#obey me no mc
clxudlst · 2 years
Lucifer finds Mam's on his bed
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Angst a little?
Lucifer certainly didn't predict that his younger brother would be in his bed, it did remind me of how before the fall that Mammon would always find comfort in others bed, especially his and Liliths
Lucifer at that moment didn't know what to say, you know the moment when you just feel numb and rethink what happened? Yeah that's what Lucifer was experiencing, as his thoughts were in chaos he didn't notice how he subconsciously had sat down next to his brother and covered him up with a blanket.
At that moment Lucifer felt lost, like a child when you leave them at their own disposal somewhere unfamiliar, the same feeling when they fell he couldn't fathom how Mammon after all this time still chose to stay here even though he had the means to leave
After everything, didn't he resent them? For Lucifer it would have been better to have been resented then knowing his brother chose to stay after all the abuse hurled at him, it would have been not fine, he subconsciously had muttered "I'm so sorry Mammon" if only he could say that to him face to face
Lucifer snapped out from his daze and went to his desk to finish his paperwork... After all it's better then to think about it
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nutbreadys · 1 month
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She's our #1 fan 💯
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
Mc and Diavolo
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da-shrimping-station · 2 months
BEHOLD! One of the most powerful beings in all the realms!
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obey-me-but-bad · 2 months
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3 : Home Sweet Home
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devildomangel · 2 months
MC who was sad that they didn't get to see the Solar Eclipse so Beel and Belphie decided to recreate it for them.
-MC, wearing sunglasses and sitting outside the HOL-
Lucifer: MC! What in the nine circles are you doing out here?
MC: I'm watching the eclipse.
Lucifer: We don't even have a sun in the devildom
MC: Shhh! It's starting!
Beel, Wearing a cardboard cut out of the sun: *Standing still*
Belphie: *Wearing a cardboard cut out of the moon, passes by Beel*
MC: Hell yeah
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authormars · 3 months
MC: How do angels reproduce?
Simeon: Well, it's a very complicated process and the Father-
Lucifer: Mitosis
Lucifer, pointing to Satan: Mitosis
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zephyrchama · 3 months
Falling asleep in one of the House of Lamentation's common rooms can be a gamble. At best, somebody kindly carries you back to your room and tucks you in. Or maybe they leave you where you were, but drape a jacket or blanket over you.
Sometimes they go overboard, and you wake up with too many blankets. It's sweltering hot and excessively heavy. You thought the brothers were just being supportive in a weird way until Mammon accidentally revealed everyone is trying to break the record of 23 blankets and three duvets.
Sometimes you wake up with a full manicure and facial in progress. Asmo likes the practice.
Sometimes you wake up wearing Lucifer's reading glasses or Mammon's sunglasses. The Anti-Lucifer League must have thought you make a good hiding spot.
Sometimes you wake up with fresh food next to you. Particularly if you fell asleep near mealtime. The strong smell of Devildom cuisine rouses you awake, and you catch Beel trying to tip-toe away.
Sometimes you find... offerings. Bottled tea, or sticker sheets, or a coin placed on your cheek. Levi started taking pictures and in thanks decided to make a shrine dedicated to his idol (you).
Sometimes they draw on your face. The first person to do so will leave a marker for anyone else who happens to feel creative. You've woken up with whiskers, a mustache, fake eyes drawn over your eyelids, money signs drawn on your eyelids, swirls and hearts, a goatee, a big unibrow, and you're pretty sure the twins are the culprits behind a game of tic-tac-toe.
Sometimes you get notes. Simple reminders, or a notice that Lucifer's left the house so please make sure to check that everyone's behaving when you wake up. Occasionally you wake up completely covered in post-its with silly messages.
Sometimes you get kisses. They leave no trace, unless their sender gets carried away and sticks around.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Diavolo: Between MC and Barbatos, who do you think is scarier?
Lucifer: Barbatos.
Diavolo: *chuckles* Yes, Barbatos.
Barbatos: I beg to differ.
Lucifer and Diavolo: Huh?
Barbatos: MC, when upset, can make your life efficiently worst.
Lucifer: Why? What did they do?
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: They told me they had set a mouse free in the palace grounds.
Barbatos: And I still haven't found it.
Lucifer and Diavolo: ...
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strawberrycartt · 5 months
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RAD classes are tough 🔮🕯️
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barbatos-wife · 10 months
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A typical day at Devildom. (It's not my job)
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andminnequin · 4 months
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meowsgirldrawing · 3 months
Many Kisses~ (PolyAU! Obey me!)
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Note: I got no excuse for the last one, the demons just love their human too much <3 (And MC is just loving life)
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whatever-fanfics · 7 months
Headcanon that the demons and angels don't have that instinct when somethings wrong.
MC *feels the hairs on their arms stand up*: Somethings wrong
Solomon *feels a pit in his stomach*: I agree
Demons and Angels: What the fuck
*Something goes wrong*
The Demons and Angels: What the F U C K 🤯😱🤯
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tsukii0002 · 4 months
I've been thinking that growing up surrounded by luxuries and being a prince, Diavolo, as the future heir of Devildom has all in his hands. And everyone around him has been reminding him of it all his life and praising him always in an ostentatious and tiresome way. Always comparing him to the greatest things, the most powerful creatures and the most valuable treasures. Feeling that the flattery is nothing more than an act of pure interest towards his person, empty words.
And then one day Mc arrives, a human who doesn't seem to understand that they are in hell, and stares at him.
Mc: Your eyes are beautifull.
Diavolo: Ha, ha, people usually say to me the look like gold-
Mc: They have the color of sun-kissed honey… Feels like home.
And then, leaves quietly, as if nothing, after dropping the bombshell, leaving Diavolo a blushing mess unable to process what just happened.
That day Barbatos found in his young lord's search history "how to marry a human, being the future king of hell?"
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obey-me-but-bad · 3 months
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1 : Welcome to hell, we had an education reform last year
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