#obey me yandere asmodeus
nerdy-talks · 1 year
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 24 Spoilers
I am genuinely loving the fact that we are getting to see the brothers displaying their sins.
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I was a fan of Mammon's reaction towards MC when his greed took over, but now we get this from Asmo? Yes! I feel like this is a perfect reaction from our conceited little cutie~
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Yandere Asmo Vibes!
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I loved this particular scene for one reason :
Imagine what a serious blow that was to Lucifer's ego.
The dynamic between Lucifer and Solomon is one that I highly enjoy witnessing, because there is so much tension and oftentimes passive-aggressive bickering amongst the two (especially when MC is involved).
So Lucifer openly admitting that he can't hold out against Asmo for long, that he won't be able to protect MC, and then telling them to run to Solomon? No, he actually sends MC to Solomon.
I don't imagine Lucifer was very happy about this entire situation. Obviously he's worried about his brother, but he also had to set aside his pride in so many (little) ways here.
I dunno... maybe it's just the teeny bit of sadist in me, but there's something I like about vulnerable Lucifer lol
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ironicallyyn · 11 days
Obey me cast getting Outta character.... Pt..?
Dinner at HoL
Mc: the food looks so cute! I can't eat this (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
Asmo: you're cute too but I'd still eat y-
Levi: here we go again..
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lovetei · 2 months
The first time they saw you is when you were laying on top of a flat rock, glittery beautiful tail shimmering under the light of the sunset, you didn't even sing, no, you didn't even open your mouth and yet they're already captivated.
Lucifer and Leviathan who will not hesitate to grab your neck and drag you back to the house of lamentation where he had built a special aquarium just for you, where they will watch you hit the glass all day, begging to be freed, with a smile on their face.
Belphegor and Satan who will mindlessly follow your voice down the ocean to be your food while you think there's no way for them to escape your grasp, not knowing it's you who will need to escape.
Mammon and Beelzebub who thinks they're in a fairy tale, visiting the part of the beach where they first saw you, hoping you'll be there again and hoping you'll like their gift, a demon they kidnapped to be your food.
And Asmodeus who was enraged, he who almost ripped your face and scaled right on sight as soon as he saw how beautiful you are.
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inlovewithl3vi · 4 months
Yan! Asmo: “oh MC look what came in the mail today!”
MC: “oh is it a new beauty product or something?”
Yan! Asmo: “No, it’s our marriage certificate!”
MC: “our what.”
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Yandere platonic obey me brothers with younger sister reader please?
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Youngest Sibling Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
Before Lilith’s passing and the war that sent them to the devildom they’d been prepared to raise a new member to their family. Through much deliberation you do join them in their new life in the devildom but seeing as you are the youngest there’s a lot more pressure on you:
Whether you appear when they are in the devildom or within the celestial realm you are considered the youngest 
Especially with your generally smaller size 
Satan and Belphegor are considered older in every which way
“As the youngest of us (Y/n), you have to trust that we know more than you.”
“Which means you need to rely on us, so trust your older brothers.”
They can’t have you do anything on your own
What should stop you from also meeting some human or other being and trying to run off with them
They often don’t listen to you at all
Specifically Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Mammon
Like you’ll say, “Hey I can do my own laundry!”
And they’ll be like “No you can’t. Your tiny hands and tiny brain can’t comprehend such a difficult task.”
It’s just too easy for them to write you off 
Your cute little face and your tiny little nose and the little pitched voice that sounds like a toddler
They always come up with some logic that just doesn’t allow you to grow in any way
And then you have the others that can’t understand you because they just don’t hear you
You’ll say,”I read in an article about our monarchy being extremely barbaric despite the…”
But all they hear is “Goo Ga Ga. Can you pwick me up bwig brother?”
“Awww of course I’ll pick you up! An then we can dress you up in something to match me!”
“Hey what’re you even talking about?! Stop it!”
“Wow I wish I had a camera! These years go by far too fast!”
“Ugh Levi! Are you even listening?!”
Sometimes they’ll hear you…but don’t expect them to actually respond to you in any coherent way
Asmodeous and Leviathan are just automatically going to somehow misconstrue anything you say
They think you’re a baby after all
The only ones that seem to actually understand you is Belphegor and Satan
Both of which who seem to have gone through what you did or actually notice that you’re as independent as you are
“I kept trying to ask him but he just said I wouldn’t understand any of it. Even though I was the one to bring it up.”
“He’s an idiot. You can’t expect him to pick up on your genius. Which is why I tell you to only talk with me.”
“Yeah, but it’s folly to have only one person’s opinion.”
“Says scientists but I for one love only talking with you.”
That doesn’t mean they don’t tend to baby you too
“Can you blame me, you're a cute little calf. Pampering you comes naturally.”
“But can’t you see how exhausting it is. I’m old enough to want to have intelligent conversation.”
“I know you do…which is why I’m always going to be willing to listen.”
It’s a pain
But thanks to a nosy ruler that keeps the worst brother at this busy
There are so many chances to grow and maybe get away from these overbearing brothers of yours
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*satan and Lucifer standing side to side*
Belphie: *who put bleach in lucifer's shampoo as a prank , and now Lucifer also have blond hair*
Mammon: .....do you see the ....resemblance-
MC *speechless*: I do I do unfortunately....
Belphie: wait satan I can explain-
*Cue to satan and belphie fighting*
Asmo: funny how lucifer's hair got bleached but satan is the angry one~
*MC and mammon in their own world*
MC: guess who's the daddy now ~
Mammon: PFFFFT-
Lucifer: is someone gonna fix this or not?
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2smolbeans · 7 months
Thinking about the replacement student from that AU you wrote. Thinking about how it must have felt, to so suddenly go from mundane life to being deeply, obsessively loved. Thinking about how, to some people, that would be so /addicting/. Thinking about how they could have found out they’re nothing more than a prop, a test for MC. Thinking about how far they might be willing to go in order to feel that way again, to be loved like that again. I have… many thoughts about this lol
How the "Replacement" student felt after realising they were only a tool to test Mc
Yandere Obey Me Brothers x Mc (Replaced Au)
◇Read here for context◇
Tags: Implied nsfw, self-loathing, envy, replacement goes from hating you to being happy that they're not you, possessiveness, mentioned waterboarding, character backstory, story lore, just some light hearted stuff overall ^^
*this went unedited
So for background, let's get to know our 'rival student'. In most of the Obey Me Replaced Aus, the rival student is always this perfect person who someone managed to bewitch the brothers and someone who wanted the worst for Mc. But this rival student, Alex, isn't what you expect. You see, Alex was your typical geek, always on her phone, scrolling, reading her books about fictional fantasy love interests, stealing away the main character into their magical world. When she was in her second year in college, she happened to come across an attractive man sitting behind a booth that showed an opportunity to study abroad. Seeing how no one was bothering to look at the table, she saw this as an opportunity! The more she talked and got to know the man, the more interested she was in this program. I mean living expenses, costs, and free money?! Why wouldn't she consider taking the exchange program? They're practically paying anyone who signs up!
So after grabbing the man's email and talking back and forth, she was able to read over the consent forms, the legal contracts, yada yada- and signed them all. After the transportation process and the whatnot, here she was at Devildom! At first, she had no idea where she was, infact she was mortified once she realised that she was in hell (or at least a certain part of it). But after the introduction and the promise of safety, especially after seeing some angels walking around- she was able to adjust! So what happened when she met the brothers? Well, she wasn't dumb. She knew these were the seven deadly sins just by seeing how they interacted with each other and hearing them bicker each others names. So, knowing the seven deadly sins, she kept her distance. She heard that there was supposed to be a human around in the house, but no matter how hard she looked - for some reason, she couldn't find you. It was like you were hidden..
As days went by, she noticed a few things. She noticed how the seven lords argued about some sort of 'schedule' that they seemed very competitive over. She noticed the way they were really..Well she couldn't explain it. But they were intense. Their aura alone was suffocating to be around. It was like they were ready to snap at any moment. They were friendly, but in a way that she knew if she pressed any further in a conversation, they would simply stare into her soul with an expression that would send her into a primal fear.
Eventually, after a while- she started to warm up to the brothers. She couldn't recall how or why, but it just happened! They connected so well that she almost forgot that they were the seven deadly sins! During this time, she had actually seen you from the corner of her eye. But if she was being honest, she was too distracted from all the exciting moments the brothers would entangle her in. She had never felt so..Loved before. The feeling of someone always validating your emotions, someone to call out to, someone to be in sync with. It was like her prayers had finally been answered! There was one time you had tried reaching out to her, but she was so entranced by the brothers and their tempting offers of intimacy- she might've brushed you off.
But of course, all things don't last forever - and I guess that's where the rose tinted glasses came off and realilty began to settle in. In reality, the brothers didn't love her. Of course, there had to be a motive behind all those gifts. Demons always have a motive, after all. And that motive so happened to be you. She was just a prop, a tool, an example to be made out of for you. Once she realised that, she grew bitter. It was terrifying how fast they were able to drop the act and reveal their true nature. She felt fooled, helpless, and pitiful. She played the role perfectly. The human fooled by sin.
So when she saw you being bombarded with the love she once had, she grew jealous of you. While you ungratefully received the love she wanted, she got the cold shoulder and mockings. While you would hide and try to blend in with the crowd, she would put herself out there and try over and over again to get their attention. Eventually, she felt the shame rush over her as she realised her desperation and pitiful attempts to win the 7 lords back. That still didn't stop her from hating you, though. She knows it was childish at first, but she despised you. What did you have that she didn't? Why were these unearthly lords so obsessed with you? Why couldn't anyone love her like they loved you..? Don't you see how lucky you are? It's not fair.
So, for a period of time, she was filled with envy. So much envy and bitterness that Leviathan himself would often feed off from her jealousy and snicker at her pathetic state.
Now, did Alex- this 'replacement student get over her grudge? Yes. But in an unfortunate way. After a period of self-loathing and wrath against you, she realised how much freedom was held back against you.
She noticed the markings of their packs littered across your body, she espically took note on how the eldest brother Lucifer would make sure to that your clothes would reveal those certain areas, even if it came off as..Exposing. She saw the way Mammon would cling onto you painfully tight. She recalled how uncomfortable you looked when his claws would push against your hip a little too hard. She remembered the time when she saw Leviathan drowning a poor angel that you talked to from one of your classes while you cried and begged for him to stop. She could remember the way he nonchalantly went on his phone while his tail wrapped around their body, pushing them up and down for long periods of time against the cold waves- only stopping when you agreed to his request with a smile on his face. There were nights where she'd hear you screaming in Asmodeus's room..Though she doesn't really want to talk about that..To save you dignity of course..She also doesn't look at Asmodeus's devilgrams as well for those reasons...Yeahh..She could go on a whole tangent about what she's seen, but she knows it's enough for her to realise that she really dodged a bullet. This was a blessing in disguise! A lesson to be learned!
So Alex stops trying to get attention on herself and continues on with her life. Learning witchcraft, magic, and the education that hell had to offer. She's still trying to get over that awful feeling of betrayal and jealousy. But the more she looks into their eyes, the more she realises how severe the situation is. Especially when one night, Belphegor had visited her dreams and gave her a nice little 'warning'. (She now tries to avoid sleeping as much as possible and has scars all over her body)
So every time you go missing and the brothers ask where you are. She'll just point to where she saw you run off and hide away somewhere to avoid seeing what happens next. Overall, when it comes to finding that love again and dealing with the losses, she copes in many ways. Either imagining scenarios in her head of what could've been or journaling in her book. But if you were to ask her if she would steal the brothers away from you, her answer would be an immediate no.
She couldn't imagine going through what you have to go through. At this point, it's a "love them, not me!" situation. So for now, please leave her alone, let her deal with her heartbreak, and just don't pull her into your circle of hungry demons.. Please.
A/N: Funfact, Mc had once snuck in a "help me" note to the replacement student. The replacement student in question ripped the note and pretended like nothing happened! It's not her fault that when you gave her the note that Beel was breathing down her neck!
Also.. Alex was given consent forms and an early notice about arriving at RAD. You? You didn't have that luxury..
Surprisingly, Satan and Lucifer are chill with her since they know that she understands the circumstance and plays by the rules. Because of this, she made a request to move to the house of purgatory in the guise of "not being in the way."
Mc tries to reach out to the replacement student because they know that Lucifer and Satan are on good terms with them..
But thanks for the ask!! If anyone has any questions or specific scenes they want out of my Yandere Obey Me Replaced Au-, let me know!
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Obey Me!
[How the demons react to you touching their demon form.]
I tried my best to find the owners of the picture but failed. I forgot to get the owners and tried to find the pictures again (since I deleted them in my gallery) so do not hate me 🥲
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He declines immediately when you asked him. His pride would never let you touch his wings/horns...until you 'accidentally' touch his wings.
He wants to scold you. But on the other hand... "As a reward, I'll let you touch my wings...and horns perhaps." And pamper him.
[He just wants you to touch him]
He brings you to the bedroom and sits on the bed letting you stroke his horns and touch his wings.
He wants to lean on you. Oh how he wishes for you to keep going like this.
"Keep going...hah, just like that. Hngh-....I have work to do-" He walks away. It seems that you have found a new side of him. Congrats!
In the past, if you're trying to do it while he's working, he'll say "Stop bothering me....fine, you better make this worth it." Looking at him now, he whines at the loss of contact, grabbing your wrist to lead back on to the bed.
"please don't go just yet.....stay."
[He's begging you.]
He said those words while he puts his head on your shoulder. He sighs in relief when you rub his wings and kisses his horns.
[He'll put away his pride just for you]
Now if any other people ask you to do it for them, well the next morning. The person disappears. If you do it to them, wanting to do it, he will drag you away. Scolding you that you shouldn't trust any other people so easily. He just wants you to do it only for himself.
Now if you want to put accessories on him, he will say it's unreasonable. Well, the next thing you know! He will be acting like a doll, letting you put accessories on him. Maybe put little feathers (any color) accessories on his horns.
"You look way more beautiful than a ruby, even the most famous painting. Perhaps are you all beautiful just for me Luci?" You tease. "Stop with the teasing already." If you had paid enough attention, you'd see a full-on flustered Luci trying to keep his composure.
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"H- huUuUUHH?! Y-...Fine! Be grateful that the Great Mammon is allowing you!" Looking away from you. Well, the thing you didn't expect was when you touch his horn, then outlined his wings; He became greedy.
Welp, now you're stuck with a demon who is trying to be sly and make you touch his horns/wings. So, the moment you touch him, he will be addicted and snuggling onto your hand.
[Don't let go.]
Drowning into your warmth, when you tried to let go. He frowned. Not letting go, you sighed. When you stopped striding your fingers on his wings, rubbing the base of his horns. He started begging, for your touch, warmth, and praise for how fluffy his hair is.
If you hadn't touched him for a week, He'd start throwing little tantrums at you. Then when you finally started to do it. He would be saying so many muffled apologies.
If you started doing it to other people, even just playfully bullying them by messing their hair. The next day, the person didn't want to get close to you. Flinching at the sound of Mammon's voice.
Accessories. He would be delighted to have jewelry on his horns/wings. Especially when you chose them and put it on him.
"My little treasure, no amount of money can compare to you!" Patting his head and gliding your hand through his fluffy hair. He was stuttering about what you just said. Falling onto the floor. He looked away blushing.
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"W- WHAaaAaA?! I-....alright. B- but! Can you please wear Henry's outfit in exchange? (The fish)/Ruri Chan outfit in exchange?"
(If you have a built body, do. Not. Flex. Well, if you do. You will have him having a nosebleed. No matter which outfit. The Henry outfit or the Ruri Chan outfit.)
He looked away embarrassed. Flinching when you grab the base of his horns, lightly stroking down his tail. Now, if you do it while he's playing a game. His focus is all on you, the contact of your hand on his tail, and the other hand on the tip of his horns.
When you let go, he will start crying. Saying if he did anything wrong, did he? He holds you tight. (Even when you have a big body. Not in the sus way though) feeling hot tears on your back.
[Please continue. If you wont, he'll be sad!]
He's the demon of envy! So of course he's gonna be soooo jealous when you do it for other people. The next thing you know, the person looks like he has been through a whole lot. Flinching at the sound of water, and doesn't even get near you.
Accessories! He would let you do it. Nothing too flashy. Maybe make him wear the Ruri outfit just for fun~ or maybe put little bows on him to make it look even cuter!
"Awww, such a cutie. Don't be shy, let me add the one last bow." You said smugly, wrapping his tail with a little bow. You also had wrapped a bow on his neck and his horns. He was blushing so hard, he was even redder than the bows!
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"Is this perhaps a new kind of torture? Hmm..I will participate then." You chuckled. You griped his horns then tugged his tail. He flinches. Wasn't because of pain, he was quite enjoying this.
You would scratch the base of the horns softly. Then stroking his tail lightly. Do this especially when angry or maybe stressed. This can distract him from doing destruction and chaos. He would enjoy it even more if you do it a bit more rough.
[Maybe in bed too.]
He can last about half a month. (If there wasn't something to trigger his wrath.) But if you don't do it for too long, he WILL. Knock down your door, dragging you to his bedroom so you can pamper give him with your love and care.
If you refuse to do it, he will crack. Having frustration upon him, he destroys everything in his path. The next day, you have no choice but to do it. Because he knows that you're too soft and kind to let any destruction that hurts life.
[So, please keep pampering him.]
You can't even do it to anyone. The moment that there's a sign of it. That person would be gone. No traces.
Accessories, you only let him have soft, not-so-harmful ones. (Since even if it isn't supposed to be harmful, he has a way to make it harmful.) He loves it because it's your choice. You had thought about him.
"Hello, my little emerald." You are trying to not laugh. He was surprised you called him that. Even though it seems he was calm. He was malfunctioning.
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He won't even hesitate. He loves when you touch his horns and small wings. You treat them so gently, like an artifact that can break even a single mistake.
[He doesn't mind if you go rough]
You would take care great care of them with the first contact with his horns/wings. So now, it's in your daily schedule to take care of him. At first, he didn't really like them. But when you came into his life, he now has a reason to like them. It's because you are the one who put great care into it for him! He usually feels lust. But from you, just filled with love and care!
[He would be delighted if you have some lust for him]
If you don't take care of them, even for 1 day. He will open the door and launch on you. Whining about it and how he misses you! The way you touch him so gently. If you leave, he will get on his knees. Begging for you to not leave.
If you do it to anyone, the next day. The person feels like his energy and life force is being taken away and later withers away.
He would love accessories! Any accessory will do. He will ask you if it fits him well. Maybe put some roses. (The picture is an example)
"You look so pretty. Even without it." He smiles, hugging you and you hug back oh so lightly.
[He loves when you compliment him even without anything on him.]
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He doesn't mind. He actually appreciates it. It distracts him from eating everything in the fridge. Happily basks in your warmth.
Touching his horns, gently outlining the shape of his wings. If you stop, he'll frown. Asking you to keep going. If you refuse, he gets even more sadder and now he barely even touch his food!
If you hadn't done it yet, he will go to you and ask for more. Snuggling onto your neck. Hungrily wanting for more.
If you do it for someone else, he will tell you that his heart stings and has the desire to drag you and keeping you in his arms so you can only do it for him. He felt guilty, frowning. Thinking he was in trouble. Nope, you just ask him if he wants to eat with you.
He doesn't really find it in the use of accessories. But if you're doing it, he wouldn't mind. That's just another excuse for you to touch him.
"You look like a chipmunk! How cute." He doesn't know if he should be flattered or embarrassed but he just smiles sweetly.
Or maybe
"You know. I can just eat you up right now!" You smiled. He was still processing what you mean by that.
[He hopes you keep your promise]
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He was too tired so he just nodded. He jolted when he felt a hand rubbing the base of his horns and the other hand was playing with the fluff on the ends of his tail.
He was about to quietly yell at you until he found it...soothing, comforting and so relaxed. So he just bathe in your warmth and sleep
Well, for a few days now, he has been asking you to do it since he found out he cannot now sleep without you doing it.
If you refuse, he will be cranky and throw small tantrums. Day, by day. It got worse and worse. So you just agreed to do it. When you leave, you hear a whimper. Tugging on your sleeve, leading you to the bed, and laying on your lap. Expecting you to comfort him. Wrapping his tail around your arm. Teasing you with the fluffy ends of his tail.
[In hopes of you grabbing it.]
If someone asks you to do it then later, the person suddenly cannot sleep and if they do, they will have terrible nightmares.
He only accepts soft accessories that are quiet or a necklace that doesn't easily get tangled with anything.
"Goodnight belphie. Sweet dreams." He smiled. Snuggling in closer while you cuddle him.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Flirting With Others (Obey Me!)
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You and your favorite demon have a "will-they won't-they" thing going on and you got tired of it. You and another demon student flirt around. Your favorite demon sees this. How does he react?
»Characters: Demon Bros, Diavolo, Barbatos
»Tags: ⚠️ (for themes) *Self indulgent tbh, Possessive, Jealousy, Yandere for some, Toxic, GN Reader, Diavolo my beloved, swooning over beel
»Note: How did I forget this in my notes!? AAAAAAA♡♡♡
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He was on the way to his student office when he saw you two
Why are you smiling at them like that?
His eyes widened when he saw the other demon lightly touch your shoulder
He's not irritated, nope not at all
He takes it out on everyone for the rest of the day
Barely speaks to you for days
Why would you have eyes for someone else when he's more than available?
Saw you with that lowly demon again in the hallway and he just wasn't having it anymore
He called you to him
"We are going on a date tonight at 7. Be ready. Don't make me wait."
You seemed confused but very excited
He was too and just smirked at the angry demon behind you
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Was waiting outside for you to go home together and he saw you from the distance with the demon
What's the human doing blushing like that?
Not one to ignore situations like that
Gets closer to investigate
Did...did that demon just touch their arm?
Seriously, why are you acting all happy and giggly with them?
He can't bare to watch...it....it kind of hurts
Before he knows it he's getting in between you two
"What? You wanna be food or somethin'? C'mon." He growls and drags you away angrily
The other demon tried to protest but Mammon slid into demon form in an instant so they backed off
He held your hand all the way home but he was silent until you got to the door
"Don't ever do that again...ya hear me? You're definitely mine, got it?"
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Couldn't wait to show you his new video of funny anime clips he made
He made sure to include some of your favorites, he knew you'd love it!
He went looking for you around lunch
Who is that demon...why are they so close to you?
They're getting too cozy...
He saw the demon wrap their arm around your waist while you laughed
Before he knew it he slipped into his demon form and went yelling at the two of you
He grabbed you and dragged you away yelling about normies and his time
The other demon barely had time to say anything since Levi shot them a death glare
He kept mumbling angrily and finally stopped when you two were away from everyone
"You can't do things like that! I won't allow it! You're my player two, okay!? And...and tonight is date night!"
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Went to go meet you at the library
Noticed you were talking to a demon he was seeing around more often
Decided to spy just a little...was curious is all
Went from chill to "chill 🙂" when he saw the other demon kiss your hand
He rushed over and cleared his throat and offered a not so friendly hello
The demon didn't leave...great
When you went to the restroom Satan threatened them
"If you know what's good for you, I suggest you stay away."
Don't catch his paws
The demon had heard stories about Satan's wrath so they complied
He explained to you the other demon had things to do
"Hey while I have you here...would you like to go on a date this weekend?"
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Was on his way to class but got nosy when he saw you were with someone that wasn't his brothers
He stayed back to check if you were safe
A small flame erupted when he saw the other demon lightly brush your hair with their finger
Ha! As if he could ever be jealous of someone like them!
But they were getting all your attention...
Sauntered over and introduced himself
He suggested the other demon leave since they would never be good enough for you
You seemed embarrassed but also delighted by the turn of events
"Sorry it took long...will you go on a date with me♡?"
He can't have anyone scoop up what's his 💅
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Went to look for you after school
Saw you with another demon in an empty  classroom
Saw the demon take both your hands
You were blushing and they were giving you a flirty smile
Before Beel knew it he was in front of you both and took the other demons hands off you, who protested
Beel bared his fangs and they backed off
"Lets go." Beel pulled you away angrily and carried you home
Why did he do that?
Was nervous/upset when he thought about you meeting with that demon so he was clingy for a few days
He froze when he saw the demon hanging around you again
He put two and two together and realized he was jealous
He asked you out in front of the other demon and admitted he didn't want to see you with anyone else
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Thought he was having a nightmare when he saw you and another demon flirting in class
What do you mean this isn't a dream
Belphie.exe has stopped working
Murder on his mind.
You will be his. You are his.
He silently made his way towards you both and faced the other demon
"Dont think you can get in my way." He warned the unconscious body
You seemed upset yet moved by his action
He grabbed your hand tightly and muttered about annoyances
"You're mine, no question. Everyone will know this now."
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He eagerly seeked you out after classes ended and came upon a crushing sight
You were laughing in the arms of another demon in the empty hallway
He must behave professionally
He must behave
He must-
"Who's this nuisance my little lamb? 🙂"
Oh shit was he in demon form too?
Why do you make him so weak?
He was pleased to see the other demon cower and excuse themselves quickly
The black aura probably helped warn them of the danger too
He apologized for his appearance but remained truthful with you
"Forgive me, I should've said this long ago. You are mine, let me be clear about that now."
He carried you home and from then on, everyone knew you two were officially dating
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Was on his way to Diavolo's office when he saw you and a demon skipping class and looking friendly...
Surely not you? No, not at all-
Not a fan of this new development but chose to ignore it, he had bigger things to focus on after all
Tried to continue to Diavolo's office unnoticed
It wasn't until he saw the demon wrapping their arm around you that he really snapped and walked over
"Ahem. Excuse me to interrupt..."
Pulled you away to the nearest empty classroom
Pushed you against the wall, his gloved hand held your face gently
"I apologize for not making my intentions clear before. We are together, starting now. I did not like what I witnessed and know that won't happen again."
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⬦You might also like: Manhandling Them
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msrubble · 4 months
I wanna see a fanfic with an yandere MC who is possessive and obsessive with the brothers
A succubus flirts with Beel? Cursed.
A demon bullies Levi? Missing.
A witch blackmails Mammon? Dead.
Someone gets a little to comfortable with Lucifer? Bottom of a ditch.
And so on. I’ve been wanting to find a fanfic in this but no one ever seems to be interested in it. Like, it’s always the brothers or the side characters. Why can’t MC be a yandere?
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dilfartist · 2 months
Just obsessed or love obsessed?
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Tw; Kidnapping, sensitive topics, Yandere behavior, Obsessive behavior, marriage mentions, abuse, physical abuse, mentions of Suicide on Yoosung’s part, mentions of death, NSFW on the end of Asmodeus’s part,
Which yanderes are actually in love with their darlings? Which yanderes simply obsess over their darlings?
Fandoms: Naruto, JJK, Demon Slayer, Death Note, JJBA, Chainsaw Man, Baruto, Obey Me, and Mystic Messenger.
Characters; Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Mahito, Toji, Geto, Sukuna, Douma, Tengen, Mitsuri, Akaza, Gyutaro, Muzan, Light Yagami, Chilchuck, Laios, Ascended Astarion, Dio, Kira Yoshikage, Jotaro, Josuke, Yoosung, Mammon, Asmodeus, and Denji.
Notes: {Most of these are just ramblings, sorry if they mirror each other in similarity. Not all characters from each show/movie will be on this list, just a few that came to mind.}
Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!
Somewhat proofread
Reader's description; Female/GN
These yanderes have no love for their obsession. Although they want you for romantic purposes, they could never love you. Most of these yanderes treat you like a pet rather than an actual lover.
Mahito sees humans as toys. Humans are there for his entertainment. Their tears, their fear, their panic, and their crys are all for his pleasure. Mahito has only managed to love the suffering of human beings.
Mahito harbors no love for his darling. Sure, Mahito favors you compared to other humans and he doesn't outright kill you or torture you, but your relationship is more like a farmer favoring one of the farm animals he’s leading to the slaughter, so he allows it to live a little longer than the others.
If you were to ask him if he loved you since he’s gone out of his way to keep you to himself and demands romantic actions out of you; he’ll respond with a laugh, finding it laughable you’d assume so.
“Love you?” Mahito giggles, “You know, I was manifested by the strong emotions of humans, but love isn’t one of them. But hey, if it makes you feel any better, you're my favorite human!”
Sukuna was born evil, not giving two shits about the human race he once belonged to. Love, in the eyes of Sukuna, is a feeble emotion that only exists to continue giving humans a reason for their pitiful existence and to keep their kin cared for. Those who sing songs of romance irk Sukuna. As if the human race couldn't get more irritating. Though he will admit he enjoys a good lovers quarrel. The negative emotions that cause the birth of curses and the scenes of women and men plucking out the eyeballs of their lover's hidden sweetheart in an act of rage; never fails to give him a wicked laugh.
Lust. Lust is what Sukuna feels for you. Love is nowhere in sight. Any act of love you find yourself partaking in with Sukuna isn't because Sukuna desires loving contact, but because you loathe the thought of acting this way with him. He relishes in the resentment you feel towards him. Kisses, hugs, cute nicknames, and lingering touches in favor of disturbing you. Sukuna is obsessed with you due to your enjoyable reactions. Such a scared little thing, he thinks. In a world of humans Sukuna views as insects, you are Sukuna's shivering prized chihuahua.
If you were convinced Sukuna was in love with you and asked about it, he'd laugh in your face.
"Maggots, such as the human race, invented love to maintain relevancy and keep their young alive. What else are they good for if they can only birth a few babes before their bodies break. They might as well drop dead once production is no longer available. Unfortunately for all living creatures, they continue their life spans." Sukana speaks with distaste. He leans his cheek against his fist, gazing down at you from his throne. "I find the emotion despicable. Although.." Sukana begins, lips curling into a cruel smirk, "I could think differently if it came to you, my dear pet." You don't miss the flash of amusement in his ruby eyes at the sight of your grimace.
Douma will never love anyone. Douma is stated to have no emotions but that isn’t necessarily true. Douma can feel emotions for himself, it’s others he cannot feel emotions for. Douma may have claimed to feel love towards Shinobu but Douma wanted to feel something, or at least convince himself he felt something before the end of his life. Truly Douma could never love his darling even if he tried.
Contrary to popular belief Douma does treat his darling like he loves them...50% of the time. The other half of the time he acts on his sadistic nature.
He is one of the yanderes that will kill his darling with no hesitation if he needs to. Douma will hesitate if his obsession is strong enough to dissuade him. If his darling ever dies or somehow escapes then he’ll forget about them. In his eyes, you’re replaceable since you never were loved in the first place.
“You know, (Name), I think I’m actually in love with you!” Douma would smile down at you as you sat in his lap. “Can’t you hear it! My heart flutters at the sight of you!” he’d pushed your head to his chest, “Such an exquisite feeling.” he cooed at you, hugging you closer. You scowl knowing every word from his lips is a lie. You wonder which one of you he’s trying to convince.
Ascended Astarion
Astarion before the ascension would genuinely love his Darling. And if he didn’t he wouldn’t even be with his Darling. However, if his darling allowed him to go through his accession, all his love would vanish from his body. Once a vampire spawn becomes a true vampire, they become a shell of the person they used to be.
Astarion is no longer the person you once knew. In fact, he resembles his former master in ways. His spawns, his mean attitude, his view of other people as less. It’s a sicking sight, truly. He no longer treats you as an equal. You’re a pet to him, even if he says you are his consort.
You both know Astarion doesn’t love you anymore. Yet neither of you have said a thing about it. Astarion finds it rather amusing you think he could love someone as pathic as you. His old weaker self did and he won’t repeat any actions from the past. And still, he refuses to allow you to leave his side. His darling will be reassured but they know the love of their life is no longer around.
“I love you, my dear pet. That’s what you want to hear, isn’t it?” he’d chuckle darkly at you, his tone full of mockery. You wish his words were the truth, but they’re not.
Dio Brando
Even in normal circumstances, Dio wouldn’t be able to love. During his normal life, Dio only loved the pleasure he sought in hurting others. He forced himself to act like he loved Jonathan and George Joestar, but in reality, he was only using them for his advantage. Once he turned into a creature of the night, the was no way he’d be able to love. All of his humanity, including his human emotions had been erased.
Dio’s darling is merely for his entertainment; he does not yearn for a real connection. You’re simply a pet. He’ll care for your health so you won’t die, he’ll feed you well so you won’t starve, and he’ll even buy you nice things to keep you in line. Other than those few things, he could care less about you. He enjoys keeping you around because of your reactions. You’re just so human! It disgusts him and excites him at the same time.
“Poor dear,” Dio sang cruelly as he held you in his lap. “Shivering in my lap like a lamb awaiting for the slaughter.” he’d chuckle darkly after.
Kira Yoshikage
Yoshikage never loves any of his darlings. He takes without a second thought, caring not for the person that fuels his obsession. Yoshikage may take the time to learn about his victim but after some time your fate will be the same as any other darling. Depending on which stage of Yoshikage you get that is.
You could encounter a quick death if you met Yoshikage at the start of Dimond is unbreakable. He’d be interested then when he finds the right time to kill his darling and take their hand. If you come across Kira in the middle of Dimond is unbreakable then your death will come after a while. It depends if he likes your personality since during this stage he begins to prefer knowing a woman’s personality when taking their hand. If he meets you by the end of Dimond is unbreakable then you have the most probability of living. He’d be so concerned about keeping his identity a secret he might keep you around longer and settle with befriending you instead of outright killing you.
Kira really has no love for his darling. The only care he has for his darling is keeping their hands beautiful to fuel his obsession. Kira is less obsessed with his darling and more obsessed with their hands.
“Darling you must keep yourself clean,” he’d chid, pulling out a pack of wipes to desperately clean the dirt from underneath your beautiful fingernails.
Both their feelings and obsession grow together as they come to know you. They love and are obsessed with you. These yanderes see their darling as actual partners and do love them, unlike the obsessed yanderes.
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto loves you with all of his being. Growing up as a boy with no family and for a short while in his childhood no friends, he yearns for a real connection. He wants to love and be loved. So when you come into the picture, he swears no harm will come to you. Even if the leaf village is at stake.
Naruto does everything he can to please you because he believes you deserve everything good that comes to you. His generosity isn’t meant to be taken as a way to manipulate you, unlike some characters. Naruto strives to keep you happy. He’ll do everything he thinks will do right by you.
Naruto sees his darling as his partner in crime. His one and only. He refuses to look at anyone else. He’ll keep you safe even if it means keeping you locked away.
“I love you more than anything, you know,” Naruto whispers to you as he snuggles up to you. “I’ll never let anything happen to you, believe it.”
Denji’s been through a lot. No one has been there to love Denji for who he really is. Everyone loves Chainsaw Man...then there's him. All of a sudden you come into his life. Dissimilar Makima or any woman in his life, you care for him. You’re genuinely kind without expecting him to do something for you. His feelings grow for you due to your kind nature.
Being Chainsaw man comes with its cons. He’s always in danger and his loved ones are always in harm's way because of him. He grows paranoid. What would become of you once it was revealed he cares for you?! He manages to pull some strings and finds a place for the both of you to live together. Sure you can’t leave but at least your are safe! Plus, Denji is a great guy who gives you everything you want.
Denji doesn’t force you to care or love him, he implies wanting your tenderness but never forces you. He loves you. He goes as far as fighting every demon in your name.
“I like you...like a lot.” Denji starts off slowly. He’s at your side, crouching to your level. His eyes show vulnerability, “...you don’t have to like me back but I won’t allow anyone to hurt you. I wish things could be different...I really do.”
Yoosung Kim
Yoosung falls in love with his darling very quickly. Originally, Yoosung fell in love with the Mc in eleven days. Instead of his obsession and love growing together, Yoosung falls in love first then his obsession begins to grow. Though Yoosung is in love with his darling he still compares them to Rika despite his darling and Rika not sharing many qualities. He loves his darling for their kindness but also because they share the comfort Rika gave him.
Yoosung doesn't care if he puts his darling in harm's way despite claiming the opposite. Yoosung loves his darling enough to be in harms way along with him. In a way it’s like a romantic double suicide
“You’ll only talk to me, right?” he’d ask. Despite this question being sent through text you could hear the question asked in Yoosung’s voice. “I love you so much, do you really think some guy like Zen could compare?”
Mitsuri kanroji
Mitsuri is heavily encouraged by love in her daily life, so of course she’d be in love with her darling. Her darling completely takes over her mind, invading every thought she has. She doesn’t see her behavior as weird or obsessive. After all, isn’t it ideal for a lover to be utterly in love and devoted to their special someone?
Her obsession and love for you grow at the same pace. She’s so in love with her darling, every action she takes is in the name of her darling. She constantly reminds her darling of her love and devotion, not caring if her darling doesn’t reciprocate.
Her obsession is fueled by the constant rejection she’s faced in her life. She’s clingy, clingy to the point you feel suffocated. She needs her darling's reassurance and will be unsettled by her darling giving anyone else praise she deems too much.
“You’re so amazing!” she’d coo at you, latched onto your right arm, batting her lashes. “I’m so glad you’re mine, (Name).” she’d hum, pushing her face into your sleeve.
Sakura Haruno
She is a very dedicated person. Despite the lack of love she received from Sasuke, she stood by his side the entire time no matter what. When she loves, she loves hard. This also applies when she begins to obsess over her darling. Even if you don’t share her feelings she will never move on. Sakura is a very persistent person, and if she truly desires something then she’ll achieve it.
Her obsessiveness comes later on when she really gets to know you. Once the obsession starts, there’s no way of getting rid of her. Her love overpowers her obsession, which is worse.
If you thought Sakura being at your hip most of the time was annoying, then your hell is with Yandere Sakura. Sakura will never leave you alone. However, you have a savor named Tsunade. Sakura listens to Tsunade with out a doubt. However, Tsunade doesn’t really care for your situation. Sakura can be annoying but she doesn’t bring harm to you. So...not her circus, not her monkeys.
“Gosh,” she’d sigh dreamily as she lay against your chest, “I’m the luckiest girl in the village, aren’t I?”
Josuke Higashikata
The king of romance himself! Josuke loves his darling dearly. Even going as far as to think twice before hurting his darling if they dare insult his hairstyle. Unlike all the others on this list, Josuke would be in love with you first before the obsession would even begin.
Josuke never lets his darling forget his love and dedication towards them. He reminds them he loves them every chance he gets.
Josuke is more normal thanks to his genuine love for his darling. However, that won’t stop him from acting on his obsession. If his darling ever found out about his obsession and attempted to leave, he’d hesitate to
“Oh, these?” Josuke would look down at the bouquet in his hands. He’d rub the back of his neck with a grin, “Just wanted to get something for the lovely girl I call my girlfriend!”
Laois Touden
You are as important as Falin is to him. His mind is full of thoughts of you. Although Laois is obsessed with you, he treats you right. He never oversteps boundaries, always makes sure not to hurt or overwhelm you, and always listens to you and your needs. If it weren’t for his unhealthy obsession, Laios would be the best boyfriend.
Laios obsesses over his darling the same way he obsesses over monsters. Laios carries a notebook full of facts about you. What monster food do you prefer? Easy! You love boiled mimics! After all, Laious put it down in his note book and Laious is dedicated to being correct about his darling.
His love goes as far as locking away his darling; If necessary that is. He’d rather explore the word with his darling. He won’t repeat allowing someone so dear to him to be hurt again. Laios nearly lost his sister and he’ll be damned if you were ever harmed.
“I don’t think I say it enough,” Laios comments completely out of the blue. You and him sit at the breakfast table, still in your midnight clothes. Laios looks at you sweetly, his chin against his palm. “I love you.”
Obsessed to Love- obsessed
These yanderes start just obsessed with their darlings with either no feelings or ignoring their growing feelings. As time goes on, they begin to fall in love with their darling.
Toji Fushiguro
Toji finds it hard to love after his late wife’s passing. So when you come into his life he’s as distant as he can be. Toji’s rude and nasty to you. Not because he dislikes you- well, not fully anyway- but because Toji can sense his attraction towards you. It scares him; it Angers him even. Toji’s had his fair share of one-night stands, feeling nothing after them besides passing sentiments of guilt because of his late wife. However, you’re different. For some reason, the fuzzy feelings he felt with his late wife have come back when he’s around you. He loathes these feelings. In a way, Toji finds this as a betrayal, and he blames you.
However, as time progresses, Toji learns to allow you in. He can’t obsess over his late wife forever. At first, he’s simply obsessed with you. Always around you, you’re constantly on his mind, keeping a tracking device on you, the usual. Then it happens. You show him genuine kindness and show you care for his well-being and it’s like a switch flipped. Toji realizes he’s in love. And instead of getting angry or distancing himself, he accepts it. Unfortunately for you, Toji’s left broken by his ex-wife’s death and you’re the new love of his life.
You’re immediately kidnapped and taken away to live with him. The one person he loved died, he will not have that happen again. Toji knows he needs a stable life to keep you around and he refuses to use another woman for her money since he finds it disrespectful to you. Toji’s gambling habits cease nearly quickly. He works for the both of you to have a stable life because he love you enough to try. Toji never outright tells you he loves you, but you can tell in the ways he acts around you.
“I’ve gotta say, you’re the biggest pain in my ass.” Toji would grumble. You both lay on the couch together, him on the bottom while you lay ontop of him with a blanket wrapped around you. His hands fiddled with your hair, one of his quiet ways to show his love.
At first, he felt like he was betraying his first love, Koyuki. Akaza distances himself because of the guilt that consumes him. He feels so weak, which pisses him off. And he can’t help but find himself getting angry at his darling as well since you caused this weak feeling to initiate. If it weren’t for his guilt at the onset Akaza would be categorized in the love-obsessed category. Once he learns to move on and realize his feelings will not be leaving any time, then he’d be loving towards his darling.
Immediately, His darling is kidnapped. Akaza has learned from his past to always be near his loved ones; his darling wouldn’t suffer the same fate because of his carelessness. He’d keep them in a nice house deep in the forest. Akaza remembers every part of the forest just in case you attempted to run away. The house would be nice and furnished and his darling could request items to be placed into the house. It’s more of a house for his darling than a shared house.
Very loving towards his darling. If it weren’t for the circumstances, Akaza and his darling's relationship would be seen as the ideal romantic relationship. Akaza didn’t want his darling to be taken away, he’d much rather have his darling willingly. However, his trauma and immortality dissuade him.
“You’re so beautiful...” Akaza would murmur to you. You watched in the mirror as the demon brought your hairbrush back to your hair, gently going through the strands. “So beautiful, my love.” he’d press a small kiss on your shoulder blade.
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro already has too many problems to worry about romance. Jotaro’s obsession disturbed him. He has other priorities such as saving the world from enemy stand users, yet he often finds himself thinking about you rather than the problem at hand. It becomes a problem for him. There’s even a point where he becomes annoyed by your name alone. However, as time goes on he learns to accept his feelings of obsession. Then he’ll have to accept the romantic feelings that soon follow after he accepts his obsession.
A while back, I wrote Jotaro as a yandere that would hold you captive and overall be very intimidating towards his darling. Now that I look at his character, he’s more likely to act regularly with his darling. Jotaro will come off the same as any man who has a healthy relationship with their significant other. The only reason he’d become intimidating towards his darling is because they’re trying to leave him. No matter how obsessed jotaro finds himself, he ultimately won’t force his darling by his side. Jotaro recognizes the danger he puts his darling in when they date, he realizes how selfish he is just being near you. Jotaro genuinely loves his darling, so although he does try to intimidate his darling into staying with him, he would allow you to leave if that’s what you truly wanted.
Jotaro is the type of Yandere to allow you to leave but have you on his mind ever since. There are memorabilia of yours around his house. Pictures hang upon his walls that he hasn’t bothered to take down. There’s even a framed picture of you right next to his bed.
Tengen Uzui + Wives
The Uzuis would be off put by their darling at first. Despite it traditionally being on the man’s part to decide if he wants to marry another wife, Tengen puts his wife's decisions above his. Tengen isn’t the type to simply marry someone because of a little crush or obsession. One, he needs to feel strong feelings towards someone before he considers putting a ring on it. Two, Tengen respects his wives too much to decide marriage on his own. Tengen would introduce the topic and his darling to his wives slowly, giving them a little time to decide whether to feed his obsession or not. Ultimately, Tengen gets their blessings.
Their obsessions don’t blossom until marriage. Ideally, their darling is not as strong as them. They become very protective of them, especially Tengen if this is after he retires. Time passes and they all grow to love their darling, they’re obsession turns into a love obsession. Each one of them won’t keep their hands off their darling. They are in general very touchy with each other, but with their darling, it’s times 100.
At least one of them has to accompany you. Not only to keep you safe but to make sure you never think of leaving them. They don’t mind kidnapping their darling if they need to.
“Don’t splash around so much,” Tengen complained to his other wives. They all sat in the bathtub, cleaning each other. You sat firmly in Tengen’s lap. “Stop hogging cleaning them, Suma!” Makio barks at Suma. “I am not! Lord Tengen! Makio is trying to say I’m hogging the sponge, but I’m not!” Suma whines. They were taking turns washing your body, whilst Hinatsuru washed your hair. Tengen presses a small kiss on the back of your head.
When Asmodeus first met his darling he only saw them as someone he could seduce for a moment of pleasure. It isn’t until he makes a pact with his darling that his obsession begins. Sure, Solomon also has a pact with Asmodeus and he’s not obsessed with him. You’re different. You help him with problems and spend time with him. And such a cutie you are you do it no questions asked. The obsession sets in when he manages to sleep with you. It was like your body was crafted for him. It’s addicting really. Your taste, your touch, your sweet voice! He’s even considered never touching another again.
He’ll stick around you more which leads to a connection between you...or maybe just in Asmodeus’s eyes. Love, an emotion he’s only been able to share with his brothers, will develop in the time shared with you. You’ve surprised him again! Asmodueus will grow into a possessive person. Not even his brothers will have the fortune of spending time with you. Asmodeus becomes harsh with his brothers, like a cat hissing at other cats for being too close to their owner. Lucifer has to step in ever so often because Asmodeus is close to ripping out one of another demon’s eyes with his claws because they got too friendly with you.
Don’t think you can just leave him either; That isn’t an option whether it be due to your exchange coming to an end or you not wanting a relationship anymore. It just won’t happen. If you have to go back to the human world, that just won’t slide with Asmodeus. He’ll find a way to be with you. If Lucifer doesn't appeal to any of Asmodeus’s requests to keep you in Devil Dom, then he has no problem going with you. Nor does he have a problem possessing random people to see you every day. Now, ending the relationship with Asmodeus will lead to a moment of pain. A moment of pain because there is no way you’d be apart for more than a couple of months. His brothers won’t force you to be in Asmodeus’s arms nor will they stop talking to you until you give in to dating Amsodeus again, they care for you as much as they care for their brother. Nonetheless, you will have earfuls of them trying to convince you to be with Asmodeus again. Not to mention every demon in Devil Dom has been in your DMs on Devilgram. All of his adoring fans call you every name under the sun. No matter how tough your skin is their words will get to you. They even began to spread hate against humans which got the attention of both Lucifer and Diavalo. Now you’re having a conference with them, where you simply decide to go back to him. It’s better for everyone.
“Don’t you feel so much better~” Asmodeus coos to you, his fingers deep inside your cunt. “No one can make you feel as good as I can!” Asmodeus presses a trail of kisses down your neck, “No one could love you as much as i do.”
When you first met, Mammon only saw you as an annoying human. Another task on his list that his brother put on him. Then he began to get to know you and that view quickly faded. Unlike other yanderes, Mammon fell in love quickly compared to the others. Suddenly, Mammon was proud to be your first man. So proud in fact that many reconsider his sin being greed.
Though greed is definitely his sin. He’s so greedy he won’t allow his family to take your time away from him. Mammon nearly snarls like a rabid dog at the thought of anyone stealing you away from him. If it’s his brothers then he won't have as much of a problem, he’ll complain but won’t harm them. Let another demon try the same and he won’t care if he breaks a few bones. Not even caring for Lucifer’s chiding.
His love is apparent. It’s overwhelmingly sweet, overshadowing his tough-guy act. You won’t even mind his obsession because his love delays any concerns that arise because of his actions.
“I’m your first man, so I should be your most important priority,” Mammon huffs clinging to your waist tightly. You scheduled a lunch with his brothers due to Mammon taking up your time, now you think you should cancel it. Mammon shows no sign of letting go any time soon and it’s getting harder to breath.
Chilchuck Tims
There would be no way in hell Chilchuck would allow himself to fall in love or even think of any romantic thoughts of his darling, at first. After his wife left him and took away his children, leaving him alone, he couldn’t bear the thought of another romantic relationship. His obsession starts slowly because he distances himself since he can tell he feels attracted to you.
He hates the fact he often has dreams of you or the fact he remembers your favorite foods. He especially hates it when he gets a foreign fuzzy feeling in his chest when it comes to you. He’s often rude and closed off to his darling. He comes off meaner to his darling than anyone else. It has gotten to the point the others often call him out on his behavior to which he scoffs and turns away.
It isn’t till he learns that not everyone will leave him and he can learn to be a better partner Chilchuck opens himself to being romantic with his darling. He grows to love his darling so dearly. He writes to his daughters about his darling. Even goes as far as mentioning them every chance he has to his companions.
And although he’s finally going through the process of learning to forgive himself for his divorce, he’s still paranoid. If you show any signs of leaving him, he won’t immediately lock you away but he’ll become uncharacteristically clingy. Every hour he’s snuggling closer to you, asking about your day. He even begins to stop complaining about small things you do that annoy him at times. If you are attempting to leave him, good luck. That isn’t happening. Besides Chilchuck’s small size, he’s incredibly smart when it comes to dire situations. Such as you leaving.
“I...I love you.” Chilchuck admits, his face has an expression of the first taste of sour candy. It’s almost as if the words stung the tip of his tongue each time he spoke.
You’re interesting to him. Whether you’re ugly or pretty, Gyutaro envies you. Those who are attractive get to live happily without the misery of being ugly. It makes him sick. You are treated better than he was that’s for sure. But as he comes to know how kind you are to others, especially the less fortunate, he begins to obsess over you. You’re so beautiful, much more attractive than him anyway. How could he not think of you.
Gyutaro learns more about you by stalking you. He’s always around, going as far as to hide in the dark of your room in the mornings just to get more of you. Gyutaro never thought about marriage as a mortal, he was too caught up in caring for his sister and many girls never even glanced his way when it came to romance. You change his mind. He can imagine you in a beautiful wedding dress as you profess your love to him not even cringing at his ugliness.
He genuinely loves his darling. Gyutaro wishes he could have met his darling when he was a mortal, his life wouldn’t have been so depressing, and he could have even tried to find a better occupation and live a normal life with you. He’s selfish, after all, he’s faced so many hardships, why can’t he take the few things that bring him joy? No one else deserves you. Once you’ve lost your beauty, you’re better off dead than in the hands of others.
“So beautiful...gahahaha!” Gyutaro laughed manically to himself. He sat in the corner watching you closely, his hand covering his wide smile. “No one else could compare!”
Possibly love-obsessed (unsure)
These yanderes could either love their darling and never admit it or not love them at all. It depends on the situation or stage of the relationship.
Suguru Geto
(Only Non-Sorcerer Darling)
Geto believes that he could never love a Non-Sorcerer yet has an obsession with his darling. Geto felt the need to dehumanize the Human race since his change in ideology to cease any doubts he may have about his decisions. There may be a part of him deep down that isn’t fond of the idea of hurting Non-sorcerers but is too far gone to even think about ending what he started. Geto strives to protect the weak. When he was in high school he believed that the weak were Non-Sorcerers until his perspective changed to Sorcerers being the weak ones due to the Non-Sorcerers being in charge and harming the ones keeping them safe from curses. He found the acts of Non-Sorcerers to be unforgivable which is why he went to the extreme of choosing to start a genocide.
There is a part of him that despises his darling. How could some random monkey make him feel this way? It’s perplexing. Sometimes he wants to gouge out your throat and watch as the light fades from your eyes to give him the pleasure of his original ideology: All Non-Sorcerers should be terminated. Yet he cannot bring himself to put the plan into action. Especially when you’ve been such a good pet and listen to his every command. He won’t admit that he craves to be around you. He loves holding you tight as you both drift to sleep, he loves the sweet kisses that he forces out of you, and he loves the way you moan out his name. A filthy monkey shouldn’t have the pleasures of indulging in his greatness, yet he refuses to kill his darling.
Even Geto doesn’t know if he loves his darling. He’s adamant he only sees his darling as his pet, but deep down he might love his darling. Though that would never come to light.
“You’re a good pet. Always listening and obeying my commands.” Geto comments as he reads his daily newspapers. You brush his hair quietly, focusing on the raven strands gently pulled by the bristles of the brush. “Good. Just as all monkeys should.”
Sasuke Uchiha
It isn’t that Sasuke is incapable of loving because he definitely loves the people in his life. However, he is too emotionally immature to truly love his darling. He yearns for their touch and love but he can’t for the life of him reciprocate the affection.
Sasuke has forgotten the feeling of love since It had been ripped away from him at such a young age. He assumes his love for things in his life is just extreme liking them. Sasuke extremely likes tomatoes and Sasuke extremely likes talking walks but the word love never seems to come to mind. If anything he just won't admit it to himself. He can love.
It won’t be until when Baruto begins that Sasuke is finally classified as Love-obsessed. He’s more truthful to others and himself. He can finally admit he’s in love with his darling...to himself. In Baruto, Sasuke is more open to being vulnerable around his loved ones and even tries his best to repair relationships with advice from Kakashi.
“I care about you...” Sasuke would say, not daring to look you in the eyes. “...a lot,” he adds in awkwardly.
Light yagami
Many believe Light to have no love for anyone, for whatever reason. However, this is not the case. Light's love for his family is one of the main reasons he decides to become Kira. Or what he believes to be justice. Light started out wanting to be a cop because his father was a cop and Light wanted to bring justice to the world. Light wants the world filled with good and his family surrounded by good instead of unjustified evil. The reason he’s so cruel to Misa and even uses her to his advantage is that he never shared these feelings in the first place. Misa forced him into a relationship with her and didn’t seem to mind him not wanting it. He’s very different with his darling.
I put him on this list because there are two ways Kira could feel about his darling. One, he’d be obsessed with them but wouldn’t love them. This would happen if they were involved in the Kira case and Light would obsess over them because of it. Two, his darling is a random citizen who shares his feelings and judgment, and Light loves his darling dearly.
Even if Light truly cares for you, he won't admit it because of his focus on the Kira case.
Muzan kibutsuji
For Muzan to care about his Darling, they would have to have certain qualifications. One, they knew of Muzan before he transitioned into the first demon. Two they either could relate to Muzan’s past as a human or they didn’t have any judgment towards Muzan because of his sickly appearance. These are a few situations that would lead to Muzan's obsession. Once Muzan turned he had past wives who killed themselves because of his cruelness. Muzan had no feelings toward them which is why Muzan would be more likely to love or care about his darling if he had known them before his change.
If Muzan’s darling had none of these traits then Muzan would be purely obsessed with his darling. Muzan would need a connection with his darling. There is a slim chance his darling could win over his true affection, but the chance of it happening is nearly impossible.
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ironicallyyn · 11 days
Mc: hey Lucifer.. wanna see something funny?
Lucifer: ... Sure?
Mc: shout
Lucifer: (shouts... But nothing happens) ?
Mc: (shouts)
Mammon, Levi and Asmo barged into the room: I HEARD SHOUTING!! MC ARE YOU OKAY!!??
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valsdelulucorner · 2 months
Hey Val about your yandere self aware obey me fanfics, do you have a chapter seven? I'm not meaning to rush you or anything! I'm just curious since I also had a hard time finding chapter 3 😭
Anyways thank you for those fanfics I love them! Hope you have a good day/night 🩶
im so glad you like the self aware fanfics! here is part 3<3
TW for the end!
What if the brothers were self aware pt.7
It was horrible being stuck like this, you were never left alone, not even to go to the bathroom after you last stunt. You were hungry and wanted take out? order it online with their supervision or they would go get it for you. You had college classes or a job? They would make you take classes online while they went out to get jobs, making sure that you could live comfortably without having to stress about money and rent.
It. Was. Horrible. You had no freedoms or privacy, they may love you but what they were doing was doing more harm then just letting you go outside. You were lonely, it wasn't fair they were allowed out of the prison you call home. You couldn't even go on the internet anymore, they track everything you do.
Today was the only day in the 3 months that they trapped you that all seven of the brothers were out of the house, something happened that required all of them to leave. It almost seemed to good to be true, was this a dream come true or a nightmare waiting to happen. You didn't care though, you slowly left the bedroom you had grown to despise and resent, heading to the kitchen. It was so strange seeing no one in your home for once, you had to be quick thought, you didn't know when they would be home or if they were just hiding around the corner.
You reached for the knife rack to find all the knifes missing, i guess they didn't want you hurting yourself while they were out. Smart bastards. Scoffing, you headed to the bathroom and locked yourself inside, the first time you've actually gotten privacy in there in three tortures months. Medicines and pills sat behind the mirror cabinet, im guessing they didn't know about the compartment behind the mirror.
Just as you started to clean your face and gather your thoughts, the front door slammed open and 7 voices filled the house again. You stood frozen to the spot Infront of you, terrified of what will happen when they catch you outside of your prison bedroom. Quickly glancing around the bathroom, you spot three options you can take while the eldest brother knocks on the bathroom door. Quickly MC, times running out, you can either
A. come out and say you were just using the bathroom
B. Slip out of the bathroom window and make a run for it?
C. Slip some pills
The decision is yours, MC
Dark turn? In my Fanfic? Nah, i could never
This was sitting in my drafts for a day or two but i enjoyed finishing this, What do you think MC should do?
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squeakyducky · 3 months
Ahem so obey me replaced au (kinda??)
Let's say a witch was jealous of MC and put a spell on brothers that made them forget about them and tryna get together with the brothers. Ik some of them won't fall for it Luci ahem, but like pls get amnesia for the sake of plot. At first MC was hurt and stuff but the second they found out it was a witch's doing? How dare she steal their men ⁉️⁉️ IMAGINE MC going apeshit and literally obliterated the witch on the spot with their magic because they're hot and badass like that. And it's canon that MC is super strong in the story as well. AND AND since the witch is dead, the spell was broken and the brother got their memories back, and then sees the destruction MC left behind LMFAO and MC was acting all cute and saying 'you're mine' with a cute pout on their face 👀
Luci, Belphie and Satan would be proud asf
Mammon and Levi would definitely be flattered
Beel and Asmo will admire MC's strength probably
I actually kind of want to see a story like that, oh glorious writers pls do your magic ✨ 🙇🙇 (not forcing anyone ofc)
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Canon YANDERE/POSSESSIVE Obey Me (part 2)
[diavolo | barbatos | lucifer | leviathan | satan | asmodeus]
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"You say the cutest things."
"However, please don't encourage me. I'm already at the limits of my self-control."
"Honestly, I'd like to lock you away and keep you to myself for all eternity."
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"I wish to be by your side, much more than anyone else"
"If I'm being honest, I can't help wanting you all to myself"
"*chuckle*This is our little secret, understood?"
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"You see, the fact that you were born into this world makes me happy."
"With that said, you'd better not try to run away from me, understand?"
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"What? Is someone asking to see you?"
"...*sigh* Maybe I'd better ask Crowe to step in?"
"You know... tell him to trap us inside my room until you manage to get the highest score possible at some FPS game you're not good at?"
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"Getting to spend this time alone with you only makes me want more of it."
"I don't want to share you with anyone else."
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"So you're not even going to deny it? How disappointing."
"Maybe I should go ahead and gobble you up right here and now. Then no one else could have you, could they?"
"You wouldn't be able to think of Belphie anymore. Your body, your mind, it would be all mine."
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♡special thanks to @yanderewulf and @acaribeau for helping me find yandere/possessive satan quotes!♡
♡notes: a lot of these are from events/cards, with Lucifer's quote being from a birthday call. but i still believe these are very telling of their true nature.♡
♡if you want to see more content like this check out the yandere masterlist! and if you want to learn about this blog check out about the blog!♡
♡and please consider REBLOGGING and COMMENTING if you like this ^_^♡
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Hii not sure if your requests are open or not- so ignore this if they’re closed! <3
Can I request some Obey Me! Headcanons?
So reader is the 8th sister of the brothers. So she’s the youngest.
Just some general headcanons of her relationships w the brothers
( And some of the side characters if it’s not too much trouble :>)
Thanks <33
I've already done something like that but I love the concept so I'm just going to build that 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Youngest Sibling Reader Headcannons | Yandere Obey Me
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Before I said he was the worst one and I mean it
He’s an amalgamation of someone who understands you but undermines you at every moment
Because he understands, he does listen
He just doesn’t hold your opinions on the same level as his own
But worse 
Of course his brother’s constant chatter about aimless things isn’t on his level
But every now and then he’ll enjoy hanging out with them 
But not you
Never you 
“Ah so you do pay attention to the political atmosphere. Good job.”
“I don’t expect you to know but I’ll tell you anyways.”
It’s degrading
It’s disrespectful
And he does not care
You can cry and yell all you like 
it’ll just sound like a tantrum to him 
So he’ll treat like one
“If you can’t behave, I’ll have to send you to the attic.”
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As previously stated is apart of the group that just misinterprets everything you say
It’s hard to say if it’s delusion or denial 
Because sometimes he’ll slip up 
You’ll catch him crying or a single mumble in his late night rambles 
“Aw my baby is so grown up…I just can’t believe it anymore.”
If you try to address it he’ll pat your head and ruffle your hair (if you have any)
Before telling you it’s nothing for the baby to worry about anyway
It’s incredibly annoying 
When he writes off your achievements in gaming as button mashing 
Or saying your just a genius so you’d get on his level eventually
Any protests or ‘grown-up’ conversations are often just outright ignore
Now doing things outside of the ‘baby’ image he has of you mostly has him ignoring that too
Unless you come back hurt or specifically crying for his help 
He will actually start flooding places and going into an absolute rampage
He won’t listen to you about calming down
Its going to take all the brothers to de-aggro their brother to save everyone from drowning
“Sorry guys I just want to make sure our baby sib is doing okay!”
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Also a part of that ‘doesn’t listen to you’ crew
Accept while he might actually here you his brain literally just never let’s him hear your real voice
“Can you please stop trying to rearrange my closet?! It’s weird to find you digging through my stuff–”
“Okay okay no need to cry what’s the problem baby sib? C’mon you can use your words! Tell big bro Asmo what’s the matter?”
It’s almost a concern when he does it in front of your other brothers 
Especially the ones you can hold an actual conversation
“Hey (Y/n) can you pass the salt and the salad.”
“Sure, man.”
“Hey Hey! Why are you bothering (Y/n), they’re trying to focus on eating? Not to mention your being such a meanie, trying to make them reach with their tiny arms!”
“(Y/n) is sitting closer to me than you…”
“So? How do you expect them to know good manners if you don’t show them! Here I’ll show you how! Watch me baby (Y/n)!”
He honestly doesn’t compute when you’re getting older
He’ll celebrate birthdays, milestones, awards
But he doesn’t believe you are growing and can’t see it either
Reprimanding you when you went out with your own car
“I’m all for playing with your toys, but you have to have a chaperone. Okay?”
That being said any advances from others are met with extreme animosity
“Not my little (Y/n)! Try that with someone else’s little baby!”
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