#obey me belohegor
An Obey Me request with all the brothers. I loved the drunk MC one you wrote! This time once they finally get MC home and into their boyfriends room, he invites MC to go to bed with him and MC just responds with: Sorry I’m sure you’re a great guy, but I got a boyfriend that I love a lot so I can’t sleep with you. MC then stays clothed and goes to sleep on the floor, their drunken state not realizing they just said that to said boyfriend.
I love drunk MC requests lol, these are also super short, i kind of ran out of ideas lol
no Tw, but few of the boy try to help MC change into not-party clothes.
It was 2 hours after he had realized they were too intoxicated to stay. As he watched MC stumble over their own feet, almost falling for the nth time, he decided on carrying them over his shoulder, finally getting to his room, and setting them down gently on his bed.
"MC, do you-"
"Thanksssss, but I have a boyfriend who I love very much, I'm sure you're a awesomeee guy, but I'm definitely not interested"
He watches as they slide down off the side of his bed, ungracefully laying on their side, then rolling onto their stomach, breathing quickly slowing.
Lucifer scoffs, watching as they seem to worm their way off the bed.
He lets them lay there for a short period, waiting until they're fully asleep before picking them up and gently setting them on the bed, for good this time.
He kisses their forehead, rolling over to put his chest against their back.
Makes sure to set a glass of water up for them when they awake.
Mammon grunts, lips pursed as he watches them slide until they're flush with the floor.
"Treasure, ya gotta change and drink somethin'." He crouches down, gently shoves them in an attempt to wake them, once he realizes its futile, he'll attempt to carry them into bed, before they stir again and try to shove him away.
"MC, you gotta get up!" He knows they need to change their clothes, but he is absolutely not going to push that.
He crouches down, realizing how uncomfortable they must be. Poking them, he realizes they really did fall asleep that quick! He lets them lay there, quickly retrieving pillows and blankets, gently lifting their head to shove a pillow under.
POV switch, sorry.
Giggles before texting Beel, hoping he'd help move you. Could Asmo do it? Yes. Is he also a little tipsy and scared to drop you? Yes.
Likely helps strip you down, fumbling to get you into one of his comfortable nightgowns.
Gives up though, so you wake up in pants and a nightgown,
Makes sure to kiss you on the forehead before falling asleep against you.
Chuckles a little, you're an adorable nuisance. He loves it.
He's quick to pick you up, moving you fast before you shove him off again in favor of your boyfriend.
Is a gentleman, wakes you to try and get you to change clothes, has to assist and pretends he's not looking, but can't hell but blush when you throw your arms around his neck and start to doze off.
Tries to do some research into the effect of alcohol.  on humans, makes sure you have water sitting for you to drink.
He sort of stops for a minute, unsure of what to do. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. But he also knows you can't sleep on the floor.
Very gently lifts you head, moving his arm behind it to get leverage before fully picking you up.
He lets you sleep in your clothes, making sure to snuggle you with an iron grip so you don't wake up and run off.
He chuckles, thinking it's funny how your body goes limp against the floor. Then he hears your snoring.
Shaking his head, he calls Beel. He wanted to sleep in the attic, and carrying you all the way felt like a lot of work.
Is thankful you don't stir when Beel carries you, waits for him to leave before trying to partially undress you. He probably only gets your pants off. Who wants to sleep with pants? Not you, probably.
Is quick to cuddle up to you, making sure to check your dreams for any ill thoughts. (He probably thinks that you'll get nightmares from alcohol.)
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Time to talk about Lillith :)
So her being MC's ancestor in the story was... A bad choice, in my opinion.
And I don't hate that she was the one who revived MC, quite the opposite, that was a fine move. I like to think that it was to show that MC had a connection to all the siblings, dead or alive, hate or love. It's just...
Why are they (technically) related? What was the purpose?
That could sound mean, but if some of your playbase could call incest and (possibly) have a leg to stand on, it's a bit... Much, let's say. But, either way, there is an alternative that I like. (And one I made up, but that's besides the point.)
I like the idea that Diavolo lied to the brothers to keep the peace. To me, it makes sense, because:
He needs to keep the peace between the three realms, and y'know, one of the humans dying kind of prevents that. So, why not lie to them to make sure this never happens again?
It would also get to a quick resolution for the brothers, since I'm pretty sure that Belph was about to kill MC... Again.
Sadly, I only have two reasons, but you're smart, you can probably expand upon this.
Anyway, this might be a bit sloppy, but I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.
Your Anonymous Color Coder,
Lesson 42 Anon
(P.S. I have issues with Lesson 16, 17, and 18. I say this just in case I want to rant about it. :)
So initially I wasn't the biggest fan of them being related, though when they first started hinting at a connection between Lilith and MC I had a "OH GOD. OH DAMN. PLEASE DON'T BE LILITH'S REINCARNATION" moment so finding out MC was just a distant relative was a relief but not one I was necessarily happy with? Because of all the "Is this technically incest!?" feelings I had at the time.
But it did grow on me? I think all the human au's I had roaming free in my head helped me get over it? When writing or thinking up human Aus I try to make them as close to the Canon situation as possible so it'd be:
The brothers and Lilith all living in a foster home with only Lucifer and Satan being blood related, but they all see each other as a found family. MC would be a distant (and I mean distant enough it equals to the thousands of years that separate Canon MC and Lilith) cousin who they don't even find out is related to Lilith until much later (after Lilith either leaves and joins a more permanent family or....well dies I guess).
The way I see it, it'd be the same as a group of "we're so close we see each other as siblings" friends wanting to date the distant/estranged relative of one of the group members.
So yeah, now I see the whole Lilith, MC, brothers thing as "Incest if I'm willing to reach so far my arm tears straight outta my socket" so yeah.
Though obviously it's completely valid if people are still uncomfortable with it.
ANXUSJWMNZRATQVX8 Belphie would have totally murdered MC if they didn't bring up the whole Lilith thing! And I'm so upset they all just get over it? Like damn I love Belphie no lie, but are we just gonna gloss over the fact that he was 110% okay with the genocide of the entire human race???????
I also have this headcanon that MC has chronic pain that flares up on and off after Belphie murdered them, cause remember how the ghost of the fortune teller,Gisella (?), on the train said you never forget the feeling of dying and MC had a pretty violent death so.....
I also HC that there are days, specially when the pain is bad, where they can't stand to be near Belphie and that while he was initially upset by this and was persistent about still being with them by around mid S2 or S3 he's learnt to identify those days and understand why MC can't even look at him then and he makes himself scarce and sleeps away the day in an out of the way dark, corner probably with Beel around for emotional support because honestly those days would hurt him as much as MC.
I like that in the Canon storyline that none of the brothers were 100% okay with Belphie right after Lesson 16 and how they went out of their way, more so than usual, to make sure MC wasn't alone with him? I maybe reading into that too much but I liked it..
And I mean generally MC's a very calm, collected, headstrong and stubborn character so as frustrating as it is I understand why they would want to help Belphie get along with the others again. "I died for this shit, so I might as well see it through" kinda mentality
I didn't initially like the two timelines cause it made me really sad imagining the one MC left behind and to ease that angst I always imagined since MC changed the past their original timeline -the future timeline- got erased with a new future unfolding. but someone on tumblr posted a headcanon with evidence on why they thought Barbatos joined the two timelines together so that they live with the extra day of memories and experiences that came from the original timeline AND I JUMPED THE HELL ON THAT BOAT & actually recently wrote something about it. Here have the link and some shameless self promotion cause I'm an attention whore:
"When Mammon meets his soulmate he's going to punch them in the face. It doesn't matter if he'll only find out who exactly his soulmate is when one of them is on their deathbed. He's still going to punch them."
Um anyway that's all my thoughts on 16, 17 & 18 (I think. There might be more that I can't remember at the moment tbh) and since I rambled to you about it you are now contractually obligated to rant to me about yours. Sorry, those are the rules🤷🏽
About the thing you said about Diavolo and his reasons I honestly have nothing else to add, I mean the reasons you gave make total sense and I'm okay with just what the canon gave too so
It wasn't sloppy at all! My rambles are always too long and all over the place!
Edit: I forgot! As to why they were related, yeah I don't think it was completely necessary but still I can see reasons behind it?
1. As a way to make MC other. A devilgram and a little line in S3 makes it seem like MC is neither angel, demon OR human. I HC that Lilith died right as she was changing from angel to demon making her one of a kind and that pure "Fallen Angel" magic came with her when she was reincarnated and then was passed down to MC.
2. How lilith's known as the mother of monsters in some myths and how MC is related to them... I just think it's neat. Plus MC has an insane amount of raw power - truly a monster in their own right
3. It's closure for the brothers. They never got to see Lililth as a human, never got to see her grow up, fall in love, start her own family. The last they saw her she was in pain and dying. They don't get to see if she was happy. MC's the closest proof they have to that. That she found love and had a family and was happy
4. It's closure for lilith. Just the fact that her spirit passed down from descendent to descendent along with her magic till she could see her brothers again just to see if they were happy and to tell them she had lived a long happy life. I don't know I'm really happy she was able to do that
5. The brothers find similarities between Lilith and MC but they're rare and 6 of the 7 brothers already liked MC before they found out about MC being her descendent. And even Belohie starts to like them as their own person. Just I always worry that they like MC just because of the connection between them and Lilith and that they see MC as a replacement but then U remember their Canon interactions and it feels like the brothers actually forget about that connection. MC is Lilith's legacy, they're living proof that you can be born in one world but find your true home in another, but they're not defined by Lilith. They're their own person. Even their magic is their own considering Lilith used the last of hers when she helped them in Lesson 15/16
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ihaileysenpai · 4 years
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I made my pretty boy 💕
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devilfemdom · 2 years
Just played the Devilgram "Unspoken Feelings"
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This shows us the student council as Diavolo proposes the Exchange Program. Mammon calls Belphie the youngest child and gets a bit angry at jim. And Lucifer tells Mams to not get angry as it won't help anything. Then Lucifer tells Belphegor to basically shut up, as the majority voted for the exchange program.
This is the first time Belphegor is disillusioned and starts despiting Lucifer. This must be an interesting dynamic change, especially for Satan who finally has someone on his side.
Also, I think this accusation from Belphegor that everyone besides Beel and himself forgot Lilith and what happened to her. I wonder how the brothers would react to this. I assume they would be hurt at this accusation, of course, they didn't forget. How could they? She is the reason why they're demons. Lucifer must be hurt the most, he gave up his freedom for her.
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radarchives · 3 years
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obey-meow · 4 years
Belphie: How do tall people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you
Beel: Belphie, it's four o'clock in the morning
Belphie: So you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
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Okay so, I havent seen alot of his character. Practically only in the fandom so yeah. But I want belphie to dom me so bad. Like, not evem lazily just, rile him up and get him to rail me (hmmm im starting to see a pattern)
Can I just say... Mood. You feed me too well with this thirst! First Idia now Belphie! Who's next? 😭😭
He's right no doubt, gripping at your hips, pounding into you as you moan and grip at the sheets in the attic. He's relentless, it doesn't matter how many times you've came, he's going until you're overstimulated and dripping with his cum.
He'll play with the head of your cock/clit, teasing and using light touches with only two fingers, the others at your balls/folds. He's growling and groaning in your ear, loud and shameless, he's pressing himself right against your back so you only can think of him on and in you.
Your nape, shoulder blades, neck, and back are all littered with marks. From his lips or fangs you can't quite tell anymore, beads of carmine starting to come up from the broken and abused skin, now stuck to his bare chest as he pins you down.
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yanderemommabean · 4 years
Can we talk about how protective Belphie is in game? Like, he's saved MC twice when they were about to be assaulted. I love him.
He’s super protective, super sweet, has a snarky side that is a huge weakness of mine, and wants to make up for his wrong doings towards you. He’s BABY. He’s absolutely perfect
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hiddenwashington · 3 years
@youllalwaysbemyporcelain​ said : Was that [NAKAMOTO YUTA]? Oh no no, that was just [BELOHEGOR/BELOHIE], A [CANON CHARACTER] from [OBEY ME]. They are [IMMORTAL/EARLY TWENTIES] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {ooc: atlas}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. belohegor/belohie [nakamoto yuta]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
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iris-nonsense · 4 years
Belphegor in Obey Me:
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Belohegor for me, a person who plays persona:
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Yeah same thing...
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Can u give us screenshots of what we can say about how each brother really is? Like what we say about each of them?(I can't tell if I explained that well) I too am never gonna reach chap 27 anytime soon😭😭😭
Of course!
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There's not enough space for Belphie's but word for word it's:
"He's lazy & has no energy" Vs "He's clever and you can always count on him"
Lucifer's response is: "Hmph. Taken a special liking to him, have you?"
Bro he fucking murdered me but no yeah I like him
I lowkey feel like, yeah Satan & Asmo's ones are true but unlike with the other brothers it does a disservice to what they actually are like? Satan's responsible and he looks out for his brothers, Asmo's generous and caring.
Mammon's description still KILLS me because it's true!? When you dig down to his basics he is genuine and there's a sort of innocence to him you don't see in any of the others? Hell you don't see it in MC either! But I never thought the game would actually say it and that kills me
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obey-meow · 4 years
Belphie: Good morning everyone, let's just go back to sleep
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