#obey me valefar
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summary: mammon might have been assigned to watch over you as the exchange student, but in return, you were assigned to watch over his gambling behaviour; a certain casino owner takes issue with that and personally sees to it that mammon's spending inhibition is thoroughly distracted
pairing: valefar (my oc) x gn!reader
warnings: manipulative behaviour, ngl you might not like val after this but trust me and trust the process jshsh
obey me! masterlist || valefar masterlist
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It wasn’t a well kept secret that Mammon had taken a liking to you rather quickly. Give and take a week into your stay in the Devildom, belongings of the Avatar of Greed, like his tooth brush, cologne or charger, had taken up residence in your room, the demon himself spending every possible moment glued to your side as well. Because it was what Lucifer told him to do, of course.
Naturally, it didn’t take long for him to drag you to his favourite places around the Devildom, namely casinos. And the one he frequented most often was the infamous ‘Lion’s Share’ Casino, with its sleek and aureate exterior.
It definitely didn’t feel like the sleazy, underground places some might imagine when thinking of a casino, but rather like a luxurious establishment in Vegas. Every time you passed the impressive lion statues framing the entrance, your shoes clicked on the polished floors and you craned your neck to marvel at the dazzling chandeliers, you thought you entered another world yet again. 
As expected, Mammon was some kind of VIP around there, possibly because of his ridiculous spending habits, so the bouncers hardly glanced at either of you as you followed him through the heavy double-winged doors.
“Alright, human! Ready to be ma lucky charm again?” Mammon grinned as he ushered you in the direction of the poker tables. “A got paid real good for the last modellin’ gig, so A need ya to do yer thin’ and make me win big.”
“Remember not to go overboard, yeah? Or Lucifer is going to have both our heads,” you sighed as you flicked his biceps with your fingers. “I’m here to make sure you don’t gamble yourself into even more debt, did you forget that?”
“Yeah yeah, whatever, ya killjoy,” he nudged you before dragging you along by the wrist, just as enthusiastically as before. Perhaps because he knew you’d indulge him just a little anyway. “Now, get comfortable and watch me get a royal flush.”
Unbeknownst to the excited demon and the human rolling their eyes, someone was watching them from the highest floor overseeing the casino, amber gaze fixed on the pair taking their places at the poker table. Mammon, of course, was already well known to the observer, having been a faithful patron since the casino had taken off, but the human was a recent addition to his trips.
Obviously, he already knew the basics about them; that they were Diavolo’s precious exchange student and were currently living with those brothers. But he had also tracked how Mammon’s willingness to high-stake gambles sunk whenever they were with the Avatar of Greed.
As the owner of the Casino, Valefar simply couldn’t have that.
“I think it’s time to show our esteemed guest the exclusive VIP rooms,” he said as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass and one of his men bowed before leaving to go fetch the human. 
The hair in the back of your neck raised before you even saw the bouncer approach your table but when his black suit came into view, you could almost taste the trouble in the air. You were about to alert Mammon, though you had made sure he didn’t cheat, when the huge demon tapped your shoulder instead and gestured for you to follow him.
“Is there a problem?” Mammon asked, game momentarily forgotten as he tugged you behind him. “If ya wanna talk to the human, ya gotta hafta talk to me too, ya know.”
“No,” the bouncer’s gruff voice scratched the air, “only the human. Boss’s orders.”
“A-Ah from the boss, ya say?” Your companion’s tone changed as he rubbed his neck. “Well, he knows not ta try anythin’ funny if he doesn’t want Lucifer and Diavolo breathin’ down his neck. Don’t keep the man waitin’ then.”
And with that, Mammon stepped to the side and ushered you to follow the security demon, not so discreetly ignoring the unimpressed glare you sent him. You were well aware he was indebted to the casino, so of course he’d fold like a house of cards the second its boss requested something of him, if only to not make his situation worse.
A very silent elevator ride later, you entered a dimly lit lounge area void of any customers. The long side of the room was entirely made of glass, making you guess it was the black one-way window front visible from the casino area. There, in a lounge chair, sat a demon, his arms resting on the sides of the chair as if he owned the place. You almost didn’t see him in his black suit against the dark background if the ice clinking in his glass didn’t give him away.
“Good evening, how are you enjoying your time at the Lion’s Share so far?” Elegantly, like a large cat, the man lifted himself out of his seat, leaving his drink on a table and straightening out his suit. As he rounded the table to approach you, he smoothly pulled one of his leather gloves off before holding out his hand to you. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Valefar, the owner of this humble casino.”
Startled by his bright amber eyes sparkling down on you, you shook his hand as if in trance and stammered your name. You didn’t know what you had expected when the casino boss was mentioned but probably not to be greeted by a tall, handsome man, with flawless tan skin and black hair swept back lazily. Golden piercings gleamed in the ambient light as he cocked his head to the side while studying you before revealing a fanged smile.
“I’ve heard much about you already,” Valefar said, voice velvety as he guided you to take a seat with a hand lightly gracing the dip of your back. “Only positive, of course. You’ll forgive me for wanting to meet you in person, won’t you?”
“Oh uhm- Sure, though I’m not sure I’m all that great,” you nervously laughed as he sat down opposite of you. 
“I’d beg to differ,” Valefar chuckled. “You know, I have an eye for all things valuable and you managed to pique my interest, so there has to be more to you than you give yourself credit for. Care for a drink?”
You were happy he switched the topic himself because your cheeks felt like they were set ablaze. “Only water for me please.”
“Not a fan of demonus, huh? I personally think you’re missing out but suit yourself.” As one of the staff set your respective drinks down in front of you, he whispered something to his boss, whose lips curved up at corners with a glance out of the window. Seemingly out of nowhere, he pulled a deck of cards as his attention landed back on you. “I noticed you seem to linger around the poker table whenever you’re here. Up for a friendly game?”
You halted. He’d been paying close enough attention to you to notice that? 
“It’s mostly Mammon who plays,” you said quietly. Thinking of your impulsive companion, you remembered your agreement with Lucifer, as much as you wanted to spend a bit more time with your new acquaintance. “Speaking of, I think I shouldn’t take up anymore of your precious time and return to the table.”
“Oh please,” Valefar’s voice soothed your troubles, “He is in great hands and I’d be more than happy to enjoy your company for a while longer. But if the feeling isn’t mutual, you’re free to return any time, of course.”
“If that’s so…” you contemplated for a few seconds, a little reluctant to leave this tranquil atmosphere. Besides, Valefar had been nothing but nice to you, where was the harm in staying a little longer? “Perhaps, it wouldn’t be so bad…”
“Splendid,” the demon beamed as he shuffled the cards. “I trust you know the rules?”
After playing a few rounds you were surprised to find the overall results to be tipped in your favour, winning slightly more often than losing. Maybe Satan had been right when he told you people favoured by Mammon found themselves to be more lucky?
“Wow,” Valefar chuckled as you dropped your cards on the table, winning another round. “You’re pretty skilled. I guess it’s my luck you’ve not taken up gambling at my casino in earnest.”
“I think I’m just lucky today,” you showed him a shy smile. “Playing cards is one thing but actually betting on it is entirely different.”
“You’re right, of course,” Valefar agreed. “But the rush you can get from winning big is entirely different as well. Not only knowing that you’ve won, but also seeing the look on the loser's face when you get your hands on what they wanted too. It’s quite the feeling.”
“Spoken like a true demon,” you laughed as you allowed yourself to let your gaze sweep over his well-built body again. Whoever tailored those suits for him knew what they were doing. 
“I can’t help myself, it’s in my nature after all,” he laughed easily. “You know, for a greed demon, claiming something that another demon also desires makes having it even sweeter. Places like this just encourage that feeling, that need.”
You swallowed at the husky tone his voice had taken on. Paired with the way his eyes were nearly blazing, resembling pools of molten gold as he looked at you, you had a feeling he wasn’t necessarily talking about money. 
“What do you mean with ‘places like this’?” Your voice came out thick as you tried to control the pounding of your heart, the parlour below long since forgotten.
“It’s a casino, sweetheart,” Valefar whispered, leaning forward in his seat a little. It was enough to have you unconsciously mirror him. “Sin is in the name.”
There wasn’t much you could say in return, only looking back at him with wide eyes and slightly parted lips. Asmo had once told you demons resonated with places that encouraged their own sin and where else but a casino would greed reign supreme?
Valefar pulled you out of your thoughts with a contemplative hum. “Normally I don’t gamble while working but I feel like spicing up the night a little. What do you say we add some stakes to our little game?”
“Stakes?” You blinked at him, a little surprised. “I don’t have money or anything of worth on me though.”
“Oh no no, I wasn’t talking about money. I understand of course that your funds as an exchange student are rather… tight,” he smiled that charming smile of his. “So, won’t you at least hear my proposal? You could be passing up the opportunity of a lifetime after all.”
Somewhere, in the far part of your brain, a quiet voice warned you not to accept. This was a demon you were dealing with, there was no way he wouldn’t propose something that wasn’t beneficial to him. But there was no harm in hearing him out, right?
“Alright,” you acquiesced, your mind clouded by his heavy gaze on you and his cologne invading your senses, “let’s hear it then.”
“If you win,” his lips curled up at the corners, “I will consider all of Mammon’s debt to be paid.”
You choked on air at his statement. All of Mammon’s debt? You didn’t even dare imagine how many zeroes that number had attached and that fact alone made you pause. A greed demon like Valefar would not willingly give up a sum of that magnitude, so you shuddered to think about his next answer. “And if you win?”
“If I win,” he drawled, pausing either for dramatic effect or just to make you squirm in your seat a little (or perhaps both), “then you will spend an evening with me.”
“Spend an evening?” You were glad you hadn’t taken a sip of water after your little coughing fit or you might have done a spit take.
“Oh please, little lamb, where are your thoughts?” Valefar chuckled and the sound, as beautiful as it was, didn’t calm your nerves. “I was talking about dinner. We eat, we drink, we talk and see where the evening goes. Perhaps we can even consider what you had in mind.”
“I know what dinner is, thank you, I was just surprised,” you said before clearing your throat. Was he about to risk that much Grimm for a chance to take you out, basically?
“Excellent, so what do you say? Sounds fair, doesn’t it? Do we have a deal?” The way he tilted his head looked as innocent as it was deadly and when you didn’t outright refuse him, his smile revealed his sharp fangs. He knew he had won. “Come on, you can really only win here. Chances as favourable as these don’t come often.”
“Fine,” you agreed despite your gut feeling telling you otherwise.
“It’s a deal then,” Valefar concluded and held out his hand for you to take. With one glance out of the window revealing Mammon to be dangerously low on chips, you shook it…
…and shortly thereafter lost. By a landslide. 
“Oh dear, looks like the cards were in my favour this round,” the demon grinned, not a hint of remorse in sight. “I guess this concludes our little game… unless you feel like going double or nothing?”
Really, you should have seen this coming, you scolded yourself. Of course you hadn’t managed to win on dumb luck alone, not against someone like Valefar, who probably knew exactly how to play his cards right, literally. This was the exact reason people always warned you not to deal with the devil. After all, the house always won. 
“No, I think we should leave it at this. I know when I’ve lost,” you sighed, much to the amusement of the man in front of you. “Say, Valefar, why are you doing this? You could’ve asked for anything else.”
“Have you considered that I don’t want anything else?” His gaze was heavy on you, burning like coals when you met it and your blood seemingly heating up in return. Suddenly, you felt a strong sympathy for the lamb trapped by the lion.
“But.. why me? I mean,” you gestured to him and to your surroundings, “you could’ve asked anyone.”
“Do you really think I’d be satisfied with just ‘anyone’?” Valefar raised a perfectly-groomed eyebrow and mirrored your gesture. If it wasn’ t so obvious what he was implying, you would’ve kicked yourself for assuming someone would think this highly of you. Instead, your heart nearly jumped out of your throat. Then, however, he sighed and it dropped to your gut. “Well, if you really feel going on a single date with me is that repulsive, it cannot be helped–”
“No!” You surprised yourself with the steadiness and conviction in your voice, clearing your throat as you leaned back again. “No, that wasn’t what I was trying to say. I just didn’t think I was that interesting.” 
“Sweetheart, I told you I have an eye for that sort of thing,” he winked with one corner of his lips lifted as mirth danced in his bright eyes. Watching him comb through his dark hair with his fingers and leaving it slightly tousled, you thought you might actually have won your little bet. No way going out with someone like him could be considered a loss. Then, your gaze fell on his golden watch and something in your brain stirred.
“Oh shit!” Scrambling for your DDD, adrenaline shot through your veins when you saw the time. Lucifer was going to have your head for real. “I’m really sorry, but I have to go. I’d love to talk more–”
“-- but you’re being expected at home, I’d assume,” Valefar easily guessed. Rising from his seat, he offered his hand to you and promptly linked your arms when you gingerly took it, his warmth enveloping you even through the thick material of his suit. “Let me escort you to the door. It’s the least I can do after keeping you to myself for so long.”
When you stepped out of the elevator, you were already met with Mammon, who was arguing with one of the bouncers, tapping his foot impatiently. The Avatar of Greed didn’t notice you approaching, still guided by the casino owner, until said demon spoke up.
“Mammon, my friend, what a pleasure to see you tonight,” Valefar’s smooth voice passed the entrance area. Despite his friendly tone, Mammon tensed up at the sound. “I hear you’ve been wracking up quite the bill again, hm? Not to worry though, if you win big next time, it’ll be easy enough to settle.”
“Val, buddy–” At Mammon’s shaky voice you found it hard to believe he was the actual Avatar of Sin in this situation; the roles might as well be reversed at this point. “It’s nice ta see y– HEY WHY’RE YA SO CLOSE TO THE HUMAN? Ya need ta back up!”
“Hm? Oh this?” Valefar asked innocently, slightly lifting your still intertwined arms for emphasis. “Ah, I thought I might as well practise and get comfortable with this for when our actual date rolls around, isn’t that right sweetheart?”
You did not get the chance to respond.
“Date?! SWEETHEART?!” You weren’t sure what was more likely, Mammon popping a vein or him hitting something incredibly expensive as he flusteredly gestured with his hands. “Just what do ya think yer playin’ at here?”
“I’m not playing at anything,” the demon by your side appeased. “Asking someone out isn’t forbidden, is it? It’s not like you asked them out, did you?”
“Ah, n-no– A didn’t–”
“Well, then I don’t see where the problem is,” Valefar smiled his gorgeous smile as Mammon’s face fell. The former didn’t seem to pay him much attention though as he turned to you instead. “Again, it was a pleasure to finally meet you and I’m looking forward to learning more about you when it’s just the two of us. Don’t worry about the details, I’ll let you know when the  date is set. For now, please make sure to have a safe trip home.”
As he uncurled his arm from yours, his gloved hand lingered on yours and he gave it a fond squeeze. It distracted you from his other hand reaching up to gently caress the side of your face, his eyes tracing the movement of his thumb over your cheekbone. There wasn’t much time for you to savour the feeling or think about what to say, merely able to hastily wish him a good night as Mammon already dragged you out of the casino and onto the streets of the Devildom, bickering with you the entire way back to the House of Lamentation.
Back in the privacy of his room, Valefar stretched and cracked his neck both ways before letting out a sigh. Pouring himself another drink, he bid his assistant in as they knocked. “So, what’s the result?”
“Mammon lost double the amount compared to when the human was with him,” the shorter demon responded as Valefar took the report detailing his favourite customer’s spending and humming in contentment at the numbers. “Sir, if I may ask, was it really necessary to go this far? Distracting them is one thing but taking them out–”
“Hm? Oh that,” the demon nonchalantly acknowledged as he flicked some lint off his black suit. “The casino can run one night without me. But if I choose a time where Mammon normally comes in, we can get him alone again and you know what that means.
“Besides,the little lamb doesn’t gamble,” Valefar added, swirling the liquid in his glass. “So even if their little heart were to break, we’re not losing out on profit. On the contrary, the chances that they stay away from the Lion’s Share rise significantly, leaving the Avatar of Greed with no one to control his spending.”
On top of that, he hadn’t been lying when he said getting his hands on something someone else coveted always felt more exhilarating than simply winning the jackpot himself. Recalling the look on the other demon’s face, Valefar couldn’t hold back the grin splitting his lips.  
“The house wins.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
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69 notes · View notes
honeynclove · 4 months
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told myself im NOT making his hair black OR white….
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35 notes · View notes
the-one-who-lambs · 2 years
Hi it's the same anon. I'm sorry but I'm boiling with ideas and I love sharing them. Lamb understands that they could share a bit of their power without giving the Red Crown. To be able to not to do everything by themselves, they decide to create a group of special followers composed of all the ex-followers of the Old Faith (the bosses like Amdusias and Valefar). If they're dead they resurrect them and wants to see the length of their loyalty to the New Faith to ensure they won't betray them. The 16 of them succeed their trials and Lamb gives them a sample of the Red Crown's power (or their own blood idk) and puts them under Narinder's command (who was also given the Crown's power (or Lamb's blood) with his natural abilities as an ex-god). So from the very top there's Lamb, then Narinder who leads the followers who became servants and then there is the common followers of the cult. The new group obeys to Lamb and Narinder and are tasked with special missions. I admit I got inspired of Demon Slayer but I found the concept interesting.
Hey again Anon,
I don't know shit about Demon Slayer BUT this sounds like a rad concept too. I wonder, how would it be possible to share the power of the Red Crown? Sounds like it involves some blood ritual stuff.
I've already sort of incorporated the idea of Narinder rising to an almost co-leader of the cult in the future, in my own fics. But this is a creative new spin on it.
If you decide to write either of your ideas that you've shared with me, please let me know! They're a little out of my wheelhouse but definitely ideas that I'd be interested in reading rather than writing.
4 notes · View notes
xx-hail2theking-xx · 2 years
Caring about someone is a vulnerable feeling. The thought of betrayal, hurt, or loss, can be terrifying.
Unfortunately none of those are things I can offer much reassurance against. Especially when I know that you know their history.
They uh, don't seem very good at lying though, for what that's worth.
... The fact that they hid so much of themself from the rest of the Above for so long baffles me.
I suspect they kept their secrets largely via intimidation. If you were raised your whole life to obey one single leader, would you talk back to them when they told a lie?
...it seems strange to think about, now that they're... Asmodeus.
-Duke Valefar.
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the-travelling-witch · 4 months
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nonnie asked: lately i noticed many writers writing about reader kissing character's face while wearing lipstick and therefore covering them in it and i found it so cute and then started to imagine your om!ocs and the modern au guys (…) being covered in lipstick kisses too […]
pairings: my genshin modern au guys (xiao :: scara :: aether :: kazuha :: heizou :: venti :: childe :: diluc :: kaeya), my obey me ocs (dantalion :: valefar :: stolas), my twst oc (cheron) x gn! reader
warnings: these lipsticks are not smudge-proof
a/n: as said i might write a full thing for one character when i have the chance but considering i have 13 characters here and i can only think of so many scenarios, i’m writing a few paragraphs each for now ^^;
original ask
modern au || dantalion || valefar || stolas || cheron
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔
𝐗𝐈𝐀𝐎 Piercer/ Tattoo Artist
It had been a busy week in which you hadn’t seen much of each other, so when you finally made it to Friday evening, you were overjoyed to see your boyfriend again. Needless to say, when the door swung shut, the first thing you did was flutter some well-earned kisses across his face, not even bothering to take your make-up off.  So when Xiao spotted his reflection in the mirror, the flush on his cheeks wasn’t the only rose colour decorating his beautiful complexion. While you watched his blush darken, he couldn’t meet your eyes in the mirror and you giggled to yourself as you watched them snap to you when you pulled the neckline of his shirt out of the way and planted a final kiss on the base of his neck.
𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀 Piercer/ Tattoo Artist
It was your day off, so for once you weren’t out of the house before Scara, instead getting ready at the same time as him. You made him his usual morning coffee to go after he slept over, since he straight up refused to drink anyone else’s, and kissed him goodbye. Not long after he arrived at the piercing studio, notifications started blowing up your phone and you skimmed the furious string of texts, laughing to yourself. Apparently, Xiao hadn’t said anything about the smudge on the corner of his lips, leaving Heizou and Venti to have a field day when they came in, teasing him relentlessly even after he wiped it off.  As for the accusation that you did it on purpose, who was to say…
𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 Piercer/ Tattoo Artist
“Do you still need the make up remover?” Aether asked from outside your bathroom door. You’d both just gotten back from an outing with the others from the piercing shop, staying longer than you initially intended. But that was what always happened. Venti could be very convincing and the group was too much fun to leave early. “I’m done, but I didn’t notice you wearing any makeup earlier,” you admitted, opening the door to let your boyfriend in.  “Well I wasn’t,” Aether sheepishly laughed, rubbing the base of his neck. And then you saw it. Faint traces of colour decorating his temple, cheek, the corner of his mouth and even the parts of his neck and chest not covered by his shirt. A shade that very closely resembled the lipstick you applied before going out. “You might be a bit of an affectionate drunk.” “Oh my— I’m so sorry, Aether,” you apologised, quickly searching around for some cotton pads and wiping the lipstick off his chest, trying not to linger on the thought too much. “Don’t worry, I thought it was cute,” he assured you, his warm smile seemingly lighting up the room. As you leaned in to clean his face, he took the opportunity to steal a quick kiss from you as well. “You should wear it more often, it looked very pretty on you.”
𝐊𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐇𝐀 Piercer/ Tattoo Artist
Kazuha had come over for lunch, as he often did, taking a break from his coworkers between the plants, sketching if the time allowed for it. When you both had to return to work, you pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek and then rushed to help a customer. And while neither one of you noticed the colour dusting his cheek, the others sure did and wasted no time pointing it out, though all their teasing comments seemed to bounce right off of him.  He wiped the stain away before any customers came in, laughing off how he hadn’t noticed at all. “Of course you wouldn’t notice,” Heizou agreed, a knowing air about him. “After all, you’re way too busy making heart eyes at your florist to even think about looking anywhere else for a second.”
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐙𝐎𝐔 Piercer/ Tattoo Artist
“Hey honey, could you help me with something real quick?” You called your boyfriend over as you finished applying a new shade of lipstick you bought. As Heizou strolled up to where you were standing, you turned towards him with a smile. “What do you think? Do you like it?” “The colour looks beautiful on you,” he easily replied, sending you a flirtatious wink. “Though I’m not sure if it’s really the colour or just you being gorgeous that’s causing it. Now what did you need help with?” Wrapping one arm around his neck, you pulled him in for a kiss, making sure to firmly plant your lips against his. If your boyfriend was surprised at all, he masked it well, easily melting into the kiss. As you pulled away a little breathlessly, you grinned. “Just wanted to see if it’s really smudge-proof, though I guess it failed in that regard.” You traced a finger around the faint trace of colour on his lips as Heizou took the tube from you and applied the lipstick with pinpoint precision. Turning to you, his olive eyes were gleaming with mischief as he chuckled. “I think we should run a few more tests, just to be sure.”
𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈 Piercer/ Tattoo Artist
“This one’s for the song you wrote for me and this one’s for bringing me my favourite coffee without me asking,” you mused, studying your boyfriend’s face covered in pink-hued gloss marks. Somehow a kiss to the temple had ended with you caging Venti against the couch, fluttering a dozen kisses all over the skin you could reach. “Ehe, what can I say, I’m just the best boyfriend ever,” he giggled, tracing his fingers down the contours of your face in return. Then, something in his expression changed and you prepared yourself to shut down whatever idea he was about to propose next. “Maybe I should think about getting one of them tattooed? On my shoulder or so?” “Don’t you dare.”
Ever since you had caught a lot of heat from Childe’s manager for accidentally letting your boyfriend leave with a mark decorating his collarbones, you were very cautious of leaving any visible stains on him, even if it was just makeup.  Still, you found ways to work around this little inconvenience. There was one time you signed off a little post-it note you left on the fridge for him, wishing him good luck for a performance, with a lipstick stain. After seeing his reaction of childish glee, it became a staple in your relationship. Then again, whenever Childe came home from work with his makeup still on, he never failed to press a big, fat, lip gloss stained kiss on your cheek, chuckling like the menace he is when you make a show of wiping it off.
𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐔𝐂 Club Owner/ Bartender
Diluc had seen his fair share of shameless make outs during his time at the Angel’s Share and normally he just turned his head the other way, not sure why people would enjoy slobbering all over each other. Well, that was until he met you anyway.  Though he’d like to think he was more composed than the intoxicated people at his club, whenever you pressed your lips against his, he thought he might get drunk off of you. He swallowed hard when you pulled away, mind still trying to process what was happening as his eyes tracked the movement of your own kiss-swollen lips, not hasty to wipe away the traces of you against his skin.
Kaeya actually revelled in it whenever you leave any type of mark on him, as long as it didn’t lead to a scolding from his manager. Whether it was something more durable like a hickey or something easily wiped off like a lipstick stain, Kaeya always looked very smug about it afterwards. After all, the marks were a testimony to the events that transpired previously, and what could he say, Kaeya enjoyed those very much. Even more so considering he knew his way around a makeup bag, confidently picking out shades that looked gorgeous on you and even more gorgeous when they were smudged around the corner of your lips and over his skin. In his opinion, every photo of the aftermath was more stunning than any of his cover shoots.
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𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲 𝐌𝐞! 𝐎𝐂𝐬
𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍 Majolish Owner/ Devil Style Chief Editor
You walked in on Dantalion getting ready, his attention that was previously on his reflection in the vanity mirror flickering to you when you entered. His plush lips, curled into a loving smile, are painted in a flattering shade of red and your gaze was trained on them as you came to stand in front of him. “Are you trying a new shade? It suits you well.” “I am. I’m glad you like it,” he hummed, tilting his head in contemplation. “I wonder…” Cupping your cheek in his palm, the demon leaned towards you and you instinctively closed your eyes as his soft lips pressed against yours with purpose. As always his kisses made a part of your brain short circuit and you blinked at him dazedly for a moment after you parted. There was a satisfied gleam in his bright eyes as he wiped at your bottom lip with his thumb, studying the red stain he left. “As expected, it’s an even lovelier colour on you, my flower.”
𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐑 Casino Owner
“Little lamb, come here for a second.” Valefar was no stranger to finding your lipstick smudges at the rim of his drinks or wiping smudges of colour and gloss from his cheek before leaving for the casino after you gave him a kiss goodbye. He didn’t mind, found it cute even, but as he regarded the pink stain on the collar of his white dress shirt in the lounge’s mirror, he knew it won’t come off with a quick swipe of his thumb. It wasn’t a big deal, he kept spare shirts in his office, but Val wouldn’t pass on the opportunity to fluster you. “Care to explain yourself?” You were halfway through stuttering out a sheepish apology when Valefar backed you against his desk, keeping you pinned to him with a hand on your back. Intense amber eyes keep contact with yours as he leaned down to suck a noticeable hickey on the same spot his collar would be, knowing your clothes barely wouldn’t be able to hide it. “Debts should be repaid, wouldn’t you agree?”
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐒 Popular Streamer
It was a pleasant day in the Devildom, as pleasant as it could be in a realm without the sun anyway, pulling the two of you out into town. While strolling from apparel stores to gaming shops, you passed a café you frequented and decided to stop by for some refreshments. As you pointed around various shop displays, you had the sinking feeling that your drink emptied faster than usual. And when you spotted the colourful stain that had transferred from your straw to your boyfriend’s lips, you caught the culprit red- handed (or rather red-lipped). When confronted he merely chuckled playfully before swooping in to steal a kiss on top of your drink, staining them with more of your lipstick and thereby destroying the evidence. (His straw also became more colourful as he offered you his drink as compensation.)
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𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐂
𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍 Prince of Hell
When Vil gifted you a set of lipsticks and glosses from a campaign he was part of and had no need for, you accepted them gratefully. You just finished sorting through all the shades and trying out a pretty shade of red, when there was a knock on your door and Cheron sauntered into your room.  “There you are,” he grinned, charming without even having to try, before pulling you close and stealing the air from your lungs with a kiss. For someone who claimed to not be interested in ferrying more souls to hell, he sure seemed intent on trying to kill you. “What’s this you got there? Vil’s new collab?” “Right you are,” you paused, peering around him to the lipstick tube in your hand and chuckling as you read the shade name. Pressing another kiss right onto the middle of his cheek as payback for his usual schemes, you took in the red matching the colour on the corner of his lips. “Don’t you think it’s a beautiful colour, Cherry? It does match your hair and eyes. Maybe I should start calling you that.” There was a dangerous glint in his crimson eyes, clearly aware of the red staining his face, as he swiped his thumb under your bottom lip where the lipstick left a smudge as well.  “You have a lot of nerve marking the Prince of Hell.” His grin showed off the points of his fangs more clearly now, clearly amused at your little stunt, taking a step forward and walking you backwards towards the edge of your bed. “That’s fine. If you can handle the consequences, that is.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not feed my writing to an ai
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obey me ocs tag list: @the-guardian-kitsune
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954 notes · View notes
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summary: just some short and sweet cuddling headcanons
pairings: mammon :: belphie :: barbatos :: dantalion :: valefar (my ocs) x gn! reader
warnings: only me playing favourites again ♡ + one teeny tiny allusion to lesson 16
obey me! masterlist || similar post: kiss me more
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After your first week in the Devildom, Mammon’s understanding of personal space is as follows: His personal space is his and your personal space is also his. The rest of the brothers love to poke fun at him for it but he’s glued to your side now, throwing an arm around your shoulder or using your head as an armrest whenever he sees fit.
So it should come as no surprise that, once he basically moves into your room after making a pact with you, he’s going to cuddle up to you every chance he gets. In his defence, this is most likely unintentional, seeing as Mammon nearly flings himself out of bed at the realisation that you had been leaning on his shoulder for a good chunk of the movie you were watching, sending snacks flying everywhere.
Once your relationship becomes more settled and the white-haired demon owns up to his true feelings more, however, his reactions to cuddling are less dramatic. Yeah, you’ll still have to be the one who asks and deal with his aloof reaction but that’s okay when he can’t look you into eyes as he hides his face behind his hand and makes no fuss when you drag him to bed. Soon thereafter, it’s basically like he’s trying to melt into you though, as much of him touching as much of you as is humanly and demon possible. He’s also a living furnace, which is great in a realm where the sun doesn’t shine.
Yeah, good luck ever getting up again, I hope you had no plans for the rest of the day or the following ones, for that matter. As the king of ‘five more minutes’, Belphie is going to keep you in bed with him way longer than you anticipated, courtesy of the iron grip he has on you even while asleep. Sure he told you it’ll only be a short nap but honestly, you should know better by now.
On the plus side (was the beginning even a downside?), you can lay down in whatever position you want to because Belphie will just contort himself around you, making you question whether he actually has bones. If he cuts off your airflow again, it’s because he plopped his entire weight down on you just to snuggle up to your chest like an overgrown cat.
You made the mistake once to card your fingers through his hair and it lulled him to sleep so fast he now practically demands you do it every time. Whether it’s pouting at you or just taking your hand and putting it on his head, he’ll make it known you’re neglecting your poor demon if you don’t. Still, cuddling with Belphie guarantees you the best sleep possible; even if you wake up super disoriented, not knowing which year it is, at least you’re well-rested (Insomnia? We don’t know her).
Congrats! You managed to pry Barbatos away from babysitting— I mean serving Diavolo! Your reward is seeing the busy demon relax for once in his long life.
The air is infused with the soothing fragrance of tea leaves as your cups happily steam on the bedside or coffee table, depending on where you choose to snuggle up, the tea never going cold thanks to Barbatos’s magic.
Another rare thing to see -or rather to feel- are his bare fingers trailing over your sides, dipping under your clothes to trace random shapes onto your skin as you rest against his chest. Every now and then, he’ll bow his head down to press a soft kiss to the crown of your head, not hiding how his lips curl into a fond smile. While he loves to take care of you and draws energy from it, if you run your hands through his hair and lightly massage his scalp, his usual composure will give way to a demon who’s putty in your hands.
This man only has the best silk sheets and will coax you into sleeping over more often than not. Sure, he could visit the House of Lamentation but why would he set himself up to be interrupted by those nosy brothers (no offence). Besides, you’re always running around appeasing their whims, you should take a break and let him spoil you.
Cuddling really is just a part of an entire routine of destressing for him. From sharing a meal to washing the dirt of the day away with a shower or bath to changing into soft, top-quality loungewear or pyjamas and snuggling up on the couch or bed, this demon will make sure you’re not lacking anything. The lights in his house seem to always dim to the right brightness and colour and there’s calming music playing from somewhere.
But, of course, cuddling doesn’t have to be an orchestrated act every time. If you ask him to hold you he will gladly do so, cooing at you or talking about his day if you want him to. Despite taking the shape of a peacock, Talion’s voice is actually incredibly soothing and he chuckles quietly whenever he lulls you to sleep with it. He’ll even fan out his tail feathers over you if it makes you happy, even if it means rustling them in the process. Smoothing them out again is well worth it for the way you run your fingers over them as you study their colours in awe, both your silent and verbal praise making him preen with pride.
Valefar wants to be the big spoon, not only because he feels like he can protect you this way but also because this way you wouldn’t notice his heated cheeks. It’s not like he’s insecure to the point where he thinks you holding him would undermine his masculinity, he just needs to hold you close in peace after a stressful night at the casino.
But it’s all good, his defined muscles make for a comfy pillow and if you fall asleep watching TV, he can easily pick you up and carry you to bed without disturbing you. Whenever you cuddle, he also always lowers his voice to a husky murmur, the vibrations of which will travel from his chest to your skin.
In the tranquil moments where it’s just you and him, Val loses all the brashness he’s feared for, his calloused hands hovering over your form as if he’s scared he could hurt or taint you. Just take them in yours and settle them on your hips, squeezing them encouragingly to tell him ‘It’s okay’ and he’s falling for you all over again, especially if you pair it with a chaste kiss on his cheek. As a greed demon, however, once he’s had a taste of your affection, he will take everything he can get, now coming up to you out of the blue, hugging you from behind whenever he sees fit.
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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631 notes · View notes
the-travelling-witch · 7 months
May I ask how would your ocs react to their partner needing attention? Cuddles etc! Or possibly just annoying them until they stop what their doing to focus on them *cough cough a certain streamer bird demon*
yes you may!! though i think i accidentally went on a side quest and wrote drabbles instead, sorry ^^;
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summary: coming to them for affection and attention
pairings: dantalion :: valefar :: stolas x gn! reader
obey me masterlist
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You turned to your left. You turned to your right. You cursed Belphie.
Stretching your hand out towards the cold side of Dantalion’s big bed, patting around for good measure, you sighed when you found it just as empty as when you went to bed.
You sat up at the resignation that sleep wouldn’t find you anyway and detangled yourself from the silky blankets. Just as you had guessed, light was still filtering in from underneath the door and when you padded along the pristine hallways of the demon’s home, you found Dantalion sitting in a plush armchair, his normal clothes already swapped for a luxurious robe as he pored over the upcoming issue of “Devil Style”.
“You’re still working?” Rubbing the nonexistent sleepiness from your eyes, you watched him tilt his head up, bright eyes trailing from what he was reading to your figure in the doorway. “Aren’t you going to sleep?”
“I could be asking you the same thing, darling,” he mused, already extending a hand towards you and inviting you to join him.
“I can’t sleep without you there,” you admitted as you slipped your fingers into his slender ones.
“My apologies,” the blond murmured, lifting your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles in an effort to make it up to you. “Unfortunately, this review can’t wait. But you are welcome to join me as I wrap up, I’m nearly done anyway.”
“Sure,” you agreed and slipped into his lap, your back supported by his chest as you studied the magazine in front of you. “Oh, I saw a lot of demons wearing something like that recently.”
“Hmm, it seems to be very popular lately, especially on Devilgram. I believe we have Asmo to thank for that,” Dantalion offered and as always you were in awe that he just knew these things off the top of his head. “Perhaps you should come and try on some of the new arrivals. I believe the style would suit you well.”
The two of you kept going through the magazine together, Talion taking notes here and there. The scratch of his pen combined with the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest and his arms loosely curled around you, enveloping you like the scent of his body wash, weighed heavy on your eyelids. Soon thereafter, your breathing evened out and your head fell against his shoulder, your cheek pressing into the silken material of his robe.
Careful not to wake you, Dantalion closed the magazine after reviewing his notes again, then whisked it away with magic. Gently tracing a finger over your cheekbone, the demon smiled to himself at how peaceful you looked before placing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
Lifting you up, he made his way over to the bedroom so you could finally get some rest, already looking forward to waking up next to you in the morning.
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The door to Valefar’s private office creaked open as you poked your head in, looking around the room before your eyes locked onto the demon’s figure at his desk. His focus was entirely on the documents in front of him, so you decided not to disturb him and slowly went to close the door again.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Val still hadn’t looked up from his paperwork, yet you could tell one of his eyebrows was raised in that typical way of his.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to bother you,” you mumbled into the quiet room, heat rising to your cheeks at your own fumbling. “You’re busy right now, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I can also be busy later,” he said, finally lifting his gaze to meet yours. His dark hair was tousled as if he had run his hand through it a couple of times, his suit jacket and tie slung over the back of his chair. “So, you’re gonna tell me why you’re here?”
“It’s nothing important, really. I can just come back later–”
While you were trying to backtrack, Valefar had crossed the room to stand in front of you, arms crossed and expression unimpressed as he towered over you. With measured strength, he pulled you fully into his office and shut the door, his hand resting beside your head.
“Now, let’s try this one more time, little lamb,” the demon said, head lowered so you could look straight into his amber eyes. “Is there something you need from me?”
“I– It’s really dumb,” you sighed. “I just wanted to see you because I missed you.”
There was a beat of silence in which the thought you had angered him crossed your mind. Then, Valefar’s amused chuckle filled the room before you felt weightless, your demon’s nails digging into the fat of your thighs as he lifted you up.
“How did a sweet little thing like you fall into my claws, hm?” There was a smug glint in his feline eyes at the squeal you let out when he dropped backwards onto one of the couches, pulling you down on top of him. 
When you tried to sit up, his arms wrapped around your torso, keeping you flush against his chest and making you inhale his cologne. There was a rumble in his chest as he lazily drawled his question. “Weren’t you the one who asked for this? Then also stay still.”
“But is it really alright for you to skip work?” You wondered, not wanting to get him in trouble because of you.
“Don’t sweat it, I’m my own boss, remember?” One of his arms was propped up under his head while his other hand had settled on your waist, tracing his pointer finger over your skin. “Besides, you’re much more important than some paperwork anyway.”  
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Stolas had been streaming for a while already, just getting around to wrapping up the stream by talking to chat when he received your text asking how much longer he’d be live. Near immediately, he excused himself and waved chat goodbye saying something important came up.
This was by far no uncommon phenomenon. And at first, you had felt pretty guilty when he quickly ended his stream when you actually just wanted to ask if you could still hang out afterwards. But Stolas had very adamantly assured you that it was alright and that his audience was used to him timing lives based on his mood anyway.
Considering you caught most of his streams, you could estimate pretty precisely how long it would take the winged demon to make his way to the House of Lamentation. So when Stolas took longer than usual, you were growing a little worried. Maybe he was more upset over you interrupting his streams than you thought?
There wasn’t much time for you to get into your head though, a familiar knocking pattern against your window ripping you out of your thoughts. Waving at you from outside the glass was Stolas, the dark strands of his hair askew from the angle in which he was cocking his head.
The night air grazed your cheeks as you opened the window to greet him, only to be immediately swept up into his arms and twirled around, flashes of blue darting in and out of your vision as his wings steadily carried you.
“I missed you!” Stolas exclaimed, pressing an excited kiss to your temple. “C’mon, let’s get out of here before your guard dog catches us.”
“By now I think Luci has caught on, to be honest,” you snorted, locking the handle from outside with a handy magic trick Asmodeus had taught you.
“I was talking about Mammon, actually,” the demon grinned back before whirling the two of you high into the Devildom night sky.
As always, the adrenaline was racing through your veins at the playful dips and turns Stolas made while you took in the scenery underneath you. Nightlife was always bustling in the streets here and it was fun watching the demons bustling around the illuminated paths.
You landed on the small balcony outside of Stolas’s apartment, which has become as much of a safe haven to you as the House of Lamentation. Offering you his hand, the demon helped you into his living room, only to pull you towards the couch immediately.
It was only after the dimmed lights were flicked on that you realised the couch had become a cushioned landscape of pillows and blankets, your favourite snacks and drinks sitting on the coffee table.
“C’mon, get comfy,” Stolas encouraged you, one hand in the dip of your back. “We need to catch up on the series we’re watching. Plus I know the game you wanted to play just came out. Chat was begging me to stream it but I wanted to play it with you first.”
“Looks like we’ll be busy then,” you mused, dropping onto the cushions, waiting for Stolas to crowd into your space as he always did.
And no sooner had he pressed play on the latest episode of the show he swore he wouldn’t get invested in, he was already lying between your legs with his head on your chest and arms wrapped around your middle.
“Sorry for being so busy lately,” he mumbled halfway into your shirt. “I didn’t mean to skip out on our time together.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” you smiled down at him, twirling his dual-coloured strands between your fingers. “Besides, Satan ran me through a military-style study routine for the exams anyway, so I wasn’t any less busy. Guess we just have to make up for lost time then, huh?”
Stolas hummed, before grabbing the hand that was close to his face and turning his head so he could flutter a lingering kiss against the skin of your wrist.
“Oh, I fully intend to, if you haven’t noticed.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not copy into an ai
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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obey me/ oc taglist: @the-guardian-kitsune
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34 notes · View notes
the-travelling-witch · 7 months
all of your om!ocs deserve the most toe curling, breathtaking, lewdest blowjob that would leave them bone dry ( ̄ω ̄) i'm very normal about them yessir yes (//▽//)
oh they absolutely do~ || obey me masterlist
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𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍 is very composed at the beginning, taking in the pretty sight of you on your knees for him. And he’s sure to tell you as much, too. Throughout the whole thing, he makes sure to offer you a lot of praise, gently encouraging you to go further, to take more of him.
He’ll hold your face with a delicate hand, trace a perfectly manicured finger over your cheek or down your throat or push the hair from your face, tangling his hand in it if your hair is long enough. It’s as if you two have all the time in the world, his patience seemingly endless as he savours this moment.
Though, of course, even Dantalion isn’t completely unaffected by this situation and he doesn’t pretend to be. His moans are as pretty as the sight of him leaning back on one hand as the other runs through his silky blond strands. Look up at him and appreciate the sight as he does his and feel him twitch in your mouth.
Where he cums really depends on the situation and how both of you are feeling. If he doesn’t want to ruin your clothes or make up (though taking him would probably ruin it anyway), he’ll gladly spill down your throat. Though as an artist, the idea of painting your face is definitely just as appealing to him.
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𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐑 is definitely a little mean to you. But you have to understand, he just gets off on seeing you struggle to take him as pearly tears decorate your water line. So cry a little more for him, won’t you?
His hand is roughly grabbing your hair (or your head) as filthy degradations fall from his lips. Though surely, tagging on a possessive ‘my’ to those stinging pet names will soothe your nerves a little.
He doesn’t mind the way your nails dig into his thighs as his hips thrust to your lips, in fact, the slight pain pulls a low groan from deep in his chest. If you’re comfortable with it, his hand might wander to lie around your neck like an exclusive piece of jewellery and he smirks at the way he can feel you gag around him. Seeing you take everything he gives you so readily sparks something in him.
There are few times when Val doesn’t want to cum right down your throat and he always does so with a slightly breathless groan, holding you still against him while you watch his abs flex with his high. After pulling out, his thumb collects everything you didn’t manage to swallow the first time around so you can correct that.
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Honestly, once you put your mouth on him, it becomes all too clear why so many people watch 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐒’s stream solely for his voice. It’s like he was made to moan your name and his melodic voice dropping lower than usual is reason enough to have you squirming in your place.
This demon is very generous with his reactions in general. Be it encouraging you to hollow your cheeks more and taking him deeper by talking you through it or scraping his nails along your scalp to ground himself, he is letting you know you’re making him feel so good.
Not that it is hard to guess, with the way his hips grind on their own, accidentally making the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat (something he will apologise for later unless you already told him you liked/ didn’t mind it) or with the way his head is tipped back, lips parted to let more of those sinful noises through.
Stolas would love to either cum on your face or on your chest. There’s something about seeing you covered and marked by him that makes his brain bluescreen, no matter how messy it is to clean up. It’s easy to overstimulate him like this, so more often than not he will pin you down and return the favour so you don’t get any funny ideas.
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tag list: @the-guardian-kitsune (i’m hoping you don’t mind being tagged in nsfw content? you can tell me if you do mind!!)
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32 notes · View notes
honeynclove · 5 months
one of my obey me ocs :3
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12 notes · View notes
the-travelling-witch · 7 months
How do your OCs react to someone hitting on their significant other O.O
𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍 just can’t help but smile as he sees some lower ranked demon fumble their way through a conversation with you; the designer is confident enough in both himself and your relationship to not fuss about this. He has no idea who this demon is or how they were even invited to this party Diavolo was hosting, but Dantalion has to commend their taste.
You look beautiful every day, yet, dressed by him, you outshine even the stars themselves. So he can’t fault the demon for trying. Still, he politely but quickly ends his conversation and makes his way over to you, looping his arm around your waist as he asks to be introduced to your new acquaintance. Though, as cordial as Talion is, this other demon better pray they aren’t making you uncomfortable…
(He may or may not glance over the rim of his glasses too; depending on how (dis)respectful the other demon’s thoughts are, his behaviour might flip)
𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐑 is grinding his teeth as he watches some low-life trying to flirt their way into your pants. In his casino! His assistant is already preparing themselves to remind him of his reputation when the casino owner sets his glass down a little too forcefully.
Yet, Valefar is rather calm as he approaches the same poker table this demon was making his way over to. Surely they wouldn’t mind if he joined, right? Though behind his smile lies the resolve to not only impress you but also to bleed this demon dry of both money and confidence for daring to try and take what is his. Well, he is a greed demon after all…
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐒 has always been a free-spirited guy, doing whatever he wants to do. And what he loves doing more than anything is spending time with you! So if you’re ever out and about together, his focus is still on you, which lessens the chances of someone walking up to you on your own.
But if it does happen and Stolas has to come back to someone trying to woo you, his reaction depends on yours. If you’re uncomfortable, he’s not entertaining this at all; if it’s a friend of yours confessing, he’s giving you the space to let them down easy. If it’s some random stranger, his attitude depends on whatever gets this over with the fastest and the least messy. All Stolas cares about is going back to spending time with you and keeping your attention on him!!
(If the situation does turn ugly though, he might be holding on to someone else’s car keys just to be petty.)
(No matter their reaction, please show your demon partner how much you appreciate them, they’ll adore it for sure~)
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tag list: @the-guardian-kitsune (not sure if the others want to be tagged in hcs or only the main stories)
16 notes · View notes
honeynclove · 5 months
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solas and valefar’s concepts they’re my sillies wahhh
7 notes · View notes
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Name: Valefar
Occupation: Owner of the "Lion's Share" Casino
a/n: yes, another one
obey me! masterlist
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The owner of the “Lion’s Share Casino” and a high ranking greed demon. He’s rather fond of Mammon, though the sentiment is quite one-sided. Valefar might be closest to people’s expectations of a demon: two-faced, silver-tongued and always acting in his best interest. Over the course of building up his casino empire, he mastered the craft of identifying others’ motivations, desires and secrets and using that knowledge to either tempt them with a deal too good to be true or to dangle it over their heads like a weapon.
Valefar’s appearance has become rather infamous across the Devildom and seeing him outside the casino has made one or the other demon turn to praying he isn’t there for them. His piercing amber eyes stand out against his dark skin and are as cold as they are intense. A lot of effort goes into looking pristine in his tailored suits and taming his ebony hair, though it still looks slightly dishevelled from the times he runs his gloved hands through it. There are a few accessories he’s chosen and which he sticks too, like a watch, a necklace and a few piercings all in a matching gold hue. While he’s not a mountain of muscle, nobody can deny his sculpted physique, especially when a deal negotiation turns… physical.
His demon form takes the form of a lion with a tail to show for it. It’s long, slender and dark in colour with a fluffy tuft at the tip. The demon doesn’t really feel the need to wrap it around his ankle or keep it tucked away, usually leaving it to flick lazily behind him as he doesn’t really run the risk of accidentally hurting someone or damaging something. Though, if he really wants to, it can function like a whip and therefore isn’t to be ruled out when looking for potential threats.
The horns on his head curl backwards in a way that might remind one of the Avatar of Sloth; they are, however, not wound as tightly as Belphegor’s. The base of his horns has a golden sheen to it, as if they’re dusted in the precious metal, which gleams as he turns his head, before going over into a deep obsidian. Where he deviates from demon norm, though, is his claws. Just like a real lion, he can retract them at will even while taking his demon form; when they’re extended, his claws are more rounded in shape.
With the casino empire he built, Valefar classifies as part of the nouveau riche society in the Devildom, which sometimes puts him at odds with some of the older and more established demon families. The aristocrats tend to avoid getting into tussles -or even into contact in general- with him as he’s seen as wild card amongst the influential demons due to playing by his own rules. One can only pray for the poor soul(less) who thought he’d be an easy target for an unfavourable deal; if they’re lucky, they’ll only find themselves penniless by the end.
Whether or not his powers of persuasion and temptation are an actual innate quality of his magic or just the result of mastering his craft is unknown, yet it doesn’t really matter. Once he’s set his sights on something he wants, he stops at nothing to get it even if he has to get a little crafty. Despite the honeyed words dripping from his fangs, in typical greed-fashion, he won’t ever enter a deal that isn’t beneficial to him. So, when you step through the grand doors of the Lion’s Share Casino, mind the house rules and ask yourself how wise it is to deal with the devil.
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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the-travelling-witch · 11 months
Dantalion, Valefar and… who’s that with them?
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Name: Valefar
Occupation: Owner of the "Lion's Share" Casino
"𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐨, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭. 𝐒𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞."
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A brief introduction
A first look
A look at the gang
A guide/ overview of my OCs
A playlist [work in progress]
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┊‧₊˚ Part One ✩彡 || 3.7k
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Hold me close || 1.1k || Multi-Character
⇢ ˗ˏˋ mammon, belphie, barbatos, dantalion, valefar ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary:just some short and sweet cuddling headcanonswarnings: only me playing favourites again ♡ + one teeny tiny allusion to lesson 16
Stray HCs
Someone hitting on their partner || Headcanons
⇢ ˗ˏˋ valefar, dantalion, stolas ⋆ˎˊ˗
nonnie asked: How do your OCs react to someone hitting on their significant other O.O
Cuddling with them || Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋ valefar, dantalion, stolas ⋆ˎˊ˗
nonnie asked: May I ask how would your ocs react to their partner needing attention? Cuddles etc! Or possibly just annoying them until they stop what their doing to focus on them *cough cough a certain streamer bird demon*
Leaving a lipstick stain on them || 2.3k || Hcs
⇢ ˗ˏˋ ocs + modern au guys ⋆ˎˊ˗
nonnie asked: lately i noticed many writers writing about reader kissing character's face while wearing lipstick and therefore covering them in it and i found it so cute and then started to imagine your om!ocs and the modern au guys (…) being covered in lipstick kisses too […]
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not feed my writing to an ai
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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honeynclove · 5 months
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valefars reg outfit :3
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honeynclove · 5 months
finally confirming solas being related to diavolo idk how they’re related I just know I’m doing this so I can then make a come let us adore you animatic in my head w them + Barbatos
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