#obviously with all the hermits too. it's so great.
laundrybiscuits · 1 year
“I need your help to find Robin a girlfriend,” says Steve.
Eddie shuts the door in his face.
“You know I’m not gonna just leave, man!” Steve hollers through the door. “Come on, let me in, we gotta, like—strategize.”
“No!” Eddie yells back, loud as he can. “Fuck off!”
Gratifyingly, he hears Steve stumble a little. It’s not a thick door, and Steve must’ve been right up next to it.
“Don’t you want Robin to be happy?” says Steve, at a much more normal volume. “She thinks you guys are pretty close, you know.”
Now that’s just dirty pool. Sure, it turns out he and Robin get along pretty well; sure, they’ve been thick as thieves ever since Robin inquired in a rambling roundabout way if certain rumors were true, and Eddie allowed as to how they might be. So what? Not like it means Eddie has to let himself be suckered into whatever hare-brained scheme Harrington’s cooked up now.
He tells himself all of this, then sighs and opens the door anyway. 
“Okay, Harrington, come in and explain so I can tell you why this is a bad idea in excruciating detail.”
Steve smirks all smug and insufferable, and pushes past Eddie to sprawl on the couch.
“So, you know how the Vickie thing ended, right?”
Eddie shrugs. He kind of does, but he’s pretty sure he missed some things. He’s never gotten the full run-down or anything like that, he’s just rubbed Robin’s back as she got spectacularly drunk about it and puked in a bush.
“Anyway, it’s been like three months, and Robin’s still moping. She’s gotta put herself out there again, like getting back on a horse.”
“Bet she loved you telling her that,” says Eddie.
“Exactly, so, we should team up and do some of the legwork before I bring it up again. Set her up for success. I’ve got the charm, and you’ve got…” Steve gestures vaguely in Eddie’s general direction.
“A killer music collection? Impeccable personal style? Terrible taste in friends?”
“No, man, you’re—I mean, you’re gay, right?” Steve looks suddenly uncertain. It’s not like it’s a secret, obviously, but they haven’t talked about it in so many words before. 
“Yeah, more or less,” says Eddie. It’s not like he’s never ever seen the appeal of any woman, but—yeah, more or less. Close enough for government work. 
Steve claps his hands together decisively, like some kind of dorky Little League coach. “Great! Great, that’s perfect. So I can help Robin with the whole flirting-with-girls thing, and you can handle the gay stuff.”
Eddie bats his eyelashes and grins like the compulsively self-sabotaging dumbass he is. “Well, usually I make pretty boys buy me a drink before I handle any of their gay stuff.”
Steve Harrington, the little shit, isn’t phased at all. “You saying I’m not pretty enough for you, Eddie?” he drawls, leaning back and kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. 
Eddie wonders if he can get away with lying down on the floor for a minute to recover. He probably can’t, so he just takes the psychic damage and swerves back to his main point.
“Look, Harrington, I think we should just let Buck find her own way. Be free, spread her wings, et cetera.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Yeah, uh-huh. If we do that, she’s gonna turn into some kind of weird hermit and never talk to another girl in her life. We’re on her team, right? We gotta get her confidence up so she can ride into the sunset with the babe of her dreams.” 
Eddie drags his hands down his face, wishing desperately that Steve were just a tiny bit less…whatever this is, so his goddamn heart could maybe catch a break. 
“I could really use a hand here, Eddie,” Steve says. He frowns a little, pressing his lips together and glancing away. “I know there’s stuff I don’t…I just don’t want to screw this up for Robin, okay? She deserves to be happy, but I need you to make sure I don’t do anything too dumb.”
“Think that one might be a lost cause,” says Eddie, but he collapses onto the couch with a resigned sigh. “Just—talk me through what you’ve got, okay?”
Steve lights up, throwing an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and shaking him a little, pulling him tight against Steve’s side. “Yes! Okay! Let’s do this!”
This is going to be a test of fortitude, but at least Eddie’s pretty sure it’ll all be over soon. How long can it possibly take to find a girlfriend for Robin Buckley?
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tired-fandom-ndn · 10 days
your post on the extended abernant family and will readings is making me want more on the abernant family as a whole not just adaine, aelwyn, and the parent’s whose names i cant spell if i tried
just adaine and aelwyn having an extended stay in fallinel because word spreads amongst the family that the two nieces/how ever many great grandkids have returned home after so many years
and they just have a small (actually quite large) and impromptu family reunion
where the sisters tell their tales of solace and in return they get a general info dump of their family members they havent seen since they were quite small
and oisin is getting a shovel talk in the corner by their dragon born cousins and after that they start binding over dragon things like their hoards and etc. while the elves catch up
They get a letter from a great great aunt just complaining about how they were in Fallinel and didn't even visit their family except for their useless father??? The fact that they were in PRISON is not relevant, their aunt would've posted bail for them if she'd known! Anyway the whole family is getting together for a reunion and they HAVE to come, obviously, grandma's been asking about them for AGES and don't they want to see everyone and meet their new baby cousins??
Adaine and Aelwyn aren't given the chance to argue, they're just told a time and place (their grandma's castle, the same one she'll eventually leave to Adaine) and invited to bring any friends/partners/children (their family does not understand how old they are). Adaine drags Oisin with and maybe the Bad Kids if she can convince them; maybe even Ivy if she and Aelwyn are a thing. They have to have a powerpoint presentation for everyone going with, covering all the most important people and explaining to Oisin why exactly there's a giant fucking dragon skeleton so that he's not caught off guard or made to feel threatened.
There are. So many fucking elves. And half-elves and silver dragonborns and a scattering of other races from marriages. But just A LOT of elves with very long names who are all speaking different dialects of Elvish and still seem to understand each other somehow?? Adaine and Aelwyn are both MOBBED by family members they haven't seen since they left Fallinel (or even earlier, I could see their parents isolating them from the family) and even by family members they've never met; there's an uncle who left to become a forest hermit and that reunion is the first time anyone's seen or heard from him in 300 years.
They get people picking at their hair and complaining about how much fashion has changed (that cousin still wears their hair in styles that were popular 1,000 years ago), older family bragging about being related to the Elven Oracle, teen cousins wondering why they weren't sent to Kei Lumennura too, their grandma praising them for being so lovely and intelligent and good and how on earth did her useless grandchild (I can't decide if I like Angwyn or Arianwen being the Abernant more) produce such wonderful children, and lots of baby cousins getting shoved into their arms. One of their uncles asks why Adaine didn't just talk directly to their cousin in the Court of Stars about being paid and she's like what fucking cousin?????? They get passed around the reunion for hours and spend what feels like every possible moment of the days (and weeks?) following telling every single family member stories about their adventures and life in Solace; their little cousins play games about their adventures, pretending to defeat the Nightmare King and slay Kalvaxus.
Meanwhile YES, Oisin has absolutely been cornered by a dozen or so silver dragonborns (maybe with a scattering of other colors) to interrogate and threaten him, which would be a lot more effective if they weren't speaking a mix of a Fallinel dialect of draconic that Oisin can only understand every other word of and a variety of dialects of Elvish (which Oisin can barely speak) while Oisin's Solesian dialect of Common is difficult and confusing for the other dragonborns. They eventually figure out a system of communication though and Oisin happily hangs out with them (and away from Adaine's more intimidating family members) until he sees Adaine holding one of her baby cousins, a tiny silver hatchling snoozing in her arms, and he needs to be next to her IMMEDIATELY.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Stolas Project/Stolas rewrite anon again! Thank you so much - yes, I'll absolutely share my rewrite idea with you! Here it is:
Firstly, I think everything but the sexual abuse and childhood friends can be salvaged - the grimoire, Stella, Via, etc. A rewrite where Stolas TRULY did nothing wrong is just bland, after all. Especially as by 'tragic operatic figure', I mean characters such as the Phantom of the Opera, or Mr. Darcy. Those are men who are CERTAINLY not without fault.
In my mind, the best version of Stolas is an old man - an aloof, intimidating noble known for his personal army and his scientific brilliance. He's a bit mysterious; preferring to keep to himself and his studies. Gossip calls him 'the Hermit', 'the Astronomer', or 'the Scientist'. He loves to insert himself into mortal scientific debate, often being a 'spark of brilliance' in fellow eccentrics, or, more commonly, talent-less hacks that will only serve to spread misinformation and discourse. He's been playing the climate change game for years. NFTs were a joke made while drunk off his arse.
This would be how he's introduced - the frightening, eccentric general who keeps to himself and who rewrites the Truth based on his own hypothesis.
His isolation runs deeper than disinterest or scientific pursuit, though. Stolas is, in truth, a bleeding heart. Obviously, bleeding heart means something different for demons - he's still sadistic and likes sowing intellectual discourse, but there's a dignity to that in his eyes. The no-holds-barred, knives-out culture of his fellow nobles makes him deeply uncomfortable. Whilst he's prejudiced, the outright hostility towards imps makes his stomach churn. Science is easy because facts don't have feelings, but social gatherings do. Humans can't defame him in a way that matters.
Stolas has a reputation he's expected to uphold, and he feels as if playing socialite game or even appearing to the public at all will spell his doom. He just isn't confident in swaying the public as he is studying black holes or teaching Via how to command her father's army. He adores her, and he's terrified of what he may put her through if he makes a mistake.
This can partly be that, perhaps, Paimon is still Stolas's father and still far meaner than Stolas could ever hope to be. All the expectations of hell royalty - the cruelty, the meddling, the pleasure - all planted by his father. The rest of hell is presented as a frightening enemy, which encourages Stolas to sequester away. His army was passed down from his father, and he rarely uses it. This relationship could create a theme in children feeling unloved by their parents in Stolas that I'll elaborate on later with Via.
Combine all these aspects together, Stolas feels trapped. Trapped in his research, trapped in the bodies of tech bros and tiktok witches he peers through, trapped in his marriage, trapped by his father, trapped in his status. The shy rich scientist grows dissatisfied with expectations and with comfort. He craves freedom.
Stella isn't just an evil woman who exists to torment Stolas anymore. Their marriage IS arranged, and loveless. However I think they have a sort of Fredrick the Great and Catherine the Great dynamic - they don't have any love for eachother, but they don't want to make eachother miserable. Stella is sympathetic to his plight - she too is stern and aloof, but because she feels forced to to protect herself. She's the face of the family, and is used to playing defense. Being a woman in hell, more eyes are on her by default. Her life has been decided for her, and she has a role to play. For the sake of herself, for the sake of him, and for the sake of their daughter.
They would both do anything for Via. Via doesn't make them love eachother, but she makes them stay together to raise her. Via is aware of this, deep down, regardless of whether she catches her parents admitting it or not. Their lack of love, but persistent solidarity makes that palpable. Via grows up with the burden that stability rests on her, that love does not exist without her.
So Stolas and Stella agree - they don't have to like each-other, but they need to trust each-other for Via's sake. So long as they can be loyal, at least, they can go on and spend their lives doing their own thing. They won't interfere with eachother, won't demand anything of each other. They just need to be loyal to eachother. Stella never strays.
At first, neither does Stolas.
Blitzo trying to stealth into the party is their first meeting. Instead of taking him to his chambers to ""ravish"" him, Stolas is genuinely just looking to interrogate this most fascinating and audacious imp. Blitzo tries to seduce him, and Stolas actually rebukes the attempts. By the devil's footprints, he's a married man! What's wrong with this mongrel? The audacity! He smooths out his feathers, which have definitely only fluffed due to rage. On top of that, he catches on that Blitzo is trying to steal one of his tomes. This leads to a boiling point, and...
...The grimoire.
Rather than a plot device, the grimoire can be more symbolic to the give-and-take; the relative freedom they both feel in their relationship. I think there is real potential for exploring a forbidden gay yearning romance with real power imbalance at play, just without the rape shit. The grimoire could be a good representation of that, and its symbology relevant to their relationship can be based on how it's shared between them. I can see its relevance be handled several ways: a) A pact. Most like canon as far as I know. HOWEVER, there is no sexual favor coercion bullshit. it's strictly a business deal/typical devil pact. Blitzo's desperation and hubris have bungled his introduction to Stolas so badly that he's drawn the Hermit's attention. He can have his grimoire, but he must bring it back to Stolas and must consider himself as one of Stolas's legionnaires. While Blitzo can't really say no, having pissed off a demonic prince, it isn't for sexual coercion and neither consider themselves to have legitimate romantic or sexual feelings for eachother. That's a slowburn, stemming from Stolas's fascination for Blitzo's free spirit and Blitzo discovering Stolas's gentle, socially awkward science nerd side. Also creates a jumping board for episodes where IMP runs tasks for Stolas and it's more like watching a Batman episode from the perspective of Joker's goons.
b) A gift with strings attached. Instead of getting angry, Stolas becomes pitying of Blitzo. He offers the grimoire as a "kindness" (though with an air of condescension against imps that makes Blitzo uneasy) instead of a punishing pact, but still has Blitzo agree to bring the book back to him and to be willing to act as Stolas's dagger in the shadows should he demand it.
From there, their relationship becomes defined as an uneasy business truce. In my mind, Stolitz would work best as two people trying to seek freedom, potentially finding it in eachother, but their relationship is affected by the same metaphorical shackles they're trying to escape from - for Blitzo far more than Stolas. Even without any of the SA bullshit, Stolas still has a lot of power in this dynamic, even if he's well-meaning. But Stolas is a deeply repressed man, and Blitzo represents that running away, that freedom he's been looking for. But he's also a reminder of what he has to lose, should he give into temptation.
Stolas's kidnapping can be a turning point (instead of kidnapped by his wife and Striker, a character whose service to Stella butchers that character in his own right, perhaps he's kidnapped by a rival noble or by that weird mafia I know jackshit about), and in their business dealings they have lots of little moments of vulnerability that pile up. Stolas shows Blitzo his research as Blitzo is turning in a hit, Stolas starts helping Blitzo's business stay afloat in ways WITH no strings attached, etc. Look My Way happens during Stolas's moment of realization that he does have feelings for Blitzo, the audacious, free-spirited little imp that dared to steal from the Hermit.
I think we can keep his gag of terrifying, lust-filled speeches too - just have them be during moments of consent instead of unprompted sexual harassment. Stolas finally crumbles and begins admitting what he wants to do with Blitzo, and it snowballs into a rabid tirade that marks Blitzo down as scared and horny. It makes their confession and move into something like lovers exciting, intense, and silly, and it devolves into a night of passion. For a moment, they're both free.
But he experiences REAL consequences for his infidelity, with no 'oh poor baby Stolas' rigamarole. Stella is rightfully furious at him. The ONE thing they agreed to, and he couldn't even uphold that. She is devastated, and for once in her life is sided with. I don't think anyone besides her cares about the morality of cheating all that much, it's more-so about the tarnished status and the fact he couldn't even get away with it. Still, the family name is ruined and he loses MANY comforts in the divorce, including his daughter.
But more than that, his relationship with Via will never be the same. You can still have episodes where Via tries to bond with him, but Stolas committed (and by virtue of being with Blitzo, continues to commit) the sort of betrayal that never really gets healed by time. In her eyes, her father finally got sick of playing house and abandoned her for a new family that she never even met. She feels failed and replaced.
From there, you can have an arc of Stolas trying to adjust after the fallout of his infidelity, and can have Blitzo closing himself off from their messy intimacy (rather than trying to escape a sexually abusive relationship). Stuff like that.
That's my take on a better Stolas. Hope you enjoyed reading!
Holy hell, I was on the edge of my seat all throughout this! This was sublime.
Thank you for that five minute vacation to a better word.
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I wonder if in the next Christmas special we could see Branch trying to hide his old hermit days from his brothers while planning the perfect family Christmas.
so maybe we see over the course of the next Christmas special Bro zone coming to Pop Village to spend this first Christmas together.
and Branch goes to great lengths to try and hide details of his past from them and just gets too over focused on making sure the Christmas is perfect and has no problems.
like maybe Branch is ashamed or even afraid of being judged as some sorta freak like a lot of the village thought of him as for all those years.
so when the Brothers insist on seeing his home while their in the village he panics and pretty much changes everything about it to make it appear more Troll like.
probably adding lots of bright colours and bright flowers and maybe even stuff like discarded wrappers to imply that he throws parties there often just like everyone else in the village does.
and of course hiding all of his own stuff like the rations and the weapons and maybe painting over the crazy wall writings he had.
and maybe as he's showing them around the village he gets some harsh stares and attitudes from certain people and his brothers question him on why these people would be mad at him.
and Branch thinks back to all the special occasions he ruined for people when he kept warning them about the Bergens only for them to be false alarms.
but Branch just nervously tells his bros he can't remember and awkwardly rushes them along on the tour 😂😂😂😂
just so he can make things appear more normal and perfect for their first family Christmas back together maybe even actively changing the subject whenever the brothers try and ask about his life during the past 20+ years.
but Branch trying to make everything perfect ironically gets to the point where the Brothers get annoyed with him since he was acting pretty similar to how JD used to.
and they finally question him on his odd behaviour although they kinda already know the reason why he's been so desperate for things to be perfect.
but they are still fairly clueless and worried about what he's obviously trying to hide from them in regards to his home and the fact he won't talk much about his life.
and this time when Branch nervously tries to shrug it off they act a bit firmer towards him saying they need to talk about this now as they've kept putting it off.
and when he tries to downplay it maybe just saying something as simple as he was obviously a bit upset and went Grey for a little while but he moved on and lived pretty normally for most of the years afterwards.
but the brothers don't buy it and they point out multiple things they found around the Bunker like weapons and traps and maybe they even uncovered the crazy wall writings he tried to hide.
( plus Gary if we're allowed to include him in this cannon lol )
anyway after all this poking and prodding Branch finally goes off on a bit of an emotional tangent maybe saying something along the lines of "" fine what do you want to hear? that I was some Grey freak who hid underground for years that everyone saw me as some crazy person who ruined everything for everyone else that I practically spent every moment of everyday thinking about nothing but the Bergens and fearing they could come back at any moment well fine you win you happy now? happy I grew up to be some freak who's always going to stand out from everyone else because no matter how much I change people around here are always going to remember and even if they didn't all they'd have to do is look at me and they'd know ""
maybe he says all this and turns away looking down in shame with slightly teary eyes but his bros just Hug him rather than Judge him like he maybe feared.
yep good old angst 😅😅😅😅 tho I'm not exactly 100 percent sure how to end the story but anyway what do you think about this as a concept for a future special?
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
Hello! So, I’m new here, and not exactly sure if you’re up to it (saw that request are open, but you can decide if you want to do it or not) but can I request platonic hermitcraft x reader? Like, reader is pretty honest, but if they’re asked if they did something nice for them, they would lie and say it was probably someone else, out of habit? (Like they give gifts to the hermits, or get something the hermits said they needed?) Idk if you want to do this, it’s just a silly idea. You can choose who you want to write for.
…Have you been watching me? This is exactly what I do- If they ask me outright, I’ll answer that it was me but I don’t generally tell people that gifts are from me.
All Too Kind
c!Hermits x gn!Reader
Summary: Some overnight gifts quickly become a serverwide mystery. You, however, are content to remain anonymous.
Notes: None! It's just a fluffy little thing!
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You packed the cakes into the chest carefully. Even stacks, spread into rows on the bottom of the chest. Smiling, you stepped back, closing the lid with a soft and satisfying thunk.
Grian will love this.
Kneeling to the ground, you dug in your pack for the worn map of the server and a fresh stack of rockets to keep you in the air.
Next target: False Symmetry.
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“Did you hear the news, dude? Someone’s been leaving gifts of cake everywhere!” As you walked through the shopping district, Ren’s voice carried from where he stood talking to Doc. “At this rate no one’s going to need my pies or Scar’s cookies, we’ll all be too full of cake!”
“Tell me about it. I found three shulkers full of cake near where I’ve been doing my redstone.”
“Three shulkers! You’re lucky, my dude.”
Doc shook his head. “I’m more curious about who’s been giving out all this cake. It’s not exactly the cheapest food source…”
Their voices drifted off as you continued your stroll.
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“I’m going to catch the Cake Bandit in the act!”
Grian was happily explaining his grand plan to you, though you were caught off-guard by his name for the mysterious gift-giver.
“Cake Bandit? That makes it sound like they steal cakes, not deliver them!” You laughed, shaking your head.
“Well, they sneak in here in the middle of the night, like a bandit. And Cake Deliverer doesn’t have the same ring to it.” Grian’s face was serious. “Cake Bandit is a much better name.” His expression flipped to a wide grin faster than you could blink. “And I’m going to catch them when they come tonight! That’s why I’ve come to you- would you like to help me set up the trap?”
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Gem held a clipboard, a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. She wore a white lab coat- perhaps Cub had lent it to her?
“Now, would you consider yourself to be a tricky person?”
You shrugged. “Not really. I mean, I know how to sneak around, but I wouldn’t use that ability to trick people.”
She tapped the clipboard with her pencil. “I see. And you’re sure you don’t have any information on this infamous Cake Bandit, as they’ve been named?”
“No, I don’t.” You shook your head. “Maybe Scar would have some idea? He has the cookie factory, maybe he or Ren branched out to another sweet treat.”
Gem lit up. “That’s a great idea! Ahem. I mean, thank you for your information. It will be taken into consideration for this study.”
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Xisuma sighed. “No, Grian. I don’t know who the Cake Bandit is. And even if I did, they obviously want it to remain a secret.”
Doc nodded. “It has been a month. If they wanted us to know who they were, we’d know by now.”
You fidgeted slightly. The Cake Bandit had come up at all of the recent Hermit meetings. 
Xisuma stood from his seat at the table. “I would like to say, whoever it is, you are all too kind. I’m sure everyone here feels the same.”
There were nods and noises of agreement all around. Ren called out “Hear hear!” to a smattering of laughter.
You could feel your face grow a bit warmer. Even if they didn’t know who you were, it felt nice to be appreciated.
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You finished packing the last chest. 
A few redstone components, some coal blocks, arranged in a mustache, and some potatoes, of course. 
Closing the lid, you grinned. The click of the latch shutting was your signal, and you quickly lit a firework, taking off into the night sky. The Cake Bandit had struck again.
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faerytreealtars · 10 months
🌞☁ “Wisdom from the Sun” ~ How to reach your Divine Self  ☁🌞
This PAC is a very exciting collaboration with the most wonderful and imaginative @punkpandapatrixk and they are going to reveal to you secret wisdom from the moon, specifically dealing with Inner-child work! So make sure to check out her PAC to get a full in-depth reading!
[The Moons Message to Your Inner-Child]
Now, my dear Saplings 🌱 I am so very excited to get into my reading with you all. The main focus is on how can you improve yourself in order to make progressive steps towards reaching a better you, or as I call it ‘Your higher/divine self’  obviously no one can be perfect and I am not asking or assuming one must be perfect to be closest to their higher self. No, one should always be Authentic. That is one of the key ‘ingredients’ to reaching a state where you are more aware of yourself and the world around you. Nonetheless I will get on with the pick-a-card, I hope you’re excited to choose your pile.
Trust your intuition, don’t overthink it and if you’re still struggling, close your eyes take a deep breath and let yourself be guided to an image.
I would love to hear if the message you received resonated with you, so don’t feel afraid to comment, for it makes me so happy to connect with you all! 💕  
Song: Giving into the love by Aurora
Faery-Tale: The Faeries - Words ~ “Remember Words have the power to change Lives”
 [ My Instagram ♡ / Personal Readings ♤ /  Faery Masterlist ☆  ]
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Pile 1
[Cards: The hermit, The high priestess, eight of swords, the chariot & three of wands]
Dear ones, to reach a divine state, closer to the brightness of the sun, I suggest following & trusting your intuition more, Have faith in yourself  & don't go looking for a second opinion when you know in the truth of your heart you've already made up your mind. I sense fast movement and travel to be a part of your divine path so I implore you, Don't be afraid to follow your wanderlust & make changes in your life. If something is not for you the world will reveal that to you but you must take a chance or else you will never know. While everyone faces challenges, no doubt you may come up against some too but I feel some changes are divinely guided to happen no matter what you do. In the journey to reach your divine self others may fall in step with you, welcome them warmly, and allow them to fill your cup just as you fill theirs in return.
Oracle: Healing
You should allow some patience for yourself. Physically, mentally and spiritually there is a lot going on. Allow the waves of life to ebb and flow as and when need be. Don't go chasing the retreating sea for you will accomplish nothing except wearing out your already tired soul. Healing takes time, allow it to pass & trust in the divine.
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Pile 2
[Cards: Nine of Wands, Two of Wands, Queen of Chalices, Five of Wands & The Hermit ]
Dear ones, the sun tells me in order for you to reach your highest divine self you should continue to be light & free, and allow imagination to inspire your creativity. Don't forget to take breaks from the world & all its energies - you have a sensitive soul who feels strongly the emotions in the world so make sure to cleanse your self regularly & set healthy boundaries that are clear and direct. You are already very connected to your higher self so just keep up the great work! My only advice to you is; Remember that all emotions are necessary so when you are feeling down don’t force positivity onto yourself, allow your body to feel and release. Perhaps their is some activity you can do to channel the emotions in a healthy way? Like painting or writing? I’m sure the right one will appear in your mind when needed.
Oracle: Intuition + Protection
Your Intuition is strong & you may feel connected or called to use psychic gifts. Learn, acknowledge & strengthen these talents of yours, you don't have to use them for others if that makes you feel uncomfortable but mastery of them could really benefit your overall everyday and spiritual health.
Just a little note: I pull the oracle cards after I've written up the tarot and found it a nice synchronicity that protection was your top of the deck!
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Pile 3
[Cards: six of chalices, Knave of Swords, Four of Wands, The Hermit, Death & The Knight of Chalices ]
My, My Pile 3 a lot of shifts are occurring as you journey towards your divine self, My whole tarot deck nearly jumped from hands it seemed every card had something to say!, Nonetheless I can see the sun is saying stay connected to that child-like energy of curiosity that lingers in your heart. Always wondering why and asking questions. Always striving to grow and learn new skills, acquire new knowledge & new friends. Allow a bit of stability into your life and don't fear settling down in some areas of your life. You also don't have to stick to staying the same, if your opinions change as you reflect and learn don't be afraid to express that & finally, don't forget to fill your cup, it's okay to indulge your heart and fantasies now and again! Just remember to ground yourself afterwards.
Oracle: Nourish
I am getting more practical advice this time ~ make sure you're eating healthy & filling your body with nutritious food and water, don't over-work your body, or follow toxic diet trends that promote harmful habits. It may be helpful for your mind if you engage in calming activities such as yoga, meditation, or even just a daily walk outside. I'm even hearing colouring books could provide peace after a hectic day.  
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That’s all for now, Saplings! 🌱 I hope you enjoyed the reading and it resonated with your soul. Don’t stress too much about reaching your divine self, as long you put your best foot forward and live the day with as much kindness and light that you can muster depending on your energy levels I think you’re doing a great job!
Again, remember to check out @punkpandapatrixk side of the collab, she’s put so much energy into it for all of you so give it some love too! oh, and if you would like to see the actual cards I pulled they can be seen on my Instagram post, link up top for that!
Bye bye for now, sending gratitude and love to all!
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
I NEED YOUR EXPERT ADVICE. I'm making Hermit designs but I've been kin-assigning them animals because as a furry artist I cannot draw humans. I've been choosing animals based on personality/behavior and not just looks. Do you have any ideas for Joel, Impulse, or Skizz? Gem too if you've got one, I don't want to stick with Just fandom-popular animals (deer/fox/etc). IF U DO NOT HAVE THOUGHTS THAT IS OKAY TOO, TY FOR READING ANYWAYS <3
Oughh this is a good question uhh I don't have many nor the best ideas probably by a long shot but if it can even just help spark some ideas, here's some!!
Joel - Donkey honestly! Hot-headed, stubborn, loud little things. To me, Joel is a heavy hitter not caring for stealth etc and makes himself known. Think of how farmers often get a solitary donkey to protect their livestock because of the sheer ferocity of those territorial things. Donkeys may often be associated with undesirable traits but they kick and bite like pawns of hell, just because they can, not even because its necessary to defend themselves. They will kick to kill and they'll make sure of it. Kinda Joel coated to me tbh, even if Joel isn't always great at getting that kind of job done. Just from the way donkeys are often perceived though I think it fits.. For pretty much the same reasons also, a rooster?? Significantly less deadly (accurate to Joel) but still capable of great malice!! And obviously often seen as very prideful much like Joel
Impulse - this came up in my dinosaur assigning, but bull! Impulse is usually depicted as a bulky guy with a strong build and horns, like a bull! The bull has a bunch of symbolism thrown at it but that includes stuff like strength and loyalty, attributes I think are often assigned to Impulse. And at points, Impulse does showcase these, but he can also become hot headed, arrogant, and he holds grudges like hell. These aren't traits you usually think of with a bull though, lest you think of bull-fighting. I think it fits Impulse because on surface level, and from a lot of people's understanding, you don't think of these less desirable traits. He also seems to think rather highly of himself and doesn't often deem it necessary to prove his loyalty etc when others doubt him. Bulls aren't as hot-headed as the awful bull-fighting sport might have you believe but they are still rather easily aggravated! A lot of animals can "hold grudges" for a prolonged time, but elephants and camels especially, so, something fitting in that too (especially with those once again being bulky large animals. The camel I guess is more lanky than bulky though...)
Skizz - Of course Skizz just makes me think of lovely birds when I try and assign something to him. Immediate thought was swan but... Swans are ferocious fighters and Skizz is... not Mayhaps an albatross instead if we stick with birds - they're also birds known for their love and conviction, but also the fun rumor that killing an albatross will leave you cursed. That kind of makes me think of Skizz's "I only kill those who deserve it" mindset. Harm him and he will (try to) get back at you Maybe even a crow, for how social they are but also how capable of remembering faces If we want non-birds, I think any animal that's passive and chill but valiantly protective of their own could fit? Or because Skizz is kind of always friendly, could lean into that and assign him the capybara, which I can't imagine is much good at fighting much like him. Or maybe an animal that has an unimpressive and maybe laughable defense mechanism to a human, like the way raccoons or red pandas stand on their hind legs to try and threaten you, the same way Skizz on his red life will dye his hair red or wear a red speedo
Gem - Surprisingly tough... I love the usual deer themeing with her so I automatically wanna assign her another herbivore that is thought to be very passive or docile but one that could very much fuck you up. Honestly... I know it doesn't make for good hybrid material at all but..hippos... just for how fucking murderous they are. Maybe a good ol horse instead? Because horses especially are widely domesticated and people very often make the mistake of getting too close etc only to get kicked in the face. Gem doesn't listen to anyone man she's her own boss!! A cow works for similar reasons. Deadly beasts even if often seen as totally docile... I love this kind of idea because it draws so much attention to how spearheaded Gem is But I could also imagine her as a predator like an ocelot etc. She very much acts like one I think. That's why it's so tough, so much stuff fits her!!
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ssentimentals · 1 year
hoshi + studying
he is trying not to sulk, really. soonyoung is not a patient person by nature, but he tries his best because he knows better than to disturb you during your exams week. and he's not selfish, he understands how important all of this is to you but he can't help it, he misses you. soonyoung even drafted a complaint to your university, in which he explicitly states how stupid it is to put all exams in one week because the only result of this decision is a bunch of dead to the outside world students who turn into hermits for that period of time. anyway, point is - he misses you and he is genuinely worried, staring at your hunched back.
you've been stuck in this curled up in a ball position on the chair for at least two hours and soonyoung is not sure that you moved at all. he appreciated your attempts of giving him some attention but all of them were half-hearted and he's getting really worried over your own mental health at the moment. that's why he steps closer, making some noise on purpose so he won't startle you. 'baby?' he calls and when you don't react, he repeats but louder this time: 'baby?'
'hm?' you look up from your textbook, distracted. 'yes?'
'do you want to take a break? we can eat or watch something,' he suggests and frowns when you shake your head. 'you've been at it for god knows how long, i think it would do you good-'
'it's an important exam, soonyoung,' you interrupt, sounding as tired as you feel. 'i already had a lunch break-'
'which was five hours ago,' this time soonyoung interrupts. 'you need a break and i'm not taking 'no' for an answer.' he gently, with all the care in the world, takes your hands in his. 'let's cuddle, yeah?'
you blink at him. 'i will fall asleep.'
soonyoung secretly hopes that this exactly what's going to happen but to you he says: 'i will set an alarm.'
you obviously don't trust him but he leans in and starts peppering your face with kisses, winning you over in the end. 'ugh, fine!' you exclaim, shutting down your laptop at the sound of soonyoung cheering. 'just 30 minutes, okay?'
he nods, overjoyed. in few minutes he arranges both of you in the comfortable position on the sofa and makes sure to tuck your always cold feet in, cooing at your distorted face. 'is it weird that i still find you hot?' he asks, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
you grimace, opening your eyes. 'really, soonyoung? right now?'
'yep.' he confirms, grinning at your dramatic eye roll. 'now let me cuddle you properly.'
he smiles when you sigh in satisfaction as he tightens his hold around you. burying your face somewhere in his neck, your breathing slows down and soonyoung drops few kisses on top of your head, caressing your back. 'you are doing such a great job,' he whispers, knowing that you hear him very well. 'studying so hard, i'm sure you'll get the best scores.' he feels how you tensed up and sighs, kissing you once more. 'let it go, honey. you did your best, you continue to do your best, you're doing all that you can. i'm so proud of you.'
there's a small whimper and he pretends he didn't hear it so you won't be embarrassed. you ball up his hoodie in your fists and his heart breaks a little, because he can't do anything here, can't help; only can show that he is here for you. 'can i kiss you? i kiss better than i talk, i promise.'
you giggle at this and he smiles, hugging you tighter. looking up, you smile at him, cutely scrunching up your nose. 'you talk pretty good too.' you lean closer and he instantly indulges you with a sweet kiss. 'thank you.'
'i love you,' he says easily, making you smile. 'nothing to thank me for.'
'you set up an alarm, right?' you ask before closing your eyes.
'mhm.' he nods and with the last kiss on your head, closes his eyes too.
a/n: everyone, exams are important, but so is your physical and mental health. take care of yourselves! - nini
link to my other works is here, my tag list: @pearlygraysky @woozionascooter @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n @smalliechelle
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enbypotat53 · 4 months
For the hermit ask: 🧥🌻 🪻
"Who’s new skin is your favourite? "
I'll be honest - I haven't seen many of the new skins yet, but I really love Scar and Keralis's skins! I honestly kinda want the Zookeeper outfit myself, and something about Keralis's silly little floral shirt just does it for me 💙
"Which POVs will you be watching the most this season?"
Planning to watch Tango, Xisuma, and Joel mostly, maybe Grian and Mumbo? Depending on free time (exams, bleckh!) and interest in storylines/builds/etc I might watch some more (Doc's villain arc seems fun, and it's great to see Iskall and Stress back on the server, too!), but I want to branch out!
S6 and S7 I only watched Grian (old comfort and all since I watched him before HC and discovered the series from him), S8 I watched Grian, Mumbo, Iskall, Scar, and Xisuma (ended up burning myself out trying to catch up on so many episodes, though), and S9 I watched Grian and Mumbo, so this time I want to watch some new people!
I wanna catch up on Tango's S9 episodes and all of the DO streams, too! (Still haven't seen the DO crossover stream due to lack of time to do so, but I really wanna!) I sorta have a newfound interest in Tango's videos - he always seemed like a really fun guy to watch but I never really took much interest until Double Life and his dynamic with Jimmy. I watched his Secret Life POV and he's honestly amazing!
I'm planning to watch some Hermits that I don't typically watch, but still stay inside my comfort zone, y'know? I've been watching Joel for YEARS before Hermitcraft, ALLLL the way back to Crazy Craft videos (maybe earlier?), Xisuma's season 8 was super fun to watch despite burnout, and Tango's sparky personality and amazing build ideas always keep me entertained! I think it's gonna be a great season overall! (This turned into a really long answer, oops! I'm just super passionate about HC!)
"What are some things you hope to see this season?"
Not really sure! I tend to enjoy things as they come along, and don't really have set expectations for new seasons. I suppose new dynamics are always fun, especially with Joel and Skizz on the server now, and I'm hoping to maybe see another war of some kind or the obligatory revival of tag, haha!
Maybe some more minigames? Obviously not necessarily as complex as DO/DO2 or the TCG, but it's always great to see Hermits having fun, and seeing the love, effort, and creativity is what makes this series worthwhile for me! 💙
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somepsychopomp · 9 months
I’ve read your Winter’s Night fanfic on AO3 before it became private for members only
(you you are literally the person that has made me but the effort to finally send my email for an invite just to continue your work)
Reading your work and my long experience as a reader of many fics I felt that my feral likings could match up yours some way.
Sadly due to issues I’m unable to fully write my own fics but as you can see I can lay some good ground works and idea paths. So I tend to, if I accidentally find a fav author on here, and they ask ideas slip a lil something and scuttle back into my corner.
Idk tarot cards but I think when it comes to how the show uses it OGMarcy and STAR!Marcy are perfect example of right side up and upside down. So if those cards are right then I agree.
And for some reason I just believe in my heart of heart, that Simon’s blood after the many many years of Ice King May have a special tasting blood, maybe a satisfying chill after feel with a sweet or minty kick to it. So when they do manage to run away and VK managed to survive (if they tried killing running away and he could still drain blood from Simon) he’d want the special blood back and his daughter but also the blood.
Cause Bonnie DID say the vampires have hunted their food to near extinction so changing Simon probably won’t be in his best interest if he thinks rationally. But judging by the situation it can be said VK seems to be ignorantly impulsive to literally have his peoples food source dwindle like that and it obviously rubbed off on Marcy based on how she described her killing of Martin.
lmao my fic was never supposed to be publicly accessible because (for weird and convoluted reasons) making it locked helps prevent AI scraping, but im glad u got an Ao3 account its actually so worth it
Marcy being the Star is interesting to me as someone who is kinda familiar with the tarot cards. Upright it (loosely) represents hope, healing, and purpose. Inverted it means (again, loosely-there's lots of different interpretations) loss and arrogance... which is pretty in line with Star!Marcy lmao
((Fun fact- I first wanted to name Vamp!Simon The Hanged Man bc it represents wisdom/sacrifice, but thought it was just a little too much of a mouthful and a little too on the nose. The Hermit is also a great fit for him thematically but it feels mean to call him that lol. So I think I'm going to stick with calling him Temperance bc it represents patience, but more importantly the inversion of it means conflicting interests. It's also a fun bonus for literally just me to have Simon be the only vamp named for a virtue and not a tarot figure, to imply he's different from the rest))
I don't actually want to say much about your ideas with the VK bc I feel like once i get started, I'lll just ramble and give away all my ideas about the fics I have planned 😭 but VK being cruel and possessive is good food
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captainschaos · 4 months
Also who am I kidding, I wanna hear about your fae Etho!!
now ETHO. this is one I like to ponder
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etho is one of those fae that really.... isn't even sure what he is. it's pretty evident that she's fae, I mean she's the most faeish arguably out of maybe All of the hermits. but it's hard to tell exactly what's going on with him
the one thing that's pretty clear is her court, very obviously winter. he does very much connect to the autumnal love of games, but this easily passes into the winter area, especially where winter court generally surrounds the mind's ability to manipulate the heart. etho is highly calculating, but it's all with emotion and laughter and well-used fear in mind. he is the perfect player of games, but she also taps into the spring love of art in how he thinks so deeply about color and contrast and all these things in his builds, she really loves getting deep into thought about the less concrete, the emotional
the thing that's less clear is his exact typing of fae. there's been an idea floated around that he could be a spriggan, (along with false, wels, and perhaps gem and hypno,) a kind of protector fae associated with great strength. however, this role is one that's... elusive to her. he certainly possesses a strange and complicated relationship with the desire to protect, and has the enhanced senses and physical prowess/awareness notable of spriggans, but it is rare for spriggans to be so mystical in their power. they're often grounded, forceful, and straight-forward, and etho is simply too shifty and mischevious, especially in his magics, to not have at least a bit of dissonance with the idea. he uses illusory magic typical of winter fae with extreme proficiency, and it's known that her masking is often magical instead of physical. many fae have supernatural connections to word and lies, and etho seems to have one of the most convoluted relationships, spinning strange tales in one moment and seeming unable to lie about the tiniest of things in the next. she's just confusing, honestly. and so it's far more likely to hear etho simply referred to as "trickster," opposed to any more specific type of fae. it's really pretty futile to try to pin her down, and definitely not all that helpful if you want to understand him
but weirdly enough, if you're another of those fae that isn't sure what you might be, you're likely to get pointed in etho's direction. he was the one who was able to spot gem as a spriggan, after she'd spent a long time wondering what her combination of features were for. she seems to know just about every species and designation under the sun and moon, and has yet to really be surprised yet. makes you wonder how long she's been around, really
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 months
What the Hell is Comms AU?!
Well first of all, Comms AU is a Hermitcraft fic I am writing. If you want to go into it blind, then the link is here!
[also, hey, if you like it, perhaps consider reblogging this post ;) ]
But if you'd like to know a little more before diving into it, I've decided to compile a fun little resource introducing the fic, its format, some of the most basic pieces of lore (so very mild spoilers, but it is stuff you would pick up on by chapter 3 or 4, honestly!) and a few tidbits about the characters. BELOW!
What the hell is Comms AU (For real this time)
I started Comms AU (full name INCOMING MESSAGE - COMM RECORDS) back in the middle of 2023, after reading some really great fics like the From The Archives series. It is a multiverse drama first and foremost, with elements of horror, betrayal, personal agency, and some religious themes [though the latter is mostly aesthetic]. There are also some comedic moments, and some sad moments. There's a lot of moments.
Comms AU follows five versions (universes) of Hermitcraft as they are all just kind of subjected to The Horrors. It is formatted as a series of transcripts recorded from different characters' communicator devices (or comms) which I imagine as sort of like sci-fi wrist watches with touchscreens and buttons. Though each universe could have slightly different models!
As I mentioned, the fic is set out like a series of audio transcripts (though I kind of bend the rules to be honest, it can be read as if it is being played back as a recording), so the writing style is more like a script or screenplay than a standard prose piece. Your average chapter may look like this:
GRIAN: I'm saying a line now. SCAR: I'm also saying a line. [square brackets and italics to indicate a non-dialogue sound] GRIAN: Dang what was that?!
I also play around with writing out the communicator's 'screen' prompts such as its logging out message, 'call incoming' functions, etc. These I try to keep consistent between chapters, but I'm pretty sure I lost that consistency in a couple of places. Oops.
You may be wondering how you know which universe a certain scene is taking place in. It's quite simple, really! Each scene starts with a line of text like this:
The letter indicates the character whose comm we are listening/reading through (i.e., the perspective) while the number indicates what universe we are in [or what universe that character comes from, anyway...]. So the above example would be Pearl from universe three!
Okay this isn't really 'lore' as that would be total spoilers, but I want to talk about what kind of themes and things come up a lot in the fic - especially in terms of who is 'what'. For example, I've written Xisuma as a voidwalker, a type of end-hybrid which breathes better in thinner oxygen environments.
Scar and Cub are generally vexes, though there are differences between universes that become important later. Grian (at least, the times we see him) is a Watcher, and EvoSMP is canon [to some universes] but I try to explain everything within the fic itself so there shouldn't be too much confusion if you don't know much about all that.
Themes-wise, the fic revolves a lot around conversations and relationships between the characters, obviously. Words are very important, while actions must be left mostly implied through the audio medium. Characters aren't always reliable, and neither is sound. The fic takes a bit of digging and theorising to truly enjoy, but I am slowly revealing more and more as I write, so things will mostly get cleared up!
Also this fic mostly takes place in season 9, and there are references to season 9. There's some reference to season 8 too!
This is the important bit! I can't write all the hermits, obviously, as that would be too much to manage, so instead lets focus on the names that come up the most often:
Grian, Scar, Cub, Pearl, Xisuma, and Mumbo are probably the most 'recurring' characters, though Etho, Bdubs, and Cleo show up quite a bit especially towards the start.
[I am a Grian girlie and this is obvious from... everything about this fic, but I wouldn't say it is entirely about him! He does show up in most chapters though haha]
Relationships get a little complicated, due to the multiverse stuff, but I will say that there is mumscarian endgame because I love them. The actual 'romantic' side of things aren't that important, though, and most of the other relationships can be read kind of ambiguously. Just check the tags for more info!
It's still gay as hell but the multiverse horrors are more important, to be honest.
Or are they... ?!
[psst, I also did some art, you can find it in my #comms au tag on my blog]
[psst psst, if you ever wanna message me, send an ask, or even make art (!!!!!!) to support this fic PLEASE feel free to do so. I love every comment, every ask, and all the bits of creative work people have made. REBLOG, COMMENT, GO CRAZY, ILY!!!!!]
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lynnieos · 2 months
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thank you to THESE people who have supplied me with ideas (@wodimewoahtime and @the-one-that-weeps you guys are great)
will be having a "theme" for each group to make things easier on myself because coming up with an individual theme for everyone is a nightmare. These are just some ideas, and I have more ideas than others for certain groups
WxS: Myths and mystical creatures, card deck, or a marching band.
I'm iffy on the card deck idea because well. World Link. All aces. I don't wanna just steal everything from canon. But if I go through with it... Tsukasa is the joker, Rui is the king, Nene is the queen, and Emu is the Jack (I think that's what it is).
For myths and legends tsukasa would be either a pegasus or a phoenix or even a dragon, Nene would be a mermaid, Emu would be a fairy, and rui would be a wizard/alchemist.
For marching band, Emu would play the tube or trumpet, Nene would play the flute, and rui and tsukasa are the conductor and the drum player I'm not sure which one goes where. This idea is the most cohesive but idk what powers I would give them other than. Music. This idea would actually be based off of the Let Your Song Resonate Throughout the SEKAI event rather than their own event cards.
N:25: Tarot cards. Tarot cards. Tarot cards. Lower save me.
Mizuki is obviously The Reverse Hermit and Kanade is The Reversed Hanged Man, but Mafuyu and Ena are the ones i have to do on my own.
For Mafuyu I'm thinking either Reversed Empress or Reversed Hierophant. Honestly both of them could be incorporated because they represent her during different stages of her development. Maybe if there ends up being like. An evolution of ones costumes. She could look more like the Reversed Empress at the beginning and then end up looking more like Reversed Hierophant at the end. just an idea
I'm looking at Reversed Chariot or Reversed Strength Ena. BUT I'm not 100% sure these represent her character well, so if anyone has anything to say about my choice here then go for it.
MMJ: Tokyo Mew M- I mean animal magical girls. Haruka could be a penguin, shizuku a dove, airi a cat, and maybe squirrel Minori? I need help with Minori. Maybe lamb Minori. Idc that lambs are associated with kohane she's a hamster that's the end of it. Also this is def gonna take from both their DREAM PLACE and Ai No Material outfits.
ANOTHER IDEA!!! their theme could be "gemstones" and they could take from their jewelery box set. Minori is sunstone, Haruka is aquamarine, Shizuku is jade, and Airi is spinel. These gems are all just from the project sekai Jewelery Box card game I think it is?
VBS: Okay so this one is most likely gonna be the most diverse out of all of them. Their theme is seasons. Kohane is spring (because spring baby), An is summer (she just gives off those vibes + her fiery spirit, Akito is fall because of the fact that his name normally gets mistaken for "fall" (look it up its on the wiki) and toya is winter (because mirai).
Akito is going to be based on his Kashika card (I think I can do something with the red strings) An is going to be based on her Machi card, Kohane is going to be based off of her Flyer Card (ty hoc) and her Beat Eater card (big ol hammer), and toya will be based off of his mirai and maybe Valentine's Day cards. Maybe. All of them are most likely going to take elements from blender.
L/N: Times of day. Was originally going to do this with VBS, but I moved it to Leoni.
I'm not too sure about the order but for now I will say that honami is morning, saki is midday, shiho is evening, and ichika is night.
All of them are going to be taking elements from the From Tokyo set, saki especially. Honami is going also use elements from her fea card (if I find a way to incorporate it), Shiho will take from her Draw Your Bow card (idk I like the outfit) and ichika I'm undecided on but she'll either take from her Stage of SEKAI card or her Made To Order card..
That's it
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therizino-ao3 · 7 months
MCYT Yuri Week Day 4: Transgender
Pairing: Gem/Pearl (Gempearl)
Summary: Gem struggles with her identity, but as it turns out, her girlfriend was trans all along too.
Contains: kissing/making out, transfem!gem, transfem!pearl, gender dysphoria, internalised transphobia, gender envy (in a negative, I'll never be her kinda way)
Getting dressed in front of a mirror was a bad idea.
She knew that, obviously. But, well, she wanted to look good for tonight. Staring at herself, it was a wonder she ever even thought that was possible to begin with. Her shoulders jutted out far too wide and her face was far too square and jagged and she could see the bump of her adam’s apple. She was a deer-hybrid – and as proud of her hybrid status she was – she hated the thick, dark hair that crawled over her skin. The dress was so cute when she picked it out, but now, she felt so much like a boy playing pretend.
She forced herself to look away. She shouldn’t dwell on the negative thoughts. Tonight was going to be a great night! She was going to be with Pearl, watching movies and eating dinner. Pearl – her amazing girlfriend and also her greatest source of gender envy. She couldn’t help it. Pearl looked so pretty and amazing and even though she was tall for a woman and sometimes wore masculine clothes like suits – was still so undeniably feminine. Pearl – who she had been dating for a few weeks now – and still didn’t know Gem was trans.
Logically, Gem knew it would be fine. She wasn’t the only trans hermit, plenty of others were out and everyone supported them, but the idea of telling Pearl still made her heart twinge with fear. She had come so far and had been stealth for so long, the idea of someone else knowing? It was terrifying. But, it was Pearl. Pearl who was the most understanding and caring person ever. It would be okay. She had to keep telling herself that.
She finished the last details on her hair and make-up, took a deep breath, and sent Pearl a text.
It was several hours later and all her previous worries had floated out of her mind. It was so, so, so easy to forget when Pearl was right there and laughing with her and reminding Gem how beautiful she was. Her nails were painted and they were rewatching Legally Blonde and they were lazing about on the sofa, messy paper plates discarded on some coffee table – and just doing that, she felt so much like a girl her heart could burst. She turned to Pearl and Pearl turned to her, smiling.
“May I request a kiss?” she asked in her sweetest voice, leaning over.
“You may always request a kiss, Gem!” Pearl said, pulling her over the rest of the distance and bringing their lips together.
It was far from the first time they’d kissed, but it still felt surreal. Pearl’s lips were so soft against hers, brushing so gently, like fingers tracing along antique pottery. Gem buried her hands in Pearl’s silky hair and melted into her, opening her mouth and pressing as close as she could. Pearl reciprocated, deepening the kiss. They continued, somewhere along the way Pearl pausing the TV, so the room was filled only with their soft hums and moans and gasps. Gem brought one of her hands to Pearl’s waist, holding her. In return, Pearl rested a hand on Gem’s thigh, stroking up and down.
Gem stiffened and pulled back, “Wait, there’s something I need to tell you.”
Pearl paused, “Do you want me to stop what I’m doing?” It was a genuine question.
“No, it’s fine. It’s lovely, actually! I just… need you to listen.”
Pearl nodded and stared at Gem, waiting.
This was so much more nerve-wracking than she thought it’d be, “I- I’m transgender. As in, a trans girl. And I haven’t like, taken any hormones or had any surgeries or anything. I just… thought you should know.”
Pearl blinked and then smiled, sweetly, “Well, thank you for telling me. Y’know, Gem, I’m a trans girl too! And even if I wasn’t, it wouldn’t affect a thing. I love you for you, not for some body parts. And, if something I do ever makes you dysphoric, just ask me to stop, m’kay?”
Gem stared, having so much to take in. She felt like she was tearing up, “You’re trans as well?”
It felt impossible to believe. No matter how much she knew it wasn’t true, sometimes she felt like as a trans girl she’d never be as “real” a girl as a cis girl. But, knowing Pearl – a beautiful, confident woman – was just like her, it… made everything feel so much more possible. She hugged Pearl.
“Aw, Gem! I am indeed, and it’s lovely to know my girlfriend is too,” Gem felt Pearl bury her face into her hair. Gem felt like she was going to explode out of… something. Something positive, for sure.
“Can we just cuddle for a bit?” Gem asked, still desperately, desperately, in love with Pearl, more than ever before, even. But, right now, she didn’t feel like kissing.
“I have no complaints,” Pearl said, squeezing her girlfriend tight.
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sleepy0s · 9 months
You're me?
Evo ‘Xelqua’ : You know, you seem really familiar.
Grian: Thats great Xelqua, as were the same fucking person.
(So imagine some of the hermits got transported to Evo smp. Then they left, this is like after that, does that make sense?)
(Shape shifter grian)
Xelqua opened his eyes, the dirt below him was cold and uncomfortable. “Eugh… where am i..?” He used his elbows to sit up. “What the..” He was immediately overwhelmed by the amount of people looking at him, 26 to be exact, and strangely he seemed to know some of them.
A tall-ish guy stepped out of the crowd, he wore a helmet and Xelqua knew who he was. “Xisuma..?” The man smiled once he realised Xelqua remembered him.
“Yes! Xelqua, it seems you’ve been brought to our server this time,” He held out a hand, helping Xelqua stand up, “Welcome to Hermitcraft!”
He looked around, spotting Impulse, doc, impulse, Cleo and surprisingly Pearl. And then he looked down at himself, realising how much of a mess he looked, his shift had begun to fade, his blonde hair glitching into a light brown. There was mud and scratches over his body and holes in his clothes. It was safe to say the few months since the hermits had left had been chaotic, the watchers had started becoming more of a threat and Taurtis had gone missing. 
“-Xelqua, Xelqua? Are you good?” He blinked, noticing Xisuma was crouched down in front of him, a concerned look on his face, “Are you okay?” His voice was quiet but Xelqua managed to respond, “Yeah.. Yeah I think so..” 
Obviously he wasn't as he then passed out in Xisuma's arms.
He awoke in a bed, he could feel the soft fabric underneath him- something they could hardly find in Evo. He could hear people talking and pacing the room. 
“What if something happened to him?”
“X he's fine.”
“But- Zed what if that changes?”
“Then we would know.”
He rolled over, opening his eyes to see who was in the room. Xisuma was pacing back and forth. A guy wearing a lab coat with small horns, tapping on a computer was Doc and sat in a chair in the corner was an Avian in a red jumper who honestly seemed bored. 
As he tried to stand up Xisuma was immediately at his side, “Xelqua! You're okay! Had us all worried there..” 
“You mean, had You worried?” The avian at the back responded, rolling his eyes. Xelqua chose to ignore the boy, keeping his attention on Xisuma. “What happened..?”
“You passed out, you're all good now though.” Xisuma sent a glare towards the avian before handing Xelqua some water. He took it gratefully, feeling like he hadn’t drank in days. “We think it could have to do with travelling into the future too quickly.” Xelqua nodded, half listening and half looking at the builds through the window, there were so many blocks he hadn’t seen before. 
Xisuma chuckled once he realised the boy was looking at the builds, “You like the builds? Grian here can show you around,” The name sounded blurred to Xelqua but he ignored it, too excited to see the server.
The tour was great, Xelqua found all the blocks and builds fascinating, but there was one issue. The boy doing the tour seemed all too familiar, and he hadn’t been transported to Evo with the other hermits, so who was he? Eventually he gave in and asked.
“Uhm, you know, you feel really familiar..” He thought about his words for a second “Like I should know who you are..”
 The boy tuned towards him, staring at him for a second before his face morphed into a replica of Xelquas and then back to his normal one, “That's great Xelqua, because were the same fucking person.” Grian turned around, slightly laughing at the shocked look on Xelquas face before walking away and continuing the tour leaving Xelqua running to catch up, mind full of questions.
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shippingnook · 1 month
joelskall is so deep in my brain... I'm thinking about Iskall's first memory of Joel being "oh no he's hot..." or something like that. Him just appreciating how amazing Joel looks. He never met a man, haven't really got a chance to talk to him yet, but the way he handles himself, how he moves and how he talks, subconciously, were stuck in Iskall's mind.
I want him to realize that he fell for Joel while talking to Stress. They're having another silly friendly arfument again and it goes about something to do with Iskall bothering Joel for no reason, and in the heat of them overtalking each other he confesses that he, in fact, does find Joel pretty. Ofc Stress won't let that slide. Whatever they were arguing about was put aside so that she can get more info out of poor Iskall and his feelings. lol.
Anyway he denies whatever he said. Sure the man looks nice, doesn't mean Iskall's into him or anything. Surely he annoys him a lot, but not because he wants to be near, he's a new guy after all! And he made himself stuck at his base while working on it, making it prettier. Not that it has anything to do with him admiring how amazing Joel is in everything he does. Anyway, what?
Iskall pretty much leaves the place still in denial, but he has a long time to think on that. Still in denial whenever he and Joel have to hang out next time, still in denial when he bothers him again, making one million excuses about why he is NOT in love with the guy and that he just finds him charming! Maybe he does a little! That's all! And he's new after all, gotta get to know him!
...that goes poorly, actually. Because next time Iskall visits, Joel shows him the statue he built in a shrine for his wife. Of his wife, with a little Joel she's holding. THE FUCK YOU MEAN HE HAS A WIFE??? those were first words Stress hears when Iskall comes to her base, back from Joel's. She says she assumed he knew, seeing as lots of other hermits do. He didn't tho. And that starts to stress him out even more. He overthinks about if having the feelings he has is even normal(he almost accepted it, trust), he overthinks the entire bit Joel has with Etho and being obsessed, he re-thinks all the moments Etho and Joel had and the neck kissing bit and how in the world is this all ok when HE'S MARRIED. Iskall remembers Lizzie was there actually when the neck kissing thing started, and she didn't seem to mind? Should he talk about this to somebody? Should he ask??? Would that be too weird???
Luckily, next time he visits Mumbo, who needs some resurce help for his builds, Joel also arrives, so they get to talk. Obviously it starts from just casual hermit stuff, Iskall desperately tries to keep it normal and not say anything weird or stare too much. But the dialogue leads in the right direction, luckily for Iskall.
"How's Lizzie doing? Has she been well?" Mumbo asks. Bless him.
"Yea she's alright, tho we haven't been seeing each other much since I'm mostly here with you guys. Been missing her a bit quite honestly."
So the convo led to him and Lizzie. Iskall just hopes and prays he didn't ask anything weird during that, but judging by Mumbo's reactions (which were absent) he did great. AND he managed to find out stuff. He thinks. Joel seems to not mind Lizzie meeting people while he's away, same with Lizzie being ok with Joel hanging out with hermits here. Hence the entire thing he has with Etho. What Iskall is sure of now - Joel is very much open to any potential thing.
This is where he pretty much accepted it. Mostly. He tried not to think about it much(tho it was hard) but now that he knows Joel is open to things... maybe made Iskall quite... happy. Excited even. Poor Pearl had to deal with him buying an entire stack of Joel's stamps. Good for her I guess, since she got the money for it. So now, even tho Joel is away, and Iskall has to ponder even more about what he wants to do with himself - it's exciting to see what's coming.
ok I didn't mean to write this all but they HAVE BEEN IN MY HEAD FOR. A WHILE. mostly Iskall being a menace bc he doesn't know how to express his feelings and Joel being confuse at the beginning but starting to get into it. Two unhinged types of men amiright. Sorry for typos if there are any it's 4 am and my eyeballs hurt.
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