#my mood is mc and mammon in their own world
*satan and Lucifer standing side to side*
Belphie: *who put bleach in lucifer's shampoo as a prank , and now Lucifer also have blond hair*
Mammon: .....do you see the ....resemblance-
MC *speechless*: I do I do unfortunately....
Belphie: wait satan I can explain-
*Cue to satan and belphie fighting*
Asmo: funny how lucifer's hair got bleached but satan is the angry one~
*MC and mammon in their own world*
MC: guess who's the daddy now ~
Mammon: PFFFFT-
Lucifer: is someone gonna fix this or not?
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
MC: How's everything here, Mephisto?
Mephistopheles: *hands them a new pile of documents*
MC: ...
Mephistopheles: Those are from the House Of Lords. You might want to read them as soon as you return to whatever world you're staying at right now.
MC: Good. I don't want to ruin my mood this early in the morning.
MC: Anyway, any news about Solomon?
Mephistopheles: He's in the kitchen. Preparing breakfast for you.
MC: ...
MC: *stood up from their seat*
Mephistopheles: If you're leaving, take me with you-
Solomon: MC! *is wearing a pink apron over his clothes* *and carrying a pot of monstrous liquid*
Solomon: *smiles* Thank goodness! Where have you been? Oh! You should eat first!
MC and Mephistopheles: ...
MC: Let's set that aside for now, Solomon. *approaches him and snatches the pot from him and put it on the side*
MC: *gives him a hug* I missed you, Solomon.
Solomon: *chuckles* I missed you too.
Mephistopheles: *lets out a sigh of relief*
Solomon: You're saying you couldn't return to our world?
MC: *sigh* Yes. *has managed to convince to eat in a restaurant instead*
Solomon: Hmm... I see.
MC: What do you think is causing this, Solomon?
Solomon: Let's see. Didn't you enter a weird contract?
MC: That's more of your doing.
Solomon: Haha! Right! But you're as curious as I am.
MC: No. I don't remember ever doing that. At least.
Solomon: *chuckles* Are you sure?
MC: ...
MC: Okay, fine. But I don't remember doing that before my disappearance.
Solomon: Hmm... If it wasn't an impulse decision then... Could it be our human world is disowning you?
MC: ...
MC: That's the best explanation you can come up with?
Solomon: *laughs* Look at you getting pissed. I'm just kidding.
MC: Hmph. I came here to take you to Twisted Wonderland, but I've changed my mind.
Solomon: Aww come on~. Are you really going to leave me? On my own?
MC: ...
MC: No. Of course not. As if I can do that.
Solomon: Teehee. I love you~.
MC: *chuckles* What the hell?
Lucifer: Welcome home, MC. And it seems you have brought Solomon with you.
Solomon: Hi!
Asmo: Solomon~!!! *runs to pounce on him*
The housewardens: *who are in the living room together with the brothers* ...
MC: Asmo, we have guests.
Asmo: Hm~? Darling~ I think your besties don't count as guests anymore when they're here almost everyday~.
Solomon: Asmo, please let go. I don't like being on the floor.
Asmo: Do you like to be in my bed then~?
Vil: Ew. *covering Kalim's eyes*
Malleus: *doing the same with Riddle*
Lucifer: *unamused* Anyway, MC. What's with those documents?
MC: Oh. Mephisto gave them to me. From the House of Lords.
Lucifer: Hm? They have new requests for Diavolo?
MC: I haven't read them yet, so I don't know.
Lucifer: Let me see. *reads one of the documents*
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: *raises an eyebrow*
MC: What does it say?
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: These are necessary steps and documentation in turning you into a noble.
MC: ...
MC: What?
Diavolo: Pardon? Will you repeat that, Lucifer? *has just arrived together with Barbatos after they have gone fishing*
Lucifer: The House Of Lords want to turn MC into a noble.
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: I knew it! Haha! They would listen to me!
MC: *looking at the pile of documents they brought*
MC: ...
MC: Can't they have made it a bit simpler?
Leona: Heh. Looks like they're not willing to do it.
Kalim: If MC becomes a noble, does that mean Malleus can be their lover too?
Diavolo, Barbatos, the brothers, and Solomon: ...
Malleus: ..........
Malleus: AL ASIM.
Barbatos: *chuckles* No offense. However, it's for the benefit of the young master.
Solomon: Geez, MC. You have a lover here too?
MC: Malleus is my friend.
Asmo: And so were Levi and Mammon until they had admitted that they have romantic feelings with you~.
Levi: H-Hey! Wh-Why are you telling everyone that?!
Mammon: Y-Yeah! And it was MC who confessed to me, you idiot!
Satan: It's "they confessed to Us". Stop owning it every single time, Mammon.
MC: Thank you, Satan. But what you said was right too, Mammon.
Idia: Looks like you'll be extremely busy.
MC: Huh? Why?
Azul: Congratulations! You have become a teacher!
MC: ...
MC: What?
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satansindexfinger · 2 years
Hc of The brothers and accidental kiss
Note: Thanks for the request! I'm a sucker for these ahshd
Warnings: none
Summary: You leaned over the demons shoulder, intending on handing him a report/class notes. You called his name while doing so, naturally prompting him to turn his head your direction... only for your lips to connect due to the miscalculation of distance between your faces.
Fluff; GN! MC, Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeous;Beelzebub; Belphegor
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O h. Lucifer certainly didn't expect to meet your lips when he was about to thank you for handing the paperwork. He had been too engrossed in his work to notice where you were situated.
Aside from his pupils dilating, he makes no visable reaction. Expects you to be the first to separate from the kiss. Definently not because he's internally flustered beyond belief and stuck in place. No sir.
Once you pull away his eyes will linger on you for a few beats, taking in your expression; you liked that, right? Your face is adorable when you're flushed like that. It takes Lucifer every bit of will he has not to let his own blush show.
Has the nerve to appear completely unbothered and even smirk.
"Well.. that was unexpected. I must say, I am kind of dissappointed - it wasn't a proper kiss. How about we try that again, if you don't mind? Come closer."
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It takes a moment for Mammon's brain to send him signals about what's happening. As soon as it does, this man is shooting backwards so fast he trips over air and falls on his back.
An absolute mess. Stuttering, blushing, covering his mouth, the whole nine yards. His fingers keep trailing on his lips, you notice. Cannot look you in the eyes to save his life.
"W-what's the big idea, sneakin' up on me like that?! Scared the crap outta me.. give me a warnin' n-next time, ya dumb human! How bold can ya get, doin' that to me?!"
Mammon, you're the one who turned.
Once he's calmed down he gets back up and makes an attempt to face you again. Albeit with a blush going up his ears and fingers still on his lips; as if he's savoring your exchange.
"No fair.. I wanted our first kiss to be special, damnit. So this one doesn't count, okay?!"
Immediate regret felt and tantrum thrown after he realizes what he just said.
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If you thought Mammon had a freakout... oh boy. Levi is ten the times embarrassed and overreacting. Looks like he's committed every possible crime; he's that emotional about it.
Both hands covering his overly red face, speech too frantic for you to understand aside from a few 'sorry's and some self deprecating comments.
The situation reminds Levi of a certain anime and that only makes him more flushed, and somewhat wistful. He liked it, dont get him wrong! He just thinks you might have not appreciated it like he did.
Please reassure him. The avatar of envy needs it as to not regret it for the rest of his life.
"A-are you sure it's okay? I mean, we just k-kissed, y'know?! This kind of thing only happens in my fantasy world.. wait, h-hold on, I didn't mean-"
Has trouble looking you in the eyes after that little incident. Keeps the memory of it close to his heart though, and always will.
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It takes him off guard for about two seconds. In those two seconds he debates on whether he should deepen the kiss, since it's something he's been wanting for awhile, or if he should pull away. He decides on the latter as he wants to confirm your feelings (if you have any) before doing that.
"Ah.. sorry about that. I didn't realize you were that close."
Treats it like it's no big deal, but his heart it hammering inside his chest. And you don't miss the faint blush on his cheeks as he coughs in his hand in an attempt to change topic.
Thanks you for the notes and makes casual conversation, hoping to change the mood and pretend the kiss never happened.
Satan's eyes seem to, unconsciously, trail towards your lips when he's talking to you for the next week or so.
Try as he might he cannot forget that brief moment and will bring it up to you, asking if you liked it and if you'd rather get a proper kiss from him.
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Surprised as he is, Asmo wastes no time in keeping your lips pressed just a second longer than would be considered accidental. It's his way of enticing you, hoping you liked the taste of him enough to ask for more.
Pretends to be shocked, squealing and giggling like a high school girl. All the while teasing you like
"Oh, sorry honey! Then again.. was it really an accident~? It's okay to admit you just wanted to kiss me! I would never deny you that. You were so sneaky with it too~ Ahh, it's adorable!"
You'd think the avatar of lust doesn't think much of it.. if it weren't for all the situations he'd tried to get both of you into where just a turn of his head would result in you "accidentally" kissing again.
Is honestly flabbergasted you don't intentionally seek out his lips after that! Maybe he should try harder to captivate you next time~
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It takes you pulling away sharply for Beel to realize what had just happened. He's a bit frozen in place, the hands holding his snacks at a standstill while a faint blush decorates his face.
"Ah, sorry... thanks for the homework, MC."
His face doesn't return to its normal colour the rest of the day. He apologizes again if he's made you uncomfortable, even if it was an accident and he had no way of predicting it.
It is kind of a problem for Beel.. he enjoyed the taste of your lips, brief as it was, more than any kind of food he'd put past them. He's hungry in a way he didn't even conceive before.
But Beel is respectful. Will not bring the incident up until you do, and if you do he will make it known he enjoyed it.
"Sorry again, MC. It's just... I want more. You don't have to kiss me again if you don't want to but.. Could you?"
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Tries to appear unbothered and apathetic but the colour on his cheeks, going all the way up his ears gives his true feelings away. He cannot meet your eyes too, trying to distract himself.
"Jeez... thanks for the papers, but you didn't have to get all close like that. What if I butted my head on yours? You'd probably be crying instead of giving me the face you are right now."
Belphie, you can't even see their face with how you refuse to look at them-
Waves his hand in an attempt to dismiss you and assures you he's got whatever it is he needed the notes for.
Although as soon as you make your move to leave, Belphie is giving you a confused look and tugging at your sleeve.
"Really? You're gonna pretend this didn't happen and just leave me like that? I don't think so. Either tell me what you thought about it or just.. let me redo it."
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mochatsin · 1 year
You’re not sure if it's the workload from RAD, the student council preparations, or the fact you have to keep 7 demons under control, but you find yourself so dizzy and fatigued. You were hanging out with the brothers in the living room, and you felt your body give in when you went to get a glass of water.
He’s noticed how you’ve started to look more tired than usual these past few days. When he asks you about it, you reply that you’re fine with the same kind of enthusiasm but all of that is gradually wearing down. 
He’s actually the one who told you to get some water when you complained about your headache. He’s also the one who proceeded to lecture his brothers when they started asking you to bring back a few snacks from the kitchen. 
“MC is not your servant. If you want something then go get it yourself or I’ll do something about those legs of yours.” 
While you were on the way to the kitchen, you felt very lightheaded and cold. When your legs gave in, Lucifer stopped mid-lecture and turned to you quickly when he sensed something was wrong.
Before you could even land on the floor, he ran at a speed and at a blink of an eye, you’re already in his arms. 
Expect his mood to go south the moment he sees that you fainted. Would command all the brothers to prepare your room, medicine, pillows, everything you could ever need. His orders are absolute and if anyone slacks for even a second then he’d threaten to string them up by the toes.
He would put his work on hold since ‘it’s for the sake of the exchange program’ and he won’t leave until he makes sure you’re okay. At some point he had to convince Diavolo not to summon the best human world doctor for you. 
Once you’re awake, he’ll give you the biggest hug ever. “You have no idea how bloody worried I was about you…” 
He wanted to lecture you about being more honest if you’re not feeling well, but after seeing your state? What’s more important is that you’re okay. 
If any of his brothers would start bothering you, it’s guaranteed that he’s going to take them out of your room so you can recover peacefully. 
Punishments are harsher from now on if the brothers drag you into any sort of trouble. 
“My brother’s are my responsibility, so focus on resting for now my love.”
He lessened bringing you around in his schemes when he noticed how sluggish you’ve been. He says that it’s because you’re slowing him down but really, he didn’t want to tire you out more than he normally does. 
So when he sees you fall, he’s the first one to start running to you out of panic. 
Would hold your body close and refuse anyone from touching you. Like a dragon guarding his treasure. 
Eventually he has to let you go so that they can see what’s wrong with you and get you the help that you need. 
Human biology is not his best suit at all, all he knows is that humans are fragile and this incident is one of the scary reminders to him about that fact. Even if it takes just a few days of bedrest, he’s afraid that it’s still worse than it actually is. 
Would be your guard dog while you’re asleep. He’ll make sure that none of the brother’s are trying to bother you while you’re recovering. Asmo wants to pamper you? He’s suddenly out the door. Belphie wants to nap with you? Find your own bed! 
They’d get annoyed, but the last thing they want is to cross him when he’s on the edge. He’s only like this when it comes to you, so if space is what you need then he’ll make sure that you’re getting that, even if it means he’ll be barking at his brothers. 
When you wake up, he’s running to your bed and holding onto your hand “A-ARE YOU OKAY?!” He’ll ask every 5 minutes. 
If you try to say you’re fine, he’ll just be pouty “Ya said that, but you passed out anyways. I ain't believin ya one bit!” 
He’ll handle any work and chores you have while you take your time to recover. You’re not gonna be able to lift a finger. Water? He’s on it. A book? Already by your side. A snack? He’s got you covered.
Just hope that he doesn’t cause more trouble than necessary when taking care of you. If you want to eat, he means well when he cooks for you but he forgets to clean his mess and it infuriates Satan.
Levi used to be pouty whenever you started falling asleep during your anime marathons, or when he’d start talking to you about his latest games. Is it because he’s a good for nothing otaku with no interests outside games and anime? 
You reassure him that it’s not him, you’ve just been feeling so tired lately. That’s when he started noticing the signs of you sleeping late and looking more stressed. 
When he turns around and sees that you fainted, he would scramble his way to hold you. His game? This is one of the rare times he doesn’t care if it’s saved or not. You’re more important right now!
Would be all sulky while sitting next to your bed as you recovered. He’d wish he paid more attention to these signs so this wouldn’t have happened. 
Asmo had to tell him to stop being so depressing next to you, that’s not the energy you need when you wake up so Levi tries to perk up by preparing all the shows you two can watch together.
He’s seen more in your room than in his own, which is rare if not for these circumstances. 
Levi could barely concentrate on his games while you’re asleep, and he’ll constantly ask his brothers if you’re going to be okay. He doesn’t want to lose his Henry. 
He’ll panic a bit once you’re awake, asking you several questions just to make sure you’re fine. 
“M-MC! You’re awake! D-do you still remember me? It's Levi! How are you feeling? Are you in pain anywhere?? Sick maybe???”
You have to explain to him, if his brothers haven’t, that this happens to humans who don’t get enough rest. You’re not in any life threatening condition at all. 
He’ll start scheduling his gaming sessions and anime binging to a better time so you would still have plenty of hours to rest. He doesn’t have a healthy sleep schedule but that doesn’t mean you should copy him! 
“Y-you should stay here in bed and rest… I can drop by here more often and we can pick up where we left off in that show you like! I-if you’re okay with it!” 
He would notice the signs early on when you’re more prone to falling asleep while reading with him. 
At first he likes how you get to sleep on his shoulder. But your optimistic mood started to decline with stress and he began to worry. 
He would be the one to remind you to take breaks every now and then. But you always tell him that you’re fine so he never pushed it. 
He regrets not doing more to help you when he saw that you fainted. He would immediately shove the rest of his brothers out of the way to get to you first. 
Satan was glad he picked up books about humans and healthcare. Something he did when you two began growing closer. At least he knows what to do in situations like these. 
That doesn’t alleviate his worry though. He sits next to your bed, reading your favorite book for you while you sleep. 
If any of his brothers try to disturb you, he’ll be very happy to throw them out. Your peace and quiet is his top most priority so you can recover. 
When you wake up, he would gently place a hand by your forehead to check if you’re feeling sick. 
“Ah, glad to see that you’re doing better. No signs of a fever, you should be fine with a few days of rest but please… be more honest with me when you’re not okay? I want to help you, kitten.” 
He would be gentle with taking care of you. If you miss out on any homework, he’ll be happy to help you out with any of them once you’re feeling better.
That gentleness is not extended to his brothers though. He doesn’t want you cleaning up their messes from now on, his brothers need to learn.
Asmo started to notice when he saw how pale you’ve been lately whenever you’d do skincare together. He’d comment about it and offer to take you out on a spa day to relax, but he’d whine every time you’d decline. 
Being as dramatic as he is, he’d let out an ear shattering scream when he finds you on the floor. (Rip to the twins that sat next to him)
Since he knows little to nothing about human health, he’s going to worry too much. 
“What if it’s actually worse?!” “... Asmo it’s not.” 
Satan would probably have to calm him down first and explain what happens to humans who overexert to him. 
Expect him to be all over you once you wake up. He’d give you all the hugs and kisses while asking if you’re okay. 
“Darling, don't make me worry like that again!! It’s got my hair all messed up and my skin wrinkled! you know what that means right? We DEFINITELY need that spa day now.”
You can’t say no to that spa day now, but of course he’ll wait until you’re fit to go out again.
During bed rest, he’ll pamper you and make sure you’re not neglecting yourself. Skin care routines do somehow help boost your mood, you’re not sure if it’s a magical effect of those facial creams he puts on you every night.
He drags you to these salons and spas more often so you can take a break. He’d even offer you some of his bath soaps and scrubs that promote relaxation. 
He starts getting worried when you are eating less these days. Sure, he’s happy to eat leftovers sometimes if it means more food for him but the portions you leave on your plate are getting bigger lately.
He would ask if you’re okay, since you barely eat lately. You tell him that it's just the stress but you’ll be fine.
When he finds you on the floor, he would scoop you gently in his arms and carry you to your room effortlessly. All while never taking his eyes off you. Thank god for his amazing strength, he could carry you like you weigh nothing. 
Beel looks like the equivalent of a sad puppy when he stays by your side despite all of his twin’s effort in cheering him up. 
Would constantly ask “When will MC wake up?” to his brothers.
He bought all your favorite snacks, while trying very hard not to eat them, and placed them on your bedside table. Maybe if you’re surrounded by the food you like, you’d feel like eating them when you wake up. That’s what he thought at least. Though half of the snacks are gone by the end of the day.
Once you do wake up, his eyes will perk up and call his brothers first so they can check on you. 
“MC, I don’t know what I can do for you if you’re sick but… would it help if I feed you? I’m worried you’re not getting enough. If only that’s okay with you.”
If you said yes, he would be patient and feed you while you recover. You get the bed and breakfast treatment with him, since he doesn’t want you to tire yourself out, though most of the time it’s Belphie who brings it up so Beel won’t eat it on the way. 
He’s more attentive about whether or not you’ve been eating the right amounts at the right times. If he notices that you haven’t, he’ll treat you to your favorite places. At least that way you’re getting enough food, and he gets to spend time with you. 
Belphie has complained about the decrease of ‘quality nap time’ with you when you had to do a lot of student council work. Though he noticed the bags under your eyes, and how you’re starting to fall asleep more in classes.
“MC, you look awful. When’s the last time you’ve slept?” He's straightforward like that. 
He would whine every time you say you’re too busy with work. He swears that he’s going to complain, even if it’s against Lord Diavolo, just to lessen your work so he can take naps with you.
When he finds you passed out, expect that his mood is not going to be very pretty.
Beel had to be one to carry you, since strength was not his forte at all. But he would bring all of his softest pillows in your bed because your comfort is what’s important right now. 
Would definitely straight up nag Lucifer in giving you less work because Belphie will not allow you to touch a single piece of paperwork until you actually get enough rest. 
He would snuggle up against you like he always does, but it feels lonelier than usual given these circumstances. He just has his arms around you, hoping that when he opens his eyes, you’ll be looking down at him with a smile on your face.
He would be glad that you’re awake and whenever you try to sit up, he’ll make you lay back down. 
“You shouldn’t get up MC. This time, you’re not leaving this bed until I’m sure you’ve slept enough okay?” 
You can’t really fight him about this since he’s right, so you both make up for all the lost cuddle times. He’ll even let you borrow his favorite cow pillow too.
Though Lucifer would argue that it’s you who needs to be on bed rest and not Belphie who’s constantly asleep with you. You watch when the youngest gets dragged away from your room with a sour expression on his face.
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2af-afterdark · 3 months
Who does Solomon/MC actually have pacts with?
Original posting date: June 1, 2024
I just realized something. Excuse my lack of screenshots in places but... I am not in the mood to go searching for everything at the moment. You're just going to have to trust me in some places.
Based on the order of events being established in the events, it's getting really questionable which devils Solomon made pacts with (and therefore which ones MC has to break and reforge).
Facts we know/Timeline:
Solomon met Satan and hijinks ensued.
While in Hell, Solomon made pacts with the noble devils and kings. He also become friends with God.
God played favorites and gave Solomon (and his descendants by proxy) the right to touch or have anything.
Solomon disappeared at some point, leaving all of his pacts in tact and limiting the devils' powers.
God disappeared shortly after Solomon did
Lilith also disappeared around this time, meaning no devils could have been born since.
The (at the time) 5 kings of Hell got sucked into another space, seemingly leaving much of Hell defenseless. At this time, this event has not been fully explained and where it fits on the timeline is unknown other than is occurred before Lucifer's fall.
After God disappeared, Lucifer ripped out his own wings and fell to Hell where he met the dragon Gamigin.
Two Hell years after Lucifer ripped out his wings, he would officially fall and become a devil, taking his place as king of Paradise Lost.
Some nebulous amount of time after that, Belphegor wakes up in Niflheim and starts his campaign to become king.
Three years and one terrifying, world-destroying transformation later, Belphegor is officially the king of Niflheim.
Some time after that, MC is targeted by Gabriel and is saved by Satan. Thus begins their journey through Hell.
Given that timeline, there are some devils with questionable pacts status. I have broken this list into four sections: those whose pacts have been confirmed either through MC reforging them or the in-game dialogue referencing them, those who have not been confirmed by the game but most likely have a pact due to knowing Solomon when he was in Hell, those who (due to the timeline or other reasons) may or may not have made a pact with Solomon, and those who literally cannot have made a pact with Solomon.
Confirmed: Satan, Sitri, Leraye, Paimon, Zagan, Belial, Mammon, Bimet, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Marbas
Likely: Astaroth, Eligos, Valephor, Barbatos, Foras, Glassyalabolas, Orias, Asmodeus, Phenix, Dantalian, Ronove, Morax, Buer, Bael, Amon, Naberius, Gusion, Bathin, Andrealphus,
Questionable: Gamigin, Belphegor, Beleth, Vassago, Agares
Impossible: Lucifer
I will now explain the Questionable and Impossible status characters.
Lucifer cannot have a pact with Solomon given the current timeline because he did not fall until after Solomon was already missing and didn't officially become a devil until 2 years after his fall. This means he and Solomon, though they could have possibly met when Lucifer was still an angel, could not have formed a pact. Unless Solomon formed a pact with an angel somehow?
Gamigin has a questionable pact status because the Gamigin we know is a technically a dragon, but he inherited everything from the devil Gamigin. If the devil Gamigin had a pact with Solomon, the dragon Gamigin may have inherited that too.
Belphegor was technically around when Solomon was, but he was asleep for a very long time. We know that Belphegor is acquaintances with Satan, but we do not know when this happened (either in the three years he was awake to establish Niflheim or before that). It is unclear if Belphegor and Solomon met. EDIT (7/19/24): Belphegor (Selfie) confirms that Belphegor and Solomon have indeed met.
Beleth is, like Lucifer, a fallen angel. However, we do not know when he fell. He may or may not have met Solomon when he was already a devil depending on when he fell. Even if he was a devil already, he may not have formed a pact for reasons that will be refrenced in the next section.
Vassago and Agares are technically members of the 72 but the place they live was not a kingdom at the time Solomon was in Hell. If Solomon was able to journey to the trash kingdom and form pacts with the devils that lived there at the time is unclear. If Vassago and Agares would have even formed a pact is also questionable given they seem to have a lot of resentment for those who have power but were not there to protect their home during this unknown calamity. If this even happened before, during, or after Solomon vanished, we do not know.
Realistically, this is just me trying to think through how the timeline works and who MC even needs to reforge pacts with since I noticed some weird events on the timeline.
So, uhhhhh, yeah.... If I missed something or you have information that moves a character from one group to another, just let me know.
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2smolbeans · 1 month
im in the mood for some angst ............. 🐺🐺🖤anyways can u do how any of the brothers would react if they originally were only dating mc for a bet but then after a couple months of dating they actually grew feelings for mc but then mc found out it was for a bet
Ouch that's cold..Anyways here are some thoughts I had based on that lool XD Thank you for the request!
*Bonus, Mc is a demon/sinner in hell and ofc cause this is a yandere blog- there a yandere twist:
Edit: I tried and the writing is kinda cringey lol -- This took so long aahfajnvsk-
Dating for a Bet..
Yandere: Mammon , Leviathan, x Sinner/Demon Mc
Tags: Mentions of Admiral Levi, Casino owner Mammon, angst, stalking, toxic behavior idk, reader referred to as 'you', fem reader for mammon and male reader for Levi, blackmail, power imbalance/dynamics, major world building that isn't canon but my own head canons, takes place in the 80s or 90s, kinda cringe writing, this went unedited, also I wrote a lot of words.
It was a wild night for the avatar of greed. The night was young and he was relishing in the chanting hype of praise. As the owner of Devildom's hottest casino, all eyes were on him as he held the cards in his hands- face to face with an old powerful witch. He couldn't lose, he was confident that he had all the right cards on his deck. He looked at his cards, and then at the powerful sorcerer who had a crowd of witches surrounding her. She looked at him with a knowing look, smirking. "Avatar of greed, I want to make a deal" Mammon rested his chin against the palm of his hand, still holding his cards. "Mhn, sure. What are the terms?" She smiled, placing down a card. "If you win, I give you 15,000 grimm, my collection of ancient jewels, gems, and gold. As well as a custom potion for extra good measure." His ears perked, Mammon was sold the moment jewels and gold were mentioned. "Deal" the witch laughed as she heard his forward answer. "You won't even question the loss?" Mammon couldn't help but smirk, looking at the demons behind him who snickered. "Me? Lose? Yeah, we'll see" And soon enough, the avatar of greed would swallow his own pride.
He lost, and swiftly too. He couldn't help but be impressed, but also ashamed to have lost in his own casino. Groaning, he threw down his cards while everyone cheered for the witch. He could hear the smugness in her voice as she spoke. "So..It seems like I have won. You know what that means" "Yeah yeah, I gotta admit it. Ya sure beat me! Alright lets get this over now" "Now wait, come with me."
He was confused at first, but then quickly brushed it aside as he stood up from his seat. The avatar of greed and the powerful witch were now alone in a booth area, demons dancing in the background as music echoed. She leaned in close, speaking in his ear. "Black dress with the slit on the leg. The one with the shiny gold chains. I want you to talk to her. Go out with her for a bit, show her a good time. She's a very nice girl." "What?!" "Take her out on a date or two. Nothing serious." Mammon looked at you from a distance, watching you stand there awkwardly in the crowd. "Her?!" "Yes! We shook on it and I won. So go on!"
Mammon was a demon of his word, and he was all about fair game. So, he walked up to you, leaning against the wall while you held your drink. "Hey, you new here?" You laughed, looking at the avatar of greed. "That's one way to open up a conversation around here" "Hey hey, I'm just being friendly. No ulterior motives!" Mammon exclaimed, putting his palms out to defend himself. "Pffft, uh-huh, okay. Sure thing my lord~" you giggled, rolling your eyes.
It was all a blur for Mammon, next thing he knew, the both of you were out of the casino. He had taken you out to the city, walking around as the night life was alive. You talked, and he honestly wasn't paying attention- more focused on the jewels that glistened on you. "So, Mammon.. How are you?" Huh? Oh, right. Mammon thought, snapping back to reality. "I'm aight, just enjoying this right now.. So, you have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" You laughed, putting a hand on your mouth out of embarrassment shortly after of how loud of a laughter it was. "Sorry- no I don't. Currently single right now. Why? You interested?" Mammon smirked, snaking an arm around your shoulders. "What if I am?" You let out a snort, feeling your face heat up. "I mean.. Okay? I don't know?? Are you serious?" "Of course! I'm serious. I mean is it wrong for a guy to shoot his shot at a pretty girl like you?" "I mean.. No? But me? Are you sure? Wait, is that why you..?" "C'mon, one date. I take you out, wine and dine ya, and at the end of we part our ways. No pressure, I ain't in love or anything" You stop for a moment, and he stops with you. You give his offer a thought, and for a moment you think of rejecting him. But looking at THE Mammon, you knew this was a once in a lifetime offer. "Y'know what? Fuck it, yes!" "Now that's the spirit! Cool! Here lemme give you my number.. I'll figure out something. Now, where do ya live? I'll fly you there"
He took you on two dates, all of them being a foggy memory to him. You were happy with him during all of them, in disbelief that the Mammon himself was giving his time and attention to you. You enjoyed those small dates, even if it wasn't extravagant. After the 2nd date, you knew that it was over, it was fun while it lasted. It was a casual fling, and you didn't expect one of the rulers of hell to settle down for some witch. But two weeks later, he came back..
With flowers in one hand and a luxury gift box in another, Mammon was outside your door. There was a genuine look of awe in his eyes, like he was smitten by your shocked expression. "Mammon..?" "Hey princess, say.. Ya wanna go out?" "Aww..Mammon, you're so sweet but.." There was a panic in his eyes as you trailed off. "O-Oh, how come?" "No no! It's not anything. It's very sweet of you..It's just that I have to run errands today. Some woman wants a special spell to curse her cheating husband sooo..Y'know? Duty calls!" He felt the weight in his chest lift as you explained your situation to him. "Ah..Well..You want any help-" "Fucking yes please come in"
Without a struggle, Mammon was able to help with the creation of the spell. With no hesitation, he spoke in an old demonic language, nothing you ever heard of with such fluency. He wrote down the words on a notepad you've given him, passing it to you once he was done. "Here's the most simplistic English version. The abbreviations y'know?" You looked at the paper, laughing in amazement. With gratitude, you hugged him without a thought. "Oh my fucking- Mammon I love you so much! Ugh fuck! I could just kiss you!" It didn't take long for you to process what you had said to the avatar of greed. Blushing, you awkwardly step back. "Uh, oh, sorry. That was a bit.." "Why don't ya?" You were taken a back. "Huh..?" He stepped closer, leaning close to your face with a dazed expression. "Why don't ya? I deserve some gratitude don't I?" It started off with a small peck. You were quick to kiss him on the cheek, your face turning red. Mammon chuckled, teasing you. "Aww babe, you call that a kiss? C'mon, lemme show ya what a real kiss looks like.." things got heated the moment his lips pressed against yours. He was selfish, not allowing you to move your head away, even if was for a short breath. He didn't bother letting you take the lead, ignoring your small pleas of letting you calm down. It was overwhelming, possessive, and amazing to say the least. You're laying on his chest, your skin bare against his, your head moving as he breaths in and out. "I think I love you.." Mammon admits. "I think I love you too.." you sighed, closing your eyes as you cuddle into him.
Like a crow attracted to a shiny coin, he couldn't tear his eyes away from you. You made him go feral. Was it your looks? Not really. He's seen more people attractive than you. Power? You were just a typical witch. Your voice? He didn't know, but it never failed to make him melt into a puddle. Was it the way you gifted him things, shiny jewels that had him in thought? It definitely had to be when you praised him, or how addicting it was when you purposely wore bold lipstick, kissing him on the cheek, smirking how he was yours. 
Whatever spell you put on him, it worked. Cause now he was head over heels for you. Head over heels to the point he followed you around, always conveniently popping up with a smile. So in love that he often takes a few things of yours that you consider junk as his treasures. He's so genuinely hexed by your existence that he can't help but feel agitated whenever you don't pay attention to him for as long as he wants. Especially when you're talking to someone else. God does he just want to bust their head open for prying your eyes away from him. 
Your relationship with Mammon is smooth. He spoils you with his love and attention, though when it came to the materialistic aspects- he was a bit of a cheapskate. You didn't put it against him though, it was in his nature. Mammon was kind of in disbelief to say the least. He never thought he would've been deeply in love with a simple witch in hell. It started off as a stupid bet! Hell during those first 3 dates with you, he rolled his eyes and smirked whenever people asked if he actually loved you. He had multiple girlfriends, boyfriends, and partners in the past, but he never thought of the long term future with them. But with you. Oh, did the thought pop up here and there. Who would've thought that the boring chick he had to date from a shameful loss would be the love of his life.
But, that would all come crashing down the moment you stopped smiling. You were distant, passive with him whenever he'd speak to you. He'd ask you what was wrong, and you'd brush him off. He'd ask again, knowing you were lying, and you'd deter him. He'd persist at you, and eventually you cracked. "I heard from my fellow witch sisters about you.." You admitted, not looking at him. "I'm surprised he went that far! They said.." His heart dropped, fearing the next words you were about to say. "I was a bet, a joke. " He could see in your eyes of how used you felt. "Baby honey..No I promise. You were not a joke. I love you! I really do! You're everything to me" You laughed, looking saddened. "When did you start liking me? He was quick to answer, holding your hands as he looked into your eyes. "Our third date when I realized you were the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me" You looked at him, listening. "You're my treasure, I love ya. Please, please understand me" You wanted to believe him, you wanted to fully give into him, kiss him and promise to start fresh. But, you couldn't get past the knowledge knowing he had only talked with you because of a bet he lost from your mentor. It was a punch to the gut, it really hurt. I mean who were you kidding, THE Mammon himself actually settling down with a witch like you? It was a wakeup call, a much needed one. It was probably for your best, and possibly own safety. Afterall, the worse they were, the higher the title. It's always been like that. And Mammon was a demon at the highest of highest of titles, no one but the royal king and his servant could get past that. "I'm sorry Mammon, I think I need some time.." "W-What, why?! You know I love you, c'mon please don't do this to me" he begged, his voice rising with desperation as you stepped away. "Mammon, you gotta understand how I feel. Our first 3 dates, I did everything to make you like me. I was so glad that you even looked at me! I gave you my all, just to find out it was for nothing." "But it wasn't! Why aren't you listening to me?!" You sighed exasperated, turning away from Mammon, briefly spacing yourself away from him. "Mammon I'm trying okay? Just please, leave me alone" He begged, going on his knees, looking into your eyes panicked. "Baby don't leave me, please we can make this work. I love you, YOU love me! Please you love me don't leave me-" he repeated his pleas like a prayer, a desperate cry as he looked into your eyes, reading your thoughts of leaving him. Disturbed, you knitted your brows and cringed, unsure of what to do as the avatar of greed cried at your feet. It would be worse to deny the powerful demon lord when he was already uncontrollable, so you knelt to him, trying your best to comfort him, even if it costed your comfort. "I'm not gonna break up with you Mammon, I promise.. I just need some time alone" Your words seemed to convince him since he had wiped his tears and calmed his breathing. "Do you still love me?" You took a deep breath. "Of course I do"
He left you alone for a few days after that incident, respecting your wish. You would've never thought that the second born sin would be so sensitive and fragile. It broke your heart seeing Mammon vulnerable that day, of course you still loved him. It's why you called him after a few days, feeling your heart flutter when he looked at you with high spirits when you asked him on another date. Ever since that confrontation, Mammon was more clingier than ever. Always having an arm wrapped around your shoulder, his face often close to yours. It was obvious Mammon was insecure about his relationship with you, even if he seemed confident and the same careless Mammon. You loved him, but it was hard to get over the fact that you were only with him because of a bet, and Mammon knew. He could read you like an open book, and with the way you were more reserved around him, he knew you were still not over it. He became intense, you thought maybe this was a rough patch, that this awkward awful feeling would pass, but it didn't- it got worse. You were slowly falling out of love and more or so with Mammon out of fear and pity. It wasn't helping that Mammon was starting to get more demanding.
Buy him gifts, go out with him, 24/7 you were always by his side and it was draining. He would spoil you, lavish you in the prettiest of jewels, calling you those special names you loved like his "precious gem", "treasure" and the what not. He treated you better than before, spoiled you if anything. But it never won you over, unfortunately, you lost interest in Mammon ever since you confronted him. You asked your fellow sisters for advice, and in response they laughed at you. "Mammon? Oh honey he'll be fine. You know how many he's dumped or moved on from? Just break it off nicely and I'm pretty sure he won't send you to the nine circles or chop your head off! He's the chill one y'know? Unlike.. Well yeah" after hours of talking and reassurance, you got the courage to talk to Mammon.. and break things off. Surprisingly, it didn't go bad as you thought it would.
He just looked at you, not saying a word, not really showing if he was sad or angry. He accepted it and left. You thought that things were finally over, that your relationship with Mammon was one of those things that would happen once and that you could brag to others as a life time experience. But, once again, were wrong. Trapped in a room where Mammon had kept you, surrounded by the shiniest jewels and luxury pillows. A strong magic kept you from leaving the room, you couldn't leave, even if you tried to cast any spells to let you out. There was a painful ring on your finger, a golden ring. Taking it off was painful, it left your body burning, twisting, heavy and dizzy with pain. You couldn't take it off, and from what you were told, the ring was skillfully crafted by Mammon to have him always connected with your body and mind. How did you get here? You really don't remember, but you knew it was at least a month after you had cut off Mammon. He was constantly on you, his body always next to yours, his eyes always drinking you in, his voice often asking of you. He was greedy for your attention, eager for your affection. And when you didn't give it to him, he simply touched the ring on his finger, and suddenly, you were at his beck and call from the pain. You didn't kiss him when he went to get something, even though he's told you so many times of how much he needs you to always love on him. Your head was now pounding and screaming from the sensation of your ring finger searing from the metal that began to burn. But even when that wasn't enough, Mammon knew how to push the dial even further. Constant grabbing, unwanted kisses, demands for gifts and affection, Mammon was unsatiable. Even if you didn't give it to him, he would take and take from you either way. Everyday he expected at least more than a dozen kisses, a gift in hand for him, and for you to be on your hands and knees, ready to give him what he wants. You tried fighting back, only for it to end up with bruises and an exhausted tortured mind.
It broke his heart whenever you cried, what he was doing to him tore him to pieces. It was torture whenever he saw you cower away, when your once love filled eyes bore into his with such hatred. But he doesn't know how else to keep you willingly by his side! He tells himself. Maybe he's just that fucking stupid that he can't think of anything else, the doubts in his head and your cries convince him so. You were innocent in this all, and he hated admitting it. You were at no fault, yet he keeps you prisoner and punishes you as if you were. He knows he should let you go, but the ugly side of him doesn't care to. It's a battle with himself. He wants to indulge in his sick insecure desires, his mind brainstorming of what more he wants from you. There's a side of him that just wants things to go back to what they once were, and he believes they will! A side that just wants to erase your memories and start again. But he doesn't want you to forget the memories..
Eventually you complied, too defeated to fight back. It was useless fighting against one of the most powerful demons in hell, let alone one of the rulers. No one was going to save you, and Mammon made it clear he wasn't going to let you go. You'll never love him the same way you did before. You won't smile or have those witty comebacks whenever he does something dumb. You won't kiss him willingly, comfortably snuggling into him. Things won't be the same anymore, there was no going back. But what was he expecting having pure love in a place like hell? It was either doing things his way, or letting you go, something he couldn't bare to do. You'll come around eventually though. You'll love him how you loved him back then. People change. He knows this, you changed him after all.
You were a typical sailor in hell's navy. Like everyone else, you were once a man on earth, sinned a bit too much, never once repented or prayed to the almighty to forgive you, died, and ended- luckily- in Devildom instead of the nine circles of hell for eternal punishment! You were considered one of the lucky sinners. As one of the lucky sinners that were judged by hell's judges, you were given an opportunity to avoid eternal damnation. Gather souls, torment humans, or contribute to Devildom's society. If you served no purpose for Devildom's progress or sustainability, you were going to be sent to hell, as in actual hell, to burn. So with only 6 days that you were given to choose a role or position in Devildom, you chose to join hell's army. You died a military man on earth, so you had some experience, and it was really the only job position that seemed to be eager to take in any new recruits. After following the advertising signs for joining the military, specifically the navy, you eventually found your way to the base. It was awful navigating through Devildom and it's large confusing environment. Demons speaking various languages that were both human and non human, the streets busy, the landscape unfamiliar and dangerous. Eventually, when you stumbled into the military base, you were swiftly sorted out. You never knew hell would be so similar to earth with how the process with the lady at the desk began to sort out the papers and things for you to sign. Devildom citizenship, an ID card, and the what not, the demon lady was nice enough to get it all done within a reasonable few hours. "So I see your new here, now I must ask, why this job out of all places?" you laughed. "Ma'am to be honest, I saw the sign and figured why not? I used to be in the navy back when I.. Well, was alive. So I have experience" She laughed back, laughing at your naivety. "Oh, but this is different, nothing like back home. Trust me, for a newbie here, I'd look somewhere else" You don't want to take the risk of finding somewhere else. You only had 6 days to figure out a position in hell and you were not gonna take any chances trying to wander around to beg for a job that wasn't guaranteed. So you persisted, the lady gave you the papers, and you signed the papers with your soul now tethered to the contract. You skimmed through some of the sentences, not fully reading the paper.
'Soul.. Admiral Leviathan.. At own risk ... Signature of navy worker below'
You were never the type to read contracts, so you signed the papers, sealing the deal. The lady at the front desk clicked her tongue. "It's settled then! Now what size are you for shoes and clothes?" You told her your size and she wrote it down, waddling to the door behind her before coming back with a dark navy blue sailor uniform. "Your Devildom citizenship will arrive in your room in one of the barracks in 2 days. You will start your shift once you get your ID and schedule." You grabbed the map that was provided, the bag that had your sailor uniform, and stood up. "Thank you, you were really kind" She waved her hand dismissively. "Nah, I'm just doing my job. Now before you go, word of advice" you looked at her, listening intently. "Do not piss off the captains, ESPICALLY the admiral. Whatever he wants or says, you do it, no questions asked." You nodded your head, acknowledging her warning. "Good, now good luck. You're gonna need it"
With all your belongings, you made your way to your barracks, looking around your surroundings. You noticed the different variants of demons that worked in the naval base. Aquatic demons working in the waters, repairing damages to the outer layers of the smaller ships, flying demons fixing radios and tending to electrical duties. They were clearly experienced and seemed a lot bigger and more.. You couldn't properly explain it. Confident? Comfortable? It was clear that they blended in with the environment while your meek personality stuck out like a sore thumb. Finally finding your room, you noticed a bunk bed. Guess you had a roommate that was off to his duties. Eventually, when you had your ID, you began to work in the navy as an entry level sea man. Preforming maintenance, reporting to your mates on watch, you got the hang of living in Devildom and the navy. Hell, you even got used to your new demon anatomy. But working as a newbie in hell was torture. As the new demon in hell, or what your fellow sailors like to call you- "Fresh meat"- you were constantly harassed and hazed. Belongings stolen, body beaten, insulted at any moment, it became the norm. One day you were on one of the ships, sweeping the floors, the typical. Then one of the bigger sailors- Dallas- grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you around. You flinched, expecting a punch to the face, but he only pressed your back against the wall. Keeping you pinned, he was up in your face, mocking you, grabbing a fistful of your hair as he hurled insults as the men around him laughed. It was expected, but what wasn't expected was when he grabbed your tail, playing with it softly. "Hmn, you just grew into your new body aye? How does this feel?" you shuddered, uncomfortable as his hand tightened around the thick base. "Hey, answer me" you squeaked, shaking at the weird intense foreign sensation. "Weird. Really weird. Look man can I just-" "Shut the fuck up." You immediately tighten your lips shut. The demon stayed quiet for a bit, observing the way your tail twitched and moved. He sighs, letting go with a smile. "Alright, go on with whatever"
The relief washes over your body as Dallas seems to step away from you, uninterested. You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes until-
In a flash you're on the floor, letting out a wheezy gasp as the scream escapes your body. Pain shoots from your lower back, the audible squelch and soft drop of something clear to your ears. Crying you gasp for air, the raw pain shooting up your spine. He ripped your tail, the fucker ripped your tail. Dallas laughed at your misery, crouching down. "Awe, damn.. Not a clean rip.. There's still some chunks.. Oh my god ew it's still moving?! Hey, how does it feel?" The pain was intense to the point you started seeing dots in your vision and the bile in your stomach forcefully excreted out from your heavy hyperventilating sobs. "Helloooo? Aye man you might wanna get that cauterized or something at the infirmary" He's still poking at you, poking his boot against your stomach. "Really? What's next? Gonna piss your pants? You're such a pu-"
A roaring voice interrupts. You try to turn around and see the source from the voice, but you can only lay as you writhe with your ripped tail on the floor. You hear three voices talking. Dallas, the main captain, and another man you haven't met. The captain groans, scolding the other sailor. "Are you kidding me?! We are running low on workers and you- you do this?! I don't even.." You can't see properly since your on the floor, but the other man in the large cloak puts his palm out, silencing the two. You hear footsteps, and you try to turn your head to see what's going on. "Dallas, am I not giving you enough work?" you could see the demon shrink, holding his two hands together. "No sir." "Then why are you messing with the new workers? Do you understand how low staffed we are?" "Yes sir." The man he was referring to as sir was a tall indigo haired male that wore a hat, cloak, and a specially tailored uniform adorned with badges. You were definitely sure this was the higher boss or at least the highest ranking captain. With how everyone kept their head low and how your main captain stepped back and quiet, you were certain of it. "Then stop acting like a pathetic teenager and leave them alone. Or are you too weak to pick on the older workers? Tell me. Why is it only my newer workers?" You could feel the humiliation coming from your bully as his voice became more anxious the more the uniformed man spoke. "I-I am sorry sir. I got carried away" The indigo haired male in the hat sneered, questioning him with a quick stern voice. "Do you like destroying my things? Does it give you some satisfaction fucking with my things?" Now it was Dallas's turn to squeak. "N-No sir! Absolutely not!" With an annoyed chuckle, the man commanded an order. "Come here." and he followed the order. "You touch him again, or any of my new workers, and I'll send you to circles to rot. I'll do it in a snap and you won't ever know the taste of fresh air ever again. Do you understand me?" In a quiet whisper, Dallas's voice tremored. "Yes sir.." With a chuckle, the cloaked man patted his shoulder. "Good. Now, stand him up for me"
Dallas carefully grabbed you, lifting you up by your feet- or at least trying to. You were limp from the weakness and throbbing agony that was all over your body, so moving you around was like dead weight. "A real low bar for you to go for the tail as well" The indigo haired captain tsked, his own tail swishing back and fourth on the floor. "Give him to me", you were shimmied over to the tall male, resting against his broad chest while his arm kept you standing. "Now. Go back to work. Get out." And he scurried off, leaving you alone with the man and your other captain. You close your eyes, drifting off from the exhaustion. With your blurry vision you could see the annoyance coming from his voice as he murmured to your captain. "...I swear I leave..A day.. And shit like.....happens.. I'm not a..... Babysitter.."
You pass out. You don't know how long you've been out for, but when you woke up you could hear the beeping of a monitor machine. You were at the infirmary, and when you regained conscious, you saw the IV attached to you. "You're awake" You whipped your head, only to get whiplash. You groaned, trying to soothe the pain. "Take it easy, you've been out for a while." You adjust yourself, sitting up, you get a good look at the man. Indigo hair, peaked cap, and the large dark royal cloak- you recognized him. "A-Ah, sir! It is.. Uhm, nice of you to be here?" You had no idea what to say, you didn't expect anyone to be waiting on you. "Thank you. You're a fresh soul.. It's been a while seeing those in my navy" You let out a low hum. "Mhn..." You shuffled a little, using your butt a bit to move further against the pillows, only to gasp as the agonizing pain rips through your body. You clutch your chest, trying to calm yourself down. "Woah there, don't move" He approached you, placing you softly on your side. It felt a bit better since you were laying on your back earlier, putting most of the pressure onto the nub. "T-Thank you.." He observed you, eying you up. "Do you feel any knots around the spine area?" You breathed out with a gasp. "It still hurts.." "From 1-10, tell me" "Ugnn.. An 8.." He let out a 'hnm' in response, now removing the sheets from your body. "It's going to hurt, so hold my hand." You followed his order, grabbing one of his hands while his other hand traveled towards your back. Near the base of your tail that connected with your spine, he pressed his fingers against the area. You hissed at the prickling sensations shot up through your entire spine. Your grip tightened as the man kept massaging the area, biting your lip as an attempt to hold yourself back from accidentally breaking the man's hand. "You don't need to hold back, you're not hurting me. You can't hurt me. Grip as hard as you need to, you're gonna need to brace yourself" Your eyes widened, panicked you gripped tighter as you began to breath heavily. His hand was now resting at the agitating large bump on your tailbone.
You feel the anxiety begin to twist in your chest.
He eyes your expression carefully, almost feeling pity.
With a swift push, he punches the red bump, pushing the bump back into your body with a loud pop. You gasp, frozen as you instinctively cling onto his hand. With tears streaming down your eye, you try to adjust to the burning in your spine. "Breathe in and out.. That's it.. I know it hurts.." he sympathized, speaking softly. "Because the bastard ripped it out like a barbaric child, this part, the bone, will dislocate here and there. It'll stop once it heals and regrows. But for now, you're gonna have to punch it in whenever it does that. You groan, now letting go of his hand. "It'll hurt less the more you do it. Now, how do you feel?" You wipe the tears from your eyes. "Surprisingly better.." He smiles, sitting back down on the chair that was next to your bed. "Good. How long have you been here for?" You take the sheets, covering your body again. "2 weeks..." He pulls his chair closer to you, wanting to engage. "Ah, alright. Do you know who I am?" "No sir.. Sorry" "It's okay, it makes sense. Well, I am Leviathan. I control this entire fleet, I am your admiral. You look after my navy, and I look after you"
Leviathan? As in the mythical sea monster? "Oh, so you are.. The Leviathan?" He finds your lack of knowledge in him to be quite endearing. "Yes, and in biblical terms, or more accurate terms, I am envy. I am the 3rd born sin, and I oversee one of the districts here. Any more questions?" You were speechless, not expecting to be face to face with the most powerful demon in hell. "N-No. Not at all sir. Thank you for telling me that.. I had no idea" His curiosity picks at him. "Oh really? How come?" you shy away, not wanting to offend Leviathan. "Well, no offense sir.. I was always an atheist. I didn't believe in the bible or anything. I only really heard of you based on an old kids myth.." An atheist? How adorable! Leviathan thought. "And what was that myth?" You paused for a bit. "Uhh.. Well uh.. The myth was that at 3am, you looked for anyone swimming in the lakes.. And then drowned them if you saw them.." Meh, not totally accurate, but it was close to an old hobby he used to do which was drowning sailors. "Ha! Did your parents tell you that?" "...Yeah"
Well isn't that just precious? He wasn't the type to smile over a conversation, but you somehow curled the corner of his lips upwards.
"Rest up. Take 5 days off, and report back to me on your tail. I'll see you then"
He stands up, and he leaves. Something about that touched you a bit, left you pondering and in awe. You weren't in love or anything, but he left you smitten. You spent most of your days in your room, resting up, taking medicine, and eating whenever you went to the cafeteria. Your bunkmate would mind his own business, glancing at you here and there before going out. He eventually decided to make himself known. "I'm Neil." He said abruptly, holding out a tray while you laid on the top bunk. You groggily turned, looking at the brownette. "Oh?" "These are for you" You look at the tray, an apple, muffin, and some soup. You just stare, not taking the tray. "Oh uh.. These aren't poisoned or.." He trailed off as you stared more at him, unconvinced. "Okay here's proof" He took a bite out of everything, and a sip from the soup. "There see! Not poisoned." You cringed, trying to be nice as the man took a bite out of nearly everything. "Ahh, thanks.." You sit up, taking the tray. "Hey uh, you don't have like.. Any poison or acid in your salvia right?" He looked confused for a moment. "Uhh.. Ohh nope! Not that kind of demon" "Alright thanks" You say, not really caring before taking a bite out of the already bitten muffin. "So uh, how's the tail?" "How do you know about the..." "Medicine. And the bandages on the table.. And the fact that you've been sleeping on your side for the past 4 days, duh" "Righht.. I mean it's getting better. Tomorrow I think I start working again" He stands on his mattress, grabbing onto the edge of the bunk bed to be somewhat at your level. "Damn, really?" "What do you want?" You're quick to cut the bullshit, speaking swiftly, you question him. He looks a bit taken a back. "Oh, just curious about my new bunkmate, that's all!" Right.. You don't believe him, but you continue to talk to him. You learn that he's been in the navy for at least 44 years, and that he died in the 70s. Cool.
The next day rolls and you climb out of bed. Brushing your teeth, changing your bandages and putting on your uniform, you put on your shoes. Opening the door, you're left confused as you stare. It wasn't the hallway of the barracks, but an office. Before you could run back into your room, something shoves you out and the door closes behind you. You turn to look for the door, but it's no longer there. You walk, looking around your surroundings. Medals, harpoons laid around as decorations, and large tanks with various small colorful marine creatures. "Over here" You hear his voice, and you immediately walk towards it. You see Leviathan sitting in his chair, writing papers on his desk. "Have a seat" And you do. Sitting across from him, you sit up straight. "You can relax y'know? Now, how's the tail?" Oh right, that. He did tell you to report to him a few days ago. "It's gotten better. I'm ready to work sir." "Good. Are you having trouble with any of other sailors?" His gaze was strong. "N-No.." "You're not lying to me, right?" "No sir.." "Because if there's a problem, I don't mind fixing it" You were grateful for his seeming care for you. "Thank you sir, but I can assure you that I'm fine" "If you say so".
"So uh, how did you know about the tail thing?"
"Sorry, like how did you know what to do with my tail and all that?"
He lets out a short laugh. "Oh? Well okay, in the beginning when hell was just starting to form, me and my brothers had already fallen to hell. We went through a lot of changes with our body. I had my wings torn off, but I grew a tail. Of course, one of my brother's,  Beelzebub, grew interested and unknowingly hungry. He didn't know his strength so he grabbed my tail and.. Ripped the entire thing clean. Bone and everything"
You wince, imagining the gruesome scene.
"It was awful, my brothers had no idea what to do while Beelzebub started to grow accustomed to his hunger. Funny enough, he did say that my tail tasted like a light flakey steak... Anyways I'm getting off track. It took years for it to grow back to how it is now. A lot of trial and error."
He paused for a moment.
"So that's it I guess. What I'm trying to say is, I've been through the same thing, multiple times actually. Anything else?" "No.. Thank you sir"
He sends you back to work, pointing to his finger back to the door that you came from. You walk out the door, and you see the ocean seas. Stepping out the door, you're a bit startled. How did that- magic you guessed. You go back to work, your admiral on your mind.
Your feelings for him started off as a small admiration. You began to idolize him little by little. You looked up to his authority, you were fascinated by the stories that were told about him. You would seek out for him, always trying to catch a glance of him patrolling the navy. You didn't have a crush on him, you were just curious. On a particular night, the navy was hosting its anniversary. It was nothing big, just a small get together at the bar with all drinks given free to the curtesy of the bar owner. The entire bar was filled with sailors drinking, laughing, and dancing. Some on the side were playing card games, others were holding drinking competitions amongst friends, and a few.. Lets just say they were gonna have a fun night. You were there, sitting in one of standing chairs, drinking a small alcoholic beverage. You weren't talking with anyone, just scanning the room, hoping to get a glimpse of Leviathan.
Leviathan was sitting on the other side of you, clearly annoyed and drinking his 3rd shot, pinching the bridge of his nose as his older brother, Mammon, kept nagging at him. "Hey Levi, Levi, Levi, Levi, Levi-" "What?" "….I love you~" "fuck off." Mammon laughed, tousling his little brother's hat, completely messing up his hair. "Aww cheer up lil bro! What's the matter?" Leviathan grumbled, drinking another shot of demonus. "Nothing." He drank another shot, this time waving on of the waitresses for another drink, a stronger one. "Seriously, you should be having the time of your life! I dunno, maybe having chicks by yourside-" Leviathan glared at him, scowling. "Or dudes… Or hell to be honest both or anyone with how you got that stick up your ass.." "What did you say?" "Nothing-" Mammon blurted, trying not to laugh. "Seriously though, what's wrong?" Leviathan rolled his eyes, now on his 6th shot. With a frown on his face, Leviathan sighed with a complain. "Everyone here is having fun, with friends and letting lose.. Being so fucking loud. This is miserable, I don't even know why I showed up." He went on, getting frustrated with each word. "I wanted to have fun, but I can't. I'm just here, all alone with my stupid brother bothering me like I'm some outcast needing to be comforted" Mammon felt a nervous sweat going down his forehead, smiling as he knew what was coming next. "They're so fucking ungrateful. I could just leave and no one would bat an eye. Why is no one coming to say hi? Why can't anyone just seem to invite me? What, am I just too high and mighty to talk to? So ungrateful." Mammon knew better than to correct Leviathan, to remind him that there were a bunch of sailors who toasted to him, the waitresses that smiled his way, the demons who were clearly smiling and grateful for the free drinks and food. There were a lot of things Mammon could point out, but of course, envy was always blind to logic. He patted Leviathan's shoulder, awkwardly laughing as an attempt to lighten up the mood. "Hey hey, I'm sure that ain't the case.. Hey what about that sailor that keeps staring at you?" "Huh?" Mammon looked at you, and he saw the subtle shift in your eyes. For a brief moment you and him made eye contact, and Mammon got an idea. "Yeah, that one. Over there with the stumpy tail" Leviathan turned, seeing you look at your drink. "Oh him? What about him?" "What do ya think about him?" Levithan was a bit caught off guard with the question. "Uhh, I mean he's a good worker. He's still adjusting since it hasn't been a year since he's died.." "Ah, a newbie" "Yeah. Ha, funny enough I did talk to him. Helped him with his ripped tail and all.." Mammon's interest peaked, and Leviathan could tell as he tried to change the topic, knowing Mammon would try to do something dumb with the information. "But that's it." "That's it?" "Well.. Yeah." "Why don't you go talk to him?" Defensively, Leviathan narrowed his eyes at Mammon. "Why?" "Cause, I'm sure he wants to talk to you as much as you wanna talk to somebody. Trust me, I can feel his desperation from here" Leviathan looked a bit startled, a little flattered even. "Oh.. I guess I'll talk to him for a bit.." Mammon smiled, laying back against the plush booth. "Mhn, I'll be here 'kay?" Leviathan hummed back in response, standing up to go talk to you.
Leviathan sat beside you, adjusting his cloak and cap before addressing your name. You looked a bit startled, trying to sit up straight with your head high. And Leviathan couldn't help but feel a little flutter in his chest. You both talked, hell even tried to talk with each other. An hour or two passed and Leviathan decided to go back to the booth. He waved you off, telling you he'd be back in a bit. Mammon of course was in a middle of a card game, but he was able to out trick all the sailors and beat the small game. Counting his money, Mammon smirked at Leviathan. "You have a good chat?" "Uh, yeah." "He likes ya" "I mean I hope he does. He is a worker of mine" Mammon tsked, putting the money in his pocket. "He likes likes you" "W-What?! Mammon don't be stupid" "Whatever~ Do you like him?" "I've only known him for a few days! Why the fuck would he even like me in that way? He has so many people that talk to him, hell even a bunk mate. There would be no way to have him like like me you idiot." "…Uh-huh.. Anyways y'know what? Let's do something" Leviathan eyed Mammon suspiciously, clearly annoyed. "What?" "Let's make a bet." Leviathan could already see where this was going. "Oh not again for the love of-" "Hear me out. You're always complaining about how alone you are while the demons out here are mingling and finding love. The admiral himself, alone and unwanted. It's unfair right?" "I-I'm not-" Mammon gave Leviathan the 'Oh really?' look, and Leviathan only shrunk in embarrassment. "So, prove me wrong. Prove US wrong. I bet ya, if you go up to him, ask him out, maybe a 'lil smooch for Goodluck, he'll be head over heels for ya. And if I'm wrong, I'll give you.. This book writer's soul." "Make it 16500 grimm, the writer's soul, and a dance of how wrong you are" "Mhnnn… 50 grimm?" "I'm not doing it then" "Ugh.. Fine. I'm only agreeing cause I'm tired of seeing my baby brother all mopey with his weird cartoons-" "Shut up!"
With a huff, Leviathan stomped away while Mammon snickered, watching the scene unfold. You heard those familiar footsteps coming your way, and you smiled. "Hello sir, you're back!" Leviathan sat down beside you, ordering some more drinks. "Yep. Say.. Do you uh.. Want to drink and talk?" "More alcohol.. I dunno, I'll be on my shift tommorow" "Doesn't have to be alcohol. Want any smoothies?" "Yeah! What do you recommend?" Leviathan requests a menu, and he skims through the pages. He points at a light blue drink with small bits of orange flowers inside it. "This one. It's really good. It's one of my favorites actually.." "Then I'll get that one then"
Leviathan begins to get comfortable, and even warms up a bit as you yap about your interests. Sure they don't completely align with what hear cares about, but you somehow make it interesting to listen to. He finds himself smiling as you go on and on, and he even finds himself rambling to you as well. For a moment he thinks as he's rambling that he's boring you, but when he look's at your lower half, he could see the small numb that is your tail wagging back and fourth. He gets a surge of confidence, and he looks back at Mammon who just gives him a smug look. "Hey so... I think I may want to take you out.." You seemed to have a glint in your eye, but Leviathan ignores it. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" You let out a snort, but you quickly cover your mouth. And for a moment, Leviathan considers killing Mammon, and then himself out of shame. "S-Sir what? You barely known me" Yeah! Exactly! Mammon. "But honestly if I were being honest.. I may have gotten interested in you as well.. I don't know if it's cause I like you but- oh man I'm rambling. But are you sure? Why me? No offense.. Sir.. But I'm not 'boyfriend' material." Leviathan looked back at Mammon for advice, but he was too busy chatting up with the other sailors. Fuck.. "Well.. I-I uh.. Please? One date?" God he could feel himself sweating. Was he really pleading with a sailor to go out with him? Do it for the Grimm, do it for the Grimm.. You were shocked, flattered, and even a bit bashful. "Uh, yeah. Of course sir.. When?" "When what?" "The date?" "Oh uhmn- how about tomorrow? I'll let you have the entire day off." "..I guess it's a date then sir!" "Good! I-I'll see you then. Maybe at night.. Okay?" You nodded your head, and he simply went back to Mammon. "What about the smooch?" "Don't push it Mammon." Leviathan scoffed, putting his palm out. "Grimm, the soul, and I want the dance." "Now??" Leviathan smirked, his eyes smug as he leaned back. "Yep. Right now, come on. We shook on it, you have to do it. C'mon, you know the dance~" Mammon groaned, slowly forcing himself to stand up and do the stupid dance. With a final twirl and bow, Leviathan clapped, clearly grinning ear to ear. "Now, the grimm and soul." Mammon whined, letting a loud "Ughhh!" before handing Leviathan the soul and coins worth of 200 grimm. "I said 16500, not 200 cheapo" "What do ya think, that I'm made outta money?! I don't carry that much y'know??" "Mammon you literally hoard as a hobby, hand it over. I won fair and square." Letting out another whine, Mammon handed Leviathan a copious amount of bills, each count of the money hurting Mammon's heart. "Oh please, this is pocket money for you. Stop acting like it's a big deal" Mammon grumbled. "I'm only doing this so you could finally stop bitc-" "What was that?" "NOTHING! Love ya lil bro~" Leviathan was smiling, counting the money he earned. "Alright.. These are real right?" "Of course they are! Why do ya think I'm hurting right now?!" "Cause knowing you, you'd scum your way out of a deal." "Ah come on! Have a bit of faith in me!" Leviathan rolled his eyes at Mammon's retort. "Yeah yeah. Anyways how's that witch girlfriend of yours?" Mammon seemed to calm down a bit, his mind now distracted over the grimm. "Oh she's alright I guess.." Leviathan raised a brow at Mammon, but didn't comment any further. "Alright. Well I'm gonna go back home. Are you coming or?" "Nah I'm gonna stop by a few stores. There's some stuff I need to get" Leviathan stood up from his seat. "See you later then"
You went on your first date some time later on, and Leviathan didn't seem to mind the date. Dressed in a white colored shirt with navy pants, he took you to a restaurant. He didn't seem too enthusiastic, but he didn't seem bothered when you talked with him. One date, it was one date. Though one date turned into two when his brother Mammon blabbed to the entire family that Leviathan had scored a date. Of course with everyone intrigued, they all teased him to go on the second date. Begrudgingly, you and him were now sailing on one of the private boats, eating some hell spawn lobster while he talked about his annoying brothers. For an isolated shut in, he surprisingly knew how to treat you well. The second date turned into a third date when Asmodeus poked at his older brother, cackling at the thought of keeping a study relationship. Out of spite, Leviathan took you on a third date, seemingly agitated with the way his eyes were dilated. He made sure to take lots of pictures on your third date, sending it to his brothers to show them wrong. On the fourth date, he was less annoyed, rather using his brothers nagging as a way to excuse himself for getting involved during your working hours at the navy. You were in one of the rooms, looking at a gas indicator. Opening the door to leave the room, your shoved in a familiar room that you haven't seen in a while. Leviathan's office. You hear his voice, and like the first time you were here, you followed it. You thought you were in trouble with the way he had his arms behind his back with a formal posture, you were a bit panicked with the way he stared at you. "I have something to ask you". Fearing the worst, you braced yourself. Did you piss him off? But, Leviathan wasn't there to scold you, if anything, he was quiet terrified himself and it took everything for him not to stumble on his words. "What are we?"
That's what he called you in for? "Whatever you want us to be sir" That didn't seem to satisfy him. Uncertain, he furrowed his brows. "What do you want us to be?" God you didn't fucking know how to answer that! "u-uh, well uh. I don't know?" "You don't know?" He seemed agitated at the response. With his hands still behind his back, his tail whipped back and fourth. "..This was a stupid idea. You probably felt forced.." Leviathan didn't say it out loud, but he could picture the multiple reasons why you had said what you said. Maybe you felt pressured by his superiority to go out with him, you didn't actually like him that way. Or maybe you had a partner already, what was his name? Nile? Nelly? Whatever it was, he was always stalking around you, and you seemed neutral with his company. Whatever it was, Leviathan could feel the shame inside him. He was about to resort to singing an old siren tune to make you forget this interaction, but you seemed to catch him off guard when you took off your hat, holding it with both of your hands. "I didn't feel forced at all to go with you Leviathan... Sir. If anything, I enjoyed those nice dinners with you. I haven't been treated that nicely by anyone in a while" You now had his full attention, and he was listening to you intently. "It would be nice if I could return the favor.. No matter what you decide you want us to be. If I had the choice, I'd like us to continue what we have" Leviathan was completely shocked, wordless with his mouth slightly agape. It took a while for the admiral to collect his scrambled mind, and it didn't help with the way you stared at him with an expression no one had stared at him with in centuries. "O-Oh? U-Uh, haha- ah. Well u-umn. Okay- uhmn, alright. Haha! Oh fuck-" His whole entire face was beet red. "In that case, I guess these came in handy" He extends his hand out, and it's a bouquet of blue creamy white flowers. You were now smiling, your ears perked up happily. "Oh my gosh- these are so nice.." "I-I'm glad you liked them.." It was so bizarre to see the highest in commanding of the navy stutter, it was like he was a different person. You kept staring at the meek uniformed man Infront of you, and for a moment you forgot about his position and high status. So you blurt out the first thing that comes in your mind. "Can I kiss you?" and Leviathan is more than happy to comply with your request.
The 3 months you were dating Leviathan were heavenly. You didn't have to go to the cafeteria anymore to wait in line for lunch since Leviathan would always be there to grab you and feed you. There were moments where he would drag you in the middle of work seemingly out of nowhere, just for you rest on his lap while he did paperwork. You also learned about Leviathan's personality, how sometimes he would be this soft, shy, meek demon who could barely speak for himself. You learned that the avatar of envy enjoyed his junk food, always snacking on some chips whenever you and him watched one of his Japanese cartoons that he was obsessed with. Eventually he even got you a room of your own! No longer did you have to share a bunk with someone! Things were going well between you and Leviathan, or as you now call him outside of work, Levi. You loved him, you loved him a lot. And sure he had his fits here and there- but it's what's expected of envy. Sure it got terrifying at times with his menacing grip on his shoulders and his horrifying rambles of anger whenever something small seemed to trigger him. But it could be a lot worse, and you loved him too much to see what was so dangerous about his behavior. You were blind to all the red flags that began to show in your relationship with Leviathan. You were so caught up in Leviathan's smothering affection, you failed to see the way he was isolating you from the navy. You were so blind, that you failed to see the way the other sailors would avoid you. You were so used to seeing Leviathan daily, you didn't realize how you didn't work any shifts anymore- instead spending most of your time in Leviathan's office.
You really loved Leviathan, you loved him to the point that you were willing to tip toe with your actions- careful not to talk to someone in a certain way and to not outshine Leviathan in anyway, just to keep his envy at bay. Hug him, hold him, look at him only, tell him how much you love him. In the beginning you thought he was just being needy and insecure. But as time kept going, he never stopped, if anything he seemed to get worse. It was getting tiring juggling with his emotions, and you thought it was manageable.. Until by some misfortune you discovered why Leviathan had asked you out in the first place. Grimm, a soul, and a silly sibling dance. Your relationship was from a result from sibling banter. At first you laughed at the news! You saw it as one of those cute "This is how me and my boyfriend met!" types of silly situations. But then you started to really think about it.. And it hurt your ego. You felt like this small plaything for this all powerful demon to use you. You didn't know why you didn't see this before, but now you did and it was painful. You bet people in Devildom snickered about how you were just "another one" for the admiral, betting how long he'd keep you for. You didn't confront Leviathan about the news, you kept quiet for now. You tried acting the way you usually acted, but Leviathan being naturally observant or irrational, confronted you on your different behavior. "Are you okay?" "Mhn? Yeah, why?" "Liar." It was a slow shift from neutral to absolutely maddened. "Who is it?" "W..What?" "Who fucking is it?" He was face with a death grip on your shoulder. His claws sinking into the fabric of your uniformed shirt and threatening to pierce your skin. "Is it that old roommate of yours? Decided to get a good fucking out of him?" "Excuse me?!" He let out a laugh, and the atmosphere went cold. You were outside on the docks where none of the sailors worked, it was hidden- like an alleyway in a street. "Am I not good enough for you?" The waves began to crash against the wooden docks, the boats began to swish back and fourth- "Of course!" His voice was getting louder- "Then why- Why are you being like this?!" You made the mistake of stuttering, and Leviathan's irrational thoughts were being confirmed in his mind. "L-Like what?!" "OOoooHoho! So you do know! Great! Spill it out!" "Alright fine! The bet, I was only a bet to you! For Grimm and a soul! That's all I was! I'm not cheating on you- I'm fucking embarrassed!" Like he'd been slapped, he let you go, the waves calming down as he shrunk on the spot. "O-Oh..So you're not..?" "No! Are you kidding me?!"
In the end, Leviathan was still cared about you, but you had trouble forgiving him. You still loved him, just not the same as before. You were always the type to hold grudges, hell it's how you got into hell in the first place, so you never really let go of that information. Your relationship wasn't the same, and you thought about breaking up with Leviathan. You tried asking your old roommate Neil for any advice after cornering him, but he only told you it was best for you to suck it up and stay in the relationship. "That's it?! Really?! C'mon Neil, there's gotta be something" "I dunno, a couples therapy?? Look, I wish I could help you, but I can't, and to be honest you're kind of in a sticky situation.. Breaking up with the man who owns your soul.." "Wait what?" "Yeah.. Why do you look so shocked?" You stare at him completely mortified, while he just stares at you nonchalantly. He then notices your reaction, and feels automatically pity for you. "Oh.. You didn't know? It was in the contract. I thought you knew?" There it goes.. Your lack of attention biting you in the ass. "Anyways.. I don't think you should be talking to me.. Or anyone. For the sake of our safety, just.. Stick with him yeah? We don't want another incident." "What incident?" "..I gotta go. Bye.."
Now realizing Leviathan owns your soul since you had signed that contract when joining the navy, you felt trapped. God this was utterly fucked, you really couldn't leave unless Leviathan had enough of you and didn't break up with you on bad terms. Was there any way you could manipulate the situation..? Who were you kidding, manipulating a man who's job is manipulating and controlling an entire fleet at his bidding. Good luck. And with how your boyfriend changed your role in the navy ever since your little argument and with his insecurities growing ever since your revelation, it seemed like a slim chance he was going to let you go. Locked always by his side, you couldn't escape. 24/7, whether you were in his office, walking around the fleet, or in his bed, he was always there- watching you. It was either loving him and juggling the thin line of rage the avatar of envy always seemed to be on, or risk being thrown into eternal damnation.. And, being smart, you continued loving him, even if it now became a part of your job.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hello you're such a good freaking writer! Blankets for Mammon for the cozy comforts event?
Hi there, anon! Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoy my writing!
Okay, well, this is the cozy comforts event because I am cozy and comfortable when I'm writing all the cheesy fluff. And that's all I gotta say about this one lol.
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Mammon with prompt blanket
Warnings: none
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Whenever you feel a little sad, you find yourself wandering to Mammon's room. The way he grins the minute he sees you never fails to cheer you up. But even if he isn't there, it's his space and it feels like him. He's come back to find you, sprawled on his couch or curled up on his bed. It's like you're only waiting for him to walk in so you can start feeling happy again.
When he's not around, you seem to always be drawn to one blanket in particular. It's a nice one - black and gold, by some expensive Devildom brand name you're not familiar with. He told you once that he worked hard to buy it for himself. You love the way it smells like his Devilish No 5 when you wrap it around your shoulders. It's like he's right there, hugging you close.
The first time you have to return to the human world, he blushes and stutters when he gives it to you. You blink in surprise at him as he holds it out to you.
"Did ya think I didn't notice, human?" he says.
Having that blanket with you makes you feel less lonely as you spend time away from the Devildom. When you come back, you can't bear to be parted with it, so you keep it. Everyone sees what it means to you, how you tend to keep it around your shoulders when you're in a bad mood or just need a bit of comfort.
Until one day you notice that the blanket doesn't smell like Mammon anymore. It doesn't quite feel like him the way it used to. You use it less and less, seeking out the actual demon whenever you can instead.
Mammon notices that you've been keeping the blanket folded neatly on your bed, but he doesn't say anything.
One day you come back to the House of Lamentation and realize that you haven't seen Mammon all day. You go looking for him and find him in your own room. He's sitting on your bed, wrapped in the black and gold blanket. He looks pitiful, like he's just had the worst day of his life.
You come over to sit down beside him. He's despondent as he tells you about losing bets and failed schemes.
You tug on the edge of the blanket. "This always makes me feel better. Is it helping you?"
The blush that cover's Mammon's face is instant and deep. He hides it halfway behind the blanket. "Smells like ya."
You consider this statement and realize it must be true. The blanket lost the smell of Mammon's cologne long ago, but you never smelled anything different on it. Because now the blanket smelled like you.
"Ya kinda stopped usin' it, though, huh," Mammon says and you can't help hearing the note of sadness in his tone.
You nudge him a little, to make him lift his arm. You duck under it so you're both under the blanket, Mammon's arm wrapped snugly around you. You lean your head on his shoulder. "I liked it because it smelled like you. It felt like you. It was like I had you hugging me even when you weren't there. But now it smells like me? I hadn't noticed."
Mammon puffs out his chest a bit. "Miss the Great Mammon when he ain't around, do ya?"
"Yeah," you say easily, making him squirm a little.
After that, the two of you trade off who has the blanket. Whenever you need him and he's not there, you find the blanket. Whenever he needs you, he takes it back. And although no object could replace the real thing, it acts as a temporary comfort, warming you with its memories until you can find yourselves back in each other's arms.
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cozy comforts | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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scarlett-vixen · 1 year
Summary: Just my thoughts on how Mammon is handling things while MC is dealing with the Nightbringer timeline. Disclaimer: I could not be bothered to go back and check the first few lessons to see what we did and didn’t know so just….use imagination if I got stuff wrong alcksnns
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Three weeks had already gone by since you left unexpectedly.
“Hey Mams, I’m running to the store real quick to grab extra sides for dinner tonight! You wanna come with?”
For whatever reason Mammon had declined to join you. It was now a deep regret. Why did he say no? He was your right hand demon, your first man, the two of you were always seen together and yet he had said no. Maybe he had grown so used to you going off on your own that he thought nothing of it. Maybe he had been too comfortable with you always returning. Admittedly, your first year in the Devildom Mammon was almost over protective of you. He threw a fit any time you went somewhere without him but after four years of visiting he had grown out of that habit, still sulking when you went off with his brothers or on your own but not nearly as insecure as before, he knew you’d return to him every time.
“Alright well I’ll be back later then! Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone!”
Those were the last words you had said.
At the time Mammon had scoffed, ‘don’t do anything stupid?’ When has The Great Mammon ever done anything stupid?? Three weeks later and he was starting to realize all the stupid things he had done in the past, all his mistakes, all his screw ups, all his failed plans to make fast money, all the lectures he’d received from Lucifer for his stupidity. All the times you’d been there to bail him out.
“Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone!”
It was a simple request, but was becoming harder to do the longer you were gone. You always kept him in check, reminding him that even if he was able to steal the 600 billion grimm vase from the Demon Lords Castle, Diavolo would eventually find out, talking him out of selling his brothers belongings or darkest secrets on the deep web, and saving him from Lucifer’s wrath when he really screwed up. Maybe if he had known you when they first arrived he wouldn’t have been labeled a scumbag by the rest of the Devildom, maybe he’d just be “Mammon, Avatar of Greed and Simp for the Human Exchange Student” instead of “Mammon, The Scummiest Demon to Ever Exist and Will Try to Steal Your Wallet”.
“I’ll be back later!”
Later. What an unfair word to use. Mammon thought “later” meant a few hours before dinner, but dinner had long since passed and his appetite was dwindling day but day. Did you know what you meant by “later”?
Lucifer had seemed…off… when he announced your sudden departure, he sounded calm and collected like usual but being the second born, Mammon knew his older brother was hiding something.
“MC and Solomon are currently assisting Lord Diavolo with a task in the human world, we have been instructed to NOT visit the human world in their absence. Lord Diavolo does not know how long their task will take but ensures that they will both be home relatively soon.”
It was faint, nearly non existent, but Mammon heard the way Lucifer’s voice wavered as he said “does not know”. His younger brothers were too busy protesting, wanting to know what was so important that you had been sent home during THEIR time with you, demanding they be allowed to call you. Mammon had slipped out unnoticed, gone to his room and sat watching his phone in silence.
Even if you were on some secret mission for Diavolo, even if HE wasn’t allowed to contact YOU, Mammon knew that if you were in danger you’d contact him. So he would wait. When you didn’t come home after three days Lucifer’s mood started to change, Levi said he was turning back into strict Lucifer because you weren’t here to knock him down a peg, Mammon didn’t believe that.
Levi had it partially right though, Lucifer was reverting back to his old ways, in fact they all were. Levi was grouchy and hiding more, Belphie slept practically all day every day in the attic, Beel was eating everything in sight and pacing the kitchen late at night, Asmo kept his face in a mirror all day and was changing his nail polish every hour it seemed. The only one who didn’t really seem to change was Satan. No, that wasn’t true, Satan had changed too, but not back to his old angry “ticking time bomb” ways, instead he was holed up in the library or his room constantly.
“Whatcha readin Lil Bro?” Mammon asked as casually as he could, only to be met with the icy stare only his brother could cast.
“What have we talked about Mammon.”
“Right, my bad. Uhm, How’s the book?” Mammon tried again.
“Puzzling. I thought I understood the logic but then I got to page 12 and it all logic went out the window.” Satan continued to flip through the pages as he spoke. Beginners Guide to Understanding Time Travel, Wormholes and Beyond was printed in a shimmering purple on the front cover. Time travel? Since when does Satan care about that stuff? Mammon started to speak and then noticed the pile of books around Satan’s chair, each one having to do with time travel, teleportation, unexpected wormholes, vanishing spells gone wrong and such. That sounds more on track, Satan isn’t angry because he’s distracted.
“Does Barbatos seem to be acting weird to you?” Satan asked abruptly, snapping his book closed as he did.
“Wha- Barbatos? You mean weirder than he normally is? No? Don’t really talk to ‘em much though…Why?” Mammon was starting to put the pieces together but he wasn’t liking the picture.
“Oh…nevermind then, I thought of all demons you might be in the same mindset as me.” Satan opened his book back up and started tapping his finger on the side, his tell that his nerves were getting to him.
The word was sharp and stern, but had a soft undertone. Satan looked up at his older brother who seemed very serious now compared to how he had entered earlier.
“They’re coming back. Lucifer said so.”
Satan’s face fell in shame, foolish of him to think Mammon didn’t know what he was up to. The second born felt a little guilty after watching the way Satan shifted uncomfortably in his chair, he hadn’t meant to sound so harsh, he knew his brothers were all missing you and that slowly but surely they’d all be at each other’s throat because of it.
“Listen, I know you ‘n Lucifer don’t see eye to eye all the time but,” Mammon paused for a minute, this was your speech you always gave when Satan was being stubborn or refusing to listen, he felt his throat tighten up at the thought of not having you here to give it. “Just trust him this time alright?”
A thick silence filled the room, Satan gave a small nod as Mammon turned to leave. Feeling a knot form in his stomach, Mammon headed upstairs, it was one thing to give himself false hope but filling his brothers with it? That was a harder pill to swallow.
“Make it quick.”
Before he could even knock Lucifer’s voice called from inside the quiet office. The second born entered slowly and shut the heavy oak door as quietly as he could behind him. Lucifer was bent over his desk doing paperwork per usual but there was a noticeable difference.
The record player that normally had his favorite cursed record playing while he worked sat silent, the only noise in the room came from the crackling of the fireplace, Lucifer himself looked like he had just gone for a twenty minute jog with Cerberus. His jacket tossed haphazardly on the couch in his office, his shirt untucked and unbuttoned at the top, his hair disheveled, his face twisted in the way it did when he was going over the credit card bills. The thing that alarmed Mammon most though was the number of coffee cups scattered around the room, coupled with the number of empty Demonus bottles on the table in front of the fireplace.
“Do you need something Mammon or are you just looking for things to steal?” Lucifer snapped, still looking at the papers in front of him.
“Hey! Who do-” The Avatar of Greed stopped himself, now wasn’t the time for arguing. “Actually yeah, I had a few questions…”
“Fine,” Lucifer let out an exasperated sigh, propping on elbow up on his desk and resting his head in hand while still scanning the documents below. “Go ahead.”
Mammon tried to think of how to phrase his question, but how do you calmly ask if the love of your life is okay? If they’re coming back? If they’re even still alive? He knew his window was closing and gave up on being subtle, Lucifer always preferred straightforward questions right?
“Where’s MC?”
The question hung in the air for a minute before Lucifer responded.
“In the human world Mammon, we’ve been over this. No you can not go visit, no you can not call them and NO I will not tell you where in the human world. Is that all your questions answered?” Lucifer spoke with his usual confidence but the pause between the question and his response gave Mammon the real answer.
“You won’t tell me ‘cause you’re not allowed to or ‘cause you don’t actually know where they are?”
“What?” Lucifer’s voice was suddenly very quiet, Mammon was familiar with the tone though, it had been his own tone several times. Only used when caught in a lie.
“Just tell me the truth Lucifer. They’re not actually in the human world are they?”
“What.” Lucifer’s voice much louder and more stern this time.
“You don’t know where MC is do ya?” Mammon felt his own voice begin to shake, the thought had been chewing at him for weeks but saying it out loud felt like swallowing razor blades.
“Of course I know where they are.” The first born now staring his younger brother down, eyes filled with a familiar rage. Mammon knew he was still lying though.
“Tch, ya right, if ya knew where they were then why do you have a list of locations in the human world on your desk with different places marked out??”
“This is a part of their task with Solomon and it’s none of your concern.”
“Actually, it is! They’re my human too!”
“I don’t have time for—”
“Where are they Lucifer.”
“I told you Mamm—”
“Where are they!”
“I can’t tell y—”
Lucifer had jumped to his feet when he began to yell, he now stood with both hands pressed firmly on the desk below him, out of breath from shouting and head hung low. Mammon stood on the other side of the large desk, eyes brimming with tears, both from rage and sadness of knowing you were lost. He started to express his rage when Lucifer began to speak again, this time in a tone that Mammon had never heard from him before, this Lucifer sounded guilty, exhausted and overall defeated.
“MC was last seen in town running errands, the time of disappearance is still unclear. Barbatos believes it may be a skip in the timeline, Solomon went after them.”
“How’d he go after ‘em? Does he know where they went?”
“No. Solomon went after MC blindly, Solomon has strong enough magic to return to us if and when he finds MC, but…MC’s magic is still questionable. We haven’t heard from either of them since MC first went missing. Nobody knows where they went. Nobody knows if they’ll return.”
Lucifer dropped heavily into his chair, eyes closed but fresh tears staining his cheeks. Mammon couldn’t remember the last time he saw his brother cry, it was a sight that filled him with more fear than an angry Lucifer could ever try to do.
“When’s the last time you slept?” Lucifer scoffed at the question.
“As if you have room to ask such a thing, we both know the answer to that anyway. Coffee is to stay awake. Demonus is to numb the pain; not helping much anymore though.”
“Ya can’t keep drinking your issues away, it’s not healthy and it ain’t bringing them back faster. You need to actually sleep Lucifer, gonna burn yourself out sittin here all day everyday lookin at these damn maps!” Mammon had never been so bold with his brother before, at least not about self care. Lucifer gave him a puzzled look before chuckling.
“How is it that you know exactly what they would say to me if they were here? I suppose there is a benefit to you always following them around after all.” Lucifer began to clear things off his desk, folding papers up and placing pens back in his desk. “You're right Mammon, I need to rest. Did you have any other questions?"
"No…..I'm good." Mammon turned to leave and was nearly out the door when he felt Lucifer's hand on his shoulder.
"I trust you know this already……but you can not tell the others.
"Don't worry, I won't." Mammon continued on his way down the hall in silence. He entered his room and flopped down on his bed, rolling over to check his phone. The screen lit up with the photo of you at the RAD festival last year, the smile on your face lighting a fire inside him.
Mammon couldn't help but feel like he'd lived through this once before, a faint image of you walking through a doorway, promising to return, but never coming home. His heart sank at the thought. It had to have been a really vivid nightmare, that’s all.
"I’Il be back later!"
It didn't matter if nobody knew where you were. It didn't matter if you had gone back in time, if you had gone to a different time line, or if you were just in a different realm. It didn't matter if his mind tried to tell him this had happened before.
You'd return to them.
You always did.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Hey I love your work you’re one of my favorite writers on tumblr!! If you want to I have an Idea! Could u do obey me headcanon or fic on an mc who is sick? I love Lucifer so anything with him is perfect! TYSM!!
Demon Brothers With a Sick MC 
The Brothers x Gender Neutral Reader 
Genre: Fluff, could be read as platonic or romantic depending on your mood 
Content/Warnings: He/She Asmodeus, no warnings, just tooth rotting fluff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Being the dad of the house, he’s definitely the most prepared 
And he’s able to keep calm when the others are overreacting 
It’s just a little flu, it happens to humans all the time! 
It’s not like you’re dying or anything! 
…You’re not dying, right? 
No, no! Of course not, that’s a silly worry 
But he’ll keep a close eye on you just in case 
While simultaneously having to keep his terrified brothers at bay so they don’t disturb your much needed rest
He’s already ordered plenty of human world things for you as well since demon sickness and human sickness are incredibly different 
Nothing in the Devildom would work for you 
He’s keeping track of all your meds and when you have to take them 
He’s got a whole schedule and he will make you adhere strictly to it 
But it’s for your own good 
Overall the most responsible caretaker, even if he can be a bit rigid 
It’s only because he cares about you and wants you to get better 
You’re sick?! 
This can’t be happening! 
His precious human has fallen ill! It’s the end of days! Its— 
Oh wait it’s just the common flu? 
But what if that flu gets WORSE?! 
And you DIE?! 
(Yeah he’s freaking out) 
He tries to hide it at first but soon his worry completely takes over 
He’s practically SOBBING at your bedside as if you have days left when in reality you’re just a little sniffly and have a kind of fever 
He accompanies Lucifer on EVERY trip to your room and has to practically be dragged away from you
He knows you need rest but he needs to watch over you just in case! 
And you better not throw up or anything because that will have him convinced you’re at death’s door 
He’s gonna be an absolute mess until you’re 100% recovered, and maybe even a while after 
And he’ll definitely be camping out on the floor of your room to make sure you’re okay and to get you anything you need 
And that means ANYTHING 
Mammon can swindle his way into just about anything 
If Lucifer somehow hasn’t gotten you what you need already, Mammon has it 
And it was totally worth the debt it put him in
He’s the second most worried 
But instead of outwardly freaking out the way Mammon does he lays in his bed worrying about you 
Logically he knows it’s not that big of a deal, and in a few days to a week you’ll be all better 
But his anxiety keeps reminding him of that slim chance that you won’t ever get better 
And the thought is just too much to bear! 
He’ll be visiting you a lot too 
And he’ll probably sleep on the floor once or twice too 
He cant do it as often as Mammon since the hard floor is too uncomfortable for him to actually get any sleep 
But it’s the fact that he tried that matters 
He’ll be supplying you with warm blankets and plenty of little puzzles or games to keep you entertained while you’re stuck in bed (Lucifer’s orders)
He’s simply nice to have around and great gaming partner 
After a bit of reassurance he’ll stop being so worried 
And he strikes the perfect balance of being fun company while also knowing when you need your rest 
Genuinely the least worried 
Obviously that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, but he thinks his brothers are overreacting a wee bit 
It almost makes him a bit jealous to see them doting on you the way they do 
Even Lucifer! 
Like, what?! 
But that’s okay, because he can out do them all 
When he finally gets a moment alone with you, he makes sure to bring some books 
He’ll read to you for as long as you’d like 
He likes the way you smile up at him as he reads, he can really tell that you’re enjoying not only the story but just his presence itself 
And he gets to share his favorite stories with you! 
It’s a big fat win-win 
He especially likes to read to you at night before you go to bed 
He loves how peaceful you look as you slowly drift off to his words 
Sometimes even the other brothers will join in to hear the stories 
Of course they all leave once you’ve fallen asleep for good, bickering on the way out about something or other concerning your health 
But when he’s sure no one is looking, Satan sneaks back in to your room to give you a kiss on the forehead and a goodnight before heading off 
Oh, and he always leaves a few books on your bedside table in case you want to read them 
They always make him feel better, after all
Lucifer has the medicine covered, but Asmodeus takes care of you in a more glamorous way 
Bubble baths are his go to remedy! 
The right mixture of salts and scents can clear your sinuses, soothe your body aches, and even help bring down your fever 
Self care is always important, but it’s especially essential when you’re feeling under the weather! 
She puts together the most amazing bubble baths too; bath bombs, essential oils, candles, all the fixings 
And with a bit of well done magic she can ensure the water never gets cold 
So you can enjoy the serenity of the dimly lit bathroom without a time limit or getting chilly 
And he’ll even write you little notes on the fogged up mirror 
Of course, though, he’s going to ask to join you 
And if you say yes he’ll absolutely spoil you 
She’ll insist on washing your hair for you since you’re so sickly and weak 
You shouldn’t have to lift a finger 
Just relax and let the rose petals in the water drift through your mind 
She’ll take care of you 
For the avatar of lust, he actually manages to be surprisingly sweet 
There are even times when you can tell he’s genuinely worried 
But she knows you’ll pull through 
After the bubble bath it’s right into the comfiest pajamas a Devilgram brand deal can buy 
And then some beauty rest for the both of you 
This sweet boy is so kind but so clueless 
He doesn’t even totally realize what’s going on until you tell him yourself 
Of course, he’s handling your meals 
At first Lucifer has to monitor him to make sure he doesn’t eat it all before it gets to your room 
But Beel really does want to take care of you 
Everyone else is doing their part, so should he! 
And that is enough to give him the willpower to make you three meals a day without eating a single bite! 
(Okay well— Maybe he did have a tiny bite, but it was so small even Lucifer didn’t notice! That’s pretty impressive for him!) 
Plus, he always makes double so he can eat with you 
Please remember to tell him how good his food is 
It’ll make his heart skip a beat 
He’s not well thought out like Lucifer or comforting like Asmodeus or even as sneaky as Mammon 
But he cares for you just as much as any of his brothers, and he needs to pitch in and get you back to full health 
He’ll even feed you if you’d like 
Rest is important, right? 
So just lay back and let him do all the work 
Don’t worry, he’ll blow on it to make sure it’s not too hot 
And he’s cut it all up to make sure the bites aren’t too big 
He won’t leave until he’s 100% sure that’s your tummy has been adequately filled 
And if you give him permission he’ll gladly take care of your left overs 
Belphie is the absolute best cuddle buddy on a normal day, but it’s especially great when you’re not feeling well 
Demons can’t catch human sicknesses, which means he can cuddle up on you all he wants! 
And he will 
Every chance he gets 
Lucifer will try to keep him out of your room, but once he sneaks in there’s no getting him out 
All it takes is one minuscule slip up and he’s taken up permanent residency in your bed 
He’s so warm and soft, just what you need when your sickness is making you too uncomfortable to properly rest 
He’ll rub your back and whisper softly to you, telling you stories about the Celestial Realm and the beautiful things he’s seen there 
You’ll have the best naps of your life with Belphie 
Hell, I’d even go so far as to say the naps were so good theyd probably speed up youre recovery process! 
Although, once he’s in the habit of waking up by your side it’ll be hard for him to stop 
You’ll have to humor him for a little longer 
Maybe even forever if he has it his way 
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hyperfixat · 10 months
HAIII!!! ive been browsing your blog a lot recently and i love your writing sm!!! i wanted to ask if you'd be interested in writing the brothers (+ datables, luke, and others, if youd like!) living with an mc who is obsessed with plants? like to the point where the HoL has at least a few plants in every room? idk i just think it'd be interesting to see how human world plants behave in the devildom, and if special equipment (think grow lights, nutrient rich soil, etc) would need to be involved! im also picturing mc ordering plants off of (human world) ebay and the sender being confused like "wtf who is this what is the House of Lamentation"
UAAHHH first of all i love the idea of more noticable differences in the human realm vs the devildom and the game (understandably) keeps it more toned down and appealing to the average connoisseur.
like i own a few plants and have a small garden, and they stay alive and well in my house. bcs i live on earth. But. the devildom being soooo different in terms of soil and atmosphere… delectable.
i may make more stuff involving this idea but for now..
moving on (~500 words):
It’s been a rough few weeks in the Devildom, and not for the reasons many may suspect. It’s not the literal demons, rather the environment, more specifically the death that seems to cling to the air. The atmosphere, both in and outside of the House of Lamentation is suffocating.
It’s not like a couple of house plants would fix this issue, but perhaps the placebo of having some fresh living plants from the human realm would help ease the atmosphere.
Eventually you build up the courage to knock on Mammon's door to ask about and if he could get you an indoor plant. You aren’t picky, truly. After a little discussion you leave a victor, with Mammon having assured you he’d get you the best plant he can find.
It’s a dinky thing and looks like broccoli, but you love it. It’s green, a far cry from the toxic purples and deep blues that the Devildom flora holds. It’s home.
And what is Mammon to do when he sees the look on your face when he gave you that plant, but to get you more? He’s a weak demon! (for you alone.)
The others catch on, save for Lucifer (too closed off to associate so intimately with you), and Belphegor (trapped).
It starts small, Asmo presenting you with a bundle of live herbs he had imported from the human realm, assuring that they’d help with getting your beauty sleep. Beelzebub would occasionally gnaw on some of the leaves in your room, so together you grow some lettuce, so he would avoid getting a tummy ache from the inedible plants.
While you were doing some schoolwork for RAD in the library Satan had sat across from you, a large encyclopedia in his hands, detailing all human realm plants and their care and upkeep. He explains that he noticed your interest in keeping plants and is here to offer his assistance with acquiring and maintaining your collection.
Having all the plants around really does help improve your mood. It provides a hobby and a connection to nature that cannot be replicated elsewhere.
Though you may have underestimated how much space your room has, because it’s a battlefield trying to navigate your bedroom without knocking a vase or pot over. It seems your tripping as you try and place a eucalyptus (a gift from Mammon) had gathered some attention from a hallway passerby.
Lucifer stares.
He doesn’t visit your room often, but he’s fairly certain the only human realm plant they had installed was a tree, not whatever jungle you have going on. And jungle is a bit of an understatement.
You’d roped Leviathan into helping you set up some moss and algae tanks, just to add to the green that is your room.
“This is a fire hazard, MC.”
And with that, your greenhouse of a room gets spread throughout the HoL, a few plants in each room. It is a little frustrating to have to walk the whole length of the house when you need to water them and give them the concoction Solomon mixed up for you to help the plants not wither away in the hellish environment.
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apoorhuman · 1 year
Drained, tired, and cuddles
Mammon x Mc
A/n: my very first one shot, hope you guys like it ;)
It was weekend, finally a time where everybody can relaxed, even the busiest man alive Lucifer, barbatos and diavolo now have some time they can spare for break after the whole week being busy with nonstop work.
You would expect Lucifer would still be busy with his work but surprisingly he's not, that's why he's out to who knows where saying that he will have some private vacation for himself to rest and relax.
With Lucifer's absent people would thought that the House of Lamentation will be really loud and chaotic, but the thing is that everybody were busy with their own activities.
Today there's a Ruri-chan event going on at majolish that's why right now Levi and Asmo at, the both of them agreed to go to majolish together but once they got there, they went to what piqued their interest.
Meanwhile Satan is also gone from house, he was looking for a new book to his collections in the local library and bookshops.
Belphie's at RAD field since he wanted to watch Beel does his practice for a game that's coming up, and the both of them are also planning to eat at Resorante Six after the practice.
You were left alone with no plans in mind too. Well, what about the angles? They're busy in the celestial realm at the moment unfortunately, Luke decided to bake Michael some desserts that Barbatos has taught him and Simeon was there to helped him.
Thirteen? She's also busy with her reaper job.
What about Solomon? He's really occupied in his room lately because of a new plant he found if the depths of the human world rainforest.
Mephisto? He's on a vacation with his brother.
Raphael? Also has a schedule on already.
So now you're just here in your bedroom, face being buried in pillow. You're tired of yesterday's schoolwork, yesterday's class, yesterday's commotion from the brothers.
Too much talking here and there with not long enough breaks for your social battery, and now in the weekend, instead of feeling happy, relieved, relaxed, you just feel tired.
Physically, mentally, spiritually, just any types of tired you are all of it, waking up was already hard for you, it's like as if Belphie gave you his tiredness.
The morning starts with the brothers telling each other about their plans for today. And you just sit there eating, not sure if you listened to any of the brothers talking.
The mood got even worse when nobody is in the house to actually cheer you up.
Meanwhile our first man mammon was bored, he was going to die out of boredom If that's possible.
Laying on his couch inside his bedroom, he was just staring at the ceiling the whole time. He has nobody to tease, nobody to make them angry, and nobody to hang out.
So he did the most logical thing, and that is to search for you and take you on a car ride trip.
And so he immediately rises up from his couch, and starts walking in a normal but quick pace heading towards your bedroom.
Arriving in front of your door, he didn't bother to knock like any other times too, he burst open the door, but instead of seeing you chilling while playing D.D.D he just saw you laying face down to your pillow, not moving an inch.
If it isn't because of how he sees your back raising and falling, he might thought you actually died.
Slowly he approaches you're bed, sitting beside you, hesitantly tries to pats your back but immediately retrieve his hand when you let out a loud groan.
Mammon's actually quite worried about you, but of course it's not like he's going to said it out loud.
"O-oi mc... Y'okay? " With a voice that's only people in the room can hear.
"No..... I'm tired.... But I also don't want to just stay in my bed all day.... But I'm also tired... And this kinds of thoughts makes my headaches more bad.... " Groaning loudly after that sentences"
Your answer was met with silent, the silent of mammon trying to think of how to actually made your mood much more better, but he can't really think of anything good.
Taking you to a restaurant? He knows you better enough that it will drained you more because of so many people there.
Maybe some car ride dates together? No.... The weather forecast said it's going to be raining, if he takes you to a car ride and suddenly it rains, it probably just going to make your mood much more bad.
A ding sound can be heard inside of mammon's head, right! He could just give his precious cuddles, heh not bad mammon.
Like that he starts to lay beside you, hugging you and then pulling you close, his head is on top of you, his arms are wrapped around your torso.
Suddenly feeling mammon's touch you were quite startled, turning your head to the side to look at your first man's face, staring at it for a little bit then you pulled on your tired smile.
You move your position from laying on you belly to laying side ways so that you look at mammon's face more clearly and hugged him back in return.
"Is my first man actually wanted to cheer his human up? " Smirk coming to your face.
His face starts to emit some pink hue on his cheeks as he starts to stuttee, trying to said something in return of your teasing "wha- what? No- nooo wh- why would i- me- the great mammon does that for some hu- human"
"But you did" Your smirk grew bigger and your mood starts to get a little less gloomg and tired after seeing your first man cute response.
"We- well I guess ya could say that I was feelin' generous oka'! I ain't doin' this for free ya'know?! "
"A- also I don't want lucifer yellin' at me for not helpin' you, since I'm.. I'm supposed to be looking after you.. So don't be sad ok?.... "
You raised an eyebrow at him, how could he be so cute, it's as if you were now fully charged again, you didn't felt tired or drained anymore you just felt happy and a little bit silly because of mammon.
Chuckling lightly, you pat mammon's head, ruffling it a bit too, making his hair a little messy. Well in response he snuggle you more close and now the both of you are ignoring the sound of rains that starts to pour heavily outside, he whispers " Love ya" "Love you too mams" Cuddling to each other warmly.
I guess the forecast were right afterall, it did rains, I hope beel's okay with his practice and wouldn't get wet.
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what abt the main 7 silly brothers
Wirh an MC (gener neitral it thatd pkay) who lieks conventionally childish things liek my little pony specofically (i get bullied for liking mlp still even tho im a teenagers)
When the brothers find out about your love for My Little Pony™:
Lucifer: When he finds out your interests, he shares your love for Pinkie Pie. He always watches her after a tiring session filled with work, bringing up both your moods.
Mammon: Mammon relates to Rainbow Dash's mischievousness and loyalty. But he isn't the Avatar of Greed for no reason, he buys an excessive amount of merch for the both of you, maxing out his credit card(s).
Leviathan: Leviathan goes all out, whenever you're feeling down you two watch show marathons. Next to his prized Ruri-chan figurines are some toys of Applejack. He even sews you some plushies to take back to the human world.
Satan: Satan instantly connects with Twilight Sparkle's love of knowledge. He loves forming connections, so you both go to conventions. The Avatar of Wrath is inspired by her rationality, and gradually his outbursts aren't nearly as bad.
Asmodeus: Asmodeus embraces your interests and buys color palettes of the characters, including them in his daily makeup looks. Since Rarity is his favorite, he occasionally paints light blue diamonds on his nails to show support.
Beelzebub: Beelzebub shows his care for you by making food. He bakes you pies, as both he and Applejack share a large appetite. Although he isn't quite expressive, you guys try baking foods from the show, eventually starting your own Sugarcube Corner.
Belphegor: Fluttershy's outbursts remind Belphie of his time in the attic. Although they're both shy initially, they're both very kind. He gets you MLP blankets and has late-night movie-watching. He cries throughout the movie, inspiring him to change his view on the human world.
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sukiitoru · 1 year
Hii, i saw your requests are open. Can I request The demon bros with a shy Mc? ( or who is shy at first?) :>
Hello cherry! Thanks for the request hope you enjoy really this ♡︎.
I've been dealing with a huge writer block so I'm trying my best to write as much as I can I will try to finish all of the requests as soon as possible thank you for waiting hope you enjoy reading thanks for all the support ♡︎.
Mc is non-binary pronounce is they/them.
Fandom: obey me!
Pairing: obey me brothers x mc.
Category: fluff, shy mc.
Shy beloved.
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Luci as we know is very bold regarding socializing with anyone and everyone, his pride gives him confidence as well.
Because demons are all different but most of them aren't the shy type, so it was a nice change for the man.
He'll be patient with mc it they're having a hard time speaking or if they need time to gather their thoughts.
He loves Mc's cute reactions, the way their cheeks turn bright red when their embarrassed, the cute fidgeting and the slight leg shifting when they're shy, the way they can't look him in the eyes always lowering their face to the ground, the small pout that would sometimes appear on their face when they're being teased.
All of it pulls on his heartstrings, he just has the urge to pick mc up and lock them in his room forever to hide his precious human from the rest of the world.
He'll start to realize that the more comfortable mc gets the less shy they become.
He loves and dislikes it at the same time, he doesn't get the cute reactions as much anymore, but he definitely loves the soft giggles he gets and the shy smiles that turn into wide grins with the passage of time.
The male hates to admit it but it makes his heart full knowing mc is so comfortable with him and his brothers to be themselves around him.
Making mc flustered brings a wide smirk on the male's face as it fuels his pride knowing he still can make mc flustered.
He'll forever love shy and flustered mc while also loving Mc's true personality when they're comfortable with people around them.
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Mammon being the tsuntsun that he is he's also sort of shy in his own way.
He has a hard time showing his true emotions and gets flustered very easily, he has almost the same shy habits mc does.
Whenever the two shy cuties try to have a conversation it ends with them both being a flustered shy mess.
Most likely because mammon said something embarrassing that mc did and then follows it up with saying 'it's not like your cute or anything' then they both get flustered and don't say anything for a few minutes then mammon walks away too flustered to say anything.
As they both get more comfortable they get more used to each other and don't get as flustered when talking.
As mammon is the jealous type he has to have mc next to him at all time and becomes slightly touchy and clingy.
It's slightly embarrassing for both of them at first but as time goes on, they both get used to it, it's their routine at this point.
The more comfortable mammon gets with mc the clinger he gets, if they're walking somewhere he has to walk next to mc his hand in theirs, if he and mc are sitting in the same room he has to be next to them and have arm around them in any way.
If mammon is in the mood he'll tease mc to no end about anything, surprisingly he has pretty good memory regarding things about mc, from their lovely moments to their embarrassing ones.
His lips turn into such a wide grin as he continued to tease mc, if mc pecks him to shut him up he'll turn into such a flustered mess it's unbelievable.
He won't talk again after that until he remembers another embarrassing moment of Mc's and the cycle continues.
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Levi being even more shy than mammon sometimes doesn't even say anything to begin a conversation, he doesn't even start conversations at all.
Unless there's something for him to talk about no words will be out from his mouth.
The more comfortable he gets the more social he gets and the more he picks up habits from mc.
He doesn't notice it but he definitely picks up habits from mc, from the way the play with end of their clothes to them picking at their nails if they're nervous.
This time around this boy doesn't tease mc, he doesn't have the confidence to do so and if he does he's the one that gets flustered instead.
Gets flushed at the simplest of touches, hold his hand and he'll be bright red he definitely warms up to it after a while but it never fails to fluster him.
As time goes on both him and mc get more comfortable with each other, getting more affectionate and vocal with each other.
Levi definitely cringes when he remembers how shy he was but it brings a small smile to his face remembering how shy mc was.
Please mc tease him but not too much, his face will turn bright red while he'll try to hide his face and whine about how mean mc is.
He definitely prefers both himself and mc being less shy with each other since they can share their true feelings to each other.
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Satan is definitely very bold, none of his mannerisms are viewed as shy in any way.
He'll definitely try to be very patient but sometimes gets a little frustrated but gets used to it over time, definitely tries his absolute best definitely not because he wants to beat luci.
Sometimes he treats mc like a cat, if he senses that mc is feeling shy he'll talk in a soft voice and hold his hand out to pat mc gently as he coos at them.
If mc doesn't like being babied he'll stop but he can't help the soft smile that overtakes his lips and the big urge to just pat Mc's head whenever mc feels shy.
He definitely notices how mc starts to get more comfortable, less tense, less fidgety.
He definitely feels more happy about it as well, he's happy Mc's comfortable with him and his brothers, but he doesn't show it.
Has a habit of teasing mc a little too much, he just loves seeing mc pout so much he can't help it.
He definitely likes reading to mc, so the more comfortable mc gets with him the more he reads for them.
He reads for them before they go to sleep, when they're tired or stressed, when they want affection.
He'll sit on his bed his back leaning against his pillows mc sitting between his legs their back to his chest as mc hold the book Satan's hands covering theirs gently as rests his head on their shoulder reading in a soft voice.
Just loves all versions of mc just like how he loves all of him.
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Asmo in no way shape or form is shy in any way.
So when he meets a shy little human that can't look people in the eye without their face glowing bright red, he's very happy.
He's very patient with mc, he watches mc talk to him with the most love filled eyes.
He loves how shy mc is, it even fuels him to see such cute, blushy, embarrassed faces.
He'll tease mc any moment he gets, sometimes he doesn't even try and somehow makes mc a flustered mess anyways.
He loves how cute it is when Mc's shy their cute cheeks flushing red, how cute they are when they look down from embarrassment.
He just wants to hug mc tightly in his arms and squeeze them tight kiss them all over their face too.
He definitely notices how mc gets more comfortable with time and it makes his heart soar with happiness.
He also likes how mc eases up to his affection and don't try to get away or gets as flustered as before.
He will do his absolute best to make mc comfortable at all time so he's very glad it worked out and mc is happy with him and his brothers.
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Beel isn't in the slightest way shy, he's a very quiet person and he doesn't speak much.
Beel doesn't really think much of mc being shy, he doesn't really mind it either he's very chill about it.
He's very patient with mc and will wait if they need time to talk with him.
He'll always keep in mind Mc's favourite snacks to give it to them to eat if they like eating to calm them down, he'll try his best not to eat the snacks but if he eats them he'll grab another one and puts it in Mc's room.
If mc if feeling too overwhelmed he'll ask mc if they're okay and if mc is willing he'll give them a big bear hug to calm them down.
He's the best comfort buddy you'll ever find.
He definitely notices how less shy mc gets and how relaxed they've become, he's pretty happy about it, he feels even more relaxed around mc too.
Definitely feels proud of himself and his brothers for making mc warm up to them.
If mc allows him to do so he would definitely kiss mc on the cheek alot, he likes how soft and squishy they are might bite them softly cause they remind him of the mochis he tried from the human world.
He just loves mc just the way they are.
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Since he didn't get to meet mc like the rest of his brothers, when he came around he definitely noticed how mc was more tense and awkward around him not exactly all shy.
He felt bad when he saw how mc would laugh and joke around with his brothers then when they saw him they would tense up and inche closer to his brothers.
He'll notice how as time passes and as he spends more time with mc, mc becomes less tense around him more comfortable sometimes even affectionate too.
He'll try to get closer to mc by taking naps together with them if they're comfortable with him.
He gets very proud of himself when mc gets more comfortable with him.
He'll do anything to have mc more comfortable with him.
He won't know what to do if mc is overwhelmed, he'll be slightly confused so he'll call beel to comfort mc.
With some guidance from beel he'll learn how to comfort mc.
He regrets what he did and he'll try his best to have mc feel at home around him.
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated ♡︎.
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springbloomer · 2 years
They found a letter to them...
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!!!note: I'm in an angsty mood, FIGHT ME
Characters: The usual (brothers): Luci, Mams, Levi boy, my man Satan, Asmo, my sweet baby Beel, and our napping buddy Belphie
⛔⛔TW: MC is dead, suggestive (or pretty much clear) about depression and self-harming, censored swearing (DON'T PROCEED IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THESE THINGS!), VERY SAD BOIS
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(I tried to make this generic for all my fellow sheep out there who are also MCs, I may have added some personal touches though)
MC's last words to the brothers...
"Good morning... afternoon... or evening. I don't know when you'll find my message, but I hope this may find you at a good time. Make sure you're not with any with your brothers when you're reading this, because I'm dedicating this to you, my love. I hope you are well, and when you find this..... that means I've....died. I'm sorry... I know we were going really well, and that we both loved each other. There was nothing wrong with our relationship, in fact it had nothing to do with you either. It's just.. ugh, I was tired of myself. Tired of believing in false hope, tired of believing I wasn't a burden to you. F**k, I just was tired of living! How was I supposed to support you in everything you do when I kept weighing you down, and you're practically the one who carries this entire relationship?! Ugh, I'm just sorry.... I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry... Lucifer.. please, don't take this out on your brothers, it wasn't anyone's fault. Just.... please know that I still love you, my darling, but I never brought myself... to love myself..." He dropped the letter and let himself fall onto his chair. H-how... why...? His head was in his palms and tried to restrain himself from doing anything stupid. A spell, a witch, a powerful force to bring you back... please, ANYTHING...
"Hey... Are you in your room? Don't tell anyone about this, not even your brothers. And if your seeing this message, then it means that... I can't really be with you anymore. Mammon, my first man, the only one in my eyes.... I've.... died, and I'm sorry. No, this didn't have anything to do with you. Don't go blaming yourself about this, because it was all just about me. What's wrong with me, you ask? My entire existence just doesn't really matter anymore. I knew that I meant the whole world to you, but my idiotic and stupid self just had to take my own life because of so much self-loathing.... Your reassurances and supportive attitude meant a lot to me, it really did, but... why did I have to live? Don't make this message an excuse to be all sulking and depressed because of my death. Please, do not. But even if you do have the right to hate me and miss me... I'll have you know that I've loved you. Remember that, ok? Remember my love for you, the only thing that you can't buy. Our love is so precious, it's not worth a trillion Grimm, got that? I'm sorry to ask you this..... carry our priceless love for me, please? Please... and I'm..... sorry..." Now this was something he really couldn't boast about to his brothers. Who the heck would boast about their human's death? Surely, this was the first time he's been so quiet during his classes, and even in the afternoons at the House of Lamentation. All these thoughts running through his head, and unfortunately, he's been trying to find someone who could bring you back... anyone at all... he'll give all his Grimm up, sell everything he owned, heck he'll sell one of his brothers to anybody who knew just one spell to let him see you at least one more time...
"Would you sacrifice a day without any screen or manga in your face when you'll find this message? *sigh* Please take this slow, and take all the time you need to process, but I need to let you know that... I've... died... NO, this had nothing to do with you, ok? You say you're a sh**ty, gross, shut-in otaku, but you're MY shi**ty, gross and shut-in otaku, okay? Never forget that. It's just me who was the problem the entire time. I'm sorry you had to know this way, but I was just... tired of living... if that makes sense. Look, I've hated myself for as long as I can remember, which is obviously way before I got into Devildom. It was a ton of self-worth problems and a ton of depression as well.... I wasn't worth existing anywhere.... All those times you've told my that I fit perfectly well during my stay, I really appreciated it. I'm just really sorry that it wasn't enough. Ugh, my belief in self-worth is just, TOO MUCH. Please, don't suffer quietly because of my death... Though I prefer that you wouldn't talk to your brothers about this, it's alright to reach out to them. I wouldn't take the death of my lover too lightly either, so please, remember that I loved every bit of our relationship, and I love you, my otaku... He's just... a mess now. An emotional wreck, he misses you so dearly and wants you to come back so badly... (he wouldn't miss the opportunity to relate this to an anime, but this was actually happening in his own life, so he'd just be mocking himself) Frustration, anger, sadness.... all of these mixed emotions and it was tearing Levi apart....
"Hello, my darling. If you've found this message... then it means... that I've died. I'm sorry, and... there's nothing you could do about it, love. No, there was nothing wrong with our relationship. We loved each other both dearly, I knew this but... ugh, I've hated myself. It's all just me, dear, and it never had anything to do with you. Your affection never ceased to sooth my sadness away, but as time passed... the walls around me blocked all your love.... and I never wanted that to happen. I knew that I meant a lot to you, and I've struggled the urge to just... end my life... for the longest time I've known. Please, do me this one favor and don't mention this to any of your brothers.... but, I don't possess this kind of power to stop you in doing so. I still love you, dead or alive, and I was just.... so f**king tired of myself.... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.... please, after a thousand millennium, just please remember how much I love you..." He's reading your message over and over again, hoping that this was all fiction, not true, a lie.... He's never felt so down in his life, and not even the new bought books he's planned to binge read could distract him. How could it when the love of his life could no longer be by his side?
"Hey there!... I hope you're still taking good care of yourself, dear. And not just physically, mental health is just as important..! ...Not that I can speak about that for myself. Just, why me, Asmo? What's so special about my existence? Other than being there for you and your partner for life, what else could I do? Nothing. As me being the only one in your eyes, it's selfish, unfair and totally really uncalled for to say that you'll find somebody else in the future. I had nothing to offer to you, and all the other witches who surround you would have surely had better standards than a measly human. I am a weak, fragile and unnecessary living thing who had no place in this world. Look, I've always hated that part of me, and the only way to get rid of it.... was to get rid of myself. I'm.... really sorry, I couldn't stop the urge to just.... easily end my life with a knife twisted in me.... Your overflowing compliments about me during those times we were together... I really wanted to take them by heart, but with this kind of thought, I couldn't bring myself to believe you.... I'm really sorry....." How special were you to him? He didn't care if the tears were running down on his cheeks. He didn't care if this would ruin his perfect, silky skin. He's bawling and raging, and didn't mind if he looked like an absolute wreck the next day. The only thing he could focus if your absence, and he's missing you so much he's skipped a few weeks of school, went offline in Devilgram, and shut himself in his own room...
"Hello Beel... If you're reading this, then it means you ate the first one I made accidentally... I can't blame you, though. Please keep reading, and... I warn you that you wouldn't take this lightly... I- well.... there's really no softer way in bringing this to you. Look, if you're reading this, then it means... that I'm...dead. Yes, unfortunately, you read that right. I no longer exist in this world, the world where I have no purpose in. I'm very sorry.... I'm sorry I never talked to you about this... I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. And please, don't blame yourself. You are such a sweet demon, and I loved that part of you. I've always loved you, and all the time we spent together. Don't ever change that part of you, please. You were such a sweetheart whenever you try to show you love for me through the amount of snacks I receive. I really appreciate and cherish everything and every bit of it. None of that was the cause of me.... leaving you. It was all just me. I never like myself from the beginning, and all the things you've said to make me feel better? They were working, but things just got too hectic up to the point where I- .... I'm sorry... please, just, know that your true self was the reason why I loved you. You sweetheart, I'm so sorry....." The poor demon couldn't control himself. He's becoming an unpredictably wild beast; sometimes he'd eat so much, everybody would panic that he'd eat half of the entire Devildom, but on the other times... he wouldn't eat AT ALL, not even a CRUMB. Too bad... no matter what he does, that empty feeling never went away because he misses you so much...
"Hey there, sleepyhead.... How many times have I appeared in your dreams? Sadly..... that's the only place where you'll find me from now on. What am I saying? I'm gone, Belphie... I'm sorry, but I went and f**ked myself up. You had nothing to do with this, I swear. It was all me and my stupid thoughts. You already knew that I was going though some sh*t.... I noticed that when you suddenly came to me and told me not to die on you.... I'm sorry, but that's literally what I just did.... Please, I hope you could forgive me..... I'd understand if you're mad at me, and I deserve it. I'm really sorry.... I'm sorry.... Well, you said it yourself: "Humans are weak and delusional." You were totally right about that. It described my entire existence, so why keep on living? Don't do anything stupid just so you could get your cuddle buddy back.... I'll still be with you, and always love you. Just know that I'll never leave you no matter what...." He's never been so awake his entire life. Sleeping was never the same for him when you weren't by his side, and he tries so hard not to fall asleep- otherwise, he'd only see you in his dreams and make him hurt even more.
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a maybe obey me request:
the reader is asexual and has gradually gotten along with all of the brothers except Asmo, due to a fear of how overtly affectionate/sexual the demon can be. it’s gotten to the point where the brothers devise a plan to make the reader spend some time with asmo and form a friendship; or if not an understanding that even though he’s a lot, asmo does care in his own way
Ohhhhhh I know that feeling too well my love. I hope that nobody's touching you without your consent, and if they do, call me, I'll kill them nice and slow. <3
I just can't live with the fact that some ppl ignore boundaries and so however they please like bitch can you maybe not touch me?
Your name is MC and you're a sheep in this fic
"Don't worry, I'm here."
The brothers felt bad for Asmo.
I mean, sure, Asmodeus was sometimes overly affectionate on purpose, but it seemed that whenever he wanted to hug MC or pat their shoulder or just touch them platonically in any way, the sheep just...looked at him with a frown and a raised hand, muttering a soft:
"Please don't do that."
And Asmodeus always pouts cutely as you walk away, and while you do, you let out a sigh of relief. You knew that Asmo couldn't really...ground his affections and desires because of his position, but he could at least tone it down with the verbal affections.
You nearly had a stroke whenever Asmodeus flirted with you, because it'd always sound sweet and you'd think he was being innocent just this once, before he ruins the mood and builds up your guard around him even stronger when he scooches closer to you with a smirk. Of course, you go away right away before he has a chance to do anything else.
"I feel bad for Asmo,", Levi mumbles as he fixates his orange eyes on the screen in his phone, thinking back to the time when Asmodeus tried hugging you after a compliment you gave him, but he instead crashed against the wall as you ran away.
"Me too.", Mammon mumbles as he counts a few coins he found on the way from the school to the house of Lementation. He thought back to that one time where you were forced to sit next to Asmo, who couldn't help but lean into your neck and smell at your fragrance, and you pushed him away with a disgusted face.
Of course, Asmodeus couldn't be mad at you, how would he? He already came to terms with the fact that there were some people in this world that didn't need all that body contact and pleasure, just a small high-five and fist-bump being enough for them to count as physical touch.
"Well, we certainly need a plan.", Satan speaks up as he holds up a book. "I've read that handholding is pretty popular amongst asexual people, because there are many ways to hold hands; interlacing the fingers with each other, rubbing the thumb on the other person's back of their hand, and holding pinkies.", he listed, and Leviathan blushed at the thought of holding hands with someone.
Lucifer nodded. "That's actually a good idea, but how would you like MC and Asmodeus to hold hands when MC quite literally despises Asmodeus' touch?", the eldest brother asked.
Satan raised his hands before he lowered it with a frown. "I-...don't know."
"What if they go to that scary place from the human world?", Beel asked through a stuffed mouth and Lucifer had marks in his temple as he asked Beel to swallow his food before he said something.
Beel ate up his sandwich, before he spoke about his idea. "Since October is slowly pulling up in the human world, they already have decorations for halloween...although it's like, two months too early... but still. I once went with my friends and it was rather scary..", the avatar of gluttony mumbled before he bit into the next closest burger.
Lucifer looked up in thought. "That might actually work...mammon, challenge Asmodeus and MC to go there, I'm sure Asmodeus would accept.", he ordered, and Mammon nodded.
No need to throw tantrums when he wanted MC and Asmo to get closer platonically right? Also he was glad that he didn't have to go to that spookhouse.
"A spookhouse? Sounds neat.", you shrugged as you looked at Mammon.
"Eh? Isn't that for younger kids?", Asmodeus asked before he looked at his nails.
"Beel and his friends went there too!", Mammon exclaimed, and for once, Asmodeus didn't hear a lie from Mammon's mouth.
"Is that a bet or something?", the avatar of lust asked, voice laced with suspisciousness towards his elder brother.
Mammon sighed in exasperation before whispering something into Asmodeus' ear. After a moment, the two composed themselves again and Asmodeus acdepted.
"AHH!", the blonde screamed in fear as another skeleton fell from the ceiling and nearly right on top of him. you just stood next to him, your hands in your pockets.
'Beel, why didn't you keep the spookhouse to yourself? And why is Asmodeus of all brothers here with me today?', you thought as you watched him close his eyes tightly as he hugged himself.
Now, you felt bad for Asmodeus as well. He really looked like he didn't enjoy it here, and for once, you let your guard down.
"Hey.", you spoke gently after you sat down next to him. He held his ears shut, his legs close to his chest and you didn't like the way his clothes got dirty from all the dust and dirt on the ground.
You slowly put your hand on his shoulder, and he flinched. But you pressed down, and Asmo finally opened his eyes as he had tears in his eyes.
"wanna leave?", you asked, and Asmo nodded. You stood up before reaching out your hand. Asmo looked at you with a face full of unsureness, and the question lingered in the air.
'are you really okay with that?', his eyes asked.
you opened your hand more in yes.
And he slowly brought up his hand, giving you the chance to pull back, but he got the message after your hand held his and helped him stand up.
"Let's get the heck outta here.", you said, and Asmo nodded as he wiped away his tears.
'Holding hands like this...is not so bad.', you and Asmo thought, and for once, his dirty mind was completely gone, instead having a calm and warm and comforting feeling in his stomach when he looked at your hand which was holding his tightly.
so tightly, as if to say: "Don't worry, I'm here."
And with holding his hand tightly, you and Asmodeus went home.
bruh I think I kinds messed it up? But I dunno, btw are you okay with handholding? Because i did and i played with the thought of maybe holding pinkies but then it wouldn't be as dramatic you know?
Anyways, I hope you liked it, and if not, tell me and I'll try to do better next time!
Read you in the next post!
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obeymycok · 2 years
Pact Headcanons Pt. 2
Been thinking about this for like 2 months straight, world building is so much fun though. Anyways, I hope this makes sense because it’s hard to explain it perfectly without drawing it, which I am absolute dog shit at. Wish I could just cram y’all in my brain for like 20 minutes but this is the best I can come up with lmao
Part 1
I think MC can control whether their pact marks are visible or not. Unless of course they’re using the pact, in which case it glows. I think this is canon, but also that MC’s power increases the stronger their relationship is with said brother.
That being said, what if MC could do more than just bend the demon to their will? What if MC could also use the brothers’ powers to defend themselves if the brothers couldn’t? (Or just because they can) I mean like their very own demon form and everything but based on the brother’s sin they’re using.
Slight backtrack to the demon-human relationships, not everyone acts on a certain sin the same way. For example, it’d be a very good argument to say that Asmo is also very prideful. He sees himself as the most important and beautiful being in existence (I mean..👀) Now Lucifer is also pretty full of himself, but he mainly prides himself on achieving anything and everything. 
I see an MC who prides themselves like Asmo, having a weaker energy/attack when using Lucifer’s powers for protection. MC would also indulge in (insert sin) almost exclusively. Not a personality change because it’s still them, but definitely a certain mood whenever they switch. An MC using Satan’s pact becomes noticeably more irritated and the air is thick with tension.
As far as the demon form goes, hair color, demon features, and height is the only thing that copies the brothers. Skin color might merge a bit with light-skinned MC using Mammon’s pact or a dark-skinned MC using Belphie’s pact but their own would remain dominant. Like brother and MC’s child if they have one. Hair and body type remain the same, and clothing would be changed to MC’s style.
Maybe an MC using Asmo’s pact is a little more self conscious and acts more like Levi? An introvert who reads spicy fanfics, perhaps? They would remain as covered as they felt comfortable. And of course, an MC who’s JUST like Asmo, is free to wear however little they want. AND the pact ALWAYS adjusts to MC’s comfort because I’M the op and I said so (also supporting good and bad self esteem days💅)
But yeah, I think I’m gonna write a fic/more headcanons for the brothers reacting to MC just whipping a whole ass demon form out and obliterating something with power that rivaled their own (go MC!!💅👀💅)
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