#obey me lucifer royalty au
ruewrites · 1 year
Ship: Diavolo/Lucifer
Word Count: 3250
Warnings: Smut
A/N: Some people had wanted to see Lucifer and Diavolo's honeymoon and oops more story progressed from there. I hope you all enjoy! Comments are appreciated <3
Devotion: 1.love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. 2.religious worship or observance.
Sometimes in this life, others are more devoted to us than we can comprehend.
Lucifer sat on the bed with a sigh. Slowly, he slipped his silky gloves off of his hands and kicked his shoes off his feet. The affairs of today had been a grand one, doves as far as the eye could see, a cake crafted by Barbatos big enough to feed an army trimmed with gold and black flowers. Asmodeus had been chittering away with him every free moment he could squeeze himself in, eyes sparkling at every romantic aspect he could pin down and sprinkling in his own fantasies of what a wedding could be like.
"I could only imagine what this would be like," Asmo had said, "I can't wait."
Exhausting was the only word that came to mind for Lucifer.
It was mostly for show, a way to introduce the future co-rulers and gain them favor with the public. Over all, it was mainly a way in which the royal family could keep their favor with the people. A wedding was no more than a spectacle.
And yet-
A deep groan left Lucifer's lips as firm hands made their way to his shoulders, kneading away at the tense muscles beneath. He leaned back into the ministrations, allowing his eyes to slip shut. 
"How are you feeling love?" The words were ended in a soft kiss to his neck that made Lucifer shudder. Diavolo's voice was low, soft, and warm like a thunderstorm rumbling in the distance on a summer evening. 
Lucifer glanced down at the ring on his finger, appreciating the way it glistened when the light hit its surface. Without a word, one of Diavolo's hands traveled across his arm and to his hand. Carefully, he lifted the ring to his own lips and kissed it softly. 
This made Lucifer give in the rest of the way, leaning into Diavolo fully and allowing his body to be enveloped by the warmth.  Both of them continued to move backwards until they were staring at the ceiling.  
Finally, after a moment, he let go of the breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. The rest of the tension left his body. His fingers tapped against his abdomen as thoughts lingered in his mind. He knew what this was supposed to be for and yet-
“Happy to finally be alone and away from the commotion, but I suppose we still have a duty to keep.” 
It was his way of attempting humor. Lucifer was more than aware that nothing would force him to couple with Diavolo, especially not Diavolo himself.
"So," Diavolo started, glancing over at him, "Sex?"
Lucifer snorted, hand flying to cover his mouth, "There were many ways you could have worded that. That was not the most… elegant option." Consummating a marriage was important, it was symbolic. Two people coming together just as two entirely different kingdoms did. It was important, it was expected, it "sealed the deal" so to speak. 
"But what about it?" Lucifer asked.
"About what?"
"About 'so, sex'?"
Now it was Diavolo's turn to snort, "Ah I hear how it sounds now."  He turned his head to look at Lucifer, his fingers started to drum as he spoke, adding to the illusion of that perfect summer storm.
"What do you think about it? About the moment now?"
The truth? Lucifer was starting to feel uncomfortable in his wedding attire as the storm inched closer, it was hot and muggy and made him feel rather sticky. He was waiting and watching as the clouds grew closer. 
"What do I think?" Lucifer repeated. The uncomfortable heat was pooling, concentrating in a single area. 
The surprised look on Diavolo's face was definitely worth a thousand kingdoms' treasuries. Lucifer straddled his waist, strong thighs gripped his waist as he sat proud atop the man beneath him.  He shifted, making himself comfortable, "I think I need to see how desperately you want me, why you begged and stood determined to be by my side."
He watched as Diavolo's mouth dried, as want filled his eyes. His hands hesitantly moved to Lucifer's hips, trembling as he did so. The storm was upon them now, hot and heavy in the air. It was getting hard to breathe.
"Up," Lucifer commanded, and Diavolo followed, sitting up and pulling Lucifer even closer to his chest.
"Good boy," Lucifer purred, stroking along the side of Diavolo's face, watching as the man leaned into the touch, "You want me."
"I crave you," Diavolo corrected him quickly, "Ever since the first night you allowed me to touch you, and even before that. We have had many firsts together, and I am honored by your trust in every single one."
Lucifer's eyes softened, and his heart melted as the first patters of rain fell. He leaned in, kissing his husband to communicate what words failed to. Diavolo moaned beneath him as the Arcadian Crowned Prince ground against him. His growing need was evident, and Lucifer was growing feverish. Ripping away Diavolo's shirt became his first priority. They could deal with the rest later. Clothes hid secrets well, and very often Lucifer found himself at odds with his secrets. Does he share them or not? What were the consequences of letting his resolve, his masks, slip?
Disrobing meant leaving himself vulnerable.
But with Diavolo he was allowed to be vulnerable.
He waited with bated breath as Diavolo looked over his body. It was far from pristine and perfect like the prince had most likely imagined. A litany of scars marked him in places and the most prominent ones were on his back. He watched as those large fingers hesitantly reached out, and when Lucifer didn't pull away, he started to trace them.
"It's not everything you expected-" 
"You're beautiful," Diavolo's voice was filled with nothing but reverence, "I have never seen you without your shirt off. Thank you for sharing this with me."
Allowing himself a moment to bask in the attention, Lucifer allowed himself to focus on how Diavolo touched him. How his body reacted to each gentle ministration. Then something glittering caught his eye. 
Diavolo let out a groan as Lucifer yanked on the pretty golden barbell piercing through his nipple. "I've had my eye on these for a while now. Tell me Prince, do you like it when I touch you like this?"
"Hells Lucifer," he was breathless,"What are you doing to me?" 
"Taking control, especially now that I can touch more than your cock in secret." 
Quiet nights holding his hand over the prince's mouth as he stroked or fingered him to completion in defiance of his father. There was no better form of resistance than finding sneaking ways to get around the rules. And there was no better reward than seeing the way his at the time fiance had looked at him.
In Diavolo's eyes he was truly the most beautiful creature. 
The storm was amping up now. He pushed Diavolo back. The arched form of his aching manhood was pressed against his rear, desperate and wanting. Maintaining eye contact, Lucifer leaned down. The taste of metal coated his tongue as he worked. A large hand entangled itself in his hair, encouraging him to go further. His hand played with the other side of his chest. Diavolo continued to groan above him, another hand moved down his back and Lucifer stilled. 
"May I open you?" Diavolo asked.
Lucifer straightened. He had to keep the illusion of control. He was aware something inside of him was broken. He always had an illusion of control, but it was never something he could actually possess. It always evaded his grip. Playing a part was his job, his role was to be the Crown Prince of Arcadia, nothing more than a puppet on a string. Diavolo cut those strings, or began to, and he understood how fragile and delicate they were.
“Only if I give you permission.”
He nodded.
“And I can take it away at any time.”
Another nod, “You are the one in control of yourself, just as you always are. ”
Reaching behind him, Lucifer grabbed Diavolo's aching member. His husband arched letting out a low rumble in his chest, "And you are positive you won't mind?  No matter what my decision?"
"As long as you are in throes of pleasure or content I don't mind."
Lucifer thought for a moment, then his mind seemed to be made up. He settled back down into the act he was comfortable in, the act they both knew gave him the power and control he felt like he lacked. “Alright then,” he whispered, “Go ahead.”
Eagerly, Diavolo grabbed for a small jar next to the night stand before passing it off to Lucifer. As he poured some on his own hand, he  couldn’t help but focus on how warm it was and how slick it felt on his skin. His nerves struck him in that moment, and he considered retracting the consent he had given, but then those gentle hands changed his mind. The first finger slipped into him without issue. He hissed, eyes closed and brow furrowed. When the second was added was when the noises started. They were muffled and short, trapped behind pursed lips and gritted teeth. He reached behind himself and grabbed onto his husband’s cock, initially gripping it tighter than what he meant to. His hands shook and his body shuddered. When Diavolo stuck a certain spot inside of him was when he lost his resolve. The moan that escaped him was not a noise he thought himself capable of making. 
His grip released the weeping member and went for Diavolo’s wrist instead, “That’s enough.”
Diavolo watched him curiously as his fingers were removed. Lucifer lifted himself, and with as much poise and grace as he could muster, impaled himself on his husband. Diavolo was a large man, he knew this to be true, but it quickly resurfaced in his memory as he struggled to bottom out. The fullness he felt was almost too much, almost. 
Diavolo went to speak, but Lucifer held up a hand to stop him. Then he moved. Diavolo’s hands flew to Lucifer’s hips and those golden eyes were fixed upon him, “Lucifer-”
“Do you feel good?”
“Incredibly so.”
“Am I better than anything you’ve had before?”
“You’re the only thing I want. I am honored to touch you.”
His voice flattered and his hips stuttered as he tried to meet Lucifer, but the Crowned Prince had other ideas, “You’re being so good for me right now, and good boys get rewarded. Tell me, what would you like?”
There wasn’t a single sliver of hesitation from Diavolo, “I would like to make love to you.”
Lucifer’s brain stilled. Make love to him?
Diavolo had been a bit of a romantic ever since they’d met and even before that, but the answer still caught him off guard. It hadn’t been what he’d been expecting. The words ‘to cum’ were the first that came to mind. That was usually what he was aiming for during their more private sessions.
Diavolo sat up, it changed the angle and coaxed another sigh from Lucifer’s lips. 
“Would that be quite alright?”
Lucifer studied his face, used his fingers to gently trace along Diavolo’s cheekbones and lips. The storm inside of him was quelling and in its place, a gentle shower. He didn’t say a word, rather, he let their lips meet once more in a gentle embrace. It was trust, it was openness, it was a sense of home.
All of it came together, a result of an act of devotion.
When they pulled apart he nodded, and he found himself being moved to his back. Diavolo’s thrusts were consistent, gentle yet powerful. Lucifer had one hand tangled in his hair and the other on his back. He didn’t want to break eye contact with him. Each movement continued to coax gaspy grunts and sighs of pleasure from his lips. This was good. He liked this.
“I would do anything for you, you know,” Diavolo whispered, “Should entire kingdoms turn against you, I would remain by your side. I would put myself before any danger in your name. My dying breath is for you.”
Something about this scared a part of him.
Words carried so much, especially words spoken into existence. He held Diavolo tighter, “Don’t make a fool’s promise.”
“I would never do such a thing.”
Lucifer could feel his eyes wetten, his breathing quickened, and with it the heat coiling in his stomach. 
Right before the edge, Diavolo pressed their mouths together.
Lucifer had never seen stars quite like that.
"You are aware that there is nothing forcing you to be with him?" 
"Besides the union of two kingdoms?"
"You know what I mean Asmodeus."
The pair spoke quietly as they danced, Lucifer spinning the Jewel of Arcadia around, the skirts he wore flew out around him, in the most elegant ways imaginable. Asmodeus looked happy, everything about him seemed happy, but looks could be deceiving. Lucifer knew this to be true. 
Asmo was in close again, his eyes darted over Lucifer's shoulder once before the sunset met rubies once more. Lucifer struggled to find the most appropriate words, something that wouldn't be so… crass.
"You don't have to copulate with him if you don't want to," was what he finally settled on, "You have autonomy you know, laying with him is not mandatory."
No matter what anyone said.
Something faltered inside Asmo, but it was quick to disappear before Lucifer could say something about it.
"I mean, I want to," Asmo whispered, "Have you seen him? He's a total hunk. Just my type. Don't think I am any less refined but I wanted to jump him, I really did." Asmo's words became even more quiet as he reached the ending bit, as if he was worried someone would overhear. 
Why Lucifer would never understand. A part of him worried it was because he was the first man in a while to give Asmo any ounce of attention. Lucifer didn’t trust him, not entirely anyways. 
It was… also a bit more detail than Lucifer needed.
Their waltz continued, the tapping of their feet on cobblestone keeping them in time. 
Lucifer took in a breath, "You deserve the world My Jewel, I just want to make sure you know that. His duty now is to make you happy. Every waking moment should be for you, and his dying breath is for your name alone. Anything less is less than you deserve. Anything less is worthy of more than divorce. Death isn't even suitable for such an offense."
Tears pricked at the edges of Asmodeus' eyes, "Lucifer."
"That is all I have to say on the matter, my job is to make sure you enjoy the rest of the daylight now," he smiled, he wouldn't have Asmodeus for much longer, so he might as well enjoy the rest of the song, "I'm a bit rusty at dancing, wouldn't you agree?"
Diavolo let out a soft huff, finally taking a seat on the edge of their bed. Barbatos stood behind Lucifer watching the pair with a bemused smile. Cerberus had followed suit, confused by the command, but eager to follow it nonetheless. Lucifer pinched his brows together, collecting his thoughts before letting out a sigh. 
“You are still in recovery, therefore you are to be resting and allowing yourself to recover.”
“But it has been ages since I’ve picked you up and held you in my arms!” his voice was bordering on whining. He reached for Lucifer pulling him forward, just short of into Diavolo’s lap. “Is it suddenly a crime to wish to display my devotion and affection to you?”
“You know that is not true.”
Diavolo plopped  back onto the bed with an arm covering his eyes as he began his lament, “My darling husband no longer adores me. He is but a mean man, a mean mean man.” He peaked out from underneath his arm, a smirk on his face, “But oh do I love it when he is mean.” 
His voice had dropped an octave. It was suggestive, playful. 
Hands on his hips Lucifer wandered closer. Leaning over Diavolo he put one hand next to his head, “You know I am not mean. I simply take control, and you like when I tell you what to do, do you not?”
Diavolo hummed in response, eyes hooded. 
“So you will rest for me, yes? Then we can play together.”
Instead of a response, Lucifer received a quick smack to his ass. Well, he supposed that was what he deserved for letting his guard down around his playful husband.  He yelped, falling on top of Diavolo who chuckled next to his ear.
“This means punishment, correct?”
“Whatever am I going to do with you?”
“Perhaps let me kiss you?”
“You would like that wouldn’t you?” 
He went to stand but Diavolo yanked him back down. Barbatos’ throat clearing drew their attention back to the other side of the room, “Shall I dismiss myself?” 
“Apologies Barbatos, my husband seems to have gotten a little too eager." 
Lucifer stood and righted himself taking a seat on the bed. Diavolo propped himself up on his elbows, eyes aglow, "Perhaps some tea would be in order?" 
"We just received a new spiced blend, hand picked by Queen Asmodeus himself"
Lucifer's ears perked, "Queen?"
"It seems his majesty thought it a bit more appropriate. There's a letter attached as well, I have it with me if you would like to read it."
Lucifer all but snatched the letter from Barbatos' hands much to Diavolo's amusement. 
"That blend sounds quite interesting! Prepare us some, would you Barbatos?" Once the butler bowed and left the room, Diavolo turned his attention back to Lucifer, "All good things?"
"It appears so," the pair moved from the bed to a set of ornate chairs so that Lucifer could grab his spectacles, "It appears they stopped in Estos, for a short while on their trip back to Wystyria."
"I hear it's lovely this time of year, perhaps we can stay there when we travel to visit them."
Lucifer put the letter down before taking Diavolo by the hand. He pressed a kiss to the wedding band, "After you recover a little more, then we can speak of such things."
“And when do you think that will be?”
Leaning back in his chair, Lucifer tilted his head to the side, “In time, but until then it is my duty to take care of you.”
“Personally attended to by the King of Arcadia himself? I’m honored.”
Lucifer stood from his chair and knelt by his husband’s side, “You have performed a great act for me, and now it is my turn.” Taking both of his hands, Lucifer held them tight, “Let me do this small act of devotion for you. It will be one of many, I can assure you. I am not always the gentlest man, but I am not hardened. I do this out of love, for you.”
Diavolo’s jovial form softened, and his hands melted under Lucifer’s touch, “I have heard that I am quite the unruly patient.”
“You are just you,” Lucifer smiled, “Your perseverance is one of the many things I love about you.”
“Even when it is seen as stubbornness?”
“Especially then,” Lucifer smiled, “Now, I believe we have a letter to draft over tea, especially if you wish to visit once you recover.”
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
If obey me wasnt a otome game what do you think will be different? And it makes me laugh that we are romanticising the devil which just seems so funny. Ik its a game but its just a funny concept
Okay but we love romancing the devil. More games should let us smooch Lucifer/other demon royalty. Please.
But this is a fun thing to think about!
(long game design rambles below the cut)
Even if Obey Me was still a visual novel game but without the romance, there is a lot that could change. We'd have a lot less of the characters vying for the player's attention, meaning the game would also be less prone to gag-type situations and allow for a consistently more serious storyline. It could be something like Twisted Wonderland, where the MC still has a role but it isn't as big nor central to the conflicts and problems of the story, thus playing more of an observer role.
The devs actually mentioned in early videos that when making the game, they had to scale back some of their ideas because they "didn't want it to feel too much like an adventure game" and still focus on the romance since it was a dating sim. Interestingly, Nightbringer seems to be testing the waters on this now and going back to a more dramatic story, so maybe we'll actually get to see that kind of adventure vibe now!
If the game was still following the main points of gathering pacts with the demon brothers...well, maybe we really are just becoming Solomon 2.0 at that point, new title is Solomon Simulator 2023 BC. But really, there would probably be less of MC playing therapist and more letting us have adventures of our own, exploring the world in various ways. Hell, MC might even be living in Purgatory Hall with the other exchange students instead of oddly being the only one put in the House of Lamentation. And this more adventurous theming could also be reflected in events, with more AU themes (Pirates, Spies, Circus, etc) that allow for more fun event storylines that aren't so focused on "romantic" situations and fanservice moments.
Going along with that, we would likely get more character variety in a non-otome game, since it wouldn't be trying to make every character (except Luke) dateable or potentially future-dateable -- less ikemen, more non-male characters, maybe more body diversity! And because there'd be no expectation of romance, you could have more outright hostility too. Maybe Mephisto and Raphael could have actually fulfilled the more aggressive or antagonistic personalities they had been hinted to have! There might also be more of a canonical MC character personality too, since part of the reason it's left more open and vague is to let players self-insert for the romance. This could allow for more narration from MC as well.
Now, if we step away from the Visual Novel style, that could open up a whole new world of possibilities! Imagining OM as more of a fantasy RPG? Super fun thought.
Other characters could potentially be playable, and if so, we could perhaps see more of the characters without MC needing to be in the scene, allowing for more interactions between different characters outside the current format of occasional side/hard-mode stories.
We'd probably get a truer combat system too, even if we were just fighting random minor demons or something like the Little D's in Nightbringer's gameplay. (Apparently the only instruction the team got in making the original game was "it needs dance battles"???) The characters' skills could also be more unique to the characters since it wouldn't have to fit the rhythm/dance game format, so stuff like summoning Lotan could actually be a useful powerful thing instead of just a running gag! In fact, we could see way more powerful magic from all the characters, which would be great since OM as it is now just always conveniently forgets that these are extremely powerful demons for the sake of setting up random shenanigan situations.
A combat mechanic could also add to the narrative design of the game -- what better way to show us what a scary and dangerous place the Devildom is than to have the player have to defend themselves while navigating through it? Or imagine the characters' relationships with one another actually mattering to the gameplay, like Beel and Belphie getting a boost if they're in the party together, as with Fire Emblem's support system! Simeon being a healing angel member of the party at the start and then actually tangibly losing that as a combat ability when that part of the story happened? It would certainly hit different, that's for sure.
The story also wouldn't be confined to the 20-lesson format in that case, which could give more room for fleshing things out properly. And with a freer adventure-based storyline, it might also be a lot less focus on RAD, or maybe it wouldn't be a school setting at all! Perhaps it would focus more on the inter-realm diplomacy parts of the story. Plus, some aspects could get relegated to more environmental storytelling and interactable objects around you, leaving character interactions freed up to focus more on actual events going on.
And speaking of character interactions, there could also be a more complex and interesting system for relationships in a more RPG style game. Instead of an intimacy bar that only ever goes up and doesn't directly impact story events, you could have a more complex interaction event system, like in Telltale stuff or Mass Effect. That could still include romance without it being the central point of the game, and maybe they would also hold grudges over certain decisions, which could feed back into the combat system somehow. Unlike now, you wouldn't be able to go back to change your decisions, but there's a lot of replayability potential there.
Of course, the downside to all that it's way more work to make...game dev is hard, after all! So updates would be slower, it'd probably cost a whole lot more, and it's probably not feasible as a mobile game anymore then. But hey, a game like that would be pretty damn cool.
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chouettecrivaine · 1 year
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ᐟᐟ☆ welcome to this mobile-friendly masterlist! in an effort to avoid reaching the link limit, i’ve decided to link to the tags you’ll most likely need to browse! hope you find what you’re looking for <3
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how about we explore the area ahead of us later?
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⟡ Ais
⟡ Kuras
⟡ Leander
⟡ Mhin
⟡ Vere
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󠁐⟡ HEARTSICK;; vampire au
⟡ SOVEREIGNTY;; royalty au
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⟡ Riddle Rosehearts
⟡ Trey Clover
⟡ Cater Diamond
⟡ Deuce Spade
⟡ Ace Trappola
⟡ Leona Kingscholar
⟡ Ruggie Bucchi
⟡ Jack Howl
⟡ Azul Ashengrotto
⟡ Jade Leech
⟡ Floyd Leech
⟡ Kalim Al-Asim
⟡ Jamil Viper
⟡ Vil Schoenheit
⟡ Rook Hunt
⟡ Epel Felmier
⟡ Idia Shroud
⟡ Ortho Shroud
⟡ Malleus Draconia
⟡ Lilia Vanrouge
⟡ Silver
⟡ Sebek Zigvolt
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ᐟᐟ☆ Honkai: Star Rail
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the express is in transit! pom-pom will return soon!
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⟡ solomon
⟡ lucifer
⟡ barbatos
⟡ simeon
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⟡ beginnings & always
⟡ now & forever
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⟡ cove holden
⟡ derek suarez
⟡ baxter ward
⟡ qiu lin
⟡ tamarack baumann
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7er1ch0 · 2 years
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I'm not just going to sit here and pretend that just because my main obey me nonsense is based on familial/platonic love and has little to no romance, I don't binge read through every single Lucifer x reader that I can get my hands on.
Anyway I have no clue what drove my to draw a semi finished piece based on this fic.
Maybe I'm just a slut a royalty aus
Maybe it was the fact that with the TSL outfit, one of the designs was already done.
Maybe is was the fact that I found the master list for this on tumblr with updates and it was a fucking hassle to get it to work for one reason or anther, so I dropped other projects in lieu of this one cause that pissed me off.
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Feeling silly and in dire need of 2650362 x reader royalty AUs, does anyone have any good ones for Kaeya (Genshin), Zhongli (Genshin), Luke (Tears of Themis), Sugawara (Haikyuu), or Lucifer (Obey Me)?
-Mod Lily :)
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saeyoungchoismaid · 3 years
The King
Pairing: King!Lucifer x f!reader Genre: angst, fluff Warnings: uh minor character death, mention of war?, fighting, near-death experience???  Summary: Prince Lucifer, the eldest son of King Henry, has been exiled from his kingdom, but when his father becomes sick, he's supposed to become king once his father passes. The future king is to marry (Y/n) to join their kingdoms together. Instead of him becoming king though, his father chooses Lucifer’s younger brother to become the king.  Word Count: 5.3k words A/N: this fic is entirely based on the movie The King on Netflix!! I let you guys vote on who the fic would be about and most of y’all said Lucifer, so you ask and you shall receive!! If you want a better understanding to what’s going on, feel free to watch that movie!! The first part is from 13:25 and kinda just goes from there 
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You feel your heart drop to your stomach when the man announces to the king, “Your majesty. Prince of Wales.” Your husband-to-be leans forward to look down the long row of men at the entrance, confirming that, yes, his brother is in fact here. After all this time. 
“My son,” the king starts, “come in.” You rise with the rest of the crowd, suddenly finding it hard to breathe as he walks down the aisle to the king’s throne, your hands starting to shake from nerves. Just how long has it been? Lucifer stops a little ways away from you, his eyes trained on his father. You could hear a dog barking outside the castle from how quiet it is in the room. 
You stop breathing when his eyes flicker to the right to look at his brother, only to freeze when they spot you right by his side. You stare right back at him, the sound of your heartbeat filling your ears. Both of you look away from each other when the king takes in a deep inhale before speaking. 
“I feel my life nearing its natural end, and yet, still even I must appear of ruder health than you.” He pauses and you watch as Lucifer blankly stares in his father’s direction but not actually looking at him. “The time has come for us to consider the issue of my succession,” the King announces, ending the sentence with a cough. This part makes you feel sick suddenly. 
Lucifer doesn’t know yet of his father’s decision? 
“You will not be king,” he states abruptly. Lucifer doesn’t react physically but you can tell, just by his eyes, that he is surprised, and maybe a bit disappointed, by this news. “While you are my eldest son, for reasons that are on display for all here to see, you will not inherit this crown.”
“Nor have I sought it,” Lucifer quips before you can even blink, venom dripping from his words. 
“That privilege and responsibility will instead fall to your brother Leviathan,��� the king informs him. At the mention of his name, Leviathan sits up straighter. Lucifer’s eyes move to him before once again finding yours, his brother not seeming to notice the look Lucifer gives you. Well, he didn’t really give you a look, per se. Again, it’s in the eyes. 
I guess he’s starting to catch on to where this is heading. 
“He is soft, but he is eager. He will lead my army against the newly treasonous Solomon.” Your eyes flicker to your fiance, seeing him take a deep breath and look down. It didn’t take a genius to figure out he’s nervous about tomorrow. He wants to serve his father and make him proud. “I will assume that this news comes as neither surprise nor disappointment.” When you look away from Leviathan to focus back on the king and Lucifer, you find that Lucifer is, once again, staring at you. 
His gaze makes you feel pinned to your spot, air having a hard time finding its way to your lungs. “But it is my duty as king and father to say it to you directly.” His eyes finally leave yours to focus back on his brother, his eyes now pinning him to the floor. 
“And what of miss (L/n)?” Lucifer asks, your heart lodging in your throat at the mention of your name. All eyes turn to you but you can’t take your eyes off of those piercing, dark eyes. 
“Miss (L/n) is the bride to be of the next king, you know this,” King Henry informs. To prove his point, Leviathan reaches down and gently clasps your hand in his. You just hope that Leviathan doesn’t feel how clammy your hands are from how nervous you feel. You watch as Lucifer’s eyes flicker down to your conjoined hands, his own hands balling up into fists. 
“When do you fight?” he asks softly his younger brother, suddenly changing the subject.
“I set off tomorrow,” he informs, hand tightening on yours. “We fight by week’s end.”
“You need not fight. These feuds need not be yours,” Lucifer reassures instantly. You can see the fear and dread he holds for his brother. He’s never been much of a fighter. When you two would get into arguments, he’d either avoid the subject, instantly apologize, or avoid you altogether. When you were informed of his battle, you almost wanted to laugh. You’re sure that you’d do a better job at leading a war than he would be. 
“I have said what you were summoned to hear,” the king finalizes, bringing all of your attention back to him. Lucifer takes a deep breath as he looks up at the ceiling, clearly trying to keep his composure. “Leave us now.” Lucifer smiles, the clear disbelief he feels being evident. 
You watch on with solemn eyes as he leaves, your posture suddenly slumping with dread. So that’s that, you suppose. 
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Luckily for your fiance and King Henry, you were the best healer in the country. Well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration but you were quite good. Because of this, King Henry allowed you to go with his son to the battle. No one would say it out loud but you were all sure that Leviathan would somehow end up injured one way or the other. 
You walk alongside your husband-to-be, coming to stand beside him as he sits down in a chair. “Lord Simeon,” he greets before sitting. “Are your men ready for the day?” he asks once he’s sat down. You pull your bottom lip into your mouth to chew on it, a nervous habit that you’ve picked up over the years. 
“They are, sire.”
“Very good.” A pause ensues. “Tell me of your preparations.” When Lord Simeon doesn’t immediately respond, you cringe a bit. Leviathan just seems so awkward and out of place here. 
“My lord,” he warns, staring off behind you two. You turn around to find the true reason he had gone silent. 
Lucifer moves towards you all on top of a horse, his brows furrowing for a moment when he sees you. He slides off the horse as his brother asks him why he’s here. “I will not allow this havoc to transpire. I’ve come to see it stopped,” he replies, eyes moving to look at you. You think he’s going to address you but Leviathan speaks up before he can. 
“This is my battle,” his brother protests. 
“If I have my way, there will be no battle.” He pauses before walking in between you two, his side brushing yours. It causes a shiver to go down your spine and you’re disappointed by your reaction to such a simple thing. 
“You, come ‘ere,” he says to someone behind you. Your heart skips a beat at how demanding and confident he is. 
“My lord.”
“You have no place here!” his brother declares as he turns around to face him once more. You keep your back to him though, afraid of how your body will react to him. 
“Go to the rebel camp. Deliver the following message to Solomon. Tell him that Prince Lucifer challenges him to settle today’s score man on man. He and I. We will fight in our armies’ places.” This has you turning around to look at him, eyes widened and heart racing for a completely new reason now. 
Is he mad?
“Yes, my lord.”
“Who do you think you are?” the man who was answering to Leviathan just a few moments ago asks. 
“I am nobody to you,” Lucifer says with a shake of his head. Lucifer then turns away from him to walk to a tent to get armor, eyes connecting with yours as he passes. You want nothing more than to chase after him, beg him not to do it, but you know better. 
You know that once he puts his mind to something, there’s no stopping him. It’s something you’ve always both loved and hated about him. 
Despite this, you still find yourself following after him. 
You follow him inside an isolated tent, his back to you when you enter. You just stand there though, not knowing what to do or say. “You will not stop me, brother,” he says as he starts to unbutton his shirt. With no reply, he turns around and stops halfway down his shirt to look at you. Your eyes automatically move to his bare skin before you can stop yourself. To your surprise, he slowly continues unbuttoning it. 
“I think you’re in the wrong tent, Miss (L/n),” he says lowly, almost playfully, causing your eyes to move up to his. You gulp a bit, trying to think of something, literally anything, to say. 
“I’m not. Why must you refer to me in such a way?” you reply, slowly walking further into the tent. He lets go of his shirt when he’s done with the buttons, his upper half on full display to you now. 
“In what way, Miss (L/n)?” he asks, eyes boring into your very soul. You suck in a breath as you stop at the table between you two, looking at the armor that covers it instead of looking at him. 
“Calling me that. You need not do so. You used to just refer to me as (Y/n),” you reply softly, fingers brushing across a chest plate that is cool to the touch. You’d rather be touching his chest but you would lose that finger if you were caught doing so. 
“That was when I thought you were my bride-to-be,” he informs. Your breath hitches at this, your fingers coming to a stop on the shiny metal. Does his heart beat for you the way yours does for him? Is he upset about losing you and not at the fact that he won’t be king? 
“You may still refer to me as such. This changes nothing…” you argue, eyes still refusing to look at him. Your heart skips a beat when he starts to walk, moving to go around the table to meet you. You avoid him though by going around the opposite way. 
“My brother’s sudden role of becoming the new king changes everything,” he argues, stopping on the spot where you once were. You stop in his old spot, finally moving your eyes up to meet his again. 
You find despair and desperation lingering in his eyes but you aren’t sure that if he knows you can read him so well. He’s so used to hiding his emotions and being seen as emotionless nowadays. 
“It doesn’t change the feelings I once held for you…” you whisper, suddenly afraid that someone might be listening in now. He stares at you silently for a long moment, your heart beating faster at his pause. 
“Does my dear little brother know that I was your first kiss?” he asks, tauntingly starting to walk around the table again, to which you reciprocate by redoing what you had done before. 
“Whilst I was yours too, if I recall,” you tease right back, a smirk coming to your face. He hums and stops at the other end of the table, pulling you to a stop too at your end. 
“So, what are we going to do? Keep playing this game of cat and mouse?” he asks as he slips his shirt off and drops it to the table, bringing his hands to the table to lean against it. Your eyes flicker to his arms, watching as his muscles roll under his smooth skin as he leans against it. You gulp before flashing your eyes back to his strong gaze. It takes you a moment to realize what he just said. 
You sigh and cross your arms over your chest, turning to look away from him. You don’t notice how his eyes move to your deep neckline then, drinking in the sight of your cleavage from the side. “Lucifer, you mustn’t say such things. You know we can’t…” you trail off, not wanting to finish the sentence. Maybe if you don’t say it out loud, it won’t come true. 
Maybe there is still a chance for you two. 
Before he can reply though, you hurriedly change the subject. “You’re a fool to want to fight Sir Solomon,” you jab. You wanted to beg him to take it back, to not risk his life for something that isn’t worth it but, again, you know it’d be fruitless. 
“I am no fool, Miss (L/n),” he replies shortly, tugging on a new tunic that has a thicker material. With that, you leave the tent. You mustn’t get such fairytale ideas, like the possibility of you two having a future, in your head. You are engaged to his brother, to the future king, and nothing can change that.
“You have no place here,” Leviathan asserts as soon as his brother comes out of the tent. He fixes his armor as he converses with his brother. 
“You do not know war, Leviathan,” is his calm reply to his frantic brother. 
“I do know war,” he argues. He doesn’t. 
“You do not,” Lucifer speaks your thoughts without knowing he did so. “You’ve been recruited to our father’s madness, to wars that need not be fought. These men are not our enemies. Our father has made them thus.”
“Why then are you here? You so disapprove of our cause and yet, still, you find it necessary to upstage me.” You aren’t able to hold back a snort. Leviathan is sounding more and more like a child throwing a tantrum by the minute. The duo turns to look at you at the sound, making you quickly start coughing to hopefully cover it up, knowing that if one of the other men heard you disrespecting the prince, the future king, in such a way, you’d surely be punished. 
Leviathan is too much of a coward to say anything to you about it though. 
“I do this not to steal your thunder, brother. I do it to save your life.”
“Pardon me, my lords. Our herald has returned from the rebel camp. They have refused Prince Lucifer’s offer. They want battle.” You can’t stop or deny the relief that fills your entire body. You watch as Leviathan walks away, once again reminding you of a child throwing a fit by stomping their feet. You don’t know why he’s acting in such a way though. He got what he wanted. 
You look to Lucifer to find him already looking at you, your heart skipping a beat from his gaze. You wordlessly follow after your fiance, not trusting yourself to be alone with the handsome male. 
Your eyes widen when you see the man of the hour ride up to your side of the battlefield, your fiance pushing through his men to reach the front. Without thinking, you follow after him. You don’t trust him to be civil or to not be a coward. 
“Where is Lucifer?” he calls, making your heart fall out of your chest and onto the dry ground. Has he reconsidered? “I come to fight him in our armies’ stead.” Yes, he did. Oh god, you might be sick. 
“No. His offer was refused,” Leviathan responds instantly, your eyes moving the back of your fiance’s head now. For once, you actually agree with the man-child. 
“The offer has been reconsidered.” No, no, no.
“I said no!” he shouts, making you cringe a bit. You don’t mean to be so mean to your future husband but he just doesn’t sound threatening at all. He really does just sound like a child to you. 
“Why is the little dog barking?” he asks and you want to laugh but you also know it’s not supposed to be funny. But, c’mon, he practically just read your mind! “Hm?” he hums with a taunting raise of his brow at your husband-to-be. “Where be the big dog?” he screams, making you flinch at his sudden volume. 
In a flash, Lucifer pushes through men and comes to stand beside you. “It will be done,” he says with his eyes trained on your enemy. He goes to move forward but you grab his wrist before you can tell yourself not to, his squinted eyes softening when he turns to look at you. 
“Lucifer, please,” you whisper for only him to hear, your eyes starting to sting. What if he gets hurt? Or worse.
Solomon chuckles to himself as he looks between the two of you. “And here I am with the whoring fool,” he starts, Lucifer seeming to not care about the words coming from his mouth. He was overall indifferent until his next words. “Have you claimed your brother’s wife to be as your own? I’m sure you’ve taken her innocence by now too. Takes a whore to know a whore.” Lucifer pulls himself from your grip and marches forward, coming to stand next to his brother. 
“This fight need not be had, Solomon,” Lucifer warns, doing his best to remain calm when really, all he wants to do is punch him in the jaw. “My father will soon be dead. Your grievances will die with him.”
“Don’t be afraid of our small contest, young Lucifer. I promise to finish it quickly and not embarrass you too much in front of your new whore,” he taunts before turning away from him. “Come on.” 
Lucifer is quick to move forward, his jaw clenched tight before it’s hidden by the helmet he slides on. His tongue poking the inside of his cheek is still very visible though, letting you know just how truly peeved he is. 
“Your father is plague to England,” Solomon declares as he slides his helmet face down. “Come for me, big dog!” he shouts as he points his sword at Lucifer. Lucifer does the same before getting into position, your whole body shaking from how nervous you are. 
They start to circle each other and do so for a moment before Solomon speaks up. “Once I claim your head, I might just claim your brother’s too before taking your whore. I think she’ll love bouncing on my cock and calling my name,” he taunts, trying to get a reaction out of him. 
A reaction he did receive. 
Lucifer instantly plunges forward with his sword, only to be blocked and pushed aside. The fight continues on for a while, each one getting in hits and gaining the upper hand before it’s the other’s turn. Your eyes leave them as three men ride up to the fight, watching the two hit and slice at each other. 
Lucifer ends up dropping his sword while Solomon is attacking him, slyly grabbing one of the other men’s daggers as he backs away from his opponent. Once they fall to the ground, fear swallows you whole as it seems that Solomon will deliver the final blow. Before he can though, Lucifer trips him and brings him crashing to the ground and before he can recover, he moves on top of him and stabs him in the neck. 
You almost cry from the relief that you feel. 
He removes Solomon’s helmet before marching towards his brother with it. “Someday this will be your head. Dropped at the feet of a man who might otherwise have been your brother. Come with me, Leviathan. Please. Walk away from this field.” You stare at Lucifer in awe, feeling just how much he cares for his brother. 
“After you just stolen its prized scalp?” He’s joking. He has to be. “This is what will be spoken of tomorrow!” He’s not joking. “This field was mine!” he shouts. God, you’ve already said this so many times but he really is just a child on the inside. He’s acting like Lucifer just took away his toy when it was his turn to play with it. “It was to mark my dominion. Instead, now it marks only this head. This bloody head!” You look between the two, hoping for Leviathan to just let it go and to realize that Lucifer just saved his life. 
“Move!” he screams. Guess no such thing will be happening today. You watch him go before turning to look at Lucifer, only to find him gone. You quickly pick up your skirts and walk speedily to the tent he was getting ready in. When you arrive, you find him tossing his armor off and dropping it to the earth. 
He stops when you come in, his eyes holding all of the words he left unsaid to his brother. He doesn’t say anything as he takes off the last of his armor, gently setting it down onto the table. Without thinking, you charge forward and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“I thought you were to die out there today,” you whimper, letting your tears free and land on the ground by his armor. He softly shushes you as he wraps his arms back around you, gently rubbing your back with one hand while the other cradles the back of your head. 
“Shh, it’s alright, (Y/n). I’m alright. I’m not going anywhere,” he whispers, kissing your temple. You sniffle as you pull back, staring up at him with your watery eyes. You didn’t have time to pull away from him before his lips found yours. Now that they’re there though, you can’t bring yourself to deny him. You greedily kiss him back, praying that no one should walk in and find you two in such a vulgar state. 
He kisses you like you’ve never been kissed before, stealing the breath right out of your lungs and taking it for his own. Your hands move up his back to his hair, tugging on the long strands as he slips his pink muscle into your mouth. A moan tumbles past your lips and onto his without warning, making him hum and drag your body impossibly closer to his. 
A man’s barking laugh from outside of the tent snaps you out of your moment of relapsed judgment. You pull away from him and listen to you both pant, breathing in and out the same air from how close you are. “I must go,” you breathe before disappearing from the tent in the blink of an eye. Once outside of the tent, your hand grasps at your chest, trying to calm your racing heart and the blush that is surely spreading across your cheeks. 
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It was odd hearing the news of Leviathan’s death soon after Lucifer had defeated Solomon. You had gone back to the kingdom, thinking the fight was over, only for your fiance to continue on in his desperate attempt to prove himself. He met his end in the western fields of Wales during battle. You didn’t cry though, you simply frowned and looked out the closest window to you. You never loved him, but you did care for him, just not enough for you to shed tears over his death.  
Soon after his death, you find yourself standing amongst the priests and minions of the king, frowning at the ill king as he rests in bed. He wasn’t the best king to rule but he was usually quite kind to you, so you held no hatred towards the man. You look away from him when you hear screaming, a sigh coming from you. 
His son doesn’t feel the same way, it appears. 
You watch him walk in, flinching a bit when he refers to his father as a monster. He walks past one of the men, saying as he walks past, “Move. Leave him.” 
“The king needs rest,” another man argues, standing up to the angered man before you. 
“Soon he will have it,” he quips, moving around this man as well. 
“He’s dying,” the man hisses, continuing to insist that he leave the king alone. 
“Leave,” Lucifer breathes, the single word dripping with venom. The man drops his argument then, slowly moving out of Lucifer’s way. When Lucifer reaches for his father’s covers, you step forward. 
“Lucifer,” you say softly but it was like you weren’t even there. He tugs the blankets off of him and drops them to the floor, moving around the bed to stand on the opposite side of you. It seems he also realizes that you’d be able to calm him if he just gave you the chance. 
He doesn’t want to be calm though. 
You stand still as Lucifer places his hands on the bed and moves to hover his head over his father’s, leaning in to whisper, “You feel this cold? Wretch.” 
You’ve never seen him like this before.
Your eyes begin to water as his father shakily tries to raise his hand to touch his son, your hands squeezing at the sides of your dress as you watch him gently touch Lucifer’s hair. Lucifer begins to rock, seeming a little unnerved by this. 
“Lucifer. Lucifer. You must be king, Lucifer. Please. You must be king, Lucifer.” It was honestly a strange sight to see him so weak, to see him begging his son for something so openly. Tears started cascading down your face as he starts to have trouble speaking, his face scrunching up in pain and...disbelief? Regret? Worry? Fear? You aren’t quite sure. “I know not what I have done,” are the king’s last words before he lets out one last groan before going still. 
You wipe at your eyes and cheeks, turning to watch Lucifer leave his father’s side to stand before the others. They all start to bow and get on one knee, your eyes widening a bit at the realization that he really is the king now. 
You lower yourself into a curtsey, watching fresh tears leave your eyes and fall to the wooden floors. “You know not what will become of you. So, I offer you this. The most blessed reprieve, the most dreadful misery. You shall suffer the indignity of serving me, the wayward son you so revile. But know now that you will be watched over by an altogether different king.” 
With that, he brushes past everyone to leave the room. You raise from your curtesy to quickly follow after him. You don’t bother calling out to him as you follow him, wiping away your final tears before taking a deep breath. 
When he finally stops, he is in front of a grand window that looks over the front of the castle and shows snippets of the town where he’s been living. “Lucifer,” you whisper as you come up to him, noticing that he seems to not hear you. You aren’t sure if this is because of how quiet you are or because he is stuck in his head. 
Becoming the king can do that to you. 
You quietly come up behind him and slowly wrap your arms around him, leaning into his back. You feel his body shaking, soft cries escaping him as you silently hold him. You feel his arms come up to rest on yours, tears splattering on your sleeves and skin. You let him cry though, not making a peep. 
There’s nothing you could say that would heal him right now. 
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You’re there for every part of the ritual that Lucifer must complete to become king, your heart seeming to race the entire time. You don’t shout along with everyone else as he is pronounced king, everyone joyously shouting, “King Lucifer!” over and over again.
You’re right beside him at the table as you and the king's companions and allies eat to celebrate his success, your hands secretly conjoined with his underneath the table. Your new relationship, if you would even call it that, didn’t need to be a secret anymore, seeing as how he is king and you are to marry whoever the new king is to be, but just yesterday it was his brother and it almost feels wrong to be with Lucifer now.
Not that you were complaining one bit. The man beside you has had your heart since the beginning. 
You watch as the gift bearer announces gift after gift and you continue to watch on as Lucifer gives every single gift away to someone else. He’s so noble. It makes you swoon each time you see him act in such a way. It wasn’t until Dauphin’s gift was presented that his mood suddenly shifted. 
“From the Dauphin, son of his majesty Charles, King of France,” the announcer says before stepping to the side to allow Lucifer access to whatever was inside the decently sized box. Your brows furrow as you watch him stare down into the box, becoming more concerned the longer that he doesn’t move. He finally reaches in and takes out something that you cannot see. You don’t have to wonder for long what it is since he announces it. 
“A ball.” A heavy pause. “There is no accompanying message from the Dauphin?”
“No, my liege.” Another long pause. 
“I shall keep this gift. This one is sent only for me. For the boy I once was,” he says softly before throwing the ball against the wall and catching it single-handedly. You aren’t sure why such a simple action makes heat come to your cheeks. He then walks back over to his seat and sets the ball down but doesn’t set himself down. 
“I have a gift of my own that I’d like to present now,” he says as he raises his hand to cut off the announcer from announcing whoever’s gift was next. Everyone appears just as confused as you, your eyes turning up to look at him instead of the announcer. You find his eyes already on you, along with a gentle smile. “(Y/n),” he says as he offers you his hand for you to take. You wait for him to continue but he says no more. You gently place your hand in his and allow for him to help you stand, your free hand gathering up your dress. He leads you to the fireplace behind your chairs, the heat of the fire not helping the blush that appeared only a moment ago. 
“My darling (Y/n), ever since I met you, I knew you and I were to be wed someday. Now that I am king, that day is closer than ever before. I hope you will accept my gift,” he says softly to you, not really caring if others heard him or not. He then removes something from his pocket before going to one knee, your eyes widening even though you two are already engaged. You look down to your left hand and see the ring that has been passed down through his family for generations. His eyes move to where yours are, a small grunt leaving him as he brings one hand to take it off. “My gift to you is a proper proposal that you may decline if your heart so desires. I shall no longer ask you to be my wife because it is your duty. I shall ask you to be my wife because I want you to be.” Your eyes sting at his confession, your heart trying to beat out of your chest to fly into his hands. 
“I want to be with you too, Lucifer,” you whisper, afraid if you spoke any louder, your voice would give out. He smiles brighter than before as he slides the ring he picked out onto your ring finger, putting the old ring into the box in place of the new one.
He then stands and wraps his arms around you in a hug, your eyes burning from the oncoming tears. He swiftly pulls back though to share a passionate kiss with you, clapping and shouts of joy ringing around you. When you both pull away from the kiss, you let out a watery laugh as you look down at the beautiful ring. “You and I will rule this kingdom together until we meet our end. You shall be by my side every step of the way, no matter what hardships we may encounter. I love you, (Y/n).”
You sniffle and wipe at your teary eyes with a big smile. “I love you more, Lucifer.”
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Lucifer
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dreamychick · 3 years
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As the King of Lamentation, Lucifer knows that strong Alliances are built through Marriage. But if he wants to even think about marrying his brothers off to build some of those alliances, he has to be married first. So Asmo throws a ball to show him off as the eligible bachelor that he is and feel out the crowd. But being the eldest comes with a lot more restrictions and expectations. He can't marry just anyone.
King Diavolo was very bored. So very bored. There was nothing exciting in his life anymore. All anyone wanted to do was meet with him over one boring thing or another. He'd long started skipping meetings he could and answered most things in letters. He wanted to find something to give him a sense of excitement back again. When he gets a letter in the mail inviting him to a Ball as a marriage prospect for King Lucifer he knows he's found just want he's been looking for because: 1. Lucifer hadn't thought he'd come 2. Lucifer didn't know he'd gotten the invitation as a 'Marriage prospect' 3. Lucifer looked really cute when he was embarrassed
Diavolo offers to help Lucifer find a Bride bc it sounds fun, but will feelings btw them threaten their mission?
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algaedo · 2 years
what your favorite obey me datable says about you
not guaranteed to be accurate they're entirely guesses
Lucifer: you have issues with your father or a father figure
Mammon: you let people think you're not as smart as you are and let them use that as an excuse to put you down to make themselves feel better.
Levi: nerds
satan: book nerds. you also like people that have issues with their parents because they have walls built up around them and you feel like you've accomplished something by having them let you in or by helping them take down those walls.
Asmo: You wish for someone to love you and not just for pleasure. what better person to prove to you that than someone who is or feels constantly used only for others pleasure.
Beel: you either love loyal himbos or you struggle with your relationship with food and find validation in knowing that he would be the utmost supportive person in making sure that you improve that relationship with food.
Belphie: you loved Paul Dano's performance of the Riddler in The Batman
Diavolo: you enjoy royalty AUs
Barbatos: hello Sebastian Michealis fans how are you all doing
Simeon: Corruption kink
Solomon: how does it feel to know that you are not a Slytherin but in fact a Huffpuff.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
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Royalty/Military/Fantasy -> separate list
Storyline OC content
Edgar kidnapping his S/O
Edgar headcanons 
An eye for an eye
Eating S/O out 
S/O comes home with bruises
Dark web!Edgar
The villain series I
The villian series II
pt 1
pt.1 Summary: An unlikely encounter brings you and Cassian together, resulting in a decade - long obsession born out of lust and hatred.
Obey me!
Broken glass  Yandere!Lucifer
Silence Yandere!Lucifer
Kindness  Yandere!Belghegor
Discipline Yandere!Lucifer x reader x Diavolo
Mystic messenger
Honey dripping  Yandere!Jumin Han
The Fine Print Sumarry: You are Jumin Han’s housekeeper, but he’s the one who keeps you in the house.
Stranger danger  Yandere!Saeran
Do you hate me? Yandere!707
Degrees of lewdity
Party pooper Yandere!Whitney
Yandere! Sydney
Greek mythology
Yandere! Apollo
Yandere! Eros
Yandere!Apollo headcanons
Yandere!Eros headcanons
Yandere!Eros x Yandere!Apollo x f.reader
With a cherry on top    Summary: You are outside at midnight looking for clients when you meet a particular man. You never make it back home.
With a cherry on top pt.1.5
With a cherry on top pt.2 
With a cherry on top pt.3
Good girl 
Aiden headcanons
Bewitched    Summary: You get captured by the village’s witch hunter but he might just let you live if you prove to be useful.
Sick  Yandere POV
Best Friends Forever   Summary: Your best friend finally has you back after all these years, tied up on his bed and ready to learn your lesson
War prize   Summary: You get taken as a war prize once the barbarians take over your homeland.
War prize pt.2
War prize pt.3
Love Fuel Summary: You were Jason’s first love before you broke his heart and rejected him. It’s all your fault that he can’t move on.
Every breath you take tw murder
A Widow's Web Summary: Maybe trusting a stranger you met in the middle of the night wasn't your smartest decision, so you had to pay the price.
Yandere!Incel the prequel
Yandere!Incel pt.1
Yandere!Incel pt.2
Yandere!Colonel wife!reader
Enemies with benefits
Sweet boyfriend snaps
Yandere!Academic rival
Yandere!Bussiness woman
Yan!Bully x Cow hybrid!reader
Yan!Boyfriend doesn't want to break up
Gentle vs Rough
Yandere!Cannibal 0.1
Yandere!Cannibal 0.2
Lady Luck pt.1  Yandere!Mafia boss
Mirror gaze tw: mindbreak
Two Time   
Topping from the grave
Robot/AI apocalypse AU  
Yandere!Spoiled brat
Yandere!Spoiled brat pt.2
Someone I used to know yandere highschool crush
Hero complex
Yandere x apathetic reader tw death
Yandere!communist x anarchist!reader
Bitter - sweet loveless marriage gone wrong
Yandere!Gentle giant
A Match Made In Hell toxic husband x toxic wife reader
Light Me Up
Yandere!Superhero headcanons
In Your Room stalker shenanigans
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Old Masterlist
This is my master list
List of drabbles
(always getting new content for the list of drabbles)
Other drabbles:
Exhibitionist Lucifer
Mammon begging and whinning
Thirteen Predator/Prey 
Can Demons past out from overstim?
Brat Barbatos
Sugar baby Lucifer
Denying Diavolo’s orgasm
Diavolo gentle forced orgasms
Along with the minific and spawned from that idea
Diavolo royality kink
Lucifer wing play
and that Fic that came after
Mckaylie and everyone’s relationship dynamic 
Mirror sex w/ Lucifer
Free use Solomon
Luci wants you to whip him pls
Bury Me As It Pleases You Lover, Part 1
Gentle fear play with Belphie 
Pet au Mammon
Angst fic, Diavolo, Lucifer, Barbs
You, Diavolo and Lucifer doming the shit out of Barbs. Vibes included
Lucifer wing kink
Levi with a bluetooth vibe
Lucifer with a pussy
Mini Fics:
Somno, overstim, Belphie
Wrestling Belphie
Teasing Levi
Pact Play, Lucifer, Mammon
Training Barbatos to hold off his orgasm
Lucifer non sexual subbing
Gentle multiple Orgasms Diavolo
Mc is a tease
Pact play
Indulging Asmo
Lucifer is extremely sensitive  
Tying Belphie up
Predator/Prey, gentle fear kink
Obey me event idea
Yandere Mc ideas
Soft fear kink, Lucifer
Soft fear kink Belphie
Tiny Lucifer
Pet au, Lucifer and Barbatos
Lucifer turning human
Eating Levi out w/ magic pussy pocket
Forced orgasm w/ Lucifer
Group fucking w/ you, Barb, Asmo, Solomon, and Simeon
Vampire Lucifer
Mckaylie fic idea
Fantastic three body marking
Fantastic three free use
Lucifer body writing
Satan and Barbs are assertive subs
Conditioning Lucifer
Human sugar baby Lucifer and You, a powerful demon
Barbs and Shibari ropes
Magical pussy pocket
Removeable/ magical pussy pockets/dildos
Diavolo royalty kink part 1
Diavolo royalty kink part 2
Obey Me Cast Post:
(Idk what to call these, the posts were I give a prompt and each character is responding to the prompt) 
Accidentally calling out a title during sex
Most to least sensitive to touch
Teasing, edging, and then pact play
Teasing with fan mail
Side characters, fan mail
Favorite sex toys
Them taking care of you when you’re sick
Summoning the brothers when they’re masturbaiting
(What it says on the tin. Just random posts I thought was funny enough to put on the masterlist)
Mc with heelys
The brothers with a sticker chart
Angel why you so mad :( 
Event pets telling on their owner to Mc
Demon math
Polygamous group dynamics
Laser tag
MC being a menace
Mc is a menace part 2 Electric Boogaloo  
Do demons know we went to the moon?
Demons with emojis
Mckaylie being sleeping beauty
Accidentally sending a nude in the group chat
(and that should be everything, for now at least. This is my first time making a master list so idk if any of this makes sense or if this even works. I had to bust out the laptop for this lol)
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ruewrites · 2 years
Thrones are Built on Lies Chapter 21: Follow the Siren's Song
Ship: Solomon/Asmo, Diavolo/Lucifer
Word Count: 5036
Warning: None
*Realizes it's been a little over two months since I updated*
*Realizes I left it unupdated at a very mean cliff hanger*
*Realizes I put a chapter cap but no update*
Sorry guys. I didn't mean to leave you hanging! I hope you can forgive me! I also hope that you continue to enjoy these last couple chapters as well as the journey! We're almost there!
Comments are appreciated!
"Your poor handsome face."
Solomon wiggled his fingers. They stuck outside both the cast and sling, and if he was being honest, they felt naked. Luckily, the healer had been able to doctor up his injuries a bit, but he would still need time to rest and recover. In the meantime, he had a rather diligent husband looking after him.
"Barbatos feels absolutely terrible, you know," Asmodeus said. His delicate hands removed his bandages, ready to wipe away any filth and fix him up with new ones.
"It isn't his fault."
"That's what I told him, but he won't have it."  Asmo huffed and dabbed a wet rag over his wounds, "He promises that he'll make it up to us, but I said the only thing I will accept from him is him not blaming himself!"
"Kind of like how you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened to Diavolo?"
Solomon chuckled as Asmo pecked his lips. He then switched to drying off the areas he'd made wet so he could apply the bandages. At least his hands weren't shaking anymore, and his lip wasn't trembling at the idea of 'what if?'.  They hadn't brought up Azazel in a while now. No one had. Solomon concluded that he was still MIA. 
No one had heard him. 
No one had seen him.
And this had Solomon on edge.
Azazel had made one last threat against Solomon's new family, and even with his absence he still managed to hurt Asmodeus. It wasn't fair, and Solomon was going to make him pay.  
Solomon watched as Asmo stood and walked towards a little tray with food on it. "You must be hungry, right darling?" he asked, rolling the cart closer.
"I am feeling a little peckish, especially since someone insists I still rest in our room this morning," Solomon leaned against the counter and smirked. He knew he still looked like hell despite the fixing up, but for whatever reason, Asmo still seemed to find him incredibly attractive. There were still kisses at all hours of the day, and excuses made to touch him. Although, Asmo never really needed an excuse to touch him.
Asmo didn't entertain him with a response. Instead he held a fork of food up to his mouth, "Say 'Ah'."
Oh, Solomon adored him. He wasn't going to complain about being fed in the slightest. It made things easier for him, and Asmo seemed to think he was absolutely adorable when being spoon-fed.  
"I must admit, the table is a little easier to sit at the table with Uncle gone," Asmodeus said, "I never realized how hard it was to breathe with him around until he was gone, it's exactly how father made me feel."
Solomon wasn't going to tell Asmo that Azazel was still suffocating him.  "I can only imagine how your father made you feel." he used his uninjured hand to caress Asmo's cheek. He leaned into his touch without hesitation, long eyelashes fluttering, and he sought comfort in Solomon. "I'm sorry I ever entertained either of them."
"We wouldn't be here now if you hadn't."
"It was still awful of me."
Asmo opened his eyes and moved forward to kiss him. His lips were incredibly soft and tasted of honey.  He was right; they wouldn't be together if Solomon hadn't agreed to the late king's terms back before love even entered the equation back before it snuck upon him. But he also hadn't had any reason to get comfortable with Azazel. Well, he had had a reason, but not one he looked back on fondly now. 
"Stop blaming yourself," Asmo whispered, "I don't like it."
"I'm going to do plenty of things you don't like in my lifetime darling."
"True, but you're giving yourself tension, and tension leads to wrinkles," his voice came out in a sing-song manner; it was playful. And Solomon couldn't help the smirk that came onto his face.
"And do you know a way to relieve tension?"
Asmo was already making himself comfortable in his lap. Oh he never imagined that he'd ever feel so giddy over such sultry acts. The way Asmo looked down at him had him excited. There was a twinkle in his eye, one he'd become very accustomed to on their wedding night, and the day after. He probably would have had more time too if Azazel hadn't interrupted them. 
"I know plenty of ways to relieve tension," he purred, fingers brushing back some of Solomon's hair, "I think all of them are fun."
Solomon's hand snaked down and grabbed at his ass. He had a very nice one, and Solomon was more than happy to paw at it, "Show me then."
"With pleasure."
They came together so easily, as if they were one being. Asmo's fingers were working the buttons of his shirt with amazing skill as he himself moved up into Asmo teasingly. Asmodeus formed a hurricane inside of him, one that could switch his mood from solemn to giddy without any effort at all. The marks from their first coupling still hadn't faded and served as wonderful reminders. They were poems inked on skin, lovely promises, and temporary reminders. Solomon was drunk off of them. Memories came flooding back into his mind, sending him into a state of euphoria he didn't even know he could reach. 
He squeezed tighter before letting his fingers dance up his lover's spine, and his body reacted in the most lovely way. Everything was going swimmingly, that was until he felt the pressure on his shoulder, quickly reminding him that not only was his arm broken, but his shoulder had been dislocated at some point. A yelp left him, dissolving into a hiss as he leaned back against the chair. 
"Sorry!" Asmo was quick to apologize, peppering the side of Solomon's face and his shoulder with kisses, "Stupid Uncle, still ruining my fun even after he vanished. Are you alright darling? I didn't make matters worse did I?" 
Solomon hummed, forcing his body to relax under Asmo's gentle ministrations. Anxiety was prickling the edges of Asmo's voice, he had his own scars from Azazel as Solomon did. He wanted to be the definition of perfection, absolute perfection. It would take a long time to drain the poison Azazel had dripped into his mind. Asmo was already perfect to him, and he would continue to be perfect no matter what. Besides, this little hiccup was Solomon's own fault for being a little too eager. He needed to give his body time to heal and then he could express himself properly to his husband. But that didn't mean he had to cut himself off. No. He would indulge every second he had with Asmodeus. "I do have some reading to complete if you'd like to stay where you are. We can figure out our other matters later."
He couldn't tell if he was getting closer or farther away from finding a more permanent cure for the poison seeping through Diavolo's veins. But he'd be damned before he stopped here. When words started to blur together, and language lost its meaning, the spine of the book in his hands hit the desk with a thump, and his head nestled its way between Asmo's shoulders.  He needed to find a cure.  He needed to… to…
Asmo had gotten up from his lap and moved behind him. His fingers kneaded into tight muscles, careful of his injured shoulder this time around. It felt good, really good. A sigh left his lips and his head lolled back into Asmo. A giggle left his husband's lips, and the hand on his injured shoulder moved up into his hair.
Oh god.
Now this, this felt incredibly nice. 
“You’re adorable,” Asmo murmured, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before pulling away. Solomon almost couldn’t believe the whine that had left his own mouth, as he reached out for his partner to stay. While the old him would have been embarrassed, he didn’t feel a thing but yearning. He was a different man from when he had first arrived in Arcadia. He had to wonder if Asmo underwent some sort of change too.  “I’m just going to go get a hot towel or two for your shoulder, It’ll make you feel a lot better.”
Solomon’s eyes followed him, even as Asmo threw him a wink before giggling and disappearing around the door frame. His head lulled back and his eyes shut. What had he even read just a few moments ago? All he could picture were sunset eyes that cast fire upon every inch of his body they fell upon, lips softer than the finest silk he could buy, and hair strung with gold. 
A soft sigh left his lips. Whatever was he going to do with him?
“Well, don’t you look pampered.”
Solomon let his eyes opened and glanced over to Simeon as he stepped into the room.  Luke was trailing not too far behind, carrying a stack of folded scrolls and a quill in his tiny arms. It was almost comical. Luke was so tiny, one day he would no longer be small but those days were far far away.
“And I’m happy to feel pampered, I feel like I was trampled by a thousand horses.”
“So you’re not feeling any better?” Luke piped up. He looked more worried than Solomon had ever seen him before, young blue eyes growing five times their normal size. “Are you ever going to get better? Is your arm going to be like that forever?” 
“Now Luke-”
“I’ll be fine. I’m already feeling better than I was,” Solomon assured, “Asmodeus is taking wonderful care of me. As you can see, I am being perfectly pampered as Simeon said.”  He didn’t want Luke to worry. Apparently chaos had erupted when he had emerged from the caverns, and Luke had been absolutely mortified. He had no doubt that they were both worried they had lost him, just as Asmodeus had been.  
Simeon looked skeptical, one brow raised. Solomon could feel his contradictions before he even opened his mouth. “You feel better despite feeling like you were trampled by a thousand horses?”
“Well before it was ten thousand horses.”
“That’s a lot of horses.” Luke set the scrolls down and started organizing them. Were they notes for Simeon or recipes from Barbatos? Perhaps they were both, Solomon couldn’t say. 
“It sure is, and my husband has managed to wrangle them all.”
Simeon moved to his opposite side,taking a seat next to the window, “I bet you feel very lucky to have married him then.”
“Incredibly lucky,” Solomon agreed, “As I am also lucky to have friends like you and Luke by my side.”
Simeon smiled, and for the first time Solomon took note of the signs of exhaustion on his face. What had his friends been through? What hardships had they endured for the sake of his own ambition? Had they been able to adjust in Arcadia as well as he thought they had? 
“I would agree that you are very lucky indeed, so lucky in fact that Luke and I decided to bring you a present to help with your recovery.”
Luke dropped something onto the desk, making Solomon turn his head. On the table laid a book, beautifully bound with a mahogany cover and golden threads. He recognized this book.
“Simeon said this was your favorite story,” Luke chirped, “Did we get the right one? Is it really your favorite?”
Solomon smiled fondly, tracing the cover with his fingers. Memories came flooding back of the stories within. This book had fueled Solomon’s imagination, and looking back memories with this book were the only times Solomon could recall that he had truly ever felt like a child. 
“It is, I adored this one when I was a child. Wherever did you manage to find it?”
He would have to share it with Asmodeus.
“There was a tiny bookshop in the marketplace, we stopped by when we were out buying ingredients for Luke’s latest masterpiece,” Simeon explained.
Luke nodded along in agreement, “Will it help you feel better?”
“You know what? I think it will. Thank you, both of you. I’ll have Asmodeus read it to me every night from here on out, just like I had when I was about your age Luke.”
Luke’s face immediately lit up, any trace of worry had left his body, “Did you hear that Simeon? I bet Solomon only feels like he got run over by five hundred horses now! Just you wait Solomon! We’re going to help take care of you too! I’m going to get Barbatos to help me bake a cake just for you tomorrow! When we’re finished you’ll barely even feel like you were run over by one horse!”
Alas if broken bones were only that easy to heal, but all the same, Solomon couldn’t help but smile as he listened to Luke’s ramblings. When he was finally finished looking through the books before him, he would have his husband read to him as a treat. He had such a lovely voice after all. Perhaps one day Luke and Simeon could listen to him read as well.  His husband was talented, and Solomon wanted to show him off in any way he could. Not only that, but Solomon would get to share something incredibly important with Asmodeus, something that had probably contributed to shape Solomon in one way or another. Inside the bindings of the book were fantastic tales of magic, adventure, and peril, surely it had some hand in the way Solomon turned out. The more he thought about it, the harder it was to deny. 
This book had been an important part of his childhood. Maybe, well, perhaps if Solomon managed to find an heir for his own throne one day he’d share it with them. Perhaps he and Asmodeus would take turns reading aloud, or maybe they would prefer to read it quietly in the confines of their room by themself under the light of the moon as Solomon had all those years ago.
Solomon had craved and yearned for adventure back then, and now it seemed that he finally got his wish in a rather roundabout way. Although the author of his own story had yet to conclude his epic. How would his story conclude? Would he get a happy ending just like the heroes in his stories? Did he deserve a happy ending?
"So you really didn't know what was up here?" 
"I knew Uncle had his own study, but I assumed he just had personal copies of texts, but I wasn't even aware that some of these scripts existed."
Satan thumbed through one of the books, eyes glossing over the text as he went. He looked perplexed, and appeared to reread the sentence he was on a few times, "They certainly never mentioned any of this in our lessons."
Solomon hoped that Satan's eyes might be able to help him find the missing piece he was looking for, but a part of him had also apparently hoped he would never have to come back to this room. Nausea was bubbling up in his stomach and his eyes quickly gazed over the case he now knew to be a hidden door. His arm tingled, and part of him remained on edge, waiting for the monster he'd encountered to burst into the room sending splinters raining upon him. It had been at least a week now hadn't it?  Why did these thoughts still plague him? 
Parts of the underground system had become off-limits since Azazel's disappearance. Anything that was not absolutely needed for travel had been blocked for everyone's safety. Lucifer had mentioned he’d prefer if no one traveled below, even if it was inconvenient, and for certain doors to remain locked.  This room would be next, Lucifer had given them enough time to root through the books and that was it. So why did he still feel so uneasy?
"Would you mind helping me organize these books in the library?" Satan's voice brought him out of his haze slightly, but a part of him still remained behind, "Of course we have to look over all of them first, but it would help to have more than one pair of eyes." 
"No, I wouldn't."
Solomon hoped his smile was genuine. He didn't want to begin describing what was running through his head.  How could he even begin to describe what was running through his head? He hadn't really gone through any of it in detail with anyone. Not even Asmo. How could you tell someone what horrible monster was left behind of their father even if he was a monster to begin with? It was a terrible situation no matter which way it was spun, and he had to live through it. Would Azazel have turned him into one of those things?  Of course he would have, Azazel had wanted an army, he wanted control. Asmodeus and Belphegor had different roles to play-
No, he couldn't let his mind wander. Thinking of Asmodeus in a position like that. It wasn't right for him. How many times would Azazel drag him around in a ruse? How many kings would Asmo be made to put on a show for? How many performances of "Lilith" would it take before he broke? He could picture the unkind men, men who he had been no different from. They would be nothing but a pack of wolves ready to devour his little bunny, and Solomon would be nothing more than a lifeless puppet. The thoughts were too heavy to bear.
Bile rose in his throat.
If everyone else was out of the way, what was to stop Azazel from beating Asmodeus into submission once more? What if he murdered him just as he had murdered the real Lilith? 
And Solomon would be helpless to all of it. He wanted to be there for his partner, and he couldn't do that if he was a mindless monster under Azazel's thumb. 
He had already been a mindless monster under Azazel's thumb at one point. 
Maybe coming up here had been a bad idea. After today, Solomon didn't think he would come up here ever again if he could avoid it. The room reeked of evil, and it reminded him too much of his own shortcomings. Asmo didn't want him taking on guilt, true, but he also couldn't help it. There was so much he could have done. So much he could have prevented. Maybe Asmo shouldn't have married him.
Solomon reached for yet another book on the shelf. As soon as he pulled it back a scroll  rolled down and fell at his feet. Despite being hidden behind the bookshelf, it looked rather pristine. There wasn't a single crinkle or tear in the parchment itself, and upon further inspection the writing remained unsmudged. 
"What is that?" Satan peered over his shoulder, eyes scanning over the paper. The words were familiar. 
Why would Azazel have this tucked away where it couldn't be easily accessed? 
The memory came back in drips. A day that Solomon also didn't want to remember, a day that was supposed to be beautiful and happy. A voice clung to the words on the paper, softly at first. It clawed its way from the back of his mind until it consumed his thoughts. Why didn't he think about this sooner? Everything was right under his nose. Everything! 
He was nothing but a man blinded by ambition. A fool's king. 
He rolled the scroll up, and looked Satan in the eye, "I need to speak with Asmodeus."
The twins sat close to Asmo. Belphegor had seemed to be avoiding him before when Solomon first arrived (if not acting outright hostile), but now things seemed to be settling if not settled. As much as Solomon needed to speak with his spouse, it didn't seem like it would be possible to tear him away from the conversation he was currently engaged in. 
"I hope he starves down there. He should rot and never be allowed to see the light of day ever again. He deserves to suffer for what he did to Lilith," Belphie was gripping the table tightly in his hand so hard that Solomon swore he could see each of the individual bones in his fingers, "He killed her. He killed her and replaced her."
"He didn't care. He never cared," Asmo's face looked green. Solomon would have to check in with him after they were finished talking. Azazel had hurt the family so much, Asmo deserved time to talk about it.
Beel's eyes were fixed squarely to the table, "I was supposed to go out with her that day, we were going to go to the market together." 
Solomon hadn't heard Beel speak much during his time in Arcadia, he hadn't seen much of the twins at all, but in this moment where Belphie carried anger and resentment, Beelzebub looked defeated and broken. From what Solomon gathered he was a boulder of a man, strong, and seen as fit to stay close to Lucifer's side when he became king. But now he was crumbling.
"If we had gone… Maybe she- Maybe he wouldn't have-"
"Maybe he wouldn't have just stopped at one on that day. Maybe he would have done the same thing to you that he had done to our wretch of a father," Belphie spat, "He would have killed any of us without remorse, he made that clear."
"He did have a talent for saying unkind things, and committing even crueler acts." Maybe Solomon was focusing a bit too much on his husband. There was a chance he had become hyper analytic of his actions, but the way Asmo rubbed his hands and arms as he spoke made Solomon's blood boil.
"Because he is the scum of the earth. Do you want to know what he said to me once?" The laugh that left Belphie chilled Solomon straight to his core, "Listen to this, he told me that two is a blessing, you never need two, but you have one just in case something happens to the other.”
His grip on the table loosened, and for a second his eyes betrayed how weakness had consumed his body, "He never cared about us, neither did father. We were nothing but easily disposable pawns."
His body fell forward slightly before he caught himself. 
"Belphie," Asmo's voice fell flat, as silence stretched between the three youngest siblings, "I think, maybe you should go rest now. Do you need help walking back to your room?" 
"I've got it, I think you have someone waiting for you."
Beel nodded towards Solomon. Had he been that noticeable? He wasn't trying to be. Although he didn't want to sneak around either. Solomon lifted his hand to wave as the twins stood to leave. Embarrassment gripped at his stomach and rose up to his cheeks for every second that eyes were on him. Asmo seemed hesitant to leave at first, but as soon as Belphegor waved him off that hesitation disappeared. 
"Oh! Darling, do you need anything? Does your arm ache? Do I need to fetch a healer?"  
Solomon laughed lightly as Asmo pressed a hand to his forehead. He had no idea what that had to do with his arm, but Asmo was displaying concern, and Solomon wasn't about to mock him for it. Instead, he took Asmo's hand in his own and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.  His skin felt warm against his chilled lips, like the summer sun melting away the last of winter's frost and bringing him to life. 
"There's actually something important I'd like to discuss with you, or I believe it to be important, I'm unsure."
He undid the scroll and laid it flat on the table, "You recognize this don't you?"
Asmo's eyes glanced over the words before furrowing his brow and looking at Solomon, "Of course I know it, it's the same ballad I told you about before. The one with the two lovers and the Heart."
Of course it was. At first Solomon had believed it was nothing more than a mere legend, simple fantasy. But what if the song really did hold some truths to it? Maybe he was being desperate, grasping at any straw he could to save Diavolo. But then again, why would Azazel hide something of such little importance? Maybe it was one last way to mess with his mind, to toy with him, or maybe it was as important as he thought it was.
"Have you really forgotten about it already? Is your memory really that short or did Uncle hit you harder than we thought?" One of Asmo's well manicured fingers pressed directly into the center of his forehead. The feeling alone sent something through him. It tingled and warmed him. It thrilled and excited him. It calmed and grounded him.
He took Asmo's hand and pressed his lips against his knucked, and allowed his face to rest against his skin. "No, that's not it. I just wanted to make sure I was thinking about the right thing is all." 
And now that he knew it was the right thing he could take his suspicions to Lucifer.
"Why take an interest in it now?"
"Why are you so inquisitive today?"
"We're married!" Asmo wrapped his arms around Solomon's and pulled, "You should be telling me everything."
"Everything eh?"
"Even what I ate for lunch yesterday?"
Solomon couldn't help but laugh at Asmo's pout, "Yes. Everything!"
"So a man can't have his secrets?"
"Alright, alright," he pecked Asmo's cheek and stayed close, "I understand. I'm still figuring it out but I promise that I'll tell you once I understand yeah?"
Asmodeus leaned into him with a sigh, "I suppose that is acceptable."
"Wonderful, now would you mind telling me about the story once more?"
Lucifer's hands were folded over each other in thought, his face barely illuminated by candle light. He hadn't spoken in a while, eyes deep in thought. When he did, his voice was quiet. Barbatos was making himself as small as possible, quickly and quietly refilling and replacing teacups, reheating lukewarm tea, and cleaning the remains of snack trays. The slight tremor in his hand was barely noticeable. Solomon wondered what could be the  cause of it. His thoughts jumped from Diavolo’s condition down to what had happened to himself. Whatever the case, Barbatos refused to let anything else bubble to the surface that might betray his anxieties. 
"You're sure about this?"
"As sure as I can be," Solomon hoped he sounded more confident than he felt. He could be wrong. Incredibly wrong. But what other choice did they have? There was no other possible cure, and the one he had concocted was temporary.
"I don't know about this,” Diavolo’s phantom form was haunting. The poison had been slowed, but it was still aiming to claim its victim, “We blocked off unneeded pathways for a reason. I’m not too fond of the idea of you possibly going down there and getting hurt in the name of a false hope.”
“And I’m not too fond of the idea of standing idling by while I continue to watch you waste away,”  Lucifer retorted, turning to meet Diavolo’s gaze. Solomon had never heard him sound so stern with Diavolo before. It felt wrong for him to be here now, he was an intruder, this wasn’t a moment he was meant to witness. Looking at him now, Solomon wondered if Lucifer was holding his breath through his words, “I can’t do that. Not when I know I could save you.”
Diavolo slowly reached for him, taking Lucifer’s hand and squeezing with what strength he still had, “I know love, but you are a king of a great nation, your people will need you.”
“And you are my world and I need you.”
Something flickered in Diavolo’s eyes, even if only for a moment. It wasn’t quite sadness, it was deeper than that, so much deeper. His grip loosened but Lucifer refused to let go. His other hand joined the embrace and he placed it over his own heart. They belonged together, they truly did, and Solomon swore he would do anything to keep them this way, to save Diavolo’s life.
Diavolo chuckled, “You’re such a stubborn man.”
“You have the audacity to say that to me? With how you yourself are?”
Even now they found time to banter.
“Barbatos will take marvelous care of you until I come back. He always does.”
“Of course, he always has. And you will come back to us.”
“I will, just as I will return to your side later tonight and be here when you wake in the morning,” Lucifer’s voice was barely a whisper now, kissing Diavolo’s knuckles as his head hit the pillows behind him, “For now, Solomon and I have plans to make.” 
They certainly did, and Solomon was afraid that he would have no idea where to start.
He was betting everything he had on a hunch, and in the end a hunch was all they had.
Two lovers and a bond between them so strong that it defies reality as we know it. Within death they find rebirth. No matter how many different iterations have been passed down through the years, those two themes are a common factor. While I am still skeptical about the truth behind the story, I do believe that the Heart lies within the caverns below, and that if it is invoked, it can call forth powerful magic beyond comprehension. My hope is that we can use it to reverse the poison’s effects. I still have many unanswered questions, but I simply don’t have time to answer all of them. It may be as simple as asking, it may not. I have tried to find instructions within the story with little to no avail. A sacrifice and a plea are both made, neither is uncommon for strong magic, but I fear that if the exact steps are not completed our mission shall be for naught.
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followmybones · 3 years
Obey me pirate AU
This idea was done in association with @godlyaffection if you're a male reader, you should totally go check out this post he made about pirate Lucifer
MC is mentioned, nothing about them is specified
includes all characters and minor spoilers about some characters (i don't think there's any spoilers for the main story)
This post is a little messier than what I usually post, sorry, I hope you all like it! It's super messy but I'm so in love with this idea.
would be the captain of the ship- and I know what you’re probably thinking “but what about Diavolo?” just wait before you yell at me.
The brothers were royalty before being exiled because of their stance during a religious war. Years later they find themselves becoming pirates, and Lucifer becomes their captain.
Typically makes the decisions (often influenced by Diavolo) and then distributes orders, oversees everyone's work, and tries to minimize the amount of fighting between his brothers.
He oversees the antics of his brothers and tries to keep them all on the same page.
Sometimes Diavolo and Barbatos will clean Lucifer up and take him with them on Diavolo’s official business saying Lucifer is head of his personal navy, no one questions it because there are too many fake stories out there to know what the brothers really look like (read Asmodeus’s last hc to understand why this also passes).
would find their new jobs and journeys, he wouldn’t have a “specific” or traditional job, he’s in charge of finding ways to buy/find food and all the necessities.
He’s the one who catches wind of treasure and then tells Lucifer and his brothers about it, he's greedy so of course he's going to want to find as much treasure as possible, you know what I mean?
Can and will magically come across a treasures map, it’s happened multiple times, don't be surprised when it happens again
Probably in charge of keeping track of which kingdoms and territories the boys are HEAVILY wanted in.
Leaves the boat most often out of all the brothers, but also gets in the most trouble.
Would be a pilot’s mate, he would help satan, and technically works under Satan
In this world, Leviathan wouldn't necessarily have something to obsess over, but considering how many references his character makes and has to the ocean, I think his interest in the ocean would really shine here.
Loved the ocean as a kid and wanted to be a sailor so he learned a lot about the ocean, sailing, and a little bit of map reading.
Is the best at reading the sea, he makes all the decisions on if the waters are safe enough and whatnot.
Leviathan views his relationship with satan as a student/teacher dynamic while satan views them as equals who just have different skillsets and strengths.
is the pilot and navigator, he kept the daily log, ensured they stayed on course, and oversaw the actions of Leviathan.
He happened to be the most educated of the bothers and took the reins when it came to research and navigation, it would probably be something that he was interested in
Probably trades and bargains for books he has yet to read. Definitely has tricked his brothers into going on a treasure hunt that was actually just an endeavor to find a rare book satan wanted to read (Lucifer made satan sell the book after he wrote himself a copy and read the book)
Probably has a personal journal where he talks about the events that happen on the boat that don’t make it into the logs (all the antics of the brothers and others on the ship).
Is the least likely out of all the brothers to be turned in into the authorities, he’ll never be turned in by any common folk and most nobles, he charms most people he meets, they know him as a seeker of knowledge, and not the 'bad pirate' sailors portray him as.
Would be the Boatswain, prettyboy doesn’t mind positions of power and I think he’d be good at keeping the boat up to par.
Asmodeus likes taking care of himself and his things, the ship he lives on would not be any different, thus the brothers decided he would be responsible for the ship.
Asmodeus will yell at his brothers if he feels they did a poor job on maintenance, and to be fair, he does make them do a lot more maintenance than what's necessary.
Came up with his own organizing system, and refuses to teach it to any of the other brothers. But he swears it’d make sense if they would just try to understand it.
When the ship is docked, and Asmodeus gets bored, he'll go sit in taverns telling tales of him and his brothers that are entirely fabricated and false, even the way he described his brothers are completely off base. Everyone believes him though, he says he was once a hostage on a ship, and he didn't sound like the men he described in his stories, or any of the pirates they've been told about.
Would be the Master at Arms, he’s a strong boy, he wouldn’t like killing, but he’d still be the best fighter on the ship.
I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory, Beelzebub would be the one who trained the most physically before pirate life, so he would be in charge of training new crew members, and he would lead boarding parties.
He tries to train with all his brothers so he can feel confident that they can protect themselves. Probably tries to work with Leviathan the most.
Beelzebub is usually in charge of captives and low-profile hostages, he’s least likely to let them go or be bribed.
Does a lot of the (literal) heavy lifting on the boat. A cannon needs to be moved? He’s got it. A barrel filled with pickled vegetables? He’s got it, just don’t leave him alone with it for too long!
Wouldn’t really have a job, he would just help wherever, if he wasn’t asleep anyway, and because this feels lazy to say, I decided to write extra headcanons to explain what I mean
I can't really imagine him having a very physical job, he'd help where ever obviously, but he'd mostly be sleeping and just hanging around Beelzebub while he did both of their workloads.
At nights Leviathan navigates and Belphegor will stay on deck to help, Belphegor likes astronomy and knows how to navigate using the stars. He’d probably help Satan on occasion as well.
He helps Asmodeus keep things organized, especially the food, he doesn’t know specifically how Asmodeus’s origination system works, but he knows where everything is kept.
Despite usually sleeping, he’s the second-best fighter on the ship, he lacks technic, but he does a lot of damage.
Belphegor probably takes care of the sick and takes over the jobs of the sick, he can manage any job he’s given, but typically doesn’t work.
He’s the least known brother, not to say he’s not to fear the other brothers just happen to have more presence with people, not that he particularly minds.
Probably works with Satan on fighting and attacking strategies, Beelzebub may be the best fighter, but he’s not the best with strategies and Belphegor makes up for that.
would be a prince who lowkey blackmailed Lucifer into letting him and his personal servant join in on their adventures.
Is absolutely fascinated with the life the brothers have and wants to observe it.
Has saved the brothers from being arrested countless times and has pretended they were his prisoners to keep them out of trouble
Still keeps up his royal appearance, despite traveling with wanted pirates, it's his duty as a prince with foreign relationships.
Takes an interest in learning everything he can about literally everything, was insistent that the brothers teach him to do some of the physical labor they do.
would be Diavolo servant (not much different from canon).
Was a pirate when he was younger but Diavolo only found out after they started traveling with the brothers.
Probably a trained fighter, his techniques have been built from his time as a pirate as well as training Diavolo’s father put him through
Sometimes teaches Luke fighting techniques so that he could protect himself.
Rarely sleeps, and it absolutely terrifies Mammon because he will see Barbatos awake on deck in the middle of the night for absolutely no reason.
is the prince/princess the brothers kidnapped as a hostage only to get along with them and invited them to join their crew as their quartermaster.
The boys came across MC's royal ship when a royal naval ship attacked them. They ended up taking you hostage because they hoped they might be able to negotiate for some gold, and Lucifer really didn’t want your kingdom coming after him for killing royalty.
Diavolo also was very curious to get to know MC, as their kingdoms didn’t often associate or negotiate with each other. He wanted to strengthen the bonds to extend trade between the two kingdoms if it was possible.
Everyone ended up getting along really well with MC, and MC ended up liking them and their adventures and proved to be really helpful around the ship, so they invited MC to join their adventures.
MC ends up having a way with everyone on the ship, which encourages Lucifer to give them the position of quartermaster, he believes you are the best fit for the job, and it's been ages since someone sensible stepped onto the ship.
is an alchemist who somehow bargained his way onto the ship (only he and Diavolo know).
He tried bargaining with Lucifer originally, only to realize the person with the most influence was actually Diavolo and managed to bargain his way onto the ship.
Does tasks and favors for Diavolo fairly often, and no one is sure if it’s out of mutual interest or because it was a part of the terms of their negotiation.
He practices alchemy (seems obvious, but originally I wrote him as a traveler), and on occasion, Lucifer bans alchemy on the boat, and then later unbans it because Diavolo wants him to do some alchemy thing for him.
Sometimes randomly disappears for days without saying anything about where he’s going or how he’s going (he just… disappears???).
Is a writer who wishes to observe the truth behind the pirate's way of life, so that he can write about their history and stories.
This is just a nod at a Simeon being a writer, and I felt like it really fits the narrative in the AU
Comes from the same kingdom the brothers were originally from, works as a scribe and writer back home (hopes to write about them for his next collection of works).
The descriptions of pirates and the brothers in the kingdoms are absolutely awful and he was curious to see if the rumors were true.
He hopes he’ll be able to write a book that shows the truth of the life the brothers and pirates lead.
would be an apprentice of Simeon and works under the scribes of the kingdom
In the canon story, Luke is a cherub, and I feel like all the cherubs would be apprentices who work under someone who works within the official government of the Celestial Kingdom.
Luke was an orphan taken in by the scribes of the celestial kingdom, who now travels with Simeon as a sort of apprentice.
The scribes educated and taught Luke many different things, which helped him and Simeon prove his worth to the brothers. (They really didn't want a kid on the ship, especially one who thought they couldn't be kind and civil in their personal lives, just because they were pirates.)
Times on the boat could get very boring, and Luke would help pass the time by playing music for everyone or sometimes reciting poetry and stories.
(some of the historical things don't line up so please ignore that if you notice it)
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Guys- GUYS-
Okay- I’m calm. So! I love Soulmate AUs so much, and I was just thinking, in Obey me! canon, Lucifer and Diavolo meet while Lucifer is still an angel and Lucifer awkwardly crash lands into the dirt on a mission from his father. According to Diavolo, the first thing Lucifer did was insult the quality of the soil in the Devildom.
Imagine. Diavolo. The Crown Prince of the Devildom, had the words: “The soil here is incredibly low quality. You should fix that immediately.” written on his arm.
Lucifer probably had something like: “I’ll remedy this as fast as possible...” because Diavolo was canonically stuck in a simp-haze when he first met Lucifer. Poor Luci probably thought his future soulmate was another angel that worked for him but NO! He’s a demon! And the fucking Crown Prince of the Devildom no less.
I can just picture Lucifer returning to the Celestial Realm and needing to explain to his siblings that he found his soulmate AND that his soulmate is a demon.
Lucifer: So to sum up my visit, the prince of the Devildom is my soulmate.
Asmodeus: This is... this is...
Lucifer: I know it’s a lot to take in.
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silverscribbler · 3 years
New Unity Series
For the past year I have been struggling to crawl uphill and I was burned out. This past week or so I have been inspired by one of my friends, @obeysalsaverde, to write for a character I had on the back burner.
The worldbuilding is ongoing, and I have been taking it as an opportunity to do what I’ve wanted with the Obey Me characters. I’ve struggled for so long with actually just doing what I have wanted to, write what I wanted to write, and while that anxiety persists, I have chosen to just do it. I don’t know if this means I’ll be doing more on Tumblr yet, Muse and I have so much happening and we both want to redo our Tumblr skins, but I am being more active on a new story.
Rated E for it’s explicit content, Unity, Trust, and Imperfect Balance is written for Salsa and myself. I’m writing to have fun again, and I really enjoy that. So if you don’t mind reading an alternate au, with deities walking among their creations and the creations of others, please take a peak at it! Tags below the break!
The following are some tags I would like to warn you about as well:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Major Character Death
Relationships to be Explored- They’re not related in this AU. Period.
Barbatos & Diavolo
Main Character/Not Luke
Misc Tags - More Tags Will Be Added
Alternate Universe - Canon
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
Psychological Trauma
Non-Sexual Intimacy
Non-Sexual Submission
Non-Sexual Bondage
Main Character is a Deity in the Making
Main Character is Royalty
Eventual Sex
Slow Burn
Established Relationship
Other Supernatural Beings Exist
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Angst and Fluff and Smut
Angst and Tragedy
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kadythethief · 2 years
obey me vtm au
ventrue duh
dude, we all know he's a toreador
yeah, dude's a setite
all about corrupting people by tempting them via their desires and vices and tricking other kindred and mortals to enter a pact with him
also they kinda are a cult, mammon *should* be worshipped actually
eh, i'm gonna make him a nossy. rip whatever good looks he had to begin with.
but the nossies seem kinda envious at times. so much that occasionally they turn really pretty ppl into one of them to teach them a lesson! that'll teach them! being pretty and shit!
honestly, asmo should be a nossy based on that lol. you *know* he probably pissed of all the local nossies in his area with his vanity but we are not hurting asmo on this blog!
levi is fine tho, he does that just fine on his own.
and they are also good with tech. and sneaking. you'd have to be looking like that and who'd be better at hiding themselves than this shut in?
no but like OG brujah, a scholar, before one of his clan-brethren lost his temper after an intense argument with his teacher and diablerized him causing most of the brujah to lose that reputation by aquiring a curse that makes them all have a short fuse.
i feel like satan can be a bit of a shut in too, when it comes to books tho so he escaped that fate. maybe cain even forgot about him completely! lololol
brujah are in general also rebels, so yeah
damn, ok that dude's hard like a bunch of dark clans could work for him but on account of his laziness....
let's put him in ravnos!
most cities don't like having them around, but don't dare piss one off or you'd get the rest of the clan on your back and you know this lil kindred would use that to his advantage! they have nifty illusion powers too.
brujah. dude doesn't have much of a temper but remember them being rebels? beel doesn't strike me as someone who'd be a brujah with a big ideological cause but i think, when it comes down to it, he'd lay life and limb down for his fam, found or otherwise
brujah cause he got them brujah tiddies, eyyyy!!
...no, jk, i guessssss he'd probably be ventrue due to him being royalty and all that even tho he's a himbo and not even that stuck up or anything
let's make him a cappadocian, the vamp necromancers who can communicate and control spirits. i think they are also really smart and read books probably and shit
yeah i should probably put her in the same clan as barby but fuck you, she's malkavian. have you seen her eyes? beautiful! gorgeous! drive me to madness, queeeeeeen!
luke is a lil gangrel chihuahua
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miridiums-writing · 4 years
I go by the pronouns he/they
Other socials
insta = @miridium_badass
Tiktok = @miridiumisaking
Tumblr media
Obey me
Asmodeus dating headcanons
Barbatos, Mc, and Diavolo playing uno
Asmodeus x Mc wearing matching clothes to halloween
Brothers react to MC helping levi with a panic attack
Brothers react to mc having the same birthday as them
Lucifer X reader ; Lucifer and reader have the house to themselves....
Random obey me headcanons
Ciel in devildom
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Thranduil comfort for stress
Thranduil x reader part 1 / part 2 - reader is from modern times and gets trapped in middle-earth
Thranduil relationship headcanons
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Punk!reader x Lindir
Awkward Encounter Legolas x reader - Legolas meets the new person working at the stable
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Harry potter
Draco x hufflepuff!reader
Draco x stressed!reader
Snape with hard of hearing student
Tom riddle x insecure!reader
Punishment chapter story : what if Tom riddle was caught and punished to live his life out as a Muggle until he learned his lesson (this series has been discontinued because I personally hate it)
Tumblr media
Todoroki with a k-pop stan
Tamaki x reader x Bakugou poly!
Aizawa with an up and coming hero
Todoroki and Bakugou giving massages
Tamaki dating headcanons
Hawks with a youtube channel
Dabi's redemption
Bakugou with a stubborn s/o
Hawks scares you and gets tased
Bakugou with a shy s/o
Endeavor dating headcanons
Tamaki x reader fluff story
Dabi and shigaraki with a stressed/tense s/o
Kaminari x reader soulmate au
bakugou x reader soulmate au
Aizawa x reader - after the fight at the USJ Aizawa is hit in the face with his feelings
Bakugou, midorya, todoroki, kirishima, tenya, kaminari, mina, Aizawa, kai, dabi, keigo, amajiki reacting to their s/o stressing so much over school they cry.
Barbarian!Bakugou x Petite!Villager!Reader. Part 2 : Barbarians take over readers village, Bakugou catches them causing them both to find out their mates
Barbarian!Bakugou x plus-sized!reader part 1 - the exact same story as above but some details where changed for my plus-sized royalty
Bakugou x gn!reader - reader is going through some stuff and distancing themselves from Bakugou, and bakugou is beginning to worry
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Black butler
Ciel & Sebastian with a s/o with Tourette's
Sebastian relationship headcanons
Undertaker x reader soulmate au
Vincent phantomhive relationship headcanons
Ciel, Sebastian, vincent x female!punk!genz!reader
Vincent Phantomhive x poor!s/o
Ciel in devildom
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Raizel relationship headcanons
Frankenstein x stressed!Reader
Raizel x reader - Reader is devastated when Raizel goes into sleep and tries to find ways to forget the pain for 820 years.
Dating Frankenstein shenanigans
Frankenstein x singer!reader headcanons
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Loki x reader = reader had panic attack and tells loki their problems
Steve x timetravelling!reader - reader accidentally ends up back in time and meets steve
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One off one-shots
Reiji x reader - you get kidnapped, forcing Reiji to admit his feelings
Squid x miridium : Squid and Miridium have been enemies for years, this time squid decides is the time they will finally settle the constant fight and win
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