#obey me barbatos nsft
burnieblanders · 2 years
Found this on insta and thought of the boys lol i chose based on the titles underneath the drawing
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devildomwriter · 1 month
More NSFT factoids, please pleaaase and thank you! 😮‍💨✨
That was basically all of them since the game isn’t specifically for adults but maybe these facts will suffice
• When given a truth serum Mammon confessed what he really wanted to do with MC and everything had to be censored
• Satan once tried to have sex with MC in the forest after they got lost
• When MC chooses to seduce Beelzebub, anything they say works but he reacts most to MC saying they wouldn’t mind if he nibbled them.
• I forgot about this scene, but Asmodeus is also an option you can sleep with in game.
• In season two all the brothers fell under the effects of Hellfire newt syrup which is mainly used in remedies and elixirs meant to restore and revitalize the body as well as stimulate sexual desires specifically towards humans. Simeon indirectly invented it.
• Some food in the Devildom increases human pheromones to the extent even Barbatos must flee to escape giving into temptation.
• When giving advice for winning dating sims Leviathan went into such explicit detail that Satan regretted asking
• In season two Beelzebub licked remaining food off MC’s mouth.
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I think if you want to drive them crazy, you have to overstimulate Barbatos and deny Diavolo.
Barbatos has far too much patience for denial to really hit him - you’ll get a reaction for sure, but he knows he’ll get what he wants eventually, and the anticipation is simply part of the thrill. Overstimulation, though? Making his thighs shake and breath heave and eyes tear up from constant pleasure? He’s so used to giving, being on the receiving end breaks him down real fast.
Meanwhile Diavolo is spoiled by his own admission. Everything he’s ever wanted has been provided for him almost before he could want it (aside from maybe genuine emotional connection). Diavolo is a glutton for attention and the stamina of a Demon Prince makes really overstimulating him hard. But hearing “no” over and over? Maybe even wearing a little something that stops him from even getting properly hard? Give it an hour before he’s “subtly” humping the furniture.
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pseudonymphomania · 2 months
Could I trouble you with a Barbatos request? Something with him being "totally lowkey" attention seeking with his booty (+ Demon form and elevated tail optional) and/or Diavolo or Sheep!MC touching the booty? SFW preferable, however I would certainly not be opposed to a rather cheeky non-SFW if you were inspired to lewd the Buttler 👉👈
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flappingdragon · 22 days
I can’t stop thinking about Barbatos and how MC would have him walk around with a vibrator in his ass all day. Like, can you imagine?
At first Barbatos would refuse, but with enough persistence, he’d cave. And then cut to when MC has Barbatos bent over with his hands on the wall and his pants pulled down to his knees.
Gods. The sight would be glorious.
MC would lube up Barbatos’s entrance before sticking the vibrator in and pulling his pants back up into proper position.
But here comes the fun part.
Barbatos has to complete his daily tasks while giving MC the ability to control the vibrator.
The day starts out with the small settings and it’s enough to make Barbatos blink at the sensation. But it’s when he’s in a meeting that he really starts to regret his decisions.
Did meeting, all of a sudden, he feels the vibrator switched on to the “max” setting and he flinches. His cheeks immediately go red but he tries his absolute best to hide it. For the rest of the meeting, he’s shifting his weight from one led to the other and trying to keep himself from moaning.
When the meeting is finally adjourned, Barbatos dismisses himself and runs to find MC immediately.
That’s when Barbatos would be stripped and on his knees, shaking. He’s moaning and begging MC to let him cum. And how could MC not? They switch the vibrator setting to “override” and Barbatos arches his back and moans as he climaxes.
This is surely the first and last time he will ever allow this (He’s lying)
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Obey Me characters and their dominance!
(Minors DNI)
I have been haunted by spicy headcanons all week and I can’t get them out of my brain so here! Maybe I’ll write some smut drabbles based on this idk!
Lucifer is a hard dom hands down. He’s the avatar of pride and constantly stressed he will use you like a fucktoy until he’s satiated. And by god it takes a while for him to be satiated. Don’t expect to walk for a week hun
Mams. My boy. My greedy little scummy boy. He’s a switch. He’ll have you in any way you’ll let him because he just wants you. Under him, in him, riding him, potato tomato
Levi is such a sub I mean come on. Call him a good boy and he’ll fold like a wet tissue. He loves it when you take control and dirty talk him while you stroke him
I firmly believe that Satan is a masochist top. You’re his sexual stress ball to relieve all gis pent up aggression (with your consent of course). He’ll goad you into biting and scratching him until he’s covered in evidence of what you did
Asmo will take anything. He’s the avatar of lust. He will let you fuck him stupid then make you his submissive little slut the next minute. Like I said he will take anything you give him.
Beel is definitely a gentle top. He doesn’t do it for his own pleasure tbh; he’s more interested in making you feel good.
Belphie is a pillow princess I’m sorry. But like a power bottom sadist pillow princess, does that make sense? He makes you do all the work but he tells you what to do, and if you don’t do it then your ass getting punished babes
I’m not so sure about Diavolo. I headcanon him as sex indifferent BUT if he did have sex he’d probably be a soft top/service top
Barbatos. Is. A. Service. Switch. You are second only to the young master in his eyes. Whatever you want to do he’ll do it unless it could hurt you
Simeonnnnnnn I am in love with this man jfc. He’s 100% a gentle top. He wants to feel good but he also wants you to feel good too. You could be doing the dirtiest nastiest thing and he’d still kiss you like you’re on an innocent fair date
Solomon seems like he’s a sadistic dom and. Yeah he is. This man will put you in a mating press and fuck you til you can’t think and honestly? We’re here for it
And yeah that’s it! These are very fun (and I’m very horny) so I might do more
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otakusheep15 · 2 months
Obey Me Kinktober 2022
Day 1: 69ing - Diavolo
Day 2: Impact play - Simeon
Day 3: Handjob - Barbatos
Day 4: Body swap - Leviathan
Day 5: Morning sex - Beelzebub
Day 6: Body worship - Asmodeus
Day 7: Collaring - Satan
Day 8: Shower sex - Solomon
Day 9: Creampie - Belphegor
Day 10: Tabel sex - Lucifer
Day 11: Sugar daddy - Mammon
Day 12: Stockings - Solomon
Day 13: DP (two holes) - Diavolo + Lucifer
Day 14: Begging - Leviathan
Day 15: Period sex - Beelzebub
Day 16: Xenophilia - Satan
Day 17: Strap on - Simeon
Day 18: Boot worship - Mammon
Day 19: Phone sex - Barbatos
Day 20: Sex pollen - Asmodeus
Day 21: Facial - Belphegor
Day 22: Aftercare - Diavolo
Day 23: Hair pulling - Mammon
Day 24: Free use - Barbatos
Day 25: Masturbation - Lucifer
Day 26: Voice kink - Satan
Day 27: Fisting - Simeon
Day 28: A/B/O - Belphegor
Day 29: Marking - Leviathan
Day 30: Sensory deprivation - Asmodeus + Solomon
Day 31: Sex toys - Beelzebub
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Motavation from and idol 🥹 (4K SPECIA ALSO AYYY) pt 1!
Giving them a collar with ‘Property of Mc on it’
Practically jumping of the walls in excitement, I mean you basically just gave him a necklace with a clasp, right?
Barbatos has to explain the difference between a collar and jewelry. Then you have to explain it since he wasn’t listening
Def wearing it on his surprise visits to RAD and Luci loathes it
He pranced around showing it off and effectively gets lesser demon convinced it’s normal to wear collars
Barbs is the one to draw the line with using a leash on Dia in public
He already has a leash for it, it’s almost inverted in collars from the collar you got (yes he looked in the future for the colors you were getting and yes he forgot to make sure that’s the timeline HES in so now it doesn’t match)
He’s happy and lets you put it on him and ask you to make sure there’s enough room for him to to breathe in it by asking you to place two fingers through his collar since he ‘couldn’t do it himself’ since he’s the ‘pet’ he needs you to do it!
He hides it under his clothes and goes out of his way to flash it to you whenever he knows no one else is looking (he doesn’t hide the wink he sends your way though)
He has infact been caught by Diavolo while you had him on a leash, and being a good pet, he kept it on and waited till you decided to let him go (not that Dia minded he thought y’all were playing house)
No leashes in public, like his Master he can’t afford to be caught like that (he can handle people seeing the collar but not the leash, especially with a human holding his reins)
He stared at you asking why you named a dog after him. You have to tell him it’s for him not a dog
Will wear it happily (occasionally covering his face when people stare) as long as there’s a guarantee that Luke isn’t around. He’s not subjecting the lil angel to these shenanigans
He goes up to Lucifer with a slight blush to show off what you got it fir him, Lucifer later has a sit down with Simeon to make sure he actually understands why you have it to him
After that Simeon is a little more timid with showing it off but is still excited.
Sadly he’s terrible on a leash, he walks along side you just fine but straight up forgets it’s on and will wander
Puts a reflective on his collar just to be a dick. He’s like a walking disco ball in the sun. He is a menace with it right off the bat
He wears it all the time and you have to revoke his collar rights when he’s going to a fancy ball with Diavolo.
Solomon pouts a lot when you say he ‘can’t’ show off his collar to everyone he meets everywhere. You jokingly threatened to make him sleep in a dog bed if he keeps it up
Thee is now a dog bed next to his bed AND yours
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sussypique · 7 days
Went out of my comfort zone with this one that angle was hard af to draw
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anotherobeymeblog · 10 months
Which of the characters are the loudest in bed? 👀
I had to rewrite some of these parts three times because tumblr kept not saving the draft when I clicked "save draft" so forgive me if some of them sound a little clipped, I'm pretty annoyed about it lol
Mammon: Yeah, Mammon has absolutely no concept of volume control. Naturally, he's wildly embarrassed by this and will try to deny how loud he is even in between moans. It's pretty fun to tease him about this. It almost makes it worth all the times someone will bang on the door demanding you keep it down. Almost.
Diavolo: Idk what you expected. He sees no reason to try to hide what you're doing, so he doesn't bother keeping his voice down. And, tbh, I'm not convinced he could be quiet if he tried. This man has a big, booming voice and even his dirty talk sounds more like shouting. Barbatos isn't paid enough for this shit.
Solomon: Whore 💖 He's absolutely shameless, so you better hope no one else is in the same building as you when you fuck. Of course, if you ask him to try to be quiet, he'll happily make even more obnoxiously obscene noises just to annoy you.
Leviathan: Levi will bite his lip raw to try to stifle his noises if you don't stop him. He's actually pretty quiet as far as like... decibels go, but his tone is so shrill, his voice carries much farther than it would otherwise. He sounds absolutely pathetic, and if you call him out for this, he will cry, but he will also cum on the spot.
Asmodeus: Okay, I know this is a hot take, but considering his vast uh. Experience, there's no way Asmo doesn't know how to adjust his volume for the situation. Much like everything else related to sex with Asmo, YMMV because he will try to shape himself into your ideal partner. However, if you do manage to get him to loosen up and stop trying to impress you, he naturally makes these clipped, high-pitched whines that are super cute, but not that loud.
Belphegor: So sex with Belphie can really be divided into two categories. Sometimes, it's slow, lazy sex where he's still half asleep and adorably clingy. In these cases, he's almost silent, with the only noises he's making being little sighs and incoherent mumbling that you think might be your name. But on the other hand, when he's in a particularly bratty mood and wants you to wreck his shit, it's a totally different story, and he will be spitting taunts at you even as the words keep getting cut off by choked moans.
Simeon: Simeon is prone to crying during sex and everyone else can fight me. He tries to maintain some semblance of dignity at first, but it never takes long before he falls apart and starts crying out freely.
Lucifer: Yeah, the most you're getting from him is the occasional tremor in his voice. He's bad at showing vulnerability at the best of times, so you just have to get used to picking up on the way his mouth twists or his brow furrows, because you won't be getting any more obvious reactions than that. (Unless he's drunk, but that's another story altogether.)
Satan: Depending on his mood, the sounds he makes range from low growls to soft, breathy moans. Either way, it's gonna be pretty quiet, and you'd need to be within a couple feet of him to be able to hear them at all.
Beelzebub: If you're doing something particularly intense, you may be treated to some choked grunts, but otherwise, the only noises he really makes are his breath getting heavier and whispered praises that grow increasingly incoherent as he approaches his orgasm, at which point he seems to stop breathing altogether.
Barbatos: Barbatos makes these drawn-out, airy noises that are very cute, but almost inaudible if your faces aren't right up against each other. If you make it known that you want to hear him better, he won't get any louder, but instead will lean towards you to moan right in your ear.
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asmomyluv · 11 months
Tommorow I'm going to post the Brothers version of cuteness aggression!
Warnings: bondage,overstimulation,degradation
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Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon
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Lucifer, Leviathan, Mephisto
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Barbatos, Satan, Asmo, Thirteen
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Belphie, Mammon, Beel, Simeon
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raes-writing-space · 2 years
Obey Me Brothers + Dateables Smut Headcanons
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon.
A/N: Some may have less because I don’t think about them as much as the others, sorry about that. This also was not beta read, so if there’s spelling errors I apologize. Also please if you like these, consider reblogging! Or at the very least send in a reply, or anon telling me what yall think!! 
Warnings/Tags: Obviously very sexual themes, I’m not going to bother tagging every sexual thing mentioned in here, so please read at your own discretion. Minors/Ageless Blogs DNI
Words: 8,734
Lucifer’s a dom, a hard dom, a brat tamer even. Or he’s a power bottom, and he will tease you relentlessly while you’re bouncing on his cock. 
He does a mix of praise and degradation, he’ll call you a cock-dumb slut in one breath, then tell you that you’re beautiful and doing a good job.
It also depends on his mood, you can tell if he’s had a rough day because he pulls out the degradation more, and will fuck you more roughly. If he’s had a good day (to his standards) he’ll praise you more and have more deliberately slow but deep thrusts instead.
If you ask him though, he will make love to you. He’s much better showing you how much he loves you through action than he does with his words.
Lucifer has a cockwarming kink, size-kink, dumbification kink, and ngl probably has some kind of title kink (whether that’s master, daddy, sir, etc.)
He’s also into BDSM, we should all know this intuitively by now. He literally has things to hang his brothers upside down IN CANON. Of fucking course he’s thought about you tied up in some kind of way and having his way with you. He’s a sadist.
Speaking of being a sadist, he will probably either overstimulate you or deny your orgasm. He loves hearing you whine and either begging him to keep going or to give you a break. He loves hearing you begging in general, really.
He’ll love to mark you up, but if you mark him up it will never actually be shown because dude is modest in his clothing, so it’ll be completely hidden under his clothes. If this frustrates you, it’ll actually turn him on knowing that he can control this part too.
Please sext him at your discretion, because if you’re trying to get absolutely fucking railed, then yeah, sext him during a meeting, or class, or literally anything where his presence is important. If you’re not trying to get railed, and just want to attempt to get some kind of power back and make him flustered, good luck, it’s not going to work. He’ll act completely unfazed, and then tease you and take it out on you later.
He also has a corruption kink, so if you act all innocent and sweet and shy, he’s going to make sure you’re begging him to fuck you like a good little slut. He will also not give you what you want until you’re basically screaming how bad you want to be fucked.
This man can be semi-vocal, he will growl a lot, groan, and like I mentioned, degrade and praise you. He will hardly ever cuss or let it show that he himself is drunk off of your body, his pride won’t let him.
He’s also a semi big boy to demon standards, he’s almost ten inches, and about average girth. Since the human standard is not even close to ten inches, if you let it show that you’re surprised at how big he is, it will only make him swell up with more pride. He’s trimmed, he’s almost just as particular about his looks than Asmo.
He’s really good in the aftercare department though. He’s probably second to Asmo for his brothers in aftercare. He knows he can be rough, and he really does love you. He wants you to know how much he cherishes you. Baths/showers, praise, massages, cuddles, anything you want.
Lucifer will never admit it, but the times he wakes up to you in the morning are some of his happiest moments. Just having you in his arms and being the first thing he sees, the first thought in his mind, warms his heart like no other. 
Mammon’s a total switch! Anyway you want him, anywhere you want him, however you want him, he is yours. If you want a service dom, if you want a brat, if you want a hard dom, if you want a total sub. He can do it all, even if it doesn’t seem like it at first. He’s full of surprises.
Definitely has a praise kink, istg tie him up and tell him how good he’s being and how wonderful he is, and he’ll literally turn into putty and whine for you.
He also likes to praise you too, if you have a degradation kink, he may try and play into it, but really he prefers to praise you instead. Might call you a good little slut or something, like a mix between degradation and praise.
If you go to the casino with him and sit on his lap while he’s playing, it will turn him on like no other. Blow on his dice, give him a kiss for winning or good luck, even if he loses, he doesn’t care as much because all he can think about is how  badly he just wants to take you home instead. Hell, if you tease him enough, he'll settle for taking you in the casino bathroom.
Loves to give or receive oral, he doesn’t have a preference. He equally loves seeing the look on your face when you go down on him, as much as he loves seeing your face of pure pleasure and moans of his name when he goes down on you.
I know many think the demons have massive cocks, but I like to think a maybe reasonable in between of both a demon and a human. So I imagine he’s about eight inches, probably just slightly above average girth, probably keeps himself trimmed. May have even considered getting a cock peircing at some point if he doesn’t have one already.
He has a marking kink in every single way, he wants everyone to know you’re his, and vice versa. He will have so many dark hickies all over your body, cum inside you and beg to have it drip down your thighs, or really cum anywhere on you. He’ll bruise your hips and waist with the imprints of his fingers. Bite marks, scratch marks, etc. Mammon has probably even gotten you some jewlery engraved with some form of his name on it, in a way to once again, show who you belong to.
And this goes for him too, scratch the fuck outta his back and he will be wearing a tank top all day. Hickies, lipstick smudges, bite marks, whatever you want to give him to show the fact that he’s the one pleasuring you like this.
Mammon can be very sappy sometimes and definitely follow the definition of making love to you! Any time he becomes aware of your mortality, or just how much he truly does adore you, he will worship every inch of your body and have you going all night, just wanting to spend as intimately close to you as long as possible.
He can be pretty good with aftercare when it’s really needed. Sometimes he can be exhausted, so give him a few minutes to recoup and then he’ll grumble and still get you a towel and clean you both up. Other times he can pamper you and continue to praise you on how good you were. Please do the same thing for him if he’s being a sub, he really wants to be good for you.
If you’re AFAB he’ll probably even let you peg him tbh.
He will attempt to tease you and say sweet nothings into your ear, or dirty talk you in public, he likes to see you flustered and has the confidence as if he can definitely keep his word (and he can), but if you do the same thing back to him?? 404 Mammon Not Found, MALFUNCTIONS. Sputters out words that aren’t even all coherent, and gets really defensive if you tease him how red he’s gotten after you do it.
If you call Levi mid game and he actually answers you, and you start dirty talking, telling him how you’re touching yourself, or how you want him to fuck you, and he absolutely will cum in his pants untouched. He’s probably incredibly frustrated and complaining how this isn’t fair, because he’s in the middle of a tournament and cannot quit his game right now. But as soon as he’s done, he is hauling ass to wherever you are.
Roleplay kinkkk… dress up as his favorite characters and he will be so for it. If you also have a roleplay kink in which he dresses up, even better too.
Everyone has had a headcanon of sort along these notes but I absolutely agree with the idea that he has thought about fucking you with his tail. 
Levi’s a diet switch. If you really make him jealous and piss him off, he can and will rail you and be a total dom about it. But any other time he’ll do whatever you want of him, but he will be incredibly nervous and flustered at first, but once he’s finally in the moment, then he’s definitely in the moment.
For him, it just takes some getting used to at first because even if you two have fucked 50+ times, all of those 50+ times he’s still a little surprised that you want to have sex with him. Over time he’ll fall into a rhythm and get used to it, but please be patient in the meantime.
Levi has both a degradation kink and a praise kink, you can switch between both and he’ll react the same way to either.
MANHANDLE HIM. DO IT. Pull his hair, shove him down on the bed, pull him closer to you, smack his ass, suck on his fingers or his tail mid sex, spit in his mouth, either way the look of pure shock and ecstacy on his face when you do it is like no other.
I def think that Levi has like a seven inch cock, but is A GIRTHY BOY. He probably doesn’t even realize it, and may have even been self-conscious that he’s only seven inches (for a demon) but when your eyes go wide at how thick he is?? It gives him a confidence boost. He can go back and forth on whether he’s trimmed or not, if he’s been gaming and binge watching he probably doesn’t think about that kind of thing.
If you tell him that he’s the only one who can pleasure you like this, that no one else even comes close to fucking you like he can, he will absolutely fucking lose it. It’s one of the few times he might even get a little bit of dom traits and be a little rougher in his thrusts. If you’re close to coming yourself though and say that, he might cum with you. Either you’re in for at least another hour, or you’re both gonna finish in like 10 minutes when you say that, there’s no in between.
The first time you two have sex, he was totally pussy-drunk (or whatever the male equivalent is) off of you when he first penetrates you.
Can be a little confused at first in the aftercare department, but he’ll eventually pick up on it, and whatever you prefer, need, etc… He’ll do for you. He’s a cuddler, let him be big or small spoon, doesn’t matter as long as he’s holding you.
Satan’s a dom, but he definitely goes through being a soft dom, hard dom, brat tamer, service dom, power bottom, etc. He’s the one who’s in control, but he will give you a choice on how you want him to take said control.
If you want to see his hard dom side, tease him. Tease him in public, sext him, whisper dirtry things into his ear, anything. If you tease him, he will drag your ass back to his room and hard dom you for being so bratty and teasing him.
We all know that he’s into kitten play. Let’s be really honest with ourselves. He will call you his kitten, and if you’re okay with it, even put a cute little collar on you. If you wear kitten ears too and really get into the role, he’ll love it. Call him your master and he will have the most smug fucking look on his face.
He’s typically more prone to giving praise as that’s what comes more naturally to him, but he will degrade you if that’s what you prefer.
Yes, he is the avatar of wrath, but he treats you with the most utmost respect, care, and love. Yeah, he will fuck you roughly, especially if you’re really into it, he can make you feel disgusting if that’s what you want, but really, he would much prefer to make love to you and worship your body.
He adores just making you squirm and whine and beg because it feels too good, because you’re so overstimulated, and are just a shaking mess underneath him. That’s what really gets him going.
In fact, he actually loves giving oral more than receiving just because he wants to see you come undone and moaning his name. Hell, if he thinks that Lucifer can hear the two of you, he’ll make you scream his name.
Satan prefers any position where you’re looking at him, he wants to see your pretty little face contort with pleasure, and he thinks it’s much more intimate that way.
His thrusts are calculated, he has studied you and what you like and how your body reacts. He has researched you in the most detailed way possible just to know how he can make you cum in less than a minute. It’s almost scary how easy he can turn you on and get you orgasming before you can even process that you were even close to begin with.
With that being said, he also doesn’t mind experimenting with different things because he just wants to learn and know how you’ll react to it. Satan loves finding out new things, and when it comes to sex with you it is no different.
Satan can go for a very long time because he’s figured out how to use his stamina to the fullest. Honestly you can’t even tell he’s close sometimes because he’s really got resolve. It’s sweet, sometimes he’ll even ask if you want him to come yet or to keep going.
Now, if you beg him to cum, especially inside you, his resolve flies right out the damn door. He will curse under his breath and get a little rougher and sloppier. He’ll grunt and growl the closer he is to coming if you’re a begging mess for him to cum.
Also if you’re AFAB he doesn’t mind period sex. Especially if it helps you with your cramps. He can probably pick up when you’re on your period, and if you’re embarrassed about it, he’ll reassure you that it’s totally fine.
He’s eight inches, with a slight above average girth. He’s relatively trimmed, but he doesn’t keep up with it every time, unless that’s what you want.
Satan is good with aftercare too, maybe not as good as some others, but still good. He’ll already have had a towel at the ready for the both of you, and he’ll make sure you drink water. He’ll cuddle up with you and if he’s still awake, he’ll read to you until the two of you fall asleep.
WE ALL KNOW HE’S A SWITCH, COME ON. He’s literally the avatar of Lust, he has probably been in every role, every position, knows every kink or fetish there is, been with every body type. He is VERSATILE.
With that being said, he himself adores having sex in front of a mirror some kind. He loves watching both himself fucking you, and having you see your lewd expressions of pleasure.
Asmo probably knows instinctively what kind of things you’re into sexually, but still loves to hear you say it out loud to him. Especially if you get flustered trying to tell him about it, he lives for that kind of shit.
Has a minor corruption kink tbh, especially if you’re the innocent or shy type. He loves teasing you, and will even pretend as if he didn’t hear you the first time and that you need to speak louder about what you want, and how badly you want it.
Bro when he makes love to you? Fuck, it’s intimate, like, you might actually cry from how emotional you are and how intimate it is. He’s full of love, and he wants you to love him for who he is too. Don’t worry though, he’ll always take care of you and if you need a break he’s okay with that too.
He might be a tiny bit against marking him at first, because he does make a point to really take care of his skin, but honestly if he overstimulates you and you just need some kind of fucking outlet, he won’t mind being that outlet.
Scratch his shoulders and back, litter his skin with hickies. Asmo gets off to how you're just writhing under him and don’t know what to do with all the pleasure you’re feeling, so if he has to take care of his skin a little more than usual as a consequence to his own actions, he’ll do it.
If you want Asmo to ruin you, he will. He will make sure that literally no one in all the three realms can please you like he can. The kind that even if you’re with some other sexual partner in the future, he will still always be lingering in the back of your mind.
He also adores non-sexual acts of intimacy too! Take showers or baths with him! Have him do your makeup or vice versa, let him paint your nails, massage you, brush your hair or you brush his. Of course Asmo knows exactly how to make you scream his name, but he also wants to know your heart just as intimately.
He has a seven and a half inch dick, with an average girth, but god damn does he know what to do with it that really it shouldn’t matter what his dick looks like. Asmo also cares about his looks, so of course his cock looks just as pretty as him.
AFTERCARE KINGGG he’s honestly the best in the aftercare department out of all of his brothers. The only one who could really compete with him in terms with aftercare would be Barbatos. HE WILL PAMPER YOU. Honestly no matter how rough the sex was, any pain you may have can disappear with his aftercare if that’s how you want it. If you also want to purposely not walk for awhile, he’s totally fine with that too.
SERVICE DOM, SERVICE DOM, SERVICE DOM. He will put in THE WORK. He will even let you use him however you want if it means you’re getting your pleasure too. In that case he can sometimes be a bit of a switch, but it’s just really that he loves pleasuring you.
Listen, he will literally go down on you for hours if you do not physically try and push him off at some point. Use your pact to stop him even. Besides food, he just wants to eat you out at any point. He’s a glutton, he’s never satisfied, even if you’ve cum twenty times and crying from overstimulation. You gotta snap him out of it and beg for him to give you some break. Really, you should bring snacks with you, because you can distract him momentarily enough to give yourself five minutes while he eats the snacks. 
With that being said, he also will leave hickies and bite marks if he gets a little too carried away with his sin. Of course he doesn’t want to hurt you, and if you don’t like hickies and love bites he will hold himself back from doing it.
He has a pretty low libido, but when you two do have sex, it’s like a whole fucking day’s session. Beel will have a hard time stopping, so even if you have sex maybe once a week or once every two weeks, that one session will literally be HOURS worth of activities of you two fucking. I’m not talking about 3 or 4 hours either, I mean legit like nearly 8 fucking hours, if it wasn’t for the fact that you both need actual fucking food and water.
I would incorporate food play with caution. It is very hot, and yes, he will lick everything off of your body, but like I mentioned earlier he can leave bite marks if he gets carried away. 
Listen if you have a small Somnophilia discussion with him and give him permission to basically use you as a midnight snack, he will take you up on that offer. A very tired Beel between your legs while you’re sleeping? Yeah, he might even fall asleep with his head between your legs after he’s satiated too.
If you’re AFAB, Beel also doesn’t mind period sex, but some of it is because he does kinda wanna know what you taste like on your period. Of course once he figures out that it makes you feel better too, he’ll love period sex even more, because he loves being able to help you out that way.
Out of all the brothers he’s the least possessive, and wouldn’t mind having some kind of threesome with you if that’s what you wanted. At the end of the day he trusts you and knows you’re coming back to him, so he’s not very worried about other people. And even if he did have to worry, he’s so intimidating that most people don’t want to compete with him anyway.
With that being said, if you’re at one of his Fangol games, he once again, might eat you out in some storage closet if he’s feeling hungry. Again, because he’s so heated, sweaty, and intimidating looking, no one will bother you two during that intermission. So despite it being semi-public sex, in the sense that you can get caught, if anyone hears your moans coming from the room, you’re safe.
He’s a big boy, he really is. He’s ten and a half inches, and above average girth too. He doesn’t really think about trimming unless you ask him to or if he thinks you’re bothered by it. Besides that, it’s not a big issue for him, so he won’t go out of his way to do it. Not to say that he isn’t clean, he’s very clean, he just doesn’t really trim.
Pretty decent in the aftercare department, he’ll easily carry you to help you clean up. He’ll feed you snacks and give you water, he’ll massage your thighs, and he’s a fantastic cuddler. With that being said, pleaseeee reassure him that you’re okay. He will absolutely worry that he might have gone too far, or hurt you, and will not forgive himself for it. Praise him and tell him that you enjoyed it, that you’re okay, and that you love him. That’s all he needs to hear from you to know that things are going to be okay.
Also I am in a brain rot that he loves the mating press position and if you let him cum inside you he will slowly develop a small breeding kink. He can’t cum just once in the session either, he goes for multiple too.
He’s not a very vocal one, but he will grunt, growl, and groan at short phrases such as “you’re taking me so well,” “So pretty,” “Taste so good,” “I love you,” “delicious,” and maybe even the rare occasional curse. Just know he does feel very good, and what he doesn’t say about his own pleasure, you can see very clearly on his face.
(For Belphie’s part all except for one point at the very end was written by the very lovely @iambutadepress I love you! Thank you for dragging me down the rabbit hole, and also helping me with this! Anything I added I put in parentheses!)
Belphie can be lazy, but when it comes to you? He’ll pull out the works.
He can range from Hard Dom to Power Bottom but either way, he always lets you know who has control.
As much as he loves his twin brother, he will not share you at all unless it’s platonic; He’s easily jealous. (He will allow cuddle session sandwiches with you between the two of them.)
With this jealousy he has a major marking kink, mainly scratches and bite marks the damn sadist. 
Belphie’s dick is of average size and girth but he makes up for this in how rough his thrusts are. (Personally, I like to think that the average for a demon is like 7 inches or something. The human average is about 5 inches. So I think it wouldn’t be extreme to say that demon’s average is 7, with the “bigger” ones being close to 10 to 12 inches.)
ORGASM DENIAL!!! Mans wants to see you beg and plead underneath him and if you’re riding him he will make you a drooling mess forced to sit straight up on his cock. (I also think he’s got a lot of stamnia despite being a very sleepy boi. He can easily keep denying your orgasm for awhile without even breaking a sweat.)
He uses his tail as a whip or as restraints. (Especially if you’re being rather bratty.)
Shameless flirt to the max, be it whispers, sly comments, or explicit remarks, he will make sure you are flustered and begging for more. (I think if you flirt with him back too, it’ll only spur him on to just flirt with you even more and get more and more explicit and teasing as it continues.)
He thinks it’s cute when your a blushing mess.
Degradation kink to the max, but will throw in some praise when he feels you deserved it.
Belphie can like choking but the minute you seem to struggle too much he will immediately stop… we all remember THAT chapter. (RIP)
Favorite position can be cowgirl or reverse cowgirl because it requires the least amount of work on his end but he can still control the pace and how much you go.
ASS AND THIGHS MAN. (I bet he thinks that your thighs are one of the best pillows he can ever have, let him sleep in your lap, play with his hair, he still won’t go easy on you next round, but he’ll thank you.)
Aftercare needs some work. He will usually fall asleep after you’ve both orgasmed but with enough prodding he will help you clean up… but THE CUDDLES ARE IMMACULATE.
Call him sir… just do it
Man’s has a mean streak and his spite against Lucifer is strong: shameless explicit flirting in front of him as well as major PDA.
Keeps the volume low *for him* with some grunts and growls but makes sure you’re screaming so all of devildom knows who you belong to.
He more than likely has a Dacryphilia kink.
(I wanted to also add in Somnophilia! If you want to fuck him while he’s sleeping, he’s totally okay with that. He also wants to be able to do the same thing to you though, he won’t at all feel bad for waking you up by fucking you a bit too roughly.)
Diavolo is a switch through and through, you can’t convince me otherwise. He knows he looks intimidating, and his status as the future king does make him intimidating. Yes, he can be intimidating when he wants to be, but he especially doesn’t want you of all people to feel like you have to walk around eggshells around him. He’ll be a sub for you to make you comfortable.
He will be on his knees for you if that’s what you ask him to do. Even with as big of a demon he is, even seeing him on his knees in front of you is really fucking hot.
He also is kinda into BDSM. He’s not as intense as Lucifer, but he’ll be interested in “funishments” and being tied up or tying you up. He can brat tame with the best of em.
He much prefers being in his demon form when he’s having sex, but if it’s a little too much for you, he’ll be in his human form too. Now, if you pull on his horns or rub them, he will growl or whine, depending on what position he’s in.
Speaking of being a demon, he too, also has both a corruption kink and a worshipping kink. He will want to ruin you and corrupt his pretty exchange student, but also, he will make you worship him as your Lord, or will even worship you as his own royalty. 
Diavolo can rail you into next week and make sure you can’t walk for a hot minute or make love to you all damn night, anyway you want it, he will always deliver.
I also think he has nipple piercings tbh and they’re probably super sensitive. Suck on his tiddies, he’ll love it. He’s got fucking pillow pecs, you can sleep on em with no issues.
Another person who’s probably thought of getting a dick piercing of some kind too. Whether he has one or not is up to you, but I definitely think he’s at least thought about it.
He loves holding your hands when you two have sex. If he’s railing you, he can pin both of your hands above your head with just one hand, or he can gently intertwine his fingers with yours and press a kiss to the knuckles mid thrust. Diavolo just loves how your hands look in his, especially since he’s got such big hands.
He also loves the mating press position or even doggy style. He loves hitting the very deepest parts of you, and he wants to get as deep as fucking possible every thrust.
Another one with a size kink, if you say he’s too big to fit, he’s going to tell you in the sweetest way possible that he’s going to make himself fit. Then praise you and thank you for taking every thick inch he has.
THIGH RIDING. If you want to ride his thick ass thighs instead he will totally let you. Maybe he’s too busy doing paperwork but sees how needy you are, he’ll tell you that you can use his thigh until he’s done with the paperwork.
Another one who’s also into cockwarming too. The way you’re so desperate for him to move but he’s got you pinned against his hips using his strong hands makes him so turned on. He could keep you there for hours if you’re being bratty.
He does have a breeding kink, he wants to fuck his seed into you, and he wants to make sure you don’t waste a single drop of it. Diavolo will keep filling you up to the brim with his cum if that’s what it takes. When he cums too, he cums a LOT. Like the sheer amount of it is impressive too. 
Another one that is you’re AFAB doesn’t mind period sex or even pregnancy sex. Honestly pregnancy sex really stirs something deep within him too. He’ll gently shush you and tell you that he’s going to give you exactly what you want.
Diavolo has a lot of self-control!! We all know about the pudding story!! If you somehow had a demon level aphrodisiac he would take care of you no problem to get rid of it’s effects, but he wouldn’t do it through penetrative sex. He wants to make sure you’re of completely sound mind to consent to him doing such a thing.
The one thing he definitely doesn’t have control over is how LOUD he is in bed. He’s so freaking loud!! He’s moaning, whining, growling, groaning, dirty talking, cursing, he is so loud!! Gag him if you want him to shut up. 
He’s got STAMNIA. Another one that could go for hours and hours, if he had the time. Most of the time though, he doesn’t. But damn if he could, he would.
I personally don’t think he can make pacts with people, but if he could, he would totally make a pact with you. He trusts you that much. He also just likes the idea that if for whatever reason you need him to stop, you could use your pact to stop him. Since he can’t make pacts though, he’s very attentive and observant to make sure he doesn’t get carried away with his own pleasure, that it’s somehow at your own expense.
If you mark him, he will wear them proudly. No one will question him about it, they’ll notice them and plainly ignore them as if he isn’t covered with dark hickies and scratch marks.
I kinda think Diavolo is secretly possessive..! Like he would definitely partake in a threesome with you, and either Lucifer or Barbatos, but he needs to be the one in control to know that he's the one you're truly with. Sure, they’re pleasuring you, but you’re going to be screaming Diavolo’s name the loudest, and he’ll make sure of that. (Also he’s the only one who can cum inside you.)
Diavolo’s the biggest of the big boys. He’s eleven and a half inches, and above average girth too. He’s trimmed, and his pubic hair is actually just a little darker than the hair on his head. 
He can be goofy or serious in bed! If you want to have a fun time and laugh with him, he can do that! But he can also take sex intimately serious too.
He’s fantastic with aftercare! He’ll always make sure your health and safety are his number one priority just like he always has even before your relationship. Anything you want, he will give to you. Don’t be afraid to ask! Even if you just want something comforting from the human realm, he’ll get it for you.
He’s so proud of you, he adores you. If anyone tried to give him shit about taking a human as his consort, they will see Diavolo’s bad side. Regardless of what happens, he will almost make sure you know how loved you are.
Barbatos is a dom!! (But he can be a switch, it’s just not his preference) He’s so used to serving people all the time that when it comes to sex, he needs to get out his energy!! He’s going to make sure you get your pleasure, but he’s definitely going to be getting his.
Another one that uses his tail during sex, either to tease you, restrain you, fuck you…
He’s also into BDSM maybe even a bit more than Lucifer but only if you allow him too. If you’re not into it, then he won’t do it. Your consent and comfort is important to him.
If you are into BDSM though, wow… He’s got so much shit. Toys, gags, restraints, whips/floggers, blindfolds...
Of course, once again, if that’s not what you want, he’ll be very understanding of that. If all you want is gentle vanilla sex even, he’ll be willing to do just that. He wants to know that you’re comfortable with him.
He’s a tease!! He’s also really big fan of orgasm denial!! 
Also has a corruption kink. Listen, they’re demons and they canonically manipulate humans and corrupt them. Of course they’d be fucking turned on by corrupting you, their precious little human. 
Definitely loves sensory deprivation, he loves playing with your senses and overstimulate you by doing that in the process. 
He loves receiving oral more than he does giving, I mean, he does love giving, don’t get me wrong, but he much prefers to see you sucking him off tbh. He hardly ever gets to really take some time for himself like this, so seeing your mouth wrapped around his cock is a great sight for him.
The only time he’s really going to be kind of a sub is if you want to body worship him. He’ll let you spoil him to your hearts content. If you want to deny your own orgasm but make him cum multiple times, praising him, and just in general showing him how much you truly do love and appreciate him, he’ll thank you relentlessly in between moans.
Not gonna lie if he sees you dress up in a sexy maid outfit he’s gonna mc-fucking-lose-it. He won’t think that you’re teasing him at all, in fact, if you call him master, you’re not gonna be able to walk afterwards. Calling him master is a fucking TURN ON. But especially if you’re dressed up like that? It’s over for you.
Also into spanking, he’ll start gentle at first, but if you’re really into spanking and he just sees how much of a mess you are bent over his lap, he’s going to get rougher with each moan. Don’t forget to count though! If you don’t, he’ll just “forget” where you two were and start over!
Once again, if you’re AFAB he also doesn’t mind period sex. There’s a few on here that I am just sure of that of. He doesn’t mind the mess, he’s going to reassure you that it’s fine repeatedly, he just wants you to feel good. 
Barbatos is about eight and a half inches, with a pretty girthy cock. He’s definitely well kept too.
I definitely think he’s started masturbating more often since you’ve come around. It was more than likely a guilty pleasure of his. Once you two start dating though, he’ll just prefer to wait until you come by and let out all his sexual tension that way. He’ll tell you all the freak-nasty shit he’s thought about with you too.
Honestly if you’re into mutual masturbation too, he’ll love it even more. Guiding each other towards your pleasure. Be ready for a round two though with the actual thing though.
As I mentioned in Asmo’s part, Barbatos will literally be the next closest Aftercare King!! He will PAMPER you. Especially if you had a BDSM sesh, he will make sure you aren’t hurting too much after, and be sure he knows all of the ways to take care of you and make you feel better.
He doesn’t have a food play kink, but one time both of you were baking a cake, and you got some icing on yourself and he did have to readjust his pants before grabbing a towel and cleaning you up. Barbatos couldn’t help but imagine that was his cum on you that you were licking off of yourself.
Which, speaking of, Barbatos can be very messy sometimes when it comes to sex, typically he’s a very neat and clean person, but goddamn if there isn’t times that he just wants to cum all over you.
Might be interested in having a remote controlled vibrator that he has control of. When he’s working, he’s working, and takes his job very seriously. But if you had the vibrator in you possibly during a time you and Diavolo are having tea, he’s going to remotely control it and tease the shit out of you. Not enough for Diavolo to notice, but definitely enough that you notice and are paranoid about Diavolo noticing.
He’ll serve you tea and cakes as your legs are shaking and he’ll simply give you an innocent smile as if he doesn’t have the damn remote in his pocket, before he asks if you two need anything else… and of course you want to tell him you want him to fuck you, but you can’t do that right now. He’s working, and Diavolo is across from you. It makes you that much more needy.
Dom leaning switch! He loves to experiment and try new things, but he definitely leans much more to being dominant or being a power bottom.
Also if you try and dom him you better be a brat tamer because he’s going to be the biggest fucking brat in all of the three realms.
If you manage to brat time him though, give yourself a damn pat on the back, first of all, but two, putting in all the fucking work would be worth it to see him a whining begging mess. It’s so rare to see sometimes, but it’s the best damn sight.
I have absolute brain rot from the blood pact headcanon (that I will link separately just in case the writer doesn’t want to be associated with NSFW things) so if you have a blood pact with him, be ready for both of you to be super overstimulated when you two have sex.
The emotions and physical feeling between the both of you with a blood pact is heightened ten-fold when you two are having sex. He has almost lost his resolve a few times because every time you orgasm it feels as if he’s orgasmed too, even if he hasn’t. 
Like I mentioned he loves to experiment!! Like Satan, he’s studied you and knows everything to get you to orgasm in less than a minute, and wants to know your reactions to certain things you two try!
Some of his favorite kinks though is wax play, sensory deprivation, semi-public sex (like places that are “private” but you can easily get caught in.), orgasm-denial and overstimulation, hair tugging (not pulling), and dumbification.
He can both degrade you and praise you, he switches through both very naturally, and like I mentioned above loves dumbification, so if you get cock-dumb he will tease you relentlessly about it.
Honestly though he’ll just tease you regardless. That’s another thing that turns him on. He will sext you and send you nudes in the middle of class, move his hands up your thigh, whisper dirty things into your ear. He may even pull you into some abandoned classroom to fuck you, but not let you orgasm, and leave you there begging for more. He’s a TEASE and he shows NO MERCY.
He wants you to fucking BEG him to fuck you so desperately, he wants to see you so fucking needy for him that you look like you’re on the verge of tears. Then he wants to fucking ruin you when he finally gives you what you want. If you don’t thank him for fucking you after, he’s just going to tease you more and then deny yet another orgasm from you.
Sex magic is a thing, and now that he has you, he’s going to want you two to use it. I’d like to think that since his feelings for you, he hasn’t used it or been to somewhere where he could, because all he could think about was you, but not that you two are dating? Hell… People think you two are like rabbits sometimes, even if you aren’t fucking like them.
He’s a lingerie man! Wear lingerie!! He will take pictures of you in his bed, before he pulls the beautiful garment off of you, then take pictures of you fucked out and dripping with his cum. He’ll save it for a rainy day.
Which, is another thing, he will take and save all of your pictures, whether they’re dirty or not. Of course, he’s respectful though, if you two break up, or you’re just not comfortable with him having your nudes even though you two are dating, he’ll sit down with you and let you watch him delete them. But if you are okay with him keeping them… yeah, Solomon has a personal folder FILLED with you in it.
Solomon loves to see you bouncing on his cock!! He’ll tease you relentlessly, hold you hips to his just before you orgasm, just so he can deny said orgasm, he’ll watch as you’re a moaning drooling mess from working yourself on his cock for so long. Especially if he’s being a bit of a bratty damn, he’ll make you work for your own orgasm if you want it so badly.
If he’s up way too late in the night studying or working on some spell or portion, suck him off or fuck him. Any energy he has left, even if you’re doing all the damn work, will immediately dissipate and he will be TIRED. Too tired to keep studying or doing whatever he was working on. Put his ass to bed using your body.
Listen, regardless if you’re AFAB or AMAB Solomon loves fingering you. It’s his favorite goddamn past time. He will literally be reading a book or working on a spell with one hand, and fucking you with the other. He will ignore your moans and pleas for more, it’s almost as if this somehow keeps him grounded. If you allow him, he’s even participate a little bit in somnophilia just to finger you while you’re sleeping, and while he’s trying to fall asleep. Again, it somehow just grounds him in the weirdest way possible, but honestly, you can’t complain… He’s fantastic with his fingers.
Solomon is above average in human size, at almost seven inches himself. He’s got an average girth though. He’s another one that’s hit or miss on trimming, because he’s not bothered by it, but if you are, he’ll trim it more often than usual.
Listen, one of his dirty fantasies is to get you two fucked up on demon aphrodisiacs and just fucking go at it. Solomon wants to know what it’s like, but he definitely doesn’t want to do it alone.
Solomon loves kissing you, and he especially loves PDA. He loves PDA even more if he knows it’s also going to piss someone off. He will have his tongue in your mouth in the middle of a hallways of RAD with no goddamn shame.
Speaking of no shame, he’s a shameless flirt!! There’s a fucking reason he’s got a pact with Asmo and gets along with him so well!! He’s a goddamn flirt, and tease, like I said, and anything to make you flustered and needy is his actual true purpose in life it seems!! 
Listen he can be an absolute freak if you allow him to be, but if you’re not into it as much, he understands.
Simeon is very much a sub leaning switch. I mean this as like he’s 90% a sub, and 10% has a corruption kink. If you’re innocent and shy, and wants to corrupt you. If you’re a virgin too, that 10% really comes out even more.
He does have a corruption kink, like I mentioned, and it goes both ways. If you’re innocent, and sweet and shy, and like I said, a virgin, he wants to ruin you. But if you’re not? He wants you to ruin him. Please corrupt him, please stay be his side and make it worth the possible fall from grace. He adores you, and will do whatever you want.
At most if you want him to dom it’s going to be a very soft service dom. He doesn’t have the mentality to want to hurt you, even if it does give you pleasure too.
With that being said, if he accidentally overstimulates you or denies your orgasm, he’s not going to understand what he did at first. If it somehow becomes a pattern, he’ll slowly pick up on it. If it doesn’t, and you mention to him that he overstimulated you or denied your orgasm for a moment, he’s going to apologize and tell you that he had no idea. If you tell him that you liked it, he’s going to get FLUSTERED. But then maybe he’ll have the courage to tease you about it…
If you gently scratch his back where his wings would usually be, he’ll straight up whine. That area is SENSITIVE, and he might need to take a minute to recollect himself.
Now… You can use this to your advantage though if you dom him. Gently tie him up, gently run your nails up and down his back, give him little hickies and love bites, he’ll actually cum untouched from those sensations alone.
When you first start dating and start getting more into the more sexual aspect of your relationship, forgive him for easily getting hard at like… every little sexual thing that happens. He’s not quite used to these new lustful urges.
Simeon’s a “virgin” and I will explain… He hasn’t had penetrative sex. Now, he has had blow jobs and hand jobs. He’s been around for a long time and has had moments of sin that he’s had to repent for. He might have even used someone’s thighs, breasts, labia majora, ass cheeks, to grind/fuck into kind of like a fleshlight.
When he sinks into your hole for the first time, he almost cums on the spot. Give him a minute, no matter how needy you are, because he might just cum within the first few thrusts otherwise if you don’t give him a second to really calm himself down.
His stamina gets better over time! The more you two have sex, the longer he can keep going. It’s a lot for him at first, but once he gets used to it, he’ll build up his stamina like everyone else.
Simeon also loves mutual masturbation as well, he likes finding out what you like, how you fuck yourself, what you think about, everything. It’s just another way that he can take note for himself.
Simeon is always insistent on you cumming first, he won’t even think about penetrating you if you haven’t cum first. He’s a giver, and will totally go down on you as long as you want him to.
Please reassure him that things are okay! That he’s a good boy! Praise him! He will feel guilty at first, he has to get out of the mindset that sin is something to feel guilty about. When you tell him how much you love him though, he’ll know that it’s worth it for you.
He’s nine inches, and above average girth. He probably doesn’t even realize how big he is, he probably doesn’t even think about it. So when you go to have sex for the first time and tell him how big he is, he might actually swell up with a little bit of pride.
Have him read an erotic story while you ride him and watch him fucking lose it. He won’t be able to speak correctly, but if you stop your movements and deny his orgasm over and over, he’ll thank you later when he finally does get to cum after he’s finished the erotica part of the story.
It might even give him some inspiration to write something of his own…
MAKE LOVE TO HIM. MAKE LOVE TO HIM. MAKE LOVE TO HIM. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. He’s intimate. Like almost Asmo levels of intimate that he can almost bring you to tears from feeling so loved and blessed.
You can degrade him if you’re “corrupting” him. He’ll love it, but he prefers praise if it’s anything else besides that. It’s the same thing for you, he can degrade you if he’s corrupting you, but other than that it’s all praise.
He’ll need a little guiding at first, but once he learns, he’s completely yours. I mean that in the sense that he is perfectly molded and crafted to your needs and your needs only. He already gave you his heart and mind, his body is something else.
He’s actually got a pretty good idea on aftercare!! Simeon of course will adapt to your own needs, but he’s not clueless!!
That goes for a lot of things, yes he might need to adapt and need to be guided for your own needs, but he’s not clueless! Don’t assume because he’s an angel that’s he’s a saint.
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writer-and-lover · 2 years
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Day 18: The Three Demon Lords
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Demon stamina was incredible. You'd seen Beel run a cross country across the devildom without breaking a single sweat, watched how Mammon ran for hours and hours from Cerberus, and watched the way Levi would fight demons like it was WWE for some magazines.
This though? This was taking the piss.
Diavolo and Lucifer had been fucking you for way too long now. That's not to even talk about Barbatos, who'd been leisurely using your mouth as his own personal fleshlight. He even wrapped his tail around your throat, tightening it up further for him to fuck open. The messy sounds of the two demons behind you fucking your ass open left you moaning wildly whilst the demon in front of you sent your mind scrambling at the continuous thrusts.
The Demon Prince's claws threatened to pierce your skin, leaving tingling pain down your back and up your waist. Lucifer's wings cooled you all down, shielding you from view. It was addicting, the way these demons took control of you so easily. You were on the verge of passing out, no longer even able to keep yourself up. The demons did that for you, never leavin a single piece of your skin untouched. Your eyes were rolling, tear tracks and drool covering your face and making you messy.
They're vicious in their fucking, treating you like nothing more than a toy for them to use and pass around. Though, you can't really complain. After all, you did ask for this.
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kirametre · 23 days
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Sharing the same bath, seriously?!😳🔥
That's two of the most abstinent old demons and yet they're shirtless, which makes them extremely flirty…
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pseudonymphomania · 2 months
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Obey Me Bunnies, resposted as a set for Easter 🐣
⬆️ Click the link to see the full versions! (The link is a search of my blog for the term “obey me reverse bunny”)
Warning ⚠️ It can be spicy. Please do not view if you are opposed to this kind of art. Thank you kindly.
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flappingdragon · 2 months
What about overstimulating barbatos to dumbification? That kinda sound nice !!
OH HELL YES I can't stop thinking about it now (what have you done)
But just imagine pushing him up against the wall and watching him get all flustered like "😳"
But then in the bedroom, you push him onto the bed, start roughly making out with him and begin unbuttoning his uniform.
After ruffling him up, you lean back and admire the pure work of art you've created.
Barbatos is panting, his hair a mess, his chest rising, which is partly exposed now, his face red with desire, and his eyes totally fixated on yours. Gods, if this doesn't awaken something in you, he'd be surprised, because in a matter of seconds, you have him on his hands and knees, his bare ass in the air.
But when it comes to fucking him dumb, you're relentless. You're not giving him time to breathe. He's moaning, screaming, and his eyes are all the way back in his head while his mouth is open wide, whimpering and moaning your name repeatedly.
God its so hot.
You'd tell him to count how many times you've pushed inside but he'd always say something different each time. He'd turn into a incoherent, babbling mess underneath you.
And by morning, he's not walking straight for nearly a month.
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