#obligatory We Are Not Intersex for this post
ridibulous · 9 months
hey since ASAB terms are sort of becoming the next "biological (fe)male". reminder that ASAB terms simply describe what was observed and assigned by someone else when you were born. It is/was your Legal Sex. not everyone who was AMAB is a "biological male". or vice versa.
use more terms that don't exclude people! say perisex/dyadic! there's even alternative single-word terms that mean "biological (fe)male!": say müllerian! say wolffian!
expand your queer vocabulary to better describe various experiences!!! synonyms exist for a reason!! just start Looking Shit Up I promise it's so much fun! I love learning!!!!!!
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
This month is Pride Month and Indigenous History Month so please support our indigenous turtle island communities, know who's land you're on and support queer indigenous turtle islander creators, & on top of that, July 13th is also my& birthday & July is also Disability Pride Month & Queer Wrath Month !! I& just find it's funny how white queers get all this support & clout, but the minute a queer Native Jew asks for any kind of mutual assistance, it's like cricket noises, but anyway, here I& go again, just in case someone actually does wanna help out!
While not obligatory, if you want to help support a local queer, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, intersex, mspec, aspec, autistic, disabled, neurodivergent, hoh, chronically ill, psychotic spoonie witch two spirited mixed native and ashkenazi jewish bodied multigenic DID system who's an aspiring activist, ASMRtist, fashion model, voice & film actrex ( hopefully getting into something big on Netflix or HBO one day ), ASMRtist, youtuber/vtuber, polyglot & writer with asking us& to be your sensitivity reader, commissioning us& ( to be available! ), book a tarot reading with us& ( to be available! ), donating to help us& save up for getting our& multipurpose psychiatric service dog, and/or buying something from our& Throne wishlist which is a safe & anonymous way to buy gifts, because so far these are the best way to support us& or simply donating to our& P*yP*l because you enjoy our& content. Gifts are not necessary, but appreciated, & after receiving your gift if you choose to, I'd& be more than happy to send you a personal thank you photoset or clip or post something on tumblr or elsewhere, regardless, I'd& really appreciate it! We& didn't have a great childhood growing up as we& were abused for a decade & we& weren't taught many lifeskills so we're& still learning from the gate. Even though we aren't in a life threatening emergency, I'm& generally not in the right financial space to spend a lot & buying my& own shit because I'm& Saving Up™ for a lot of things, including the possibility of me& moving to my& first ever apartment next year & my& future service dog & I& cannot work due to my& multiple disabilities, the fact I& can't stand up for long periods of time without feeling exhausted & just being an overall madcripple, so whatever you do, it'd be greatly appreciated, especially if it's from white settlers, so if you're white, you can think of this as paying reparations us& for dealing with antinative racism, antisemitism, ableism, sanism, pluralphobia, psyism, audism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, multitransphobia, aphobia, exorsexism, intersexism and the ongoing colonization of my people and fighting on the behalf of the indigenous, queer and plural communities on here while for any POC reading this, you can think of this as extending your solidarity with us&, so after I& spent a lot of blood sweats and tears into what i& do, I'm& finally asking something that would benefit me& for a change, even like 10$ could help, but even if you still can't for whatever reason, please spread the word out to help us& live easier as a disabled, neurodivergent mixed native system in this ableist & racist world !!
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Pinned Post
¡Hey hi hello! My name is Nico, & we’re the Void Galaxy. We’re a traumagenic D.I.D. system. This blog is just for original content, especially realizations we’ve had along our healing journey.
I might add FAQs later on, but until then, have some info on me/us to start this new blog up ☺💜 ~Nico
Collective Identity: transgender + non binary (variations between headmates on fem or masc, but none of us are women, even our fem enbies are not women)
Collective Pronouns: he/they/xey on paper, but if used in good faith we accept some alternate pronouns
Collective Gender Expression: androgynous overall, but sometimes we go more intentionally fem or masc
Personal Identity (Nico): boyflux / masc nonbinary
Personal Pronouns: (Nico): he/they + a list of neo & old English pronouns (I have a list)
Gender Expression (Nico): varies day to day tbh. some days I'm intentionally androgynous but my Safe Outfit™ (tism) is relatively masc (t-shirt, button down, form-fitting sweatpants; t-shirt is a plural pride one).
Social: Yes, already did 5+ years ago
Medical: on T (May 2nd 2023), want surgeries for ourself, but don’t believe it’s obligatory for others. also I/we want the body to look intersex because that’s what it was supposed to be, so we’re not aiming for cisman appearance.
Legal: In progress. Name changed, but want to update gender marker & birth certificate when possible.
((we don’t believe any of this is necessary to be trans or nonbinary, just comfortable sharing what we wanted to/are doing for ourself))
Collective Orientation: “I dunno, queer? leaning t4t?” (difficult to generalize)
Personal Orientation (Nico): technically I lean t4t & I’m still aspec (demi/demiro; T shifted us a little further from full acearo territory but not out of aspec entirely), but simply put ‘no matter what your gender is, I’m gay for you’
Polyam/Non-Mono/Mono: Polyam collectively, but how many partners we individually attract to/would date varies
Physical Disabilities:
Mental Illness/Disabilities & Neurodivergence (AKA what we’re growing & healing through/may post about):
Autism/ADHD: Both, & both are professionally diagnosed (finally 😭) - includes Sensory Processing Disorder
Professionally Diagnosed: bipolar disorder (we only noticed depression thanks to amnesia & slower swings, until psychiatrist dx & medicated); complex PTSD (on paper as just PTSD because complex isn't in the DSM-V (hopefully will be in the next rendition)); Dissociative Identity Disorder/D.I.D. (or as Spirit (headmate) puts it (combining OSDD-1 & D.I.D.), ‘Dissociative Amnesia with Plurality’)
Diagnosis/Professional Investigation In Progress: eating disorder (unspecified); anxiety disorder (unspecified); synesthesia
General Rules:
- Hateful replies will be deleted & blocked
- Hateful asks, anon or otherwise, will be deleted & blocked. This doesn’t include poorly worded questions attempting to understand.
- Ask box is open to questions, even if you don’t think you can word it respectfully. If you’re wondering it, someone else may be too. We will decide whether to answer & what’s comfortable, so you don’t need to quiet your curiosity. (We may do ask games if requested later on.)
- This is a personal blog. None of this is to be taken as professional advice, & we can’t diagnose people. That said, if you think you might have something we have, it’s okay to ask about potential coping skills for symptoms/traits you struggle with & it’s okay to ask what next steps to take if you just found out you’re plural or neurodivergent. Please note that our advice will likely include ‘please go to a medical/mental health professional if you can’ (we do understand that financial, racial, or other socioeconomic barriers might stop you).
- You can ask us for song recommendations if desired, but we won’t be responsible for feelings that music gives you if you choose to ask or listen.
- We can’t and won’t share or boost donation posts on this blog. This is a space for us to share original content & our healing journey. Please do not ask. We don’t think you deserve to suffer or struggle, but we cannot help.
- We are not responsible for misunderstandings of any of our content. We post what we feel & think. You read through your own lenses, & may miss pieces or interpret unintended meanings.
- Not everything that traumatized us will traumatize others. PTSD forms due to surrounding circumstances as well. Many of our “small”/“inconsequential” traumas became PTSD because we did not have community, support, love, appropriate attention, etc. afterwards. In some cases we were outright gaslit, shamed, guilt tripped, invalidated, &/or minimized. No, you don’t have to be traumatized by the same things. We won’t accept invalidation here either.
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metanoiyed-archive · 4 years
CURRENT EVENTS - updated 9/23/2021
Ecology/Environmental Activism/Environmental Racism
Oil Project Threatens Russia's Arctic Indigenous Communities
Climate change is affecting mothers and unborn children in the Brazilian rainforest.
We Need to Indigenize Land Conservation.
Ecological Degradation of the Dust-Bowl and other countries: They Knew, by fatehbaz.
Environmentalism, Racism, and Veganism by fandomsandfeminism with contribution from apathetic-at-my-best.
White-Washed Hope: Infographic on Climate Change and Environmentalism.
Decolonizing ecology.
Post by 01030104 about ecofascism.
Dam Removal Win in Washington posted by pacificnorthwestcore.
Returning Native Land is Protecting Nature
StopLine3.org / riceislifecarrd / stopline3: link tree
Indigenous Resistance Has Cut US & Canada's Annual Emissisions
Mushroom Beehives Could Save Honeybees.
Sign this petition to protect Pololu Valley in Hawai'i.
Graphene sucks out Uranium From Contaminated Water
“Blackness & The Bomb”: Nuclear Power and Environmental Racism
Wasp PSA by Symbolone
WATER HUNTERS: Water Conservation video by IBRIDO
Private Space Travel is Irredeemable by lesbianboboberens.
Giving Mountains Their Names Back
Amid Climate Related Concerns of Displacement, Tribes say the US is Ignoring Climate Threats
No Warming, No War: Climate Militarism PDF
Lake Uru Uru is More Plastic Than Water by solarpunkfairy
Mountain Valley Pipeline Defenders / Fight Continues Against Mountain Valley Pipeline (2019) / MVP would Desecrate Native American Grounds (2019)• Fight Brewing Over Damage to Aquifer by Mountain Valley Pipeline (2021) / Protestors Arrested After Rally Against MVP (2021) / Send a Letter to the Virginia Attorney General • MVP sues landowners to gain access for pipeline (2017)
Environmental Racism & Nuclear Testing by bihet-dragonize with additions from baepsaebot, nonbinarymerbabe & betweenparallels
Phytoremediation by lunefrog, contribution by pastrypuppy about gardening and how to use native plants.
Indigenous Sovereignty / Abolition / Settler Colonialism / Land Back
Japan’s Indigenous Ainu community don’t want a theme park – they want their rights.
“The Anglo American mining company destroys forests, rivers and indigenous peoples. We are inside [our territory] and will continue to be. Anglo American—Get Out! Demarcation Now! The people will go on resisting", say Munduruku leaders including [twitter @Alkorap1] in a meeting they held.
Resources put together by head-smashed-in-buffalo-thighs and effectiveresistance on settler colonialism and land back.
Connection between TERFs/radfems and colonialism, by wetpinkorthodoxy and contribution by clatterbane.
Atheism and Settler-Colonial Denial (Don’t Be An Asshole, Basically) by neechees with contributions from konowiw and azu303.
From allthecanadianpolitics: “When Victorians used to dig up Indigenous bones for fun.” With an unnerving addition by normal-horoscopes.
From neeches, cottagecore discourse; how it fetishizes the idea of Native land.
Imperialism Resources put together by lgbtmazight.
Quote by Corrina Gould from hexenmeisterer.
Support the Sovereign Likhts’amisyu and their own land back movement! Donate to their GFM.
Donate and help protect & support the waters and lands of the Sápmi. There is an ongoing struggle right now with the government over their land.
Donate and share this land back movement, Camp Mni Luzahan.
Donate to Survival International, an organization dedicated to educating about tribal peoples and their right to their lands. They have a general action-list link you can check out here, too.
Obligatory COVID Reading:
Kids are not only able to be spreaders, but are often symptomless.
Children more likely to spread COVID-19.
Other Resources & Neat Things
How to use Shinigami Eyes by technogenic-mess
Sci-Hub and Other Resources by elinaline
How to download music by aesthonaut
LGBTQ+ On a more happy note, have some trans musicians who are redefining pop music.
Donate to help provide to & save the Gully Queens of Jamaica, a group made for and by Black Trans Women in Jamaica.
Donate to this organization, the Transgender Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project (TGIJP) who work to protect and support trans and intersex people who are going through and out of the legal system (especially POC.)
Donate to this organization the Trans Women of Color Collective!
Donate to the Trans Housing Coalition!
People to follow:
[*keep in mind these are my personal recommendations and individuals are not spokespeople, they are people. be respectful. also i ran out of link space so some of them dont have links but are found on social media.]
Giniw Collective Instagram/Twitter
HonortheEarth Instagram/Twitter
Resist Line 3 Instagram/Twitter
Niitsítapi Water Protectors Instagram/Twitter
Lakota Law Project
mmiwhoismissing Instagram • Link Tree
yintah_access Instagram • Link Tree
wetsuweten_checkpoint Instagram • Link Tree
melaninmvskoke Instagram • Twitter • Link Tree
campmigizi Instagram
IndigenousRising Instagram • Link Tree
Fairycreek Blockade Instagram
Rainforest Flying Squad Instagram • Link Tree
nowhitesaviors Instagram • Link Tree
seedingsovereignty Instagram • Twitter • Link Tree
Choctaw Freedmen Twitter • Link Tree
Intersapphic Tumblr
olowan-waphiya Tumblr
uzizitkah Tumblr
ar-menias Tumblr
mishiikenhkwe Tumblr • Twitter
NativeNews Tumblr
akajustmerry Tumblr
conjuringsigns Twitter
Directory of Native beadwork/art shops put together by uzizitkah/mathosapa beads (here)
Mishiikenhkwe (artist/shop)
JohnnieJae (artist/shop)
niibidoon (artist/shop)
Shop Palestine
The Spirit Trail (music)
mathosapabeads (artist/shop)
The Heritage Center (gift shop)
Akwaeke Emezi
Mount Pleasant Library Friends
Jamie Nole (Artist/Shop)
101 notes · View notes
queerasart-blog · 7 years
An open letter to France | Trans rights | Issue 2
Paris’ Pride in 2016 had for revendication that “the rights of trans people are a priority”. Indeed, in the cadre of the law “Justice in the 21st century”, the situation can finally change. Now that the law has passed, it is necessary to come back on the affair of the civil state change, on the revendications and the results of a process that had been going on since 1992. It was estimated that this law affects about 10 000 to 15 000 people in France (who are “in transition”, following the National Assembly’s sayings) but this number is surely under-estimated.
I don’t have time to read, sum it up
Before the law, trans people were facing a juridic void. Changing your civil state is linked to jurisprudence, which means that only competent judges validate or not the change.
The law was brought to the Senate, more conservative. The changes that were then applied provoked a general uproar and were considered as a “huge step back” (Clémence Zamora-Cruz, spokesperson for Inter-LGBT). Trans people are still seen as suffering from psychological troubles, which means they need a tight file to prove that they really live under the gender they demand. However, the psychological follow-up (necessary before the change, for a couple of years) is cut out. The heavy, costly and difficult procedure is in their eyes a way to prevent people “that are troubled to claim to be of an other sex”. 
The National Assembly finally had the last word: no self-determination by a free and easy procedure in mairies but no obligatory sterilisation or modification of genital organs, the file being constituted by the one asking for the change. It is no more talked of a syndrome of transsexualism (this “syndrome” having anyway been outed from psychiatric books since 2010). Organisations such as Fédération LGBT+ underlined the “judiciarisation, the arbitrary appreciation of magistrates, the binary and disparity of the procedure depending on the territories.” Some however judge this procedure as perfectible and consider the supervision of the civil state change as an improvement.
A “juridical void” (Amnesty International)
No law recognise specific rights for trans people: no fight against discriminations is put in place and, more importantly, no regulations around the civil state change. 
Before 1992, trans people were facing a juridical emptiness which led to a systematic refusal of their demands. We had to wait until 1987 for a Mlle B. to appeal to the European Commission of Human Rights. The latter states a violation of human rights and condemn France in 1992.
Following this decision, the civil state change belongs to the field of jurisprudence - meaning that judges have full power on this decision. Judges often badly informed or even completely ignorant, going as far as demanding physical examination of genital organs of the requester, a specific medical treatment (a specific operation, an hormonal treatment or a psychological follow-up) or even sterilisation.
France is an out-law
The right for civil state change is guaranteed by the European Commission of Human Rights since 1992. Despite recommandations from the French Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Commission (HALDE in French), from the UN (France having signed an international agreement where it stated its intention of fighting against discriminations suffered by LGBT+ people), from the European Commission of Human Rights, despite all this little lot knocking at its door and underlining the fact that France is violating its own rights, nothing. It was condemned on multiple occasions for its non-respect of the right to fair trial, of the right to privacy and family life, of the prohibition of discrimination and torture. 
It’s starting to weight heavy - 25 years of international condamnations.
Project “Justice in the 21st century” : adopted on the 13th of October 2016
The project “Justice in the 21st century” is a project to modify laws. The subject of civil state change was thus dug up, which explains why it is finally spoken about after 25 years of silence. After a first reading at the National Assembly, it was sent to the Senate. The National Assembly finally adopted it on the 12th of October 2016, quoting :
Art.61-5 “Any major or emancipated person who demonstrates sufficient facts stating that the mention relative to their sex in the civil state acts do not correspond to the one under which they present themselves and under which they are known can obtain its modification.”
Here are a few points:
- demand of a “physical appearance bringing the person close to the other sex” “of which corresponds his social conduct” “which was medically stated” - the fact of not having gone through an operation of one’s genital organs or of sterilisation can not motivate a refusal of the demand (as judges were too subjective) - it’s not spoken of a “syndrome of transsexualism” anymore (which disappeared of all psychiatric reference books since 2010 et which has thus been de-medicalised internationally seven years ago) - there is no need for medical attestations’. - it is thus not based on auto-determination  - there is still no free access to the change, and it still has a cost - if the person has kids, their wrong gender will be noted in the birth certificate the intangibility of the civil state is considered as one of the big principles of law that cannot be discussed. However transferring the CEC (which has to remain exceptional) to the civil state officer questions this principe and thus the worth of civil state’s data. “The integrality of a person could thus be modified by simple demand to a civil state officer”. The amendment authorising the change of sex and name by a civil state officer was pulled off - the “sufficient facts” are not only a declaration: papers are needed. Not medical papers stating any change but every day life papers: be it bills, mails, letters, gym subscriptions, anything stating you use the name you want to change to in your life - you will need to have declaration and ID papers of at least two to three people-of-age who could testify knowing you under your wanted name
“The problem with their project of law is that we still have to face the high court, thus still need a lawyer, with a remaining blur around the necessary files, whilst on the top of that being too costly, too long and still too arbitrary. Even if they do not demand sterilisation or “medical proof”, the law remains insuffisant” C. trans man
Changing your name is now authorised by the “law of modernisation of the 21st century justice” which was adopted by the end of 2016. This mesure, put in application since the 20th of November 2016, removed the justice-step beforehand necessary to change your name.
Changing your name (or the adjunction, suppression, modification of your names) is now to be demanded to a civil state officer (directly in your town council, which should easy up the processus). Your file will still however be brought to the High Court for it to give its final statement. If the demander is older than 13 years old, his personal consent is required. There’s however no possibility to have a medical transition (as contrarily from the Netherlands and Belgium, we refuse hormones stopping puberty) or a sex change noted on your papers.
Seeing how candidates remained blurry on the matter, (even though Benoît Hamon did declare he is in favour of the ART) the organisation Inter-LGBT decided to send, this week, a questionary to all those demanding the highest function - Marine Lepen apart. “Unnecessary”, said C. Zamora-Cruz, spokesperson of the organisation. The file is a sixty questions file going from rights, health, education, parenthood to the fight against oppressions. The list is long but will have the merit of clarifying each candidates positions’, which will be posted online over here: http://www.lgbt2017.fr/propositions/nationales.html.
Testimonies and reactions of concerned people (in French):
“It’s the worst law draft on the matter of the past ten years!” Stéphanie Nicot, president of the LGBT federation. Delphine Ravisé-Giard, president of the ANT (Transgender National Organisation), describes it as “the worst law voted in an European country”.
Come on, France. Country of Human’s Rights. What organisations ask you ain’t much. Even wore, it’ll make your job easier - judges surely have better to do than changement of letters and names on passport. It won’t cost you anything: the person would pay all the way to the re-impression of their papers. What does that change for you? Don’t you think there’s more important in your law “Justice in the 21st century”? Think about all the youngsters killing themselves. Think of all the people losing their jobs or not finding another one. Think of all the people who don’t have enough money, enough time, enough strength. Think of the people who can’t even go to the post office for a parcel without being questioned on their intimacy. Think of the HALDE, of the European Commission of Human Rights, think of the UN, of Amnesty International, of Inter LGBT+ and all those organisations and people knocking on your door, underlining your stupidity. Think even further, and move yourself for the rights of trans people and of intersex people, who are also mainly concerned by this law. 
Don’t you think that’s it, the “Justice of the 21st century”?
0 notes
ridibulous · 8 months
Judas / Choir
Judas: host & body name // Choir: system name (Choir System)
(link for more information to be updated...)
♫♪.ılılıllılılı. ♫♪
— body is nineteen years old.
— collectively he/him and (plural, when referring to multiple parts/the system as a whole) they/them. alternate between first-person pronouns i/me and we/us.
— body is an intersex transgender man, 1 year on testosterone, top surgery on the horizon (October 30, 2024). gender identity can be most simply described as binary nonbinary.
— neurodivergent. autistic. DID system.
♫♪.ılılıllılılı. ♫♪
psst... this is only a basic intro. click below for lots more!
Boundaries and BYF info.
— Feel free to send us asks or DM us. We like messages.
— If we do anything wrong... please just tell us? We're constantly trying to learn and grow for the better.
— We block liberally to curate our online experience. If you make us uncomfortable we won't hesitate to do so, even if you aren't on our below "DNI".
— Folk who apply to our DNI can and will get blocked, including when found in our notifications.
— We also read all of our notifications. Expect the possibility of a response as well when you say something, whether it be in your askbox, a reblog of your reblog, whatever.
— Please do not interrogate us about our full background, especially if you are a stranger. We literally don't know it all, and more importantly we don't owe you it.
— For the love of humanity if you have a complex typing quirk and are able to, please be willing to translate it into plain English. Obligatory "typing quirks are inherently ableist and refusing to translate is being actively ableist". As a Homestuckie I can understand leetspeak-esque quirks, but if yours is so esoteric I can't easily gleam what your message says it will get on my nerves.
— Please please please understand that if you misinterpret my posts as a stranger I might get passive aggressive. I try not to, this is unfortunately the piss on the poor website, but god damn please use your reading comprehension for a minute before saying something on our posts.
— We personally do not like being called a "plural". If you enjoy the label, cool. Please don't use it on us.
— Parts/alters (we use both terms interchangably) don't have signoffs by default just cause we don't really see the point here. Everyone who's willing & allowed on here uses tumblr as they wish.
— All system posts we make (should) have "#endos dni" and "#endos fuck off" as a warning for pro-endo folk. We don't blame you if you liked or reblogged from somewhere else, but our boundaries are still as such.
— We don't usually tag triggers (or much of anything) especially on reblogs. We just hit the funny green button unless the content is particularly compelling enough for us to tag.
— In general we're really sloppy with tags. We've had this blog for years on end, and don't feel particularly inclined to sideblogs. This also means you might stumble upon old posts and/or opinions if you go through our blog. Sorry for any cringe you find /lh
more of a broad "who we ignore/block" list. I mean seriously, is a flesh & blood TERF going to listen to this?
in other news, if you don't apply to any of the below, you should follow us! /not forced
— Any type of bigot.
— Radical feminists in general. This includes TERFs, T"I"RFs, SWERFs, febfems, transradfems/baeddels, etc. We include them under our "bigot" label, but just being thorough.
— Any flavor of right-wing nonsense. (conservative, alt-right, neonazi, pro-life, antivax, etc.)
— Anti-Furry. Your life is boring as shit.
— Anti-therian/otherkin/objectum, or any adjacent label.
— Anti-self-shipping, self-inserts, and OC x Canon. Your life is ALSO boring as shit.
— Heavily in pro/anti-ship discourse. We are not proship, antiship, or neutral. Do not force any of these labels on us, we do not engage with the discourse seriously. It should be common sentiment that pedophilia(+related i.e necro, zoo, etc), incest, abuse etc. that's publicly romanticized/fetishized as normal or okay is wrong. TL;DR,
Tumblr media
[ID: A tumblr screenshot with a grainy filter overlay. It's a post by @/bloodenjoyer posted on May 25, 2023 that reads as follows, "i'm not “pro ship” or “anti ship” i live in the real world + have media literacy + am grossed out by pedophilia which is all pretty standard fare for people who life in the real world actually". /End ID.]
— Queer exclusionists & infighters (truscum/transmed, anti-mspec monos, anti-contradictory identities, believes aspec aren't inherently queer, doesn't believe transandrophobia is real, etc.)
— Not normal about intersex people. Sex is not binary. You cannot "transition to become intersex". Intersex doesn't just mean "both sets of genitalia". AFAB doesn't equal female and AMAB doesn't equal male. Be a better advocate.
— Pro-radqueer/transx identities.
— Non-traumagenic systems and supporters. Neutral folk with a pro-endo leaning are on thin ice. Everyone else is cool.
— Pro-contact paraphiles. (ex. pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia)
— Believe in "narc abuse" or other cluster B "abuses".
— Anti-age regression/age dreaming (agere/agedre) or pet regression/pet dreaming (petre/petdre).
— Anti-well researched self-diagnosis.
— Believe RAMCOA/OEA isn't real or purposefully believe conspiracy theories & other disinformation related to it.
— Porn blogs who post about hard CNC/rape kink, gore/guro, DDLG & other ageplay (agere/agedre are inherently SFW to us.), raceplay, fat fetish/feederism, and detransition kink.
— If you don't know how to use the block button yourself and shit bricks in our notes/askbox over something trivial. /hj
♫♪.ılılıllılılı. ♫♪
To be updated whenever we feel like it.
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