#yandere platonic obey me asmodeus
Hii not sure if your requests are open or not- so ignore this if they’re closed! <3
Can I request some Obey Me! Headcanons?
So reader is the 8th sister of the brothers. So she’s the youngest.
Just some general headcanons of her relationships w the brothers
( And some of the side characters if it’s not too much trouble :>)
Thanks <33
I've already done something like that but I love the concept so I'm just going to build that 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Youngest Sibling Reader Headcannons | Yandere Obey Me
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Before I said he was the worst one and I mean it
He’s an amalgamation of someone who understands you but undermines you at every moment
Because he understands, he does listen
He just doesn’t hold your opinions on the same level as his own
But worse 
Of course his brother’s constant chatter about aimless things isn’t on his level
But every now and then he’ll enjoy hanging out with them 
But not you
Never you 
“Ah so you do pay attention to the political atmosphere. Good job.”
“I don’t expect you to know but I’ll tell you anyways.”
It’s degrading
It’s disrespectful
And he does not care
You can cry and yell all you like 
it’ll just sound like a tantrum to him 
So he’ll treat like one
“If you can’t behave, I’ll have to send you to the attic.”
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As previously stated is apart of the group that just misinterprets everything you say
It’s hard to say if it’s delusion or denial 
Because sometimes he’ll slip up 
You’ll catch him crying or a single mumble in his late night rambles 
“Aw my baby is so grown up…I just can’t believe it anymore.”
If you try to address it he’ll pat your head and ruffle your hair (if you have any)
Before telling you it’s nothing for the baby to worry about anyway
It’s incredibly annoying 
When he writes off your achievements in gaming as button mashing 
Or saying your just a genius so you’d get on his level eventually
Any protests or ‘grown-up’ conversations are often just outright ignore
Now doing things outside of the ‘baby’ image he has of you mostly has him ignoring that too
Unless you come back hurt or specifically crying for his help 
He will actually start flooding places and going into an absolute rampage
He won’t listen to you about calming down
Its going to take all the brothers to de-aggro their brother to save everyone from drowning
“Sorry guys I just want to make sure our baby sib is doing okay!”
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Also a part of that ‘doesn’t listen to you’ crew
Accept while he might actually here you his brain literally just never let’s him hear your real voice
“Can you please stop trying to rearrange my closet?! It’s weird to find you digging through my stuff–”
“Okay okay no need to cry what’s the problem baby sib? C’mon you can use your words! Tell big bro Asmo what’s the matter?”
It’s almost a concern when he does it in front of your other brothers 
Especially the ones you can hold an actual conversation
“Hey (Y/n) can you pass the salt and the salad.”
“Sure, man.”
“Hey Hey! Why are you bothering (Y/n), they’re trying to focus on eating? Not to mention your being such a meanie, trying to make them reach with their tiny arms!”
“(Y/n) is sitting closer to me than you…”
“So? How do you expect them to know good manners if you don’t show them! Here I’ll show you how! Watch me baby (Y/n)!”
He honestly doesn’t compute when you’re getting older
He’ll celebrate birthdays, milestones, awards
But he doesn’t believe you are growing and can’t see it either
Reprimanding you when you went out with your own car
“I’m all for playing with your toys, but you have to have a chaperone. Okay?”
That being said any advances from others are met with extreme animosity
“Not my little (Y/n)! Try that with someone else’s little baby!”
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shallyouobeyme · 1 year
Obey Me - Yandere!Brothers x Reader (GN); Yandere!Diavolo x Reader (GN)
Summary: Your death had not been an unexpected one - at least for the seven reasons behind it - what had been unexpected was what happened afterwards. How far are the residents of hell willing to go to get you back?
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Major Character Death, Death of a relative (mentioned), Yandere!brothers can be interpreted either as platonic or romantic, poison, murder, Manipulation, blackmailing, non-consensual kissing, angst generally, I do not condone this - this is all just fiction
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Everything about your death had been planned prior, not a single detail was unaccounted for. At least for the ones behind it. You yourself had no idea that you were eating your last meal one Friday evening - it had been Lucifer's turn to cook and he made one of your favourites - and you were enjoying dinner with all the brothers. Quite honestly, you should have known something was afoot simply by the fact that all of them were on their best behaviour, no fighting, no cursing - the literal and the magical kind - and even Levi was acting sociable, without a handheld console anywhere in sight. Belphegor was wide awake (at least for his standards), Beelzebub was eating with relative moderation, Mammon wasn't bragging about any of his new purchases, Satan was calm as he could be, and Asmodeus had his complete attention on you, but not in his typical flirty way. It was like they were all trying to savour the moment.
Lucifer seemed to be the same as always, but you knew him too well and knew how to look beyond his shell. He was sad, somehow, and you would have guessed this sense of self-loathing that his pride usually didn't allow, but that always was just below the surface was bubbling up. Why, you didn't know, but you figured you'd ask him after dinner when you had some alone time. When you were finished eating, Mammon jumped up exclaiming that he'd do the cleaning today and you knew one of the brothers would ask what he was trying to even out now, which scheme of his he needed to repent for before it had actually come out. Not a word was said though. That was the moment when you became slightly suspicious, but sadly not suspicious enough - not that there was anything for you to change at that point. The deed had already been done.
A yawn straight out of your mouth pulled you away from your suspicions. You were really tired all of a sudden. The day must have been more exhausting than you had thought. 'Oh well', you thought as your eyelids slowly became heavier, 'you had time to ask Lucifer about what was going on tomorrow, after all, it was the weekend and you had had all the time in the world'. 'All the time in the world', oh how silly that phrase now sounded. You said goodbye to the brothers, giving each of them a small kiss on their cheek as it had established itself in your routine before you turned to leave for your room. 'MC', Lucifer had called after you as if wanting you to stop, but when you turned around to him, he seemingly had discarded whatever it was he had wanted, instead telling you to sleep well.
And you did sleep well, for about two hours and twenty-seven minutes. Two hours and twenty-seven minutes later, your heart beat for the last time, and then your body grew cold and stiff and lifeless. Death had come for you at last. A peaceful death, that the brothers knew for sure because as they all sat waiting in the dimly lit living room, they only felt a slight ache and a sense of finality as their bonds broke apart. It was regretful that they had to these measures and they were well aware that for the rest of their eternal lives, they'd mourn their actions - but what had to be done was done, this was the only way. The one way that would mean that you would spend eternity with them.
Their plan had first started being formulated when you had gotten news of a relative of yours dying - they had been old and sick and their death had not been an unexpected one. The brothers had decided they'd be there to help you mourn and cheer you up, but they found that while you felt the pain of your loss you were actually relieved, knowing that your relative now didn't have to suffer anymore, especially since they had made peace with their end already. It was what you said when Levi had wondered how you could be so nonchalant about death that kickstarted it all. 'We all die at the end, some sooner, some later - death is a part of life and I find that fleeing from it is impossible so I might as well embrace life for the short time it blesses me.'
They had always known that you'd die one day - they knew you were mortal, but still, knowing that you knew that you would, made this more real. It meant that it was something that would happen in the near future (for them at least) and after they had a long talk where all of them agreed that they could not, would not, live without you anymore they decided that the only way for you to be with them forever was to make you like them, to have you be a demon. That way you'd be safe in the Devildom - not that they'd stop protecting you - and you'd be bound to them for eternity, just like the pacts had bound them to you. But for a mortal to become a human, they had to die first.
Lucifer had cleared things with Diavolo - made him promise that once you died and came to hell, he'd make you into a demon (decidedly not mentioning that your death might happen sooner than the prince might expect) - and Satan took care of a poison that would make you die peacefully and painlessly in your sleep. From then on everything would be simple, your soul would come down to hell, that much was sure, you had made pacts with not one, not two, but all seven of the lords of hell, so there wasn't a way in the world that you'd end up in heaven.
That's what they had been so very sure of, but they didn't realize just how pure you were, how you had been able to keep your soul shining and clean even while surrounded by the worst of the worst, how you hadn't indulged in sin even while being surrounded by it. It might have been your celestial heritage or just your heart of goodness, but it seems the great father had his eyes on you and decided to give you another chance after your death. A new life as an angel - the same soul just elevated into a high, celestial position, and without memories about your mortal life. The brothers had no idea of your new angelic self, just mulling over the fact of how long it was taking you to make the track to hell, worrying that you might have been trapped in the mortal realm with unfinished business. It was Simeon who cleared it up for them, he had been in Celestia with Luke while they had ended your life, so when he appeared in the mansion, face white as a sheet and eyes filled with sadness, exclaiming that you were in Celestia now, that you had no memories, asking the brothers what had happened to you, why they hadn't been informed of your untimely demise. They improvised, exclaiming that you had died of some natural causes that unsuspectedly came with a mortal like you spending so much time in the Devildom, that they were in deep mourning and hadn't even gotten to contact your family yet. Simeon - too goodhearted for his own good - believed them, telling them that he'd mourn with them, but it was what he said before he left again that stuck in their mind: He'd take good care of your soul in Celestia.
No, they wouldn't let this happen. They'd do whatever they had to, whatever it took, to have you back in their midst again. A new plan formed, this one more destructive and with much more dire consequences, but they did not care anymore. Lucifer was again the one to get Diavolo's help but this time he was straightforward about it - he knew that he'd act on it with or without the prince's help. It was a surprise how quickly Diavolo agreed and how eager he was to help, it was a sign of his own ulterior motives, but having Diavolo on their side was the biggest trump card they could gain so Lucifer decided to keep that to himself.
Their plan would surely lead to another century, if not more, of animosities between the realms. It might even lead to another Celestial war, but the brothers were more than prepared to fight their former brethren if it was just to have you in their reach again. And so it was enacted ruthlessly and without hesitation. The seven of them along with Diavolo could easily summon an angel, even one as protected and new as you, and so when you arrived in the middle of their circle they were all too ready to embrace you tight enough to make sure you could never escape, the would have clipped your beautiful white wings - the same that Lillith had sprouted out of her back when she was alive and celestial - and would have buried your halo below the deepest ditch in the deepest sea, but they knew that that was not the end goal of their plan. Instead, Diavolo made you an offer. To join him. To become one of the rulers of hell, the eighth lord/lady of hell, and get a power beyond a simple angel's imagination. Of course, you declined, no self-respecting angel without any reason would agree to that, after all, angels were made, born, with the knowledge that the inhabitants of the Devildom were evil, the enemy.
Again, the brothers had expected you to decline, but they wanted to have at least offered it to you under these circumstances. They would get what they wanted one way or another though and so after a simple snap of Diavolo's fingers, Barbatos entered the room, carrying in his hand a small angel. He was holding him with his hand around his neck from behind and Luke was either unconscious or... you didn't want to think about what the or was. Of course, he was just sleeping from a potion in the cookies he had made with Barbatos earlier, during the baking session they had used to lure him down to the Devildom to work as their blackmail.
The ultimatum was clear. Agree, become one of them, and Luke would go free, or decline, go back to Celestia with the knowledge that the young angel, one of Michaels's very own pupils, had died while you could have stopped it. Had you retained your memories from your mortal life, you might have believed that they wouldn't have dared to hurt Luke, but even then you would have been wrong because there was nothing that was too far in their attempt to regain you by their side.
The goodness that had brought you into this situation in the first place was now also the reason for your decision. No way could you live with yourself knowing that you could've stopped Luke's death. And so you held out to shake Diavolo's hand, only for him to pull you towards him and kiss you deeply. The kiss was unexpected, but it turned out to be a welcomed distraction from the burning that started in your midst and widened out until it had reached every single part of your body. Your wings felt like they were made of pure fire as the feathers that were white as snow before turned into an ashen grey. The pain was almost as bad as the one in your temples where horns came out and curled backwards until they were horizontal to your head with a slight angle.
When the kiss - and the transformation - had ended the complete morph of your body took its toll as you fell right into Diavolo's arms. At that point Diavolo saw himself faced with a choice, he was so tempted to just take you with him - make you his partner like he knew you would one day be the moment he had given you your first kiss, now was the perfect chance, you were a demon like him now - but the brothers would surely wreak havoc up him and his kingdom if he did and he had more than enough time after all. People didn't expect him to be a patient man given his childish demeanour, but for you he was willing to wait decades, if not centuries, knowing that once he had you, he'd have you forever by his side. For now, he'd let the brothers take you home, coddle and care for you while they searched for ways to bring your memories back. They'd surely have their work cut out for them, after all - as Barbatos had explained after your transformation - as a result of a mix of celestial blood and the pacts you had with them during your time as a mortal, you were now the ultimate sin, an amalgamation of all of them: pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, hunger and sloth.
A/N: My thirteenth entry into Yandere Writetober - based on the result of a poll I held - I hope you all liked this slightly longer and more experimentally written Friday the 13 'special'. If you did, I would really appreciate a comment or a reblog. Look forward to tomorrow's entry 'castle'
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chaedomi · 1 year
imagine that lilith was not the only sister in the family. om bros with another little sister… but add a splash of yandere to it. / mlist.
LUCIFER who constantly monitors everything you do. LUCIFER who puts you in lockdown when the slightest detail has him suspicious. LUCIFER who ignores your protests as he searches for the problem and eradicates the source.
MAMMON who is somehow worse than Lucifer. MAMMON who asks about your business every hour, every second of the day that it drives you crazy. MAMMON who is very possessive as well, so much so that if someone were to eye you for more than three seconds, MAMMON gets so snippy and shoves at the person.
LEVIATHAN who seems the most normal out of all, but is as equally as messed up as the rest. LEVIATHAN who handles your life online, while the others handle what happens offline. LEVIATHAN who browses through your history and websites, going to fix whatever seems "off" to him.
SATAN who reflects Lucifer's emotions, instinctively harbors extreme feelings for you. SATAN who investigates the reason for his brothers’ actions and eventually understands. SATAN who forms his own attachment to you when you patiently and lovingly treat him as his own person.
ASMODEUS who understands the uproar about you; you were basically an angel inside a demon's body. ASMODEUS who understands when someone falls head-over-heels for you. ASMODEUS who allows that person to be entertained by your presence. ASMODEUS who will quickly turn hostile if said person tries to make advances on you.
BEELZEBUB who vows to not repeat the same mistake in failing to protect you. BEELZEBUB who follows wherever you go like a damn shadow, looming over you. BEELZEBUB who sends a piercing glare to anyone if they so much breathe incorrectly in your space. BEELZEBUB who practically obliterates anyone daring to approach you.
BELPHEGOR who scares and rids of any potential male/female suitors for you. BELPHEGOR who acknowledges the problem began when his other sister fell in love. BELPHEGOR who works thoroughly to prevent history from repeating itself.
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©chaedomi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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Honestly have been having platonic yandere vampire au brainrot for the obey me brothers for so long....just a bunch of vampires looking at a human and just going "yup. You're coven now." And turning them whether they want to or not....
Oh vampire au! I don't think much about this particular au, but it's fun to write about.
Covens: Families or unrelated groups of vampires who live together.
Yandere!Vampire!Brothers who are very protective of the new human exchange student. They must protect the poor fragile human from the lesser vampires. Should any harm come to the human, they'll be answerable to Diavolo. They'll control their urge to suck out your blood, no matter how painful it be.
Yandere!Vampire!Lucifer who wishes to spend all his time with you, and as a result, makes you do your RAD homework in his room while he looks at you from his desk, under the pretext of 'keeping an eye on you'. He will ask you to prick the tip of your finger and put a drop of your blood in his teacup, just enough to enhance the flavour of his tea.
Yandere!Vampire!Mammon who is so sweet and clingly towards you, always sitting close to you in the class, walking you home to after school, wanting to take you out shopping as soon as he gets goldie again. What? He adores you so much! He'll accompany you everywhere he can because he doesn't think you can protect yourself from the lesser vampires. Just don't let his hand go okay? He will keep you safe!
Yandere!Vampire!Leviathan who is grateful for a friend who actually listens to him! He tries to keep your attention focused on him by engaging you in his video games, keeping you cooped up in his room by pulling all nighters watching anime and TSL. Whenever he mentions being thirsty you rush out to get him some water, but he wasn't referring to water now was he? You'll surely let him have a sip if he asks nicely right?
Yandere!Vampire!Satan who helps you out when you're in need. Your task is to write about vampire as a human being? Don't worry, he's there to help you. Let's study about the basis anatomy of a vampire first? Hours and hours spent in the library or his room, your nose buried in the books, while he relishes in your presence. He'll delibrately pick books written in ancient script so you're forced to take his help in deciphering them or he'll delibrately select books with sharper edges so that he gets to enjoy a little treat after you leave.
Yandere!Vampire!Asmodeus who can't help but drown himself in your affection. The online account he made for you has already reached millions of followers, thanks to yours truly. The two of you spend time filming videos to post and do online challenges together. Many people compliment the new blush he's wearing, asking him the brand name. He just smiles sweetly and he tells them "it's one of a kind". The blush being your blood stored in his little compact case.
Yandere!Vampire!Beelzebub who is worried the most out of all the brothers about your safety. Everyday he feels like he lost Lilith yesterday, but now that you're here, he wants to make sure he never repeats that mistake again. He'll hog you as much as he can and will definitely put you on a training routine to make you strong. He will purposefully stuff his mouth with more food when you're around, he really don't wanna hurt you.
Yandere!Vampire!Belphegor who bares his teeth when someone tries to wake him from his sleep, but if it's you then it is replaced with a gentle smile, persuading you to join him instead. Before he used to hang around the planetarium and the attic, but now he can be found dozing in your bed. He will ask you to cuddle up to him everynight, even invites Beel from time to time. Sleeps with a part of his pillow in his mouth, should his vampiric urges take control in his sleep.
Yandere!Vampire!Brothers who are shocked by the news of your return to the human world. You have completed your year as an exchange student, now you must return home.
"But can't you just stay here? With us? We will protect you from any and all danger, so don't leave, there is no reason to go back" Mammon's voice had a lining of desperation that the others sitting in the room could catch on. All the brother where gathered in the living room to convince you to stay. "It was nice spending time with each one of you, but the presence of a human for too long might upset the natural balance. Plus I have a family I have to go back to" That's it! A family!
Yandere!Vampire!Brothers who pursuade you to become a vampire, then you can be a part of their family right? They can always get another human for the exchange program, but you, no, you're special. You will live with them as a vampire if you can't as a human. You'll not be taking the place of Lilith, no one can, but you've made your own and you'll be a part of their coven. What? You refuse? It's okay, supper's almost ready and the sleeping power should be kept here somewhere......well you don't have to worry, they will take care of everything. From the transition to the struggle of containing one's lust for blood, they'll be there with you at every step of the way. You will outlive your human family, and then they will be your only family, whom you will live with forever....
P.S : Hello anon! It was really fun for me to write this! But if it is not up to your liking then you can ask me to write it again and I'll try to better next time! Thank you!
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anonymousdisco · 2 months
How’d I get Isikaid into Yandere Obey Me Chapter Four: Setting into Motion - Part Two
Teachers POV:
I walked into the class a bit tiredly. This part of the school year was always tiring. Most students were never able to level up and advance their studies till close to the end of the school year. Given that it always seemed pointless to hold tests in each class every month.
I stood at the front of the greenhouse looking at all the students. Since today was an advancement day all the students except for the most advanced were gathered in the bottom floor to be monitored during the test.
I cleared my throat before I began to speak. “Good morning class. Today since we are testing remove all devices and put them in the classroom we use on Tuesdays and Fridays. In five minutes we will be starting.” All the students left except for one.
She looked a bit embarrassed as she stood there not moving. Which one was she again? She was clearly a member of the class but she seemed so meek for a demon. A bit innocent compared to the others in the class. When she caught me staring she stuttered out a quick explanation.
”I don’t have a D.D.D.” She seemed nervous. “You can check my bag if you want. All it has is my class things that I need for today.”
I chuckled a bit. “It’s fine. Although it is odd a young demon such as yourself isn’t keeping up with the latest tech…” I mused as I stared at her more closely.
She mumbled a bit at that looking at the ground embarrassment shown on her face. “I can’t work and attend school at the same time due to my schedule being packed so I don’t buy much stuff.”
The other student returned shortly after and I assigned pots. For some reason I felt like assigning her close to the front where I’d have the clearest eye on her work today. “We will be dealing with a very deadly plant today that is carnivorous. If you know you are not ready to do this simply do not attempt. If you end up overwhelmed then stop the test immediately and inform me of your forfeit. There is no shame in admitting you are in over your head.” I made a particular glance at the pride circle demons in my class as I said the last part knowing how stubborn they can be.
”You will began now. You have one hour to present me with your pots. You are allowed to finish early but take your time.” I clapped my hand signaling them to start.
(Y/N) POV:
Unlike the other students I do not approach my pot. Instead I take out a notebook from my purse and a pen. I sketch a small picture of the seeds sitting on the desk in-front of me. Once done with that I take out a different colored pen to write my observations on the seeds shape and size. I make careful notes on what the teacher said about it being carnivorous. Using this I narrowed it down to a Hallowing Rose. It was the only plant that fit since it matched the seeds look and also was one of the few plants that grows fast enough to reach adulthood in twenty minutes.
The problem with cultivation with this plant though was touching the seeds. It was protected by a layer of acid miasma that was produced by the plant itself to protect the seeds. It could seep through even the most protective material. There was only one way to get past that and it took thirty minutes to prepare. 
All throughout my writing I made sure to keep an anxiety ridden face with an air of concentration. I went over to the other side of the green house where a couple cauldrons were set up with various supplies for plant based potions scattered about. I gathered everything needed and made sure to keep slightly unsteady nervous hands.
I made myself seem to pause for a second and breathe. When I was done I made it look like I was determined rather than scared and move quickly and cautiously  through all the steps. When I was done I grabbed the potion bottle and carried it over to the bowl my seeds sat in and soaked them for the required time. Once done I planted them straight into the pot quickly before watering them with a bit of the blood filled watering cans available. Most everyone had finished by now and time was almost out.
Soon when there was only five minutes left and I was only student still there I was ready. I walked up timidly hiding begins my pot as I handed it to the teacher stuttering out nervously, “I’m done sir.”
Teacher POV:
I looked at the Howling Rose in amazement. Never had I seen a student give such results before. The roses dripped blood from their petals as they seemed to croon a melancholy howl that was what their name sake came from. Despite such wonderful results the girl before me seemed timid. “I failed again didn’t I? I never pass any tests…” She murmured sadly eyes on the ground.
”As a matter of fact you passed.” Her head whipped up an expression of disbelief on her face. “I look forward to seeing you in the second floor next class that we have. Now go so you’re not late for your next class.” 
I gently showed her out before looking at her class records at my desk. She was a wonderful student. A genius practically till you looked at her test. Did she have… test anxiety? How could such a thing be missed till now?! Just who was responsible for her education?
I making a decision used the schools D.D.D landline to call the head of schools secretary. Getting no reply I called the head of the school instead. When he picked up I made sure to sound apologetic. “My apologies Lord Diavolo if this is a bad time. This is about a students need for accommodation for testing. I believe Miss (Y/N) Morningstar has test anxiety. She is practically a genius but her mental issues with anxiety is holding her back. If she could have the right accommodations I’m sure you would see it too.”
”Whatever she needs get it done.” I heard Lord Diavolo voice and it sounded like he was… protective in a way of this student. Perhaps because she was a student council member?
”Understood I’ll inform her other teachers.” I get ready to do so about to hang up when he speaks.
”No need I’ll have it handled personally by Barbatos.” I feel shocked at this but I do as told. “You are dismissed.” He hung up shortly after saying that. I sit there wondering just who is she to him for him to be so serious.
Barnatos POV: 
I wasn’t expecting the Young Master to need me to handle something else so soon but when I heard who it was for I was happy to do it immediately. I rushed through the school quickly getting everything ready before approaching (Y/N) carefully trying not to startle her.
”Barbatos…?” She tilted her head shyly. “Were you in need of something? I’m on my way to my next test.”
”Yes I need you to follow me. Your testing location has changed. In fact your entire classroom experience will be facing some changes. You are now going to be following the schedule of our more delicate student population.” I smiled reassuringly without thinking. I liked taking care of her like this. She looked so adorable when she was shy and embarrassed.
”But Barbatos I’m fine where I am. I manage as I’m needed to.” She looked at me worried by what I said.
”Nonsense. You need help with your test anxiety so you will follow the schedule of the schools special students who get the needed accommodation.” I make my voice slightly stern and try not to regret it when her eye tear up slightly.
”But if I’m only at school for half the day then…” She sniffled slightly, “I won’t be able to to attend student council… and if that happens I won’t see my-“ She stops herself from speaking abruptly as if trying to avoid revealing something.
I speak to her gently, “Leviathan attends such a schedule himself and he is still on the student council. It will be fine, (Y/N).” She looked up at me hesitantly while fiddling.
”Alright then if you insist…” She followed me as I showed her to the back of the school. Once we reached room 2017 I opened the door and showed her inside.
”This is the only classroom you have to worry about now. It has a desk for your work as well as what ever devices you’ll need. There is a laptop bag in one of the drawers that you can take too and from school. You will only spend half the day on school work now, and are only required to do school in this room on testing days. Otherwise you can do it from home on your laptop just make sure to be present for all student council meetings.” I explained as I helped her get settled putting some tea on her desk. “You are done testing for the day since you are only allowed to test once per day now. You can complete two to three classes a day now at your leisure.”
She nodded along taking careful note in a worn notebook that was clearly well loved and used. I smile at her calmly at how cute it was. “Thank you for taking the time to do this Barbatos.” When was the last time I was thanked so sweetly for doing something…? It made my heart a bit fuzzy.
”Your welcome dear.” I left her to her own thoughts as I walked away finding a spot to continue to monitor her discretely as I had been ordered to by my young master.
~Affection: 29%
“She’s struggling in school. How could none of us notice?! She’s so determined to be able to try to push herself through school anyways. It’d be cute if it wasn’t the for the fact she must have felt like she was drowning trying to keep up her grades. I’ll have to talk to Lucifer during our weekly one on one meeting together.”
~Relation- Kindred spirit in loneliness and fierce mental protector
~Danger Level- Green
~Affection: 27%
“She’s so determined to be a part of the council even if it hurts her mentally with the strain of trying to keep up in school. Could it be she is trying to keep up with her brothers and spend time with them? How adorable that is. Quiet demons like her who don’t cause me any trouble are so pleasant to take care of.”
~Relation- Silent Observer, ???
~Danger Level- Green
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demonvibez · 1 year
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· Ahoy! My name is Ghost, and I write Obey Me fanfiction. 🌹  · I am in my thirties, use any pronouns, and obsessed w/ these demon bois! ♡ · Requests: CURRENTLY OPEN · My writing process (usually) takes a lot of time, so please be patient while I work on your requests - thank you for your patience as well as your prompts! · Asks are also open to chat - demon banter always welcome ♡ · I tend to write about both SFW & NSFW topics - be sure to mind tags/warnings! · I reserve the right to ignore anything that makes me uncomfortable. · Poly MC requests are accepted; solo smut requests are also accepted; not comfortable writing technical demoncest! Sorry, folks. No hate, though!    · Writing about Luke will be strictly platonic/familial. · Follows/likes come from my main blog: @maskedshinigami · My OM spam sideblog: @ghostisademon · Wanna send a lil love? See a few sneak peaks of my wips? -> Here is a link to my Ko-Fi! ♡
Masterlist Key: ♡ Smut ♡ Suggestive ♡ Fluff ♡ Comfort ♡ Angst ♡ Dark • GN Reader • Fem Reader • Male Reader
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Headcanons & One Shots: 
• Showering with Luci ♡♡♡
• Showering with Mammon ♡♡
• The Secret Garden with Luci ♡♡
• The Book Club (4/5) ♡
• Bloodlust (Barbatos) ♡♡♡
• [Yandere] Mammon ♡♡
• Overwhelmed (Leviathan) ♡♡
• [Yandere] Satan ♡♡
• Impulsive (Diavolo) ♡♡
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• Smol Asmodeus ♡
• On Your Knees for Satan ♡
• Speculation (Mephistopheles) ♡
• The Watcher (Royals) ♡
• Coronation (Diavolo) ♡
• Stratagem (Dia + Luci) ♡♡
• Pleading (Solomon) ♡♡
• Return ♡
• Happy Birthday Asmo ♡
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• Shower Drabble (2/3/6) ♡
• Plushie Wars (All Bros) ♡♡
• A Midnight Encounter Pt 1 (1/2/3/4) ♡♡
• A Midnight Encounter Pt 2 (5/6/7 + Dia) ♡♡
• Starlight (Belphegor) ♡
• Clueless (All Bros) ♡♡
• Entrapment (Thirteen) ♡
• Ravenous (Beelzebub) ♡
• Showering with Diavolo ♡♡
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Ghost’s Random Polls:
IRL Sins
Demonic Traits
Demon or Angel?
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starwritesstuffz · 8 months
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Heyo I’m star I use she/they pronouns
Im bi and graysexual
Interacts from my selfship blog @kajiiswife
My current hyperfixations are bsd and cookie run kingdom
My dni on my selfship blog still applies here
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Requesting rules and fandoms I write for
Will do: comfort fluff platonic pregnancy family stuff (like having a family with a certain character) hcs oneshots (on occasion) poly ship (e sample character x reader x character) hcs
Won’t do: Pr0ship content (which includes incest minor x adult yandere and toxic relationships) birth and nsfw/smut
Fandoms I will write for: bsd tadc hazbin hotel (within reason) sally face obey me lackadaisy and cookie run kingdom
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Characters I will write for
Btw the ones in the bold text are probably the ones I’m gonna write for the most
Bsd: dazai chuuya kajii atsushi akutagawa kunikida poe ranpo and fukuzawa (I really need to catch up on bsd lore so that’s why I didn’t include some characters) lovecraft john mark
Cookie run kingdom: licorice cookie cream unicorn cookie choco werehound brute/schwarzwalder clover cookie pitaya dragon cookie red velvet cookie black lemonade cookie pure vanilla cookie black lemonade cookie clover cookie capsaicin cookie and most of the other cookies
Tadc: jax ragatha caine kinger and gangle
Sally face: sal fisher
Hazbin hotel: adam vox zestial sir pentious and lucifer
Obey me: lucifer leviathan beelzebub asmodeus belphegor mammon and diavolo
Lackadaisy: mordecai nicodeme (also I legit can’t do his accent so sorry y’all) freckle rocky zib and wick
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cheapshrimpysheep · 10 months
1K Followers Celebration - Requests
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Requests CLOSED
(This post may change in the future)
In celebration of my 1000 Followers (which I don't even know how I got 😅), I'm opening requests for TWISTED WONDERLAND and OBEY ME! this December.
I had already opened requests before, if you want to see the list of them, here it is 👇
500 Followers Celebration - Requests
If you want to know why I don't usually have requests: I'm relatively new to writing for tumblr and wanted to write my ideas. As a person committed to finishing what I start, I knew that if I had requests I could put a lot of weight on my own shoulders. So I will only do this on special occasions, and when I know I will have time to write them.
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Before you make your request, I just wanted to tell you what I am writing/have already written but I haven't posted yet, so you don't need to request for this ones.
You Will Stop the Wedding! - Overblot Students (Riddle Rosehearts / Leona Kingscholar / Azul Ashengrotto / Jamil Viper / Vil Schoenheit / Idia Shroud / Malleus Draconia)
Pocky Day - All Students (?) - I'm still thinking about this one, but what would it be like if you told them about Pocky Day and wanted to play it with them?
I also want to make posts with the clubs, I'm just waiting for the cards to appear on the Eng Server and then I can start writing.
Popular with the Ladies - Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor) Based on the card "Popular with the Ladies”. You saw photos of them with succubus on Devilgram. What will they do when you seem uncomfortable or even upset about this?
Glamping - Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor) Based on the most recent event.
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I only write Reader-inserts.
Up to 7 Characters per request.
Only 1 request per message.
I intend to write like I usually do, like "What if...". So Imagines and Headcannons. The number of words depends on how inspired I will be. But I usually don't reach 1k words.
I always write Gender Neutral Reader. If you want a specific gender, I just feel comfortable writing Fem Reader, since I myself am one.
NSFW / smut
Dark Themes / Themes that require some kind of trigger warning. (Examples:  rape, suicide, eating disorders, panic attacks, abuse, etc.)
Angst UNLESS it ends with fluff/comfort 
I like to read these kinds of things for comfort, so I also write to comfort the reader. So something that strays too far from that, I won't write.
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I follow the English Server. So please don't ask me for anything about story and/or events that have only happened on the Japanese Server. Sorry. 😔
Students only. In Ortho’s case, uniquely platonic. In Rollo's case, I feel like I don't have enough information about the character, but I can try.
I always follow Canon. No AUs. Unless it's small things like the reader is already in a relationship with them, I don’t know. The further away from the canon the less I'll know how the heck they would behave. 😅
Characters that are part of the Intimacy System only. In Luke's case, uniquely platonic. I still don't know enough about Mephistopheles, Thirteen or Raphael to be able to write anything with them.
Please tell me which timeline you would like: Original or Nightbringer. Otherwise, I'll pick the one that I think will make the most sense.
I always follow Canon. But if you want some kind of AU, please let it be something I can adapt to some Levi’s cursed game or something like that.
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You can make your requests by asking me.
Even if you don't ask for any request, I wanted to say that I'm really glad that you enjoy my writing. And I am very grateful to everyone who likes, comments and/or reblogs my writing.
When I started writing for this account what I thought was "Why not? I like reading other people's imagines, maybe someone will like reading mine." I never thought I would reach 100 followers, much less 1K.
It's very rewarding to write for someone who will read it and enjoy it.
Thank you so much! 💖
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If you landed on this post out of nowhere and want to know read some of the things I've already written, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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xxselfindulgencexx · 2 months
F/O/selfship list
I'm cool sharing so don't worry about that
I apologize I know this list is going to be long, I just like a lot of characters in a less than normal manner.
I actually adore hearing from and seeing people who share F/Os with me so please, feel free to gush or ramble or whatever!
This is for organization, and may get updated occasionally because I cannot enjoy media normally it seems.
Also this should go without saying but I can't control the characters I like, so please don't start drama about the fictional murderers, thank you.
Can't get you out of my head
The main ones I think about far too often
Sans and Papyrus (Any Undertale AU it seems, if i put every au sans I like on here it would be far too long lol)
Springtrap (FNAF)
Glitchtrap (FNAF)
Peeta Mallark (Hunger Games book trillogy specifically)
Near and Dear to my heart
I may not daydream of them as often, but I still adore them deeply
Bob Velseb (Spooky Month)
William Afton (FNAF)
"Dave Miller" (FNAF)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House)
Emberlynn Pinkle (Helluva Boss)
Daycare Attendants (FNAF)
Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler)
Nagito Komeada (Danganronpa 2)
Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa 2)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa V3)
Shuichi Sahaira (Danganropna V3)
The Vee's (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel)
707/Seyoung Choi (Mystic Messanger)
Budding Romance
The ones I only casually like, they may go up or down the list
Matthew (Seduce Me the otome)
Damien (Seduce Me the otome)
James (Seduce Me the otome)
Haley (Stardew Valley)
Shane (Stardew Valley)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Howl (Howl's Moving Castle)
Asra (The Arcana)
Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Ghostface (Scream)
Roxanne Wolf (FNAF)
Mammon (Obey me)
Asmodeus (Obey me)
Onyx (My version of a yandere character who's canon everything I've distanced myself from)
I like them in a queer platonic or familial way, also prone to change
Gundam Tanaka (Danganronpa 2) (Queer Platonic)
Zim (Invader Zim) (Queer Platonic)
Rambly Racoon (Indigo Park) (Platonic this is my son)
Hunter (The Owl House) (Plantonic, this is my son)
Fizzoroli (Helluva Boss) (Queer platonic)
Ozzy (Helluva Boss) (Platonic)
Double Trouble (Shera 2018) (Queer Platonic)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home) (Queer Platonic)
The departed
Characters I used to like, but the attraction faded. Basically my phases
Deku (MHA)
Todoroki (MHA)
Dabi (MHA)
Miguel O'hara (Spiderverse)
Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
Y/b (Your Boyfriend canon)
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theroseredreaper · 2 years
Let’s Talk About Love
Shall We Date?: Obey Me! One Master To Rule Them All!
Summary: Levi doesn’t understand why you keep choosing him over his brothers time and time again. He can’t offer you the same things that they would be able to offer you.
Word Count: 2174 ✯ AO3 Version
Characters: Aromantic! Asexual! Leviathan x Aromantic! Asexual! GN! Reader
Tags: Fluff, aroace reader x aroace character, discussions of aromanticism, discussions of queer platonic relationships, autistic-coded Levi
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Jealousy was an emotion that Leviathan spent the whole of his existence being intimately familiar with. Such a thing is no surprise, really - he transformed into the Avatar of Envy after his fall from heaven, afterall. Envy was a black, ugly feeling that he lived with too closely anytime he didn't drown himself in his manga, anime, or games to escape from it.
Inferiority was another emotion he knew just as well, even if he experienced it less often, since he shut himself away in his room most everyday so that he wouldn't have to deal with the overwhelming weight of all he was lacking that came with inferiority. That and so he wouldn't have to deal with his social anxiety, too.
Inferiority was, unfortunately, something he was feeling way too much lately, ever since you have come to the Devildom and wormed your way into his family’s life. Watching his brothers all fawn over you around the breakfast table, the inferiority was especially oppressive today. Each of them had a different approach to you, but he knew that each one of them was in love with you.
Mammon was the most obvious about his being in love with you with how he constantly tried to get your attention and monopolize your time, even if he wasn’t entirely honest about his feelings. Satan was slightly more devious about it, covering up his shyness over outright saying his feelings by straight-forward actions, flirting with you and asking you out on dates. Belphegor was territorial and possessive of you, easily upset when your thoughts and time weren’t devoted to him, wanting to monopolize you in a way that was much less wholesome than how Mammon desired to monopolize your time.
Levi sincerely hopes that his younger brother was not a yandere, like the kinds he sometimes saw in his manga and anime. For your safety as well as the safety of the rest of them.
Asmodeus flirted with you just as he flirted with every person he found attractive, but Levi knows that Asmo’s love for you was genuine in that you were the only person allowed to see the true insecurities lying under the air-headed facade Asmo maintained. Lucifer desired you just as Asmo desired you, openly fond of you when he thought no one else was watching, being severely strict upon you to try and maintain the idea that he had no favoritism towards you when he thought people were watching. Beelzebub - well, Levi actually wasn’t sure that Beel experienced love or desire for anything that wasn’t food. But he did know that it definitely meant something that his younger brother willingly shared food with you and cooked for you.
As soon as Lucifer dismissed them from the breakfast table, Levi made a beeline for his room, itching to bury himself under a blanket to try and not thinking about the whirlwind of barbed thoughts running through his mind right now.
Leviathan himself, well...he is fairly sure that he does love you too, in some capacity. He knows for a fact that he cares for you deeply, that he’s fond of you, and that he finds himself wanting to share his special interests with you - but he’s also aware, somewhere in the back of his mind, that the way he feels about you is not the same way that his brothers feel about you. He’s painfully conscious of the fact that even when these tangle of emotions confuse him when he thinks on them too long that he’s not, not in love with you. At least, not like how Satan and Mammon are in love with you. And he doesn’t desire you either, not the way that Lucifer and Asmodeus desire you.
The inferiority that overcomes him whenever he acknowledges these thoughts, these feelings, that he can’t offer to you what his brothers can, yet selfishly desiring to spend every waking moment he could just enjoying your company...it makes him want to just curl up under his blankets, blocking out all the lights of his room, their lights brighter than usual in his heightened emotional distress, blocking out all the buzzing of his electronics with his headphones, just blocking out the world entirely, trying to block out his mind at the same time.
Why - despite his brothers constantly vying for your time, attention, and affections - do you continue to keep choosing him out of all them to spend all your time with?
“Levi? Are you in there?” you called from outside his bedroom door with a knock, “I wanted to watch the new TSL DVD with you, if you were still up for that?”
Levi groggily unfurled himself from his blanket nest, squinting at the brightness of his phone, faintly surprised that he had basically let himself pass the whole day away hiding under his blankets.
“I can go if you aren’t feeling well…”
Rubbing at his eyes, Levi pulled himself out of his tub-bed with a grimace, striding over and opening the door for you, before turning back and disappearing back into his room so he wouldn’t have to deal with the brightness of the hall lights, “I’ll set up the movie once I find it. You can set up the pillows.”
Entering his room, you were caught over by the big nest of blankets all heaped in the tub-bed already, and looking over at Leviathan, you could see his tail sticking out from the one blanket that was still wrapped about him like a hood, his tail flicking up and down rapidly. Levi was obviously really upset about something.
Pursing your lips, contemplating if you should just straight up give him a hug, or ask him what was wrong first, then give him the hug, you picked out the pillows that you know were Levi’s favorites and arranged the tub-bed to be as comfy as possible. Nodding in satisfaction, you turned to see Levi still rummaging through his stack of DVDs, head drooped and tail still flicking with irritation. He seemed as though he was lost in thought.
“Levi? Are you okay?”
He startled, dropping the DVDs he was holding and tipping over the whole stack. Feeling positively horrible that you startled him like that, you quickly rushed over to help him pick up the fallen DVDs.
“I’m fine, I’m just really tired,” he mumbled as he avoided eye-contact, picking up DVD after DVD quickly.
You sighed softly, gently putting a hand on his arm and stopping him, “You’re in your demon form, Levi. You morph into your demon form whenever you’re upset. ...can I give you a hug?”
He hesitated for a moment before he nodded, putting aside the DVDs onto his desk. You wrapped him up in a huge hug, patting his back gently, and Levi found himself relaxing into your tender embrace, resting his cheek against your head, exhaling long and slow. He already felt loads better.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, it’s...it’s fine. It’s...silly. I don’t want to bother you with - “
You squeezed him gently, tightening your arms around him, “Levi. You are never a bother to me. And your feelings are never, ever ‘silly.’ Okay? Your feelings are important, just like how you’re important. Okay? Now, talk to me, Levi. What’s wrong? Why’re you upset?”
Levi trembled at the utter anxiety clogging his throat up at just the mere thought of trying to express what he was feeling out loud, hiding his face in your hair as he held you close, “It’s..it’s, um…”
“You can take all the time you need,” you quietly encouraged him, rubbing a comforting hand up and down his back.
Shakily taking a breath, he tried again, “I, um...All my brothers...they’re in love with you. But I...I don’t love you. Ah, but that’s - ! That’s not - ! It’s, that’s, what I meant, is that, I don’t...I don’t love you the same way they do. I...I can't give you the same kind of love they would, so I don’t - I don’t understand why you...why keep choosing to spend all your time with...with someone like me…”
You stood quietly, letting his words wash over you as you processed what he was telling you. Pulling away from the hug with careful movements, you looked up at Levi to see he had his eyes anxiously squeezed shut, likely afraid of what your reaction would be to his words.
“Levi, look at me. Please,” you asked him, keeping your voice hushed, knowing how he became hyper sensitive when his emotions were high strung.
He hesitantly opened his eyes, looking down at you, heart near stopping at how you were looking at him with such...utter understanding.
You took his hands and sat him down in the nest of pillows and blankets you had set up in his tub-bed, plopping down next him.
“I keep choosing you to spend all my time with because I like you, Levi.”
Levi sat straight up, struggling against sinking into all the pillows, “But - !”
“I’m not interest in what your brothers have to offer me, either.”
“But I - “
You turned to look up at him, avoiding eye contact so that you wouldn’t make him uncomfortable with how distraught he already was, “I don’t return any of their feelings. And I don’t expect you to feel any differently for me than you already do. Have you aromanticism, Levi?”
He blinked, caught off guard by the question Levi shook his head.
“Aromanticism is when a person very rarely, or never, feels romantic attraction.”
Levi gaped at you, “That’s - that’s a real thing?!”
“It is,” you nodded, smiling fondly at him, “There’s an entire spectrum, for all the different ways a person experiences aromanticism.”
Levi slumped back into the pillows and blankets, sinking into them as he stared at the ceiling in wonderment, mulling over what you had just told him. He sat up suddenly, struggling to not sit back into the bed again,
“Wait! Are you aromantic?”
You nodded, smiling at him all the same, “Yeah. I am. I’m asexual too. Asexuality means that you rarely or never feel sexual attraction. There’s a whole spectrum to how people experience asexuality too.”
Leviathan stared at you, utterly wowed, trying to figure out how to say what he was feeling, inhaling sharply, “I - I think I might be aromantic and, and asexual…”
You grinned as you pulled him into another big hug and he returned the hug, and Levi found himself grinning too as he returned the hug, his tail rapidly thumping against the pillows all around the both of you, but this time it was because he was excited to learn this new thing you just told him about.
“...there’s nothing wrong with me,” Leviathan murmured, finally allowing himself to sink back into the pillows and blankets and stay there.
“There was nothing wrong with you to begin with,” you agree, sinking into the pillows and blankets beside him, feeling comfortable and safe in his arms.
“...but you know, I...I feel really deeply for you, but I do know that I don’t want to like, be your boyfriend or anything, but I, I do want to spend like - agh, I’m not making any sense, am I…?” he huffed, hiding his face into the pillows, frustrated with himself.
“No, I get it,” you reassured him, poking at him to try and get him to stop hiding, “Do you know what a queer platonic relationship is?”
Levi peeked up at you, face adorably scrunched up in confusion, “Huh? A what?”
“I’m guessing not,” you giggled, cuddling up close, “Let’s see...a QPR is something more intense than friendship, but isn’t exactly romantic. The lines between platonic feelings and romantic feelings can be blurred and it can be hard for both people involved to really understand how they feel about each other fully. They can include friendships and ambiguously-romantic relationships that go beyond friendship norms in emotional intensity, physical affection, or other areas. Some QPR partners get married. A QPR can look different for everyone, depending on what the people involved are comfortable with and how they feel for each other.”
Levi mouthed out a “wow,” thinking this over, “So what I feel…”
You squished his cheeks together playfully, giggling, “I understand what you feel entirely. In fact, I feel the same. You just learned a lot in a few minutes, but...I really like you, Levi. Would you want to be my queer platonic partner?”
He gaped at you, before laughing excitedly, nodding and pulling you into an even tighter hug, positively delighted. You returned the hug just as happily, resting your head on his shoulder. The two of you pulled back to smile at each other, the world feeling perfectly in balance at this new decision that the two of you made together.
That evening, the two of you thoroughly enjoyed the new TSL DVD together, cuddling under the light of the movie that played on Levi’s large flat screen television.
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Likes and reblogs are loved and appreciated!
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cozystuffs · 11 months
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- welcome to my page.
..𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧..
I'm a minor. (Thus, i do not write smut)
I use he/him and they/them
My birthday is the 19th September!
My name is cozy
I write for multiple fandoms
I rarely make long fics, usually making headcanons or short stories
I've been trans for almost 2 years now!
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The basic no's, (pedophillia/yandere/proship..)
No smut, even if implied, or even the slightest smut.
Please don't rush me. Sometimes it just takes me a long time to fulfill something, especially when it doesn't necessarily inspire me.
I write only for characters that I know their personalities, and characters I like. Might be hard for me to write a character I despise..
..𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙢𝙨 𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧?..
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Genshin impact
Obey me
Adventure time
Ice king/Simon petrikov
Princess bubblegum
Jake (platonically)
Micheal afton
William afton
Henry Emily
Elizabeth afton (all kids are meant as platonic)
crying child
Charlie emily
𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙙..
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Yandere platonic obey me brothers with younger sister reader please?
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Youngest Sibling Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
Before Lilith’s passing and the war that sent them to the devildom they’d been prepared to raise a new member to their family. Through much deliberation you do join them in their new life in the devildom but seeing as you are the youngest there’s a lot more pressure on you:
Whether you appear when they are in the devildom or within the celestial realm you are considered the youngest 
Especially with your generally smaller size 
Satan and Belphegor are considered older in every which way
“As the youngest of us (Y/n), you have to trust that we know more than you.”
“Which means you need to rely on us, so trust your older brothers.”
They can’t have you do anything on your own
What should stop you from also meeting some human or other being and trying to run off with them
They often don’t listen to you at all
Specifically Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Mammon
Like you’ll say, “Hey I can do my own laundry!”
And they’ll be like “No you can’t. Your tiny hands and tiny brain can’t comprehend such a difficult task.”
It’s just too easy for them to write you off 
Your cute little face and your tiny little nose and the little pitched voice that sounds like a toddler
They always come up with some logic that just doesn’t allow you to grow in any way
And then you have the others that can’t understand you because they just don’t hear you
You’ll say,”I read in an article about our monarchy being extremely barbaric despite the…”
But all they hear is “Goo Ga Ga. Can you pwick me up bwig brother?”
“Awww of course I’ll pick you up! An then we can dress you up in something to match me!”
“Hey what’re you even talking about?! Stop it!”
“Wow I wish I had a camera! These years go by far too fast!”
“Ugh Levi! Are you even listening?!”
Sometimes they’ll hear you…but don’t expect them to actually respond to you in any coherent way
Asmodeous and Leviathan are just automatically going to somehow misconstrue anything you say
They think you’re a baby after all
The only ones that seem to actually understand you is Belphegor and Satan
Both of which who seem to have gone through what you did or actually notice that you’re as independent as you are
“I kept trying to ask him but he just said I wouldn’t understand any of it. Even though I was the one to bring it up.”
“He’s an idiot. You can’t expect him to pick up on your genius. Which is why I tell you to only talk with me.”
“Yeah, but it’s folly to have only one person’s opinion.”
“Says scientists but I for one love only talking with you.”
That doesn’t mean they don’t tend to baby you too
“Can you blame me, you're a cute little calf. Pampering you comes naturally.”
“But can’t you see how exhausting it is. I’m old enough to want to have intelligent conversation.”
“I know you do…which is why I’m always going to be willing to listen.”
It’s a pain
But thanks to a nosy ruler that keeps the worst brother at this busy
There are so many chances to grow and maybe get away from these overbearing brothers of yours
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our-destiny · 2 years
☁ Destiny's Masterlist ☁
This only includes posts that I have written not posts that I've reblogged. Will be updated regularly.
Includes Obey Me!, Twisted Wonderland, Marvel and links to the poems I've written because it's my masterlist and I worked hard on them.
☁ <- means it's one of my most popular posts
Obey me!
. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . *  ✯. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ .
Multiple Characters
Languages they know Includes: All except 13
☁ Side character pact headcanons Includes: Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephistopheles, feat. Solomon
Rambling about Dark! Brothers Includes: mostly Satan and a little bit of Mammon
Lucifer as a father figure headcanons
Having a queer platonic relationship with him headcanons
Being friends with Satan + being aromantic headcanons
Being friends with Asmo headcanons
Soft Solomon scenarios
Having a bubble bath together
Rambling about Solomon and you being soulmates
Soft Solomon headcanon
Dancing with Sol
☁ Soft Solomon things
☁ Another soft Solomon headcanon
☁ Soft Solomon imagine
Safe - Raphael comforting you after a nightmare
With an mc that talks a lot
Imagine making Raph laugh in class
Michael the Archangel
Rambling about Michael + the celestial realm
☁ Dark! Caregiver! Michael forcing reader to age regress
Dancing with Michael
☁ Becoming friends with Mike while in the Devildom
Twisted Wonderland
. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . *  ✯. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ .
Multiple characters
characters love languages including: Cater, Deuce, Ace, Leona, Ruggie, Azul, Floyd, Kalim
Lgbtqia+ headcanons Includes: Riddle, Ace, Cater, Leona, Rook, Epel, Jamil
Neurodivergent headcanons Includes: Riddle, Cater, Deuce, Ruggie, Azul, Floyd, Jade, Kalim, Jamil, Vil, Epel
. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . *  ✯. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ .
Bucky Barnes
30 Days Writing Challenge masterlist
☁ Yandere Bucky
Bucky as a father/father figure headcanons
☁ Dark! Masochist! Bucky
☁ Happy Birthday - Yandere! Bucky birthday oneshot
Yandere Winter Soldier x Hydra Reader
Yandere Bucky sees Darling's self harm scars
Thor Odinson
Yandere best friend Thor headcanons
A poem about aromanticism
A poem about healing from mental illness
A poem about the meaning of life
A poem about misogyny
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neiveel3llson · 9 months
• . . • ° ° • . . • ° ° • . . • ° ° • . . •
Characters I write for:
Bruce Wayne
Dick Greyson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Older!Damian Wayne (romantic)
Damian Wayne (platonic)
Batfam (platonic)
Sam & Max: Freelance Police
Sam (the detective dog)
Max (the rambunctious rabbit)
Welcome Home!:
Wally Darling
Julie Joyful
Barnaby B. Beagle
Poppy Partridge
Frank Frankly
Sally Starlet
Eddie Dear
Howdy Pillar
The Amazing Digital Circus:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Leonardo (2012)
Donatello (2012)
Raphael (2012)
Michalangelo (2012)
Leonardo (Rise)
Donatello (Rise)
Raphael (Rise)
Michelangelo (Rise)
Obey Me(OG! + NB):
Luke(strictly platonic)
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor Altruist
Lucifer Magne
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Helluva Boss:
Barbie Wire
Cult of the Lamb:
Micheal Myers
Micheal Myers(RZ)
Jason Vorhees
Freddy Krueger
Charles Lee Ray
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Billy + Stu
Billy Lenz
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Leslie Vernon
Hannibal Lecter
Asa Emory
Nubbins Sawyer
Chop-Top Sawyer
Bo(Bauregard lol) Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
What I will do:
One Shots
Incorrect Quotes
Smut (in some cases)
What I will not do:
Smut (in underage characters or asexual characters)
Trans (Either character or reader. My reasoning for this is that I know noone who is trans and I have no experience with it, I don't want to offend anyone if I accidently use a harmful stereotype or wrong information.)
S/A (I have had trauma from S/A so please forgive me for not wanting to write about it even out of context)
(Intense) Yandere
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ad0rechuu · 9 months
plz share ur thoughts on the other obey me chars👀
hey anon i wasn’t sure what you meant by other obey me characters so i decided to just give a small example of how i feel about different characters in order of my ranking. i hope this is what you meant and feel free to send me asks again <33
Mammon. — you give me a guy that is the black sheep of his family and i don’t know how to act …there is just something about guys that know nothing but love you and be a problem
Thirteen. — women Women WOMEN WOMEN!!! do have i to say any more just her, i want her to do things to me that i cannot discuss (would be 1 of i knew more abt her)
Lucifer (interchangeable with luke). — he’s the epitome of girl dinner how could i not want this traumatized ass man i think it’s the daddy issues
Luke (interchangeable with luci). — he’s my son, my sunshine, i would burn all the three realms down for him but most of all he’s a hater and i love that
Solomon. — i have to be honest he didn’t stand out to me until the later parts of omswd but once he became mcs mentor i really i needed a piece of that gilf
Simeon. — he’s sweet, kind, intelligent, loyal, selfless, has no dislikes and is a great parent, what’s not to like about this silly lil guy (also i don’t know why but something deep and dark inside of me wants me to see him as a yandere)
Satan. — him and me share an affection for cats (and dogs on my part) that goes so deep i can’t explain it and his growth just makes me really proud)
Asmodeus (interchangeable with belphie) — sure he gets on my nerves sometimes but in a hot way like one sided enemies to lovers however most this i adore him and he’s the only brother supportive of my poly play style
Belphegor (interchangeable with asmo). — this guy gives yandere like no other and i dig it, he’s mentally unstable im mentally ill and i need him in the most toxic way possible
Beelzebub (interchangeable with diavolo). — listen beel is my beloved, he’s my pookie bear, he’s so kind and caring but there are times i just feel more platonic affection (v rarely)
Diavolo (interchangeable with beel). — something about big strong powerful men with the personality of a baby girl (if he was an idol he’d be wonho)
Barbatos. — i can look past that ugly fucking hair cut but he rejected me once in the third part of omswd and i never truly been able to forgive him, still i like him a lot especially his beef with rodents and solomon, he can take care of me too ;) i think it’s the mommy issues
Leviathan. — i know a lot of people were offended by my placement of him but hear me out, i can handle him being cringy and fanboying i think that’s cute but i dont understand his hatred of ‘normies’ just let ppl enjoy stuff dude!! (i LOVE it when he gets flustered tho)
Raphael. — i realized he’s annoyingly loyal to the celestial realm and i kinda respect that because he clearly cares a lot abt the brothers and the angels, he’s just somewhat of putting in a way that makes me want make out with him
Mephistopheles. — gonna be honest with yall i did NOT like this motherfucker at first, his design is gorgeous but boy he’s a bitch but then the last few lessons happened and i’ve seen him in a new light, it’s official i like him now!
CERBERUS AND MC, fuck everyone else
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anonymousdisco · 2 months
How’d I get Isikiad into Yandere Obey Me Chapter Six: Hello Big Brother Part Two
(Y/N) POV:
“It’s time. He’s about fifteen minutes away.” Glitch informed me as she woke me from my nap.
”Thanks for the heads up.” I got down from the tree quickly and checked my eyes by using a compact mirror. Feeling that they weren’t red and puffy enough I rubbed them again and dabbed my cheeks slightly using water from a water bottle so it would be damp to the touch. Then I went back to the HOL as quickly as I could. Thankfully I hadn’t gone too far.
”This is gonna be one heck of a doozy to pull off, glitch.” I muttered before getting into character letting myself reveal my limp from my leg I sprained earlier. I also let my eyes tear up as I saw Mammons car pull into the driveway. I enter through the back door not letting him see me yet and I ‘coincidently’ ran into him just as he entered through the side door.
Mammons POV:
I entered quietly hoping not to get caught after being at the casino so long. Stupid casino keeping me on a win streak till last moment. I muttered angrily to myself over the money I lost as I started walking back to my room. On my way there I bumped into someone.
”Oi knock it off! Watch where you’re going and don’t bump into me-“ I trailed off as I saw who it was. “It’s late what are you doing up?” I looked her up and down as I said this noticing her looking a bit… strange. Like she’d been crying her eyes out. And why was she wearing outdoors clothes inside?
”I’m sorry…” She whispered timidly. “I didn’t mean to run into you. It was an accident. It’s hard to get out the way in time since-“ She stopped abruptly not speaking any further. She twiddled her hands nervously and despite not knowing her well I couldn’t help but be concerned a bit.
”Since what?” I asked her not letting her leave it alone.
”My ankle.” She looked at the ground with tears in her eyes. “It hurts so much.” 
I felt concerned immediately. Sure I always ignored her but I can’t just leave my little sibling injured! Lucifer would kill me! “Come over here.” I dragged her to my room and grabbed a first aid kit. 
Sitting her down on my couch I started unpacking things from the first aid kit. “Which ankle?” She pointed at the ankle that was hurt and I took off her shoes and socks before rolling up her pants enough to see the injury and I winced upon inspecting it.
”What in the name of Diavolo happened to you?” I inspected it carefully pressing on it slightly to feel for any broken bones.
“I fell in school.” I scoffed at her answer.
”Ain’t no way this is from a fall. I fall all the time and I don’t end up swollen this bad. I think it’s sprained. Luckily we have some healing potions that are still good in the first aid kit. We’ll have to wrap it in gauze after putting a balm on it too.”
I made her drink the potion and I treated her ankle. “So what really happened?”
”Like I said I fell. The halls were crowded at RAD and I think someone shoved me by accident. I ended up feeling something hurting but I ignored it so I could go to class.” Her shoulders drooped timidly. “I know it’s hard to believe but I’m not lying.” Tears started to flow again from her eyes and internally I panicked. I hadn’t soothed any of my little sibling since shortly after… Lilith died. I hesitantly sat next to her as she started to sob till awkwardly I held her. It wasn’t long till she was crying on my shoulder probably from whatever pain and stress she had today. When was the last time I got to hold one of my little siblings like this? Even belphie was too old to be taken care of now. And Lilith was long gone for me to take care of.
As I held her I couldn’t help but wonder why I hadn’t noticed she was in pain earlier. In fact when had I ever noticed her? After Lilith died it was all so painful I couldn’t even look at her. Father had created her just before the war started and she had been given to us at the time. She wasn’t even old enough to make her own decisions yet. We had all just dragged her along our rebellion and she had fallen as a result.
Feeling uncomfortable with all these sad memories she was reminding me off I showed her out my room almost slamming the door in her face before going to lay down to sleep.
(Y/N) POV: 
I went back to my room making sure to look sad till I was alone. Once I was glitch’s screen chimed and glowed green.
Message: Congrats User! You completed the mission within the timeframe. Click to open your surprise reward here:
A button popped up that I pressed. Once pressed virtual confetti appeared while a virtual gift box opened up to reveal my reward.
”That’s it?!” I asked incredulously as I held it in my hands. “This was what all my effort was for?!”
Glitch replied its screen glowing slightly red as it almost vibrated. “That is a highly valuable item I’ll have you know! It’s extremely hard to get and the fact you got it out of a random lottery on the first try is amazing!”
”But what does it even do?!” I held it up to the light puzzled.
”That quill has the ability to rewrite one detail of the story you are in so long as it doesn’t majorly damage the overall plot. There’s chances to earn more in the future but they’re very rare. I can’t believe you got one!” Glitch seemed to lighten its screen a bit as it buzzed around in excitement.
”I’ll have to keep this handy then just in case. Where should I put it…?” I looked around my room carefully.
”Why not inside your storage in the system?” Glitch sugested helpfully.
”My what now?” I looked confused.
”Did you not pay attention to the tutorial this morning? Select storage from the main menue and pass the object you want stored through my screen. It’ll then pop up on a list you can then take it out from when you want it back. Things can’t expire while on storage btw.” Glitch explained as I followed along to what it said to do. 
I yawned when I was done. “Goodnight glitch.”
”Goodnight user.” Glitch’s screen dimmed its light and turned transparent as I went to lay down to sleep.
~Affection: 7% he refuses to believe he care for you though since he’s a tusndere
“Stupid little sister getting tears all over my expensive jacket… Crying all profusely. Not that I care though since the Great Mammon is above such a thing!
~Relation- Reluctant Older Brother 
~Danger Level- Green
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