#obviously dream quackity sam and wilbur
cdroloisms · 8 months
idk why but i think c!Sam would not have allowed c!wilbur go to visita c!dream but if c!wilbur actually tries to beat the shit out of c!dream like in that dream he had then he would allow it idk why but he seems like "You want to talk to dream unaceptable" "but beating him up it's allowed if You want"
i think wilbur could've talked himself inside that prison lmao like i do think he could've managed it somehow
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Okay so more playdate au (tagged #playdate au) lore:
Dream is the oldest of three siblings: Techno (the cool middle kid who tends to play video games inside and has a stock pile of nerf guns hidden in his room), Sapnap (typically playing with his best friends, the troublemakers: Karl and Quackity), and George (the youngest who often retreats inside because of a meltdown or naptime)
Punz is Dream’s best friend and whenever their parents get together, they are left to babysit Punz’s younger siblings: Lazar and Vik.
Dream doesn’t mind being the villain at first, in fact he actually finds it fun and kinda cathartic until it’s taken too far and he becomes the “controlling parent” who’s a killjoy.
While Exiled Tommy trips and scrapes his knee while chasing Dream for the Discs, who took them after Tommy was using them to the hit people visiting him in Exile.
The incident is the start of school.
Wilbur is the jealous kid next door and Phil is his older brother, who is often left in charge to babysit.
Philza has to take over as pseudo lifeguard one afternoon when Wilbur gets set to take a nap after being grumpy and having a temper tantrum.
Phil tends to stay in the nice air conditioned inside, where Niki convinces him to bake cookies and he watches movies (like Frozen ;D) or plays video games with Techno.
Ranboo, who has major FOMO, often comes in and joins because he can’t decide which area to play in. Sometimes he drags Tubbo, who of course brings Michael, inside too when he needs some help against beating Techno in a video game.
Most of the names are made up obviously, though some people kept their real names or just added something to their existing one.
Quackity: “Hi Sam, is Clay okay?”
Sam *guarding the bottom of the slide* Sam: “Yeah, he just got overstimulated, had to take a break from everyone.”
Quackity: “Oh okay, maybe I should go check on him”
*Sam moves aside letting Quackity crawl up the slide*
Quackity: “Hey Dream, wanna play some cards?”
[developed in part with @piscespixiewastaken, @simplepotatofarmer, anon & @error-dream-was-found]
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cearthduo · 6 days
very interested in what u have to say the ctommy line "he's like my owner" about cdream and cdream having ctommy listen to a disc of him being tortured in exile. please rant about that slash not forced
This is a really fun ask because boy oh boy do I have thoughts. And I'm sure it will upset the masses (especially my take on the second part of this ask)
Now, to start with the owner quote... genuinely the bane of my existence. Mostly because people tend to use it to try and understand discduo's general dynamic when it should only be used to understand how Tommy feels. Tommy sees Dream as his owner, sure, but this doesn't automatically mean that Dream feels the same way. The only thing this quote does on Dream's behalf is highlight the amount of control he had over Tommy during exile. Or at least, shows how much power Tommy percieves him having. I say percieve because in reality, Dream had no power at all over Tommy. The realization of that is what motivates Tommy to leave exile in the first place and what keeps him going afterwards.
That quote, to me, shows Tommy's mental decline and his dependence on Dream as his only "friend" the only thing "keeping him alive" someone he depends on. Very similar to a pet and owner relationship. No matter what an owner does, a pet is unable to fight back, unable to run, unable to escape because it depends on it's owner for survival. This is how Tommy sees himself and Dream during exile. And that's all that quote is meant to show. I'd argue that Dream saw exile as more of a "mentorship" preparing and molding Tommy into a weapon he could use. Not unlike Techno post exile (though he definitely went about it in a moderately better way)
Now. Let's get into my favorite topic. Post prison discduo's relationship, because absolutely NO ONE has gotten this stage of their dynamic correct so it's all up to me. This will upset the "Dream is so obsessed with Tommy that he started fucking with him the second he got out of prison for no reasom" crowd, so i ask you to get your sighs and eye rolls out of the way now and enjoy the rant.
Before we can talk about the torture disc, we first have to talk about Dream's appearance on exile island. So... what was that about? Did Dream, fresh out of prison, really decide his first course of action would be to torment a child for no reason?
Obviously not.
Dream went to exile island for one reason and one reason only. To retrieve the axe of peace and repay his favor to Techno. Tommy just happened to be there and so Dream took the opportunity to scare him. But why? You might be asking. Why would Dream attack Tommy? He could've just left. Well, the answer is obvious, in fact Dream out right says it before he starts attacking Tommy.
Dream's main goal once he gets out of prison is to get revenge on the people who allowed him to be tortured in prison. Obviously, that means Sam and Quackity, so why then is Tommy attacked? Simple. Dream believes that Tommy direct caused and supported his torture. And this isn't a random moment of Dream blaming Tommy for his problems either. Dream is attacked by Quackity immediately after Q talks about Tommy's death/revival and Dream asks if people "thought it was cool." That makes it pretty obvious that Q was torturing Dream at least partially on Tommy's behalf. And given the fact that Tommy is the only person alive who has been affected by revival (and the reason Dream's life was originally spared due to Tommy wanting to keep the possibility of seeing Wilbur again) It makes perfect sense that Tommy is not only the reason that Q wants to torture Dream, but also may be the reason he wants the book at all.
Dream is not an idiot and could've easily pieced this together, causing Dream to treat Tommy the way he did Sam. Taunting, scaring, and threatening him as payback.
Now, let's go back to the original topic, the torture mixtape. We've already established that Dream has a real reason (in his mind) for targeting Tommy. But why did he do it the way he did? Well, we see during most of the post prison lore that Dream is not at his full strength. Tommy and Tubbo comment on how slow and weak he is during the dsmp finale. Dream also needs to recruit Purpled just to take down Quackity, who would've been easy work for let's say doomsday era Dream (minus the slime army which Dream didn't even know about when he recruited Purpled)
Dream's inability to fight is very important because it explains why Dream resorted to taunting, threats, and triggering Tommy's trauma. It's a scare tactic. Because scaring Tommy is really all he can do to get him off his ass. Even though Tommy is a weak opponent, Dream wouldn't be able to kill him in genuine combat. I mean, hell, Dream barely even comes close to harming Tommy or Tubbo during the finale. And so soon after his escape Dream was much weaker than we see him during the finale.
Post prison, Dream's goals barely even include Tommy anyway, and he's more of an annoying obstacle than a genuine opponent at that point. Tommy isn't even worth half the effort Dream gives to Quackity and Sam. Dream used the threats and mixtape to scare Tommy into avoiding him so that he wouldn't have to fight yet another opponent.
Also sidenote: Dream definitely knew Tommy was getting that axe to try and kill him. Again, he's not an idiot. Keeping Tommy too afraid to try anything is important for Dream's survival and his overall plan for the server.
Anyway! That's all I have to say about this topic. I haven't slept and I'm slowly going insane so uhm... if I repeat myself too many times justttt pretend I didn't.
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swordfright · 10 months
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shape language + dsmp cast !
Over the past year or so I’ve been slowly (very slowly lmfao) teaching myself to draw, and part of that process has been learning how shapes dictate meaning and emotion, so just for funsies I decided to do a full analysis of the shapes I usually use when drawing the cast of DSMP. Full analysis under the cut~
From left to right, top to bottom:
c!Dream — Typically, triangles communicate action, dynamism, or danger, all of which are pretty fitting for this guy, so the overall impression of his shape is usually triangular. His design also tends to use a lot of rectangles, which (because they contain elongated vertical lines) communicate a solidity that is less stable than, say, a square.
c!George — My design for him is very circular. Circles are made up of curves, so they tend to communicate softness and safety, as well as inaction or passivity. Since he can sometimes be quite a passive character in comparison to others, I usually go with a circle-based design for him.
c!Sapnap — I see Sapnap as a very complex character with a lot of different sides, at times extremely impulsive and at other times quite stable. Because of this, the shape I like to use for him is the rhombus, a type of parallelogram. Think of it like a square that’s leaning to one side: it still communicates the solidity and dependability of a square, but the diagonal lines that make up the shape mitigate that impression by suggesting motion/tension.
c!Punz — The base shape for Punz is usually either a short rectangle or a square, communicating reliability, while the face shape tapers into a point to suggest dynamism. He’s tricksy but dependable.
c!Techno — This guy’s always made up of circles and squares! Sturdy, reliable, approachable, strong, friendly. An all-around (haha get it) great guy.
c!Philza — I see Phil as one of those characters who, despite being very affable, has got a lot going on under the surface, so I didn’t want to stick to simple shapes for him. The shape I usually go with is an oval, because it carries the safety and amiability that roundness lends, as well as the slight instability implied by the long vertical lines in an oval.
c!Sam — This guy’s mostly squares! Strong, dependable, solid, secure…but also deeply inflexible.
c!Quackity — Nearly every shape in this design is some kind of triangle because that’s how I see Q: unpredictable, sharp, active. Triangles effortlessly convey the volatility associated with his character arc.
c!Wilbur — Okay, this is a tough one. Wilbur is a super manic character. This bad boy can fit so many shapes in him! His design usually features a pointed nose (triangular), a square jaw (strength/conviction), and either a rectangular or oval-shaped head. Wilbur can do (and be) a lot of things at once, so I really wanted his shapes to get that point across.
c!Tommy — Since he and Tubbo are both some of the younger server members, I like to include circles in their designs since roundness conveys youth. Tommy’s face shape usually tapers into a more pointed chin because he’s so active and volatile, he needs some pointy bits to show it!
c!Ranboo — The predominant shape here is a LONG rectangle. When it comes to rectangles, the wider the base, the more stable the shape ends up looking. But if the rectangle is much taller than its width, it conveys instability or even anxiety. I want Ranboo to look like he could topple over at any moment.
c!Tubbo — Just like Tommy, Tubbo’s primary shape is circular to communicate youth. But since Tubbo is a somewhat less active character than Tommy (a statement that’s true of most characters TBH) his circles are wider, sort of more squashed, to represent a state of semi-stability.
I could go on about this for way longer but I’m gonna cap this post here. There are a ton of characters I haven’t covered obviously, so LMK if there’s anyone else in particular whose shapes you’d like to see me break down.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Hiya, can I request c!DSMP with a reader who has the power of Chlorokinesis like Isabela from Encanto? The reader can conjure and grow flowers, they can also manipulate plant life.
-🥀 anon
Hallo again 🥀 anon, hope you enjoy <3
C!DSMP w/ a Chlorokinesis!Reader
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Includes C!: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot,Philza,Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
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Your powers give you the ability to create any type of plants that exists in the world
So obviously you made a job out of it by opening a flower/plant shop
It's true that in the SMP not many bought your flowers, but you were always happy to give out some for free since you basically made them with your powers
You gave each and every people in the SMP a different type of flowers, with meaning close to how you saw them
Dream received a Poppy flower; it's said that in the chinese culture this flower signifies the inability to control one's worst urges
George, the one time he visited before dissapearing from the SMP completely, received a Phlox; the flower has alot of meaning connected to love, but you merely gave it to him because it also means "sweet dreams", something he has a lot of
Sapnap is always attracted to one flower in particular, one that you always gift him, the Lily of the Valley; the flowers means pain and loss, and between Dream, George, Karl and Quackity, you weren't surprised by this choice of "attraction"
Bad always liked to buy Orange Lilies from you; a very ironic choice, considering the prideful and hateful meaning
You once gifted Skeppy a flower, after hearing about his constant quarells with Bad, a Chrysanthemums; as a way of comforting him for the loss of his once close friend
Quackity liked the Petunia's a lot, and always bought tons of them to put in his casino; it seems like the anger he held also translated into the flowers he liked
A bouquet of Periwinkle, Lilac and Pheasant's eye always waited for Karl at your shop; all three of them holding a meaning regarding memories
After the destruction of L'manburg, and the death of Wilbur, you threw a flower in his memory in the n9w destroyed Nation, a Yellow Rose; just as a reminder of how infedel he was to the people closest to him
Phil always liked to buy Violets from you, most of the time they were for his wife; they really showed how tranquil the couple were
Marigold was a flower Techno always admired in your shop; sometimes he would mumble about the closeness of death and the counting days
You always gifted Niki Blue Iris whenever she visited; a way of complimenting her for her strength and hope in the SMP
Eret always commissioned his servants to buy a few Purple Asters from you; of course a king like them deserved the royalest of flowers
After the imprisonment of Dream, you gifted Punz Black Dahlias; he thanked you happily, if only he knew the meaning...
Amouranth seemed like the perfect flower to gift Foolish, especially after gaining immortality
The only flower you seemed ro gif Sam was a single Lone Daffodil. Togheter they meant luck, but alone they meant the opposite
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lacystar · 3 months
Ryuji - Tommy (obviously)
joker - ranboo (bc you can project any personality onto him)
hawkmoth - dream (big bad)
Sae - sam (older sibling potential, breaking free from dream's control, cop shit)
sojiro - phil (dad)
ok and then beyond that im not so sure
Yusuke - fundy? (literally theyre both melodramatic and also. the fox thing. thats all I got. ig the daddy issues with madarame also could work)
futaba - fundy? (fits better overall and theyre both gingers. literally the storylines match up perfectly. cons to this: I have no idea who else would be Yusuke. also her aesthetic matches with purpled better but they have nothing beyond that in common at all.)
makoto - tubbo OR Quackity? (Quackity makes more sense in relationship to sam and also their personalities align better, but I could also see tubbo aligning with makoto okay. also I think makoto/joker is one of the better pairings and that fits with beeduo)
ann - tubbo OR Quackity? (Ann's story is abt like regaining sexual autonomy after abuse which makes me think of Quackity but like . ehh??? it feels weird to have him in this role and also with allium duo off the bat. tubbo is literally only an option here to fulfill bench trio for the first palace. im not happy with either of these)
Kamoshida - Schlatt (if Quackity is ann obviously)
akechi - wilbur? (akechi's ability to bring a rivalry up to an intense and insane level of crazy obsession is just sooo. idk. would work better if q was joker obvs but in this scenario it could be twisted to the weird burger van control thing Wilbur had over ranboo. "were the burgers good?" ass confrontation)
maruki - wilbur (they look the exact same I swear to god whenever maruki comes on screen it jump scares me fuck. also I think it would be fitting to have wilbur be the "twist" villain after dream as a final hurrah. revealing he has a palace at the end would be cool and make sense for the dsmps treatment of wilbur as a whole. im p set on this one).
Iwai - techno (if I can't find a better place for him)
haru - ???
sumire - ???
everyone else - ???
some other villain - bad (cool egg themed cult palace)
morgana - jack (would be funny but doesn't make any real sense)
lala - jack (drag queen slayyy)
maid teacher - hbomb
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So for the dnd con au, it takes place 10 years after Dream has been locked up in prison. So by now Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy are adults and they have their own lives to a degree. Everyone “trusts” the prison that has been made and life in theory is good— the Five Kingdoms have some bickering but nothing that’ll escalate to a war, just some political and personal issues. There really is not true threat of anything--
But everything goes into chaos the second Cala escapes the prison with Dream:
The first that would be notified is the King of Las Nevadas obviously. King Quackity would hear the news from Sam, who saw Dream teleport the two away right as he was about to land a killing blow on Cala. Quackity would be beyond furious; he would scream, he would yell, he would fucking go into a breakdown because they were trusted into keeping this man locked up-- but thats not just it- he lost one of the thriving things that gave him power and control. He lost the one good thing he had going for him over the past ten years. He would quickly send out mercenaries and other people to track them down and to try and bring Dream back alive, but he doesn't care what would happen to Cala.
News would spread around fast, and it wouldn't be long until the Kingdom of L'Manberg hears of what happened. King Wilbur, who is teetering onto becoming a maddened king at this rate would be livid in a different way. Dream-- the man who caused him all this strife but at the same time the man who revived him and gave him life, a man he idolizes to a very unhinged degree, is out now. He could be a threat to the kingdom, he could be a threat in general! A part of him would feel burning hatred for him and Quackity for letting something like this happen, but another part of him is excited. He could relive out the old days of when his kingdom was new! Who knows?? And this young halfling paladin that managed to get him out so easily? Well-- thats all the more curious for him. Tommy, his personal knight, would be conflicted. A part of him is scared; this man that practically corrupted his friend and terrorized him is back and who knows what he is doing, but he knows hes not a boy anymore-- if needed he could deal with Dream all by himself. He won't be terrified of him anymore. He would fight if needed, as long as Wilbur says the word.
Meanwhile, the rival Kingdom known as the Kingdom of Manberg would hear news about it. The King's personal knight known as Tubbo would tell him the news. His voice would be hesitant since he has the same sentiment as his friend Tommy. But rather than anger or hatred, King Schlatt would just laugh. It's a mocking, almost amused laugh. Ater all Quackity had one job and he fucked it up! Schlatt isn't scared of Dream, but he knows how all the other kingdoms would react. it would be complete chaos and Schlatt would instantly try and win it in his favor. In fact, he would love to find Dream and this Paladin himself! He wants to be the one to take them in before the other kingdoms even find them, so he would send scouts to see if they're near. "If needed, bring them in with some force." Was his simple request. Tubbo would hesistate, seeing that familiar glint in Schlatt's eyes. It's the look of him having a chance to be in more power.
Queen Eret would hear the news fast that something had happened in Las Nevadas. She would learn very quickly that the person who caused the breakout would be one of her new knights, a halfling woman named Cala Warmroot. Instantly she would have a feeling of dread. Eret knew that back in the day her betrayal towards King Wilbur was the leading factors that caused friction to the kingdoms today. If word got out that one of her knights caused this-- she fears that old wounds would open up. However, she's not upset at Cala. She knows that Cala has a big heart and what she does is never out of an act of malice or pure evil. So she must have a reason to break him out right? Something must have happened that led her to that moment. After all, Cala swore the oath of redemption and Eret expected her to take her oath seriously. But.. would this act be too much? Did the little halfling bite more than she can chew? She would sit on her throne, thinking hard as she realizes that something big is going to brew from this event, and she prepares herself for the oncoming events.
Kinoko Kingdom would be the last to know. They live in a lush forest area, but the news does come in as soon as it is able to. The drowsy King George would be falling asleep on his mushroom throne, not processing what is happening until someone would come in, frantic as they would yell the news that Dream has escaped Pandora's Vault. At first the King's personal knight, a fire genasai known as Sapnap, would be instantly probing the person for more questions. They're joking right? It's been ten years and he hasn't even made attempts at escaping! But as they get the detials, the king would be more wide awake as he realizes that the news is true. For once he would be up fully, quickly telling Sapnap to go to their wizard Karl to see if they can scry either on him or on the woman that broke him out. Sapnap would want to personally go out and kill him himself, but King George orders him not to. He says to keep things as normal and if they come here, then let George handle it. As Sapnap begrudgingly leaves to contact Karl, George stares up at the glass stained window that depicts him with the God of Creation, XD. He prays softly, wanting to know what is going on and if there is anything that he should be worried of. He isn't scared of Dream, but he is wary on what this means.
While the Kingdoms are in chaos, all the way in the snowy area of the world is a group that is trying to dismantle the kingdoms as a whole. Not out of malice no, but just so that there can be no more monarchy in general. Their efforts have lessened some over the past ten years as Techno has been trying to figure out a way to break Dream out, but it has been constantly failing. As well as that, the attacks of a cult has been diminishing their plans. One of the crows would fly to the area and perch onto Philza's shoulder, telling him the news. Philza would instantly tell his friend what had happened, and for Techno is beyond speechless. It took them ten years to try and find a way to break Dream out, and this halfling did it instantly!? He would be happy, beyond happy, but also on edge since he doesn't trust this news. Something isn't right. He would tell Philza to send his crows to spy on them while he would go to Niki and Ranboo and ask them to get ready to scout if needed to. He knows how the Kingdoms would react and he needs them in their area ASAP before something drastic happens. He needs to see Dream again-- he has to.
A passing by mercenary would hear the news of what had happened as he's travelling between kingdoms. He would pause as he eavesdrops, hearing the details of how a foolish knight managed to break him out. He would then chuckle some, amused. After all, it had been a long time since he has seen his old friend. He thought by now that Dream was going to stay in there permanently, and he certainly tried to break him out himslef but it led to a few scrapes from the Warden. He would keep a mental note and instantly start to track them down; after all he needs to give him back his book and catch up.
In all honesty, BadBoyHalo didn't expect the woman to pull it off. He thought she had a slim chance even with his assistance to sneak her in, but once the news got out that they escaped-- he would hide his pure excitement. Him and Antfrost would make an excuse on how they didn't see her; how she was too clever and sneaky for them. Meanwhile after they are dismissed, they know that the kingdoms would be more focused on the escapees and they would have no idea of anyhting else. So they begin to set more of the seeds for the Eggpire, quietly setting in some control as they pretend they are scared of the big bad Dream escaping. All of this would be a good distraction so that the Crimson Egg would grow and thrive-- and so that Skeppy could gain complete control in general.
A pirate captain would be in one of the bars at the dock, wanting to rest for the day after a long voyage across the world. She would relax and order a drink, and as she relaxes she hears the dreaded news of what had happened. She pauses and neasrly spits out her drink, shocked. She instantly asks for more information-- and once she realizes fully there's a mix of dread and... relief in a way. Her son escaped, but she has no idea what would happen next. A part of her wants to track them down herself but she knows not to, the least she can do is wait and hope they would be near at least the docks. She.. She wants to see him, after everything that has happened. She needs to see him again, she wants to hug her son and hold him, at least for a moment.
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peninkwrites · 1 year
Part IV: Lines Drawn in Sand & Concrete - Ch 1 of ?
Loyalties shift, lines are drawn, and soon to follow, the grand opening of a casino.
But first, Sam loses a little more.
[CW: descriptions of dead bodies, referenced past abuse, c!Dream]
Crossposted to ao3
Mafia AU masterpost
Part III
Ch 2 - Ant
Ch 3 - Wilbur & Tommy
Ch 4 - Tubbo & Quackity
Ch 5 - Ponk & Sam
Ch 6 - Niki & Wilbur
Ch 7 - Sapnap & Quackity
Ch 8 - Bad
Ch 9 - Tubbo & Quackity
Ch 10 - Wilbur
Ch 11 - Sapnap
Ch 12 - Eryn
Ch 13 - Quackity & Tubbo
Ch 14 - A Collective (all chapters going forward will be on ao3)
~ Ponk & Sam ~
Sam hasn’t been outside of his apartment in weeks. He’d had a hard time finding someone to look after Fran. In a moment of desperation he’d tried calling Foolish, who had always been happy to dog sit before. Instead, he had gotten quiet when he heard Sam’s voice and said “I don’t think I can.  I hope you find someone, though,” in a way that meant he was clearly hoping for Fran’s sake and not Sam’s.  It took a while on his list of friends to finally convince Boomer, the person who lived directly below his and P– his apartment.  He’d agreed to do it for a little cash.  Other than that, Sam had no one coming to check on him.  Sapnap had visited in him in the hospital and seemed genuinely concerned, but his concern didn’t warrant house calls.  He’d taken a cab to the hospital for his follow up; graduating from a wheelchair to crutches had felt like a small victory when the doctor had openly laughed when he asked when he would be able to go back to work again.  Still, crutches restored some of his freedom.  He still had Boomer on the payroll to walk Fran, but other than that he could look after her.  Even if he couldn’t manage a stubborn Samoyed, he could at least go outside again.
If he had anyone to talk to, he would fervently deny that his first destination being his workplace was pathetic.  His job is important; of course he would want to check in.  George had given him a less than sympathetic once over before waving him back towards his office.  Dream doesn’t stand from Sam’s chair when he knocks and enters, merely looks up in mild surprise.
“Sam.  You’re out of the hospital.”  Dream doesn’t look especially pleased by the news.  “Um, glad to see it.  We… we weren’t expecting you back so soon.”  He laughs.  “I mean, you’re obviously not here to work.  What can I…” he trails off, puzzled by Sam’s presence, “help you with?”
Sam ignores the persistent sting of his wounded pride and enters the office without invitation.  It’s his office.  “I thought I should check in on my department, see how you all are holding up without me.”  Sam could sit down.  He’d like to, even with crutches it’s far from easy, but he doesn’t.  He’d rather not sit on this side of his own desk.
Dream raises an eyebrow, gesturing to the office and the rest of the bullpen through the shaded windows.  “I hope I’m running the department to your satisfaction?  I mean, we’ve been busy, I’ll admit, but nothing I can’t handle,” he smiles in a way that maybe is supposed to be reassuring instead of patronizing.
Sam is finally inching toward his original goal of coming here, and after a moment’s hesitation, concedes to almost collapse in the chair nearest, doing his best to lean his crutches against the other chair with a shred of dignity.  Dream doesn’t comment on Sam clearly settling in, merely watches him struggle with something scathing in his annoying little smile.
“You’ve been busy?” Sam refocuses.  “With what?”
“Sam,” Dream sighs, leaning forward, resting his elbows on the desk, fingertips pressed together.  “You’re… technically not in active duty right now.”  He feigns a sympathetic grimace.  “It would be unprofessional of me to share current case information when at the moment you’re…” He gives him a once over.  “Just a civilian.”
Sam sits up and hopes Dream doesn’t see him wince.  “Medical leave does not revoke my title as your superior officer.  If I am telling you to update me, it’s your duty to do so.”
Dream doesn’t blink.  “Well, as acting Captain, in that case, I have the same power you do, as an absent Captain.”  Dream’s tone remains mild and professional.  “Why don’t you take it up with my superior officer?”
“I am your superior officer!” Sam hisses.
Dream is still smiling politely.  “Actually, right now I report directly to the Chief of Police; his deputy, if we’re nitpicking.  I think you have his contact information.”
“Taken, you do realize when I return to my post, I’m not going to forget your disrespect.”  Sam doesn’t know why part of him is not merely angry, there’s fear too, this nagging anxiety growing sharper with every passing moment, like this too is going to slip through his fingertips.
It’s like Dream knows, sensing it like blood in the water.  He leans forward, fidgeting with the name plate for Capt. Sam Warden.  “Do you think you’re going to be fit to return to active duty any time soon, Sam?”
“I guarantee it.”  Sam moves to leave, fearing if he stays another moment he’ll swing his crutch across the desk until Dream bleeds.  He stands too fast and has to catch himself on the edge of a chair, unsteady for just a moment as he rights his crutches.
“Careful there, Sam.”
Sam doesn’t bother with a retort.  He’s halfway out of the bullpen when he stops, turning sharply toward another familiar desk.  There, Sapnap is currently trying to balance a pencil on his nose.
Sapnap jumps violently, the pencil clattering onto the desk as he fumbles with unfinished paper work there, clearly trying to look like he’d been working on something.  “Y-Yeah? Oh!  Sam!  Uh, Captain, how’s it– You’re here.”  He gives up, turning his chair to face Sam, cheeks red and arms folded to stop himself from embarrassing himself further.  “You, uh.  You look… better.”
“Do you have any recent reports?”
Sapnap glances nervously at his unfinished scramble of reports for his own cases.  “...reports?”
“Pull yourself together, Halo, I’m not here to lecture you.  I’m just… out of the loop, and my replacement over there is… too busy to bother,” is how Sam chooses to carefully phrase it.
“Oh, oh yeah, shit, you don’t know about this whole deal, do you?” Sapnap focuses up slightly, gesturing to the busy hum of the rest of the department.
Sam bottles further irritation.  “Whole deal?”
Sapnap nods fervently.  “Bodies, Sam.  Like, a bunch of ‘em.  We haven’t connected them for sure, like, no one’s released a statement using the s-word yet, but like, that’s my theory right now.”
Sam sighs.  “...s-word?”
“Oh, y’know, serial killer.  The press would lose their minds, and like, technically the only thing consistent with the murders is like, 90% of them had a record of some kind.”
Sam processes this carefully.  “How many?  How many exactly since I’ve been gone?”
Sapnap does some counting on his fingers, mulling it over.  “Somewhere between four and eleven.”
“Four and eleven?  Any reason why the range is so ridiculous?”
“Because, Sam,” Sapnap half laughs, like Sam is being dumb on purpose.  “Only one consistent factor.  So it’s hard to tell what’s just usual gang violence and what’s from our mystery-killer.  And more recently––” Sapnap rummages around his desk, pulling out a file from the bottom of the stack.  “––the bodies aren’t just… y’know, stabbed or beaten up or anything, they’re fucking shredded.”
Sapnap opens the folder and holds out a picture of an autopsy table.  Even in black and white, it’s not a pretty sight.  All the worse that Sam finds it familiar.  He stares in fixated dread at symmetrical cuts on either cheek, in rows until they almost looked like morbid whiskers.  The cuts continue to cover the torso of the body, like red vines grown from underneath skin.  Sam finds it familiar because he’s done it before.   He’s almost surprised that Sapnap hasn’t recognized it, but maybe he should know better.  Bad did everything he could to make sure Sapnap was kept away from the more gruesome aspects of the family business; it’s part of why Sam thinks Sapnap didn’t have the stomach for it in the end.
“And… and how many of the bodies look like that?” Sam asks, hoping the tremor in his voice isn’t obvious.  One more aspect that feels like a secret Sam isn’t inclined to share with Sapnap is that knowing it’s Badlands handiwork, he also can connect why.  Skeppy must still be missing.
“That’s…” Sapnap thinks back.  “Number five, I think.  That looks like that.”  Sapnap glances at the photo and winces, quickly stowing it back in the folder.  “And that’s not the only like… marking stuff going on, sort of.  So, like a month ago, this car got blown up!  It was insane, burst a pipe and shit, busted a hole in the storm drains, but it was right after Schlatt’s funeral, and his like… the obituary thing they pass out, it was stabbed into a telephone pole nearby.  I dunno if the guy responsible was pro-Schlatt or anti-Schlatt or what, but it definitely sends a message.  I mean, we know the car owner was one of Schlatt’s boys, I mean the bomber, I guess.” Sapnap rummages through his paperwork again, more excited now.  “And there’s been more of that graffiti all over the East Side!  The… crime boy thing or whatever.  It showed up after the bodies started turning up–– all the bodies, not just the… weird cut up ones––but that doesn’t mean it isn’t connected, and I think some people might just be nervous, it doesn’t have to be part of some big thing, but a couple petty criminals have actually reported them being attacked, by––get this––a dude in a white mask.  Is that freaky, or what?”
“Halo,” Dream speaks up from the doorway of the office.
Sapnap jumps again.  “Uh, yeah?”
“Can I see you?  In my office?”
Sapnap glances between Sam and Dream.  “Sure..?”  He looks at Sam, as if waiting for a response.
Sam knows Dream interrupted very much deliberately, but he’s not planning on picking another fight.  So he gives Sapnap a nod of acknowledgment.  Sapnap stands with a weary sigh and joins Dream, looking like a kid called into the principal’s office.
“Good to see you, Sam.  Come visit any time,” Dream says before shutting Sam’s own goddamn door in his face.
Sam seethes in the cab back to his apartment.  He can’t stand the thought of returning to staring at the same living room he’d been staring at for a month, so instead he takes a walk.  A slow, uncomfortable, unsteady walk, but a walk nonetheless.  The route is familiar, even if he’s not used to walking it alone.
Ponk hadn’t wanted Sam hurt, yes, but they’re not above revenge.  It’s a slow growing thing.  Ponk goes back to work as soon as they can, and finds bitter anger easily as they cannot carry boxes or breathe as deeply.  The doctor couldn’t use a hard cast on their arm, at least for the first few weeks, as she had to redress the burns there too.  She had been honest with them, expressing some mild concerns about the healing process, the lack of rigidity meaning the bone may not heal perfectly, but the alternative risk of irritating the burns concerned her worse, hence, she prioritized.  Their arm would need to be wrapped for the next two months.
It’s harder for Ponk to make their peace with when they can name the man responsible.  Still, they don’t plan on acting, on making any move against Sam, until they actually see him again.
The problem with building a life with someone for ten years only to have it end bloody, is that the two of them share most of their local haunts.  They were bound to run into each other eventually, Sam too careless to realize the damage he could cause and Ponk refusing to give up any more of their world to Sam.
As such, for the first time outside of a police station, a month after the arrest, Ponk sees Sam again near a food truck almost exactly halfway between Eret’s place and their old apartment.  They’re surprised to see he is also in a cast.
“Ponk.” Sam seems just as surprised to see Ponk there.
Ponk’s tone is icy, but undeniably there is still a tremor, however hard they try to bury it.  “Sam.”
“You’re here,” Sam has the audacity to sound wanting.
“Yeah.  I am.  It’s a public street, is it not?” Ponk wishes it were only anger stirring in their chest.
“Right, yeah, of course, I guess I just…” Sam gives them a once over he has no right to.  He clears his throat.  “You… you look good.”
Ponk can’t resist a smile, raising an eyebrow.  “Do I?”  They haven’t forgotten, not really, but there is a brief, undeniable moment where they remember how good it felt to make Sam a little shy.
Sam takes a step forward, Ponk impulsively takes a step back, unbroken arm raised slightly.  Whatever reply Sam had been about to make dies on his lips.  He takes a step back as well.
Ponk hates that Sam could see that they’re still afraid.  This is wrong.  It can’t be like that anymore, they cannot make Sam blush and Sam cannot step closer and nothing can be as it once was.  “You look a bit shit, Sam.”
They meant it with at least a hint of sympathy, however blunt the actual comment was, but Sam takes it to heart, jaw set, shoulders squared, as if he’s trying to make himself bigger.  Sam has no need to make himself look bigger.   Even in a cast, even injured, he physically towers over them.  Ponk is not weak by any means, but they know exactly what kind of damage Sam can do.
“Yeah, I wonder why that is,” Sam says coldly.
That very question finally catches up to Ponk.  “Wait, actually, what the fuck?  Were you in a car accident or something?”
Sam scoffs and for a moment it’s like he’s going to step closer again, it’s his impulse, but he reconsiders out of some cruel version of courtesy towards them.  He leans forward, though, words sharp and bitter.
“Are you really going to act like you don’t know?”
Ponk doesn’t pull away, frustration overtaking fear.  “Know what, Sam?  Go on, say what you’re going to say.”
“Really?” Sam scoffs.  “Fine.  Your little mob buddies?  Is that ringing a bell?  You know what, I knew you could fight dirty, Ponk, but really?”  He’s scathing, the audacity to be self righteous toward them of all people.  “Having three different crime rings break down my door and––and attack me?” He hisses.
“What the fuck are you going on about?!” Ponk snaps.  “Who are you even talking about?  I wasn’t working for a mob when you arrested me.  Why would they––I have no idea what you’re talking about, Sam.”  Briefly, Ponk thinks of Purpled all those nights ago, but he had promised he hadn’t killed Sam.  Well, that part was true.  Ponk continues with the truth.  “I didn’t send anyone after you.”
“Right” Sam huffs, aloof on his crutches.  “They said the same thing, but really.  Sending one hit out on me wasn’t enough, but three?  Do you expect me to believe all those people showed up to––to hurt me just because?  I mean, I used to think lying was beneath you, but I guess that’s not true, is it?”
Ponk turns cold, an icy fury at every sacrifice they made for this man thrown back in their face.  Ponk cannot believe that when they first saw Sam for a brief moment they thought he might apologize.  “Maybe it’s because you’re not a good person, Sam.”
Sam doesn’t quite look surprised, more so curious.  “You don’t think I’m a good person?”
Ponk doesn’t look him in the eye, staring past him to the river, to the streets the two of them have walked together for so many years.  It’s never going to be like that again. Ponk wants to tell him they never meant for him to get hurt.  They want to tell him that the doctors don’t think their arm is going to ever be quite the same.  They want to ask him if he regrets it.  They want to go home, properly home, with Sam beside them.  Some part of them also undeniably wants Sam to drown in the river and know it was because of Ponk, for him to know it’s what he deserves.  They don’t say any of it.  “My opinions are biased.”
Before Sam can retort, Ponk turns and leaves him there.  If they don’t look back, they can pretend Sam didn’t almost reach out to stop them.  If they don’t look back, they can pretend they wouldn’t have let him.
When Ponk returns to Eret’s mansion, breathless and definitely not burying tears, the first thing they do is make a phone call.
“Purpled?  It’s Ponk.  I… I think I know what I want to do.”
In four days time, Sam will return home to an apartment covered in meticulously made copies of police records.  Dozens of files which were never meant to leave the precinct are now piled on his kitchen counter.  At that same moment, the station receives a call claiming that the Police Captain is being attacked again.  When the squad cars arrive with an urgency few other calls would receive, it is to Sam staring in baffled confusion at the mountains of probable cause shoved into his lonely apartment.  Sam almost can’t process what’s happening when men he had once supervised arrest him.  They arrest him not because he had done something illegal, but because he’s done something illegal against the police.  The way this picture has been so carefully painted makes it clear that Ponk wasn’t the rat.  Ponk was surely a scapegoat, a civilian with no access to police files.  Surely, if Sam had truly been loyal to the department, Ponk wouldn’t have known anything worth sharing.  The real rat had to have been one of their own.  Sam has no idea what to say in his own defense.
Things devolve from there.  There is no interrogation, there is no opportunity for Sam’s old comrades to listen or offer understanding.  They are all cold and unforgiving or they avoid him like the plague.  People Sam had felt responsible for, who he had done his best to protect, shoving him into a holding cell and daring to call him a rat.  It’s almost surreal.  Sam already thought his whole world had fallen apart a month ago, and here the last shreds begin to burn.
Sam dodges criminal charges because those equate press coverage.  Instead, there is a letter of termination.  Sam’s replacement fully supports it, citing Sam’s criminal background before joining the force as clear evidence that he was never fit to be Captain.  Sam would have preferred prison.  He would have preferred a criminal trial instead of being forced to sit across from his own desk, the Chief of Police in his chair, and the man who had once been Sam’s right hand whispering in his ear.
“Mr. Warden here used to work for the Badlands, did you know that, Sir?” Dream doesn’t look at him as he shreds his reputation to ribbons.  Sapnap’s face falls from where he stands to Dream’s right, but he doesn’t say anything.
“Dream,” Sam doesn’t know why he’s trying to garner his attention, what he’s hoping to achieve.  Dream clearly has no intention of helping him.  He can’t help but try.  He’s spent days waiting for the chance to plead his case only to find it had already been decided for him.  “You know this wasn’t me.  You know that.  You know I’m being set up for something, Dream––”
“Please calm yourself, Mr. Warden,” Dream raises a hand as if to placate his old boss handcuffed across the table.  Mr.  That title is as grating as nails on a chalkboard.  Sam feels weak.  “Consider yourself lucky you’re not being arrested.  Former Police Officers don’t do well in prison, you know.”
Sam doesn’t know what to do now.  No one here is going to help him.  He thought Sapnap might have argued on his behalf, but despite his deigning to visit him in the hospital and being willing to chat, it seems for him too that things had inexplicably changed between them after Ponk’s arrest.  Everyone else who might have gotten him out of this, well, he burned those bridges first.  Not to say the Badlands had been any good to someone under arrest.
Sam is escorted from the station by those he had once trusted.  Dream doesn’t bother seeing him out.  Sapnap lingers just outside, unsure and oddly thoughtful.
“Sapnap, you know I didn’t––”
“I’ll call you a cab, Sam,” Sapnap hesitates.  “I’m sorry about all this.”
Sam doesn’t reply.  He watches him leave.  Through the glass, he can see the station proceeding, business as usual, while Sam feels as though someone has died.
Sapnap knows he cannot get Sam out of this and he doesn’t plan to, but once the proceedings are done, the Chief of Police gone, he pulls his friend aside.  “Dream, you know there’s no way Sam did this.  After he was attacked, we searched his apartment, like, there wasn’t anything there––”
Dream cuts him off.  “What were you and Sam talking about, huh?  The other day?  You could’ve given him those records, right?” Dream is almost calm, casual conversation as if every word isn’t a loaded bullet.  Sapnap falls silent.  Dream lowers his voice, a warning hushed and dangerous, “if we’re talking about associates of the Badlands, you of all people should watch your step, Officer Halo.”
Sapnap stares at him, stunned, waiting for some part of this to make sense, to reflect his best friend.  It doesn’t.  Dream does not become someone he recognizes.  “Got it, Captain.”
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myhusbandsasemni · 1 year
Hey! I just finished To Cut Away the Mountains I've made and Fill the Dale Below on ao3 and found your Tumblr! Thank you for writing it was for much fun to read. Your descriptions are very comforting and the entire fic felt very warm.
Are there any world facts that you had in your head but never got to share?
When I tell you that this ask had me freaking out, I mean I was screeching. It means so much to me that you went to the effort of finding my Tumblr and sending me an ask! I'm so glad you liked the story!
As for facts, boi do I have a few. I filled that story up with so much lore just for the fun of it.
Obviously, it was very different from the actual Dream SMP. In this world, the goddess of Death gave Wilbur to Philza as more of a gift than a shared child, I guess you could say. When Wilbur got old enough, he took off to explore the world. That devastated Philza a little, which I think was very clear in the fic, but he let Wilbur have his freedom.
Philza did end up finding a new friend in Techno. Techno was a powerful warlord for a while, angry because his sounder was destroyed. When Philza got him out of that nether fortress where he had been trapped as a gladiator, Techno felt like he owed the Angel a life debt and then that eventually turned into just genuine friendship. Techno is very protective of the old man.
Wilbur ended up becoming the ruler of a country, and everything was fine for a while. Since he was a gift from Death, he didn't really get old and he didn't really die.
But we can't have anything nice. Dream came into the picture as a talented sorcerer who craved power. He inserted himself as a second in command to Wilbur, twisting Wilbur's mind and his rule. Dream was a sadistic dude and Wilbur started to fall to Dream's whims.
As a side note, Dream made the disks of power. Everyone that looked upon them wanted them. Dream thought it was funny watching people destroy each other over some scratched up disks. The power of the disks faded over years, which is why Quackity could keep them safely.
Philza heard about a terrible ruler who was planning on sacrificing thousands of his own people to a power hungry sorcerer and went to go deal with it. Techno entered a duel with Dream while Philza went to find this ruler. Imagine his surprise when he find's Wilbur with his finger on the 'button' that would set off the terrible ritual. There was no reasoning with him, and in this timeline, Philza didn't wait until Wilbur pressed the button. He killed his son because there was no other option.
They didn't capture Dream. They sent hunters to capture him. One of the hunters, George, ended up bonding with Dream and helped him escape over and over again. Dream was sweet with George. He presented himself as a silly little vagabond. Just a little guy. A robin hood type.
George eventually saw the real Dream, though. Dream slipped up and George had to come to terms that he had been tricked and lied to. George helped get Dream captured, where he was put in jail under Quackity and Sam. George felt horrible about this, and he ended up having to live with Philza for a few years while he grieved a friendship that was never real and dealt with the lingering betrayal he had dealt to Dream.
Dream died. He died a sad and broken man, having been tortured every day for 50 years until he finally decided that permanent death would be better than waiting for the chance to escape. He is gone for good. Death made sure of it.
Speaking of Sam, he was so afraid of death that he started searching for ways to escape it, going to various demons and gods to get blessings by going through trials. He was thrice cursed because, after some time, the different blessing and rituals and whatnot reacted badly with each other, like water causing metal to rust.
Quackity twisted the secrets of necromancy from out of Dream, and consequences don't matter to him anymore. As time goes by, he will become more and more unstable. But that's a story for another time.
Wilbur, when he died, became a wraith. Death tried to find him, but because he came from her, he knew how to hide. He drifted the world with the lamb Death had sent to be with him, because while he shunned her, she knew Philza wouldn't want him to be alone. Dream revived Wilbur as a last desperate try for freedom, hoping the man would come rescue him near the end of his life, but Wilbur did not. He just kept running.
Wilbur has white in his hair and feathers from his time being dead.
Wilbur eventually settled down and started working on projects to feel like he's actually doing something with his life. He built his manor and estates, he broke up crime rings, and eventually he took in three children, one of whom reminded him so much of his father that he couldn't leave the child to go into the system. At that point, he started missing Philza for the first time since he left the nest.
That's pretty much it, I suppose. This story was so fun and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I remember I wrote it so fast my finger joints hurt for days.
Thank you so so much for the ask. I love you so much for it!
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cdroloisms · 5 months
i know morality and c!dream can be a sticky subject especially bc of how like, unreliable this guy is when he talks abt himself, but as much as we repeat lines in daedalus i do think that it's worth remembering that his whole ... "oh evil is in the eye of the beholder" "everyone is the hero in their own story" "they're not excuses theyre reasons" "im evil but the ends justify the means" ETC of it all is like. self protective?
like no, c!dream isn't a character that is all that occupied with morality from the beginning, obviously. but at the same time this is also a character where the crux of the damn matter when c!tommy finally gets through to him is you know, no, dumbass, you aren't Just Irredeemable Evil you're an idiot asshole that chose to do shitty things and there are, in fact, other paths you can choose. this is also a character that has a whole breakdown on his own about the "thin line between good and evil" where he wrestles with his own morality and humanity in comparison to a fucking snake. this is a character that is SO FUCKING BOTHERED by c!sam's like, everything, c!quackity's sadism, c!wilbur confronting him over lmanburg (i'm a tourist. not a terrorist.) (like ,,,)
like no matter how much c!dream tries to beat his conscience into the ground, no matter how much he says that ohhh he's just evil look at his evil lair and evil speeches and evil villain plan to give warning before he attacks and evil giving people primes (what???), no matter how much he repeats the fact that ~the end justifies the means~ and it's all worth it in the end so the middle doesn't actually matter...uh, it kind of does matter to him. c!dream might've always been ruthless and a bit of a jerk and capable of a heck of a lot of damage, but he doesn't go into this on day one thinking that abusing a teenager is A-okay. he doesn't go into the damn end of this thinking that abusing a teenager is A-okay, for fuck's sake. when pushed to the wire all he could say to c!tommy is that he tortured him, because he deserved it, like that's at all about ends justifying means and goals and whatever. like that's not the same thing that his own torturer said to him just weeks ago, in those few minutes before he was sent running.
like yeah, part of this is for show. also the other evil ass guys on this server don't exactly go around adding "evil ___" in front of everything they do, do they? you don't see c!quackity calling his casino "EVIL CASINO !!!" or c!sam calling his bank "EVIL BANK!!!" (c!sam, of course, Isn't A Bad Guy) (well, that whole Thing is also self-protective, but you know) like /?? c!dream is Weird about morality and fixated on the whole evil villain whatever of it all in a way that is just too obvious for him to not care about morality nearly as much as he claims to.
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bleue-flora · 18 days
tbh to me c!sapnap is on the same level of betraying c!dream as c!sam. It may seem far-fetched considering what c!sam did and considering we don't have much real lore content with c!sapnap or c!dreamnap, but when you look at what we DO have, it's kind of a picture
like, he's not just some stupid or short-sighted character, as it might seem at first glance - we have a ton of evidence that he understands perfectly well that prison makes c!dream physically and mentally ill, but he agrees with it. In the dialogue with c!michael he literally says "dream fucked up, prison fucked him up in another sense, but it doesn't matter, cause dream has to get better and become *my* dream again, let him stay in prison and improve, even if it breaks him idc", like wtf is this? funny, but at the same time, c!sapnap doesn't visit dream more than once, how will he know that c!dream is making progress? In c!sapnap's head, prison is supposed to be a rehabilitation for c!dream, only no one checks his progress in stopping being a "fucked up", he either sits there completely alone or people go there to hurt him and c!sapnap understands and acknowledged it, but he doesn't give a shit. I'm sorry, but this gives off sam's "I thought I broke his will to do something like that". He obviously doesn't care about c!dream and just wants his good old *convenient* friend, and he doesn't care about the consequences.
But he's not just passively harming c!dream, he's doing it actively. If the threat could still be interpreted as an emotional outburst, something he could say and regret, then his other actions clearly say the opposite. Like, the dude literally stalked and harassed c!dream for months after he found out where he lived??
The revival book was more important to him than torture. Even in the beginning, he didn't care about c!dream's reputation, when c!wilbur and c!tommy dragged it into the dirt for no reason, and he repeatedly went against c!dream or supported things that directly harmed c!dream. For me, one of the most telling scenes is c!sapnap and c!george's meeting with mexican dream's ghost, where c!sapnap, without any reason, pins the explosion of El Rapids on c!dream, and then, when he finds out that actually c!quackity was the one who did it, c!sapnap immediately says that they urgently need to go and find out why he did it, to check if he's okay and all that. This is literally the attitude you'd expect from c!tommy, to attribute every bad event to c!dream, but no, this is his so-called best friend! And of course, he only wants to know the reasons for an action when someone else does a bad action, but not c!dream - well, of course, cause it's clear that c!dream reasons are "being evil" or smth.
So, I've been in my c!sapnap hate arc for over two years now and you all should join me lmao
I didn't think I'd write SO much, but emotions took over after reading the new chapter of your fic and some of your posts, sorry abt that :"^
[context a & b]
Honestly, in my opinion his betrayal is almost worse than Sam’s, which is saying something since he literally enabled and facilitated daily torture. But like Sam wasn’t Dream’s self proclaimed brother, and at least Sam’s delusion kinda makes sense. Sapnap is just like - the chicken tastes rubbery and overcooked, so I put it in the oven and then it tasted burnt, so I put it back in the oven to help the taste and at some point I’ll take it out of the oven and then it’ll taste good again. No idea how long that’ll take, and no don’t be ridiculous I’m not gonna check on it. I swear though if anyone touches my chicken before it tastes good again like so much as removes it from the oven or seasons it I’m gonna throw it in the trash… vs Sam who’s like - the chicken tastes rubbery but I spent money on it so I’m gonna put it in the oven and turn it to charcoal so at least then it won’t be a complete waste…
ya know? Like at least Sam was corrupted by power, financial benefit, manipulated a bit, and had the blood of a “child” on his hands. Sapnap doesn’t even have that, he has a life long best friend who he heard made a speech about not caring about anything and then later a speech about wanting to control everyone, a fish in a item frame and a letter saying “thanks for visiting”…
Well I don’t know about the “even if it breaks him” I don’t think he is thinking that directing about Dream’s suffering if that makes sense, but Sapnap is delusional no doubt. I also don’t know if he even cares that much about the book in general, he just doesn’t seem to given a damn about the torture. He seems to really just be about the fear of what Dream might do and how he needs to be stopped before that.
And you do have a point, in the beginning even as his “brother” he on many occasions went against him, down to the very first disc war where they killed him multiple times. I mean if Sapnap weren’t American, he’d have probably been right alongside clingy duo in L’manberg and stuff… oh I had no idea about the El Rapids thing but am also not surprised…
What do you even mean, I am literally an engineer of this Sapnap hate train 🚂 choo choo! I be shoveling coal to keep this engine running ya know. like literally the more lore I watch the more he actually just kills me.
but anyways, I mean you read the chapter (and presumably the one before) so you know my thoughts on Sapnap lol. ;D
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the-heat-is-0n · 8 months
Halo AU c!tntduo my beloved <33
Ok so my Halo special interest was revived one fateful night and now I’m brainrotting. Like I’ve been writing down all my ideas in my silly little notebook and now I have an entire dsmp halo AU planned out.
This would follow the storyline of Halo games 2 and 3, and would closely mirror the events of both games.
c!Quackity would be Master Chief (AU name= Alex-125 Master Chief Petty Officer) and obviously would be on the UNSC side. His AI would be Tubbo and yes I understand that canon master chief’s and Cortana’s relationship has romantic undertones but this is silly, obviously platonic cabinetduo we’re talking about (also this AU is ENTIRELY platonic I’m just putting that out there, I can’t stand writing romance in Halo fics soz that’s not how I work lol)
Here’s my character list:
- Master chief = Quackity/Alex-125
- The Arbiter = Wilbur/Kur ‘Konomee (the -ee suffix basically says that he’s part of the Covenant army, nothing too specific. However, like Thel ‘Vadam [the canonical Arbiter], he drops the -ee after the Sangheili are forced to separate from the Covenant and end up making an alliance with the humans)
- Tartarus = Eret/Fersyreus
- Sergeant Johnson = Foolish; his name would straight up just be Sergeant Foolish, I’m not using real names unless I have to cause it’s weird
- Fleet Master = Technoblade/Rel ‘Nar Zudomai (I LOVE NAME LORE so the “‘Nar” in his name denotes a high rank in the Covenant army, usually means that the Sangheili with that honorific controls a portion of the Covenant’s Navy. And the -ai suffix in Techno’s surname denotes “blade master” cause get it ha funny)
- Miranda Keyes = Niki
- Lord Hood = Sam
- Prophet of Truth = Dream (I fucking hate how I have to write this motherfucker but he’s the big bad so I can’t think of anyone else. Also his death in this AU is going to be so satisfying trust me); prophet name = Prophet of Liberty
- Prophet of Regret = Schlatt; prophet name = Prophet of Benevolence
- Prophet of Mercy = BBH or George (prophet of Mercy does fuck all in the story so he basically dies off-screen); prophet name = Prophet of Grace OR Prophet of Harmony, I can’t decide
- The Gravemind would just be the Gravemind tbh, that shit’s staying the same; I’m too lazy and also my spin. on Halo would throw a FIT for changing the canon like that
Tbh I can’t remember any other super notable names, if/when I do though I will update this list probably in my notebook or something idk lol
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Tommyinnit's idiotic plan to become a Pirate
by Evbrry
Tommy had conducted a plan: sneak onto the ship and see where it leads from there. A fool-proof plan, if you asked him. If you asked anyone else, they’d say it’s an awful plan. But you asked him, so therefore, a fool-proof plan.
Obviously, to the naked eye, the plan seemed simple; sneak onto the ship and see where it leads from there. To Tommy’s eye, the plan came with lots of steps; first of all, he needed a pirate suit, and second of all, he needed to sneak out of the house to sneak onto the ship (which wasn’t hard). He had two days, two days to prepare himself for the voyage of his life.
Tommy's always wanted to be a pirate and he thought the best way to reach that goal, was to sneak onto a pirate ship.
Words: 5939, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Aimee | Aimsey (Video Blogging RPF), Grayson | Purpled (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity, Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle, Niki | Nihachu, Jack Manifold, Ponk | DropsByPonk (Video Blogging RPF), Sam | Awesamdude, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Cara | CaptainPuffy
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Niki | Nihachu & TommyInnit, Jack Manifold & TommyInnit, Alexis | Quackity & TommyInnit, Ranboo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Aimee | Aimsey & Grayson | Purpled & Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Cara | CaptainPuffy & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pirate, Pirate!crimeboys, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Protective Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit pretends to be a pirate, Platonic Relationships, Everyone Loves TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Tommy's a bit oblivious to pirate life, gore (maybe considering it's a pirate au) but not too bad, Neglectful Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), but he's not a major character and is only mentioned a bit, little angst, just Tommy thinking he knows what it's like being a pirate, but almost completely wrong
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Hi mum !! If you could, maybe some platonic mcyt with a teen reader that loves physical affection? Hugs, cuddles, holding hands, kisses, etc. they just find it comforting and love doing it to friends :>
Haven't wrote a platonic one in a while, so I'll be happy to do it ^^
Hope you enjoy <3
DSMP w/ a teen!Reader who loves physical affection [Platonic]
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Dream naturally hugs anyone who he's friends with, obviously with their permission, so he does it without you needing to tell him;
George is more reserved when it comes to physical affection, but from time to time he'll give in to you;
Sapnap is a bit shy at first, even if he's older. But once he gets comfortable, he'll even cuddle you if you'd like;
Bad is another one who's naturally physical with close friends. So if he sees that you're ok with it, he'll gladly continue;
Skeppy is definetly the type to joke about you being clingy, but he won't let you let go of him. Like "Haha you're so clingy. I didn't tell you to let go tho-";
Quackity doesn't seem like the one who likes too much physical affection, but he'll hug you once in a while;
Karl and you are two inseparable koalas. Like no ones ever pulling you away from the other, you two are literally stuck like glue;
Wilbur likes to tease you about it, but when you need it the most he'll do it without you even asking;
Philza adores to give you hugs and cuddles, he basically adopted you so he can't help it;
Techno would seem like the type to not like it, and he'll act like that, but in reality most of the physical affection between you two are started by him;
Niki does it so naturally that you'd never had to ask her for it. She just enjoys to give you hugs, cheek kisses and even hold your hand whenever you're out togheter;
Eret just looks like the type to constantly hold your hand, just as a sign that he's comfortable w/ you;
Punz doesn't do it often, but if you ask he won't say no because he cares too much about you. He mostly does hugs tho;
Foolish is another koala, but only once he gets comfortable. Then you can have all the hand holding and cheek kisses you want;
Sam is super cuddly, and I stand by it. Man just looks comfy and he really enjoys any kind of physical affection w/ you
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sun-is-a-square · 2 years
Hot take, the reason so many people think c!Dream is 100% pure evil is that term “morally gray” has been reduced by media to “commits atrocities but they were sad so its not their fault” or “perfect good hero but they make mistakes sometimes”
Like, as much as I love c!Dream and joke about him being a poor pathetic meowmeow who did nothing wrong, I know he has done some HORRIBLE things. But he has complicated motives, he does morally right things that don’t aid his motives, he has fears and trauma and acts according to his own moral code. He may be on the darker end of the morally gray spectrum, but the fact that people insist every emotion and action he takes is some directionless chaotic evil outburst just goes to show how much media literacy is failing people.
Fandom is so much more fun when you just relax and let yourself enjoy exploring the spectrum of fictional morality
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You've talked quite a bit about Schlatt but I don't think you ever mentioned his race, so uh what is it? (I need to know how I should be picturing the bastard(/aff) man) Also, are there any other canon server members that work for/live in Sclatt's kingdom still? Because I mean in canon he does with everyone against him and obviously Fundy, Quackity, Dream, and basically everyone I can think of who has worked with/been on his side even for just a bit is doing their own thing. And what's the thing that makes it so the party and Sclatt meet? Cause I don't think you've mentioned that yet :3
Ah yes dnd!schlatt my beloved I can finally be annoying about him :3
1. His race was literally the easiest to do tbh— he’s a satyr! Deadass I couldn’t see him as any other race than the one that’s the most obvious— that and dnd satyrs are awesome they can use their horns to ram into people it’s great— also I’ll just say his classes here too bc why not- He’s an oath of Conquest Paladin and Way of The Drunken Master Monk :3
2. The only person who works for Schlatt that’s left is Tubbo actually! It’s… complicated for Tubbo but he works as his loyal knight! All the alliances and the friendships he made (Fundy, Q, Dream, etc) broke off during the war and instantly after the war and his kingdom along with Eret’s kingdom has a negative reputation due to their involvement with what had happened during that war. Schlatt and Eret actually kind of get along bc they relate to that but not by much- but they actually have some stable agreements and treaties which is better than the constant denial and arguments from him and Wilbur. But yeah really for the most part Schlatt is kinda alone and everyone believes that any second now Schlatt is gonna go rogue and do something again— it’s ironic that everyone thinks he’ll be come a mad king when in reality Wilbur is next door hiding how unstable he is
3. I’m gonna be real he finds their asses right after the second arc. The second Eret lets the party go and they explore Cala suggests they should either go to Manberg or l’Manberg to get some supplies and find a way to get those magical chains off of Dream- Fundy convinces Cala to go to Manberg for obvious reasons but hiding the intent and they make their way there- and Schlatt sees this as an opportunity to be back at the top again. He tells Tubbo to find them and escort them to the capital so they can meet! And Tubbo does and it’s funny since Tubbo heard a halfling broke Dream out and he was expecting her to look experienced and rough like Niki and she is pretty experienced (thinking level 8 by now since they all will be level 7 when the second arc happens) but she has that innocent aura that throws him off and he just looks at Dream and he’s just “you brainwashed her right-“
But with Tubbo’s help and a couple of detours later they make it to the capital! And Schlatt greets them with obvious intent of wanting a partnership because hey, if Dream tries to start shit again he wants to take advantage of it as much as possible and wants at least one win for his tarnished country. And the rest of that arc focuses on their early “partnership” and uh- Cala probably not making great choices but at the same time being a saint— and THEN it leads to the pirate arc since something happens and Schlatt is just “okay you fuckers are going to sea to figure out what’s up”
And also just as an extra note: in the third arc they experience one of their encounters with Sam after everything and it’s— terrifying! :D (save Tubbo he didn’t sign up for this)
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