. Doesn’t it feel so warm and full?” In his arms, Bucky sobs and nods, and Steve hums in understanding. “I know, bub, I know. Such a relief, huh? That’s okay. Just feel it, just get it alll out. Alpha’s right here.”
Bucky’s sounds of distress lessen to almost nothing the longer it goes on and the longer Steve holds him and tells him that it’s okay and that he should just enjoy it. It still takes him a while to finish wetting. Under Steve’s palm, the padding bulges out to an obscene fullness, and when he keeps up the pressure he’s been providing, Bucky eventually begins making little, aroused huffs again. He grinds against Steve’s hand and works himself up to another orgasm, tipping over the edge when Steve plucks the suckers off his chest.
“Ah!” His cries are shorter and sharper this time—an orgasm, but no release.
Quite predictably, after it's over he gets very sleepy, very fast. It’s been a long morning but a good one, and Steve kisses his forehead when he goes limp, utterly spent. “Good. You did so good, Buck. Let’s get these restraints off, okay?” he whispers, already working away on the cuffs. The fastenings are nothing but Velcro, so it’s only a second until he’s got Bucky free of both the collar and the attached cuffs. He tosses them aside and gathers the omega up in his arms, carrying him off to get cleaned up.
This may be (and hopefully is) Bucky's last day as a Hydra patient, but that doesn't mean he won't have some group classes and therapies left to attend with the other boys in his cohort that afternoon and evening. Steve will just have to find a way to fill his own time, leave Bucky to his schedule, and hang in there while he gets the ball rolling to secure Bucky's release into his custody.
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Series Masterlist
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14 notes · View notes
yourlocalrodent · 2 years
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I never thought of this. This is actually a really good idea!
broken town
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summary:you and Gareth find each other trying help in Hawkins high.
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You walked around the cafeteria if the once loved school, you saw Steve, a kid you hadn’t seen since like a year or two ago “ hey Steve!” You wave “ oh *name*! Haven’t seen you since like 1985 or 1984!” He yells back. You walk over to him “ what are you doing” you ask “ oh me? I’m handling clothes” a simple ‘o’ was your response “ hey isn’t that your boyfriend over there?” He asks pointing into the crowd, you look where he’s pointing. There Gareth stands talking to jeff “ oh my god yeah it is” he laughs “ oh yeah name? Here’s my number. We should catch up” you smile at Steve “will do” you walk over behind Gareth and jump scare him “ HOLY SHIT!!” He yells, Jeff laughs because it was you. “ hey name!” Jeff laughs and gives you a hug, meanwhile gareth was trying to fix his breath then he turns his head over. “Name?” He whispers you turn your head over “NAME! Oh thank god your okay! Wait are you okay? Oh I missed you!” He picks you up and spins you around. Everyone turns their head over to you two “ what? Fuck off!” Gareth yells at them. Steve chuckled “ my daughter/ son/child is growing up”. Gareth started leaving kisses all over your face, giving the last kiss to your lips “ oh you don’t now how much I missed you” he sighs nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck “ so are we just gonna ignore me now Orr?” Jeff clears his throat “ shut up Jeff I’m having a moment” Gareth mumbled, you ran your fingers through his hair “ I missed you too bub” you sigh with the cuddle “ are you staying here too?” Jeff asks “ yeah I am” you replied, Gareth shoots his head up “ really? That means we can cuddle at night!” He talks normally. “ ew love birds” Dustin walks past “ shshshhshhhh” you reached your hand over and put a finger to his mouth “ the baby missed me” you whisper “ I heard that” Gareth mumbled “ I know” you laugh.
at night time
Gareth got dressed into Pyjamas and then you did. He was waiting by the door when you came out “ okay cmon love” he grabs your hand and pulls you to his bed that was big enough for two people. Gareth sat down onto it then gave you grabby hands, pulling you down into his lap. “ are you sure you wanna sleep with me?” You ask “ yes 100%” he replied, you smiled and kissed him. After you two pulled apart he lied down pulling you with him. He contently sighed at finally being able to snuggle with you. You two rolled over and spooned, he lowers his head towards the crook of your neck again and mumbled “ this is nice” you smiled “ yeah it is” falling asleep. Soon you heard Gareth’s snoring and smiled, reaching up to let his hair more. Soon you felt sleepy and rolled over, snuggling into him. It was a nice moment, you two agreed that you’d be going with the Emerson family when you two had to leave Hawkins. Kay was so excited because you were like her older sister, Oakley was worried about your family. Even though your family gave you two the green light.
authors note, I get asked a fair bit of kay and Oakley are cannon. They are NOT. I’ve made them up
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rainbownijisan · 2 days
Greatest love, Greatest pain.
A/N:hellooo ! this is an taglish(tagalog/english) au that is actually based on my experience:>! i hope you'll like it! feel free to drop some requests.
"kapag minahal ka babalikan ka"
translation: "If they really loved you, they'll come back"
para sa'kin, naka depende talaga s'ya sa sitwasyon. Hindi mo naman masasabi kung minahal kaba talaga nung tao na 'yon kapag binalikan ka n'ya eh. My name is sheena. And I would like to share my story with you all :))
There's this guy. The one I loved and trusted the most. He's known as gabriel. He's been my best friend for almost 4 years to the point na kabisado n'ya na talaga 'yung ugali ko mula ulo hanggang paa. I've known him for too long. Until one time, umamin ako sakan'ya na gusto ko s'ya. Eventually, he also liked me back. After I confessed everything went according to the plan. We've been spending time with each other via call and watching movies since I have strict parents and I know that they wouldn't allow me to have a boyfriend because of my under age. Habang patagal ng patagal nag babago na s'ya. Nag iiba 'yung treatment n'ya sa'kin. He doesn't reply to my message fast anymore. What could've been the reason for him to do that?nag kulang ba ako? Hindi ko na alam kung anong gagawin ko.
So, I decided to chat with him.
"ano ba talaga tayo?"
ani n'ya "may problema ba?"
I asked. If you're wondering why I asked him that, it's because hindi n'ya ako niligawan. Kumbaga, parang biglaan lang. Ni hindi nga ako gusto ng nanay n'ya para sakan'ya eh.
"ginawa mo lang naman ata akong second option eh"
paano ko nasabi 'yon? we've been friends for almost 4 years na kasi. Nung mga panahon na 'yon, I don't like him pa. After no'n, nag ka gusto s'ya sa iba while I'm catching feelings for him na. Sadly, wala s'yang chance do'n sa babae na 'yon. Ayon. Dahil hindi s'ya gusto nung babae na 'yon, ako nanaman 'yung nilapitan n'ya. Iyon ang rason kung bakit ko nasabi na parang second option n'ya lang talaga ako. As a rebound. As a character developer. Since I'm his first ka m.u/more than friends, less than lovers.
"kaya mo lang naman ako nagustuhan kasi wala kang chance do'n kay loreli hindi ba?" naninikip ang dibdib ko habang ako ay nag iintay na s'ya ay rumespunde.
"yon kasi 'yung nararamdaman ko eh, kung may gusto s'ya sa'yo, hindi naman ako 'yung pipiliin mo. Nasulsulan ka kasi ng mga tropa mo na ako 'yung mas makakabuti para sa'yo"
mensahe ko sakan'ya habang pinipigilan kong lumuha.
"sorry kung 'yon 'yung nararamdaman mo bubs."
bubs?anak ng tokwa, parang hindi tayo nag away ah?
Iyan ang mga parata na tumatakbo sa utak ko habang nabasa ko ang mensahe n'ya na 'yon. Pagod na pagod na akong intindihin s'ya. Nung una, 'tong tungkol sa nagustuhan n'ya sa school nila. Pangalawa, 'yung mga babaeng nirerepost n'ya. Pangatlo, 'yung convo nila nung tropa nila tapos nag sabi s'ya na "mas gusto ko kasi si loreli eh." Jusko, kung alam n'yo lang kung gaano kasakit sa loob kong makita lahat ng 'yon ng sabay sabay. Sobrang sakit lalo na't hindi ako makaiyak dahil andito sa bahay 'yung parents ko.
"hindi kita nagustuhan dahil ikaw 'yung mas malapit o dahil ikaw 'yung nand'yan. Ikaw 'yung nagustuhan ko kasi ikaw 'yung naniniwala sa'kin na kaya ko pang mas maging better."
wika n'ya.
Dahil mahal ko s'ya, naniwala ako. Tama nga 'yung sabi ng mga kaibigan ko. May pag ka uto-uto talaga ako kaya ako naloloko. Ilang araw din ang nagdaan. Kahit nag ka ayos kami uli at binalikan n'ya ako, nag iba na 'yung 'pag trato n'ya sa'kin. nakakatagal na s'ya ng hindi n'ya ako kinakausap ng ilang araw. Madalang na din s'yang mag chat sa'kin. Until one day, nag sawa na ako. Na drain na ako. Nawala na lahat ng pag mamahal ko sakan'ya sa sobrang pagka drain ko sa nangyayari so I decided to seek advice from my best friend until I decided na itigil na ang lahat ng namamagitan saaming dalawa.
"Hi I need to tell you something important. I'm sorry but I feel like we're not be able to make it without enough quality time and communication. sorry pero parang mas gusto ko nalang mag focus sa sarili ko at sa academics ko:))
sana maintindihan mo ako. hindi ko din kasi alam whether seryoso ka sa'kin or wala ka lang ibang option. I feel like you're using me as your character developer ih. I also feel like may ginagawa akong masama since tinatago ko 'to sa parents ko. alam ko kasing ma uupset sila kasi wala silang kaalam alam sa nangyayari. I wanted to focus on myself more kasi feeling ko habang mas pinipili at iniintindi kita kesa sarili ko, nawawala ko na 'yung sarili ko. sorry kung 'yon 'yung nararamdaman ko. Hindi mo lang alam nadagdagan mo na 'yung sakit na nararamdaman ko especially my insecurities lalo na 'pag nag rerepost ka ng bini members. I know na there's nothing wrong with that pero naiinsecure talaga ako whenever ginagawa mo 'yon pero hindi ko sinabi kasi once mo na akong cinonfront about do'n. nakakasawa din makakita ng reposts mo wala namang nagiba puro babae. To be honest, it feels so draining seeing you repost a lot of girls. it makes me feel that you're not contented with me being here. I mean it's okay naman na maging fan boy ka there's nothing wrong with that but don't you think it's too much? kaya mong mag repost ng ibang babae pero kapag ako tinatago mo ako. not that I'm asking for you to also post me in social medias pero simpleng assurance manlang hindi mo ako mabigyan. ang kailagan ko lang ay hindi sapilitang assurance. okay na sa'kin 'yon pero wala naman akong natatanggap eh. binibigyan mo lang ako ng assurance kapag alam mo na na ddrain ako tapos pag wala na, mawawala nanaman 'yung assurance mo. believe me, sinubukan ko ng gawin lahat para lang 'wag akong maubos at mapagod sa'yo pero gumagawa ka talaga ng way para maramdaman ko 'yon eh. Hindi mo ako maiintindihan because you're not in my situation. You haven't felt the feeling of being insecured dahil nag rerepost ako ng iba, You haven't felt the need of receiving a/an assurance because lahat ng 'yon hindi ko ginawa. binigay ko lahat sa'yo. hindi ko na alam kung saang parte ako nag kulang o kung ako ba talaga 'yung mali. sorry pero nakakapagod ng intindihin ka ginawa ko na lahat ng makakaya ko pero wala na talaga. sobrang drained na ako. gulong gulo na ako hindi ko na alam 'yung gagawin ko. I'm so sorry. Is it too much for me to ask for assurance? Is it wrong for me to feel insecure and unwanted sa mga ni rerepost mong babae? I'm so sorry pero feeling ko hindi mo naman talaga ako pinapahalagahan eh. I'm just the girl you accidentally get, not wanted. let's just end things para hindi na madagdagan 'yung stress at sakit na nararamdaman ko."
Andito lahat ng sama ng loob na nararamdaman ko sakan'ya habang sinusulat ko ang lahat ng 'yan. Ni hindi n'ya man lang ako nireplyan. Nag hintay ako kung may isasagot ba s'ya sa'kin pero nabigo ako. Kaya napagdesisyunan ko na iblock na s'ya sa lahat ng social media accounts ko na connected sakan'ya to avoid any information about him. As I was doing that. Nakita ko na ibang babae na 'yung pfp n'ya sa ig. A dancer to be exact. Pati sa tiktok, 'yon at 'yon din 'yung nirerepost n'ya simulat sapul. At ayon na nga. Itinigil ko na ang kung ano mang namamagitan saaming dalawa.
para saakin, hindi na talaga ako naniniwala sa mga sabi sabi na kapag mahal ka, babalikan ka. Paano nga kung mahal mo ang isang tao ngunit hindi naman n'ya binabalik sa'yo 'yung pag mamahal na deserve mo?
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stawbeemilk · 3 months
⤷ pet names they call their s/o – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: f!reader
✩ a/n: it's been a long week but i'm back and (finally) off shift, so hopefully i'll be able to get some more writing done soon!!
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⭑ babe, baby, sunshine
he's definitely the type of boyfriend who refers to you by pet names more than your actual name. he will call you these with the biggest smile and so much fondness in his eyes, and it literally makes your heart melt every time.
⤷ bokuto, hinata, nishinoya, komi, tendou, inuoka
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⭑ sweetheart, darling, gorgeous
ugh he's so charming. he loves to call you these out of nowhere when you're least expecting it, enjoying the way you get all embarrassed and stumble over your words. he always knows exactly how to make your heart flutter and your stomach erupt with butterflies.
⤷ kuroo, akaashi, sugawara, oikawa, fukunaga, hirugami, kai
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⭑ pretty girl, doll, princess
he's such a tease, his favourite time to call you these is when you're mad at him because he knows it will catch you off guard and fluster you to no end, regardless of how angry you are. he's so smug about it too, it’s so infuriating but so hot at the same time.
⤷ suna, matsukawa, kyotani, konoha, semi, iwaizumi
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⭑ love, my love, my dear
he doesn't call you these all that often, and so when he does it only makes it that much more meaningful. he might not always be the most expressive, but you see the way his gaze softens when he looks at you, and it's clear from that alone just how much he adores you.
⤷ ushijima, daichi, kageyama, aone, sakusa, washio, kita
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⭑ bubs, cutie, bunny
he was a little embarrassed about referring to you by pet names at first, but now he finds that they just effortlessly roll off his tongue. he's a sucker for cute and sappy nicknames like these because he thinks they fit you perfectly.
⤷ kenma, yamaguchi, lev, koganegawa, goshiki, komori
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⭑ dove, honey, angel
it honestly surprises his friends when they overhear him calling you one of these, because as far as they're concerned it seems so out of character for him. if only they knew what he was like behind closed doors, they'd soon realise just how soft he really is for you.
⤷ yaku, tsukishima, futakuchi, yahaba, daishou, osamu
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⭑ hot stuff, sugar, my queen
he's such a simp for you. you can never tell if he's joking or if he's totally serious when he calls you these, but regardless of how much it might make you cringe, you can't deny that you find yourself fighting back a smile at how ridiculous he is.
⤷ tanaka, hanamaki, yamamoto, terushima, atsumu
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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after-out-of-place · 7 months
Epilogue - The Call
The cacophony of an old phone pierced through the warm tones of their tenor saxophone, demanding the small space of Bubble-Glub's living arrangements. The place felt small now that the dive-bar work-to-live mindset had been replaced with far grander things. Stashing the instrument carefully, their green hand slid lazily over the ringing appliance after several of its shrieks. Click. "Nyello." "Hello there, I'm lookin' for a mister 'Bubbled Gub'?" They let out a sigh, placed away from the receiver. "Məks. Bubble-Glub. This is them." "Alright so, Bubbles, if I may-" the voice continued. "You mayn't."
There was no introduction, attempting to skip straight to business. Whatever this was about, this caller had made several stellar mistakes already. "O-kay! So we got off on the wrong foot here, no offense-" "Some taken." they responded curtly, hoping to fluster the other end. It failed. "-no offense meant. So, I'm calling on behalf of the 'Out Of Place' establishment, hi, since they had an inquiry regarding a diner by the name of 'Jimmy's'? Does that ring any bells?" They grinned, for sure they remember Jimmy's. It'd been where they met Chritty for the first time, who showed himself capable under stress. Not necessarily stress caused by small mechanical ursine attempting to ruin everyone's day, but that was definitely a one-time thing and Chritty did stick with the rest of the band after dealing with them rather than finding a less chaotic crew. That meant they had soul, Bubble-Glub decided. It was also where they'd met Horace for the second time, of course. But this caller didn't seem interested in the band, so why not acquaint them with Jimmy's menu instead? "Mmhmm." Bubble-Glub continued, "It's a proper greasy spoon. Serves a mean set of cackleberries on a raft soakin' in axle grease and their java, even high 'n dry, ain't nothin' to sneeze at neither." "Riiiight … soooo there's a report for property damage caused by a … mechanical bear?"
They pinched the bridge of their nose, letting out another heavy sigh. This caller would not let up, and what they said was true: before even heading to Ballroom Bay for the Monstervision finals, the band was put in danger during breakfast by various mechanical doodads, courtesy of the San Bearino Bears' lead loser "Leo", and it had caused some minor damage to Jimmy's diner. To make matters worse, a larger of Leo's mechanical bears had fixated on them in the same week as the diner incident, with a malfunction causing the creature to only bear-hug as a sign of affection rather than aggression - it had been trying to enter the diner in an attempt to save Bubble-Glub from its smaller brethren. It had then kept following them around aimlessly until it was finally returned to its owner: Leo's father, a powerful man in the business of electronics. That it did not stay put is a different issue. "Ain't my problem." came Bubble-Glub's response. It could actually be their problem. While they all tried to continue like normal after everything had been taken care of, Bubble-Glub did slip an old business-card of the 'Out of Place' towards Jimmy himself with a wink and a knowing nod to signify the damage would be handled - they'd deliberately left it as a jab towards the 'Out Of Place's new management for having transformed a perfectly good dive-bar into a sterilized mess serving 'fusion cuisine'. To make matters worse, while Horace and Sila did file a report shortly after the diner incident, the response from law enforcement had been lax to say the least. This call was clearly meant as a squeeze. The longer this call would continue, the more of a chance there would be for Bubble-Glub to lose even a sliver of their cool and say something that'd get at least one of the band in hot water with one of several bad actors. "Oh, but I think it is your problem." the voice continued, "You have been seen closely associating with mechanical bears." "This is San Bearino, bub. Everything associates with bears." "Oh." the voice on the other end muttered an expletive clearly not meant to reach the receiver. "Cool. Thanks for the talk." "No! Wait! Uh! Hold on!", the voice stammered, There it was, the last-ditch attempt to get a foot in the door: "I propose we set up a meeting, face-to-face. Surely someone like yourself would agree to work things out in a more cordial manner? Let your people reach out to mine and we'll work it out from there." "My people reach out through music. Have fun talkin' to the radio."
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cometforever · 2 years
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Posted @withregram • @pfcuttin Yesterday’s episode of EastnyRadio is now available, thank you all for patience. 1- ROC MARCI x ALC - Quantum Leap 2- Apathy & Stu Bangas ft. Jadakiss - No Time to Waste 3- Dom Pachino x O The Great - The Formula 4- Supreme Cerebral ft. Ralphiie Reese - Dart Display 5- Your Old Droog - Triple Lindy 6- 100GrandRoyce x Red Inf - Suspenseful 7- D. Goynz & Doza The Drum Dealer - Trouble 8- Danger Mouse & Black Thought ft. Conway The Machine - Saltwater 9- ROC MARCI x ALC - Zig Zag Zig 10- Chayna Ashley ft. Dutch Brown, Dan Bars & Brillo - Dear Lord 11- No Face Krew - The Hate Different 12- Termanology ft. Kay Slay - Determination 13- Snowgoons x The Bad Seed - Funk Flex 14 - Bub Styles feat. Whispers - Lavish Toes 15- Ty Farris x Sebb Bash - Mental Tats 16- Tone Chop & Frost Gamble - This Is What Happens 17- A.M. Early Morning & Original Super Legend feat. Jae Haze, Weasel Sims & The Dutchmaster - Mistakes Make Um Great 18- SCATTA R.Pee - Gimme Di Mic 19- Diamond D - Smoke Sumthin 20- Mr. Ripley Ft. Porta Rok, Zulu#7, Mic Mountain - Sweet Jesus 21- Team Demo ft. Doo Wop and Kurious - Strictly For My People 22- Cappadonna x Stu Bangas ft. Celph Titled - Toss The Blick 23- Danger Mouse & Black Thought ft. MF DOOM - Belize If you want these songs with no fxs, no drops, no scratching, no talking, well, you came to the wrong place, This is a dj mix of various artist for the week of 8-28-22. Please go out and support every artist on here individually. Meaning, go out and buy there singles, Lps & merch. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch3JPDbri2m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wooyukh · 5 years
Yo I'm basically never going to be able to ult anyone other than Kai from txt because he has become the love of my life since March 31st and I can't believe how cute and funny and talented he is like :') I'm so happy I found him and even met him at the Chicago hi touch like omg 😭👌 I'm just so grateful for him and all of txt
bubs this is so cute 🥺 kai is such a cutie pie, I honestly will protect him at all costs >:(( this is kinda random but,,,, I always found it adorable/sweet how people can remember the exact dates since they decided to bias someone :((( 💗 I literally could never 😭
talk to me about your kpop bias(es)
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pinkheadflowers · 2 years
hey there, you have discovered autumn’s book shelf!
feel free to browse through bubs <3
please keep in mind that these are all my personal preferences ,, let me know if you wish for your writings to be added or removed ~~
and i’m open to any other fanfic recommendations (*^▽^*) [ can be from any groups ]
>> this is a friendly space for all so any nsfw & bxb content will be tagged accordingly <<
<heavily in progress - last update: 05.02.2022>
[☀️ fluff ,⚡️angsty , 🌧 sad , 🌊 suggestive , 🪐 tw]
[🦊choi yeonjun , 🐰choi soobin ,🐻choi beomgyu , 🐿kang taehyun , 🐧 kai kamal huening]
📕one shots / drabbles
🐿 [11:55 pm] by @pr0dbeomgyu ☀️
🐰i bet he’ll cry by @shoftiiel ☀️
🐻hold my hand by @boba-beom ☀️
🦊𝟎𝟏:𝟓𝟗 𝐏𝐌. by @koishua 🌧⚡️
🐰closed ending by @1uvbyul ☀️🌧
🦊right person wrong time by @envirae ⚡️
🐻 "It's ok to not always be happy" by @for-ahgase-army-stay-moa-engene ☀️
🐻voices by @soobmint ☀️
🦊Secret Love by @shuakih ☀️
🐰 How he’d care for you/like to be cared for after a long week by @irockgyu ☀️
🦊saturday mornings by @napofasoob ☀️
🐿[3.30pm] by @pr0dbeomgyu ☀️
🐧Day Off: Hueningkai by @dearfairyofshampoo ☀️
🐻 [2:00am] by @yeonyeonyeonjun ☀️
🐧 [5:54 pm] by @fairyofthestar ☀️
🦊3:18pm | lo$er by @renjunn1es ☀️
🐿 [2:38 pm] by @pr0dbeomgyu ☀️
📗preferences / reactions
-how txt would comfort their partner who is having a stress induced panic attack by @flwrkisses 🪐☀️
-TXT reaction to their s/o standing up for them by @seiza-star ⚡️☀️
-tomorrow x together rich boyfriend au by @moonsolie ☀️
-habits they developed in your relationship by @s-uwu-binie ☀️
-txt - small things with them ! by @aemoonie ☀️
-break ups with 투바투 by @soobpricity 🌨
-txt's favorite things about their partner. by @flwrkisses ☀️
-how txt gives you the gf/bf privilege by @moonsolie ☀️
-TXT Yandere Mafia Reaction - You try to escape by @da-bins-yu ⚡️🪐
-txt × s/o who gets cold easily by @yunasimp ☀️
-You and Him are Having The Argument by @el-hawthorne ⚡️��️
-txt with a shy / introverted s/o! by @flwrsuh ☀️
-bf!txt reaction to your calling them by their first name. by @yeoobin ☀️
-how you meet - college!txt by @lovelysanha ☀️
-txt - little things about being in a relationship with them by @1-800-kpopland ☀️
-When You Take Care Of Them After A Long Day by @blu-joons ☀️
-txt - you (their s/o) wearing their hoodies by @1-800-kpopland ☀️
-❗️bxb❗️ TXT’s Reaction To Their Boyfriend Being Catcalled by @junjijunky 🌊☀️
-txt comforting you by @be0mcore ☀️
-txt reaction to you asking for a hug by @ser1m ☀️
📘series [ please read synopsis & warnings beforehand !! ]
🐻Be The LO♡︎ER To This LO$ER by @00-baejin-05
🐿 BLURRY LINES by @pr0dbeomgyu
🐿STALKER by @pink-blushers
🐻LO$ERS by @lemon-boy-stan
🐿HELPLINE by @definitelynotcesia
🐻casted by @iyeonjuni
🦊ours by @dear20cm
🐿 YOU'RE MY ORBIT by @nyangjjunie
📙nsfw zone [ minors please do not interact / read !! ]
🐻lullaby by @fallinforgyu
🦊[6:10am] by @fvckbeom
🐿🐻 ❗️bxb❗️Mafia x Mafia by @sweethyuka
🐿 SCARY LOVE by @irockgyu
🐻 [5:39am] by @fvckbeom
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dearest-painter · 2 years
Secret of great tiger
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive relationship,abusive behavior,FULLY PLATONIC!,mentions of kidnapping,14 year old acts 4 years old because they were treated that age and forgot their real age,THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES
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Henry was in his room coloring in his coloring book as normal but he heard the TV,it mentioned a Henry but then was cut offed. Henry was tired and soon Great tiger came in the room and pick him up. “Bedtime bubs” “mmm..o..Kay” Great tiger chuckled and decided to just place him in bed and started read him a bedtime story. “Night night dada..” with that Henry passed out.
Great tiger doesn’t know why anyone got Henry’s case up until he saw that they saw Henry going to school. He’s going to take him out. “I was so careful! I can’t let my son go!”
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